North Charleston leap-frogs across river to grab West Ashley land, City vows to continue the fight - NORTH - West Of

Page created by Roland Moreno
North Charleston leap-frogs across river to grab West Ashley land, City vows to continue the fight - NORTH - West Of
MAY 2019
                                         issue 5 : vol. 15

                               WELCOME TO
                               (in West Ashley)

       North Charleston
    leap-frogs across river
   to grab West Ashley land,
City vows to continue the fight
           story on page 10
North Charleston leap-frogs across river to grab West Ashley land, City vows to continue the fight - NORTH - West Of
         W         E


                                                                                                                                           Terri Harper at
                                                                                                                                        Benford Brewing Co.
                                                                                                                                          in Lancaster, S.C.

                                                                      an d ge t a F R E E TA C O from:
                  ou t- of -t ow n ph ot os w ith We st Of Free Press
     Se   nd your
                ail ph oto s to pu bli sh er@ we sto or mail to West Of Free Pre
      Please em
                                                        Charleston, SC 29407
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North Charleston leap-frogs across river to grab West Ashley land, City vows to continue the fight - NORTH - West Of
3   MAY 2019
North Charleston leap-frogs across river to grab West Ashley land, City vows to continue the fight - NORTH - West Of
6     NEWS                                             28 DINING
      • The ‘Right’ Way
                                                                • Home Cooking
      • Mug Shots
                                                                • Farmer’s Market Returns To West Ashley
      • Welcome to North Charleston (in West Ashley)
                                                                • Beer Snob
      • Local Soccer Club Honored
      • Taking Care of the Skin You’re in
                                                       34 COMMUNITY
18 SCHOOLS                                                      • West Ashley Flashback
                                                                • In-Shore Fishing Report
      • Be Their Guest
                                                                • Fun & Games
      • Dash Through the Den
                                                                • Worship Directory
                                                                • Community Billboard
20 A&E
      • Where Art Thou, Piccolo Spoleto?
      • Still ‘Rocking’ Out
      • Art Matters — Kate Kennedy
      • Night Life

                                                            WISER TIME PUBLISHING, INC.
                                                           811 Savannah Hwy. Suite #2 • Charleston, SC 29407                                    Proud Members Of:
                                                                           (8 4 3) 76 6-9 378

                                                   Lorne Chambers,          News Editor
                                                                                                 Bill Davis,
                                                                 Sales Manager
                                                   Lindsey Chambers,          Contributors
                                                                                                 Jeffrey Gredlein, Donna Jacobs, Susan
                                                                      Art Director               Irish
                                                  Brian Smith,

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North Charleston leap-frogs across river to grab West Ashley land, City vows to continue the fight - NORTH - West Of
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                                           5                      MAY 2019
North Charleston leap-frogs across river to grab West Ashley land, City vows to continue the fight - NORTH - West Of
                        “That’s a function that the Greenway and the Bikeway serve. It’s a huge opportunity
                        for West Ashley to be more connected in a pedestrian way and a bicyclist way.”
                                                              — Harry Lesesne, executive director of Charleston Parks Conservancy

        hile its dreams might not happen      the plan. It’s just there to help, should City                     bikeway-renovation.)                                 Donations were taken at the door
        overnight, the Charleston Parks       Council approve of its suggestions.                                     One that excites Lesesne was the           for entrance to the event and set aside
        Conservancy recently revealed              The city already spent millions                               consultants’ suggestion of installing a long,   to help fund WAU’s latest pet project:
its master plan for arts along the West       improving the bikeway, by including                                steel table, painted and treated to look like   improving the gateway intersection where
Ashley Greenway and Bikeway.                  landscaping elements into its drainage                             a picnic table, to be installed in a small      Wappoo Road and the bikeway intersect,
     Regardless, West Ashley United, a        project that runs under the bikeway from                           circular park near where the Charleston         dovetailing with the conservancy’s
local non-profit advocating for the area,     Magnolia Road before it vents into the                             Tennis Center abuts the greenway.               master plan design parameters.
is jumping right in there.                    Ashley River.                                                           There, large and smaller groups                 WAU founder Teresa Tidestrom
     Last year, the conservancy                    The lush greenery and occasional                              could co-mingle, dine together, share           estimates that the fund-raiser will raise
delivered its master revitalization plan      pond show how much can be done

                                                                                                                           The ‘Right’ Way
for both vertical parks to the West           with a bulldozer, as the first phase of
Ashley Revitalization Commission for          the project was completed without a
inclusion in the city’s efforts to spruce     landscape architect
up and improve this part of town.                  Lesesne’s most recent plan, completed
     Last month, the conservancy unveiled     with the help of a national design firm,
its arts master plan, which executive         includes what he terms as “interventions”
director Harry Lesesne says is not meant      on three scales. Perhaps the flashiest of the
to lock-in any single plan, but act as a      interventions is for gateway installations at                          Parks conservancy unveils West Ashley
“guidepost” for improvements along the        points where the greenway and bikeway
bikeway and greenway, which will help         intersect with roads.                                                         Green/Bikeway’s ‘future’
with the area’s overall connectivity.              There, the plan foresees public art                                                         by Bill Davis | News Editor
     “The need for more connectivity.         as “social sculpture,” like installing an
That is really one of the primary             enormous cast concrete couch at an
recommendations from Plan West                intersection that invites pedestrians,                             ideas, get to know each other better.           a few thousand of the $20-$ 40,000
Ashley for making West Ashley more            cyclists, and those pushing baby buggies                                Which is exactly what happened on          needed to redo the spot (see diagram
connected,” Lesesne told members of           to sit a spell, and perhaps meet someone                           Saturday, April 27 when West Ashley             below).
the West Ashley-James Island Business         else from the community.                                           United (WAU) joined with the city to host            Tidestrom says it was important
Association (WAJIBA) last month. “And              Other elements include public                                 a Longest Table event in the parking lot        for her organization, seen by too many
that’s a function that the Greenway and       gathering spaces further off the                                   of Citadel Mall.                                in her eyes as just a “Facebook” group
the Bikeway serve. It’s a huge opportunity    beaten paths, where an outdoor stage                                    With the city carrying much of the         page, to provide something “tangible”
for West Ashley to be more connected in       could host a small play. (To view both                             hard costs, and local businesses and            to the public. To see, she says, what
a pedestrian way and a bicyclist way.”        master planning efforts, go to: www.                               schools chipping in food, WAU invited the       her organization has become and for
     Lesesne insists that no dollar amount,                                    public to come and discuss their solutions      the public to gain a vision of what West
or funding source, has been identified in     renovation/west-ashley-greenway-                                   to problems vexing this part of town.           Ashley could become.
                                                                                           Photo by Joan Perry

Attendees of The Longest Table — West Ashley discuss ideas for the future of the area                                        Plans for the West Ashley Bikeway entrance near Wappoo Road
North Charleston leap-frogs across river to grab West Ashley land, City vows to continue the fight - NORTH - West Of

