Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas - Children's & Teens' Almanac 2021 - The Connection ...

Page created by Alfredo Malone
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas - Children's & Teens' Almanac 2021 - The Connection ...
The Little Farms Garden Club of Potomac
                                                             continues a tradition started in 1978,
                                                             decorating the Great Falls Tavern for the
                                                             holidays. This season, the greens and
                                                             bows went up on Dec. 7. Page

                                                 Children’s & Teens’
                                                   Almanac 2021
Photo by Debbie Stevens

                               Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas
                          December 15-21, 2021                               online at potomacalmanac.com
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas - Children's & Teens' Almanac 2021 - The Connection ...



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                                                                                                                                                    Gle                                               Photos by Deb Stevens/The Almanac

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       7 12609 Greenbriar Road — $1,910,000          8 11300 Palatine Drive — $1,725,000                                                                                                                                                      5

                 September, 2021 Top Sales
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        In September, 2021, 61 Potomac homes sold between $4,900,000-$357,500.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2 9701 Spicewood Lane
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            — $2,425,000

         6 9814 Hall Road
         — $2,100,000

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 1 9819 Newhall Road
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 — $4,900,000

                                                          Address..................................BR FB HB Postal City .....Sold Price... Type ........Lot AC . Postal Code ... Subdivision....... Date Sold

                                                           1 9819 NEWHALL RD ............. 6 ... 6 ...2 ....POTOMAC . $4,900,000 ... Detached .. 1.08........ 20854 .POTOMAC OUTSIDE 09/15/21

                                                           2 9701 SPICEWOOD LN ......... 6 ... 7 ...2 ....POTOMAC . $2,425,000 ... Detached .. 2.09........ 20854 .....FALCONHURST .... 09/30/21
                                                           3 10821 TULIP LN .................. 7 ... 6 ...2 ....POTOMAC . $2,318,000 ... Detached .. 3.39........ 20854 .........POTOMAC ........ 09/27/21

                                                           4 9809 BENTCROSS DR.......... 6 ... 6 ...2 ....POTOMAC . $2,200,000 ... Detached .. 2.01........ 20854 .....FALCONHURST .... 09/15/21
                                                           5   9204 POTOMAC SCHOOL DR 7 ... 7 ...1 ....POTOMAC . $2,195,000 ... Detached .. 0.45........ 20854 ...........AVENEL .......... 09/27/21

                                                           6 9814 HALL RD ..................... 5 ... 6 ...3 ....POTOMAC . $2,100,000 ... Detached .. 0.46........ 20854 .... HERITAGE FARM.... 09/30/21

                                                           7 12609 GREENBRIAR RD ...... 5 ... 5 ...2 ....POTOMAC . $1,910,000 ... Detached .. 2.00........ 20854 ........... PALATINE ........ 09/27/21
                                                           8 11300 PALATINE DR ........... 7 ... 6 ...0 ....POTOMAC . $1,725,000 ... Detached .. 2.00........ 20854 ......... PALATINE ........ 09/13/21
                                                                             Copyright 2021 Mark etStats for ShowingTime. Source: Bright MLS as of September 30, 2021
          5 9204 Potomac School Drive — $2,195,000                    http://www.connectionnewspapers.com/news/2021/oct/29/potomac-home-sales-september-2021/

    2 v Potomac Almanac v December 15-21, 2021                                                                                                                                                      www.ConnectionNewspapers.com
v Potomac Almanac v July 28 - August 3, 2021                                                                                                                                                 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas - Children's & Teens' Almanac 2021 - The Connection ...
                           2021 Children’s and Teens’ Almanac
                            elcome to our 2021 Children’s       print out pages from the PDFs or take a digi-       goal of $50,000. PPP funding, “forgivable          of an international journalism legend, Kemal
                            Almanac sections. While sub-        tal copy to a photo center to print out larger,     loans,” made our survival possible. Now we         Kurspahic, who served as managing editor
                            missions were still short of        high resolution copies of your child’s art if       are still hoping for a grant from Rebuild Vir-     and guiding light for decades. Kemal died
                            the pre-pandemic avalanche          you desire many copies.                             ginia to help get us into 2022. We applied         tragically and unexpectedly this fall, having a
             of children’s and teens’ art and writing, in          It feels like a small, or not so small, mir-     almost a year ago, but it seems possible that      stroke after minor surgery. We miss him dai-
             2021 students have delivered a delightful,         acle to have made it to the end of 2021             our application might be reviewed while            ly. Keeping everything going has been harder
             sometimes unusual, panoply of expression.          and be looking forward into the New Year.           there is still money in the fund.                  since. You can read Kemal’s obituary here:
       495   I’ve enjoyed the art and writing as we’ve          The pandemic has been a bear, financially             I think we can be characterized as patho-        http://www.connectionnewspapers.com/
             downloaded it over many many hours in the          and otherwise. Revenue plummeted at the             logical optimists. While there are forces out      news/2021/sep/22/courage-journalism/
             last two weeks. And I hope you will also.          beginning in 2020. More recently we have            there that could make it impossible for us
                You can find digital copies of the papers,      seen the return of advertising for events           to keep going, we continue to push forward.           We haven’t done everything we aspire to
             including the Children’s and Teens’ Alma-          and Grand Openings. Some beloved adver-             While I have said this a few times without         do, we always aspire to greater community
             nac at http://www.connectionnewspapers.            tisers have stayed the course supporting us         yet making it happen, keep your eyes open          service. But we do know that the community
             com/PDFs/. The papers should be posted             throughout, and many more have done what            for our membership drive, which would              is better off for Local Media Connection con-
             by Thursday, Dec. 16. We deliver tens of           they can. Revenue is still short of our greatly     hope for readers, sources and community            tinuing to publish.
             thousands of papers to homes, businesses,          curtailed costs.                                    members who would be interested in sup-               Now that we’ve told you how we’re doing
             public libraries and community centers, plus          At the end of 2020, we didn’t have any           porting us on a monthly basis.                     (ha!), let us know how you are doing, what
             thousands more in email and digital. We will       idea how we would keep going. But our                                                                  you think about the state of our communities.
             print extra copies, and restock at libraries       readers responded overwhelmingly to our               One of the magical elements that helped             Thank you.
             and community centers. But also feel free to       Go Fund Me, bringing us within reach of our         us get this far was the presence on our staff         — Mary Kimm, kimm.mary@gmail.com

                                                                                                 Student’s name: Timothy Garland
                                                                                                 Age: 10
                                                                                                 Grade: 4
                                                                                                 Town of residence: Potomac
                                                                                                 School: Potomac Elementary
                                                                                                 Name of teacher: Yanshun Sui
                                                                                                 Town of school location: Potomac

                               Hoover Middle School                                                 Mrs. Bryant’s Sixth Grade English Class students
                             By: Michael Derdzakyan               He lost his whole family except for a             is ironclad.                                          It is not the true image.
                                                                brother and two sisters.                               I have a Korean mom, and a Korean dad.             True Korean culture is when you feel your
               My dear friend,                                                                                         My life without my Korean heritage is like      steel heart overflow
               Let me tell you of a country called Arme-           Too harsh to imagine,                            a wasteland.                                          with your courage, and you feel you grow
             nia.                                                  Too bad to think,                                   A wasteland from fairytales from long,             five times bigger.
                                                                   But after all this,                              long ago.                                             Our language created by a loving king,
               With all it’s traditions,                           The country exists as                               A wasteland is my heart, so I demand,              Today, for him, songs we sing.
               With all its beliefs,                               ARMENIA.                                            For you to eat the seeds I will sow.               With letters inspired by the shape of hu-
               No one will believe what I’ll tell you right                                                            Each of the seeds are different.                mans,
             now.                                                                                                      One gives food, another dance.                     it may have been on paper, but it’s a gem,

               Even though this country is the most reli-
                                                                Korean Pride                                           A dance with feather rimmed fans, the sig-         protected and enforced up ‘till today.
                                                                                              By: Grace Kim         nificant.                                             It was made with love and passion,
             gious of all,                                        What does sharing who you are to a per-              As the beautiful designs in our rice cakes         Using the shapes of the ground and the
               It has had a genocide.                           son without ears do?                                enhances,                                          sun.
               1.5 million people dead,                           Everyone’s mouths are silenced, so we                People only know us by our pop star danc-          Back then, we were constantly scared.
/21            With my great grandfather being one of           must write with fire.                               es.                                                   We constantly had to hide.
             the survivors.                                       The more we share, our pride goes higher.            It is not true Korean heritage,                    But there was one thing no one could hurt.
/21            Traveling from Van to Yerevan,                     It is a piece of us, like a beating heart, it        Yet, that is all many people think of Korea.       That was, and is, Korean Pride.

