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Contents Acknowledgements − Country Perspective: Lao People’s Democratic Republic VI − Country Perspective: Nepal Abbreviations and acronyms − Country Perspective: Gambia − Dossier Review Group Perspective Session 1 – Opening − High-level Panel 1 − − − Donor Perspective Report: International Trachoma Initiative A, F and E for GET2020 − World Health Organization Report − Selecting and Training Community Drug − Tnternational Coalition for Trachoma Control Distributors Report − Going to Scale with A, F and E − Regional reports − Interventions for Facial Cleanliness & Environmental Improvement − Thresholds for Environmental Improvement − Breakout B Session 2 – Trachoma Scientific Informal Workshop 12 − Surgery for GET2020 Panel − Reducing the Trichiasis Backlog Session 4 – Plans of Action for 2016 and 2017 32 − Getting the Trichiasis Backlog to Zero − Transitioning Trichiasis Care into Routine − Governments of endemic countries Services − World Health Organization − The TT patient tracking app − NGOs and other implementing partners − The Morbidity Management and Disability − Public and private donors Prevention Project − Academic and research institutions − Breakout A − Meeting Close − Managing PC-NTD Implementation Data − Forecasting Trachoma Elimination References 38 23 Session 3 – Panel: Validation of Trachoma Elimination − Country perspective: Morocco Annexes Annex 1: Agenda Annex 2: List of participants 45 − Country Perspective: Mexico Twenty_first_report_ok.indd 3 4/1/2019 9:58:50 AM
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Acknowledgements T The 21st meeting of the WHO Alliance for the Global Elimination of Trachoma by 2020 was supported by the Task Force for Global Health, the United States Agency for International Development, and Uniting to Combat Neglected Tropical Diseases. The Alliance thanks Victor V. Florea for his work as meeting rapporteur, and Karen Ciceri- Reynolds, Anthony W. Solomon and Patrick Tissot for report editing and design v Twenty_first_report_ok.indd 5 4/1/2019 9:58:50 AM
Abbreviations and acronyms DFID Department for International Development ESPEN Expanded Special Project for Elimination of Neglected Tropical Diseases ITI International Trachoma Initiative MDA mass drug administration NTD neglected tropical disease SAFE Surgery, Antibiotics, Facial cleanliness, Environmental improvement TEMF Trachoma Elimination Monitoring Form TF trachomatous inflammation–follicular vi USAID United States Agency for International Development WASH water, sanitation and hygiene WHO World Health Organization Twenty_first_report_ok.indd 6 4/1/2019 9:58:50 AM
Introduction T he 21st meeting of the World Health Organization (WHO) Alliance for the Global Elimination of Trachoma by 2020 (GET2020) took place at the InterContinental Hotel Geneva, Switzerland, from 20–22 April 2017, as part of the 2017 Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) Summit jointly hosted by the World Health Organization and Uniting to Combat vii Neglected Tropical Diseases. Dr Dirk Engels, Director, Department of Control of NTDs, WHO, welcomed participants to Geneva and congratulated the Alliance on the progress being made towards the GET2020 target (1). He noted that the stage was set for going to full scale. This was attributable in part to the work of the Global Trachoma Mapping Project (2), which was a massive effort to understand the epidemiology of trachoma worldwide, and served as a model for efforts to map other NTDs (3). Further evidence of hard work by members of the Alliance could be found in the success of several countries—Oman, Morocco and Mexico by the date of the meeting’s opening—in being validated as having eliminated trachoma as a public health problem. Other countries were making progress, he noted, and more countries were expected to undergo validation in 2017 and beyond (1). Dr Anthony Solomon, Medical Officer, Department of Control of NTDs, WHO, nominated Chairs and officers for the meeting, who were then confirmed by the Alliance by acclamation. He thanked the Task Force for Global Health; United States Agency for International Development; and Uniting to Combat NTDs for their contributions to staging the meeting. Dr Solomon reminded participants that the purpose of the meeting was to monitor progress towards the elimination of trachoma at global level, exchange information and experience on implementation of the SAFE strategy (surgery, antibiotics, facial cleanliness and environmental improvement), review partnership opportunities at global, regional and national levels, and discuss obstacles Twenty_first_report_ok.indd 7 4/1/2019 9:58:50 AM
and barriers to the achievement of the GET2020 goal. Expected outcomes of the meeting were: global monitoring of progress towards the elimination of trachoma; exchange of information on SAFE implementation at global and regional level; refinement of approaches for optimal impact, where possible; identification of opportunities for increased collaboration with efforts against other NTDs; and a report of the meeting to share progress towards the WHA51.11 target (4) with all endemic countries and partners. The agenda (Annex 1) and list of participants (Annex 2) for the meeting are found at the end of this report. viii Twenty_first_report_ok.indd 8 4/1/2019 9:58:50 AM
SESSION 1 Opening Dr Ren Minghui, Assistant Director-General, NTD Summit showed, he felt, the willingness HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Malaria and NTDs, of the Alliance to collaborate externally, create WHO, opened the meeting efficiencies, and share knowledge within the broader NTD community. T rachoma causes blindness in the world’s poorest people. Those affected by trachoma typically live in the poorest countries; within Thanks to the efforts of the Alliance, Dr Ren noted that trachoma was progressively being 1 those countries they live in the poorest eliminated. In 2011, 325 million people communities; and in those communities, were living in areas that required the SAFE the people who go blind from trachoma are strategy (8). As of April 2017, that number had proven to be poorer than their neighbors (5). dropped to 182 million, a 44% decrease (9). Going blind keeps them poor, and keeps their Dr Ren felt that this was remarkable progress, children poor, too. and would not have been possible without the steadfast leadership of endemic country health Since 1993, WHO has recommended the ministries, most of which were represented in SAFE strategy to prevent trachoma blindness the meeting room, and the strong collaboration (6). SAFE is an integrated package of of civil society, academics and donors. interventions, delivered at community level, Those donors include the United Kingdom’s that prevents blindness from trachoma at Department for International Development, multiple stages of its pathogenesis. In 1996, who had doubled their commitment to NTDs with partners, WHO established the WHO in an announcement made just prior to the Alliance for GET2020 to help countries use meeting, the Queen Elizabeth Diamond the SAFE strategy to eliminate trachoma as a Jubilee Trust, and USAID. The donor group public health problem (7). Dr Ren noted that also included Pfizer, which by the date of the April 2017 meeting was the 21st Meeting of the meeting had contributed more than 625 the Alliance, and commented that the number million doses of the antibiotic azithromycin of participants in the room suggested that the (Zithromax®) to trachoma elimination sense of commitment from its members and programmes around the world (10). their energy to see trachoma eliminated had never been stronger. The fact that this Meeting Despite this unprecedented progress, more was being held as part of the multi-disease work was still required to achieve the shared Twenty_first_report_ok.indd 1 4/1/2019 9:58:50 AM
