Page created by Martin Gregory
                                                                   HEREFORD FC
                                                                           Vanarama National
                                                                                League North
                                                                  Monday 28th December 2020
                                                                                  3.00pm KO


                                                                  k E d w ards

                                                                                         ISSUE 8

Soccer Club Swap Shop Non-League Programme Competition - First in League & Second Nationally 2019-2020
 FROM KICK OFF TO                                                                               PAUL HOLLERAN
                                                         G    ood afternoon, I trust      2019, but the FA Trophy run      intact is a mystery. It will

 THE FINAL WHISTLE                                            all of you have enjoyed
                                                         Christmas as much as you
                                                         have been able to. We
                                                                                          kept the spirits up, despite
                                                                                          the way it ended. This
                                                                                          season we didn’t start very
                                                                                                                           certainly have been one
                                                                                                                           of our toughest tests of
                                                                                                                           the season, and if we have
                                                         welcome Josh Gowling,            well in our opening three        taken something from that
 WE SUPPORT YOUR BUSINESS                                Steve Burr and their             games, but I think you’ll        game it will have been well
                                                         Hereford side to Harbury         agree we have more than          earnt.
 EVERY STEP OF THE WAY                                   Lane this afternoon for the      made up for it since! It was
                                                         final game of 2020.              fantastic to pull off a ‘giant   We have had some good
                                                                                          killing’ at Wrexham, but as      battles with Hereford over
Whether you’re starting out, looking to expand or want   What a strange year this         always the occasion was          the last couple of seasons.
to improve your business performance, HB&O can           has been, but perversely,        tinged with disappointment       The two sides are usually
                                                         in    the    latter    stages    that our fans could not be       evenly matched and not too
offer a full range services to support you, including:   particularly, a pretty good      with us to share in it.          far apart in terms of league
     Audit & accounts                                    one for us as a club on the                                       positions, so I am sure
                                                         pitch. All of us have had        It would have been               today will be no different.
     Wealth management                                   to deal with situations and      fantastic, and a huge boost      Both sides will want to
                                                         a way of life that seemed        for everyone, to have been       end this wretched year on
     Tax planning and advisory                           quite alien at first but has     able to welcome supporters       a high so it should be an
                                                         now sadly become normal.         back for today’s fixture, but    entertaining afternoon.
     Corporate finance                                   How long it will continue        sadly we continue to be
     Virtual finance office                              for is anyone’s guess. We        prevented from doing that.
                                                         laboured a little after losing   Those of you who watch

     Estate planning                                     Josh March at the end of         our fantastic streaming
                                                                                          service will no doubt
     Business growth                                                                      notice today that there
                                                                                          should be a new stand
     HR and payroll                                                                       on the Sheepside of the
                                                                                          ground. National League
                                                                                            regulations required us
                                                                                             to install more seating by
                                                                                             March 2021 to bring us in
                                                                                           line. Let’s hope they can
                                                                                          be used some time in the
                                                                                          New Year.
For more information please contact:
Mark Edwards on 07771 603 058 or                                                          As these notes were                                                                 written prior to our trip to
                                                                                          Gloucester City on Boxing                                                                          Day, whether we will
                                                                                          come into today’s game
                                                                                          with our unbeaten record

                                                                                                                  Brakes News & Review 2020-2021 I HEREFORD 3
                                                                                   CHAIRMAN  JIM SCOTT
                                                                                                    JIM SCOTT
                                                                                                         the club reported to the FA for                    not accep
r vehicle leasing needs, we’ve got you covered.                                                 yourself    re results
                                                                                                       a number                that changing
                                                                                                                          of incidents             for quite athe
                                                                                                                                              by fans,          fewpitch
                                                                                                and everything
                                                                                                       namely two     canseparate
                                                                                                                                           so let’s hope
                                                                                                                                                      of thatcelebratio
                                                                                                turn infans
                                                                                                          the throwing
                                                                                                               blink of drink  lads can
                                                                                                                                                   ontogood form
                                                                                                                                                               is any p
                                                                                                an eye.the pitch in the generaland give       you even
                                                                                                                                           direction  of more     to
                                                                                                                               shout about when you are
                                                                                                       players. One
                                                                                                Whilst it took a allowed back in to watch.
                                                                                                       was by a
                                                                                                penalty shoot out
                                                                                                             the result The“Leamington
                                                                                                to decide                              Fourth Round Draw          FC h
                                                                                                of ourFCBuildbase
                                                                                                              fan and (last 32) has paired us with a
                                                                                                                                    historically had a g
S                                                                                                      the other
                                                                                                FA Trophy        tie atby difficult tie at Kettering Town
                                                                                                W r e xah aStockport
                                                                                                            m       l a s t Thatrecord means on   the the   fan behav
                                                                                                SatuC  r d aoy ,u nwte y league     front,          however
                                                                                                                                          fixture versus  Guiseley rec
                                                                                                undo   f aunb. t e dTl hy e FC on       Saturday 16 January
                                                                                                                                    incidents           at the   will play
S                                                                                               shaded     the game. now have to be re-scheduled.
                                                                                                J a ke fanWe    a v ebeen
                                                                                                              has      r ’s         final last season and
                                                                                                       identified and   in WithSaturday’s
                                                                                                                                       Gloucester on Boxing game ar
                                                                                                the ‘shoot    out’
                                                                                                       we will be    was       Day   and    New
                                                                                                                                    reflection    Year’s
                                                                                                                                                      of  Day,
                                                                                                top class with two today’s fixture this is going to
                                                                                                saves and a further be aindiscretions                           both     f
                                                                                                       taking action
                                                                                                                                      very testing period, so      it
                                                                                                two where he got will be
                                                                                                                           in       home        and to
                                                                                                                                         interesting    away
                                                                                                                                                          see how fans.“
URANCE                                                                                          strongahands
                                                                                                           ban on forwellthe the lads handle it. Let’s hope

                                                  W      e welcome the players, taken penalties.i n We
                                                         On    management
                                                  club officials
                                                                              and six ofFC
                                                                       of Leamington
                                                                  of Hereford
                                                                                                           d i vscored
                                                                                                                 i d u a l . they can continue to give you
                                                                                           our seven and Kaiman something to cheer about and
                                                                                to ourAnderson
                                                         welcome     you all to        Phillips couldwe counthave
                                                                                                                himselfalso been       reported
                                                                                                                               hopefully     you willfor
                                                                                                                                                      all havedetriment
                                                  our Community Stadium for unlucky when his           two    pitch
                                                                                                           came    backincursions
                                                                                                                               a  goodby    Stockport
                                                                                                                                            Christmas    Day   stewardin
                                                         66 Community Stadium for this
                                                  this the last fixture of 2020 out off the underside of the at least some of your family
                                                         afternoon’s Vanarama National                 County fans in the celebrations                         all, it imp
                                                  and I am pretty certain that I bar.                                          and   friends.
                                                  speakLeague       North
                                                          for everyone       fixture against
                                                                        in saying
                                                                                                       immediately         following    their  second          reputation
                                                  I can’tour
                                                          waitvisitors  AFC
                                                               to see the backTelford
                                                                                 of TheUnited.         and third goals. The offender who                       system is
                                                                                          hugely disappointing
                                                                                                       was allegedly Let’s              hope you
                                                                                                                                 celebrating        theenjoy so theplease
                                                  2020.We      hope
                                                           Having  saidyou
                                                                        that I all
                                                                               am enjoy    the
                                                                                      aspect of the team being in game. Come on you Brakes.
                                                  not inentertainment
                                                          any way certainonas offer.
                                                                               too a run of good form  second goal also made contact                           those who
                                                                                                            is that our
                                                  how much of an improvement fans have not been        with our goalkeeper Tony Breeden                        boundary
                                                                                                               there to

�icial spo�sors of the
                                                  2021 Itwillhas
                                                              be been
                                                                  on thesegreat
                                                                             past to watch
                                                                                      see the          and    was
                                                                                             it and that was even   subsequently         detained     by       or bring
                                                           months. crowds in the         early         stewards
                                                                                      more so at Wrexham’s            and    full details    obtained.         attention

                                                                                                                               Jim Scot t
                                                        part of the season with good               Stockport
                                                                                        away Ground.
                                                                                    Racecourse               AwayCounty officials fully                     have bee
                                                  Having   said that,
                                                        support         with
                                                                 from all  ourthe
                                                                               opponents  and      supported     our actions and have
                                                                                    days at grounds such as theirs                                          but we ne
                                                  team incurrently  on    such  a
                                                          particular the fans of Stockport
                                                                                    are special    subsequently
                                                                                                 and even    more   given him a two year
                                                  good run of form (Boxing so when you banning      win   in  order.
                                                                                                             such    The matter has also              Back to th
                                                        County who numbered 360. It
                                                  Day aside and I am not Mystic dramatic fashion as we did.
                                                        certainly adds to the atmosphere.          been    reported   to the authorities.             should ha
                                                  Meg) these past two months Our ground remains within
                                                  it hasWith  this being
                                                         not been    all bad.a bank  holiday
                                                                                It Tier
                                                                                                   Video footage has been forwarded                   and lost
                                                        weekend      in  the   main     3 Covid restrictions
                                                                                    summer         to Stockportand County to see if they              games in
                                                  never pays to get ahead of if I’m being honest       I can’t see
                                                        holidays it always very difficult                 can identify the culprits involved          but as we
                                                        to assess the effect upon crowd                   in the other incidents.                     between

01442 838 195 or visit                   numbers. Historically August in
                                                        particular is not a great month for
                                                                                                                                                      fine in5 this
                                                                                                                  Brakes News & Review 2020-2021 I HEREFORD
                                                                                                          Leamington FC have historically             the lads l
CAPTAIN’S CORNER                                                          JACK EDWARDS
                  Afternoon Brakes fans! I hope you have all had a good Christmas. I’m sure many
                  of you will be watching the live stream of today’s game. It’s not the same as
                  being here, I know, but hopefully we can send you into 2021 in good spirits.

