Page created by Kyle Stewart
   Singapore Red Cross
Vision                                           Core Values

                                                To realise the Singapore Red Cross as            Compassion
                                                a leading and distinctive humanitarian           Having a caring culture and a love for
                                                organisation that brings people and              people in whatever we do, guided by the
                                                institutions together in aid of the vulnerable   seven Fundamental Principles of the Red
                                                                                                 Cross Red Crescent Movement
                                                Protecting human life and dignity, relieving     Giving our heart and soul selflessly in all
                                                human suffering and responding to                that we do
                                                                                                 Achieving excellence in our service delivery
                                                                                                 with integrity and transparency

Seven Fundamental                               Neutrality                                       Voluntary Service
Principles                                      In order to enjoy the confidence of all, the     The Red Cross is a voluntary relief
                                                Red Cross will not take sides in hostilities     organisation not prompted in any manner
Humanity                                        and engage at any time in controversies          by desire or gain in any area.
The Red Cross is born of a desire to bring      involving political, racial, religious or
assistance without discrimination to the        ideological nature.                              Unity
wounded on the battlefield, endeavours,                                                          There can only be one Red Cross Society in
in its international and national capacity      Independence                                     any country. It must be open to all. It must
to prevent and alleviate human suffering        The Red Cross is independent. The                carry on its humanitarian work throughout
wherever it may be found. Its purpose is to     National Societies, while auxiliaries in the     its territory.
protect life and health and to ensure respect   humanitarian services of their governments
for fellow human beings. It promotes mutual     and subject to the laws of their respective      Universality
understanding, friendship, cooperation and      countries, must always maintain their            The Red Cross is a world-wide institution
lasting peace among all people.                 autonomy so that they may be able at all         in which all societies have equal status and
                                                times to act in accordance with Red Cross        share equal responsibilities and duties in
Impartiality                                    principles.                                      helping each other.
It makes no discrimination as to nationality,
race, religious beliefs, class or political
opinions. It endeavours only to relieve
suffering, giving priority to the most urgent
cases of distress.

                                                                                                                                                Achievements at a Glance     2   Empowering Lives in our Local Community   21
                                                                                                                                                Governance Report            4   Empowering Lives beyond our Shores        26
                                                                                                                                                Financial Highlights         5   Enhancing Community Resilience            30
                                                                                                                                                Chairman’s Message           6   Resource Mobilisation                     35
                                                                                                                                                Organisational Structure    14   Engaging the Community                    38
                                                                                                                                                Council                     16   Youth Development                         40
                                                                                                                                                Committees                  18   Significant Events                        43
                                                                                                                                                Contact Us                  20   Corporate Information                     45
                                                                                                     65 years of service to humanity                                             Financial Statements                      47
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  A c hievemen ts                                                                                                                                                           39                                   534
  at a Glance                                                                                                                                                First Aid awareness talks conducted         First Aid courses conducted

                                                                                                                                                                          866                                8,485
                                                                                         11,855                                                                  Participants learnt first aid via
                                                                                                                                                                  the first aid awareness talks
                                                                                                                                                                                                      People trained in First Aid courses

                                                                                        Man hours invested in
                                                                                      Community FirstAid support

                                                         Volunteers deployed for
                                                          First Aider on Wheels

   Life-sustaining trips on TransportAid

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Raised for local humanitarian services

              Whole blood donations achieved

                   Blood donors who have
                     given their gift of life
                                                                                                                                                                     S$2,595,183                                    13,853
                                                                                                                                                                           Generated in Media Value                     YouTube Views

           42                                   97,155 kg                                  101                                       11                                         45,789                              3,415
 Families received food packets                   Of rice collected through        Residents received quality and    Clients benefit from the activities enriching
every month through ‘Meals with                                                                                                                                                     Facebook Fans                    Twitter Followers
                                                Project R.I.C.E and benefitted      round-the-clock care at Red     their physical, mental, social and emotional
  Love’ of the FoodAid service.                       25,900 individuals           Cross Home for the Disabled          well-being at the Day Activity Centre.
4         SINGAPORE RED CROSS                                                        5        SINGAPORE RED CROSS

                                                                                      F I n an c i al
                                                                                      High l igh t s

                                                                                                  nrestricted Funds                    Through the strong support and generosity      Investment Policy and
                                                                                                  The SRC’s incoming resources         of the public and corporate sector for our     Objectives
                                                                                                  for unrestricted funds amounted      local humanitarian service, the SRC was        The Financial and Investment Committee
                                                                                                  to S$10,342,762 Principal            able to achieve a surplus of S$1,204,350.      reviews and invests the SRC’s funds in
                                                                                      funding sources for unrestricted income          SRC’s unrestricted reserves as at year end     accordance with the Trustee’s Act and in
                                                                                      are as follows:                                  stood at S$14,952,956 (equivalent to 1.6       compliance with the guidelines set by the
                                                                                                                                       years’ annual operating expenditure at its     Council. The SRC’s funds are currently
                                                                                      •   SRC-organised fundraising projects           current level of expenditure).                 invested in quasi-government and corporate
                                                                                      •   Funds raised through          third-party                                                   fixed income bonds, preference shares in
                                                                                          fundraising events                           International Relief Funds                     local financial institutions and deposits in
                                                                                                                                       These funds are made up of donations           financial institutions. These investments
                                                                                      •   Public and corporate donations               from the public in response to appeals         are made with primary objective of capital
                                                                                      •   Programme fees to the Red Cross              for international relief efforts in disaster   preservation and to provide an investment
                                                                                          Home for the Disabled                        and crisis stricken countries. The funds       return for the Society. The portfolios are
                                                                                                                                       received were used for emergency relief        closely monitored and periodic reviews are
                                                                                      •   Course fees for first aid and Cardio-
                                                                                                                                       and development work specified in the          conducted by the Finance and Investment
                                                                                                                                       public appeal. The total collection for        Committee.
                                                                                      •   Resuscitation (CPR) training courses         the year amounted to S$2,991,151.

G o ve rna nce
                                                                                          provided by the                              The disbursements pertaining to all the        Governance
                                                                                      •   Singapore Red Cross Academy                  relief funds for the year amounted to          The assets of the charity are held for the
                                                                                                                                       S$20,511,775. At year end, the total           purpose of furthering its humanitarian
                                                                                      •   Fees from SRC’s TransportAid
                                                                                                                                       balances of all relief funds inclusive of      objectives, which includes maintaining

            he work of the Red Cross in Singapore began on 30 September
                                                                                      •   Interests on fixed deposits with financial   interest of S$184,438 and net of support       and ensuring physical resources as well
            1949 as a branch of the British Red Cross. On 6 April 1973, it
                                                                                          institutions and                             costs of S$293,402. The International Relief   as working capital to develop and support
            was incorporated as an Act of Parliament and became known
            as the Singapore Red Cross (SRC).                                         •   Investments in quoted bonds                  Funds were collected for specific relief       these objectives. Financial obligations and
                                                                                                                                       purposes and hence, were not recognised        commitments are reflected in the financial
                                                                                      •   Government subvention
The SRC is governed by a 19-member Council headed by a Chairman who                                                                    as incoming resources of SRC. Details of       statements.
is appointed by the President of the Republic of Singapore, the Patron of                                                              these funds are listed on page 64.
                                                                                      Total resources expended for the year
the SRC. The Council is responsible for pursuing the objective of the SRC                                                                                                             The SRC has in place policies and
                                                                                      amounted to S$9,138,412 including
as laid down by the Act of Parliament and its Constitution. The Council                                                                Disaster Response Emergency                    procedures to manage and avoid
                                                                                      depreciation of S$411,960. The funds of
has four oversight committees providing the relevant advice and expertise;                                                             Fund                                           situations of conflict of interest.
                                                                                      the SRC were allocated for the following
namely the Finance and Investment, Audit, Corporate Governance and                                                                     The fund was set up to enable the Society      Volunteers, staff and board members are
                                                                                      services and programmes:
Nomination and Human Resource and Compensation Committees.                                                                             to provide assistance to disaster-afflicted    advised to avoid situations that may give
                                                                                                                                       countries during acute emergency               rise to conflict of interest and are required
                                                                                      •   Red Cross Home for the Disabled
The general management of the SRC is overseen by the Management                                                                        phases and recovery phases. The fund           to make full declaration and disclosure
                                                                                      •   Singapore Red Cross Academy                  is administered in a similar manner as         should it inevitably arise. This is to ensure
Committee, headed by the Secretary General / Chief Executive Officer
(CEO) of the SRC. Implementation of the policies and directives laid down             •   Red Cross Blood Donor Recruitment            the Tidal Waves Asia Fund and its use          that all parties will act in the best interest
by the Council is done by the Secretariat which is headed by the Secretary                Programme                                    is restricted to disaster relief efforts       of the Society.
General / CEO.                                                                                                                         undertaken by the Society or jointly with
                                                                                      •   Community FirstAid
                                                                                                                                       partners. The Society has set up the           Annual Audit
The Secretariat is organised into three divisions; Operations, Administration         •   FoodAid                                      Committee for International Humanitarian       The accounts for the year were audited
and the Red Cross Youth. The strength and commitment of our volunteer                 •   TransportAid                                 Intervention to administer the DREF.           by KPMG LLP, Public Accountants and
corps is critical for the realisation of our vision and to carry out our vision.                                                                                                      Chartered Accountants. The financial
                                                                                      •   International Relief and Assistance          As at year end, the Society had                statements of the SRC for the year ended
Volunteers and staff work closely together in planning, organising and
implementing the activities and programmes of the SRC.                                •   Red Cross Youth activities                   disbursed S$266,361 leaving a balance          31 December 2014 are prepared in
                                                                                                                                       of S$4,384,150 after deducting support         accordance with the Singapore Financial
                                                                                      •   Other community-based services
In 2013, SRC was awarded the Charity Governance Award which honours                                                                    costs of S$5,327.                              Reporting Standards.
charities that have adopted the highest standards of governance and
implemented the best practices to ensure sustained effectiveness.
6         SINGAPORE RED CROSS                                                                                                                                      7         SINGAPORE RED CROSS

