BIO INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 - Export Business France

Page created by Sharon Lowe
BIO INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 - Export Business France

    USA – BOSTON / JUNE 4 – 7, 2018
BIO INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 - Export Business France

                        Business France is the national agency supporting the
                        international development of the French economy, responsible
                        for fostering export growth by French businesses, as well as
                        promoting and facilitating international investment in France.
                        It promotes France’s companies, business image and
                        nationwide attractiveness as an investment location, and
                        also runs the V.I.E international internship program.
                        Business France has 1,500 personnel, both in France and in
                        64 countries throughout the world, who work with a network
                        of public- and private-sector partners.
                        For further information, please visit:

BIO INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION 2018 - Export Business France

                          Auvergne - R hône - Alpes


but blue

BlueReg, your partner for success
BlueReg is an international consultancy company      Our expert teams provide full service support and
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                                                                             SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS   +33 (0)4 22 00 01 00
                                                                             PARIS              +33 (0)1 82 73 10 00
                                               LONDON             +44 (0) 3333 112131
                                              NEW YORK             +1 (347) 7081498

C O N TA C T O U R G L O B A L H Q s I N B O S T O N
                 + 1 8 5 7 5 74 0 3 9 4
   R E C R U I T I N G @ PAC T PA R T N E R S .C O M

     W W W. P A C T A N D P A R T N E R S . C O M

SPONSORS                                                                          Ans Biotech........................................................ 29
Axelia Partners................................................... 10             Aptys Pharmaceuticals...................................... 29
Bluereg Pharma Consulting.............................. 10                        Ariana Pharmaceuticals..................................... 30
Pact and Partners - Life Sciences Recruitments.. 11                               Atlanthera........................................................... 30
                                                                                  Atlantic Bone Screen......................................... 31
                                                                                  B Cell Design..................................................... 31
PARTNERS                                                                          Balmes Transplantation..................................... 32
Alsace Biovalley................................................. 13
                                                                                  Banook................................................................ 32
SATT Aquitaine - Aquitaine Science Transfert.. 13
                                                                                  Bioaster............................................................... 33
Assistance Publique
                                                                                  Biocellvia............................................................ 33
Hôpitaux de Paris (ap-hp)................................. 14
                                                                                  Biodol Therapeutics.......................................... 34
Atlanpole Biotherapies..................................... 14
                                                                                  Biose Industrie................................................... 34
SATT AXLR......................................................... 15
                                                                                  C4Diagnostics.................................................... 35
Biopôle Clermont-limagne............................... 15
                                                                                  Cardio Renal....................................................... 35
Cancer-bio-santé Cluster.................................. 16
                                                                                  Carthera.............................................................. 36
Cci International Grand Est............................... 16
                                                                                  Cea-leti............................................................... 36
SATT Conectus.................................................. 17
                                                                                  Cellprothera....................................................... 37
Eurobiomed....................................................... 17
                                                                                  Centaur Clinical................................................. 37
France Biotech................................................... 18
                                                                                  Cilcare SAS......................................................... 38
Genopole........................................................... 18
                                                                                  Ciloa SAS............................................................ 38
Id2santé.............................................................. 19
                                                                                  Cisbio.................................................................. 39
SATT IDF Innov.................................................. 19
                                                                                  Clean Cells......................................................... 39
Institut Imagine.................................................. 20
                                                                                  Clevexel Pharma................................................ 40
Invest In Lyon - Aderly....................................... 20
                                                                                  Crescentia Consulting....................................... 40
SATT Lutech....................................................... 21
                                                                                  Crossject............................................................. 41
Lyonbiopole....................................................... 21
                                                                                  Cynbiose............................................................. 41
Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole /
                                                                                  Cytoo.................................................................. 42
Montpellier, France Health Hub....................... 22
                                                                                  Dynacure............................................................ 42
Nutrition Health Longevity Cluster.................. 22
                                                                                  Endodiag............................................................ 43
SATT Ouest Valorisation................................... 23
                                                                                  Enterome Bioscience........................................ 43
SATT Sud-Est..................................................... 23
                                                                                  Enterosys............................................................ 44
                                                                                  Enyo Pharma...................................................... 44
COMPANIES                                                                         Evotec................................................................. 45
4clinics................................................................ 25       Expernova.......................................................... 45
Acticor Biotech.................................................. 25              Eyevensys SAS................................................... 46
Affilogic.............................................................. 26        Fab'Entech......................................................... 46
Alaxia.................................................................. 26       Flashcell.............................................................. 47
Alira Health Sas.................................................. 27             Genochem.......................................................... 47
Alizé Pharma 3................................................... 27              Genoway............................................................ 48
Amylgen............................................................. 28           Gensight Biologics............................................ 48
Anagenesis Biotechnologies............................ 28                         H-immune........................................................... 49


Haliodx SAS....................................................... 49                Oxeltis................................................................. 64
Histalim SAS....................................................... 50               Pep-therapy........................................................ 64
Horama............................................................... 50             Phenocell............................................................ 65
Htl........................................................................ 51       Physiostim.......................................................... 65
Hybrigenics Services......................................... 51                     Plant Advanced Technologies.......................... 66
Indicia Production.............................................. 52                  Polyplus-transfection......................................... 66
Inflectis Bioscience............................................ 52                  Rondol Industrie................................................ 67
Innopain.............................................................. 53            Sensorion............................................................ 67
Inovotion............................................................ 53             Signia Therapeutics SAS................................... 68
Inventiva............................................................. 54            Smartox Biotechnology..................................... 68
Iris Pharma.......................................................... 54             Soladis................................................................ 69
Keen Eye............................................................. 55             Synapcell............................................................ 69
Keosys................................................................. 55           Temisis................................................................ 70
Laboratoir Icare.................................................. 56                Theradiag........................................................... 70
Lxrepair SAS....................................................... 56               Theranexus......................................................... 71
Mabdesign......................................................... 57                Theranyx............................................................. 71
Manros Therapeutics......................................... 57                      Theravectys........................................................ 72
Medday Pharmaceuticals.................................. 58                          Transcure Bioservices........................................ 72
Medincell............................................................ 58             Txcell................................................................... 73
Nanobiotix......................................................... 59               Vaiomer SAS....................................................... 73
Neovacs.............................................................. 59             Valneva............................................................... 74
Neuroservice...................................................... 60                Vect-horus.......................................................... 74
Nextep................................................................ 60            Vibiosphen......................................................... 75
Nicox SA............................................................. 61             Virbac.................................................................. 75
Nosopharm........................................................ 61                 Voisin Consulting Life Sciences........................ 76
Novadiscovery................................................... 62                  Voxcan................................................................ 76
Olmix Group...................................................... 62                 Yposkesi.............................................................. 77
Orphelia Pharma................................................ 63                   Yslab................................................................... 77
Osivax................................................................. 63


USA – BOSTON / JUNE 4 – 7, 2018
AXELIA                 AXELIA PARTNERS provides the support entrepreneurs
                                     need to expand and succeed in the US. Our cross-Atlantic
           PARTNERS                  business expertise enables foreign companies to set up
                                     their US operations efficiently and manage them compliantly.
                                     With a personalized approach to delivering comprehensive
                                     business solutions and consulting services, Axelia Partners
                                     has become the trusted partner of hundreds of companies
                                     at every stage of their US venture.
                                     Operations Setup | Accounting | Financial Control | Payroll |
                                     HR Services | Talent Search | M&A advisory.

