Business Comment Transport and Infrastructure - Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce

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Business Comment Transport and Infrastructure - Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce

Transport and
Business Comment Transport and Infrastructure - Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce

International                                             Transport and
Enterprising                                              Infrastructure                                                                                22
                                                                                                                                                        Cleaner, Calmer
                                                          Welcome to the latest issue of Business Comment.                                              and Greener

                                                                                                                                                        City Centre
                                                          Cities are the engines of our economy,         impacts the city centre making many
                                                          driving growth and prosperity for our          businesses unviable. The number of
                                                          citizens, hotbeds for innovation and           unemployment claimants in Edinburgh

                                                          creative dynamos of the arts, culture and      is up 200% since February with over
                                                          creative industries.                           69,000 people on Furlough. The Scottish
                                                                                                         Licence Trade estimate up to two thirds
                                                          And our city centre is the very heart of our
                                                                                                         of licenced premises may be mothballed

                                                          city, Scotland’s Capital and the biggest
                                                                                                         or closed if the restrictions continue.
                                                          force in our national economy.
                                                                                                         Potentially a loss of up to 5000 jobs.
                                                          That is why Edinburgh Chamber, along           Many hotels closed through the winter.
                                                          with other business organisations, has
                                                                                                         While successful neighbourhoods are,
                                                          been demanding greater action from
The final word in business education                      our political and civic leaders – both at
                                                          national and local level – to focus on
                                                                                                         or course, to be celebrated it must not
                                                                                                         be an ‘either or’. Without our vibrant city
                                                                                                         centre, what will the future of Edinburgh
                                                          what they can do to help our city centres
                                                                                                         look like? We cannot be complacent and

                                                          plot a recovery from the enormously
                                                                                                         take for granted continuing success if
                                                          damaging impacts of the Covid-19                                                                            New Life for Edinburgh’s
                                                                                                         we allow our city centre, our most prized
                                                          pandemic and the restrictions imposed to                                                                    Beating Heart
                                                                                                         asset, to wither on the vine.
                                                          combat it.
                                                                                                         It is therefore encouraging to read that
                                                          An estimated 70% of the population will
                                                                                                         St James Quarter and their billion pound
                                                          live and work in cities by 2050. But the
                                                                                                         plus development aimed at reimagining
                                                          pandemic has been a catalyst for a major
                                                                                                         our city centre as a retail destination has    Contents and Introduction                03
                                                          shift in the way we work, travel, socialise
                                                                                                         the continued confidence of national
                                                          and come together. Neighbourhoods                                                             Member Benefit                           04
                                                                                                         and international retailers and hoteliers,
                                                          have benefited from the ‘buy local’
                                                                                                         despite the huge problems we have faced        Chamber News                        05 | 09
                                                          messages as people work from home
                                                                                                         through coronavirus.
                                                          and travel less. Communities have
                                                                                                                                                        Inspiring Connections                    11
                                                          come together to support each other            Business wants to build again, to invest,
                                                          and in many ways we have rediscovered          to grow and we need our politicians to         Chamber News                             13
                                                          the values of a more cohesive society.         provide the policy environment to help
Strathclyde Business School is a top business                                                                                                           Top Tips                                 14
                                                          The new buzz phrases are ‘the 20               us provide the jobs and opportunities
school within a leading international technological       minute commute’, ‘Place-Making’ and            that our citizens depend on. Edinburgh         New Members                              15
University, recently named UK University of the Year      ‘empowered communities’.                       Chamber, as ever, will be speaking up for
in the prestigious Times Higher Awards 2019.                                                             businesses.                                    Ask the Expert                           16
                                                          All good. But our city centres do so much
                                                          to define our cities and the success they                                                     Corporate View                           18
As a long-established, pioneering business school,        enjoy, or not. Big international brands
we understand the business needs of organisations,        recognise the demand and success
                                                                                                                                                        Developing Young Workforce               20
from SMEs and start ups to global players.                that Edinburgh’s unique centre has to                                                         Special Report                      22 | 25
                                                          offer. This has created a vibrant city
With seven international centres, we know first hand      with choice, entertainment and a quality                                                      In Conversation With                     26
the importance of global thinking and we continue         of life that attracts talent, students,
                                                                                                                                                        60 Seconds | Get with IT                 27
to introduce innovative business programmes and           entrepreneurs, investors and visitors.
bespoke executive education to suit the demands of        This summer we saw a reduction in                                                             International Update                     28
an evolving business world.                               footfall of 2 million each month in the                                                       Chamber Training                         29
                                                          city centre, significantly impacting retail                               Liz McAreavey
Our acclaimed MBA programme can be studied on             and hospitality. Working from home,                                       Chief Executive,
                                                                                                                                                        Chamber Policy Update                    31
                                                                                                                                    Edinburgh Chamber
a full time, part time or flexible learning basis which   likely to continue to spring 2021, further                                of Commerce         Chamber Partners                    32 | 35
means you don’t have to give up the day job – or
                                                                                                                                                        Edinburgh’s Newcomers                    38
travel far – to get a world class MBA.                                                                                                                                             December/January 2021 BC        3
Business Comment Transport and Infrastructure - Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce
INSPIRING COMMUNITIES                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            CHAMBER NEWS

