Albertalks - Albert College

Page created by Lewis Norris
Albertalks - Albert College

04 Meet Our New Head of School / 15 Congratulations, Class of 2019 / 37 Accessibility Project
Albertalks - Albert College
Head of School: Keith Stansfield              Please submit your comments                 Photo Credits: Faculty, staff, students, parents
                                              to the Advancement Office.                  and friends.
Senior Leadership Team Heather Kidd,          160 Dundas Street West, Belleville,
Jennifer Kimball, Dianne Purdie, Crystal      Ontario, Canada, K8P 1A6                    Design/Layout: THEY
Shea, Keith Stansfield and Helen Walsh.       613-968-5726
                                                 Printing: Advocate Printing and Publishing Ltd.
Albertalks, the magazine of Albert College,
is produced by the Advancement Office         Editor: Ruth Young
and is distributed to more than 3,500                                                      Above: Kipton, Varun, Emily and Juno (back
alumni, parents, staff and friends.           Contributing Editors: Melanie Barrett,      row). Ellison, Rachel and Phelan (front row)
                                              Angie Drysdale, Allison Loft, Sarah Stone
                                              and Helen Walsh.
Albertalks - Albert College
Our Spring
2019 Issue
02   Welcome Messages                          34      Supporting Albert
     02   Head’s Message,                              34   Opa & Abba Greek Gala Regatta
          Keith Stansfield                             36   2019 Partners
     03   Board Chair’s Message,                       37   Memorial Chapel & Ackerman Hall
          John Barritt ’68                                  Accessibility Project
     04   An Interview with Incoming                   38   Volunteering at Albert
          Head of School, Mr. Mark Musca               39   20th Anniversary John Davidson '59
     06   Assistant Head - Senior School                    Golf Tournament
          Message, Dianne Purdie and
          Junior School Principal's
          Message, Crystal Shea                41      Alumni
                                                       41   Events
07   Life at Albert                                    43   Where Are They Now?
                                                       45   Yearbook Digitization
     07   Strategic Plan: Year One                     46   Around Campus
     08   Welcome to the Board!                        47   Getting Together
     09   Student vs. Teacher Hockey                   48   Alumni News
          Game and Skating
     10   Life at Victoria Manor
     11   Shewfelt Lecture                     51      News
     13   Junior School Year-End Celebration
     14   Middle School Graduation                     51   Staff News
     15   Convocation                                  53   Celebrating 40 Years of Service
     18   Happy Retirement:
          Dorothy Prinzen & Jane Acton

20   Inspiring Excellence
     in the 5 ‘A’s
     21   Introducing 'A' Days
     22   Academics
     24   Arts                                 On the Cover: Mr. Mark Musca, Incoming Head
     27   Athletics                            of School
     29   Active Citizenship
     31   Adventure

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Albertalks - Albert College
SPRING 2019 //      Welcome

Welcome Messages
Keith Stansfield

    “Change is the only
     constant in life.”

    After a year that included the production of
Mamma Mia and the Opa and Abba Greek Gala
Regatta, it is fitting to end the year with a quote
from a Greek philosopher.
    At the time of writing, a very hesitant spring
seems to be creeping into Eastern Ontario, but
by the time this edition of Albertalks is distributed
it will be fully summer. Seasons change.
    When this issue of Albertalks is distributed,
exams will be a memory, our 2019 grads will
be alumni, our 2019 Junior Kindergarten                  Above: Mr. Stansfield with his wife, Kathy and their children, Dylan ’08, Laura ’10 and Kaitlin ’12 at
students will have received their Junior School         his retirement celebration.
ties, and I will be living in Winnipeg. Life at
Albert College changes too.                             building a new school at our current location.         dedicated faculty and staff ready to carry out the
    Within these pages, you will find a description     For a few years after the move, we were an             plan, I truly
of all that has already transpired as we moved          all-boys school because we didn't have a girls'        believe Albert College is poised to achieve new
through the first year of our new strategic plan,       residence. Headmaster Bert Howard remedied             heights. I also believe that Mr. Mark Musca is the
and you will read an interview between our              that by purchasing Victoria Manor.                     right person at the right time to lead Albert
Grade 10 student, Zuri, and our incoming Head of            Our campus has certainly changed over the          College on to those new heights.
School, Mr. Mark Musca.                                 years, but more importantly, the world has                It has been a true honour to be a part of Albert
    This is a very exciting time of transition.         evolved and changed. To remain relevant in an          College over the past 14 years. Through
Albert College has been an important and                ever-changing world, Albert College has had to         watching my own three children grow at the
vibrant institution in Belleville for over 160          constantly re-invent itself to ensure it was always    school, I can say first hand that Albert College is
years. This was not accomplished by                     ready to provide the best possible education for       a very special place. I would like to thank Board
remaining static. We started on the corner of           its students through the generations while             Members, faculty and staff, both past and present
College and North Park Street in 1857. When             holding on to those traditions that set us apart.      parents and students for your support over the
that building suffered significant fire damage in           With a strong vision and strategic plan from       years and for the wonderful opportunity to have
1919, the school adapted to the situation by            our Board of Governors, and a marvelously              my family be part of the Albert College family.

                                                                Our Vision
                           Albert College is an international university preparatory school committed to academic excellence
                             and recognized for developing courageous global citizens within a close family environment.

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Albertalks - Albert College
Welcome         // SPRING 2019

