NewsSummer 2018 -2019 - NZ Marine Industry Association

Page created by Sam Hines
NewsSummer 2018 -2019 - NZ Marine Industry Association
                                          Summer 2018-2019

Government buying
 NZ-Made Vessels

                                                      NZ Marine &
                                              Composites ITO wins
                                               Best Apprenticeship
                                           Programme in the world!

 What's inside
• 20th Auckland On Water Boat Show
• Members' success at DAME Awards
• Introducing Rudder2
• After 5s around NZ
• Marine industry welcomes superyachts
NewsSummer 2018 -2019 - NZ Marine Industry Association


                                                                          03        President’s Report
                                                                          04        Executive Director’s Report
                                                                          05        World’s best training programme award
                                                                          06        Export Group News
                                                                          08        Auckland On Water Boat Show
                                                                          12        Boat Show breakfast celebrates 20 years
                                                                          14        NZ Millennium Cup
                                                                          16        Fiji-NZ Trade Day
                                                                          17        Commercial Vessels Group Report
                                                                          18        NZ Marine After 5 functions
                                                                          20        Dale Carnegie leadership seminar
                                                                          22        Marine Industry welcomes superyachts
                                                                          24        NZMAC ITO introduces Rudder2
                                                                                    New power boat systems ITO training programmes
                                                                          27        Barge project invests in local youth
                                                                          28        School to Work
                                                                          30        Industry News
                                                                          33        Women in Marine: Tracey Stevenson
                                                                          36        New rules for PAYE
                                                                          37        Research and Development tax incentive
                                                                          38        Member survey results

                                         28                               40
                                                                                    New members welcome
                                                                                    Member News

    NZ Marine Industry Association                                          News
       INSURANCE PARTNER                                                       Summer 2018 - 2019

                                                                          NZ Marine Industry Association
                                                                          85 Westhaven Drive, Westhaven, Auckland
                                                                          PO Box 90488, Victoria Street West, Auckland
                                                                          Phone: 09 360 0056 Freephone: 0800 600 242
                                                                          Email: Web:
                                                                          Editors: Caroline Gibson, NZ Marine
                                                                                   John Eichelsheim, Marine Media Ltd
    North Island: Mark Mckinnon 09 820 9710   Design: Debra Tunnicliffe, Marine Media Ltd
     South Island: Roger Hansen 03 366 0243    Cover image: Fetu o te Moana from Icon Marine

2 I Summer 2018 - 2019
NewsSummer 2018 -2019 - NZ Marine Industry Association

President's Report
                      Update from the President
                      THE BOARD OF MANAGEMENT have been very                  and I am trying to make visits to members outside
                      busy over the last few months embracing the chal-       Auckland to understand what is important to all
                      lenges that face the organisation and trying to find    members, no matter the size or the segment in which
                      solutions to allow us to provide better membership      they trade. Whilst we conducted a survey last month,
                      support in the areas that are most important to you.    we plan to undertake another survey in 2019 by an
                          The importance of having independent members        independent group, to ensure a more rigorous analy-
                      on the board, bringing different skillsets, has been    sis, allowing us to benchmark in future years and
                      highlighted over the last few months by the huge        ensure total independence.
Richard Macalister    amount of work they have done to ensure the board           A sub-committee of the Board of Management
 NZ Marine Industry   has independent advice on all aspects of the organi-    has been established. The Finance, Risk and
    Association       sation, allowing it to make more informed decisions     Remuneration Committee is chaired by Robert Knox.
                      on behalf of the members.                               Under his guidance we have far more checks and
                          In my last missive I mentioned that we had some     balances in the system. There is still much to be
                      significant challenges with regards to meeting a sat-   done, however. As President I am confident the
                      isfactory financial outcome for 2018. However, the      information the Board of Management is provided is
                      new board has dealt with these effectively and          accurate and allows the board to make decisions
                      unless we have any extraordinary items over the         with confidence.
                      next two months, we will report a satisfactory sur-         On behalf of the Board and Management, we wish
                      plus for the 2018 year.                                 everyone a good summer season, which is so impor-
                          Whilst some may argue that NZ Marine should         tant to all our businesses, and I look forward to giv-
                      not make annual surpluses, it is the view of the        ing another update of progress in 2019.
                      board that we must continue to strengthen the bal-
                      ance sheet of the organisation to allow us to invest
                      in areas that provide benefits to the members when
                      those opportunities arise. Currently that demand is
                      within the ITO where we are doing work that had
                      been deferred after the GFC but must be done to
                      ensure we deliver a world-class ITO programme.
                          It is important that the board understands the      Richard Macalister
                      wants and needs of a very diverse group of members      President

                                                                                The Joint Board meeting of NZ Marine Industry
                                                                                Association and NZ Marine Export Group was
                                                                                held 21 November at NZ Marine House.

                                                                                  Summer 2018 - 2019 I                3
NewsSummer 2018 -2019 - NZ Marine Industry Association

    Executive Director’s Report
                          IT HAS BEEN A POSITIVE YEAR for the marine                •   Working with the Royal NZ Yacht Squadron in
                          industry worldwide. The USA, representing 45% of              convincing the J Boats (America’s Cup yachts of
                          the world’s recreational boating market, has seen             the 1930’s era) to race as a fleet in NZ for the
                          new boat registrations up 4% and outboard motor               first time as part of the NZ Millennium Cup in the
                          sales up 6.5% in the 12 months to 30th November               Bay of Islands and a RNZYS regatta in Auckland
                          2018. Interest rates remain low and in Europe you             in 2021.
                          can borrow money to buy a boat at an interest rate        •   Designation of Site 18 in Wynyard Quarter
                          of 1.7%! The NZ market has seen increased sales               Auckland to be developed for a large vessel /
                          activity particularly in the last six months. This is         650 ton travel lift operation and superyacht rig-
                          evidenced with our own NZ Audited Boatbuilding                ging facilities by Orams Marine by 2021 and
    Peter Busfield        Compliance program - CPC built trailer powerboats             retaining Beaumont Street as a commercial
    Executive Director    having the most boats built since 2007.                       access road.
    NZ Marine Industry
       Association            NZ Marine activities through our office and dedi-     •   20th edition of the Auckland On Water Boat Show
                          cated sector groups including Commercial Vessels,             and industry breakfast function on 28th
                          Boatbuilding and Refit, CPC, Young Professionals,             September to celebrate this.
                          Export and others have gained good business oppor-        •   Auckland Council and Viaduct Harbour Holdings
                          tunities for member companies throughout 2018.                support for the 2019 On Water Boat show being
                                                                                        held in the Viaduct Harbour.
                              Some key ones that I note include:
                                                                                    •   Release of our new ‘Destination & Cruising NZ’
                           • NZ Marine & Composites Industry Training
                                                                                        publication and related international promotions
                             Organisation releasing new qualifications and over
                                                                                        of Fiji/NZ day and with very good Government
                             200 companies nationwide growing the number of
                                                                                        assistance promotion at the Superyacht Cup in
                             apprentices and being awarded the ‘World’s best
                                                                                        Palma to attract yachts to visit NZ.
                             boatbuilding apprenticeship training scheme’.
                                                                                    •   Export Group’s formation of a New Technology
                          • The development of Sulphur Point Tauranga for a
                                                                                        Group focusing on increasing equipment design/
                             dedicated marine industry precinct, complete
                                                                                        manufacturers exports, and expanded showcase
                             with 11 marine companies purchasing plots of
                                                                                        of NZ equipment exporters at METS trade show
                             land and the Vessel Works 350 ton travel lift and
                                                                                        in Amsterdam.
                             related waterfront marine industry facilities
                                                                                    •   The Government’s new R&D tax incentive now
                             opening in October.
                                                                                        easily available to small to medium size compa-
                          • NZ Customs changing approach so that foreign-
                                                                                        nies in response to our representations.
                             flagged visiting yachts to NZ, available for sale on
                                                                                    •   After much representation by NZ Marine, NZ
                             the international market, can still enter NZ on a
                                                                                        Government departments are now ‘Buying NZ
                             temporary import entry without having to pay
                                                                                        designed and made boats’ - exampled at the
                             duty and GST on the value of the yacht unless
                                                                                        recent Boating After Five at Icon Boats in Rangiora
                             being sold in NZ.
                                                                                        where we viewed Fetu o te Moana (featured on
                          • Facilitating Auckland having a new Customs/
                                                                                        the front cover), bound for Tokelau, their third
                             Biosecurity/Immigration point of entry for visiting
                                                                                        vessel for the NZ Government for use in the
                             foreign yachts at Westhaven Marina after the
                                                                                        Pacific Islands.
                             Ports of Auckland entry facilities were closed
                             earlier this year.                                        Thank you to our boards, committees and our
                          • Assisting Emirates Team New Zealand in                  dedicated staff team that continue to serve our
                             demonstrating to the NZ Government and                 industry so well.
                             Auckland Council the business and economic                We wish all members and stakeholders all the
                             gain of Auckland hosting the 36th America's Cup.       best for a great summer holiday and trading in 2019.
                          • The start of building the infrastructure required
                             for the 36th America’s Cup.
                          • Emirates Team New Zealand commissioning
                             NZ-made boats and related equipment where
                             possible and along with various syndicates, the
                             orders for boats and equipment are currently
                                                                                    Peter Busfield
                             rolling in to NZ yards.                                Executive Director

