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R. Ba nd ei ra S ANTANA Ó nt s ia d o es a N e to Ma rg i n a l Ti e t ê er i Ro d o v ia A n Pt e. Pi qu ha n RIO TI ET Ê g ue re g u e it ra o M es q u MAP OF SÃO PAULO m ão P te . F C E N T R E MA Ve rd e Rodovia Pt e. do Li Castello Branco P te . Jú li Pt e. Ca sa SAMBÓDRO Av en ida M arquê s de Sã Ru o Vice a Gu nte Av e aicu r us n id aR Av Fr a n c i s c o L ATIN AMERIC A io XI Ma Pio ta r MEMORIAL B ra az zo C I T Y nco ida OR AL Av en L APA OD CH O Av A DE ARE .D ND FU S ia RA RA ou pé M AR EI to E le om BARRA FUNDA rG – B A LM v ad SAL A SÃO Cora aP PERDIZES as er ro BUS TERMINAL oC PORTUGUESE L ANG P Av e n i da C ost tã n id ae o Vi Sil Av e PAC AEMBU va di el E X P A N D E D ga A v e n id C Í TA MU PÚ Rua A ma ra l Gu rg l A CE SAN T LI v. A ré He bu A Av e n i da S u m a a São i EN em HIGIENÓPOLIS to AL Pe Av e n i da Pa ca r AD n te d ni G u á lt ado M a A IC A ve élic LA VILLA LOBOS BL VI PARK er A ng ão laç RE A v. n so PRAÇA a Co RIO ad VIL A MADALENA É PIN PANAMERICANA PACAEMBU Ru st a AR A v. HA HE IR O Av e D r. STADIUM M AN S gu n Arn Au SU i da a ldo a ia Pe d r si de AR A. Ru P tár ros UM SR i v e ida AS É o de BIX M Mor - S A. Un te. C Av e N- ae A S n id ÃO s M N NO ad P AÇ TI IO IA FÁ ÁR OL TR Av PINHEIROS as DE NTU en NS UNIVERSITY CITY MA SP Na i da CO SA çõe Av Pa s ul uça en JARDINS ho is s Un AD eb o id l ta aR a Ju IG n id Br de BR Av i da s BUTANTÃ Av e as 9 en BUTANTÃ il a id ida INSTITUTE Av en en ni o Av Br ida V tos o tô Pt e. Eu zé bio Ma iga i ta l B An rasil ís de pa Lu ues iro ro Av e oM arq Eu i ro PARAÍSO Fa n ida ved JOCKE Y da de VE a r ia C or i feu de A ze CLUB i en r ig io B Ma Lim es Av ida de en a Av 3 r a2 va a RA T n id Av oso ITAIM BIBI PA Rap Ave en o v ia i da Rua Ro d Líb an o or a to hek Mor u ts c Ped co M bi ncis ro rF ra Pte. Cidad e Jardi m Ku .C abr m bi A Av. Re pú bli ca do no A o al Rodoanel e ss c el i of e Jus Mário Covas r Av e n ident ida P r e s IBIRAPUERA P te i da P n STATE GOVERNMENT PAL ACE PARK .E Av e MORUMBI nári o ng. ente STADIUM VIL A IV C S en o i aM ch Ary ar A v e OLÍMPIA S a nto A m n m B e r ta To r ro iG n id no res llegri nn va ad Hélio Pe io os Av. aG Ba Av e n i da R u b e ni n ida d nd ni rri s Be Av e ei Av e ra Rodovia MORUMBI EQUESTRIAN MOEMA nt Ca r l o es Régis Bittencourt SOCIETY OF a er SÃO PAULO pu Lu í s ira Ib ei ro m bi ida en en h da Mo r u Av Av e E ng A v. J o n id rn ali n ida s ta s en i a In PR uí z Ro Av e n i da Wa s h i n g t o n L ni Av be ÁR Av e Di d ia Pt e. do M r to V é or um bi Ma os nóp rin rJ ho do olis ea r Av Ve n i da s .R oq i da e sU ue Pe t r o n i J u en çõ n Av Na ior SA JA BA s ia s da QU oD a CONGONHAS id A en oã AIRPORT Av .J Av
IR VI ND RU U RA CU C A TU mont YOUTH PARK n to s D u m CAMPO DE -T U G A v. S a nd ei ra s ARTE AIRPORT SÃO PAULO R T Pt e. da s Ba ANHEMBI TIETÊ INTERNACIONAL OMO PARK AIRPORT (GUARULHOS) BUS TERMINAL A TE ES ilh er m e IÊ U PO Pt e. Vi la Gu IA os ÊN dr M n te s ua AR oQ rade ES ni Jâ NT LUZ A v. DE A v. T i e. Pt RA do TI LUZ E s ta d o STATE PARK O PAULO GUAGE MUSEUM PINACOTEC A BELÉM BANESPA CA na Z s ta OÓ LU UNICIPAL e l Pe M ng R– THE ATER a aR SE a id ng DO en SUBWAY SYSTEM MAP ES ira EO Av PAT L E G I O TO BR Ip da COL EN ÁS B II BR O A S O S Ã DOM PEDRO I ER IAN DR PE QU TH PRAÇA PARK TA IN DA SÉ –I OR SÉ IMMIGRATION AÚ C MEMORIAL AB SÉ Ma c h a d o CENTRO AG Portuguesa-Tietê ta r a C ATHEDRAL A lc â n MOOC A i da en ca Av oó E XIGA -M AD r se RD ee LIBERDADE Br BE LI a ade nd Fu ra M rd O ar UI -B IR a Libe as AQ DE eir RIO lm JO Pa edro I los TA O Av e n i da d MA ND SÃ on ce UA TE Í Av en i da D o m P é e Va s c ar um a-S RO tim Fá EI Lins d de ACLIMAÇÃO GU Av a. Sr en a. ER PARK Ns ida rio e n ida uá do nt INDEPENDENCY Sa Av e O E s ta d o PARK ÍS Av n id aV VIL A erg MARIANA ue SA iro RO PAULISTA MUSEUM A AN IN CONVENTION CENTERS AB IPIRANGA KL aré NA AR A A AR M VIL 1 Anhembi Park [www.anhembi.com.br] IA Av en ida Na z ÁC ES CH NT Ma d u r e i r a 2 RA Biennial Pavilion [www.bienalsaopaulo.org.br] t afe IG IM oJ 3 Expo Center Norte [www.expocnorte.com.br] a rd Ric 4 Imigrantes Exposition Center [www.centroimigrantes.com.br] ida Av en 5 ITM Expo [www.itmexpo.com.br] SA NT A in o 6 Transamérica Expo Center [www.transamericaexpo.com.br] CR rs UZ Cu 7 AMCHAM Business Center [www.amcham.com.br] 8 Frei Caneca Convention Center [www.freicanecashopping.com.br] a ra qu 9 Pompéia Convention Center [www.pompeiaeventos.com.br] a J a ba RA Ç VO A D 10 Rebouças Convention Center [www.convencoesreboucas.com.br] RE A Av e n i d 11 Fecomercio Events Center [www.fecomercioeventos.com.br] 12 APCD Space [www.apcd.org.br] AÚ JABAQUARA 13 World Trade Center [www.wtc.org.br] DE BUS TERMINAL Rodovia dos AR Imigrantes A For more information, visit: www.cidadedesaopaulo.com and www.prefeitura.sp.gov.br
Hold your event in SP 8 Rebouças Convention Center 40 Characteristics of the city 8 Fecomercio Events Center 40 Differentials 10 APCD Space 41 Resistance 13 WTC Hotel 41 Get to know São Paulo 14 Hotels 42 History 16 In the South Side 44 Access 17 In Paulista/Jardins 48 Gastronomy 18 In the Downtown 52 Art and Culture 19 In the North Side 53 In the West Side 53 São Paulo by region 20 In the East Side 53 Stay another day 21 Downtown 22 Surprising Places 54 Paulista/Jardins 23 Museums 56 South Side 24 Cultural Centers and Foundations 59 West Side 25 Art Galleries 62 North and East Sides 26 Venues in Parks 63 Outskirts of the city 27 Theaters 64 Exhibition Pavilions 28 Special Places 68 Anhembi Park 30 Buffets 70 Biennial Pavilion 31 Performance Spaces 70 Expo Center Norte 32 Social Clubs 70 Imigrantes Exposition Center 33 Special Tips 70 ITM Expo – Fair and Events 34 Miscellaneous 71 Transamerica Expo Center 35 Stadium 71 Theme Parks 71 Convention Centers 36 Amcham Business Center 38 Travel Guide 72 Anhembi – Convention Palace 38 Frei Caneca Convention Center 39 Pompéia Convention Center 39 Calendar 74 © Photo: MARCOS HIRAKAWA