                                                                                                                                                             Local government leaders call for post-COVID
     Covid has shown us how to build a collaborative city                                                                                                    recovery to be rooted in stronger, wealthier
     We all have to eat. Yet the pandemic meant that more people than ever before in                                                                         communities, new Arcadis report finds
     Scotland’s capital city were not sure where their next meal would come from.
                                                                                                                                                             As COVID-19 continues to dramatically change the way we all live, travel and
                                                                                                                                                             behave, a new report from Arcadis has highlighted some of the key priorities for
                                                                                                                                                             both local government and the general public, as authorities across the country
                                                                                                                                                             look to deliver a recovery that builds back stronger communities.
                                                                                                                                                             To better understand what the public, local
                                                                                                                                                             government and public sector leaders see as
                                                                                                                                                             the top priorities for post-COVID recovery in their
                                                                                                                                                             areas, Arcadis carried out research covering
                                                                                                                                                             1,700 organisations and individuals. More than
                                                                                                                                                             60% of local government respondents agreed
                                                                                                                                                             that a focus on ‘community wealth building’
                                                                                                                                                             would help to revitalise town centres. Meanwhile,
                                                                                                                                                             with more than 1 in 3 members of the general
                                                                                                                                                             public calling for a prioritisation of improvements
                                                                                                                                                             to the high street, the research highlighted a
                                                                                                                                                             growing consensus that the recovery should be
                                                                                                                                                             a unique opportunity for a radical rethink of how
                                                                                                                                                             we view our communities and live our lives.
                                                                                                                                                             COVID-19 has shown just how important the
                                                                                                                                                             strength and resilience of our communities
                                                                                                                                                             should be. The public opinion polling showed a
                                                                                                                                                             clear preference for prioritising local interventions
                                                                                                                                                             that protect and improve public health, local
                                                                                                                                                             amenities and the environment. Amongst                     Creating the right homes in the right places      work to understand the new landscape and the
                                                                                                                                                             the general public, the polling showed that                                                                  opportunities it could bring across business,
                                                                                                                                                             investment in green transport and home energy              Re-imagining town centres and high streets
     Covid shone a disconcerting light on just how       baked 60 cakes for food parcels. Phoenix                                                                                                                                                                         public sector and political leadership. Most
                                                                                                                                                             efficiency measures to tackle climate change               Putting digital inclusivity at the heart of the
     fragile the circumstances are of many families      staff baked and bought cakes for the same                                                           ranked amongst the top priorities for local                                                                  importantly, we have the chance to radically
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        health and wellbeing agenda                       re-think how we view our communities and live
     of all shapes and sizes. Thankfully, led by         purpose. Leith Rugby Club players, many                                                             spending overall. Similarly, local authority leaders
     that same light, many amazing cross-sector          on furlough, supported the Citadel Youth                                                            saw investment in active travel schemes that               Actively exploring new forms of mobility          our lives.
     collaborations, supported by people from all        Project to distribute food. Mimi’s bakers                                                           support walking and cycling, as well as measures
                                                                                                                                                             to increase public transport capacity as some of        Across all of these levers, there needs to be        “We hope that through close collaboration
     walks of life, stepped up so that those in need     donated cakes. There were pies from Jarvis’s.
                                                                                                                                                             the most achievable short-term goals.                   consideration of any climate impacts to ensure       between all groups involved in building back
     were fed.                                           Vans from Arnold Clark. Laptops donated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     the recovery builds greener communities as           better, the benefits of the post-COVID recovery
                                                         so folk could stay in touch. Clothes, socks,                                                        The findings of the report strongly make the case       well as stronger ones. Similarly, they must be
     RBS, for example, used their Gogarburn              toys, and so much more was given. In fact I                                                         for a renewed focus on implementing policies at                                                              will extend well beyond simply bringing GDP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     underpinned by emerging innovative digital tools
     facilities and expansive client network to          probably should apologise to the many acts                                                          all levels of local government that strengthen and                                                           back to pre-pandemic levels, but will also embed
                                                                                                           more of these inspiring stories in more detail.                                                           that have the potential to radically improve the
     access and gather food – and much more – in         of generosity I have missed! So many people                                                         protect the health, wealth and wellbeing of local       effectiveness and inclusivity of local authority     sustainable long-lasting change in our towns and
                                                                                                           We don’t just want to inspire and celebrate,
     one place to be distributed to partner charities.   who were facing real crisis due to Covid were                                                       communities, as well as delivering lower carbon         policies and services.                               cities, and for the people who live within them.”
     Cyrenians turned their training kitchen into                                                          as positive as this will be, but we also want     and greener places that everyone can enjoy.
                                                         supported by so many others, who gave what                                                                                                                  Arcadis is now calling for greater collaboration     Lord Barwell, a strategic advisor to Arcadis and
     a production kitchen where staff, aided by                                                            to encourage all of us to ask the question: if
                                                         they had to people they would never know.                                                           This is a crucial time for local authorities            between local authorities and the private sector
                                                                                                           we can collaborate so quickly and effectively                                                                                                                  former Housing and Planning Minister said:
     volunteers including furloughed chefs, were                                                                                                             with the imminent Comprehensive Spending                to ensure the unique opportunity for lasting
     producing up to 1000 meals a day. Meanwhile,        For those sleeping rough it was a particularly    when faced with a crisis, if we can shatter       Review and further fiscal interventions from            positive change to come from this crisis is not      “The pandemic may have taken the climate
     supported by donations from supermarkets,           challenging time. But a real cross-sector         silos and break barriers with such great effect   Central Government likely before the end of the         passed over.                                         debate off the front pages, but it will be back with
     businesses, and elsewhere, Cyrenians’               partnership between the third sector, the City    in a time of particular need, why can’t we        year. More than ever the private sector has an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Mark Cowlard CEO of Arcadis UK and Ireland           bigger and bolder ambitions. As we look to forge
     FareShare operation geared up from                  Council, the Scottish Government, and the         do it all the time? We want to create a “next     essential role to play supporting local authorities
                                                                                                                                                             in managing these challenges and delivering             said:                                                a successful post-COVID recovery, it is crucial
     distributing 10 tonnes of surplus food each         private sector in the form of hotels, helped
                                                                                                           normal”, which continues to see different                                                                                                                      local decision makers, business leaders, and
                                                         over 700 people off the streets and into                                                            stronger and wealthier communities.                     “The spread of COVID-19 has dramatically
     week, to distributing 80 tonnes, allowing them                                                        sectors not as ‘foreign’ to our own world, but                                                                                                                 developers take note of this report and not only
                                                         accommodation in hotels between March and                                                           To help local authorities better understand             changed how communities live, travel and
     to deliver food for around 1 million meals                                                            as places where we can all seek to collaborate                                                                                                                 build back better, but build a healthier, greener
                                                         September. In all that time, not one person                                                         how the private sector can help, Arcadis has            behave. From breaking old certainties to the
     between March and July. Other organisations,                                                          with our fellow citizens, to keep making our                                                                                                                   and more inclusive society.”
                                                         staying in the hotels contracted Covid.                                                             developed a range of short- and medium-term             acceleration of new trends, it has forced us to
     such as Scan Academy, Broomhouse Centre,                                                              Capital City a place where everyone knows                                                                 quickly adapt to new ways of living.
                                                                                                                                                             opportunities and recommendations for a shared                                                               The full report can be viewed and downloaded
     Big Hearts, Fresh Start, Grassmarket project        There are so many other amazing stories to        that they matter, and where we all belong,        recovery that strengthens communities. These
     and a myriad of others, all found their own         tell. The Chamber’s Inspiring Communities                                                                                                                   “While some of the longer-term effects may take      here.
                                                                                                           whatever our story or circumstance.               five ‘levers’ for a shared recovery include:            years to be fully understood, there is a now a
     ways of getting food to those who could not         and Inspiring Talent Networks will be running a                                                                                                                                                                  kingdom/our-perspectives/recovery-campaign/
                                                                                                                                                                Embracing the principles of 15-minute                pressing need for action to rebuild our economy
     otherwise access it. One 100-year-old woman         campaign in the next few months to tell some      Ewan Aitken, CEO Cyrenians                                                                                                                                     our-shared-recovery-plan-for-stronger-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and tackle wider societal challenges. We must
                                                                                                                                                                communities                                                                                               communities-arcadis/

4   BC   December/January 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            December/January 2021 BC               5
Business Comment Transport and Infrastructure - Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce
CHAMBER NEWS                                                                                                                                                    BC ADVERTORIAL