4 I Summer 2018 - 2019
NewsSummer 2018 -2019 - NZ Marine Industry Association

                                                                                                                      Pictured L to
                                                                                                                      R: Ed Slack
                                                                                                                      of IBI, James
                                                                                                                      Ward of award
                                                                                                                      sponsor Marine
                                                                                                                      Resources, pre-
                                                                                                                      sent award to
                                                                                                                      Peter Busfield
                                                                                                                      of NZ Marine.

Apprenticeship scheme named best in the world
At an awards evening held on Tuesday 13 November in Amsterdam, the NZ Marine and
Composites Industry Training Organisation was named the best apprenticeship training
programme in the world.
THE BOAT BUILDER AWARDS are the              industries. To accomplish this, it works     ship programme, and the more than
global marine industry’s leading awards      with apprentices, employers and training     200 employers who have 450 appren-
and are organised by METStrade – the         providers to ensure high quality training.   tices in the NZMACITO programme
world’s largest business to business            Other nominees for the award              between them.”
marine equipment show – and publishers       included high profile companies and              There have been over 2000 graduates
of IBI Magazine, Boating Communications.     training organisations from a wide           of the programme, of whom many are
The widely-recognised honour sees            spread of countries.                         now running boatbuilding or marine
nominees acknowledged across ten                                                          service companies around the world.
categories of business achievement.                                                           “We’re always looking to see how we
    NZ Marine and Composites Industry            This prestigious                         can make the experience and outcomes
Training Organisation (NZMACITO) won             award supports                           better for our apprentices and employ-
the top honour for Best Apprenticeship
or Training Scheme, with NZ Marine
                                               our vision in creating                     ers, so we are already embarking on
                                                                                          future developments in 2019,” continues
executive director, Peter Busfield on              a world-class                          van der Hor.
hand in Amsterdam to collect the award.       apprenticeship model...                         “The real satisfaction lies in support-
    “This prestigious award supports our                                                  ing our businesses to grow and watching
vision in creating a world-class appren-                                                  our apprentices gain the skills and
ticeship model through design and deliv-        “This win is a huge positive for us       knowledge to lead successful lives.”
ery, from a passionate and dedicated         with large international companies now           The NZMACITO is part of the NZMarine
group of people,” says NZMACITO’s gen-       enquiring about licensing options to use     Industry Association and aids apprentices
eral manager, Chris van der Hor.             some of our apprenticeship training          in learning practical, transferable skills.
    NZMAC ITO was appointed by the           programmes,” says Busfield.                  It’s already proven so successful that it’s
New Zealand government to develop               “This award acknowledges the many         been licensed by other training providers
professional qualifications and set stand-   New Zealand employers who contrib-           around the world – something which is
ards for the marine and composites           uted to the writing of the apprentice-       expected to increase with this award.

                                                                                    Summer 2018 - 2019 I               5
NewsSummer 2018 -2019 - NZ Marine Industry Association

    Export Group News
    The NZ Marine Export Group
    AGM was held on September 6                                           NEW 2018-19 BOARD
    and we are pleased to welcome                              Chairman – Stuart Robinson, Robinson Interiors
    new members on the board:                               Deputy Chairman – Michael Eaglen, McMullen and Wing
                                                                      Albear Montocchio – Hamilton Jet
    WE THANK outgoing board members                                        Clint Jones – Oceanmax
    John Vitali and Mark Donaldson for their                          Colin McMurray – Pacific Aerials
    good service to the group.                                        Glenn Orr – Fusion Entertainment
                                                                   Neven Barbour – Orams Marine Services
    We also welcome Boxfish Research and
                                                                        Richard Thorpe – TNL Pindar
    Enertec Marine as new Export Group                  Richard Macalister – President, NZ Marine Industry Association

                                                                NZ Millennium Cup
                                                                January 30 to February 2, 2019
                                                                WITH FIVE ENTRIES ALREADY CONFIRMED for 2019, and a
                                                                further two or three expected, we are looking forward to a
                                                                great event based at the Duke of Marlborough Hotel in Russell.
                                                                Sponsors are steadily rolling in and we have changed the
                                                                handicap system from ISYR to ORCsy.
                                                                   We have signed NZ Millennium Cup up to Clean Regattas,
                                                                which is a very popular international organisation supporting the
                 FUTURE REGATTA DATES:                          sustainability of events and low impact of plastic etc and have
               January 30 to February 2, 2019                   put processes in place to achieve Gold level participation.
               January 29 to February 1, 2020                      Please see page 14 for more information on the NZ
                                                                Millennium Cup regatta.
                   February 2 to 5, 2021

    Monaco Yacht Show
    September 26-29, 2018
    EXHIBITORS: Doyle Sails, Southern Spars, North Sails,
    Harken, Magnus Marine and Port Denarau Marina, Fiji.
    We have received feedback that overall the Monaco Yacht
    Show was a good event and successful for exhibitors.

6 I Summer 2018 - 2019
NewsSummer 2018 -2019 - NZ Marine Industry Association

                                                                                                                Oceanmax was
                                                                                                                pleased with the

                                                                                                                response they
                                                                                                                got at METS.