goal of a trachoma-free world. Dr Ren specified Trachoma elimination is prioritized in the new donors, operational research to refine the 2017–2021 roadmap for WHO’s Eastern way that the SAFE strategy was implemented, Mediterranean Region. Intersectoral and renewed commitment from governments programmes are being used to improve water and civil society, as particular priorities (11- supplies and sanitation, and to provide eye care, 13). With these ingredients, a world free of including trichiasis surgery. It is important that blindness from trachoma would be within our countries meeting their trachoma elimination reach; without them, he felt that we might lose targets continue to receive support for post- the incredible gains made over recent years. validation surveillance, and that interventions Dr Ren welcomed participants to Geneva and are scaled up in countries where trachoma to the meeting, wished them every success remains a public health problem. Countries in their discussions, and pledged WHO’s with low burdens of trachoma must be steadfast, ongoing support to ensuring that prepared to conduct impact and pre-validation no-one is left behind as a result of trachoma. surveillance surveys. Dr Mark Jacobs, Director, Division of High-level Panel Communicable Diseases, Western Pacific Regional Office, WHO Mr Bruce Gordon, Coordinator, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, WHO, introduced Cambodia, China and Lao People’s Democratic the panelists and acted as facilitator for the Republic all claim to have eliminated subsequent discussion. Apologies for being trachoma as a public health problem. Fiji, unable to participate in the panel discussion Kiribati, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu are were received from Professor Yifru Berhan making progress toward trachoma elimination 2 Mitke, Minister of Health, Ethiopia; and Dr through implementation of the SAFE strategy. Marcos Espinal, Director, Communicable Solomon Islands and Vanuatu did their first Diseases and Health Analysis, Regional Office round of antibiotic mass drug administration for the Americas, WHO. (MDA) between 2015 and 2016 (1), and intend to undertake impact surveys in 2017. Kiribati Dr Mahmoud Fikri, Regional Director, Eastern (15, 16) plans to undertake its first round of Mediterranean Regional Office, WHO antibiotic MDA in 2017. Solomon Islands and Vanuatu are known to have populations In 2016, Morocco submitted its dossier for that are co-endemic for trachoma and yaws validation of elimination of trachoma as a (17–19), so it is anticipated that the provision public health problem, and achieved formal of azithromycin will reduce the prevalence of recognition from WHO for having achieved this both diseases (20); the effect will be closely milestone (14). In the Eastern Mediterranean measured. Australia and Viet Nam are Region, trachoma was still known to be implementing targeted MDA in trachoma- a public health problem in Afghanistan, endemic populations (1). Papua New Guinea Egypt, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. implemented baseline surveys for trachoma Trachoma mapping has been completed in in 2016 (21) and is expected to move forward Yemen; is ongoing in Egypt, Pakistan and with MDA in endemic districts. Nauru is Sudan; and is planned for Afghanistan and suspected of having trachoma but has not yet Somalia. The Islamic Republic of Iran claims started a programme. to have eliminated trachoma as a public health problem, but has not yet submitted a dossier for formal evaluation by WHO. Twenty_first_report_ok.indd 2 4/1/2019 9:58:50 AM
It is important that there is good Dr Matshidiso Moeti, Regional Director, WHO communication between WHO and various Regional Office for Africa, WHO. partners providing direct support to the countries in the Western Pacific Region. There The African Region is set to make considerable has been limited support to date for the water, progress towards the elimination of trachoma sanitation and hygiene (WASH) components in the next few years. Trachoma elimination of the SAFE strategy. Efforts are being made is now a part of the remit of the Expanded to encourage multisectoral approaches in a Special Project for Elimination of Neglected number of countries, in order to strengthen Tropical Diseases (ESPEN), a five-year WASH delivery (22). It is important that sight project launched in May 2016 to provide is not lost of what happens after a formerly- national NTD programmes with technical and endemic country succeeds in eliminating fundraising support to accelerate the control trachoma as a public health problem. Without and elimination of the five NTDs whose post-validation surveillance, the disease could management strategy employs mass drug potentially become re-established, as seen administration or preventive chemotherapy previously with measles. In addition, trachoma (25). The NTD mapping portal (http://espen. elimination does not necessarily mean that the was launched as part of ESPEN risk of chronic morbidity has been removed. to enable improved access and use of mapping Individuals who have received operations for data, including trachoma data. There has been trichiasis will require follow-up for several excellent collaboration between the AFRO more years, and efforts need to be made to mapping initiative and the Global Trachoma detect incident cases, too (23). Mapping Project. Regional updates should become available on the ESPEN portal as Dr Ren Minghui approval from countries is obtained to share data. It is important to note that the African 3 The day is approaching when global Region is the most affected by trachoma, with elimination of trachoma will become a reality. 