This Happened SPRING 2021 - Chaminade Julienne

Page created by Tammy Wood
This Happened SPRING 2021 - Chaminade Julienne

      This Happened                               ST. MARY’S SCHOOL
                                                NOTRE DAME ACADEMY
                                                JULIENNE HIGH SCHOOL
Senior Year   Ashes to Easter   Hall of Fame
                                                CHAMINADE HIGH SCHOOL
Experience                      Class of 2020   ST. JOSEPH COMMERCIAL
                                                      HIGH SCHOOL
This Happened SPRING 2021 - Chaminade Julienne
IN           this

Message from the President................. 1

Living the Faith – Sr. Damien
Grismer, SNDdeN........................................2                                                       CLASS OF 2021
Living the Faith – Monroe
Welborne ‘95................................................3
                                                                           R I V E R B O AT C R U I S E
From Ashes to Easter.............................. 4


The Light Ahead......................................... 8

CJ Acquires Property................................9

Virtual Story Library.............................. 10

Diverse Leadership Produces
Success......................................................... 11                                                                CAMP KERN
Senior Talk...................................................12

Hall of Fame Class of 2020..................14

Give. Grow................................................... 16


In Memoriam..............................................20

Salve Regina...............................................21

Alumni in the News.................................22

Catholic Educators..................................23

Alumni Events...........................................25
                                                                                          C I N C I N N AT I Z O O

Vision is published semi-annually by Chaminade
Julienne Catholic High School for alumni, par-
ents and friends. Comments and sugges-
tions are encouraged and should be directed
to: Communications Office, 505 South Ludlow
Street, Dayton, OH 45402 | (937) 461-3740
x238 | © Copyright                                 Cover Story
2021 Chaminade Julienne Catholic High School.
                                                                          All CJ students have shown tremendous grace throughout the 2020-2021 school year. Their courage,
Nondiscriminatory Policy                                                  flexibility and perseverance have met pandemic-driven challenges with creativity, hope, and great inspiration
Chaminade Julienne Catholic High School wel-                              for our community #UnitedTogetherCJ! This is especially true for our seniors, the Class of 2021.
comes students of any race, color, national and
ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, pro-                         As we celebrated their return last fall along with all of the rest of their schoolmates, so, too, did we want to
grams and activities generally accorded or made                           celebrate contributions that this class has made to the school community. Teachers and staff members were
available to students at the school. CJ does not                          committed to finding new and creative ways to celebrate end-of-year activities for the Class of 2021 — even
discriminate on the basis of race, color, national                        with the limitations of current COVID-19 safety protocols.
and ethnic origin in the administration of its ed-
ucation policies, admissions policies, scholar-                           Due to the generosity and support of many people in the extended CJ community, the school was able to plan
ship and loan programs, and athletic and other                            multiple opportunities for every member of the class of 2021 to spend time together and celebrate with one
school-administered programs.                                             another — beginning with Senior Celebrations Days. For three days in mid-March, all seniors were invited to
                                                                          take field trips to the Cincinnati Zoo, Camp Kern, and a Riverboat Lunch Cruise on the Belle of Cincinnati, at no
                                                                          cost to students. It was a way to ensure that the senior class had the opportunity to participate in events that
                                                                          were fun, memorable, and full of family spirit.
   The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur,       The Society of Mary,
               Ohio Province              Province of the United States
This Happened SPRING 2021 - Chaminade Julienne
me s s a g e                                                       F R O M          T H E         P R E S I D E N T

                                              Dan Meixner ‘84, president, conducts an interview with CJ COVID-19 vaccination partner Premier Health and addresses the hopefulness that vaccines
                                              provide as well as how crucial it is that the CJ community continues following health and safety protocols in the midst of the ongoing pandemic.

      A   S W E H E A D T O W A R D T H E C O N C L U S I O N of the 2020-
      2021 school year, we continue to celebrate our many blessings in
                                                                                                   • Seeing interactions on campus between students and teachers. We
                                                                                                     may be wearing masks, but we’ve learned to express joy, frustration,
      what has been an incredibly challenging time period for our students,                          insight, and concentration more fully with our eyes, foreheads, hands,
      teachers, staff members, and families. In many ways, our 17-acre                               and voices.
      campus in downtown Dayton has been a microcosm of what has
                                                                                                   • The bold investments from a number of our benefactors, allowing us
      been repeated in schools, businesses, and communities around the
                                                                                                     to make some initial progress towards our campus master plan.
      world as we planned, adjusted, adjusted again, contact traced, and
      quarantined. Among our many blessings:                                                       In the midst of these blessings, we have mourned those we lost over the
                                                                                                   past year. So many of us know someone who succumbed to COVID-19
      • The swift development and deployment of a number of vaccines to
                                                                                                   or we have been unable to attend the funeral Mass of someone we loved
        protect against COVID-19. In Ohio, those working in schools were
                                                                                                   or admired. It is heartbreaking to consider the magnitude of the grief
        among the first to receive a vaccine, after those 75 and older, and
                                                                                                   experienced over the last 14 months. I will miss listening to stories told
        everyone 16 years old or older has been able to receive the vaccine
                                                                                                   by Sister Damien Grismer, SNDdeN ‘47; being inspired by the energy
        since March 29.
                                                                                                   and vision of Sister Carol Bauer, SC; being advised by CJ Trustee Bro.
      • The outpouring of love, support, and prayers for our students and                          Victor Forlani, SM; seeing the joy of Marty Duffy when she was with
        their teachers since the pandemic began. Your encouragement has                            her family and her CJ friends; being greeted by Norm Neff ‘49 when he
        sustained us and your financial support has allowed us to address                          and his wife, Peggy, attended every alumni event. Nonetheless, we look
        the challenges with confidence, particularly the needs of families                         at the relationships we had with those persons as blessings — and as
        most impacted by shutdowns and business interruptions.                                     reminders to celebrate each moment we have with those close to us.

      • The grace and determination of our teachers and staff members                              It appears that we are heading toward a time in which some of the
        who have put serving our students at the forefront of their efforts                        barriers that have separated us can begin to be lifted, allowing us to
        throughout this experience. We have shifted and pivoted and                                again experience the embrace of loved ones, the calming effect of a hand
        adjusted throughout as the reality has changed — and they have                             on a shoulder, the joy that comes from watching another person laugh.
        accepted and adopted each of these, knowing that our students                              We are hopeful, and we try to remain patient.
        were counting on them every day.
                                                                                                   As St. Julie Billiart told her Sisters, “Let us follow the good God step
      • Our embrace of technology as a learning tool, starting with the                            by step, let us not go faster than Him.” We do not yet know what
        implementation of our Connected Classroom initiative in 2013,                              restrictions will be necessary at the start of the 2021-2022 school
        allowed us to quickly shift to distance learning last spring when                          year, but we do know that the CJ community will continue to carefully
        ordered and, even after we were back on campus in August, sustain                          consider and implement all that is necessary to keep our community
        distance learning for those students who needed to continue                                safe while finding ways to form community, celebrate being together,
        learning from home during this school year.                                                and grow in knowledge and faith.