   November 13-15, 2018

EXHIBITORS: Connex Wire, C-Tech, Pacific Aerials, Ultralon,
Fastmount, Tru Design, Oceanmax, Oceanz88, Fusion, ENL
(WASSP), Stainless Downunder, C-Quip, Events Clothing, Enertec
Marine and Tectrax.
   With the support of seven exhibitors and NZTE we hired
Café Amsterdam for three days during the show. Fusion hosted
a function on the Wednesday night of the show and invited NZ
Marine exhibitors and walkers to this event.
   Export Group CEO, Peter Busfield attended the event to
oversee and assist the exhibitors, as well as attend ICOMIA/
IFBSO meetings.

 FINALISTS                      2018 DAME Awards
                                A number of NZ Marine members were finalists in the recent 2018
                                DAME Design Awards, held annually as part of METSTRADE, the world’s
                                largest trade exhibition of marine equipment, materials and systems.
                                THE AWARDS RECEIVED 130 entries for 25              The following two members were
                                countries with 63 products named as finalists.      Finalists in the Marina Equipment,
                                Congratulations to the following members for        Boatyard Equipment and Boat
                                being finalists in these esteemed awards:           Construction Tools and Materials category

                                Fusion Entertainment Apollo 770 (top left)          Oceanmax’s Lightspeed
                                Special Mention in the Marine Electronics and       The first clear foul-release coating for
                                Marine related software category.                   underwater lights, and the only marine
                                                                                    coating to qualify for the awards
                                Fastmount TC-F6H (centre)
                                Special Mention in the Interior Equipment,          TruDesign Mould plugs
                                Furnishings, Materials and Electrical Fittings      These mould plugs are attached to the
                                used in cabins category.                            mould when laying up the hull, providing
                                                                                    the finished hull with skin-fitting recesses
                                Tru-Design Saddle Clips and Base (bottom)
                                                                                    already moulded in.
                                Special Mention in the Marina Equipment,
                                Boatyard Equipment and Boat Construction
                                Tools and Materials category.

                                                                                 Summer 2018 - 2019 I             7
NewsSummer 2018 -2019 - NZ Marine Industry Association

    Auckland On Water Boat Show

                                          Boat show attendance and sales up!

                                          This year was the 20th edition of the Auckland On Water Boat Show
                                          and we are pleased to report bumper crowds and bumper sales.
                                          With many regular exhibitors returning to the show and several new
                                          companies on display, there was plenty for visitors to see and expe-
                                          rience, which translated to strong outcomes for our companies.

    MARKET ECONOMICS LTD REPORT                  the performance of Maritimos –particu-         received good quality enquiries is
    thatsales during and post 2017’s show        larly their sea-going ability after bringing   exactly what we want.”
    reached approximately $40m, while the        the boats across on their own bottoms.            New Zealand company 36 Degrees
    tally this year stands at approximately      It’s been one of the top-performing            Brokers partially credits the good
    $105m. Visitors through the gates            shows this year so far,” said Maritimo's       results to changes it has observed in
    between 27 and 30 September were up          Tom Barry-Cotter.                              the New Zealand consumer.
    12 percent and we were also pleased to           Team Windcraft had a range of sail-           “We introduced all-new vessels,
    see a lift in online pre-sales.              ing yachts on display and New Zealand          never before seen in New Zealand,
        “It was a really positive show and we    manager, Dominic Lowe, says they have          which highlight a relaxed European
    had serious buyers through,” Terry           sold the stock boat from the stand,            style with plenty of space to lounge,”
    Bailey of Arvor Boats said of the show, a    received two more orders and have              said 36 Degrees’ Conrad Gair.
    sentiment which was echoed by other          some strong enquires to follow up on.             “The response was incredibly
    exhibitors we spoke to.                          Organiser Stacey Cook reports the          positive, and we also had very strong
        “The Auckland On Water Boat Show         show team is thrilled with the results of      interest in a syndicated approach to
    is a major promotional event for Riviera,    this year’s show.                              boating – so many people are just start-
    always resulting in strong sales activity”       “Our remit is to showcase the              ing to see it as an option and are coming
    said Liam Power of Riviera                   marine industry and help businesses            to understand the many different boat-
         “We had a great response to the         flourish, so hearing from exhibitors           ing avenues it opens up to them.
    X-Series debut and a lot of interest in      that the market felt strong, and they’d           “We think the perception of how we

8 I Summer 2018 - 2019
NewsSummer 2018 -2019 - NZ Marine Industry Association

“We’ve had
fantastic                                                                        Kiwi companies’
enquiries, a                                                                     new releases
great quality of
                                                                                 This year’s show featured numerous new
people coming                                                                    releases from domestic boatbuilders
through...”                                                                      keen to display innovation to the Kiwi
                                                                                 and international market.

                                                                                 An impressive SMUGGLER STRATA
RIGHT: Smuggler                                                                  900 was a standout with bright orange
Marine was one of
many New Zealand boat                                                            accents across the stainless steel,
builders displaying a                                                            engine, and hull, offset with grey
range of new models,                                                             upholstery.
including Strata RIBs.
                                                                                 ADMIRAL BOATS NZ had a hand-
BELOW: Blackdog cats                                                             sculpted luxury cruiser on display,
was busy doing sea
trials during the show.                                                          designed to be both functional and
                                                                                 aesthetically-pleasing, while Scott
                                                                                 Lane Boatbuilders, builders of bespoke
spend time on the water is broaden-       “We think Kiwis are changing           custom launches, proudly presented
ing and changing in New Zealand so    the way they boat and they’re              Kooringal at this year’s show.
for us, it was highly satisfying to   drawn to having access to great            The 12.8-METRE ELITE SEDAN is the
demonstrate to show-goers just        boating experiences at a fraction          sixth Elite sedan variant from the
some of the many options we offer.”   of the cost. Having a boat fully-          Scott Lane factory, the result of a
    With three Leopard                managed means they can have                close collaboration with the clients to
Catamarans already ordered for        both bach and boat, while know-            ensure their ideas, requirements and
New Zealanders and set to arrive      ing the vessel’s ready for them            dreams became a reality.
over the next year, including the     to enjoy when they want it,”
                                                                                 FAMILY BOATS released its Kiwi-built
elegant Leopard 45, Leopard           continued Janes.
                                                                                 700HT, combining a fibreglass hardtop
Catamaran’s David Flynn knew the          “It’s been bloody marvellous,”
                                                                                 with a seven-metre alloy hull, provid-
innovative, roomy design of these     added Jason Snashall of Orakei
                                                                                 ing the ultimate in strength, durability
cats was appreciated by Kiwis.        Marine. “Sold boats, lots of interest
                                                                                 and comfort.
    “We’ve had great people com-      and a really good show.”
ing through and it’s been a very          Hamilton-based Tristram                The next evolution from MARCO
pleasant experience, with a good      Marine builds well-designed trailer        BOATS was also on display. Featuring
pace to the show,” says Flynn.        boats with a passionate following.         a pillar-less electric dropdown cavity
    Auckland-based boat syndica-          “It’s been a brilliant opportunity     window in the wheelhouse, self-raising
tion company Ownaship, agreed.        to re-engage with owners and               electric swim ladder, a huge amount
    “It’s been our most successful    future owners alike,” says                 of storage, including twin freezer
show yet,” reported Ownaship’s        Tristram Marine’s business devel-          boxes, and distinctive strong lines,
Chris Janes.                          opment manager, Tristram Fink.             this boat was a hit with keen fishos.
    “We’ve had fantastic enquiries,       “We’ve had a lot of genuine
                                                                                 Outside the VEC, all the colours of the
a great quality of people coming      enquiries and being in front of
                                                                                 STABICRAFT rainbow were turning
through, and found that nothing       our customers further reinforces
                                                                                 heads at the Gulfland Marine stand.
was a real issue. It was well-        positive feedback on the brand             The bright-red fishing weapon that is
organised and very relaxed.           and vessels we’re creating.”               the STABICRAFT 1850 FISHER proved
                                                                                 particularly popular with its Fish Pro
                                                                                 seats, bait station, rocket launcher,
                                                                                 120-litre underfloor fuel tank, 90hp
                                                                                 Mercury four-stroke engine and a host
                                                                                 of optional extras.