    An artist rendering of a possible
       crossing for the West Ashley
    Bikeway along Ashley River Road

7                                       MAY 2019
North Charleston leap-frogs across river to grab West Ashley land, City vows to continue the fight - NORTH - West Of
firm working on an apartment complex            April 25                                   name she knew. She thought the photo
                                              on Azure Lane, noticed 14 air-                  ALL OTHER LARCENY                          shoot would take place in a studio, but
                                              conditioning units had been stolen from                                                    due to it being occupied at the time, the
                                                                                                Police arrested a man who claimed
                                              the site a week before, but forgot to                                                      man suggested they move it to a motel.
                                                                                              to be a member of a famous metal
                                              call police. The units had been installed
                                                                                              band, Slipknot, at a Skylark Drive
                                              several months prior. Whoever took                                                         April 25
                                                                                              restaurant after he was unable to pay
                                              the items did a peculiarly clean job of
                                                                                              a $ 33 tab. The man had ordered four       INTIMIDATION
                                              it, judging from how the units were
                                                                                              alcoholic drinks and two hamburgers           A local resource officer at a West
                                              removed. The units were valued at
                                                                                              and said he had to call his record         Ashley public school discovered one
                                              $5,600 total.
                                                                                              company manager to get some money.         of the school’s former students had
                                                                                              The man claimed to be Sid Wilson,          been repeatedly threatening the life
                                              April 23                                        the gas mask-wearing turntablist           of a student at school and at their
                                              IDENTITY THEFT                                  AK A DJ Starscream from the band           West Ashley home. The threatening
   The following were taken from actual                                                       Slipknot. He claimed to be staying at
                                                A Sugar Magnolia Way couple                                                              former student also claimed to have
  incident reports filed last month by the                                                    a nearby Motel6 but did not have a
                                              reported that while trying to purchase                                                     ties to the “Blood Gang” affiliation.
   City of Charleston Police Department.                                                      room key, nor did he have a cellphone
                                              a house, a credit check turned up a                                                        The day before, while still in school the
 These are not convictions and the names                                                      or wallet. Police found he was carrying
                                              host of fraudulent accounts in their                                                       threatening student had slapped the
of businesses, complainants, and suspects                                                     identification, which showed he was
                                              name, many already under collection.                                                       other in the face in class with a plastic
have been left out to protect the innocent.                                                   not the famous musician.
                                              The wife found out there were 13                                                           glove, saying, “I am going to kill you.”
  All suspects are innocent until proven
                                              different fraudulent accounts under
             guilty ... of course.
                                              name for more than $8,000 in her name;          April 25                                   April 25
                                              the husband found seven accounts for            DEATH INVESTIGATION
 April 22                                                                                                                                WEAPONS LAW VIOLATION
                                              closer to $9,000 in his.
                                                                                                Police responded to a Savannah             Police charged a middle school
                                                                                              Highway motel and found an Italian man     student with carrying a razorblade
    A Charlestowne Drive woman told           April 24                                        cold and unresponsive to the touch.        to school. A school administrator,
 police she’d deposited $8,000 into a
                                              SIMPLE ASSAULT                                  After the man was pronounced dead,         working of a tip, searched the child’s
 local bank account to pay for the taxes
                                                A student with a histor y of                  police covered him with a comforter.       backpack looking for the razorblade
 on a new Mercedes Benz she’d in what
                                              threatening to stab staff and students          He had been staying at the hotel with      and a Taser but found only the 2-inch
 appears to be fraud. A man had called
                                              with pens, was arrested at a local              two other Italian men, all in town on      blade. The administrator told police
 the woman and told her she’d won the
                                              school after he was seen approaching            work. The deceased man had returned        that he’d been told that the student had
 car and had a chance to win $7,000
                                              a teacher in an aggressive manner               from dinner with them the night before,    threatened students on the bus the day
 a week for life. The man told her that
                                              as if he were about to at tack the              and vomited at 1 a.m., and then again      before on the way home. Witnesses
 all she had to do was pay the taxes
                                              teacher while carrying a pen in his             three hours later. That morning, the       stated that the student had taken the
 on the vehicle and it would delivered
                                              hand. The student had stormed out               man stayed in bed instead of going         blade out and threatened to “slit” the
 to her house. The man told the
                                              of the teacher’s classroom earlier              to work. When the other two men            boys who were teasing the student.
 woman, and she complied, to deposit
                                              and refused to comply with orders.              returned, they found him unresponsive
 two separate checks into the same
                                              While the student was being arrested,           and immediately called 911.
 account with a different man’s name                                                                                                     April 25
                                              the teacher continued to talk to the
 on it at two different bank branches.                                                                                                   AGGRAVATED ASSAULT,
 A family member discovered what had
                                              student in an effort to calm him down           April 25                                   FIREARM
                                              while the pen was removed from his              SEX OFFENSE, FONDLING,
 happened and contacted police. Police                                                                                                     Police arrived at the scene of an
                                              hand, to which the student responded            INDECENT LIBERTIES, CHILD
 called the number back on the number                                                                                                    apparent shooting at the intersection
                                              by spitting in the teacher’s face. The          MOLESTING
 he had called her from, but he did not                                                                                                  of Paul Cantrell Boulevard and I-526.
                                              student continued to resist, kicking
 pick up.                                                                                       A young lady told police that a man      Once there, officers found a man who
                                              an officer three times in the leg. Once
                                                                                              supposed to be photographing her           had suffered gunshots to his left back
                                              handcuffed and placed in the rear of a
 April 22                                                                                     while at a Savannah Highway motel          and upper arm. The man was treated on
                                              police cruiser, the student attempted
                                                                                              touched her inappropriately in a private   the scene and transported to a nearby
 BURGLARY, BREAKING AND                       to use a metal part of an ink pen that
                                                                                              area without her permission. The young     hospital.
 ENTERING                                     he’d concealed in his mouth to release
                                                                                              lady told police she was invited to do a
   A project manager for a construction       his handcuffs.
                                                                                              photoshoot with a man who’s first

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North Charleston leap-frogs across river to grab West Ashley land, City vows to continue the fight - NORTH - West Of

   May 22
 11:30 a.m.