  185 Alewife Brook Parkway #210
          CAMBRIDGE MA 02138
              Ph.: +1 617 576 2005
             Fax: +1 617 576 2001

             Alexandra SUHAS
            Ph.: +1 617 852 5333      Date of creation: 1989        Number of employees: 35
                                      Activity: Management Services and Consulting
                                      Key-words: operations setup, accounting, financial control,
                                      payroll, hr services, talent search, m&a

       BLUEREG                       Consultancy organization offering strategic scientific &
                                     regulatory advice as well as hands-on solutions to life
       PHARMA                        sciences companies from drug development right through
                                     to authorisation and beyond.
    CONSULTING                       Our expertise includes global and local regulatory, CMC,
                                     clinical & non-clinical scientific writing and pharmacovigilance.
                                     Through our France-based affiliate Pharma Blue, we partner
                                     with Biotechs pharma companies developing late stages’
                                     innovative therapies to provide them with integrated solutions
                                     to accelerate the marketing of their products in EU Countries.
                                     Through our European offices and qualified partners,
                                     we can provide local in-country services in regulatory,
            BLUEREG PHARMA           pharmacovigilance & quality management services.
                CONSULTING           BlueReg is located in France, UK & USA.
          1800 route des Crêtes
                 Les 2 Arcs Bât A
                                      Date of creation: 10/04/11
         Ph.: +33 (0)4 22 00 01 00
                                      Number of employees: 55
                                      Activity: Strategic regulatory advice and hands-on outsourcing
                Franck AUVRAY         solutions
VP General Manager Pharma Blue        Key-words: Consultancy, Regulatory strategy, Regulatory
        Cel.: +33 (0)6 87 60 88 59    Operations, scientific advice, Pharmacovigilance, Early        access, drug development, CMC, Scientific writing, lifecycle
                                      management, EU, US

PACT AND PARTNERS                  PACT & PARTNERS is the life sciences expert recruiter that
                                   you need!
    RECRUITMENTS                   We are the next generation of headhunters, bringing you
                                   faster results for better talents.
                                   We have made thousands of successful recruitments in the
                                   last 3 decades!
                                   We are experts in International and Local recruitments in the
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                                   international team is here to support you in your talent
                                   Pact & Partners has acquired proven experience in all Life
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               02109 BOSTON        com/contact-us/

                Olivier SAFIR
                           CEO      Date of creation: 1987
      Cel.: +33 (0)6 86 76 09 35    Number of employees: 53        Activity: Recrutements
                                    Therapeutic area: Tous
                                    Key-words: E x pansion commerciale International,
                                    Recrutements, Chasse de tete, Consulting, Experts,


USA – BOSTON / JUNE 4 – 7, 2018
ALSACE                   ALSACE BIOVALLEY is a French competitiveness cluster that
                                         has the mission to federate, develop and promote health
             BIOVALLEY                   players through innovation. The cluster actively participates
                                         in developmental projects of the health sector and supports
                                         its members in their R&D innovation approaches enabling
                                         them to access high national and international added-value
                                         expertise (regulatory, clinical studies ...). It also contributes to
                                         the networking of its members and develops the ecosystem
                                         visibility, in order to boost market access.
                                         The priorities of the cluster are:
                                         • Medicine: from development to production
                                         • M edical Technologies: medical robotic s, imaging,
              ALSACE BIOVALLEY              implantable devices
            550 boulevard Gonthier       • e -Health: from prevention of pathologies to individual
                        D'andernach         patient track.
                    67400 ILLKIRCH
            Ph.: +33 (0)3 90 40 57 40
            Fax: +33 (0)3 90 40 30 01

                Guillaume FACCHI
      Strategic Program Coordinator       Date of creation: 1998
             Ph.: +33 (0)3 90 40 30 02    Number of employees: 12
            Cel.: +33 (0)6 77 97 67 39    Activity: pôle de compétitivité     Key-words: cluster - biotechnology- therapeutic
                                          innovations- e health

 SATT AQUITAINE -                        SATT AQUITAINE is the French Technology Transfer Office of
                                         Bordeaux and Aquitaine area (France) academic laboratories,
AQUITAINE SCIENCE                        dedicated to the economic valuation of patents based
       TRANSFERT                         on public research technologies. We help finance and
                                         develop proofs of concepts and we license-out disruptive and
                                         incremental innovations or promote creation of technological
                                         We are highly specialized in healthcare and wellness projects.
                                         Our portfolio addresses a large therapeutic area (oncology,
                                         pulmonary diseases, dermatology ...) and encompasses a wide
                                         range of technologies from drugs, diagnosis kits, medical
                                         devices and software to Drug Delivery Systems and galenics.
         Member of: Reseau Satt
          351 cours de La Libération
                    33405 TALENCE
            Ph.: +33 (0)5 33 51 43 00

            Jean-Luc CHAGNAUD             Date of creation: JULY 2012
 Healthcare Business Development          Number of employees: 42
                           Manager        Activity: TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER
           Ph.: +33 (0)5 33 51 43 26      Therapeutic area: COPD - Scleroderma - Oncology -
          Cel.: +33 (0)6 26 53 43 97      Regenerative medecine          Key-words: Drug Delivery System - Galenics- Medical
                                          Devices & Software - Drugs -

ASSISTANCE                     AP-HP (Greater Paris University Hospitals) is a European
                                        world-renowned university hospital. Its 39 hospitals treat 8
         PUBLIQUE –                     million people every year: in consultation, emergency, during
   HÔPITAUX DE PARIS                    scheduled or home hospitalizations.
             (AP-HP)                    The AP-HP provides a public health service for everyone, 24
                                        hours a day. This mission is a duty as well as a great source of
                                        pride. AP-HP is the leading employer in the Greater Paris area:
                                        100.000 staff members – doctors, researchers, paramedical
                                        staff, administrative personnel and workers – work there.
                                        The Clinical Research and Innovation Department (DRCI) of
                                        AP-HP coordinates 2700 clinical trials, among which around
            Member of: Medicen          800 are sponsored by AP-HP with more than 26 000 patients
                                        enrolled. We also provide you with tech transfer opportunities,
     ASSISTANCE PUBLIQUE –              partnerships and research collaborations
                   3 avenue Victoria
                        75004 PARIS

               Benoit LABARTHE
 Head of the Office of Tech Transfer
           Cel.: +33 (0)6 32 54 26 45

