For adults Part-time courses - Cardiff University

Page created by Marshall Mitchell
For adults Part-time courses - Cardiff University
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                           Continuing and
                           Professional Education
                           Addysg Barhaus
                           a Phroffesiynol

                          Part-time courses
                          for adults

                   tel: 029 2087 0000
                            Mae'r prosbectws hwn ar gael yn Gymraeg, cysylltwch â ni am gopi
For adults Part-time courses - Cardiff University
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                                         Your learning experience                                 any time, we will continue to use scheduled teaching
                                                                                                  sessions for you to interact with both your tutor, and
                                                                                                  fellow students, in a virtual classroom environment.
                                         during the Coronavirus                                   We hope to reintroduce face-to-face teaching, but
                                         (COVID-19) pandemic                                      only when it is safe to do so. We will review the
                                                                                                  situation again, for courses with a start date of
                                                                                                  January and beyond, towards the end of the autumn
                                         Following the outbreak of COVID-19 earlier this
                                                                                                  term (November 2020), and update our website
                                         year, Continuing and Professional Education (CPE)
                                         moved to remote teaching along with the rest of
                                         the University. This sudden switch from face-to-         We look forward to welcoming new and returning
                                         face to online teaching and learning was initially a     students to the vibrant and exciting programme of
                                         challenge for both staff and students alike, but         courses we have planned for the next academic
                                         one which I believe we all responded to well.            year.
                                         Having reviewed the situation, we have decided that      Dr Zbig Sobiesierski
                                         teaching for all courses with an autumn start date       Director, Continuing and Professional Education
                                         will take place online. Whilst you will have access to   June 2020
                                         course-related information and learning resources at


                                          Opening Doors for Adult Learners
     Design / Penknife / 029 20 461021
For adults Part-time courses - Cardiff University
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          for adults

           Seven reasons to study                         2   Politics and International    56
           with us                                       2    Relations/Law                69

                                                          4                                 58
          Business and Management                             Science and Environment

                                                          8                                 64
          Computer Studies                                    Pathway to Healthcare

           Humanities                                    14                                 70
                                                              Social Studies
           Creative Writing, Literature, Media, Inside
           Narratives Pathway, Media Pathway,            36
           Philosophy, Historical Studies, Music,
           Exploring the Past Pathway.
                                                              How to Enrol /                74
                                                              Student Information
           Modern Languages                              36
           including Arabic, Chinese, French,
           German, Greek, Italian, Japanese,                  Community Learning            76
           Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and
           Pathway to Modern Languages or                49
                                                              Contact details, map         78
           Interpreting and Translation                  53                                back

For adults Part-time courses - Cardiff University
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              Welcome to                                                  Seven
              Part-time courses for adults
                                                                           to study with us

                                                                         Here is a flavour of what you
                                                                         will enjoy when you study
                                                                         with Continuing and
              It gives me great                                          Professional Education:
              pleasure to welcome you
              to Cardiff University’s                                      Open, relaxed and
              programme of part-time
                                                                           inclusive learning
              courses for adult learners. We                             We encourage and welcome everyone to
                                                                         study with us. This means that many of our
              offer a wide range of subjects                             courses have no entry requirements – all
                                                                         you need is an interest in the subject and a
              to study at a variety of                                   willingness to explore it in the company of
              different levels, from                                     others.

              absolute beginners to more                                 There is a strong sense of community here
                                                                         – you will have the opportunity to meet new
              advanced. Most of our                                      people, contribute to stimulating discussion
                                                                         and enjoy learning.
              courses don’t require lots of existing
                                                                         There are also free events throughout the
              qualifications, just an interest in the subject and a      year, including public lectures, subject
                                                                         specific events, open days and our annual
              willingness to explore it in the company of others. Our    award ceremony – giving you further
              subjects are listed on page one.                           opportunities for getting together with other
              We have also developed Pathways to a Degree to
              provide a part-time route to undergraduate degrees at        Flexible and
              Cardiff University (see inside front cover). So whether      accessible study
              you’re studying with us for personal development, to       Are you concerned that your other
              enhance your career prospects, or to increase your         commitments might affect your studies?
                                                                         We have taken this into consideration and
              knowledge you can expect to be stimulated and              schedule courses during the day, in the
                                                                         evenings and at weekends. We want to
              challenged and, on most courses, earn credits toward a     make it as easy as possible for you to
              qualification from Cardiff University.                     attend. Some courses are repeated
                                                                         throughout the year too.
                                                                         We are based in the centre of Cardiff, just
                                                                         10 minutes walk from the main shopping
              Best wishes,                                               area, with good transport links and free
                                                                         parking in our main venues during the
              Dr Zbig Sobiesierski                                       evening and weekends.

              Director, Continuing and Professional Education            Some courses are available online, which
                                                                         gives you the flexibility to study from home.
                                                                         We are committed to improving access for
                                                                         all students. You can discuss any specific
                                                                         requirements you may have with our

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        Disability Advisor, whether they are related to
        access to buildings, or aids to learning.
        You will be taught by a Cardiff University Tutor
        who is specialised in his/her subject area and
        is experienced in teaching adult learners.
        Your Tutor will support you and offer you

        guidance as you study. Classes are usually
        small, which makes discussion easier and
        allows more time for the Tutor to pay attention
        to your individual needs.

           Gain university credits
           and qualifications

        You can earn credits towards qualifications
        when you complete the required work and
        assessments. These credits are part of a
        national scheme, which means they are
        recognised by most universities and
        educational establishments. This is useful
        when you want to continue your studies
        Find out more about credits on page 75.
        There are a range of accredited pathways
        available for those hoping to progress on to
        an undergraduate degree. Please see inside
        In a few cases, we also teach students who
        want to gain professional qualifications
        offered by external bodies. Find out more
        about this – and the range of awards and
        qualifications you can work towards – on
        page 75.

                                                             You are entitled to free library membership,          Language Laboratory – - we have an
           Extra study support                               which means you can borrow up to ten items            interactive digital language laboratory,
                                                             from any of Cardiff University’s libraries once       which we use extensively to enhance
                                                             you obtain your student ID/Library Card               speaking, listening and interpreting skills.
        As well as your Tutor’s support, you will also       (see page 75). There is an online library
                                                                                                                   Computing suite – this is a dedicated
        have access to a range of free study                 catalogue, LibrarySearch
                                                                                                                   teaching room for programming and web
                                                                                                                   development courses.
           The ‘Learning Guide’ offers advice on how         to help you with all learning resources.
           you can develop effective ways of studying,       Conveniently, the Senghennydd Library is
           so that you make the most of your learning        situated in the same building as Continuing and       Student rates and
           experience at Cardiff University. It is           Professional Education. Within the library is the
           specifically tailored to part-time adult          Languages for All Hub, an area dedicated to           discounts
           learning. You can read the ‘Learning Guide’       independent language learning. The main Arts
           on our website.                                   and Social Studies Library is next door to the
                                                                                                                   Full use of the University’s sports facilities
                                                             John Percival building, where many of our
           A student handbook is available online,           courses are held.                                     – at a reduced rate;
           giving you more information and insight                                                                 Student rates on selected computer
           into student life, your course and Cardiff           Computer Accounts – Computer
                                                                accounts are created automatically. User           software from some suppliers;
           University as a whole.
                                                                and log-in details will be sent to the email       Discounts with a large range of
           Advice as you plan your personal                     address provided at enrolment. All courses
           development and guidance on how to                                                                      companies, upon purchase of an NUS
                                                                give you a free Cardiff University student         discount card.
           progress in your studies.                            computer account. When you log onto the
                                                                university system with this account, which         Student Union membership:
                                                                can be done on campus or at home, you              30 credits or above = full membership
           University facilities and                            will have access to a whole range of               below = associate membership.
           resources                                            applications and software, including:
                                                             ◗ Email and calendar                                 Cardiff University staff
        When you enrol on a course, you become a             ◗ Helpful information to enhance your                and student discount
        Cardiff University student for the duration of          University experience
                                                                                                                  If you are a member of staff or full-time
        your study. This gives you access to a wealth of     ◗ LibrarySearch, The University's online             student at Cardiff University you may be
        university facilities and resources:                    Library catalogue – so you can search for         eligible for a discount on your part-time
           Libraries – you can use most of the                  books and other resources                         course and pay the concessionary fee.
           University’s libraries. You will have access to                                                        You just need to bring along your current
           books, newspapers, magazines, journals,           ◗ The University’s virtual learning
                                                                environment, which includes access to             university ID card when you enrol.
           CDs and DVDs, and electronic resources.
                                                                Learning Central
                                                             ◗ Announcements and news from Cardiff

