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HI j No green beer                                                                                                                Theatre Arts hosts                                                Baseball to
      Volume 78
                               Tint it's
                                    it c still
                                         o-f-ill going   to be
                                                 rrninrr tr\ r\/=» a
                                                                   o good
                                                                     rrr»r»/n                                                           performance Friday                                                play Marshall
      Number 75                ole Irish time | HIATUS, p. 8                                                                             CAMPUS, p.3                                                        SPORTS, p.7


                     THE GEORGE
                                                                                                          THURSDAY, FEBRUARY          23,2006

                                                                                                                                                                        Nation's largest food
                                                                                                                                                                        bank network served
                                                                                                                                                                        more than 25 million
                                                                                                                                                                        By Stephen Ohlemacher
                                                                                                                                                                        Associated Press
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Hunger on the rise
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The number of Americans who
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    sought hunger-relief services
                                                                                                                                                                            WASHINGTON - When Lisa                  from America's Second Harvest
                                                                                                                                                                        Koch asked several people at a              Network rose 18 percent from
                                                                                                                                                                        Chicago soup kitchen to complete            1997 to 2005.
                                                                                                                                                                        a survey of the people who eat              Number who used services
                                                                                                                                                                        there, she got a surprising response:       1997MHWHMI21.4 million
                                                                                                                                                                        "They asked how long it would take
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2005 ■■■■■■I 25.4
                                                                                                                                                                        because they had to get back to work
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Where they live
                                                                                                                                                                        after lunch."
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Metro areas 58%
                                                                                                                                                                            A national survey of people eat-
                                                                                                                                                                        ing at soup kitchens, food banks and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Rural or suburban areas 42%
                                                                                                                                                                        shelters found that 36 percent came
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Race and ethnicity
                                                                                                                                                                        from households in which at least           White 39.2% Latino 17%
                                                                                                                                                                        one person had a job. In the Chicago
                                                                                                                                                                        area, it was 39 percent.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Black 38%          Asian* 6.6%
                                                                                                                                               Tracy Cox/KRT PHOTO          "Even though the economy might
                                                                                                                                                      ILLUSTRATION      be changing, it isn't creating thekinds     "Includes American Indian, Alaskan native,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Hawaiian native or other Pacific Islander.
                                                                                                                                                                        of jobs that allow people to make
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   SOURCE: America's Second Harvest         AP
                                                                                                                                                                        ends meet," said Koch of the Greater

         Facebook users
                                                                                                                                                                        Chicago Food Depository.
                                                                                                                                                                            More than 2 5 million Americans        million children and nearly 3 million
                                                                                                                                                                        turned to the nation's largest network     senior citizens, the report says.
                                                                                                                                                                        of food banks, soup kitchens and              "The face ofhunger doesn't have a
                                                                                                                                                                        shelters for meals last year, up 9         particular color, and it doesn't come
                                                                                                                                                                        percent from 2001, says the report         from a particular neighborhood,"

       targets for stalking
                                                                                                                                                                        by America's Second Harvest.               said Ertharin Cousin, executive
                                                                                                                                                                            Those seeking food included 9                                 see FOOD, page 2

                                                                                                                                                                        Cooler weather
         Personal information makes students ripe for crime
      By Jerriod Grizzle                                  of up to 12 million users, allows students to
                                                                                                                                                                        brings flu season
      Staff writer                                        connect to one another all over the country.                                                                  By Jenny Miller                            health care providers, including
                                                          It has been a popular tool for students to con-        1. Never put any personal identifiers                  Staff writer                               the GSU Health Services, see the
      In a world consumed by Internet technol-            nect with friends from different colleges and          that you do not want people to see                                                                greatest number of flu cases," said
           ogy changing by the minute, giving too         high schools.                                          such as phone numbers or birthdays.                        Coughing, sneezing, and snif-          Paul Ferguson, Director of GSU
           much information could make students               Though students see Facebook as a Mecca                                                                   fling all seem to be familiar sounds       Health Services.
      a target for not only identity theft but also       for staying in touch, they must also be careful        2. Never put information on the web                    on campus. According to the                    While it may seem that everyone
      online stalking.                                    for what they put on the Internet.                     that you do not want people to see.                    Centers for Disease Control and            is sick on campus right now, the
          "I don't use it [Facebook] because it is            While incidents are low, "Facebook stalk-                                                                 Prevention in Atlanta, flu activity in     numbers of reported and confirmed
      a waste of time," said Vanessa Cole, 19, an         ing," as it is called, does happen all around the      3. Be careful about what you do put                    the eastern half of the US increased       flu cases are actually lower this
      undeclared major at Georgia Southern. While         country, and possibly right here at GSU. The           online social security numbers                 last week. This is attributed to a         year than last year, according to
      Vanessa is worried about putting too much                                                                  or email addresses.
                                                          Internet is riddled with blogs and websites                                                                   number of factors, most of which           the CDC.
      information online, she also goes on to say         detailing what people can find or what they                                                                   are common in the winter months                It is easy to get a common cold
                                                                                                                 4. Change your password often and
      that people also have to be responsible for         have found on Facebook profiles.                                                                              each year. The cold weather, the need      confused with the flu, as they have
                                                                                                                 do not let anyone know it to heighten
      themselves. "You are always going to have               The Cavalier Daily, a student run newspa-                                                                 to stay indoors more often and the         several similar symptoms. The
                                                                                                                 your online safety.
      people who put their numbers up on the              per in Charlottesville Va. at the University of                                                               pollen in the air are all factors that     CDC reports that the two illnesses
      Internet, the real thing is just not to put too     Virginia, ran a story in November 2005 where           5. Should you have an issue with                       contribute to the problem.                 symptom wise are so similar that is
      much information," said Cole.                       the death of one student may have been linked          online safety contact the University                       "The timeframe beginning in            difficult to tell the differencebetween
, an online social network                                     see FACEBOOK, page 5        Police at (912) 681-5234.                              mid-January through February is            them, and special tests need to be
                                                                                                                                                                        typically the time in which most                                     see FLU, page 2

Happy hours come back
By Rachel McDaniel                         Landing. "We've had people at the bar     restaurant that has more high end
News editor                                happily ordering a beer and a shot."      gourmet, everything fresh everyday,
                                           One local business owner, Robert          you can definitely tell the difference,
    Happy Hour is back, and bars           "Boz" Bostock was pleased with the        and the tequila bar will have 25 kinds
across Statesboro were full of happy       law changes.                              of tequila."
customers celebrating the recent               "We have had a mixed crowd                "I think that was the thing to do,"
change in alcohol ordinance Wednes-        tonight, which is a definite positive,"   said customer Pratt Hill. "The City
day evening.                               said Bostock. "And the changes al-        Council should worry more about
    "This is the first time I've been in   low waitresses to wait tables quickly     enforcing the drinking age laws."
a bar since New Years," said interior      without having to wait for customers          Bars with any citations from the
design senior Kristin Sickles. "That's     to finish their drinks."                  Alcohol Control Board in the past 12
the only reason we came in here                Bostock is owner of three busi-       months are not allowed to have happy
today."                                    nesses on St. Simons Island, including    hours. "I heard that RumRunners got
    Local bar owners have already          Gnat's Landing, Bodabing Pizzaria         a violation for serving more than one
noticed a change in the number of          and Bubba Garcia's Redneck Mex.           drink at a time, so that may disqualify
customers during the first happy hour      Bostock. He said he is thinking of        them from having happy hour," said
in months.                                 opening another business in the           Marshall Mason, former bartender.
    "We're a lot busier than we usu-       building adjacent to Gnat's Landing           "The changes are good, it's put ev-                                                                                            Grayson Hoffman/STAFF
ally are at this time," said Robbie        in Statesboro.                            eryone in a goodmood," said Matt Poe,     Gnat's Landing and other bars were the scene of elated drinkers as discounted booze flowed for the first time in
Richardson, co-owner of Gnat's                 "I may end up opening another         bartender at French Quarter Cafe.         four months.

