Undergraduate Prospectus - ulster.ac.uk - Ulster University

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Undergraduate Prospectus - ulster.ac.uk - Ulster University
Undergraduate Prospectus 2019-2020                1

Undergraduate Prospectus 2019-2020


Undergraduate Prospectus - ulster.ac.uk - Ulster University
2   ulster.ac.uk                                                                             Undergraduate Prospectus 2019-2020                                                             3

                                                        “I made friends for life
                                                         attending Ulster; such a happy,
                                                         supportive environment to
                                                         learn and flourish as a young   “
                                                         professional. It was one of
                                                         the best times in my life!
                                                         Ruth Boyce

Contents                                      YOUR ULSTER EXPERIENCE                    19   Here to support you                               38   Faculty of Life and Health Sciences   56

                                              Learning and living in Northern Ireland   20   APPLYING TO ULSTER                                41   Ulster University Business School     58
Welcome to Ulster University             5    Learning in the heart of Belfast          22   Your application to Ulster University             42   COURSES AT ULSTER                     61
WHY ULSTER?                               6   Campus life                               24   Equivalence of qualifications                     44   Course index                          154
Life and learning at Ulster University    8   Live here, love here                      28   General entrance requirements                     46   DISCOVER MORE                         156
Research and impact                      10   Learning that works with your life        30   Fees and funding                                  48   OPEN DAYS 2018                        158
Investing in your future career          12   Your learning experience                  33   FACULTIES AT ULSTER                               51   Disclaimer                            158
Opportunities on a worldwide scale       14   Be part of the team                       34   Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences   52
A global university                      16   Making the most of student life           37   Faculty of Computing, Engineering
                                                                                             and the Built Environment		 54
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                   Welcome to
                   Ulster University
                   At Ulster, our students are at the heart of
                   everything that we do as we work to provide you
                   with the most rewarding student experience and
                   education possible.

                   We are committed to providing an educational
                   experience that helps you to develop skills, raises
                   your ambitions and prepares you to be a future leader
                   in your chosen field, transforming lives both locally
                   and globally.

                   Our teaching is underpinned by world-leading research
                   that has global significance and meaningful impact.
                   This means your learning will be influenced by experts   Whatever your aspirations, Ulster University can
                   who are making pioneering breakthroughs and              deliver the educational experience to help you
                   shaping our understanding of their subject and your      achieve them.
                   area of study.
                                                                            I look forward to welcoming you.
                   We work with business and industry to make sure that
                   our courses meet their needs, and all of our students
                   have the opportunity to undertake work experience.

                   By joining Ulster University, you will join a vibrant
                   student community where there are new friendships
                   to be made, ideas to be shared, thinking to be           With best wishes,
                   challenged and opportunities to be explored.             Professor Paddy Nixon
                                                                            Vice-Chancellor and President
                   This prospectus offers you a flavour of life at Ulster
                   University; the unique student experience, the
                   outstanding facilities on our campuses across Northern
                   Ireland and the stimulating learning environment
                   where you can pursue your ambitions.
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                             Why Ulster?

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                                                                                   Why Ulster?

Life and
learning                                                                                    We recruit
                                                                                                                                                    invested in
                                                                                  international students
at Ulster                                                                         FROM MORE THAN 99
                                                                                                                                                    research and
                                                                                                                                                    innovation (2015/16)
University                                            We are in the
                                                        top 3% of
                                                                                  DIFFERENT COUNTRIES
Going to university is an exciting step and
choosing where to study is an important               universities in

decision that will shape your future.                   the world
Ulster University is based in Northern
Ireland, with four distinct campuses               (Source: QS World University
in Belfast, Coleraine, Jordanstown and
Derry~Londonderry (Magee).
                                                       Rankings 2015/16)                   students
The student experience we offer is second

to none. From great teaching to first
class resources and facilities, all within a
supportive learning environment, you will
receive a ‘uniquely Ulster’ experience that
                                                                                                                              ALUMNI WORLDWIDE

will help you to fulfil your potential.

“                                                25%                                         TOP
                                                                                                                                                        OF OUR GRADUATES
Ulster is very much                                                                                                                                        ARE IN WORK OR
                                                                                                                                                           FURTHER STUDY
a community-driven
University. You aren’t              “                                                                                                                6 MONTHS
                                                                                                                                                     AFTER LEAVING UNIVERSITY
just a ‘number’ at Ulster,
you really do matter                                                                   We are in the

                                                                                                                             (Destination of Leavers in Higher Education 2015/16)

Jason Hayes                                                                             world’s Top
Business Information
Systems                                                                               150 universities
                                               OF ALL UK UNIVERSITIES                under 50 years old                      of our students undertake
                                               FOR OVERALL RESEARCH                       (Source: Times Higher Education)   work placements every year
                                                             (REF: 2014)
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                                                         Why Ulster?

                                                                                              Ulster in three words…
                                                                                              Exciting, inspiring,
                                                                                              Emer Smith
                                                                                              Renewable Energy

and impact
Excellence in teaching, underpinned by world-
leading research, is the foundation upon which
every quality university is built.

Ulster University has an outstanding reputation for
teaching and a strong track record in research and
innovation, addressing real-world issues of both local
and global relevance.

Ulster is renowned and respected for its world-leading
research, as demonstrated in the 2014 Research
Excellence Framework (REF). As an Ulster student, you
benefit first hand from our discoveries and advances,
working with leading academics to develop the
knowledge and skills to transform our economy and

Each year we spend over £42 million on research. We
continue to develop and invest in our capabilities to
ensure we stay at the forefront of innovation.

W: ulster.ac.uk/research
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                                                                                                                     Why Ulster?

Investing in your future career
Our learning experience is career-focused and              Giving you the EDGE
relevant, offering a range of opportunities to             Employers are placing more emphasis on recruiting
enhance your CV and stand out to potential                 graduates who not only have a degree, but who are
employers. This ensures that you graduate with             also equipped with key transferable skills. The Ulster
the knowledge, skills and confidence to make your          EDGE Award provides official recognition for activities
mark in a competitive job market.                          undertaken outside of your studies. It is awarded in
                                                           addition to your degree and gives you the opportunity
Career planning                                            to engage in a wide range of activities that will boost
Our Career Development Centre team offers friendly         your career prospects and show commitment to your
and impartial advice to help you plan your career          personal development.
and provides a range of opportunities designed to
enhance your employability. You will have access to        Higher Education Achievement Report
job vacancies, placement opportunities and vacation        The University provides a Higher Education
or part-time work. We also organise regular fairs          Achievement Report (HEAR) to all full-time students
and forums where you can meet employers and                upon graduation. It is a detailed record of your
professional bodies.                                       academic and extra-curricular achievements to
                                                           supplement your degree. The HEAR allows you to

Professional accreditation                                 showcase your achievements to employers and
Most of our degree programmes are developed in             postgraduate tutors.
collaboration with industry and professional bodies.       W: hear.ac.uk
Many also offer an additional professional qualification                                                                                                  You haven’t got to
or accreditation, something you will find invaluable       FIND OUT MORE
once you graduate.                                         W: ulster.ac.uk/careers                                                                        look too far to find
                                                             : Careers at Ulster                                                                          opportunities at Ulster.
Work experience                                             : @CareersAtUlster
At Ulster, most full-time undergraduate and integrated                                                                                                    Completing EDGE
master’s degrees include a period of work-based                                                                                                           accredited activities
learning. You also have the opportunity to build your
international profile through work experience abroad.
                                                                                                                                                          allows you to develop
                                                                                                                                                          skills and grow as an
If you successfully complete a placement year in
employment, you could be awarded a Diploma in
                                                                                                                                                          individual, which will
Professional Practice (DPP) or a Diploma in Professional                                                                                                  greatly enhance your
Practice - International (DPPI) if your employment                                                                                                        employability.
is overseas. Alternatively, you could be awarded the
Diploma in International Academic Studies (DIAS) if
                                                                                                                                                          Scott Reid
you complete a placement year studying abroad.
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                                                                                                                 Why Ulster?