27 of a total of 42 endemic countries located More countries will reach their trachoma in Africa (1). The Region also has the most elimination targets (23), and national trachoma intensive elimination efforts for trachoma. programmes will face new challenges related In 2016, about 250,000 people in Africa had to surveillance (24). In the post-validation operations for trichiasis and nearly 83 million phase, there is risk that donors may leave and people were treated with antibiotics for investments from governments may disappear trachoma, both of which represent significant as trachoma will no longer be an immediate increases from the previous year (1). These concern. interventions are hugely beneficial, and relieve people of trachoma-related disability, poverty, Governments must be prepared to facilitate and chronic morbidity. integration of public health programmes, provide leverage for common public health Though trachoma mapping is virtually interventions and address challenges relating complete for countries suspected of being to broader public health issues such as endemic for trachoma, thanks to the financial the development of universal health care support of partners, improved mapping data coverage. It will be especially challenging for are still needed in some countries to target governments to coordinate efforts among the interventions to the populations that need many players involved. them. With additional support from ESPEN, the WHO Regional Office for Africa hopes to help to complete trachoma mapping in Twenty_first_report_ok.indd 3 4/1/2019 9:58:50 AM
currently unmapped areas, such as in South Ms Emily Wainwright, United States Agency for Sudan, and to introduce SAFE interventions International Development (USAID) where required. In 2016, there was a large expansion of SAFE roll-out in 16 countries USAID supports MDA and/or trachoma in Africa (1). These interventions reached surveys in 19 countries, most of which are 40 million people in 277 districts, most of in Africa. Partly as a result of this support, whom were children. Ethiopia has seen a in 2016, the number of people receiving tremendous scale-up of interventions, funded antibiotics for trachoma worldwide rose from in part through an increase in commitment 56 million to 85 million (1). There are several of domestic resources to support application current challenges that USAID foresees. First, of the SAFE strategy. Ghana and Gambia as success in some areas becomes documented, have scaled down SAFE implementation and communication within and beyond existing are awaiting formal validation of elimination stakeholders is important, in order to maximize of trachoma as a public health problem from the visibility of the programme at global WHO. level. It is important to show that countries are meeting their elimination goals, as this Mr Iain Jones, Department for International provides incentives for continued partner Development (DFID), United Kingdom support and funding. Second, USAID supports surgical work in three endemic countries. The United Kingdom is committed to funding There should be greater emphasis on quality as antibiotic MDA and some 400,000 surgeries an integral component of surgery interventions for trichiasis. DFID will also provide specific for trichiasis (26). Third, it is important support to the Coalition for Operational that trachoma interventions take advantage Research on Neglected Tropical Diseases of structures that are already in place. For 4 for research and development relevant to instance, monitoring of interventions for facial trachoma. It is important that partners work cleanliness and environmental improvement to strengthen healthcare systems in trachoma can be included within existing WASH endemic countries, in order to sustain public monitoring and evaluation frameworks, in health interventions and achieve lasting results. order to increase efficiency. It is equally important to ensure that trichiasis surgeries being delivered are of high quality. Discussion Moving forward, DFID will evaluate how support for and engagement with trachoma Mr Gordon pointed out that many issues had elimination programmes should change with been raised, and invited the audience to engage the cessation of MDA, as countries approach with the panelists. their elimination goals. Evaluation will also be required to determine how best to use The first question asked about the strategy for trachoma metrics in models, supported by scaling down in areas where trachoma is no case studies on health system strengthening, longer a public health problem, and whether and quality and access to water and sanitation, any lessons for scaling down could be learned in order to inspire domestic governments and from campaigns to eliminate or eradicate other other collaborators to continue the fight to diseases, such as polio and malaria. eliminate trachoma. Twenty_first_report_ok.indd 4 4/1/2019 9:58:50 AM
The panel agreed that this question was 3. In July 2016, Tropical Data was important. Mr Jones pointed out that health launched (27, 28). This collaboration system strengthening and continued disease supports the full trachoma survey surveillance would be needed post-validation, process from protocol development to in order to ensure that health systems have data management and analysis. capacity to sustain the gains made against 4. Also in July 2016, the Alliance published trachoma. Ms Wainwright reminded Eliminating Trachoma: Accelerating participants that interventions against NTDs Towards 2020 (12). benefited low-income communities in many ways other than specifically addressing 5. In August 2016, WHO’s Strategic and endemicity of disease. Precipitous scale-down Technical Advisory Group on NTDS could remove community outreach services to convened a technical consultation to the most disadvantaged. Dr Moeti said that it review data generated to date by the was important to continue to engage the people “Trachoma Alternative Indicators helping with surveillance, data precision and Study”, consider the implications data quality in the post-elimination phase. Dr for global policy development on Fikri reiterated that disease monitoring must validation of trachoma elimination, continue for many years as a component of and plan further work. No changes were scaling down. Dr Jacobs noted that scaling made to current guidelines. The Group down occurs in connection with cessation of requested that national programmes funding. He said that it is important to have continue to help implement the a planned, measured transition from a single research agenda (29). disease program to integration within a health 6. Also in August, the 2016 Hilton system capable of sustaining the impact of Humanitarian Prize was awarded to previous interventions and able to continue the Task Force for Global Health, the 5 disease monitoring. Dr Ren concluded that parent organization of the International we should review our messaging for these Trachoma Initiative (ITI). processes, to help ensure smooth transitions. 7. In September 2016, more than 300 partners came together to commemorate the 10th anniversary World Health Organization of the USAID NTD Program, which Report had by that date delivered more than 1.6 billion treatments against NTDs in Dr Anthony Solomon, Medical Officer, 31 countries, in the process leveraging Department of Control of NTDs, WHO US$11.1 billion worth of in-kind donations from the pharmaceutical Highlights for the global programme over the industry. twelve months since the previous (April 2016) 8. In October 2016, at its 10th General meeting of the Alliance were presented: Assembly in Durban, South Africa, the International Agency for the Prevention 1. Marked scale-up in interventions of Blindness awarded its Global against trachoma (1) was noted (see Partnership Award to the Alliance, in below). recognition of its remarkable work to 2. In June 2016, WHO published its eliminate trachoma. standard operating procedures for 9. October 2016 also saw the launch of a free validating national elimination of online course on eliminating trachoma, trachoma as a public health problem developed by the International Centre (23). Twenty_first_report_ok.indd 5 4/1/2019 9:58:50 AM