 TODAY                               FRIDAY                            SATURDAY                               SUNDAY                                 Briefs   ....2      Classifieds..         6       WHERE DOES GSU RANK?
          High: 67 I Low: 45                 High: 69 I Low: 46                High: 64 I Low: 44                     High: 68 I Low: 38             Campus .. 3         Sports                7       Get some knowledge you can throw around.
                                                                                                                                                                  4                           8        Found out how GSU ranks compared to other
          Showers                            Mostly sunny               ^      Showers                                Mostly sunny                   OIA      ....5      Hiatus          ..9,10        Georgia schools I see BOTTOM LINE, p. 7                                                            Established 1927 -The Newspaper for Georgia Southern University                                            Covering the campus like a swarm of gnats.
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                                                                                    THE BIG STORY

                                    Eight meatpackers to carve up
                                    $365 million lottery jackpot
                                    By Kevin O'hanion
                                    Associated Press

                                        LINCOLN, Neb. - Eight workers
                                    at a Nebraska meatpacking plant are
                                    really bringing home the bacon now:
                                    They stepped forward Wednesday to
                                    claim the biggest lottery jackpot in
                                    U.S. history — $365 million.
                                        The seven men and one woman
                                    bought the winning Powerball ticket at
                                    a convenience store near the ConAgra
                                    ham processing plant where they
                                    worked. At least three of the winners                                                                        AP Photo/Nati Harnik
                                    are immigrants — two from Vietnam
                                                                               Theeightwinnersofthe $365 milliondollar Nebraska Powerball lottery hold
                                    and one from the Congo.                    uptheirceremonialchecksWednesday. Workers ata Nebraska meat process-
                                        "This is great country!" said Quang    ing plant, each claimed about $15.5 million after taxes. The seven men and
                                    Dao, 56, who came to the United States     one woman all work at a ConAgra ham processing plant near the U-Stop
                                    in 1988. He still has family in Vietnam    convenience store where they bought the winning ticket last week.
                                    and said he plans to help them finan-
                                    cially with his winnings.                      "I've been retired for about four          children, was unsure what to do with
                                        The previous U.S. jackpot record       days now," said Eric Zornes, 40.               the money. "Everybody has dreams,"
                                    was $363 million, won by two ticket            Alain Maboussou, 26, fled from the         he said. "Buy an island. Buy an air-
                                    holders in Illinois and Michigan in        Congo in 1999 to escape the civil war          plane. In reality, I'm not a fan of flying
                                    2000.                                      there. He said he plans to quit work           and don't really like water."
                                        The Nebraska workers had the op-       and return to school for a degree. He              The winners said they often pooled
                                    tion of taking the money in one lump       said the money will provide for his            their money with other workers when
                                    sum or 30 annual installments. They        wife and baby daughter.                        Powerball jackpots exceeded $40 mil":
                                    chose the lump sum and will get $ 15.5         "She's going to be happy for the rest of   lion. Maboussou said he did not think
                                    million each after taxes.                  her life," he said of the 3-month-old girl.    employees who did not chip in for the
                                        Three of the group quit their jobs         Mike Terpstra, a 47-year-old plant         tickets would harbor any ill will toward
                                    when they hit the jackpot.                 supervisor who is single and has no            the winners.

                                                                               kitchens and shelters across the country       a separate report by the group.

                                    Food                                       last year. The network represents about
                                                                               39,000 hunger-relief organizations,
                                                                                                                                   The new report, being released
                                                                                                                              Thursday, found that 35 percent
                                                                                                                              of people seeking food came from
                                                             from page 1       or about 80 percent of those in the
                                                                               United States. The vast majority are           households that received food stamps.
                                    vice president of America's Second         run locally by churches and private            Cousin said the numbers show that the
                                    Harvest. "They are your neighbors, they    nonprofit groups.                              governmentprogram, while important,

         tit a lew                  are working Americans, they are senior         The surveys were done before Hur-          is insufficient.
                                    citizens who have worked their entire      ricanes Katrina and Rita hit the Gulf               "The benefits they are receiving are
                                    lives, and they are children."             Coast in 2005. After the hurricanes,           not enough," Cousin said. Government
                                        The organization said it interviewed   demand for emergency food assistance           reports also showthe number ofhungry
                                    52,000 people at food banks, soup          tripled in GulfCoast states, according to      Americans increasing.

                                                                                                                              contact during a contagious period,

                                    Flu                                            There are several ways to prevent
                                                                               getting the flu. Getting a flu shot is im-
                                                                               portant, but the number of students
                                                                                                                              cover your mouth and nose when
                                                                                                                              sneezing and coughing, get plenty
                                                             from page 1       who have gotten flu shots is lower             of rest and drink at least two quarts
                                                                               than last year, said Ferguson.                 of liquid per day.
                                    done within the first two to three days        "We urge students to get their                 According the Carol Turknett,
                                    of the illness to confirm influenza. A     flu vaccination at the Health Center.          Head Nurse at the Health Center, a
                                    major difference between the two is        The more students vaccinated, the              student should not go to class if they

            This spring offers a    that colds do not generally result in
                                    serious health problems like bacterial,
                                    infections, pneumonia, dehydration
                                                                               less likely it is that we will have a
                                                                               maj or outbreak of the flu on campus,"
                                                                               he said.
                                                                                                                              have a temperature of over 101° or
                                                                                                                              is coughing frequently and possibly
                                                                                                                              spreading germs to others.
                                    or hospital visits like the flu can. The       Washing your hands is the num-                 For more information about flu

              unique leadership     flu is also hits the body more rapidly,
                                    while a cold takes more time to work
                                    into the system.
                                                                               ber one thing you can do to prevent
                                                                               symptoms, according to Ferguson
                                                                               and the CDC. Also, avoid close
                                                                                                                              shots or to make an appointment,
                                                                                                                              call the Health Center at (912) 681

            mm Insert N
                    anil Service.

           Seize tli opportunity                   Students are encouraged
                                               to express any type of concern
             to leave your lepcf                      whether the issue is
            a(km Southern.                      financial, academic, or social!
                                        Take advantage of the opportunity
                                                    to talk with
                               t               the Dean of Students
                                            and enhance the quality of
                    I-I-IIlt:                your own student life and
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        JEWS I PAGE 3

 "A Piece of my Heart" brings love to the Black Box stage
 By Katie Willis                               Holly Timmonsplaysa 17-year-old         before we can act it out."                        in and researched. "It is different from
Staff writer
                                           country western singer named Mary               In addition to research materials             researching for a role in a Shakespear-
                                           Jo in the production. Her character         acquired by Director Stephanie Rout-              ean play. You can do all the research
    The spring 2006 BlackBox Theatre       is a member of the "Sugar Candies           man, a professor in the Communica-                you want, but you cannot SEE the
production of "A Piece of My Heart"        All Girl Band," which entertains the        tion Arts Theater Department, and                 severity of Shakespeare's work," she
will open February 24, and is sure to      troops in Vietnam.                          Assistant Director, Shark Beaver, a               said. "You can see the severity of the
generate strong emotions with regards          Timmons describes her experience        student in the Communication Arts                 Vietnam War."
to the effects of the Vietnam War on       with the performance, and develop-          Theater Department, the actors and                      Timmons cautions that the play
tioth the generations directly affected,   ing her character in the production,        actresses did their own research on               is not for the younger crowd, and that
and future generations.                    as bitter-sweet. "When we started           the Vietnam War. Actors and actresses             the play is mostly focused towards
* The play focuses on the Vietnam          rehearsing and doing research for           spent most of their Saturdays with the            high school to college age and older
War, as seen through the eyes of six       the play, we didn't realize or grasp the    rest of the cast watching documenta-              audiences.
women; five nurses and one country         severity of the Vietnam War because         ries and listening to real stories con-                "This is a very emotional, real per-
western singer, who become inter-          people really do not hear that much         cerning the Vietnam War, in addition              formance, and may leave the audience
twined when they find themselves in        about it these days," she said.             to rehearsal everyday for the past three          a little shaky," said Timmons.
the middle of the war. The play will           Timmons said research is a major        weeks, including weekends.                             "A Piece of My Heart" will begin
focus on the individual stories of these   factor in developing her character and          Timmons said that rehearsing and'             showing Friday, Feb. 24 and run
six women as they relive the memory        immersingherselfin theperformance.          researching for this play is different            through Saturday, March 4 in the                                                                                             Victor Martinez/STAFF
of the Vietnam War.                        "We have to first understand the war        from other plays she has performed                Black Box Theatre.                                  The cast of "A Piece of my Heart" rehearses in the Black Box theater.