                            Bulletin Board
/21                Submit civic/community announce-       7300 Macarthur Blvd., Glen Echo.         feelings. As an artist, contempla-       art illustrates the snapshots of my     American traditions: joyous
                ments at ConnectionNewspapers.com/        Reception on Saturday, Dec. 11           tion and observation on the world        visual voyages documenting my life      carols, heartfelt spirituals, and
/21                                                       from 4-6 p.m.                            around me is of utmost importance        through these paintings.”               toe-tapping dances that will
                Calendar. Photos and artwork wel-
                come. Deadline is Thursday at noon,   Artist Vian Borchert stated: “Ever since     to my work. The world, nature and                                                bring us closer. Cost is $20-$55.
/21                                                       I was a child I was a dreamer. I         the environment move me like no       Dec. 17-19                           Different dates: Friday, Decem-
                at least two weeks before event.
                                                          remember looking up at the sky           other. The works presented in this    The Christmas Revels. At The         ber 17, 7:30-9:45 p.m.; Satur-
/21                                                       and being fascinated by the clouds’      collection titled “Dreamscapes” are     Spanish Ballroom in Glen Echo            day, December 18, 2:00-4:15
                NOW THRU JAN. 9
2021                                                      movement and formations. The sky         an accumulation of my dreams, my        Park, 7300 Glen Echo Drive, Glen         p.m. & 7:30-9:45 p.m.; Sunday,
                ”Dreamscapes” Exhibition. At Park
                                                          was always there for me to dream         journeys, and what caught my eyes       Echo. Start your holidays with
021/               View Gallery in Glen Echo Park,
                                                          upon and provide me with joyful          at a specific moment in time. The       The Christmas Revels and timeless             See Bulletin, Page 5

             www.ConnectionNewspapers.com                                                                                                                     Potomac Almanac v December 15-21, 2021 v 3
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas - Children's & Teens' Almanac 2021 - The Connection ...

Santa Is Coming
         very December Cabin John Park Vol-             Thursday, December 16
         unteer Fire Department decorates           Locust Ridge
         the reserve engine, loads Santa and        Oakwood Knolls
         a few additional volunteers, and           Make up missed runs
head out into the community to collect un-
wrapped holiday gifts for children up to the        Friday, December 17
age of 14. Unopened, unwrapped presents             Alvermar Woods
can be brought out to Santa as he passes            Potomac Hunt Acres
by, or dropped off at either Cabin John Park        Merry Go Round Farms
VFD Fire Station.                                   Beallmount
   The toy drive supports the National Cen-         Lake Potomac
ter for Children and Families in Bethesda           Stoney Creek Farms
and the Scotland Drive Community Associ-            Saddle Ridge
ation in conjunction.                               Piney Meetinghouse/Glen Road
   The week before Christmas volunteers
begin wrapping and labeling all of the gifts        Saturday, December 18
and on Christmas Eve they are delivered to          Potomac Village
children who otherwise may not have any             Camotop
gifts at all.                                       Falconhurst
   ​                                                Bradley Farms
Contactless Toy Drop-Off                            McAuley Park
  You can also drop toys off at Station 10,         Kentdale Estates
on River Road near Seven Locks Road, or             Bradley Blvd Estates
Station 30, on Falls Road close to Oaklyn           Congressional Forest Estates
Drive from now until Dec. 23.
                                                    Sunday, December 19
                                                    Bannockburn Estates
Santa’s Schedule                                    Al Marah
  Wednesday, December 15                            Wilson Knolls (1st Due Only)
  Congressional Country Club Estates
  West Bethesda Park                                Monday-Wednesday, December 20-22
  Cohasset                                          Make up missed runs
  Bradley Park
  Burning Tree Valley                               Friday, December 24
  Frenchmen’s Creek                                 Toy delivery

                Hoover Middle School                                              Mrs. Bryant’s Sixth Grade English Class students
Lena Berhane                                      Mariam’s little brother, Yonas, screeched         He got up and started making the kitfo and     cooked and seasoned to make it extra spicy,
Grade 6                                           from the bottom of the stairs.                    I shuffled my hand around in the pocket of     onto a piece of cultural flatbread, known in
HHMS (Herbert Hoover Middle School)                  “Okay! Coming!” she hopped off of her          my lime-green hoodie. I didn’t find what I     Ethiopia as injera.
                                                  bed and ran downstairs.                           was looking for, so I put my hands in the         “Dad? Why did you keep me home from
In The Eye of                                        “Hi, dad!” Mariam exclaimed when she           pockets of my light blue                       school yesterday. I mean, I know it was Ethi-
                                                  saw her father standing at the bottom of the         jeans and felt for my phone. Once I found   opian Christmas, but…” Mariam tapped the
the Beholder                                      stairs as well. “You’re back from work!”          it, I pulled out my phone and texted my best   side of her plate, hoping he got the hint, be-
                          By Lena Berhane            “Hi, Mariye. How was school?”                  friend, Akari.                                 cause she wanted answers.
                                                     “Good, overall. But… I need your help                                                            “Because this is our culture. As much as I
  “Mariam? Why weren’t you at school yes-         with something…”                                     Me: Hi                                      value your education, it matters to me that
terday?”                                             “Yes? What is it?” he looked down at her          Akari: hey!                                 you hold your culture dear to your heart,” he
  I looked at my feet. Should I be embar-         in curiosity. She grabbed the bottom of his          Me: How is your trifold-presentation for    explained firmly.
rassed? It’s not like I chose to…                 sleeve and dragged him into the kitchen. He       international day going?                          “B-but kids were looking at each other
  “I’m sorry…family event...” I mumbled.          sat down in a chair and Mariam sat down              Akari: Finished it yesterday! You?          weirdly! I was the only one out that day!
Kids looked at eachother questioningly. My        across from him.                                     Me: Same :) What are you gonna be wear-     If this is what ‘culture’ is gonna do to me, I
teacher, Mrs. Davis, smiled genuinely. She           “So… Here’s the thing. International day       ing?                                           don’t love it.”
laughed and bent down a little to look me in      is tomorrow. And I’ve just been wondering…           Akari: My grandmother sewed me a beau-         “Mariam. We will not discuss this any fur-
the eye as I kicked my feet around in my chair.   should I wear my habesha dress? I would           tiful kimono                                   ther, I have said the most I could. This con-
  “It’s okay. I understand! It’s not that deep,   love to, but other kids might just end up            Me: Ooooooh send a pic! I wanna see!        versation is now done,” He calmly got up to
Mariam. Just make sure to come to school          wearing their normal clothes-”                       Akari: Nope /_(-v-)_/ your gonna have to    put his dish in the sink and walked away.
tomorrow for international day. Who is help-         “Mariye, it’s okay. Wear what you want,        wait and be surprised~                         Mariam furrowed her brow in worruy. She
ing you with your trifold display?”               it doesn’t matter what others are wearing,           Me: kk I don’t mind :) Can’t wait to see.   didn’t know what was to come.
  “My dad.”                                       saying, or doing. Self-satisfaction is key,” he   Peace out bestie, I gotta eat dinner
  “Sounds nice!”                                  reminded me. I smiled, pleased to hear those         Akari: Lol k bye :>                           ~International Day~
  “Yeah.”                                         reassuring words.
  After school, Mariam Tesfaye collapsed             “Now, do you want to talk about it over           “Okay it’s ready,” He dumped a few spoons      The school gym had never felt so huge.
onto her bed. She didn’t know what to ex-         some kitfo?”                                      of kitfo onto a plate of injera. Yonas ran     All over the tables were trifold cardboard
pect. She wanted to rock her habesha dress,          My mouth watered slightly and I bolted         into the kitchen and shouted “I smell kitfo!   displays. There was loud instrumental-pop
but what will other kids say? She didn’t          upright, my chair almost falling. “Yes!”          Where is it! You can’t hide it from me!” My    music playing in the background. She was
know,                                                He looked at me sternly. “Mariam, the          dad got up and once after preparing a plate,   in awe.
  And as a borderline shy girl, she knew she      chair almost fell.”                               sat back down. We said a prayer and then          Maraim looked down at herself and smiled.
definitely didn’t want to stand out.                 I smiled a “haha, yeah, I’m guilty” smile      started eating.                                She wore a long dress with long sleeves. On
  “Mariam! Dinner is ready! Come down!”           and he smiled back, sorta rolling his eyes.          We enjoyed some nice kitfo: grinded meat,                 See In The Eye of, Page 11
4 v Potomac Almanac v December 15-21, 2021                                                                                                                 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas - Children's & Teens' Almanac 2021 - The Connection ...
Winston Churchill H. S.