©1 Hold your event in SP The Copan Building, by Oscar Niemeyer C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S O F S Ã O P A U L O Why is São Paulo the best destination for your events and business? 1 event every 6 minutes 400 thousand square meters per day to hold fairs, exhibi- That is the average number of events held in São Paulo tions and conventions. Luxury hotels, boutique hotels, two which, not without reason, is known as the city that never dozen large sized convention centers – among them the stops. There are congresses, fairs, conventions, international Anhembi Park, the largest in Latin America – restaurants shows, big parties, social get together, and so on, making up with special areas, museums, everything to lend an unfor- a total of 250 events per day, or 90 thousand per year. gettable touch to your event. 75% of the major fairs in the country The largest economic center on the continent São Paulo has, on the average, a business fair every three days 15% of the gross domestic product (GDP) is concentrated in Characteristics and is headquarters for 75% of the major fairs in the country. São Paulo, and 6% of the population of Brazil. Headquarters of the city Salão do Automóvel, Couromoda, Francal, Hospitalar, Auto- for some of the largest global corporations, it offers a full mec, Fenatec, Telexpo, Expofarma and Fenit are only a few of infrastructure of technology and services. One of the cities Differentials the references for excellent opportunities and business. This with the largest business tourism turnover on the planet, market turns over R$2.4 billion per year – R$700 million in for each US$100 of wealth generated in the country, more space rental, R$700 million in service equipment and R$1 bil- than US$10 of it are produced here. The per capita income Resistance lion in travel, accommodations and transportation. in the capital is 70% higher than that of Brazilians in gen- eral. That is, the purchasing power of its residents makes 400 thousand m² of well-equipped, the city a great market for every type of event. charming top-notch spaces A diversity of centers for fairs and congresses, the larg- Major happenings are the norm est hotel park in the country with 46 thousand rooms, The only city in Latin America to receive the Formu- and charming, top-notch spaces. There are more than la 1 Grand Prix (GP), São Paulo also hosts the São ©2 8 Varied Cuisine
©3 Hold your event in SP Reflecting Pool at the Elis Regina Space Silvestre Race on December 31 st and the biggest The two busiest airports GLBT Parade in the world. After promoting one of the For air traffic, the city of São Paulo is benefited by two major New Years Eve celebrations on the planet, the of the busiest airports in the country: the São Paulo city begins the year with Couromoda (Leather Fash- International Airport in Guarulhos, and the Congonhas ion), a fair with more than 65 thousand profession- Airport. For smaller planes and helicopters, there is als from around the world, while it is getting the first the Campo de Marte. More than 40 cities from 23 other edition of SP Fashion Week ready, which takes place countries are linked regularly by commercial flights. again in July. At the Congonhas Airport, recently modernized and re- modeled to serve the growing demand, there are links The first of the Americas with 70 locations in nearly all the Brazilian states. According to the International Congress & Convention Association – ICCA, which does the ranking of the ma- State-of-the-art services jor centers and events in the world, the city of São Paulo One of the most dynamic features of the city is its is the major destination for international events in the service sector, in areas such as telecommunications, Americas. Besides figuring among the Top 20 destina- digital data transmission, banks, the financial sys- tions for events in the world, São Paulo won out over tem, research and development, business consultan- destinations like Madrid, Sidney, Athena and Vancouver. cy and business management, as well as in activities Characteristics related to high technology. Wireless connection (wi- of the city Business destination for Latin America fi) has become a reality in hotspots at the Congonhas São Paulo is one of the 5 best destinations in Latin and Guarulhos airports, hotels, bars, book stores, cy- Differentials America for doing business, according to an annual bercafes and business centers. study carried out by América Economia Intelligence, a research unit of the América Economia communica- Vanguard and knowledge center Resistance tions company. The survey resulted in a ranking of the A tuned-in city, São Paulo has always been in the 42 best cities in the region for business, taking into ac- vanguard of major cultural movements that have count potential for innovation, capacity for generating changed Brazilian behavior and customs. In higher new enterprises, telecommunications, security, qual- education, the University of São Paulo (USP) figures ity and cost of life. among the best 100 public universities in the world and in the annual ranking of the British newspaper International hotel chains The Times as first in South America. Also, there is Do you