      • The way in which creativity has been unleashed in a new way to                             As you read the pages that follow, you will discover how we have
        allow students the opportunity to continue the activities that they                        embraced the Marianist gift of “adaptation and change” during this
        love and that make high school such a formative time. Attendance                           unusual and challenging time. Life has been different, but our focus on the
        at sporting events has been physically distanced; concerts and                             mission of our school has endured. Thank you for making this possible.
        plays have been recorded and made available on virtual platforms;
                                                                                                   May God bless you in great abundance.
        student clubs and organizations have moved meetings to bigger
        spaces; and the annual senior trip to Washington D.C. became                               Sincerely,
        three days of senior celebration at places closer to campus. The
        opportunity to rethink traditional experiences and events allows
        us to take advantage of new methods to expand and deepen the CJ
                                                                                                   Daniel J. Meixner, 84
        educational experience.

CJ TRUSTEES Phillip Chick; Sr. Kim Dalgarn, SNDdeN, secretary; Lainie Dean; Daniel Foley ‘83; Joseph M. Geraghty ‘83, chair; Christina Grant; Robert Hickey, Jr.; Andy Horner;
         Elaine Lantz ‘70; Dr. Thomas Lasley; Bro. Tom Oldenski; L. Tony Ortiz; Ellen Quinttus, vice chair; Julie Roach; Jennifer Theibert ‘92; and Kevin Weckesser ‘93
      SCHOOL LEADERSHIP Fr. Bob Jones, SM; Greg Lewis, finance & accounting; John Marshall ‘86, development; Dan Meixner ‘84, president; Greg Mueller, principal;
        Brandon Meyer, admissions; Tina Wagoner, marketing & communications; Nathan Wilson, facilities EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP Jama Badinghaus, guidance;
             Marcus Colvin, dir. student services; Steve Fuchs, asst. principal; Jeremy Greenleaf, athletics; Kelli Kinnear, ministry & service; Greg Mueller, principal
This Happened SPRING 2021 - Chaminade Julienne
living the faith

Sr. Damien Grismer SNDdeN ‘47 (1929-2021)
                                 as written by Sr. Kim Dalgarn, SNDdeN
                                                                                  of growing up to be a nun. In her own          as principal and wearing the traditional
                                                                                  words, “There were two things in life –        Notre Dame habit, Sr. Damienne gladly
                                                                                  basketball, and earning the gold medal         joined students for a quick basketball
                                                                                  in piano.” Then came the afternoon of          game. She enjoyed teaching the younger
                                                                                  October 16, 1946, when she nearly died         children, but she LOVED teaching the
                                                                                  on the school grounds after a motorcycle       older kids. Sr. Damienne saw all of her
                                                                                  jumped the curb and struck her.                students as gifted children of God – she
                                                                                  Janet’s fall resulted in a fractured skull.    just had to help them discover the gifts
                                                                                  Later she would recall, “It was all very       within themselves. She had a special
                                                                                  dramatic. It was a major rally of prayer       love for working with students who
                                                                                  and offering of novenas so I wouldn’t          needed a little extra help.
                                                                                  die.” She was operated on two days
                                                                                                                                 In the mid-1960’s Sr. Damienne travelled
                                                                                  later and remained hospitalized until
Tony Ricciuto, social studies teacher, visits with Sr. Damien in March 2020                                                      each summer to Manhattanville
                                                                                  November 3rd. Janet not only survived,
                                                                                                                                 College in Purchase, NY to work on a
                                                                                  but returned to school December 2nd,
                                                                                                                                 MA in Interdisciplinary Studies. Her
                                                                                  turban-clad, head shaven from surgery.
                                                                                                                                 experiences in New York broadened
                                                                                  She resumed her classwork, caught up
                                                                                                                                 her worldview and introduced her to
                                                                                  with the rest of her class and went on to
                                                                                                                                 work with drug addicts. She personally
                                                                                  make a complete recovery AND earn the
                                                                                                                                 saw the educational system failing to
                                                                                  gold medal in piano.
                                                                                                                                 teach teens skills they needed to live
                                                                                  During her senior year, Janet began to         successful lives. Sr. Damienne listened
                                                                                  think about joining the Sisters of Notre       to the stories from young adults who
                                                                                  Dame. She later remembered, “The               had fallen into addiction. In each of them
                                                                                  Sisters seemed to have some intangible         she saw a glimmer of God’s goodness,
                                                                                  spirit – a peace, a happiness, a deep          no matter their choices or failures.
                                                                                  secret of some kind.” On a questionnaire,      She saw the need for programs to help
                                                                                  Janet would write that she desired to          young addicts. Sr. Damienne believed
                                                                                  be a religious because she wanted to           a religious person with a positive
                                                                                  grow in her love of God and that she           attitude could help bring about positive
After her retirement, Sr. Damien traveled to CJ whenever possible, here in 2015   preferred Notre Dame “because of its           attitudinal change in young addicts, and
                                                                                  beautiful simplicity in dress and action.”     so, she asked to work in a rehabilitation
                                                                                  She entered the community the summer           program. Sr. Damienne later said, “Oh,
                                                                                  after her graduation. Janet later reflected    I’ve got plenty of degrees, but learning
         “My daughter, what I ask with all my heart                               that she was never lonely or homesick,         about people, that happened in Chicago.
         for you and for your sisters is a very great                             nor did she ever think about leaving. “I       I left Manhattanville and asked to go
                                                                                  liked the camaraderie. It was a whole          to Chicago to create a GED program
         simplicity of heart and soul in all your                                 new family; it was a community – and           for drug addicts at a halfway house. I
                                                                                  the word ‘community’ was the kicker.”          learned more about people in those five
         behavior, the great liberty of the children
                                                                                                                                 years than I could have ever learned in
                                                                                  Upon entering the novitiate, Janet asked
         of God.” (Saint Julie Billiart, Letter 162)                                                                             any classroom.” In Tinley Park, IL she
                                                                                  for the name Sr. Damienne of the Sacred
                                                                                                                                 taught 18-22 students for two hours a
                                                                                  Heart because of her life-long devotion to
                                                                                                                                 day, served as Bursar for the program,
                                                                                  Fr. Damien of Molokai. She was known as
                                                                                                                                 filled out probation reports, rationed
                                     hen Janet – who would later in life take     Sr. Damienne for the rest of her life. After
                                                                                                                                 cigarettes to the participants, supervised
                                     the name Sister Damien(ne) – began her       Fr. Damien was canonized, she spelled it
                                                                                                                                 the property and participated in the
                                     freshman year at Julienne High School,       “Damien.” Sr. Damienne spent 16 years
                                                                                                                                 clinical operation of the house, including
                                     she not only came into daily contact with    teaching 3rd, 4th, 7th and 8th graders
                                                                                                                                 staff and resident groups. Sr. Damienne
                                     the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur,          before being assigned as principal at
                                                                                                                                 loved every minute of it, so much so that
                                     but also joined the third generation of      Saints Peter and Paul School in Reading
                                                                                                                                 she started working toward a Master
                                     her mother’s family to attend the Sisters    – where she was known to keep the
                                                                                                                                 of Science in Mental Health Counseling
                                     of Notre Dame’s secondary schools in         financial records for the school in a
                                                                                                                                 the summer of 1974. In 1975, she was
                                     Dayton. Janet was not one who dreamt         notebook she carried in her pocket. Even
                                                                                                                                 asked to join the faculty at Chaminade-
                   2          Spring 2021                                                                                        (Continued on page 24)
This Happened SPRING 2021 - Chaminade Julienne
living the faith