     $20 for Non-Members (includes lunch buffet)
LOCATION: Bessinger’s BBQ, 2008 Savannah Hwy.
                            9                          MAY 2019
North Charleston leap-frogs across river to grab West Ashley land, City vows to continue the fight - NORTH - West Of


    REHABILITATION                                                                                                           WELCOME TO
  & Exercises
to YOUR Needs                                                                                                        CHARLESTON
                                                                                                                               (in West Ashley)
 Deep Tissue

Treats Cervical
 and Lumbar
                                                                       North Charleston
Disc Problems
                                                                    leap-frogs across river
    1001 Physicians Drive
                                                                   to grab West Ashley land,
    Dr. Valerie M. Fantino
                                                                City vows to continue the fight
                                                                              by Bill Davis | News Editor

                                       ity of Charleston Mayor John               State law limits cities’ expansion plans         push forward with a full-blown appeal.
                                       Tecklenburg and his administration         to coincide with properties that abut                 Charleston has been clear with its

 ROSÉ                                  remain committed to keeping
                                 2,200 acres of county lands out of
                                                                                  land previously incorporated into the
                                                                                  annexing city.
                                                                                                                                   concern: that North Charleston could
                                                                                                                                   allow for overdevelopment on the land

                                 the hands of North Charleston and its                  This is quite different from               that could damage the abutting Ashley
                                 mayor, Keith Summey.                             annexation within West Ashley, in                River Historic District and bring further
                                     Two years ago, Charleston joined             which properties apply to become                 environmental problems to that part of
SATURDAYS                        with the National Trust for Historic
                                 Preservation to challenge Nor th
                                                                                  part of the city and leave St. Andrews
                                                                                  Public Service District. Gobbling up
                                                                                                                                   West Ashley.
                                                                                                                                        Several plantations are already
   2-6PM                         Charleston’s annexation of the tract,
                                 which had been the home of Runnymede
                                                                                  “donut holes” is quite different from
                                                                                  swallowing an entire plantation.
                                                                                                                                   included in the district, like Drayton Hall.
                                                                                                                                        Carter Hudgins is the president and
                                 Plantation along the Ashley River.                     Charleston spokesperson Jack               chief executive officer of Drayton Hall,
                                     The city and the trust fought,               O’Toole says that as of last month the city      which invites visitors for tours and
                                 unsuccessfully, in court to have                 is still waiting to hear back from its motion    educational excursions to its historic
                                 the annexation ruled illegal as it               to reconsider from the judge who ruled           and preserved grounds. He is very
                                 hopscotched over a piece of land                 firmly in North Charleston’s favor last          concerned who, or what, could be his
                                 already annexed into Charleston proper.          year. Should that fail, he says, the city will
                                                                                                                                        story continued on page 11 ...

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... story continued from page 10
neighbors in the coming years if North              The UGB is a snaking and jagged
Charleston is ultimately successful.           zagging line that runs from the Folly

                                                                                                                    Wet Your
     “Bottom line is that Drayton Hall         River, over marsh and island, along
Preservation Trust is in the business          the outskirts of Johns Island rural
of preserving the unique cultural and          neighborhoods, into and up the Stono

natural resources of the Ashley River          River, through Bear Swamp, and across
Historic District,” says Hudgins. “This        Church Creek before it dead-ends into
of course includes the preservation            the Ashley River in West Ashley past
of Dray ton Hall, but also the larger          Shadowmoss.
district.”                                          Inside the UGB, development —
      The district, consisting today of        houses, stores, and the like — can
23,000 acres, was originally placed            be more intense and tighter packed.
on the National Register of Historic
Places in 1994, and this nomination
                                               Beyond the UGB, the intent is to stop
                                               development into rural areas and limit
                                                                                                            Happy Hour
was expanded in 2010 so as to include          urban sprawl.                                             (Monday-Friday 4pm-7pm)
both the plantation seats as well as the            “It’s factual that both the City of
lands to the east of S.C. Highway 61           Charleston and Charleston County                            $2.5 domestic bottles
that include significant archaeological        recognize the Urban Growth Boundary,                           $3 house liquors
resources, including the homesites of          that outside it can’t be zoned for intense
enslaved people of African and Native          development,” says O’Toole. “North                             $4 house wines
American decent, according to Hudgins.         Charleston does not recognize the Urban                      $1 OFF all draft beer
     Charleston is also concerned over         Growth Boundary.”
the possible effect that development                The unspoken fear here is that North
in the area could have on the drainage         Charleston will allow for intense, generic          $3 Shooters                 $5 Apps
situation, as it had been planning to use      development on the doorstep of one of
                                                                                                         Fireball          Messy Fries
huge swathes of land in the area in its        the city’s most beloved historic districts.
ongoing flooding mitigation efforts in the          Would      Summey       and     Nor th              Espolon         Turning Me Naan
nearby Church Creek Basin.                     Charleston allow such a thing? In the                                 Brisket - Mac Lollipops
                                                                                                       Jim Beam
     Tecklenburg has made flooding his         past, that city told the Post & Courier                                     Southwest 7
number one issue this year, and if the city    that it, too, could ably develop the               Bartender’s Choice       Tot Poutine
sees its access to wetlands dry up, it could   property.
get wetter in that part of West Ashley.             But, after several days of phone
     Additionally, Charleston is concerned     calls and messages left at the office of
that the huge parcel would get further         Summey’s assistant went unanswered
developed in a way not keeping with the        last month, it’s not completely clear
area’s Urban Growth Boundary (UGB).            what the plans will be.
                                                                                                                 All Day
                                                                                                            $10 Bud Light Pitchers
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                                                                                             11                                     MAY 2019
Local Soccer Club Honored                                                                                                                                 Taking Care
     2019 Competitive Coach of the Year Awards and Parents
                       of the Year Award                                                                                                                    of the Skin
                                                                                                                                                             You’re in
                                                           from Staff Reports

     he West Ashley-based Charleston
     United Soccer Club (CUSC) recently
     had two of its coaches named Coach
of the Year by the Board of Directors
for the South Carolina Youth Soccer
                                                                                                                                                            Dermatology & Laser
Association. In addition, CUSC, which                                                                                                                       Center of Charleston
operates through St. Andrew’s Parks and
Playground, won the Parents of the Year                                                                                                                      provides free skin
Award (SCYSA) for 2018-2019.
     Coach     Noah     Garret t     (Girls
                                                                                                                                                            cancer screening for
Competitive Winner) and Coach C.J.
Macauley (Boys Competitive Winner)
                                                                                                                                                                 the public
were both honored for their efforts with                                                                                                                              from Staff Reports
CUSC. “[They] have done an amazing job
over the years teaching and mentoring

our youth. Both are leaders in our club                                                                                                                          or the 14th year, dermatologists and
and have helped create our vision for                                                                                                                            certified dermatological providers
youth soccer in West Ashley and the                                                                                                                              from Dermatology and Laser Center
Charleston Communit y. They are an               CUSC’s Noah Garrett and C.J. Macauley                                                                      of Charleston will offer free skin cancer
outstanding reflection of all of our              were just named coaches of the year                                                                       screenings for new patients on Tuesday,
coach’s efforts at CUSC,” said Wakeham,                                                                                                                     May 7, from 5-7 p.m at 2180 Henry
                                                have devoted countless hours advancing the          and fellow CUSC parents.
CUSC director and president.                                                                                                                                Tecklenburg Dr. (behind Lowe’s) and and
                                                game in South Carolina,” said Wakeham.                   “CUSC would like to thank SCYSA and
     “We are very happy to have such high                                                                                                                   Tuesday, May 21, from 5-7 p.m. at 1364
                                                    A ddi t ionall y, Ly nn and Chr is              their members for their tireless efforts
level and dedicated coach’s. Noah and                                                                                                                       Ashley River Road.
                                                Burgess were named “Parents of the                  to support youth developmental soccer
CJ also have been successful high school                                                                                                                          Organized by Dr. Todd Schlesinger,
                                                Year” by the SCYSA . for being selfless             throughout the state of South Carolina,”
coaches along side of their club teams and                                                                                                                  a Board Certified Dermatologist,
                                                and suppor tive to the coaches, players,            said Wakeham.
                                                                                                                                                            Dermasurgeon           and      Cosmetic
                                                                                                                                                            Dermatologist, the screenings will take
                                                                                                                                                            place at the offices of Dermatology and
                                                                                                                                                            Laser Center of Charleston. Providers
                                                                                                                                                            will be available to answer questions
                                                                                                                                                            regarding skin cancer, prevention and