know a boutique hotel? Do you want a spa in- in the city a wide range of short courses, lectures, side your hotel? An option close to your office, a per- seminars, literary discussions and a vast array of formance space, a shopping mall? There are always universities and cultural centers with training that quality accommodations next to the city’s main at- runs from handicrafts to technology. tractions. The most modern hotel center in the coun- try is in São Paulo. Major international chains such as In the circuit of major world metropolises Hyatt, Hilton, Marriott, Accor, Meliá and Radisson vie According to Travel + Leisure magazine, one of the for customers alongside exclusive options such as most respected worldwide travel publications, the Fasano, Emiliano or Unique, sophisticated and per- city “is more a capital of the world than of Latin sonalized boutique hotels. There are 410 hotels with America, thanks to its mosaic of cultures and life- a total of 46,047 rooms or HUs. styles.” São Paulo had a feature article as a creative city, where “fashion is fashion, food is the headline Efficient transportation network and art lands in new territory.” Among its distinc- The São Paulo capital has a subway which is consid- tions are architecture, gastronomy and art. São Pau- ered one of the most modern and comfortable in the lo also landed on the pages of the New York Times world, as well as 32 thousand taxis and more than 200 with an article that featured its sophistication and 9 helipads – that serve a fleet of 450 helicopters, the good taste and placed it definitively in the circuit of second largest in the world. major world metropolises. © Photos: 1-Rodrigo Petterson 2-Heudes RÉgis/ABRASEL 3-Spreading parque anhembi
©1 Hold your event in SP Marginal Pinheiros D iffe r entials Why make São Paulo the high point of your incentive program? S ão Paulo is a universe of options in just one place. Where else in Brazil can you find restaurants that never close, the liveliest nightlife, Broadway musicals and boutique hotels? This is why there are many reasons to choose São Paulo as your destination for a recreational or business trip or even for awarding an incentive program. Few cities in the world are so interesting for so many at the same time. CHARACTERISTICS OF SÃO PAULO Culture is our thing Cosmopolitan art The cultural scene of São Paulo is full and rich in activi- Museums in the capital have diverse collections of national and Differentials ties. The best of the world of the arts is here. With more international art. At Masp, a daring building with the largest clear than 600 plays per year, the city recently received inter- span in the world, the collection includes works of Rafael, Bottic- national productions such as Phantom of the Opera, Cirque celi and Titian, from the Italian school; Delacroix, Monet, Manet, Resistance du Soleil, Cats, The Beauty and the Beast, Chicago and Degas, Cézanne, Renoir, Van Gogh, Matisse, Toulouse-Lautrec, Miss Saigon. Major cultural events happen all year round. Modigliani and Chagall, from the Paris school, as well as the major Among them are the traditional biennial architecture, art names in Brazilian art. São Paulo also has the only Museum of the and book shows. And the Virada Cultural – 24 hours of art Portuguese Language in the world, with sensory experiences. and culture in every corner of the city, with large stages in the streets and hundreds of simultaneous events in movie Brazilian art theaters, museums, theaters and cultural centers, open At the Pinacoteca, or State Art Museum, next to the Jardim da until dawn. The capital also welcomes Anima Mundi, the Luz, is a privileged collection of four thousand works of artists International Film Exhibition and offers one of the biggest from the 19th century and contemporary works. At the Modern Carnival celebrations in the country. Art Museum (Mam) there is a collection of Brazilian art from 1950, with Tarsila do Amaral, Portinari and Di Cavalcanti, among São Paulo means “show” dozens of masters who give a good overview of recent national São Paulo is the biggest cultural hub in Latin America. artistic production. Next to Mam is the Biennial pavilion, which National and international shows are common, held in houses one of the three main art biennial shows in the world. large open-air arenas or in performance spaces in the city. Recent examples: Santana, U2, Pearl Jam, B.B. King, Roger Sacred Art and Frei Galvão Waters, Aerosmith, Jack Johnson, Lauryn Hill, Cold Play, The Museum of Sacred Art has an impressive collection of Black Eyed Peas, Diana Krall, Stanley Jordan, Norah Jones, 800 pieces from the 16th century to the present, among them David Byrne, Chick Corea, Robert Cray, Lou Reed, Simply images of saints, candelabras and oratories. The museum is Red, Bryan Ferry, Eric Clapton, Bob Dylan and Jean Luc situated in the Luz Monastery, designed and inaugurated by Ponty, as well as the return of Chico Buarque after eight Frei Galvão, or Saint Antônio de Sant’Anna Galvão, the first years away from the stage. The City Ballet and OSESP are Brazilian saint. His famous pills are also distributed there. internationally known for the quality of their presentations. The Luz Monastery is in a region rich in symbols and Catholic 10 Our stages have already seen the New York City Ballet and churches – in the vicinity are Santo Expedito church, the São many contemporary dance companies, such as Momix, Bento Monastery and the Sé Cathedral – which comprise the the Martha Graham Dance Company and Pina Bausch. newest Turismetrô (subway tour) route in the city.