We Can
    Be                   The Change                                                                                    Our World
                                                                                                                        by Monroe Welborne ‘95

                                                            never imagine; however, this Sister/        Puckett ‘95, my classmate and now head
                                                            Brotherhood would, and still is, standing   football coach at Vandalia-Butler High
                                                            the test of time.                           School. “Come talk to my students,” he
                                                                                                        said. I had given talks on the behalf of
                                                            The next four years I would see Mrs.
                                                                                                        the Department of Corrections before,
                                                            Wheeler become my in-school mom,
                                                                                                        but this was different. My CJ Brother
                                                            forever reminding me of all that I was
                                                                                                        invited me into his sanctuary to share a
                                                            capable of—not accept anything but
                                                                                                        message. For him to believe in me after all
                                                            my best. Coaches Place and Ricciuto
                                                                                                        my shortcomings said so much about the
                                                            were firm in helping me appreciate the
                                                                                                        strength of the bonds that are formed at
                                                            opportunity, instilling a work ethic in
                                                                                                        CJ. After that engagement, and after the
                                                            me. Brother Ed Brink, SM told us about
                                                                                                        unrest from the killing of George Floyd,
                                                            what the Internet would become, and
                                                                                                        I took to LinkedIn and created a group
                                                            Sister Kim Dalgarn, SNDdeN humbled
                                                                                                        called CJSTRONG. I penned a message to
                                                            me in a way that only she could. Foreign
                                                                                                        my White brethren from CJ and shared
                                                            languages, sporting events, exams,
                                                                                                        with them that it is time for us to become
                                                            projects, parties and — Yes! — Mass, had
                                                                                                        agents for change and how much having
                                                            molded us as the four years flew by and
                                                                                                        them in my life meant to me. It is easy
                  Monroe Welborn ‘95 and John Puckett ‘95   it became time for us to spread our Eagle
                                                                                                        to identify with those that look like you,
         “Freshmen rock the                                 For me, the 25 years since graduation
                                                                                                        but the bond I shared with them was no
                                                                                                        different. I knew them and they knew me.
         house! Say ‘What?’

                                                            has been a roller coaster ride. As a        Our day-to-day experience was something

         Freshmen rock the                                  result of a reckless lifestyle and poor
                                                            decisions compounded, I served a
                                                                                                        that we became accustomed to, but
                                                                                                        many people in this world have not been
         house!”                                            lengthy period of incarceration. Those      afforded that opportunity. If we could be
                                                            days were dark, and I felt like a failure   to others what we had
         t was September 1991, and the CJ gym
                                                            on so many levels. All of the lessons       been for one another,                About the author:
         was rocking. Coming off a summer that
                                                            I had learned at CJ seemed so distant       maybe things could begin            Monroe Welbourne ‘95 lives in
         had us grooving to “Summertime” by
                                                            and I was so ashamed. Many reached          to look different.                  Columbus and works for the
         Fresh Prince, the fall sports pep rally was
                                                            out, but I could not accept the fact that                                     Department of Rehabilitation
         underway and this class of youngsters                                                          Our group has grown to
                                                            I was still embraced by the CJ family.
         was eager to let the school and the world                                                      roughly 100 members               and Corrections, where he is in
                                                            After 15 years, I was released in 2015
         know that we were here and going to                                                            and I pray that it will           sales and in project management
                                                            and my CJ family was immediately there
         leave our mark. The spirit stick would                                                         continue to expand. I am          for Ohio Penal Industries (OPI).
                                                            for me. No judging, no questioning, no
         definitely be ours!                                                                            certain that our network
                                                            embarrassing questions. There was only                                        In his free time, Monroe enjoys
                                                                                                        could provide endless
         All of us in the CJ class of 1995 were             love and an outpouring of support —
                                                                                                        layers of support for one
                                                                                                                                          cooking, taking walks, reading
         from different social, economic, racial,           the bonds were still there. I went back                                       and watching sports. He invites
                                                                                                        another and our extended
         and religious backgrounds. Inner-city,             to school in 2016 and completed my
                                                                                                        CJ family. Our downtown           everyone to the LinkedIn page,
         country and suburban kids had united in            degree in 2018. I am now employed by
                                                                                                        Catholic school is where          CJStrong ... #wellwegot
         a way that would forever bond us. From             the very agency for which I served time,
                                                                                                        it started, and has done
         day one, we were quick to realize that we          hopefully serving as an inspiration for
                                                                                                        us all some good in one
         had far more in common than what was               those I once sat with behind bars.
                                                                                                        way or another — socially, economically,
         perceived as differences. Our parents
                                                            Summer of 2020 saw our country in           or professionally. The impact continues in
         covered every spectrum from prominent
                                                            the midst of a pandemic, as well as a       our current youngsters who, like us, will
         to blue collar. Our athletic and academic
                                                            visible social divide. Races were being     carry on the legacy. God bless them, and
         prowess was duly noted, and we would
                                                            pitted against one another and social       God bless us.
         forever have one another’s back — this
                                                            justice stood out in every aspect of our
         journey as one was just beginning!
                                                            life. I received a message from John
         We would be tested in ways that we’d

                                                                                                                                   VISION           3
This Happened SPRING 2021 - Chaminade Julienne
Ashes to Easter

Ash Wednesday - FEB 17
Lent began with an Ash Wednesday prayer service that was live-streamed
to the school community. Assignments and to-do lists took pause as the
entire school participated in a Liturgy of the Word presided by Fr. Bob
Jones, listened to a reflection offered by Sr. Nicole Trahan, FMI — and had
their own time to reflect on the message, and received ashes. (Sr. Nicole’s
reflection can be found on CJ’s Facebook page.)

                                                                              St. Joseph Mass - MAR 19
                                                                              Parents, alumni, community members, and all CJ friends were
                                                                              encouraged to celebrate the traditional Feast of St. Joseph School
                                                                              Unity Mass with the community from the comfort of their homes,
                                                                              offices, or wherever convenient to honor the Solemnity of St.
                                                                              Joseph - Husband of Mary.

  CJ Employee In-Service - FEB 19
  The Ministry and Service in-service day utilized the theme of
  “finding God’s grace” as faculty and staff enjoyed testimonies
  from a few of their coworkers on how they have found God’s grace
  through a variety of things, both this past year and throughout
  their lives. Afterward, faculty and staff joined with their small
  sodality groups to reflect and share how they have experienced
  God’s grace and concluded with an all-employee Mass at
  Emmanuel Catholic Church.

             4       Spring 2021
This Happened SPRING 2021 - Chaminade Julienne
We have Hope through
                                                                                                            the Resurrection
                                                                                                                of the Lord.
                                                                                                               Happy Easter!

                                                                       Stations of the Cross - APR 1
     Student Retreats - March                                          CJ held the annual Stations of the Cross activity on Thursday, April
     Student retreats for freshmen and juniors were held in the last   1, offering the opportunity to meditate on the passion and death of
     weeks of March. This year, the one-day retreat normally held      Jesus, and to reflect on its meaning in our own lives.
     for all freshmen was instead held for six groups on different
     days for social distancing. The experience gave the newest
     class of CJ a welcomed opportunity to meet classmates on a
     personal level. The theme of freshman retreat is Respect for
     Self, while the theme for the two-day retreat for juniors is
     The Journey.