                                                                                                                 Ulster University will
                                                                                                                 provide you with lots of
                                                                                                                 opportunities… whether
                                                                                                                 that’s a placement year,
                                                                                                                 Erasmus grant or the
                                                                                                                 chance to be a course
                                                                                                                 representative. These
                                                                                                                 can be life-changing and
Opportunities                                                                                                    set you up to excel and
on a worldwide scale
                                                                                                                 get that graduate job.
                                                                                                                 Christopher McCausland
                                                                                                                 Electronic Engineering
One of the best things about studying with us is the    International placement
opportunity to ‘go global’. Experience of different     and internship programmes
cultures can be a very positive asset in today’s        We can connect you with our international partners
labour market.                                          offering opportunities to work in Australia, America
                                                        and Europe for up to one year, either as part of
As an Ulster University student, you can opt to study   your placement during your degree, during your
overseas as part of your course. Studying abroad        holidays or as a graduate. These include Mountbatten
allows you to enhance the knowledge and skills that     Institute New York Programme, the US-NI Mentorship
you acquire during your course and adds a desirable     Programme, the IBEC EOP Multinational, Tourism
international dimension to your career prospects.       and Global Graduates Programmes. Funding for
                                                        international placements is available through
We are committed to offering as many Ulster students    Erasmus+ and British Council programmes.
as possible the opportunity to spend part of their
degree programme abroad and offer access to over        Additional international work experiences
300 institutions worldwide for student exchange         There is a wide range of short-term work and study
opportunities.                                          options available, including paid internships abroad
                                                        for computing, science and construction students
You may choose to study at one of Ulster’s many         through IAESTE (the International Association for
partner institutions in Europe through the Erasmus+     the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience),
programme, or further afield in North America, Latin    and the Washington-Ireland Programme, allowing
America, Asia or Australia.                             students to undertake an eight-week internship in
                                                        Washington, DC.
There are a number of shorter study abroad
opportunities available such as Study USA, the          You can broaden your horizons whilst studying by
Washington Ireland Programme or the Generation UK-      working in a children’s summer camp or through the
China and Generation UK-India programmes.               Project Children Intern Programme, in the USA. Other
                                                        opportunities include the British Council’s Generation
There are also a wide variety of academic summer        UK-India Work Placement or Thailand English Teaching
schools offered internationally in many universities    programme.
and other organisations.

FIND OUT MORE                                           FIND OUT MORE
W: ulster.ac.uk/international/outgoing-students         W: ulster.ac.uk/careers
E: studyabroad@ulster.ac.uk                               : Careers at Ulster
   : Ulster University Study Abroad                      : @CareersAtUlster
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16   ulster.ac.uk                                           Undergraduate Prospectus 2019-2020   17
                                                            Why Ulster?

                                                            Ulster in three words…
                                                            Challenging, rewarding,
                                                            Cathal McDaid

A global
Students from across the world have chosen to
study at Ulster University and gain a highly valued

The Ulster experience not only offers you academic
excellence, but you will also be part of a friendly and
welcoming university, committed to providing you
with a quality student experience. Modern facilities for
sport, leisure and accommodation combine with our
international reputation for excellence in teaching and
research to make us a leading UK education provider.

Our international team will provide you with advice
on our courses, assistance with your application and
information about life at Ulster. They will also continue
to support you during your time with us. To ensure
you feel right at home, you will have the opportunity
to participate in a wide variety of events organised for
international students across all campuses. You will also
be encouraged to get to know other Ulster students
through engagement with the Students’ Union.

We have dedicated teaching staff who provide English
language support programmes throughout the year.
Immigration advisers are available to provide visa and
immigration advice. Our Student Support staff and the
Students’ Union are also on hand to help you settle in
to Ulster life.

W: ulster.ac.uk/international
E: international@ulster.ac.uk
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                    Your Ulster experience

                                               Your Ulster
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                                                                                                                      Your Ulster experience

Learning and living in
Northern Ireland

University is a life changing experience so                If the great outdoors is more your thing, get
where you study can often be as important as               acquainted with our breathtaking landscapes and
the course you choose. Wherever you’re from,               quaint towns and villages. Enjoy a woodland walk at
studying in Northern Ireland is guaranteed to be           one of our many parks, forests and gardens, or visit
an unforgettable experience. We may be a ‘wee’             the Antrim coast to enjoy areas of outstanding natural
country, but we have a lot to offer!                       beauty. Paddle along canoe trails, surf or body board
                                                           on waves coming from the roaring North Atlantic, or
Across all our campuses you’ll experience a vibrant,       head to the Mourne Mountains where you can walk,
eclectic social scene and will be a stone’s throw away     climb or horse-ride.
from top clubs and hot spots. Whether you’re up for
dancing the night away, sipping a cocktail or having a     Explore the cultural heritage and historic sites,
quiet one by a log fire, there’s something for everyone.   museums and landmarks which earned Belfast and
                                                           Causeway Coast the coveted number one spot in the
From traditional Irish music sessions in local pubs,       Lonely Planet’s top regions to visit in 2018. Experience
global superstars in concert, up and coming performers     the wonder of the Giant’s Causeway with its iconic
in intimate venues or great festivals in wonderful         rocks, tour locations made famous by the popular TV
settings – you’ll see it all in Northern Ireland.          series Game of Thrones, or visit Titanic Belfast, the
                                                           world’s largest Titanic visitor experience, showcasing                        Happiest people
Whatever your taste, we’ve a packed calendar of            an engineering masterpiece.                                                   in the UK
events including St Patrick’s Day, the Cathedral                                                                                         (Office of National Statistics, 2017)
Quarter Arts Festival (Belfast), the famous North          Whatever your interest or passion, we have it covered.
West 200 motorcycle race (Portrush/Causeway                What’s more, you’ll be guaranteed the friendliest of
Coast) and the Banks of the Foyle Halloween Carnival       welcomes, in typical Northern Ireland fashion. What
(Derry~Londonderry), as well as Belsonic and Tennent’s     more would you expect from the happiest people in
Vital music festivals (Belfast), among many more!          the UK? (Office of National Statistics, 2017)                                 Lonely Planet’s
Theatre enthusiasts can enjoy the stage with an array      FIND OUT MORE                                                                 Top Region
of plays, workshops, musicals or touring productions       W: discovernorthernireland.com                                                to visit in 2018
at first-class theatre venues including the Grand Opera
House, the Lyric Theatre, the MAC Belfast and our very
own Riverside Theatre.
22   ulster.ac.uk                 Undergraduate Prospectus 2019-2020                                                                               23
                                  Your Ulster experience

                                  Belfast campus
                                  Ulster University is transforming the higher             It will also be publicly accessible and a valuable asset
                                  education landscape with the £250 million                for Belfast as a city in which to live, work, study and do
                                  landmark development at the Belfast campus.              business.