for Eye Health at the London School of 300 Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. 250 10. In November 2016, WHO formally 200 validated elimination of trachoma as a 150 public health problem from Morocco 100 (14). Validation was then undertaken 50 in Mexico in January 2017 (30). 0 2014 2015 2016 11. In April 2017, the United Kingdom Fig. 1 Number of people operated for trichiasis annually, announced a doubling of its support worldwide, 2014–2016 (thousands) to fight NTDs, including trachoma, over the subsequent five years. The total support package was anticipated 100 to prevent up to 400,000 cases of trachomatous blindness. 80 60 40 In 2017, 69 countries were asked by WHO to submit Trachoma Elimination Monitoring 20 Forms, and 61 countries did so. Of the eight 0 countries that did not, six did not have active 2014 2015 2016 trachoma programmes. Forms were still sent Fig. 2 Number of people given antibiotics for trachoma to countries that had already been recognized elimination (millions) purposes annually, worldwide, 2014–2016 as having eliminated trachoma, in order to help encourage post-validation surveillance and to 6 maintain visibility for data that continue to 85% of treated districts achieved antibiotic collect. coverage of ≥ 80% in 2016, an increase from 72% of districts achieving ≥ 80% coverage Worldwide, 260,759 people with trichiasis in 2015. Recent data (34) support the use of received corrective surgery in 2016, a 41% 80% as the minimum acceptable coverage in increase from the 185,000 people managed azithromycin MDA for trachoma. in 2015 (Figure 1). Available data showed that 54% of those receiving corrective surgery for The number of people living with trichiasis trichiasis were female. Women are known to be decreased from approximately 3.2 million in affected by trichiasis up to four times as often 2015 to approximately 2.8 million in 2016. as men (31, 32), so these data suggest that in The number of people living in districts in 2016, women were still relatively under-served which the most recent estimated prevalence of by trichiasis surgery programmes (32, 33). trachomatous inflammation—follicular (TF) was ≥ 5% (and therefore need treatment with The number of people given antibiotics for the A, F and E components of SAFE) decreased trachoma increased from 56.1 million in from 192 million in 2015 to 190 million in 2016 2015 to 85.2 million in 2016. In Ethiopia (1); preliminary analyses suggested that by alone, the number of people given antibiotics April 2017, that number had declined further for trachoma increased from 32.6 million in to < 182 million. 2015 to 47.2 million in 2016. Global antibiotic coverage (the number of people treated Dr Solomon noted that in the 12 months divided by the number living in districts that following the meeting, WHO anticipated need antibiotic MDA) increased from 30% in receiving completed dossiers claiming 2015 to 45% in 2016 (1). elimination of trachoma as a public health problem from several more countries. He Twenty_first_report_ok.indd 6 4/1/2019 9:58:50 AM
expressed a hope that WHO would be able In response to a question asking about what to validate elimination in these countries and needed to be done to expand trichiasis surgery continue to focus the efforts of the Alliance output, Dr Solomon said that there was a on populations where interventions were still continuing need to focus on surgeon training required. It was also anticipated that regional and supervision (35), quality of operations elimination plans would be generated for provided, and follow-up with patients to several regions, detailing the concrete actions ensure that outcomes are good. He added to be undertaken by various actors to get rid that a protocol for a trichiasis-only prevalence of trachoma. survey had recently been developed and validated (36). Discussion The first question related to the reasoning for International Coalition for sending TEMFs to countries which were not known to be trachoma-endemic. Dr Solomon Trachoma Control Report said that TEMFS are sent to such countries in order to raise awareness and encourage Ms Virginia Sarah, Chair, International engagement with global trachoma elimination Coalition for Trachoma Control, described the efforts. Coalition as a diverse and highly committed group of members and observers who come The second question was a request for an together to amplify support for GET2020. opinion as to why the return rate for 2017 The Coalition’s 2015–2020 strategic objectives TEMFs had been so high. Dr Solomon replied are to: increase commitment to trachoma that the TEMF response rate had been very elimination among donors and decision high since 2014, but agreed that this was the makers; increase investment in trachoma 7 highest yet. He said that the TEMF format had elimination programmes; strengthen been progressively revised to reduce the time capacity and human resources needed to required for its completion and to maximize achieve trachoma elimination; coordinate the value of the data collected. Redundant the provision of technical assistance and questions had been removed. In addition, sharing of knowledge by its membership to integration of the data collection process with support high quality outcomes in trachoma the process for requesting donated azithromycin elimination programmes; and ensure that the from ITI and reporting on its use in-country Coalition remained a strong partner within means that endemic countries now receive one the Alliance. The Coalition’s members include combined form about trachoma from WHO non-governmental organizations, research and ITI per year, rather than the five that they and academic institutions, donors and private received in 2013. Dr Solomon also said that sector organizations. the ITI team works closely with WHO and health ministries to ensure that the responsible The Coalition supported the development individuals within each health ministry are of the Alliance’s current plan of action, supported to complete the forms. He thanked Eliminating Trachoma: Accelerating Towards all those involved for their hard work. Dr 2020 (12), which outlines what needs to be Solomon indicated that the high response rate done to scale up programmes and strengthen will make the dossier development process health systems to achieve the trachoma easier, as information shared becomes part of elimination target. The document illustrates the database that can be used to pre-populate the cost of implementing SAFE, presents a the spreadsheet component of a draft dossier, strong economic case for investment and which can then be reviewed and finalized by frames momentum against trachoma within the health ministry. the broader sustainable development goal and universal health coverage agendas. Twenty_first_report_ok.indd 7 4/1/2019 9:58:50 AM