                                                                                  Sacraments Celebrated
                                                                                  Students were granted the opportunity to celebrate the
                                                                                  Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) during Lent via
                                                                                  appointment with Fr. Bob, obtaining forgiveness for their
                                                                                  sins through His never ending love and mercy. Masses were
                                                                                  offered frequently in CJ’s chapel. The men’s tennis program
                                                                                  (shown above) attended as a team.

                                                                           Catholic Schools Week – Jan. 31 – Feb. 6
                                                                           Student Activity
                                                                           As is tradition to cap off Catholic Schools Week at CJ, students
                                                                           participated in all-school bingo. Each class listened as prompts were
                                                                           read over the school intercom and students were encouraged to shout
                                                                           “BINGO” to build school spirit and have fun on a Friday morning.
Lenten Mission Drive                                                       Service
The annual Lenten Mission Drive at CJ supported the Sisters of             To benefit the Foodbank, Inc. in Dayton, students worked together
Notre Dame de Namur’s Clean Water Project, helping provide clean           to gather non-perishable food items for their annual food drive. In
water to communities in Latin America and Africa. The drive also           the spirit of giving during what has been a tumultuous year, students
benefited the Marianist Sisters’ school, St. Mary’s Karonga Girls          managed to exceed their drive goal by nearly 60 percent.
Secondary School in Karonga, Malawi. Donations were collected in
all eighth period classes through the end of Lent.

                                                                                                                   VISION          5
This Happened SPRING 2021 - Chaminade Julienne

                          So much to Celebrate!
          Here is a look at some of the highlights and achievements
                          that we celebrated this year.

                                                                                                                          Since 2012, CJ STEMM has hosted
Nate Wilson                                                                                                               fun activities led by student
Earlier this year, Chaminade            Joey Nartker                                                                      volunteers at this community event
Julienne welcomed Nathan Wilson         Joey Nartker ‘21 was selected
                                                                                 Scholastic Art                           typically held at Sinclair Community
as director of facilities. Wilson       for a full tuition, room and
                                                                                 Awards                                   College. Like most activities planned
spent most of his career in the                                                  At the Miami Valley Regional             for larger crowds during this time
                                        board scholarship to Princeton
construction industry, raising                                                   Affiliate of the Scholastic Art          of COVID-19, this event was held
                                        University through the competitive
buildings from the ground up                                                     Awards, hosted by K12 Gallery and        virtually featuring a wide variety of
                                        Questbridge program. While Nartker
around the greater Dayton area.                                                  TEJAS, seven CJ students stood out,      STEM activities for participants from
                                        is looking forward to the vast
Most recently, he worked at the                                                  two earning gold keys, four silver,      the comforts of their homes.
                                        academic opportunities that await
University of Dayton (UD) in the        him, he is quick to credit several       and four earning honorable mention       “We’re excited to be a part of this
Facilities Management Department        members of the CJ community with         for their efforts.                       year’s virtual event with an engaging
for 11 years, spending eight of those   his success. “Mrs. DeLong was the                                                 experience about our amazing
                                                                                 A multi-award winner in the 2020
years as manager of maintenance         kindest teacher I had ever met when                                               ‘Human Body Systems,’” said Meg
                                                                                 competition, Chloe Proffitt ‘21
contractors. Being a part of Catholic   I first started at CJ, that kindness                                              Draeger, CJ STEMM coordinator.
                                                                                 received three recognitions for her
education in a Marianist setting for    allowed me to be comfortable                                                      “Two of our CJ Project Lead the Way
                                                                                 entries this year, including a Gold
many years, Wilson became quite         enough to go after everything I                                                   Biomedical Science students, Tori
                                                                                 Key for her fashion design of “Sun
attached to the mission and beliefs,    wanted and excel in class,” he said.                                              Hale ‘23 and Helen Brzozowski ‘23,
                                                                                 Set.” Her experience as a distance
leading him to CJ. His appreciation     “Dr. Mominee was a mentor who                                                     helped create CJ’s exhibit — a tour
                                                                                 learner, and the additional challenge
of mission and experience in            allowed me to grow as a person                                                    of our body systems. For 19 years,
                                                                                 of a semester art class taught over
working with a campus as large as       to the point where I could be my                                                  TechFest has been the go to STEM
                                                                                 the span of a quarter, inspired her to
UD’s made him a great fit for CJ.       authentic self. Finally, the person                                               festival in our region where families
                                                                                 think and create in new ways.
                                        who made all of this possible was                                                 and people of all ages can do hands-
“I’m most excited for the campus
                                        Mrs. Badinghaus. She told me to go       “The new found freedom of time           on science, technology, engineering,
master development plan that was
                                        after this scholarship and helped me     and working from home were               and math activities, and meet and
established prior to me joining CJ,”
                                        through every single step.”              difficult at first, but it also opened   learn from local practicing STEM
said Wilson. “When I saw the plan, I
                                                                                 me up to new mediums that                professionals and college and
knew it was my opportunity to not       Nartker has encountered a wide           would’ve been harder to execute at       university students,” said Draeger.
only make a lasting impression at       range of emotions since receiving        school like sewing and cardboard
CJ but the city of Dayton overall.      the news about the scholarship but       construction work in these times of
Dayton is the Gem City but when         one thing he knows for certain, he is    distancing,” said Proffitt.
I leave, my wish is that CJ is the      ready for what lies ahead. “Thanks
crown jewel of the city.”               to this scholarship, I will be able to   Congratulations to our 2021
                                        do amazing things and CJ has given       student award winners: Gold Key
                                        me the self-esteem and talent to         Award: Allie Bertke ‘21, Chloe
                                        succeed at Princeton.”                   Proffitt ’21; Silver Key Award:
                                                                                 Josh Cross ‘23, Lily Davis ‘21,
                                                                                 Kate Machuca ‘22, Chloe Proffitt
                                                                                 ’21; Honorable Mention: Javian
                                                                                 Caldwell ‘22, Josh Cross ‘23,
                                                                                 Morgan Dean ‘22, Chloe Proffitt ‘21.