                                  Located in the heart of the vibrant Cathedral Quarter,   Over the next few years, the 75,000sqm campus will
                                  the visionary new campus is one of the largest           house up to 15,000 students and staff. By locating our
                                  higher education capital builds in Europe. It will       bright, ambitious and creative students in the heart of
                                  provide a progressive learning, teaching and research    Northern Ireland’s capital, we will form a lively student
                                  environment supported by the best innovative             community and promote a dynamic environment,
                                  technology, allowing us to nurture talent and            which will stimulate and inspire.
                                                                                           FIND OUT MORE
                                  The new campus will not only transform the student       W: ulster.ac.uk/greaterbelfastdevelopment
                                  experience as a centre of academic excellence.

                    Learning in
                    the heart
                    of Belfast
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                                                                                                                            Your Ulster experience

Campus life
We are one University with four distinct campuses           While each campus differs in size and has its
across Northern Ireland - Belfast, Coleraine,               own distinctive atmosphere, wherever you
Jordanstown and Magee. Courses are also delivered           choose to study, you will still experience Ulster’s
at our branch campuses in London and Birmingham.            unique character.

Belfast                                                     Coleraine                                                       Jordanstown                                                  Magee
The Belfast campus is situated in the artistic and          The feeling of community at our Coleraine campus                Jordanstown is the largest of Ulster’s campuses,             The friendly village atmosphere of our Magee campus
cultural centre of the city, the Cathedral Quarter.         makes for a warm and welcoming student experience.              located just seven miles north of Belfast. The campus        offers an intimate learning environment in the heart
Although traditionally associated with art, the campus      The relaxed, outdoor atmosphere of the north coast is           has a strong profile in computing, built environment,        of Northern Ireland’s second city, Derry~Londonderry.
spans an increasing and exciting range of subjects          reflected in the feel of this thriving campus.                  business, engineering, social sciences, communication        Located in the North West of Northern Ireland
including architecture, hospitality, event management,                                                                      and academic disciplines relating to the science and         and a short distance from County Donegal,
photography and digital animation.                          Together with the nearby seaside towns of Portrush and          coaching of sport.                                           Derry~Londonderry is ideally situated for exploring
                                                            Portstewart and the Giant’s Causeway World Heritage                                                                          some of Ireland’s most dramatic landscapes.
Our vibrant campus plays host to frequent fashion shows     Site, this area is a major international tourist destination.   Sport plays a significant part in the life of the campus
and art exhibitions and is an exciting place to study and                                                                   which is home to the Sports Institute of Northern            Ongoing investment has provided state-of-the-art teaching,
work. It is also home to The Academy training restaurant.   A wide range of subjects is available at Coleraine,             Ireland (SINI).                                              research and support facilities for students and staff.
                                                            which makes for an interesting mixture of students
                                                            and staff. Subject areas include biomedical sciences,           Many students starting their degree at Jordanstown in        Teaching strengths on campus include business,
                                                            geography and environmental science, psychology,                2019 will complete their course in the new Belfast campus.   cinematic arts, Irish, music, drama, computing,
                                                            pharmacy, English, history, media and journalism,                                                                            engineering, nursing and law.
                                                            travel and tourism, and teacher training.
26   ulster.ac.uk                                    Undergraduate Prospectus 2019-2020                                                      27
                                                     Your Ulster experience

                    Jump in! Immerse yourself
                    in both academic and social
                    aspects while at Ulster, and
                    gain lifelong skills and
                    memorable experiences.
                    Tutors teach from a wealth
                    of knowledge and practical
                    experience, and the facilities
                    are second to none.
                                                                                          Birmingham (branch campus)
                                                                                          With a student population of more than 65,000,
                    Daniel Cartin                                                         Birmingham has an eclectic social scene, making it one
                    Architecture                                                          of the best places to study in the UK. Our Birmingham
                                                                                          branch campus has a great location in the heart of
                                                                                          the city centre, close to the recently refurbished
                                                                                          New Street rail station. Excellent teaching facilities
                                                                                          and faculty staff complement a cosy campus geared
                                                                                          towards your learning and employability. With more
                                                                                          businesses moving to Birmingham than ever before,
                                                                                          it is a truly exciting time to study here as you’ll be in
                                                                                          a city with one of the fastest growing entrepreneurial
                                                                                          communities in the country.

                                                                                          FIND OUT MORE
                                                                                          W: qa.ulster.ac.uk/birmingham

                                                                                          London (branch campus)
                                                                                          London is a lively and cosmopolitan city with a
                                                                                          diverse social scene, exciting nightlife, vibrant culture,
                                                                                          fantastic shopping and a wealth of sightseeing
                                                                                          opportunities. Our branch campus is located in historic
                                                                                          Holborn, in central London, with plenty of transport
                                                                                          links offering convenient travel options to the campus.
                                                                                          Situated between the city’s financial centre and the
                                                                                          cultural district, access to London’s resources could not
                                                                                          be easier. Our location means that you’ll be perfectly
                                                                                          placed to take advantage of all that London has to
                                                                                          offer, from its thriving international community to the
                                                                                          continually growing professional community.

                                                                                          FIND OUT MORE
                                                                                          W: qa.ulster.ac.uk/london
28    ulster.ac.uk                                                                                                Undergraduate Prospectus 2019-2020   29
                                                                                                                  Your Ulster experience

Live here,
love here
To help you settle into university life, we can          Ulster University, Magee
guarantee you a place in one of our halls of             We offer accommodation for over 630 students in
residence in your first year of study, providing you     our student village and our halls of residence, Coppin
make Ulster your first choice.                           House, both less than five minutes’ walk from the
                                                         campus. All accommodation has access to high-speed
University-managed accommodation is well priced,         broadband with WiFi throughout. There are self-
clean, comfortable and modern. We offer places across    contained units available for students who require
all campuses to cater for every budget and taste.        additional space, privacy and independence. Adapted
                                                         accessible accommodation is available for students
We also arrange a ‘Reslife’ calendar of social events    with a disability.
on arrival and throughout the year so you can get
to know other students and develop a sense of            E: accommodationm@ulster.ac.uk
community on campus. Activities include bake-offs,          : Residential Services Magee
quiz nights and fun sports events.
                                                         Ulster University, Coleraine
FIND OUT MORE                                            Our student village offers fantastic on-campus
W: ulster.ac.uk/accommodation                            accommodation. Most rooms have en-suite facilities
                                                         and all have a broadband connection and access to the
  Campus accommodation starts from:                      internet with WiFi throughout. There are some suites
  • Jordanstown £87 per week*                            available for students with special or mobility needs.
  • Coleraine £72 per week*                              Students seeking more independence may choose to
  • Magee £73 per week*                                  live in leased accommodation in the nearby seaside
  (*Correct at time of print)                            town of Portstewart. The University allocates and
                                                         manages this accommodation.
Ulster University, Belfast
If you are studying at the Belfast campus you can        E: accommodationc@ulster.ac.uk
apply to live in University accommodation at the            : Residential Services Coleraine