Logistics Fair offers numbers
of potential job opportunities
By Jerriod Grizzle                                                                                                                                                                                                           Apartment Homes
Staff writer                               lot of individuals looking for a lot        "A lot of companies are hiring full time
                                           of talent," said Dr. Karl Manrodt,          and also giving internships."
    In partnership with the Center for     Associate Professor of Management               "It is really a chance to network and
Retail Studies and Marketing and the       Marketing and Logistics. Dr. Manrodt        to get your foot in the door, a chance
Department of Information Systems,
the Department of Management,
                                           encourages all students to come out
                                           and see what the department has to
                                                                                       for an interview," said Katherine Del-
                                                                                       laPorta, 21, a Marketing major.
                                                                                                                                                     HUGE 2,3 & 4 BEDROOM
Marketing and Logistics is hosting         offer. "Just talk to people to see if you       Dr. Manrodt said that this is the
the Logistics and Intermodal Trans-        like it," he said.                          fourth year that the career fair has
portation, Center For Retail Studies           The career fair will play host to       been going on once per semester and
and Marketing Career fair Thursday         30 companies from all different fields      that it has been a big success.
Feb 23. The career fair will last from     including Best Buy, Wal-Mart, Belk              According to the Georgia South-
9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Nesmith-Lane       and Waffle House.                           ern University website, Logistics and                                         1«t8 QtaMHttftf Roa
PAGE 41 N: >                                                                                                                                                                                                         THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23,2006 I THE GEORGE-ANNE DAILY

                            THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT!                                                                                             ■.■■■■■   ■   ''■..'   ■   '■.:■,..■,,■■..   ,::   .   .   '.   ■■   ■■-.■■■:     ■                          ■   ■'

       Take our test andfind out how much you know
       about black leaders in arts and entertainment
       Duke Ellington. Mahalia Jackson. Walter                                       Some questions are about people living                 moves the appropriate spaces. If the team answers
                 Mosley.                                                          today, so current you can see them on TV, in              the question correctly, place a marker on that
                    Black Americans, all, who've left a                           movies or concerts. Others focus on people                square (the marker remains throughout the game).
       vital, indelible mark on our world.                                        from the past, their stories found in books or on         If the team gets it wrong, the other team tries to
          So for Black History Month, we offer a board                            the Internet.                                            answer that question and mark the square. If no
       game on important people in the arts. Use this                                OK, everybody ready? You need one die and             team answers the question correctly, the square
       game to test how much you know. Or use it to                               playing pieces for each team (coins for one team,        remains empty for this round. The second team
       learn something.                                                           buttons for the other, for example) to mark the          then throws the die and proceeds around the board.
          By working your way around the board,                                                           squares. The game ends                (Note: Each turn begins at the open square
       you'll meet fascinating people who've made                                                              when every square has       after the last question asked. For instance: The
       remarkable contributions to literature, music,                                                              a marker. It might      first team rolls a three and lands on the question
                                   television and film.                                                            be helpful to have a    about the filmmaker. The next team starts count-
                                                                                                                   nonplayer checking      ing with the fourth square. Let's say that team
                                                                                                                                           rolls a two. The team's question will be about the
                                                                                                                                           jazz composer.)
                                                                                                                HERE'S HOW                      Teams continue throwing the die and moving
                                                                                                                 TO PLAY:                  around the board, skipping squares filled with
                                                                                                                  Divide into two          markers. Teams will have to travel around the
                                                                                                              teams and flip a coin        board more than once to hit every square. The
                                                                                                              to see who goes first.       team with the most markers on the board wins.
                                                                                                                   The first team
                                                                                                                 throws the die and
                                                                                                                                                But if you've learned something along the way,
                                                                                                                                           how can you lose?
           Once                                                                                                     This writer                                                                                                       Though
           barred from                                                                                              is known for                                                                                                       New Orleans
           appearing at                                                                                             his detective                                                                                                     gave birth to
           Constitution                                                                                           . stories,                                                                                                          jazz, this
           Hall, this                                                                                               including                                                                                                         musician, who
           singer became                                                                                            "Devil in a Blue                                                                                                  led a band for
           the first black                                                                                          Dress." The novel                                                                                                 more than 50
           member of the Metropolitan                                                                               was later made into a movie                                                                                       years, earned early fame
           Opera.                                                                                                   starring Denzel Washington.                                                                                       at New York's Cotton Club.

                 Betty Lou Allen " Marian Anderson                                                                      James Baldwin'        Henry Louis                                                                                 Chick Webb           C v. Duke Ellington
                                                                                                                                               Gates Jr.
          ^J| Kathleen Battle ^p Martina Arroyo                                                                    @ Cornel West          fjj Walter Mosley                                                                               Count Basie          fflyl Louis Armstrong

            first black
            poet laureate,
            she received
            the 1987
             Pulitzer Prize
             in poetry for
             "Thomas and Beulah," which
             explored her family's history.

            ffip Rita Dove                || Toni Morrison

                  Alice Walker           |£jMaya Angelou

        SOURCES: The World Book Encyclopedia; "Black Women
        in America": The Negro Almanac: Sun-Sentinel researcher Barbara llijck.                                                                                                                                               d-(H '0-6 '0-9 'V-Z 'V-9 Q-9 'V-fr 8-C 0-S '0-t   SU3MSNV

                                                                                                           2003 BLACK HISTORY MONTH
                                                                                                                      KNIGHT RIDDER/TRIBUNE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          I PAGE 5
I   !

                                                  and rare. People definitely use the site                                                               ONLY IN AMERICA
        Facebook                from page 1
                                                  to find out interesting information
                                                  about their friends, but that's a far
                                                  cry from serious "stalking," which is
                                                                                             Police identity man
                                                                                                                                                                stones by The Associated Press

                                                                                                                                    thews, 58, according to the Marion
                                                                                                                                    County Sheriff's Office.
                                                                                                                                                                                  nurse at the VA Medical Center,
                                                                                                                                                                                  gave birth to her daughter Faith
                                                  the result of broader mental-health        with'Cecil'tattoo                         Capt. Thomas Bibb said Crow                Reed last Sunday in the middle of
                                                  issues. If anyone is made to feel un-                                             initially denied his involvement,             her shift.
        to personal information on a student's    comfortable by another user's use of       Q COLUMBUS, Ind. — Officers            but confessed during questioning.                "It was just beautiful," said Helen
                                                                                             began to suspect that the man             Crow told investigators that the           Mickelson, one of Reed's co-work-
         Facebook profile.                        the network, the person can simply
                                                                                             they pulled over was lying when        men were fighting about the toilet            ers who helped her deliver in the
             Capt. Carl Peaster, Captain of       block that user and become invisible
                                                                                             he identified himself as Robert de-    paper over the weekend when Mat-              women's bathroom. "It was just
         Georgia Southern University's campus     on Facebook," said Hughes.                 spite a tattoo with the name Cecil     thews pulled out a rifle. Crow said           a miracle to be a part of a baby
        police, said that students generally          Hughes goes on to say that students    on the back of his neck.               he then began beating Matthews                coming into the world — at the VA          just go with the flow."
        are safe at GSU. "There have been no      should only give out information              They arrested Cecil S. Carmer,      with the sledgehammer and claw                                                                An emergency medical techni-
                                                                                                                                                                                  Medical Center, of all places."
        incidents reported so far, but I have     about themselves that they are com-        25, of Indianapolis and charged        hammer, according to an affidavit.               For Reed, 26, it was the second         cian delivered Faith, a healthy,
        heard of them, and students have to       fortable with. "We're interested in        him with false informing, said Maj.        Matthews was beaten so badly              time she'd given birth in a bathroom.       7-pound, 11-ounce girl.
        be careful of what they put online,"      empowering students to have control        Mark Gorbett of Bartholomew            he had to be identified through his              Reed gave birth to her son Seth              Faith Reed was due March 20, but
        said Peaster. Peaster said that there     over what information they want to         County Sheriff's Department.           fingerprints, detectives said.                in her bathroom at home. Her sister,        Reed knew something was amiss
        have been incidents where people have     share and who they want to have ac-           After being pulled over for driv-                                                 Angela Reed, who was 19 at the              when she went to the bathroom
                                                                                             ing erratically, Carmer had identi-                                                  time, delivered the baby with the aid       and noticed blood.
        changed classes and information on        cess to it," he said.
                                                                                             fied himself as his brother Robert.    Woman again gives                             of a 911 dispatcher. Seth is now 15             Kristi Sauter, 23, a nursing assis-
        WINGS, but that's all. "While people          Hughes goes on to say that the
        may think some of the things they         fact that while the threat does linger,
                                                                                                Sheriff's deputies also found       birth in bathroom                             months old.                                tant who works with Reed, planned
                                                                                             equipment and ingredients used                                                          When Jessica Reed learned she            to drive Reed to the emergency
        do online may be viewed as pranks, does it's best to protect
                                                                                             to make methamphetamine in             Q ST.CLOUD,Minn.—Twice                        was going to have another baby in           room. Sauter went to warm up her
        because of the information we put         students from "Facebook stalking."         Carmer's car, Gorbett said.             now, one central Minnesota                   the bathroom, she said she wasn't           car in the parking lot. But as Reed
        online,itcanbemuchrnorethanjusta              "Facebook is the safest social            "The guy was ready to cook," he                                                                                              went to meet Sauter, she had to stop
                                                                                                                                    mother has given birth in an                . upset or dismayed. "I don't think that
        prank. People do a lot of things trying   network on the web. Unlike other           said.                                  unexpected spot. Jessica Reed, a              way," she said. "It's gotta be done,        in the women's bathroom.
        to be funny but they don't think about    sites like MySpace where the info is
        the consequences. You'can only go so      available to over 20 million people,
        far," he said.                            on Facebook a user's profile is avail-
                                                                                             Fla. man kills
             Peaster advises students to never    able at most to a few thousand people      roommate over
        use personal identifiers like phone       who already share in that person's         toilet paper
        numbers, and birthdays. "You really       "real-world"community," said Hughes.
        just don't think about it sometimes,"
        he said.
             Chris Hughes, a spokesperson for
                                                  Because college users must have a .edu
                                                  email from their schools, no one is
                                                  ever "anonymous" on the network,
                                                                                             0 MOSS BLUFF, Fla. — A man
                                                                                             accused of fatally beating his
                                                                                             roommate with a sledgehammer
                                                                                                                                                                                        MUD echoes Peaster, saying       said Hughes. "Each profile can be          and a claw hammer because there
        that students are relatively safe on      traced back to a real person who can       was no toilet paper in their home                              be held accountable for activity on        has been arrested.
                                                                                                 Franklin Paul Grow, 56, was
                                                                                                                                                  V         \M/JLJXJ,LLI JL                                    HS f\ I i I i
            "Students often joke about Face-      the site. This makes our users much
                                                                                             charged Monday with homicide
        book as a tool for "stalking," but it's   more responsible than users on other                                                                                     HELP WITH HURRICANE KATRINA RELIEF
                                                                                             in the death of Kenneth Mat-
        funny for a reason-it's very unlikely     networks."
                                                                                                                                                                             A**» GET Ewmr IN THE PROCESS!