               6     Spring 2021
This Happened SPRING 2021 - Chaminade Julienne
Sports Update
                                                                                 CJ athletics saw great success           Wrestling
                                                                                 this spring, with multiple athletes      Wrestling team, Second Place, GCL
                                                                                 receiving recognition as well as state   Championship
                                                                                 championship wins and runs. Below
                                                                                 are some highlights.                     Isabell Carrington ‘24 (below),
                                                                                                                          Wrestling, Third Place, OHSWCA
                                                                                                                          State Championship

Libby Harbaugh -                                                                                                          Melanie Kenney ‘24 (below),
Hope Scholarship                                                                                                          Wrestling, Sixth Place, OHSWCA
Award                                  Kathryn Schinaman                                                                  State Championship
“This sounds cheesy, but I tell my     National Merit Finalist                                                            Weight Class Winners, GCL
students, they get to watch me do                                                                                         Championship: Evanson Good ‘23,
                                       Chaminade Julienne senior Kathryn
what I really love every day.” Libby                                                                                      Chris Rau ‘21, David Frederick ‘21,
                                       Schinaman ‘21 was named a
Harbaugh, Spanish teacher at CJ,                                                                                          Jack Leiher ‘22
                                       National Merit Scholarship Finalist
received recognition from The Hope
                                       in the 66th annual National Merit
Scholarship Corporation through                                                                                           Second Place, GCL Championship:
                                       Scholarship Program, a feat               McKenzie Reid ‘21, Division II State
Echo Boutique in Troy, OH for her                                                                                         Adam Elder ‘22, Mishaun Stevens
                                       achieved by some 15,000 students          Champion, 100 Fly, 54.58 seconds
outstanding work as a teacher                                                                                             ‘24, Jon Castonguay ‘22
                                       out of 1.5 million entrants each          (School Record); Division II State
and a mentor at CJ. “Though the                                                  Runner-Up, 100 Back, 55.99 seconds
                                       year. “I’m extremely grateful for the                                              Third Place, GCL Championship: Leo
recognition is not why we do what                                                (School Record)
                                       opportunity to attend Chaminade                                                    Switalski-Lail ‘23, Melanie Kenney
we do, every teacher deserves a
                                       Julienne and for all I have gained                                                 ‘24, Kendale Owens ‘24
window like this, especially this                                                McKenzie Reid ‘21, Lily Davis
                                       academically and spiritually during
year, when doubting ourselves may                                                ‘21, Grace Schaefer ‘22, Aidah           Frederick (below) went on to
                                       my high school career,” Schinaman
come more easily,” said Harbaugh.                                                Shuttleworth ‘21 (above), Division II    place third at the Division II State
                                       said. “I have been blessed to
Things like this that come straight                                              State Championship, 200 Free Relay,      Tournament.
                                       experience diversity and participate
from the students — their words,                                                 1:42:46 seconds (School Record)
                                       in travel and social justice projects
time and energy to say ‘thank you’
                                       that have framed who I am as a            Along with these accolades, Reid
or to recognize what we do — mean
                                       leader. My experiences at CJ have         was also named the Penn Station
so much.”
                                       shaped me into the person that I am       March Athlete of the Month. Reid
Lauren Sass, a senior this year at     today, and I am so grateful for the       plans to attend Miami University in
CJ, nominated Harbaugh. Through        CJ leaders and teachers who have          the fall on a swimming scholarship.
their time together throughout         always supported me and helped
her career at CJ, Sass appreciated     bring out the best in me as a student
the effort Harbaugh put into not       and person,” she said.
only providing a proper education,
                                       While Schinaman is still making
but developing relationships
                                       college decisions, her favorite CJ
with her students that go beyond
                                       classes to date have been AP biology
the classroom. “Ms. Harbaugh is
                                       and AP psychology and she has
the perfect example of a teacher
                                       enjoyed the biomedical science
creating a legacy of love, hope, and
                                       program as well as her volunteer
community with each student at
                                       work at Miami Valley Hospital.            Logan Brown ‘21, Matt LaBianco ‘22,
Chaminade Julienne Catholic High
                                                                                 Mason Wilkson ‘21, Andrew Kutter
School,” said Sass.
                                                                                 ‘21, Division II State Championship,
                                                                                 200 Medley Relay, Ninth Place,
                                                                                 1:38:64 seconds (School Record)

Men’s Basketball State Semi-Finalists
                                                                               The men’s basketball team had a prominent run in the Division II State Basketball
                                                                               Tournament, cutting down the nets in the Regional Finals after back-to-back wins
                                                                               against Tipp City Tippecanoe and Bishop Watterson and advancing to the Final
                                                                               Four where they lost a competitive game against St. Francis DeSales.
                                                                               Dan Nauseef ‘21, First Team All-GCL; Honorable Mention All-Southwest District;
                                                                               District 15 Senior All-Star Team
                                                                               Jonathan Powell ‘24, Second Team All-GCL; Honorable Mention All-Southwest
                                                                               District; District 15 Underclassmen All-Star Team
                                                                               AJ Solomon ‘21, Second Team All-GCL
                                                                               Evan Dickey ‘23, Honorable Mention All-GCL
This Happened SPRING 2021 - Chaminade Julienne
Parent Q&A Sessions                           members through the fall and winter,
                                           Over the last year, CJ hosted parent Q&A      and also provided a series of updates for
                                           sessions so that parents had the ability to   the CJ community.
                                           be more fully informed about the safety       The winter quarter session included how
                                           measures that were being employed to          the school prepared for second semester
                                           make in-person instruction possible.          with live-streaming being made available
                                           This included holding sessions prior to       to alternative distance learners and
                                           the first day of school for all students;     lunch space moving indoors during
                                           when students returned to in-person           winter months. He also reflected on
                                           instruction following Christmas break;        those in our community who lost their
                                           and in March for updates and assistance       lives to COVID-19 and the legacy they
                                           in enrolling for the 2021-2022 school year.   have left behind.
                                           Recordings of the sessions were then          Gratitude was also expressed to those
                                           made available to those parents who           who continue to support the CJ mission
                                           were not able to attend in real time.         and have allowed the school to operate so
With the advent of the global pandemic     Community Updates                             successfully during these incredible times.
and the need for separation in the early
                                           In order to keep the broader CJ
months and restrictions on gathering in
                                           community updated on the viability of         Messages created for the
person, Chaminade Julienne embraced                                                      community may be viewed
                                           the school during the time and impact
teleconferencing technology in bringing
                                           of COVID-19, Dan Meixner ‘84, president,
                                                                                         at the school’s website:
people together in a virtual way to hear                                       
                                           met virtually with Eagle Council
about decisions made by school leaders.

Established programs bring stability, success
                                           The addition of iPad technology
                                           allowed distance learners to join in-
                                           person classmates for live instruction.

                                           Since 2013, Connected Classroom
                                           has placed a Chromebook into the
                                           hands of every student, allowing
                                           teachers to integrate technology into
                                           their lessons using the Google Suite
                                           of tools.
Anticipating challenges presented
by a prolonged national emergency          “Access to different resources,
is not typically part of a school’s        working in the same documents,                Established Programs
planning process for the future of         and the ease of communicating with            • Standards based grading provides students
education. However, monitoring             each other placed CJ in a pretty good           with multiple opportunities to demonstrate
rising trends and implementing             position to handle the initial demand           mastery of a standard — students become
strategies that grow student               of distance learning,” said Steve               masters of what they are learning (2019)
opportunities can provide a sense of       Fuchs, assistant principal.
                                                                                         • Connected Classroom brings the Google
stability when a crisis occurs.
                                           “Our experience and development                 suite of products to the forefront of student
When Ohio Governor Mike                    of Connected Classroom over the                 learning through technology (2013)
DeWine announced in March 2020             years gave us an early advantage in
                                                                                         • City Connects serves all students by
that schools were to switch to             delivering online instruction, and
                                                                                           providing assessment across six target
remote learning due to COVID-19,           allowed us to quickly improve upon
                                                                                           areas (academics, social/emotional/
Chaminade Julienne Catholic High           the experience for students and
                                                                                           behavioral, career, health, family, and
School turned to its established           teachers,” he said.
                                                                                           spirituality) in an effort to provide
system of online learning for
                                                                                           individualized support (2012)
immediate solutions.                         Familiar programs played
                                             a role in the success of the
8       Spring 2021                          2020-2021 school year.

