Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan Bremen 2025 - Der Senator für ...
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3 Dear Reader, Transport planning is the subject of intense political debate in many places. With the sustainable urban mobility plan (SUMP) 2025 a transport plan has been created for Bremen for the next 10 to 15 years. The different aspects of Bremen’s transport planning were analysed in an interdisciplinary fashion and current and future trends were studied. The SUMP should ensure well-functioning and environ- mentally-friendly mobility in Bremen. Bremen already displays a high level of environmentally-friendly mobility: a 25% cycling mode share is a good starting point. We want to build on this. Innovative approaches to participation were employed in the planning process. The SUMP is the product of intensive collaboration among a wide range of actors. There was comprehensive and ongoing citizen participation, which included the use of new online tools. There was also a project committee that included representatives of associations, the administration and deci- sion makers which was consulted on an ongoing basis. This cooperation contributed significantly to the high quality of the plan. Key goals that we wish to achieve through the SUMP are: • An increase in social inclusion • A higher level of traffic safety • Optimisation of commercial traffic and accessibility of Bremen as a regional centre • More and better services for environmentally-friendly modes of transport • Linking of transport systems • Strengthening of walking, cycling and public transport — including between the city and the surrounding region • Fewer negative effects on people, health and the environment The SUMP has achieved a fine balance between the necessary degree of planning detail and maintaining sight of the big picture. It is a work in progress. The measures must be concretised and verified. In this way, the SUMP will be continually updated so as to be able to react to future developments. Despite the comprehensive and complex issues and the extensive partici- pation, we managed to prepare and politically pass the SUMP in a 2.5 year project period. We hope such active participation from the public (both lay and professional) will continue in the future. I am pleased that the Bremen sustainable urban mobility plan has met with such international interest and received the European SUMP Award. Many cities have similar challenges to overcome. With this English summary, we hope to inspire other cities — both in content and in process — to take innovative roads to the mobility of the future. Dr Joachim Lohse Senator for Environment, Construction and Transport Bremen Table of Contents
4 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan Bremen 2025 Contents 5 Planning Dialogue 53 Urban Mobility Scenarios and Participation Plan 54 Urban Mobility Scenarios 55 2025 Base Scenario — How Will Mobility 6 Motivation, Project Definition and Develop if No New Measures are Taken? Participation 59 Test Scenarios 7 Development Process of the SUMP 60 Test Scenario 01: 9 The Project Committee Optimisation of Motor Vehicle Traffic 9 Integrated Planning 60 Test Scenario 02: 10 Project Execution and Citizen Participation: Public Transport Offensive The Planning Dialogue 61 Test Scenario 03: 11 Regional Citizens’ Forums Efficient Local Mobility 11 Online Participation 61 Test Scenario 04: 14 Outreach Participation Walking, Cycling and Public Transport 14 Participation of Neighbourhood Councils 62 Test Scenario 05: and Public Interest Groups High Mobility Costs 62 Comparison of the Test Scenarios 66 Measure Evaluation and Methodology 15 Goals 68 Definition of the Target Scenario and Results 16 Goals of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan 73 Implementation Plan 18 Opportunity and and Measures Shortcoming Analysis 74 Implementation Plan and Measures 19 Opportunity and Shortcoming Analysis 74 Financial Framework for the Sustainable 19 The Mobility of Bremeners Urban Mobility Plan 22 Urban Structure, Accessibility Analyses 75 Financing Paths 26 Motor Vehicle Traffic 76 Measures 30 Urban Planning and Major Roads 34 Car Sharing 36 Local Public Transport 93 Evaluation Plan 40 Analysis of Bicycle Traffic 94 Principles of the Evaluation Plan 40 The Bremen Bicycle Network 94 Regular Progress Reports 48 Analysis of Pedestrian Traffic 95 Annex 95 SUMP Timetable 98 Copyright and credits Table of Contents
6 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan Bremen 2025 Chapter 2 Planning Dialogue and Participation Plan Motivation, Project Definition and Participation The Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) is inten- Guiding Principles of Urban Development 2020, etc.) ded to set the strategic framework for the future and their present and future opportunities and short- development of transport in Bremen. Questions that comings. Measures and packages of measures that were addressed included, e. g. “How will people get could optimise these existing strategies will be exami- around in Bremen in the future? Which infrastructure ned to assess their effects on the achievement of the measures should be tackled in the future? Which prio- goals, and an implementation plan will be developed. rities should be set?” The SUMP addresses all journey Given the financial situation in Bremen, measures purposes (work, leisure, shopping, etc.), all modes of were to be developed that are particularly efficient travel and all transport networks for non-motorised and offer high return for modest investment. Apart modes and for motorised travel on roads and rails. from infrastructure measures, the SUMP should also Social and spatial conditions have changed conside- include the spectrum of cost-effective measures offe- rably in recent years. New housing facilities, changes red by traffic and mobility management. The questi- in values, more flexible working hours, the concentra- ons of future maintenance and financing of transport tion of small business in shopping centres and the infrastructure were also to be examined in the SUMP. extended opening hours of small businesses, Internet, Following an EU-wide tendering process, the com- e-mail, growth in commercial and goods transport, pany Planersocietät (Dortmund and Bremen) and the increased use of small delivery vehicles, demographic Ingenieurgruppe IVV GmbH & Co. KG (Aachen) were change, electric mobility or car sharing are just a few assigned the task of drafting the SUMP. This team of the keywords that describe this multi-faceted change. was supplemented by the Büro für Verkehrsökologie, This also leads to changes in travel behaviour and to which was responsible for moderating the citizens’ the need to examine related questions surrounding the forums, and the Institute of Urban and Transportation future conception of Bremen’s transport activity in Planning at the University of Aachen for their acade- order to deploy the