                                                                                                                                                                      and Sui Yi Siong and Hilda Foo of Singapore          humanitarian work. In February, we successfully        Volunteer recognition and appreciation are
                                                                                                                                                                      Management University, won the top prizes            hosted the 11th Red Cross Red Crescent                 important to inspire our active volunteers to

                                                                                                  CHA I R M A N ’ S
                                                                                                                                                                      (for oralists) at the 12th Red Cross International   Southeast Asian Leadership Meeting. Besides            continue their good work and to motivate people
                                                                                                                                                                      Humanitarian Law Moot, held in Hong Kong from        bringing together the leaders from all the 11          to join SRC as a volunteer. Volunteers were
                                                                                                                                                                      13 to 15 March 2014. Sui Yi Siong emerged the        SEA National Societies, Mr Tadateru Konoe,             also recognised at the annual SRC Awards for

                                                                                                  M essag e
                                                                                                                                                                      Best Mooter while Chia Yaru was the runner-up        President of the International Federation of           their outstanding contributions. The annual SRC
                                                                                                                                                                      Best Mooter.                                         Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)            Awards, was held in conjunction with the launch
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           and Mr Bekele Geleta, then Secretary General           of SRC’s 65th anniversary celebrations, on 27
                                                                                                                                                                      A total of S$3.09 million was raised in 2014 to      of IFRC also attended the event. The inaugural         September 2014 at Toa Payoh HDB Hub Mall. It
                                                                                                                                                                      support SRC’s local humanitarian efforts. In         Singapore Red Cross Humanitarian Lecture was           was graced by the Guest of Honour and Patron
                                                                                                                                                                      addition, our publicity efforts generated about      delivered by Mr Geleta at the opening of the           of SRC, President Tony Tan.
                                                                                                                                                                      S$2.6 million in media value, raising awareness      meeting. Later in the year, the Director-General
                                                                                                                                                                      and garnering support to advance the cause of        of the ICRC, Mr Yves Daccord, delivered the            Looking Ahead
                                                                                                                                                                      the Singapore Red Cross.                             second SRC Humanitarian Lecture.                       In 2015, we will continue to build on the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  framework that we have already established. We
                                                                                                                                                                      Impacting Lives Beyond our Shores                    Youth Development                                      will need to continue to empower and enhance
                                                                                                                                                                      In addition to serving the local community,          The development of our Youth remains a                 the lives of the disadvantaged, especially the
                                                                                                                                                                      SRC has also impacted the lives of individuals       key priority for us. Since 2011, we have               elderly and the disabled. We aim to reach more
                                                                                                                                                                      and communities beyond our shores. Over the          progressively restructured and integrated the          than 100 families with the FoodAid programme,
                                                                                                                                                                      years, SRC has acquired a good reputation            Red Cross Youth Movement, recognising that             train an additional 7,000 first aiders, as well as to
                                                                                                                                                                      in the humanitarian community both within            the RCY is vital for the long-term strength of the     meet the whole blood collection target of 122,000
                                                                                                                                                                      and outside the Red Cross Movement, for              SRC, as well as, a factor in building community        units of blood in 2015 and increase the pool of
                                                                                                                                                                      mobilising resources and responding to               responsibility and resilience. In line with this, we   youth donors. We are also looking to extend the
                                                                                                                                                                      disasters swiftly and effectively, throughout the    moved to appoint a full-time staff member as           First Aider on Wheels programme beyond East
                                                                                                                                                                      immediate response and relief, recovery and          Director of RCY - a first in the history of RCY.       Coast Park in the longer-term. Having officially
                                                                                                                                                                      rebuilding phases. In doing so, we have worked       After serving with distinction for six years,          launched the CLARE in Tampines West, we
                                                                                                                                                                      closely with partners to enable us to respond        Mr Ling Khoon Chow handed over the reins               hope to be able to establish a rigorous and
                                                                                                                                                                      with emergency supplies and our immediate            of command to Mr Sahari Ani (concurrently              effective model for CLARE. Once that is done,
                                                                                                                                                                      response teams (medical, water and sanitation        Director of Services) on 28 May 2014.                  we will launch the CLARE programme in Bedok
                                                                                                                                                                      and psychosocial support) as well as, identify                                                              by the end of 2015.
                                                                                                                                                                      and implement early recovery and long-term           A few initiatives were introduced in RCY in
                                                                                                                                                                      rebuilding projects for the survivors.               2014. First, Red Cross Youth aligned its Youth         SRC will continually review and strengthen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Engagement Model to the Youth Engagement               our humanitarian services, sharpen our core
                                                                                                                                                                      In 2014, SRC responded in the aftermath of           Strategies of IFRC, with the introduction of the       competencies, determine areas to enhance our
                                                                                                                                                                      Typhoon Haiyan (locally known as Yolanda)            Youth as Ambassadors of Behavioural Change             value proposition and where needed, reinvent
                                                                                                                                                                      in the Visayas region of the Philippines. We         (YABC) programme. We also extending Overseas           ourselves to be able to do so. We will also strive
                                                                                                                                                                      were able to deploy an advance relief team           Humanitarian Programmes to Links in primary            to continually empower our staff, volunteers and