Jordanstown campus. There are excellent rail, bus and
taxi links between these campuses. Alternatively, you
may consider private accommodation.
                                                         The teaching is really
Ulster University, Jordanstown                           good and the lecturers are
Most of the accommodation in our on-campus
student village comprises five-bedroom, en-suite         genuinely interested in
apartments with high-speed broadband and WiFi            your education, which is
connections with shared kitchen/dining facilities. If
you require a bigger space you can rent self-contained   a really important factor.
apartments on-campus. We provide adapted accessible      They’re always available
accommodation for students with disabilities. There
are a few houses and apartments available on-campus      to help you out and will     “
which have a shared bathroom facility and kitchen/       always do everything
living dining areas between five or six residents.
                                                         they can for you.
E: accommodationj@ulster.ac.uk
   : Residential Services Jordanstown                    Andrew Murray
30   ulster.ac.uk                                                                                                     Undergraduate Prospectus 2019-2020   31
                                                                                                                      Your Ulster experience

Learning that
works with your life
Whatever your ambition, we will offer a way of              Access to higher education
studying that works with your life, with flexibility        If you are returning to education and do not currently
and convenience in mind.                                    have the qualifications to apply for our undergraduate
                                                            degrees, you can enrol on one of our validated Access
Our community of learners study at undergraduate            courses at a local college. To find out more, contact
and postgraduate levels, including doctorates, on           your local further education college.
full-time and part-time courses, some of which are
delivered fully online.                                     Foundation degrees
                                                            Ulster validates a range of foundation degrees at local
Part-time study                                             partner colleges. These qualifications are a great way
Part-time study gives you the flexibility to balance        of studying for a vocational qualification to improve
your personal commitments with your learning.               your employability or as a means of progressing to
Depending on the course, you may be taught on               university. Graduates from our foundation degrees
campus, entirely online or a combination of both –          typically start on year two of our undergraduate
often called ‘blended’ learning. You will receive the       degree programmes.
same teaching, excellent support and use the same           W: ulster.ac.uk/ulster-life/study-at-ulster
facilities as full-time students. In most cases you will       /associate-students
be taught alongside full-time students.
W: ulster.ac.uk/part-time

eLearning courses offer flexibility enabling you to
study at your own pace, any place and any time. Our
graduates come from around the world, all walks of life
and have studied a variety of subjects.
W: ulster.ac.uk/elearning

Lifelong learning
We provide high-quality short courses for everyone.
Whether you want to improve your job prospects,
learn new skills, get a qualification or develop
workplace training, we can help. We have a wide range
of learning opportunities available at affordable prices.
W: ulster.ac.uk/ulster-life/study-at-ulster/short-courses
32   ulster.ac.uk   Undergraduate Prospectus 2019-2020                                                         33
                    Your Ulster experience

                                                         Your learning
                                                         Studying at university is not the same as studying at
                                                         school. The main difference is that you are expected
                                                         to study independently – to organise your time to
                                                         study effectively by deciding which materials to
                                                         study and how. You will be required to read about
                                                         your subject (reading lists are generally provided,
                                                         particularly in the first year), prepare for seminars
                                                         and complete assignments. You will have a studies
                                                         adviser to support you, but remember to keep staff
                                                         informed if you are having any difficulties.

                                                         Academic year
                                                         The academic year is divided into two semesters for
                                                         most students (some students, e.g. nursing, have a
                                                         longer academic year). The first semester runs from
                                                         September until mid-January and the second from late
                                                         January to May. Each semester comprises 12 weeks
                                                         of teaching followed by an exam period. Full-time
                                                         students will typically study three modules in each
                                                         semester (18 modules of study make up a standard
                                                         three-year degree programme). Most modules are
                                                         assessed through coursework and/or exams. The first-
                                                         semester exams are in early January and the second-
                                                         semester exams are in May.

                                                         Lectures, seminars and tutorials
                                                         Teaching is delivered through lectures, seminars and
                                                         tutorials, and sometimes practicals and fieldwork.
                                                         Lectures are formal teaching sessions, often with
                                                         a larger group of students. Seminars, which usually
                                                         provide a form of follow-up to lectures, take place in
                                                         smaller groups and are often used to promote group

                                                         discussion about a specific topic. In tutorials, a small
                                                         number of students meet with a tutor to discuss work
                                                         and to raise points of particular interest or difficulty.
                    Ulster in three            “         Work placement or study abroad
                    words… Empowering,                   You may have the opportunity to go on work
                    fulfilling and fun!                  experience or study abroad during your third year.
                                                         For some medical-related courses, you will be required
                    Rebecca Hunt                         to undertake block work placements throughout the
                    Health and Social Care               course.
34   ulster.ac.uk                                                                                                           Undergraduate Prospectus 2019-2020   35
                                                                                                                            Your Ulster experience

Be part of the team
Sport is an important part of life at Ulster and               Our sports centres have it all, including state-of-the-art
many of our students play for ‘Team Ulster’ in                 fitness studios, a wide range of classes, multi-sport
social, friendly and competitive sport every day.              indoor and outdoor facilities, and fully trained fitness
Whether you are an athlete or a beginner, everyone can
benefit from our world-class sporting and recreational         FIND OUT MORE
facilities, which are available at affordable student rates,   W: ulster.ac.uk/sport
including membership and pay as you go options.

 Coleraine                                 Jordanstown                            Magee
 • Fitness suite                           • Indoor 3G artificial pitch           • Multi purpose indoor sports hall
 •	Strength and conditioning              •	Health suite (including sauna,      • Fitness suite
    suites                                    steam room, jacuzzi, plunge
                                                                                  • Spin cycle studio
 • Two multi-purpose sports halls             pool)
                                           •	Indoor and outdoor athletics        •	Acupressure and sports massage
 • Steam room and sauna                                                              room
 • Sports pavilion
                                           • Two sports halls                     • Exercise and fitness studio
 • Four artificial grass tennis courts     • Gymnasium                            • 3G floodlit pitch
 • Six football pitches                    • Two squash courts
                                                                                  • Grass pitch
 • Three pitches for Gaelic sports         •	Two strength and conditioning
 • 3G pitch                                   suites
                                           • Acclimatisation chamber
 • Two rugby pitches
                                           • Three tennis courts
 • Multi sports area
                                           • Floodlit outdoor 3G pitch
                                           •	Floodlit water-based synthetic
                                              grass hockey pitch
                                           • Technogym wellness suite

Talented Athlete Entry Scheme
At Ulster University we understand the dedication
and commitment it takes to compete at the
highest level. Hours of training, intense regimes and
competitions can sometimes mean a sacrifice in
examination performance.

