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IMPRINT CONTENTS MEDIA OWNER AND PUBLISHER: Words of Welcome 6 I City of Graz, City Council, Hauptplatz 1, 8011 Graz New in Graz 9 In cooperation with the Graz Department of Education and capito App 10 Integration, Integration Office, Keesgasse 6, first floor, 8011 Graz Living in Graz 20 +43 316 872-7481 II Things to remember when moving house 26 III Working in Austria 28 PROJECT MANAGER: IV Traffic and Transport: Cars, Parking, Bicicles 36 Abteilung für Bildung und Integration PHOTOS: V Life Situations & Social Affairs 40 Stadt Graz/Foto Fischer (1) | iStockphoto (16) Graz Tourismus (7) | Joel Kernasenko (4) | Lupi Spuma (4) VI Children & Young Adults 48 Robert Frankl (1) | Jasmin Schuller (1) VII Education 58 LAYOUT & PRODUCTION: achtzigzehn – Agentur für Marketing und Vertrieb GmbH Andreas-Hofer-Platz 15 | 8010 Graz | VIII Health Care 66 Integration & Migration 70 PRINTED AND BOUND IN GRAZ, AUSTRIA, BY: IX Voluntary Work 78 Universitätsdruckerei Klampfer GmbH Barbara-Klampfer-Straße 347, A-8181 St. Ruprecht / Raab X Non-Discrimination & Participation 80 Arts & Culture 90 TRANSLATION: XI Sports & Recreation 94 BAKK.a NICOLA BALOCH XII Senior Citizens 96 EASY TO READ CONTENT: capito Graz | Heinrichstraße 145, 8010 Graz | XIII Help in Emergency Situations 100 Edition 7, 2018, What else you should know 104 XIV The electronic version of this brochure in 10 languages can be Address register 108 downloaded online at: 5
Foto: Graz Tourismus © Harry Schiffer WELCOME TO GRAZ! I am glad that you chose Graz as your new World Heritage Site. Our international ar- coexistence of all citizens of Graz. And this Graz: “Through conversation people discover home! Graz is an attractive and cosmopolitan chitecture scene was in part responsible for is why Graz is proud to be UNO-City of common interests and develop friendships.“ city of culture and education in which peo- the fact that as of April 2011 our city has Human Rights and why we actively promote This "New in Graz"- Package provides infor- ple of 160 different nations live. More than become a “City of Design.” We attach great interreligious dialogue, for instance, through mation about our city so that you will quickly 40,000 children and young adults attend the importance to the fact that all people living in the Interreligious Council of the City of Graz. feel at home in Graz. I sincerely hope that you various Graz schools, and 55,000 students Graz should be given equal opportunity to con- The Interreligious Council consists of delega- will find friends in our city and that you will are studying at the universities of Graz. tribute their experience, ideas and views but tes of the state-recognized denominations. ultimately become a true „Grazer/Grazerin“! Graz devotes considerable space to culture also be committed to the well-being of others. Please, make a personal effort to reach out in all its diversity. Practically the entire Inner My personal wish as the Mayor is that Graz and get into a dialogue with the people sur- Yours sincerely, City as well as the historical castle Schloss should remain the city with the highest quality rounding you, in your residential environment Mag. Siegfried Nagl Eggenberg have been declared UNESCO of life in Austria! This includes the peaceful in Graz! Or as we would casually say in Mayor of Graz 6 7
I NEW IN GRAZ DEAR NEW CITIZEN OF GRAZ, you have come to live in Graz and have etc. Some of the information is already men- received this "New in Graz" Package that tioned in the texts – two is better than none. you are holding in your hands. The informa- tion provided in the "New in Graz"-packa- Some information would thematically fit in ge and its contents serve the purpose of two chapters; however, it is discussed exten- making things a little easier for you during sively in one chapter only, whereas a “note” the first period of living in Graz and getting will refer you to the respective chapter. Un- familiar with the Styrian Capital. Inside this der “information” you will find useful links "New in Graz"-Bag you will find the follo- and internet addresses. And in the annex Foto: Graz Tourismus wing “goodies”: we have listed contact data in a city map • The "New in Graz"-Brochure with a first for your convenience and information. We DEAR NEW CITIZEN OF GRAZ, selection of important information about hope that the "New in Graz"-Package will a good host introduces his/her guests to the nuously improving our services. For our efforts living in Graz be of use to you, and we wish you a happy new and unfamiliar environment, provides we have received the Austrian Administration • folders on various topics such as “recy- life in our beautiful city! We do not lay any an orientation and familiarizes them with the Award and many other awards. I hope that we cling” claim to completeness – with all questions, house rules, and shows them the sights and always meet our high expectations and that • A coupon for a guided city tour of Graz wishes, ideas, complaints and suggestions points of interest. you, too, will perceive your communications • A city map of Graz for improvement and particularly for praise, Although we cannot personally introduce with the municipal authorities and services as • A pen please turn to the Integration Office of the all newcomers to Graz as their new living positive and enjoyable. • An USB-stick on which you will find the City of Graz (Integrationsreferat). environment, we would still like to be of help At this point I simply wish for you to feel wel- electronic version of the "New in Graz"- We have tried to always provide you with by offering you a coupon for a city tour and, come in Graz and hope that you will have Brochure in several languages. In this the latest information. However, as laws, in this way, introduce you to our city. The other the chance to discover and experience the way you can as well read the brochure fees, contact information, open hours, etc. contents of the "New in Graz"- Box, as well, many beautiful parts and aspects of our city. on your computer. often are subject to change, we advise you serve to familiarize you with the Styrian capital. Maybe this will change your perception of to double-check by calling the respective You will find out that Graz has an excellent the “Murtropolis” Graz from a mere place of In the "New in Graz" Brochure we have services beforehand. infrastructure and is rightly praised for the high residence to a place you call home. compiled useful information for you in quality of life it offers to its residents. 14 thematic chapters. Within the chapters Your team of the Integration Office Representing the city administration, I can Yours, you will find small information boxes provi- assure you that we contribute to your well- Mag. Martin Haidvogl ding you with the contact data of the menti- + 43 316 872-7481 being by being strongly committed to conti- Director of the Municipal authorities oned authorities, institutions, organizations, 8 9