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                                                                                                   Essential Management

              Business and                                                                         Fee £170.00 (Concessionary Fee £136.00)

                                                                                                ◗ Dr Jo Smedley

              Management                                                                          This comprehensive course is highly
                                                                                                  interactive, and provides excellent
                                                                                                  coverage of the essential knowledge,
                                                                                                  skills and techniques for success as a
                                                                                                  manager. This course is taught through
                                                                                                  a mix of learning online and classroom-
                                                                                                  based learning. It is designed for
                                                                                                  students looking to become managers
                                                                                                  or supervisors but with little or no
                                                                                                  formal management training or
               Co-ordinating Lecturer: Jan Stephens                                               experience or for those who would like
               Tel: 029 2087 6248 Email:                                 to refresh their skills. This course covers
                                                                                                  essential skills such as time
                                                                                                  management, personal development
                                                                                                  planning, problem solving, chairing
                                                                                                  meetings, presentations and
                                                                                                ◗ 5 fortnightly meetings
                                                                                                  Mondays from 19:00 to 21:00
                                                                                                  Starting 5th October 2020
                                                                                                   This course will be taught online
                                                                                                   10 Credits, Level 4

                                                                                                   Essential Leadership

                                                                                                   Fee £170.00 (Concessionary Fee £136.00)

                                                                                                ◗ Dr Jo Smedley
                                                                                                  This course is highly interactive, and
                                                                                                  provides excellent coverage of the
                                                                                                  essential knowledge, skills and
                                                                                                  techniques needed for success as a
                                                                                                  leader in any field. This course is taught
                                                                                                  through a mix of online learning and
              As a busy professional, all of our courses are designed to enhance your             classroom-based learning. The course
              employability and work practice. Professional Leadership and                        combines theoretical knowledge and
              Management Development along with Managing People I and II are                      concepts on Leadership Styles with
                                                                                                  practical Leadership Skills.
              popular courses for all aspects of self-development and supervision skills. All
              of us need an element of Managing Finance in our home and work lives.             ◗ 5 fortnightly meetings
              For success as a manager then Essential Management Skills and                       Mondays from 19:00 to 21:00
                                                                                                  Starting 1st February 2021
              Essential Leadership Skills will give you the knowledge and the skills to
              succeed.                                                                             Continuing and Professional Education,
                                                                                                   21 - 23 Senghennydd Road, Cardiff
              Taking a course offered in the Pathways section as a stand-alone course is        ◗ plus 10 online hours
              an excellent way to dip your toe in to see if studying towards a degree is for      10 Credits, Level 4
              you. If you know that you want to progress to a degree then the Pathway to          BAM20A5176A
              Business Management, Marketing, and Accounting will be an exciting
              challenge. You need to have B-grade GCSE in Maths to progress to your
              When you achieve 60 credits from courses offered in the Business and
              Management Studies section you are eligible for a Certificate in Continuing           Pay by instalments
                                                                                                   your course is £350
              Education. For further information contact Jan Stephens at
                                                                                                     or more (excluding
                                                                                                       online courses)
              All of the courses are very popular and you should pre-enrol to secure your

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           Managing Finance I

                                                                                                                                                         Business and Management
           Fee £170.00 (Concessionary Fee £136.00)

        ◗ Dr Petros Makris
           Managers and employers at all levels
           need to be competent at a level of
           financial management. This course is
           designed to help students understand the
           financial aspects required to run the
           business/department. No prior knowledge
           is required. Please pre-enrol.
        ◗ 10 weekly meetings
          Thursdays from 19:00 to 21:00
          Starting 8th October 2020
           This course will be taught online
           10 Credits, Level 4
        ◗ 10 weekly meetings
          Thursdays from 19:00 to 21:00
          Starting 4th February 2021                       Project Management                              Professional Leadership
           Continuing and Professional Education,                                                          and Management
           21 - 23 Senghennydd Road, Cardiff               Fee £170.00 (Concessionary Fee £136.00)
           10 Credits, Level 4
           BAM20A1361B                                  ◗ Mark Flagg
                                                          This course provides a good introduction to      Fee £170.00 (Concessionary Fee £136.00)
                                                          those skills needed for successful project
                                                          management. This is an area of study and      ◗ Melanie Squire
            Managing Finance II                           application which is increasingly popular       You will explore the importance of both
                                                          and is useful in all aspects of employment      leadership and management in the
            Fee £170.00 (Concessionary Fee £136.00)       and life management. This course is             professional world. You will examine
                                                          extremely popular, please pre-enrol.            leadership and management theories
         ◗ Dr Petros Makris                             ◗ 10 weekly meetings                              alongside case studies exploring real-life
           This course provides a further study of        Thursdays from 19:00 to 21:00                   challenges facing today’s professional
           financial statements, planning and control     Starting 8th October 2020                       leaders. You will explore your own
                                                                                                          management and leadership styles and
           and other financial management                  This course will be taught online
                                                                                                          consider your responses to different
           techniques. Students should have                10 Credits, Level 4                            management situations. This very interactive
           completed Managing Finance I, or have a         BAM20A5264A                                    course is popular - please pre-enrol.
           prior knowledge of accounting.
           Please pre-enrol.                            ◗ 10 weekly meetings                            ◗ 10 weekly meetings
                                                          Thursdays from 19:00 to 21:00                   Thursdays from 19:00 to 21:00
         ◗ 10 weekly meetings                                                                             Starting 4th February 2021
                                                          Starting 4th February 2021
           Mondays from 19:00 to 21:00                                                                    Continuing and Professional Education,
           Starting 1st February 2021                      Continuing and Professional Education,
                                                                                                          21 - 23 Senghennydd Road, Cardiff
                                                           21 - 23 Senghennydd Road, Cardiff
            Continuing and Professional Education,                                                         10 Credits, Level 4
            21 - 23 Senghennydd Road, Cardiff              10 Credits, Level 4
            10 Credits, Level 4

                                                                                                           Introduction to

                                                                                                           Fee £450.00 (Concessionary Fee £360.00)

                                                                                                        ◗ Dr Nasir Aminu
                                                                                                          This module provides an introduction to
                                                                                                          the fundamentals of the Economics. It will
                                                                                                          give a basic grounding firstly in
                                                                                                          microeconomics, then in aggregative
                                                                                                          macroeconomics, and shows students
                                                                                                          how an understanding of the basics both
                                                                                                          of micro and of macroeconomics can be
                                                                                                          of considerable relevance to businesses
                                                                                                          and to business decision making.
                                                                                                        ◗ 12 weekly meetings
                                                                                                          Wednesdays from 18:30 to 21:00
                                                                                                          plus 2 Saturday Day School
                                                                                                          Starting 14th April 2021
                                                                                                           Continuing and Professional Education,
                                                                                                           21 - 23 Senghennydd Road, Cardiff
                                                                                                           20 Credits, Level 4