                                         Number of employees: 95 000

     ATLANPOLE                          ATLANPOLE BIOTHERAPIES is a international cluster in
                                        west of France with more than 170 business members. ABT
   BIOTHERAPIES                         is active leader of a vibrant ecosystem, supporting start-ups
                                        and innovative SMEs in biotherapy.
                                        With focus on immunotherapy, radiopharmaceuticals,
                                        regenerative medicine and innovative technologies for
                                        biotherapies, ABT participates in design of Medicine of
                                        Tomorrow. ABT coordinates the work of laboratories,
                                        companies and platforms for a public-private complete,
                                        relevant and competitive solution, on the bio-medicine value
                                        chain from target discovery to clinical evaluation.
            Member of: Atlanple
                  Biotherapies          Our companies have developed products and technologies,
                                        which on one hand address American market and on the other
    ATLANPOLE BIOTHERAPIES              hand can offer interesting opportunities for collaboration.
          Château de La Chantrerie
                95 route de Gachet
                    44307 NANTES
           Ph.: +33 (0)2 40 25 13 99     Date of creation: 2005
           Fax: +33 (0)2 40 25 10 88     Number of employees: 10
                                         Activity: Biotherapy Cluster
             Florence HALLOUIN           Therapeutic area: Oncology, Transplantation, Immune
                    Deputy Director      diseases, Orphan diseases ...
            Ph.: +33 (0)2 40 25 23 91    Key-words: Immunotherapy, Regenerative Medicine,
           Cel.: +33 (0)6 82 88 42 83    Radiopharmaceuticals, Technology for Biotherapies,
          Biotechnology, Bioregion, Radiopharma, Transplantation,
                                         Cluster, Business development

SATT AXLR                    AXLR is a technology transfer acceleration company. Our
                                         specialty is helping innovative projects derived from academic
                                         research reach maturity and commercialization. We work
                                         with the main public-sector research laboratories in France's
                                         Mediterranean area in Occitanie, one of the most dynamic
                                         locations in Europe, with over 200 laboratories and some
                                         12,000 researchers.

         Member of: Réseau Satt
                        SATT AXLR
                  950 rue Saint Priest
               34090 MONTPELLIER
             Ph.: +33 (0)4 48 19 30 01

                     Marc CRITON
                 Business Developer
             Ph.: +33 (0)4 48 19 30 14
            Cel.: +33 (0)6 50 97 34 49
            Date of creation: 2012
                                          Number of employees: 35
                                          Activity: technology tranfer company
                                          Therapeutic area: all fields

            BIOPÔLE                      The BIOPÔLE CLERMONT-LIMAGNE was one of the first
                                         European technology parks fully dedicated to hosting and
         CLERMONT-                       supporting biotechnology businesses.
                                         In addition to 20 000 m2 of laboratory space devoted to
           LIMAGNE                       biotechnology activities, it offers bio entrepreneurs an
                                         extensive range of tools aimed at enhancing business creation
                                         and development: creation support, networks and funding.
                                         It is also an interactive platform for professionals of the
                                         life sciences sector, encouraging collaborative networking
                                         bet ween companies, research centers, professional
                                         associations, science parks and economic development
        Member of: Lyonbiopôle           Over 50 businesses and organizations are currently developing
BIOPÔLE CLERMONT-LIMAGNE                 their activities on the Biopôle.
               2 rue Michel Renaud       Biopôle is a member of the Arbios Network.
            63360 SAINT-BEAUZIRE
                                          Date of creation: 1995
            Ph.: +33 (0)4 73 64 43 43
                                          Number of employees: 1400
                                          Activity: Biopark
                  Nathalie NIGON          Therapeutic area: nutrition, anti-infectives, drug delivery,
EHS Manager/Companies Welcome             molecular diagnostics, peptides, proteins, analgesics, vaccines,
             Ph.: +33 (0)4 73 33 74 27    nervous system, digestive system, oncology, probiotics
 nathalie.nigon@biopole-clermont.         Key-words: anti-infec tives, drug deliver y, molecular
                                  com     diagnostics, peptides, proteins, analgesics, vaccines, nervous
                                          system, digestive system, oncology, probiotics, biocluster,
                                          biopark, hosting, economic development, biotechnology,
                                          networks, biopole

CANCER-BIO-                           The CANCER-BIO-SANTÉ CLUSTER is the only French cluster
                                         wholly dedicated to innovation in the field of cancer and
 SANTÉ CLUSTER                           healthy ageing, from biotechnology to medical devices. The
                                         Cancer-Bio-Santé Cluster is based on the Toulouse Oncopole
                                         campus, located in the heart of Toulouse.
                                         Our principal missions are to foster innovation in oncology
                                         and healthy ageing:
                                         • To promote interdisciplinarity through scientific meetings
                                            between clinicians, researchers and industries and to initiate
                                            collaborative R&D projects, that can benefit from public
   Member of: Cancer-bio-santé              grant support
                       Cluster           • To support company member growth
  CANCER-BIO-SANTÉ CLUSTER               • To ensure the follow-up of accredited projects
         5 avenue Irène Joliot-Curie     • To improve access to private funding
                 31100 TOULOUSE
                                         • To develop relevant international networks that can foster
                                            partnerships and collaborative projects for its members.
     Fabienne DE TONI-COSTES
     Biotechnologies and Oncology
                   Project Manager
            Ph.: +33 (0)5 34 25 50 42
           Cel.: +33 (0)6 45 70 36 38        Date of creation: 2005
                                          Number of employees: 7
                                          Activity: Health cluster
                                          Key-words: Oncology and healthy aging

           CCI                           CCI INTERNATIONAL GRAND EST is the international
                                         department of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of
 INTERNATIONAL                           the "Grand Est" region.

     GRAND EST                           A team of expert advisors supports companies at every stage
                                         of their international development.
                                         Our missions:
                                         • provide information (market prospects, regulation, export
                                            diagnosis), advice and technical training
                                         • d etect and monitor SMEs with strong growth potential,
                                            support them over the long term with a tailor-made offer
                                            to grow on targeted markets
                                         • organize collective or individual prospecting actions.
       10 place Gutenberg CS20003        As exportation gateway and strategic partner of the
                                         Regional Council, CCI International Grand Est develops
                                         synergies between companies and the partners of the
                                         internationalization support program, in close collaboration
             Ph.: +33 (0)3 88 76 42 12
                                         with the competitiveness and business clusters.
                    Valérie MOTTL
         International Trade Advisor
             Ph.: +33 (0)3 83 85 54 78    Number of employees: 38
            Cel.: +33 (0)6 42 24 60 83    Ac tivity: Supporting companies in their international
                                          Key-words: International development - Export Strategy
                                          - Individual support - Prospecting missions - Trade fairs -
        www.cci-international-            International regulation