    Engineer Dr Carol Marsh awarded with OBE for                                                                                                                    Are You Outgrowing Your Accounting System?
    services to diversity and inclusion champions vision                                                                                                            Growing businesses often outgrow their accounting software or legacy Enterprise
    that celebrates independent women                                                                                                                               Resource Planning (‘ERP’) systems that are unable to handle increased inventory
                                                                                                                                                                    and transactions, lack integration with other line-of-business applications and have
    Edinburgh engineer Dr Carol Marsh, who has just received an OBE for services to                                                                                 reporting limitations. Customers also feel pain around scalability, mobility and cloud.
    diversity and inclusion in the Queen’s 2020 birthday honours, wants to encourage
    girls and women to view engineering careers as a route to personal and                                                                                          A modern business must work smarter and
                                                                                                                                                                    more efficiently to stay competitive. And where
    professional independence.                                                                                                                                      previously a business might have been able
                                                                                                                                                                    to work around the limitations of their current
                                                                                                                                                                    systems, what this year has shown is that
    Carol works as the Deputy Head of Electronics         to consider engineering careers,
                                                                                                                                                                    those limitations are considerably more difficult
    Engineering at aerospace engineering company          she believes that the whole industry
                                                                                                                                                                    to navigate when teams are not as centralised
    Leonardo and believes that working as an              can benefit from engaging a richer
                                                                                                                                                                    as they were previously. Regardless of where
    engineer can provide women with professional          diversity of individuals from different
                                                                                                                                                                    your team is located today, all of this takes
    independence to create solutions in a role that       backgrounds, who can offer a wealth
                                                                                                                                                                    time and effort to maintain, so how can your
    presents stimulating challenges every day.            of perspectives that ultimately
                                                                                                                                                                    business grow.
    However, she also thinks that many students,          enhance innovation.
    parents and teachers still do not realise that
    engineering roles are amongst the best-paid
                                                          As an engineer who has always                                                                             Not sure if this applies to your
    jobs in the UK, offering a route to financial
                                                          been fascinated by other women                                                                            business?
                                                          who have been first movers in
    independence.                                                                                                                                                   Take a minute to identify if your existing
                                                          new areas of innovation, Carol has                                                                                                                            software that would integrate into accounting       As an all-in-one platform solution, it makes
                                                                                                                                                                    systems have what it takes to make the most
    Educated in Edinburgh, Carol attended                 invested a great deal of time and                                                                                                                             systems such as Sage and Exchequer to               managing financials, sales, service and
                                                                                                                                                                    of new opportunities. Take into consideration
    Tynecastle High School before studying                effort into establishing a catalogue                                                                                                                          help businesses meet specific business              operations easier and faster at a lower cost
                                                                                                                                                                    some typical signs customers experience when
    Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Napier       of female innovators over the past                                                                                                                            requirements that the accounting software           of ownership, compared to traditional ERP
                                                                                                                                                                    they want to handle additional growth and see
    University. For decades, she has pioneered            century for WES, as a permanent                                                                                                                               could not offer out of the box. We have             solutions and is tailored to specifically meet the
                                                                                                                                                                    if they sound familiar:
    new approaches to increase girls' and women's         resource for STEM Ambassadors,                                                                                                                                considerable experience in building integrated      needs of SMEs. Being a cloud-based solution,
    awareness of career opportunities. According          parents and teachers across the                                                                              Systems are disconnected and information         applications for areas such as stock control        Business Central offers faster implementation
    to recent research, at present women only             UK. These include female engineers,                                                                          is siloed                                        and purchase order process as well as               and migration from existing systems, no
    represent 12.37% of the engineering workforce,        scientists and WES presidents from                                                                                                                                                                                upfront hardware and software costs,
                                                                                                                                                                       Duplicate data entry into multiple systems       integration into customer websites for both
    with only 30% of women who qualify in STEM            the 1920s to the present day. Many                                                                                                                                                                                combined with a much lower cost of ownership
                                                                                                                                                                       frequently occurs                                order taking and customer relationship
    disciplines remaining in the industry. She thinks     of WES’s early members played                                                                                                                                                                                     based on a monthly, per user, per month
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        management. And although these have worked
    that part of the problem is that there still isn’t    a significant part in the nascent                                                                            Accounting occurs in Excel and not in your                                                           licensing model and that can be accessed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        well for our customers, the risk with these types
    enough awareness about how empowering a               aeronautical industries, working as                                                                          financial system                                                                                     securely from anywhere from any device in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        of solutions is that when the vendors upgrade
    career in engineering can be.                         designers, engineers and pilots in the                                                                                                                                                                            same way that you can get your email and files
                                                                                                               Last year when Carol chaired the IET Scotland           Reporting is complicated and provides            their core accounting systems, the bespoke
                                                          1920s and 1930s.                                                                                                                                                                                                  from Office 365.
    Carol said: “Engineering isn’t just a job, it is                                                           Dinner, she used the event to highlight the             insufficient detailed information                software integration may also need updated. All
    a vocation. When you’re an engineer, you’re           Amy Johnson is possibly the most famous              achievements of past pioneers including Radar                                                            of which results in a loss of time and revenue
    thinking about it all the time. If girls want to be   WES member, acting as WES President from                                                                     Lack of secure workflows and audit trails        and an increase in cost.                            How can Endeavour help?
                                                                                                               Electronics Engineer Betty Laverick, Electrical         increase risk
    independent, it is one of the best careers you        1933-1934 and renowned for her adventures as                                                                                                                                                                      We are delighted to announce the addition of
                                                                                                               Engineer Margaret Mary Patridge and little
    can choose, because you get to do work that is        a pilot. She qualified as an engineer and worked
                                                                                                               known Marine Engineer Victorial Drummond.
                                                                                                                                                                       Inability to handle increased inventory and      So what is so different now?                        Dynamics 365 Business Central to our range of
    really exciting, you look forward to coming into      hard to encourage and inspire other women                                                                    transactions from sources such as                                                                    Microsoft cloud-based solutions. Our Microsoft
                                                                                                               In addition, Carol has collaborated with Dr                                                              Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is
    work every day, and you get paid good money           to join the industry and become qualified.                                                                   e-commerce                                                                                           Certified team have been delivering Dynamics
                                                                                                               Nina Baker, Engineering Historian, to research                                                           designed to provide tools to better manage
    to do so, so you can be truly independent both        Johnson achieved worldwide recognition in                                                                                                                                                                         365 based solutions since its launch and in
    personally and professionally.”                       1930, when she became the first woman to             trailblazing female pioneers who transformed         When we see these issues being raised the           your financials, automate and secure your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            addition our implementation and migration
                                                          fly solo from England to Australia. Flying a         modern computing.                                    most obvious solution to recommend would            supply chain, boost sales and customer service,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            services are led by a Chartered Accountant
    Carol’s past roles have included working as                                                                                                                     be to implement an end-to-end ERP business          while optimising your operations. It connects
                                                          G-AAAH Jason, she left Croydon Airport, Surrey,                                                                                                                                                                   with over 30 years practical experience in
    the President of the Women's Engineering                                                                   Despite all of her achievements, Carol was           management solution that connects data              your people and processes with a single, unified
                                                          on 5 May and landed at Darwin, Northern                                                                                                                                                                           delivering the right information at the right time
    Society (WES) and the Chair of IET Scotland.                                                               genuinely shocked to receive her OBE award.          from across the entire business to streamline       solution integrated into Microsoft Office 365, so
                                                          Territory on 24 May after flying 11,000 miles                                                                                                                                                                     to organisations across many different types
    She was responsible for launching the WES                                                                  She said: “When I received the email, I couldn’t     business processes, improve customer                data can be quickly and easily shared with key
                                                          (18,000 km).                                                                                                                                                                                                      and sizes.
    'Female Engineering Student Conferences'                                                                   believe it and all I wanted to do was shout it out   interactions, and allows management to make         people throughout your organisation.
    across the UK to put female students into             Carol said: “Amy Johnson is the perfect              and tell my family, but of course you can’t and      better decisions. In the past, this has typically                                                       If you would like to speak with someone about
    direct contact with female role models in             example of an independent woman who used                                                                  been a very expensive solution out of reach         That means you get access to current, accurate      how Dynamics 365 Business Central could
                                                                                                               it’s been so hard keeping it a secret. I want to                                                         data so you are making informed decisions
    the engineering industry. She also created            her engineering skills to push boundaries.                                                                of most small to medium sized organisations                                                             help support and grow your organisation, call
                                                                                                               thank everyone who nominated me and what I                                                               possible. For example, when a sales rep
    the WES 'Primary Girls Intro to Engineering'          Seeing is believing, and it is more important                                                             with expensive software, new hardware and                                                               us at either our Belfast office on 028 9031
                                                                                                               do would not be possible without the support                                                             working from home or on site makes a change
    events, which gave many girls their first taste       than ever for girls and women to get to know                                                              software and then expensive migration and                                                               1010 or Edinburgh office on 0131 376 0090
    of engineering, through activities incorporating      these role models – to learn about how they          of my family, the company I work for, Leonardo                                                           to a customer quote, it gets reflected in the       to discuss the potential power that Business
                                                                                                                                                                    implementation costs.
    everything from soldering to rocket building and      faced and overcame challenges and took               and the organisations I have been involved with                                                          numbers being pulled for a forecast report back     Central could deliver to your organisation.
                                                                                                               including the Women’s Engineering Society                                                                at the office. With more accurate information at
    coding. This annual event is now a mainstay of        control of them using engineering skills. If these                                                        What have we done in the past?                                                                          Additional information on Business Central and
    Leonardo's annual STEM calendar. While Carol          women managed it in the past, then there is no       (WES) and the Institution of Engineering and                                                             your fingertips, decisions have a bigger impact     the services we provide can be found on our
                                                                                                                                                                    In the past we would have built custom
    has focused on encouraging girls and women            reason why they can’t in the future.”                Technology (IET).”                                                                                       on the bottom line.                                 website at