city’s limited financial resources in mic expertise and for the creation of the evaluation a targeted and efficient way, maintaining the attrac- plan. Nexthamburg Plus UG (Hamburg) set up the tiveness and high quality of life for Bremen’s citizens, online participation portal workers and visitors; for industry, trade and services; The firm Protze + Theiling carried out the goal deve- as well as for research, rejuvenation and recreation. lopment process and supervised the first two public forums. The goal of the SUMP is to develop a mid- to long- term strategy for the development and regulation of A new SUMP was needed as many changes had taken mobility behaviour and transport in the City of Bre- place in settlement and infrastructure in Bremen over men. The interaction of the movement of people and the previous 15 — 20 years (since the last planning commercial transport with land use will be analysed document), and it was time to adjust to the future keeping in mind existing goals and strategy docu- demographic, ecological and economic challenges in ments (climate protection and energy programme, the area of transport planning. Table of Contents
7 Development Process of the SUMP Stages of the Bremen SUMP Planning dialogue with citizens, associations, committees, public interest groups, decision makers goals of the sustainable urban citizen forums, public interest group participation summer 2012 mobility plan online dialogue, citizen forums, status analysis: regional committees, public winter 2012/2013 opportunities and shortcomings interest groups online dialogue, citizen forums, test scenarios Bremen 2025 regional committees, late summer 2013 measure development public interest groups online dialogue, citizen forums, impact assessment and measure evalua- regional committees, public first quarter 2014 tion /development of the target scenario interest groups online dialogue, citizen forums, draft SUMP with implementation plan regional committees, public second quarter 2014 (resolution) interest groups The development of the SUMP took place in five phases, including a broad participation process. Phase 3: Test Scenarios In the third step, five future scenarios were develo- Phase 1: Goals ped. These offered a glimpse into various packages of measures which might play a role in solving future The first step was to define the goals to be achieved transport problems. The idea was to think about through the SUMP. The goals serve as the basic orien- which measures could play a role in solving future tation of the SUMP, providing direction for the subse- transport problems. The effects of the proposed mea- quent steps. They resulted from a public discussion in sures and packages of measures were examined and the summer of 2012. The goals are listed in chapter 3. evaluated on the basis of the goals of the SUMP to determine whether they would be effective, if they might bring unwanted side effects and what their Phase 2: Status Analysis financial consequences would be. The test scenarios are described in more detail in chapter 5. The second phase of the SUMP was the analysis of the current situation, including a detailed analysis of opportunities and shortcomings. The current trans- port network was examined in detail in this phase. Where are the problems? Where is there often con- gestion? Which areas are not well connected to the bus or tram? Where are the gaps in the bicycle and pedestrian networks? Bremen’s strengths were also looked at, as well as how they could be further built upon. Along with studies by transport professionals, numerous citizens provided input through the citi- zens’ forums and online dialogue. The results of the opportunity and shortcoming analysis can be found in chapter 4. Table of Contents
8 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan Bremen 2025 Chapter 2 Planning Dialogue and Participation Plan Phase 4: Measure Evaluation and Phase 5: Implementation Plan Target Scenario The final step was the creation of the implementaion plan. The implementation plan presents a plan in Based on this, an impact assessment and measure which the realisation of measures from the base and evaluation were built. The five test scenarios were the target scenarios are put into a time sequence. In examined to identify their effects. From this, possible this way, priorities are defined and planning phases future mobility provisions were derived. The costs and time dependencies are taken into account. associated with various measures were also identified, Against a backdrop of financial possibilities, three as well as whether the established goals could be financing paths were laid out, including the ordering reached through these measures. The scenario metho- of the measures, packages of measures and measure dology is a proven instrument in urban mobility programmes. Because of the uncertainty of federal planning to assess the effectiveness of ideas and the funding to the states for transport development as consequences and actions they imply. In order to well as the unclear development of Bremen’s trans- determine whether a measure should or should not port budget, the three financing paths are presented be recommended for inclusion in the target scenario, along with their corresponding assumptions. At its a specific evaluation methodology was developed. session on 23 September 2014, the city parliament In each case, a determination was made whether a approved Bremen’s sustainable urban mobility plan measure generally made sense or whether alternative including the implementation plan and annexes. It measures might be more effective or less costly. The also decided to use the SUMP as a frame of orienta- measures receiving the best evaluation in each topic tion for the further development of urban mobility in area were compiled in the target scenario. Measure Bremen. The implementation plan is described in evaluation and the target scenario are described in more detail in chapter 6. more detail in chapter 5. Processes in the citizen participation phases of the SUMP Project Process 1 Project Committee 2 Participation Transport State Council (lead) Citizens' forums Department Senator for Interior and Sport Regional committees Bremen tram and bus company Senator for Economy, Labour and Ports Internet (BSAG) External experts Transport speakers of the parliamentary Planersocietät, IVV, fractions BVÖ, RWTH Aachen, Public interest groups Nexthamburg Bremen Chamber of Commerce Senate departments Automobile Association Cycling Association Project management Friends of the Earth Germany 3 4 Parliamentary Committee Table of Contents