SATT                      CONECTUS Alsace is a Tech Transfer Company managing all
                                       IP and tech transfer activities from academic labs in Alsace
         CONECTUS                      (over 9000 scientists).
                                       Conectus operates a 42M€ PoC fund to develop opportunities
                                       at a higher level of readiness. We manage IP portfolios from the
                                       initial detection and protection strategy up to licensing deals.
                                       We analyze over 120 invention disclosure/year (50% in health
                                       and life science field) and invest 5M€/year in POC programs.
                                       Conectus is your exclusive business partner for all academic
                                       innovation acquisition in Alsace, and can provide you with
                                       a privileged access to a unique and highly advanced know-
       Member of: Réseau Satt          hows, skills and facilities.
               SATT CONECTUS           Our team has proven skills in building effective B2B
           650 boulevard Gonthier      relationships with pharmas, biotechs, start-ups and investors
                      d'Andernach      and exhibits a strong deal-making track record.
                   67400 ILLKIRCH
           Ph.: +33 (0)3 68 41 12 60
           Fax: +33 (0)3 68 41 12 70

              Vincent BISCHOFF          Date of creation: 2012
             Business Developper        Number of employees: 34
          Cel.: +33 (0)6 09 79 06 13    Activity: Technology Transfer & collaborative research       Therapeutic area: All therapeutic fields
                                        Key-words: Technology transfer, proof-of-concept,

    EUROBIOMED                         EUROBIOMED is the catalyst of the health sector in Southern
                                       EUROBIOMED provides resources and offers solutions for
                                       businesses and research organisations. EUROBIOMED helps
                                       them innovate, finance, develop and achieve their strategic
                                       and business objectives to ultimately improve life through
                                       innovations in health.
                                       Founded in 2005 by regional stakeholders, EUROBIOMED
                                       tops European rankings in all stages of innovation: education,
                                       basic research, translational and clinical research, technological
                                       innovation centers, start-ups and Industrial success stories.
      Member of: Eurobiomed            Together, the + 270 EUROBIOMED members are a driving
                  EUROBIOMED           force in regional development and a source of solutions for
                 8 rue Sainte Barbe    millions of patients coping with serious conditions such as
                 13001 MARSEILLE       cancer, chronic inflammatory disease, infectious diseases ...
           Ph.: +33 (0)4 91 13 74 65

               Camille SUMNER           Date of creation: 29/11/05
   International Project Manager        Number of employees: 12
         Cel.: +33 (0)7 63 02 00 34     Activity: Health Cluster           Therapeutic area: Cancer, Immunology, Infectiology,
                                        Neurology, Diagnosis, Rare diseases, e health
                                        Key-words: health cluster; Fundraising, Accelerator,
                                        Innovation, R&D project, Networking, access to european

FRANCE                  Created in 1997, FRANCE BIOTECH is a French non-for-profit
                                          organization that brings together the country’s leading
                 BIOTECH                  innovative health companies and their expert partners. France
                                          Biotech's primary mission is to support the development of this
                                          industry in France, by improving the tax, legal, regulatory and
                                          managerial environment in which these companies operate and
                                          by advocating for their recognition as a leading-edge industry.
                                          France Biotech also aims to turn French innovative health
                                          technologies into world leaders. The organization, which
                                          championed the creation of the French Young Innovative
                                          Company (JEI) status in 2004, develops a wide range of
                                          actions intended to set the innovative health sector on an
                                          independent and high-performance course.
                 FRANCE BIOTECH
                    3-5 impasse Reille
                          75014 PARIS
              Ph.: +33 (0)1 56 58 10 70

                 Sophie VILLEDIEU
           Member Services Manager
              Ph.: +33 (0)1 88 32 00 46
             Cel.: +33 (0)6 64 27 32 25        Date of creation: 1998
                                           Number of employees: 4
                                           Activity: Association d'entrepreneurs Health Tech
                                           Key-words: Healthtech Entrepreneurs

             GENOPOLE                     GENOPOLE is France's leading biocluster and a key player
                                          in the field of biotherapies and biotechnology. Strategically
                                          positioned in the Paris Region, it benefits from world-class
                                          hospitals, pharma and biotech companies and top-ranked
                                          international business schools.
                                          Genopole’s highly diversified set of corporate members
                                          includes innovative drug discovery firms, diagnostics
                                          manufacturers and scientific & medical instrumentation
                                          suppliers, together with businesses in the environmental and
                                          agricultural sectors.
                                          Genopole’s goal is to promote research excellence in the life
            Member of: Genopole           sciences and to catalyze the creation of biotech companies, in
                                          order to keep France up with the leaders in a highly competitive
                        GENOPOLE          international scientific and industrial environment.
              5 rue Henri Desbruères
                          91000 EVRY
             Ph.: +33 (0)1 60 87 83 00
             Fax: +33 (0)1 60 87 83 01

             Jean-Marc GROGNET
                    Chief Executive
            Ph.: +33 (0)1 60 87 83 24          Date of creation: 1998
                                           Number of employees: 46
                                           Activity: biocluster
                                           Key-words: Development / accompaniment / incubation /

ID2SANTÉ                   ID2SANTÉ is the Atlanpole Biotherapies competitive cluster
                                     relay in Bretagne. In close contact with researchers and
                                     companies from the health sector, we help to develop
                                     innovative health projects.
                                     We are able to connect you with regional key players and
                                     experts in:
                                     • M edical technologies with diagnostic and therapeutic
                                        purposes (medical devices, computer assisted surgery,
                                        imaging), living labs in ambient assisted living
                                     • E-health, telemedicine, personal medical e-file, big data
       Member of: Atlanpole
              Biotherapies           • New therapeutic solutions with biotech/pharmaceuticals
                                        (molecules, biomarkers, genetics, preclinical and clinical
                     ID2SANTÉ           research, biological resource centers, marine compounds
  2 avenue du Pr Léon Bernard -         sourcing…)
         35043 RENNES CEDEX
                                     • Prevention and nutrition (development of ingredients,
                                        food for medical purposes, clinicaresearch in nutrition and
                                        metabolism, toxicology).
        Ph.: +33 (0)2 23 23 45 81
        Fax: +33 (0)2 23 23 45 86     Date of creation: 1985
                                      Number of employees: 9
           Jocelyne LE SEYEC          Activity: Technology innovation centre in Western France
               Project manager        Therapeutic area: Medical devices, imaging, health
        Ph.: +33 (0)2 23 23 45 85     technologies, e-health, biotechnology, drug development,
       Cel.: +33 (0)6 76 23 53 22     new therapies, nutrition        Key-words: Human health, Biotherapies, Biotech, Medtech,
                                      e-Health, Innovation, Technology transfer

SATT IDF INNOV                       Accelerating Technology Transfer companies (SATT - Société
                                     d'Accélération de Transfert Technologique) are private
                                     companies founded under the French "Investments for
                                     the Future" program, as an interface between academic
                                     laboratories and innovative businesses. IDF Innov stakeholders
                                     are mainly world-class research centers based in Paris Region.
                                     IDF Innov focuses particularly on transforming inventins into
                                     innovations that can be used to develop products and services
                                     that meet your industrial and commercial needs.
                                     We work alongside academic researchers to build, finance and
                                     support the development of their inventions (proof of concept),
     Member of: Réseau Satt          working closely, even in partnership, with manufacturers and
             SATT IDF INNOV
                   37 rue de Lyon
                      75012 PARIS
         Ph.: +33 (0)1 40 23 21 50