6   BC     December/January 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           December/January 2021 BC              7
Business Comment Transport and Infrastructure - Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce
CHAMBER NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           CHAMBER NEWS

                                                                                                                                                                      activpayroll Donates Annual Social Budget to Local Charities
    Amplifi Solutions grows team a year on from
                                                                                                                                                                      activpayroll, the global payroll and tax compliance specialist headquartered
    launching in Scotland                                                                                                                                             in Aberdeen, Scotland has announced it has donated a five-figure sum to four
    Roger Daynes hired as Regional Manager for Scotland to work alongside                                                                                             Scottish charities during the coronavirus pandemic.
    Commercial Director Jamie Watts                                                                                                                                   activpayroll has donated a combined total of
                                                                                                                                                                      £16,000 to Maggie’s, Friends of Anchor, Charlie
                                                                                                                                                                      House and Support in Mind Scotland, with each
    R&D tax credit specialist Amplifi Solutions has                                                                                                                   receiving £4,000. It is hoped that the funds will
    grown its team a year on from launching in                                                                                                                        help the charities continue to support those
    Scotland. Roger Daynes is their new Regional
                                                                                                                                                                      that really need it during these unprecedented
    Manager for Scotland, bringing experience from
                                                                                                                                                                      and challenging times.
    an international career in technology, sales,
    marketing and growth, working in leadership                                                                                                                       activpayroll’s social committee, activ-in-action,
    teams at organisations including AEGON, Zurich                                                                                                                    is granted an annual budget for company
    and Nasdaq-listed Copart. Daynes will work                                                                                                                        events such as Summer BBQ’s, quiz nights,
    alongside Amplifi’s Commercial Director, Jamie                                                                                                                    Christmas parties and also organise smaller
    Watts, who joined Amplifi from Scottish tech                                                                                                                      gestures such as breakfast for the team on
    recruitment firm iMultiply in June 2019.                                                                                                                                                                              Charity has always been high on activpayroll’s        “With charities across the country working hard
                                                                                                                                                                      a Friday and free fruit. With all social events
    Amplifi Solutions was co-founded by Jeff                                                                                                                          cancelled for 2020, activ-in-action was             agenda, since 2016, the team has raised in            to ensure they stay afloat during these turbulent
    Drennan and Chris Maylin in Belfast in 2014, but                                                                                                                  tasked with coming up with an alternative           excess of £100,000 by taking part in a range          times, it is more important than ever that as a
    with the Scotland office growing quickly over the                                                                                                                 to give team members. Various ideas were            of challenges and events. At the beginning of         company, we support them in any way we can. I
    last twelve months, around half of all Amplifi’s                                                                                                                                                                      2020, activpayroll was set for another year of        am always immensely proud of all the charitable
                                                                                                                                                                      considered, including takeaway food vouchers,
    new clients are now headquartered here.                                                                                                                                                                               fundraising and challenges, however when the          work that goes on across the business, especially
                                                                                                                                                                      supermarket vouchers and virtual group events
    Amplifi’s client base in Scotland includes venture                                                                                                                                                                    coronavirus pandemic hit, these had to be put         the team’s decision to donate the annual social
                                                                                                                                                                      with prizes, however, the ultimate decision was
    capital-backed startups QikServe, the hospitality                                                                                                                                                                     on hold, ultimately affecting the charities that
                                                                                                                                                                      unanimous, the money that would normally                                                                  budget to charity. I would urge other businesses
    sector app which enables touch ordering and                                                                                                                                                                           so heavily rely on donations to survive.
                                                                                                                                                                      be spent on events would go to activpayroll’s                                                             who are in a fortunate position like us to do the
    payment; identity and access management
                                                                                                                                                                      chosen charities for 2020.                          Alison Sellar, CEO of activpayroll, commented:        same this year.”
    platform Symphonic Software, and Aberdeen-
    headquartered clean energy technology group
    East Coast Oil & Gas.
    Jeff Drennan, Managing Director and Co-              HMRC’s latest R&D Tax Credit statistics,               Private equity firm Maven Capital Partners is one
    Founder of Amplifi Solutions, said: “We’re
    excited to grow the team in Scotland, a country
                                                         published at the end of September, revealed
                                                         that Scottish SMEs made over 2,405 claims
                                                                                                                of Amplifi’s advocates, with Maven’s Investment
                                                                                                                Director, Alan Robertson, adding: “At a time           New Scottish HQ for Summers-Inman
    whose entrepreneurs continue to build a global       equating to £135 million R&D tax credit funding        when businesses are being tested by a number
    reputation for innovation, tech know-how and are     in 2018/2019, with the overall figures for             of external factors, it has never been more            Construction and property consultants Summers-Inman has opened a new Scottish
    creating some leading technology companies.                                                                 important for them to continue to innovate. A
    Most of these businesses are in the SME sector
                                                         Scotland-based businesses as a whole at 2,925
                                                         claims equating to £235 million in R&D tax credit      number of Maven investee businesses conduct            headquarters in Edinburgh as part of a strategic growth plan north of the Border.
    and are innovating every day, which means they       funding. In the UK as a whole, £5.3 billion of         high levels of ongoing R&D as part of their day-to-
    have the most to benefit from the R&D tax credit                                                            day operations and it is encouraging that they are     Located on the west side of the city, the new      The new Scottish HQ has seen a significant
                                                         R&D tax relief support was claimed in 2018/19                                                                 state-of-the-art office measures over 2400         investment in office furniture, technology and
    incentive.”                                                                                                 able to get support for this important investment
                                                         equating to £35.3 billion of R&D expenditure.                                                                 square feet and is considerably larger than the    the latest audio-visual equipment.
                                                                                                                by making use of the R&D tax credit incentive.”
    Drennan added: “Getting Roger on board, in                                                                                                                         company’s previous base in the capital.
                                                         Roger Daynes, Regional Manager for Scotland at                                                                                                                   “It not only provides much better facilities for
    addition to Jamie joining the senior team last
    year, gives us a wealth of advisory talent at a      Amplifi Solutions, said: “Being part of the Scottish   About Amplifi Solutions                                The move to larger premises has been made          our staff, but is also a much more modern and
                                                         diaspora in North America and the Middle East                                                                 to help meet rising demand after a series of       presentable commercial office space,” said
    time when government support has never been                                                                 Amplifi Solutions provides an end-to-end R&D
                                                         allowed me to see how highly rated the nation                                                                 significant contract wins, with the professional   Mr Cheatley. “Like everyone, when lockdown
    so high, nor so essential. For our new Scottish                                                             tax credit service from a team of qualified
                                                         is when it comes to all things tech. At Amplifi                                                               surveyors planning further growth in 2021.         was announced we switched to home working
    clients, we are highlighting areas of innovation                                                            accountants, data analysts and technical                                                                  and have been able to seamlessly facilitate
    within their business they didn’t even realise       Solutions I now have the chance to work with           experts who guide clients through the entire           The expansion into a new main office at New        that due to recent investment in our IT and
    qualified, which is opening up a new R&D tax         many of our most dynamic businesses and help           claim process, from innovation discovery, data         Mart Road with its improved open-plan facilities   communications systems, with a cloud-based
    relief avenue for businesses of all sizes and        them to harness their growth aspirations and           analysis, case study writing and submission of         and IT connectivity, comes after nearly seven      system and remote access facilities.
    sectors across the country.”                         potential.”                                            claims. Amplifi has built a trusted reputation         years at nearby Craiglockhart Avenue.
                                                                                                                in the marketplace with clients, accountants,                                                             “We work much better collaboratively so
                                                                                                                                                                       Aynsley Cheatley, Regional Managing Director       although we can work from home, our new
    “Being part of the Scottish diaspora in North America                                                       investors, advisers and HRMC.                          (Scotland) said: “                                 base will eventually allow us to do that. I don’t
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          see us returning to full-time office working in the
    and the Middle East allowed me to see how highly                                                                                                                   “We’re delighted with the new premises. It’s in
                                                                                                                                                                       a more commercial area, close to a number          short term but do envisage more flexibility in        with Leith-based Nutrend supplying the
    rated the nation is when it comes to all things tech. At                                                                                                           of our clients and can accommodate future          how we operate going forward.”                        furniture. They also used their own in-house
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                skills to design, specify, procure and manage
                                                                                                                                                                       expansion. Due to recent contract successes
    Amplifi Solutions I now have the chance to work with                                                                                                               there is a need for a larger space. We have more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Summers-Inman supported local businesses
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          for the fit-out of the new office. Local contractor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                the office fit-out and refurbishment works, with
    many of our most dynamic businesses and help them                                                                                                                  capacity than our previous office which allows
                                                                                                                                                                       us to accommodate our future growth plans.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          MPACT undertook the refurbishment works
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                project management overseen by Associate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Director, Michael Pollock.
    to harness their growth aspirations and potential.”