             he year 2014 marked a significant          consistent - to bring people and institutions          I am pleased to share the following achievements.      to Malapascua, Cebu, Mahayahay barangay              schools and Cadets in secondary schools for            members by investing in training and capacity
             milestone in the history of the            together to relieve human suffering amongst                                                                   (district) and Ormoc, and mounted three medical      the first time, to broaden their horizon and enrich    building for them.
             Singapore Red Cross (SRC) as we            the vulnerable, protect human lives and dignity        Empowering Lives and Enhancing                         relief missions providing critical support at the    their lives. Disaster management has also been
             celebrated our 65th anniversary.           and respond to emergencies. The activities             Resilience in the Local Community                      San Pablo Health Centre Catchment Area,              incorporated into the curriculum for Cadets,           As we complete a five-year cycle, we will need
                                                        in commemoration of our 65th anniversary,                                                                     serving 20,000 people from 17 barangays.             to prepare them to join the efforts when they          to look ahead and set the broad directions and
                                                                                                               •    Soft-launched the Community-Led Action                                                                 come of age. In December 2014, Red Cross               goals for the next five years, 2016-2020, based
It was an opportunity to reflect on the rich            including the roving heritage and digital
                                                                                                                    for REsilience (CLARE) programme in               We successfully mobilised S$12.38 million            Youth organised the first Peer-to-Peer Youth           on the needs of the community and on our
heritage of the Society. Having started as a            museums, reaffirmed this commitment to serve
                                                                                                                    Tampines West in December 2014.                   for the survivors of Typhoon Haiyan (as of           Symposium, which highlighted the involvement           capacity and competencies.
branch of the British Red Cross in 1949, for the        humanity and save lives.
                                                                                                                    The programme equips volunteers with              31 December 2014). Besides providing relief          of our youth in the humanitarian mission of SRC.
past 65 years, we have been actively serving
                                                                                                                    the knowledge and technical skills to             support, we are collaborating with 11 partners                                                              Conclusion
humanity and saving lives within our community          The theme of this year’s Annual Report is
                                                                                                                    provide first response and aid, elder care,       to complete 20 post-disaster recovery and            The Red Cross Youth book, ‘Celebrating the             In closing, I wish to reiterate that all that we have
and beyond our shores. In the early days, we ran        ‘Empowering Lives. Enhancing Resilience.’ We
                                                                                                                    befriending and community service to the          reconstruction programmes, benefiting some           Red Cross Spirit’ was launched in July 2014            managed to achieve was only possible because
the Red Cross hospital car, a home for disabled         have placed great emphasis on playing our part
                                                                                                                    vulnerable. It also enables us to reach out       87 communities and impacting an estimated 1.5        chronicling the work of RCY over the past 62           of the dedication, perseverance and generosity
children, classes for hearing-impaired children         in ensuring that Singapore and Singaporeans
                                                                                                                    to the disadvantaged and provide access           million lives. Many of these projects have been      years. Written by volunteers Ms Annie Gay, Ms          of our volunteers, supporters, donors, members
(which is today the Singapore Association               are always prepared for any adverse situation or
                                                                                                                    to signature Red Cross services such as           completed, and by the second anniversary in          Doreen Tan and Mr Tang Chun Tuck, the book             and staff. To our stakeholders, I would like
for the Deaf) and the Junior Red Cross, now             circumstances, and that we are able to respond
                                                                                                                    Community FirstAid, TransportAid and              November 2015, we hope to have handed over           seeks to spur the current and future batch of          to thank each and every one of you. We truly
known as Red Cross Youth. Along the journey,            quickly and efficiently and thereby recover swiftly.
                                                                                                                    FoodAid.                                          most of these rebuilding projects to the local       RCY members to continue their good work and            appreciate your unwavering support and tireless
our services grew and we took on other duties           Among our goals are to have a first aider in every
such as first aid training and first aid services, as   home by 2020, to build a sustainable blood donor       •    Strengthened the management of the Red            communities.                                         inspire others to join the Red Cross mission.          effort in working with us to enrich the lives of the
well as blood donation advocacy, subsequently           pool which has a sizeable youth component, and              Cross Home for the Disabled (RCHD); and                                                                                                                       vulnerable and build a more gracious and caring
becoming the public face of blood donation in           to build a more resilient community especially              RCHD now serves more residents and the            In our international response, a key priority has    Membership and Volunteers                              community in Singapore. Together, we can
Singapore after being appointed the National            focused on the elderly and disabled. We have                Day Activity Centre has more clients.             been to build up a strong pool of volunteers who     Members and volunteers form the backbone of            make a difference for humanity, and indeed in
Blood Donor Recruiter in 2001. Our volunteers           also strengthened our capacity to respond to                                                                  are properly trained and adequately equipped.        the SRC, without whom we would not be able             2014 we had made a difference together.
were also regularly mobilised to provide support        disasters by providing training in areas such          •    Launched the “Singapore Red Cross first           Hence, SRC also provided our volunteers with         to provide our services to the community. Our
during major local disasters, such as the Bukit Ho      as disaster management, water and sanitation,               aid” app and a first aid booklet, the latter in   training in water and sanitation, psychosocial       goal remains to empower our members and
Swee fire in 1961, the Spyros tanker explosion in       psychosocial support, restoring family links and            collaboration with 3M NexcareTM.                  support and Restoring Family Links (RFL)             volunteers with the knowledge and skill sets,
1978, the cable car accident in 1983, the Hotel         International Humanitarian Law.                                                                               service. The RFL is a tracing programme of the       to enable them to make a positive difference in
                                                                                                               •    Leveraged technology to develop the Red
New World collapse in 1986 and SARS in 2001.                                                                                                                          International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)      the lives of the vulnerable, and to help build a
                                                                                                                    Cross Connection App that enhances