9 Project committee meeting in Bremen North, 7/8.5.2014 The Project Committee The entire development process of the SUMP was atmosphere, even in moments of conflict. Decisions carried out in close collaboration between the admi- were made by consensus. nistration, the local public transport provider (BSAG) The tasks of the project committee were: and the consultant, with regular input from the pro- • Quality assurance of the entire process ject committee throughout the process. This commit- • Ensuring that the interests of the different actors tee brought together the main actors from the trans- were appropriately represented in the development port sector at one table in order to achieve as broad a of the plan consensus as possible on the development of mobility • Contribution to the definition of strategic goals in Bremen. The main task of the project committee • Assessment of the documented interim results of was quality control of the entire process, including the established milestones balance of the project work in general. The composi- • Consultation at fundamental decision points tion of the committee was intended to ensure that the interests of the various actors and groups were appro- Through their personal involvement and at times sig- priately represented in the conceptual development, nificant amounts of work, those involved ensured that leading to a well-balanced SUMP. The project com- the SUMP was completed in a comparatively short two mittee was consulted at all fundamental decision years, that it was comprehensive and enduring, and points. It also dealt with the statements submitted that it was achieved by consensus. Over the two years, during the individual project phases. The project com- a total of 27 project committee meetings, including a mittee was characterised by an open and tolerant two-day meeting, were held. Integrated Planning The Bremen SUMP was developed in consultation Image from the with, and linking back to, ongoing or parallel planning Guiding Principles processes and plans that also had a transport-relevant on Urban Develop- scope from the fields of urban development, the envi- ment, "Come with ronment and transport: us to tomorrow!" • The Land Use Plan 2025 • The Industrial Development Programme 2020 • The Industry Master Plan Bremen • The Inner City Plan Bremen 2025 • Guiding Principles on Urban Development 2020 “Come with us to tomorrow!” • The Housing Construction Plan • The Noise Reduction Action Plan • The Clean Air Plan • The Climate Protection and Energy Programme 2020 • The Local Public Transport Plan Table of Contents
10 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan Bremen 2025 Chapter 2 Planning Dialogue and Participation Plan Project Execution and Citizen Participation: The Planning Dialogue Bremen is a citizens’ city and a Hanseatic city with a When involving citizens, it was important from the sense of tradition. Citizens have always taken respon- outset to inform participants about the scope and the sibility for their city. The city parliament of the Free limits of the process in order to avoid false expecta- Hanseatic City of Bremen therefore wanted to find tions. While the Bremen SUMP 2025 left room for ways to include citizen engagement in the develop- negotiation in the planning of future urban transport, ment of the SUMP. this did not mean that past transport decisions were up for discussion. Many processes had already been It was a key condition that citizen participation play passed by the city parliament or the relevant parlia- an important role. It was equally clear that a participa- mentary committee or were already in binding plan- tion process meant much more than publicly presen- ning. Questioning the measures included in the base ting an almost-finished draft but rather that the public scenario was not part of the SUMP and therefore not should have the opportunity to bring their desires and part of the participation process. visions into every phase of the planning process. During the course of the planning process, different To this end, a planning dialogue was conceived that participation formats were employed. There were four would follow the process through all of its phases from evening events in each of Bremen’s five boroughs; developing the goals to drafting the implementation these were the forums where citizens could speak plan. The target groups for the planning dialogue were directly with the consultants leading the process and citizens, politicians from the 22 neighbourhood coun- with the local administration. There was also an inter- cils as well as public interest groups. There were speci- active participation portal at www.bremen-bewegen. fic forms of participation for each of these groups. de. In the planning dialogue, Bremen developed an innovative toolkit to offer citizens a range of ways to Introduction by bring their personal experience and suggestions into Senator Dr. Lohse the process. at the Bremen North citizens' forum Discussion at thematic stands at the citizens' forum in Bremen Mitte Discussion on goals in working groups Table of Contents
11 Regional Citizens’ Forums Nord Bremen has 22 neighbourhoods and spans 40 km. Although the SUMP is a city-wide planning document, West a compromise had to be found between venues as close as possible to various neighbourhoods and a manage- able number of evening events for the organisers. Nordost A solution also had to be found for the 22 neighbour- Mitte hood councils. If the usual process of individual consultation had been followed, almost 90 events Links would have been necessary. Both citizen participation der Weser and neighbourhood council participation were there- fore organised at the level of the five boroughs as a compromise among the various demands. The so-called regional citizens’ forums took place in The methodology employed in each project phase Five regional each project phase. In the goal identification stage at generally combined participation elements with intro- citizens' forums the beginning, there were two central citizens’ forums ductory presentations. The latter were important to in Bremen in the city centre. The regional forums were generally bring all the participants to a common basis and to evening events of roughly three hours. The events introduce them to the topic because without a shared took place in community centres or similar, which were knowledge base, discussion is difficult. Afterward, always barrier free and accessible by public transport. visitors had the opportunity to participate directly in The forums were run by an external moderator. the drafting process of the SUMP in small groups and in an informal atmosphere or to express questions, desires and opinions either orally or by leaving them Invitation to the first citizens' forum behind in written form. The citizens’ forums alternated between discussions and presentations in plenary and times of small group work, such as at thematic “mar- ket stands”. The regional citizens’ forums were characterised by constructive discussion, lively participation and good resonance. There were however also critical discus- sions, which lent the SUMP a certain local grounding. Online Participation It was clear even during the early conceptual phase of broad an audience as possible. There was a lively dis- the citizen participation plan that the Internet could cussion around the use of social media such as Twit- play an important role in citizen participation. The ter, Tumblr or Facebook but these were rejected in web portal was created in favour of a “traditional” Internet portal because of collaboration with the firm Nexthamburg as the cen- potential problems (data protection, user expectations tral participation platform. This was used during four vs. affordability of support and supervision). The por- of the development phases, although the focus and tal built on a system that was already on the market the participation methodology changed to meet the but which was modified for the Bremen process. The particular needs of each phase. The basic approach of participation portal was premiered in the context of the City of Bremen was to make participation as easy the competition “Landmarks in the Land of Ideas as possible so that the portal would be used by as 2013/2014”. Table of Contents