        A Cruise to Die For               By Ela Jalil      you. Thanks for recommending the captain.”
                                                                   At the mention of his title the cap-

               took a deep breath of the fresh salty tain looked over at us, locking eye contact
               air. There’s nothing quite like the feel- with me. I gave him an imperceptible nod
               ing of being at sea. I come alive when and turned back to Camila to laugh at a joke
               I feel the beating sun warm my skin, she just told. As we sat there, surrounded by
          and watch the wake behind the yacht as it the extravagance of it all while soaking in
          breaks through the water. Sea sickness has the beauty of a bright summer day, I felt the
          never been a problem for me, something boat picking up speed along with a change
          that unfortunately cannot                                           registering on the passen-
          be said for my fellow pas-                                          gers faces. The green tinge
          sengers. The skin of eight of Ela Jalil (18)                        was back. Most of the peo-
          the 12 people on board has 12th Grade                               ple tried to adjust, but not
          a greenish tinge, telling me Winston Churchill H. S.                Camila. She rushed onto
          they would rather have this Potomac, MD                             the bridge to complain to
          excursion on land. Armed Potomac Teen Writers’ Club the captain. I couldn’t hear
          with sea sickness bracelets, Neal P. Gillen, Leader                 their heated discussion.
          apples, and the ever-helpful                                        When she returned, she
          horizon trick, the captain was able to uplift was pacified, albeit still nauseous from the
          the spirits onboard. A small grin settled on increased speed.
          his face when I flashed him a quick smile               “We have to go faster because there’s
          and a wink as he passed by. Now with only a storm coming and we need to get ahead
          slightly pale faces, most everyone was sitting of it,” Camila whispered to me. “Don’t tell
          and relaxed in deck chairs with a few play- anyone else we don’t want to alarm them.”
          ing shuffleboard in the long shadow cast by             “Got it,” I whispered back with a con-
          a basketball backboard.                           cerned look on my face.
                 This is one of the nicest yachts I’ve ever       One by one, everyone went below to
          been on, but I should have expected that try and ease the seasickness they were ex-
          given the excessive wealth of the people on periencing. Beforehand, two people vomit-
          board. Eying the diamond necklace that the ed over the rail as the captain kept his re-
          blonde sitting next to me was wearing, I pic- lentless pace. In fact, I felt that he might be
          tured myself fingering those jewels as I wore going faster. At that point there were only
          them proudly. When she turned to smile at three people above deck, the captain, Cami-
          me, I quickly morphed my face into a grin, la, and me. Camila clutched her stomach
          praying that she didn’t see me staring at her. and groaned but refused my offer to take
                 “Mira, you have just got to try this lob- her below. Nothing was going to stand in
          ster,” Camila called from the opposite side her way. Determined to enjoy the day at sea,
          of the deck.                                      she launched into a long-winded story of a
             Thankful to leave the awkward situation I gala she attended a couple of years ago. I
          had found myself in, I walked over to Cami- tuned her out as I stared out into the tur-                Audrey Benford
          la who was holding court on the starboard bulent waters. In time, even Camila couldn’t                 16
          side of the yacht. She truly was the queen stay above deck. She turned away from me                    Grade 11
 a spicy,
          bee, and the only reason I was there in the and stumbled down the stairs to the lounge.                Potomac, MD
 own in
          first place. Our friendship was sparked when           As soon as she was out of sight I rushed        Winston Churchill HS
          I bumped into her at a cafe, causing her to to the bridge. “How much longer is this go-
 e from
          drop her food all over the floor. After treat- ing to take?” I hissed. “We can’t keep them
as Ethi-
          ing her to lunch to apologize for my blunder, below deck much longer!”                              boat. Its steel hull exterior no match for the     screaming in fear? Was she deathly silent
ped the
          we realized that we had a lot in common.               “We’re here,” the captain said, pointing     craggy reef, it was quickly pierced.               and trying to hide? Or was she trying to fight
 int, be-
          We’ve been inseparable for the past couple at the jagged rocks ahead as water glistened                   Upon impact, I could hear the screams        the rising water and my sisters in a futile
          of weeks. That’s how I think friendships off of their tips – a beautiful but deadly sight.          from the people below. I smiled, knowing           attempt to survive? I cast her out my mind
uch as I
          work with Camila. Super intense in the be-              When I looked into the captain’s eyes,      that there was no escape before I dove over        with a shrug. I’ve known countless girls like
me that
          ginning, and slowly petering out until she I realized the flood of emotions in him as he            the side of the once magnificent yacht. I          her throughout the centuries who’ve all met
art,” he
          moves onto the next thing. I know that my comprehended the oncoming danger. “What                   willed my true self to come forward once I         the same grisly end. There’s nothing I could
          time with her was running short, so I was am I doing,” he yelled as he began to turn                hit the water. When my legs fused togeth-          do when my sisters got their talons on her.
h other
          enjoying the luxury while I could. I perched the wheel away from the rocks, impelling               er to create my tail, I propelled through                  The one thing I grabbed during the
at day!
          on the edge of her seat and stole a lobster me to grab his arm and turn him towards                 the water calling my sisters out of hiding.        attack was the shining diamond necklace,
 o me, I
          claw from her plate while flashing her a me. Looking into his eyes, I cautioned him,                They came in a swarm, eyes glinting, teeth         whose owner is no longer whole. I placed it
          smile. She looked at me above her sunglass- “Deep breaths,” I said, taking exaggerated              flashing, and tails lashing through the water.     around my neck and smiled.
  ny fur-
          es and smirked, then pulled me into a tight inhales until he calmed down. As his eyes               Whipped into a frenzy, they sought out their             This was my most successful endeavor
his con-
          side hug.                                         clouded over, I braced myself for the impact.     victims -- nicely packed below deck for easy       yet, but I’m glad that I stayed hopeful even
  t up to
                 “Today’s going to be so much fun,” she The captain increased the speed projecting            pickings.                                          during the failures. Rebranding takes time,
d away.
          gushed. “This wouldn’t be possible without the yacht towards the rocks, impaling the                      I tried not to think of Camila. Was she      and the Sirens aren’t going anywhere.
uy. She

