Vs Tottenham Hotspur Wednesday, October 31, 2012, KO 7.45pm - OTBCOn The Ball City - The Official Matchday Programme of Norwich City Football Club ...

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Vs Tottenham Hotspur Wednesday, October 31, 2012, KO 7.45pm - OTBCOn The Ball City - The Official Matchday Programme of Norwich City Football Club ...
                    On The Ball City - The Official Matchday Programme of Norwich City Football Club £3.50

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                                                                                     vs Tottenham Hotspur
                                                                              Wednesday, October 31, 2012, KO 7.45pm
Vs Tottenham Hotspur Wednesday, October 31, 2012, KO 7.45pm - OTBCOn The Ball City - The Official Matchday Programme of Norwich City Football Club ...
Opening Shot
Three in three - Grant Holt celebrates his goal against Arsenal
in front of an adoring Barclay

                                          Who’s Who                          Honours
               Norwich City               Chairman                           Premier League
               Football Club              Alan Bowkett                       3rd place 1993
               Carrow Road,               Deputy Chairman                    Football League (Second tier)
                                          Michael Foulger                    Champions 1972, 1986, 2004
               Norwich                    Chief Executive                    Runners-up 2011
               NR1 1JE                    David McNally                      Play-off finalists 2002
                                          Directors                          Football League (Third tier)
                                          Delia Smith, Michael Wynn Jones,   Champions 1934, 2010
                                          Stephan Phillips, Stephen Fry      UEFA Cup 3rd Round 1993
                                          Vice Presidents                    FA Cup Semi-finalists 1959,
                                          Barry Lockwood, Gavin Paterson,    1989, 1992
                                          Barry Skipper, Roger Munby         League Cup Winners 1962, 1985
                                          Manager                            Runners-up 1973, 1975
                                          Chris Hughton                      FA Youth Cup Winners 1983

Vs Tottenham Hotspur Wednesday, October 31, 2012, KO 7.45pm - OTBCOn The Ball City - The Official Matchday Programme of Norwich City Football Club ...
Vs Tottenham Hotspur Wednesday, October 31, 2012, KO 7.45pm - OTBCOn The Ball City - The Official Matchday Programme of Norwich City Football Club ...
6      Chris Hughton

8      From the Press Box

10 Action replay – Arsenal

14 Welcome Tottenham Hotspur

16 The men from White Hart Lane

22 Managing to succeed

28 Mutual friends – Canaries and Spurs                                               “They’re a quality
                                                                                  side, and people may
34 Yellows ask – Sébastien Bassong
                                                                                  say they’ll maybe rest
36 Self certified – Bradley Johnson                                               players for the cup, but
                                                                                   no matter what side
41 Mick’s Zone – Mick Dennis                                                     Tottenham put out it’ll be
                                                                                 a very, very good team.”
42 You Yellows
                                                                                       Simon Lappin
45 1973 League Cup Final programme

58 The big interview – Simon Lappin

68 High flying Canaries – 1992-93

70 High flying Canaries –
   Rob Newman interview

72 Hat-trick hero – Graham Paddon

77 For Club and Country – Johnny Gavin

78 England at Carrow Road – Under-21 action

87 The Norwich Way – Academy update

96 2012-13 First team statistics

100 Tonight’s squads

Tonight’s cover shot: Alexander Tettey
on the ball during a recent Premier
League fixture

Editor Peter Rogers
Tel 01603 218748
                                                               Yellows ask –
Email peter.rogers@ncfc-canaries.co.uk                          Sébastien
Contributors Peter Rogers, Jonny Lally, Steve                    Bassong
Garland, Joe Ferrari, Trevor Burton, Leigh
Edwards, Mick Dennis, Steve Whitlam, Judy
Trivett, Daniel Wynne, Edward Couzens-Lake,
Matt Havell, James Bigg
Photography Action Images, Aaron Murrell
Advertising sales Phil Lythgoe
Tel 01603 218742
Email phil.lythgoe@ncfc-canaries.co.uk
Graphic designer Darren Gillick

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                                                                               1973 League Cup
                                                                               Final programme

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Vs Tottenham Hotspur Wednesday, October 31, 2012, KO 7.45pm - OTBCOn The Ball City - The Official Matchday Programme of Norwich City Football Club ...
Chris Hughton
Collecting four points from our         latter stages of the game but all in   second half. Although their ‘keeper
last two Premier League games is        all I was more than satisfied with     made some good saves we really
something we should be proud            the performance.                       needed to show just a little more
of as that represents a really                                                 quality and care in that final third.
good return from two fixtures in        As delighted as I was with the three
this division.                          points gained from the Arsenal         Russell Martin was forced to withdraw
                                        match, I was equally as disappointed   at half-time on Saturday with a
Of course I was delighted to see        that we only took one point from       back complaint and we will have to
us register that all-important first    Saturday’s match at Villa Park. That   monitor his situation over the coming
win of the season against Arsenal.      really was a missed opportunity. I     days. At the time of writing it is far
In all honesty it was a result we       can’t fault the commitment or desire   too early to know whether or not he
fully deserved and warranted after      of the players in any way and they     will be involved in tonight’s game.
producing an excellent performance.     showed great character in coming
We had opportunities to increase the    from behind, however we really         Two players who I plan to have in
margin of victory which would have      should have taken all three points     contention this evening are Jacob
made life easier for ourselves in the   – such was our dominance in that       Butterfield and Steven Whittaker.
Vs Tottenham Hotspur Wednesday, October 31, 2012, KO 7.45pm - OTBCOn The Ball City - The Official Matchday Programme of Norwich City Football Club ...
After joining us in the summer, both      and playing an attractive brand of        and the margin between those who
players have been hindered by             football. Equally I was very proud of     are in the team and those who are
injuries but I’m sure they will both      our own performance at White Hart         not really is minimal. Modern football
grasp the opportunity if it comes their   Lane earlier in the season and also the   is so much more of a squad game and
way tonight.                              excellent backing we received from        that is certain to be demonstrated
                                          our travelling fans that day. Our aim     this week with three very tough and
I would like to welcome André Villas-     will be to produce another quality        important games in the space of
Boas, his staff and the Tottenham         performance this evening that our         seven days.
players to Carrow Road for tonight’s      home crowd can enjoy.
Capital One Cup tie. After spending                                                 Many thanks for your support this
28 years at White Hart Lane as a          The quality of players we have in         evening, enjoy the game and I will
player and in numerous coaching           the squad has resulted in me facing       look forward to seeing you all back
roles, there is no point in me shying     many difficult decisions in naming        here again for Saturday’s Premier
away from that fact that this fixture     teams but these are the difficulties      League match with Stoke.
is a special one. I am pleased to see     and problems that managers crave.
Tottenham doing so well this season       Competition for places is very fierce     Chris Hughton

              for places is very
           fierce and the margin
          between those who are
           in the team and those
              who are not really
                 is minimal”
Vs Tottenham Hotspur Wednesday, October 31, 2012, KO 7.45pm - OTBCOn The Ball City - The Official Matchday Programme of Norwich City Football Club ...
From the Press Box
I wonder if any of my fellow City           Even though the press box was               Chris Hughton’s delighted reaction
fans who were either at Villa Park          situated on the other side of Villa Park    in our dug-out. I agreed with Chris’s
on Saturday or watching the game            I could hear our supporters in fine         assessment after the game which
live on Sky agree with me that the          voice throughout however and I think        was that before the game I’d have
atmosphere on the day was quite flat?       their constant support and urging           settled for a point away to the
                                            on of the team may well have been a         Villa – but in the circumstances of
With the very honourable exception          contributory factor as our second half      the game, with Villa being reduced
of the 2,608 City fans ‘giving it some’     performance got better and better           to ten men and City increasingly
throughout proceedings, I just felt         and we eventually got their equaliser       dominant, it was disappointing not
for an announced attendance of              which was the least our contribution        to come away with all three.
33,184 that those of a claret and blue      to the game deserved.
persuasion would be hoping to create                                                    Referees are a national talking point
an cauldron of noise, to intimidate our     It was doubly pleasing to see the           again this weekend after some
players and give theirs that extra 10 per   goal headed home in fine style              controversial calls by referee Andre
cent boost that a noisy and partisan        by Michael Turner as well. The big          Marriner in the Merseyside derby
home crowd can often provide.               defender has had an at times tough          and Mark Clattenburg’s performance
                                            start to his City career since joining us   the subject of debate after the
Apart from a brief burst of noise           from Sunderland in the summer but           eventful Chelsea v Manchester
when Benteke opened the scoring             throughout he has done what all good        United clash at Stamford Bridge
for the Villans, the only other time I      pros do and kept working hard to get        on Sunday.
really heard their fans was when they       in the team and cement his place in
were joined by ours for a moving and        there if possible.                          I thought Phil Dowd also had some
shared moment of applause for their                                                     big calls to make in our game at Villa
midfielder Stan Petrov, still battling      Michael’s celebration with our fans         Park, with TV replays (something Mr
against Leukaemia.                          was an exuberant one, matched by            Dowd does not have the advantage