                  It’s been a strange old year on and off the pitch, but I hope that in the last
                  couple of months we have helped to keep your spirits up with how we have
                  progressed. It’s been different for me just recently as I have had to travel solo
                  to our away games as my partner is expecting our first child, so, with that in mind
                  I can’t afford to take any risks. Hopefully by the time you read this Baby Edwards
                  will have been introduced to the world.

                  We are expecting another tight battle with Hereford again this afternoon. There has
                  never been too much between the two sides really, but it will be strange stepping out
                  with no fans here, as it has been all season. We will have had our first game in front of
                  fans at Gloucester on Boxing Day, so we’ll know by now how that went. Fingers crossed
                  2021 will be a better for us all, and we can welcome you back to games as
                  soon as possible!


                  President: Mick Brady
                                                                 CLUB CONTACTS                     Registered Office:                                                               Programme editor: Sally Ellis
                  Chairman: Jim Scott                                                              Phillips 66 Community Stadium                                                    t: 01926 334340
                  t: 07971 131477                                                                  Company secretary: Clive Whorton                                                 e:
                  e:                                                   e:                                           Programme Designer: Steve Crisp
Rated Excellent   Board of Directors: Jim Scott •                                                  Club Administrator:                                                              Vice Presidents Club: Wyn Grant
                  Graham Moody • Nic Sproul • Russell Davis •                                      e:                                                       e:
 On TrustPilot
                  Kevin Watson • Paul O’Rafferty                                                   Commercial Director: Nic Sproul                                                  Safety Officer: Jim Scott
                  Venue: Phillips 66 Community Stadium                                             m: 07710 112292                                                                  Welfare Officer: Paul O’Rafferty
                  t: 01926 430406                                                                  e:                                         e:
                  e:                                                       Match secretary: Richard Edy                                                     Kit Manager: Barry Reeve
                  Leamington Football Club,                                                        m: 07762 866123                                                                  Kit Man: Andy Jenkins
                  Phillips 66 Community Stadium,                                                   e:                                             Matchday Support: Brian Knibb,
                  Harbury Lane, Bishops Tachbrook,                                                 Press officer: Paul Edwards                                                      Fred Thompson (Club Ambassadors)
                  Leamington Spa,                                                                  t: 07828 566947                                                                  Boardroom Host: Dawn Johnston-Smith
                  Warwickshire, CV33 9QB                                                           e:                                                      Match day programme printed by:
                  Club Bookings:                                                                   Club-shop manager: Simon Davies                                                  Minuteman Press Coventry
                  t: 01926 430406                                                                  Commercial Manager: Simon Davies                                                 t: 02476 637493
                  e:                                                       t: 07769 682680                                                                  w:
                  The legal status of Leamington, Football Club Limited identified by Company Number 01756713, takes the form of a Private Limited Company (incorporated 28th September 1983) and limited by shares. As of 2 March 2020, there were 432
                  shareholders holding 100% of the shares. Individual shareholdings representing a significant interest in the company (10% or more): Russell William Davis, Nicholas Jonathan Sproul, Nigel John & Deborah Susan Hodgkins

                                                                                                                                                               Brakes News & Review 2020-2021 I HEREFORD 7
LAST 90 MINUTES                                                                               cleared as far as Edwards, who had
                                                                                                                       time to set himself and connect with
                                                                                                                       a clean strike some 25 yards from
                                                                                                                       goal, the ball deflected behind for
                                                                                                                                                              Wrexham came close to
                                                                                                                                                              snatching it in bizarre fashion
                                                                                                                                                              deep into injury time when a
                                                                                                                                                              deflected cross from the right
                                      Two fine saves from Jake Weaver           kick off, some of the players were
                                      in a penalty shootout sealed              having trouble keeping their footing   the first corner of the afternoon,     forced Weaver to palm the ball
                                      Leamington’s progress in the              in what was a scrappy opening to       which was cleared as far as Steph      behind as it threatened to sneak
                                      Buildbase FA Trophy at a freezing         the game. The bounce of the ball       Morley, whose first time drive was     into the top corner.
                                      Racecourse Ground as they pulled          on the slick playing surface also      held by Dibble.
                                      off an upset of sorts to dump out         caught them out as they attempted      Osborne did well to win the ball       With neither side able to find the
                                      former winners Wrexham.                   to push forward.                       back having been dispossessed,         net the tie went to spot kicks.
                                      Paul Holleran unsurprisingly opted                                               Simeon Maye nudging it forward         Osborne confidently put away
                                      to name an unchanged starting                                                    to give him the chance of a strike     the first, while Weaver got hands
                                                                                Osborne uncharacteristically           at goal, which again was straight                                                before being submerged by his
                                      eleven following the emphatic             screwed a shot into the stand                                                 to Thomas’ effort but was unable
                                      victory over St Ives Town in the                                                 at Dibble. He then saw a free kick     to keep it out. Lane stepped up to        jubilant team mates.
                                                                                behind the Wrexham goal after          deflected inches over the crossbar
                                      Second Round on Tuesday evening,          gliding past two defenders, while                                             smash in Brakes’ second, Davies           Wrexham’s players sportingly
                                      while Red Dragons’ boss Dean                                                     after Maye had been felled by          following suit for Wrexham. Joe           interrupted the celebrations to
                                                                                former Coventry City man Thomas        Wrexham skipper Shaun Pearson
                                      Keates named only three players           stretched to head another effort                                              Clarke, who enjoyed a successful          congratulate the players before
                                      in his starting eleven that began                                                right on the edge of the box.          spell in North Wales and is still         leaving the field, leaving Holleran
                                                                                wide from Jordan Davies’ left wing
                                      Tuesday’s National League game            cross as Wrexham began to look the                                            revered by the home fans to this          and his staff and players to toast
                                      at Weymouth, with four of his                                                     Osborne uncharacteristically          day, scored Leamington’s third kick,      progress into the fourth round for
                                                                                more threatening going forward as
                                                                                                                        screwed a shot into the stand
                                      substitutes from that game stepping       half time approached.                                                         Dan Jarvis levelling things up once       the second consecutive season.
                                      up to kick off the game.                                                         behind the Wrexham goal after          more, but only just as Weaver got
                                                                                They were foiled by the offside flag     gliding past two defenders,          another strong hand to the ball.
                                      The visitors forged the first chance                                                                                                                              Referee: Mr Martin Woods
                                                                                as Davies’ shot across the box was        while former Coventry City
                                      of the afternoon with three minutes       blocked, Elliott Durrell’s follow up                                          Callum Gittings and Mark Carrington       Assistant Referees: Mr Stuart Morland & Mr
                                                                                                                          man Thomas stretched to

      0                     0
                                      played, Sam Osborne sending                                                                                             netted their penalties, as did Morley     Mr William Davis
                                                                                going the same way before the flag         head another effort wide
                                      Danny Waldron scampering down             was raised before the ball hit the                                            and Elliott Durrell, before second        Fourth Official: Mr David Croft
                                                                                                                        from Jordan Davies’ left wing
                                      the right with a pass from half way,      back of the net from another effort.                                          half substitute Kaiman Anderson
                                                                                                                         cross as Wrexham began to
                                      the former Rushall man cutting                                                                                          smashed his against the crossbar,         Brakes Man of the Match: Kyle Morrison.
                                                                                Leamington began the second half          look the more threatening
                                      inside before forcing Christian                                                                                         but just when it looked as though
                                                                                in determined fashion and were a          going forward as half time
                                      Dibble into a save at his near post                                                                                     the game was up for Brakes,               Many thanks to Wrexham AFC and Alun
                                                                                hair’s breadth from taking the lead              approached.
                                      with a low strike.                                                                                                      Weaver came up trumps with a              Roberts for the use of their photographs
 (Leamington win 6-5 on penalties                                               eight minutes in when Edwards                                                 fine save from Horsfield to keep
                                      Wrexham’s opening opportunity             found Osborne in a central position    There was a blow for Leamington
                                      was a good one, James Horsfield’s                                                                                       them alive.
                                                                                inside the Wrexham penalty area        as Smith was forced off with little
                                      inviting ball in from the right was                                                                                     The skipper stepped up to
 after 90 minutes)                    met by the head of Kwame Thomas,
                                                                                some ten yards from goal. His low      over five minutes remaining after
                                                                                                                                                              confidently crash in the sixth penalty
                                                                                drive struck the post with Smith       going down on half way trying to
                                      but the striker could only power          tucking home the rebound only to       win the ball. He was replaced by       for Leamington before Weaver
                                      his header over the bar into the                                                                                        made himself the hero, brilliantly
  Written by Paul Edwards             empty terrace.
                                                                                be denied by an offside flag.          Junior English.
                                                                                                                                                              keeping out Anthony Jeffrey’s kick
                                                                                Brakes continued to threaten
                                      With dark clouds menacingly               and came close once more when
 The Buildbase FA Trophy 3rd Round    gathering over the nearby hills           Osborne’s low driven cross was only
                                      and rain starting to fall just prior to

 The Racecourse Ground
                                                                                                                                       WREXHAM                                                         LEAMINGTON
                                                                                                                          Wrexham: 21 Christian Dibble, 15 James                      Leamington: Jake Weaver, Josh Martin,
                                                                                                                          Horsfield, 5 Shaun Pearson, 32 Max                          Stephan Morley, Joe Clarke, Kyle Morrison,
 Saturday 19th December 2020                                                                                              Cleworth, 29 Jordan Davies, 7 Elliott Durrell,              Jack Lane, Sam Osborne, Simeon Maye (15
                                                                                                                          12 Dan Jarvis, 13 Mark Carrington, 14 Paul                  Callum Gittings, 88), Lance Smith (16 Junior
                                                                                                                          Rutherford (11 Anthony Jeffrey, 62), 19 Adi                 English, 85), Jack Edwards ©, Danny Waldron
                                                                                                                          Yussuf (27 Jake Bickerstaff, 81), 39 Kwame                  (14 Kaiman Anderson, 72).
                                                                                                                                                                                      Subs not used: 12 Dan Meredith, 17 Connor
                                                                                                                          Subs not used: 1 Rob Lainton, 2 Reece Hall-                 Taylor.
                                                                                                                          Johnson, 3 Jamie Reckford.