I Foto: iStockphoto © PeopleImages CAPITO APP EASY-TO-UNDERSTAND INFORMATION HOW DO I LOAD INFORMATION ON THE COMPUTER INFORMATION FOR ON THE SMARTPHONE THE CAPITO APP The easy-to-understand information is of course RESIDENTS OF GRAZ This brochure has therefore now been transla- The capito app is available free of charge in not only available on the smartphone but also We want people who have recently moved ted into an easy-to-understand language for the App Store and in the Google Play Store. on the computer. to Graz to feel at home and find their way the first time and in collaboration with capito around as quickly as possible. Brief and Graz. Furthermore, with the capito With the 1. O pen the App Store or clearly arranged information about their capito app, the information is also available the Google Play Store. Information new home city helps here. Particularly for directly on the smartphone and in different lan- 2. Enter “capito” in the search field. capito Graz people who do not yet speak German that guage levels. The language levels correspond 3. S elect “capito – Leicht Lesen” well, specific information in easy-to-under- to a very easy-to-understand language (A1) (“Easy to read”). Heinrichstraße 145 stand German is ideal. and an easy-to-understand language (A2). 4. Tap on “Install”. 8010 Graz capito QR codes are provided in the table 5. W hen you have downloaded the app, And from a very general perspective, infor- of contents and in the individual chapters. By the symbol for the capito app is display- mation for all Graz residents that is as barri- scanning these QR codes with the capito app, ed on your mobile phone. Easy-to-understand information er-free as possible is a major concern for us the user can access the easy-to-understand 6. T o open it, tap on the symbol. can be found at: in the Graz municipal administration. Because versions directly. Also included in the app: an The capito app then shows you the next citizens’ satisfaction is very important to us. English translation and a read-aloud function. steps. 10 11
I Foto: Joel Kernasenko NEW IN GRAZ Graz is the Provincial Capital of Styria and the Hall located on the main square is the seat of the Cultural Capital of Europe; in 2011 Graz E levation: 353 m (1158 ft.) second largest city in Austria. The 328,276 the City Government. The city is administered was made “City of Design”. Furthermore, Graz above sea level inhabitants of Graz (Date: 1.1.2019) come by the municipal authorities (Magistrat Graz) is a “Fair- Trade- Community,” an “Eco-City” Geographic position: from ca. 160 countries. The first residents with about 3,000 employees. The “Holding and the first “Capital of Culinary Delights” 47.05 degrees north latitude settled about 5,000 years ago between the Graz“ is the municipal utilities company of the in Austria. The city has four Universities, two 15.22 degrees east longitude river Mur and the Schlossberg, a steep rock City of Graz. With another 4,000 employees Universities of Applied Sciences and two Communal districts: 17 located in the heart of the city. The name Graz the Holding Graz is in charge of supplying Teacher Training colleges. A total of about Length of the River Mur in the was first chartered in history in the year 1128. important services such as electricity, water, 55,000 students are studying in Graz. city area: 15.87 kilometers (9.86 mi) The colors of the city are white and green. public transport, garbage collection, sewage Length of the road network: Its coat of arms is green and shows a silver system, etc. FURTHER FACTS AND FIGURES: about 1,200 kilometers (745 mi) panther which is walking upright. The City of Graz is a center of culture, science and tech- Population in total: 328,276, of which Length of the cycle path network: Graz is governed by its Mayor, the City Parli- nology; a city of gentle mobility and “short 246,121 of Austrian citizenship, ca. 120 kilometers (75.76 mi) ament (48 members) and the City Council (7 distances.” The historic Old Town and the 45,074 from EU-member states, Length of the tram network: City Councilors). The elections are held every castle “Schloss Eggenberg” are part of the 37,081 from countries outside the 66 kilometers 5 years. The elected members of the City UNESCO–World Heritage. In 2001 Graz as European Union. Businesses: about 10,000 companies Parliament in turn elect the City Councilors, the first city in Europe was awarded the title Area of Graz: 127.58 sq. km (49 sq. mi) Employees: about 172,000 people the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor. The City “City of Human Rights”. In 2003 Graz was of which 40 percent are green areas. as of January, 2013. 12 13
I Information The Service Centers are in charge of: • registration, Steiermärkische Landesregierung • reports of losses and finds, Abteilung 3 – Verfassung und Inneres • submission of applications concerning Paulustorgasse 4, 8010 Graz child care, +43 316 877-2084 • permits to long-term parking in the desig- nated “Blue and Green Parking zones,” • registration of dogs, Servicestellen der Stadt Graz • “Lebensbestätigung” issuing of various Servicestelle Andritzer Reichsstraße 38 certificates and c onfirmations, Mo–Fr 7–13 Uhr und Mi 13–18 Uhr Foto: Graz Tourismus © Harry Schiffer • activation of mobile phone signatures. Servicestelle Bahnhofgürtel 85, 1. OG Mo–Fr 7–13 Uhr und Di 13–18 Uhr CONFIRMATION OF REGISTRATION Citizens of EEA countries (all EU-Member Servicestelle Conrad-von-Hötzendorf- Straße 104 (Ostbahnhof) States as well as Iceland, Norway and Liech- Mo–Fr 7–13 Uhr und Do 13–18 Uhr NEW IN GRAZ tenstein) and citizens of Switzerland do not need a visa and may stay in Austria freely for Servicestelle Kärntner Straße 411 a period of three months. If they plan to stay Mo–Fr 7–13 Uhrund Do 13–18 Uhr In this chapter you will find a comprehensive obligation to register also applies to all of longer than three months, they have to place Servicestelle Schmiedgasse 26 overview of the first important things which your family members who have moved to an application for a confirmation of registration Haupteingang: Portier im Amtshaus, Parterre you will have to take care of after having Graz with you. Before registering, you have (Anmeldebescheinigung) as a confirmation Mo–Fr 7–13 Uhr und Mo 13–18 Uhr arrived in Graz. You will learn which autho- to cancel your registration at your former of their right of residence within four months Servicestelle St. Peter-Hauptstraße 85 rities you will have to turn to in order to get place of residence (within three days before after the date of their arrival. After five years Mo–Fr 7–13 Uhr und Di 13–18 Uhr e.g. a passport, an ID- card, etc. The staff or after moving). You can do both at the same of permanent residence in Austria, citizens Servicestelle Stiftingtalstraße 3, 1. OG members of the seven Service Centers for time. In case you want to change your existing of EEA countries may apply for a permanent Mo–Fr 7–13 Uhr und Mi 13–18 Uhr citizens (BürgerInnen-Servicestellen) are your registration in Graz from secondary residence residence confirmation (Bescheinigung des contact persons. to main residence, you may do so within the Daueraufenthalts). Applications may be placed Expositur Mariatroster Straße 37 Mi 7–13 Uhr period of one month. Registration is free of at the authority in charge: Department 3 of the REGISTERING YOUR RESIDENCE charge. In case you violate the obligation to Styrian Government (Amt der Steiermärkischen KONTAKT If you move to Graz, you need to register register, you commit an administrative offense. Landesregierung. +43 316 872-6666 +43 316 872-6689 within three days of your arrival. You have You may register, cancel your registration or to register your main place of residence, if change your registration at any of the Service TIP you have chosen to live in Graz. The legal Centers for citizens. more information at: 14 15