    Celebration time – goalscorer Michael Turner and his City team-mates celebrate with the travelling Yellow Army

8                                  Follow us on              www.twitter.com/norwichcityfc
Vs Tottenham Hotspur Wednesday, October 31, 2012, KO 7.45pm - OTBCOn The Ball City - The Official Matchday Programme of Norwich City Football Club ...

 One down two
 to go – Villa’s Joe
 Bennett departs after
 seeing red, leaving
 commentators with
 just the two Bennetts
 to contend with

of reviewing to be fair) suggesting       you know, ‘actually refereeing’.           what a Capital One Cup tie we have
there was contact between Villa           That’s a given.                            in prospect. Regular readers/victims
defender Ron Vlaar and Elliott                                                       of this column will know I have a
Bennett in Villa’s penalty area when      It’s only right to give Mr Dowd credit     soft spot for the league cup and
the Canary winger was sent flying in      where it’s due and I felt he got the two   this evening ourselves and Spurs
the first half.                           yellow cards shown to Aston Villa full-    are slugging it out for a place in the
                                          back Joe Bennett absolutely spot-on.       quarter-finals.
And in the second half I think Chris
Herd’s sigh of relief could probably      At one stage in the second half there      Our last two league clashes at White
be picked up back in Norfolk when,        were three Bennetts on the pitch –         Hart Lane saw us win there thanks
already on a yellow card, he made         Elliott and Ryan for us and Joe for        to a sumptuous winning goal from
a late and clumsy challenge on Wes        Villa. The law of sod is never kind        Gord…I mean Elliott Bennett. This
Hoolahan near the centre circle as the    to commentators I’ve noticed and           season Robert Snodgrass grabbed us
Norwich play-maker passed Grant Holt      so of course it came to pass that all      a deserved share of the spoils as we
in on goal.                               three were involved in the incident        drew there 1-1 – but our last game
                                          which led to that second yellow card,      against them at Carrow Road saw us
Mr Dowd played a good advantage as        prompting one local commentator in         succumb to a Gareth Bale masterclass
Holty went on to see his shot saved by    my earshot to observe: “Bennett….          as we lost 2-0.
the in-form Guzan, but some observers     finds Bennett….oh and Bennett
felt he should then have gone back to     and Bennett have got involved in a         So it would be great to redress that
the original incident and shown Herd a    tussle….and Bennett’s off!”                balance tonight and grab a second
second yellow – which would have left                                                win over one of North London’s big
Villa down to nine men.                   This in turn led to a ‘Gordon Bennett’     two clubs in recent weeks.
                                          line from MOTD’s commentator later
To be fair refereeing via hindsight       that evening which was                     Enjoy the game!
and with the benefit of slow-motion       mildly amusing.
replays from 42 different angles is                                            Joe Ferrari
always going to be a lot easier than,     Moving on to tonight’s game and      Head of Media
                             Join us on           www.facebook.com/norwichcityfootballclub                                    9
Vs Tottenham Hotspur Wednesday, October 31, 2012, KO 7.45pm - OTBCOn The Ball City - The Official Matchday Programme of Norwich City Football Club ...
Match Action
      City 1 Arsenal 0
      Holt 19

Vs Tottenham Hotspur Wednesday, October 31, 2012, KO 7.45pm - OTBCOn The Ball City - The Official Matchday Programme of Norwich City Football Club ...
Date: Saturday, October 20, 2012 Competition: Barclays Premier League
                              Venue: Carrow Road Attendance: 26,825
                                                Referee: Mr L Probert

                                                                           “This has been a long time
                                                                         coming. We have deserved this
                                                                          by our play this season so far,
                                                                        so it is a very good feeling to get
                                                                        the win here at Carrow Road for
                                                                                   the supporters.”
                                                                              City boss Chris Hughton

                                                                              “Defensively we were
                                                                            really solid, and from the
                                                                         front all the way to the ‘keeper
                                                                         we worked as a unit and that’s
                                                                         what gave us strength. I think
                                                                        the most important thing is that
                                                                             we kept a clean sheet.”
                                                                                   City defender
                                                                                Sébastien Bassong

                                                                         “You can always find excuses
                                                                          when you lose a game but,
                                                                           overall, you have to stand
                                                                         up and say Norwich wanted it
                                                                                more than us.”
                                                                               Arsenal manager
                                                                                Arsène Wenger

Match Action
        Jon Dunham @JonDunhamNT
        on twitter…
        And it is days like this that
        make being a Norwich fan
        worthwhile. I love you
        @norwichcityfc. I love you!

        Shaun and Claire
        Collingsworth on facebook…
        Good old Norwich City and
        Grant Holt. Both still have what
        is takes – we will stay up. Come
        on City!

        Michael Ponder @Ponder92
        on twitter…
        Buzzing! Great win today
        for @NorwichCityFC great
        performance, great atmosphere.
        #ncfc #otbc

        Liam Drew @Liam12Drew
        on twitter…
        Two @NorwichCityFC players in
        the BBC Prem Team of the week.
        Highly deserved.
        @bassongOfficiel @javiergerr

        Fuerteventura Sales and
        Rentals on facebook…
        What a fantastic performance.
        Well done to Hughton and his
        fine team. Let’s stop the doubting
        and get behind our team

        Adrian Last @LeffeAt49DS
        on twitter…
        @NorwichCityFC Delighted by
        yesterday’s performance by the
        team. Nothing beats being at
        Carrow Road when the team
        plays well. #OTBC #NCFC!

        David Burman on facebook…
        Fantastic result for the Canaries
        yesterday. At long last we have got
        a win and thoroughly deserved
        it. Norwich looked more like
        the team we loved to watch last
        season and Holt looks like he is
        back in goalscoring form.