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                                                                                                       PATHWAY TO
  Business and Management

                                        C                                                              BUSINESS
                            from    Cardiff Business                                                   ACCOUNTING

                                    School                                                          Society and

                                                                                                    Fee £450.00 (Concessionary Fee £360.00)

                                                                                                  ◗ Dr Jo Smedley
                                                                                                    This module explores the relationships
                                                                                                    between society and the economy and
                                                                                                    provides theoretical insights into the ways
                                                                                                    in which society can shape the economic
                                                                                                    practices of business organisations.
                                                                                                    Students will develop strategic,
                                                                                                    communication and entrepreneurial skills
                                                                                                    which are transferable to small-group
                                                                                                    community goals to improve local socio-
                                                                                                    economic contexts.
                              Would you like to work towards a degree                             ◗ 12 weekly meetings
                                                                                                    Wednesdays from 18:30 to 21:00
                              from Cardiff Business School?                                         plus 2 Saturday Day Schools
                                                                                                    23 September 2020
                              Pathways are designed for those with life experience and we           This course will be taught online
                              welcome applications from students who may have been                  20 credits, Level 4
                              away from formal education for several years.                         BAM20A5393A

                              We offer two pathways which will allow you to study towards a
                              degree in:                                                            Management: Theory
                              ◗ Business Management               advice from your tutor and        and Evidence
                                                                  Co-ordinating Lecturer
                              ◗ Business Management –                                               Fee £450.00 (Concessionary Fee £360.00)
                                Marketing                       ◗ Financial support may be
                                                                  available to help with course   ◗ Dr Jo Smedley
                              ◗ Accounting                        fees                            ◗ Jemma Cox
                                                                                                    This module equips students with the ability
                              Cardiff University’s Business     ◗ Funding advice for degree         to understand and critically evaluate the
                              School is widely regarded as        study is available                claims of management theorists using
                                                                                                    quantitative and qualitative evidence bases.
                              one of the leading business and   ◗ Academic study skills support     Students will be introduced to data
                              management schools in the UK.       is available                      interpretation, presentation and analysis
                                                                                                    methods so that they are able to read,
                              Reasons to study on               If you would like to enrol on a     understand and critique basic management
                                                                pathway please contact
                              a Pathway                         Jan Stephens on
                                                                                                  ◗ 12 weekly meetings
                                                                                                    Wednesdays from 18:30 to 21:00
                              ◗ Pathways prepare you to         029 2087 6248                       plus 2 Saturday Day Schools
                                                                or email                            Starting 27th January 2021
                                study at degree level
                                                                                                    Continuing and Professional Education,
                              ◗ Courses are part-time             21 - 23 Senghennydd Road, Cardiff
                                                                                                    20 Credits, Level 4
                              ◗ Classes are taught in the       You now have the                    BAM20A5394A
                                evening or at weekends          opportunity to
                              ◗ Classes are small, friendly     realise your learning
                                and supportive
                              ◗ You will receive one-to-one

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           People in

                                                                                        Business and Management
           Fee £450.00 (Concessionary Fee £360.00)

        ◗ Jemma Cox
           The course provides students with an
           introduction to the key themes, concepts
           and theories relating to the study of the
           management of people in organisations.
           Particular attention is paid to organisations
           as the nodal points of human interaction
           within the business world, focusing on both
           the social and the psychological aspects of
           these relations. The People in
           Organisations module is a 20 credit module
           on the Pathway to Business Management.
        ◗ 12 weekly meetings
          Wednesdays from 18:30 to 21:00
          plus 2 Saturday Day Schools
          Starting 14th April 2021
           Continuing and Professional Education,
           21 - 23 Senghennydd Road, Cardiff
           20 credits, Level 4

           Your chance to study

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                                                                                            Java I
                                                                                            Fee £450.00 (Concessionary Fee £405.00)

              Computer Studies                                                           ◗ Dr Mike Evans
                                                                                           This course is an introduction to the
                                                                                           concepts of JAVA programming. Topics
                                                                                           covered include an introduction to classes
                                                                                           and objects, arithmetic operators, use of
                                                                                           methods of the Math class, comparison
                                                                                           operators and use of if statement, use of
                                                                                           while, do and for loops, keyboard input
                                                                                           and exception handling, use of methods of
                                                                                           the String and Character classes, text file
                                                                                           input, pattern matching, accessor and
                                                                                           mutator methods, static variables and
                                                                                           static methods and, finally, arrays. Each
              Co-ordinating Lecturer: Dr Mike Evans                                        meeting comprises of a lecture followed
              Tel: 029 2087 0000 Email:                                by a laboratory session. Assessed work
                                                                                           will include the writing of Java programs.
                                                                                         ◗ 12 weekly meetings
                                                                                           Wednesdays from 18:00 to 21:00
                                                                                           plus 1 Saturday Day School
                                                                                           Starting 7 October 2020
                                                                                            Lecture Room T2.07, Trevithick Building,
                                                                                            Computer Science Department (entrance
                                                                                            via the Parade), Cardiff
                                                                                            20 Credits, Level 5

                                                                                            Java II
                                                                                            Fee £450.00 (Concessionary Fee £405.00)

                                                                                         ◗ Dr Mike Evans
                                                                                           This course extends the basic concepts
                                                                                           learnt in Java I and is taught along
                                                                                           similar lines. Topics covered include
                                                                                           exception handlers using try, catch and
                                                                                           finally blocks, introduction to
                                                                                           inheritance, interfaces, abstract and
                                                                                           final classes, introduction to event
                                                                                           handling, the MouseListener interface
                                                                                           and the MouseAdapter class, use of the
                                                                                           FlowLayout, BorderLayout, GridLayout
                                                                                           and GridBagLayout layout managers
                                                                                           with both the Abstract Windowing Toolkit
                                                                                           (AWT) and the Swing Toolkit adding
              Our courses are designed to give a student with very little knowledge of     components to the graphical frame.
              computing a sound foundation in particular areas. Students wishing to        Assessed work will include the creation
              create their own website should attend the course Web Development with       of a number of applications with a
              HTML and CSS. HTML is the easiest programming course for a beginner.         graphical user interface (GUI).
              The further courses PHP1 - PHP Scripting for the Web, PHP2 - Using         ◗ 12 weekly meetings
              MySQL with PHP for the Web and PHP3 - PHP Web Application                    Wednesdays from 18:00 to 21:00
              Development allow the student to enhance their website.                      plus 1 Saturday Day School
                                                                                           Starting 3 February 2021
              There are many courses on other computer programming languages such           Lecture Room T2.07, Trevithick Building,
              as C, C++, Java and Python. Students on these courses develop their           Computer Science Department
              programming skills by writing programs to solve problems. Six modules,        (entrance via the Parade), Cardiff
              namely C Programming, C++ Programming, Java Programming,                      20 Credits, Level 5
              Advanced Java Programming, Python Programming and Windows                     COM20A3338A
              PowerShell Programming are offered as Free Standing Modules so that
              students may study these modules as part of their undergraduate degree

                                                                                              Enrol Now!