12 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan Bremen 2025 Chapter 2 Planning Dialogue and Participation Plan Project phase: Opportunity and Despite the unusually high response rate, it must be noted that the participation was by no means repre- Shortcoming Analysis sentative. It was clear that the number of responses from the individual neighbourhoods corresponded The Internet portal was first put to use in the second with the social structure of the city. For this reason — project phase. The process was accompanied by and also because the Internet cannot replace face-to- active media and publicity work that drew attention face dialogue — the online tool was only one compo- to the possibilities for participation. Posters, free post- nent among several. Further, the organisers always cards and hanging cards in buses and trams were had the entire city in mind independent of the volume created. Multipliers were also used to reach a wider of participation and the voting so as to ensure that audience, for example through messages on other everyone’s transport interests were taken into account websites (e. g. the transport association or the city’s in the SUMP regardless of social status and the active own website) or through e-mail distribution lists of representation of legitimate interests. The participants associations and organisations. at the citizens’ forums were also not representative of The processing phase included an extensive analysis the population, but the combination of the citizens’ of the existing transport network and infrastructure forums and the online participation led to a balanced with the goal of identifying the opportunities and representation of citizen interests. shortcomings of future solutions. The participation The results of the participation phase were prepared started from two simple questions: “Where are things in an atlas format in order to record the phase in the running badly?” and “Where are things running synopsis. The documentation was geared toward the smoothly?” These were linked to the request, “Tell us general public and contained all entries, even when your opinion”. Users of the high number of contributions prevented them could respond directly in a text field on the homepage from being presented in full detail. without needing to register. Entries could also be placed on a map and assigned to a transport mode category. Through a map view, through lists that could be filtered by topic, and through a search function, previous entries could be read and commented on. In addition, there was a voting function to enable users to agree or disagree with previously-expressed opinions. The participation portal was very well recei- ved. Results show that significantly more people than expected joined the participation process. All entries were evaluated. Home page of Poster on participation during the second project phase Table of Contents
13 Project Phase: To do this a simple registration was neces- sary. Because of the higher level of abs- Test Scenarios Bremen 2025 traction and the higher complexity, there The third project phase was about presenting and dis- was a much lower resonance in this cussing the basic options for transport in the city of round. But the high quality of the entries the future. Here, the different measure suggestions — submitted showed that this phase — as mainly collected in the participation stage — were fed expected — received interest from a more into five different thematic scenarios. In the citizen professional audience. On the other participation process of this phase, the difficulty arose hand, the clear and understandable pre- that the test scenarios were highly abstract and, sentation of the overview pages of the because each represented an extreme situation, it individual scenarios enabled the use of would not have made sense to ask for a preference. the Internet platform at the citizens’ was therefore used mainly forums. This participation phase allowed a as an information medium to make the different view into the laboratory in which the dif- scenarios and their content understandable and easier ferent measure suggestions are tested. to visualise. It also allowed citizens to suggest further This required a high level of complexity, measures that should be included in one of the scena- but contributed to the transparency of the rios. overall process. Poster on the scenario building blocks Project Phase: Target Scenario The evaluation of the input allowed statements about the preference of particular measures, which was par- The easy access to the process was intended to moti- ticularly helpful for the implementation plan. vate broad groups of users to actively participate. In addition, in cooperation with the Senator for Edu- There were two main goals to the online participation cation and Science, a guide was created for teachers in this phase: first, people were to be well informed on how to use the participation tools in school. Clas- about the target scenario and the selection process ses and groups of pupils from four schools participa- was to be made transparent. Second, citizens were to ted in the process. be consulted on the measure selection for the target Screenshot of a scenario. citizen's scenario put citizens in the role of city planners. Citizens could put together their own scenarios from a set of over 100 measures. In doing so, they were required to stick to a budget and keep the goals of the target scenario in mind. They could then find out the effects of their measures. The mea- sures were a selection from roughly 160 recommen- ded by the consultants and the city. Overview presentation of a test scenario with clickable elements Screenshot of a citizen's scenario Table of Contents