Indeed, as we celebrate SG50, we can be proud           Besides consolidating our services, we have                                                                   to restore contact and clarify the fate of missing   resilient nation.
                                                                                                                    youth engagement. This ensures the long-
that the SRC has played a significant role in the       continued to strengthen our structures and                                                                    people in times of disasters. We have also held a
                                                                                                                    term sustainability of the National Blood
history of our young nation.                            systems over the past year. These efforts were                                                                number of networking sessions during the past        Following a structural review and remodelling
                                                                                                                    Donor Recruitment Programme.
                                                        aimed at expanding SRC’s outreach to the                                                                      year for our volunteers, including our medical       exercise in 2012, a volunteer career pathway
As the economic and social environment in               vulnerable, strengthening community resilience,                                                               volunteers, to bond and build camaraderie.           was instituted in 2013 which included improved         Mr Tee Tua Ba
                                                                                                               We also promoted activities that better prepared
Singapore evolved, so has the priorities and            increasing volunteer and staff capacity, and                                                                                                                       volunteer training framework and a well-defined        Chairman
                                                                                                               youth to face any possible adversities in the
humanitarian services of the SRC. Nevertheless,         enhancing the IT capability of the Society.                                                                   We continued to take steps to establish              scope of work for volunteers. Basic training was
                                                                                                               future. The Singapore team, comprising Chia
the mission of the Society has remained                                                                                                                               ourselves as a thought leader in Singapore for       also extended to members and volunteers.
                                                                                                               Yaru of National University of Singapore,
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       014年是不同寻常的一年,在新   每户都有一名成员接受过急救培训,建造             我们也大力推广各项旨在帮助年轻人面          我们国际救援的核心之一就在建立一支受        备。2014年12月,红十字会青少年组办        项目从东海岸扩展到其他地区。CLARE
       加坡红十字会的历史上是一个     一个以青年人为中心的无偿献血志愿者队             对未来多元化挑战的活动。在2014年3月       过专业培训并且装备完善的强大的志愿者        了首届青年挚友座谈会,会上重点强调了          项目已经在淡滨尼西正式启动,我们希望
       重要的里程碑,因为今年我们     伍,建造一个拥有更强抗灾能力的家园,             13-15日于香港举办的第十二届国际红        团队。因此,红十字会在志愿者培训方面        青年在红十字会人道主义任务中的参与。          能为其建立一个完善有效的模型,在这之
       65岁了。             重点帮助乐龄人士和残障人士。为了增强             十字人道主义法学辩论会上,由新加坡国         也不遗余力,包括水资源管理与卫生,社                                    后,我们将在2015年年底在勿洛正式启
                         抗灾能力,我们在提供了全方面的培训:             立大学的Chia   Yaru,新加坡管理大学的   交及心理辅导,”与家庭重建关系“等。        红十字会青年丛书《为红十字精神欢呼》          动CLARE。
此时此刻,是我们重新审视和学习自己        包括灾难管理,水资源管理与卫生,社交             Hilda   Foo组成的新加坡队,获得了最高   其中“与家人重建关系”是红十字国际委        在2014年7月发行,书中列举了RCY62
悠久传统的很好的契机。1949年,作为      及心理辅导,家庭关系重建,以及国际人             奖(口才类)。Sui Yi Siong被评为最佳   员会为灾难中协助失散的家庭寻人、恢复        年来的工作内容。作者叶菁杰女士,陈淑          红十字会将继续总结和强化我们的各项人
大不列颠红十字会的一个分支,新加坡        道主义法。                          辩手, Chia Yaru获得第二名。        通讯、重聚,以及协助遣返战俘、管理和        贞女士和邓振达先生,希望通过这本书能          道主义服务,增强我们的核心竞争力,明
红十字会成立了。65年以来,我们积极                                                                 转交死者信息等。我们还在过去一年里多        够鼓舞现在和以后的RCY成员们的工作热         确我们的价值主张,并调整自己从而适应
的弘扬人道主义精神,在国内外为拯救生       除了整合各项服务,在过去的一年里,我             2014年红十字会共筹得善款309万元,用      次举办联谊会,让我们的志愿者,包括医        情,并通过他们的辛勤工作启发更多人加          形势和需求。我们还将继续致力于完善培
命奋斗不息。早年间,我们有红十字会        们也继续加强我们的组织架构和系统建              与支持本地的人道主义工作。除此之外,         疗团队能够建立感情,交流分享。           入到红十字运动的洪流中。                训和能力建设,从而武装我们的员工,志
医疗车,残疾儿童之家,为听障儿童开        设。所有的努力都是为了能把我们的服务             各种公关和宣传共创造了260万元的媒体                                                              愿者和会员。
设的课程(现在已经成为新加坡聋哑人协       带给更多需要帮助的人,增强社区抗灾              价值,大大提高了本会的知名度,为本会         我们也继续在新加坡的人道主义事业中承        会员与志愿者
会),以及青少年红十字军(现在已改        力,培养志愿者和员工的能力,以及加强             的各项工作提供了保障和支持。             担领导者的角色。二月,我们成功的举办        会员和志愿者始终是红十字会的骨干力           随着我们完成了这一个五年规划,我们
组为红十字会青少年)。在成长的道路        本红会的信息服务。                                                 了第11届红十字红新月会东南亚领导人        量,没有他们,我们无法开展我们的工           需要高瞻远瞩,以社区需求和自己的能
上,我们渐渐又承担起了更多的责任,例                                      海外的救援工作                    会议。11名来自东南亚国家的协会领导        作,服务我们的社区。我们致力于用知识          力与竞争力作基础,为下一个五年2016
如急救培训和服务,以及献血的呼吁和        接下来,我很高兴地与大家分享一些成              除了服务于本地社区,红十字会向海外伸         人出席了会议。红十字会及红新月会国际        和技能武装我们的会员和志愿者们,让他          -2020制定方向和目标。
采血。后来我们在2001年被指定为全国      就。                             出把援手。多年来,本会在红十字运动内         联合会主席近卫忠辉先生,时任联合会秘        们能够为需要帮助的人带去正能量,让我
无偿献血者的招募机构,成为新加坡无偿                                      外的人道主义社区皆获得了优良的声誉。         书长的贝克莱·格雷塔先生也出席了会         们的国家和人民更加强大。                总结
献血的代言人。一路上,我们的志愿者        在本地 - 赋予生命力,增强抗灾力              我们对各种灾难及时有效的反应,对灾难         议。首届新加坡红十字会人道主义讲座也                                    最后,请允许我重申,如果没有我们的志
们多次响应号召,在新加坡陷入灾难时        •    2014年12月在淡滨尼西首次开幕         发生时的处理,灾后的管理和重建,都赢         在会议前开课,由格雷塔先生主讲。第二        在2012年的组织结构审查和模型重组之         愿者,支持者,赞助者,会员和员工共同
挺身而出。1961年的河水山大火,1978         CLARE项目。该项目旨在培训志愿         得了广泛的赞誉。我们与多方精诚合作,         次讲座在下半年举行,主讲是红十字委员        后,2013年,一条为志愿者架设的成长         的奉献,坚持和慷慨,我们无法取得上述
年的史拜罗斯号大爆炸,1983年的缆车           者相关知识和技能以提供急救服务,          不但在最短的时间内把救援队伍和物资          会总干事伊夫·达科尔先生。             道路初具规模,包括改良的志愿者培训框          的成就。我想对所有与我们一起努力的
意外,1986年的新世界酒店坍塌,还有           乐龄人士关怀,以及为其他需要帮助          (包括医疗,水资源,卫生用品,社交心                                   架,和一套详尽的工作内容。每个会员和          人们说一声谢谢,谢谢你们大公无私的支
2001年的非典,都有他们的身影。可以           的人提供友情和社区服务。这些训练          理辅导)送到第一线,而且在帮助灾民短         青少年发展                     志愿者也都会参加一个基本培训,以确定          持,谢谢你们不辞劳苦的努力,谢谢你们
说,在新加坡50年国庆之际,我们可以            活动使志愿者能为需要帮助的群体,          期复原和长期重建的各个项目中都表现抢         青少年的发展始终是我们工作的重中之         他们未来工作的主要方向。                与我们一起帮助那些需要帮助的人,谢谢
很骄傲的看到,新加坡红十字会在这个年            包括受益于红十字会急救护理、交通          眼。                         重。2011年以来,我们逐步地将红十字                                   你们与我们一起为新加坡带来了更多的感
轻的国家历史中扮演了举足轻重的角色。            援助以及食品援助的弱势群体。                                       会青年活动进行改组和整合,使其成为红        表彰和感谢是激发志愿者们努力工作,           恩和关怀。有你们与我们一起,就能为
                                                        2014年,红十字会继续对台风海燕          十字会长期发展的力量源泉的同时,也在        并通过他们鼓励更多人加入红十字会的           人道主义事业贡献一分力量,而在2014
随着新加坡经济和社会的发展与繁荣,红       •    加强红十字会之家的管理。如今            (菲律宾本地称为”约兰达”)的遭遇作         创建社区责任感和复原能力中扮演重要角        重要工作之一。一年一度的红十字会大           年,我们确实做到了!
十字会的人道主义服务和优先关注的人群            RCHD红十字会残疾人中心已迎来了         出反应。我们往马拉帕斯卡,宿雾,马哈         色。本着这一精神,我们为RCY任命了一       奖正是为了表彰他们的杰出贡献而设立
也时常变化。红十字会的任务保持不改             更多的住户,日间活动中心的服务对          雅赫,奥尔莫克派出了紧急救援队,共派         位全职主管,这在RCY的历史上是第一        的。2014年9月27日,在大巴窑建屋局中
变 - 团结大众力量,为弱小群体提供人           象也逐渐增多。                   遣三个医疗队伍,在圣巴勃罗医疗中心集         次。在兢兢业业地为RCY辛勤付出了六年       心大厅举办的新加坡红十字会65周年庆          郑大岩
道救援,保护生命和尊严,并及时在紧急                                      散地,为来自17个村落的2万名灾民提供        之后,林孔昭先生在2014年5月28日把工     祝活动上,颁发了年度红十字会大奖。大          主席
时刻提供人道服务。我们65周年一系列       •    启动了”新加坡红十字会急救“应           了帮助。                       作移交给了Sahari Ani先生(现任服务部   会嘉宾是红十字会赞助人陈庆炎总统。
庆典活动,包括流动展览和数码博物馆,            用,并与 3M NexcareTM 联合发布                               主管)。                                                  中文翻译:刘伟嘉(志愿者)
都重申了我们对人道主义服务和拯救生命            急救手册                      我们共为台风海燕的受灾者筹集了1238                                  前瞻
的承诺。                                                    万元(至2014年12月)善款。除了救援       RCY在2014年引进了一些新的项目。首      2015年,我们将在已经建立的各个框架
                         •    开发了红十字会在线联系红会应用,          工作,我们还协同与11个合作伙伴,承         先,RCY将其旗下的青年参与战略与国        上继续努力。我们需要继续改善弱势群
今年的年度报告的主题是:赋予生命力,            搭建与年轻人沟通的桥梁。这款应用          担了20个灾后的灾后重建项目,受益社         际并轨,推出了“青春善言行”培训。         体,特别是乐龄人士和残障人士的生活。
增强抗灾力。我们充分提供新加坡和人民            主要目的是为了保证国家血液资源的          区超过87个,受益灾民约150万。这些项       我们也首次把海外人道计划发展进小学与        我们的目标是在2015年通过食品救助计
为随时到来的灾难做好准备,以及如何能            可持续性。                     目中的大多数都已顺利完成。到2015年        中学中,拓展了中小学生们的视野,丰         划让至少100个家庭受益,培训7000名急
让我们迅速有效的反应,从而提高抗灾能                                      11月台风海燕两周年之际,我们希望能         富了他们的生活。中学生的学习大纲中         救人员,达到采集12.2万单位的血液的指
力。我们的目标包括,在2020年,每家                                     把剩余项目的大多数转让给当地社区。          还增加了灾难管理的课程,为日后做好准        标。我们也希望能够将“脚踏车急救队”
10         SINGAPORE RED CROSS                                                                                                                           11          SINGAPORE RED CROSS