BOARD CHAIR’S MESSAGE                             earned the right to kick back, put his feet            review of his past. They require no
John Barritt ’68                                  up and spend more time on himself and                  embellishment from me. But it wasn’t just
                                                  with his family, doing the things he wants to          his background that convinced the Board of
                                                  do but was never able to find the time to              Governors that he was the right person for
   It is times like these that we feel the need   do. We call this retirement, and on his                the job. He, too, has a way about him that
to say something profound or at least             retirement as Head of School at Albert                 meets what we are looking for to embody
memorable as well as suitably reflective of       College we wish him nothing but the best in            and to project here at Albert. It goes to the
the occasion. This is one of those times.         the days ahead.                                        very heart of not just the wider education
   On behalf of the Board of Governors and           I pause here to note that I have made it            that we make available to all who enter
the entire Albert College community, it falls     sound like Keith’s are big shoes to fill. They         Albert’s doors but to the very essence of
to me to express our deepest and sincerest        are. But I can also tell you this, and with the        who we are.
thanks to our out-going Head of School,           same degree of confidence and assurance,                  As Chair of the Board, I am more than
Mr. Keith Stansfield and a hearty and sincere     that his successor, our new Head, Mark Musca,          pleased that after a careful and thorough
welcome to his successor, Mr. Mark Musca.         not only knows what he is inheriting from Keith        search we successfully found what we were
   This is not something as Chair that I          here at Albert College, but that he is more than       looking for in Mark – and that he found us.
must do (although it is, of course) but           capable of meeting the challenge before him.              It now falls to all of us to give him all of the
rather it is something that I want to do and         Keith has also done his part to ensure              support and encouragement that we can as
do as well as I can.                              that this will be so – and for this we also            Mark embarks on his new journey as our
   First, let me rework a line from the           thank him.                                             next Head of School. I am confident that we
famous and well-known passage found in               What is already evident from Mark’s initial         can and that we will, and that we will achieve
the Book of Ecclesiastes: to everything           visits with the Albert College family is his           this simply by being ourselves - committed
there is a season; a time to say hello and a      enthusiasm for our school, its traditions and for      members of the Albert College family.
time to say goodbye.                              the role that it plays in the lives of many. I thank      Bear in mind too: there is an excitement
   Here we are then, in the midst of another      too, those of you who have already met with            that comes with change because change
season of change at Albert College. It is         Mark and helped to make the transition                 presents us with new opportunities. May I
definitely not the first and most likely will     seamless and as smooth as possible.                    invite everyone to seize those opportunities
not be the last. We do what we must: we              Mark’s credentials and his passion for              and make Albert stronger than it already is.
embrace the change, and in stride, as we          education are readily apparent from a quick               Finally, my best wishes, and good luck to all.
have successfully done in the past. Indeed,
if Albert’s past gives us any indication of
what we can expect, and it does, we can
look forward to the future with confidence.
  The great bard, William Shakespeare, who
was a man of many memorable words, put it best
when he wrote: “Parting is such sweet sorrow”.
   So, it is in the case of Keith Stansfield.
  Like many of you, I have come to know
Keith well over the years; indeed, for all of
my ten years on the Board of Governors he
has been the only Head I have known. I
have found him to be nothing short of a
consummate professional who was totally
dedicated to Albert College and all its
constituent parts - whether they be students,
faculty, staff, Governors, parents, alumni or
supporters. He has at all times exhibited and
practised those qualities that we want to
develop and see in our students: compassion,
commitment, empathy, enthusiasm, humour
and a steadfastness to complete the task
undertaken, whatever it might be.
    Keith also happens to be a wonderful human
being - warm, thoughtful, inquisitive, a good
listener and an engaging conversationalist, but
above all, approachable and personable.
    We are therefore sad to see him go. But
let’s also be happy for Keith. That is the
sweet part of saying goodbye. Keith has

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Albertalks - Albert College
SPRING 2019 //      Welcome


   Q. Albert College is more than a school for
most of us, especially boarding students. We
think of Albert as a family and a safe space to
be ourselves. A big part of the Albert
community is about trust and building
relationships. How do you feel about joining
the Albert family and how will you go about
building relationships with not only the
students but also the rest of the school?
   A. It is so exciting for me to hear your
description of Albert College as more than just
a school, but also as a home. It is comments
like these - that I have been hearing over and
over - which have served to reconfirm that
Albert College is where I need to be. I am most
excited about working in a school where there
is such a sense of community and where there
are strong relationships amongst faculty, staff,
students and parents. I also appreciate your
comment about Albert being a “safe space to
be ourselves”. It is important for young people
to truly be individuals, and not feel pressured
to conform to the group.
   In terms of building community, it will be
important for me to be visible. As an
administrator, I always strive to get out of the         To answer your question, though, in                there is an Activist Club at Albert developing a
office as much as possible: to walk around the        preparation for my entry to Albert College, I have    pride initiative as they work for positive social
school, to visit classrooms and to interact with      been reviewing the school’s Strategic Plan which      change in the school and community.
the community. I strive to listen more than I         has three pillars: fostering collaboration, problem       As a father of three daughters and as an
speak and to be approachable. I feel that the         solving, and critical thinking; supporting student,   educator, I believe that all students should
best way to build community as a school               faculty, and staff mental and physical health and     have equal opportunities and that barriers
leader is to interact honestly with others, to        wellness; and attracting and retaining mission-fit    need to be removed so that each individual
always stress the positives, to do what I say I       students, faculty and staff. My mandate,              can flourish. In education, that means
will do, and if I cannot, to explain why I cannot.    therefore, will be to work with all stakeholders in   supporting strategies that try to address any
Finally, one builds community by recognizing          developing strategies that will realize the goals     gaps that are revealed by research. Boys’
and celebrating the successes of others. Given        articulated in the Strategic Plan.                    literacy would be an example. Research tells
what I’ve already seen, that will be the easy            Mr. Stansfield has done an exemplary job           us that girls tend to outperform boys in reading
part, as there is much to celebrate about Albert.     leading Albert over the past 14 years, and I am       and writing, and so, it is important that schools
                                                      lucky to be following somebody who has set            bear this in mind when programming for boys.
   Q. Do you have any long-term goals for             Albert on the right course. I see myself              There have been successes in those schools
Albert? Any plans or policies you would like          continuing along the pathway that he has forged       where teachers are able to motivate reluctant
to implement in the future?                           and working closely with the school’s leadership      readers – specifically young boys – by
   A. This question is difficult to answer            team so that together, we can ensure that Albert      choosing literature that appeals to them.
because the first thing I will need to do is to       continues to evolve and grow.                             Research also tells us that while girls and
learn all about Albert College before I jump                                                                boys perform equally in mathematics and in
right in and start enacting new policies. There          Q. At Albert, the Activist Club has been           the sciences, male students tend to choose
is a running joke around the Musca dinner             working on their pride initiative as well as          math-intensive career pathways more
table about all of the draconian uniform rules        many other projects. As the father of three           frequently than girls do. Is this because of
that I am going to introduce in September.            daughters, do you consider yourself a                 personal preference, or are there barriers in
Every so often, I’ll announce a new policy, and       feminist? If so why, and if not why?                  place that hinder female students in their
at first this got quite a rise out of my daughters.      A. I would hope that in 2019 everyone is a         career choices? Recognizing that in a
Now that the joke is getting stale, however,          feminist! In my opinion, feminism means - very        classroom setting, boys have a tendency to
they just roll their eyes with every outlandish       simply - that we support women in the same way        jump in and answer right away, whereas girls like
pronouncement that I make.                            that we support everyone. It is great to hear that    to take time to think and to process before