  W e N o w H av e
                                                   This Month’s Workshops
                                                                                                                                                            treatment. Last month, Schlesinger was
                                                                                                                                                            named SC Dermatologist of the Year

                                                                                                                                                            Award by The South Carolina Academy of
                                                                                                                                                            Dermatology and Dermatological Surgery.
                                                                                                                                                                  To raise awareness of melanoma

                                                                                                                                                            and other types of skin cancer, and
                                                                                                                                                            to encourage early detection through
                                                                Friday, May 3:                           Thurs, May 16 & Friday, May 17:                    self-exams, the American Academy of
                                                            Pizza and Palette Knife
                                                                                                            Painting High Key Impressionism                 Dermatology designates May as Skin
                                                               Friday, May 10:                                   Wednesday, May 29:
                                                                                                                                                            Cancer Awareness Month and the first

                  T HE LO CA LS
                                                       Sketching Trip to Riverbanks Zoo                                                                     Monday in May as Melanoma Monday.
              O                                                                                         Sketching & Painting at Magnolia Gardens
 T RY N E F R   M                                                and Garden                                                                                       According to the Skin Cancer

                                                  Art Instruction in Oils!
                      W h e at
                          shout                                                                                                                             Foundation, one person dies of
       H o ly C it y Wa                                                                                                                                     melanoma every hour (actually every
                             r O ra n ge
           C o o p e r R iv e e A le               Daily and Evening Classes and Workshops
                                                                                                                                                            52 minutes). Each year in the U.S. over
            In fu s e d B lo                      for All Levels, from Introductory to Advanced.
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                  1301-B ASHLEY RIVER RD                                                                                                            or
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                                                15                                         MAY 2019
                          “I’m excited about this show because it demonstrates how many talented
                                                 students we have here at West Ashley High School.”
                                                                                   — Michelle Jones , WAHS Drama Studio, co-director

     or many as the leaves begin to change        Beast when she arrives at his castle to free          Studio plans to set up an art show where              story about redemption; that people can make
     colors and flowers begin to bloom, it        her father, slowly begins to help the Beast           different pieces of student work such as              mistakes and still become better people.”
     signals the start of springtime. At West     come out of his shell. With the help of his           paintings and sculptures will be on display.               West Ashley High School’s The Drama
Ashley High School, it means that it’s almost     servants, all of whom are under the same              There will also be a slideshow running in the         Studio will present Beauty and the Beast on
time for the spring musical. Having put           spell, Belle is able to soften the Beast’s            auditorium before the evening’s performance           May 15, 16, and 17 at 7 p.m. and will present
one on each year that the school has been         cold-hearted nature.                                  begins that will feature different works of art       a special matinee performance on May 18th
open, (except for the first year when it was           This year’s production is made up of over
split between two campuses) students and          60 students who have worked on every single

                                                                                                                                              Be Their Guest
teachers are hard at work preparing for their     piece of this production. From performing
18th production, Beauty and the Beast.            onstage and building the sets, to designing
      The Drama Studio is set to premiere         the costumes and setting the light cues, each
the production on Wednesday, May 15 at            aspect of Beauty and the Beast has been
7 p.m., which will be followed by two more        touched by a West Ashley High student.
evening performances (May 16th and 17th)
and, for the first time ever, a matinee on
                                                       As an added bonus, members of the
                                                  WAHS Band and Orchestra will be providing
                                                                                                              The Drama Studio at West Ashley High School
Saturday, May 18th at 2 p.m. Following the
matinee there will be a Character Tea Party
                                                  the musical accompaniment for each number
                                                  and members of the WAHS Chorus will be                     stages Beauty and the Beast for spring musical
in the WAHS Cafeteria.                            singing backup.                                                                                           by Donnie Newton | Contributing Writer
      Tickets for the evening performances             “I’m excited about this show because it
and matinee are $10. Admittance to the tea        demonstrates how many talented students
party is $5 for children who bring a guest.       we have here at West Ashley High School,”             as well. The art show will begin at 6:30 p.m.         at 2 p.m. Each performance will take place
Children are encouraged to wear a costume         said co-director Michelle Jones. “This is             in the WAHS Cafeteria. Visitors will have the         in the WAHS Auditorium. Tickets to the
to the matinee and tea.                           the first collaborative production we have            opportunity to meet many of the artists who           Character Tea Party, which will follow the
      The musical, based on the acclaimed         done that incorporates the entire Fine Arts           created the works as well.                            matinee performance, are $5 for each child
Broadway show and the Oscar-nominated             Department. It’s been really great!” The                   “The thing I like the most about this            (accompanied by an adult).
film of the same name, tells the story of         mechanical invention used by Belle’s father,          production is that, as a culture, we’ve become
an arrogant prince who’s cursed to live his       Maurice, was designed by students in the              very much about aesthetics so it’s nice to              Tickets to each performance are $10
life as a beast unless he learns to love and      WAHS Robotics program.                                see a story that shows love from the heart,”           and can be purchased at the door or by
to be loved in return. Belle, who meets the            Before the show on May 17th, The Art             said co-director Latanya Mueller. “It is also a         visiting