I NEW IN GRAZ ISSUANCE OF A PASSPORT If you need your passport as fast as possible, sport with you. Furthermore, the ID card is The cost of a citizenship certificate is 48.50 You can get a passport at the Service Center you may apply for an express-passport (Ex- recognized as a valid travel document in Euro. In addition you may be charged ad- of the City of Graz in the Council Office press-Pass) (posted to you within 3 working 32 European countries. You may also apply ditional fees for other necessary documents (Amtshaus), Schmiedgasse 26, 8011 Graz, days, cost is 100 Euro) or even a one- day- for the ID card at the Service Centers of the or translations of documents. For a child the Tel. +43 316 872-5252. The costs: 75.90 express- passport (Ein-Tages-Express-Pass, City of Graz in the Council Office (Amts- issuance of a citizenship certificate is free of Euro. Passport validity: 10 years. At posted by the next working day, cost is 220 haus), Schmiedgasse 26, 8011 Graz, Tel. charge, if the application was placed during reisepass you can conveniently book your Euro); both are valid for ten years as well. +43 316 872-5252, 5254. It costs 61.50 the child’s first two years of life and the child online appointment and in this way avoid At the Graz airport you can apply for an Euro. For a child up to the age of 16, it is an Austrian citizen (with the exception of standing in line. emergency passport (Notpass) which, howe- costs 26.30 Euro. Validity of the ID card: the citizenship certificate which is subject ver, is valid only for a period of six months. 10 years. The issuance process takes up to to charge because it was applied for after In principle you may apply for a new passport Attention: Some countries will not allow entry two weeks. For the ID card the same rule the child was granted the citizenship in a with any passport office at the respective with an emergency passport! applies as for the birth certificate: Within the citizenship application procedure). authority, irrespective of your place of main child’s first two years the initial application of If you need the citizenship certificate for a residence in Austria. The so-called “high Children in Austria are required to have a a passport is free of charge, if the child is of subsequent passport application, the same security passport” is printed by the Austrian passport of their own, if the child is an Aust- Austrian citizenship. At you department will handle the passport appli- State Printers and will be sent to you within rian citizen. It costs 30 Euro (up to the 12th can conveniently book your online appoint- cation process. five days after the submission of the appli- birthday of the child; from then on 75.90 ment and in this way avoid standing in line. cation. You will receive an RSb- letter (which Euro). Within the child’s first two years of life has to be signed for but can be received by the initial application of a passport is free of ISSUANCE OF A a representative, such as a work colleague charge, if the child is of Austrian citizenship CERTIFICATE OF CITIZENSHIP at the working place, signing in your name, (Attention: A 3-day express passport costs The Civil Registry Office (BürgerInnenamt), too. In case nobody can confirm the receipt 45 Euro, a one-day-express-passport costs Passport- and Document Services is in charge Information of the RSb- letter with his/her signature, you 165 Euro. After a child‘s 12th birthday a of issuing citizenship certificates for Austrian will receive a yellow notice slip, explaining three-day express passport costs 100 Euro, citizens. The person requesting the issuance BürgerInnenamt that the letter has been taken to your post a one-day-express passport costs 220 Euro!). of a citizenship certificate has to be registered Referat Personenstands- und office where you can collect it personally). and living in Graz. Staatsbürgerschaftswesen Open hours of the Service Center: Monday, Depending on whether you need the certifica- Amtshaus, Schmiedgasse 26, 4th floor You can find out which documents are requi- from 7AM to 6 PM and Tuesday through te for yourself or for your child and on whether 8011 Graz red for the passport application by calling the Friday, from 7 AM to 1PM. you are an Austrian national by descent Open hours: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from Service Center at Tel. +43 316 872-5252. or you have been granted the citizenship, 7 AM to 1 PM, Monday and Wednesday If you need a certificate of citizenship for ISSUANCE OF AN ID CARD you will need to bring different documents. from 7 AM to 5 PM your passport application, you can get it at The ID card in the practical credit- card size Therefore, we advise you to call beforehand +43 316 872-5201 the same time at the Service Center at the makes it easier for you to identify yourself; and request information from the registrar’s department of Civil Status- and Citizenship. you don’t always have to carry your pas- office- Tel. +43 316 872-5185, 5187, 5188. 16 17
I NEW IN GRAZ ISSUANCE OF A BIRTH CERTIFICATE Jan. 1, 2017), your employer has to regis- The first birth certificate issued directly after ter you with the social insurance company. the birth is free of charge. A subsequent Social insurance includes Health-, Accident-, issuance of a birth certificate for a child and Pension insurance and you can use all born in Graz is possible (each notarial do- medical services covered under the health cument costs 9.30 Euro (Current rates as of insurance. Your spouse and your children can Jan. 1, 2017). be covered under your insurance. For more detailed information read chapter “Health GENERAL COMPULSORY Care.” SCHOOLING All children who are living in Austria for at HOUSING/ WORK/HEALTH CARE/ least a semester are required to attend school. LIVING SITUATIONS & SOCIAL Compulsory schooling starts in the year the AFFAIRS Foto: Graz Tourismus © Harry Schiffer child turns 6 and lasts 9 school years. The TIP requirement of compulsory schooling is fulfilled For details on these topics, please read the res- after having attended the following schools: pective chapters (of the same names). and will give you the license plates after the TIP Find more info on the driver´s license in registration