Acquired Property Brings
New Opportunities

  hanks to the support and encouragement        be programmed and utilized for future
  of generous benefactors, Chaminade            use. In the meantime, CJ will continue
  Julienne has expanded its campus with         to use the space as a lunch area for
  the purchase of the 300 South Perry           students, faculty, and staff.
  Street building.
                                                “The building has been a great space for
  “We are incredibly grateful to our            us since January, allowing our students
  benefactors who continue to respond           and teachers to relax during lunch while
  to our plans for the future and needs         remaining safe with COVID-19 protocols
  of our community,” said Dan Meixner           in place,” said Meixner. “Our team is
  ‘84, president. “This new space helps us      eager to start planning how else we can
  take an initial step toward activating our    utilize the unique and substantial space.”
  campus master plan and opens the door
                                                CJ is incredibly grateful for the support
  for new opportunities to support our
                                                of benefactors who have allowed the
                                                school to make strategic investments
  The school’s 2019 campus master               like this. This support covers the cost of
  plan anticipated future growth of the         acquisition and the interior and exterior
  campus. The building, with more than          painting needed to make the building
  20,000 square feet, allows the school         CJ’s own, a project CJ will begin at the
  to consider a number of uses, including       conclusion of the current school year.
  gathering space for alumni and student
                                                “As the CJ community continues to
  events, additional learning spaces,
                                                expand our impact on our students and
  needed office space, and an auxiliary
                                                our neighborhood, our campus must
                                                also grow,” said Meixner. “Strategic
  This is an important investment as it         investments into our campus like this will
  will enable CJ to continue to extend the      only help further our goal of creating the
  footprint of campus and remain flexible       best environment for learning, teaching,
  in its use of spaces. CJ will be assembling   and growing in our faith.”
  a planning team later this spring to
  begin considering how the building will

                                                                                             VISION   9
Clifford, Franklin,
Winnie the Pooh
and the CJ Eagles
– it’s a perfect fit.
       Chaminade Julienne student council
       members found a way to connect
       with local elementary school children                                   As part of building a virtual story library for young children, Crystal Cardenas ‘22, Grace Schaefer
       virtually, share their love of reading                                  ‘22, Lauren Stueve ‘22, and Kitty Greek ‘22 showcase some of the literary classics for children.
       and spread some holiday cheer with                                      Each created a video of themselves reading a story for young students to enjoy later online.
       the creation of a Story Time Video
       Library. Service projects have been a
       bit more challenging given pandemic           “I wanted to participate because I                collaborate for the common good. With
       parameters, but Libby Harbaugh’s junior       thought it was such a fresh, creative             much gratitude for the beauty and
       class student council members were not        idea to record ourselves reading for              joy wrapped up in this virtual library
       deterred.                                     elementary students,” DeLong said. “My            experience,” Elisabeth Friel, reading
                                                     older daughter, Charlotte, is a freshman          specialist at Ascension.
       “We were brainstorming COVID-friendly         and a student council ambassador for
       ideas for a service project – something                                                         “Thank you so much for this! How
                                                     her class. She wanted to get involved in
       different and unique – and Lauren Stueve                                                        exciting to see so many of our former
                                                     the project because she is really inspired
       suggested this idea,” the junior class                                                          students reading the stories. I know our
                                                     by all the opportunities for service as
       student council moderator said.                                                                 students will enjoy seeing their former
                                                     a student council member. She is also
                                                                                                       prayer family leaders, family friends,
       Stueve, a junior, had previously created      a book lover, so it was fun for her to
                                                                                                       and older siblings on these videos.
       fun and engaging video resources for St.      share some of her favorites with other
                                                                                                       And as the librarian, I can use all the
       Benedict the Moor Catholic School and         children. As a mom, it was so fun to
                                                                                                       resources I can get for story time during
       The Glen, including activities to use as      watch her read in such an animated way.
                                                                                                       the pandemic,” Carrie Hartley, teacher at
       brain breaks as well as virtual stories.      She really got into it.
                                                                                                       St. Chris.

       “My aunt works with kids with                 “As for my little one, Sylvie, she is 8 years
                                                                                                       Harbaugh, who is also a CJ Spanish
       disabilities and I have a 4-year-old          old. She saw Charlotte and me doing
                                                                                                       teacher, is already brainstorming
       brother, so when I was looking at             the virtual story time, so she wanted to
                                                                                                       engaging ways to continue and expand
       service ideas, I was definitely drawn         jump right in. She read ‘Sam and Dave
                                                                                                       the program.
       to education and children right away,”        Dig a Hole,’ which is one of her favorites.
       Stueve said.                                  Overall, it was a fun experience to share         “I could have Spanish students read
                                                     and it combined some of my favorite               stories in Spanish and share them as
       It wasn’t long before the story time          things – teaching, reading, and my girls.”        well,” she said. “I think there is definitely
       video library went from idea to reality.                                                        enough interest to keep it going.”
       While the junior class members                Each video began with a brief
       came up with the concept, all student         introduction of the student and a                 And while the elementary school
       council members were encouraged               mention of their own elementary school.           audience likely enjoyed their time
       to participate. They selected favorite        In all, 47 videos were recorded and the           hearing about Pete the Cat and Charlie
       childhood books – many with a holiday         close to 20 students who participated             Brown, they weren’t the only ones who
       theme, given the timing – put on some         received service hours based on                   reaped the benefits of the project.
       CJ apparel and recorded themselves            the number of stories they read and
                                                                                                       “I think the project is great for the high
       reading. Sometimes there were a few           submitted. Harbaugh then shared a
                                                                                                       schoolers to do because it makes them
       takes to get it just right.                   link to the video library with 13 local
                                                                                                       more aware of the small ways they can
                                                     Catholic schools.
       “I felt like I never had the perfect video,                                                     reach out to others in the community,”
       but it was a lot of fun,” Stueve said.        “We heard the most amazing feedback,”             DeLong said. “Service is such an integral
                                                     Harbaugh said.                                    part of life at CJ, and this year has
       The virtual story time project was a                                                            challenged all of us to think of creative
       family affair for English teacher Katlyn      “What a fabulous idea - this just
                                                                                                       ways to share our blessings, gifts, and
       DeLong.                                       energizes me with the goodness
                                                                                                       talents with others.”
                                                     that bubbles up in all of us when we