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            Java III
            Fee £450.00 (Concessionary Fee £405.00)

                                                                                                                                                      Computer Studies
         ◗ Dr Mike Evans
           Topics covered include the use of
           sequential and random access files,
           introduction to threads, creation of a
           multithreaded application, introduction to
           networking, creation of client/server
           network applications using both the User
           Datagram Protocol (UDP) and the
           Transmission Control Protocol (TCP),
           Remote Method Invocation (RMI), the
           RMI registry and, finally, the creation of
           an application using RMI. Assessed
           exercises will reinforce the work covered
           in the lectures.
         ◗ 12 weekly meetings
           Wednesdays from 18:00 to 21:00
           plus 1 Saturday Day School
           Starting 12 May 2021
            Lecture Room T2.07, Trevithick Building,
            Computer Science Department (entrance
            via the Parade), Cardiff
            20 Credits, Level 5

           PHP1 - PHP Scripting
           for the Web
           Fee £450.00 (Concessionary Fee £405.00)

        ◗ Christopher Maggs
          This course covers the fundamentals of
          PHP scripting in a web environment to
          produce dynamic web pages. Modules
          include form validation, file handling and
          manipulation of external data sources
          (XML). This course assumes knowledge of          PHP2 - Using mySQL                            PHP3 - PHP Web
          the topics covered in the Web                    with PHP for the Web                          Application Development
          Development with HTML and CSS
          course, or requires the students to have a
          good understanding of HTML. This course          Fee £450.00 (Concessionary Fee £405.00)       Fee £450.00 (Concessionary Fee £405.00)
          feeds directly into PHP2 - Using MySQL
          for the Web. See the computing page on        ◗ Christopher Maggs                           ◗ Christopher Maggs
 for details.            This course covers the fundamentals of        The PHP Web Application development
        ◗ 12 weekly meetings                              designing a relational database using         module introduces object oriented PHP to
          Thursdays from 18:00 to 21:00                   mySQL and the interface between the           create and maintain web applications. The
          plus 1 Saturday Day School                      mySQL server and the PHP scripting            course includes the development of a
          Starting 24 September 2020                      engine. Students will learn to design and     personal web application which forms part
                                                          build database tables and use them to         of the overall marking criteria. The course
           Room E2.05,
                                                          produce dynamic website applications.         assumes knowledge of the topics covered
           Continuing and Professional Education,
                                                          This course assumes knowledge of the          in the PHP1 and PHP2 modules, or that
           21 - 23 Senghennydd Road, Cardiff
                                                          topics covered in the PHP1 - PHP              students have an understanding of using
           20 Credits, Level 5                            Scripting for the Web module, or that         PHP for web development. See the
           COM20A3599A                                    the students have an understanding of         Computing page on
                                                          the basic constructs of PHP. The basic for details.
                                                          syntax of SQL, as is applicable to mySQL,   ◗ 12 weekly meetings
                                                          is taught on the course. Students can         Thursdays from 18:00 to 21:00
                                                          continue from this course to PHP3 –           plus 1 Saturday Day School
                                                          PHP Web Application Development.              Starting 22 April 2021
                                                          See the Computing page on                     Room E2.05,
                                                 for details.          Continuing and Professional Education,
                                                        ◗ 12 weekly meetings                            21 - 23 Senghennydd Road, Cardiff
                                                          Thursdays from 18:00 to 21:00
                                                                                                         20 Credits, Level 5
                                                          plus 1 Saturday Day School
                                                          Starting 21 January 2021
                                                          Room E2.05,
                                                          Continuing and Professional Education,
                                                          21 - 23 Senghennydd Road, Cardiff
                                                          20 Credits, Level 5

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  Computer Studies

                        C Programming                                     C++ Programming                                  Python Programming
                        Fee £450.00 (Concessionary Fee £405.00)           Fee £450.00 (Concessionary Fee £405.00)          Fee £450.00 (Concessionary Fee £405.00)

                     ◗ Dr Mike Evans                                   ◗ Dr Mike Evans                                  ◗ Dr Mike Evans
                       his course will provide an introduction to        This course will provide an introduction to      This module aims to provide an
                       the C programming language and its                the C++ programming language and its             introduction to programming in the Python
                       usage. After attending this course students       usage. After attending this course, you will     scripting language. This course is ideal for
                       will have acquired the basic skills in            have acquired the basic skills in                the student who already has some
                       programming in C. Topics covered in this          programming in C++ and an                        knowledge of computer programming.
                       introductory course include data types,           understanding of the ideas of object             Topics covered include an introduction to
                       arithmetic operators, comparison                  oriented programming. Topics covered in          the Python language, creating and
                       operators, use of conditional and iterative       this course include an introduction to           executing Python scripts, an introduction
                       control statements, formatting of output,         classes and objects, class variables,            to the built-in object types such as
                       use of functions from the C library, creation     constructors and functions, overloaded           numbers, strings, lists and dictionaries, an
                       of user defined functions, functions,             constructors and functions, public and           introduction to user defined functions, an
                       introduction to pointers, introduction to         private access to variables and functions,       introduction to files, exception handling,
                                                                         arithmetic operators, simple input and           built-in tools and keyed database
                       arrays, accessing arrays using both
                                                                         output, comparison operators and the use
                       subscripts and pointers, use of standard                                                           management. This module includes a mix
                                                                         of conditional and iterative control
                       input/output library functions, use of text                                                        of traditional lectures and laboratory
                                                                         statements, formatting of output, use of
                       and random access files, use of C pre-                                                             sessions.
                                                                         library functions and the creation of user
                       processor directives, manipulation of data        defined functions, introduction to             ◗ 12 weekly meetings
                       structures and use of make files.                 pointers, introduction to arrays, accessing      Mondays from 18:00 to 21:00
                       Assessed work will include the writing of C       arrays using both subscripts and pointers,       plus 1 Saturday Day School
                       programs. No programming experience               using classes containing static functions        Starting 5 October 2020
                       required.                                         and static variables, introduction to             Lecture Room T2.07, Trevithick Building,
                     ◗ 12 weekly meetings                                inheritance by creating a derived class
                                                                                                                           Computer Science Department (entrance
                       Tuesdays from 18:00 to 21:00                      from a base class, inherited and
                                                                                                                           via the Parade), Cardiff
                       plus 1 Saturday Day School                        overridden functions in the derived class,
                                                                         use of the new and delete operators to            20 Credits, Level 5
                       Starting 6 October 2020
                                                                         dynamically allocate and release memory,          COM20A5337A
                        Lecture Room T2.07, Trevithick Building,         use of the fstream library functions to
                        Computer Science Department (entrance                                                           ◗ 12 weekly meetings
                                                                         access files and use of user defined             Mondays from 18:00 to 21:00
                        via the Parade), Cardiff                         classes to write object-oriented programs.       plus 1 Saturday Day School
                        20 Credits, Level 5                              No prior knowledge of C++ is required.           Starting 1 February 2021
                        COM20A3340A                                    ◗ 12 weekly meetings
                                                                                                                           Lecture Room T2.07, Trevithick Building,
                                                                         Tuesdays from 18:00 to 21:00
                                                                                                                           Computer Science Department (entrance
                                                                         plus 1 Saturday Day School
                                                                                                                           via the Parade), Cardiff
                                                                         Starting 2 February 2021
                                                                          Lecture Room T2.07, Trevithick Building,         20 Credits, Level 5
                                                                          Computer Science Department (entrance            COM20A5337B
                                                                          via the Parade), Cardiff
                                                                          20 Credits, Level 5

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           Windows PowerShell                                Advanced Python                                  Web Development
           Programming                                       Programming                                      using HTML and CSS

                                                                                                                                                           Computer Studies
           Fee £450.00 (Concessionary Fee £405.00)           Fee £450.00 (Concessionary Fee £405.00)          Fee £450.00 (Concessionary Fee £405.00)