Published in July 2016, the document was backlog of trichiasis surgery to undertake. He updated in April 2017 to include 2017 global said that Benin was implementing antibiotic epidemiological data and other relevant MDA, but required external support for its statistics, to ensure that it remained a useful trichiasis surgery programme in order to reach tool for assessing progress and advocating GET2020 goals. for support towards elimination. The updates were contained in a stand-alone Appendix that Ms Sarah noted that Dr Batcho had raised could be inserted inside the cover of the parent two very important issues: cross-border document. transmission and the fact that all components of the SAFE strategy need to be in place for Implementation of the SAFE strategy is trachoma to be fully addressed. She said that being achieved through collaboration and ongoing interventions in Nigeria should reduce commitment from governments and their the burden of trachoma there, and commented partners. Eliminating Trachoma: Accelerating that eliminating trachoma in one country Towards 2020 includes a blueprint for action could have indirect benefits for neighboring which recognizes the need for this collaboration countries. Ms Sarah also emphasized that to continue to strengthen, allowing urgent some partners of the Alliance may be more coordinated action to advance the GET2020 specialized in one component of trachoma goals. than another, and that creating partnerships and coordinating interventions was critical to The updated document was approved by the achieving elimination. Alliance by acclamation. With less than four years left until December Regional reports 8 2020, Ms Sarah noted the period in which the meeting was being held as a critical point In the absence of a representative from WHO’s in the campaign to eliminate trachoma as a South East Asia Regional Office, Dr Promila public health problem. She commented that Gupta (representing India), Dr Hla Marlar the Alliance was making astounding progress (representing Myanmar), and Mr Sailesh to reach its goals, and needed to ensure that it Kumar Mishra (representing Nepal), delivered engaged new partners to sustain momentum. brief country-level reports. Ms Sarah closed by noting that it would be her India, Myanmar and Nepal each previously last Alliance meeting as Chair of the Coalition, had a public health problem from trachoma. and asked meeting participants to join her in In India, a series of surveys conducted in ten welcoming Dr Serge Resnikoff as the incoming formerly-endemic districts from 2014–2017 Chair. found the district-level prevalence of TF in 1–9-year-olds to 0.1–2.1%, while the age- and Discussion gender-adjusted district-level prevalence of trichiasis in ≥ 15-year-olds was 0.1–2.4% (42). Dr Wilfrid Batcho, representing Benin, Trachoma rapid assessments were conducted expressed concern that after local elimination in parallel in 17 other districts; very low is achieved, trachoma might spread back to proportions of children examined had active Benin from Nigeria (37–40), a larger country trachoma, and very low proportions of ≥ immediately bordering Benin to the East. He 10-year-olds had trichiasis (43). The country noted that Benin had only two evaluation units intended to strengthen its trichiasis surgery (comprising four districts) in which the TF programme in order to reach elimination prevalence in 1–9-year-olds was ≥ 10% (41), targets by 2020. Dr Hla reported that in though the country still had a considerable Myanmar, public health-level interventions Twenty_first_report_ok.indd 8 4/1/2019 9:58:50 AM
had been successful in reducing transmission of from an integrated approach for eliminating infection. While Myanmar still has individuals trachoma and other NTDs by combining with trichiasis (44), it no longer required interventions from the health, water and implementation of the A, F and E components sanitation, education, and other sectors in a of SAFE to reach the elimination endpoint. coordinated way. Myanmar hoped to conduct prevalence surveys in 2017–2018, and to submit a dossier Many countries nearing elimination targets for validation of elimination of trachoma have health systems that are not prepared to as a public health problem soon after thosesustain gains made through implementation surveys are complete. Mr Mishra reported of the SAFE strategy. It is important that those a small backlog of trichiasis in Nepal, which countries receive external guidance on how to no longer required implementation of the A,establish and maintain effective surveillance F and E components of the SAFE strategy forsystems in the post-validation phase. The trachoma elimination purposes. A request toWHO Regional Office is planning to work WHO to validate elimination of trachoma as with countries to achieve the health-related a public health problem was expected to occur Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. If in 2017 or 2018. a country in the region eliminates trachoma by 2020, there will be more than a decade in Dr Rabindra Abeyasinghe, Coordinator, which trachoma may resurface. The Alliance Malaria, Other Vectorborne and Parasitic should develop a post-validation strategy for Diseases, Western Pacific Regional Office, countries, which should include methods for WHO. disease surveillance. Trachoma was believed to be, or to have recently Dr Simona Minchiotti, Medical Officer, Non been, a public health problem in ten countries Communicable Diseases, Africa Regional Office, 9 in the Western Pacific Region. Cambodia (45), WHO China and Lao People’s Democratic Republic (46) had all already claimed to have eliminated The African Region bears the largest burden trachoma as a public health problem. of trachoma globally (1). The prevalence of Implementation of the antibiotic component of TF was ≥30% at most recent survey in areas the SAFE strategy covers all endemic districts of Democratic Republic of the Congo (53), in Australia (47, 48), Solomon Islands (15, 19) Guinea, Kenya (54), South Sudan (55), United and Vanuatu (17). As of April 2017, antibiotic Republic of Tanzania (56) and Zambia, MDA had not been started in Fiji (15, 49-51), indicating that implementation of the A, F Kiribati (15, 16), Papua New Guinea (21), or and E components of the SAFE strategy are Viet Nam (52). Progress towards elimination needed for at least five years before re-survey. in these countries may be impeded by the The countries with the highest national-level distribution of the affected populations, which trichiasis backlogs include Chad, Democratic are scattered, remote and often difficult to Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia and Nigeria access; political focus on other priorities; and (1). Gambia (57, 58) and Ghana (59, 60) claim limited donor support for improving access to to have eliminated trachoma as a public health WASH. problem, and plan to submit dossiers for formal validation of elimination in 2017. Many Pacific Island countries have experience of undertaking successful preventive Since its launch in May 2016, ESPEN has chemotherapy campaigns for the elimination supported efforts to improve access to NTD of lymphatic filariasis, which should make local data and enable data sharing. Increased populations receptive to antibiotic MDA for collaboration between country governments, trachoma. Countries in the region can benefit donors and partners has helped to coordinate Twenty_first_report_ok.indd 9 4/1/2019 9:58:50 AM
mapping and SAFE interventions. Many trachoma mapping. Mapping in Afghanistan countries report a lack of communication and Somalia is expected to begin in 2017. between programmes for other NTDs and The Islamic Republic of Iran is expected the trachoma programme. Insufficient to soon prepare a dossier in line with the coordination between these programmes may standard operating procedures for validation increase costs and make it more difficult to published by WHO (23). The WHO Eastern secure funding. Several countries in the region Mediterranean Regional Office target for 2019 are experiencing political instability and poor is to have at least four additional countries security conditions which impede public validated for trachoma elimination, possibly health programmes. These limitations must including Djibouti, Iraq, the Islamic Republic be addressed in order to survey unmapped of Iran and Saudi Arabia. The target for 2021 is regions, introduce interventions, and integrate to have at least six more countries validated for surveillance into existing health systems. trachoma elimination. These targets have been endorsed by the Regional Director. Discussion Socio-political conflict and unrest, complex Mr Martin Kabore, representing Burkina emergencies and insecurity are major Faso, asked what source data were used for challenges in about one-third of countries in the determining national trichiasis backlogs. Dr region, influencing priority-setting for health Minchiotti replied that trichiasis backlog care. SAFE interventions have been mostly estimates were determined from population- undertaken without external donor support. based prevalence survey data shared with It has been a challenge to facilitate stronger WHO. networking and developing of partnerships, participatory planning and comprehensive 10 Dr Ismatullah Chaudhry, Medical Officer, approaches in programme implementation in Prevention of Blindness, Eastern Mediterranean order to increase productivity and create better Regional Office, WHO. outcomes. It is important to address weak health management information systems and Six countries are believed to be trachoma compromised surveillance systems in most of endemic in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. the region’s trachoma-endemic countries. Egypt, Pakistan and Sudan (61, 62) have undertaken at least some baseline trachoma Dr Martha Saboya, Advisor, Neglected Infectious mapping. In these countries, surgeons trained Diseases Epidemiology, WHO Regional Office to undertake trichiasis surgery are beginning for the Americas. to address trichiasis backlogs in districts where the prevalence of trichiasis is ≥ 0.2%, Mexico has become the first country in the and there is engagement with ITI concerning Region of the Americas and the third country an azithromycin donation, in order to facilitate in the world to be officially validated as MDA in districts where the prevalence of TF is having eliminated trachoma as a public health ≥ 5%. Yemen has recently completed trachoma problem (30). Mexico has zero new cases of mapping (63) and urgently requires surgery trichiasis unknown to the health system. and antibiotics interventions, but insecurity has delayed implementation. Afghanistan However, trachoma remains endemic in at and Somalia still need to undertake mapping. least 136 districts across Brazil, Colombia and Based on trachoma rapid assessment data from Guatemala. Overall, 5 million people live in eye outreach camps and hospital registries in these endemic districts, and a large proportion Afghanistan, 25 districts across 19 provinces of them live in 128 known-endemic districts are prioritized for mapping. In Somalia, 12 in Brazil. districts from six regions are prioritized for Twenty_first_report_ok.indd 10 4/1/2019 9:58:51 AM
About 285 000 people in Brazil, some of The Pan-American Health Organization’s whom live in indigenous communities, regional trachoma forum takes place received antibiotic treatment in 2016 (1). biennially, allowing experts from various Facial cleanliness interventions are being organizations to share recommendations and delivered as part of an integrated campaign country representatives to share progress on against leprosy, schistosomiasis, soil- SAFE implementation (64). transmitted helminthiases and trachoma, and environmental improvement is being funded There are several challenges that still need to through local investments in WASH. be addressed in the region. Mapping needs to be conducted in countries with populations at Colombia has expanded mapping in districts risk of trachoma but which are not currently surrounding its known focus in Vaupés, proven to require interventions. In 2017, Peru delineating four newly-characterized endemic will complete a baseline survey for trachoma districts. It is now carrying out active case that will also include collection of data on soil- finding of trichiasis. Colombia is undertaking transmitted helminth infections, but may then antibiotic MDA interventions across its six require additional support to complete further known-endemic districts, with interventions mapping. Indigenous populations are at greater to promote facial cleanliness being delivered risk of trachoma than non-indigenous groups, concurrently, both in schools and at village- but high costs and limited access to these level. Interventions to improve WASH are populations makes mapping difficult. The being financed by various