                                              Norwich City                  Arsenal

                                                         Shots on target                    Corners
38%                                 62%       3                                   7     2             10
                                                          Shots in total                     Fouls
                                              7                                  13     9             9

12                                       For a full match report go to www.canaries.co.uk
Subs: Snodgrass for E.Bennett
                    79, Morison for Holt 90,
                    R.Bennett for Hoolahan 90
                    Subs not used: Rudd (GK),
                    Howson, Surman, Jackson

Pilkington         Tettey
          Johnson               R. Martin
    Garrido               Ruddy

                    Subs: Oxlade-Chamberlain
                    for Podolsk 65, Arshavin for
                    Oxlade-Chamberlain 74,
                    Gnabry for Ramsey 83
                    Subs not used: Martinez
                    (GK), Djourou, Wilshere,
                    Coquelin, Arshavin

Podolski           Arteta
             Ramsey            Jenkinson
    Santos              Mannone

Tottenham Hotspur

                                           Tottenham Hotspur are undergoing a              Gylfi Sigurdsson cost £6.8M from
                                           period of major transition following the        Hoffenheim, Belgian international central
     Founded: 1882                         club’s decision to part company with            defender Jan Vertonghen cost a reported
     Ground: White Hart Lane               Harry Redknapp and the subsequent               £12M from Ajax, and goalkeeper Hugo
     Capacity: 36,534                      appointment of former Chelsea boss              Lloris – skipper of the French national
     Nickname: Spurs                       André Villas-Boas as his successor.             side – was a £12M purchase from Lyon.
     Sponsor: Aurasma                                                                      In addition, Togo striker Emmanuel
     Chairman: Daniel Levy                 Redknapp had guided Spurs to                    Adebayor completed a permanent £5M
     Manager: André Villas-Boas            successive fourth, fifth and fourth-place       move from Manchester City.
     Captain: Michael Dawson               finishes in the Premier League, but a
                                           poor run of form in the second half of last      The list of departures was led by Croatian
                                           season saw his team’s title challenge fade.      midfielder Luka Modric’s £33M move
                                                                                            to Real Madrid, and Dutch midfield star
                                           Even so, fourth spot would have been             Rafael Van Der Vaart’s £10.3M switch
                                           enough to see Spurs competing in                 to Hamburg. Croatian midfielder Niko
                                           this season’s Champions’ League but              Kranjcar joined Dynamo Kiev for about
                                           for sixth-placed Chelsea’s success in            £5.5M, defender Vedran Corluka joined
                                           being crowned European champions                 Lokomotiv Moscow for a similar fee, and
                                           when they beat Bayern Munich on                        Cameroon international defender
                                           penalties in last season’s final.                              Sébastien Bassong made his
                                                                                                             own big-money switch
      Recent form                          The irony is that
                                           Spurs’ performances
                                                                                    A 3-1 win at
                                                                                Reading sparked
                                                                                                                to the Canaries. South
                                                                                                                  African international
             Barclays Premier League
                                           appeared to be                 the start of a four-match                Steven Pienaar
                      2-0                  affected by ongoing               winning streak in the                  completed a
                    07/10/2012             speculation linking          Premier League – including                  permanent £4.5M
         Caulker,                          Redknapp with the                                                        return to Everton.
         Lennon                                                         a 3-2 win over Manchester
             Barclays Premier League       England manager’s             United as Spurs triumphed
                                           job – instead of                  at Old Trafford for the               Other moves saw
                       2-4                 which he found                     first time in 23 years             midfielder Giovani Dos
                                           himself out of work.                                                Santos join Real Mallorca
         Defoe                                                                                              for £1.7M, while striker
                    Europa League
                                           For Villas-Boas, the Spurs job                                Louis Saha joined Sunderland
                                           represents a second opportunity                      after being released. Central defender
                       1-1                 with a major English club just months            Ledley King retired after eventually
                    25/10/2012             after his exit from Chelsea paved the            calling time on his battle against knee
                                           way for Roberto Di Matteo to guide the           injuries, and centre-back Ryan Nelsen
             Barclays Premier League       Blues to Champions’ League glory.                joined QPR after being released.

                       1-2                 There has been a major turnover of              Spurs made an uncertain start to the
                                           players, with new faces including Belgian       new season, losing 2-1 at Newcastle,
                           Bale, Dempsey
                                           international midfielder Moussa Dembélé         and then drawing 1-1 at home to both
                                           (£15M) and United States international          West Bromwich Albion and Norwich –
                                           striker Clint Dempsey (£6M), who both           who earned their point when Robert
                                           arrived from Fulham. Icelandic midfielder       Snodgrass scored after 85 minutes to
Last time here...
cancel out Dembélé’s earlier effort.           Parker is expected to be out until Christmas     2   Norwich City 0
                                               as he struggles with the Achilles problems
But a 3-1 win at Reading sparked the
start of a four-match winning streak in
                                               that ended his Euro 2012 campaign.
                                               Dembélé has had a hip problem, and
                                                                                                    Tottenham 2
                                                                                                    Bale 55, 67
the Premier League – including a 3-2           defenders Younès Kaboul and Benoît
                                                                                                    Date: Tuesday, December 27, 2011
win over Manchester United as Spurs            Assou-Ekotto have had knee injuries.
                                                                                                    Competition: Premier League
triumphed at Old Trafford for the first                                                             Venue: Carrow Road
time in 23 years.                              Evergreen 41-year-old goalkeeping star               Attendance: 26,807
                                               Brad Friedel – who kept the Canaries at              Referee: Michael Oliver
That winning streak ended 11 days ago          bay in September – saw a remarkable
when Chelsea got the better of their           personal record end this season when new
former manager to win a thrilling match        signing Hugo Lloris played in the Aston
4-2 at White Hart Lane.                        Villa victory. That ended Friedel’s run of 310
                                               consecutive Premier League appearances
Spurs boast a galaxy of talent, including      over eight years for Blackburn, Villa and
left-sided Welsh international midfielder      Spurs – Villas-Boas insisting his decision
Gareth Bale, who scored both goals in          was merely a matter of squad rotation.
his side’s 2-0 win at Carrow Road last
season. England internationals include         Lloris has also played in Spurs’ Europa
right-back Kyle Walker, right-winger           League games, while veteran Italian
Aaron Lennon, and top-scorer Jermain           ‘keeper Carlo Cudicini played in
Defoe. Veteran French international            the 3-0 Capital One Cup victory at
defender William Gallas joined Defoe           Carlisle. Others who might feature
on the score-sheet against Chelsea.            this evening include England
Midfielder Tom Huddlestone is back             defender Michael Dawson. However,
after an injury-ravaged 2011-12 season         full-back Kyle Naughton, who shone
– and had the red card he collected            on loan for the Canaries last season,
against Norwich rescinded.                     has been sidelined by injury for most of
                                               the current campaign.
England Under-21 international central
defender Steve Caulker has broken into         Spurs are four-times winner of the
the team this season, and scored in the 2-0    League Cup – beating Norwich 1-0 in
victory over Paul Lambert’s Aston Villa.       the 1973 Wembley final thanks to a
On the injury front England midfielder Scott   second-half goal by Ralph Coates.

                                               André Villas-Boas
                                               André Villas-Boas succeeded Harry                Villas-Boas worked under José
                                               Redknapp as Spurs manager in                     Mourinho at Porto, Chelsea and
                                               July following his nine-month                    Inter Milan before taking charge of
                                               spell at Chelsea.                                Portuguese club Académica in 2009.
                                                                                                He was appointed Porto manager
                                               Villas-Boas, 35, never played                    in 2010, and won a league and cup
                                               professional football, but as a                  double, the Europa League – making
                                               17-year-old he met Bobby                         him at 33 the youngest-ever manager
                                               Robson when the ex-England                       to win a European trophy - plus the
                                               manager moved into the same                      Portuguese Super Cup. Villas-Boas
                                               apartment block in Porto. Robson                 succeeded Carlo Ancelotti as Chelsea
                                               arranged for his Portuguese                      manager in June 2011, but was sacked
                                               protégé to take coaching                         in March 2012 as the Blues – who
                                               qualifications in the UK, and                    would finish the season as European
                                               later appointed him as youth                     champions – endured a relatively
                                               team coach at Porto.                             difficult season in the Premier League.
The men from
  White Hart Lane
   Matt Havell takes a close look at this evening’s visitors from White Hart Lane.