 Dash Through the Den
 West Ashley High’s DECA chapter puts on
    fundraiser event for the community
                        by Donnie Newton | Contributing Writer

    or the fifth year in a row, West Ashley            The event began five years ago as a way
    High School’s DECA chapter will host the      to create an annual community-wide event on
    Dash Thru the Den 5K on Saturday, May         the West Ashley High campus where people
18th at 9 a.m. The run / walk, planned and        could come together and enjoy some fun
executed entirely by DECA students, leads         and good times with their friends. It was also
participants on a tour of the entire campus as    designed as a way to alleviate the cost for
they make their way through the race course.      the students who were having to travel ICDC
The student group is looking for West Ashley      each year to compete. Each year the trip costs
High students and staff as well as families and   roughly $1,000 per student.
                                                                                                             To sign up for the 5K, please go to              at 7 p.m., The Drama Studio is set to perform
members of the West Ashley Community and               “The Dash Thru the Den is so close,”
                                                                                               and search Dash Thru the Den.           this year’s spring musical, Beauty and the
beyond to take part in this year’s event.         said DECA member Kimberly McCurdy. “You
                                                                                                        Registration is $25. The race packet includes         Beast. In an effort to encourage community
     The Dash Thru the Den 5K serves as a         don’t want to miss it! Join us May 18th to
                                                                                                        an official race t-shirt, a draw-string bag, Dash     support between multiple events, anyone
fundraiser for the students in DECA so that       help support the WAHS DECA chapter. Our
                                                                                                        Thru the Den sunglasses, and a race bib.              who brings their ticket stub from one of the
they can attend the International Career          organization puts on this run each year to
                                                                                                             Each year a medal is given to the top            evening performances to the 5K, will be
Development Conference (ICDC) each year.          help raise funds for the International Career
                                                                                                        three male and female winners overall as well         given $10 off the $30 sign up fee. Similarly,
This year’s conference was held in Orlando,       Development Conference. This year almost
                                                                                                        as the top male and female in each age group.         if you bring your race bib to the May 18th
FL from April 26th – May 1st. For more info       20,000 DECA members from all over the
                                                                                                             Walk ups the day of the race will pay            matinee, they will allow you preferential
on DECA, visit          world were in attendance to compete in this
                                                                                                        $30 to sign up. On May 15th, 16th, and 17th           seating in the WAHS Auditorium.
programs/                                         amazing experience no one should miss!”

Belle and
  by Sophie
  Weiss and
 Braelyn Foos
star in WAHS’s
   of Beauty
and the Beast

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19   MAY 2019
                      “The Schoolhouse is the perfect venue for Overhaul because we will be sharing
                      the performance space with the musicians. The audience will be up close to the
                      dance and the music!” — Kristin Alexander, Creative Director of Annex Dance Company

      ver since Spoleto Festival USA pulled       augment Piccolo offerings. He organized             Dock Street Theatre.                               still want more. But, he says a balance
      its annual finale from Middleton            outdoor arts, music, and performances in                 The Pearl features 130 seats, but             has to be struck so that the self-producing
      Place after the 2017 performance,           the Avondale Business District for several          unlike The Schoolhouse, already has                artist “isn’t left holding the bag.”
it’s been up to Piccolo Festival to pick up       years. But he had to take a break from              professional lighting and sound equipment                Those renting The Pearl for Piccolo
the slack here in West Ashley. This year          it as he grew his Lava Salon business,              in place. As such, it is hosting several           this year, could be paying close to $700 a
is no exception, with still only a handful        opening a second salon in Park Circle.              Piccolo programs.                                  night for the facility, a house steward, box
of offerings left.                                     But, last year with the advent of The               The lack of lighting or sound                 office personnel and etc., according to its
      Spoleto Festival USA is a 17-day            Schoolhouse, a retrofitted elementary               equipment at The Schoolhouse, and other            online non-profit rental card. That can be a
international performing arts festival in its     school at the intersection of Magnolia              potential performance spaces, means                daunting amount to struggling arts groups
42nd year, bringing theater, opera, ballet, and   Road and Sycamore Avenue, art found a               more expense and effort for the artist                   “It’s difficult navigating the various
music largely to the peninsula between the        new home on this side of the river.                 and festival.                                      price points,” says Watson. Last year, he
last days of May and the first days of June.           The facility, home to many start-ups                But for some, like Alexander of Annex         says his office found that very few people
      Piccolo, its little brother, was launched   and other smaller businesses in what had

                                                                                                                             Where Art Thou?
two years later as a complementary,               been classrooms, also features a 200-seat
city-run multi-disciplinary festival with         event space in the former gymnasium.
more of a focus on smaller, national and               The venue cut its rates for the city,
regional arts.                                    and several shows were produced there,
      And almost since day one, people            but for some reasons it lies largely dark
on the peninsula have complained that
Spoleto doesn’t have a bigger, year-round
                                                  during this Piccolo season, save for one
                                                  dance performance this year.                               Piccolo Spoleto picks up where Spoleto left
presence in the community. And similarly,              “Annex Dance Company performs
people in West Ashley and other ‘burbs            throughout Charleston during our season,                     off in West Ashley with a handful of events
that Piccolo doesn’t come out to them.            and The Schoolhouse has become one                                                                                 by Bill Davis | News Editor
      For years, the city’s Office of Cultural    of our favorite performance venues,”
Affairs had said that West Ashley’s               says Kristin Alexander, founding Creative
lack of performance venues, outside of            Director of Annex Dance Company, which              Dance Company, that can be a plus. “I              wanted to pay $30 for a ticket to see Anne
churches for music and coffee shops for           will be staging Overhaul on Monday, June            love that it is a blank canvas that can be         Caldwell and her troupe sing at Lutheran
art, had hindered programming. In 2017, it        3 at The Schoolhouse.                               transformed for each concert,” she says.           Redeemer Church in Avondale. “We had
only hosted two Piccolo events in West                 In March another new performance               “The large Main Hall of The Schoolhouse            to give away many ‘outreach tickets.’”
Ashley.                                           space, The Pearl at The West Ashley                 is the perfect venue for Overhaul because               Watson says the festival will continue
      That same year, the same year               Theatre Center, came on line in West Ashley.        we will be sharing the performance space           to host free “pop-up” events in West
Spoleto finally left Middleton Place, a           This one is located at the redeveloping             with the musicians. The audience will be           Ashley, as it has done at the community
spokesperson for the festival said the            Ashley Landing shopping center at the               up close to the dance and the music!”              garden next to the Schoolhouse, as well
they were “hopeful” it could expand its           intersection of Sam Rittenberg Boulevard                 Scott Watson, the director of the             as along the West Ashley Greenway.
presence in West Ashley. So far, nothing.         and Old Towne Road. The Pearl is the                city’s Office of Cultural Affairs, which                Watson is also bringing a series
      West Ashley business owner, and             new home of the venerable Charleston                oversees Piccolo and other events like             of pop-ups to micro-breweries in West
founder of chART (Charleston Outdoor Art          Stage theater company that produces                 MOJA Arts Festival and more, says he               Ashley, including a night of axe-throwing
Initiative), Geoff Richardson had tried to        many shows downtown at the historic                 understands that people in West Ashley             at Frothy Beard Brewing Company.