The Talented Athlete Entry Scheme is designed to
support and nurture aspiring athletes by reducing
the entry grades required for full-time undergraduate

W: ulster.ac.uk/sport/performance-sport/
36   ulster.ac.uk   Undergraduate Prospectus 2019-2020                                                                                 37
                    Your Ulster experience

                    Making the
                    most of
                    student life
                    Once you register to study at Ulster University,              Clubs and societies
                    you automatically become a member of the Ulster               Open to all Ulster students, clubs and societies are an
                    University Students’ Union (UUSU). The Union looks            integral part of the Students’ Union. There is a wide
                    after the interests of students and is represented            range of activities on offer where you can meet new
                    across all Ulster campuses.                                   people, have fun and try something new, all at the
                                                                                  same time. Clubs and societies are also a great way
                    The Union is the focus of entertainment on each campus        to get valuable experience and skills to enhance your
                    and organises social events, trips and activities to ensure   CV. Whether you are interested in athletics, comic
                    you have an unforgettable experience at Ulster.               books, debating, politics or surfing (and everything in
                                                                                  between), get involved.
                    Student voice
                    The Union represents the student population on every          UUSU Enterprise
                    University committee, ensuring the student voice is           UUSU Enterprise offers advice and guidance to help
                    always heard – an important way for us to get feedback        you get your business idea up and running, from
                    on our teaching and facilities. The Students’ Union also      developing a business plan to sourcing funding. There
                    runs the course rep system at the University. Being a         are a range of opportunities and competitions on offer
                    course rep is a great addition to your CV.                    for you to get involved.

                    Supporting you                                                FIND OUT MORE
                    The Students’ Union is an important part of our student       W: uusu.org
                    support network. You can receive free, confidential            : Ulster SU
                    advice and information on any issue or aspect of               : @UUSU

                    student life at Ulster. Site vice-presidents can advise you
                    on issues such as study, accommodation, how to deal
                    with stress or anything else that affects your ability to
                    make the most of your student experience.                     Attending Ulster for my undergraduate
                                                                                  and postgraduate degrees has shaped
                                                                                  my career as an optometrist. The world-
                                                                                  class teaching and research facilities,
                                                                                  coupled with the supportive learning
                                                                                  environment created by staff made
                                                                                  Ulster the ideal place to study.

                                                                                  Pádraig Mulholland
                                                                                  Optometry/Vision Science
38   ulster.ac.uk                                                                                                      Undergraduate Prospectus
                                                                                                                                                      Prospectus 2019-2020   39
                                                                                                                                     Your Ulster experience

Here to
support you
Life as a student is exciting but it can also be             Concerned or worried?
demanding. You may face personal challenges                  You can drop into the Student Support office on your
and that’s where we can help. We offer a range of            campus, or contact us by telephone or email. A triage
services to ensure you make the most of your time at         service is available to assess your needs on your first
Ulster University. Our professional services are free,       visit and we will make an appointment with one of our
confidential and inclusive for all Ulster students.          specialist advisers if you need further consultation.

Health and wellbeing                                         FIND OUT MORE
We provide advice and guidance for many student              T: +44 (0)28 9536 7000
concerns, such as academic issues, coping with stress,       E: studentsupport@ulster.ac.uk
family or relationship problems, and loneliness or           W: ulster.ac.uk/studentsupport
isolation. We want to ensure you take good care of              : ulsteruniversitystudentsupport
yourself, both physically and emotionally.                      : @UlsterStuSupp

Financial matters                                            Belfast campus (Room BA-02-034)
Our team can help you to budget and manage your              Coleraine campus (Room E023)
money, as well as offer advice on financial matters          Jordanstown campus (Room 15G20A)
including tuition fees, bursaries and access to financial    Magee campus (Room MG108G)
                                                             Opening hours are Monday to Thursday, 8.45am to
Disabilities and medical conditions                          5pm and Friday, 8.45am to 4pm.
If you have a disability, please get in touch as soon
as you apply for a place to study. Our AccessAbility
team will advise you on the support and funding
available if you have a diagnosed disability or medical
condition, mental health difficulties or specific learning
difficulties (e.g. ADHD, dyslexia).

All Ulster University students can access face-to-face
counselling support from a trained counsellor, on or off
campus. A confidential 24/7 counselling helpline is also
40   ulster.ac.uk   Undergraduate Prospectus 2019-2020        41
                    Applying to Ulster

                                                  to Ulster
42   ulster.ac.uk                                                                                                      Undergraduate Prospectus 2019-2020   43
                                                                                                                       Applying to Ulster

to Ulster
Applications to full-time undergraduate courses             You are encouraged to provide details of all
are submitted online through the Universities               qualifications you are studying in your application,
and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). UCAS                as they may be considered should you not meet the
has a range of deadlines for different categories           conditions set out in your offer.
of applicants and course choices. Visit the UCAS
website for more details.                                   Course requirements
                                                            Some courses will ask for specific achievement in
FIND OUT MORE                                               certain subjects, particularly where that subject forms
W: ucas.ac.uk                                               a major part of your degree. Check the course entry
                                                            online for details of subject specific qualifications
Applications to most full-time courses should normally      such as GCSE, A level, BTEC or Irish Leaving Certificate
be submitted by the main UCAS deadline of 15                grades.
January in the year of entry. The deadline for art and
design courses is 24 March. Applications can still be       Additional requirements
made after the deadline but will only be considered if      As part of your entry requirements you may also be
there are vacancies available.                              asked to attend an interview or audition, present a
                                                            portfolio of work or sit a test.
Applications to part-time undergraduate courses must
be made online through the Ulster University website.       If you are applying to study any of the following
                                                            degree courses: Diagnostic Radiography and Imaging;
FIND OUT MORE                                               Dietetics; Occupational Therapy; Physiotherapy;
W: ulster.ac.uk/apply                                       Podiatry; Radiotherapy and Oncology; and Speech
                                                            and Language Therapy, you will be required to sit the
UCAS tariff                                                 Health Professions Admission Test (HPAT-Ulster).
We will make a graded offer rather than use the UCAS
tariff to express entry requirements. This is to ensure     Satisfactory attainment in this test (together with
that the offer being made to you is clear and relevant      other academic requirements) is required for entry
to the qualifications you are studying.                     onto the listed courses.

We recognise a wide range of qualifications including       FIND OUT MORE
GCE A level, BTEC, Irish Leaving Certificate, Access or a   W: hpat-ulster.acer.edu.au
combination of these qualifications. Please refer to the
Equivalence of Qualification table on p44 for further
44    ulster.ac.uk                                                                                                                                  Undergraduate Prospectus 2019-2020                                                                                              45
                                                                                                                                                    Applying to Ulster

Equivalence of qualifications
The table below outlines indicative equivalencies to operate for entry in 2018. Please refer to the online
prospectus at ulster.ac.uk for entry requirements for any particular course.                                                                          BTEC Level 3
                                                                                                                                                                           A level           Overall BTEC Award Grade                             Level 3 Unit Profile

                                                                                                                                                                            A*A*A*        Distinction*, Distinction*, Distinction*        To include a minimum of 15 Distinctions
 GCE or Applied
                           AAA             AAB              ABB              BBB         BBC               BCC          CCC              CCD
 A levels (grades)                                                                                                                                                           A*A*A        Distinction, Distinction*, Distinction*         To include a minimum of 14 Distinctions