        urw crnniTDC                                                 ATTIP MB>P niirrc
                                                                                                                                             Georgia. Southern. Students
                                                                                                                                            SI. Sl.\H
                                      Scooters D.O.T, approved                                                                              $25 Teajna, Tya.i tiUE
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Applications Ava.ila.ble
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             NOW! I
                                                                                                                                                     3>;00 pun to. R«S*SXE11
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                                    Dirt bikes 70cc - 200cc                                                                                          6:0O pin @ Rnssell
                                                                                                                                                     Union room 20BO                                                   Questions? '
                                                                                                                                                     A. ttem dan*?**                                            Confact Margaret JmMntt .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Phone: 912-871-1435
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Fax: 812-871-1316

        wriarw -arff-atvst-com*                                                                                                                Sponsored By: Gecrda Southern Vdunteer Services, Campus Recreation & Intramu ais.
                                                                                                                                                             Office of Student Act)yities, & University Honors Procram

                 CKI |OBS - Think Different!

            iriru .«|ccr«|i^scniliciiKc
FEBRUARY 23,2006                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     PAGE 6

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  300 Employment & Job          480 Sub Leases
                                                                                                                                                                                          Now you can place your classified ads online... For Commercial
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  CLASSIFIED                          Services                  490 Vacation Rentals
                                                                                                                                                                                          Ads, Visit...
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  CATEGORIES                      310 Career & Job Services
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  320 Child Care Needed         500 Personals

            ft THE GEORGE-ANNE                                                                                                                                                                                                     100
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  330 Child Care Provider
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  340 Internships/Volunteer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  350 Jobs/FullTime
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                500 Personals
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Educations Tutoring
                                                                                                                                                                                          ...and create, place, proof and pay for your ad online. Just $7 for     130   Lost & Found              360 Jobs/Part Time            620   Financial Aid/Loans
                                                                                                                                                                                          200 characters. In partnership with Universal Advertising.              140   Other Announcements       370 Opportunities/Business    630   Legal Services
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  380 University Work           640   Resumes/Typing/DTP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  200   Buy or Sell               390 Wanted Jobs               650   Services/Miscellaneous
                                                                                                                                                                                         Free ads for students, faculty & staff (non-comrtterciat): Send an       210   AutosforSale
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  220   Auto Parts for 5ale       400 Housing & Real Estate     700 Travel
                                                                                                                                                                                         email message to...                                                      230   Bicycles for Sale         410 Apartments                710 Spring Break Travel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  240   Books for Sale            420 Lofts & Rooms
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             250   Computers & Software      430
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Mobile Homes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Real Esate for Sale
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                800 Transportation/Rides
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  260   Misceflanneous for Sale                                 800 Transportation/Rides
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  270   Motorcycles for Sale      450 Roommates Wanted
                                                                                                                                                                                         You must include your names, address and phone number                                                    460 Storage & Moving          900 Miscellaneous
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  280   Trade & Barter
                                                                                                                                                                                         for freebies. No phone calls, please, atthis price we don't take         290   Wanted                        Services                  910 Pets & Pet Supplies
                                                                                                                                                                                         dictation.                                                                                               470 Student Housing

                                              .                                                                      —•—

                                                                                                                                           Mystic Arts Horoscope
                                                                                                      ,   ■

                                Covering tbe Campus Like aSwarm of Gnats
                                The George-Anne Daily                                                                                   Today's Birthday (02-23-06). You're an inspiration to others this      else do the driving. Meanwhile, tidy up the mess.                        Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan. 19)
                                                                                                                                        year, but that's not enough. You also need to get them to help                                                                                  - Today is an 8 - You're gaining
                                                                                                              —,                                                                                               Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) - Today is a 6 - Figure out what you want.
                                                                                                                                        you accomplish the goals you've set.                                                                                                            power and confidence, partially
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Then you can figure out how to get it. Be patient; this is all part
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        because of all the hard, diligent
                                                                                                                                                                                                               of the process.
  THE              PennvPressI                               CROSSWORD PUZZLE                                                           To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest
                                                                                                                                        day, 0 the most challenging.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        work you've done. And partially
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) - Today is an 8 - As the day goes on,           just because.
                   Share-A-Name                                                s E C            T S                T O R T      S
                                                                               p E R            I L S          s   A F A R      I       Aries (March 21 -April 19) - Today is a 5 - Make contact and           you should find it gets easier to relax. Do that, because you
           ACROSS                37    Brazilian river                         A ,N E           M I C          o   U T L E      T                                                                                                                                                       Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
   1       Talk                  38    19th letter                                  D           E T A C        H       E Y      E       make plans first. You can even make the commitment. Then,              need to replenish the energy you've burned.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        - Today is a 5 - A wise friend can
   4       Admit                 39.   Darn again                              D U E                R O        O   S T                  take responsibility for making it happen.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Libra (Sept. 23-0ct. 22) -Today is a 5- Your brain has had quite
   7       Race units            41.   Fitness center                          I N N            WP A               E A T E      R                                                                                                                                                       show you the way to a very successful business deal. It's kind of
  11       Cuckoopint            43.   Wolfgang                                B I C            A R B              R R A T      A
                                                                                                                                        Taurus (April 20-May 20) -Today is an 8 - It's getting easier to       a workout lately. Better stay home and rest as much as possible.         like finding buried treasure. Listen up.
  13       Card game                   Puck, e.g.                              S T E            R E   I
                                                                                                      A        X   E   I N      S
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Let new information sink in.
  14       Too                   46.   Lessen                                                   E P O C        H       L A      P       see yourself achieving your dreams. Give thanks to your team-
  15       Rebel turned          50.   Slugger turned                          A       S   P        W E        A   V E S                                                                                                                                                                Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -Today is an 8 -You'll soon be making
                                                                                                                   E A P E      n       mates _ you're doing it together.                                      Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) - Today is an 8- Don't try to solve an
           Superman?                   politician?                             C       H   E    E S E          L                                                                                                                                                                        new friends, and reconnecting with old ones. No need to be
  18       Embarrass             54.   Clarinet's kin                          M       E   N    T O R          E   N S I L      E
                                                                               E       S   S    A Y                T E N S      E
                                                                                                                                        Gemini (May 21-June 21)-Today is a 6-The assignment is to              emotional problem by throwing money at it. Besides looking               shy. They'll love you. It's a foregone conclusion.
 19        Scat!                 55.   Fire
 20        Luck, to              56.   Geologic                                                   Yesterday's Solution                  get together with a partner who always tells the truth. Pool           ridiculous, it could make matters worse.
           Shakespeare                 divisions                                                                                        your plans and your resources, and make it to the top of the
 22.       Knot                  b/.   Young salmon                 7. Terse                                  23. Skin                                                                                         Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) - Today is a 6 - A very annoying
 26        Brewed                58.         and cry                8. In the style of                            -ream                 mountain. This can be either actual or metaphorical.                                                                                            (c) 2006,TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES INC.
                                                                                                                  ingredient                                                                                   situation at home will clear up soon. Accept it the way it is, and
           beverage              59.   T-'lented                    9. 23rd Greek
 2U        Abundant                                                    letter                                 24. Corduroy              Cancer (June 22-July 22) - Today is an 8 -The difficult part is        it will change.                                                          Distributed by Knight Ridder-Tribune Information Services.
 32.       Hipbone                        OOWN                     10. Charlie, to                                features              almost done. Soon, you'll be able to relax and let somebody
           sections               1.   In iian prince                  Martin                                 25. Test sites,
 33.       Martial arts           2.   Micca man                   12. Netting                                    for short
           expert turned          3.   Mountain cat                                                           26. Mount
           Juror #3?              4.   Yeller's age                16. Laminated rock
                                                                                                                  Snow lift                                                                                                                                                       George-Anne Daily