                                                                                 We were also pleased to host the
                                                                                 release of SEALEGS’ NEW RELEASE
                                                                                 8.5M ALLOY CABIN, which combines
                                                                                 the comfort of an enclosed cabin, the
                                                                                 internal space of an all-alloy hull and
                                                                                 the latest in Sealegs Amphibious
                                                                                 technology to create an unbeatable
                                                                                 amphibious experience.

                                                                               Summer 2018 - 2019 I        9
NewsSummer 2018 -2019 - NZ Marine Industry Association

                           Yamaha's impressive
                            425hp V8 outboard
                           stopped the crowds.

     One of the standout features of the
     show is the ability to get people on the
     water to experience how a boat moves
     and performs. It’s an important part of
     how we can help our boat building
     exhibitors move units and we’re putting
     in place plans for 2019’s show that will
     make the sea trial more visible and eas-      from the more common monohull boats           strong selection of engines to discover,
     ier to access.                                they are used to. The design of Blackdog      ranging from grunty outboards to
                                                   Cat boats results in stability and durabil-   newly-released commercial engines.
     From SEALEGS Island, the team were            ity, versatility and agility.
     showing visitors how to enjoy less has-                                                     SOUTH PACIFIC DIESEL SYSTEMS had
     sle and more fun with one                     THE MAKAIRA BOATS 670 was also                a special factory-prepared Scania DI13
     of Sealegs’ most popular models:              available for sea trials. Designed using      exhibition engine on display. This engine
     THE SEALEGS 7.1M SPORT RIB.                   naval architectural software with an          is the latest offering from SCANIA
                                                   8mm hull, fully-welded underfloor             Sweden and is available in power rat-
     SPORTS MARINE had the BOSTON                  structure, and undergoing a full weight       ings from 700hp to a whopping 925hp at
     WHALER 285 CONQUEST on the water              study before production, the attention to     2,300 rpm.
     and available for sea trials. It has deliv-   technical detail was demonstrated by its
     ered for decades what no other boat can.                                                    YAMAHA launched the new V8 425 XTO
                                                   on-water performance.                         (Extreme Offshore) outboard,a massive
     Where most fishing boats lack comfort,
     and most pleasure boats lack fishing fea-                                                   425-horsepower V8 engine designed
                                                   ENGINES ON SHOW                               from the ground up to deliver extreme
     tures, Boston Whaler was proving to           Being able to find commercial suppliers
     show-goers they could have both.                                                            power and thrust, combined with a fully
                                                   and B2B companies, and electronics and        integrated power and control system to
     From Northland, BLACKDOG CAT was              accessory providers in one place is as        create a whole new level of boating
     once again impressing, using on-water         important to the show as having a wide        experience.
     experiences to show customers the             range of boats on display. This year we
     unique features that set its boats apart      were proud to have a particularly             HONDA MARINE offered free rigging kits

                                                   On-line ticket winners
                                                   Rory of Two Cat Tenders presented an
                                                   inflatable kayak to show patron Sharon.
                                                   Nick Fogarty of ENL presented a Furuno
                                                   prize to show patron Eugene.

10 I Summer 2018 - 2019

                                             “It’s been a brilliant opportunity to re-engage
                                             with owners and future owners alike.”

on all BF80 to BF250 outboards sold          EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES                      There were also plenty of toys to be
between 17 September and 31 October          While some of our show-goers are on            found at the show. RED PADDLE
2018. Power & Marine Ltd recently            site to find a new vessel, many are there      CO’S INFLATABLE STAND UP PAD-
unveiled for the first time in New Zealand   to see the latest and greatest in boat         DLEBOARDS were on display; they’re
the largest and most powerful outboard       accessories, commercial supplies, elec-        made by paddleboarders and designed
on the planet. It was on display on the      tronics and navigation before the boating      to make SUP-ing easier and more
water at this year’s show, where twin        season begins.                                 accessible.
627S Seven Marine engines powered an         ENL GROUP has developed a new world            Clever Kiwi invention O-PRO is an easy-
impressive Intrepid 370. That’s 1254         leading digital log book for the New           to-use addition designed to extend the
horsepower in just two engines.              Zealand commercial fishing industry,           life of an Optimist and keep children in
From September 1 2018, SUZUKI NEW            designed to meet the coming digital            sailing for longer. It was on show along-
ZEALAND LIMITED has been the new             monitoring regulations, which it intro-        side RS SAILING, which provides world-
distributor of Suzuki’s range of ultimate    duced at the show. The system, Olrac,          leading sailing dinghies.
four-stroke outboards, adding 27 new         has been independently developed by            The show also hosted the global launch
dealers to an already impressive dealer      OLSPS Marine & ENL to offer an e-log-          of the new electric amphibious technol-
network of both motor vehicles and           book that will meet Fisheries NZ require-      ogy by TECTRAX. The Kiwi-designed
motorcycles. The team was proud to be        ments while giving vessel owners, man-         innovation is quiet, powerful and
back on the water and on display with        agers, operators any information they          means there’s no messing about with
outboards from 2.5hp to 350hp.               require in a simple to use and under-          trailers or boat ramps –making single-
POWER EQUIPMENT had an Oxe Diesel            stand format.                                  handed launch and retrieval simple,
on display in Pavilion One. Oxe turbo-       ABSOLUTE MARINE was helping boaties            fast and easy.
charged diesel outboards offer a patented    get ready for a summer on the water with       PROPSPEED is well-known in boating
high torque belt drive, lower fuel con-      world-leading watermakers. CJD                 circles for keeping metal components
sumption and surprisingly quiet running.     Watermakers are easy-to-operate, ultra-        free of fouling. Parent company
On display for the first time at a New       quiet and modular, to better fit into unused   Oceanmax used the show to launch a
Zealand show, VOLPOWER had the full          spaces. They’re designed and built in New      sister product, Lightspeed, which has
range of Volvo Penta IPS drives and          Zealand and made to be both low on main-       the same effect on underwater lights,
products.                                    tenance and running costs.                     keeping them shining brightly.

                                                                      The show into 2019 and beyond
                                                                      With the assistance of Auckland Council and Viaduct Harbour
                                                                      Holdings, in 2019 the show will move from its current location
                                                                      in and round the Viaduct Events Centre (VEC), to sit around the
                                                                      eastern part of the Viaduct Harbour and Te Wero Island.
                                                                          The location will mean some adjustments for the show, with
                                                                      a two-storey temporary building structure and a marquee taking
                                                                      the place of the internal VEC space we have used up until this
                                                                      point. Those structures will sit across Te Wero Island and the
                                                                      Eastern Viaduct, with the on-water portion of the show spread
                                                                      around the Waitemata Plaza Marina, Eastern Viaduct Marina
                                                                      and Te Wero Marina.
                                                                          Next year’s show will also see a slight movement in date,
                                                                      pushing back one week to coincide with daylight savings and
                                                                      school holidays. With the Rugby World Cup in Japan scheduled
                                                                      for the same time frame, we’re working with restaurants, bars
                                                                      and other stakeholders within the Viaduct to create a buzzing
                                                                      festival atmosphere throughout.