8   BC     December/January 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                December/January 2021 BC            9
Business Comment Transport and Infrastructure - Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce
CIRCULAR ECONOMY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      MEMBER BENEFIT

                                                                                                                                                                    Meet the Mentor
                                                                                                                                                                    Oliver Tidman, Founder and Managing Director Tidman Legal offers his
     Circular innovation that gives you a warm feeling                                                                                                              expertise and guidance to mentees so they can go on to develop successful
     If you’re concerned about the environment and ethical business, then Midlothian-                                                                               businesses and become leaders of the future.
     based Sisaltech should certainly give you a warm feeling…                                                                                                      We are living and working in unprecedented
                                                                                                                                                                    times. With the current coronavirus
                                                                                                                                                                    restrictions, meeting face-to-face may no
     The company is breaking new ground in                “The base material of all of our insulation          for start-ups and for established companies
                                                                                                                                                                    longer be an option but support remains
     creating a natural, environmentally-friendly         products is sisal, a highly sustainable fibre crop   creating new and innovative products and
     insulation material to keep homes warmer             which is grown by small-scale farmers in east        services.
     (and quieter) in a way that does not add to the      Africa.”                                                                                                  Often we think of business mentoring as a
                                                                                                               John added: “Providing you have company
     production and use of plastics.                                                                                                                                formal process, but a business mentor can be
                                                          “ We buy sisal fibre from small farmers co-          directors and managers who can think outside
                                                                                                                                                                    someone you catch up with over a coffee and
     The company is bucking the insulation trend in       operatives in east Africa for a fair price, import   the box and are not totally stuck in their ways,
                                                                                                                                                                    a video call as regularly as you like for a casual
     using no oil or plastic in the production of their   the fibre in the lowest carbon way possible,         then it should be highly possible for all sectors
                                                                                                                                                                    chat. When people see you in your natural
     material, using instead the sisal fibre grown in     then blend it with other circular economy fibres     and businesses to sit down to think about their
                                                                                                                                                                    habitat it adds to the sense of trust that is
     East Africa and bought at fair price from small      (recycled wool, recycled blue jeans etc) to          activities and what they could do differently.
                                                                                                                                                                    required for a business mentoring relationship
     farming co-operatives.                               create a much lower carbon product than any
                                                                                                               “A good starting point would be to think about       to work. If you are a business owner or leader,
                                                          of our mainstream competitors. In our ultimate
     And they are determined to re-use Sisal                                                                   everything that comes in the door. What              your everyday life is about mentoring – in
                                                          circular economy product, the sisal is made into
     products, such as sacks used to transport                                                                 materials are you consuming, how sustainable         the sense of creating an environment where
                                                          coffee sacks in Africa and used to transport the
     coffee beans, to ensure their product is playing                                                          are they, were did they come from, and could         people can thrive, where they feel safe and
                                                          coffee beans to Scotland. After the beans are
     its part in creating a more Circular Economy                                                              there be a better and maybe recycled source”         secure and able to develop.
                                                          roasted we then shred the sacks to create the
     and working with the Circular Edinburgh
                                                          base material for our insulation.”                   “Then think about how you are processing             Mentors enjoy opening up and sharing stories
                                                                                                               those materials, it could be as simple as            from their own business experiences that can
                                                          “There are some other companies also
     A circular economy looks to keep the flow of                                                              changing from using nails to using screws            often inspire new ideas or change your way of
                                                          producing natural fibre insulation products,
     materials and products within the economy for                                                             so that at the end of life a product can be          thinking, helping your business be nimble and
                                                          e.g. sheep’s wool insulation, or wood fibre
     as long as possible, extracting the maximum                                                               disassembled into its component parts for            innovative. I’m very honest about my mistakes
                                                          insulation, but they all still use a plastic-based
     value from them whilst in use.                                                                            reuse or recycling instead of going into landfill.   and that can provide some of the biggest
                                                          binder to hold the insulation together. We were
                                                                                                               Think about your packaging.”                         learning opportunities for a mentee. Having a
     The Circular Edinburgh project is supported          not willing to follow this practice so developed
                                                                                                                                                                    business mentor can provide entrepreneurs
     as part of Zero Waste Scotland’s Resource            our own starch-based binder as a more                “And finally, when your product goes out the         with invaluable insights and support that can
     Efficient Circular Economy Accelerator               sustainable and fully biodegradable alternative.”    door are you saying goodbye to it for ever? Do       ultimately transform business performance.
     Programme, which will invest £73m in circular                                                             you really want to be the designer of a linear                                                            your skills, or a sounding board to bounce
                                                          “Finally, when you are installing insulation
     economy and resource efficiency projects,                                                                 process where you have no control over what          As a business owner, your skills are constantly      ideas off, Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce’s
                                                          you inevitably have off-cuts. In the case of
     thanks to support from the European Regional                                                              happens to your product at end of life?”             developing. Turning to a mentor for guidance         Business Mentoring programme is mutually
                                                          mainstream insulation products these go
     Development Fund (ERDF). This programme                                                                                                                        and support is a great way to add to your            rewarding and I would strongly recommend
                                                          to landfill and can take 200-400 years to            For further information please visit https://
     provides funding and support for small and                                                                                                                     skillset and discover how to improve your            getting involved.
                                                          decompose. Our off-cuts can go in your     
     medium sized businesses in Scotland to be                                                                                                                      business strategy in many areas. Your
                                                          brown bin for industrial composting and in the       edinburgh/ or contact Mayan Grace or Lauren                                                               If you’re interested in getting involved in our
     more resource efficient and create a more                                                                                                                      mentor will be able to provide one-to-one
                                                          longer term we are considering a way of our          Ridgley on 0131 221 2999 (option 5) or email                                                              Business Mentoring Programme we would
     circular economy.                                                                                                                                              expert support that focuses on your specific
                                                          customers returning the offcuts to us to be                                                                    love to hear from you. For further information
     John Ferguson of Sisaltech said: “The majority       shredded and recycled into new insulation.”                                                                                                                    on our Business Mentoring Programme,