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Albertalks - Albert College
Welcome          // SPRING 2019

answering, perhaps some girls are being left           my age used to do back in the 1980s and 1990s          the 5 ‘A’s. I’m not sure where the 5 ‘A’s originated,
behind. I don’t think there is a simple answer, but    was to make mixtapes – a collection of songs           but whoever first chose this as the school’s
I do think that it is incumbent upon educators to      from one's personal collection that were               focus, certainly hit the nail right on the head in
be aware of the ways that boys and girls learn         recorded onto a cassette and shared with               terms of articulating a philosophy of educating
differently, so that every student can be              friends. Making a truly excellent mixtape took         the whole child. Certainly, academics are
supported in achieving their fullest potential.        hours, and there was a lot of thought put into         important and in many ways of primary
                                                       picking the right songs and, more importantly, to      importance, but in order to fully develop,
   Q. Growing up, have you always planned on           put them in the right order. Remember, this was        students also need to be taught the arts,
being in education? Are you living the life you        before the era of Spotify and YouTube, and so          athletics, citizenship, and, as I mentioned earlier,
had imagined for yourself as a child and what          discovering new music was much harder to do            to appreciate nature and to live a healthy, active
would you change if you had the chance?                back then. It was a labour of love – in fact, I        lifestyle. I am eager to be joining a school whose
   A. Yes, I have always wanted to be a teacher.       often gifted them to my wife when we were              philosophy so closely aligns with my own.
My love of teaching started with a love of history.    dating, and she still has them, though they have           I also love that Albert is a small school.
My earliest memory of a developing interest in         been gathering dust as of late. Maybe my next          Throughout my career I have worked at both
history was when I was living in Belleville and my     project should be to find a working cassette           small and large schools, and there is
dad worked at the local school board. He often         player so that I can revive these old tapes too.       something special about small schools. You
went to the office on Saturday mornings to catch                                                              mentioned this in your opening question about
up on the week’s work, and frequently took me              Q. The Action Committee at Albert has              the sense of family that you feel here at Albert.
with him. Back in the 1980s all of the school          been fundraising for various causes such as            I have found that this sense of camaraderie
board’s educational films (on actual film reels, not   the humanitarian crisis in Yemen among                 and fellowship is not always so easily
video tape – yes, I am that old) were housed at        other things. A big focus of the group is on           cultivated at a larger school. I love working at a
the central board office. While he was working in      climate change and clean energy. How do                school where everyone knows one another,
his office, I was in the basement film library         you think the Albert community can work on             where we rely on one another, and where we
watching and re-watching World War I and World         reducing our carbon footprint?                         work together. At smaller schools like Albert,
War II documentaries. I think that’s what ignited          A. I commend the Action Committee for              students grow as a result of being challenged
my passion for history and got me thinking, way        choosing to focus on such an important area. As        to come out of their comfort zones, and it is
back then, about becoming a history teacher.           you know, Zuri, we are witnessing an ecological        very hard to “slip through the cracks”.
   The rest, as they say, is history! I pursued a      crisis in many parts of the world, but because it is       Finally, I am excited to come here simply
degree in history, studied to become a teacher         happening slowly, we take little notice of the         because of geography. I am happy to be moving
and I was lucky enough to land a job teaching          changes occurring around us. As a start – and I        away from the busyness of the GTA, and I am
high school history in Brockville, Ontario. I was      am sure that this is happening already at AC – it      looking forward to being closer to family and
able to share my love of history and being in the      is critical to reconnect students with nature. I’ve    friends in Eastern Ontario. AC is perfectly located
classroom also taught me the importance of             seen very successful outdoor education                 because it is still close enough to Toronto that
fostering relationships and being part of a            programs where students are taught to                  one can easily access all the cultural events and
community. So, in many ways, this was the life I       appreciate the fragility and interconnectedness        activities happening there, and it is such a
imagined way back in that dark film library of my      of nature. Once students start developing this         beautiful area to live in and to raise my family.
dad’s office.                                          appreciation, they tend to begin looking for ways
                                                       of preserving and caring for the environment.
    Q. What type of music do you most enjoy                Many people, unfortunately, are disconnected
listening to? Do you know who influenced               from the natural world: too many children today         Below: Interviewer: Zuri is a Grade 10, first year
your interest in it and why?                           learn about nature from a one-dimensional video        boarding student from Montego Bay, Jamaica.
    A. I have a passion for music and the stereo is    screen, which limits their connections to the
on at our home almost all the time. A few years        environment. But, when students are immersed
ago, I picked up a turntable, and started              in the natural world and begin to understand the
rediscovering my old vinyl records that had been       changes that are happening, they will often start
collecting dust in the basement. One of my             to take ownership. They will start thinking about
favourite hobbies now is to scavenge through           reducing their own carbon footprint, the
vinyl shops for used records; there is nothing         problems with plastic, and even their own
quite like finding a rare, hidden gem! In terms of     consumption and garbage production. All of
the types of music I enjoy, I have wide-ranging        these things become possibilities for students
tastes, but my favourites include Bob Dylan, Tom       when they are given opportunities to reconnect
Waits, PJ Harvey, Pink Floyd and Ani Difranco.         with nature.
    It's hard to pinpoint who influenced my
interest in music… I have loved it for as long as        Q. Why Albert College? Of all the other
I can remember. Throughout my teen years               schools in world, why did you choose to
and well into my early 20s, I prided myself on         come to Albert?
the mixtapes I used to make. Here’s another              A. As I mentioned at the outset – I am very
history lesson for you, Zuri: what many people         excited about joining the AC community. I love

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Albertalks - Albert College
SPRING 2019 //     Welcome

                                                    new Head of School provides Albert College            community, we will do our best to ensure
                                                    with the opportunity for change. We continue          that he and his family have that same sense
                                                    to work towards a “whole-school” approach             of family and embrace all that Albert College
                                                    and are starting to see the rewards that come         has to offer. Although change in leadership
                                                    with such an approach. It is an exciting and          can create some angst, Albert College is an
                                                    energizing time as we prepare for the changes         exceptional community with a solid
                                                    that occur with new leadership and the                foundation that will assist with this transition.
                                                    continuation of our Strategic Plan.                      While we develop our whole-school
                                                       In our first year of our Strategic Plan, we have   approach, we will continue to grow the
                                                    already achieved many of the goals that were          relationships that are so crucial to teaching
                                                    set. Although change may seem to come slowly,         and learning. Becoming a school that is truly
                                                    there is a definite sense of momentum moving          an Early Primary Learning Centre (EPLC) to
                                                    forward. Heading into year two of the plan, we        Grade 12 school will contribute to the family
ASSISTANT HEAD – SENIOR                             can all be optimistic that the hard work that was     environment that Albert College is so well
SCHOOL MESSAGE                                      behind this Strategic Plan is guiding us in the       known for. Through a variety of programs and
Dianne Purdie                                       right direction. We will continue to see growth in    flexibility in scheduling, Junior, Middle and
                                                    our school while providing the new Head of            Senior Schools have had the opportunity to
                                                    School with the guiding principles that make          blend together as one. Building relationships
   We near the end of another academic year         Albert College unique.                                between the schools allows for positive role
and reflect on a year of transition. This past         As we say good bye to Mr. Stansfield, we           modelling and a true sense of being one
year we embarked on our new five-year               should all reflect on how much our school             school - one family.
Strategic Plan, which has helped to guide           community is really a family. Not only have              Transitioning through this period of change,
decision-making processes throughout the            we seen the Stansfield children (Dylan, Laura         we, as a school community, should be
year. We also prepare to transition from the        and Kaitlin) graduate from Albert College, we         encouraged to flourish and embrace the
familiarity of our Head of School for the past 14   have truly seen how much Mr. Stansfield               upcoming change with enthusiasm, energy
years, to welcoming a new Head. While it is         contributes to this school on a daily basis.          and active engagement. This will maintain our
difficult to say goodbye to someone who has         We are not just a school to him but his               sense of community and provide a common
represented the heart and soul of Albert            “family” as well. While we prepare to                 vision for the upcoming years and the future of
College for so many years, the transition to a      welcome Mr. Musca into our school                     Albert College.