                                                                                       Summer 2018 - 2019 I            11

     20th Auckland On Water Boat Show

                                        Celebrating the 20th
                                        Auckland On Water Boat Show
                                        The 20th Auckland On Water Boat Show was marked with a
                                        celebratory breakfast at the Hilton Hotel on Friday 28 September.
                                        THE EVENT WAS attended by over 280               Auckland Councillor Christine
                                        exhibitors and invited guests and was a     Fletcher, who as mayor in 1999 was
                                        celebration and reflection on how far the   instrumental in securing a site for the
                                        show has come from its small begin-         first show, presented certificates to
                                        nings in 1999.                              exhibiting companies and suppliers who
                                            Guests enjoyed hearing from MC          had been committed to the show from
                                        Peter Montgomery, with updates from NZ      the very beginning.
                                        Marine President Richard Macalister, Rod         Keynote speaker Kevin Shoebridge,
                                        Marler of Panuku Development                Chief Operating Officer of Emirates Team
                                        Auckland and NZ Marine & Composites         New Zealand gave guests a fascinating
                                        ITO General Manager Chris van der           insight into the team’s defence and plans
                                        Hor. NZ Marine Executive Director Peter     for the 36th America’s Cup in 2021.
                                        Busfield reflected on the history and            Our show team are already busy
                                        challenges the show has faced over the      planning for the 2019 Auckland On Water
                                        years and showed a short video montage      Boat Show and more details will be
      Peter Montgomery was MC.          of the show’s history.                      available later this year.

12 I Summer 2018 - 2019

                                                              THE SPEAKERS

Speakers at the breakfast included from left to right: Richard Macalister, Kevin Shoebridge, Christine Fletcher and Rod Marler.

     THE 20 YEAR AWARDS: NZ Marine thanks longstanding exhibitors and suppliers.

        1.                                         2.                                         3.


        5.                                         6.                                         7.


        9.                                        10.                                         11.


       12                                          13.                                        14.

        16.                                       17.                                         18.                                       19.

      1. Blair Geldard of Advance Trident. 2. Tim Porter and Brett Patterson of Boating NZ. 3. Councillor Christine Fletcher. 4. Philip Wright of Cummins Engine
      Co. 5. Bill Upfold of Elite Marine Design. 6. Barry Thompson and Doug Dukeson of Boatmags. 7. Jamie Frankham and Jeremy Peacock of Enertec
      Marine. 8. Nigel Arkell of Roger’s Boat Shop. 9. Denis Kendall of Seacraft. 10. Tony Stevenson of Network Visuals. 11. Peter Montgomery MBE.12. Keith
      Patterson of Redhot Creative.13. Brent Shipman of Total Marine Services. 14. John White of Viaduct Harbour. 15. Shane Walker of The Moorings.
      16. Colin Rees of Busfield Marine Brokers. 17. Brian Macken of Power Equipment.18. Liam Power of Flagship/Riviera.19. Max Hall of So Pac Marine.

                                                                                                           Summer 2018 - 2019 I                   13

     NZ Millennium Cup


     New entries and a new rating system
     The New Zealand Millennium Cup is gearing up for an expected boom in entries for 2020–2021.
     THE MILLENNIUM CUP began its life          to an estimated 40 or more.                 tems to ensure a smooth delivery for
     during the 2000 America’s Cup as a way         It’s something organisers are taking    the larger fleet they are expecting.
     to bring superyacht owners together in     seriously in order to preserve the             “As next year’s New Zealand
     their own regatta, held around the main    Millennium Cup’s spirit of fun, competi-    Millennium Cup approaches, we’re
     event. With America’s Cup racing           tive racing, offset by the welcoming        making small changes to give the
     returning to New Zealand in the coming     hospitality the Cup’s gained a reputation   regatta space to grow, including moving
     years, organisers are expecting to see a   for. They’ve confirmed the next three       the date by one week and introducing
     number of visiting spectator yachts        editions will be raced in the Bay of        new and challenging courses,” says
     enter the regatta, pushing fleet numbers   Islands and have switched rating sys-       organiser Stacey Cook.
                                                                                               “The biggest adjustment we’ve
                                                                                            made is moving from ISYR to ORCsy, in
     Tawera.                                                                                response to industry feedback. It’s part
                                                                                            of our plan to ramp up for an expected
                                                                                            growth in entries as we build towards
                                                                                            the 2021 America’s Cup. It is a move
                                                                                            we think will set the stage for very
                                                                                            competitive racing.
                                                                                               “Once again, we’ll be basing our Race
                                                                                            HQ at the historic Duke of Marlborough
                                                                                            in Russell, Bay of Islands, and we can’t
                                                                                            wait to celebrate fierce racing in one of
                                                                                            the world’s great natural playgrounds.”
                                                                                               The ORCsy rule was recommended
                                                                                            by a number of sponsors, entrants and

14 I Summer 2018 - 2019

        ...we’re making
       small changes to
        give the regatta                                                                                Photos by Jeff Brown.
        space to grow...

competitive sailors as it’s responsive to
its users and is measurement-based.
The Cup will have ORCsy officials
onsite working alongside the race
management team.
    At press date, the Cup has five entries
for the 2019 regatta.
    “We’re pleased to welcome back our
long-time supporters Janice of
Wyoming, Sassafras, Tawera and
Silvertip, as well as new entry Freya.
In past years we’ve seen a surge of reg-         Janice of
istrations in December as owners                 Wyoming
cement their cruising plans.”
    There’s still time to become a sponsor
of the Cup and enjoy the international
                                                    MILLENNIUM CUP DATES:
exposure and exceptional networking the
                                                    January 30 – February 2, 2019
event brings. Contact stacey@nzmarine.
                                                    January 29 – February 1, 2020
com for more details.                               February 2 – February 5, 2021

                                                Dolphins on the                                          On the rail of Silvertip.
                                                bow of Silvertip.