     of insulation products on the market are oil or                                                                                                                Whether it be a catalyst for new ideas, a door       please call 0131 221 2999 or email
                                                          Sisaltech are working proof that the Circular
     plastic based and are themselves very carbon                                                                                                                   to new and exciting opportunities, developing
                                                          Economy offers huge opportunities, both
     intensive to manufacture.”

10   BC     December/January 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            December/January 2021 BC   11
Business Comment Transport and Infrastructure - Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce
BC ADVERTORIAL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  CHAMBER NEWS

      Trading Standards Analyst First to Achieve the New                                                                                                            The Edinburgh Football Show
      Level 6 Diploma in Intelligence Management                                                                                                                    Broadcaster David Tanner has launched a football programme focussing on the
                                                                                                                                                                    capital’s three senior football teams. The Edinburgh Football Show is a weekly
      Intqual-pro would like to congratulate Paul “Taz” Taylor, Regional Analyst for                                                                                podcast which promises to be the new voice of football in the city.
      the National Trading Standards Intelligence Team (London Region) on being
      the first intelligence professional to successfully complete the new Level 6
      Diploma in Intelligence Management.
      The qualification, regulated by ProQual               highlight areas of improvement.”
      Awarding Body was developed in 2019 to
                                                            Ash Shah, Interim Head of Regulatory Services
      offer a route of progression for the thousands
                                                            and Intelligence Manager for London Trading
      of analysts who have undertaken the Level             Standards stated: “Firstly, congratulations to
      4 Higher Diploma in Intelligence Operations           Taz on this brilliant achievement which has not
      Analysis and have moved into managerial               only benefitted him personally, but also greatly
      positions across the Intelligence community.          supports the intelligence function for London
                                                            Trading Standards and myself, so it is a big
      Taz Taylor, with previous military and law
                                                            win-win all round.
      enforcement experience, is a well-known
      figure within the regional and national Trading       When Taz joined our organisation, he bought
      Standards community.                                  a lot of experience and knowledge with him
                                                            from an intelligence perspective and since
      Commenting on the programme, Taz stated:
                                                            then I have seen him grow both in terms of his
      “It has provided me with different thoughts
                                                            profession as well as taking a more strategic
      and approaches for various intelligence tasks         and rounded stance.
      within my organisation both regionally and
      nationally. It has taught me to be more critical      One of Taz’ strengths is that he is very
      in my thinking especially when planning tasks         passionate about intelligence and the benefits
      for my assistant as well as understanding             it can bring to law enforcement and to that
      what Strategic and Tactical management are            end, he has been instrumental in promoting
      seeking to achieve.                                   the intelligence qualifications within our region
                                                            and we are now ready to put through the third                                                           An Edinburgh Chamber member since 2016,            Hearts and Hibs fans! The capital is still home
      An improved understanding of Risk                     cohort of Intelligence level 4 apprentices.                                                             David produces and presents the show, which        to two sizable clubs and the country’s oldest
      Management when applied to Intelligence                                                                                                                       showcases Hibernian, Hearts and Edinburgh City.    city derby. This market is underserved, even
      processes has also benefited me and my                With the massive changes that we have had to
      organisation and has allowed for further              make during this pandemic, Taz has adapted                                                              The Edinburgh Football Show is now available as
      decisions to be made as to what each local            and used many of the strategies learnt through      and many of our managers lack specific              a value sponsorship and partnership opportunity    The show’s launch coincided with October’s
      authority may be able to achieve going                this the level 6 qualification to implement         training that allows them to be adaptable within    for the business community in the Lothians.        derby and features stars like Steven Pressley,
      forwards. I have also used some of the                change in order to meet very demanding              that environment, or we also see experienced                                                           Derek Riordan, Andrew Driver, John Burridge,
                                                            circumstances. Finally, this new qualification is   managers come from other sectors and                As the host of the Edinburgh Chamber of
      acquired skills and knowledge to influence                                                                                                                                                                       Dave McPherson and Colin Cameron.
                                                            testament to his hard work, great attitude and      professions that struggle to adapt. To be able      Commerce Business Awards and a TV                                                                     “Viewing figures illustrate that club-focussed
      the regional management teams in relation                                                                                                                     presenter on Sky Sports, BT Sport and Hibs TV,     David is studio presenter of Hibs TV’s live
                                                            commitment to always improve.                       to offer a degree level qualification specific to                                                                                                         programming is the future of football
      to available tools that will assist in intelligence                                                                                                           David is a familiar face to members. His voice     coverage of games this season – for the first
                                                                                                                intelligence managers is a huge step forward                                                                                                              broadcasting. The Edinburgh Football Show
      and investigative information capture and             Intqual-pro Director of Training, Barry Searle                                                          is heard on radio across the UK on TalkSPORT,      time every match is broadcast live to fans in
                                                                                                                in the professionalisation of our sector. The                                                                                                             has been born in that new media world.
      development.                                          said “This is a fantastic achievement for Taz,      fact that it is focused on the actual workplace     as a Scotland correspondent.                       the UK on club as the pandemic has closed
      The tasks and assignments in the course are           his academic engagement was excellent               application of management and impact of                                                                the stadium: “I’m really proud of the quality of   “We’re featuring footballers who matter in
                                                            throughout and the quality of work submitted                                                            As a national broadcaster based in Edinburgh,                                                         Edinburgh and getting their expert take on
      thought provoking and provided me with new                                                                activities goes beyond academic theory and                                                             The Match on Hibs TV. Easter Road chairman
                                                            was some of the best that we’ve seen. The           really gives the manager confidence in their        he’s aware of the gap in the market for quality                                                       current local football issues and enjoying
      processes that can be used going forward,                                                                                                                                                                        Ronald Gordon, a TV executive in the US, has
                                                            feedback shows that the qualification clearly       effectiveness, we are very much looking             programming about our SPFL clubs. David said:                                                         great stories of their glory days. The response
      They also assist in the reflective practices at                                                                                                                                                                  given Greg McEwan, Head of Marketing and
                                                            meets sector needs which was our primary            forward to the continued development and role       “I understand that broadcasters in Glasgow or      Brand Partnerships, the budget and support to      from a growing audience tells me we are
      all levels involved in the Intelligence processes
                                                            driver with this first cohort of intelligence       out of this qualification”.                         London need to focus on the numbers and that       deliver this programme.                            onto a winner. We hope that local businesses
      within my organisation such as inspiring
                                                            managers.                                                                                               means the Old Firm, but that’s of no interest to                                                      and brands will join us and engage with our
      consultation with Subject Matter Experts in the                                                           For more information on the Level 6 Diploma in
      creation of Collection Plans, Intel Requirements,     Intelligence professionalisation is still a         Intelligence Management, visit www.intqual-
      Strategic and Problem Profiles to assist              relatively emerging concept and whilst we have                                                                                                                You can hear The Edinburgh Football Show