JUNIOR SCHOOL                                       involved. The opportunity for students to work        these experiences. At our assembly, every hand
PRINCIPAL MESSAGE                                   alongside students in other grades was a              went up when students were asked if they felt
Crystal Shea                                        wonderful thing. It built collaboration and           that they had learned something new. May this
                                                    problem-solving skills that we know they will         love for learning and fearlessness at trying
                                                    need throughout life. The creativity and desire       something new never leave them. May our
   Innovation requires courage. As a school,        to improve the world developed their sense of         teachers continue to feel empowered to think
introducing innovative initiatives means that       stewardship and love of using their imagination       outside the box and try innovative ideas,
we have to be brave enough to step outside          to create something out of nothing. Athletic          because when they do, amazing things happen.
comfort zones, risk possible failure and be         activities and outdoor discovery promoted the            Please read more about our ‘A’ Days on
willing to try something new because we             value of health and nature for both physical          page 21.
believe that possibility of something great         and mental well-being.
happening outweighs everything else.                    At every turn, each ‘A’ Day activity helped our
   Looking at ways to be more innovative with       students grow and develop skills. And as
student learning, the Junior School introduced a    teachers running sessions, we have loved the
ten-day schedule which has provided a unique        opportunity to get to know students better from
opportunity for our students. It allows them to     various grades and engage in learning together
pursue something which they are passionate          fuelled by a passion to learn and share new
about exploring and the teachers are passionate     things. We are also able to model vulnerability
about sharing, with the creation of ‘A’ Days!       at not knowing all the answers and learning
   While as a staff we knew we wanted to try        alongside the children. And together, we shared
this initiative and hoped that it would be well     in the joy of learning and discovery - a joy that
received by our students and parents, there is      we’re proud to say our students get to
always that initial worry about its success. I am   experience regularly at Albert!
excited to say that ‘A’ Days have been highly           Following each round, students took some
successful and a highlight for everyone             time to reflect on what they liked or gained from

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Albertalks - Albert College
Life At Albert        // SPRING 2019

Strategic Plan 2018 - 2023
Year One                                           Places: Places actually refers not only to the       all students from Grades 7 to 12. Finally, we
                                                   physical plant itself, but also infrastructure       surveyed all staff in May. The parent survey data

-                                                  elements such as the computer and phone              was analyzed by the Senior Leadership Team and
                                                   networks, and the various databases used to          then shared with the whole staff. The student and
                                                   store the myriad types of information required       staff survey data were analyzed by the School
   September saw the official beginning of         to run a school. Work towards a formal facilities    Culture Committee. This data will be used to
our new Strategic Plan, Small School · Open        audit has begun with the hope that it will be        determine what needs to be addressed to
Minds · Bright Futures. We had, however,           completed next school year. At the same time,        improve the health and well-being of all members
already begun to implement aspects of the          we have moved forward with the conversion of         of our community. As this process continues into
plan before the end of last school year.           our phone system. Research is also continuing        next year, the goal will be to bring students into
   As you may recall from previous                 into finding a whole-school data solution to         the planning process moving forward.
communications, our plan has three primary         streamline the many different platforms being
goals, each with three sections, People,           used across the school. It is thought that we        Places: The facilities audit is the primary Places
Places, and Processes.                             will be able to start migration to a new system      component of all three goals in the first year.
                                                   as soon as year two of the plan                      The areas of required focus discovered from
Goal 1: Create a coordinated Pre-                                                                       the surveys will have physical plant implications.
Kindergarten to Grade 12 academic                  Processes: In some respects, some of the goals       The recommendations coming out of the gap
environment that fosters collaboration,            listed within Processes, such as the                 analysis above will almost certainly require
nurtures critical thinking and problem-            establishment of cross-divisional meetings, are      physical plant utilization changes.
solving, and stimulates deep learning.             more actions or supports of the goals listed in
                                                   People and Places. There are others, however,        Processes: This was started well before the
   This goal is about the actual teaching and      that stand alone. For example, the development       Strategic Plan. The Long Range Planning
learning that is happening at Albert College       of whole-school activities. In the case of this      Committee had already highlighted Health and
every day. The goal was not established            goal, we are discovering that it is almost more a    Well-Being as an area requiring attention in
because we had concerns about our current          state of mind than an action. As new things are      2016-17. It is for that reason that a significant
program. Rather, it was established to ensure      being introduced, or annual events come up,          component of all professional development days
the evolution of best practices remains central    we are doing a better job of asking the              throughout 2017-18 addressed areas of Health
to all our planning and professional               question, who could participate in this? A few       and Well-being. With the heightened awareness
development, and to ensure clear continuity of     examples are the Middle School being involved        that comes from being named as a primary goal
programs from Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12.        in activities like Scare Hunger, the Grades 5 and    of the Strategic Plan, the focus on health and
                                                   6 students joining the Senior School                 wellness will continue in both whole-school and
People: The mandate and terms of reference         Remembrance Day Ceremony and this year’s             individual professional development for staff, as
for our new Cross-Curricular Committee             Shewfelt Lecturer being scheduled to speak to        well as in programming for students. The
were developed over the summer, and the            the Junior School as well as the Senior School.      selection of the Fall 2018 Shewfelt Lecturer
committee was hard at work before classes                                                               would be an example.
began. They have been working on several           Goal 2: Create an environment that nurtures
strategic initiatives including re-designing       a culture of health and well-being for               Goal 3: Ensure that Albert College continues
our academic leadership structure and              students, faculty and staff.                         to attract and retain students and faculty who
creating a job description and position                                                                 will contribute to, and benefit from, the 5 ‘A’s
profile for a new Pre-Kindergarten – Grade         People: Our first goal in this area was to           of Albert College.
12 Academic Role to be put in place next           determine what our constituents’ perceived needs
year. They have also collaborated with the         are. A significant part of the groundwork for this   People: Again, work began on this goal before
entire faculty to generate the articulation of a   goal was data collection. A School Culture           the school year started. There was a whole-
new whole-school teaching philosophy. Not          Committee was formed from the evolution of two       staff exercise during opening meetings that
only is this a requirement for Canadian            other groups, and this committee was charged         started the process of creating the profile of an
Accredited Independent Schools (CAIS)              with much of the data collection. We surveyed        'A' Student at Albert College. The Enrolment
accreditation, it is essential to a well-          parents in October and again in May regarding
coordinated academic program.                      their perceptions of the school, and also surveyed   continued on next page...