L apo ran Peng er usi

              ahun 2014 menandakan satu detik     supaya setiap rumah mempunyai seorang yang             mempertingkatkan penglibatan belia. Ini        Kami berjaya menyalurkan $12.38 juta kepada        Pengarah Perkhidmatan) pada 28 Mei 2014.             Payoh. Ia dihadiri tetamu terhormat dan penaung
              yang bersejarah bagi Persatuan      mahir dalam pertolongan kecemasan pada tahun           memastikan kemampuan jangka panjang            mangsa Taufan Haiyan (pada 31 December                                                                  SRC Presiden Tony Tan.
              Palang Merah Singapura (SRC)        2020, untuk membina kumpulan penderma                  program Mendapatkan Penderma Darah             2014). Selain menyediakan sokongan, kami           Beberapa usaha telah diperkenalkan kepada
              dengan sambutan ulang tahun kami    darah yang mampan dan sebahagian besar                 Kebangsaan.                                    bekerjasama dengan 11 rakan kongsi untuk           RCY dalam tahun 2014. Pertama, Belia Palang          Melihat Ke Hadapan
yang ke-65.                                       adalah golongan belia, dan juga untuk membina                                                         mengendalikan 20 program pemulihan dan             Merah mengendalikan Model Penglibatan                Dalam tahun 2015, kami akan terus
                                                  masyarakat yang lebih berdaya tahan, dengan       Kami juga mempromosi kegiatan yang boleh            pembinaan semula, untuk manfaat kira-kira 1.5      Belia sejajar dengan Strategi Penglibatan            mengembangkan rangka kerja yang sedia
La adalah satu peluang bagi kami merenung         tumpuan lebih bagi warga tua dan golongan         menyiapkan belia untuk menghadapi segala            juta nyawa. Banyak program ini sudah selesai,      Belia IFRC, dengan memperkenalkan belia              ada. Kami perlu terus memperkasa dan
kembali warisan Persatuan kami yang kaya.         kurang upaya. Kami juga telah mengukuhkan         cabaran pada masa yang akan datang. Pasukan         dan kami berharap dapat menyerahkan projek         sebagai duta program Perubahan Kelakuan              meningkatkan kehidupan mereka yang kurang
Ditubuhkan pada tahun 1949 sebagai satu           lagi keupayaan kami untuk membantu sewaktu        Singapura, terdiri daripada Chia Yaru daripada      ini kepada masyarakat tempatan sebelum ulang       (YABC). Kami juga memperluaskan Program              bernasib baik, terutama sekali warga tua dan
cawangan Persatuan Palang Merah British,          kecemasan dengan menyediakan latihan              Universiti Kebangsaan Singapura dan Sui Yi          tahun kedua bencana ini, pada November 2015.       Kemanusiaan Luar Negara kepada belia di              orang kurang upaya. Kami menyasarkan untuk
kami aktif berkhidmat kepada masyarakat dan       dalam bidang seperti pengurusan bencana,          Siong dan Hilda Foo dari Universiti Pengurusan                                                         sekolah rendah dan menengah buat pertama             mendekati lebih 100 keluarga dalam program
menyelamatkan nyawa dalam dan luar negara         air dan kebersihan air, sokongan psikososial,     Singapura, memenangi hadiah utama (untuk            Bagi bantuan kecemasan luar negara, keutamaan      kalinya, untuk meluaskan pemikiran mereka            FoodAid, melatih lebih 7,000 ahli pertolongan
sepanjang 65 tahun. Pada peringkat awal, kami     mengembalikan pertalian keluarga dan Undang-      bahagian oralis) di Pertandingan Moot Undang-       kami ialah untuk membina tenaga sukarelawan        dan memperkayakan hidup mereka. Program              kecemasan, dan juga mengumpulkan sebanyak
telah mengendalikan hospital bergerak Palang      undang Kemanusiaan Antarabangsa.                  undang Kemanusiaan Antarabangsa Palang              yang kuat, dengan kemahiran yang secukupnya.       Pengurusan Bencana juga dimasukkan dalam             122,000 unit darah pada tahun 2015 dan
Merah, rumah tumpangan kanak-kanak kurang                                                           Merah yang ke-12, yang diadakan di Hong             Oleh itu, SRC juga menyediakan latihan bagi        kurikulum cadet belia, untuk mempersiapkan           meningkatkan jumlah penderma darah muda.
upaya, kelas-kelas bagi kanak-kanak cacat         Selain daripada menyatukan perkhidmatan,          Kong dari 13 hingga 15 Mac 2014. Sui Yi Siong       sukarelawan kami dalam air dan kebersihan          mereka bagi menyertai usaha kemanusiaan              Kami juga mahu mengembangkan program Ahli
pendengaran (kini ia dinamakan Persatuan          kami juga terus mengukuhkan struktur dan          muncul sebagai Mooter terbaik and Chia Yaru         air, sokongan psikososial dan Mengembalikan        apabila dewasa kelak. Pada bulan Disember            Pertolongan Kecemasan rondaan lebih daripada
Cacat Pendengaran Singapura) dan Palang           sistem kami sepanjang tahun lalu. Segala          pula sebagai Naib Johan Mooter terbaik.             Pertalian Keluarga. Ia merupakan program oleh      2014, Belia Palang Merah telah menganjurkan          di Taman East Coast buat jangka masa panjang.
Merah Junior, kini dikenali sebagai Persatuan     usaha ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan                                                               Persatuan Palang Merah Antarabangsa bagi           Simposium Rakan-ke-Rakan Belia yang                  Dengan pelancaran CLARE di Tampines West,
Palang Merah Belia. Sepanjang perjalanan kami,    jangkauan SRC kepada golongan yang                Sebanyak $3.09 juta telah dikumpulkan               mengesan, berhubung dan menjelaskan status         pertama, yang menonjolkan penglibatan belia          kami berharap dapat menubuhkan satu model
perkhidmatan kami berkembang dan kami mula        terjejas, menguatkan daya tahan masyarakat,       pada tahun 2014 untuk menyokong usaha               mangsa yang hilang sewaktu bencana. Kami           kami dalam misi kemanusiaan SRC.                     yang ketat dan berkesan untuk program CLARE.
mengambil tugas lain seperti perkhidmatan         meningkatkan keupayaan kakitangan dan             kemanusiaan tempatan SRC. Di samping                telah mengadakan beberapa sesi berkenalan                                                               Selanjutnya, kami akan melancarkan program
dan latihan pertolongan kecemasan, advokasi       sukarelawan dan meningkatkan keupayaan IT         itu, usaha-usaha publisiti kami telah menjana       tahun lalu bersama sukarelawan kami, termasuk      Buku Belia Palang Merah, ‘Raikan Semangat            CLARE di Bedok pada akhir 2015.
menderma darah. Kami menjadi duta penderma        kami.                                             sebanyak $2.6 juta dari nilai media, meningkatkan   sukarelawan perubatan, untuk berkenalan dan        Palang Merah’ dilancarkan pada Julai 2014,
darah setelah dilantik sebagai Perekrut                                                             kesedaran dan mendapatkan sokongan bagi             membina keakraban .                                mengisahkan tugas RCY sepanjang 62 tahun             SRC akan terus mengkaji semula dan
Penderma Darah Kebangsaan pada tahun 2001.        Saya ingin berkongsi pencapaian berikut.          kegiatan Palang Merah Singapura.                                                                       yang lalu. Ditulis oleh relawan Cik Annie Gay, Cik   menguatkan khidmat kemanusiaan kami,
Sukarelawan kami sering dikerahkan untuk                                                                                                                Kami terus bergerak untuk memantapkan              Doreen Tan dan Encik Tang Chun Tuck, buku            mengukuhkan kecekapan kami, mengenal
memberi bantuan sewaktu negara mengalami          Memperkasa kehidupan dan                          Kesan terhadap kehidupan                            kedudukan kami sebagai badan utama di              ini bertujuan membakar semangat anggota kini         pasti bidang untuk diperbaiki dan, jika perlu,
kecemasan. Ini termasuk kebakaran di Bukit Ho     meningkatkan daya tahan dalam                     masyarakat luar negara                              Singapura bagi kerja kemanusiaan. Pada bulan       dan yang akan datang untuk meneruskan kerja          merombak persatuan kami. Kami akan terus
Swee pada tahun 1961, letupan tanki Spyros        masyarakat tempatan                               Selain daripada berkhidmat untuk masyarakat         Februari, kami berjaya menganjurkan Mesyuarat      keras mereka dan mendorong belia lain untuk          berusaha untuk mempertingkatkan kakitangan,
pada tahun 1978, kemalangan kereta kabel                                                            tempatan, SRC juga memberi kesan kepada             Pemimpin Palang Merah dan Bulan Sabit Merah        menyertai misi Palang Merah.                         sukarelawan dan anggota kami dengan
                                                  •    Pelancaran awal program Kegiatan
pada tahun 1983, keruntuhan bangunan Hotel                                                          kehidupan masyarakat dan rakyat luar                Asia Tenggara yang ke-11. Selain daripada                                                               menyediakan latihan untuk mereka.
                                                       Meningkatkan Daya Tahanan Pimpinan
New World pada tahun 1986 dan krisis SARS                                                           negara.    Sepanjang   perkhidmatan    kami,        menyatukan pemimpin daripada kesemua 11            Anggota dan relawan membentuk tulang
                                                       Masyarakat      (Community-Led     Action
pada tahun 2003. Sesungguhnya, sambil kita                                                          SRC telah mendapat reputasi yang baik di            Persatuan Kebangsaan Asia Tenggara, President      belakang SRC. Tanpa mereka, kami tidak               Dengan tamatnya tempoh lima tahun bagi
                                                       for REsilience (CLARE)) diadakan di
menyambut SG50, kami boleh berbangga                                                                kalangan masyarakat kemanusiaan, dalam              Persekutuan Antarabangsa Palang Merah Dan          akan boleh berkhidmat kepada masyarakat              pusingan ini, kami perlu melihat ke hadapan dan
                                                       Tampines West pada bulan Disember
dengan peranan besar SRC dalam sejarah                                                              dan luar gerakan Palang Merah, kerana dapat         Bulan Sabit Merah Encik Tadateru Konoe,            dengan sepenuhnya. Matlamat kami kekal untuk         meletakkan panduan dan matlamat untuk lima
                                                       2014. Program ini membekalkan relawan
negara ini.                                                                                         mengerahkan tenaga dan bertindak cekap              dan Encik Bekele Geleta, Setiausaha Agung          membekalkan anggota dan sukarelawan kami             tahun akan datang, 2016 – 2020, berdasarkan
                                                       dengan ilmu pengetahuan dan kemahiran
                                                                                                    dan cepat dalam kecemasan, sepanjang                IFRC ketika itu turut hadir pada acara tersebut.   dengan ilmu dan kemahiran, membolehkan               keperluan masyarakat dan kemampuan kami.
                                                       teknikal untuk bertindak dalam kecemasan
Dengan perubahan ekonomi dan evolusi sosial                                                         fasa penyelamat, pemulihan dan pembinaan            Perbentangan Palang Merah Kemanusiaan              mereka membawa perubahan positif dalam
                                                       dan pertolongan, jagaan warga tua,
Singapura, keutamaan dan perkhidmatan                                                               semula. Dengan berbuat demikian, kami telah         Singapura yang pertama telah disampaikan           kehidupan golongan yang memerlukan dan               Penutup
                                                       dan khidmat masyarakat bagi yang
kemanusiaan SRC turut berubah. Namun,                                                               bekerjasama rapat dengan rakan seperjuangan         oleh Encik Geleta pada pembukaan majlis.           membina negara yang berdaya tahan.                   Sebagai penutup, sekali lagi saya mengulangi
                                                       memerlukan. Ia juga membolehkan kami
misi kami tetap konsisten – untuk menyatukan                                                        kami untuk membolehkan kami bertindak               Ketua Pengarah ICRC, Encik Yves Daccord pula                                                            bahawa segala kejayaan kami hanya boleh
                                                       menghulurkan bantuan kepada mereka
masyarakat dan institusi dalam mengurangkan                                                         dengan bekalan kecemasan dan pasukan                menyampaikan Pembentangan Kemanusiaan              Berikutan perubahan dan rombakan pada                dikecapi dengan dedikasi, kesabaran dan sifat
                                                       yang memerlukan perkhidmatan Palang
penderitaan manusia di kalangan mereka yang                                                         tindakan segera (perubatan, air dan sanitasi        SRC yang kedua lewat tahun lalu.                   struktur kami dalam tahun 2012, laluan kerjaya       pemurah sukarelawan, penyokong, penderma,
                                                       Merah seperti Community FirstAid,
terjejas, melindungi kehidupan dan maruah                                                           dan sokongan psikososial) serta mengenalpasti                                                          seorang relawan diperkenalkan pada tahun             anggota dan kakitangan kami. Saya juga ingin
                                                       TransportAid dan FoodAid.
setiap manusia dan membantu dalam situasi                                                           dan melaksanakan projek pemulihan awal dan          Perkembangan Belia                                 2013, termasuk rangka kerja latihan lanjutan         mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua
kecemasan. Kegiatan sempena sambutan ulang                                                          pembinaan semula buat jangka masa panjang.          Perkembangan belia kami terus menjadi              dan skop kerja yang jelas bagi relawan. Kursus       pemegang saham. Kami amat menghargai
                                                  •    Mengukuhkan lagi pengurusan Rumah
tahun kami yang ke-65, termasuk pameran                                                                                                                 antara keutamaan kami. Sejak 2011, kami            latihan asas juga ditawarkan kepada ahli dan         sokongan yang tidak putus dan usaha
                                                       Tumpangan Palang Merah bagi Golongan
bergerak dan museum digital, mengesahkan lagi                                                       Kesan terhadap kehidupan                            telah menyusun semula struktur kami secara         sukarelawan.                                         berterusan dalam kerjasama memperkayakan
                                                       Kurang Upaya (RCHD). RCHD kini
komitmen untuk berkhidmat kepada masyarakat                                                         masyarakat luar negara                              bertahap-tahap dan menyatupadukan Gerakan                                                               kehidupan mereka yang terjejas dan membina
                                                       berkhidmat kepada lebih ramai penduduk
dan menyelamatkan nyawa.                                                                            Pada tahun 2014, SRC bertindak cepat                Belia Palang Merah (RCY). Kami menganggap          Pengiktirafan    bagi  sukarelawan   penting         masyarakat yang lebih prihatin dan peka.
                                                       dan Pusat Aktiviti Seharian pula mempunyai
                                                                                                    setelah Negara Filipina dilanda Taufan Haiyan       RCY penting untuk tenaga jangka panjang            untuk mendorong sukarelawan yang aktif               Bersama, kita boleh membuat perbedaan dalam
                                                       lebih ramai pelanggan.
Tema bagi Laporan Tahunan tahun ini ialah                                                           (juga digelar Yolanda oleh penduduk Filipina)       SRC, dan juga boleh membina masyarakat             untuk teruskan kerja keras mereka dan                kemanusiaan, dan jelas, pada tahun 2014, kami
‘Memperkasa Kehidupan. Meningkatkan Daya                                                            di wilayah Visayas. Kami telah menghantar           yang berdaya tahan dan bertanggungjawab.           menggalakkan masyarakat untuk menyertai              telah melakukan perbezaan bersama.
                                                  •    Pelancaran applikasi Bantuan Awal Palang
Tahan.’ Kami telah meletakkan penekanan yang                                                        pasukan bantuan ke Malapascua, Cebu, daerah         Dengan itu, kami telah melantik seorang            SRC sebagai sukarelawan. Mereka juga diiktiraf
                                                       Merah Singapura dan buku kecil Bantuan
besar atas sumbangan kami bagi memastikan                                                           Mahayahay dan Ormoc dan mengikuti tiga misi         kakitangan sepenuh masa sebagai pengarah           di majlis anugerah SRC bagi sumbangan yang           Tee Tua Ba
                                                       Awal, yang kedua bersama 3M Nexcare.
Singapura dan warganya akan sentiasa bersedia                                                       bantuan perubatan bagi menyediakan bantuan          RCY – pertama kali dalam sejarah RCY. Setelah      cemerlang. Majlis anugerah tahunan SRC telah         Pengerusi
menghadapi sebarang keadaan, dan kami boleh                                                         kritikal di Pusat Kesihatan Kawasan Tadahan         berkhidmat with cemerlang selama enam tahun,       diadakan sempena pelancaran sambutan ulang
                                                  •    Menggunakan teknologi untuk mencipta
bertindak dengan cepat dan cekap, dengan itu,                                                       San Pablo, membantu 20,000 penduduk dari            Encik Ling Khoon Chow menyerahkan tugas            tahun SRC yang ke-65 pada 27 September               (Dialih bahasa oleh Nadzirah Bte Sariman,
                                                       Aplikasi Perhubungan Palang Merah yang
pulih dengan pantas. Antara matlamat kami ialah                                                     17 daerah.                                          memimpin RCY kepada Encik Sahari Ani (juga         2014, di Hab HDB Pusat Membeli-Belah Toa             Sukarelawati)
14   SINGAPORE RED CROSS                                                       15         SINGAPORE RED CROSS

                                       The staff of the Singapore
                                       Red Cross embrace the
                                       core values of compassion,
                                       passion and professionalism
                           and adopt the Seven Fundamental
                           Principles of the Red Cross Movement
                           in the work that we do.