                                                                                                                                                                             A*AA          Distinction, Distinction, Distinction*         To include a minimum of 13 Distinctions
 Two A levels plus
 BTEC Subsidiary                                                                                                                                                             AAA           Distinction, Distinction, Distinction          To include a minimum of 12 Distinctions
                         AA plus D       AA plus D         AB plus D       BB plus D   BB plus M         BC plus M    CC plus M         CC plus M
 National                                                                                                                                               National
                                                                                                                                                                             AAB           Distinction, Distinction, Distinction          To include a minimum of 11 Distinctions
 Extended                                                                                                                                               Extended
                                                                                                                                                        Diploma              ABB              Distinction, Distinction, Merit             To include a minimum of 10 Distinctions

 A level plus
                                                                                                                                                      (180 credits)
                                                                                                                                                                             BBB              Distinction, Distinction, Merit             To include a minimum of 9 Distinctions
 BTEC National           DD plus A       DD plus B         DD plus B       DM plus B   DM plus C         DM plus C    MM plus C      MM plus D
 Diploma*                                                                                                                                                                    BBC                 Distinction, Merit, Merit                To include a minimum of 8 Distinctions

 BTEC National                                                                                                                                                               BCC                 Distinction, Merit, Merit                To include a minimum of 7 Distinctions
 Extended                   DDD             DDD              DDM             DDM         DMM               DMM          MMM              MMM
 Diploma*                                                                                                                                                                    CCC                    Merit, Merit, Merit                     To include a minimum of 15 Merits

                                                                                                                                                                             CCD                    Merit, Merit, Merit                     To include a minimum of 13 Merits
 International            Min. 29         Min. 28         Min. 27       Min. 26         Min. 25       Min. 24          Min. 24        Min. 24
                         points (14      points (14      points (13    points (13      points (12    points (12       points (12     points (12
 Baccalaureate                                                                                                                                                               A*A*               Distinction*, Distinction*                To include a minimum of 10 Distinctions
                         at higher       at higher       at higher     at higher       at higher     at higher        at higher      at higher
 (points)                  level)          level)          level)        level)          level)        level)           level)         level)
                                                                                                                                                                              A*A                Distinction, Distinction*                To include a minimum of 9 Distinctions
 Irish Leaving                                                                                                                                                                AA                 Distinction, Distinction                 To include a minimum of 8 Distinctions
 Certificate              Min. H2,       Min. H2,        Min. H2,       Min. H3,        Min. H3,      Min. H3,        Min. H3,        Min. H4,
                         H2, H2, H2,    H2, H2, H3,     H3, H3, H3,    H3, H3, H3,     H3, H3, H3,   H3, H3, H4,     H4, H4, H4,     H4, H4, H4,        National
 (Higher level               H3             H3              H3             H3              H4            H4              H4              H4                                   AB                 Distinction, Distinction                 To include a minimum of 7 Distinctions
 grades)                                                                                                                                                Diploma
                                                                                                                                                      (120 credits)           BB                    Distinction, Merit                    To include a minimum of 6 Distinctions
                                                                                                                                                                              BC                    Distinction, Merit                    To include a minimum of 5 Distinctions
 Degree                     70%             65%              60%             55%          50%              45%           40%              40%                                 CC                       Merit, Merit                         To include a minimum of 10 Merits
 (Overall percentage
 in level 5 modules)                                                                                                                                                          CD                       Merit, Merit                          To include a minimum of 9 Merits

 Access                                                                                                                                                                       A*                       Distinction*                       To include a minimum of 5 Distinctions
                            75%                              70%                                   65%                            60%                    Diploma/              A                        Distinction                       To include a minimum of 4 Distinctions
 (N. Ireland awards)                                                                                                                                                           B                        Distinction                       To include a minimum of 3 Distinctions
 HNC                                                                                                                                                   Certificate             C                           Merit                             To include a minimum of 5 Merits
 Please note:                                                                                                                                          (60 credits)
 Performance in                                      Overall Distinction                                             Overall Merit                                            D                            Merit                             To include a minimum of 4 Merits
 level 4 units/credits
 may be specified
 Please note:                                                                                                                            Overall    GCSE: Grade C equivalences - ILC Ordinary = O4, GB = 4. Grade         Foundation degree applicants will normally be considered
 Performance in                      Overall Distinction                                     Overall Merit
 level 5 units/credits
                                                                                                                                          Pass      B equivalences - ILC Ordinary = O3, GB = 5 or 6 (Determined           for entry to an associated honours degree (normally year
 may be specified                                                                                                                                   on a course basis. See online prospectus.)                            two entry, or part-time equivalent).
                                                                                                                                                    BTEC level 3 qualifications: Offers will be expressed in terms        For HNDs and foundation degrees the same entrance
                                                                                                                                                    of Overall Award Grade(s) to include a Unit Profile. Please see       requirement applies regardless of the point of entry.
Applicants should include all qualifications they are taking in the Qualification section of their UCAS application.                                table for specific details. The 90 Credit Diploma/National            Other qualifications: We welcome applications from
*Please note: Additional unit profile requirements are stipulated for BTEC level 3 awards - see BTEC table on following page.                       Foundation Diploma will be considered as equivalent to one            international applicants and those who may be studying
                                                                                                                                                    and a half A levels.                                                  a UK Benchmark Qualification not shown. We will consider
                                                                                                                                                    HNC: Candidates will be considered for year one entry only.           such applications on an individual basis. Whilst we will
                                                                                                                                                    HND: Candidates may be considered for year two entry                  consider your entire academic profile we normally make
                                                                                                                                                    (or part-time equivalent) where the curriculum sufficiently           offers in terms of benchmark qualifications.
                                                                                                                                                    matches that of the Ulster University full-time year one              In all qualifications specific requirements in individual
                                                                                                                                                    course.                                                               subjects/units/credits may be required.
46    ulster.ac.uk                                                                                                    Undergraduate Prospectus 2019-2020   47
                                                                                                                       Applying to Ulster