8 HEREFORD I Brakes News & Review 2020-2021                                                                                                                                                  Brakes News & Review 2020-2021 I HEREFORD 9
Monday             4.45pm   -
                                                 THE VISITORS
                                                                                                                       FRED HEPBURN

                        URPHY                                                                                                                              HISTORY OF HEREFORD
               Tuesday      &-Contractor

             Short Notice Work Welcome

                                             12 noon  - 2pm,                                                 Following the winding up of Hereford
                                                                                                             United on 19 December 2014,
                                                                                                                                                         for the city’s Edgar Street stadium.      the unbeaten run of 34 games came
                                                                                                                                                                                                   to an end on 23 February, following a

                                                                                                             the Hereford United Supporters             The club opened applications for           2–0 loss at home to Highgate United.
        • Full or Part Moves                                                                                 Trust (HUST) vowed to start a new          the position of club manager on
     SECURITY       VEHICLE EQUIPMENT                                                                                                                   27 February and, following 42              Hereford broke their attendance

                    a c c o u4.45pm      - 10.00pm
                                                                                                             phoenix club. Three days later, local
             •   Local & Long Distance

                                                                                                             businessman Jon Hale, who had              applications, Peter Beadle was             record again in the FA Vase semi-final
                    c h a r t e r e d
                                            Hod                        4 Crawford Close
             •   Office Relocations                                                                          earlier been chairman of HUST,             announced as the successful                first leg against Salisbury on 12 March.
                                                                                                             registered the name Hereford               candidate by the board on 17 April         Hereford won 1–0 in front of a record
                 Storage Facilities                                            Lillington
                                                                         All carpentry    and                Football Club with the Herefordshire       2015. Beadle, the final caretaker          crowd of 4,683. On 25 April, Hereford

                   c h a r t e r e d                                                                                Carrier
             •   Pianos / Single Items Moved                                                                 County Football Association, in            manager of the predecessor club,           clinched the league title following a
          Kids Holiday Activities                                       Leamington
                                                                       general              Spa
                                                                                 building work               conjunction with the trust and a group     was joined by assistant manager Matt       4–0 away win at Coventry Sphinx
             Packing Service 7 Days
                                                               a c• Kitchens
                                                                      c o uCV32 n t& alocks
                                                                                         n• Skirting
                                                                                             ts •            of local businessmen. A press release      Bishop, who had served as a national       and were subsequently promoted

                                 86 Heathcote Road • Whitnash
              Football Parties                                               • Doors   7HA                   followed on 24 December, outlining         coach developer with The Football          to the Southern League South and
          After-School         ESTIMATES
           Kids Holiday Activities                                        • 15   Warwick
                                                                            Architrave • RoofsRoad
                                                                                                • Stairs •   plans to let HUST members decide           Association.                               West Division. A week later, the club
                                                                                                             on the club’s kits and crest. It also                                                 picked up their second trophy, the
                                                                               • Handrails • Joists •
      Saturday   01926   429667
                  Football  10am - 12noon                                Stratford-upon-Avon                 addressed the issue of the ownership       2015–16 season                             Herefordshire County Cup, following
                                                                            • Bricklaying • Decking •                                                   On 14 May 2015, the FA confirmed           a 5–1 win over Westfields. Hereford
             M:  07958
        at Milverton
                        Playing Fields
           distributor of:                                              15 Warwick Road                      structure, with the Hereford United
                                                                                                                                                        that Hereford would compete in the         secured their third trophy of the
                                                                                 general maintenance         Supporters Trust being given the

                                Leamington Spa • 01926 435300
                                                                                                                                                        Midland Football League Premier            season, the Midland Football League
        Saturday Football
              Queensway      10am
                        Trading Est- 12noon                         Stratford-upon-Avon
                                                                     For free quotes & advice, contact:
                                                                                                               102 Coppice  to become
                                                                                                                                  Road,  theWhitnash
                                                                                                             single shareholder, with individuals       Division (9th tier) for the club’s first   Cup, on 10 May, following a 3–1 win
             Call Jason
         at Milverton
            Leamington     Cadden
                       Spa        Fields
                           CV31 3LZ                                 Telephone:CV3701926
                                                                                      6YW 334563                                                        season. As a consequence, this meant       over Walsall Wood at Solihull Moors’
                                                                    Andy Warwickshire
                                                                           Gregory on 07950 630 170
                                                                                                             and corporate      benefactors
                                                                                                                        Tel: 01926      429361 being
                    t: 01926 811708                                   Mobile: 07774 281 282                  barred from owning more than 49%           that the club were entered into the FA     Damson Park. On 22 May, Hereford
     Get in touch:
                m:+44Jason    Cadden
                       (0) 1926
                    07956       419441
                              911146   Telephone:     01789 299076
                                                                           CV37 6YW
                                                                                  of the new club. The press release         Vase and the Midland League Cup.           lost 4–1 in the FA Vase Final to
                                                                                                             stated that HUST’s stake would be                                                     Morpeth Town at Wembley Stadium.
                    t: 01926 811708

                                                   Enjoy    the Difference
                                                                                                             ‘much more’ than this.                     The first game, a pre-season friendly,
                    m: 07956 911146                               Telephone: 01789 299076                                                               took place away at Malvern Town            2016–17 season
                                                                                                             The club’s official website went live on   on 7 July 2015, a 3–2 victory for          On 12 May 2016, it was confirmed
                                                                                                             29 December. Hale gave an interview        Hereford in which the winning goal         that Hereford would compete in the
                                                                                                             with Trevor Owens on BBC Hereford          was scored by Dale Hodge, in front         Southern League South and West,
                                                                                                             and Worcester on 3 January 2015,           of a record crowd for the hosts. Four      following their promotion from the
                                                                                                             citing Hereford United’s untenable         days later, Hereford hosted their first    Midland Football League Premier. The
      • National Sea Fish Award 10 years running                  REMOVALS & STORAGE                         debts as the reason for the business
                                                                                                             group’s reluctance to engage with
                                                                                                                                                        match, a friendly against FC United
                                                                                                                                                        of Manchester at Edgar Street, with
                                                                                                                                                                                                   season would see the club make their
                                                                                                                                                                                                   first appearance in both the FA Cup
      • • One of the top 100 take-aways in Britain -
           National Sea Fish Award 10 years running            REMOVALS     & Work
                                                                  Short Notice STORAGE
                                                                                   Welcome                   the former club. The appointment of        Nathan Hughes scoring the only goal        and the FA Trophy. It was announced
          Sunday Times 2001
        • One of the top 100 take-aways in Britain -                                                         Hale as Hereford F.C. chairman was         in a victory watched by around 4,250       on 24 May, that assistant manager
      • Included  in Tip2001
                        Top Fish & Chips 2002                     Short
                                                                    • FullNotice Work
                                                                           or Part    Welcome
                                                                                   Moves                     released in an FAQ on 13 January.          spectators. They won 4–1 against           Matt Bishop would be leaving the
                                                                      The      fan-friendly         site
          Sunday Times
      • • Top 5 in Central
           Included          England
                     in Tip Top Fish &2003/04   & 2004/05
                                       Chips 2002                 •   Full or Part
                                                                       • Local   & Moves
                                                                                   Long Distance             An open meeting two days later             Dunkirk in their first league match        club, and he was replaced by Steve
                                                                                                             confirmed several appointments,            on 8 August, in front of a crowd of        Jenkins on 30 May. The club decided
        • National
           Top 5 in Fish
                         & Chip
                             England    of the &
                                      2003/04  year Awards
                       & Chip Shop of the year Awards
                                                                      Local &  Long
                                                                                     the business
                                                                       • Office Relocations
                                                                                                               HIRE • SALES • SERVICE
                                                                                                             including HUST chairman Chris              4,062; this broke the league record
                                                                                                                                                        attendance of 1,280, and was higher
                                                                                                                                                                                                   to withdraw from the Southern League
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Cup in an attempt to focus on the
                   Opening Times:                                 •   Office  Relocations
                                                                       • Storage    Facilities               Williams as vice chairman, Hugh
             Monday    4.45pm
                   Opening       - 10.00pm
                              Times:                              •        side
                                                                      Storage         of football
                                                                                Facilities                   Brooks as finance director, George         than four attendances that day in          league. The club went out of the FA

                                                                                                             "Wishing the team
          Tuesday      4.45pm12
                  - Saturday    - 10.00pm
                                   noon - 2pm,                         • Pianos   / Single Items Moved       Webb as commercial director and Phil       Football League One.                       Cup at the third qualifying round at
                                                                  •   Pianos / Single Items Moved            Eynon as governance director (the                                                     Tonbridge Angels and exited the FA

                                                                                                              all the best for
                   - Saturday  12 noon - 2pm,
                           - 10.00pm                                       Packing Service 7 Days            latter three being part of the Hale-led    On 10 December 2015, while in              Trophy in the preliminary round at
                      4.45pm - 10.00pm                                  Packing Service 7 Days                                                          first place in the league, the club        Salisbury. On 12 October, the club
         86 Heathcote Road • Whitnash                                                                        group of local businessmen).