                                         THE 2019 MILLENNIUM CUP IS PROUDLY SPONSORED BY:

                                                                                    Summer 2018 - 2019 I            15

     Fiji-NZ Day

     NZ Marine hosts third annual Fiji-NZ Trade Day
     The third annual NZ Marine Fiji-NZ Trade Day was held at Port Denarau Marina and Yacht Club in July.
     NEW ZEALAND EXHIBITORS                    marine businesses, yachts and agents
     engaged with superyacht crews, inter-     to network and discuss one-on-one the
     national cruisers, plus Fijian industry   latest marine products and services
     representatives and boat owners.          with leading marine operators under
     Presentations highlighted the diverse     one roof.”
     range of New Zealand marine products,        Peter Busfield, executive director
     services, refit and maintenance capa-     of NZ Marine, said the America’s Cup
     bilities. The event also featured a       Regatta in New Zealand promises
     series of seminars and profiled New       significant benefits for the wider South
     Zealand destinations and marina           Pacific. He added, “We are expecting
     facilities for cruising craft.            an unprecedented number of cruising
         Port Denarau Marina general man-      craft and superyachts to be moving
     ager Cynthia Rasch said: “It is a great   throughout the region both before and
     opportunity for industry partners,        after the event.”                           New Zealand exhibitors

                                                                                          • AkzoNobel
                                                                                          • Auckland on Water Boat Show
                                                                                          • Destination & Cruising
                                                                                            New Zealand book 2018-2020
   ABOVE RIGHT:                                                                           • Far North Holdings
   Guests attend-                                                                         • Hibiscus Marine Coatings Ltd
  ing the opening                                                                         • Hobsonville Marina
function included                                                                         • Hutchwilco NZ Ltd / Express Diesel
superyacht crews                                                                          • IMED
 and international                                                                        • Johnson Yachts
          cruisers                                                                        • Lighthouse Marine Equipment
                                                                                          • Lusty & Blundell
           RIGHT:                                                                         • Orams Marine
        Seminars                                                                          • Penske Power Systems
        were well                                                                         • Power Equipment NZ
        attended.                                                                         • Robinson Interiors
                                                                                          • Wrights NZ

16 I Summer 2018 - 2019

Commercial Vessels Group
Good numbers attend Rangiora meeting
The most recent meeting of the Commercial Vessels Sector Group was held in Rangiora on
Thursday, November 8 at Icon Custom Boats, prior to the Boating After 5 event held on-site.
                                                                                          Twenty NZ Marine
                                                                                          member company
                                                                                          managers attended,
                                                                                          together with NZTE
                                                                                          Peta Fraser.
                                                                                          The meeting included
                                                                                          presentations from
                                                                                          Lyttelton Port Co and
                                                                                          an update on the new
                                                                                          tax credit programme
                                                                                          for research and
                                                                                          development from
                                                                                          Ernst & Young.
                                                                                          This was the first
                                                                                          meeting chaired by
                                                                                          Chris Gibbs, who
                                                                                          replaced the
                                                                                          retiring Chairman
                                                                                          Dave Hopkins.

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                                                                    Summer 2018 - 2019 I            17

     Boating After 5s
                                                                                               LEFT: McMullen & Wing
                                                                                               attendees explore the new mussel
                                                                                               barge in construction.
                                                                                               BELOW: CEO Michael Eaglen.

     McMullen & Wing, Auckland
     One of New Zealand’s most established shipyards,
     McMullen & Wing, having recently celebrated 50 years of
     boat building, hosted a Boating After 5 on August 7.
     OVER 60 NZ MARINE members visited           including America’s Cup winners,
     the yard, which comprises three sepa-       superyachts, ferries, patrol, fishing
     rate build halls up to 58-metres long, a    and work boats, and more.
     350-tonne slipway, a 65-tonne travel        Today their primary focus is on serving
     lift, marina and substantial office and     New Zealand’s leading commercial
     workshop facilities.                        vessel operators through a combination
          McMullen & Wing’s projects have        of new construction and refit, repair
     included all manner of marine craft,        and maintenance projects.

                            MIDDLE RIGHT: David Porter, Terry Bailey, Brad and Clinton Hall.
                                         RIGHT: Terry Porter, Rolf Eidt and Georgi Yankov.

                                                                  Marco Boats,                              MEMBERS WERE ABLE to
                                                                                                            view Marco’s current pro-

                                                                  Morrinsville                              jects, including their first
                                                                                                            brand-new 800 Sou’wester
                                                                                                            model hardtop, a fully
                                                                  A very enjoyable evening                  revamped 600 Sou’wester,
                                                                  was spent at Marco                        a 625 Sou’wester as well
                                                                                                            as other boats in progress.
                                                                  Boats in Morrinsville on                     The Marco 950
                                                                  Thursday, November 1.                     Sou’wester won the Boat

18 I Summer 2018 - 2019

                                                                               Core Builders
Icon Boats, Rangiora                                                           On Wednesday, October 10, Core
Icon Boats hosted two NZ Marine events recently with                           Builders Composites opened its
the NZ Marine Commercial Vessel Group meeting                                  doors to a huge turnout of over
being held on-site at its Icon Marine Hub in Rangiora                          90 NZ Marine members.
prior to the Boating After 5 on November 8.                                    ATTENDEES ENJOYED VIEWING the state-of-
                                                                               the-art equipment for composite tooling and
GUESTS WERE INVITED by Icon MD Andrew Scott to view the Icon Marine
                                                                               manufacturing of composite parts.
manufacturing facility and witness their expanding operation. Currently in
                                                                               Core Builders Composites have been at the
build is a Robson Design R146 seagoing barge, several Ramco production
                                                                               forefront of high performance yacht racing and
boats, a Tim Barnett Design CG85 Waimakariri District Coastguard boat
                                                                               tooling construction for over a decade.
and an inter-atoll vessel for Tokelau, featured on the cover of this issue,
                                                                                  GM Mark Turner updated guests on Core’s
another good example of NZ Government buying NZ-made vessels.
                                                                               current projects, which include construction
   Guests also heard from Ernst & Young’s top tax specialist,
                                                                               and development of a 10-boat fleet of F50 one-
Tim Benbow, who presented on the new tax credit programme.
                                                                               design, wing-sailed foiling catamarans. These
                                                                               vessels are an evolution of the AC50 foiling
                                                               TOP:            cats that contested the last America’s Cup.
                                                               Chris Gibbs,       The new class will race in a high-octane
                                                               Andrew Scott    international one-class series backed by
                                                               and Peter       Oracle’s Larry Ellison and Russell Coutts.
                                                               Busfield.          Tristan Campbell of Kiwi Yachting
                                                                               Consultants said it was the most absorbing
                                                                               NZ Marine event he had attended, and one of
                                                               Grant Allen,
                                                               Andrew          the most impressive marine facilities he had
                                                               Stark, David    visited in NZ. The consensus from other
                                                               Cockell and     attendees was similar.
                                                               Geoff Fraser.

of the Show Specialist
Fishing Boat Open category
at this year’s Hutchwilco
NZ Boat Show.
    Marco also had
their neighbouring business,                                                                                       Members
Horne Engineering (which                                                                                           enjoy the
makes a number of CNC                                                                                              at Marco
components for the boats),                                                                                         Boats.
open for members to tour.

                                                                                Summer 2018 - 2019 I            19

     Leadership training
     Dale Carnegie Leadership Breakfast Seminar
     Following on from our successful Dale Carnegie Breakfast Seminar in June, we held a second of
     these free up-skilling seminars on Wednesday, November 7 at NZ Marine House.
     THIS EVENT (valued at $250+GST
     per person) was focussed on lead-
     ership and was enjoyed free of
     charge by about 30 NZ Marine
     members. Feedback from delegates
     was very positive with attendees
     enjoying the high energy presenter,
     who provided an engaging session
     with advice on how to improve
     leadership skills.
        These breakfast seminars
     are an ideal way for business
     owners, senior managers and team
     leaders to benefit from the world-
     renowned Dale Carnegie training.
     NZ Marine will be hosting more of
     these sessions in 2019.