                                                                                                                                                                    “Viewing figures illustrate that club-focussed
      recommendations.                                      structured development in place for analysts        6-diploma-in-intelligence-management or                                                                                                                   wherever you listen to your podcasts: Apple,
                                                            and management in intelligence environments,        contact                                                                                                                        Spotify, Acast, Spreaker, Deezer. Ask Alexa or
      I thoroughly enjoyed all the modules and it
      has provided me with more confidence in the
                                                            it is something that I believe has to date, been
                                                                                                                                                                    programming is the future of football                                                                 your smart speaker for The Edinburgh Football
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Show podcast. Contact David on
      work I undertake across the whole Intelligence
      environment. It has enabled me to conduct             Leadership and management styles in these                                                               broadcasting. The Edinburgh Football Show                                                   

      evaluation on my organisation and myself to           conditions and considerations are often unique                                                                                                                                                                Follow on Twitter and Instagram:
                                                                                                                                                                    has been born in that that new media world.”                                                          @davidtannerTV @EdinburghFooty

12   BC    December/January 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         December/January 2021 BC           13
Business Comment Transport and Infrastructure - Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce
TOP TIPS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         NEW MEMBERS

      TOP TIPS ON: CYCLING TO WORK WITH CONFIDENCE                                                                                                        WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS
      Name: Dionne Phipps-Clancy
                                                                                                                                                                  Horizonally                          Merry Go Round                             Edmundson Electrical
      Business: Sustrans Scotland
      Title: Way to Work Project Officer

      Why active travel works                          Packing supplies
      Over the last few months, we’ve seen the         and picking
      number of people cycling in Scotland             accessories                                                                                   
      increase dramatically. The Covid-19              The right accessories
      pandemic has encouraged us to explore our        will keep you
      local areas and created an opportunity for       comfortable and safe                                                                               The Christmas Decorators                        Out Scotland                                  Freakworks
      more people to try getting around by bike.       on your commute.
                                                       These include a bell,
      Whether we’re working from home long-
                                                       helmet, mudguards
      term, or looking for new ways to commute
                                                       and reflective clothing.
      to work, it’s more important than ever to fit
                                                       Luxury add-ons such
      activity in our daily lives.                     as mirrors will make
                                                       moving in traffic less
      How to start your journey                        daunting, and pannier
      You don’t need much to start cycling. Just a     bags or a basket will                                                                                                                     
      bike and the willingness to give it a go.        help take the weight
                                                       out of most loads.
      But there are lots of resources out there
      that can help equip you with the skills and      A compact stock of                                                                                          MB Media                                     Par4                          Walker Creative Video Production
      confidence to get out on your bike.              essentials such as
                                                       lights, a pump, a lock,
      Whether you’re in the office or working from     tools and a puncture                                                               Dionne
      home, we’ve put together our 6 top tips for      repair kit are also must-
      cycling with confidence in the coming year.      haves.

      Map your route                                   Work with the
                                                                                                         Keep it secure
      Planning your route helps you know what          weather
                                                                                                         You should always keep your bike locked                                                               
      to expect. Are there hills to get around? Can    The weather in Scotland can be
      busy roads be avoided? Often there are           unpredictable at the best of times, so it pays    securely, even if your workplace provides
      multiple routes available, each with pros and    to be prepared. A hat with a thick pair of        protected cycle storage. Firmly attach your
      cons. Cyclestreets and Ordnance Survey are       gloves and socks will keep your ears, fingers     bike to an immovable object, such as a bike           Moment Agencies                       Cash Flow Manager                                   Seg Pack
      great tools for linking up with local traffic-   and toes frost-free, while a good set of          stand or railing, with sturdy D-lock. This can
      free connections and the National Cycle          waterproofs will ensure you stay dry through      be used in combination with a cable lock
      Network.                                         most downpours. Also, consider wearing
                                                                                                         to ensure any quick release parts, such as
                                                       several thin layers instead of one thick coat
                                                       to prevent overheating.                           the saddle or front wheel, are protected. Our
      Get road smart with cycle                                                                          ‘Bike Security Advice’ log can help protect
      training                                         Keep your bike in good shape                      your bike from theft.
      Skills such as good road positioning,
                                                       Your bike will last longer if you care for it     Follow the directions                                                                           
      signalling and visibility are invaluable when                                                                                                
                                                       properly. Regular checking and cleaning will
      wheeling around, especially on roads.            help avoid the need for costly repairs and        Way to Work is an online tool to help
      Knowing these will boost your confidence         ensure your bike runs smoothly. Get into the      employers promote active travel in the
      and help keep your journey safe and              habit of performing a quick ‘M check’ before      workplace, with information on funding,          Schroders Personal Wealth                Team Jak Foundations                          Would you like more
      enjoyable. Cycling Scotland offers an            you start your commute.                           training, support and awards.                                                                                                          information on joining
      Essential Cycling Skills training course in      Should you find yourself with a puncture,
                                                                                                         You can also take part in our annual Scottish                                                                                              the Chamber?
      three parts, covering beginners through          our How to Repair a Puncture’ video should
      to experienced riders. Short videos are                                                            Workplace Journey Challenge in March 2021                                                                                              Membership prices start at only
                                                       help you find a fix. Our guide on ‘How to
      available on Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 to     Clean Your Bike’ will also help you protect are   that encourages workplaces to commute by                                                                                             £25.80 per month.Please contact us
      help build your knowledge.                       against component wear and damage.                foot and wheel wherever they are.                                                                                                           for more information.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Richard Ellis Head of Membership,