        ◗ Dr Mike Evans                                   ◗ Dr Mike Evans                                  ◗ Huw Davies
          Since version 7 of Windows, a scripting           This module aims to build on the topics          This course teaches students how to build a
          language called PowerShell is available that      covered in the Python Programming                website using modern techniques and
          allows a user to create custom scripts            module. Topics covered include reading           principles with HTML (Hyper Text Markup
          similar to those that have been available in      data from a file into an array, using Python     Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
          Linux for many years. Topics covered on           to analyse a MicroSoft spreadsheet,              and jQuery (Javascript). It is a HTML and
          this course include an introduction to MS-        sorting data, introduction to Object             CSS coding course and all classwork and
          DOS commands, redirection of input and            Oriented Programming (OOP), inheritance,         coursework will be coded by hand without
          output, piping, use of MS-DOS commands            introduction to Graphical User Interfaces,       the use of any drag/drop functionality or
          to create an MS-DOS batch file, scheduling        discussion of the Canvas, Text, Label, Entry     tools such as DreamWeaver or WordPress.
          batch files, invoking and exiting PowerShell,     and Button widgets, discussion of the            Minimal jQuery coding will be covered as
          basic PowerShell cmdlets, the Get-Help            Packer, Gridder and Placer layout                pre-built jQuery components such as
          cmdlet, local variables, environment              managers and, finally, some systems              sliders, accordions, drop-down menus and
          variables, arithmetic operators, numeric cast     programming. This module is delivered            slideshows will be used. Course content
          operators, use of mathematical functions,         using a mix of traditional lectures and          includes adding headers, text, links,
          number systems, comparison operators,                                                              images, tables, lists, menus, Google maps,
                                                            laboratory sessions.
          logical operators, the Get-Random cmdlet,                                                          YouTube videos, forms and other common
          user input, use of If…Else statement, use of    ◗ 12 weekly meetings                               web page elements and components to
          Switch statement, use of While and Do…            Thursdays from 18:00 to 21:00
                                                                                                             web pages. It also includes an introduction
          While statements, Until and Do…Until              plus 1 Saturday Day School
                                                                                                             to Responsive Web Design and to the
          statements, use of For statement, use of          Starting 24 September 2020
                                                                                                             principles of SEO (Search Engine
          Foreach statements, formatting of output,          Lecture Room T2.07, Trevithick Building,        Optimisation). No prior knowledge of
          the Send-MailMessage cmdlet, multiline             Computer Science Department (entrance           HTML, CSS or jQuery is required.
          and formatted strings, use of                      via the Parade), Cardiff
          metacharacters, string methods and data                                                          ◗ 11 weekly meetings
          validation, arrays, use of string Split            20 Credits, Level 5                             Tuesdays from 18:00 to 21:00
          method, use of array -Join parameter, use          COM20A5395A                                     plus 1 Saturday Day School
          of command line arguments, use of the                                                              Starting 22 September 2020
          Write-Host cmdlet, use of break statement,         12 weekly meetings                               Room E2.05,
          reading files and checking for the existence       Thursdays from 18:00 to 21:00                    Continuing and Professional Education,
          of files. Assessed work will include the                                                            21 - 23 Senghennydd Road, Cardiff
                                                             plus 1 Saturday Day School
          writing of PowerShell scripts.
                                                             Starting 13 May 2021                             20 credits, Level 4
        ◗ 12 weekly meetings                                                                                  COM20A4867A
                                                             Lecture Room T2.07, Trevithick Building,
          Thursdays from 18:00 to 21:00
                                                             Computer Science Department (entrance         ◗ 11 weekly meetings
          plus 1 Saturday Day School
                                                             via the Parade), Cardiff                        Tuesdays from 18:00 to 21:00
          Starting 4 February 2021
                                                             20 Credits, Level 5                             plus 1 Saturday Day School
           Lecture Room T2.07, Trevithick Building,
                                                             COM20A5395B                                     Starting 19 January 2021
           Computer Science Department (entrance
           via the Parade), Cardiff                                                                           Room E2.05,
           20 Credits, Level 5                                                                                Continuing and Professional Education,
           COM20A5094A                                                                                        21 - 23 Senghennydd Road, Cardiff
                                                                                                              20 credits, Level 4
                                                                                                           ◗ 11 weekly meetings
                                                                                                             Tuesdays from 18:00 to 21:00
                                                                                                             plus 1 Saturday Day School
                                                                                                             Starting 13 April 2021
                                                                                                              Room E2.05,
                                                                                                              Continuing and Professional Education,
                                                                                                              21 - 23 Senghennydd Road, Cardiff
                                                                                                              20 credits, Level 4

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  Computer Studies

                          in Computer

                      Accreditation: a guide                                       Certificate of Advanced Study (60 credits)
                      All our computing courses offer nationally recognised        These Certificates provide recognition that a student
                      credits which can be used towards a Diploma of Higher        has successfully completed a 60 credit block of study at
                      Education (120 credits), a Certificate of Advanced Study     level 5.
                      (60 credits), a Certificate of Higher Education (120         Certificate of Higher Education (120 credits)
                      credits), or a Certificate of Continuing Education (60       The Certificate of Higher Education is awarded once a
                      credits). For further information please see Student         student has achieved a total of 120 credits. These credits
                      Information on page 79.                                      can be from any mixture of subjects at level 4 or above.
                                                                                   Certificate of Continuing Education (60 credits)
                      Diploma of Higher Education (120 credits)                    These Certificates provide recognition that a student has
                      Students wishing to enrol for the Diploma in Higher          successfully completed 60 credits in a particular subject
                      Education should first check that they satisfy the entry     at level 4. Credits gained from any of the courses listed
                      requirements, 120 credits at level 4, or equivalent. To be   in this section can be used to gain a Certificate of
                      awarded the Diploma in Higher Education you will need        Continuing Education in Computer Studies.
                      to obtain a total of 120 credits from specified blocks of
                      study at Level 5. There are three blocks of modules           Course Title                              Level       Credits
                      currently available in Computer Studies, and you will
                      need to obtain 60 credits from two of the blocks listed       C Programming                                5          20
                      below:                                                        C++ Programming                              5          20
                                                                                    Python Programming                           5          20
                       C and Shell Programming                        Credits
                                                                                    Advanced Python Programming                  5          20
                       C Programming                                    20          Windows PowerShell Programming               5          20

                       C++ Programming                                  20          Java I                                       5          20

                       Python Programming                               20          Java II                                      5          20

                       Advanced Python Programming                      20          Java III                                     5          20
                                                                                    PHP1 - PHP Scripting for the Web             5          20
                       Windows PowerShell Programming                   20
                                                                                    PHP2 - Using MySQL with PHP for the Web      5          20
                                                                                    PHP3 – PHP Web Application Development       5          20
                       Java Programming                               Credits
                                                                                    Web Development using HTML and CSS           4          20
                       Java I                                           20
                       Java II                                          20         I am sure that you will find subjects of interest to
                       Java III                                         20         you in our Computer Studies programme.
                                                                                   If you want further guidance, you can contact
                       Programming for the Web                        Credits      your course tutor or Dr Mike Evans, Co-ordinating
                                                                                   Lecturer via the email address
                       PHP1 - PHP Scripting for the Web                  20
                       PHP2 - Using mySQL with PHP for the Web           20
                       PHP3 – PHP Web Application Development            20

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                                                                                                                                   Professional Development
                                      Continuing and                                          Pathways
                                      Professional Education                               to a Degree
                                      Addysg Barhaus                                       CONTINUING AND PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION

                                      a Phroffesiynol

                 Prove your
                 potential by
                 What qualifications can you gain with us?
                    Certificate of Continuing Education
                    With 60 credits at Level 4 or Level 5 within
                    one subject area

                    Certificate of Higher Education
                    With 120 credits at Level 4 or Level 5

                    Diploma of Higher Education
                    With 120 credits at Level 5 completed in
                    pre-defined 60 credit study blocks.
                    Subjects currently available: Computing,
                    French, German, Italian and Spanish.