                           ▶   Secretary General of Singapore Red Cross,
                               Mr Benjamin William

                           ▼   From left: Dr Tan Hun Hoe (Medical
                               Advisor, International Services), Ms
                               Macy Marollano Carpio (Nusing Aide,
                               Red Cross Home for the Disabled), Mr
                               Muhamad Haikel Bin Mohamed (Executive,
                               Community Services), Ms Tilynn Low
                               (Executive, Red Cross Youth), Mr Roslan
                               Bin Ibrahim (TransportAid Responder),
                               Ms Koh Ting Ting (Executive, Human

                                     ▶ From top left (clockwise): Ms Nurulazhana Labib
                                       (Training Coordinator, SRC Academy), Ms Lim Cheng
                                       Hong (Executive, Blood Donor Recruitment Programme),
                                       Mr Pozi Bin Oman (Office Assistant), Ms Karine Tan
                                       (Executive, Fund Raising), Ms Zulaiha Begum Binti
                                       Mohamed Hassan (Training Coordinator, SRC Academy),
                                       Ms Hsu Nan-Ting (Assistant Head, Corporate
                                       Communications and Marketing)
16   SINGAPORE RED CROSS                                                                                  17        SINGAPORE RED CROSS

C ou ncil
PATRON                                                  Members                                                                                                                   (From left to right)
Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam                                    Dr Caroline Brassard     Mr Han Eng Juan        Mr Eric Low                     Ms Emily Tan Shu Min                      Mr Eric Low, Mr Han Eng Juan, Vice Chairman
The President of the Republic of Singapore                                                              (from 30 June 2014)             (from 30 June 2014)                       Mr Axel Chan, Mr Chris Liew, Dr Chan Soon Keng,
                                                        Dr Chan Soon Keng        Dr Mark Hon                                                                                      Mr Winston Milner, Chairman Mr Tee Tua Ba,
CHAIRMAN                                                                                                Mr Winston Milner               Mr Tan Kai Hoe                            SLTC (NS) Laurence Goh, Dr Caroline Brassard,
Mr Tee Tua Ba                                           Mrs Susan Chan           Mr Chris Liew                                          (up to 29 June 2014)                      Secretary General Mr Benjamin William,
                                                        (up to 28 June 2014)                            Mr Mohammad Zaidi Bin Ariffin                                             Dr Mark Hon, Mr Mohammad Zaidi Bin Ariffin
VICE CHAIRMEN                                                                    Ms Lim Choon Noi                                       Mr Zulkifli Baharuddin
Mr Axel Chan                                            Mr Chew Hai Chwee        (up to 29 June 2014)   Assoc Prof (Dr) Phua Kai Hong                                             Not Present
Ms Rose Tan
                                                        SLTC (NS) Laurence Goh   Dr Lim Ghee Hian       Mr Edwin Seah Tian Rong                                                   Ms Rose Tan, Vice Chairperson

SECRETARY GENERAL/CEO                                   (from 29 June 2014)      (up to 29 June 2014)   (from 30 June 2014)                                                       Members: Mr Chew Hai Chwee, Assoc Prof (Dr)
Mr Benjamin William                                                                                                                                                               Phua Kai Hong, Mr Edwin Seah Tian Rong,
                                                                                                                                                                                  Ms Emily Tan Shu Min, Mr Zulkifli Baharuddin
18          SINGAPORE RED CROSS                                                                             19         SINGAPORE RED CROSS

C om mittees
                                                                                                                    Assistant Director, Chapters         Dr Mark Leong                       Members
                                                                                                                    Mr Amos Kow                          (from 30 June 2014)                 Ms Koh Juat May
                                                                                                                                                         Ms Pat Loh                          Mr David Shaw
Panel of Government                          Audit Committee                      Management Committee              Assistant Director, Local Services   (from 30 June 2014)
Advisers                                                                                                            Ms Amdis Chay                                                            Ms Eleanor Slade
                                             Chairman                             Chairman                                                               Prof Anantharaman Venkataraman
                                                                                                                                                         (from 30 June 2014)                 Mr Jay Soo
Ms Charlene Chang                            Mr Han Eng Juan                      Mr Benjamin William               Assistant Directors,
                                                                                                                    Strategic Planning                                                       Mr Jeffrey Tan
– Ministry of Culture, Community and
  Youth                                      Members                              Members                           Mr Ambrose Lee
                                                                                                                                                         Committee for                       Ms Tan Su Yuen
                                             Mr Chew Hai Chwee                    Ms Serene Chia                                                         Humanitarian Assistance
                                                                                                                    Mr Mohammad Zaidi Bin Ariffin
Dr Lim Ghee Hian
                                             Ms Lim Choon Noi                     Mr Lim Theam Poh                                                       and International Relief            Charity Concert 2014
– Ministry of Health
                                             Mr N Sreenivasan                     Mr Ling Khoon Chow                Operational and                      Chairman                            Chairperson
                                                                                  (up to 29 June 2014)
LTC Ling Young Ern
                                             Mr Zulkifli Baharuddin                                                 Advisory Committees                  Mr Chew Hai Chwee                   Ms Terene Seow
– Ministry of Home Affairs                                                        Mr Prathivmohan Chandramohan
                                                                                  Mr Sahari bin Ani                 Home Management                      Members                             Benefit Gala 2014
Ms Tan Lay Hong                              Corporate Governance
– Ministry of Education                      and Nomination                       Mr Edwin Seah                     Committee                            Col Abdul Razak Bin Abdul Raheem
                                                                                                                                                         (up to 29 June 2014)                Chairperson
                                                                                  (from 30 June 2014)
                                             Committee                                                              Advisor                                                                  Mrs Genevieve (Peggy) Jeffs
Mr Mark Tan                                                                       Ms Cecilia Tan                                                         SLTC (NS) Laurence Goh
– Ministry of Health (Alternate Member)                                                                             Dr W R Rasanayagam                   (from 30 June 2014)
                                             Chairman                             Mr Andy Yeo                                                                                                Co-Chairperson
                                             Assoc Prof (Dr) Phua Kai Hong        (up to 29 June 2014)                                                   Mr Arnold Khoo                      Mrs Lotus Soh
COL Tan Ying Kiat                                                                                                   Chairman
                                                                                                                                                         (up to 29 June 2014)
– Ministry of Defence (up to 23 Sept 2014)                                        Mr Tim Yeo                        Mr Benjamin William
                                             Members                                                                                                     Ms Cynthia Phua                     Committee members

Ms Catherine Wong                            Mr Axel Chan                                                           Members                              Mr Saiful Nizam bin Subari          Mr Gilbert Cheah
                                                                                  Red Cross Youth
– Ministry of Foreign Affairs                Mr Chew Hai Chwee                                                      Dr Chan Soon Keng                    (from 30 June 2014)                 Ms Belinda Chua
                                                                                  Steering Committee                (from 30 June 2014)
                                             Mrs Susan Chan                                                                                              Ms Emily Tan                        Mrs Roxanne Davies
Ms Yeo Seow Peng                                                                  (From 1 April to December 2014)                                        (from 30 June 2014)
                                                                                                                    Dr Lim Ghee Hian
                                             Dr Chan Soon Keng                                                                                                                               Mrs Serene Liok
- Ministry of Defence (from 24 Sept 2014)
                                                                                                                    Mr Malcolm Lim                       Mr Benjamin William
                                                                                  Director                                                                                                   Mrs Jane Luhur-Soon
                                                                                                                    Ms Noor Afiza Bte Mohd Ali
Oversight Committees                         Human Resource and                   Mr Ling Khoon Chow                                                                                         Mr Michael Ma
                                                                                  (up to 31 March 2014)
                                                                                                                    (from 1 August)                      RED CROSS Infocomm
                                             Compensation Committee                                                                                                                          Mrs Linda Soo-Tan
Finance and Investment                                                            Mr Sahari Ani
                                                                                                                    Mr David Ong                         Technologies Advisory
                                                                                                                    (from 1 August 2014)                                                     Mrs Janet Stride
Committee                                    Chairman                             (from 1 April 2014)                                                    Panel
                                                                                                                    Dr D R Paul                                                              Mrs Janet Tang-Liok
                                             Mr Winston Milner
Chairman                                                                          Deputy Director, Operations                                            Chairman                            Ms Venus Teo
                                             (up to 29 June 2014)                                                   Ms Roshini Prakash
Dr Mark Hon                                                                       Ms Loh Wai Min                                                         Dr S P T Krishnan
                                             Mr Edwin Seah                                                          (from 6 August 2014)                                                     Mrs Grace Yeh
(from 1 January 2014)
                                             (from 30 June 2014)                  Deputy Director, Units            Dr David Su                          Members
                                                                                  Mr Edwin Seah                     (from 1 October 2014)                                                    Shop@REDCROSS at
Adviser                                                                                                                                                  Dr Harish Pillay
Mr Chris Liew
                                             Members                                                                Ms Emily Tan                                                             Jalan Khairuddin
                                                                                  Deputy Director, Chapters                                              Dr Louis Shue
(from 1 January 2014)                        Dr Caroline Brassard                                                   (from 30 June 2014)
                                                                                  Mr Prathivmohan Chandramohan                                                                               Enterprise Leader
                                             Ms Ruth Chan                                                           Mr Raymond Tang
                                                                                                                                                         Marketing                           Mrs Lim Li Hoon
                                             Ms Nica Foo                          Deputy Director, Projects                                              Communications
Col Abdul Razak Bin Abdul Raheem
                                             Mr Ling Khoon Chow                   Ms Doreen Tan                     Red Cross Academy                    Advisory Panel
                                                                                                                                                                                             Assistant Leader
Mr Eric Low                                  (from 30 June 2014)                                                                                                                             Mrs Gaw Kian Lay
                                                                                                                    Advisory Panel
(from 30 June 2014)                                                               Assistant Director, Operations
                                             Mr Winston Milner                                                                                           Chairman
Assoc Prof (Dr) Phua Kai Hong                (from 30 June 2014)
                                                                                  Mr Vincent Toh
                                                                                                                    Chairman                             Mr Goh Chee Kong                    Shop@REDCROSS at
                                             Mr Edwin Seah
                                                                                                                    Dr Caroline Brassard                                                     Red Cross House
Mr John Tang                                                                      Assistant Director, Links
                                             (up to 29 June 2014)                 Ms Reginia Loh
                                                                                                                    Members                              Ms Rose Tan                         Ms Ebenazer William
                                             Ms Rose Tan
                                                                                  Assistant Director, Cadets        Prof Tony Fane
                                                                                  Ms Tai Wai Peng                   (from 30 June 2014)
20   SINGAPORE RED CROSS                                                            21           SINGAPORE RED CROSS