©2 Worldwide capital of gastronomy Nothing is more cosmopolitan than São Paulo gastronomy. The city makes your mouth water with 12.5 thousand res- taurants, acclaimed chefs and star winning ambiences. At any time, German, Arab, Armenian, Chinese, Korean, Scan- Hold your event in SP danavian, Spanish, French, Greek, Indian, Italian, Japanese, Jewish, Moroccan, Mexican, Portuguese, Thai and Russian dishes – a total of 52 nationalities – are on the tables. Not to mention the many styles of national cuisine – from feijoada to churrasco, from food from Minas Gerais to Bahia. There is one dish that particularly pleases those who live in or come to visit São Paulo: pizza. There’s even a Pizza Day – July 10. The “paulista” program São Paulo Fashion Week Eating pizza, going to the Municipal Market (the Mercadão, or “big market”), sampling hefty codfish turnovers or baloney sandwiches are typical activities of paulistas and those who Sophistication live in the city, as well as enjoying street market turnovers, The city has a great number of options for those who can espresso coffee, bakeries, Ibirapuera park, or happy hour with and want to pay for comfort, luxury and sophistication. There friends until rush hour thins out... “paulistanos” like parties, cul- are design hotels and designer shops with recently launched tural events, hamburgers with milk shakes late at night, and go- collections. Oscar Freire is one of the ten most luxurious ing to shopping malls. Living in São Paulo is a style that visitors streets in the world, according to the ranking of Excellence can share easily. After all, tourists today want to interact with Mystery Shopping International consultancy. The AAA world the places they visit, be influenced by them, and take home un- can be found in São Paulo. From jewels to imported cars, from forgettable and enriching experiences in their luggage. designer clothes to cosmetics and beverages. From sophisti- CHARACTERISTICS cated restaurants with famous chefs to the courses of one of OF SÃO PAULO Multifaceted and diverse the sports preferred by the elite around the world – golf. Enriched by a mosaic of 70 nationalities and Brazilians from Differentials every state who built this great global metropolis with their own And “partying” was born here hands, there is no other city in Latin America where everyone São Paulo is for every ethnic group. Clubs with Latin rhythms, lives together in such a harmonious way with so much diversity. electronic music, rock, pop, Brazilian, etc. For listening and Resistance To visit São Paulo is to be immersed in a universe of cultures, re- dancing, live or from the DJs pick-ups. This nocturnal efferves- ligions, flavors and everything that is the best in urban tourism. cence can also be found in hundreds of bars, for flirting, dating, A worldly city that teaches the non-use of the word “discrimina- dancing or hanging out with friends. You can try the best Bra- tion,” São Paulo hosts the biggest GLBT parade in the world and zilian and worldwide beers with appetizers that are a must. has an infinity of diverse religions and creeds that share urban There are places that specialize in Brazilian cachaça, from spaces in harmony. There are synagogues, mosques, orthodox which the caipirinha is derived for an innumerable number churches, Buddhist temples and many others. of options and mixes. For those who like to take on the night, paulistanos have exported a term that is accepted all over A shopping paradise Brazil: “balada,” which means excitement, partying and fun There aren’t as many shopping options in any other city in the that starts at 11 p.m. and goes on all night. country. São Paulo has 66 shopping malls where consumers can find everything, commercial streets and strongholds of sophisti- Fashion and trends cated shopping such as the Rua Oscar Freire region in Jardins. For São Paulo is a trendsetter. One example of this is the city’s contrast, there is a popular shopping area unequalled in the coun- fashion, part of the worldwide scenario. Brazil has entered try – 25 de março and vicinity, where everything is sold, from fabric into the calendar of fashion shows that includes Paris, New and jewelry to electronic products. There are 59 streets with special- York, London and Milan, with São Paulo Fashion Week, which ized commerce, with innumerable stores, which side by side, offer sets the dates for launching the collections of designers from 51 types of specific products such as Brás and Bom Retiro (cloth- all over Brazil. Currently, twice a year, SPFW shows the trends ing), Santa Ifigênia (computers, etc.) and São Caetano (brides). in Brazilian fashion to the entire world. Unique tourist attractions The city’s tourist attractions total 12.5 thousand restaurants, 410 hotels, 257 movie theaters, 87 museums, 152 theaters and 11 performance spaces, 41 popular celebrations, 66 shopping malls, 59 specialized shopping streets divided into 51 segments, 53 natural parks and green areas, 39 cultural centers, 137 libraries and 4 theme parks, to name just a few. © Photos: 1-André Stéfano 2-jefferson pancieri
Hold your event in SP WTC CHARACTERISTICS OF SÃO PAULO Bold architecture Differentials Since boldness and innovation are the city’s signature, among other highly complex fields, as well as having an ex- this is also seen in architectural projects that blend in with tensive network of diagnostic services. Many have already the scenery, such as the São Paulo Art Museum (MASP) by discovered this and the number of people who visit the capi- Resistance Italian architect Lina Bo Bardi, the Copan curve by Oscar Nie- tal to take advantage of its excellent health centers is grow- meyer, the Hotel Unique and the Tomie Ohtake Institute, by ing. Many use their business trips as an opportunity to bring Ruy Ohtake, or the beautiful and traditional Martinelli Build- their health up to snuff, or to take care of their appearance. ing, in whose penthouse a veritable suspended mansion After all, if Brazil is considered the major world hub for plas- tic surgery, having surpassed the United States, according to rises up, designed to be Martinelli’s own house. São Paulo data from the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery, São Paulo also preserves buildings from the Colonial Brazil era, such as is the main Brazilian center and a worldwide icon in this area. the Marquesa de Santos Manor House, the Sertanista House There are dozens of specialized medical clinics, a good part of and the Bandeirante House. It is also worthwhile to see tradi- them internationally recognized, that attract a large number tional architecture in the European style, in buildings such as of visitors who come to the capital exclusively to care for their the Pinacoteca (State Art Museum) – its design is by one of appearance and esthetic. the most illustrious residents of the capital at the apex of his career, Ramos de Azevedo, who also designed the Municipal Beaches and mountains in one hour Theater and the Casa das Rosas on Av. Paulista. Other attractions can also be found around the São Paulo capital. At about 70 kilometers, or less than an hour by car, Well-being and relaxation is the Santos beach, with one of the most important ports in São Paulo is work and opportunity, yes. But it is also where Latin America. Next to it is Guarujá, a beach often frequented the best urban spas in Brazil can be found which, with their by paulistanos on weekends and holidays. The best known massages, baths and esthetic and therapeutic treatments, offer beaches are those in the municipality of São Sebastião, such extraordinary sensations of relaxation and well-being. They are as Maresias, as well as those of Ubatuba, such as Itamam- “peaceful islands” in environments that combine aromas, colors buca. Ilhabela, a beautiful and well-preserved island, is a few and sounds. For partying or for relaxing, São Paulo has it all. minutes by raft from the center of São Sebastião. Another city full of charm is Campos do Jordão, in the mountains, Excellence in health where the attractions are its winter and its sophistication. 12 The city has become an international icon in important areas Parties and exciting hot spots enliven the city in the winter, of medicine such as the treatment of heart disease and cancer, especially from June to August. © Photo: Spreading wtc