                 For further information on these qualifications
                 visit our website.

                    Pathway to a degree
                    With 60 credits Level 4 from specific
                    Pathways, you can go on to study at degree     We also offer International qualifications
                    level. Current subject areas include:          such as the DELF-DALF, the DELE, Goethe
                    Accounting, Business Management,               Zertifikat, CILS, JLPT and the HSK.
                    History, Ancient History, Archaeology and      Credits will enhance your studies, improve your CV
                    Religion, Modern Languages, Healthcare,        and help you realise your personal ambitions. For
                    English Language, English Literature,          more information contact us.
                    Creative Writing and Philosophy, Social
                    Science, Translation, Journalism, Media
                    and Cultural Studies, Politics and
                    International Relations and Medical

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              Humanities                                                                              LITERATURE
                                                                                                      AND MEDIA

                                                                                                   Creative Writing:
                                                                                                   Starting to Write

                                                                                                   Fee £170.00 (Concessionary Fee £136.00)

                                                                                                ◗ Rachel Smith
              Co-ordinating Lecturer: Dr Michelle Deininger                                       Is writing something that feels a little
                                                                                                  terrifying, like a leap into the unknown? Do
              Tel: 029 2087 0000 Email:                                 you wish you could start writing that novel,
                                                                                                  memoir, or something shorter? This course
                                                                                                  will introduce you to some of the most
                                                                                                  important skills in a creative writer’s
                                                                                                  toolbox: imagination, confidence and
                                                                                                  perseverance. By the end of the course,
                                                                                                  you will have made the leap and started to
                                                                                                  10 weekly meetings
                                                                                                  Mondays from 19:00 to 21:00
                                                                                                  Starting 5 October 2020
                                                                                                   This course will be taught online
                                                                                                   10 Credits, Level 4

                                                                                                   Continuing to Write

                                                                                                   Fee £170.00 (Concessionary Fee £136.00)

                                                                                                ◗ Rachel Smith
                                                                                                  This course is a continuation of Starting to
                                                                                                  Write and encourages students to further
                                                                                                  develop the skills they have established in
                                                                                                  the earlier course. Students who have not
                                                                                                  studied Starting to Write who are keen to
                                                                                                  explore their writing skills further are very
                                                                                                  welcome to join, too.
                                                                                                ◗ 10 weekly meetings
                                                                                                  Mondays from 19:00 to 21:00
                                                                                                  Starting 11 January 2021
              Our humanities courses are guaranteed to pique your interest and fire your
                                                                                                  Continuing and Professional Education,
              imagination! If you’ve got a love of arts and culture, then try your hand at
                                                                                                  21 - 23 Senghennydd Road, Cardiff
              creative writing, discover the past, be inspired by classical and jazz music,
                                                                                                  10 Credits, Level 4
              and get enthused by philosophy.
              Our courses are designed to suit all tastes and are taught by
              knowledgeable and experienced tutors who will ensure that you are made
              to feel welcome in a friendly and supportive learning environment.
              Enrol now to learn new skills, improve your job prospects, or challenge
              yourself to study at university level and get a qualification. You can build up
              60 credits to qualify for a Certificate of Continuing Education in Humanities
              or in a specific subject area, or gain 120 credits and be awarded a
              Certificate of Higher Education. You could enrol onto one of our Pathways
              to a Degree. If you’re thinking any of these routes might be for you, or
              you’d just like a bit more information or advice, please don’t hesitate to
              contact the Humanities Co-ordinating Lecturer, Dr Michelle Deininger.
              Please check our web pages for the most up-to-date information about
              course dates, times and locations.

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           Creative Writing

           Fee £170.00 (Concessionary Fee £136.00)

        ◗ Briony Goffin
            This is a warm and lively class, suitable for
            both new and experienced writers.
            Emphasis is placed on exploration and
            experimentation, with the idea that each
            student learns about their own voice and
            exposes their own creative potential.
            Through sampling various written forms,
            from lists to letters, poetry to prose, fiction
            to memoir, students discover what feels
            natural and authentic, as well as extending
            what feels possible, to them as writers. The
            class will involve presentation, lively
            discussion and feedback
        ◗ 10 weekly meetings
          Tuesdays from 19:00 to 21:00
          Starting 6 October 2020
            This course will be taught online
            10 Credits, Level 4
        ◗ 10 weekly meetings
          Mondays from 13:00 to 15:00
          Starting 11 January 2021
          Continuing and Professional Education,
          21 - 23 Senghennydd Road, Cardiff
          10 Credits, Level 4
        ◗ 10 weekly meetings
          Wednesdays from 19:00 to 21:00
          Starting 28 April 2021                                People Watching:                                    SPECIALIST
          Continuing and Professional Education,                Exploring
          21 - 23 Senghennydd Road, Cardiff
                                                                Characterisation                                    WRITING
          10 Credits, Level 4
                                                                Fee £170.00 (Concessionary Fee £136.00)
                                                              ◗ Briony Goffin
            Exploring Creative Writing
                                                                This course uses people as its inspiration,       Novel Writing Workshop
                                                                from the people we’ve known, the people
            Fee £170.00 (Concessionary Fee £136.00)             we’ve seen, the people we’ve overheard
                                                                and the people we’ve imagined. Each class         Fee £170.00 (Concessionary Fee £136.00)
         ◗ Mab Jones                                            will explore a different aspect of
                                                                characterisation and will look at how to          Guided by a professional author, this is a
           Are you intrigued by creative writing but not                                                          course for anyone who has a book currently
                                                                grow memoir and fiction from the people of
           sure how to go about it? Does the blank                                                                in them that they’d prefer to see sitting in a
                                                                our lives. Via a variety of writing exercises
           page intimidate you? This course offers an                                                             bookshop. What are the components that
                                                                and suggestions, students will amass a
           introduction to the main techniques of               portfolio of original works built around          make a novel unputdownable? How can you
           writing creatively and will enable you to            luminous, three-dimensional and                   ensure that your readers are enthralled?
           develop your ideas in a friendly and                 unforgettable characters. The teaching style      Looking at all genres of contemporary full-
           supportive environment. Various forms of             will ensure a warm, supportive and                length fiction, this course will take you right
           writing will be examined, including fiction          stimulating environment for writers of all        through the novel-writing process, as well as
           and poetry, and work will be shared and              experiences.                                      offering guidance in the all-important art of
           discussed. Beginners and more experienced                                                              attracting an agent and/or publisher.
                                                              ◗ 10 weekly meetings
           writers are very welcome!                                                                            ◗ Dr Katherine Stansfield
                                                                Thursdays from 13:00 to 15:00
         ◗ 10 weekly meetings                                   Starting 13 January 2021                          10 weekly meetings
           Thursdays from 19:00 to 21:00                                                                          Wednesdays from 19:00 to 21:00
                                                                Continuing and Professional Education,            Starting 5 October 2020
           Starting 8 October 2020
                                                                21 - 23 Senghennydd Road, Cardiff
           This course will be taught online                                                                      This course will be taught online
                                                                10 Credits, Level 4
           10 Credits, Level 4                                  CRW20A5168A                                       10 Credits, Level 4
           CRW20A5428A                                                                                            CRW20A4674A
         ◗ 10 weekly meetings                                                                                   ◗ Lynne Barrett-Lee
           Wednesdays from 13:00 to 15:00
                                                                                nd...                             10 weekly meetings
           Starting 28 April 2021                                Learn with us a                                  Wednesdays from 10:00 to 12:00
                                                                                                                  Starting 13 January 2021
                                                                     use our highly
           Continuing and Professional Education,
           21 - 23 Senghennydd Road, Cardiff                                                                      Continuing and Professional Education,
           10 Credits, Level 4                                     specialised lib                                21 - 23 Senghennydd Road, Cardiff
           CRW20A5429A                                                                                            10 Credits, Level 4