14 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan Bremen 2025 Chapter 2 Planning Dialogue and Participation Plan Project Phase: Implementation Plan the three financing paths and their effects and make suggestions on the order of implementation of the The focus of the online citizen participation in the last measures. For this, a trade-off principle was used. For phase lay in transmitting information about the Imple- each measure that was given a higher priority, ano- mentation Plan and the financing paths. Good use ther had to be pushed down the list. This trade-off was made of as a partici- process was intended to make clear that for financial pation portal. Following the guiding question “Which reasons and because of planning capacity, only a limited measure comes when?” citizens could find out about number of measures could be implemented quickly. Outreach Participation Participation of Neigh- The format “Bremen Bewegen (Moving Bremen) on bourhood Councils Tour” presented the SUMP at several locations in Bremen. The goal was to make people aware of the and Public Interest possibility to try out the scenario building blocks and to offer access to citizens without Internet. “Moving Groups Bremen on Tour” was conceived as a stand that could be set up for a day in various shopping centres. Along with citizens, elected neighbourhood councils Staffed by three people at a time, the current phase and various public interest groups were involved in all would be explained, the measures presented and the phases of the process. As the SUMP is a plan for the opportunity offered to use the tool box on site. entire city, the neighbourhood councils were involved Offering “Moving Bremen on Tour” in five shopping in the same spatial composition as the citizens’ forums. centres served to increase the reach of the scenario For this there were roughly 20 events, or four per building blocks. borough. After each of these events, the individual councils had the opportunity to submit a written statement. In all five phases, the public interest groups could Scenario building submit a statement on the process. This is also a first. blocks in the Water- Public interest groups include: front shopping centre • Other branches of the local authority (e. g. other senate departments) • Neighbouring regional bodies (counties, communities, the state of Lower Saxony) • Chambers, associations, and organisations • Bremen’s 22 neighbourhood councils Citizen participation in the Roland Center shopping centre "Moving Bremen on Tour" in the Berliner Freiheit neigh- bourhood Table of Contents
15 Goals Table of Contents
16 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan Bremen 2025 Chapter 3 Goals Goals of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan Through the SUMP, strategic agenda setting for non- In order to ensure that these strategic decisions are motorised and motorised transport on road and rail, made purposefully and take into consideration all for movement of people and goods and for all journey relevant interests, one of the first steps of the process purposes will be undertaken using the time horizon of was to develop goals for the SUMP. These goals are to 2025. be achieved in an effective and enduring way through the measures of the SUMP. The goals serve initially as a set of criteria in the opportunity and shortcoming Development analysis. They are subsequently used as guidelines for process of the Opportunity and shortcoming the development of the measures and then as a basis Go P SUMP UM analysis for evaluation in the implementation of the SUMP. als te S of t The goals of the SUMP are thus the central guidelines of h he Measure Base scenario which set the framework for the entire SUMP process. SU als develop- and 5 test The goals were developed at two public forums in col- MP ment scenarios Go laboration with citizens, representatives of organisa- tions, political bodies and administration. In this way, a broad discourse was held over the roles and tasks of Target mobility and transport in the future. scenario The catalogue of goals was revised based on the input Implemen- from the citizens’ forums as well as on the statements tation Plan submitted by the public interest groups and the senate departments. Minor editorial amendments were made and the project committee reached a con- sensus on the document, which they recommended to parliamentary committee for approval. There are six overarching goals, each with several sub-goals. Goal 1: Goal 2: Goal 3: To enable social inclusion of all Increase transport safety and security Offer and optimise alternative people and to strengthen the transport options in the entire city equality of all transport users • Work toward Vision Zero (no traffic fatalities) • Strengthen the mobility chain • Develop a strategy for the • Improve physical safety for users and the mobility mix planning of footpaths of all transport modes and facili- • Improve tangential links for wal- • Improve the quality of sojourning ties king, cycling and public transport for pedestrians • Improve the safety of pedestri- • Integrate the neighbourhood • Foster bicycle transport ans, including vis-à-vis cyclists centres to the periphery for wal- • Increase the attractiveness of • Improve the safety of cyclists vis- king, cycling and public transport local public transport à-vis motorised transport • Improve services for walking, • Improve accessibility of public cycling and public transport space and of local public transport based on the location of the by providing for the needs of neighbourhoods pedestrians, in particular older • Improve public relations, marketing people, people with disabilities and information systems. Uniform, and people with small children comprehensive and understanda- • Win back public space and link ble tariff systems, including alter- and make more attractive streets native transport systems (also in and paths for all users so as to the surrounding region) increase the quality of sojourning • Develop innovative concepts • Enhance and attractively design and take into account (and when public space appropriate support) existing • Strengthen local mobility innovative concepts • Foster alternative propulsion technologies • Improve water transport on the river Table of Contents