 Heurelho Gomes                                 Carlo Cudicini                                     William Gallas
Position: Goalkeeper                         Position Goalkeeper                                 Position: Defender
Squad No: 1                                  Squad No: 23                                        Squad No: 13
Date of birth: 15/02/1981                    Date of birth: 06/09/1973                           Date of birth: 17/08/1977
Former clubs: Cruzeiro, PSV                  Former clubs: AC Milan, Como (loan),                Former clubs: Caen, Marseille,
Brazilian goalkeeper Gomes joined the        Prato, Lazio, Castel di Sangro, Chelsea             Chelsea, Arsenal
ranks at White Hart Lane in 2008 for         Hailed as one of the best ‘keepers                  French international Gallas has toured
a reported £7.8M. Gomes moved to             in England during his 10 seasons at                 three clubs in London since coming to
Tottenham after a successful spell at        Chelsea, Cudicini moved across London               England in 2001 and joined Tottenham
PSV Eindhoven and was part of their          to Tottenham in January 2009 on a free              in 2010. Gallas has over a decade of
four-year dominance of the Eredivisie        transfer. During his three years at Spurs           experience in the Premier League having
as they were crowned champions from          he has made 37 appearances, 18 in the               made over 400 appearances in his time
2004 to 2008. He has made 95 league          Premier League and 19 in domestic and               at Chelsea, Arsenal and Tottenham. Gallas
appearances for Spurs but after Brad         European cup competitions. The Italian              joined Chelsea for £6.2M and in his time
Friedel’s arrival in 2011 was pushed         has two Premier League winners’ medals              at Stamford Bridge won two Premier
down the pecking order. The Brazilian        to his name from Chelsea’s back-to-back             League titles along with current Spurs
international has 11 caps for his country.   title wins in 2004-05 and 2005-06.                  team-mate Carlo Cudicini.

Michael Dawson                                      Kyle Walker                                    Steven Caulker
Position: Defender                           Position: Defender                                  Position: Defender
Squad No: 20                                 Squad No: 28                                        Squad No: 33
Date of birth: 18/11/1983                    Date of birth: 28/05/1990                           Date of birth: 29/12/1991
Former club: Nottingham Forest               Former clubs: Sheffield Utd,                        Former clubs: Yeovil (loan), Bristol
Michael Dawson moved to London               Northampton Town (loan), Sheffield Utd              City (loan), Swansea (loan)
from Nottingham Forest for £4M in            (loan), QPR (loan), Aston Villa (loan)              Steven Caulker will look at the 2011-12
January 2005. Dawson stands at 6ft           Voted PFA Young Player of the Year for              campaign as the season during which
3ins and is a huge presence in the           2011-12, Walker signed for Tottenham                he broke into the Premier League. The
Tottenham defence. Dawson debuted            Hotspur in July 2009 from Sheffield United.         young defender enjoyed a season-long
in a Spurs shirt during a 2-2 draw           The pacy full-back made his Spurs debut as          loan at Swansea City as the Welsh club
against Liverpool at Anfield and             Tottenham beat Portsmouth 2-0 on March              turned heads during their return to the
has made over 250 appearances for            27, 2010. A full England international, his first   top flight. His performances caught the
Tottenham. The Yorkshireman has              Spurs goal was an explosive long-range shot         attention of Team GB coach Stuart Pearce
earned four England caps since 2010          which lit up a packed crowd at White Hart           who called him into the Olympic squad.
and was unfortunate to have missed           Lane as they toppled North London rivals            The Londoner has now cemented himself
out on Euro 2012 through injury.             Arsenal 2-1 on October 2, 2011.                     a place in the Spurs defence.
Position Defender
Squad No: 5
Date of birth: 24/04/1987
Former clubs: Ajax,
RKC Waalwijk (loan)
Belgian international Jan Vertonghen
joined Tottenham Hotspur for
£12M in July 2012. Having risen up
through the famous Ajax academy
Vertonghen is a dominant central
defender and at 6ft 2ins he has
already made an impact at Spurs,
scoring twice in 12 appearances.

Vertonghen’s first goal for his new
club came in the previous round of
the Capital One Cup as he opened
the scoring as the Londoners beat
Carlisle 3-0 at Brunton Park. He scored
his second goal three days later as
Tottenham defeated Manchester
United 3-2 at Old Trafford.

During the Belgian’s time in
Holland, Vertonghen made 186
appearances for Ajax as the Dutch
giants lifted the title during his last
two years in Amsterdam.

Vertonghen has represented
Belgium at under-16, under-18 and
senior level and currently has 42
caps and four goals for his country.
He was also part of the Belgian
Olympic team which finished
fourth in Beijing in 2008.

Welsh Winger
      Gareth Bale

          Position: Midfielder
          Squad No: 11
          Date of birth: 16/07/1989
          Former club: Southampton
          Over the past few seasons Gareth
          Bale has established himself as one
          of the best left-sided midfielders
          in the Premier League with some
          electric performances that have
          seen him become one of the first
          names on Spurs’ teamsheet.

          Bale started his career at
          Southampton and made his Saints’
          debut aged just 16 years and
          275 days old, such had been the
          impression he had on the training
          ground while progressing though the
          South Coast club’s academy set-up.

          Since his move to Tottenham in
          2007 the 23-year-old has been
          recruiting admirers across the
          UK and Europe particularly after
          scoring a hat-trick as Tottenham
          almost upset Inter Milan in the
          Champions League at the San Siro
          in a 4-3 thriller on October 20, 2010.

          The Cardiff-born midfielder has 38
          caps for Wales, scoring nine goals.
          The most recent strikes coming on
          October 12 as Bale put a brace past
          Scotland in a 2-1 victory for Wales.

The men from
  White Hart Lane

Tom Huddlestone                                     Aaron Lennon                                Gylfi Sigurdsson
Position: Midfielder                            Position: Midfielder                           Position: Midfielder
Squad No: 6                                     Squad No: 7                                    Squad No: 22
Date of birth: 28/12/1986                       Date of birth: 16/04/1987                      Date of birth: 08/09/1989
Former clubs: Derby County,                     Former club: Leeds United                      Former clubs: Reading, Shrewsbury
Wolverhampton Wanderers (loan)                  Winger Aaron Lennon joined                     Town (loan), Crewe Alexandra (loan),
Tom Huddlestone has developed into              Tottenham Hotspur back in July                 1899 Hoffenheim, Swansea City (loan)
a classy midfielder with an armoury of          2005 for £1M from Leeds United, a              Gylfi Sigurdsson made his return to
passing skills at his disposal. After joining   price which the player has paid back           English football on loan at Swansea last
Tottenham from Derby for £2.5M in July          with approaching 300 appearances.              season after a two-year absence playing
2005, Huddlestone has made over 150             Lennon uses his outstanding pace               in Germany with Hoffenheim. Tottenham
appearances for Spurs scoring 15 goals.         to blaze down either flank and can             offered the Icelandic international the
The midfielder made his Premier League          rain down crosses for the Spurs                chance to move back full-time and he
debut on January 31, 2006 as Spurs              frontline. The England international           joined Spurs for £6.8M in July 2012.
lost 1-0 to Fulham at Craven Cottage.           can also cut inside and be a goal              Sigurdsson began his career at Reading
Huddlestone’s first and second League           threat. Lennon’s scored 26 goals for           and spent time on loan at Shrewsbury
Cup goals came as Spurs beat Port Vale at       Tottenham Hotspur but is yet to find           and Crewe before being sold to
White Hart Lane in November 2006.               the net for his country.                       Hoffenheim for £6M in August 2010.

      Yago Falqué                                 Jake Livermore                                           Sandro
Position: Midfielder                            Position: Midfielder                           Position: Midfielder
Squad No: 27                                    Squad No: 29                                   Squad No: 30
Date of birth: 04/01/1990                       Date of birth: 14/11/1989                      Date of birth: 15/03/1989
Former clubs: Barcelona B, Juventus,            Former clubs: MK Dons (loan), Crewe            Former club: Internacional
Villarreal B (loan), Southampton (loan)         Alexandra (loan), Derby County (loan),         Sandro joined Spurs in March 2010 for
Yago Falqué joined Tottenham in January         Peterborough United (loan), Ipswich            a reported fee of £8M from Brazilian
after spending five months on loan at           Town (loan), Leeds United (loan)               side Internacional. The Brazilian
White Hart Lane from Juventus. The              Jake Livermore has become a regular face       defensive midfielder has made over 60
Spanish midfielder came though the              in the first team having featured in four of   appearances for the club. The Olympic
Barcelona youth team and made the               Tottenham’s Premier League matches so          silver medallist was part of the Brazil
switch to Turin in 2008 but never donned        far this season. After progressing through     side which just fell short of the
the famous black and white stripes. Falqué      the ranks, Livermore has gained valuable       Olympic title at London 2012. Sandro
is closing in on his first Premier League       experience with various loan spells. His       has 16 senior caps for Brazil since
game for Tottenham after becoming a             England debut coincided with City’s John       his debut on September 9, 2009 as a
regular face on the bench waiting for           Ruddy making his England bow as the Three      substitute against Chile in a World Cup
Andre Villas-Boas to give him his shot.         Lions defeated Italy in August this year.      qualifier which the Brazilians won 4-2.