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Annex Dance Company’s                                                                                                                            A&E
       production Overhaul
       will be performed at
    The Schoolhouse on June 3

                                                                 5                                                                                ê NEWS ê

    WE ST OF                                                                                                                                 Did You
 antasy theme.                                 It’s high time that West Ashley was
     We also hope that this truly              treated like royalty … so here ya’ go!
serves as a helpful guide whether              — Lorne Chambers, editor
you live here, are considering
 iving here, or just passing
 hrough. We included an
extensive restaurant
guide for each part
                                                                                                                                             West Ashley’s
                                                   T HE

of town as well as a           sh a d o
                                        s          R
guide to area parks                                     ER

                                                                                                                                            Dogs LOVE it at
                                                              N            OL D
and public attractions.
                                                                  S     TOWN             Here is a list of Piccolo Spoleto offerings in West Ashley, but make sure to visit its
                                                                                                        website, as its calendar is still growing and populating:
                                        BE Y

Also included is a small

                                                                                       T HE

                                                          TH E           il l age s
                                                                                T HE

                                                               E       v
                                            N DS       m idDL                          • Cream of the Crop! Dansical, West
snapshot of the real                N EW LA                    S

                                                        LAND                           Ashley Theatre Center, Saturday, June 1 at • Overhaul by Annex Dance Company,
                                                                             a le                                                      The Schoolhouse, Monday, June 3 at 6 p.m.
                                                                    Avon d
estate picture in each                                                fore st
                                                                                       7:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                       • Philip Lipton, clarinet, St. Andrew’s
                                                                              T HE
                                                                                          N E Foberg Jazz Quartet featuring
                                                                            BR ID GE
                                                                                       Alva Anderson. West Ashley Theatre Presbyterian, Saturday, June 1 at 7:30 p.m.
     Mostly, we hope you                                                               Center. Tuesday, May 28 at 7 p.m. West
                                                                                                                                       • Reality is Overrated: Illusionist,
                                                                                       Ashley Theatre Center
 ind this to be a fun way                                                                                                              Howard Blackwell. West Ashley Theatre
                                                                                                                                          846 DUPONT RD.
                                                                                       • New South Festival Singers with the Center. Friday, May 31 at 6 p.m.; Saturday,
 o look at our community.                                                              Trinity Chancel Choir. Lutheran Church  CALL
                                                                                                                                 of JuneSARAH1 at 8 p.m. AT 224-3694
                                                                                                   the Redeemer. Sunday, May 26 at 4 p.m.

                                                                                                                                             844 Savannah Hwy.

                                                                                              21                                                      MAY 2019
Still ‘Rocking’ Out
                                                                           Former Plane Jane drummer finds a new
                                                                          creative expression with business venture
                                                                                                        by Lorne Chambers | Editor

              Affordable Club Soccer with
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We are Offering Teams in the Following Age Groups:
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      (Born 2010-2011)                         (Born 2003)
   12U Girls and Boys 9v9            18U/19U Girls and Boys 11v11

     (Born 2008 - 2009)                   (Born 2001 - 2002)                  or 25 years Trey Smith has been             taught me the process and told me to go for
                                                                              banging on the drums in various rock        it,” says Smith who has some of his pieces
  14U Girls and Boys 11v11          Challenge, Jim Hudson League,             bands, including The Pondering, Heavy       on display at an art gallery downtown on
     (Born 2006 - 2007)             Academy and Junior Academy           Water Meter, and The Rhythm Method.              East Bay Street.
                                                                         Most notably, Smith was the drummer for                A Charleston native and College of
  15U Girls and Boys 11v11                 Evaluations 2019.             the popular local party band Plane Jane for      Charleston graduate, Smith says his
     (Born 2004 - 2005) -                                                the last 20 years. But on New Year’s Eve of      pieces “just kind of scream Charleston.”
                                                                         last year, Plane Jane played their last show.    Whether he cuts the slate in the shape of

FREE YOUTH CLUB SOCCER EVALUATIONS                                             After two decades of playing more than
                                                                         200 gigs a year, Smith suddenly found he
                                                                                                                          a crab, a church steeple, a pineapple, a
                                                                                                                          lighthouse, or something else all together,
Advanced Coaching, Competition and Passion for the Game                  had some free time on his hands. “I can still    they definitely have a Lowcountry feel. “I
                                                                         be creative, but just not with music,” says      don’t have to put Charleston , SC on it. But it
   Held at Drayton Hall Elementary School on Hwy. 61                     the longtime musician and West Ashley            is Charleston.” In some ways, it literally is a
                                                                         resident. Smith has found a new creative         piece of Charleston. Smith, who has friends
                9U-12U GIRLS AND BOYS                                    outlet with all that free time. He recently      in the construction fields, uses reclaimed
                                                                         opened Charleston Slate Works, a company         materials from around the area. Most of his
   Wednesday, May 8th 6:30 - 7:40 (walk up registration 6:00)            that specializes in custom-made tables,          pieces are made out of slate, brick, mortar,
                                                                         birdbaths, stepping stones, and wall art.        and other building materials
      Friday, May 10th 6:30 - 7:40 (walk up registration 6:00)                 Charleston Slate Works’ showroom is              Asked if he misses playing music full
    Saturday, May 11th 11:30-1:00 (walk up registration 11:00)           located at 2 Avondale St. in the Avondale        time, Smith just smiles. “We had a good
                                                                         Business District, right next to DB’s            time, met a lot of good people. I miss
                                                                         Cheesesteaks, and will celebrate its official    playing, but it’s nice to have weekends
               13U-19U GIRLS AND BOYS                                    grand opening Saturday, May 25, offering         off too.” Smith now uses his hands to cut
                                                                         folks hotdogs, music, and a chance to come       brick and slate instead of hitting snares
   Wednesday, May 15th 6:30 - 7:40 (walk up registration 6:00)           in and see what kind of stuff he’s doing.        high hats most of the time, but he says he
                                                                               “It takes a lot of work, but it’s unique   will always play music. These days he’ll
      Friday, May 17th 6:30 - 7:40 (walk up registration 6:00)           and everybody gets something that is truly       occasionally sit in on the drum kit with the
    Sunday, May 19th 2:30 - 4:00 (walk up registration 11:00)            heir own. I can’t make the same thing            Dave Seitz & The King Street Band at The
                                                                         twice. So you get something that is uniquely     Roost, across Savannah Highway from his
 AUXILIARY EVALUATION: June 3rd-7th & June 10th-14th                     yours,” says Smith, who describes his            showroom. He also started in a new band
                                                                         creations as “functional art” even though        that calls themselves Planet Janet, made
                                                                         he hasn’t taken an actual art class in 30        up of a couple guys from Plane Jane. And
     Visit for additional                     years. He mostly learned his craft from a        while they don’t plan to play near as many
   information and questions about online registration                   good friend who used to make stepping            shows as their previous band, they do play
                                                                         stones through a similar process. “He            their first gig this month.

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                                    25                                                             MAY 2019
Proudly                                                                           How it passed on:
                                                                                    Our home was always the hangout. There
                                                                                                                                     How are you so beautiful?
                                                                                                                                     I am empathetic to what people are going
serving the                                                                         was art and sewing stuff accessible. My          through even though I seem Polly Anna. I

Lowcountry                            Art
                                                                                    son’s walls were covered with butcher paper.     know the issues are there, but I focus on
                                                                                                                                     the beautiful. The flowers are still going
                                                                                    Art supply you couldn’t live without:            to bloom.
     since 1998
                                                                                    Don’t touch my filberts.
                                                                                                                                     Why does art matter:
                                                                                    Finest color: Red                                Art nurtures the soul and connects us to
   Estate Planning                                                                                                                   the world. It is a brush with something
                                                                                    Art crushes:                                     magical. It connects to the world by uniting
      Elder Law

                                         us                                         Michelangelo, Mary Cassatt, Georgia              the dream world with the appreciation of

 Real Estate Closings                              Iris h                           O’Keefe, Robert Gilmore, Fritz Thaulow.          the natural world.
                                                                                    I want to paint like all of them rolled
                                                                                    together.                                        Susan Irish is the founder and owner of
                                                                                                                                     Fabulon - Center for Art and Education.