14   BC   December/January 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                         December/January 2021 BC    15
Business Comment Transport and Infrastructure - Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce
INSPIRING CONNECTIONS                                                                                                                                   BC ADVERTORIAL

     Edinburgh’s engaging events calendar
     2020 has been a year like no other for the Chamber events team. Since March
     the team have delivered over 90 virtual event sessions ranging from business
     support sessions, high level business briefings to cook-along classes and quiz

                                                                                                                                                              Houses of Parliament to Engage in
                                                                                                                                                              Behavioural Detection Training
                                                                                                                                                              27 November 2020: An innovative behavioural detection programme
                                                                                                                                                              developed by one of the UK’s leading learning and development consultancies
     Last month our events calendar saw the return       Last month we launched our ‘Sustainable         former Chief Executive of SSE plc for a              will be delivered to delegates in Houses of Parliament.
     of one of our most popular events adapted to        Recovery’ panel series with the first event     leadership session led by Andrew Wilson of
     be delivered virtually, Speed Networking. This      in this series focusing on Infrastructure and   Charlotte Street Partners. Ian shared many           In partnership with Critical Cinema, a              has helped organisation’s in a multitude of       Engaging in good behavioural detection
     fun, fast paced and energetic event provides        Development. Stakeholders from Openreach,       challenges and lessons learned throughout his        producer of film-based e-learning, MaST have        sectors give employees the confidence to          practices across an organisation is a vital
     delegates with the opportunity to virtually meet    Turner & Townsend, SP Energy, Arcadis and       long-standing career in the energy industry.         been commissioned by Houses of Parliament           assess the baseline of average behaviours         part of keeping that organisation strong, and
     new contacts, one business professional at          Murray Estates Limited formed the panel         Later this month we will launch our ‘Future          to deliver their Behavioural Detection Analysis     and spot those which are out of the ordinary      each trainee plays a vital role. Even with all the
     time. We will be running more ‘Virtual Speed        and discussed the support required at both      Edinburgh’ series with the first session focusing    course. The delivery of the course will provide     and conduct an initial resolution conversation.   technical and AI support available nowadays
                                                         local and national level to support economic                                                         delegates with the confidence and capability
     Networking’ sessions in December and                                                                on Smart Cities. This session will host key                                                              Houses of Parliament will be the latest           – CCTV cameras, facial recognition – nothing
                                                         recovery.                                                                                            to both identify anomalous behaviour and act
     throughout 2021, so be sure to get involved!                                                        leaders from the City of Edinburgh and further                                                           organisation to benefit from the immersive        is more effective at recognising human
                                                                                                                                                              on their observations.
                                                         It has been a challenging time for many         afield, with this first webinar welcoming Elaine                                                         film-based course, after recognising the          behaviour … than a human themselves.”
     November saw us welcome the team behind
                                                         organisations, and with this we created a       Doherty of City Fibre, Phil Cragg of Deloitte        The entry-level course was developed by             significant training opportunity it represents.
     the incredible development taking place on our                                                                                                           both MaST and Critical Cinema to enable the                                                           MaST is the UK’s longest established
                                                         safe space for knowledge transfer and idea      and Jordi Ortuño Ribé, Innovation Manager at                                                             Brian Mitchell, Managing Director at MaST,
     doorstep, St James Quarter. Delegates were                                                                                                               opportunity to learn from hindsight in this                                                           learning and development consultancy.
                                                         sharing amongst our members. Our ‘Chamber       Barcelona City Council. Keep a look out for our                                                          commented: “We are extremely proud to have
     updated on the project’s impressive progress                                                                                                             crucial area of responsibility, whilst delivering                                                     Delivering global immersive and experiential
                                                         Connects’ sessions encourage members to         Festive Tea Break and have your Christmas                                                                been approached by Houses of Parliament
     and experienced a virtual fly-over of the vibrant                                                                                                        an increased understanding of how to build                                                            learning solutions, their expertise was
                                                         share ideas, work out solutions and discuss     jumpers at the ready, we can’t end 2020                                                                  to deliver this e-learning programme. Unlike
     destination showcasing the 85 retail outlets, 30                                                                                                         an organisation-wide culture of involvement in                                                        recently highlighted when they became a
                                                         any challenges that their organisation may be   without an event spreading a little Christmas                                                            others, the Behavioural Detection Analysis
     restaurants, two hotels and cinema; creating                                                                                                             risk mitigation and resilience.                                                                       Qualifications Network (QNUK) approved
                                                         facing at this time.                            cheer!                                                                                                   course empowers trainees to learn from
     an inspiring and attractive hub for locals and                                                                                                                                                                                                                 centre.
                                                                                                                                                              With relevancy to all crowded environments,         experience as they watch potential real-life
     visitors to live, shop, eat, sleep and play.        We most recently welcomed Ian Marchant,         Looking into the New Year, we will hear from         including airports, rail stations, venues or        scenarios portrayed right in front of them by     Critical Cinema are a producer of streamlined
                                                                                                         Andrew Kerr, Chief Executive of Edinburgh            retail businesses, the e-learning programme         our specialist actors.                            solutions for the security sector, with key
     “It has been a challenging time for many
                                                                                                         City Council as he updates us on the plans for
                                                                                                         our City, and we will be launching Edinburgh’s                                                                                                             learnings embedded in 10-minute episodes

     organisations, and with this we created
                                                                                                         first virtual Business Festival (more on page
                                                                                                         26). You can keep up to date with the range of
                                                                                                                                                              “We are extremely proud to have been                                                                  of a drama series followed by assessment

     a safe space for knowledge transfer and
                                                                                                         business support webinars and virtual events
                                                                                                         we have coming up with our events calendar
                                                                                                                                                              approached by Houses of Parliament to
     idea sharing amongst our members.”
                                                                                                         on our website
                                                                                                                                                              deliver this e-learning programme.”

16   BC     December/January 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    December/January 2021 BC            17
Business Comment Transport and Infrastructure - Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce
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