      10        Spring 2021
Diverse Leadership Produces Success,

    Fosters Relationships for CJ Football
    round 2012, two young assistant           All three of these coaches have          bolster their resumes and grow into
    football coaches at Urbana                been strong Black role models            qualified candidates.
    University, Cory Hardin and Maurice       for CJ students. “It’s important to
                                                                                       “Program it, outreach it,” said
    “Mo” Harden, sat in an office             promote the opportunity for Black
                                                                                       Colvin, noting the importance of
    before taking the field for practice,     coaches to get a chance, show what
                                                                                       establishing a structure to grant
    discussing dream scenarios for their      you can do,” said Colvin, who has
                                                                                       these young coaches with limited
    coaching careers.                         been at CJ for 17 years and has
                                                                                       experience the opportunities they
                                              been the head football coach since
    “Cory and I were in the office just                                                need to succeed. “Just presenting
                                              2011. “The important part is that
    talking, telling stories and talking                                               new opportunities.”
                                              our community supports them to
    about the future,” said Mo. “I said
                                              succeed when they’re there, just like    Finding good candidates is not so
    ‘man, look, if I ever get the chance
                                              CJ always has.”                          much about their football resume as
    to coach at CJ, I will. You run the
                                                                                       much as it is about their character
    defense, I run the offense. How great     “The biggest thing I’ve learned is
                                                                                       and ability to help student athletes
    would that be?’”                          that building strong relationships
                                                                                       reach their full potential.
                                              with student athletes matters,” said
    A goal achieved as Cory would join
                                              Cory. “If you don’t connect with         “Find good, present, and loyal
    the CJ football staff in 2014 with
                                              students as people and you just          people to be coaches,” said Mo. “The
    Mo to follow in 2016. Both would
                                              focus on football, you aren’t going to   football piece will take care of itself.”
    coach together for five years at CJ,
                                              be successful.”
    helping build a winning program, a                                                 As one chapter closes and another
    hardworking culture, a lifelong bond      “Diversity is important because it       begins, Cory and Mo each reflect on
    with the community, and a special         enables you to have those different      their time at CJ with admiration and
    friendship with current CJ head           viewpoints from different people,”       gratitude.
    coach Marcus Colvin.                      said Mo. “It allows you as coaches to
                                                                                       “CJ just gave me opportunity after
                                              work together to find the best way
    “Teaching us how to be great                                                       opportunity after opportunity as
                                              to communicate with those kids. It’s
    coaches, great men, great husbands,                                                a coach and educator” said Cory.
                                              the old mantra of ‘they don’t care
    every facet of what we are goes back                                               “Coach Colvin became like a big
                                              how much he knows until they know
    to what Marcus taught us,” said Mo.                                                brother to me. I look up to him more
                                              how much he cares.’ It’s important
    “Those are life lessons that I’ll never                                            than he will ever know. I’m just very
                                              for Black kids to see guys that look
    be able to pay back. There’s so much                                               grateful for the opportunities that CJ
                                              like they do that are successful; they
    that he has given to both of us.”                                                  provided me with when they didn’t
                                              feel they can do it too.”
                                                                                       have to.”
    As a new season approaches, both
                                              Football coaches, like any other
    Cory and Mo will be donning new                                                    “Marcus Colvin was the first African
                                              profession, cannot be hired just
    colors, with Cory moving on to                                                     American teacher I had and the first
                                              because of the color of their skin,
    become the head coach at his alma                                                  successful African American man I
                                              they need to be qualified individuals
    mater of Fairborn High School and                                                  saw,” continued Mo. “Now I get to go
                                              who can help further the program.
    Mo becoming the head coach at                                                      be somebody else’s Marcus Colvin.”
                                              The discrepancy lies in finding ways
    Xenia High School.
                                              to get inexperienced Black coaches       Read the full story posted on CJ’s
                                              the opportunities they need to           website:

                                                                                                                VISION         11
senior talk
                                        With all of the planning over the summer to welcome teachers, staff and students
                                        back on campus in August, no one knew exactly what to expect, but that we would go
                                        through the year #UnitedTogetherCJ. Here, seniors share the joys and challenges that
                                        they experienced through the year of pandemic.

                                  Ben Campion                                           Trinitee Howard                                      Drew Lehmann
                                  We were still able to create a fun,                   Photography class! This class was stress-free        Global English 12 was my most inspirational
What teachers, person,            understanding, and safe environment in my             and just another way to express myself. Class        class because I was able to write about issues
classmate or class inspired       engineering CEA class. The class also helped me       was a place where I was excited to go. It gave       that were interesting to me. My teacher, Mrs.
you the most this year?           explore the field of engineering in which I will be   me a break from all the homework and projects,       Delong, inspires me to come to school every day
                                  majoring in the fall.                                 and just allowed me to have fun.                     and enjoy myself.

What activity outside of          I participated in varsity soccer. Unlike the          I am in Students in Action Club, which I think       This year I played varsity soccer as goalie and
                                  seniors of last year who lost their season to         deserves more recognition for their service.         lacrosse as attack, and also served as a team
the classroom did you take        COVID-19, I was fortunate to play a rewarding         We are thinking of new ways to get students          captain. I recently scored a school record 10
part in? What was the most        last season to end my varsity run.                    involved and help our school become more             points in a game!
memorable thing about it?                                                               united. We listen to everyone’s ideas and
                                                                                        brainstorm, and getting excited for things we
                                                                                        have planned.

What memory from this past        The opportunity to go on Kairos and bond with         On senior movie night, the seniors all went out      My favorite memory from this year was meeting
                                                                                        to the football field with an inflatable projector
year brings a smile to your       my classmates, friends and some of my favorite
                                                                                        and watched a movie. There were food trucks
                                                                                                                                             my favorite dog named Cinderella, an Australian
                                  teachers. We created some lasting memories                                                                 Shepherd. Also, getting accepted to several
face?                             together.                                             and glowsticks, and we all had a fun time.           different colleges was exciting!

                                  The moments when I would wake up in the                                                                    In religion class, we meditated to help bring us
What brought a sense of           mornings after a snowstorm and hear, “CJ will
                                                                                        It has been hard to find these things lately but
                                                                                                                                             peace and calm. Also just listening to relaxing
                                                                                        if I had to choose, it would just be hanging with
calm, peace or stability to       be closed today because of… have a great day          my friends laughing, and forgetting about the        music and resting helps me be peaceful.
you?                              Eagles!”                                              worries in the world.

How did you create and            I made sure to keep in touch through video calls,     I Facetimed my friends most of the time and no       A big part of staying social during the pandemic
                                  phone calls, or text messages. I would make                                                                is connecting with my friends via social media.
maintain friendships/             sure to let people know that I am thinking about
                                                                                        matter how short or restricted our time was
                                                                                                                                             Apart from that, I tried to live my life normally
                                                                                        together, we lived it to the fullest and enjoyed
community with the                them and willing to help out wherever I could.        every second.                                        while staying safe and wearing a mask.
restrictions of the pandemic?

What did you do to help           I involved myself in my Senior Capstone Project,      A couple of friends and I went to a hospital/        While it has been hard to go out and do
                                  working with a few other students in cleaning         rehabilitation center on Veterans Day and drew       normal service during the pandemic, my
others this year?                 up the environment and the local metroparks.          art all around the campus. We had American           Capstone group and I have been working
                                                                                        monuments drawn and inspirational quotes for         to raise awareness for animal cruelty and
                                                                                        people to see.                                       homelessness.

Tell us about your hopes and      I will major in environmental engineering so that     I hope to earn my bachelors in criminology, I        I hope to go to college and study psychology.
                                  I can help my community with environmental            also hope to find a stable job and continue my       After graduating, I would like to find a job that
dreams for the future.            needs, such as, renewable energy technology           career, wherever it may lead me.                     would best allow me to help people struggling
                                  and working with each environment to find                                                                  with mental health issues.
                                  suitable solutions.