M yths to be b u sted Resistance? Still? S ome facts or myths about São Paulo may be cited as reasons not to hold events or bring groups to the city. Obviously, like any big city, São Paulo has problems. But not one of them can stop the visitor from making the most of what the city has to Hold your event in SP offer. Here are a few arguments to help overcome the myths. Is the city polluted? Pollution is actually a big problem for residents of large cities. purchasing power of the population attracts new things to the But not for visitors. Has any tourist ever not gone to New York, entertainment sector. If there is something new abroad, it ar- Cairo or Santiago, which are among the most polluted cities in rives quickly in São Paulo. the world, because of the condition of their air? Besides this, if you’re worried about your health, São Paulo is the ideal place, Is there a lot of traffic in the city? because it’s the largest medical center in Latin America, with Heavy traffic is a characteristic of large metropolises. São hospital complexes and internationally renowned professionals. Paulo has the best subway system in Brazil, which is also among the cleanest and safest in the world. With the subway it’s Shouldn’t major cities have beaches? very easy to avoid traffic. It has stops at many of the main at- For those who think that being a major destination for tractions in the city. The hotel complex of São Paulo, with nearly incentives, leisure and entertainment means there have to 50 thousand rooms, makes it possible for visitors to stay near be beaches, remember that Paris and Milan don’t have any. their favorite attractions and interests. The best in the world of art and performances is found in the paulista capital. Shows with major international and national What about safety? musical names, a variety of plays and acclaimed films. The In São Paulo, violence rates are higher in the outskirts of the city. city houses 257 movie theaters, 152 theaters, 39 cultural According to the Seade Foundation (State Data Analysis System), CHARACTERISTICS centers and 87 museum. the Consolação region, for example, reported only one murder in OF SÃO PAULO 2005. The region includes neighborhoods such as Higienópolis, Do you think it’s a “hard” city? which has one of the most sophisticated shopping malls in the Differentials São Paulo today is a city that seduces more and more the city, and the Pacaembu, where the stadium of the same name is imagination of those who visit it. The occupancy levels of its ho- located. The rate is equal to an average of 1.96 murders per 100 tels has surpassed 65% per year – an historic mark. It has been thousand inhabitants, around the same number as Paris. Resistance confirmed that culture is a major value to be added to business tourism. It’s not by chance that the paulista capital has become Is São Paulo too big? the 3rd main leisure destination in the country, according to the São Paulo’s 1,530 square kilometers is almost a world unto Institute of Economic Research Foundation (FIPE). Besides this, itself. But this doesn’t mean that visitors necessarily have to research done by Reader’s Digest Selections in 2006 of visitors explore the whole city. On each trip, it’s possible to stay in a to 35 major cities in the world and published in the British news- hotel near places of interest, and taking the metro helps to paper The Times, considered São Paulo the most courteous city “shrink” the city. in Latin America and the 5th most courteous in the world. Do you think paulistanos are cold? Do the residents just work? A city that was formed by waves of foreign immigrants such Of course not. Remember that the best hubs of entertain- as Italians, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabs and Japanese, as well ment, gastronomy, culture and leisure are born in worldwide as migrants from various regions of Brazil can’t be an unfriendly financial centers. The economic potential of large cities is also city. It is open to new residents and to tourists as well. It’s a city reflected in their investment in spaces to combat stress, such that has traditional celebrations of its various colonies and also as theaters, shopping malls and even urban spas. The high has bars for its various ethnic groups and all styles of shops. São Paulo Turismo supports your event In partnership with the São Paulo Convention & Visitors Bureau, SPTuris supports the preparation of briefs on the city of São Paulo to solicit candidature as headquarters for national and international events, as well as helping to carry out site inspec- tions. The official tourism agency of the city also provides an image bank, electronic maps, videos, promotional texts and a marketing e-mail template that can be used in creating various types of publicity (print or electronic) for personalized group events and programs. Additionally, SPTuris publicizes the event on the São Paulo City Calendar on the internet, if it is of interest 13 to the promoter, and provides electronic tools with the contents of the Program São Paulo Stay Another Day, which is an incen- tive for prolonging the stay of business visitors in the city. Consult us at turismodenegocios@spturis.com
G E T T O K N O W S Ã O P A U L O The city offers a wide variety of gastronomical and cultural options GET TO KNOW SP S ão Paulo has a series of advantages. One of them is easy access from any part of the country or the world. The city also has a fascinating history, events held in the city will attract even more par- ticipants. On the following pages you’ll get to know the profile of this incredible city better and find out quality cuisine and cultural tours that are a must. why São Paulo is one of the main culture and enter- These qualities form a group of incentives so that tainment hubs in Brazil. ©1 HISTORY ACCESS GASTRONOMY ART /CULTURE 14 Municipal Theater
©2 GET TO KNOW SP Municipal Market ©3 HISTory São Paulo was founded by Jesuits, inhabited by Indians HISTORY and “bandeirantes”, and today is made up of people from various places in Brazil and the world. This mix has cau- ACCESS sed the emergence of neighborhoods, temples and cele- brations that reflect the diversity of the city. GASTRONOMY Pág. 16 ART /CULTURE ACCESS Access to São Paulo is exceptional. The city is the desti- nation of hundreds of flights leaving from more than 75 locations in the country and the world. It is served by three airports, various helipad, ten highways and the largest bus terminal in Latin America. Pág. 17 GASTRONOMY Food is serious business in the city. The variety of me- nus and the quality of services are the trademarks of paulistano bars and restaurants, which serve 52 diffe- rent kinds of cuisine. Catering services are also known for their flexibility and creativity. Pág. 18 Culture/Art All artistic expressions have their turn in São Paulo. Mu- sic, fine arts, cinema and theater are all part of paulis- tano programming. During the entire year, the cultural calendar is lively, with festival, exhibits and presenta- 15 tions by national and international artists. Luz Station Pág. 19 © Photos: 1- jefferson pancieri 2, 3-andré stéfano