process is completed. You are, of chapter „Traffic & Transport“. Further info on the uring the first four years: D GERMAN COURSES course, welcome to register your car/ motor above mentioned topics: • Primary school (Volksschule) TIP cycle personally with your insurance or any • 5th to 8th grade: New middle school,” For details on this topic, please read the chapter other admission office. You may obtain infor- (Neue Mittelschule), high school (AHS) „Integration & Migration“. mation on all documents necessary for vehicle • In 9th grade: Pre-vocational polytechnic registration right there. In order to drive on course (Polytechnische Schule), continua- VEHICLES/DRIVER’S LICENSE Austrian highways (Autobahn), you need a Information tion of secondary (vocational) school, or In Austria compulsory insurance applies to all valid motorway toll vignette. The vignette has high school. motorized vehicles (such as cars, trucks, motor to be applied to the inside of the windshield • Almost all schools offer after school day cycles, motor bicycles). In order to drive you of your car in a clearly visible way. (It can be BürgerInnenamt Amtshaus, Schmiedgasse 26/3, 8011 Graz care services (subject to costs). have to take out liability insurance with an bought at automobile clubs, post offices, gas insurance company. Only then your vehicle stations and tobacco stores). There are three +43 316 872 5201 TIP can be approved for public traffic (registration different kinds: validity of 10 days, 2 months More detailed information: Read the chapters with the respective authorities). After having or one year. In Austria the law requires the Department of Education „Education“ and „Children & Young Adults“! paid the required fees, you will receive the driver and all passengers of a car to wear and Integration license plates and the motor vehicle assess- a seat belt! Children under the age of 14, Keesgasse 6, 8011 Graz HEALTH INSURANCE ment sticker (“Pickerl“). Your insurance agent who are smaller than 4.9 ft (1.5 m), have to +43 316 872 7474 As soon as you are working and are earning can take care of the registration of your car be seated in a child seat adequate to their more than 425.70 Euro a month (rate as of and a change of registration respectively height and weight. 18 19
II SUPPLEMENTARY RENT TIP LIVING IN GRAZ COMPENSATION For more information see chapter „Integration & Migration“ Tenants of a council flat may apply for sup- plementary rent compensation if they have to spend more than 33 percent of their gross household income on rent, operational- and OBLIGATION TO REGISTER YOUR In any case you should ask which costs are heating costs. For more information see PLACE OF RESIDENCE already included in the price of rent- the so If you move to Austria, or if you move within called operating costs (Betriebskosten) for HOUSING INFORMATION CENTER Information Austria, you need to register your new place services such as electricity, heating, trash of residence with the respective authority collection, house maintenance and general OF THE CITY OF GRAZ (WOIST) Gemeindewohnungen/ within three days of your arrival. You can find cleaning can enormously increase the rent WOIST offers counselling free of charge, Wohnungsmanagement more information on this topic in the chapter charged. By law a rent contract has to be unbiased and without prior appointment on Schillerplatz 4, 4th floor, 8011 Graz “New in Graz.” signed for a minimum period of three years. the topics of Rental Law, apartment ownership, +43 316 872-5413 Gemeindewohnungen The renter, however, may cancel the contract Estate Agency Law, finding an apartment or +43 316 872-5444 barrierefreie HOW TO FIND AN APARTMENT after a minimum period of one year (Attention: rent subsidies etc. Simply bring all relevant Gemeindewohnungen +43 316 872-5409 You can rent an apartment from: at three months notice). The rent contract may documents with you, please! • Housing associations be cancelled by mutual agreement at any time. • Real estate agents Gebäudemanagement/ • Private people renting or selling a home COUNCIL FLATS Information Hausverwaltung: Schillerplatz 4, 2nd floor, 8011 Graz If you fulfill certain requirements, you may WOIST – Wohnungsinformations- The best advice we can give you is to read apply for one of the ca. 11,000 council flats +43 316 872-5432 stelle der Stadt Graz the housing advertisements in the daily news- at the Department of Housing Affairs (Woh- Schillerplatz 4, 1st floor, 8011 Graz +43 316 872-5489 papers (weekend- editions), weekly journals nungsamt). These requirements you can find +43 316 872-5450 and/or free newspapers. There are also spe- at Schlichtungsstelle: +43 316 872-5459 Zentrale Annahmestelle: Monday to Friday, cial magazines with housing advertisements 7 AM to 3 PM/ first floor INFO-Point, only. There are, of course, unlimited housing You can make a written application, by com- Schlichtungsstelle/4th floor: Tuesday to INFO POINT advertisements on the internet. pleting an application form or apply online Friday, from 8 AM to 12 AM Schillerplatz 4, first floor, 8011 Graz (There are a variety of documents which need +43 316 872-5424 Attention: Real estate agents charge a fee for to be added to your application). Unfortunately Zentrale Annahmestelle für Ansuchen und Unterlagen: Monday to Friday, 7 AM to 3 PM +43 316 872-5409 their services (mostly the dual monthly gross there are only very few available council flats, Schlüsselausgabe: Monday to Friday, rent or a certain percentage of the selling and this is why immediate offers are not to be 7 AM to 1 PM/Parterre INFO-Point Mietzinszuzahlungsreferat: price). Please, be advised to have your rent-, expected (with the exception of the „council Zentrale Annahmestelle: Monday to Friday, Ticketausgabe zur Vorsprache im Wohnungs- or purchase contract checked by a professi- flats without waiting periods“ at 7 bis 15 Uhr /first floor, INFO-PointMietzins- management: Tuesday to Friday from 7 AM zuzahlung/4th floor: Tuesday and Friday, onal in the field of law such as a lawyer, the nen). The minimum waiting period currently to 9 PM, Tiefparterre (max. 60 Tickets/Tag) 8 AM to 12 AM Renters’ Association (Mietervereinigung), the is at nine to twelve months for 1-, 2– and +43 316 872-5402 oder -5403 Chamber of Labor (Arbeiterkammer) or the 3– person households. 4– and more person +43 316 872-5409 +43 316 872-5423 +43 316 872-5409 Housing Information Center of the City of households have to expect a waiting period Graz (Wohnungsinformationsstelle). of 18–24 months. 20 21