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                                                                                                                          Writing for Children
                                                                                                                          Fee £170.00 (Concessionary Fee £136.00)

                                                                                                                       ◗ Dr Elen Caldecott

                                                                                                                          Successful children’s literature is a diverse
                                                                                                                          and constantly changing field within the
                                                                                                                          publishing world. But how do adults write
                                                                                                                          for children and what do children even like
                                                                                                                          reading? Taught by a published children’s
                                                                                                                          author, Writing for Children is a practical
                                                                                                                          creative writing course that gives students
                                                                                                                          the tools to write with confidence.
                                                                                                                       ◗ 10 weekly meetings
                                                                                                                         Wednesdays from 13:00 to 15:00
                                                                                                                         Starting 7 October 2020
                                                                                                                          This course will be taught online
                                                                                                                          10 Credits, Level 4

                                                                                                                          Life Writing
                 Reading and Writing                                   Further Adventures in
                                                                                                                          Fee £170.00 (Concessionary Fee £136.00)
                 Poetry                                                Writing Crime Fiction
                                                                                                                       ◗ Mab Jones
                 Fee £170.00 (Concessionary Fee £136.00)               Fee £170.00 (Concessionary Fee £136.00)           Draw on your own history and experience
                                                                                                                         to tell the story of your life. Whether you
               ◗ Mab Jones                                          ◗ Dr Katherine Stansfield                            want to engage readers, share your history
                                                                                                                         with family and friends, or simply write for
                 This course adheres to the sound advice               Developed as a continuation of Writing
                 that if you want to write poetry you                  Crime Fiction and as a place for more             yourself, this course will give you the
                 should read it. It is open to anyone who              experienced writers to hone their craft, this     methods and means of composing
                 wants to have a close but open-minded                 course explores strategies for structure, the     compelling life writing, autobiography and
                 look at how poetry, in all its shapes and             role of twists, the power of setting, shaping     memoir.
                 styles, succeeds in capturing the reader's            secondary characters, and using narrative       ◗ 10 weekly meetings
                 imagination. If you would enjoy this, and             time with confidence.                             Tuesdays from 13:00 to 15:00
                 the inspiration to write your own poems,           ◗ 10 weekly meetings                                 Starting 12 January 2021
                 come and be part of a friendly, supportive           Mondays from 19:00 to 21:00                        Continuing and Professional Education,
                 class that welcomes all abilities.                   Starting 5 October 2020                            21 - 23 Senghennydd Road, Cardiff
               ◗ 10 weekly meetings                                    This course will be taught online                 10 Credits, Level 4
                 Thursdays from 13:00 to 15:00                                                                           CRW20A5231A
                 Starting 8 October 2020                               10 Credits, Level 4
                                                                       CRW20A5416A                                     ◗ 10 weekly meetings
                 This course will be taught online                                                                       Wednesdays from 19:00 to 21:00
                                                                    ◗ 10 weekly meetings
                 10 Credits, Level 4                                  Mondays from 19:00 to 21:00                        Starting 28 April 2021
                 CRW20A4679A                                          Starting 26 April 2021                             Continuing and Professional Education,
                                                                                                                         21 - 23 Senghennydd Road, Cardiff
                                                                       Continuing and Professional Education,
                                                                       21 - 23 Senghennydd Road, Cardiff                 10 Credits, Level 4
                 Writing Crime Fiction                                 10 Credits, Level 4                               CRW20A5231B
                 Fee £170.00 (Concessionary Fee £136.00)
                                                                                                                          Writing for Wellbeing
               ◗ Dr Katherine Stansfield                              Young Adult Fiction
                 Are you passionate about crime novels?                                                                   Fee £170.00 (Concessionary Fee £136.00)
                 Would you like to try your hand at writing           Fee £170.00 (Concessionary Fee £136.00)
                 crime fiction? This course will introduce you                                                         ◗ Joanne Meek
                 to the building blocks of crime fiction,           ◗ Gemma Scammell                                      Taught by a qualified counsellor and creative
                 including plotting, character construction,
                                                                      Young Adult (YA) Fiction is one of the most         writing practitioner, this online course
                 writing convincing dialogue and how to build
                                                                      popular and growing markets within the              explores how writing can be used as a tool
                 tension and create mystery and suspense. It          publishing industry. But what makes a good          for developing personal wellbeing strategies.
                 will be particularly suitable for writers coming     YA novel? This practical creative writing           Suitable for all with an interest in the topic,
                 to this popular genre for the first time, but it     course examines a range of genres, from             regardless of previous experience. For full
                 will also suit more experienced writers who          the darkness of The Hunger Games to the             course details, see webpages. Enrolment in
                 are wishing to learn more about what                 feel good ‘up-lit’ of Kate Mallinder’s              advance is absolutely essential.
                 publishers of crime fiction are looking for.         Summer of No Regrets. Includes Q&A
                                                                                                                       ◗ This course will start w/c 5 October.
               ◗ 10 weekly meetings                                   sessions with successful writers.
                                                                                                                         This course will be delivered flexibly to
                 Mondays from 19:00 to 21:00                        ◗ 10 weekly meetings                                 fit with your work/life balance.
                 Starting 11 January 2021                             Thursdays from 17:00 to 19:00
                                                                      Starting 8 October 2020                             10 Credits, Level 4
                 Continuing and Professional Education,
                 21 - 23 Senghennydd Road, Cardiff                    This course will be taught online
                 10 Credits, Level 4                                  10 Credits, Level 4
                 CRW20A5166A                                          CRW20A5307A

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             PLACE,                                           Ageing and Memory:                                 Wonders of Nature
                                                              A Literary Approach
             SPACE AND                                                                                           Fee £170.00 (Concessionary Fee £136.00)

             ENVIRONMENT                                      Fee £170.00 (Concessionary Fee £136.00)
                                                                                                              ◗ Briony Goffin