                                                                                                                the season"
          86 Heathcote Road • Whitnash                          FULLY INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES                                                          announced that they had applied for        announced that manager Peter
        Leamington  Spa • 01926 435300                        FULLY INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES
                                                                                                             On 20 and 21 January, HUST members         promotion to the Southern Football         Beadle had signed his first contract
          Leamington Spa • 01926 435300
             Enjoy the Difference
                   the Difference                                       T: T: 01926
                                                                           01926    429667
                                                                                  429667                     voted in favour of the proposal from
                                                                                                             the Hale group, with 96.71% voting
                                                                                                                                                        League for the 2016–17 season. The
                                                                                                                                                        league campaign had started with a
                                                                                                                                                                                                   with the club, on a rolling 12-month
                                                                                                                                                                                                   deal. On 19 October, it was announced
                                                                        M:M:  07958
                                                                            07958    594178
                                                                                  594178                     to accept the plans. The Hereford          shaky start, but they managed to put       that Chairman Jon Hale had stepped
                                                                                                             F.C. bid had been the only approach        together a long winning run, which         down and was to be replaced in the
                                                                         Queensway     Trading
                                                                                   Trading Est Est           Unit    5, Wharf
                                                                                                             submitted   to HUST. Street,
                                                                                                                                   Two weeksWarwick
                                                                                                                                                 later, eventually came to an end after 27         interim by Chris Williams, who was
                                                                       Leamington Spa CV31 3LZ 3LZ
                                                                          Leamington  Spa CV31               Herefordshire Council confirmed that       wins in a row, in a 1–1 draw at home to    replaced by Ken Kinnersley on 3
                                                                                                             the club had secured (01926)       401465
                                                                                                                                    a five-year lease   Alvechurch on 23 January 2016, and         January 2017.
                   1996-2006  WINNERS
                    1996-2006 WINNERS
                                                                                                                                                                                        Brakes News & Review 2020-2021 I HEREFORD 11
          HISTORY                               AFC TELFORD UNITED
                                               GAINSBOROUGH  TRINITY
                                                                                                                             THE HISTORY                                                   MEET THE VISITORS            HISTORY OF HEREFORD
                                                                                                                                            * the
                                In the
                         on     he
                                             then media
                                                 his history,
                                                        and the
                                                                             than at any
                                                                  but optimism
                                                                        by 1998,National. POP UPto the
                                                                                         at theThey
                                                                                                      in its
                                                                                                                 charge for only six games,
                                                                                                               at last left
                                                                                                               Hitchin  arrived.
                                                                                                                 club more
                                                                                                                 after    finished
                                                                                                                                   In 2011/12
                                                                                                                            the Isthmian
                                                                                                                                   than 40 fourth      in+VAT
                                                                                                                                                 to take
                                                                                                                                                years,      the
                                                                                                                                                          and a           On 4 March 2017, their away match
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      in the 3rd round. In the FA Trophy,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Hereford beat Weymouth, Potters Bar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Town and Oxford City to make the first
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               League North. Assistant manager
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Steve Jenkins also departed, leaving
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Ryan Green as interim player-
  to eighth place
after     a   Your
              0–0 staff and
                            and appointed
                                   in 1994-95, come
                                 Computer               of the
                                                                once season
                                                                 reached           had faded
                                                                        more. However
                                                                                  the    firstBANNERS
                                                                                                 the into
                                                                                                      club       Conference
                                                                                                                 coaching              North,
                                                                                                                            to the Southern
                                                                                                                                    role   ORat   qualifying
                                                                                                                                                             At           against Didcot Town was abandoned
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      round. Hereford beat National League     manager. On 19 September 2018,

  fifthvery    experienced manager, won
         position.                                           promotion backwith       to the    Isthmian         the
                                                                                                                 for halfway    orstage of theplay-offs.
                                                                                                                                                   following              due to crowd disturbances after a few
the                                                     disappointment
                                                                     FA Cup     at again,
                                                                                    the first attempt,
                                                                                                                       the fpromotion
                                                                                                                 season,2Dixon,He      was
                                                                                                                                         who wasreplaced*
                                                                                                                                                      unable              Hereford fans went on to the pitch in       side Dagenham & Redbridge 3–2 to         Tim Harris was appointed Head of
Brian Little, in his place. He                          performances.                                            However,         after    beating    Halifax
In  First Steps to In-Depth
brought 2009–10
  for his part  with
                   in two
                            be the
                                a wide
                                         FA andCup
                                                        3–1 at home to Lincoln City.
                                                      with  a   new    and    younger       team.                by
                                                                                                                                 himself   Hyde, +VAT
                                                                                                                           in the semi-finals,
                                                                                                                                                  to the
                                                                                                                                       by Darren Salton.
                                                                                                                                                                          celebration of the team taking the
                                                                                                                                                                          lead in the dying minutes of the game.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      set up a tie against Wealdstone. In
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the Wealdstone game there was a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Football, with his son-in-law Marc
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Richards subsequently taking the
  runs, however.  eleventh
                            In 1994-95, in the    as THE
                                                 the    This21ST disappointment
                                                                         CENTURY continued  AND THE              lasted
                                                                                                                 lost the
                                                                                                                Business        just
                                                                                                                          Stationery to1–0two      games,
                                                                                                                                              to Nuneaton
                                                                                                                                         rebuild     a team               Two men from Hereford were later            moment of controversy after Dara         Head Coach role on 3 October 2018.
  club    became  resulting
                         previous      and
                                       infor the
                                           clubs the Local
                                                        into the
                                                      SOUTHERN    2011–12
                                                                      next         season
                                                                          LEAGUE            and itsaw            resigning
                                                                                                      was Marketing
                                                                                                                 that               after
                                                                                                                Wide Format Printing
                                                                                                                                         of a    defeat
                                                                                                                                              weaknesses     to           arrested. After reviewing reports and       O’Shea seemed to bring down a            They finished the season in 17th after
including        Aston      Villa,   Leicester          not
                                                          an long       before      the manager’s                packed        to  capacity.                              video footage of the incidents, the         player when he was through on            poor performances against teams
  first           of 30
        time, beating  Smith   years
                             Herefordand       hishelping
                                           United     Inthem     agefinish
                                                                         when  twentieth,
                                                                                    clubs     seem   one  to     Macclesfield
                                                                                                                 in  every
                                                                                                                  Vehicle       department.
                                                                                                                          Graphics          Town.  TheJohnlast
                                                                                                                                                                          FA decided to take no further action        goal which resulted in him getting       low-down in the table, including
  4-2 atHullTopandFieldit inwas
                              the FAhoped        he lurch
                                         Cup first      services        weretodispensed
                                                               from crisis                           with
                                                                                   crisis financially,           few months of the season were
  round.    The club          with
                           with          Andy
                                          computers     place above              the relegation                  Psaras    andtook         over
                                                                                                                                              failedfor   the             against either club, rather highlighting    sent off. Footage later on showed        0 wins from 6 against the three
would       bring    thehad samestarted    its cup Hitchin’s
                                       success          and his recentdeputyhistory          has been
                                                                                  Steve Housham                  tough
                                                                                                                 Success           Hitchin
                                                                                                                                      continued        to win
  run   in    Sinton’s
            the   First
to Gainsborough Trinity.      first
                         Qualifying   season
                                           Round        zone.
                                                      relatively    Another
                                                                    stable.   Andy
                                                        appointed to the post. Steve appearance
                                                                                       Melvin     stepped        remainder
                                                                                                                 any                  of    the
                                                                                                                 following season (2012/13)the
                                                                                                                      of  their   last 11   games. season,
                                                                                                                                                      But     as          how sensationalised and ill-informed        O’Shea should not have been given        relegated sides.
                                                                                                                                                                          some of the news reporting, at the          a red card so the FA reversed the
  and   them finish PC
         had    been    close     to
                               as runners-
                                                  on    in
                                                        was  Mac
  more than one occasion. A year assistant Robbie O’Keefe. Robbie
                                                                 known          round
                                                                           through        theof
                                                                                            over     the
                                                                                                        his      which
                                                                                                                 Trinity reachedsaw them
                                                                                                                                year   was    better  finish
                                                                                                                                           the semi-finals
                                                                                                                 the end of 2005-06, the Canaries
                                                                                                                                                                          time, had been. Disciplinary action,        decision. Hereford ended up losing       2019–20 season
As     again.
  later,   theseasonIn the
                 Canaries          play-offs
                                grabbed        their    FA
                                                   it was
                                                        he the  Cup
                                                                had      resultedplaying
                                                                    mastermind          ofinthe  a club’s
                                                                                                    4–0 for      bottom
                                                                                                                 of the
                                                                                                                 won    theFA      of
                                                                                                                               Southern  theLeaguedivision
                                                                                                                                                for  theCup,
                                                                                                                                                           first          however, was taken against three            that game 1–0.                           Three games into the campaign, and
  biggest Help became
          defeated             clear
                            beating       that
                                          Bristol  it youth
                                                        defeat                     and
                                                                          at Chelmsford
                                                                                     and at  through
                                                                                                   times,        time, losing
                                                                                                                 beating            to eventual
                                                                                                                                 relegated           winners
                                                                                                                                                  Rovers  thein           Hereford supporters, one of the                                                      with four points from a possible nine,
was     a false    dawn      –aggregate
                                results     were O’Keefebringing        success         asthemanager             Wrexham.            The     fact that      the           Didcot players and the Didcot team          In the Southern Premier League, in       Marc Richards was sacked as head
  Rovers     3–2
          Home  2-1   on
                      in the
                              and first round,
                                            Business    City.      Sinton
                                                                    promised      left
                                                                                   to bring         club
                                                                                                 success         Conference
                                                                                                                 the  two-legged           North.
                                                                                                                                        final.          Liam                                                          January, Hereford came back from         coach on 12 August, with his assistant
  thanksgoing   to well
                    two for  earlythegoals.
                                          Blues,        at Brigg
                                                   It back             Town.
                                                              to Hitchin.   In 2003, however, he                 away     game&was           televised was                coach. The Southern League also
  gave        semi-final,
           them        the Chairman’s
                    a second          before
                                    round               mid-way
                                              tie at left  the club, and formerthrough    Chelseathe   and       Watson
                                                                                                             Proud  To Design
                                                                                                                 a first
                                                                                                                 In              was
                                                                                                                    2006-07,    thethe
                                                                                                                                      club,   though
                                                                                                                                         Canaries            as
                                                                                                                                                      started             ordered the game to be replayed             2–0 down in injury time to salvage       Will Morford also leaving. The club
                                                                                                     The   Leamington     FC
  Call     Nick   Guiseley
                     which      was
                     Rogers            3–2
                                      on 01926   in
                                                  in 678following
                                                        The560     striker     season,
                                                                            Kerry    Dixon
                                                                  Steve Housham era as        took  and
                                                                                                     over.       manager
                                                                                                                 well  and    at   in
                                                                                                                                 the    May
                                                                                                                 with limited technical skills   2013.
                                                                                                                                                  point  were             – which was subsequently played             a 2–2 draw with promotion chasing        announced that Head of Football Tim
                                                                                                                                                                          behind closed doors on 11 April 2017,       Slough Town after goals from Jimmy       Harris would take interim charge of
  At thisfinal
experienced  time with   cluban
                    theplayers   gainedinjury-
                                       and      the Atwas
                                             more         the end
                                                        manager,   replaced
                                                                        of together
                                                                           the 2003-04    bywith  Mark
                                                                                                       the       among
                                                                                                                 found they  the title
                                                                                                                                            to cope with But aa
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Oates and Keyon Reffell. Hereford’s      the side while searching for a new                                                                                                                                              with Hereford winning 2–1.
                                                                                                                             * Budget 380Gsm Back Lit Material