C ontact Us                                                           E m po w e r i n g L i v e s
                                                                      in our L ocal Com m un ity
                                                                                 ince 1949, Singapore Red                  Caring for People with

Red Cross House
                                                                                 Cross (SRC) has been actively             Disabilities
15 Penang Lane, Singapore 238486
                                                                                 serving the vulnerable in our
Tel (65) 6664 0500 • Fax: (65) 6337 4360                                         community     through    local            Red Cross Home for the
Email: enquiry@redcross.sg                                            humanitarian services such as the Red                Disabled
Website: www.redcross.sg                                              Cross Home for the Disabled.                         People suffering from severe and multiple
                                                                                                                           disabilities require round-the-clock care to
Charity Registration S86CC0370E                                       SRC adopts a proactive stance by                     ensure their well-being. Over time, it could
                                                                      constantly reviewing the impact of its               become challenging for family members
SINGAPORE RED CROSS HOME FOR THE DISABLED                             services, identifying service gaps and               to provide care for their loved ones with
Tel: (65) 6762 1029                                                   reinventing itself to meet critical needs.           disabilities while continuing with their daily
                                                                      In 2014, the SRC has deepened its                    routines.
                                                                      community outreach to meet the needs
                                                                      of beneficiaries. Through these efforts,             This is where the Red Cross Home for
Tel: (65) 6220 0183
                                                                      SRC remains steadfast in its mission of              the Disabled (RCHD) and the Day Activity
                                                                      mobilising the power of humanity to relieve          Centre (DAC) play a part by providing
SINGAPORE RED CROSS TRANSPORT AID                                     human suffering and protect human lives              residential, respite and, in recent years,
Tel: (65) 6337 3333                                                   and dignity.                                         day care services for adults and children
                                                                                                                           with multiple disabilities. Family members
                                                                                                                           are provided with the peace of mind to
                                                                                                                           go about their daily activities with the
Find us                                                                                                                    assurance that their loved ones are well

                                                                      Red Cross Home for the Disabled engages the residents in activities
                                                                      that develop their social, emotional and physical well-being.
22          SINGAPORE RED CROSS                                                                                                                            23          SINGAPORE RED CROSS

cared for when they stay with the Home.                                                                                                                                                                                                               Food with Love
In 2014, a total of 101 residents and 11          Home Away from Home                             “At RCHD, her daily needs are well
clients were cared for at RCHD and DAC                                                                                                                                                                                                                Food Aid
respectively. This marked a 65.6 per cent                                                         taken care of. The nursing aides                                                                                                                    Despite growing affluence in Singapore,
                                                  For Mr Dani Chew, 55, a remisier, it
increase from 2000, where there were              was heart-wrenching to see his older            are very attentive to the needs of                                                                                                                  there are still people in our community who
only 61 residents. This can be attributed         sister, Ms Chew Yin Leng, 57, go from           the residents; they follow closely                                                                                                                  have fallen through the cracks of welfare
to the increased capacity at Family Link@         being an active, talkative young girl to                                                                                                                                                            schemes and have difficulty providing for
Lengkok Bahru, where the Home relocated                                                           to the tight schedules for feeding,                                                                                                                 their families. These may include skipped-
                                                  someone who could barely walk at 16
to in March 2010.                                 because of weakness on one side of              changing and medication. They                                                                                                                       generation families (where grandparents
                                                  her body.                                       also turn them frequently to prevent                                                                                                                take care of young children), single-parent
RCHD strives to amplify its value proposition                                                                                                                                                                                                         families and the working poor. With a per
with its commitment to be the model                                                               bed sores. The staff to residents                                                                                                                   capita income of S$400 or less, providing
                                                  After countless hospital consultations
residential and day care home. The goal           and uncertainty on the cause of                 ratio has improved over the years                                                                                                                   nutritious food to their families may be a
is to enhance the physical, mental, social        her paralysis, she was eventually               so it is good. The bright, airy and                                                                                                                 constant challenge.
and emotional well-being of the disabled,         diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy and
by engaging them in enriching activities                                                          spacious environment at RCHD is                                                                                                                     In recognition of the challenges faced
                                                  Cervical Stenosis.
and showering them with love. RCHD                                                                conducive for residents, ”                                                                                                                          by these families, Singapore Red Cross
provides quality, all rounded care and the        Yin Leng had been cared for by their                                                                                                                                                                (SRC) broadened its community outreach
precious gift of friendship, thereby bringing                                                     Mr Dani Chew, on his sister, Chew Yin             Mdm Nuraini Bte Mohd Noor is glad to see that her son, Ahmad Fahmi Bin Yusof (pictured here) is   with the launch of our ‘Meals with Love’
                                                  parents for several years. As their
the residents happiness at a Home away                                                            Leng, resident of Red Cross Home for              more sociable after enrolling in the Day Activity Centre.                                         programme in 2013. This programme of
                                                  mother was getting on with age, the
from home.                                                                                        the Disabled                                      Photo by Jamie Chan, Volunteer                                                                    the FoodAid service mobilises the power of
                                                  family needed help taking care of her.
                                                  By then, Dani was already married and                                                                                                                                                               humanity to provide monthly rations of food
To ensure optimal care and service                had his own family to look after. Dani          Dani also witnessed a marked improvement                                                                                                            to 42 disadvantaged families in 2014, up
are rendered to our residents and their           and his wife spent countless hours              in his sister’s condition over the years.         A Mother’s Hope                                     Ahmad’s well-being and condition              35.4 per cent from 2013. Besides bringing
families, RCHD and DAC had, in 2014,              researching for possible nursing homes          “Initially, my sister could not move at all.                                                          and they also know how to handle the          fresh and nutritious food to the dinner table
embraced a disciplined and proactive              for Yin Leng before deciding on the Red         Now, my sister can move and retract her           Ahmad Fahmi Bin Yusuf, 21, was born                 situation when Ahmad experiences an           of the beneficiary families, many volunteers
approach by continually reviewing its             Cross Home for the Disabled (RCHD) in           limbs when touched. They are getting a            a normal and healthy baby. But at four              epileptic fit,” shared Mdm Nuraini Bte        go the extra mile to help the families with
operations and conducting needs analysis          December 1996.                                  wheelchair for her. My dream is for her to        months’ old, he suffered epileptic fits that        Mohd Noor, 46, Ahmad’s mother.                household chores, tutoring the younger
and satisfaction survey to identify service                                                       recover. I am optimistic that she will.”          led to multiple disabilities. From 18 months                                                      children, and much more.
gaps. The Home had also bolstered its                                                                                                               to 18 years old, Ahmad attended Rainbow             Mdm Nuraini, a homemaker, noticed
volunteer management and retention,                                                               Dani and his family now have the peace of         Centre Singapore which cares for infants            some improvements in her eldest son
enhanced the training and competency of                                                           mind and assurance to go about their daily        and youth with multiple disabilities.               after enrolling him at the DAC.
the staff, optimised operational efficiency                                                       lives knowing that Yin Leng is well cared
and benchmarked against standards in the                                                          for at RCHD.                                      After Ahmad graduated from the centre               “In the past, he used to be in his
nursing care sector.                                                                                                                                at 18 years old, the school encouraged              own world; he would play on his
                                                                                                                                                    his parents to consider placing Ahmad at
These     efforts   to    strengthen     the                                                                                                        Singapore Red Cross’ Day Activity Centre
                                                                                                                                                                                                        own in his room. These days,
fundamentals in terms of service, structures                                                                                                        (DAC), where he has been a client for three         he can sit with us in the living
and systems will go a long way to better                                                                                                            years.                                              room for longer periods of time
serve the residents of RCHD and clients of
DAC, thereby enabling RCHD to establish                                                                                                             “We chose the DAC because of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        to watch TV and he is no longer
a strong foothold in serving the disabled in                                                                                                        homely, airy and bright environment, the            afraid of being in the presence
our community.                                                                                                                                      food provided and its cleanliness. We are           of people,”
                                                                                                                                                    happy with the service as the staff are very
                                                                                                                                                    responsive, they constantly update us on            Mdm Nuraini Bte Mohd Noor, on
                                                                                                                                                                                                        her son Ahmad Fahmi Bin Yusuf, a