 36.       Egyptian               5.   Sorrows                     17. Nyets                                  27. Irish river
           symbol                 6.   Ark architect               21. Wood product                                                                                                                                              Easy
                                                                                                              28. Diving
                                                                                                                                                  TtA6icAu% Bo^s LA*y eye

       1      2      3                            5                        8               9     10                                                                                                                                                                                                                To play: Complete the grid so

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           4     2 5     8
                                                        6            7                                        30. Ahab's
       11                  12
                                        ,3                           14                                           milieu                         Sooti SpReAD to 1W Rest «F                                                                                                                                        that every row, column and
                                                                                                              31. Towel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   every 3x3 box contains the
       15                         16                          17                                                  pronoun                                              Ins F 764-4468.                                          grey leather, Alarm system with remote start.
                          Playing House                                                                                                 fashion show. Auditions will be held Tuesday,                                                               Cd, MP3, Ipod player too! Many extras! Call            Female needed to sublease at Campus Club for
                                                                                                                                        February 21st in Russell Union Rm 2041 and             Do you want to bring students to your student        JJ at 912-658-7691.                                    Summer 06 (begining of May). It's bebroom C
   In the 1992 film, "Housesitter," Gwen                                                                                                                                                       group's worship activities? Place an ad in                                                                  (the biggest one)in a 4 bebroom apartment, fullly
                                                                                                                                        Thursday, February 23rd in Russell Union Rm
   Phillips, played by Goldie Hawn,                                                                                                     2084 from 4-7p.m. All ethnicities, genders,            the G-A!                                             1983 Chevy Caprice for sale, body in great             furnished and ALL INCLUSIVE. $399 a month
   poses as the wife of Newton Davis,                                                                                                   sizes, and experience levels are welcome. For                                                               condition, custom paint, white leather interior.       (can be NEGOTIABLE).You have your own
   played by Steve Martin, and moves                                                                                                    more info contact                   REVIVAL: Feb. 20th-24th at the Williams              Call^l2-481-3593 inquires. 2,500 obo                   bathroom and lots of closet space!! Call April
   into his empty home without his                                                                                                                                                             Grove COGIC 32 Pulaski Highway, across                                                                      at 706-495-6772 ASAP!!
                                                                                                                                                                                               from Bulloch Co. DFCS. Service is at 7:30            2002 Mistubishi Galant with only 65,000 miles.
   knowledge. This puzzles features                                                                                                         140 Other Announcements                            p.m. nightly. Speaker for the week: Prophet          Grey colorwithpowerwindows and locks. $8000            Male or Female Summer Sublet Needed First
   words associated with housesitting.                                                                                                  Does your organization have an event                   E.M. Kennebrew from Lincolnton, GA Students          OBO. Call (912) 507-3590 for more info, (car           Month Free $380 a Month Internet and Cable
                                                                                                                                        coming up? Then the Leadership-                        are welcome.                                         located in Savannah)                                   Included. Contact Michelle 706-231-7470
   APARTMENT                                           DAYS                                                                             Workshop Series "Bee There, Should
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    4 X4 Mitsubishi Montero all terrain tires. Great       Female sublease needed in Talons Lake for
                                                                                                                                        Have Done that- Program Planning that
   ARRANGEMENT                                         ESTATE                                                                                                                                                 Buy or Sell                           for pulling boats or trailers. Good condition,         summer. $355/ month plus water & power.
                                                                                                                                        Works!" can help you make it a success! You will
                                                                                                                                                                                                              200-299                               $4000! CD player! Call JJ at 912-658-7691.             Contact Katie: 404-274-0703 or sud_8_ed@
   CARETAKER                                           GARDEN                                                                           learn how to asses your audience, brainstorm^ef-
                                                                                                  Yesterday's Solution                  fectively, make a to-do-list, create publicity, and                                                                                                      
   CHORES                                              HOME                                                                             SAVE MONEY! When: March 7, 5:30-6:30, in                                                                               240 Books for Sale
                                                                                                                                                                                                           210 Autos for Sale                                                                              Two bedroom two bath apartment located at
                                                                                                          MAIL                          Russell Union Rm. 2084.                                                                                     BOOKS FOR SELL!!! Mystery/Romantic Sus-
   CLEAN                                               JOB                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the Woodlands needs a female sublease for the
                                                                                                                                                                                               1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited, 5.2 Liter          pense/Romance. Email Kimberly at septphire@            spring semester. All inclusive. Will neg. rent.
                                                                                                          MAINTAIN                      PLEASE HELP! Do you frequently sprain
   CONDOMINIUM                                         LAWN CARE                                                                                                                               V8, Fully loaded, Leather, Moon roof, power          yahoo for more information.                            Contact Sunny at 912-596-5748
                                                                                                                                        your ankle? Participate in thesis study &
                                                                                                          MANSION                                                                              everything, 132,000 miles. Great Condition.
                                                                                                                                        get reward. Log on to http://chhs.geor-
                                                                                                                                                                                               $6500. Call (734)417-2075.                               260 Miscellaneous for Sale                         Two bedroom two bath apartment in Eaglecreek
  | E T A T S                               A M J O R T A R P                                                                 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Townhouses needs female sublease for summer.
                                                                                                          MONTHS                        htm if interested.                                     Buy my car! 1994 Ford Taurus Wagon 3.GL,             AIR HOCKEY TABLE for sale. $40, or                     $275/ month plus utilities. Call 912-481-1872
   » E O E N T                              Y Y T R E P 0 R P
                                                                                                          OCCUPY                                                                               V6, 130,000 miles; runs great! $1800.00. Call        OBO. Accessories included. Free delivery in            (Jessica)
                                                                                                                                        Badminton Club Tues/Thurs 9-1 lpm at the                                                                    Statesboro! Call 912-541-6174.
   | R R.E M E    U B K H S K                                                      :       E    w         PETS                                                                                                                                                                                             SUBLEASE AVAILABLE. Spring or Summer.
   1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Two JL Audio 10 inch speakers for sale in a            Female roommate to share BRAND-NEW 3
   £ A Ft E S P 0 N S I B I L   T Y                                                                       PLANTS                                                                                                                                    box. Also a Kenwood 200 watt amp for sale              bed/2 bath duplex in Country-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    along with the-speakers. Speakers and amp in           side only 4 minutes from campus. Rent
                                A D                                                                       PROPERTY                                                                                                                                  good condition. 150$ OBO. Please call 912              negotiable. 770-378-9590
      N 0 M J A 0 R O E A E B R A S                                                                       RESIDENCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Need a place for the summer? 1 bedroom in 4
                                                                                                          RESPONSI-                                                                                                                                 For sale: 3 12" Rockford Fosgate subwoofers            bedroom apartment in Southern Courtyard. Full
      W P N J M T H A T L N D Y E M                                                                                                                                                                                                                 in a box for $ 175, obo; also a Rockford Fosgate       kitchen, washer/dryer. 2 great roommates call
                                                                                                                   BILITY                                                                                                                           800 watt punch amp for $250. Both for $350!            Ashley at 912-996-6210.
      A T L D M B E N R M C S R A I                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Call 912-614-4944 for info.
                                                                                                          SECURITY                                                                                                                                                                                         Summer sublease needed @ players club. Liv-
       LWPHOMERWYEO I AW                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2 12's Memphis Audio, 600 watt amp, and car-           ing/Dinning room furnished. 3 Bedroom w/
                                                                                                          STAY                                                                                                                                      peted vented box. Dee @ 229-395-7530.                  study. $305 a inonth plus untilities (est. $50).
       JOSJNMMLAOHN I OG                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   E-mail
                                                                                                          TASKS                                                                                                                                     Furniture for Sale: Large sofa bed, love seat,
   I A C T U T L I THCTAWSN                                                                                                                                                                                                                         end tables, coffee tables, dinning room set,
  ■i                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                bed, computer desk and chair, bookshelf—all                              Services
   £ 0 C N    H B S N O A L P L K S                                                                       TOWN HOUSE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    in great condition. Leaving town, ALL MUST                               600-699
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    GO!!! Call 912-541-4936 ASAP!
   § W U A    SYYT I RUCESS                                                                               WATCH
   2.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Washer and dryer for sale $ 160 together, excel-
      Y P                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       610 Education & Tutoring
   1          SONNCUALJAW                                                                                 WEEKS                                                                                                                                     lent condition. Call 912-541-6111 for info.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           FUN & STUFF Visit our Web site for
   ©AY        RRANGEMENTS                                                                                 YARD                                                                                                                                            270 Motorcycles for Sale                         list of things to do that are educational
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           and fun. http:/Avww.stp.georgiasouthern.
       Now Save over 75% on a value pack of 16 Penny Press word                                                                                                                                                                                     MOTORCYCLE! 2003 HONDA CBR600RR.                       edu/funstuff/
       seek magazines. You'll get over 1,000 puzzles in all for just                                                                                                                                                                                Red and black. Excellent condition. 9100
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    miles, lots of aftermarket parts and acces-
       $9.95 plus s&h. To order, call toll free: 1-800-261-6274 and use                                                                                                                                                                             sories. $7000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               650 Services/Miscellaneous
       discount code JPWP35.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        obo 912-678-9729                                       Are you female, 18-40, not pregnant, and sexu-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ally active? If so, please call 770-354-8495!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1982 Yamaha Virago 750 V-Twin, red, Only               Compensation guaranteed for participation
 Rip us off                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         14,000 miles, runs great! Straight Pipes, Loud!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    $1600, call 912-541-8065
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           in study!