          Noémie PELLEGRIN
 Head of Business Development
        Ph.: +33 (0)1 80 06 80 05     Date of creation: 2012
       Cel.: +33 (0)7 61 86 77 56     Number of employees: 52
            Activity: Transfert de technologies
                                      Therapeutic area: oncology, auto-immune disease,
                                      neurology, infectious disease

INSTITUT                                     IMAGINE INSTITUTE is a University Hospital Institute wholly
                                                                            dedicated to translational research in genetic and rare
                                IMAGINE                                     diseases, at the crossroads between academic research,
                                                                            hospital care, patients groups & foundations, and industry.
                                                                            Our activities rely on a strong expertise in genetic diseases,
                                                                            as well as preclinical, clinical and technological resources
                                                                            inherited from a long tradition of research and care at Necker
                                                                            Children’s Hospital.
                                                                            THERAPEUTIC AREAS: immunology, hematology, infectiology,
                                                                            nephrology, neurosciences, cardiology, developmental
                                                                            diseases, etc.
                                                                            ACTIVITIES: PoC studies, drug development or repurposing
                               INSTITUT IMAGINE                             projects, innovative therapeutic and diagnostic approaches,
         24 boulevard du Montparnasse                                       etc. through basic research collaborations, out-licensing,
                            75015 PARIS                                     spin-off creation...
                                  France                                    PARTNERS: Pharmaceutical companies, biotech, and VC firms.
                Ph.: +33 (0)1 42 75 42 00
                Fax: +33 (0)1 42 75 42 23

                            Romain MARLANGE
    Head of Innovation & Technology                                          Date of creation: 2011
                Transfer Department                                          Number of employees: >500
              Ph.: +33 (0)1 42 75 43 63                                      Activity: Translational research
             Cel.: +33 (0)6 25 04 20 71                                      Therapeutic area: Rare diseases                                          Key-words: Rare diseases, genetic diseases, pediatric,
                                                                             translational research

  INVEST IN LYON                                                            INVEST IN LYON - ADERLY (economic development agency
                                                                            of Lyon) offers free of charge services to encourage inward
        - ADERLY                                                            investment in Lyon, FRANCE. Our role is to advice and guide
                                                                            on every aspect the companies that wish to develop their
                                                                            business in our region.
                                                                            The economic ecosystem in Lyon is extremely rich in health
                                                                            and life sciences oriented companies. Join this dynamic
                                                                            network by investing in your proximity with your strategic
                                                                            clients and partners.
     ADERLY: Lyon Area Economic Development Agency -

                               Place de La Bourse
                                      69002 LYON
                          Ph.: +33 (0)4 72 40 58 31

                                Nathalie LAURENT
   Senior Inward Investment Manager
               Ph.: +33 (0)4 72 40 59 25
              Cel.: +33 (0)6 17 81 74 28                                     Date of creation: 1974
                                          Number of employees: 43
                                                                             Activity: Economic development agency of Lyon
                                                                             Key-words: Foreign direct investment; Biotech; CMO; CRO;
                                                                             Diagnostic; Medical Devices; Pharma

SATT LUTECH                       SATT LUTECH is a private technology transfer company with
                                     exclusive right to source, protect, develop and commercialize
                                     scientific findings and technologies stemming from the
                                     research laboratories of its partners and shareholders.
                                     Lutech aims at facilitating the transfer of early stage innovations
                                     with real potential to improve life quality, transform industries
                                     and create tremendous social & economic value by investing
                                     in the development of convincing proof of concept and
                                     Lutech is partnering with operating companies and investors
                                     at any development stage through co-development programs,
      Member of: Reseau Satt         licensing or startup creation.
                  SATT LUTECH
              4 rue de Ventadour
                     75001 PARIS

               Michael BAKRIA
             Business Developer
        Cel.: +33 (0)7 81 44 26 37       Date of creation: 2012
                                      Number of employees: 42
                                      Activity: Technology Transfer
                                      Therapeutic area: All
                                      Key-words: Technology Transfer, Biotech, Diagnostic,
                                      Therapeutics, Regenerative Medicine

  LYONBIOPOLE                        LYONBIOPOLE, the gateway to life sciences’ innovation in
                                     the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, unites the industry and
                                     enhances strategic collaboration by providing full support for
                                     economic development, innovation and internationalization.
                                     The cluster missions are:
                                     1) to promote the emergence of innovative R&D collaborative
                                     2) to support SMEs to set up strategic partnerships and to
                                     access private investors, expertise and training
Auvergne - R hône - Al pes
                                     3) to foster SMEs' Internationalization
      Member of: Lyonbiopole         4) to give access to GLP / GMP dedicated facilities.
                 LYONBIOPOLE         In 2017, Lyonbiopole represented a community of 208
          321 avenue Jean Jaures     members: 6 founding members (Sanofi Pasteur, bioMérieux,
                    69007 LYON
                                     Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health, Becton Dickinson, CEA
                                     and Fondation Merieux), 188 innovative companies and 14
                                     Research & clinical Centers.
                 Kevin ROMANI
     Director SME Development
         Ph.: +33 (0)4 72 76 53 30
                                      Date of creation: 2005
                                      Number of employees: 20
                                      Activity: Healthcare Cluster
                                      Therapeutic area: Oncology, Infec tious Diseases,
                                      Immunology, Neurology, Regenerative Medicine

MONTPELLIER                   Montpellier is a territory for research and innovation, with
MÉDITERRANÉE MÉTROPOLE                   strong entrepreneurial vitality and a long tradition in health,
   / MONTPELLIER, FRANCE                 now set on medicine of the future.
            HEALTH HUB                   The "Montpellier Capital Santé, France Health Hub" project
                                         is leveraging the effervescent, creative spirit of a dynamic
                                         ecosystem to take on many key challenges for tomorrow’s
                                         health care.
                                         A fertilizing environment: presence of leading French research
                                         centers, the successful University of Montpellier, a widely
                                         recognized university hospital (CHU), the Eurobiomed
                                         competitiveness cluster, a network of more than 200 companies
        Member of: Eurobiomed            and promising startups expanding into international markets,
                                         a site dedicated to companies (Biopôle Euromédecine), the
 MONTPELLIER MÉDITERRANÉE                BIC startup incubator (ranked 2nd in UBI Global 2018), and
                                         the French Tech HealthTech thematic network.
            50 place Zeus CS39556
            Ph.: +33 (0)4 67 13 69 32

                  Trias ASTERIOU
            Health Project Manager
             Ph.: +33 (0)4 67 13 61 20        Key-words: Montpellier, Innovation, Health, Life Sciences,
                                          Healthtech, biotech, medtech, diagnostics, e-health,
                                          Biopark, french tech