The men from
                                      White Hart Lane

                                      Andros Townsend                                        Ryan Mason
                                      Position: Midfielder                             Position: Midfielder
                                      Squad No: 31                                     Squad No: 38
                                      Date of birth: 16/07/1991                        Date of birth: 13/06/1991
                                      Former clubs: Yeovil Town (loan), Leyton         Former clubs: Yeovil Town (loan),
                                      Orient (loan), MK Dons (loan), Ipswich           Doncaster Rovers (loan) Millwall (loan)
                                      Town (loan), Watford (loan), Millwall            Versatile attacking midfielder Ryan
                                      (loan), Leeds (loan), Birmingham (loan)          Mason is rated highly at White Hart Lane
                                      Former Spurs trainee Andros Towsend has          after successfully coming though the
                                      spent most of his career so far touring the      Academy at Spurs. Since graduating from
                                      Football League, having played for eight         the Academy, Mason has spent time on
                                      other clubs in five years. Townsend made         loan at Yeovil Town, Doncaster Rovers
Position: Striker                     his Spurs debut last season coming on as         and Millwall. During his season-long loan
Squad No: 18                          a substitute in a Europa League qualifier        to Yeovil in 2009-10 season he made 28
Date of birth: 07/10/1982             away to Hearts in August 2011. He was on         league appearances scoring six goals. He
Former clubs: Charlton Athletic,      the scoresheet last time out in the Capital      made his Spurs debut at 17 on November
West Ham United, Bournemouth          One Cup as Spurs ran out 3-0 winners             27, 2008 as Spurs beat NEC Nijmegen 1-0
(loan), Portsmouth                    away to Carlisle on September 26.                away in Holland in a UEFA Cup match.
Jermain Defoe is currently in his
second spell at White Hart Lane
after following former Spurs boss
Harry Redknapp from Portsmouth
in January 2009 for a fee of £15M.

The England striker scored 13
minutes into his Tottenham
debut during a seven-goal thriller
at White Hart Lane as Tottenham          Clint Dempsey                                 Emmanuel Adebayor
beat Portsmouth 4-3 on
February 7, 2004.
                                      Position: Striker                                Date of birth: 26/02/1984
Defoe has already cemented his        Squad No: 2                                      Position: Striker
place in the Tottenham history        Date of birth: 09/03/1983                        Squad No: 10
books as he broke into their top      Former clubs: New England                        Date of birth: 26/02/1984
10 goalscorers of all-time on the     Revolution, Fulham                               Former clubs: Metz B, Metz, Monaco,
final day of the 2011-12 season in    Clint Dempsey made 224 appearances and           Arsenal, Manchester City, Real Madrid (loan)
the 2-0 home win over Fulham. He      scored 60 goals in a five-year stint at Fulham   After scoring 19 goals while on loan at
currently has 123 goals to his name   before moving to Spurs in the 2012 summer        White hart Lane last season, Emmanuel
in a Spurs shirt.                     transfer window for a fee believed to be         Adebayor signed permanently for
                                      in the region of £6M. The Texan began his        Tottenham Hotspur in August 2012 for
Defoe earned his first England cap    career at New England Revolution and made        £5M from Manchester City. Adebayor
in a 1-0 defeat to Sweden when he     71 appearances for the MLS team before           made his name in England with Arsenal
came on as a substitute for Darius    moving to Craven Cottage for £1.5M in            before making a £25M switch to the Etihad
Vassell. Since then he has so far     January 2007. Dempsey scored his first Spurs     in July 2009. The striker had only made four
earned 52 caps scoring 17 goals.      goal in Tottenham’s 3-2 win over Manchester      substitute appearances this season prior
                                      United at Old Trafford last month.               to Spurs Europa League tie at Maribor.
Tottenham Hotspur
  Managing to succeed
   Football historian Leigh Edwards profiles ten leading Spurs managers.

John Cameron
Player-manager John Cameron plotted Spurs’ 1901 FA Cup
                                                                     Bill      Nicholson
                                                                     England international wing-half Bill
Final triumph. The Scotland international inside-forward             Nicholson gave Spurs legendary
played for Ayr Parkhouse and Queen’s Park prior to joining           service as a player and manager.
Everton in September 1895 and moved to Spurs in May 1898.            Signing professional for Spurs
Succeeding Frank Brettell as player-boss nine months later, he       in August 1938, he starred in
guided them to the Southern League title in 1900 and twice           their 1949-50 Second Division
runners-up, netting 72 goals in 195 games for Spurs before           title triumph and 1950-51
resigning in March 1907. He coached in Germany and was               League Championship
interned during the First World War, then had a spell in charge      success. He netted six goals
of hometown Ayr United. Later working as a sports journalist,        in 314 league games before
he died in Ayr in April 1935.                                        becoming their first-team coach,
                                                                     then manager in October 1958.

Peter            McWilliam
Former Scotland international left-half Peter McWilliam managed
                                                                     Plotting their 1960-61 ‘double’ triumph,
                                                                     he also steered them to two further FA Cup Final successes,
                                                                     two League Cup Final wins and ECWC and UEFA Cup Final
Spurs to FA Cup Final glory in 1921. He starred as Newcastle         glory. He resigned in August 1974 but later returned as a scout
United won the League Championship three times in five               and adviser and died in October 2004.
years and FA Cup in 1910, also appearing in three other finals.
Appointed Spurs’ manager in May 1913, he guided them to
the Second Division title in 1919-20 and League Championship
runners-up in 1921-22. He left in January 1927 to manage
                                                                     Keith           Burkinshaw
                                                                     Keith Burkinshaw plotted Spurs’ 1981 and 1982 FA Cup Final
Middlesbrough and plotted their 1928-29 Second Division                      triumphs. Initially with Denaby, the defender moved
title triumph. After a period scouting for Arsenal, he                            via Liverpool to Workington in December 1957
rejoined Spurs as manager from May 1938 until June                                   and starred in their 1963-64 promotion success.
1942. He died in Redcar in October 1951.                                                He played for Scunthorpe, then coached
                                                                                         Newcastle United prior to joining Spurs in

Percy             Smith
Percy Smith guided Spurs back to the top-flight
                                                                                          May 1975. Appointed boss in July 1976,
                                                                                          he led them to promotion in 1977-78 and
                                                                                          signed Ossie Ardiles and Ricky Villa. He
in 1932-33. Initially with Hinckley, the centre-                                          guided Spurs to the 1982 League Cup Final
forward joined Preston in July 1902 and helped                                           and UEFA Cup Final glory shortly before
them win the Second Division title in 1903-04.                                         leaving in May 1984. Later managing Bahrain,
He joined Blackburn Rovers in July 1910, starring                                    Sporting Lisbon, Gillingham and West Brom, he
in their 1911-12 and 1913-14 League Championship                                 became Watford’s assistant-boss.
successes. After a spell as Fleetwood Town’s player-boss,
he managed Nelson and Bury before taking charge of Spurs in
January 1930. He led them to third place in the First Division in
1933-34 and remained manager at White Hart Lane until April
                                                                     David              Pleat
                                                                     Articulate manager David Pleat guided Spurs to the 1987 FA
1935, then managed Notts County and Bristol Rovers. He died in       Cup final. A former winger, he played for Nottingham Forest,
Watford in April 1959.                                               Luton, Shrewsbury, Exeter and Peterborough before becoming
                                                                     Nuneaton’s player-boss. He rejoined Luton as coach in July 1972