17 Goal 4: Goal 5: Goal 6: Improve the connection of the sys Strengthen Bremen as an economic Reduce the effects of transport on tems and services for walking, cyc centre by optimising commercial people, health and the environment ling and public transport between transport in a lasting and perceptible way Bremen and the surrounding region • Reliable and effective commercial • Reduce carbon dioxide, nitrogen • Improve the infrastructure appro- transport for businesses oxide and particulate emissions priate to the location of each • Ensure optimal accessibility for in line with climate and environ- neighbourhood in the settlement goods transport and for business mental protection goals pattern of Bremen travel both by walking, cycling • Reduce transport noise • Foster the accessibility of the city and public transport and by car • Reduce the space consumption centre of Bremen in its capacity as a basic requirement for Bre- of transport. Improve the ecolo- as a regional centre by all modes men in its role as a regional cen- gical function of unused space on of transport tre in northwest Germany transport routes (urban biotope • Improve the infrastructure for • Ensure the flow of traffic to and networking and air quality). bicycle transport and further from the ports • Reduce the separating effect of develop the cycle network (rou- • Enable the handling of goods transport routes (road and rail) tes), including away from busy transport by high-capacity rail • Reduce the need for travel roads with high access — away from through the use of densification • Shift car journeys to public trans- housing areas and, if necessary, in city planning, by strengthening port journeys and improve the with effective noise protection neighbourhood and local centres connections between Bremen’s • Minimise/make effective delivery and by fostering mixed-use neighbourhoods and neighbou- traffic in the city, being aware of development. ring cities and communities to rail individual purchasing patterns • Reduce the various stresses on links (including park and ride and • Improve the accessibility of indus- residents in populated areas bike and ride in Bremen and in try and business areas for wal- • Better use of the capacity of exis- the surrounding region) king, cycling and public transport ting transport modes and infra- • Optimise the connections bet- • Better management and bund- structure ween Bremerhaven and Bremen ling of long-distance traffic both by road and rail • Reliable and binding network • Comprehensive and better con- hierarchy in the road network nections between walking, cyc- • Test and, if appropriate, foster ling and public transport alternative transport systems • Strengthen cooperation with the other local authorities of the region Table of Contents
18 Opportunity and Shortcoming Analysis Table of Contents
19 Opportunity and Shortcoming Analysis The opportunity and shortcoming analysis presents • Considering the established goals, what shortcomings Bremen’s current transport situation as compared to are there in the transport system? its established goals, which are to be achieved by • How can these shortcomings be evaluated? 2025 by means of the measures developed. During the opportunity and shortcoming analysis, a The focus was on the following questions: comprehensive study was carried out by the consultant • Considering the established goals, which areas present group and over four thousand comments and sugges- opportunities and should be further developed? tions submitted by the public via the participation portal were evaluated. Online citizen input 590 non-localised Number of contributions by category 1,786 1,533 670 247 car and lorry walking & cycling bus & tram other The Mobility of Bremeners Two household surveys carried out in 2008, the Sys- In comparison with other selected major cities in the tem Repräsentativer Verkehrserhebung (SrV) and the SrV, it became clear that Bremen stands out mainly for Mobility in Germany Survey, provide a detailed pic- its high bicycle mode share. A quarter of journeys are ture of Bremeners’ transport behaviour. Both surveys taken by bicycle, equaling 420,000 bicycle trips per are representative and were carried out over the day. The pedestrian and public transport shares are course of an entire year. comparatively small. With the exception of Frankfurt, the share of private car use in all of the cities in the study was 40 — 41%. Table of Contents
20 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan Bremen 2025 Chapter 4 Opportunity and Shortcoming Analysis car car Modal split of citizens by city PT Mode choice by gender PT (source: SrV 2008) bike bike foot foot 100 % 100 % 34 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 41 % 34 % 75 % 75 % 47 % 23 % 16% 50 % 22 % 14 % 19 % 50 % 21% 12 % 13 % 11 % 25 % 14 % 26 % 25 % 16 % 25 % 24 % 30 % 27 % 27 % 22 % 24 % 21 % 17 % 0% 0% Frankfurt Dusseldorf Bremen Leipzig Dresden male female car Modal split for all travel in Bremen Mode choice by age PT (including in- and outbound commuters) bike foot < 6 yrs. 32% 18 % 6% 44 % 10 % 15 % 6 – 9 yrs. 45% 12 % 12% 32 % 10 –14 yrs. 26 % 51 % 11 % 12 % 20 % 15 – 17 yrs. 17 % 51 % 28 % 4% 38 % 18 – 24 yrs. 10 % 26 % 37 % 27 % 17% 25 – 44 yrs. 21 % 22 % 12 % 46 % 45 – 64 yrs. 14 % 24 % 11 % 52 % car driver car passenger public transport > 65 yrs. 29 % 21 % 14 % 36 % bike foot 0% 20 % 40 % 60 % 80 % 100 % car Mode choice by region PT bike foot all 21 % 25 % 14 % 40 % middle 35 % 28 % 19 % 18 % south 19 % 31 % 15 % 35 % east 19 % 22 % 13 % 46 % west 28 % 27 % 17 % 29 % north 18 % 21 % 12 % 49 % 0% 20 % 40 % 60 % 80 % 100 % Table of Contents
21 Vehicle access all middle south east west north Households with a car 71 % 49 % 72 % 73 % 58 % 84 % Car-free households 29 % 51 % 28 % 27 % 42 % 16 % Cars per household 0.82 0.53 0.83 0.89 0.66 1.03 car car Mode choice by journey purpose PT Modal split of Bremeners PT bike by total journey distance bike foot foot 30 % to work 5% 22 % 21% 52 % 25 % 42 % work-related 5% 24 % 5% 66 % 11 % 20 % 25 % education 24 % 34 % 21 % 21 % 15 % 13 % 57 % 26 % 10 % personal errands 21 % 21 % 16 % 42 % 35 % 62 % 38 % 63 % 5% 23 % 69 % shopping 31 % 29 % 20 % 6% 45 % 9% 19 % 32 % (daily needs) 0% 28 % to 1 km 1-2 km 2-5 km 5-10 km 10-20 km 20-100 km shopping 28 % 16 % 7% 49 % (longer-term) leisure 27 % 27 % 11 % 35 % 0% 20 % 40 % 60 % 80 % 100 % Mobility types in Bremen by age category Comparison of frequency of mode use 40 % bicycle Bremen 39% 21 % 11% 8% 14 % 7% 30 % cities over 22% 19 % 13% 9% 23 % 15 % 500,000 20 % car/motorcycle Bremen 35% 33 % 15% 7% 9% 10 % cities over 36 % 30 % 15% 7% 12 % 500,000 0% public transport 18 –24 25 –34 35 – 44 45 – 64 65 –79 > 80 Bremen 22 % 21 % 29% 14 % 16 % mono-modal car cities over 29 % 25 % 22% 11 % 13 % 500,000 mono-modal bicycle mono-modal public transport (almost) daily 1-3 days/month (almost) never 1-3 days/week less than once a month no bicycle multi-modal car/bike multi-modal car/public transport multi-modal bike/public transport multi-modal car/bike/public transport limited mobility Table of Contents