 NUTRITION HEALTH                        THE NUTRITION HEALTH LONGEVITY (NHL) cluster is a
                                         dynamic network focusing on the main issues at the crossroads
        LONGEVITY                        of health, biotechnology and nutrition. The NHL Cluster aims
          CLUSTER                        to federate academia and industry partners around R&D
                                         projects, which lead to innovative products in the fields of
                                         nutrition and health.
                                         The NHL Cluster’s activity is centred around the prevention
                                         and treatment of life-style related diseases, such as metabolic
                                         and cardiovascular pathologies, neurodegenerative and
                                         inflammatory bowel diseases. Its objective is to gather and
                                         support players from the health and food sectors in the design,
                                         the development and financing of their future products and
            NUTRITION HEALTH   
              Parc Eurasanté Ouest       @PoleNSL
         310 avenue Eugène Avinée
                                          Date of creation: 2005
            Ph.: +33 (0)3 28 55 50 14     Number of employees: 10
                                          Activity: Cluster
             Etienne VERVAECKE            Therapeutic area: life-style related diseases, metabolic,
                   General Manager        cardiovascular, neurodegenerative and inflammatory bowel
            Ph.: +33 (0)3 28 55 90 65     diseases
            Cel.: +33 (0)6 770 772 37     Key-words: cluster, innovation, network, health, biotechnology,
         nutrition, longevity, academia-industry partners, R&D
                                          projects, financing

SATT OUEST                          OUEST VALORISATION, a french Office of Technology Transfer
                                        (OTT), propose to companies attractive innovation means
  VALORISATION                          from the public research.
                                        Ouest Valorisation’s team simplifies the access of the
                                        companies to research laboratories in order to develop good
                                        collaborative projects or to get access to high professional
                                        skills and high level scientifical equipment.
                                        Founded in July 2012, the company is responsible for the
                                        maturation, licensing and the transfer of technologies of six
                                        french major campuses to the commercial sector.
                                        Ouest Valorisation SAS protects and manages the intellectual
        Member of: Réseau Satt          property developed by more than 7000 full time equivalent
   SATT OUEST VALORISATION              faculty members, researchers, and technologists from
          14 C rue du Pâtis Tatelin -   universities, engineering schools hospitals and national
            Métropolis 2 - CS80804      research institutions loccaly present in academic reserch labs.
                    35708 RENNES
           Ph.: +33 (0)2 99 87 56 01

                    Hervé LE DEIT
                Business Developer       Date of creation: 7/20/2012
            Ph.: +33 (0)2 98 01 62 71    Number of employees: 90
           Cel.: +33 (0)6 18 70 35 04    Activity: technology transfert office      Therapeutic area: oncology, antibiotic, Ischemic Acute Stroke
                                         Key-words: oncology, melanoma, antibiotic, biomarker,
                                         stroke, probiotic, cosmetic

    SATT SUD-EST                        SATT SUD-EST, the “Technology Transfer accelerator” is a
                                        key player in regional economic development associated with
                                        innovation. Its core business, technology transfer, consists of
                                        protecting, maturing and licensing the Results of research
                                        from public laboratories in the PACA and Corsica Regions.
                                        Its goal is to help companies acquire reliable technologies
                                        that are better suited to the industrial challenges they face.
                                        SATT Sud-Est is a simplified joint-stock company with a
                                        capital of €1 million. Its shareholders include the Universities
                                        of Aix-Marseille, Nice, Toulon, Avignon, Corsica, Centrale
                                        Marseille, CNRS, Inserm and CDC. Project financed with the
                                        support of the European Union with the European Regional
      Member of : Réseau SATT           Development Fund.
                   SATT SUD-EST
       8 rue Sainte Barbe - CS10422
       13205 MARSEILLE CEDEX 01
            Ph.: +33 (0)4 91 91 91 20

                     Rémi PICARD         Date of creation: January, 2012
    Marketing Officer, Health & Life     Number of employees: 42
                            Sciences     Activity: Tech Transfer
           Cel.: +33 (0)7 81 67 45 73    Therapeutic area: Oncology, Immuno-Oncology, Inflammatory
         diseases, Cardiovascular & metabolic diseases, Neurosciences,
                                         Infectious diseases, Rare diseases
                                         Key-words: Therapeutics, In Vitro Diagnostics, Medical
                                         Devices, Technology Transfer, Licensing


USA – BOSTON / JUNE 4 – 7, 2018
4CLINICS                 4CLINICS provides services in clinical operations, data
                                         management, biostatistics, medical writing, and regulatory
                                         affairs with a focus on vaccines, immunotherapeutics, cell &
                                         gene therapies and medical devices.
                                         • Full services for Phase I-III, observational, PoC, feasibility,
                                            safety, CE mark and PMCF studies from synopsis to report
                                            including regulatory and operational support
                                         • Stand-alone services in clinical operations, data management,
                                            biostatistics, medical writing or regulatory affairs
                                         • Customized services and consultancy from preclinical to
                                            first-in-man including medical, regulatory, statistical and
             Member of: Medicen             feasibility expertise.
                          4CLINICS       4Clinics has offices in Paris, Brussels, Boston and Kenitra and
                   18-26 rue Goubet      worldwide coverage.
                75017 PARIS - France
            Cel.: +33 (0)6 22 84 11 54

                     Mehdi CHELBI
     Director Business Development
            Ph.: +33 (0) 6 22 84 11 54    Number of employees: 65
            Activity: Clinical Obesrvational and Epidemiological Studies
                                          Therapeutic area: Infectious Diseases (Vaccines) Oncology
 Local representative: 4CLINICS           Immunology related diseases Rare Diseases Medical Devices
        Cic One Broadway 14th Floor       Key-words: Clinical Operations Clinical Studies Biostatistics
         MA 02142 Cambridge -USA          Medical Writing Vaccines Cell and Gene Therapies
                                          Immunotherapeutics Medical Devices

                ACTICOR                  ACTICOR BIOTECH (, is a
                                         French clinical stage bio-pharma company founded late 2013,
                BIOTECH                  which develops an innovative treatment for acute ischemic
                                         strokes (AIS), representing currently more than 80% of the
                                         global stroke market.
                                         Despite the clear unmet medical need, no new drug has been
                                         approved in the last decade, mainly due to the bleeding risk
                                         every new thrombolytic or antiplatelet agent carries.
                                         Acticor has developed a new approach targeting the
                                         glycoprotein VI, thereby creating a paradigm shift of a new
                                         class of antithrombotic drugs without any bleeding risk.
             Member of: Medicen          ACT-017, Acticor’s lead compound, is a human fragment of
                                         Monoclonal Antibody proven to be efficient and very safe in
               ACTICOR BIOTECH           various preclinical models (including primates). It is entering
       Hopital Bichat - Inserm U1148     Phase 2a in patients in Q3-2018.
               46 rue Henri Huchard
                         75018 PARIS
           Cel.: +33 (0)6 76 23 38 13