            12      Spring 2021
Suzie Lyons                                         Jahlil Twitty                                       Rebecca Weinel                                       Alex Yunger
There are so many people who inspire me daily,      Mrs. Benson, Coach Hardin, Mr. Colvin, and Mrs.     Mrs. Bardine has inspired me this year in            The teacher who inspired me the most was Ms.
that choosing just one is next to impossible.       Saunders always believed in me and made sure        rediscovering my love of reading books.              Ruffolo. She made every effort to make sure
My community is made of amazing people who          I was doing good. I probably wouldn’t be who I                                                           that we had as many opportunities to have as
encourage me to never believe that anything is      am today if I hadn’t been coached by Mr. Hardin                                                          “normal” a school year as possible.
impossible.                                         during my three years playing football. Shout
                                                    out to Mrs. Ketch for looking over my college
                                                    essays, too!

I have taken part in retreats every year, some as   I played football and the most memorable            I played soccer and lacrosse this year and           I participated in Student Council, Eagle
a leader, and have played four years of varsity     moment was probably team camp with the              attended Kairos. I chaperoned the freshman           Ambassadors, National Honor Society, Student
softball. I am a Student Development Chair,         2020 class. I remember we were all just chilling    fun night and other student council events. My       Development Chairs, LIFE, Little Sibs, lacrosse,
Eagle Ambassador, and Admissions Office Aid.        together on the last night of camp.                 favorite thing was playing one last season with      soccer, and Kairos. The most memorable thing
I volunteer at Danbury Senior Living, as well as                                                        my friends.                                          was interacting with my peers. There isn’t a lot
St. Peter Catholic Church as Sacristan. The most                                                                                                             of time to talk to them during the school day due
memorable part was making a difference in my                                                                                                                 to social distancing and safety precautions.
community and helping those around me smile.

Even though our school prom got cancelled last      I enjoyed telling Mrs. Benson that I got a full     I loved being able to play indoor lacrosse with      We are able to see our little sibs! We were all
year, my closest friends and I had an at-home       ride scholarship to my dream school, and going      my friends.                                          very unsure of what the program was going to
prom. We dressed up in the dresses we already       up to Mrs. Ketch’s room with my friend and                                                               look like this year, but thankfully we are able
had, took pictures, then got in our swimsuits       joking around with her.                                                                                  to see them in person. The “littles” always
and swam in my friend’s pool.                                                                                                                                manage to make me laugh or bring a smile to my
                                                                                                                                                             face every time I am there.

My faith played a major role in keeping me          Being around my friends and having some fun                                                              The ability to play school sports with my
                                                                                                        My family and friends have brought me a sense
calm. Even though we could not physically go        with them. I especially enjoyed getting to know                                                          teammates and have a good time at practice.
                                                                                                        of peace during this past year. Lacrosse is
to church for the Easter Vigil (my favorite Mass    my friends better during Kairos.                                                                         Practices and games brought joy and were some
                                                                                                        something that I can rely on to put a smile on
of the year), I still felt connected to my faith                                                                                                             of the few times I was able to forget about the
                                                                                                        my face.
through prayer and online Mass.                                                                                                                              pandemic.

Understanding that everyone is battling             I just tried to be as friendly as possible. This    I reached out to old friends that I haven’t talked   Through my sports! I was blessed to keep
some type of obstacle whether emotionally           was a little harder for me to do because I          to in a while. My friends and I Facetimed to stay    relationships strong by interacting together
or physically played a big role in building         couldn’t be as physical as I would normally be.     in touch.                                            during practices and games. I learned to
relationships — we all had something to relate                                                                                                               appreciate the small gestures of friendships.
to. From there, I had to learn how to smile
through my eyes while wearing a mask.

My best friend and I went to Danbury Senior         I just tried to check in on my friends more often   I set up a service site to give Valentine’s Day      My Capstone group made reading blankets for
Living, where we volunteer, and drew pictures       than usual to see if they were doing OK. Also,      cards to senior citizens at a retirement home        all the first graders at St. Benedict the Moor.
on the sidewalk using sidewalk chalk. The           my capstone group is focusing on giving shoes       where I worked. I have tried to think of creative    Along with the reading blankets, we gave them
residents came to the windows and watched us        to people who can’t afford them. We’ve raised       ways to do service during the pandemic.              each a book to promote and encourage reading
draw the rainbows, hearts, suns, etc. and they      over $1,000 so far.                                                                                      by themselves or with their parents.
smiled so big just enjoying the moment.

I hope to continue my education studying            I just want to make my family proud. I really       I hope to play lacrosse in college and study to      I hope to make a difference in children’s lives
business management.                                want to go to medical school so I can become a      become a physical therapist. I would also like to    as a pediatric nurse. My dream is to travel the
                                                    physician.                                          continue giving back to the community through        world and experience the beauty, geography,
                                                                                                        service.                                             and diversity of the world around me.

                                                                                                                                                                    VISION             13
Athletic Hall of Fame Announces

                                               t’s about more than records
 and recognition, the Chaminade Julienne Athletic Hall of Fame is
                            about reconnecting.

    Established in 1980, the Athletic Hall of Fame has inducted more than
   300 people over the past four decades whose achievements as student              Todd Barhorst ‘10
  athletes, coaches, or supporters has been exceptional. While their athletic       SPORTS: Baseball and soccer
                                                                                    VARSITY LETTERS: 3 baseball, 3 soccer
     accomplishments vary, the gratitude of the inductees is a constant.
                                                                                    Achievements: The multi-sport athlete earned
                                                                                    Greater Catholic League Player of the Year
  “Everyone is so humbled and so appreciative,” committee chairperson               honors in baseball and was also a defensive
 Mike Raiff ‘79 said. “And what’s amazing is that CJ has such a rich athletic       force on the soccer field. Barhorst tallied a .435
      tradition that there is never a shortage of deserving athletes.”              career batting average and had posted a school
                                                                                    record on-base percentage (.584) when he
                                                                                    graduated. He was tied for the highest season
This year is no exception with seven athletes and one coach earning induction       batting average with .506 and season record for
 this year. They join decades of inductees who have made their mark as Eagle        triples with eight.

athletes. The CJ Athletic Hall of Fame was established just seven years after the
            merger of Chaminade and Julienne high schools in 1973.

     “It began as a way to bring the alumni together through athletic
  accomplishments,” Raiff said. “It was a way to recognize and celebrate
                               the athletes.”

While more than a decade has passed since any of this year’s inductees suited
up for the Eagles, the memories remain and, in many cases, are reignited by
                      becoming a Hall of Fame member.

  “I know the Hall of Fame has reconnected folks with their alma mater,”            Micaela Cronin ‘10
Raiff said. “And it also connects them with the many accomplished athletes          SPORT: Golf
                           that came before them.”                                  VARSITY LETTERS: 4

                                                                                    Achievements: A medalist in 15 of 47 matches,
   The school hopes to celebrate the induction of the                               the three-time team MVP consistently scored in
                                                                                    the Top 4. The All-State golfer holds the school
   Class of 2020 at an event held in their honor                                    record for nine holes with 34 and led the Eagles
                                                                                    to a Top 6 finish in the State Championship
                  in the fall of 2021.                                              in 2009. Cronin, a first-team Academic All-
                                                                                    Ohio selection as a senior, earned a Division I
                                                                                    scholarship to Cleveland State University where
                                                                                    she golfed for the Vikings.

             14    Spring 2021
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