II LIVING IN GRAZ Information REGISTERING ELECTRICITY, Mietervereinigung Steiermark HEATING AND WATER Feuerbachgasse 1, 8020 Graz Electricity, natural gas and central heating can Open hours: Monday to Thursday from be registered or cancelled at “Energie Graz”, 9 AM to 12 AM and 1 PM to 4 PM, Friday at the Customer Service Center, Andreas-Hofer- from 9 AM to 12 AM Platz 15. Re-registration of your water supply: +43 50 195 43 00 At Graz Holding, Water Supply Services. REGISTERING RADIO AND TV Foto: iStockphoto © ah_fotobox For members only! Cancel/Re-register your radio and TV/ca- Counseling by appointment only. ble TV contracts compulsory TV license fee Arbeiterkammer Steiermark (GIS-Gebühren). In Austria a compulsory LIVING TOGETHER PEACEFULLY to inform your neighbors in advance. Avoid Hans-Resel-Gasse 8-14, 8020 Graz radio and TV license fee is charged. Please, To be new in a city requires you to adapt to having a BBQ on your balcony (because of register your radio and TV sets at the Radio the new situation and make some changes the heavy smoke). Please, do not park your Telephone consultations: Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 1 PM and TV License Information Center of the in your life style. As a new tenant or as the bicycles, strollers, etc. in the staircase. Separate Austrian Television- ORF (GIS – Gebühren new owner of an apartment, you, too, need your trash and use the respective trash cans +43 5 77 99 0 Info Service des ORF). The application form to adapt to the customs and common practice (have a look at the information in paragraph can be downloaded online at of the apartment building you are living in. Garbage Management). Mieterschutzverband Österreich Please note that most apartment buildings Sparbersbachgasse 61/P, 8010 Graz have house rules (they usually are posted in CONFLICT MEDIATION IN Information Open hours: Monday from 2.30 PM to the staircase of the building). Please abide HOUSING ESTATES 5 PM, Wednesday from 2.30 PM to 7 PM Holding Graz Wasserwirtschaft by these house rules. Introduce yourself to In order to successfully solve conflicts in and Friday from 9 AM to 11.30 AM. Wasserwerkgasse 11, 8045 Graz your new neighbors when moving in- don’t housing estates in a peaceful and satisfactory Counseling by appointment only. worry about language skills, your neighbors way, you may turn to the Peace Office of the +43 316 887-7272 +43 316 38 48 30 will appreciate the gesture. Please note that City of Graz and its "Community Mediation all activities in the apartment, in the garden Service – Nabas (Nachbarschaftsservice)". or the court yard which generate loud noise This service supports and assists residents of GIS – Gebühren Info Service des ORF Kundenservice-Center der Energie Graz (such as hammering, sawing, lawn mowing) Andreas-Hofer-Platz 15, 8010 Graz +43 810 00 10 80 (Service Hotline) as well as loud music are not allowed Monday Information Monday to Friday from 8 AM to 9 PM, Open hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday through Friday, from 7 PM to 7 AM, Saturdays Saturday 9 AM to 5 PM and Friday from 7.30 AM to 3 PM, also from noon to 3 PM and on Sundays and „Nachbarschaftsservice Graz“ Thursdays from 7.30 AM to 6 PM. Friedensbüro holidays all day long. Please respect the pe- Keesgasse 6, 1st floor, 8010 Graz +43 316 8057-1857 Anmeldeformulare erhalten Sie auch in den ace at night from 10 PM to 7 AM. If you are Servicestellen der Stadt Graz. having a party in your apartment or in your +43 316 872-2180 courtyard or garden, please, be so kind as 22 23
II LIVING IN GRAZ housing estates in finding solutions to problems GARBAGE MANAGEMENT resulting from disputes between neighbors. Garbage management is regulated by law in The Community Mediation team, consisting Austria. The focus is placed on garbage pre- of four professional mediators is committed to vention. The responsible handling of garbage supporting you. The team helps to clarify the is an essential contribution to the protection Foto: iStockphoto © ah_fotobox circumstances of the conflict in an unbiased of the environment and to sustaining natural way, gives legal information, mediates bet- resources. In the city of Graz you will find ween the conflicting parties and refers them garbage cans put up for the collection of the • Light packaging material (yellow the Garbage- and Environment Counseling to other authorities, if necessary. You can call following types of garbage: garbage can; for all packaging made Service of the City of Graz (Abfall- und Um- the “Conflict- Hotline” at Tel. +43 316 872- • Residual waste (black garbage can; for of plastic and composite material, textile weltberatung) There the 2180 Monday through Thursday from 8 AM broken dishes, broken glass, rubbish, cat material, Styrofoam, wood, disposable “Garbage Separation Leaflets” are available to 3 PM and Friday from 8 AM to 12 noon. litter, bones, dirty paper, diapers, broken tabeleware, etc.) for download in 19 languages. toys, vacuum cleaner bags, etc.) • Metal packaging (blue garbage can; CHECKLIST FOR MOVING HOUSE • Organic Waste (brown garbage can; beverage- and food cans, pet-food cans, On the following two pages you can find an for vegetable- and fruit waste, dry foods, paint cans and metall cover foils, etc.). extensive list of all the tasks and bureaucratic solid food leftovers, flowers, plants, cut procedures that you need to consider and grass, etc.) Bulky garbage such as old mattresses, furni- Information take care of when organizing your moving • Paper (red garbage can; for paper, ture, bicycles, electric appliances and toxic to a new apartment. cardboard, newspapers, magazines, substances (such as waste oil, batteries, etc.) Holding Graz Abfallwirtschaft books, paper files, etc.) have to be disposed of at the Recycling Cen- Recyclingcenter Apply for/order/change bio- and residual SAVING ENERGY • Glass packaging (green garbage can; ter of the Holding (Sturzplatz). The cost per waste bins; waste disposal charges Cutting down on electricity and heating for glass, separate the clear from the entrance is: 4 Euro; load of up to 200 kg free Sturzgasse 16, 8020 Graz consumption spares your budget! Opting for colored glass) of charge. Toxic waste can also be taken to +43 316 887-7272 district heating (in part depending on your the Toxic Waste Express (Giftmüllexpress) of +43 316 887-7117 income level) and solar energy system solutions the Holding Graz Waste Services (a mobile is subsidized by the City of Graz. You can find Information collection center for toxic waste). Information Open hours: Monday through Friday from detailed information on environment friendly on dates and the Toxic Waste Express at Tel. 7 AM to 5 PM, Saturdays, Sundays and alternative energy options online at oekostadt. Saving Energy +43 316 872-4388. Further delivery points Holidays from 8 AM to 6 PM. and also at the Energy Counseling are the fire at the fire brigade on Lendplatz, Städtisches Umweltamt Abfall- und Umweltberatung Service (Energieberatung), Tel. +43 316 872- „Energieberatung“ at the fire brigade station Dietrichsteinplatz, der Stadt Graz 4328. More information on the topic of district Monday through Friday, from 8 AM to 5 Schmiedgasse 26, 8011 Graz heating can be found at the website of Energy +43 316 872-4302 PM, Saturday from 8 AM to 2 PM. For more +43 316 872-4388 Graz (Energie Graz) online at: detailed information on garbage preventi- or at Tel. +43 316 80 57-9090. on, -separation and -disposal you can call 24 25