                  Gilles AVENARD
                                          Date of creation: 2013
            Cel.: +33 (0)6 09 16 68 50
                                          Number of employees: 8
                                          Activity: Biotechnology - Drug Development
                                          Therapeutic area: Cardiovascular - Stroke - Acute Thrombosis
                                          Key-words: Stroke - MoAb - Platelet glycoprotein 6

AFFILOGIC                    AFFILOGIC is a private biotech company discovering and
                                     developing Nanofitins as biotherapeutics.
                                     Nanofitins are currently developed (i) as API, for inhibition of
                                     inflammatory pathways or recruitment of immune cells (ii) for
                                     targeting of Specific receptors in combination with a third-
                                     party molecule such as antibodies, for imaging or ADC-like
                                     strategy and (iii) for cellular uptake, to trigger PPI in cancer cells.
                                     Nanofitins are easily combined with each other by simple, rapid
                                     and proven methods to design an ideal targeted molecule.
                                     We have a partnership-based business model as we
       Member of: Atlanpole          generate Nanofitins for our partners on a target by target
              Biothérapies           basis. Nanofitin-based biotherapeutics are currently being
                                     developed in collaboration with Takeda Pharmaceutical, Sanofi
                    AFFILOGIC        and other undisclosed pharmaceutical companies.
     21 rue La Noue Bras de Fer
                 44200 NANTES
         Ph.: +33 (0)2 40 35 49 18

                 Nadège PREL
 Director, Marketing & Business
                   Development        Date of creation: February 2010
        Ph.: +33 (0)2 40 35 49 18     Number of employees: 16         Activity: Biotechnologies, R&D
                                      Therapeutic area: Nanofitin-based biotherapeutics
                                      Key-words: Non-injec table targeted therapies -
                                      Multispecific biotherapeutics

                ALAXIA               AL A XIA and its par tner Stragen develop innovative
                                     therapeutics ALX-009 and STR-324.
                                     ALX-009 is a first-in-class antimicrobial wide spectrum product
                                     targeting to kills bacteria including antibiotic resistant strains
                                     and to compensate deficient innate lung defense system
                                     in Cystic Fibrosis. Other than the killing properties, the
                                     potential of ALX-009 resides in its particular mode of action
                                     not generating resistance. Clinical trial with CF patients is
                                     currently ongoing.
                                     STR-324 is a first-in-class non-opioid painkiller with a safe,
                                     non-addictive and innovative mode of action DENKI based for
    Member of: Lyonbiopole           various pain indications including neuropathic pain. Clinical
                                     trial is currently ongoing.
         60 avenue Rockefeller
              Batiment Adenine
                    69008 LYON
        Ph.: +33 (0)4 37 53 26 37
                                      Date of creation: 2008
          Philippe BORDEAU            Number of employees: 8
       VP Innovation & Business       Activity: Therapeutics
                    Development       Therapeutic area: Antimicrobials
        Cel.: +33 (0)6 08 52 26 31    Key-words: New antimicrobials, antibiotics, orphan drug,         Cystic Fibrosis, first in class, Lung infection, Unmet Medical
                                      Needs, resistance, rare disease, biofilm, respiratory, pain,
                                      pain killer, non opioid, DENKI, neuropathic pain, new MoA

ALIRA HEALTH                        ALIRA HEALTH is an international integrated advisory firm
                                      providing discovery services, regulatory and clinical strategy,
                            SAS       clinical development (CRO), market access and management
                                      consulting as well as strategy execution support (HTA, M&A,
                                      BD&L and fundraise).
                                      Our strategists, bankers, doctors and scientists collaborate
                                      to fully understand every aspect of healthcare.
                                      We provide our clients with a continuum of support to achieve
                                      success at any and every point in their business lifecycle.
                                      Our expertise extends beyond the walls of convention and
Member of: Alira Health Group         throughout every life science and healthcare sector. With Alira
                 Holdings LLC         Health, you get a partner with broad market knowledge and
            ALIRA HEALTH SAS          expertise in strategy, execution and innovation that you need
               31 rue de Monceau      to accelerate your interests.
                      75008 PARIS
          Ph.: +33 (0)1 44 54 96 23
          Fax: +33 (0)9 72 58 03 30

                 William HARIRI
  Director, Business Development
          and Strategy Consulting      Date of creation: 1999
         Ph.: +44 (0)7 46 03 30 981    Number of employees: 100+      Activity: Advisory in healthcare
                                       Key-words: regulatory, clinical development, market access,
                                       assessment, strategy, CRO, discovery, fundraise, M&A

 ALIZÉ PHARMA                         ALIZÉ PHARMA 3 is focused on developing innovative
                                      therapeutics for rare diseases.
            3                         Our first asset is AZP-3404, a short stabilized peptide derived
                                      from IGFBP-2, a physiological protein that has been shown
                                      to regulate bone, fat and glucose metabolism. On bone, it
                                      is a key regulator of osteoblasts differentiation. AZP-3404
                                      is at the preclinical stage for the treatment of osteogenesis
                                      imperfecta, a rare bone disease, and has the potential to also
                                      address unmet clinical needs in additional metabolic and
                                      musculoskeletal indications.
                                      Our strategy is to acquire additional programs to build a
      Member of: Lyonbiopole          leading biopharma in rare diseases with both European and
                                      US presence to support global developments.
              ALIZÉ PHARMA 3
            15 chemin du Saquin
                    69130 ECULLY
          Ph.: +33 (0)4 72 18 94 28
          Fax: +33(0)4 72 18 09 29

               Thierry ABRIBAT
                 President & CEO       Date of creation: 2014
          Ph.: +33 (0)4 72 18 94 28    Number of employees: 4         Activity: Development of biopharmaceuticals in rare diseases
                                       Therapeutic area: Rare metabolic and musculoskeletal diseases
                                       Key-words: bone, osteogenesis imperfecta, endocrine,
                                       musculoskeletal, rare disease, orphan

AMYLGEN                   AMYLGEN is a privately owned contract research organization
                                         (CRO) offering a unique combination of validated in vivo
                                         models and a full range of biochemical and morphological
                                         testing allowing fast and predictive screening of the effects
                                         of drugs and nutraceuticals on brain health.
                                         We propose a panel of in vivo rodent models for a variety
                                         of CNS disorders like depression, schizophrenia, anxiety
                                         and more particularly neurodegenerative diseases like
                                         Alzheimer. We also propose models allowing to test drugs or
                                         nutraceuticals on aging brain (senescence accelerated mice
                                         (SAM), D-Gal accelerated aging, normal aged mice).
     Member of: Eurobiomed, Nsl
        2196 boulevard de La Lironde

                  Vanessa VILLARD
             Ph.: +61 (0)4 97 45 66 55        Date of creation: 2009
                                          Number of employees: 7
                                          Activity: Pre-clinical CRO
                                          Therapeutic area: Neurosciences
                                          Key-words: Alzheimer, memory, behavior, biology, drug,
                                          nutraceutic, efficacy, non-clinical