                        Bulletin Board
           From Page 3                              Montgomery College, Rockville.          incredible dancing and dazzling        LIBRARIES OFFER FREE WORK-              An internet connection and a device
o huge.       December 19, 2:00-4:15 p.m. &         Presented by Maryland Youth             costumes bring to life the story of    SHOPS FOR JOB SEEKERS                      (such as a smartphone, tablet
dboard        7:00-9:15 p.m.                        Ballet. Mechanical dolls, life-sized    Marie and her Nutcracker. Join         Montgomery County Public Libraries         or computer) are required for
tal-pop                                             mice, dancing snowflakes, and           us back at the theater for the full-     is offering online workshops and         participation.
            DEC. 17-27                              an enchanting kingdom of sweets         length classic choreographed by          one-on-one sessions geared toward     Throughout December – Every
he was      ”The Nutcracker.” Show times            return to stage this holiday season     Artistic Director, Olivier Muñoz.                                                 Monday 9:30-11:30 a.m.
                                                                                                                                     assisting job seekers and entrepre-
               are December 17, 18, 19,             for Maryland Youth Ballet’s LIVE        Tickets start at $27. Visit the web-     neurs throughout December. All           H.I.R.E. (Helping Individuals
smiled.        23, 26 and 27. At Robert E.          production of The Nutcracker. Set       site: https://www.marylandyouth-         workshops are free and offered           Reach Employment) Sessions
ves. On        Parilla Performing Arts Center,      to Tchaikovsky’s timeless score, the    ballet.org/tickets/                      virtually.                                     See Bulletin, Page 7
 age 11
          www.ConnectionNewspapers.com                                                                                                                  Potomac Almanac v December 15-21, 2021 v 5
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas - Children's & Teens' Almanac 2021 - The Connection ...
Hoover Middle School Mrs. Bryant’s Sixth Grade English Class students

    The Seventh Call                             Always going to be there for you, no matter
                                                 the circumstances. That is the thought pro-
                                                                                                    my eyes, and I was on the bottom of what
                                                                                                    looked to be an old worn-out bunk bed. I
                                                                                                                                                      that I will never talk about again, Ty
                                                                                                                                                      was always there to speak with me. Ty
                     By Aden Silverman           cess that goes through your mind, usually          think I woke the thing sleeping atop there        was a tall black man who had broad
                                                 around right before you’re about to die.           because he rolled off the bed right onto the      shoulders. He was exceptionally skin-
    Prologue                                                                                        floor with a loud WHAM. He lay there on the       ny for his size. Underneath that shirt is
       Now you may know the feeling of             I woke up in what looked like a living           solid stone ground for a solid minute, I tell     just a couple of bones taped together
    release. After a long hard day, wheth-       room-sized tent; I was sprawled out on a           you. I guess he was a heavy sleeper because       with gorilla glue, along with some skin
    er it’s at school or work. But for me,       worn-out old cot; I could hear yelling and         he didn’t budge after that. I looked past him,    strapped on with duct tape.
    a couple of years. Hello, I’m David.         beeping of the a-a machine hooked up to            and I was in some sort of house-like area.
    That’s David with an I. As in, I hate this   me? What was happening?                            There were dozens of people lying on the             Ty and I were sitting down at a bro-
    place and am going to escape it. Let’s                                                          floor fast asleep, whom I didn’t even see. I      ken bench table, eating our supper.
    wind back to before this place was my           I remembered all of it, I had fallen uncon-     heard babies crying in what was heard to be       Nails were sticking out of the bottom
    new “home,” let’s call it. I had a good      scious, but my mind had somehow remem-             just the room over, thin walls apparently.        and tops, damaged wood as sharp as a
    life, you could say. I had a somewhat        bered a bit. I could see old, torn-clothed men                                                       knife. You had to be very careful where
    well-paying job and a wife, Avigail.         and some young men covered in wounds. I               A loud voice echoed the hallways; it           you sat in the cafeteria. Sometimes
    And two children, Yoseph and Sarah.          heard the screeches of the tires- the bus; I       sounded like a gym, the reverb hurt my ears.      you had to sit on the ground because
    Yoseph is three, and Sarah is five. We       was on the bus, where am I now?                    “Get up!” it bellowed. I opened the door          the inmates would take all of the seats.
    had a good house too. We did not have                                                           from the room to find a ton of other people       That might not sound as bad as it is,
    many friends, though. No one liked us            I returned to the present from a heavy         doing the same. Their eyes were weak, their       but the floor is infested with ants and
    that much. And because there aren’t          shaking on my arm, looked up, and there            bodies grim and tired. What IS this place?        tiny bugs trying to take your food. Food
    many Jews in the city, there wasn’t          was rain dripping through the tent. I saw it       I thought to myself. I followed everyone          was something as rare as diamonds.
    exactly anything we could do about it.       slowly come down, with a *plop* right onto         else down a set of stairs and through a wide      Only once every two days could we eat.
    Then, one day, while we were sitting at      my... White t-shirt? A nice cool breeze came       door. The people I was following didn’t even      Water was from the river, filtered by a
    the table having breakfast, there was        through the tent flap as someone walked in.        hold the door for me; it slammed in my face,      broken system. Most of the time, there
    a knock at the door. There isn’t any-        They were a big, broad man with a badge            and when I went to push it open, it backed        was algae in the water cups. You would
    one who usually knocks at it beside us       of some sort and a blood-stained plaid uni-        up. I got shoved right back into the door, on     be pretty lucky not to digest it.
    when we need to get back inside, so          form, “Ekelhaftes Schwein aufstehen’’ He           the floor.
    I was skeptical about who it was. Av-        said to me, “Mutig von Ihnen anzunehmen,                                                               We were eating the usual refried
    igail and I exchanged a look, and she        dass ich es nicht wusste,” I said back. “Eh,           Someone opened the door from above            beans with a cup of water and two
    ushered the kids to the other room. I
                                                 fair enough,” he responded. “Welcome to            me, and my head fell onto rough, cold dirt.       blueberries on the side.
    looked through the peephole and saw
                                                 camp Auschwitz; well, you are not very wel-        I got up, brushed off my now brown-spotted
    two tall men in black suits in the most
                                                 comed, but we will carry on. Get up now,”          white shirt and pants, and continued to fol-         We started to talk about our day,
    excellent pair of shades I’ve ever seen.
                                                 he said. I got up and took off the series of       low the others.                                   what we did and what we saw; small
    I opened the door to welcome them
                                                 items hooked up to me. I had no idea how                                                             talk, I guess, when I heard a sharp
    in, but instead of saying something to
                                                 long I was unconscious, didn’t know the            Chapter 2: Lewis Winter                           screech from outside, then two, then
    them, I opened my mouth, but nothing
                                                 time either, or what camp Auschwitz meant.            Two years ago, before I got into this wick-    three, then a whole thunderstorm. I
    came out. My eyes became blurry on
                                                 My best bet was to follow him to see what          ed place, I was broke, no home, no family         couldn’t hear a thing at all besides yell-
    the sides, and I felt something stinging
                                                 was happening. He gestured to me to exit           or friends, nothing. That disappeared when        ing and shouting. My ears stung, and
    in my stomach. By then, in the other
    room, my wife and kids had started           the tent. When I pushed the flap of the cloth,     I got a job offer, a new hope for me, some-       I had no idea what happened. I fell to
    playing a game. Then I realized what         I looked around; many men were shouting,           thing to help me get better and back on my        the ground. Then I smelled it. Gunpow-
    had happened; I’d been shot.                 some man got hit with a baton and shrieked         feet. Or at least, that’s what I thought.         der. The smell that stung your nose. It
                                                 loudly, what was happening?! A foul smell                                                            couldn’t be, right? I ran outside to see
       They dragged me out of my house,          filled the air. A lot of gasoline oil was what I     Every couple of seconds, the whole bus          what had happened, hoping that it
    silently closing the door behind me.         pinned the scent to. There were what looked        shook. Everyone was bouncing around in            wasn’t what I thought it was- but I was
    I struggled to break out of their tight      like guard towers surrounding the area.            their seats, trying not to get tossed around as   wrong.
    grip, and they weren’t even working                                                             the entire road was filled with rocks, some
    themselves, not even flinching as they          We continued to walk to a remote shack          big, some as tiny as pebbles. But it didn’t          “YOU DO NOT, EVER DISRESPECT
    dragged me to what looked like a bus.        where a large muscular man, “Igor,” called         matter. The boss was 20 years old. A feath-       US. SAY ADONAI IS MY RULER, AND
    I managed to look back to the win-           out. The man was focused on what looked            er could stop the bus right in its tracks. It     YOU WILL GO RIGHT WITH THE REST
    dow. I saw Avigail looking in complete       like security cameras monitoring the area,         was also a very twisty road. Combined with        OF THEM, EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY.
    shock as she saw what was happen-            startled. He turned around and faced me            people trying to latch onto their seats from      SAY WHAT YOU WANT, BUT WE CAN-
    ing. I was falling unconscious by the        and then to the person who woke me up,             the rocks, they also avoided smashing into        WE WILL KILL YOU. DO. NOT. MESS.
    second I just knew it. Pain struck me        then he stared back at me and had a grim           the glass window. We were heading to the          WITH. US. I am your god. I am your rul-
    in the stomach earlier, but now it was       face of disgust. “What do you want?” the big       abandoned village that we found. A couple         er. I command you.” Ty was right next
    coursing through my body, exploding          fellow said “this guy’s new here. Are there        of years back, we wanted to create our own        to me. I didn’t even realize, but he was
    through my veins, it felt like. External     any free cells yet?” “Cells?!” I thought to my-    area. So that’s what we did.                      covered in blood from shirt to pants.
    blood was covering my whole low-             self, excruciatingly exasperated. “Yeah, Row                                                         He made a little sound, but I quick-
    er body. It’s bright red shining in the      C,” the security man said. My head felt heavy.        After years of building, we were ready.        ly covered his mouth. Unfortunately,
    sunlight, Like if you could see liquid       I couldn’t breathe. Something had hit my           We overthrew the government; Raid every           they heard and shouted “do you want
    fire. The blood was streaming through        head- and hard. I fell back on my knees and        governmental building. We got guns, ammo,         to say something?” The crowd around
    my skin like a river flowing past a          hit the soft, damp soil. It must have rained re-   and a lifetime supply of death, after two         is walked back into a circle formation.
    mountain. Unable to think. Relaxed           cently. Some dirt fell in my mouth. I coughed      years. WE were the new government. WE             Just the 2 of us in the middle while he
    like you’re dying. Somehow blocking          it up along with some blood. My mouth felt         run this. Not those stupid, ignorant little       was standing on the stage. The guards
    out the pain as life itself. Sadness and     numb. Heck- my whole body. I couldn’t feel         “jews” igch, even the word disgusts me. Af-       drew their weapons. I looked at him. He
    life are flashing before your very eyes.     a thing, and then a foot slammed onto my           ter we took over almost every building that       looked frozen solid. “Well?” he shouted.
    The blood is resembling your strength,       back. And I was knocked out.                       was even remotely associated with those           Ty frantically shook his head. “Good,
    weakness, emotions, and reality,                                                                government brats, they didn’t know what           I wouldn’t want to have a problem to
    coursing through your body. Your body        Chapter 1: The Acclimation procedure               was right. They thought they knew every-          deal with right now. I have more im-
    is resembling life itself and the endless       I woke up to the sound of some sort of          thing. But the thing is, you aren’t more intel-   portant things to deal with, rather than
    possibility for change. And the veins,       clanging, a rock? No, too loud to be a rock,       ligent than your ruling. You don’t command        you. Ty’s head was sweating so much.
    the veins resembling your family and         my eyes felt heavy- really heavy- so the only      them; they command you.                           “Boys, lower your weapons.” He said.
    friends, and the people who support          choice I had was to wake my body up with a                                                           Ty, with all his strength, said, “thank
    you through your long journey, the           jolt, alright, 3, 2,1 BANG! My head hit some-      Chapter 3: Get to know you                        you, sir!” In which he responded, “It’s
    body. The long journey through life.         thing- and hard I forced myself to reopen            Amongst all of the hatred and things            Adolf Hitler; to you.”The Seventh Call