past     winner
         successby      of Phil      Trainer,]
                             the Manager.               Cooper,
                                                        investments      who   of remained
                                                                                    the Chairman,        in      In  2013–14 inthe
                                                                                                                 commentary                     club won
                                                                                                                             Includes Stand And Carry Case

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      away unbeaten run in the league          head coach. On 29 August, Russell
                                                                                                                             PREMIUM POP UP BANNERS ALSO AVAILABLE
                                                                                                                             CONTACT DAVE AT TODAY’S MEETING

At the end of the season Trinity                        began to bear fruit and success                        However, the combination of                                2017–18 season                              came to an end in January 2018 after     Slade was announced as the club’s
                                                                                                                                                                          Following their promotion the past          defeat to King’s Lynn. This unbeaten     new Manager. Andy Whing joined as
                                                                                                                                                                          season it was announced Hereford            run stretched back to August 2015.       his assistant on 13 September. On
                                                                                      > Our Commitment
                                                                                                                                                                          would play in the Southern Premier          In February 2018, Hereford fans          14 January Assistant Coach Andy
                                                                                        You can trust that your grounds will be                                           League. It was also announced that          got in trouble after multiple flares     Whing left the club with no reason
                                                                                        handled with the care, conscientiousness                                          captain Joel Edwards had been               were thrown onto the pitch against       being given for his departure. Just 6
                         FINANCIAL SERVICES                                             and professionalism you'd expect from                                             released meaning Jimmy Oates was
                                                                                                                                                                          the new captain of Hereford FC.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Farnborough. Farnborough player
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Lewis Ferrell then retaliated and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               days later on 20 January, Manager
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Russell Slade left the club after a run
                                                                                        the best.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      threw the flare back at Hereford fans,   of just one win in 18 games. Josh
                                                                                           The end result will be a garden you can                                        Hereford notably had runs in the FA         which resulted in him being shown a      Gowling was named the club’s interim
                                                                                           be proud of season after season.                                               Cup and FA Trophy. In the FA Cup            straight red card. On Tuesday 17 April   manager on 21 January, he appointed
                           Gardening                                                                                                                                      Hereford after beating Godalming            Hereford travelled to Biggleswade        Steve Burr as his assistant 3 days
                           & cleaning                                                 > Gardening                                                                         Town, Kempston Rovers and                   Town where a 0–1 away victory saw
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      them become league champions for a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               later. These appointments were later
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               made full-time. The season ended
                                                                                                                                                                          Hornchurch, Hereford were drawn a
                           contractors                                                  For home, residential complex, school or                                                                                      record 3rd consecutive season. They      due to Covid-19 with the Bulls in a
                                                                                        businessFinancial Services Limited
                                                                                                                                                                          game away to Eastleigh where goals
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      lifted the Southern Football League      ppg position of 16th.
                                                                                                                                                                          from Mike McGrath and Garyn Preen
                                                                                      > Cleaning
                                                                                                    The Techno Centre                                                     (who later got knocked unconscious          shield following a 4–1 win against
                                                                                       Puma  Way •and
                                                                                        Residential Coventry CV1
                                                                                                      commercial    2TT
                                                                                                                                                                          by Gavin Hoyte that game) took              Kettering Town F.C. They finished
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the season with a 6–0 home win
                                                                                                                                                                          Hereford into the first round for the
                                                                                             lining578 • Fax: 0845 0179 579                                               first time in their history. In the first   over Hereford Lads Club to win the
                                                                                                                                                                          round, a John Mills goal against            Herefordshire County Cup for a third
                                                                                       Get your  pitch ready for the new season!
                                                                                                                                                                                         successive time.
                                                                                                                                                                          Telford United put them in the second
                                                                                                                                                                          round where they were drawn against

                  Independent Financial Advisors
                                                                                                                                                                          Fleetwood Town. A goal from Calvin          2018–19 season
                                                                       26 Albert Street, Warwick CV34 4JX                                                                 Dinsley earned Hereford a replay            On 13 September 2018, after three

                 & Independent Mortgage Brokers
                                                                       T: 01926 403570                                                                                    which was televised on BT Sport and         league titles in a row, Peter Beadle
                                                                                                                                                                          got an attendance of 4,235 which            was sacked as manager of Hereford,
                                                                       M: 07969 433672                                                                                                                                a month into the new season with
                                                                                                                                                                          Hereford ended up losing. Fleetwood
                                                                       E:                                                                        then went on to play Leicester City         Hereford in 12th place in the National
                Simpson Financial Services Limited is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
                                                        Registered In England No. 4830621
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Brakes News & Review 2020-2021 I HEREFORD 13
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Brakes News & Review 2016-2017                13
LFC Simpson FS HPA5 Ad.indd 1                                                                                                                          05/08/2014 15:53
Computer Help                                                                           Coventry                                                            MEET THE VISITORS      HEREFORD
   Using and Choosing                                                 POP UP                                                                +VAT
                                                                                                                                                   Paul White - Goalkeeper (25)
                                                                                                                                                   Signed from Kettering in the summer
                                                                                                                                                                                          Toby Raison - Defender (18)
                                                                                                                                                                                          A product of the Hereford FC
     Your Computer                                                     BANNERS                                       OR
                                                                                                                                                   after four years with the Poppies.     Academy. The defender earned his
                                                                                                2 for                                   *
                                                                                                                                                   Previously with Forest Green.          first contract in the summer after
   First Steps to In-Depth                                                                 Flyers
                                                                                                                                                                                          impressing management in pre-
   Friendly and Local
                                                                                     Business Stationery
                                                                                     Marketing Material                                                                                   season.
                                                                                     Wide Format Printing                                          Brandon Hall - Goalkeeper (26)
    Over 30 years helping                                                             Vehicle Graphics
                                                                                                                                                   Signed from Kidderminster in the
    people with computers                                                                                                                          summer of 2019 after winning a series Ben Pollock - Midfielder (22)
                                                                                                                                                   of supporter awards. Previously with Came into the club midway through
  Windows PC or Apple Mac                                                                                                                          Ebbsfleet and Woking.                 last season and became a regular
       Help and Advice for                                                                                                                                                               under Josh Gowling’s caretaker
       Home and Business                                                                                                                                                                 management.
                                                                                 Proud To Design & Print                                           Jamie Grimes - Defender (29)
                                                                            The Leamington FC Programme
                                                                                                                                                   Experienced central defender
 Call Nick Rogers on 01926 678 560
                                                                                                                                                   previously playing with manager Josh Yan Klukowski - Midfielder (33)
                                                                                                    * Budget 380Gsm Back Lit Material

                                                                                                                                                   Gowling at Kidderminster. Spent last Player/Coach. Amassed 400 senior
                                                                                                    Includes Stand And Carry Case
                                                                                                    PREMIUM POP UP BANNERS ALSO AVAILABLE
                                                                                                    CONTACT DAVE AT TODAY’S MEETING

                                                                                                                                                   season with Ebbsfleet.                appearances with the likes of Forest
                                                                                                                                                                                         Green and Newport County.

                   SIMPSON                                                                                                                         Daniel Jones - Defender (33)
                                                                                                                                                   Comfortable all down the left          Chris Camwell - Midfielder (21)
                    FINANCIAL SERVICES                                                                                                                                                    Former Coventry City trainee. Signed
                                                                                                                                                   side, Jones has several years of
                                                                                                                                                   EFL experience with the likes of       a contract after a successful pre-
                                                                                                                                                   Cambridge United, Notts County, and    season trial.
                                                                                                                                                   Sheffield Wednesday.