 That's right, classified ads are free for students, faculty and staff. Want to find a home
 for your pet iguana? Rip us off! Need a roommate? Rip us off. Want to trade your pet                                                                                                                                                                               290 Wanted                                                Travel
 iguana for a new roommate? Rip us off! Here's the deal: 20 words or less, submitted                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         700-799
 with this handy form or via email to You can also place                                                                                                                                                                 Golfers Wanted!! For caddie positions at Sea
 ads in person at the G-A office, Room 2022, Williams Center. One ad per person per                                                                                                                                                                  Island GC. Must be golf knowledgeable w/a
 issue. Non-commercial use only. The GAD reserves the right to refuse any ad.                                                                                                                                                                        strong service background. FT/PT; FT can make                710 Spring Break Travel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     $450-$800/wk. Mgt. potential; Playing Priv.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Call 7 days: 912-634-4401 x3452                       Spring Break Bahamas From $199 per per-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           son 5 day/4 night package includes Round
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Trip Cruise, food aboard ship, 'and resort
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Employment & Job Services                             accomodations on Grand Bahama Island
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            300-399                                        CANCUN Packages from $499 Call Toll Free:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           1-888-85-BEACH (1-888-865-3224) www.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        370 Opportunities/Business
                                                                                                                                                                      Positions Available:                                                           Need Team Members Inc500 Listed Company.                           Miscellaneous
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Excellent Income. Automated. For Details visit:
                                                                                                                                                                    The George-Anne Daily                                                   (Access Code: ppedge)                                      900-999
                                                                                                                                                                         Editor in Chief
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Housing & Real Estate                                  910 Pets & Pet Supplies
                                                                                                                                                                     Managing Editor/News
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 400 - 499                                 Sweet, small gray and white 7 month old
                                                                                                                                                                   Managing Editor/Operations                                                                                                              kitty free to a good home. Neutered and very
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           well trained. Please call (912) 682-8375.
        Name:                                                                                                                                                             News Editor                                                                       440 Real Estate for Sale
        Address:                                                                                                                                                       Miscellany Magazine                                                           FSBO- Westbrooke Condo 3BR/2BA, 2000

                                                                                                                                                                                 Editor in Chief
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     sqft., walk-in closets, fireplace, great patio
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     w/ shade garden, 2 new ac units. (912) 489-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            3,4, and 6 bedroom
                   Name, address and telephone number is required for ALL free ads.
                                                                                                                                                                         Southern Reflector
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     1389.                                                    houses for rent.
   Send your classified ad to:                               The George-Anne Daily                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Available August 1.
                                                             P.O. Box 8001                                                                                                       Editor in Chief                                                                 450 Roommates
                                                             Statesboro, GA 30460                                                                                                                                                                    Carry Protection. Over 520,000 college
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           No Pets. Immediate Repairs.
    Sorry, no free ads accepted by telephone. At these prices we don't take dictation... but you can use                                               For wore inforwatiow, visit our website                                                       students experience crime each year. Protect           James Hood at 764-6076.
    email: (but include all required information - name, address, phone                                                                                                                                                   yourself and your property. Non-lethal self-
   number - or you just might find an iguana in your mailbox). Free ads are for noncommercial use only.                                                                                                         defense and safety products. Guaranteed.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Free shipping. Quick delivery. Visit: www.
                                                                                                                                                                                      THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23,2006 I THE GEORGE-ANNE DAILY

                                                         Georgia Tech announces new athletic director                                                                     Friday, February 24                          Baseball vs. Marshall, 1:30 p.m.
                                                            Georgia Tech announced Wednesday that Dan Radakovich, LSU's senior associate
                                                                                                                                                                          Track and Field at SoCon Indoor              Women's Basketball vs. College of
                                                         athletic director, will become Tech's new athletic director.
                                                                                                                                                                            Championships, TBA                           Charleston, 3 p.m.
                                                            Clough said Radakovich, who signed a five-year contract, has a comprehensive set
                                                                                                                                                                          Baseball vs. Marshall, 7 p.m.                Softball at Gamecock Roundrobin,
                                                         of skills that match his new duties.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2 p.m.
                                                             Radakovich, who has been an administrator in college athletics for over 19 years,
                                                                                                                                                                          Saturday, February 25
                                                         is going to replace Dave Braine, who announced Jan. 11 that he would step down
                                                                                                                                                                          Track and Field at SoCon Indoor                Sunday, February 26
                                                         after nine years.
                                                                                                                                                                            Championships, TBA                           Baseball vs. Marshall, 1:30 p.m.
                                                             Radakovich spent the last four years in Baton Rouge.

Chad Bishop
                                          Softball beats other GSU 5-2,3-2
                                         GSU News Service
The Art of                                   The Georgia Southern softball
                                         team rallied from 2-0 deficits in each
                                                                                          two 5-2 with all five runs coming in
                                                                                          the fourth inning.
                                                                                              "I think everyone is excited about
                                                                                                                                       it back-to-back two-baggers to score
                                                                                                                                       Smith, knotting the score at 2-2.
                                                                                                                                            The inning was kept alive by an
                                                                                                                                                                                  a sacrifice and scored on two passed
                                                                                                                                                                                      The Eagles loaded the bases with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  College of Charleston                      7:00 p.m.

Heckling                                 game in a sweep of Georgia State
                                         Wednesday afternoon at Eagle Field.
                                            The Eagles won game one 3-2 with
                                                                                          how we didit as a team," said Southern
                                                                                          head coach Natalie Poole. "Everybody
                                                                                          contributed and different people had
                                                                                                                                       error, which plated the winning run.
                                                                                                                                            "I think we started off not being
                                                                                                                                       aggressive and we talked to them as
                                                                                                                                                                                  no outs in the fourth thanks to two
                                                                                                                                                                                  singles and a walk. Georgia State
                                                                                                                                                                                  starter Chelsey Morgan was on her
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The Citadel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Savannah State                             7:30 p.m.