22 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan Bremen 2025 Chapter 4 Opportunity and Shortcoming Analysis Conclusions about Bremeners’ Mobility It became clear that bicycle transport plays a major role a 2% increase, bringing it to 27%. The current boom in Bremen. However in the cross-city comparison on in the pedelec market will also make bicycle use more the use of public transport, Bremen shows room for interesting for journeys of more than 5 or even 10 km. improvement. One reason for the relatively low use of In order to support the change to more environmen- public transport — apart from the settlement pattern tally friendly transport behaviour, particular attention of the city — is the comparatively slow travel speeds should be paid to actively supporting multi- and inter- in public transport. modal transport behaviour to increase the share of pub- In order to further strengthen the sustainable modes lic transport use and to reduce car use — including in over car travel, the attractiveness of walking and cycling the over-thirty age category. Similar to other major needs to be improved and optimised for short distances cities, the young generation in Bremen demonstrates and that of public transport for mid- and long distances more multi-modal transport behaviours and lower car through the measures developed in the SUMP. dependence than the older generations. All of the chauffeuring of young children (so-called “parent Bremen is a city of short distances, meaning it has great taxis”) leads away from independent mobility for chil- potential to strengthen walking and cycling. If only dren; depending on the distance to be travelled, this one in ten car journeys of under 5 km could be shifted could be an opportunity to shift to walking, cycling to a bicycle journey, the cycling mode share would see and public transport. Urban Structure, Accessibility Analyses Urban Structure The relatively high density of housing and workplaces, The Bremen metropolitan area of roughly 325 km2 lies the tendency to trans-regional transport (particularly on both sides of the Weser River and stretches almost goods transport) and Bremen’s role as a regional 38 km from southeast to northwest. The urban struc- centre in the northwest of the state of Lower Saxony ture is distinguished by its form as a linear city. As is have decidedly shaped transport activity in Bremen. characteristic of linear cities, the settlement areas of Bremen are oriented along the major roads, along the As the tenth largest city in Germany, Bremen is the rail line and along the Weser River so that the accessi- cornerstone of the registered European metropolitan bility (including by public transport) is relatively easy region Bremen/Oldenburg in the Northwest, where it to provide. Also typical of linear cities, the green serves as a regional centre. Bremen also has interna- spaces and open areas in Bremen are closely associ- tional importance as a seaport. ated to the individual settlement areas. Bremen is also the central transport node within the Along with the city centre (the historic, economic and transport association Bremen/Lower Saxony. The lines cultural centre of Bremen), the city has a polycentric of both regional and trans-regional rail traffic are structure, as is typical of a linear city. As compared to aligned with this node. Bremen is connected to long- cities with a compact urban structure, Bremen has rel- distance rail travel via its main station. Bremen also atively long travel times for connections between its serves as a central node in the network of national settlement areas (see the accessibility analyses motorways. below). Table of Contents
23 Bremerhaven Bremerhaven 2400 1500 Osterholz- Osterholz- Scharmbeck Scharmbeck Schwanewede 4700 1000 Hamburg 3900 Ritterhude 3400 3300 Lilienthal Oldenburg 3100 1400 Bremen Bremen Delmenhorst Delmenhorst 8400 1500 Achim Achim Stuhr 4600 Stuhr 1900 6100 Weyhe 2700 5800 Inbound commuters to Bremen in 2010 Outbound commuters from Bremen in 2010 (communities with more than 3,000 inbound (communities receiving more than 1,000 outbound commuters) commuters) Travel times by public transport to the city centre not included, Legende low density nicht betrachtet, 0 – 15 min niedrige Siedlun Standort 15 – 30 min 0 - 15 min 15 - 30 min 30 – 45 min 30 - 45 min 45 – 60 min 45 - 60 min > 60 min > 60 min Haustür - Hau door to door (Tagesmittelwer Reisezeit > 45 Min (daily mean value); Innenstadt/Sögestr. travel time > 45 minutes Travel times by car to the city centre Anhang 12.45: Reisezeit im öffentlichen Verkehr in die Innenstadt Legende nicht betrachtet, niedrige Siedlungsdichte Standort 0 - 15 min not included, 15 - 30 min low density 30 - 45 min > 45 min target Haustür - Haustür 0 – 15 min (Tagesmittelwerte); Reisezeit > 45 Minuten 15 – 30 min 30 – 45 min Innenstadt/Sögestr. > 45 min door to door (daily mean value); travel time > 45 minutes Anhang 12.2: Reisezeit im motorisierten Individualverkehr in die Innenstadt Table of Contents
24 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan Bremen 2025 Chapter 4 Opportunity and Shortcoming Analysis Elsfleth Schwanewede Osterholz-Scharmbeck Worpswede Blumenthal Ri�erhude Berne Grasberg Vegesack Burglesum Legende Stadt Bremen Lemwerder Hauptbahnhof Brem Radverkehrsnetz Lilienthal Hauptroute Legende Blockland Ergänzungsroute Freizeitroute Erreichbarkeitszonen Stadt Bremen Borgfeld 15 Minuten Gröperlingen 30 Minuten Hauptbahnhof Bremen Fischerhude 45 Minuten Seehausen 60 Minuten Hude Radverkehrsnetz Horn-Lehe Potenzial 45 Minute Bookholzberg Findorff Oberneuland Potenzial 60 Minute Hauptroute Walle Schwachhausen Ergänzungsroute Strom �i�e Vahr Freizeitroute Woltmershausen Östliche Vorstadt Erreichbarkeitszonen Neustadt Oyten 15 Minuten Osterholz 30 Minuten Delmenhorst Huch�ng de Hemelingen 45 Minuten Obervieland 60 MinutenGanderkesee Stuhr Potenzial 45 Minuten Achim Potenzial 60 Minuten Dreye Brinkum Weyhe Thedinghausen Accessibility of the main train station by bicycle car Comparison of travel times by car, public transport and bicycle PT bike 100 travel time [min] 80 60 m 40 20 distance [km] 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 Table of Contents
25 Wihelmshaven Bremerhaven Nordenham Bremervörde Accessibility of the city centre by vehicle from the surround- Legende ing region Brake nicht betrachtet, niedrige Siedlungsdichte Standort Westerstede not included, low density Rastede Osterholz - < 30 min target Bad Scharmbeck 30 - 45 min < 30 min Zwischenahn Oldenburg 45 - 60 min Bremen 30 – 45 min Rotenburg > 60 min 45 – 60 min Delmenhorst Innenstadt/Sögestr. > 60 min Ganderkesee Achim door to door (daily mean value); Haustür - Haustür travel time > 60 minutes (Tagesmittelwerte); Reisezeit > 60 Minuten Syke Verden Wildeshausen Sulingen Diepholz Anhang 12.111: Reisezeit im motorisierten Individualverkehr aus der Region Bremen - Bremerhaven - Oldenburg in die Innenstadt Wihelmshaven Accessibility of the city centre Bremerhaven by public transport (including regional passenger rail) Nordenham Bremervörde from the surrounding region Brake not included, low density target Westerstede < 45 min Rastede Osterholz - 45 – 60 min Scharmbeck Bad 60 – 90 min Oldenburg Rotenburg Zwischenahn Bremen 90 – 120 min > 120 min Delmenhorst Innenstadt/Sögestr. door to door (daily mean value); Ganderkesee travel time > 60 minutes Achim Syke Verden Wildeshausen Sulingen Diepholz Anhang 12.116: Reisezeit im öffentlichen Verkehr Table of Contents