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                                                                choices to improve their economic position.
Guaranteed                                                         “The Guaranteed Income Pilot Program is a solution
                                                                to assist families in permanently exiting poverty,” said
Income Pilot Program                                            Council President Albornoz. “The first of its kind in
                                                                the State of Maryland, this program will help provide
   On Dec. 14, Montgomery County Council unan-
imously voted to approve a nearly $2 million spe-               economic mobility to our most vulnerable residents
cial appropriation to the FY22 Operating Budget for             and put an end to generational poverty.”
a Guaranteed Income Pilot Program. The funding                     The pilot will be a public-private partnership with
was introduced by lead sponsors Councilmember                   a $1 million grant from the Meyer Foundation to sup-
Will Jawando and Council President Gabe Albornoz.               port this effort. Evaluation of the program will be built
Council Vice President Evan Glass and Councilmem-               into the pilot as it is designed.
bers Tom Hucker, Craig Rice, Hans Riemer and Nancy                 Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, data showed
Navarro were cosponsors.                                        that 40 percent of Americans could not afford a $400
   This special appropriation will provide the initial          emergency. In 2018, it was estimated that 47 percent
funding to implement a Montgomery County Guaran-                of Montgomery County’s renter households were rent
teed Income Pilot Program. The pilot program would              burdened, paying more than 30 percent of their in-
enroll 300 households and provide $800 per month                come for housing. COVID-19 has disproportionately
for 24 months.                                                  had a negative financial impact on women and peo-
   This may include individuals or families with or             ple of color. Guaranteed income is expected to be an
without children. A collaborative planning effort is            effective component of helping households recover
underway to determine how people will be enrolled               from the economic impacts of the health crisis
into this pilot program. Efforts to address any impact
from guaranteed income on other benefits, and the
structure for the evaluation of outcomes for partici-           COVID-19 Hospitalizations
pant households are also underway.
   “Guaranteed Income Programs are showing up in                Are Up in County
cities and counties across the U.S.” said Councilmem-              Sean O’Donnell, the county’s public health emer-
ber Will Jawando. “The belief that people have the              gency preparedness manager, said that as of Monday,
ability to make the best choices to improve their eco-          Dec. 13, there were 141 COVID-related hospitaliza-
nomic position has shown to be true in case after case.         tions countywide, 106 in acute care beds and 35 in
We’re proud to be the first jurisdiction in Maryland to         intensive care unit beds, which CDC considers “mod-
introduce a Guaranteed Income Pilot. As we continue             erate utilization.” This is higher than in previous
through recovery from COVID-19, we look forward to              months.
helping many Montgomery County residents become                    Although the county currently has adequate bed
more financially stable and improve their quality of            capacity, county health officials have worked with lo-
life.”                                                          cal hospitals to develop plans for increased capacity
   Guaranteed income is a direct, recurring cash pay-           in case of a surge. In addition, state health officials
ment to a specific, targeted group of people without            have directed hospitals throughout Maryland to pro-
strings attached. The purpose of the program is to              vide updated emergency plans addressing a potential
help alleviate poverty, provide a form of financial sta-        surge to the Maryland Department of Health, accord-
bility and give residents the ability to make their own         ing to O’Donnell

            Bulletin Board
From Page 5                                   Business Center. Register: https://      Service (NPS) began reducing the
Sign up to meet virtually/confidentially      mcpl.libnet.info/event/5835844           deer population in Rock Creek Park,
   one-on-one with a career counselor      Wednesday, Dec. 15: 10:30 a.m.-12:30        the park’s tree seedling density has
   for advice and assistance with your        p.m. How to Apply for Jobs with          almost tripled. To continue to pro-
   job search. Register:                      Montgomery County Government             tect and restore native plants and
Monday, Dec. 20: https://mcpl.libnet.      Find out everything you need to             promote healthy and diverse forests,
   info/event/5835481                         know about applying for jobs with        Rock Creek Park will conduct deer
Monday, Dec. 27: https://mcpl.libnet.         Montgomery County Government.            management operations between
   info/event/5835485                         Register: https://mcpl.libnet.info/      Nov. 22, 2021, and March 31, 2022.
Wednesday, Dec. 15: 10 - 11:30 a.m.           event/5194274                         During this period, the NPS plans to
   Introduction to Entrepreneurship        Program Contact: Adrienne Vanlare,          reduce deer populations in Rock
Are you just starting your entrepre-          Adrienne.vanlare@montgomery-             Creek Park and other areas under
   neurial journey? This workshop will        countymd.gov                             Rock Creek Park’s management.
   cover the fundamentals of building                                                  These areas could include Melvin
   a business and help you determine       DEER MANAGEMENT                             Hazen Park, Soapstone Valley Park,
   if you’re ready to become a small       AT ROCK CREEK PARK                          Pinehurst Parkway, Glover Arch-
   business owner. Presented in part-                                                  bold Park, Battery Kemble Park and
                                           Since 2013, when the National Park
   nership with the Maryland Women’s                                                   Fort Totten Park, among others.