                                                                                                                                          Albertalks     7
Albertalks - Albert College
SPRING 2019 //    Life At Albert

Management Committee continued working           Places: The facilities audit will have           boarding, and country of origin. There has also
with the material generated in August and        immediate value in terms of highlighting areas   been a concerted effort to move toward more
has created a package that truly captures        that might negatively impact enrolment/          “pull” marketing. At time of writing, research is
the essence of the Albert College advantage      retention, but will be even more important       being conducted on a new website provider
that is our 5 ‘A’s. Another objective was        when we move to the goals of years two and       that will increase our ability to control all
increased engagement in, and emphasis on,        three in terms of recommending appropriate       aspects of our web presence and to make it
the 5 ‘A’s. The data from parent surveys has     facilities to support all 5 ‘A’s.                both a more accessible gateway for current
shown wonderful gains over previous years                                                         and prospective families and a better
in the perceived balance, engagement, and        Processes: Many of the Processes goals for       recruitment tool for enrolment management.
value of the 5 ‘A’s. Another goal in this area   Goal 3 refer to marketing and recruitment
was an analysis of staffing within the           activities of the Advancement and Enrolment         This is a just a summary of our progress thus
Enrolment Management Office. This has            Management teams. There has been                 far on our Strategic Plan. If you have questions
resulted in the creation of a new position to    significant work on updating paper and digital   regarding next steps, please bring them
increase time and focus on local day and         marketing materials that better target each of   forward to any member of the Senior
hybrid boarding recruitment.                     our distinct target markets by age, day/         Leadership Team.

                                                 WELCOME TO THE BOARD                             Toronto Press). Dr. Brohman teaches in the
                                                 OF GOVERNORS                                     Ph.D., masters, undergraduate and
                                                                                                  executive programs at the Smith School of
                                                                                                  Business and has published over 75 articles
                                                    Kathryn Brohman Ph. D. is an Associate        in premier journals and international
                                                 Professor at the Smith School of Business at     conference proceedings. Prior to joining the
                                                 Queen's University. Dr. Brohman is globally      Board at Albert College, Kathryn served on
                                                 recognized as a thought leader in digital        the Board for Belleville Quinte West
                                                 transformation and strategy execution. She       Community Health Centre. She is a current
                                                 has co-authored several books including          parent with two children attending Albert
                                                 her most recent entitled SHIFT: A New            College and joined the Board to share her
                                                 Mindset for Sustainable                          post-secondary expertise in long-range
                                                 Execution (forthcoming, University of            planning as well as school accreditation.

8    Albertalks
Life At Albert        // SPRING 2019

Student vs. Staff Hockey Game
and Skating Day
  Albert College took over the Quinte Sports
and Wellness Centre on December 20 for the
annual student vs. staff hockey game and skating
day. Congratulations to the students who brought
home the win and bragging rights.

 Right: Albert College students and faculty
pose for a group photo.

 Below: Carin, Guaner (Gloria), Yuen Kiu
(Kiu Kiu), Zhou (Apple), Qianru (Nicole)

                                                   Above: Kurtis and Zheshu (Peter)

                                                    Second Row, Middle: Ella, Sofya, Jaden,
                                                   Rhiannon, Trishna and Sydney

                                                    Left: Mr. Fredericks winks at the camera

                                                                                   Albertalks   9
SPRING 2019 //       Life At Albert

Life at Victoria Manor…
HOME AWAY FROM HOME                                          Some of the ways that we do that in residence     community. We encourage our alumni to
Heather Kidd, Director of Enrolment Management           is through the planning of activities. In Victoria    pass on their positive experiences and
& House Director of Victoria Manor                       Manor, the girls have themed craft times, off-site    recommend us to families who are looking to
                                                         excursions, workshops to learn how to better          send their children to a school where their
                                                         manage their time, cooking lessons, yoga and          child will live in a welcoming, homey
    It is hard to believe that I have been part of the   many more activities that keep the girls busy and     atmosphere. For more information, you can
Albert College family for over 35 years. For many        learning new skills. Our girls have access to a       contact me at
of those years I have lived in Victoria Manor as         different teacher every evening during structured
House Director to girls who come to attend               study times to ask questions and get extra help.
school from all over the world. This year was no         You are immediately aware of the camaraderie
different; students from 20 different countries          and close friendships that develop as our
lived in our residences this year. Over the months       students spend time together. From doing              “As the Manor prefect, I will definitely miss
and years we live together, we become family.            laundry to eating meals to attending socials and      the opportunities that I was given to make
    Living in residence and being far away from          dances, our residence students make                   close bonds with every girl in our residence.
home can be a scary thing for both the student           memories that they will never forget. I know this     Also, the Sunday cookies, weekend activities
and the parents. Some students live in                   to be true because my other role at Albert            and the year-end barbecue are my favourite
residence as early as Grade 7. When they arrive,         College is Director of Strategic Enrolment. I visit   things in the Manor.”
they are often nervous and not sure what to              many countries every year and meet many               - Carin, Grade 12
expect. First time being away from the security          alumni while on the road. I cannot begin to
of mom and dad can be daunting. All of our               count the number of past students who come to         “The residence is a great place to get involved
residences have amazing, caring staff who work           hug me and tell me how much they miss “the            and learn more about yourself. One of my
tirelessly to quickly put our boarders at ease so        Manor”. We have alumni who loved it so much           favourite things about living in Victoria
they feel part of a wonderful community. We all          they come to the school fairs and tell other          Manor is the special bonds that form
work as a team with the students, as well as             parents how great it was.                             between all the girls and house directors that
with the family back home, to make the Albert                Residence life at Albert College really is a      can last a lifetime. Another great aspect is the
residence experience a positive one that will be         unique experience and we pride ourselves on           support you receive from everyone no
remembered for a lifetime.                               the fact we are a small school and a strong family    matter the occasion and the ability to go to
                                                                                                               anyone for help. The residence at Albert
                                                                                                               College is a very welcoming place where a
                                                                                                               strong trust is established that allows you to
                                                                                                               be comfortable and feel at home.”
                                                                                                               -Alina, Grade 10