          Contact Caroline Gibson,


20 I Summer 2018 - 2019
Summer 2018 - 2019 I   21

       Superyacht welcome
                                                             NZ Marine hosts
                                                             superyacht welcome
                                                             The 2018 annual Superyacht Welcome
                                                             Function was held at the Royal New Zealand
                                                             Yacht Squadron, Westhaven, Auckland on
                                                             Friday 30 November.
                                                             THE EVENT WAS WELL attended with approximately 90
                                                             captains and crew from 20 superyachts, together with over
                                                             ninety sponsor and key marine industry representatives.
                                                                RNZYS Commodore Ian Cook, together with NZ Marine
                                                             Executive Director Peter Busfield, welcomed the guests and
                                                             thanked the crews for choosing New Zealand as a cruising
                                                             and/or refit destination. Ian Cook also officially announced
                                                             that the Squadron had now received applications for eight
                                                             new entries for the 2021 America’s Cup.
       ABOVE: RNZYS Commodore Ian Cook and Executive            This annual event is a great opportunity for the marine
       Director Peter Busfield welcomed the guests.          industry to meet socially with the visiting captains and crew.

                                                                                                                        FAR LEFT
                                                                                                                        Stuart of Robin-
                                                                                                                        son Interiors,
                                                                                                                        Nick and Haydon
                                                                                                                        of ENL and Chris
                                                                                                                        of Robinson

                                                                                                                        Clive, NZ
                                                                                                                        Marine, Ben
                                                                                                                        and Matt of
                                                                                                                        North Sails.


             ATEED (Auckland Tourism)                  Gough Power Systems                        Penske Power
             ATTEST Ltd                                Harken NZ                                  Power Equipment
             Auckland Engineering Supplies             Holton Marine                              Reid Yacht Services
             Babcock New Zealand                       IMED                                       Rig Pro
             Bay Of Islands Marina Port Opua           Integrated Marine Group                    Robinson Interiors
             Boat Cover Company                        Lancer Industries                          Select NZ Tours
             Diesel Clean                              Liquid Automation                          Sevenstar Yacht Transport
             Dixon Manufacturing                       Lloyd Stevenson Boat Builders              Silo & Viaduct Marinas
             DM Marine Electronics                     Marsden Cove Marina                        Smuggler Marine
             Doyle Sails                               North Sails                                Technical Equipment Supplies
             EAL Electric                              Oceanmax /Propspeed                        Tourism New Zealand
             Electronic Navigation                     Oceanbridge                                Wright’s NZ
             Events Clothing                           Oceania Marine                             Yachting Developments
             Glengarry Wines                           Oceania Medical
             GoFuel                                    Orams Marine Services

  22 I Summer 2018 - 2019

                                            Over 150
                                            guests enjoyed
                                            the welcome

                                            LEFT Alex of
                                            Westhaven Marina,
                                            Janice of SY Janice
                                            of Wyoming, Keith
                                            of Babcock NZ and
                                            John of Viaduct
                                            and Silo Marinas
                                            FAR LEFT L-R Jodi,
                                            SY Aquijo, Aaron,
                                            RNZYS Vice Com-
                                            modore, Peter, NZ
                                            Marine, Josh, SY

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                  Summer 2018 - 2019 I      23

     Industry Training Organisation
                                                    Introducing Rudder2 –
                                            the future of apprenticeships
                                            THE FUTURE OF WORK means more focus               It must deliver the right skill that is rele-
                                            is required in encouraging and growing            vant to continue to maintain and grow the
                                            core skills in apprentices, so the future         marine and composites industries.
                                            workforce can adapt to the challenge of               The new delivery model not only passes
                                            continually changing roles.                       on the required knowledge, but also
                                                Skills such as resilience, adaptability       encourages these skills.
                                            and decision making are going to rank in
                                            importance with industry knowledge.               HOW WILL WE ACHIEVE THIS CHANGE?
                                                The employers of the future are going to      Conversion and updating of NZMAC ITOs
                                            value employees who understand their              existing workbooks (study notes) into log-
                                            ‘why’. Apprentices of today will go on to         ical eLearning modules headings has
           Chris van der Hor
                                            have many different roles within their            commenced.
          GM Industry Training
                                            industry during their lifetimes.                      The new digital modules will be deployed
                                                To grow apprentices who can achieve           through a new learning management system
            Skills such as                  this, you need to give them the core skills       (LMS) Rudder2 that tracks an apprentice’s
                                            in a way that allows them to develop              progress throughout the study journey.
                 resilience,                exploratory thinking. This skill is import to         Apprentices will have greater engage-
          adaptability and                  the future of our industry.                       ment and make the most of their learning
         decision making                        To do this, NZMAC ITO needs a platform
                                            that allows for an exploratory learning
                                                                                              so they are best positioned to become crea-
                                                                                              tive, adaptive problem explorers. This
      are going to rank in                  environment. A platform that meets our            model makes the most of digital technolo-
         importance with                    learners’ attention at the level they require     gies and learning strategies to capture
                                            it and develops individuals that employers        attention and keep learners engaged.
     industry knowledge.                    need – creative, adaptive problem solvers.        Through accessibility and flexibility, it gives
                                                                                              apprentices the training they need, when
                                                                                              they need it the most.
                                                                                                  It makes the most of our past invest-
                                                                                              ment in existing material but will future-
                                                                                              proof as this delivery model aligns with
                                                                                              current eLearning methodologies and
                                                                                              allows for future growth. This brings our
                                                                                              resources up to current standard.
                                                                                                  Instructional design is a key component
                                                                                              of this process: it maintains the integrity of
                                                                                              the original material while ensuring that
                                                                                              learners get the knowledge and skills they
                                                                                              need. There’s a difference between knowing
                                                                                              something and explaining that knowledge
                                                                                              to someone else. Instructional design looks
                                                                                              after the ‘explaining’ part.
                                                                                                  We are in the process of trialling this
                                                                                              with a cross-section of learners and
                                                                                              employers before we launch Rudder2 with
                                                                                              new apprentices in 2019.
                                                                                                  Rudder2 represents a major piece of
                                                                                              work undertaken by the team at NZMAC
                                                                                              ITO and will need strong industry support
                                                                                              to deliver the full outcome.
                                                                                              Chris van der Hor
 NZMAC ITO staff running a recent trial of the Rudder2 modules with learners and employers.
                                                                                              GM Industry Training

24 I Summer 2018 - 2019
Helping you with more
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CADDY         At Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles, we know that when you decide to buy

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                                                                                                             NZMACITO received final
                                                                                                             NZQA registration approval
                                                                                                             for two new power boat

      New power boat
      training programmes
      After a lengthy consultation process, the design make-up for the two new training programmes
      leading to New Zealand Certificate Qualifications in Power Boat Rigging and Power Boat
      Systems Service and Repair, received final registration approval from NZQA in August.
      THIS HAS BEEN WELCOMED by the                   Dean Harris from Mercury Marine            Marine & Composites ITO currently
      sector with Hugh Stewart from Yamaha         said, “We as a company are very               have some 50 people registered to the
      Motor NZ saying, “We are extremely           pleased with the outcome of the new           programmes, with numbers steadily
      excited by the development of the two        programmes. Under the previous motor          growing as we continue to get around
      new marine industry specific training        apprenticeship structure/administration       the country informing businesses and
      programmes. These two new training           we had ongoing concerns at the level of       their employees of the opportunity.
      programmes have been designed for            support and relevant material our                 An in-house development team is
      our sector of the industry under the         marine trainees were getting.”                currently busy developing the appropri-
      guidance of NZ Marine & Composites                                                         ate resources, again with sector input,
      Industry Training Organisation.”                     The two new                           for the new standards that are included
         Stewart further commented that the
      NZ Marine & Composites Industry
                                                      training programmes                        in the new programmes. This will take
                                                                                                 some time, but the NZMAC ITO team is
      Training Organisation will also be looking        are indeed a bonus                       looking to have the essential resources
      after industry sector apprentices                for this sector of the                    completed by June 2019.
      working through these two training                                                             A big thank you to the marine
      programmes, which will provide our                 marine industry...                      outboard motor sector for your valued
      apprentices with specific on-hand                                                          support.
      guidance and assistance as required.            He said that the whole team at
         The two new training programmes           Mercury was very excited that it now has
      are indeed a bonus for this sector of the    two robust, marine industry specific pro-
      marine industry as, with the support of      grammes that they can promote to their                   Please contact :
      our ITO, these apprentices will assist in    retail and boat builder partners and                    Chris van der Hor
      meeting the needs of a skilled workforce     strengthen their knowledge and skill        
      with a New Zealand Qualification that the    base for the future of our industry sector.          for further information.
      power boat sector has long awaited.             Chris van der Hor stated that that NZ