©1 GET TO KNOW SP history ACCESS Pateo do Collegio GASTRONOMY h i s t o r y ART /CULTURE Piratininga became São Paulo: today the school is a metropolis T he Jesuit priests José de Anchieta and Manoel da Nóbrega climbed the “Serra do Mar”, in the ides of 1553, looking for a safe place to settle and indoctrinate In 1815, the city became the capital of the Province of São Paulo. Seven years later, it was the stage for the Cry of Inde- pendence, an episode in which the prince regent at the time, the Indians. When they reached the plateau of Piratin- D. Pedro, declared that Brazil would no longer be a colony of inga, they had found the ideal spot. It had “a cool and Portugal. Today, the place where this occurred houses the temperate climate, like Spain” and was “a very healthy Paulista Museum, also known as the Museum of Ipiranga. land, fresh and with good waters.” São Paulo became an important economic center only at On a small hill, on the banks of the Tamanduateí and An- the end of the 19th century, with the expansion of coffee hangabaú rivers, the religious men built a school. There, they cultivation. Immigrants arrived from the four corners of the celebrated a mass. This was on January 25th, 1554, a date world to work on the farms, and later in the city’s growing in- which has come to mark the official founding of São Paulo. dustrial park. Starting from the middle of the 20th century, Nearly five centuries later, the settlement of Piratininga migrants from various Brazilian locations also landed in the had become a city of 11 million inhabitants. The only thing city to increase the work force. The recent arrivals imprint- remaining from those times is the foundation of the building ed their characteristics, which still remain in the city. São made by the priests and Indians at the Pateo do Collegio. Paulo has neighborhoods where oriental, Italian and North- More than 157 years would pass before Piratininga eastern traits are still present. Traditional celebrations and would become a city and change its name. It was called typical cuisine from various countries and Brazilian states São Paulo, a decision approved by the king of de Portugal, are already cultural expressions absorbed by the city. São then the colonizer of Brazil. At that time, São Paulo was still Paulo is not only a symbol of ethnic diversity and diversity just a starting point for the “bandeiras”, expeditions that of beliefs, but also of sexual orientations and urban tribes. 16 cut through the interior of Brazil for the purpose of finding Still today, the São Paulo capital welcomes with open arms precious minerals and imprisoning Indians. people from all parts of the country and the world.
©2 GET TO KNOW SP Copan and Itália buildings stand out in the downtown N A C C E S S W E Privileged S Location HISTORY S ão Paulo is the best arrival point in Brazil for visi- tors from any part of the world or the country. The city has nearly 500 flights daily, which are linked to AACCESS CCESS 75 national and international locations. All the main airports in Brazil and at least 23 countries have direct GASTRONOMY flights to the São Paulo capital. Greater São Paulo has three airports, two of them international: Congonhas, in ART /CULTURE the South Side, and Guarulhos, located in the neighbor- ing city of the same name. São Paulo has the largest fleet of helicopters in Latin America, which guarantees that renting and finding lo- cations to land this type of aircraft is easy in the city. Urban air traffic safety is guaranteed by a control sys- tem, the only one of its type in the world. And it’s not only air access that makes São Paulo a privileged loca- tion. The city also has three intercity bus terminals. The main one, Tietê, has lines serving all of Brazil and also serves countries in the South Cone such as Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile. São Paulo also has ten highways linking the city to the coast, the interior of the state and other neighbor- D istan c es of c apitals in ing states. The city offers an efficient collective and r elation to S ã o P a u lo urban transportation system. There are 56 subway sta- tions, 19 bus terminals, 10 thousand city buses and 32 Belo Horizonte 586 km thousand taxis. Brasília 1.015 km Curitiba 408 km Florianópolis 705 km Mild temperature São Paulo’s climate is altitude tropical, characterized by Maceió 2.453 km an average yearly temperature of between 19º C (66 F.) Natal 2.947 km and 27º C.(80 F.). In the summer, days can start out sun- ny and end with rain. In the fall, the temperature is mild, Porto Alegre 1.109 km with an average of 23ºC (73 F.). Winter usually has sunny, Recife 2.660 km 17 dry days with temperatures rarely below 15ºC (59 F.). In Rio de Janeiro 429 km spring, the climate is pleasantly warm and dry. Salvador 1.962 km © Photos: 1, 2-marcos hirakawa
©1 ©2 GET TO KNOW SP Candies ©3 HISTORY ACCESS Refined Dishes Feijoada Gastronomy G ast r onomy Cuisine is a paulistano heritage ART /CULTURE S ão Paulo is synonymous with eating well. The city guarantees unforgettable gastronomic experiences to its visitors. The subject is taken very seriously by pau- In terms of gastronomy, São Paulo leaves nothing to be desired in any matter, mainly in the quality of services provided. Pizza, despite being of Italian origin, is an es- listanos, who recognize with pride that its food sector is sential dish on the paulistano menu. This is because the one of the city’s tourism attractions. There are options for city’s pizza chefs have re-interpreted the dish. There are all tastes and budgets. more pizzerias in the city than in all of Italy. In São Paulo São Paulo doesn’t have one typical dish, but various. people eat pizza with thin or thick crust, with filling in the Variety is essential. There are restaurants with renowned crust edges, with various toppings, square pizza, pizza chefs, with exotic and traditional and vegetarian cuisine, by the meter, expensive and inexpensive pizzas. Another and fast food. After all, the city was established by im- typical dish is sushi. This Japanese dish has become a migrants from various places on the planet and also has favorite of paulistanos. The rice balls are served in the the contributions of migrants from the four corners of the traditional way, a la carte or in rodizio format: for a fixed country. There are more than 50 different types of cui- price, you can eat as much as you want. And not just su- sine. There are Far Eastern restaurants, such as those shi: there are also other specialties in the more than 500 with Korean, Chinese and Japanese cuisine, traditional Japanese restaurants in greater São Paulo. But paulista- ones, such as French and Italian, and even exotic ones, nos don’t live just on Argentinean parrillas (barbecue), such as those with Mongolian specialties. And, among Arabic esfihas (turnovers), Spanish paellas, Mexican ta- the 12,500 restaurants spread out across the city, there cos and German eisnbeins. Cuisine from every corner of are options from haute cuisine to quick dishes. Brazil is also found in São Paulo. Whether it’s a Bahaian But it’s not only the bars and restaurants that carry acarajé (bean-shrimp croquette) or a Gaucho barbecue, on the tradition. There are catering services and buffets typical Brazilian gastronomy has a guaranteed place. as well, which are surprising in terms of their flexibility If the gastronomical experience is essential to get to know 18 and variety, with very special dinners, cocktail parties for a city, this is even more the case with São Paulo. Here, quality, more than a thousand people and special coffee breaks. competitive prices and top-of-the-line services join hands.