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A Tradition Since 1978                                                                                            Decking out the Great Falls
                                                                                                                  Tavern for the holidays.

                                                           The Little Farms Garden Club of Potomac continues a holiday tradition decorating the Great Falls Tavern.

                                                                     he Little Farms Garden Club    bounty of verdant foliage. The lush        the holiday season. The tavern, built
                                                                     of Potomac decorates the       and fragrant collection of shrubbery       in 1828 as a lockhouse, had north
On Dec. 7, 2021 National Park Ranger Mark Myers
                                                                     Great Falls Tavern for the     and botanicals included boughs of          and south wings added in 1831 as
continues his long tradition of helping the Little Farms
                                                                     holidays every year in early   magnolia and white pine, Fraser Fir,       suggested by its first locktender, W.W.
Garden Club with the decorating of the Tavern. He’s
                                                           December, although the tradition was     holly, and nandina with berries. The       Fenlon. He aspired to establish an inn
been doing it as long he can remember.
                                                           canceled in 2020 due to the pandem-      spirit of the season filled the air as     that would accommodate the growing
                                                           ic.                                      the women wired, tied, and draped          numbers of travelers visiting the area
                                                                                                    greenery while they enjoyed the great      to escape the city’s heat and hustle
                                                             As reported in the Potomac Alma-       outdoors on the unseasonably warm          and bustle.
                                                           nac in 2014:                             72-degree day.                                “The centerpiece of the overall de-
                                                                                                       “Little Farms Garden Club formed        sign features a 40-foot long garland
                                                             “A tradition established in 1978 by    the partnership with the rangers at        above the main portal hung by Park
                                                           the women of Potomac’s Little Farms      the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Nation-        Ranger Mark Myers. “I’ve been help-
                                                           Garden Club continued when over          al Historical Park to meld their talents   ing them as long as I can remember.
                                                           two dozen of its members enhanced        and resources to beautify the national     The garland was plenty heavy. It’s
                                                           the historic Great Falls Tavern with a   landmark for the community during          definitely an armful,” Myers said.”

                                                                The broad
                                                                side of the
                                                               tavern was
                                                              also decked
                                                              out for holi-
                                                                day cheer.

                                                            Photos by
                                                           Debbie Stevens

                                                                                                                                                                                         Julie L
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Karah Lombardo and Alex Glaubitz out to enjoy the remaining fall colors.                        Scott Holliday heads off to enjoy the day on the river.

Enjoying the Day in a Beautiful Place
  It was just still before Thanksgiving, and there were some beautiful warm days to enjoy out along the towpath and the Potomac River.                    Photos by Debbie Stevens

Julie Lang and her stand up paddleboard.                        Elizabeth Riel, and Josie and Tara Bingley                      Kate Glynn and Matt Ryan are bookends to Penny.
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                                                                       Photo by Ron Green                                                                                Photo by Linsey Wise
Cynthia Fox (center), of Alexandria, visits with members of Afghan refugee Javi and              A second sort of donations at Ramstein Air Base separated clothing by sex, age
family at Quantico, bringing donations of clothing and other essentials.                         and size.

Local Veterans Aid Afghan Evacuee Family
Support Crosses                                                                                                                                                  Give to Help
Three Continents.                                                                                                                                                Refugees
                                                                                                                                                                  At a time of the year when
                    By Susan Laume                                                                                                                               many more area citizens will
                         The Almanac                                                                                                                             open their hearts to help oth-
                                                                                                                                                                 ers in need, these local chari-

                                                                                                                                                                 ties are offering assistance to
           his is the story of one fam-                                                                                                                          Afghan evacuees who must
           ily’s successful evacuation                                                                                                                           start again from nothing:
           from Afghanistan to escape                                                                                                                             LUTHERAN SERVICES
           the brutal policies and ac-                                                                                                                            National Capital Area,
tions of the Taliban. It’s also the sto-                                                                                                                              www.lssnca.org
ry of how groups of northern Virginia                                                                                                                             AFGHAN YOUTH RELIEF
residents made the evacuation possi-                                                                                                                              FOUNDATION
ble in the face of shrinking hope and
rising danger, and how they helped
                                                                                                                                                                  CATHOLIC CHARITIES
one family start their journey to free-                                                                                                                           Arlington,
dom and safety.                                                                                                                                                       www.ccda.net
   There are many Afghan families                                                                                                                                 HOMES NOT BORDERS
whose stories are similar to this fami-                                                                                                                           Washington D.C.,
ly’s and many neighbors who felt the                                                                                                                                  www.homesnotborders.org
                                                         Photo by Jon-Paul deLange                                                        Photo by Colby Wise
call to help. Situated so close to the Northern Virginian group organizer,                  Northern Virginians residing in Germany buy out the IKEA              LOCAL VETERAN SPON-
global seat of power that is Washing- veteran Ron Green (left), of Alexandria,              store inventory of blankets to contribute to evacuees arriving SORED FUND
ton D.C., many residents in our area stands with Afghan evacuee Javi on                     at Ramstein Air Base
are among those involved in high pro- Quantico Marine Base after Javi’s escape
                                                                                                                                                  ers who supported an Afghan Orphanage all
file events. What makes this story dif- from Kabul with his family.                               to help each other in their mission, including
                                                                                                                                                  of whom are in fear for their lives for work-
ferent is that local people took on the                                                           some still on active duty in Afghanistan.
                                                                                                                                                  ing with US Forces. Many more still in harm’s
role that the government could not, making pressures were building in the final days of              Communications in Afghanistan required
                                                                                                                                                  way, trying to get out of Afghanistan.”
the ultimate difference in the lives of many U.S. troop withdrawal. Javid was desperate- encryption to avoid leading the Taliban to
                                                                                                                                                    Read more at https://gofund.me/b5cf1eb0
who aided the U.S. in time of war.              ly worried for his safety and his family’s.       the hidden families.
                                                   The Special Immigrant Visa program is             Over several harrowing days and nights,
                                                                                                                                                  MEANWHILE IN GERMANY, at U.S. Air
MEET THE FOX-GREENS, both career Army available to people who worked with the the family, six girls under the age of ten, six
                                                                                                                                                  Force, Ramstein Air Base, another north-
veterans now residing in Alexandria. Ron U.S. Armed Forces or under Chief of Mission women, and six men, reached the airport
                                                                                                                                                  ern Virginia couple, Colby and Linsey Wise
Green served in Afghanistan in the 528th authority as a translator or interpreter in and were safely airlifted to Germany. Their
                                                                                                                                                  were also heeding the call to help. The Wise
Special Operation Support Battalion from Iraq or Afghanistan.                                     escape included narrowly missing the sui-
                                                                                                                                                  family, formerly of Falls Church, had been in
2000-2003; his wife served in Kandahar in          When Green’s friends recognized there cide bombing at Kabul International Airport.
                                                                                                                                                  Germany for four years with Colby’s compa-
2005-06. The Northern Virginia couple, to- was no existing system within the State                   Javid’s was not the only family aided by
                                                                                                                                                  ny, providing Defense Department support.
gether with others, organized a core group of Department or Department of Defense that the group. “Our efforts to date have success-
                                                                                                                                                  Ramstein Air Base was designated to receive
veterans after a plea from friend and fellow could coordinate with these allied families fully rescued 12 translators and their fami-
                                                                                                                                                  evacuees airlifted from Kabul as a point of
veteran Thomas Koppen. Koppen’s Afghan like Javid’s, the veterans organized. They lies. This is great news, but the work contin-
                                                                                                                                                  departure to the U.S. and other countries.
translator, Javid, who served in support of took on the task of getting the interpreter ues,” according to the group’s Go Fund Me.
                                                                                                                                                    The Ramstein Air Base newsletter told of
U.S. troops through 2017, had called seek- and his family out of danger. In what Fox de- “There are many others our group is work-
                                                                                                                                                  a growing effort, “What started as a cloth-
ing assistance. Javid’s long period of applica- scribed as a “spider web” of contacts, includ- ing on getting out of Afghanistan including
                                                                                                                                                  ing and shoe drive turned into a large do-
tion for a Special Immigrant Visa, begun in ing those from her service in Kandahar Prov- interpreters who directly supported Special
2016, had not been finalized. Dangers and ince and Kuwait, several groups connected Operations, Medical Professionals, and work-                                 See Afghan Evacuee, Page
10 v Potomac Almanac v December 15-21, 2021                                                                                                              www.ConnectionNewspapers.com