General entrance
The general entrance requirements identify the             To be eligible to apply you must:
minimum qualifications needed for application to a
course at Ulster University.                               1. Provide evidence of competence in written and
                                                               spoken English (GCSE English Language grades A-C/
They set out the range of the most commonly offered            4-9 or equivalent); and
acceptable qualifications but do not identify where
                                                           2. Provide evidence of passes in five subjects, two of
particular subjects are needed for specific courses, nor
                                                               which must be at A level (grades A-E) and three at
do they represent the actual offer standard or ‘asking
                                                               GCSE level* (grades A-C/4-9);
grades’, which are normally higher than the minimum
threshold standard of a pass grade.                        3. Provide evidence of passes in four subjects, three
                                                               of which must be at A level (grades A-E) and one at
This is particularly the case for full-time study where
                                                               GCSE level* (grades A-C/4-9); or
the offer grades are affected by the availability of
places on the course and the level of demand.              4. Provide evidence of an approved qualification at an
                                                               equivalent level such as Access to Higher Education
The summary below refers to honours degrees. In
                                                               qualification or equivalent**; or
practice, with regard to A levels, no full-time honours
degree will accept fewer than three A level subjects       5. Provide evidence, for a process of formal
unless presented in combination with other Level 3             accreditation by the University, of learning you have
qualifications deemed acceptable by the University.            gained through work or other experience.
The Equivalence of Qualification table lists the           * GCSE English Language (grades A-C/4-9) may be used
most commonly accepted qualifications and                  as part of the GCSE requirement.
equivalent asking grades. You should refer to the          ** Please refer to the Equivalence of Qualification
online prospectus at ulster.ac.uk for specific entry       table for the most common alternative Level 3
requirements to individual courses.                        qualifications.
Entry requirements for part-time courses vary. Some        Note: Advanced Subsidiary (AS) level subjects, are
have identical entry requirements to the full-time         regarded as 40% of one GCE A level, provided that your
version of the same course, whilst others will vary from   profile also contains two GCE A levels or equivalent.
those of the full-time version.
                                                           FIND OUT MORE
It is important to refer to the online prospectus and/
                                                           W: ulster.ac.uk/apply/entrance-requirements
or to contact the course team before making an
application for study.                                     Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning
                                                           Learning you have gained from work or other
                                                           experience may be used to demonstrate your ability to
                                                           study your chosen course. You must provide evidence
                                                           of some reasonably substantial and significant
                                                           element of learning for a process of formal assessment
                                                           and accreditation by the University.
                                                           You may be required to attend an interview and/
                                                           or submit a portfolio of evidence. (Contact the
                                                           Admissions Service about your chosen course
                                                           for more information.)
48    ulster.ac.uk                                                                                                          Undergraduate Prospectus 2019-2020                                                                                               49
                                                                                                                            Applying to Ulster

Fees and funding
Finances are an important consideration for                      As a Republic of Ireland student, you can transfer your    Part-time study                                             * Correct at the time of publishing. Fees illustrated are based on 18/19
students. As an Ulster University student you can                maintenance awards to Northern Ireland.                    Our typical fee for a part-time degree is £5,470* in        entry and are subject to an annual increase. Please visit ulster.ac.uk/
take advantage of our competitive fees, affordable                                                                          total (18/19 entry). Studying part-time gives you the       finance/student/tuition-fees-rates/tuition-fees-201819 for full
                                                                 FIND OUT MORE                                                                                                          details of fees. Annual part-time fees are based on the number of
locations and flexible payment options.                                                                                     flexibility to learn and pay at your own pace. Part-time
                                                                                                                                                                                        modules you study each year (you only pay for the modules you
                                                                 W: studentfinance.ie                                       students typically complete their studies over five to
Full-time undergraduate fees for home and EU                                                                                seven years.
students (excluding England, Scotland and Wales) are             Tuition fees for students from England, Scotland and                                                                   ** Five-month payment plan is paid by direct debit. Ten-month payment
determined by the Department for the Economy and                 Wales are £9,250* per year (18/19 entry) for full-time     Part-time tuition fee loans are available. Visit            plan is paid by a Recurring Card Payment plan (credit/debit card).
are normally increased annually.                                 undergraduate courses, integrated master’s and             studentfinanceni.co.uk for full details.
                                                                 equivalent. Discounts are available. Visit ulster.ac.uk/                                                               FIND OUT MORE
Visit ulster.ac.uk for up-to-date information on tuition fees.   findoutmore for details. Fees do not have to be paid       Flexible payment                                            W: ulster.ac.uk/apply/fees-and-finance
                                                                 up front – a tuition fees loan can be taken out and you    To help spread the cost of your studies, part-time
Fees do not have to be paid up-front – a tuition fees            can defer payment until you have graduated and are         tuition fees can be paid back in monthly instalments        Department of Health funded courses
loan can be taken out and you can defer payment until            in employment. Funding arrangements for students           while you learn.                                            Following the issue of guidance by the Department of
you have graduated and are in employment. Northern               from England, Scotland and Wales may vary.                                                                             Health, the tuition fee for the following courses is fully
Ireland students can also apply for maintenance loans,                                                                      If you study for a part-time degree, you can pay your       funded by the Department of Health for students who
government grants (part-time students only) and                  FIND OUT MORE                                              fees up-front or in either five** or ten** equal monthly    have been habitually resident in Northern Ireland for
University bursaries.                                            Student Finance England                                    payments during each year of study.                         three years prior to the commencement of the course,
                                                                 W: direct.gov.uk                                                                                                       and students from EU countries (excluding England,
Some courses may have additional costs which are                                                                            Up-front payment discount                                   Scotland and Wales):
not included in your tuition fee. Check the individual           Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS)                  Part-time students can take advantage of a payment
programme specification for details.                             W: saas.gov.uk/student_support                             discount. If you pay the full cost of your annual fees at   Diagnostic Radiography and Imaging; Dietetics;
                                                                                                                            enrolment you will receive a five percent discount. This    Occupational Therapy; Physiotherapy; Podiatry;
FIND OUT MORE                                                    Student Finance Wales                                      offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other          Radiotherapy and Oncology; Speech and Language
W: ulster.ac.uk/apply/fees-and-finance                           W: studentfinancewales.co.uk                               discount, offer or scholarship.                             Therapy; and Nursing (Adult/Mental Health).
W: studentfinanceni.co.uk
50   ulster.ac.uk   Undergraduate Prospectus 2019-2020     51
                    Faculties at Ulster

                                               at Ulster
52    ulster.ac.uk                                                                                               Undergraduate Prospectus 2019-2020   53
                                                                                                                 Faculties at Ulster

Faculty of Arts,
Humanities and
Social Sciences
The Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences     We are home to the award-winning Ulster University
offers courses on all four of Ulster’s campuses,        Law Clinic and the Transitional Justice Institute,
across six schools:                                     the world’s first academic research centre on
                                                        transitional justice.
•   Belfast School of Art
•   School of Applied Social and Policy Sciences        We are a research-intensive faculty and our teaching
•   School of Arts and Humanities                       is inspired by the range and depth of our scholarship.
•   School of Communication and Media                   Our innovative curriculum, developed and delivered
•   School of Education                                 by staff who share your passion for learning, will
•   School of Law                                       challenge and change you.

We place a strong emphasis on professional              FIND OUT MORE
accreditation, work-based learning and employability,   W: ulster.ac.uk/faculties/arts-humanities-and-
to equip you with the necessary skills and              social-sciences
qualifications to gain a competitive edge in your
future career.
54   ulster.ac.uk                                                                                             Undergraduate Prospectus 2019-2020   55
                                                                                                              Faculties at Ulster

Faculty of
and the Built
The Faculty of Computing, Engineering and the             Sponsored scholarships and prizes further
Built Environment consists of four schools, offering      demonstrate the relevance of our courses and the
industry-informed, professionally recognised              quality of our students.
courses. These include:
                                                          Numerous opportunities for personal development
• Belfast School of Architecture                          exist such as Ulster’s EDGE Award, Tutoring in
  and the Built Environment                               Schools, mentoring and class representation, STEM
• School of Computing                                     Ambassadorships, Athena Swan champions, peer-
• School of Computing, Engineering                        mentoring and widening access partnerships.
  and Intelligent Systems
• School of Engineering                                   FIND OUT MORE
                                                          W: ulster.ac.uk/cebe
With the Faculty having developed strong industry
partnerships in both teaching and research, students
on placement gain invaluable experience and on
successful completion will be awarded an additional