Arthur               Rowe
Ex-England international centre-half Arthur Rowe managed
                                                                     and became manager in January 1978,
                                                                     leading the Hatters to the Second
                                                                     Division title in 1981-82. Taking
Spurs to the League Championship in 1950-51. Initially with          charge of Spurs in May 1986, he
Cheshunt, he joined Spurs in May 1929 and starred in their 1932-     remained at White Hart Lane
33 promotion campaign, making 182 League appearances until           until October 1987. He then
injury in May 1939. He managed Chelmsford City to a Southern         managed Leicester City, Luton
League and Cup ‘double’ in 1945-46, then rejoined Spurs as boss      again and Sheffield Wednesday
in May 1949 and led his ‘push and run’ side to the Second Division   before a period back at Spurs as
title in 1949-50. Leaving in January 1956, he coached West Brom,     director of football, including a
then managed Crystal Palace to promotion in 1960-61, serving         spell as caretaker-manager. Now
them in various capacities. He died in November 1993.                working in the media.
                                                                         1898   Frank Brettell
Terry                                                                    1899   John Cameron FAC

Former England international
                                                                                Fred Kirkham
                                                                                Peter McWilliam FAC,L2,CS
midfielder Terry Venables                                                1927   Billy Minter
managed Spurs’ 1991 FA Cup Final                                         1930   Percy Smith
success. He helped Chelsea win the                                       1935   Wally Hardinge (C)
League Cup in 1965, then Spurs win the                                   1935   Jack Tresadern
FA Cup in 1967 before playing for QPR and Crystal Palace. Twice
managing Palace to promotion, he rejoined QPR as boss in October         1938   Peter McWilliam
1980, taking them to the 1982 FA Cup Final and promotion in              1942   Arthur Turner
1982-83. After managing Barcelona, he rejoined Spurs as manager          1946   Joe Hulme
from November 1987 until July 1991, becoming chief executive.            1949   Arthur Rowe C,L2,CS
He then managed England before assisting Portsmouth, Palace,
Middlesbrough, Leeds United and was England’s assistant-boss.            1955   Jimmy Anderson
                                                                         1958   Bill Nicholson C,FAC(3),LC(2),CWC,UC,CS(3)

                           George                                        1974
                                                                                Terry Neill
                                                                                Keith Burkinshaw FAC(2),UC,CS
                            George Graham plotted Spurs’
                                                                                Peter Shreeves
                                                                                David Pleat
                                  1999 League Cup Final triumph.         1987   Trevor Hartley and Doug Livermore (C)
                                  The Scotland international played
                                                                         1987   Terry Venables FAC
                                  for Aston Villa and Chelsea prior to
                                 joining Arsenal in September 1966,      1991   Peter Shreeves CS
                                starring as they won the Fairs Cup       1992   Doug Livermore and Ray Clemence (FTC)
                              in 1970 and ‘double’ in 1970-71. Later     1993   Osvaldo Ardiles
                            with Manchester United, Portsmouth
                                                                         1994   Steve Perryman (C)
                        and Crystal Palace, he managed Millwall,
                  then rejoined Arsenal in May 1986 and guided           1994   Gerry Francis
them to all three major domestic honours and ECWC final glory in         1997   Chris Hughton (C)
1994 before leaving in February 1995. He had a spell in charge of        1997   Christian Gross
Leeds United prior to becoming Spurs’ manager from September
                                                                         1998   David Pleat (C)
1998 until March 2001 and has since worked in the media.
                                                                         1998   George Graham LC

                                                                         2001   David Pleat (C)
                                                                         2001   Glenn Hoddle

England international midfielder
                                                                                David Pleat (C)
                                                                                Jacques Santini
Glenn Hoddle was a player                                                2004   Martin Jol
and manager at Spurs. Signing                                            2007   Clive Allen (C)
professional at White Hart
                                                                         2007   Juande Ramos LC
Lane in April 1975, he starred
in their 1981 and 1982 FA Cup                                            2008   Harry Redknapp
final successes and was a finalist                                       2012   André Villas-Boas
again shortly before joining
Monaco in June 1987. He helped win
the French League title in 1987-88 and
became Swindon’s player-boss in April 1991, plotting their 1992-93       C League Champions, FAC FA Cup, LC League Cup,
promotion success. After managing Chelsea to the 1994 FA Cup             CWC Cup Winners Cup, UC UEFA Cup, CS Charity
final, he managed England and Southampton, rejoining Spurs as            Shield, (C) - Caretaker Manager
boss in April 2001. He steered them to the 2002 League Cup Final
and left in September 2003, then managed Wolves.
The Numbers game
                    Age of Glenn Hoddle
                    when he made his senior
                    debut for Tottenham -
                                                 First game between
                                                 the two sides
                    against Norwich              in top flight football
                    at White Hart Lane           Norwich won 2-1
                                                 thanks to two

                                  2 4
                    on August 30, 1975

                                                 David Cross goals
Previous                                         Ex-Tottenham players
number of                                        in Norwich’s team
times the                                        for the Canaries’ first
                                                 ever UEFA Cup tie,
sides have met in
the League Cup.                                  vs Vitesse
Last time out                                    Arnhem in
Tottenham won

2-1 in a fifth                                   Bowen,

round tie in 1992                 Goals          Polston and


Goals                               for
scored in                          Chris
the two
league                            Sutton
between                  in Norwich’s 3-1
the two
sides                    win at Tottenham League appearances made
                                          for Tottenham by
in the                   in the Premier Maurice Norman
1979-80                  League fixture signed from Norwich
season                   on December 27, 1993 for £28,000 in 1955

                                               Attendance at The Nest for FA Cup Second
                                              Round tie between sides on January 30, 1915
                                                          Norwich, then in the
                                                            Southern League,
                                                            beat First Division
                     had gone                                  Tottenham 3-2

                        when                                           Number
                       Jimmy                                           of times
                    Neighbour                                          the two
scored the opening goal for                                            teams
Norwich against Tottenham,
                                   have reached the League Cup Final
 his former club on between them - Norwich (4)
       March 5, 1977 and Tottenham (7)
                                         Test your League Cup
                                         knowledge of the Canaries
                                         and Spurs in tonight’s quiz.

1. Which side did Tottenham defeat   7. Who was the Norwich
to win their first ever League Cup   substitute in the 1973 final?
in 1971?

                                     8. Who were the two managers
2. Which player who later played     that day?                                                       Q2 – Did Martin
for Norwich scored both Spurs’                                                                       Peters net both
goals in that match?                                                                                Spurs’ goals in the
                                                                                                    1971 League Cup
                                     9. Who is the only Norwich player       13. Why was
                                     to score against Tottenham in a         Norwich’s fourth
3. In which season did Tottenham     League Cup tie?                         round tie, on the way
lose the League Cup Final before                                             to winning the 1962
going on to win the FA Cup?                                                  competition, unusual?

                                     10. Where did Bryan Gunn save a
                                     hat-trick of penalties in a fourth
4. Which former Canary missed        round League Cup tie?                   14. Which player who played
a spot-kick as Tottenham lost on                                             against City in a final, netted a hat-
penalties to Manchester United in                                            trick for the Canaries in a League
the 2009 final?                                                              Cup tie this week in 1986?
                                     11. Who were the eventual winners
                                     that Norwich lost to in a fourth
                                     round tie in 1985?
5. Who did Tottenham                                                         15. Against which now Conference
beat when they last won                                                      North side did Norwich once lose a
the League Cup in 2008?                                                      fourth round League Cup tie?
                                     12. Which Canary scored a fourth
                                     round winner against Ipswich in 1983?

6. Who was the Spurs substitute                                              Answers on page 97
who scored the winner in the
1973 League Cup Final between
Norwich and Tottenham?