                                                                                                               “My favourite part of living in Victoria Manor
                                                                                                               is the relationships that I have with the other
                                                                                                               girls, the staff and their families. I love that I
                                                                                                               can hang out with the other girls, but still
                                                                                                               have my own space to go to if I need it. I also
                                                                                                               know that I can go to any of the staff or the
                                                                                                               other girls with my concerns and they will
                                                                                                               listen and give me advice. I feel safe in the
                                                                                                               manor and it is my home away from home.”
                                                                                                               -Anh, Grade 10

                                                                                                               “The things that I will miss most about living
                                                                                                               in residence are my 40 sisters from all over
                                                                                                               the world.”
                                                                                                               -Josefine, Grade 12

10   Albertalks
Life At Albert        // SPRING 2019

Shewfelt Memorial Lecture
Nothing Gets
By Former NHL
Goaltender, Clint
    According to Clint Malarchuk, “The two most
important days of your life are the day you
were born, and the day you figure out why you
were born.”
    Former NHL goaltender and Mental Health
Advocate Clint Malarchuk was at Albert
College on Thursday, November 22 for the
2018 Shewfelt Memorial Lecture to share his
life story and shed light on the stigma of
mental illness.
    Clint Malarchuk has come a long way since
his time in the NHL. Today he is a horse dentist
and chiropractor, a rodeo cowboy, animal
lover, and a rancher wearing cowboy boots
and matching cowboy hat. Clint Malarchuk is in     “Coaching was the next best thing to being a         wouldn’t set in.” He encouraged students to
a good place today but it was not always that      player,” he said. “I loved the game, and still do,   ask for help if they are struggling and assured
way. After 300 stitches in his neck, having his    but I really enjoyed the camaraderie of the          them they should not be ashamed or
nose broken 11 times, and a bullet in his skull    players and being part of a team.”                   embarrassed to reach out for support.
that still remains there today, Mr. Malarchuk is      Students at Albert College in Grades 4 to 6          Later that evening, Mr. Malarchuk spoke to a
an advocate for mental health. He is also the      got to speak to Mr. Malarchuk and his message        sold-out crowd including members of the
author of a national best-selling book, The        was inspiring. He shared with them his struggle      community. He explained to the audience that
Crazy Game: How I Survived in the Crease           with mental illness as a child and how animals
and Beyond, which is one of 15 books on the        ease his anxiety. He showed students
Canada Reads list for 2019.                        photographs of his horses, his goats Stella and
    Mr. Malarchuk suffered from Obsessive          Stanley and his three dogs. Students enjoyed
Compulsive Disorder (OCD) as a child but did       asking Clint lots of questions about his time in
not know it then. He said that the repetition of   the NHL and what life is like on the ranch today.
drills and training as a goalie, combined with        Mr. Malarchuk then spoke with boarding and
his OCD is probably why he made it to the          day students in Grades 7 to 12 and shared
NHL. “My dream growing up was to be a              details of the accident that took place in 1989
goalie in the NHL. It was all I wanted to do.”     when a skate cut his jugular vein during an
Clint played 12 years in the NHL for the           NHL game. Malarchuk told students, “I
Quebec Nordiques, Washington Capitals,             returned to play after only ten days with no
Buffalo Sabres, and in the IHL for the Las         counselling or therapy. None was offered. I
Vegas Thunder. After retiring, he coached four     didn’t tell anyone how I felt. I came back way
NHL teams and served as Head Coach of the          too soon because I thought I had to prove
IHL Las Vegas Thunder and Idaho Steelheads.        myself. I thought if I came back quickly, the fear

                                                                                                                                        Albertalks   11
SPRING 2019 //     Life At Albert

he did not have a lot of money growing up and
would collect bottles and pop cans and
exchange them for money to pay for his hockey
equipment. In fact, his mother made the goalie
mask he wore during his first NHL game.
   Attendees enjoyed meeting Clint and his
wife Joanie after the evening lecture and
enjoyed photo opportunities and a book
signing. “It is always so great to meet with
people and hear their stories. I love doing this,”
said Mr. Malarchuk after the lecture. “This is
why God spared me and why I am still here to
do what I do so that others don’t have to suffer
with mental illness in silence anymore.”

 Top Right: Mr. Malarchuk and his wife, Joanie,
sign books and meet with parents and guests
following the public lecture.

 Right: Mr. Malarchuk and Joanie pose for a
photo with Senior School students following
the student lecture.

                       Celebrating 25 years of the
                    Shewfelt Memorial Lecture in 2019!
                            Please join us on Thursday, November 21 for the Shewfelt Memorial Lecture
                                            featuring Robert Koehler from Global Athlete.

                                                                 Mr. Koehler is the former Deputy Director General for the World
                                                               Anti-Doping Agency. In the wake of doping scandals and relaxed treatment of
                                                               sports committees, Mr. Koehler left his position as Deputy Director General to
                                                               head Global Athlete, along with British cyclist Callum Skinner and eight
                                                               Olympians and Paralympians. Mr. Koehler is tired of athletes being told to
                                                               keep quiet and is determined to see them balance the power with sports
                                                               administrators. The international advocacy group strives for change in the
                                                               sporting world including better athlete welfare and anti-doping systems.

                                                                 The Shewfelt Memorial Lecture is an Albert College community event and
                                                               everyone is welcome to attend. To celebrate the 25th Anniversary, the
                                                               Shewfelt Memorial Lecture is being offered at no cost. Please spread the
                                                               word and join us at 7:00 p.m. in the Memorial Chapel at Albert College.

12   Albertalks
Life At Albert       // SPRING 2019

EPLC and Junior School
Year-End Celebration
    With musical performances by students from Pre-Kindergarten to Grade
6, families and guests celebrated student achievements at the Year-End
Celebration on June 14. Congratulations to the Grade 6 class who will be
joining the Middle School in the fall, and to Junior Kindergarten (JK) students
at the Early Primary Learning Centre (EPLC) who will join the Parrott Junior
School. JK students received their Junior School ties from their teacher as
they crossed the stage one by one. Similarly, Grade 6 students received
their Middle School ties from Director of the Middle School, Mrs. Moodey.
Congratulations to our EPLC and Junior School graduates.
    The Oak Tree Award of Recognition was presented to Grade 12
graduates Katrine and Alexandria. Both graduates began their schooling
in Junior Kindergarten at Albert College. Their Kindergarten teacher
Mrs. Haddock (who continues to teach Kindergarten today), said, “These
students came to us as little acorns and leave us as mighty oaks – strong
and well-rooted in education. They are ready to extend their branches in
the direction of their futures.”