      When I reached that ripe old       three runs in the sixth and took game            to step up and it was great to see that      coaches about making adjustments           way to pitching out of the rally, strik-                           TODAY
 age of 16, I found I wasn't ath-                                                         happen."                                     the next time around and told them to      ing out the next batter and inducing            Wofford
letically gifted enough to make                                                               Game 1 - Georgia Southern 3,             get on something early in the count,"      a foul out, but sophomore Aubrey                College of Charleston                      7:00 p.m.
 the team. I found out the hard                                                           Georgia State 2                              added Poole.                               Thweatt's (Georgia, Vt.) first hit of the
way, not making the cut for the                                                               Georgia State starter Elizabeth               Sophomore Melissa Laliberte           season was a big one, a bases-clear-            Citadel
high-school teams of the sports I                                                         Hyman was perfect through 3.2 in-            (Cobourg, Ontario, Canada) went the        ing double to give Georgia Southern             Savannah State                             7:30 p.m.
 so dearly loved.                                                                         nings and had a no-hitter going until        distance, striking out seven to improve    a 3-2 lead;
             So I did what hundreds                                                       the sixth, but gave up all three runs        to 2-2. Hyman falls to 1-3.
of thousands of                                                                           with two outs.                                    Game 2 - Georgia Southern 5,                                                                          SoCon Men Standings as of 2/21

former athletes                                                                               The Panthers put two runners             Georgia State 2
                                                                                                                                                                                             Box Score                                                          North Division
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 RHE              STANDINGS                     W-L              W-L
do when their not                                                                         across in the fourth using a triple by           The second game started very             Georgia State      0011000-2 4 1              Bon                           9-4              13-13
wanted anymore: I                                                                         Jessie Harmon to go up 2-0.                  similar to the first with the Panthers       Georgia Southem.....000 500x-5 9 2            Chattanooga                   7-6              16-12
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Western Carolina              7-6              13-15
became a fan.                                                                                 Hyman's perfect game was broken          grabbing a 2-0 lead on two unearned
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Appalachian State             5-8              11-15
      Many folks be-                                                                      up by an error in the fourth, but she        runs.                                        Pitching Statistics                           UNC Greensboro                4-8              11-16
lieve my passion                                                                          allowed zero hits until the sixth. Se-           The first run came in the third          Georgia State            IP H RERBBK                                        South Division
                                                                                                                                                                                    Morgan, Chelsey 1,1-2   4,0 9 5 5 12                                        W-L              W-L
for sports began chadBlshop                                                               nior Shanita Black (Fayetteville, N.C.)      inning. Mary Kathryn Branan led
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Ga. Southern                  10-4             19-8
in college, but ac- jS a senior                                                           started the two-out rally with a single      off the inning by reaching on an error       Hyman, Elizabeth        2.0 0 0 0 0 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Davidson                      9-5              16-10
tually it began in English major                                                          and junior Heather Smith (William-           and then came around to score on                                                            Coll. of Charleston          8-5              16-9
                                                                James Hall/STAFF                                                                                                    Georgia Southern         IP H RERBBK           Furman                       8-6              15-11
high6    school. I was f7rS;e''-         An Eagle softball,player rounds                  son, Ga.) followed with a double to put      another miscue.
                        ville, GA. His                                                                                                                                              MandiStophlet            3.0 4 2 0 10          Wofford                      6-7              11-15
the kid who on sports column             towards home in the game against                 the Eagles on the board. Senior Gina             In the fourth, Harmon led off                                                           The Citadel                  0-14             7-20
                                                                                                                                                                                    Logan Free W,3-3         4.0 0 0 0 5 2
Friday nights was appears in             Georgia State Wednesday.                         Sterchi (Chattanooga, Tenn.) made            with a single, advanced to second on                                                                  SoCon Women Standings as of 2/21
                          he George
at the high ° school TAnne every '
basketball game Wednesday,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      W-L              W-L
when most kids
were making out with each other at
the movies. I have no regrets.
                                            Baseball looks to round up the 'Herd
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  UNC Greensboro
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Appalachian St.
      Becoming a fan meant I found       Staff Writer                                    Sunday at 1:30.                               outscoring Marshall 30-13 in a three            Marshall began its 100th baseball          Western Carolina              8-9              8-18
a fascination with heckling. Heck-                                                            The Eagles have not played Mar-          game home stand.                           season last weekend against Belmont.            Charleston                    7-10             11-15