The number of professional occupations relating to STEM
(Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) also means
employment opportunities in this sector are excellent.
56     ulster.ac.uk                                                                                              Undergraduate Prospectus 2019-2020   57
                                                                                                                 Faculties at Ulster

Faculty of
Life and Health
As a leading provider of health-related education,       You will grow in an environment where knowledge and
Ulster’s Faculty of Life and Health Sciences has a       skills are generated, challenged, tested and applied.
strong portfolio of accredited degree programmes
covering seven exciting yet diverse disciplines:         Through the integration of placement opportunities
                                                         across a wide range of health, medical and industrial
•    Biomedical Sciences                                 settings in the UK, Ireland and further afield, you
•    Geography and Environmental Sciences                will gain a competitive edge at Ulster. Whether you
•    Health Sciences                                     choose a one-year placement, or are rotating in
•    Nursing                                             clinical settings, you will have the opportunity to
•    Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences                enhance your professional practice and develop unique
•    Psychology                                          employability skills.
•    Sport
                                                         FIND OUT MORE
Well-established links with government and the public    W: ulster.ac.uk/lhs
and private sectors play an important role in the
design of our high-quality scientific provision.

Whichever discipline you undertake, you will benefit
from state-of-the-art facilities and multidisciplinary
teaching, informed by world-leading research.
58   ulster.ac.uk                                                                                               Undergraduate Prospectus 2019-2020   59
                                                                                                                Faculties at Ulster

Business School
Ulster University Business School (UUBS) is              We work hard to ensure employability is at the
entrepreneurial and dynamic. With approximately 120      centre of the student learning experience and have
academic staff and more than 6,000 students, we are      built strong links with a number of internationally-
one of the largest providers of university-accredited    recognised professional bodies who accredit and
business and management education in Britain and         quality-assure our courses.
Ireland. Our degree programmes are shaped by our
world-leading research, the impact of which was          FIND OUT MORE
ranked 7th out of 101 business schools in the Research   W: ulster.ac.uk/uubs
Excellence Framework (REF 2014).

We also work with some of Ireland’s biggest
companies and have nurtured strong relationships
with a variety of businesses and organisations to
provide a broad range of invaluable opportunities and
work experience to students.
60   ulster.ac.uk   Undergraduate Prospectus 2019-2020   61
                    Welcomeat Ulster University

                            at Ulster
62   ulster.ac.uk                                                     Undergraduate Prospectus 2019-2020                                                                                                           63
                                                                      Courses at Ulster University

                                                                      Accounting (Pathways)                                                   Accounting and Law
                                                                      BSc Hons                                                                BSc Hons

                                                                      UCAS code: N400                                                         UCAS code: NM41
                                                                      Campus: Jordanstown                                         Full-time    Campus: Jordanstown                                         Full-time

                                                                      Ulster University Business School                                       Ulster University Business School                                         A

                                                                      IMPORTANT NOTICE – CAMPUS CHANGE                                        IMPORTANT NOTICE – CAMPUS CHANGE
                                                                      This course will move to the Belfast campus. Students will change       This course will move to the Belfast campus. Students will change
                                                                      campus part way through this course.                                    campus part way through this course.

                                                                       ABOUT THIS COURSE                                                        ABOUT THIS COURSE
                                                                       The BSc Hons Accounting (Pathways) is an innovative suite                This is a four-year course with an equal weighting of accounting
                                                                       of pathways that offers you the opportunity to progress your             and law modules covered each year. It also has the option of a
                                                                       studies within the fast growing areas of professional services.          placement year. The degree produces graduates who have both
                                                                       You will be able to graduate with one of the following awards:           a qualifying law degree and significant professional exemptions
                                                                       BSc Hons Accounting; BSc Hons Accounting (Forensic Services);            from parts of the professional examinations of the major
                                                                       BSc Hons Accounting (Financial Economics); or BSc Hons                   accounting bodies.
                                                                       Accounting (Management Consulting). This suite of pathways
                                                                       offers you high quality teaching, expertise in accounting,               It is accredited by Chartered Accountants Ireland (CAI), the
                                                                       forensic, economics and financial services and well-established          Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and the
                                                                       links with the accounting professional bodies, key graduate              Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA). It is also
                                                                       employers, public sector and local industry.                             recognised by the Joint Academic Stage Board for England and
                                                                                                                                                Wales (JASB) and the Law Society and Bar Council of Northern
                                                                       This programme has been designed to broaden your                         Ireland.
                                                                       opportunities in accounting and utilise our high-level employer
                                                                       links to ensure you get excellent employment opportunities. The          This degree is of interest to those wishing to pursue careers in
                                                                       programme has been accredited by UK and Ireland professional             accounting (auditing, taxation, insolvency and forensics) and
                                                                       accounting bodies, Chartered Accountants Ireland (CAI), the              law (knowledge of business and taxation issues influence legal
                                                                       Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales                  advice given about probate, divorce settlements). Students may
                                                                       (ICAEW), the Association of Chartered Accountants (ACCA) and             progress to a Postgraduate Diploma or Master’s in Advanced
                                                                       the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA).                Accounting, which is unique to Ulster in Ireland. As this course is
                                                                       You have the opportunity to gain maximum exemptions from                 dedicated to Chartered Accountants Ireland, all CAP1 exemptions
                                                                       professional examinations depending on the pathway selected              must be in place before enrolment. For those wishing to pursue
                                                                       for study and the final module mark achieved.                            their law studies, there is the LLM in Human Rights Law and
                                                                       As a graduate, you may take up a position as an accounting               Transitional Justice and the LLM in Human Rights Law and Peace
                                                                       practitioner providing audit, accountancy, forensic services and         Building.
                                                                       taxation services to a variety of businesses and individuals. You
                                                                       could also avail of many accounting and finance roles in any             The aim of this degree is to produce professionally focused
                                                                       type of business such as financial or management accountant              graduates who have an in-depth knowledge of the theory and
                                                                       in a large commercial enterprise or within central or local              practice of accounting and law. The degree prepares students for
                                                                       government, a taxation specialist, a management consultant or            a career in accountancy (specialising in those areas which require
                                                                       an educationalist.                                                       a more in-depth knowledge of law, such as forensic accounting,
                                                                                                                                                taxation and business recovery); a career in law (in particular,
                                                                       ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                                       corporate law); and/or postgraduate studies in accounting, law or
                                                                                                                                                cognate disciplines.
                                                                       Refer to the University’s General Entrance Requirements.
                                                                       A level: ABB or BBB                                                      ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
                                                                       (If applying with A level Maths, the tariff is a minimum BBB)            Refer to the University’s General Entrance Requirements.
                                                                       GCSE: Maths (minimum grade B)                                            A level: ABB or BBB
                                                                       Visit the online prospectus at ulster.ac.uk for further details.         (If applying with A level Maths, the tariff is a minimum BBB)
                                                                                                                                                GCSE: Maths (minimum grade B)
                                                                                                                                                Visit the online prospectus at ulster.ac.uk for further details.
                    Visit ulster.ac.uk for full entry requirements.
                     Applications to part-time courses are made
                      directly to the University at ulster.ac.uk.
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