 Top Right: Junior Kindergarten graduates sporting their new Junior School ties.

 Right: Congratulations, Grade 6 graduates.

 Below: The John Davidson ’59 Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Katelyn.

 Below, Middle: The Jack and Bernice Parrott Award was awarded to Naisha.

                                                                                     Above: The Achievement Award was awarded to Carson.

                                                                                     Left: Katrine, Kindergarten teacher Mrs. Haddock and Alexandria.

                                                                                                                                              Albertalks   13
SPRING 2019 //    Life At Albert

Middle School Graduation
                                      Warm congratulations to our Grade 8
                                   graduates who celebrated their successes at the
                                   Middle School Graduation reception on June 13.
                                   Together with their families, friends, the Grade 7
                                   class and Middle School faculty, the graduates
                                   enjoyed dinner in Ackerman Hall followed by an
                                   awards presentation in the Memorial Chapel.
                                   Congratulations to the graduating class and the
                                   Grade 7 students on their success this year in
                                   the Middle School.
                                      Grade 7 student, Kendal (pictured top) received
                                   the Middle School Citizenship Award from faculty
                                   member, Mr. Harris. The Middle School
                                   Outstanding Achievement Award is presented
                                   each year to two graduating students who have
                                   made outstanding contributions to the Middle
                                   School Program and who have exemplified
                                   leadership and the spirit of Albert College. The
                                   Outstanding Achievement Award was presented to
                                   Natalie (far left) by faculty member, Mr. Schneider
                                   ’86, and to Aaron (left) by faculty member Mrs.
                                   Baker. Natalie also gave the valedictory address
                                   representing the Grade 8 graduates.

14   Albertalks
        Class of 2019
   “Home is the story of who you are and a collection of things you love.
     Albert has become the centre of my story and is a compilation of
  everything I love. Be proud of what you have accomplished. It’s time to
show the rest of the world what we can do. But don’t forget about the small
                   school that really was a smart choice.”
                           − FAITH, VALEDICTORIAN

                                                                        Albertalks   15
 Above: Alexandria, Jan, Faith, Katrine, Troy and Aidan.

   Students at Albert College gathered                  finest contribution to residential life. Troy will       Jan Yui of Hong Kong received the
together with families from near and far to             study Sports Management at Durham                    Pisano-Finlay Award recognizing excellent
celebrate their accomplishments at the                  College in the fall.                                 sportsmanship qualities and athletic
162nd Convocation celebration on Saturday,                  Alexandria received the Marjorie Pryor           contribution as well as a subject award in
June 15. Students from Grades 7 to 12 were              Award for conspicuous contribution to the            Chemistry. Jan Yui will attend McGill
recognized with top awards for their                    life of the school and the Mary Jane Haskett         University to study a Bachelor of Science in
outstanding accomplishments.                            McCullough Award for outstanding long-term           Bio-Physical-Computational Science.
   Faith received the Howard Award for                  contribution to athletics. Alexandria is                 Katrine received the “Pete” Beach Athletic
character, scholarship, leadership and                  pursuing a Bachelor of Arts and Science              ‘A’ Award for conspicuous contribution and
recreation, the Governor General’s                      degree at McGill University.                         leadership in athletics and the Guild
Academic Medal for the highest academic                     Aidan received the Marsh Award for               Scholarship for significant personal growth
average in Grades 11 and 12, and the                    character, scholarship, leadership and               and an increased understanding of the
Academic ‘A’ Award for achieving the highest            athletics and the McIntyre Award for                 meaning of responsibility in and to the
academic average in Grade 12. She achieved              outstanding long-term contribution to                school community. Katrine will be attending
her gold level Duke of Edinburgh award and              athletics. He achieved his gold level Duke of        Queen’s University to study Biology.
received the Active Citizenship ‘A’ Award for           Edinburgh award and received the
extensive community service contributions.              Adventure ‘A’ Award for conspicuous
She was also named the College’s most                   contribution. For strength of character and
outstanding athlete. Faith will be pursuing a           compassion to the service of others, Aidan
Bachelor of Journalism degree at University             also received the MP Neil Ellis Citizenship
of King’s College in Halifax.                           Award. Aidan received Canada’s largest
   Troy of Bahamas was named the College’s              STEM Scholarship (Schulich Leader
most outstanding athlete and received the               Scholarship) to study Engineering at the
Howard Purchase Memorial Award for the                  University of British Columbia.

  16    Albertalks
- Class of 2019 Highlights -

35                              STUDENTS { REPRESENTING 11 COUNTRIES }
                                GRADUATED FROM ALBERT COLLEGE

                     85% ONTARIO
                         SCHOLARS                                                                                                POST-SECONDARY
                     Achieving an academic average of
                     80% or higher in six Grade 12 subjects.                                                                     STUDIES

20                   ALBERT
Achieving an academic average of
                                                                                THE MOST POPULAR
                                                                                CANADIAN UNIVERSITY
                                                                                DESTINATIONS THIS YEAR
90% or higher in six Grade 12 subjects.                                         include University of Toronto, Queen’s University,
                                                                                McGill University, Western University and Dalhousie
                                                                                University. In addition, international post-secondary
17 STUDENTS GRADUATED WITH DISTINCTION                                          locations include schools in Mexico, Netherlands,
Achieving an average of 85% or more and excelling in Albert College’s 5 ‘A’s.   Germany and United Kingdom.

TOP AREAS                                             BUSINESS                             ARTS & SOCIAL                                MEDICAL, HEALTH,
OF STUDY                                              & COMMERCE                           SCIENCES                                     & LIFE SCIENCES
SPRING 2019 //      Life At Albert

Featured Profiles
Happy Retirement,                                      students into a safe and orderly environment
                                                       filled with the pure joy of discovery and learning.
                                                                                                                delight to see a child’s heritage reflected in
                                                                                                                classroom activities. It takes a master planner like

Miss Dorothy                                           Dorothy has similarly drawn parents into the
                                                       embrace of the rich teacher-student-parent
                                                                                                                Miss Prinzen to ensure all goes well.
                                                                                                                   In addition to all she does for Albert College

Prinzen                                                relationship of trust and the highest regard. She
                                                       has made a tremendous difference in the lives of
                                                                                                                Junior School and her family, to whom she is
                                                                                                                truly dedicated, Miss Prinzen has been working