stakeholders. plan is to conduct population-based surveys Guatemala will carry out impact surveys from in several countries in areas covered by the April to May 2017. Amazon rainforest. Standardized training of graders is currently difficult and costly, and Guatemala is in the pre-validation surveillance endemic countries have trouble affording 11 phase. It had only two trachoma-endemic it. In Mexico, tools and procedures for post- districts. Village health workers promote validation surveillance have not yet been facial cleanliness, and water and sanitation defined. There is therefore a risk of undetected improvements are led by the community. recurrence in populations following validation, and a system for picking up and notifying In the Americas, it is currently recommended recurrence needs to be created. that, to ensure high quality, trichiasis surgeries be performed by ophthalmologists or The Alliance applauded the success of Mexico, oculoplastic surgeons. In areas suspected to Morocco and Oman in being validated as be endemic for trichiasis, active case-finding is having eliminated trachoma. preferred to passive detection. Twenty_first_report_ok.indd 11 4/1/2019 9:58:51 AM
SESSION 2 Trachoma Scientific Informal Workshop The Trachoma Scientific Informal Workshop 5. There is ongoing work to assess the role had taken place on 18th April 2017, at of serology for use in trachoma surveys WHO Headquarters. Dr Solomon presented as a tool to understand community highlights of the Workshop for the information transmission (29). Researchers are of the Alliance. looking to partner with national programmes in ongoing work. 12 1. While programmes should aim for 6. New cases of conjunctival scarring may 100% coverage when undertaking continue to appear for at least four years azithromycin MDA, at least 80% after the prevalence of TF in 1–9-year- coverage in children has been shown olds has been reduced to
Questions Surgery for GET2020 Panel One participant asked for clarification on the role of supervisors in the provision of Reducing the Trichiasis Backlog trichiasis surgery. Dr Solomon answered that Dr Dézoumbé Djoré, Coordonnateur du supervisors have a number of important roles, Programme National de Lutte Contre la Cécité, and in the interests of time, suggested that Chad details be sought in the report on the Second Global Scientific Meeting on Trachomatous Trichiasis (68). In Chad, trichiasis is a public health problem in 11 districts with a collective 2.5 million Another participant asked whether inhabitants. In the district of Mongo, impact programmes should continue to use two- survey results suggest that the prevalence dimensional photographs for training graders of trichiasis decreased from 6.2% in 2015 to to recognize trichiasis. Dr Solomon responded 1.2% in 2017. There are currently an estimated that training using three-dimensional 63,888 cases of trichiasis nationally that require photographs was still in development, so corrective surgery. To reduce the prevalence existing training systems should continue to everywhere to below the elimination be used until further notice. threshold, the programme needs to manage an 13 © Sightsavers Twenty_first_report_ok.indd 13 4/1/2019 9:58:51 AM
estimated 35,106 individuals with trichiasis, In 2009, surveys were undertaken using a using a combination of fixed and mobile non-standard integrated mapping approach surgery teams. In 2014, 2281 individuals with (69). In three districts in which those surveys trichiasis were managed. In 2015, 9569 cases of suggested an elevated prevalence of trachoma, trichiasis were managed. In 2016, 17,809 cases cluster-sampled surveys were implemented of trichiasis were managed, representing 51% in 2011. Very little active trachoma was of the calculated backlog at that time. Guera, found. District-level prevalence of trichiasis Salamat, Ouaddai regions are thought to still in women aged ≥15 years was ≥0.2% in two require surgery interventions in order to reach districts, Binah and Blitta. elimination prevalence targets. Subsequently, two strategies have been used A survey of districts with active surgery to find and address prevalent trichiasis programmes indicated that 89% of operated cases. The first approach required healthcare individuals were followed up post-operatively. workers in rural settings to report detection The incidence of post-operative complications of any new cases of trichiasis. This passive was 2%. Additional surveys were carried out surveillance system had low sensitivity, and in other districts to determine the prevalence may have provided limited information. Using of trichiasis and number of cases requiring this approach, 17 cases of trichiasis were operation. Results showed 26 new endemic detected, of which 16 had surgery. The second districts with 9703 new cases of trichiasis to approach, implemented with support from manage in a population of 5.5 million people. the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, was a Trichiasis endemicity in these districts ranged form of active surveillance involving door-to- from 0–1.2%. door visits by community health workers or ophthalmic nurses. This approach was more 14 In order to address the trichiasis backlog in sensitive, and able to detect cases that existed Chad, graders are being trained to detect in remote areas. However, it was costly, labor trichiasis, and surgeons are being certified. intensive and difficult to sustain over time. Trichiasis case-finding is conducted on a door- This approach detected 203 cases of trichiasis, to-door basis. The Ministry of Health plans to of which 158 had surgery. Some of the detected continue interventions in the 11 districts that cases did not consent to the operation. Reasons have completed mapping, and conduct surveys cited for refusing surgery included being too for trichiasis in the remaining 26 districts. old, being afraid of the procedure, or being unable to afford the operation. Patients also Getting the Trichiasis Backlog to refused surgery if their families were resistant to them doing so. Zero A review meeting was held in Lomé, Togo, from Dr Marcel Awoussi, Togo 1–2 March 2017. The meeting recommended that all previous and ongoing data from routine Trichiasis is not a common presentation in trichiasis surgeries at health facilities, surveys Togo. To help develop a dossier for validation and screening initiatives be collated to inform of elimination of trachoma as a public health decisions on where to undertake further problem, prevalence data collection is a very population-based surveys. Those surveys are important concern. In some areas, people intended to be completed by the end of 2017, working in the health sector are simply not with the support of Tropical Data and funding aware of the disease. Data on trichiasis are from USAID, to allow for subsequent planning not routinely recorded at local health centers. and action. Twenty_first_report_ok.indd 14 4/1/2019 9:58:51 AM