                                                                   Simpson Financial Services Limited                                                                                     Ryan Lloyd - Midfielder (26)
                                                                          The Techno Centre                                                        Kennedy Digie - Defender (23)          Versatile former Port Vale and
                                                                    Puma Way • Coventry CV1 2TT                                                    Versatile defender previously with     Macclesfield midfielder, can play a
                                                                                                                                                   Kidderminster Harriers and Guiseley.   number of roles across the middle of
                                                               Tel: 0845 0179 578 • Fax: 0845 0179 579
                                                                                                                                                                                          the park.
                                                                                                                                                   Jared Hodgkiss - Defender (32)
              Independent Financial Advisors                                                                                                       Experienced full back with over 300    Giles Coke - Midfielder (34)

             & Independent Mortgage Brokers                                                                                                        appearances for the likes of Forest
                                                                                                                                                   Green, Torquay, and Macclesfield.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Vastly experienced midfielder
                                                                                                                                                                                          previously with the likes of Sheff
             Simpson Financial Services Limited is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority                                                                            Weds, Mansfield, and Motherwell.
                                            Registered In England No. 4830621
                                                                                                                                                                                                Brakes News & Review 2020-2021 I HEREFORD 15

LFC Simpson FS HPA5 Ad.indd 1                                                                                                 05/08/2014 15:53
                                                                                                                       AWAY STATS         HEREFORD
 Samir Nabi - Midfielder (23)                      Kyle Finn - Forward (20)                                                                                         HOME STATS
 The Pakistan international                        Signed on a permanent deal for an                                             Ranked             P      W        D      L         F     A            +/-      Pts
 has featured for Torquay and                      undisclosed fee after a loan spell from
                                                                                                                                   17               5      1        2      2         7     9            -2        5
 Kidderminster since coming through                Coventry City. A player that is eager
 the West Brom Academy.                            to impress.
                                                                                                                                                                    AWAY STATS
                                                                                                                                 Ranked             P      W        D      L         F     A            +/-      Pts

 Tom Owen-Evans - Midfielder (21)                  Lenell John-Lewis - Forward (31)                                                12               4      2        1      1         7     5            +2        7
 Former Newport County man who had                 Powerful forward signed from
 a brief spell with Falkirk at the start           Shrewsbury Town in February.
 of the season. Was top scorer last                Previously with Grimsby Town,                                        Home matches/      Home matches/   Away matches/   Away matches/       All matches/   All matches/
 season.                                           Lincoln City, and Bury.                                                 Current            Season          Current         Season              Current        Season

                                                                                                Consecutive wins             2                  2               1                2                  3              3

                                                                                                Consecutive draws                               2                                1                                 2
 Richard Whittingham - Midfielder (29)
 Signed in November 2020 after                                                                 Consecutive defeats                              2                                1                                 1

 previously trialling with the club                                                            Games without a win                              4                                2                                 4
 during the 2019/20 season.                                                                   Games without a draw           2                  2               5                5                  4              5

                                                                                             Games without a defeat          4                  4               1                2                  3              3
 Dylan Jones - Midfielder (18)                                                                 Consecutive scoring           4                  4               5                5                  6              6
 Young Welsh midfielder who has
                                                                                              Consecutive conceding                             5                                1                                 5
 spent time with Swansea and
 Newport County.                                                                              Games without scoring                             2                                1                                 1

                                                                                             Games without conceding         1                  1               1                2                  2              2

 James McQuilkin - Midfielder (31)
 Experienced at this level with
 Kidderminster and Telford, the
 midfielder previous plied his trade at
 Edgar Street for Hereford United until

16 HEREFORD I Brakes News & Review 2020-2021                                                                                                                   Brakes News & Review 2020-2021 I HEREFORD 17
LAST MEETING                                                                                        Sodeinde then turned on the
                                                                                                                                  afterburners as he set off in pursuit of a
                                                                                                                                  long clearance. Jack Lane was goalside
                                                                                                                                  and looked to have things under control
                                                                                                                                                                                to have lost their impetus and Brakes
                                                                                                                                                                                began to settle down again.
                                                                                                                                                                                There were inevitably some hairy
                                                                                                                                                                                moments in the closing stages as
                                      Brakes lavished more festive cheer           behind on 18 minutes when Leamington           but the striker still managed to get a        Hereford attempted to salvage
                                      on their delighted supporters as they        won a corner on the left which seemed          shot away, the ball whistling across goal     something from the game, with
                                      bagged a third win of the season on their    to sail over everyone straight into the net    and just wide.                                shots blocked and Weaver clinging
                                      National League North travels in front of    from the boot of Dexter Walters to stun
                                                                                                                                  With around an hour gone the home             on to the ball at the second attempt
                                      just under 2,000 at Edgar Street. They       the already quiet Edgar Street crowd.
                                                                                                                                  crowd suddenly awoke from their               on two occasions, and while the final
                                      needed to dig their heels in and soak        Sodeinde continued to pose the main            slumber and the team responded,               whistle brought boos from the home
                                      up plenty of pressure, and benefitted        threat for Hereford and was involved           putting Brakes under concerted pressure       fans still left in the ground it signalled
                                      from a little good fortune at times, but     once more when his deflected effort fell       once more. Edwards and Vincenti               happy celebrations for the Leamington
                                      were worthy of the three points in front     perfectly for Peter Vincenti to strike first   both went into Referee Simeon Lucas’          contingent, who can march into the
                                      of a raucous travelling support boosted      time, Weaver producing a stunning save         notebook after a coming together              new year on a wave of optimism. Well
                                      by the visit of our German friends from      to help the ball over the bar.                                                                                                             required to win football games and
                                                                                                                                  between several players from both sides       done lads!
                                      SV Eichede.                                                                                                                                                                             we showed lots and lots of character,
                                                                                   It was perhaps inevitable that the             just inside the Hereford half. The Brakes     MANAGER’S REACTION
                                      Paul Holleran was forced into changes                                                                                                                                                   determination and grit today with a
                                                                                   youngster would be the scorer of               skipper thought he had missed a chance
                                      to his squad with George Carline having                                                                                                   ‘Today was a big ask. Two games in            sprinkling of quality, and we’re absolutely
                                                                                   Hereford’s equaliser and he dragged his        to add a third goal for his side when he
                                      been recalled by parent club Solihull                                                                                                     48 hours. With the games that went            delighted.
                                                                                   side level on 34 minutes, beating James        smashed in a shot that was turned round
                                      Moors on Friday, while Callum Gittings                                                      the post well by Hall, but the offside flag   before that, a massive effort on Thursday     ‘Edgar Street is a fantastic place to come.
                                                                                   Mace on the left before striding into the
                                      was unavailable and top scorer Josh                                                                                                       (Boxing Day); followed up today with          I enjoy coming here to watch a game of
                                                                                   box a couple of paces and dispatching
                                      March was not risked having taken a                                                                                                       losing George, Calum and Josh. As I’ve        football. I’ve never won here before. We
                                                                                   a fine rising drive past Weaver into the
                                      knock on Boxing Day against Gloucester,      roof of the net.                               The home side looked to have                  stated before, we have a small squad but      came here last year and played well and
                                      so Joe Clarke, Jordan Murphy and                                                             a gilt edged chance for a                    it’s a competitive squad, and I thought       ended up losing 2-1. You take it on the

                VS                    Kaiman Anderson all stepped into the
                                      starting eleven.
                                                                                   The home side looked to have a gilt
                                                                                   edged chance for a second shortly
                                                                                   before the break when they somehow
                                                                                                                                   second shortly before the
                                                                                                                                  break when they somehow
                                                                                                                                                                                that the players who came in today were
                                                                                                                                                                                all tremendous. There wasn’t much in the
                                                                                                                                                                                game. Possibly the start of the first half
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              chin and move on, and we’ve come here
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              today and won 2-1, so it’s a great feeling.
                                      As is sometimes the case when Brakes                                                                                                                                                    ‘I looked at it today and I did think it might
                                                                                   found themselves two on two inside the          found themselves two on                      and the start of the second half were key
                                      turn out at former Football League           Leamington penalty area, but Jordan                                                                                                        be too much for the boys. Hereford are
                                                                                                                                  two inside the Leamington