                                                      Q10 – At which
                                                     ground was Bryan
                                                     Gunn City’s penalty
                                                       hero in 1995?

                                        Q9 - Is Wayne
                                       Biggins the only
                                      Norwich player to
                                     score a League Cup
                                     goal against Spurs?

                                      Edward Couzens-Lake takes a special look at just
                                      some of the famous names that link Norwich City
                                         and Tottenham Hotspur with a selection
                                              of players that have represented
                                                          both clubs.

     Johnny Gavin
     Norwich City 1948-1954, 1955-1958
     Tottenham Hotspur 1954-1955
     Numerous English clubs were interested in
     signing Johnny Gavin whose goalscoring
     exploits at Limerick City made him a
     target for West Ham before the Canaries
     stepped in with an offer of £1,500. A total
     of 79 goals in 221 games for the Canaries
     followed. Such goalscoring prowess
     attracted Tottenham who bought him in
     order to bring goals and pace to Arthur
     Rowe’s Tottenham side. Despite impressing
     with 15 goals in 32 games however, Gavin
     never settled in London and, when Tottenham
     expressed an interest in Norwich centre half
     Maurice Norman, the suggestion that Gavin’s return
     to Carrow Road be part of that deal was welcomed in
     Norfolk. Gavin went on to score a further 53 goals in 117
     appearances for Norwich, ultimately becoming the Club’s
     132-goal record scorer, a record that stands to this day.

                                                                           Martin Peters
                                                                           Tottenham Hotspur 1970-1975
                                                                           Norwich City 1975-1980
                                                                           Although Tottenham remain the club that
                                                                           Martin Peters is most readily associated with,
                                                                           he made more league appearances for Norwich
                                                                           (207) than he did during his time at White Hart
                                                                           Lane (189). A World Cup winner, he played
                                                                           for Tottenham in their 1973 League Cup Final
                                                                           success over Norwich, having won a UEFA Cup
                                                                           winners medal the year before. When Tottenham
                                                                           made the surprising decision to sell him,
                                                                           Norwich manager John Bond spent a bargain
                                                                           £50,000 to secure the services of his one-time
                                                                           West Ham team-mate. Such was Peters’ form in
                                                                           his first two full seasons with Norwich, when
                                                                           he was an ever present in the league, there
                                                                           was talk of an England recall - an accolade that
                                                                           would have been thoroughly deserved. He left
                                                                           Norwich in July 1980 to become player/manager
                                                                           at Sheffield United, a decision he has since
                                                                           admitted he made too early in his career.
Kevin Bond
Norwich City 1974-1981
Tottenham Hotspur 2008-2012 (Assistant manager)
Kevin was, unsurprisingly, given some stick in his early
playing days at Norwich, as is normally the case when
a first team player just happens to be the manager’s
(John) son. He soon won over the Norwich fans with
a series of consistently good displays from defence,
adding the more than occasional goal to his playing
repertoire. This included a spectacular long-range
effort against Leeds in 1979 - indeed, during that
1979-80 season, only striking duo Justin Fashanu and
Kevin Reeves scored more Canary goals. After a brief
spell playing in the US for Seattle Sounders he joined
Manchester City, again playing under dad John Bond,
further extending his playing career with Southampton,
Bournemouth and Exeter City. He first teamed up with Harry
Redknapp in a coaching capacity at Portsmouth, eventually
accompanying him to Tottenham as assistant manager in 2008.

                                                                        Mark Bowen
                                                                        Tottenham Hotspur 1981-1987
                                                                        Norwich City 1987-1996
                                                                        Mark is perhaps best known at Carrow Road for
                                                                        scoring one of the goals in the Olympic Stadium
                                                                        as Norwich famously defeated Bayern Munich in
                                                                        the 1993 UEFA Cup Second Round. Starting his
                                                                        career at Tottenham, he made only 17 league
                                                                        starts over four seasons at the club with current
                                                                        Norwich manager Chris Hughton being one of
                                                                        his rivals for a first team place in their back four
                                                                        at the time. Ken Brown spotted Bowen’s class and
                                                                        potential in the summer of 1987, signing him
                                                                        for just £90,000. ‘Taff’, as he predictably became
                                                                        known at Carrow Road made his debut for the
                                                                        Club against Southampton on August 19, 1987
                                                                        ending up making 23 league starts that campaign
                                                                        in a midfield role, before switching to his familiar
                                                                        place as left-back the following season.

Tim Sherwood
Norwich City 1989-1992
Tottenham Hotspur 1999-2003
Tim was relatively unknown outside of his native
Hertfordshire when Dave Stringer signed him from
Watford in the summer of 1989, a case of ‘second
time lucky’ for the Canaries; Sherwood having
turned down the offer of a place at Carrow Road
whilst a schoolboy. Signed as a central midfield
replacement for Andy Townsend, he swiftly settled
into the Canaries’ first team, making 27 league starts
in the 1989-90 season and scoring three goals, one
of which was against Arsenal at Highbury. He only
missed one league outing the following season, his
consistent fine form for the Club eventually earning
him a move to Blackburn Rovers where he won a Premier
League winners medal. George Graham signed him for
Tottenham in 1999 for £3M where he went on to make 93 league
appearances, scoring 12 goals, an impressive return for a midfielder.

Kevin Scott
Tottenham Hotspur 1994-1997
Norwich City 1997-1999
Kevin spent a decade at home town club
Newcastle United before moving to Tottenham
in 1994 where he was expected to offer
stern competition to the club’s established
defenders, including Sol Campbell and current
Norwich assistant manager Colin Calderwood.
He failed to settle at White Hart Lane
however, ultimately making almost as many
appearances for Port Vale during a loan spell
at Vale Park as he did during his entire time at
White Hart Lane. A loan spell at Norwich in 1997
was swiftly followed by a permanent move for
£250,000 with Mike Walker desperate to shore up
a Canaries’ defence that had shipped in 14 goals in
just three matches at the end of 1996. He made just
33 league appearances in his two years at Carrow
Road before joining Darlington.

                                                                  Paul McVeigh
                                                                 Tottenham Hotspur 1996-2000.
                                                                 Norwich City 2000-2007, 2009-2010
                                                                 Belfast-born Paul made just three appearances for
                                                                 Tottenham, scoring against Coventry City in one of them
                                                                 before being substituted and replaced, ironically by another
                                                                 future Norwich player, loanee Neale Fenn. Bryan Hamilton
                                                                 signed him for Norwich in March 2000, with Paul making his
                                                                 debut against Bolton as a replacement for Gaetano Giallanza.
                                                                 He became a first team regular under Nigel Worthington
                                                                 during the 2001-02 season, scoring nine goals from 42 league
                                                                 appearances as well as a spectacular header in the play-off
                                                                 semi final against Wolves. Two years later Paul was part of
                                                                 Norwich’s Nationwide First Division title-winning side, scoring
                                                                 his first Premier League goal for the Canaries in a narrow 2-1
                                                                 defeat to Manchester United at Old Trafford on August 21,
                                                                 2004. He returned to the Club under Bryan Gunn during the
                                                                 summer of 2009, making his second Canaries’ debut in the
                                                                 5-2 League One victory over Wycombe Wanderers.

Peter Crouch
Tottenham Hotspur 1998-2000, 2009-2011
Norwich City 2003
Peter started his professional career as a
trainee at White Hart Lane but failed to
make a senior appearance for the side
and joined Queens Park Rangers before
spells at Portsmouth and Aston Villa. It
was during his time at Villa Park that then
Norwich manager Nigel Worthington signed
him as part of a triple loan deal in September
2003, Crouch joining alongside Darren Huckerby
and Kevin Harper. He had an impressive debut too,
scoring the opener in a 2-0 win over Burnley, repeating the feat with
the winner at Gillingham three days later. Crouch returned to Aston Villa
that December, moving on to Southampton, Liverpool and a second
spell at Portsmouth before rejoining Tottenham for £10M, nearly a decade
after he had first left the club. He scored 24 goals in 93 league and cup
games for Tottenham the second time round before joining Stoke City, his
eighth different league club last August.
Among our                                                                                The Norwich City Football Club
                                                                                           Historical Trust takes a dip into

                                                                                           its archive of memorabilia
                                                                                           and selects a number of items
                                                                                           relating to the 1973 League Cup
                                                                                           Final between Norwich City and
                                                                                           Tottenham Hotspur.