II CHECKLIST IMPORTANT THINGS TO REMEMBER WHEN MOVING HOUSE BEFORE MOVING • If necessary: Set the actual moving date • You may need to apply for a new special versity of your change of address • Cancel your current rent contract in ac- and organize helpers, a moving van and parking permit • Notify your office for alternative civilian cordance with the terms of the lease sufficient transporting boxes • Have the change of address noted in service of your change of address • Clarify any refunds or takeovers of • Inform your household insurance on the your respective firearm pass (such as the • Notify the respective military authorities furniture with the subsequent tenant upcoming house moving in time (as the gun license) of your change of address (only if you (best in writing) moving process is normally covered by • order/change order of organic and are moving abroad) • Read your meters- gas, electricity, water, the household and liability insurance) residual waste garbage cans • Change of address on your hunting and/ heating (in your former and your new • If necessary: Apply for a temporary no • Re- register your dog, if you have one or fishing license apartment!) stopping zone so you will be able to load • Change of address on all certificates of • Cancel district/gas heating and electricity and unload the moving van/truck NOTIFICATIONS authority in your old apartment and re-register • Collect all receipts of expenses related • Notify your employer and/or the Public • Cancel your registration with all ongo- those services. to your moving so you can later deduct Employment Service (AMS) of your chan- ing subscriptions or inform them of the • Cancel/Re-register your radio and TV/ them in your tax declaration ge of address change of address (such as newspapers, cable TV contracts • Document the condition of your new • Notify the Styrian Regional Health In- journals, theatre, etc.) • Cancel/Re-register telephone apartment before moving in (for instance surance Fund (GKK) and your respective • Notify all organizations, your doctors (land line)/internet by taking pictures) Pension Insurance Fund of your change banks and libraries and services or shops • Place a forwarding order at your local • Ask for a final account of your rent pay- of address of which you are a member of your chan- post office ments for the apartment you are vacating • Notify your bank/insurance company ge of address • Apply for leave of absence for moving • Cancel all standing orders for rent-, of your change of your address. As far • Notify the information service in charge with your employer utility-, and electricity payments for your as the household insurance is concerned of the compulsory license (GIS – Gebüh- • Fix and appointment for the handover of old apartment make sure to inform them in time (at the ren Information Service) to view Austrian the old and takeover of the new apart- latest when re-registering)! TV (ORF) of your change of address ment (incl. a record for each exchange) CHECK LIST AFTER HAVING MOVED • Notify the tax authorities (Finanzamt) of • For those who have a special parking • Return the keys to your old apartment your change of address TIP permit, do not forget to exchange it • Cancel your former registration and re-re- • Have your change of address noted in This checklist is meant to be a guideline to make moving easier and does not claim to be • If necessary: Plan and coordinate renova- gister at your new main residence any deed of property ownership complete. Information taken from the website tions in your old and/or new apartment • Put name plates on your front door • Notify your church of your change of (Date20.09.2016) • If necessary: Contact and contract a • Deregister- and re-register your car at the address moving company to help you in moving new address • Notify your child care facility/school/uni- 26 27
III WORKING IN AUSTRIA The Austrian labor market is based on many staff member. The employer has to apply for laws. The most important rules and regulations the pre-employment and employment permit regarding the Austrian labor market are: and – jointly with the foreign employee – for the employment permit as a key staff member. UNLIMITED ACCESS TO THE AUSTRIAN LABOR MARKET: THE RED-WHITE-RED CARD • All women and men of Austrian citizens- The Red-White-Red work permit card can hip, their spouses and children, as long as be issued to: they are entitled to residence under the • Highly qualified migrants Settlement and Residence Act (Niederlas- • Skilled migrants in scarce occupations sungs- und Aufenthaltsgesetz). (defined according to demand) • All citizens of the following countries: • Other highly qualified key staff members Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Finland • Foreign graduates , France, Greece, Great Britain and Experts and qualified staff from Non-EU Mem- Northern Ireland, Irland, Island, Italy, ber States can obtain permanent residence Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Malta, the and work in Austria through the Red-White-Red Foto: Istockphoto © lovro77 Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Card. However, for the migration of citizens Spain, Cyprus and Switzerland. from Non- EU Member States to Austria, specific criteria in regard to the level of occu- Card may also apply for residents‘ permits CINT – CLUB INTERNATIONAL EXEMPT FROM THE AUSTRIAN pational qualification, work experience, age, for their (immediate) family members. The As a bilingual competence- and service center FOREIGNERS‘ EMPLOYMENT ACT level of German and English language skills, family members then are eligible to a RWR- for international key workers, specialists and ARE: prospective job offers and minimum income Card Plus with unlimited access to the labor their families, the CLUB INTERNATIONAL Refugees recognized under the Geneva Refu- levels are assessed on a points-based system. market in Austria. supports its member companies and contri- gee Convention, migrants in the diplomatic or butes to the internationalization of Styria as consular service as well as lectures and rese- T HE RED-WHITE-RED-CARD PLUS „PERMANENT RESIDENCE STATUS EU“ a business location. archers in universities. A requirement for taking It entitels its holders to right of permanent Those who have held a residence permit for up gainful employment in Austria is a valid residence and unlimited access to the labor Austria for a minimum of five years, may apply TIP certificate of residence. In addition to the settle- market. for a „Permanent Residence EU“. This status Find further information at +43 316 601-759, cint. ment permit or the temporary residence permit, Holders of the RWR- Card who in the period entitles its holders to permanent residence at and at the Federal Ministry of Work, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection and one needs an employment permit (Arbeitsge- of 12 months have been employed for at and unlimited labor market access in Austria. the Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs nehmigung). This can be a pre-employment least 10 months, may apply for an upgrade For this residence title applicants are required permit followed by an employment permit, an to the RWR-Card Plus. Key staff members to prove advanced German language skills employment permit alone or a license as a key and highly skilled employees holding a RWR- (certificate of B1 level). 28 29