                                       Kate Kennedy
                                    Painter, author, illustrator,
                                                                                    What is bad art:
                                                                                    If it makes me anxious.
                                                                                                                                     Each month she inrterviews a different
                                                                                                                                                    local artist.

                                  new artist this year at Piccolo                   Rituals or mantras:
                                  Spoleto Outdoor Art Show ...                      Paint every day!

                                                                                    Distractions to the mission:
                                  My work ...                                       A messy house, my living space
                                  Portrays nature’s rhythms. Flowing, like          must be in order, it is okay if the
                                  water or silk fabric. Simple but complex.         studio is a mess.
                                  Reflections, transparency, and lots of
                                  light. And goats. Lots of goats and other         Because you are artsy people
                                  animals, too.                                     expect:
                                                                                    I can sing but no one in my family
                                  Strongest art memory of childhood:                can. At birthdays, my mother
                                  I was showing abilities that made my              would play a record and we were
                                  mother believe I should be doing more art.        only allowed to lip sync.
                                  I spent part of high school taking college
                                  level art at the University.                      Next big thing:
    544 Savannah Hwy                                                                Piccolo Spoleto. Come see me and
      843.762.3554                                                                  the goats. Come paint with me! I                                                                would love to get visitors to interact.        Rise of the New Queen by Kate Kennedy

LLooookkiinngg TToo JJooiinn AAnn OOuuttddo o
                                            o r
                                              r P
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27   MAY 2019
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                                                      3 FLAVORED VODKA

                                                             S.I.N. NIGHT
    LIVE MUSIC                     THURSDAYS & SATURDAYS
                                              WEST ASHLEY’S LONGEST RUNNING
              MAY 17                                KARAOKE W/ AARON
              MAY 24
              VINYL DAZE
              MAY 31             ARCADE GAMES • POOL TABLES • JUKE BOX • TV’S
                       WEST ASHLEY’S PUB FOR OVER 30 YEARS!
OPEN NOON - 2AM | 7 DAYS A WEEK | 365 DAYS A YEAR! | 556-1975 | 1836 ASHLEY RIVER RD.

NIGHT                              R Pub: Karaoke w/ Aaron
                                      Tin Roof: Hearts on Fire; The
                                      Dumbskulls; Hybrid Mutants
                                                                            Manny’s: Trivia
                                                                            Pub on 61: Karaoke
                                                                            The Roost: Jaykob K Duo
                                                                                                                    Manny’s: Trivia
                                                                                                                    Pub on 61: Karaoke
                                                                                                                    The Roost: Jaykob K Duo
                                                                                                                                                           String Band
                                                                                                                                                           Charles Towne Fermentory: Trivia
                                                                                                                                                           Frothy Beard: Beer & Bingo
                                                                                                                                                                                                   R Pub: Karaoke w/ Aaron
                                                                                                                                                                                                   The Roost: Trivia
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Tin Roof: Dad’s Day Off; YR LAD;