                                                           ◗ Dr Catherine Phelps                                From beaches to backyards, forests to
                                                                                                                flowerbeds, wild weather to wild beasts,
           Cardiff Literature                                 We now live in a world where lifetimes span       epic sightings to intimate encounters,
                                                              much longer than they did for the                 this creative writing course will seek to
                                                              generations that went before us. Changes          nurture curiosity and capture wonder,
           Fee £170.00 (Concessionary Fee £136.00)            in medical care, the food we consume and          providing a stimulating environment for
                                                              the types of work that we do have led to          writers of all experiences.
         ◗ Dr Catherine Phelps                                changes in the way our society is formed.
                                                              We are growing older. This module explores      ◗ 10 weekly meetings
           Cardiff was awarded city status in 1905
                                                              what it means to write about ageing and           Mondays from 13:00 to 15:00
           when at its peak as a conduit for Welsh
                                                              memory through literature and creative            Starting 5 October 2020
           industrial exports. This course explores how
           Cardiff has been imagined over the last            non-fiction.                                       This course will be taught online
           century through literary texts, tracing the     ◗ 10 weekly meetings                                  10 Credits, Level 4
           shifts in architectural regeneration and          Tuesdays from 10:00 to 12:00                        CRW20A5165A
           renewal, as well as recurring themes of loss,     Starting 12 January 2021
           dispossession and disintegration.
                                                              Continuing and Professional Education,
         ◗ 10 weekly meetings                                 21 - 23 Senghennydd Road, Cardiff
           Wednesdays from 19:00 to 21:00                                                                          Learn with us and...
                                                              10 Credits, Level 4
           Starting 7 October 2020
                                                              LIT20A5372A                                             use our highly
           This course will be taught online
                                                                                                                   specialised libraries
           10 Credits, Level 4
                                                             Environmental Writing
                                                             Fee £170.00 (Concessionary Fee £136.00)
           Dystopian Literature                                                                                  Wonders of Nature:
                                                           ◗ Dr Elen Caldecott
                                                                                                                 Further Explorations
           Fee £170.00 (Concessionary Fee £136.00)           Climate change, global warming, plastic
                                                             pollution, sinking cities, drought. The world
         ◗ Gemma Scammell                                    around us is in crisis and we, implicated as        Fee £170.00 (Concessionary Fee £136.00)
           Dystopian fiction is a popular and growing        we are in its destruction, can often feel
           field of literature in the publishing market.     helpless in the face of impending                ◗ Briony Goffin
           But why are we seeing increasing                  catastrophe. This creative writing course will     This course uses the medium of creative
           publications? What are the themes that            enable students to learn the tools of              writing to explore and depict our
           draw readers to these stories and how do          persuasive and intelligent environmental           relationship with the natural world in a
           they reflect society today? This practical        writing that has the potential to change           warm, supportive and stimulating
           creative and critical writing course explores     hearts and minds.                                  environment for writers of all
           the genre of dystopian literature, examining    ◗ 10 weekly meetings                                 experiences. It acts as a sequel to
           its increasing popularity.                        Wednesdays from 17:00 to 19:00                     Wonders of Nature but can easily be
         ◗ 10 weekly meetings                                Starting 3 February 2021                           studied as a standalone option.
           Tuesdays from 17:00 to 19:00                      Continuing and Professional Education,           ◗ 10 weekly meetings
           Starting 12 January 2021                          21 - 23 Senghennydd Road, Cardiff                  Mondays from 13:00 to 15:00
           Continuing and Professional Education,            10 Credits, Level 4                                Starting 26 April 2021
           21 - 23 Senghennydd Road, Cardiff                 CRW20A5367A                                         Continuing and Professional Education,
           10 Credits, Level 4                                                                                   21 - 23 Senghennydd Road, Cardiff
                                                                                                                 10 Credits, Level 4

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                                                                                               WRITING FOR
                                                                                               THEATRE, FILM
                Rachel Davies


                                                                                             Short Film Workshop
                                                                                             Fee £170.00 (Concessionary Fee £136.00)

                                                                                          ◗ Rachel Smith
                                                                                            Short film is one of the most dynamic
                                                                                            and compelling modes of storytelling in
                                                                                            modern culture. But what is the best
                                                                                            way to approach writing for this
                                                                                            medium? Taught by an experienced
                                                                                            and award-winning writer and director,
                                                                                            you’ll have the opportunity to explore
                                                                                            how to write short film scripts with
                                                                                          ◗ 10 weekly meetings
                                                                                            Tuesdays from 19:00 to 21:00
                                                                                            Starting 12 January 2021
                                                                                             Continuing and Professional Education,
                                                                                             21 - 23 Senghennydd Road, Cardiff
                                                                                             10 Credits, Level 4

                                                                                                     Learn with
                                                                                                      us and...
                                                                                                  receive expert
                                                                                                    tuition from

                                  I have worked in    to a research programme.                 tutors experienc
                                   Higher Education   Without a doubt, my enriching              in adult learning
                                   most of my adult   time at CPE has altered the
                                  life and had        course of my life.
                                dipped in and out
                                                      The modules are academically
                             of study. In 2014 I
                                                      sound but aren’t intimidating.
                 needed to do something purely
                                                      The tutors are welcoming,
                 for myself, so I enrolled on a
                                                      relatable and are excited by the       Playwriting Workshop
                 media-based module at CPE.
                                                      subjects they teach. And if, like
                 I intended only on taking one        me, you have a disability that         Fee £170.00 (Concessionary Fee £136.00)
                 course but my tutor, Dr Allaina      makes you think twice about
                 Kilby, convinced me I should         saying yes, don’t worry. The        ◗ Katherine Chandler
                 come back to do more. I ended        support you need will be there        How does dialogue shape character?
                 up completing a Certificate of                                             Why are silences and pauses so
                                                      My advice to anyone considering       important in drama? Taught in a
                 Higher Education (120 credits),
                                                      signing up would be just to go        series of practical workshops, this
                 enjoying modules across the                                                module will introduce students to the
                                                      for it! Start with one module on
                 media and humanities                                                       basic principles of successful
                                                      a topic you love and see where
                 catalogue.                                                                 playwriting, from formulating an idea
                                                      it takes you. One module and an       to developing strong characters. No
                 I was able to use this new           inspiring tutor launched me so        previous experience is required.
                 portfolio of learning as a           much further than I could
                                                                                          ◗ 10 weekly meetings
                 springboard to postgraduate          have imagined on                      Thursdays from 19:00 to 21:00
                 study. I will soon be starting my    that first evening                    Starting 14 January 2021
                 second year on the MA Global         sat in class.                          Continuing and Professional Education,
                 Film & Television at the                                                    21 - 23 Senghennydd Road, Cardiff
                 University of Hertfordshire, with                                           10 Credits, Level 4
                 the hope of later continuing on                                             CRW20A5418A

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           Scripting a Television                        APPLIED                                          Digital Publishing
           Drama                                         WRITING                                          Fee £170.00 (Concessionary Fee £136.00)
           Fee £170.00 (Concessionary Fee £136.00)       COURSES                                        ◗ Jannat Ahmed
        ◗ Russ Gascoigne                                                                                  What kind of content makes a successful
                                                                                                          blog? How can social media be used as an
          Led by an experienced, professional
          scriptwriter and former BBC Drama
                                                       Community Journalism                               effective writing platform? Whether you’re
                                                                                                          interested in crafting your writing for the
          script editor, this vibrant and wide-                                                           web, raising your online profile or simply
          ranging course takes you through the         Fee £170.00 (Concessionary Fee £136.00)            understanding more about digital
          process of writing for TV/film and                                                              publishing platforms, this practical writing
          incorporates a comprehensive               ◗ Cate Hopkins                                       course is for you!
          understanding of how the industry
                                                       How can citizens become more involved in         ◗ 10 weekly meetings
          operates as well as covering the
                                                       reporting the news in their community?             Wednesdays from 17:00 to 19:00
          technicalities of scriptwriting itself.                                                         Starting 13 January 2021
                                                       How does technology enable communities
          Using a variety of screened material and     to produce their own news? If you’re
          in-class exercises, the course                                                                  Continuing and Professional Education,
                                                       interested in engaging in your community           21 - 23 Senghennydd Road, Cardiff
          deconstructs and demystifies                 and playing an important role in democracy,
          scriptwriting’s often complex demands        or if you are an aspiring journalist or writer     10 Credits, Level 4
          through practical demonstrations of its      who is looking to build a portfolio, this          MED20A5273A
          key components and principles to             course is for you.
          enable you to conceive, plan and script
                                                     ◗ 10 weekly meetings
          a television drama in keeping with           Wednesdays from 17:00 to 19:00
          established techniques and professional      Starting 7 October 2020
          Pre-enrolment is essential as places         This course will be taught online
          are limited.                                 10 Credits, Level 4
        ◗ 10 weekly meetings
          Thursdays from 19:00 to 21:00
          Starting 8 October 2020
           This course will be taught online

           10 Credits, Level 4
                                                                                   Have you made a note of
        ◗ 10 weekly meetings
          Thursdays from 19:00 to 21:00
                                                                                   your course venue? Details
          Starting 22 April 2021                                                   are in the course
           John Percival Building, Colum Drive,
           Cardiff                                                                 description!
           10 Credits, Level 4

        tel: 029 2087 0000                                                                                              19
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