      1                    2
                                                                                                                                                                                periods, and we just edged it but it was
                                      arenas in front of large crowds, the         Nicholson was unable to get the ball                                                                                                       a big football club and they’re in the
                                      hosts were first to settle, and the Bulls’   under control and the opportunity was
                                                                                                                                    penalty area, but Jordan                    a massive effort. Even though Hereford
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              position where they can make changes
                                                                                                                                                                                are on a bit of a bad run they are a big
                                      on loan Nottingham Forest striker            gone.                                           Nicholson was unable to                                                                    in key areas and I thought that might tell
                                                                                                                                                                                club, they’ve got good players, a good
                                      Victor Sodeinde came close on three
                                                                                   Brakes had not been at their best in the
                                                                                                                                   get the ball under control                   manager, but they’re not getting the drop
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              as the game went on, but we grew into it
                                      minutes when he watched the ball over                                                         and the opportunity was                                                                   and when we needed to find something
                                                                                   first forty-five minutes but whatever it                                                     of the ball at the moment. Take nothing
                                      his shoulder before cracking a fine first                                                                                                                                               we did so, and in the end I think we just
                                      time volley across goal and only just        was Holleran said to them at half time                    gone.                              away from us though. When we were
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              about deserved it.’
                                                                                   paid instant dividends as they regained                                                      allowed to play we were expansive and
                                      wide of Jake Weaver’s far post.                                                                                                                                                         Attendance: 1,930 (65 away)
 Written by Paul Edwards              The Hereford number 10 looked a lively
                                                                                   the lead inside a minute of the restart.
                                                                                   Maycock fed fellow Sky Blues loanee
                                                                                                                                                                                looked a threat. I thought Jack Edwards
                                                                                                                                                                                was tremendous today - it was like
                                                                                                                                  was raised.                                                                                 Referee: Mr Simeon Lucas
                                      customer and registered his side’s next      Walters, whose quick footwork saw him                                                        having three players on the pitch.
                                      effort on goal when he received the ball                                                    The sight of Sodeinde being replaced                                                        Assistant Referees: Mr Thomas Swift &
                                                                                   beat two defenders and slip the ball left
 Vanarama National League North       just inside the penalty area on the left     for Kaiman Anderson, who looked to
                                                                                                                                  would no doubt have been a relief to          ‘I think two games in 48 hours is very
                                                                                                                                                                                unfair on players at this level, especially
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Mr Karl Buckley
                                      and took on three defenders before                                                          the Leamington defence, but he was                                                          Brakes Man of the Match: Jack Edwards.
                                                                                   have missed his chance to shoot but then                                                     with a small squad like ours when we’ve
                                      thundering a shot towards goal that                                                         replaced by experienced goal getter
                                                                                   rammed the ball into the roof of the net.                                                    had a player recalled on the Friday.
 Edgar Street                         struck some part of Weaver on its way
                                      behind for a corner.                         Walters curled a shot past the far post as
                                                                                                                                  Reece Styche as the hosts attempted to
                                                                                                                                  maintain the pressure, but they seemed        There’s lots of different ingredients
                                                                                   he cut in from the left before Maycock
                                      The Bulls were undoubtedly on top in the     almost wrong-footed Brandon Hall as
 Saturday 28th December 2019          opening period but found themselves          his shot struck Kieran Thomas before
                                                                                   trickling behind.
                                                                                                                                                        HEREFORD                                                         KIDDERMINSTER
                                                                                                                                      Hereford: Brandon Hall, Kieran Thomas,                                 Leamington: Jake Weaver, Junior English,
                                                                                                                                      Danny Greenslade, Tommy O’Sullivan,                                    Stephan Morley, Callum Maycock (15 Josh
                                                                                                                                      Jordan Cullinane-Liburd, Jason Pope,                                   Martin, 87), James Mace, Jack Lane, Jordan
                                                                                                                                      Peter Vincenti (17 Taylor Allen 77), Stephen                           Murphy (12 Kieran Dunbar, 72), Joe Clarke,
                                                                                                                                      Dawson ©, Kelsey Mooney, Victor Sodeinde                               Kaiman Anderson, Jack Edwards ©, Dexter
                                                                                                                                      (16 Reece Styche, 70), Jordan Nicholson (12                            Walters (14 Connor Taylor, 78).
                                                                                                                                      Alex Bray, 59).
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Subs not used: 16 Josh March, 17 Tom James.
                                                                                                                                      Subs not used: 14 Ben Pollock, 15 Jared

18 HEREFORD I Brakes News & Review 2020-2021                                                                                                                                                                       Brakes News & Review 2020-2021 I HEREFORD 19
Official Partners of The National League                               LEAMINGTON BRAKES
                                                                   W       elcome to the players and
                                                                           staff of Hereford Football
                                                                   Club at the ground, and their
                                                                                                        If you want to watch goals,
                                                                                                        then this has been the team to
                                                                                                        watch this season. A special
                                                                                                                                             Despite the weather not being
                                                                                                                                             at its best, we have made it to
                                                                                                                                             the Christmas break. Now we
                                                                   supporters who may be joining        mention has to be made of            have to sit and wait to see what
                                                                   us on the live feed (weather         their first match of the season      happens with the Levels in the
                                                                   and COVID permitting!) Here’s        when they came back from 5-1         New Year as cases are rising
                                                                   hoping that you all have had         down at half time to win 7-6.        rapidly again thanks to the new
                                                                   an enjoyable “alternative”           Obviously they have decided          COVID variant. Whilst it would
                                                                   Christmas.          Leamington       to follow the comeback trend of      be nice to use the holidays to
                                                                   Brakes are a Junior Football         the first team. Currently fifth in   catch up on games, many clubs
                                                                   Community Club that have             the table, the team’s top scorer,    use school and council facilities
                                                                   over 200 players and we are          Farrington is 8th in the league      which are closed down over the
                                                                   affiliated to the main club. Apart   goal scorers table and we            period, so sadly that is not an
                                                                   from playing football we also        have seen player of the match        option.
                                                                   encourage players to take part       performances from across the
                                                                   in community activities and to       squad. Taking us to the start of     We are always open to new
                                                                   also participate in activities       the second lockdown, here are        players, and all abilities are
                                                                   outside of football together.        their results, goal scorers and      welcome. If a squad is full (the
                                                                                                        player of the match nominees.        league impose squad size limits,
                                                                   Junior football has been                                                  not us) then we won’t turn you
                                                                   impacted by COVID but games          6th Sept.      Away to rugby         away, you will be welcome

                                                       INGTO       have been played. With the           Borough Colts W 6-7 (Farrington      to train with a team. Training
                                                    AM             cancellation of games for the        2, Bates, Buckton, Watson,           session times and locations vary

                                                                   Men’s team, there have been          Walker, OG) POM Stephenson           depending on age group over
          MATCHDAY 50-50 DRAW                                 N    fewer home games than there          13th Sept. No Fixture                the autumn and winter periods.
                                                             UB    normally would have been at          20th Sept. Home to Coventrians       For more information contact

                                                O              L   this point of the season, so         D 4-4 (Farrington 2, Walker,         Matt Turner, our chairman,
                                                         ALL C     there is a bit of catching up to     Wilkin) POM Goncalves-Lisboa)        on 07713 156601 or info@
                                                                   do with results and updates for      27th Sept. Away to Bulkington He can keep
                                                                   the junior teams. Today we are       Sports Juniors Bears L 4-2           you fully informed with what is
                                                                   going to look at the Under 14s       (Buckton, Watson) POM Walker         happening and when changes
                                                                   Blue team who play in Division       4th Oct.    No Fixture               to training are made throughout
                                                                   D of the John Bryan Coventry         11th Oct. Away to Meriden Lions      the pandemic situation.
                                                                   & Warwickshire Youth League.         W 0-5 (Draper 2, Farrington,
                                                                   Managed by Wayne Bates and           Watson, Wilkin) POM Monastero        Best of luck today. With the next
                                                                   assisted by Stephen Buckton,         18th Oct. Home to Coventry           home game due to be the 2nd
                                                                   the squad is made up of Bates,       United Juniors Green D 1-1           of January it seems a bit early
                                                                   Brazenell, Buckton, Cullinane        (Brazenell) POM The whole            to be saying it, but every good
                                                                   Draper, Farrington, Goncalves-       team.                                wish for a Happy New Year as
                                                                   Lisboa Monastero, Rosenbaur,         1st Nov.    Home to Stratford        we kick 2020 into touch. Fingers
                    BUY YOUR TICKET ONLINE                         Sass, Sangha, Stephenson
                                                                   Townsend, Walker, Watson,
                                                                                                        Town Colts Juniors L 1-4 POM
                                                                                                                                             crossed by this time next year
                                                                                                                                             things will be a bit more normal
                   WWW.LEAMINGTONFC.CO.UK                          and Welkin.                                                               and the football family will be
                                                                                                                                             reunited in the future.