A r t / C u lt u r e Diversity and variety are the trade- marks of cultural programming GET TO KNOW SP S ão Paulo is home to the most important cultural events in the country. There are film festivals, shows, fashion runway shows and exhibitions. In addition to large sized events, the museums as well as various cultural centers, there is varied programming all year long. To visit São Paulo is to immerse one- self in a universe of artistic expressions. Consult the official site city’s ongoing cultural scenario is exhilarating. In the more than of the city of São Paulo for information about cultural program- 250 movie theaters, 150 theaters and performance spaces, 87 ming (www.cidadedesaopaulo.com). ©4 HISTORY ACCESS GASTRONOMY ART /CULTURE Art/Culture The City Ballet Fine arts Shows and major events In São Paulo you can find works of art of every artis- São Paulo is used to welcoming various international tic trend: modernism, renaissance, impressionism, ba- shows every year as a part of worldwide tours or spo- roque. In some São Paulo museum, the visitor is bound radic presentations, of bands and singers. The city to find the trend or form he or she likes best: sculpture, also houses major events in various other sectors. painting, installations, interventions, and so on. Art is Among the best known are São Paulo Fashion Week, also in the streets. Graffitti, good-natured paintings on Casa Cor (interior decoration exhibition) and the tra- walls, are the city’s trademark. Internationally known ditional biennials of architecture, art and books. The artists, such as the Gêmeos, have works spread over newest of these events is the Virada Cultural, 24 hours the walls of Cambuci. On Rua Guaicurus in Lapa, and of art and culture. On that date, museums stay open on Rua Belmiro Braga in Vila Madalena, there are other until dawn and there are street presentations of dance works exhibited on the walls of houses. and music groups. Cinema and theater Carnival and folk celebrations The city’s theater scene is unique in Brazil. After all, there Every year the paulistano Carnival makes its mark as one are at least a hundred theaters. From Broadway musicals to of the most important cultural manifestations in the coun- experimental plays, there’s a little of everything. The alterna- try. The city has its own Sambodromo, which guarantees tive circuit, around the Roosevelt Plaza, has been emerging the best in comfort for spectators and also for those who as a new hub for cultural events. São Paulo also has movie want to be in the parade. There are boxes and bleachers. theaters spread around the four corners of the city: in cul- The main parades are held on Friday and Saturday of Carni- tural centers, shopping malls, galleries, or on the street. But val week. There are other folk and traditional celebrations, 19 two months are special for cinephiles. In April there’s the such as the Italian San Vito in June, the Our Lady of Achi- International Documentary Festival, and in October it’s the ropita in August and San Gennaro in September, as well as well-attended International Film Exhibition’s turn. the Japanese Tanabata Matsuri, which takes place in July. © Photos: 1- Heudes RÉgis/ABRASEL 2-Spreading Pati Piva 3-Spreading bar juarez 4-Silvia Machado
©1 São Paulo by region STAY ANOTHER DAY Downtown Martinelli Building paulista/ jardins South S T A Y A N O T H E R D A Y West Various special spots, each one with its North/East own character The outskirts T o plan an event in the city of São Paulo better, it’s necessary to be familiar with the character of each region. In this way, the organizer will be better able to adapt his or her needs and expectations to a region that includes everything that is necessary to make the event a success. São Paulo has various special spots. There are some that have an exciting night life. There are others where commerce is the flagship. Downtown West The place where São Paulo was born houses historical Bohemian life and artists ateliers are found in an buildings and city hallmarks. Pág. 22 acclaimed neighborhood in this region. Pág. 25 Paulista/Jardins North/East Designer shops, charming cafes and the postcard of Green areas and samba school rehearsal spaces are the city are in this region. Pág. 23 some of its attractions. Pág. 26 20 South The outskirts A variety of street shops are in the vicinity of the The beach or the mountains? A few kilometers from the Congonhas Airport. Pág. 24 city there is also fun for everyone. Pág. 27
©2 São Paulo by region Itália Terrace S T A Y A N O T H E R D A Y One more day in São Paulo: an unforgettable experience STAY ANOTHER DAY P articipants in fairs, exhibitions, congresses and events in general shouldn’t miss an opportunity to get to know the main attractions São Paulo has to offer. To do this, you need at least one more day in the city. This city is filled with top line cul- tural programs, historical and artistic attractions and incredible shopping circuits. Staying one more day or even a few more Downtown hours in São Paulo will surely be an unforgettable experience. A series of special tours has been prepared to serve different paulista/ types of people and requests. Some options are the Hip, Sophisticated and even the Economical tour. For a typical Sunday or jardins Saturday or a special day for those who have children. Ideas for those who enjoy culture or fine arts. Get to know each one of them at the site www.fiquemaisumdia.com.br. Here are some of the tours: South West Culture and bohemia Shopping and partying Morning: it’s worth it to check out the city downtown circuit. Morning and afternoon: If you’ve got the energy, you can North/East The Pateo do Collegio has a gorgeous sacred art museum. do a shopping marathon on the main streets of the city. Close by is also the Marquesa de Santos manor house, the The famous Rua 25 de março, in the Downtown, sells The outskirts Sé Cathedral, the São Bento Monastery, the Banco do Brasil wholesale and retail clothing, costume jewelry and sewing Cultural Center, the Viaduto do Chá, the Municipal Theater, notions and supplies, among other items. and the Vale do Anhangabaú, as well as the Municipal Mar- In the vicinity of Rua José Paulino in Bom Retiro, the strong ket and the Liberdade neighborhood, where oriental shops point are women’s clothing at low prices. On Rua João Ca- and restaurants may be found. choeira in Itaim, and on Rua Bem Te Vi in Moema there’s no Afternoon: Like the Downtown, the Paulista region is ideal lack of shoe stores with good