1. Match programme                         Special. The magazine included expert     4. Match badges
This is the official matchday              analysis and predictions plus exclusive   A number of badges were produced
programme from the 1973 League             pre-match interviews with City’s          after the match to commemorate
Cup Final which was also the Canaries’     Graham Paddon and Spurs midfielder        both the Spurs victory and City’s first
first ever visit to Wembley. The match     Martin Peters plus both managers. A       Wembley appearance. Here are just two
was played on Saturday, March 3            total of 26 pages were devoted to the     of the many match badges produced
and was won 1-0 by Spurs in front of       final and included colour poster pages    in numerous colour variations. One
a 100,000 crowd. Priced at 10p, the        of Tottenham’s Cyril Knowles and City’s   shows the result and date of the fixture
text pages of programme have been          David Cross. The magazine was priced      while the other carries the name of
reproduced in the centre pages of          at 10p.                                   goalscorer Ralph Coates.
tonight’s programme.
                                           3. Newspaper cutting                      5. Match ticket stub
2. Goal magazine                           This newspaper cutting was taken          This match ticket stub from the final was
Titled ‘Goal’ and advertised as ‘The       from the front page of the Eastern        for a place in the standing enclosure of
World’s Greatest Soccer Weekly’ issue      Daily Press on Friday, March 2, 1973.     Wembley’s East Stand and was priced
number 235 dated March 3, 1973             The story shows 22-year-old Tina          at 60p. The ticket had a stadium plan
saw the cover and a vast majority          Moore from Poringland, Norwich            on the reverse and the front of the
of the pages devoted to the 1973           modelling the Canaries’ cup final kit     ticket advised spectators to take up
League Cup Final. This issue was in fact   with ‘Wembley 1973’ embroidered           their position on the terrace by 3pm in
promoted as a 56-page League Cup           under the Club crest.                     preparation of the 3.30pm kick-off.
                      The Norwich City Football Club Historical Trust – Registered Charity No. 1101238                     33
ask...                                                                                             In tonight’s OTBC
                                                                                                     programme we
                                                                                                     are putting your
                                                                                                         questions to

Sébastien                                                                                          another member
                                                                                                    of the City squad

                                                                                                   with ‘Yellows Ask.’

City defender Sébastien Bassong              Who has been the most difficult           to be extremely tough. They’ve got a
joined us to answer questions from           attacker to play against this season?     really good chance of finishing at the
the Yellow Army submitted to                 Joe Reed @Reedy967 via twitter            top in my opinion.
us via our social media sites
@NorwichCityFC on twitter, our               Seb: It’s hard to pick out one because    What made you join Norwich and
official Facebook page and via email.        there are so many good players in this    not any other Club?
                                             league. I’d have to say the attacking     Tom Macleod via Facebook
Hi Seb, who has been the best                line of Chelsea was extremely tough
centre back you have played with?            however. I can’t really pick between      Seb: Many factors, but particularly that
Matt Giles @MattGiles1993 via twitter        Eden Hazard or Oscar or Fernando          the Club did so well last season and I
                                             Torres, but all of them together proved   enjoyed the way they played. When
Seb: I have played with some great                                                     I played against them I enjoyed the
defenders over the years but I think I’d                              Ledley King      atmosphere and the way the team
pick out Ledley King as the best alongside                                             was playing. Obviously the manager
William Gallas. Without his injury                                                     Chris Hughton is also a massive factor
problems I think Ledley King would’ve                                                  for me as well. As I’ve said already he
been one of the best defenders in the                                                  is someone I knew from my time at
world and even though he was injured,                                                  Newcastle. He gave me my first training
his performances were always brilliant.                                                session in England so he played a big
He had so much experience and I learnt                                                 part in my decision to come here.
a lot from him in my time at Tottenham,
that probably makes him the best centre                                                What do you think of Norwich and
back I’ve played with.                                                                 its people?
                                                                                       Peter Cook via Facebook
What is the most important game
that you have played in?                                                               Seb: Norwich is a really friendly City
Alec @CanaryAlec via twitter                                                           and it’s really good to live in a City
                                                                                       like this. I’ve enjoyed my time here so
Seb: The most important so far is                                                      far and I feel really welcome here. It’s
probably the one I played for Spurs                                                    quieter than London for sure but that’s
when we beat Manchester City to                                                        not always a bad thing!
qualify for the Champions League.
That was a huge game. The other                                                        Being such a physical presence in
game must be the one I played for                                                      our side Seb, who would win if the
Cameroon to qualify for the World Cup.                                                 squad had a wrestling match?
                                                                                       Tom Knight via Facebook
What is the best moment in your
career so far?                                                                         Seb: Well I would, come on, there’s no
Ben Webster @BenPiggyWebster                                                           doubt I would win! (*Laughs*)
via twitter
                                                                                       How well do you think you have
Seb: That’s a really tough question                                                    settled in at Norwich?
that one. I can’t really single one                                                    Dan Cook, from Hethersett via email
moment out to be honest as I’ve had
quite a few good times.                                                                Seb: I’ve settled really well with my family
and I’ve found a house now so I’m settling   really young and I’ve also been taught,     recently but it’s the start of a rebuilding
down. I’ve had to spend quite a bit of       having come through the Clairefontaine      process for the national team so it is
time in a hotel but that’s done and I’m      Academy in France, to play football no      going to take some time.
quite happy now I’ve got my house. It is     matter where you are on the pitch. That’s
frustrating having to move about in hotels   why I’m sometimes tempted to get the
but that’s football at the end of the day.   ball and push forward with it.

You say you prefer Grant Holt on             Seb, being French you must
your team because of how much                appreciate some decent food, so if
pressure he puts you under, what             Delia ever popped a round for lunch
is it about him that you think he            what would you prepare for her?
brings to the team?                          Ted Moore, from Thurston via email
Chris Howes via Facebook
                                             Seb: Wow what a question! I think I’d
Seb: Holty is like a proper English          have to go with a mozzarella starter
centre forward. He is always putting         followed by a special Cameroon dish for
you under pressure and hammering             the main course and then finish up with
you. He’s a big lad up front and he’s        a dessert of apple crumble! A real treat.
certainly not going to make your job
easy so I’d certainly much rather have       Do you have hopes of cementing
him in my team than against me.              your position in the Cameroon team
                                             again soon?
You were brilliant against Arsenal.          Alec @CanaryAlec via twitter
I noticed that you probably got
forward more in this game than in            Seb: Of course, that’s something
any others this season. Did you start        important to me the Cameroon national
career as a striker by any chance?           team, but at the moment I’m just
Conal De Kretser, from Mulbarton             focused on Norwich and playing for the
via email                                    Club and any game I can play for the
                                             national team is a plus. It was obviously
Seb: When I was younger I used to play       very disappointing for the country to
attacking midfield and striker when I was    miss out on the African Cup of Nations

                                                                                         City midfielder Alex Tettey is
                                                                                         next up to face your questions in
                                                                                         Yellows Ask, with his answers to
                                                                                         your questions to be published in
                                                                                         City’s next home programme for
                                                                                         our Barclays Premier League clash
                                                                                         with Stoke City on November 3.

                                                                                         So get your questions in for Alex via
                                                                                         twitter, Facebook or by email now!

                                                                                         Send your tweets to our official
                                                                                         twitter account @NorwichCityFC
                                                                                         using the hash tag #YellowsAsk
                                                                                         to register your question, or
                                                                                         visit our official Facebook
                                                                                         page at www.facebook.com/

                                                                                         Alternatively email in your question
                                                                                         for him to media@ncfc-canaries.co.uk

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