-                                                      hundreds of children and their families, who             together with the people of Saugeen First
                                                       because of her, where determined to do their             Nation and Wiikwemkong First Nation, located
                                                       best. She has diligently nurtured the minds and          on Manitoulin Island, for over 20 years, during
   “A teacher affects eternity; she can never tell     spirits of our children with dedication and              her summer breaks.
where her influence stops.”                            steadfastness as she prepared them for a                    For all of us at Albert College and beyond,
~Henry Brooks Adams                                    journey of lifelong learning. And in return, they        who have been blessed to know you,
   “Miss Prinzen saved my life!” These words were      love and respect her! On one occasion toward             Miss Dorothy Prinzen, we recognize that
spoken by a 21-year-old college graduate in a most     the end of a school year, I overheard several of         teaching has been your true calling, the music
emphatic and unequivocal way. His name is David        her Grade 2 students, speaking in hushed tones,          of your life. We are thankful that our children
and he was part of a small group destined for          trying to figure out how to move to Grade 3 and          have been a part of your Opus. You will forever
Kenya to provide charitable organization support in    still keep Miss Prinzen as their teacher.                hold a special place in our hearts. As you
the summer of 2012. As we were engaging in small            Here at Albert, her students have been taken        embark on your next journey of discovery, with
talk on the bus trip from Belleville to Pearson, the   on voyages of discovery right in their classroom         camera at the ready, you are already missed by
conversation moved to people who inspire. David,       through her “Passport to the World” and                  the students, parents and staff at Albert College.
with a perceptible crack in his voice, uttered those   “Celebration of Canada’s Diversity” programs, as         Your life dedicated to teaching has touched the
words as he looked me straight in the eye. He          well as through experiential learning as they            future. Godspeed, Miss Prinzen. Enjoy your
relayed his family’s encounter with Miss Prinzen,      observed the life cycle of butterflies and watched       retirement and most of all, thank you!
when other teachers had lost hope that his special     chickens hatch. She engaged the Junior School            —
needs could not be met. He stated categorically, “If   community to document their travels with Flat            Mourasia Duffus
not for Miss Prinzen, I don’t know where I would be    Albert who travelled to more than 40 countries           Albert College Parent
today. She never gave up on me! She literally          throughout the years. Dorothy included parents
saved my life.”                                        and international students in the life of her
   Throughout her commendable 40-year                  classroom through an annual invitation to share          Below: Miss Prinzen and some of the students
teaching career, Miss Prinzen has invited her          their history, culture, food and travels. It is such a   she taught during her 15 years at Albert College.

18   Albertalks
Life At Albert        // SPRING 2019

Happy Retirement,
Ms. Jane Acton
    We knew this day would arrive; I think we just
did not want to believe it. Last September
Ms. Jane Acton announced that this would be her
final year at Albert College. Jane has served the
Albert College community for 34 years. It seems
impossible that it has been that long since Jane
does not really look much different than she did
when she joined the faculty in 1985. So, what is
her secret? Did she find the fountain of youth? No,
I think it has more to do with Jane's approach to
life and teaching that keeps her so young at heart.
    There are two principal pillars that form the
basis for Jane's teaching philosophy - enthusiasm
and adventure. These are the qualities Jane used
to motivate, inspire and educate her students.           of the staff supervisors on the Brigantine sailing        Above: Remy, Ms. Acton and Alexandria receiving
    The job of a teacher is to excite a sense of         trips. She led countless trips for the POWER              the Girls Senior Division Field Hockey award.
curiosity about life so that the student will            Program either up the Long Trail at Mount
come to appreciate life with an excitement               Mansfield in Vermont or the Bruce Trail at
that is stimulated by awe and wonder. Norman             Tobermory. Recently she accompanied the Duke              “Jane loved bombing the ski hill much to the
Vincent Peale once said, “Your enthusiasm                of Edinburgh candidates to a winter snowshoeing           encouragement and cheers of the students.
will be infectious, stimulating and attractive to        and dog-sledding adventure in Northern Ontario.           She was ready to take on any student and race
others. They will love you for it. They will go               When adults and children experience some             them on skates down the Rideau Canal. Jane
for you and with you."                                   type of adventure together, a bond is formed. By          was and is, a great athlete. She has shared her
    Jane recognized that if she were eager and           creating adventures for students, we are not only         expertise of lacrosse with many students who
excited about teaching, her students would be            teaching them a great deal, but we are also               have gone on to become excellent players.”
excited about learning. Her enthusiasm was               building their confidence, fostering trust and            - Mrs. Jane Moodey
contagious. Whether teaching a history lesson on         encouraging them to take risks. As Abraham
the 20th Century in the classroom, coaching her          Lincoln said, “Only those who will risk going too far     “Two qualities that stand out about Ms.
teams on the playing field to pick up a lacrosse         can possibly find out how far one can go." Jane           Acton are her supreme dedication and
stick or a field hockey stick, or running up the aisle   subscribed wholeheartedly to that philosophy.             passion. My first memories of her are not as a
of the chapel exhorting her fellow Bishop                     Jane has always been the master of her               colleague, but rather of Ms. Acton in her first
members to come out for house league, Jane               own destiny. In turn, she wanted her students             year working at the school and my last as a
challenged, praised and created opportunities for        to realize that they too have choices, and it is          student! Many memorable years have passed
success. She had unfailing trust and confidence in       important that they choose to go down the                 since 1985, but what is truly remarkable is
her students.                                            paths that will fill their lives with excitement,         that Jane has demonstrated those two
    Jane has always been a keen adventurer. She          service to others, laughter and activities they           qualities to the same level each and every day
was always quick to volunteer as a staff supervisor      can be proud and enthusiastic about.                      of her Albert career!”
for many of the out-of-school learning experiences            To love what you do and feel that it matters,        -Mr. Mark Schneider ’86
offered at Albert. In her early years, she was one       how could anything be more fun? Where would
                                                         any of us be without teachers? Without those              “When I reflect on working with Jane, the
                                                         people who have a passion for their craft and love        first thing that comes to mind is the saying,
                                                         it right in front of us?                                  ‘Great things come in small packages’. As
                                                              Thank you, Jane, for 34 years of love and passion.   everyone she meets will tell you, Jane is a very
                                                         —                                                         special lady who has impacted the lives of a
                                                         Molly McIntyre                                            multitude of young women.”
                                                         Former Albert College Faculty                             -Mr. Daryl Radford

                                                                                                                   “My heartfelt congratulations to Jane Acton on
                                                         Left: From left to right, Margaret Finney                her upcoming retirement. I have many fond
                                                         (retired faculty), Jane Acton and Molly McIntyre          memories of her and truly wish her all the best.”
                                                         (retired faculty) in 2004.                                -Kieran Morris ’01

                                                                                                                                                     Albertalks   19
You can also read