       Over 50 Years of Iconic Music Venue
       Birchmere tell-all book by local writers published in time for the holidays.
                        By Mike Salmon           markers that built                                      enue, so the food
                              The Almanac        the reputation of                                       and drinks they
                                                 this durable mu-                                        serve are part of

               or a band to play at the          sic venue,” Oelze                                       their     financial
               Birchmere in Alexandria,          wrote. Oelze lives                                      picture.
               it was like almost making         in the Del Ray                                             People      are
               it to the big-time concert        part of Alexan-                                         there to see the
       world of stadiums and arenas.             dria, while Moore                                       shows       though
       Since opening in the mid 1960s,           lives in Bethesda.                                      and hear the mu-
       the Birchmere has been a launch-             “We        inter-                                    sic of Vince Gill
       ing ground for many musicians,            viewed about 120                                        from the Pure
       showcasing songs and sounds that          musicians, they                                         Prairie League,
       make it an important place to start       viewed it as an                                         and the Eagles,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Photo contributed
       a musicians tour. The festoon out         intimate listen-                                        Richie Havens of
       front featured iconic musicians like      ing room,” Moore                                        Woodstock fame,
       Pete Seger, Arlo Guthrie, Johnny          said. The sound                                         Herb Alpert and
       Cash, Ray Charles and Joan Baez           is different in a Famed music venue is in an            Mary Chapin Car-
ey Wiseto name a few.                            small place like area that used to be known             penter to name
          An entertainment venue like            this, and Moore as Arlandria.                           a few. “Many of
       that can’t go through 55 years of         found that some                                         the musicians see          Authors Gary Oelze, left, of Del Ray, and Stephen Moore of Bethesda.
       concerts without a few stories            of the musicians prefer being close the Birchmere as their first stop on
       to tell, and those stories are the        to the audience. “Here they can re- tours,” Moore said.                            a time out unknowingly in one of        nail pictures of the musicians and

       meat behind the newly released            ally see the people, they love that,”   Over the years, there are tales of         the technician’s rooms.                 the early days. Some are recog-
       book “All the Roads Lead to the           Moore said.                           musical discovery, but also tales of           In 1991, Woody Harrelson of           nized at first sight, and some are
       Birchmere, America’s Legendary               “Intimate,” is a place with about time and place.                               the television series “Cheers,”         not, at least not to the music fans
       Music Hall,” that hit the shelves         500 seats and an artistic neon sign     For example, one of the stories            hammered out a country set with         of today’s Top 40. The book took
       in early November. Authors Gary           that looks out to Mount Vernon Av- involved the Grateful Dead’s Mick-              his band “Three Cool Cats.” Mov-        two years to write and the cover
       Oelze and Stephen Moore dipped            enue in Del Ray. The current venue ey Hart who arrived late, and the               ie producer John Waters does a          was produced by Stilson Greene,
       into their memory banks, and the          is the third place the Birchmere has Dead Heads were camped out all                Christmas Show every December           an artist in Leesburg. An after-
       memory banks of many others that          been over the years. They were at over the place around the Birch-                 that’s more comedy and commen-          ward was written by newsman Bob
       have been on stage there to come          another location in Del Ray, and a mere. The place was filled and it               tary than music. Waters is coming       Schieffer, who had his own country
       up with this 472-page documenta-          spot in Shirlington before that. It’s “almost exploded,” said Moore.               again this year on December 15.         band at one point.
       ry on paper.                              tough to survive with prime real        Another story involved Ray                   The book has 33 chapters on acts        The book is available on Book-
          “Many moments stand out as             estate like that on only concert rev- Charles, a blind musician who took           throughout the years, and thumb-        Locker.

                    Hoover Middle School                                                  Mrs. Bryant’s Sixth Grade English Class students

          In The Eye of                             “It’s fine, just go out and talk to
                                                 your friends. They probably will
                                                                                          has a point.” said a boy. Her older
                                                                                          brother, based on the resemblance.
                                                                                                                                    sink. “Please dont…it’s kinda dirty
                                                                                                                                    down here… uh, your Kimono…”
                                                                                                                                                                            not much older than Mariam,
                                                                                                                                                                            perhaps an 8th grader,
          the Beholder                           love your dress, you look lovely.”
                                                    Her dad was trying to help, so
                                                                                          “What are you wearing?”
                                                                                              She looked around and saw an-
                                                                                                                                       “It’s okay, no worries. Have you
                                                                                                                                    been here the whole time? I’m
                                                                                                                                                                               ran her fingers through her
                                                                                                                                                                            afro and then calmly walked
          From Page 4                            she decided to give it a chance,         other boy whispering and pointing.        sorry for being late, we had to do      backstage. Mariam and Akari
                                                    “Okay fine,” Mariam mumbled              Mariam couldn’t take it any-           some last minute changes to my ki-      ran backstage as the curtains
          the cuffs of her sleeves and the       in a mopey voice. She left her fa-       more. She ran out of the gym and          mono… it didn’t fit quite right,” she   closed. Then they emerged,
          hem of her skirt was a green           ther and walked around to look           into the bathroom.                        laughed awkwardly and as though         the traditional Ethiopian mu-
          and red pattern. She walked            at the presentations. She couldn’t          She sat under a sink, hug-             it were contagious, Mariam smiled.      sic booming from the speakers.
          around in an attempt to find           find Japan, meaning Akari wasn’t         ging her knees, and silent tears             “How are you so chill?”              They held out pastel pink fans
          people to socialize with, until        here yet. That’s where                   streamed down her face and onto              “Because I love my culture and       with pink cherry blossoms on
          her eyes wandered around the              she’s from, so it’s kinda a           her sleeves. She tried to wipe her        you should too! It’s beautiful! All     them. They both started off with
          gym enough for her to come to          no-brainer that she would do that        face but the material of the sleeve       cultures are beautiful in their own     a traditional japanese dance
          a horrifying discovery.                country. She loved the German dis-       irritated her skin, so she just left      way. It just depends on who you         during a slower part, and then
              Her worst nightmare, in fact.      play; they had those German gum-         the tears to dry on her face.             talk to, beauty is always in the eye    and then, as the music got fast-
               Everyone was wearing their        my bears (we both know what I’m             “Mariam?”                              of the beholder. It’s an opinion.       er, got into a traditional ethio-
          casual clothes; hoodies, jeans, leg-   talking about)! Yum!                        A soft, kind voice uttered her name.   Now, we both look amazing. So           pian dance. The kids stared in
          gings, t-shirts, sweaters, etc. She       “Why are you wearing that                God? She wondered for a silly          let’s go do that Japanese-ethiopian     awe; they were jealous, in fact.
          stopped smiling at herself and pan-    dress?” a random girl with blond         second..                                  dance we practiced,” she crawled        But even if they hadn’t been,
          icked. It was her worst thought,       and freckles asked. An elementary           She walked in. It was just Akari.      out and stood, and Mariam did the       Mariam felt so happy at that
          live in action; being the only one     schooler.                                For some reason, she was still as         same.                                   moment. She loved being able
          wearing cultural clothing.                “Oh, u-um… it’s for my culture.       shocked, yet euphoric.                       “Let’s make them jealous, yeah!”     to dance like this. She loved
             “Dad!” mariam exclaimed.            This is the traditional clothing in,        “Hey, Akari. Woah, your kimo-             “Mhm!”                               being able to express her own
             She ran toward her father,          um you know, Ethiopia.” she re-          no… ! It’s amazing! It’s so purple!          They ran out of the bathroom         culture (also encompassing her
          who was standing behind the            sponded to the kindergartener as         The pink cherry blossoms add such         and into the gym right on time.         friend’s culture). This is my cul-
          table that had the cardboard           calmly as she could. “Why do you         a pretty touch! It’s beautiful!” She         “Thank you for that beautiful        ture. I love being able to say
          display on it. “It happened! I         ask?”                                    looked her up and down in awe.            traditional Irish dance, Clara! Even    that about this. I love my cul-
          told you it would happen!”                “Well,” the little girl messed with      “So is your dress,” she smiled         though it used pop music… it was        ture.
             “What is it?”                       her little blond ponytail. “Nobody       warmly.                                   still quite creative! Now, we have         If I am the beholder,
             “All the other kids are wear-       else is wearing dress. You weird,”          “I don’t think everyone else           a special event: A japanese-ethi-          in my eyes,
          ing normal clothes! Dad, I told        she walked away.                         thinks so…”                               opian dance! That’s right folks, a         This is beautiful...
          you this would be a disaster-”            “Little kids are weird, but she          Akari joined Mariam under the          crossover!” The announcer, a girl          And that is all that matters.