ling is any form of shouting insults         The Georgia Southern Eagles                 shall since 1997, when Marshall was               Georgia Southern has won three                                                         Elon                          6-10             11-14
                                                                                                                                                                                  The team split the double header with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Ga. Southern                  6-11             9-17
at opposing players on the field.        Baseball team (4-5) will play Marshall          still a part ofthe Southern Conference.       of their last four games with a three      a 7-5 win in the second game. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Furman                        5-11             9-17
Over the years I've had the middle       University (1-1) this weekend in a              GSU has won the last 6 games of the           game sweep ofSt. Josephs last weekend      Herd returns this season with its entire        Wofford                       3-13             7-18
finger shown to me, players fake         three game series at J.I. Clements              series and holds a commanding 12-2            and a loss to Jacksonville on Tuesday.     starting infield and all but two of their
passes to me and even players tell       Stadium. Game time is scheduled                 record overall against Marshall. In           Overall, the Eagles are batting .303       pitchers from 2005.
me to, "please leave me alone."          for Friday at 7:00 and Saturday and             1997, the Eagles swept the Herd,              with 12 home runs and 65 RBI. Greg              Marshall's probable starters for
What a great feeling.                                                                                                                  Dowling is batting .475 and leads the
                                                                                                                                                                                  this weekend are Jeremy Slone (0-1,
      But I've also watched some                                                                                                       team with 16 hits and 13 runs, while       3.38 ERA), Brian Chrisman (1-0,3.86                       SoCon Baseball Standings as of 2/20
horrendous heckling over the                                                                                                           Brett Pelfrey and Chris Hollis are hit-    ERA), and Chris Koutsavlis (0-0,0.00            STANDINGS                       SoCon      Overall
years from fans that do more to                                                                                                        ting well over .300. Freshman catcher      ERA) respectively. Slone was one of             Team                            W-L-T      W-L-T
embarrass their own team than                                                                                                          Griffin Benedict has also come on          the team's top three pitchers last season       Coll. of Charleston             0-0-0      4-2-0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Davidson                        0-0-0      2-1-0
to distract the visiting team. So                                                                                                      strong of late, going 10-20 with a team    and went 5.1 innings allowing 2 earned
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Elon                            0-0-0      4-3-0
my fellow hecklers, here are a few                                                                                                     leading .750 slugging percentage.          runs on 8 hits in the team's season             Wofford                         0-0-0      5-4-0
rules to guide through your years                                                                                                          On the mound this weekend, the         opener. Chrisman missed all of the              Georgia Southern                0 0 0      4-4-0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  TheCitadel                      0-0-0      2-2^0
of heckling.                                                                                                                           Eagles probable starters will be Josh      2004 season due to injury, but returned
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Appalachian State               0-0-0      1-1-0
      1) As my boys in Rage Against                                                                                                    Lairsey (2-1, 4.91 ERA) on Friday          last weekend striking out 9 batters in          Western Carolina                0-0-0      1-1-0
the Machine once so eloquentlyput                                                                                                      and Everett Teaford (1-1, 6.78 ERA)        4.2 innings ofwork. Koutsavlis has not          Furman                          0-0-0      1-3-0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  UNC Greensboro                  0-0-0      0-3-0
it, "Know Your Enemy!" Put some                                                                                                        on Saturday. Lairsey has pitched well      pitched this season, but over his career
time in to researching a player's                                                                                                      in 2006 as he leads the team in wins       he has accumulated 238.1 innings of
mother's name, his favorite leisure                                                                                                    and innings pitched. Teaford has           work, leaving him 61.2 innings shy of
time activity or what his pet peeve                                                                                                    had some trouble with the long ball        the school record.                                        SCOREBOARD
his. Get inside a player's head if                                                                                                     this season, but he leads the team in           Marshall is batting .271 this season       Elon
you really want to accomplish a                                                                                                        strikeouts (17) and his opponents          with 10 runs on 16 hits during their            Duke                                      3:00 p.m.
good heckle.                                                                                                                           are only batting .229 against him. In      series at Belmont. The offense is led by
      2) There's a fine line when re-                                                                                                  the bullpen, David Cogswell has also       senior catcher Rich Russell who sat out         Citadel
peating a certain word or phrase.                                                                                                      performed well with an ERA of 1.69         last season because ofinjury. Russell is        Hofstra                                   3:00 p.m.
You don't want to be the one sitting                                                                                                   and a save through 5 appearances.          batting .400 so far this season and was
                                                                                                          Grayson Hoffman/STAFF
alone in the bleachers because                                                                                                         Sunday's pitcher will be announced         on the preseason JohnnyBench watch              Savannah State
                                         GSU pitcher EverettTeaford winds up to pitch.Teaford is scheduled to start
everyone else can't stand you            against Marshall on Saturday. The game begins at 1:30 p.m.                                    at a later date.                           list in 2005 before being injured.              College of Charleston                           5 p.m.
screaming, "Hey Wilson, you're
stupid!" However, a good slow,
"Daaaaaar-ryl! Daaaaaar-ryl!"
can have a wonderfully melodic
                                         Hockey team eliminated from Olympics Giles ready to be leadoff
rhythm, which invites the crowd
                                         Associated Press                                                                                                                         By Charles Odum
to join in.                                                                             Brian Gionta closed the gap to 4-3                                                        Associated Press                               Giles theprobableleadoffreplacement
      3) Being witty always outweighs        TURIN, Italy - Shot after shot             with 4:27 left, off a pretty feed into                                                                                                   for Furcal.
being vulgar. Anecdotes about            slid through Rick DiPietro's pads,             the crease by Chris Drury.                                                                    KISSIMMEE, Fla. - Marcus                       "If Giles goes up there and draws
promiscuity and bathroom habits          caromed in off his body and bounced                 But Finland closed down on de-                                                       Giles said Wednesday he's ready to walks and hits .300 and hits 40 or 50
make most people uncomfortable.          the U.S. men's hockey team out of the          fense in the final period and recorded                                                    move up as the Atlanta Braves' new doubles like he always does, I think
But cultural references and insight-     Olympics.                                      only three shots.                                                                         leadoff hitter.                                there's going to continue to be tre-
ful jokes will get the players atten-        Olli Jokinen scored two power-                  By claiming the last quarterfinal                                                        It's a good thing, as there appear mendous opportunities to produce
tion every time, even if he or she       play goals in the second period for            berth, the U.S. drew undefeated Fin-                                                      to be no other strong candidates for runs," Jones said.
pretends they're not listening.          Finland, which recovered after blow-           land that came into the game with a                                                       the job.                                           Giles won't be expected to match
      4) The main purpose of heck-       ing an early two-goallead and beat the          5-0 mark and a 19-2 scoring edge.                                                            "I'm excited," Giles said. "It's Furcal's 2005 total of 46 stolen bases,
ling is to distract the player from      United States 4-3 Wednesday night in                Ville Peltonen gave Finland the                                                      another challenge and I'm ready to but Jones said Giles balances that with
his game. Every second they are          an Olympic quarterfinal game.                  lead when he rolled a puck between                                                        get it started."                              his doubles. Either way, Jones said,
listening to you is a second that            The U.S. team never got going              DiPietro's pads, and Sami Salo made                                                           As the Braves had their first full- there's a baserunner on second.
                                                                                                                                                   AP Photo/Christophe Ena
they are not concentrating on            in Turin: They struggled to score              it 2-0 with a short-handed goal before      The United States goalie John Gra-           squad workout of spring training                    Giles said he's not placing too much
the game at hand. A slight lapse         when the goaltending was good, and             the first period was over.                  hame reacts after losing 4-3 to Fin-         Wednesday, Giles is the obvious pick emphasis on his expected new role.
in concentration could mean a            played poor defense when the goals                  The Americans rallied, however,        land in an Olympic men's ice hockey          as the successor to Rafael Furcal, who              "Ifyou start worrying about chang-
thrown away pass, a missed ground        finally came.                                  on goals by Mike Knuble and Mathieu         quarterfinal game Wednesday.                 left Atlanta to sign as a free agent with ing your style you find yourself in
ball or a fumble. And it's all because       The Finns will play in the semifi-         Schneider. But Jokinen netted his first                                                  the Los Angeles Dodgers.                       trouble," he said.
of you.                                  nals on Friday against the winner of           goal at 5:06 of the second period and        tournament.                                      It's not as if Giles is a classic leadoff     "I think maybe the only thing I
      5) Gender and race are sen-        the Canada-Russia game, while the              then made it 4-2 with 2:50 remaining             Finland doubled its lead at 12:01       hitter, as was Furcal. It's just that there might do different is take more stolen
sitive issues in today's society.        Americans (1-4-1) will try to figure           in the frame.                               with a short-handed goal. Sami Salo          is no other choice with Giles' strengths base attempts."
Remember, your team is filled            out why they managed only one win                   The second goal tooka circuitous       forced a turnover at the blue line, as       — good speed with a .377 on-base                   Giles said he won't try to imitate
with members of different races,         after capturing the silver medal four          route, striking DiPietro high and            the U.S. tried to set up its power play,    percentage for the last three years.           Furcal.
genders and ethnicity. Making            years ago in Salt Lake City.                   rebounding into the air and off the          and raced the puck up the ice. The              Asked Wednesday if he expects                  "As good as Furcal was, he made
cracks about Latinos may seem                DiPietro wasn't nearly as steady           crossbar. He reached back in a des-         Americans appeared to have things            Braves manager Bobby Cox to open it look easy," Giles said.
funny at the time, but it hurts their    as he was in playing three straight            perate attempt to grab it, but instead      covered in their zone, but Salo's            competition for the leadoff job, veteran           As the No. 2 hitter last season, Giles
players just as much, as it hurts        games in the preliminary round. He             swatted the puck into the net.              hard drive from above the left circle        third baseman Chipper Jones replied had 16 steals in 19 attempts. Often he
your own.                                allowed five goals but that was only                United States penalties through-       smacked the blade ofSchneider's stick        "With...?"                                     was wary of the possibility that if he
      6) Knowing when to heckle is       good enough to earn the Americans              out the third period — including a          and soared over DiPietro's glove.                The implied answer from Jones is was caught trying to steal, it could
vital if you don't want to make an       one win and a fourth-place finish in           4-minute, high-sticking call against            The United States, 6-3-2 against         there are no other leadoff scenarios. take away a chance for Chipper Jones
idiot of yourself. Down by 15 late       their pool. DiPietro was on the short          Derian Hatcher after he bloodied the        Finland in the Olympics, got within          Barring changes, it appears likely or Andruw Jones to drive him in with
in the game is no time to tell the       end of two consecutive 2-1 decisions           mouth of Teemu Selanne — cut off            2-1 when Knuble deflected in Sch-            the Braves will open with Giles, new an extra-base hit.
other team that they inhale vigor-       before sitting out in favor of backup          any chance of a comeback.                   neider's drive at 13:14 of the first. The    shortstop Edgar Renteria, Jones and                "When you're hitting in front of
ously. Know when your team is            Robert Esche in Tuesday night's 5-4                Coach Peter Laviolette tried to         Americans tied it when Schneider             Andruw Jones as their first four Chipper, a lot of times you're just
beat and save you're A' game for         loss to Russia that had no bearing on          shake life into his team early on by        sent another blast that found the net        hitters.                                       as good on first as on second," Giles
next time.                               either team in the group standings.            calling timeout midway through              just 1:29 into the second period.                The Braves have been successful said.
       So there you go. Next time            The Americans pulled DiPietro              the first period when the score was             Finland, which eliminated the            with Furcal leading off and Giles, a               Giles runs well, but Cox said he has
you make your way to the game            in the last 90 seconds, and Finnish            already 1 -0. He yelled curses as he face   United States during the semifinals          2003 Ail-Star who hit .291 with 15 no replacement for Furcal's speed.
do something every grade school          goalie Antero Niittymaki made 15               turned red, and finished the tirade         of the World Cup of Hockey in 2004,          homers last year, hitting second. But              "We'll miss that because Furcal is
teacher has told you: think before       of his 25 saves in the third period to         with an emphatic, "Let's Go!"               then got the deciding offense from           Chipper Jones says he doesn't expect the best at it, but you can win games
you speak.                               hold off the United States' final push.            And go they did, right out of the       Jokinen.                                     a drop-off in RBI possibilities with other ways," Cox said.
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