26 I Summer 2018 - 2019

                                                                            Homegrown success
                                                                            A former Mahurangi College student
Luke Hoskins
at the wheel                                                                is now captain of the 86-metre
of Aquijo.                                                                  superyacht Aquijo, currently berthed
                                                                            at Orams in Auckland.

LUKE HOSKINS’ JOURNEY at sea                 to a thriving career. “I’d have to say that   does. But if you work hard and learn as
began after joining the 10-Day Youth         bringing Aquijo into New Zealand was a        much as you can along the way, good
Development Voyage on-board SV Spirit        huge highlight”.                              opportunities will inevitably present
of New Zealand in 1995.                          Luke feels Kiwi youth is well equipped    themselves.”
   Encouraged by his mum to join the         for the challenges of a life at sea.              Each year 1,500 young people take
Spirit of Adventure Trust 10-Day Youth           “Kiwi youths in general are practical,    part in the award-winning youth devel-
Development Voyage, he had no idea it        hard-working, and easy to get along           opment programmes on board the iconic
would be a pivotal adventure that would      with. Those three attributes form the         tall ship Spirit of New Zealand. The
be the foundation of his career pathway.     foundation of any good crew member.           emphasis of the programme is on team-
   “I was called up a few days before        Kiwis have a large presence and a great       work, leadership, independence, problem
the start of the voyage and although I       reputation within the superyacht indus-       solving, motivation, self-confidence,
was reluctant at first, I’m so grateful to   try, that’s for sure.”                        community spirit, self-esteem, tolerance,
Mum for putting my name on that list!”           Luke’s advice for any youth consider-     goal setting and overcoming challenges.
said Luke.                                   ing entering the marine industry: “Be             The programmes would be of great
   The positive impact of his 10-Day         patient, and be realistic in your expecta-    benefit to young people and apprentices
Youth Voyage influenced him, both per-       tions. You have to put in the hard yards      already in the industry.
sonally and professionally, and has led      at the start of your career. Everybody

Barge project
invests in local youth
                                                                                                                 LEFT Trainees
                                                                                                                 from Opotiki
                                                                                                                 were employed
                                                                                                                 to help build the
AUCKLAND-BASED MCMULLEN & WING, acclaimed for its                                                                barge.
50-year history spanning commercial vessels and award-
winning yachts, including the victorious 1995 America’s Cup                                                      BELOW Broad
boat NZL32 (Black Magic), joined forces with a Bay of Plenty                                                     and stable,
iwi and a local mussel farming company to build Kukutai.                                                         Kukutai is the
                                                                                                                 ideal mussel
Commissioned by Whakatōhea Mussels, New Zealand’s largest
offshore mussel farm, Kukutai was constructed with help from
local Opotiki youth.
   McMullen & Wing CEO Michael Eaglen says he wanted to
help Whakatōhea Mussels’ investment to deliver for the Opotiki
community beyond simply building a great farming vessel.
   “Our trainee programme gives these young people a career
pathway in a growing industry where demand for skilled
workers is strong.”
   The three young workers, all between the ages of 17 and 18,
received training in metal work and construction skills which
they were able to apply directly to the building of the vessel,
which itself will directly benefit their own community.

                                                                                      Summer 2018 - 2019 I            27

      School to Work:
      Brooke Tawhara
      Now one year in to her apprenticeship as an
      alloy boat builder at the prestigious McMullen
      & Wing, Auckland, Brooke Tawhara is breaking
      through the glass ceiling and demonstrating
      that women can do everything!
      IT ALL BEGAN IN her Year 11 engineering class at One Tree
      Hill College, where students were given a project to design
      and build a weather vane. Not only did Brooke outsmart the
      boys with her design, but her attention to detail in the welding
      and finishing of her product saw her awarded with the top
      prize for Level One Engineering that year.
          It was that accolade, and the belief that she could actually
      do this better than most of her classmates, that prompted her
      to explore a possible career using her new-found skills. Now
      with over a year’s experience working at the East Auckland             skilled tradespeople who are teaching her their craft.
      boat building and service yard, Brooke is loving her job.                  It would be fair to say that Resources Manager Phil Allen
          Her apprenticeship training so far has found her studying a        initially had reservations about how Brooke would be accepted
      diverse range of topics including characteristics of aluminium         as the first female apprentice at the yard, a traditionally male-
      alloy, computerised manufacturing processes and calculating            dominated workplace. However it soon became clear that his
      costs for boatbuilding, and now glass fibre laminating, but as         concerns were unfounded. From day-one the staff accepted
      with everything else in her role, Brooke takes it all in her stride.   Brooke as their equal.
          One of Brooke’s key projects has been on the construction              With her quiet determination and ability to learn trade
      of a custom-designed aquaculture vessel, a venture McMullen            skills she was quickly able to contribute to the team. With
      & Wing have proudly partnered with East Coast iwi and a                good communication skills, a hunger to learn, and producing
      mussel farm to build an innovative new vessel. In addition to          high quality work, it was evident how well suited she was to
      welding and cutting, she has been the sole programmer and              this new role.
      operator of the company’s CNC plasma machine, used to cut                  NZMAC ITO School to Work Transition Advisor Tracey Eaton
      all the aluminium and steel plate for the vessel.                      has enjoyed sharing Brooke’s success story with other young
          Brooke is enjoying the challenge of learning new skills and        women in high schools. Recently Brooke accompanied Tracey to
      the variety of work she has been involved in. She has been             a Women in Trades event, participated in a panel discussion
      fascinated seeing the project unfold, from observing the initial       with other talented tradeswomen discussing their craft and
      design to seeing the way the boat all came together. She feels         demonstrated that this is a viable career pathway for practically
      thankful to be working in a supportive team with some very             capable young women.

           ...quiet                                                                                                   ABOVE: Brooke
                                                                                                                      Tawhara with her
      determination                                                                                                   award from One Tree
       and ability to                                                                                                 Hill College and her
                                                                                                                      weather vane.
        learn trade                                                                                                   LEFT: Brooke
      skills she was                                                                                                  participated in a
                                                                                                                      panel discussion at
      quickly able to                                                                                                 a Women in Trades
       contribute to                                                                                                  function and demon-
                                                                                                                      strated that this was
         the team.                                                                                                    a viable career path
                                                                                                                      for young women.

28 I Summer 2018 - 2019
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