                   101                                                                                                                                                                                  client of SRC’s Day Activity Centre

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Since enrolling Ahmad at DAC, Mdm
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Nuraini has had more time to do
   Residents received quality and
                                                                                                                                                                                                        her household chores and attend to
   round-the-clock care at Red Cross
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Ahmad’s other siblings who were
   Home for the Disabled
                                                                                                                                                                                                        diagnosed with the same medical               The FoodAid service is testament to
                                                                                                                                                                                                        condition.                                    SRC’ efforts to continually assess the

              Clients benefit from the                                                                                                                                                                                                                unmet needs of our community and
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Like all parents, Mdm Nuraini has             provide solutions that enhance our
              activities enriching their
                                                                                                                                                                                                        dreams for Ahmad. “I hope he will             value proposition.
              physical, mental, social
                                                Mr Dani Chew observed that the nursing aides at the Red Cross Home for the Disabled are attentive                                                       learn to be independent one day,” she
              and emotional well-being
                                                to the needs of the residents including his sister, Ms Chew Yin Leng.                                                                                   quipped.
              at the Day Activity Centre.
                                                Photo by Jamie Chan, Volunteer
24         SINGAPORE RED CROSS                                                                                                                   25         SINGAPORE RED CROSS

Although the ‘Meals with Love’ programme
is still at its nascent stage, it has struck   A Mother’s Sacrifice                                                                           Dedication on Wheels                           The TransportAid service is one of the
a resounding chord in many hearts. Our                                                                                                                                                       flagship services of the SRC. Compassion,
FoodAid beneficiaries are appreciative of      When Mdm Tan Meang Hui’s elder                                                                 Transport Aid                                  passion,      professionalism,  dedication,
the provision of food, friendship and time     son, John*, nine, was diagnosed with                                                           For many wheelchair-bound patients,            reliability and commitment to punctuality
invested by volunteers to help out in their    Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy two                                                              getting to and from their medical              are some of the traits of the TransportAid
homes. This programme has also gained          years ago, it came as a shock to her.                                                          appointments can be a constant challenge       drivers and responders.
much traction amongst volunteers as            She couldn’t believe that her once                                                             because of their limited mobility. The
they derive joy in giving the beneficiaries    active child would progressively get                                                           problem is exacerbated for those facing        Going forward, Singapore Red Cross will
hope and strength, thereby empowering          weaker. Though John is still able to talk                                                      financial difficulties as private transport    concentrate on optimising resources to
their lives.                                   and write, he now has difficulty walking                                                       services are not economically feasible for     ensure efficient and effective service and
                                               and climbing the stairs and needs help                                                         the long term.                                 continue to establish collaboration with
Project R.I.C.E is another core FoodAid        moving around.                                                                                                                                more partners to bolster the capacity of
project organised annually since 2008.                                                                                                        Singapore Red Cross (SRC) TransportAid         our TransportAid service. This will serve to
The nation-wide rice collection initiative     Mdm Tan, 41, also has a younger                                                                service helps the elderly and disabled         enhance our outreach to the vulnerable in
has been organised by Red Cross Youth -        daughter, eight-year-old Michelle*,                                                            from low-income homes get to and from          our community.
Chapters in partnership with Sheng Siong       currently in primary school. Mdm Tan                                                           their healthcare service facilities, such as
Supermarket Pte Ltd for many years. In         has been raising her two children                                                              rehabilitation and day activity centres for
2014, Project R.I.C.E collected 97,155kg       single-handedly for the last two years                                                         their life-sustaining care and treatments.
of rice for beneficiaries during the Lunar
New Year festive period, surpassing its
original target of 30,000kg.
                                               as her husband is currently serving a
                                               prison sentence.
                                                                                                                                              The TransportAid service, formerly
                                                                                                                                              known as the Singapore Red Cross Non-
                                                                                                                                              Emergency Ambulance Service, made a
                                                                                                                                                                                                               7,899                         Photo of Mdm Marhamah with her husband:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Mr Abdul Rahman B. Abdullah finds the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             TransportAid responders very responsive,
                                               Despite the challenges, Mdm Tan                                                                total of 7,899 trips in 2014, a 16.2 per-                                                      experienced and friendly. The service is also
                                                                                                                                                                                                Life-sustaining trips on TransportAid
                                               soldiers on. She cares for John full time                                                      cent increase from 2013 where 6,792                                                            affordable.
                                               leaving her unable to earn an income.          FoodAid beneficiary Mdm Tan Meang Hui felt      trips were made.
                                               She tends to his daily needs and brings        that the FoodAid service enables her to buy
                                               him to the hospital quite regularly            fish, meat and vegetables that are nutritious
                                                                                              for her children.
                                               for medical appointments. She was                                                              Transport with heart                           tertiary education, a social worker from       Community-Led Action for
                                               introduced to Singapore Red Cross’                                                                                                            a hospital referred them to Singapore
                                                                                                                                                                                             Red Cross’ TransportAid service.
                                               FoodAid service to help alleviate her                                                          Mr Abdul Rahman B. Abdullah, 54, saw
                                                                                            service who will play with her children and
                                               situation and provide for her family.                                                          how diabetes took a toll on his family.
                                                                                            chat with them.                                                                                  Mdm Marhamah now utilises the                  Singapore Red Cross (SRC) had a soft
                                                                                                                                              His wife, Mdm Marhamah Bte Bahrom, 55,         TransportAid service once a month on           launch of the Community-Led Action
                                               “Food can be very expensive these
                                                                                            As a mother, Mdm Tan wants to provide             was first diagnosed with diabetes 20 years     average and has been benefitting from          for REsilience (CLARE) programme in
                                               days. Without the S$250 worth of food
                                                                                            the best for her children. She has been told      ago. With diabetes came a host of other        the service for one and a half years.          December 2014 in Tampines West.
                                               vouchers, it is really not easy for my
                                                                                            that people with her son’s condition may          problems like kidney failure, eye problems
                                               family to get by. I do not mind not eating                                                                                                    “The TransportAid responders
                                                                                            live only to their teens or 30s. “I do not        and heart problems. In September 2013,                                                        It empowers community volunteers with
                                               but I will buy food for my children,” said
                                                                                            know how long he will live. I want to do my       Mdm Marhamah was hospitalised due              are very attentive and punctual;               the necessary knowledge and technical
                                               Mdm Tan.

                                                                                            best to make him happy and adequately             to low blood sugar. It was there that she                                                     skills to provide first response and aid,
                                                                                                                                              suffered a stroke and could no longer          they usually come on time and
                                                                                            meet his needs while he is still alive,” she                                                                                                    elder care, befriending and community
                                               “The FoodAid service provided                affirmed.                                         move her arm and leg on her left side. She     are very experienced; the ride                 service to the vulnerable.
                                               by the Singapore Red Cross                                                                     remained hospitalised for four months.
                                                                                                                                                                                             is very smooth. They are very
   Families received S$250 worth of                                                         Like all mothers, Mdm Tan has dreams                                                                                                            This enhances community resilience -
                                               is useful because the food                                                                     The family initially relied on hired vans to   friendly; they would chat with
   food packets every month through                                                         for her two children. “I hope a miracle will                                                                                                    the ability of the community to harness
                                               vouchers enable us to purchase                                                                 ferry Mdm Marhamah to and from her             us on the rides to and from
   Meals with Love                                                                          come about and there would be a cure for                                                                                                        available resources to respond to,
                                                                                                                                              medical appointments but they found it
                                               fish, meat and vegetables that               his medical condition. I really hope he can       untenable to sustain in the long-term. Mr      the hospital,”                                 withstand and recover from adversity. In
                                               we don’t get much of. Eating                 recover from his illness one day. For my                                                                                                        the longer term, CLARE will open the door

                                                                                                                                              Abdul, a diabetic himself, had also suffered
                Volunteers mobilised                                                                                                                                                         Mr Abdul Rahman B. Abdullah,
                                                                                            daughter, I hope she will study hard so that      from a stroke years ago and was advised                                                       for the less privileged in other areas of
                for the Meals with Love        canned food or maggi noodles                 she can contribute back to society and help       not to work. With two children still in
                                                                                                                                                                                             whose wife is a beneficiary of
                                                                                                                                                                                             SRC’s Transport Aid service                    Singapore to access signature Red Cross
                programme                      may not be healthy for my                    others. I often tell my children, now we are                                                                                                    services such as Community FirstAid,
                                               children over the long-term,”                receiving society’s help. I hope that when                                                       The family also found the Singapore            FoodAid and TransportAid, thereby
                                                                                            they grow up, they will in turn, contribute                                                      Red Cross TransportAid service to be           providing neighbourhoods with a ‘one-

   97,155 kg
                                               Mdm Tan Meang Hui, a beneficiary             back to society by helping others,” shared                                                       more affordable. Mr Abdul explained, “It       stop’ support framework.
                                               of SRC’s Food Aid service.                   Mdm Tan.                                                                                         is not charged by distance. Singapore
                                                                                                                                                                                             Red Cross charges only S$25 for a two-
                                               Her family also looks forward to the         *Names have been changed to protect                                                              way trip. Commercial transportation
   Of rice collected through Project                                                                                                                                                         charges about S$75 for a two-way trip.
                                               visits by the volunteers of the FoodAid      their identity
   R.I.C.E and benefitted 25,900                                                                                                                                                             I would recommend Singapore Red
   individuals                                                                                                                                                                               Cross’ TransportAid service to others
                                                                                                                                                                                             who need it as it provides affordable
                                                                                                                                                                                             and good service.”
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