prices. On Oscar Freire and to walk around on foot. The avenue is the best most famous Alameda Lorena in Jardins, designer clothing rules, while in the city and is one of its symbols. There are must-see at- the various shopping malls in the capital have stores for tractions there like the São Paulo Art Museum (MASP), Itaú different budgets and tastes. Cultural, Casa das Rosas and Trianon park. Evening: The night clubs in Vila Olímpia are known for their Evening: The bohemian neighborhood of Vila Madalena is usu- partying. They have everything from dance floors with elec- ally crowded from Monday to Monday. There are clubs with live tronic music to samba. The city offers a schedule of plays shows, bars with delicious appetizers and lots of partying. The that sometimes has up to 100 running at the same time. neighborhood has everything from haute cuisine restaurants There are also various movie theaters, unforgettable restau- to the simplest type that serves sandwiches or just appetizers. rants and lots of things to do in the paulistano nightlife. Weekends: Handicraft fairs enliven the days off of paulista- Weekends: The arts and crafts fair in Embu, in the metro- nos. Among the main ones are the plaza Benedito Calixto politan region of São Paulo, is held on Saturdays, Sundays 21 fair on Saturdays and the plaza Liberdade fair on Sundays. and holidays. The city also has many stores with antiques, Those who prefer antiques should go to the Bexiga and Masp furniture and articles for decoration that are open the fairs, both on Sundays. same days as the fair. © Photos: 1, 2-Bia Parreiras
©1 NORTH WEST DOWNTOWN EAST São Paulo by region N SOUTH W E S STAY ANOTHER Classical Music Concert DAY DOWNTOWN D O W N T O W N paulista/ jardins The region houses music, art and shopping South I n the center of the São Paulo capital, the past lends the tone. Old buildings, some from the 19th cen- tury, make up the scenario of the Downtown. Among known shopping spots in Brazil for its great variety of items at competitive prices. The best concert halls in the city are also in the Downtown: the Municipal them is the Sé Cathedral, one of the best known Theater and the Sala São Paulo, remodeled a few West houses of worship in Brazil, and the Pateo do Colle- years ago. Both are also ideal locations for holding gio, the first Jesuit center, which marks the location events or receptions. One of the main museums of North/East of the founding of the city. the city, and one of the most charming, is also in the Next to it is the Banco do Brasil Cultural Center Downtown: the Pinacoteca do Estado (State Art Mu- The outskirts (CCBB), whose architecture is typical of the be- seum). Nearby is another center for shopping, the ginning of the 20th century. Exhibitions and film Bom Retiro neighborhood. There you’ll find men’s and screenings are usually a part of the CCBB program- women’s clothing at prices that are a real bargain. ming. Nearby is the Rua 25 de março, one of the best Sales are wholesale as well as retail. Features of the Main region attractions Historical attractions, good Municipal Market, State Art Museum, Sala São Paulo, Sé Cathedral, Pateo do choices for lunch, museums Collegio, Manor House of the Marquesa de Santos, Jardim da Luz, Banco do Brasil Cultural and theaters, well served by Center, São Bento Monastery, Viaduto do Chá, Sacred Art Museum, Japanese Immigration transportation. Museum, Light Shopping mall. HELPFUL HINT LOCATED The surroundings of the Luz Station are in the midst of renovation. The station NEAR itself is an attraction, mainly for its art deco stained glass windows. The Museum All the regions of the city, to the Marginal 22 of the Portuguese Language is there, which is fully interactive and which Tietê (exit to the highways) to the Stock highlights the interests that the language has received from other populations. Market and to Av. Paulista.
©2 NORTH WEST DOWNTOWN EAST São Paulo by region N SOUTH W E S MASP P a u lista / J a r dins STAY ANOTHER DAY Designer shops and famous paintings Downtown right in the heart of São Paulo paulista/ jardins A v. Paulista isn’t just the financial hub of the city. It’s a warm spot in the hearts of paulistanos. Every day, thousands of people pass through its long blocks antiques fair is held on Sundays. But the museum’s permanent collection is the main attraction: there are works by Renoir, Modigliani, Van Gogh and Portinari, South West to do business. On weekends there’s another crowd, among other famous painters. The lanes of the Jar- this time looking for entertainment and culture, es- dins, in the neighborhood of Av. Paulista, have national pecially in the bookstores and movie theaters on the and international designer labels. Shops with clothing, North/East avenue and at the São Paulo Cultural Center. gift items, jewelry and good quality footwear are eas- On its length of 2,800 meters, Paulista has cultural ily found on Oscar Freire and Bela Cintra streets and The outskirts centers, imposing buildings, a park, the Trianon, and on Lorena lane. Restaurants with haute cuisine, bis- the most famous museum in the city, the Masp. tros and sophisticated cafeterias are also trademarks Constructed in the 1960s, the Masp building has of the region. Av. Paulista and vicinity also are ideal for one of the largest free spans in the world – where an nighttime fun and happy hours. Best known Main attractions neighborhoods Masp, São Paulo Cultural Center, Casa das Rosas, Itaú Cultural Institute, Fiesp Cultural Jardim Paulista, Jardim Center, Sesc Paulista, Museum of Image and Sound, Casa Brasileira Museum, Brazilian América, Jardim Europa, Sculpture Museum, Caixa Cultural Paulista Gallery, Ouro Fino Gallery, Frei Caneca Cerqueira César, Bela Shopping mall, Paulista Shopping mall, Shopping mall Center 3, Patio Higienópolis Vista, Paraíso, Consolação. Shopping mall, Trianon, Orthodox Cathedral, Consolação Cemetery. HELPFUL HINT Features LOCATED Av. Paulista has various bookstores. Some also sell CDs and of the region NEAR DVDs. But book lovers adore second hand book shops. In the Cultural centers, good The south and 23 underground passageway on the corner of Av. Paulista and Rua gastronomical options, quality east regions, da Consolação, there are bookstores offering both rarities and museums and theaters, well as well as the more recent books. You can find everything on their shelves. served by public transportation. downtown. © Photos: 1- André Stéfano 2-MARCOS HIRAKAWA
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