Questions or 67% of the trichiasis backlog, would need to be managed by 2020, in order for this to OA participant asked Dr Djoré for clarification occur. There are currently 14 trainers and 175 on the methodology used to estimate the ophthalmologists trained to deliver trichiasis prevalence of trichiasis. A question to both surgeries in the country. The Ministério da speakers asked what was being done to ensure Saúde is now working to build health system that surgery interventions were effective in capacity by training more surgeons and health preventing vision loss. personnel. The trichiasis surgical service has been integrated into local hospital services, Dr Djoré responded that in 2004, the trachoma and people with trichiasis are being offered survey performed in Chad was carried out transport to the nearest hospital offering in a sample of 27 villages in one region (70). surgery free of charge. Local health centers Surveys were later conducted in three other are continuing to undertake surveillance for regions. In 2013, the Ministry of Health additional cases of trichiasis. began surgical activities in all four regions (11 districts) that had completed trachoma The TT patient tracking app surveys. In 2014, 41 evaluation units were surveyed, and 29 had trichiasis prevalence Dr Michael Masika, Ministry of Health, Malawi estimates which indicated a need for public- health-level surgery interventions (71). Dr The Trichiasis Patient Tracking Application Djoré added that post-operative follow-up was created in order to address the lack of was undertaken for all patients. Patterns of standardized trichiasis monitoring tools. recurrence and other data were used to inform Before it was launched, different partners refresher training for surgeons. used different tools to monitor output of 15 interventions against trichiasis, and many of Dr Awoussi said that ophthalmic nurses from those tools overlapped geographically. Post- Togo received training to undertake trichiasis operative patient follow-up was challenging. surgery in Mali, plus supplementary training It was difficult for surgeons to provide in Ghana to correctly assess trichiasis cases. supervision and support to their patients. Funding was also being used to provide Reporting of trichiasis case identification additional training to surgeons to ensure that and of surgical delivery did not occur in they were able to deliver quality surgeries. timely fashion. These issues created a need to develop a common system for registering Transitioning Trichiasis Care into patients with trichiasis, tracking them through Routine Services to the operation and through their post- operative follow-up course, and making data Dr Marilia Messangaie, Mozambique available at all levels of service delivery. As a solution, WHO held a consultation (72) to In 2014, the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee develop a target product profile for a standard Trust launched an initiative to support the system, which has since been produced and is Ministério da Saúde to reduce the backlog being piloted in Chikwawa, Malawi. Patient of trichiasis throughout Mozambique. The registration, surgery and follow-up data are aim was to achieve 100% coverage across collected on smartphones. The application uses the 50 districts in which the prevalence of data entry fields modeled on standard forms trichiasis exceeded the elimination prevalence developed by the International Coalition for threshold. An estimated 11,709 individuals, Trachoma Control. Patients are tracked using Twenty_first_report_ok.indd 15 4/1/2019 9:58:51 AM
identification numbers. Data are made available The Morbidity Management and online for supervisors to plan outreach and Disability Prevention Project oversee each surgeon’s performance. The application can be customized as needed to Dr Joe Amon, Helen Keller International. be interoperable with other databases or other reporting forms used by national programmes. The Morbidity Management and Disability In Malawi, the government will maintain Prevention Project is a five-year initiative the system and make data freely available to funded by USAID to help support efforts in its partners. This tool will be very useful for Burkina Faso, Cameroon and Ethiopia to trichiasis programmes. It is faster and less eliminate trachoma and lymphatic filariasis prone to error than paper-based monitoring as public health problems. The project works methods. The application can facilitate to increase availability of quality data for planning by producing reports of patient decision-making, increase support for scale- surgery and follow-up status, organized at up in implementation, improve quality, different administrative levels. Downloadable strengthen capacity within health ministries summary statistics make it easier to report and strengthen the evidence base for preferred programme output to donors and partners. The practices in morbidity management and Blantyre Institute for Community Outreach, disability prevention. For trachoma, tools Tropical Data, and WHO were acknowledged and resources developed or augmented by the for their work in developing this tool. project include those on infection control and waste management, supportive supervision, Questions epilation, trichiasis surgeon training and a procurement calculator to determine the cost The first question addressed to Dr Masika of surgeries in order to support programme 16 was whether the application uses free, open- managers. source software. A follow-up question asked which other programmes can benefit from this To date, the project has made good progress application. A third question asked whether towards reducing trachoma morbidity in the data being uploaded from the app were the three participating countries. More than secure. 200 trichiasis surgeons have been trained, 300,000 people have been screened, and Dr Masika asked Dr Khumbo Kalua (Blantyre 25,000 surgeries have been completed. The Institute for Community Outreach) to help project supports post-operative follow-up respond to these questions. Dr Kalua noted of patients, which is critical both for the that the application was not open-source. The patients themselves and to provide feedback to pilot testing in Malawi had been an excellent surgeons for continuous quality improvement. opportunity to refine the system, and the In Cameroon, the project has supported the aim was now to undertake a second round of Ministre de la Santé publique to measure testing in Ethiopia. The intention is to then the prevalence of trichiasis more precisely, make the system available to any country that and implementation data have been used as would like to use it. The data are stored and a tool for sub-district-level trichiasis service transferred fully encrypted. Twenty_first_report_ok.indd 16 4/1/2019 9:58:51 AM
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