26 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan Bremen 2025 Chapter 4 Opportunity and Shortcoming Analysis Motor Vehicle Traffic Road Network Infrastructure Bremen has a graduated, hierarchically-subdivided These generally have a very different character and road network made up of national motorways, much lower capacity but do not have a corresponding national roads, and major urban roads. These roads reduction in traffic load. This highlights the non- serve different functions within the urban area. They homogeneous nature of the road network and reflects serve to connect the settlement areas to each other, the inconsistency in development philosophy since as access routes and also for sojourning. the 1960s and the early 1970s. Because of the intru- sion into existing development it would entail, a road But the scale of Bremen’s major road network is not expansion in the central city is now unthinkable both uniform. While roughly half of the roads in the major from a transport planning and an urban planning per- road network (including the national long-distance spective. roads) have two or more lanes, the scale is not contin- uous. The national motorway connector connects not The limitation created by the five bridges over the to a four-lane radial or to a high-capacity city ring Weser in the metropolitan area means that traffic that road but leads directly to city streets. is simply crossing the Weser River (not bound for the city centre) mixes with traffic coming and going from the city centre. The central Weser bridges create clear “pinch points” in the network. Bremen‘s major road network (2010) including truck routing network Legende BAB motorway Bund national road Lande regional road Kreis county road Haup major road Elem Lkw-F element of the truck routing network (2006) Anhang 6.2: Funktionale Gliederung - Hauptstraßennetz Kartengrundlage mit Lkw-Führungsnetz Stand: Dezember Table of Contents
27 Opportunity and Shortcoming Analysis: Motor Vehicle Traffic Capacity in the Major Road Network Disruptions in the major road network are concen- trated in specific areas but there are no systemic prob- The evaluation of the capacity of Bremen’s major road lems with regard to the capacity of the major road network is based on the data on disruptions in the network. A strategy to reduce the disruption in traffic network provided by the Traffic Management Centre flow in the affected areas is needed to improve the and on the analysis of the network’s capacity as it overall traffic flow, to optimise accessibility and to appears in Bremen’s transport model. reduce congestion-related emissions. Disruptions on doppelter Bahnübergang Bremen‘s major AS HB-Nord road network based Zur Vegesacker Fähre on evaluation Legende: from the trafficBAB manage- ment centreBundesstraße Landesstraße Kreisstraße Hauptstraße motorway Zubringer Überseestadt national road Fly Over Überseestadt Lilienthaler Stauanfällige Bereiche mi regional road Waller Heerstraße Heerstr. Utbremer Leher Art des Staus Tunnel Heerstraße county road Nordwest-Knoten regelmäßig festgestell B6 Zufahrt E.-Schopf-Allee/Überseestadt G.-Deetjen Tunnel Stern Schwachhauser Heerstr. major road ereignisbezogen Herdentorsteinweg Bismarckstr. Stromer Landstr. störanfällig Verknüpfung Huchtinger B 6 / A 281 F.-Ebert-Str. Osterdeich Hastedter congestion-prone areas Heerstr. Osterdeich Basis: and typeAuswertung of congestion der Störmeldungen der Oldenburger Str. Habenhauser Verkehrsmanagement Zentrale (VMZ) Brückenstr. Neuenlander Str. Habenhauser Hemelinger regularly experienced Brückenstr. Heerstr. Kattenturmer Thalenhorststr. event-driven Heerstr. A1 susceptible to AS Uphusen problems Commercial Anhang Traffic 6.7a: Störungen and the Road im Hauptstraßennetz nach Network The traffic safety problems on Bremen’s major road Kartengrundlage GeoInformation Br Auswertungen der VMZ network are not generalised, but occur at individual Stand: Dezember 2012 As a port city and a commercial and industrial centre, nodes and in particularly busy road sections. These commercial traffic is of particular importance for problems are thus rather a result of local conditions Bremen. The management of commercial traffic on (high traffic volumes, lack of space, confusing traffic the road network and the accessibility of commercial routing, etc.) centres are key factors. From 2007 to 2012, roughly 15,300 to 16,800 traffic With 26% of traffic on the road being commercial accidents were registered annually. The share of acci- traffic and 10% of all traffic being heavy-duty vehi- dents with personal injury was approximately the cles, the volume of commercial traffic in Bremen is same in each of those years (15 — 18%). disproportionately high. According to the accident statistics, in 25% of all traf- Traffic Safety on the Major Road Network fic accidents in 2012 the main cause was excessive speed or not keeping a safe distance. Children were Bremen’s accident commission regularly analyses traffic involved in less than 2% of all traffic accidents. 16% safety issues in the individual areas of the city, develops of all traffic accidents involved senior citizens. location-specific measures to solve the problems and monitors whether the measures have reduced the safety problems. Table of Contents
28 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan Bremen 2025 Chapter 4 Opportunity and Shortcoming Analysis Number of traffic accidents in the City of Bremen 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 total traffic accidents 15,321 15,399 15,707 16,085 16,229 16,809 without personal injury 12,625 9,891 10,074 10,887 10,486 10,896 with personal injury 2,696 2,551 2,583 2,363 2,624 2,688 casualties 3,094 2,957 3,050 2,835 3,119 3,225 fatalities 11 10 11 9 14 15 serious injuries 301 339 326 275 318 351 minor injuries 2,782 2,551 2,713 2,551 2,787 2,859 Areas with traffic safety problems in Bremen’s major road network (2010/2012) Legende BAB Bund Lande Kreiss Haup Gröpelinger Heerstr. Lilienthaler Heerstr./Autobahnzubringer Horn-Lehe Verkehrs nach Aus Utbremer Str. Verkehrs Leher Heerstr. 2012 Hans-Böckler-Str. gehäu Breitenweg/Bürgermeister-Smidt-Str. Am Stern Kurfürstenallee, Höhe Brandenburger Straße Sachs Breitenweg/Herdentorsteinweg/Rembertiring Schwachhauser Heerstr. Am Brill/Martinistr./Bürgermeister-Smidt-Str. In der Vahr/Kurt-Schumacher-Allee/Karl-Kautzky-Str. B6 gehäu Vor dem Steintor Perso Alte Neustadt Bereich Hemelingen (Stresemannstr.) Richard-Dunkel-Straße/Industriestr. Norderländer Straße/Frieslandstraße Buntentorsteinweg Osterholzer Heerstr. Verkehrs Georg-Wulf-Straße/Auffahrt A281 Habenhauser Brückenstr. nach Aus B6 EUSka Un Kirchhuchtinger Landstr. gehä punk gehä Straß Berei (infolge ho Traffic accidents according to the accident Traffic accidents according to the EUSka motorway commission 2012 accident map for 2010 national road cumulative accidents with material damage cumulative accidents at junctions Anhang 6.8: Unfallhäufungspunkte Kartengrundlage regional road county road cumulative accidents with personal injury cumulative accidents on streets or in zones (by traffic volume) major road Table of Contents
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