                                                                            R Pub: Karaoke w/ Aaron                 R Pub: Karaoke w/ Aaron                Home Team BBQ: Red Cedar Review         Bowl of Eyes
                                      SUNDAY, MAY 5                         Tattooed Moose: Jockey Lot Band         Tattooed Moose: Tesoro                 Hunley’s Tavern: Karaoke
                                      Back 9 Pub: Free Pool                 TBonz: Mark Jackson                     TBonz: Lane Doss                       Manny’s: Bingo                          TUESDAY, MAY 28
                                      d.d. Peckers’ Wing Shack: Live        Tin Roof: Meis&Men                      Tin Roof: Faction 15/27                Old Towne Creek County Park: Wine       Back 9 Pub: Trivia
                                      Music                                 Trayce’s Too: Team Trivia               Trayce’s Too: Team Trivia              Down Wednesday w/ Cat Strickland        Charleston Sports Pub: Team Trivia
                                      Gathering Cafe: Jazz Brunch           Triangle Char & Bar: Geeks Who          Triangle Char & Bar: Geeks Who         Duo                                     Home Team BBQ: Holy City
                                      Mex 1: RTM Duo                        Drink Trivia                            Drink Trivia                           Pub on 61: Name That Tune               Confessional
                                      Tattooed Moose: Dallas Baker and                                                                                     Trayce’s Too: Music Bingo               Mellow Mushroom: Trivia
                                      Friends                               FRIDAY, MAY 10                          FRIDAY, MAY 17                         West Ashley Crab Shack: Team Trivia     Mex 1: Team Trivia
                                      Tin Roof: Karaoke                     Back 9 Pub: Karaoke w/ Aaron            Back 9 Pub: Karaoke w/ Aaron                                                   Pub on 61: Team Trivia
                                      Triangle: Michael Duff                Mex 1: Rotie Salley                     Mex 1: JCR Duo                         THURSDAY, MAY 23                        The Roost: Sports Trivia
                                                                                                                    R Pub: Everette Bigby                  d.d. Peckers’ Wing Shack:               Voodoo: Pink Cheetah
                                      MONDAY, MAY 6                         SATURDAY, MAY 11                        Tin Roof: Olive Dares the Darkness;    Peckerhead Trivia
                                      3 Matadors: Team Trivia               Tin Roof: Lil Skritt                    Blackstone                             Frothy Beard: Trivia w/ Friends         WEDNESDAY, MAY 29
WEDNESDAY, MAY 1                      d.d. Peckers’ Wing Shack: BINGO                                                                                      Hunley’s Tavern: Music Trivia           Ackerman Park: West Ashley
Ackerman Park: West Ashley            Home Team BBQ: Trivia (Geeks Who      SUNDAY, MAY 12                          SATURDAY, MAY 18                       Manny’s: Trivia                         Farmer’s Market w/ Green Levels
Farmer’s Market w/ Green Levels       Drink)                                Back 9 Pub: Free Pool                   R Pub: Karaoke w/ Aaron                Pub on 61: Karaoke                      Charles Towne Fermentory: Trivia
Charles Towne Fermentory: Trivia      The Roost: Trivia                     d.d. Peckers’ Wing Shack: Live          TBonz: Cotton Blue Band                The Roost: Jaykob K Duo                 Frothy Beard: Beer & Bingo
Frothy Beard: Beer & Bingo                                                  Music                                   Tin Roof: Dayshell; Burn the Fields;   R Pub: Karaoke w/ Aaron                 Home Team BBQ: Joal Rush
Home Team BBQ: John Totaro            TUESDAY, MAY 7                        Gathering Cafe: Jazz Brunch             Agony                                  Tattooed Moose: Staggers and Jag        Hunley’s Tavern: Karaoke
Hunley’s Tavern: Karaoke              Back 9 Pub: Trivia                    Tattooed Moose: Dave Grunstra                                                  TBonz: Mark Jackson                     Manny’s: Bingo
Manny’s: Bingo                        Charleston Sports Pub: Team Trivia    Tin Roof: Karaoke                       SUNDAY, MAY 19                         Trayce’s Too: Team Trivia               Old Towne Creek County Park: Wine
Pub on 61: Name That Tune             Home Team BBQ: Holy City              Triangle: Michael Duff                  Back 9 Pub: Free Pool                  Triangle Char & Bar: Geeks Who          Down Wednesday w/ Cat Strickland
Tin Roof: Get Up! Comedy Open Mic     Confessional                                                                  d.d. Peckers’ Wing Shack: Live         Drink Trivia                            Duo
Trayce’s Too: Music Bingo             Mellow Mushroom: Trivia               MONDAY, MAY 13                          Music                                                                          Pub on 61: Name That Tune
West Ashley Crab Shack: Team Trivia   Mex 1: Team Trivia                    d.d. Pecker’s Wing Shack: BINGO         Gathering Cafe: Jazz Brunch            FRIDAY, MAY 24                          Tin Roof: Yearlove
                                      Pub on 61: Team Trivia                Home Team BBQ: Trivia (Geeks Who        Tattooed Moose: Sunflowers & Sin       Back 9 Pub: Karaoke w/ Aaron            Trayce’s Too: Music Bingo
THURSDAY, MAY 2                       The Roost: Sports Trivia              Drink)                                  Tin Roof: Karaoke                      Mex 1: The Ol 55’s                      West Ashley Crab Shack: Team Trivia
d.d. Peckers’ Wing Shack:             Tin Roof: The Trivia Factory          R Pub: Karaoke w/ Aaron                 Voodoo: Yaaaasss Queen Bingo w/        R Pub: Vinyl Daze
Peckerhead Trivia                     Voodoo: Me & Mr. Jones Well           The Roost: Trivia                       Ava Clear!                             Tin Roof: Reese McHenry                 THURSDAY, MAY 30
Frothy Beard: Trivia w/ Friends       Charged                               Tin Roof: Cry Baby; Honna                                                                                              d.d. Peckers’ Wing Shack:
Hunley’s Tavern: Music Trivia                                                                                       MONDAY, MAY 20                         SATURDAY, MAY 25                        Peckerhead Trivia
Manny’s: Trivia                       WEDNESDAY, MAY 8                      TUESDAY, MAY 14                         d.d. Pecker’s Wing Shack: BINGO        R Pub: Karaoke w/ Aaron                 Frothy Beard: Trivia w/ Friends
Pub on 61: Karaoke                    Ackerman Park: West Ashley            Home Team BBQ: Holy City                Home Team BBQ: Trivia (Geeks Who       TBonz: Cotton Blue Band                 Hunley’s Tavern: Music Trivia
The Roost: Jaykob K duo               Farmer’s Market w/ The V-Tones        Confessional                            Drink)                                 Tin Roof: Don Merckle & The             Manny’s: Trivia
R Pub: Karaoke w/ Aaron               Charles Towne Fermentory: Trivia      The Roost: Sports Trivia                R Pub: Karaoke w/ Aaron                Blacksmiths; George Fetner & The        Pub on 61: Karaoke
Tbonz: Chris Dodson                   Frothy Beard: Beer & Bingo            Tin Roof: The Trivia Factory                                                   Strays                                  The Roost: Jaykob K Duo
Tin Roof: Andy the Doorbum; The       Hunley’s Tavern: Karaoke              Voodoo: Me & Mr. Jones                  TUESDAY, MAY 21                                                                R Pub: Karaoke w/ Aaron
Emotron                               Manny’s: Bingo                                                                Back 9 Pub: Trivia                     SUNDAY, MAY 26                          Tattooed Moose: Ward B. Duo
Trayce’s Too: Team Trivia             Old Towne Creek County Park: Wine     WEDNESDAY, MAY 15                       Charleston Sports Pub: Team Trivia     Back 9 Pub: Free Pool                   TBonz: Lane Doss
Triangle Char & Bar: Geeks Who        Down Wednesday: David Grunstra        3 Matadors: Team Trivia                 Home Team BBQ: Holy City               d.d. Peckers’ Wing Shack: Live          Tin Roof: A Fragile Tomorrow;
Drink Trivia                          Pub on 61: Name That Tune             Ackerman Park: West Ashley              Confessional                           Music                                   Phantom Phunk; Easy Honey
                                      Tin Roof: Danny Feedback; Psychic     Farmer’s Market w/ Buzz Run             Mellow Mushroom: Trivia                Gathering Cafe: Jazz Brunch             Trayce’s Too: Team Trivia
FRIDAY, MAY 3                         Pets                                  Frothy Beard: Beer & Bingo              Mex 1: Team Trivia                     Tattooed Moose: DD and Alpine           Triangle Char & Bar: Geeks Who
Back 9 Pub: Karaoke w/ Aaron          Trayce’s Too: Music Bingo             Pub on 61: Name That Tune               Pub on 61: Team Trivia                 Tin Roof: Karaoke                       Drink Trivia
Mex 1: Just Groove                    West Ashley Crab Shack: Team Trivia   Trayce’s Too: Music Bingo               The Roost: Sports Trivia               Triangle: Lane Doss
                                                                                                                    Tin Roof: The Trivia Factory           Voodoo: Lunacy w/ DJ Sparkbox; The      FRIDAY, MAY 31
SATURDAY, MAY 4                       THURSDAY, MAY 9                       THURSDAY, MAY 16                        Voodoo: Mike Quinn and Friends         Break Circuit Break Dancers             Back 9 Pub: Karaoke w/ Aaron
Manny’s: Star Wars Themed Trivia      d.d. Peckers’ Wing Shack:             d.d. Peckers’ Wing Shack:                                                                                              Mex 1: Yellowknife
Mex 1: Seitu Soloman Steeldrum;       Peckerhead Trivia                     Peckerhead Trivia                       WEDNESDAY, MAY 22                      MONDAY, MAY 27                          R Pub: DJ Insain
Strawberry Squad w/ Ben Fagan;        Frothy Beard: Trivia w/ Friends       Frothy Beard: Trivia w/ Friends         Ackerman Park: West Ashley             Home Team BBQ: Trivia (Geeks Who
The Dubplates                         Hunley’s Tavern: Music Trivia         Hunley’s Tavern: Music Trivia           Farmer’s Market w/ Cane Creek          Drink)

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                                                                                                               29                                                                                MAY 2019
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