III of employees and consumers in Austria and plays an important role when entering the WORKING IN AUSTRIA provides information and advice on worker- Austrian labor market. In order to better assist and consumer protection. and support clients in the challenging validita- tion and recognition process, different service LABOR UNION (GEWERKSCHAFT) centers have been established. These service FINDING A JOB NEWSPAPERS / UNSOLICITED JOB The Austrian Federation of Trade Unions (Ös- centers offer multilingual and free of charge PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT SERVICE (AMS) APPLICATIONS terreichische Gewerkschaftsbund ÖGB) is counseling on the recognition of professional The Austrian Public Employment Service Most newspapers feature career sections an umbrella organization of various smaller qualifications to migrants living in Austria. (Arbeitsmarktservice AMS) is a public provi- with a variety of job offers. You can always craft unions (such as Public Service-, Building-, der of labor market related services and as send your application on your own initiative Wood- or Private Sector unions). It represents I n Graz the organization ZEBRA with its service such is responsible for counseling in the field to a company in which you would like to be the interests of wokers and employees, but center AST (Anlaufstelle) provides information of work, assisting jobseekers as well as admi- employed. also of those retired, unemployed or still in on recognition processes of qualifications nisterin and paying unemployment insurance training. The ÖGB also has a function in the and professions obtained abroad. Further benefits. The Careers Information Center of ONLINE- JOB PLATFORMS negotiation of new laws and bills concerning information also at:, the AMS provides information on career and The numerous online job listing platforms assu- labor issues as well as collective agreements,, anlaufstelle-anerkennung. education opportunities, job offers as well as me more and more importance in finding a job. (Kollektivverträge). The monthly membership at aca- tips and tricks for the right choice of career. Europe-Wide Job Search fee is 1% of the gross income. For apprentices, demic_mobility/enic_naric_austria The European Job Mobility Portal EURES pupils, students, unemployed, etc. special If you are looking for work or are still in assists job seekers to find placement in EEA agreements are in effect. More detailed in- SELF- EMPLOYMENT/REGISTERING employment, but facing unemployment, countries. formation can be found at A BUSINESS do not hesitate to turn for counseling and If you want to become self- employed in Aus- assistance to the regional AMS service cen- REPRESENTATION OF THE INTERESTS WORKS COUNCIL (BETRIEBSRAT) tria, you can get counseling provided by the ter competent for your place fo residence OF EMPLOYEES In any company of at least 5 eligible employees Chamber of Commerce (Wirtschaftskammer). as soon as possible. More detailed and CHAMBER OF LABOR (ARBEITERKAMMER): (irrespective of their citizenship status) a work In Austria you may only operate a business important information can be found at The Chamber of Labor represents the interests council may be elected. The works council with a valid business license. The extract of represents the interests of the employees at the trade register serves as evidence of the company level with respect to their employers. A works council levy which serves to cover the Information costs of representation is deducted automati- Information cally from the employees’ salaries. This levy AMS AusländerInnenfachzentrum AMS Graz West und Umgebung Arbeiterkammer Steiermark must not exceed 0.5 % of the gross income. Niesenbergergasse 67-69, 8020 Graz Niesenbergergasse 67-69, 8020 Graz Hans-Resel-Gasse 8-14, 8020 Graz Staff Representatives (Personalvertretung): In Open hours: Monday through Thursday from +43 316 70 80-0 the public sector, staff representatives take the +43 5 77 99 0, 7.30 AM to 3.30 PM, Friday 7.30 AM to 1 PM +43 316 70 80-190 place of works councils. ÖGB Region Graz +43 316 70 80-0 AMS Graz Ost Karl-Morre-Straße 32, 8020 Graz +43 316 70 80-590 Neutorgasse 46, 8010 Graz RECOGNITION OF PROFESSIONAL +43 316 70 71 QUALIFICATIONS +43 316 70 80-0 +43 316 70 80-190 For skilled workers from foreign countries the recognition of qualifications acquired abroad 30 31
III WORKING IN AUSTRIA business license. You will have to decide which REINTEGRATION will be the ideal legal structure for your busi- INTO THE LABOR MARKET ness, clarify whether you need a business- or The bbs – Employment Services Steier- an operating license, find out how to finance mark inter-connects non-profit organiza- your business investments, etc. tions all over Styria which are dedicated Which requirements you need to fulfill and to reintegrate long-term unemployed per- which documents you need for registering a sons and/or members of difficult-to-pla- Foto: Foto Fischer business can be found out at the municipal ce social groups into the labor market. Office for Commerce and Trade Procedures (Referat Gewerbeverfahren) of the Service EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT Center for Citizens Graz as well as at the When you are employed by a company, your Consultancy Service for Start-Ups at the employer is obligated to give you a contract dent-, pension- and unemployment insurance Information Chamber of Commerce Steiermark (gruen- of employment as documentary evidence and and you will receive the E-Card from your proof of your rightful employment. It has to regional insurance fund. With the E-Card you ZEBRA, Anlaufstelle AST state the name and address of the employer Counseling on appointment only! have access to all health insurance benefits. EMPLOYMENT OF PUPILS, and the employee, the date of beginning of Granatengasse 4, 4th floor, 8020 Graz Self- employed women and men have to sign STUDENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS the employment, the duration of the notice up the Social Insurance Company for Trade + 43 316 83 56 30 Children and young adults in Austria enjoy a period, the amount of income, the date on and Commerce (Sozialversicherungsanstalt high level of protection and this is why chil- which the salary has to be paid, the amount für Gewerbliche Wirtschaft). This compulsory dren are not allowed to work. Young adults, of working hours per week as well as the insurance as well includes pension-, health-, BürgerInnenamt, Gewerbeverfahren however, may learn a profession after having amount of vacation time per year. Independent Schmiedgasse 26, 8011 Graz, and accident insurance as well as a self-em- completed at least nine years of compulsory contractors are entitled to an independent Council Office (Amtshaus), 4th floor ployed pension scheme. For more information schooling. Young adults who are recognized contractor agreement. Contracts of apprenti- see chapter “Health Care.” +43 316 872-5230 refugees and who want to learn a profession ceship always have to be concludet in writing. do not need any special permit. In Austria Contracts of employment can be temporary WORKING HOURS, VACATION Open hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday men and women have equal right to educa- or open-ended. 