      ANAGENESIS                         ANAGENESIS BIOTECHNOLOGIES is a preclinical-stage stem
                                         cell-based company focused on novel treatments for genetic
 BIOTECHNOLOGIES                         and age-related muscles diseases with unmet medical needs.
                                         Its unique propietary technology, allows to produce muscle
                                         cells from stem cells through production of paraxial mesoderm
                                         multipotent cells which are shared precursors of skeletal
                                         muscle, ribs, vertebrae, dermis, endothelium & brown fat.
                                         Pre-clinical POC has been obtained for muscular diseases
                                         both with cell therapy & small molecules.
                                         The cell therapy approach is now the focus of the newly formed
                                         US-based subsidiary, Anagenesis Biotherapies. Anagenesis
     Member of: Alsace Biovalley         is seeking corporate partnerships and investors.
650 boulevard Gonthier D'andernach,
                   Parc D'innovation
             Ph.: +33 (0)3 88 43 10 08
             Fax: +33 (0)3 88 43 10 08
                                          Date of creation: avr.-11
            Jean-Yves BONNEFOY            Number of employees: 10
                   President & CEO        Activity: Recherhe et développement en Biotechnologies
            Ph.: +33 (0)3 88 43 10 08     Therapeutic area: Muscular Diseases
            Ph.: +33 (0)6 20 88 50 92     Key-words: Renenerative Medicine - Stem Cells - Ophan         diseases - DMD - Muscular diseases - Sarcopenia - Cachexia

ANS BIOTECH                         ANS BIOTECH, a preclinical CRO dedicated to the in vivo
                                            pharmacology of pain, offers a unique combination of
                                            exceptional expertise in the fundamentals of pain pharmacology
                                            and a proven record of R&D program management for the
                                            new and innovative analgesics of its clients.
                                            Our mission is to support the drug discovery and development
                                            efforts of companies involved in human and animal health,
                                            food and nutrition, by offering a broad range of consulting
                                            services and a growing list of clinically relevant disease and
                                            efficacy models.
     Member of: Biopôle Clermont            As a close Pharma and Biotech partner, we commit to providing
          Limagne - Lyonbiopole             cost-effective preclinical pharmacology services performed
                                            to the highest ethical and quality standards. Our customized
                       ANS BIOTECH          scientific studies can help to establish proof of concept &
  20 - 22 rue Henri Et Gilberte Goudier     mechanism of action for drug candidates.
                            63200 RIOM
                Ph.: +33 (0)9 70 75 85 00

                François CAUSSADE
                                   CEO       Date of creation: 2006
               Ph.: +33 (0)9 70 75 85 03     Number of employees: 13
              Cel.: +33 (0)6 80 17 03 50     Activity: contract research organization          Therapeutic area: pain
                                             Key-words: pain, hyperalgesia, allodynia, neuropathy,
                                             irritable bowel syndrome, analgesia, analgesics, in vivo

             APTYS                          APTYS develops innovative products based of its expertise
                                            in formulation.
   PHARMACEUTICALS                          We deliver a ready to use package (formula and manufacturing
                                            process, validated analytical methods and stability data).
                                            Our offer: custom-made formulations; analytical development
                                            and validation; quality control and ICH stability; in vivo/in
                                            vitro assessments.
                                            Our skills: topical and transdermal delivery, peptide delivery,
                                            transmucosal delivery.
                                            Track record: new transdermal gel of testosterone (phase
                                            III); generic of inhaled product (market); injectable depot of
           Member of: Lyonbiopole           a peptide (pre clinic); generic of injectable buccal anesthetic
       APTYS PHARMACEUTICALS                (industrialization); buccal solution for trans-mucosal delivery
            Biopole Clermont-limagne        (phase I); oral combo dosage form (Phase III).
               63360 SAINT-BEAUZIRE         Quality: APTYS is ISO9001-2015 certified and holds GMP
                                 France     license from the French Agency.
               Ph.: +33 (0)4 73 67 06 70
               Fax: +33 (0)4 73 67 06 87

              François BOUTIGNON
                   President and CEO         Date of creation: 11/07/02
              Ph.: +33 (0)4 73 67 06 70      Number of employees: 12
              Ph.: +33 (0) 6 14 15 55 52     Activity: R&D services          Key-words: formulation, transdermal, topical, injectable
                                             depot, peptide, QC, analytical development, valisations,
                                             stability, ICH, GMP

ARIANA                          ARIANA is a leading Digital Health Company that helps
                                            pharmaceutical and biotechnology partners adapt patient
   PHARMACEUTICALS                          treatments to individual biological characteristics. Ariana has
                                            a 15 year proven track record in Oncology, Alzheimer’s and
                                            other therapeutic areas, using its KEM® Artificial Intelligence
                                            technology to enable optimal patient stratification.
                                            KEM® is the only FDA-tested technology that systematically
                                            explores combinations of clinical data, Pharmaco Kinetic
                                            and a broad range of omic biomarkers. Founded in 2003 as
                                            a spin-off of the Institut Pasteur, Paris, France, the company
                                            operates in the United States since 2012 and has announced
                                            multiple collaborations with pharma and biotech companies.
               Member of: Medicen           Further information is available at
   43-47 avenue de La Grande Armée
               750116 PARIS -France

               Mohammad AFSHAR
                      Founder & CEO
              Ph.: +33 (0)1 44 37 17 00           Date of creation: 2003
                                             Number of employees: 10
           Local representative:             Activity: Bioinformatics
ARIANA DATA INTELLIGENCE, Inc.               Therapeutic area: Oncology – Alzheimer's - Other CNS –
             One Broadway - 14th Floor       Metabolic diseases – Immunology
              CAMBRIDGE, MA 02142            Key-words: Artificial Intelligence - Precision Medicine -
                                             Datamining – KEM - Big Data

        ATLANTHERA                          ATLANTHERA is a drug discovery company focused on bone
                                            diseases and has developed a unique bone-targeted drug
                                            delivery technology.
                                            Atlanthera has made its proof of concept of bone targeting
                                            with its lead candidate in oncology, the new 12b80 molecule,
                                            which is now ready for clinical development.
                                            In parallel, our company is extending its therapeutic strategy
                                            to the osteoarticular targeting of anti-rheumatoid drugs
                                            (anti-inflammatory, antalgic and anti-chondrodegradation
                                            strategies) as well as anti-microbial drugs.
              Member of: Atlanpole          Our objectives during BIO convention 2018: Licensing out
                     Biotherapies           and co-development collaborations.
                         3 rue Aronnax
              44800 SAINT-HERBLAIN
               Ph.: +33 (0)2 51 78 98 76

                Elisabeth PORCHER
       Business Development Manager
                Ph.: +33 (0)2 51 78 98 76    Date of creation: 2011
              Cel.: +33 (0)6 35 30 32 72     Number of employees: 11          Activity: Drug discovery company
                                             Therapeutic area: BONE DISEASES
                                             Key-words: OSTEOSARCOMA, OSTEOARTHRITIS, PAIN,
                                             INFLAMMATION, INFECTIOUS DISEASES

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