20 HEREFORD I Brakes News & Review 2020-2021                                                                                      Brakes News & Review 2020-2021 I HEREFORD 21
                                                                                                                                                                                                 ROYAL LEAMINGTON SPA                               OUT & ABOUT
                                                                Birmingham Senior Challenge Cup had been won for the            The 2008-09 campaign saw the team build upon their
                                                                                                                                                                                              PUMP ROOMS                                  cold baths. The total development cost       years later. n 1989 the swimming pool
  Leamington Football Club History - REVISED!
                                                                fifth time in 1972, and the Southern League Cup and the         experience of the previous season by winning the                                                          was a fraction under £18,000.                was closed and relocated to a new
  Extensive research of our clubs history by club historian     Southern League Championship Cup followed in 1974,              title by 9 points and returning to the Southern League        By the time that a spring had been                                                       leisure centre building in Newbold
                                                                both over Premier Division opposition. Progression              Premier Division after a gap of 24 years.
  Paul Vanes has led to the discovery that there is NO
                                                                to the First Round of the FA Cup was achieved for                                                                             found at the site of the rooms in 1811      From the 1840s onwards the British spa       Comyn.
  connection between our club and that of Leamington
  Town - they were two separate entities. The Windmill          the first time this year. Brakes went on to reach the           The club’s first season in the Premier Division saw           Leamington already had a reputation         town tourist industry began to wane
                                                                competition proper five times in six seasons, reaching          a managerial change with Paul Holleran leading the
  Ground where both clubs once played provided a link
                                                                the second round twice.                                         team to a comfortable 10th position. 2010-2011 saw a
                                                                                                                                                                                              as an up-and-coming spa resort. Six         thanks to the growing popularity of spas     After a number of different schemes
  between the two, but that is where it ends. As a club we
  respect and appreciate the fact that Leamington Town                                                                          strong finish securing fifth place an a play-off semi-final   wells had been discovered south of the      in continental Europe, notably Belgium       to redevelop the Royal Pump Rooms
                                                                1975/76 saw promotion to the Southern League Premier            defeat at Hednesford.
  were the pioneers of the game in our great town, but
                                                                Division for the first time, and Brakes established
                                                                                                                                                                                              River Leam in and around the village.       and France. Faced with the decline in        had been considered, in 1997 work
  we cannot claim a history that is not ours, hence the
  decision to re-evaluate.                                      themselves in a highly competitive league before                2011-2012 saw a top of the league position at Christmas.      The influx of tourists to bathe in these    demand for spa health treatments the         began on a major project to reuse it
                                                                becoming founder members of the Alliance Premier                However, two months without a win in the New Year
                                                                League (now the National League) in 1979.                       saw Brakes slip out of the play-offs, despite finishing
                                                                                                                                                                                              springs and ‘take the waters’ had led to    decision was made in 1860 to close the       as a cultural complex. This opened
                                                                                                                                with a twelve match unbeaten run. The start of 2012-13        speculators developing land to the north    Pump Rooms with a view to demolishing        after two years of redevelopment. The
  There is a common misconception that Lockheed/AP              Leamington spent three seasons in this new league               saw a further 14 matches unbeaten and despite some            of the river. It was decided by these
  Leamington are not the same club as Leamington FC             before being relegated in 1982, but under young                 fierce competition, Brakes won the Southern League                                                        them and selling the land. However           Leamington public library and public art
  because of the 12 year gap in our playing record, which       manager Graham Allner, the seeds had been sown                  Premier Division for the second time, 30 years after          men that they needed to find a spring       a group of local investors clubbed           gallery were relocated here from their
  is emphatically NOT the case.                                 for further success, and the following season saw               their previous triumph. The return back to the Football       on their side of the river so that they     together and bought the building in          former “Old Library” and annexe site
                                                                them win the Southern League Championship and                   Conference, presented a brand new set of challenges
  The origins of Leamington FC are ingrained in                 with it promotion back to the APL, or so they thought.          for the club.                                                 could erect a suitably grand building to    October 1861. After spending £17,000         on Avenue Road. The main swimming
  Tachbrook Road, with the enormous Lockheed car                                                                                                                                              match the town they aimed to develop.       refurbishing the building, including         hall was used to house the library, the
  parts factory that employed so many of the townsfolk          Promotion was refused by the APL on supposed                    The inaugural season in the Conference North
  and would become the driving force behind the football        ground grading issues, while with the club at its playing       contained many highlights. Although the season started        Another spring was found in 1811 on the     adding a Turkish Bath and swimming           smaller swimming hall and Turkish Baths
  club until things unfortunately turned sour in the 1980’s.    pinnacle, Automotive Products decided to sell the               well it was tempered by several lengthy injuries, which       land of Mr Bertie Greatheed and the         pool, the Pump Rooms re-opened in            converted to house Leamington Spa
                                                                club’s Windmill Ground on Tachbrook Road for housing,           ruled players out for the rest of the season. But the
  It is here that our club was born, in 1933, as Lockheed,
                                                                leading to the break-up of one of the most exciting             fans’ relegation concerns were quieted by a fantastic         architectural work was undertaken by        1863.                                        Art Gallery & Museum. (Wording from
  Borg & Beck.
                                                                teams in non-league football and the departure of               festive period and a competent 13th place achieved by         local man Charles S. Smith (who also                                                     Wikipedia)
                                                                manager Allner, but not before he had led his team to           the end of the season.
  The team first competed in the Warwick & District
                                                                another Southern League Championship Cup, and into                                                                            designed The Regent Hotel and the           However, it proved impossible to
  League in the 1933/34 season, moving into the Coventry
  Works League the following campaign, where they               the FA Cup 1st Round.                                           The second season in a new league is often difficult, and     Upper Assembly Rooms in the town) in        operate at a profit and it was sold to the
                                                                                                                                Leamington found this to be very true. A ‘reasonable’
  spent six seasons before a move to the Leamington &
                                                                Under new manager Jim Watson, Brakes won the                    position halfway through the season was not sufficient,       the Classical style. The building named     Local Board of Health in 1868. Since
  District League in 1940/41. It was back to the Coventry
  Works League two years later before a switch to the           Southern League Cup for a second time, making                   and the loss of players (especially goalkeepers)              The New Pump Rooms and Baths was            that time the building has remained
                                                                them the first club to hold all three of the League’s           throughout the season meant relegation became a
  Coventry & North Warwickshire League, where they
                                                                trophies at once.                                               reality.
                                                                                                                                                                                              opened three years later in July 1814.      in the public sector and in 1875 the
  spent three seasons before being accepted into the
  short lived Central Amateur League in 1947. It was                                                                                                                                                                                      Royal Pump Room Gardens next to the
                                                                The fight to find a new stadium for the club dominated          The 2015-16 season in the Southern League Premier
  around this time that the Lockheed Company purchased
                                                                the next few years as the club tumbled down and out             Division saw a strong finish, resulting in a play-off
                                                                                                                                                                                              Within months of opening however            building were opened to the public
  the Windmill Ground from Coventry City, who had
  themselves brought the stadium in 1937 for use by their       of the Southern League. Leamington FC Limited was               place, and a win over Redditch United in the semi-final.      the baths proved so popular that the        under the management of George Elson.
                                                                formed on September 6th 1983 with the intention of              However, the final was a game too far with a 2-1 loss
  ‘A’ team after Leamington Town had folded. Also during
                                                                purchasing the Windmill Ground. Our association with            away at Hungerford Town.
                                                                                                                                                                                              building needed to be extended. The         In 1889 a further large public swimming
  this time the club name was adjusted to Lockheed -
  Leamington. After two seasons the club successfully           Automotive Products ended on July 1st 1985, and the                                                                           building was finally complete two years     pool was opened. An annexe was added
  applied to join the Birmingham Combination. It was            name of the club reverted to Leamington FC. A simple            Key players were added to a mixture of youth and              later in 1816. Including the wings at the
  whilst in this league, early in the 1949/50 season,           club crest, the first in our history, was created as the club   experience for 2016-17, and barring early exits from the                                                  to the south of the main assembly room
  after signing Les Latham as player/manager the club           battled to stay alive, but by 1988, now in the Midland          national cup competitions, the team made a very good          north and south end the building was        in 1910 and another to the north some
  embraced semi-professional football.                          Combination and at its lowest ebb, the decision was             start, securing runners-up spot. Home advantage was           166 feet long with 17 hot baths and 3
                                                                made to place the club in mothballs while the search for        key as Slough Town were defeated in the play-off semi-
  At this time the nickname ‘The Brakes’ was adopted by         a new stadium site continued. A small but determined            final, before an eventful final in front of a new record
  virtue of the car products the company manufactured. It       band of supporters continued to raise money and kept            crowd of 2,102 saw Brakes finally taste play off glory
  was also around this time that the original club colours      the club’s registration with the FA each year.                  with a 2-1 victory over Hitchin Town, a late equaliser
  evolved - Gold trimmed Royal Blue shirts, Royal Blue                                                                          and a red card for the visitors taking the game to extra
  shorts, and Gold socks. It was not until the early            In 1990 a field was purchased in Harbury Lane and the           time before a spectacular winner from Courtney Baker-
  1970’s - that our current colours originated. Apparently      club was re-launched in 2000, playing at what was               Richardson, who went on to sign for Swansea City.
  somebody at the club made an error when ordering              called the New Windmill Ground, Leamington FC did               The Birmingham Senior Challenge Cup was also added
  new kit, and from then on we played predominantly             not look back. The first two seasons saw successive             to the trophy cabinet for the first time in 45 years, a
  in Gold and Black.                                            promotions: the Midland Combination Division Two                young Wolverhampton Wanderers side were beaten
                                                                title in the first year and as runners-up in Division           on penalties at their Molineux stadium after a 1-1 draw.
  It was during their five seasons in this league that Brakes   One a year later.                                               Competing in the National League North once more
  won the Birmingham Senior Challenge Cup for the first                                                                         in 2017/18, Brakes achieved safety by a single point,
  time with victory against Hereford United in 1950/51.         Brakes finished third in the Midland Combination                defying their tag as relegation favourites.
  In 1956/57, with the club now in the Birmingham and           Premier in 2002-03, and were promoted as champions
  District League the Senior Cup was won for a second           to the Midland Football Alliance in 2004-05 with a              ‘Second season syndrome’ did not materialise last
  time with victory over Redditch United.                       league record 109 points.                                       time out as a storming start kept us away from the
                                                                                                                                bottom three, and despite a wobble mid-season, the
  The 1960’s proved to be ground-breaking for the club.         In 2005-06 Leamington reached the 1st Round Proper              sparkling form of striker Colby Bishop returning from
  They began by winning the Senior Cup, thrashing local         of the FA Cup, their first time in the competition since        injury in October helped Leamington to a comfortable
  rivals Rugby Town, and winning the Birmingham and             reforming, losing heroically at Colchester United. The          13th place finish once more, and a second Birmingham
  District League before becoming the first to win the          cup run enabled the club to move forward its planned            Senior Challenge Cup win in three seasons. The young
  renamed West Midlands Regional League the following           infrastructure development. The ground has more                 striker then sealed a move back to the Football League
  season. 1963/64 saw a move to the Midland Counties            recently undergone further improvement ensuring it              with Accrington Stanley.
  League, where the Championship was won in only                satisfied Football Conference guidelines.                       Paul Holleran, who celebrated 500 games and 10 years
  their second season.                                                                                                          in charge at the club in 2019, replaced him with Josh
                                                                Brakes completed a magnificent season in 2006-07,               March from Alvechurch, and the latest young striker
  After eight seasons the club was on the move once             returning to the Southern League after 20 years by              surpassed all expectations - 24 goals in 27 games
  more - this time into the Southern League, which at           winning the Midland Football Alliance title and the             securing him a move to the professional ranks with
  the time was arguably the strongest, most established         League Cup, becoming the first club in the League’s             Forest Green Rovers by the turn of the year.
  league outside the professional game. The Birmingham          history to complete the double, also reaching the               Despite this Brakes were always clear of relegation
  Senior Challenge Cup was captured for a fourth time           quarter-finals of the FA Vase.                                  danger, finishing in 18th place by the Points per Game
  in 1969/70.                                                                                                                   system after the 2019/20 season ended prematurely
                                                                2007-8 saw Leamington narrowly fail to be promoted              in March due to the outbreak of COVID 19.
  The club underwent a name change in 1973 as Lockheed          again, slipping up to Stourbridge in the Southern               With the football landscape set to look markedly
  became Automotive Products, and AP Leamington,                Football League Midland Division promotion play-                different due to the pandemic, Leamington will kick           By G-Man - Own work, Public Domain,
  entered another boom period in their history. The             off final.                                                      off a fourth consecutive season in the National League
                                                                                                                                North with their aims unchanged - to compete and

22 HEREFORD I Brakes News & Review 2020-2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Brakes News & Review 2020-2021 I HEREFORD 23
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