       www.ConnectionNewspapers.com                                                                                                                     Potomac Almanac v December 15-21, 2021 v 11

Last Minute Holiday Gift Ideas for Teachers
Thoughtful and
original presents
for educators.
                    By Marilyn Campbell
                             The Connection

           mong those who’ve faced work-
           place challenges over the last 18
           months are teachers. From hold-
           ing the attention of a class of third                                                                                                                Photo courtesy of The Nest Egg
graders who are attending school though                                                                                                              Teachers can use a brightly patterned
a video conferencing platform to offering                                                                                                            tackle box such as this supplies organizer.
accommodations virtually to students with
learning differences, teachers have had to
be among the most creative.
  If you’re still looking for a holiday gift to
bring cheer to thank your favorite instructor,
consider forgoing apple-themed presents
and selecting a gift with meaning.
  “A couple of practical and thoughtful
ideas, since we’re still taking COVID safety
precautions, would be interesting face masks
or hand sanitizer. We teachers use those all
day,” said Linda Reinhold, a teaching assis-
tant in Bethesda Md. “Teachers might also
appreciate hand cream or lotions since using
hand sanitizer frequently can dry out your
  Instead of sweets and other edibles,                                                                     Photo courtesy of The Picket Fence                   Photo courtesy of The Nest Egg
Courtney Thomas of The Picket Fence in              A teacher might appreciate receiving this growing candle. It comes with wild-                A key ring that’s both stylish and func-
Burke, Va. suggests a gift that keeps giving,      flower seeds that can be planted in the candle container once the candle is gone.                 tional might be appreciated by teachers
long after the holiday season. “One of our                                                                                                           who must carry multiple sets of keys.
more popular gifts this season is our Grow-        a luxurious box with a ribbon tied and ready      begin, an umbrella, particularly one that
ing Candle,” she said. “These candles come         to go.”                                           is made of a classic, but cheerful print will   your classroom table.”
in sweet little pots and are wrapped with             A key ring that’s both stylish and func-       come in handy. “They … will brighten any            Supplies can be organized in style with a
seed paper labels. Once the candle is gone,        tional might be appreciated by teachers who       rainy day,” said O’Shields.                     tackle box in a garden party print. “It comes
you can plant the seed paper in the contain-       must carry multiple sets of keys. “Key ring          “Give kitchen tea towels with funny say-     filled with pencils, push pins, binder clips,
er and wildflowers will grow.”                     bangles from Ink+Alloy, made by artisans in       ings to the teacher with a great sense of       paper clips, magnets, a tear-off notepad, and
  Give the gift of self-care this season, sug-     India, are the perfect two-in-one accessory       humor,” said Anne M. Walker of Farm and         an eraser,” said O’Shields.
gests Ann O’Shields of The Nest Egg in Fair-       and statement piece,” said O’Shields. “Attach     Feast in Potomac. “A wood tray with metal           “One thing that teachers get a lot of each
fax, Virginia. “[We have] a luxurious bath         it to your keys for easy-access in your tote or   frame by Clarence Town is equally at home       year is coffee mugs,” said Reinhold. “But I
set with therapy bath balm, bath soak, a can-      market bag or throw it on your wrist.”            holding beverages and drink ware on your        think most teachers are just glad when fami-
dle and matches too,” she said. “It comes in          When school ends, but afternoon shows          outdoor table as it is at holding supplies on   lies show their appreciation for us.”

                                                                                                                                                          Let Us Know Your View
   Free Sober Rides Offered for the Holidays                                                                                                                   Connection Newspapers welcomes
                                                                                                                                                                    views on any public issue.
                                                                                                                                                         Letters must be signed. Include home address

      t is the time of year when, according          Each evening, during this six-hour peri-        on St. Patrick’s Day, Cinco de Mayo,
      to the National Highway Traffic Safe-        od, area residents ages 21 and older cele-        Independence Day and Halloween.                            and home and business numbers;
      ty Administration, more than a third         brating with alcohol may download Lyft to            “More than a third of all U.S. traffic           we will only print your name and town name.
   of all U.S. traffic deaths involve drunk        their phones, then enter a SoberRide code         fatalities during the holiday season in         Letters are routinely edited for length, libel, grammar,
   drivers (38%, Christmas; 36%, New               in the app’s ‘Promo’ section to receive their     2019 involved drunk drivers according                    good taste, civility and factual errors.
   Year’s Day – NHTSA, 2019). Free safe            no-cost (up to $15) safe transportation           to the National Highway Traffic Safety                                Send letters
   rides will be offered to would-be drunk         home. A new, separate Holiday SoberRide           Administration,” said Kurt Erickson,            Online www.connectionnewspapers.com/contact/letter
   or impaired drivers throughout the area         promo code will be posted at 9:00 p.m. on         WRAP’s President.                                   By email: editors@connectionnewspapers.com
   during the winter holidays beginning on         Dec. 17, 24 and 31 on www.SoberRide.                 SoberRide is offered throughout Lyft’s
   Dec. 17.                                        com.                                              Washington D.C. coverage area.                    By mail to: Letters to the Editor The Connection
      Washington Regional Alcohol Pro-               During the 2019 winter holidays                    Since 1991, WRAP’s SoberRide® pro-                   1606 King St., Alexandria VA 22314
   gram’s 2021 Holiday SoberRide program           (COVID-19 prevented Dec. 2020’s full-out          gram has provided 81,184 free safe rides                      You can comment on our
   will be in operation nightly, 10 p.m. until     campaign), over 1,100 (1,121) people in           home to would-be-drunk drivers in the                  Facebook page or find us on Twitter
   4 a.m. from Dec. 17, 2021 to Jan. 1,            the Washington-metropolitan area used             Greater Washington area.                              www.facebook.com/connectionnewspapers
   2022 as a way to keep local roads safe          WRAP’s Holiday SoberRide program rather              More information about WRAP’s So-                       https://twitter.com/alexgazette
   from impaired drivers during this tradi-        than possibly driving home impaired. The          berRide initiative can be found at www.
   tionally high-risk holiday season.              charity also officers its SoberRide program       SoberRide.com

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