7.30 AM to 1 PM, there are no office hours In Austria the standard working hours for tion and vocational training and exercising a on Tuesday and Thursday full time employment are 8 hours per day profession. Women and girls are allowed to INSURANCE and 40 hours per week. Apart from full time Wirtschaftskammer Steiermark train in technical and manual professions and Prior to the commencement of work, employers employment, there are many other schemes of Gründerservice to practice them. Many students and pupils are obliged to sign up their employees with the Körblergasse 111-113, 8010 Graz working time such as part-time-, marginal- or would like to earn their own money during social insurance and pay employers‘ insurance seasonal employment contracts. Employees +43 316 601-600 their training. Detailed information on such premiums. As employee you are entitled to are entitled to a minimum of 25 working days possibilities can be obtained at the AMS (see a copy of the registration. Under the social of vacation per year. This also applies to page 28 for contact data). insurance you are covered by health-, acci- parttime or marginal contracts. There is no 32 33
III WORKING IN AUSTRIA legal claim to supplementary payments in the income tax and have to file an income tax form of a 13th or 14th salary. The claim only return. Based on the tax regulations of the exists, in the case that such payments have year 2012, the tax-free base income is limi- been contractually agreed on. ted to 12,000 Euro per year for employees and 11,000 Euro per year for self-employed TAXES enterpreneurs. Anybody who has his/her legal residence in Austria has to pay tax on all income. In order NOTICE OF TERMINATION to avoid double taxation from income gained With a notice of contractual termination the abroad, the Double Taxation Convention employer may dissolve a contract of indeter- (Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen) was agreed minate duration. between EU- and EEA- Member States have to Contracts of determinate duration may only be be income tax which is taken out of the gross dissolved early, if the termination is mutually salary by the employer and is paid directly to agreed on by both parties, the employer and the tax authority. Through filing an employee the employee. Notice periods and termination tax assessment, one may reclaim over-paid dates are stated in your work contract or in taxes. Self- employed women and men pay the collective agreement applicable to you. Information Finanzamt Graz-Stadt bbs – Beschäftigungsbetriebe Conrad-von-Hötzendorf-Straße 14-18, Steiermark 8010 Graz Keesgasse 3, 2. Stock, 8010 Graz +43 316 881-538 Foto: iStockphoto © fzant 34 35
IV cards). At the tobacco store you can buy tickets Bicycle Station at Graz Central Train Station in advance: tickets valid for 1 hour, 24 hours, 1 (south of the main entrance) you can leave week and multiple trip tickets. Tickets valid for your bicycle in a secured area or rent a bike 6 months or a full year may only be bought at to explore the city (Tel. +43 664 61 73 874, the Mobility Center (Mobilitätszentrum) (see below). The tickets cost the same, no matter whether you buy them on the bus, in the tram DRIVING or at the tobacco store. Driver’s License: in order to drive in Austria you need to hold a valid driver’s license. If your There are many different reduced ticket options: driver’s license was issued in an EU- member Eligible for reductions are pupils, students and state or in an EEA- country, it is valid in Austria, apprentices as well as senior citizens (60 years too. You do have the option of having it reis- and older depending on the income. Family sued as Austrian driver‘s license. If you are a pass holders may obtain tickets at reduced third country national and you have registered price; Graz residents may buy the „Graz your main residence in Austria, you have to Foto: Joel Kernasenko ticket“ at reduced price. have your driver‘s license reissued within the Students who register their main residence in period of six months. In the process you may Graz are granted a mobility check (Mobili- have to take the practical driving test again. TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORT: tätsscheck) worth 30 to 40 Euro per semester. Information on any other requirements students You may need a certified German translation of your driver’s license or an international driver’s CARS, PARKING, BICYCLES have to meet in order to be eligible for the license. For more detailed information, please, mobility check, where to apply for it and how contact the Traffic Department at the Police Graz is a “City of Short Distances“: You can even after midnight. On the bus you may buy to use it can be found online at – Traffic Directorate Graz (Landespoliziedirektion). run most errands on foot, especially in the inner your 1 hour- or 24 hour-ticket (in cash) with (Verkehr). More detailed information online city. In this way you not only save money, but the driver. In trams you may buy tickets valid at also safeguard the environment and stay fit! 1 hour, 24 hours, 1 week or 1 month at the Information If you cannot walk or do not want to walk, ticket machine (accepts coins, bills and bank BICYCLE RIDING you have the following options: Graz has an excellent network of bicycle Abteilung für Verkehrsplanung Europaplatz 20, 8th floor, 8020 Graz paths (about 120 km). The “Graz Bicycle PUBLIC TRANSPORT – BUSES AND Information Map” (Radkarte Graz) showing all bicycle +43 316 872-2881 TRAMS paths and bicycle routes can be picked up Graz has a tightly knit network of means of Mobilitäts- und Vertriebscenter free of charge at “Mobil Zentral”, Jakomi- public transport- please see the Public trans- Jakoministraße 1, 8010 Graz nistraße 1, at the Graz Tourist Center (Graz Landespolizeidirektion Steiermark port- network map and the folder on ticket Tourismus), Herrengasse 16, at the Bicycle Parkring 4, 8010 Graz Open hours: Monday through Friday from prices included in your "New in Graz"-Box. 8 AM to 6 PM, Saturday from 9 AM to1 PM Station at the Central Train Station (Haupt- Office hours: Monday through Friday The “Graz Lines” are taking you by bus and bahnhof) and at the Department for Traffic from 8 AM to1 PM +43 316 887-4224 tram to every corner of the city from 5AM to Planning (Abteilung für Verkehrsplanung), +43 316 059 133 60-6211 12PM. On Friday and Saturday the busses of Europaplatz 20. Tel. +43 316 872-2882, the “Nightline” will take you safely back home E-Mail At the 36 37
You can also read