Gang activity Inside the Gang Intelligence Centre - The facts of leave Tough guys - Police Association

Gang activity Inside the Gang Intelligence Centre - The facts of leave Tough guys - Police Association
MARCH 2018

Inside the Gang
Intelligence Centre

The facts of leave         Tough guys                     Sporting chance
   Advice from Aunty   True frontline crime stories   Nominations open for sports awards
Gang activity Inside the Gang Intelligence Centre - The facts of leave Tough guys - Police Association

                                                          13                Called to
                                                                            account                           17               Postcards from...

     6       On the list                                  14                User-friendly guide to annual leave

4    Proud as: Photos from Auckland Pride Parade            14     The facts of leave: Everything you always                 Regulars
                                                                   wanted to know…
5    Ganging up: Deportation boosts gang activity                                                                            20 Brain Teaser
     in New Zealand                                         17     Postcards from… Paraparaumu
                                                                                                                             20 Keen on Beer
6    Cover story: Inside the Gang Intelligence              18     Most Wanted: True-life crime from the frontline
                                                                                                                             21 Keen on Wine
     Centre in Wellington
                                                            19     The Tech Files: Virtual reality; cameras on cops          26 Letters
9    Iam Keen                                               22     Health & Wellbeing: The strange world of                  27 Memorial Wall
                                                                   our blood types
10   Career crossroad? Try being a driving instructor                                                                        27 Contacts
                                                            23     Between the Lines: Hacks from our
11   “Sallie” in the ranks: Former cop’s memoir,                   Membership Services Centre
     plus book giveaway
                                                            23     Jack of all trades: Our property administrator retires
11   ERA claim: Workplace allowances under scrutiny
                                                            24     Sport: Sports Diary; AP&ES Games; Police
13   Called to account: Association finance manager                Sport MOU; judo referee Diane Limbrey; Police
     David Osborne retires                                         Association Police Sports Awards nominations open

                        March 2018                  Police News is the magazine of the           Printed by City Print Communications, Wellington.
                                                    New Zealand Police Association, originally
                        ISSN 1175-9445                                                           This publication is printed on environmentally
                                                    the New Zealand Police Journal, first
                                                                                                 responsible paper stock, sourced from
                                                    published in 1937.
                        Published by the                                                         sustainable forests, and uses vegetable-based
                        New Zealand Police          Opinions expressed are not necessarily       inks. The blue wrap envelope is biodegradable
                        Association                 those of the Association.                    and recyclable.
                                                    Those wishing not to receive a personal      © NZPA Police News must not be reproduced
                        P.O. Box 12344,             copy of Police News should contact the       in part or as a whole without the formal consent
                        57 Willis St                editor ( to be      of the copyright holder – the New Zealand
                        Wellington 6144             removed from the distribution list.          Police Association.

2 | MARCH 2018
Gang activity Inside the Gang Intelligence Centre - The facts of leave Tough guys - Police Association

                                                                  from the
        True -life
     crime stories          18    President
                                           olicing has to be one of the         a half or whole shift’s worth of officers’
                                           most dynamic environments            time to deal with.
                                           in which to work, as shown             We know that in recent years there has
                                  by the variety of news stories and            been a concerning increase in offending
                                  talkback and social media discussions         and it is the frontline that responds to
                                  focusing on seemingly all aspects of          this growing demand. The resources for
                                  police work.                                  the frontline need to be boosted if there
                                     It seems everyone has an opinion, and      is to be any discernible increase in crime

                                  the dominant one is that police should        clearance rates. This is also the case
 Life Wide Open                   be out there solving all crime. For sure,     with road policing, particularly with the
 book giveaway                    police officers aim to do just that, but      tragic uptick in the number of fatalities
                                  I’m concerned at the ever-increasing          and serious injuries on our roads.
                                  workload our members are facing as              Specialist teams undoubtedly have an
                                  they stretch themselves close to, or          important role in addressing the drivers
                                  beyond, breaking point.                       of crime, and there is no argument that
                                     In my travels around the country,          organised crime is a growing worry
                                  I talk to officers in rural, provincial and   for New Zealand. Increasing resources
                                  metropolitan New Zealand and the              in specialist areas, however, must not
                                  overwhelming theme is the massive             come at the expense of general crime
                                  increase in the demands for service,          investigation squads.
                                  but the required resourcing is just not         Police needs to recognise that,
                                  keeping pace.                                 wonderful though many prevention
                                     I am talking about the pressures on        initiatives are, people expect a response
                                  24-hour frontline response staff, PST,        to their calls for service. If that’s not

                                  crime squads and dog handlers. Our            happening due to unacceptable
                                  2017 members’ survey identified that          workloads on the frontline, there is
                                  nine out of 10 staff perceive there are       a real risk of losing the trust of New
                                  not enough resources allocated to             Zealanders.
                                  GDB frontline, and in Southern and              When the Police Minister and the
                                  Eastern Districts, 97 per cent of staff       Police executive sit down to discuss the
                                  believe the frontline is under-resourced.     allocation of the 1800 staff promised,
                                     In Commissioner Bush’s recent              24/7 frontline responders need to be
                                  presentation of the Police Annual             at the head of the queue.
Phone: (04) 496 6800
                                  Review to the Justice Select Committee,
Fax: (04) 471 1309                he identified significant pressures,
Editor: Ellen Brook               including 122,000 family harm incidents
Email:   attended in the last year and 35,000
Website:    mental health incidents.
Facebook:          As the Commissioner pointed out,
           nzpoliceassociation    these are not “drop-in-and-drop-out”
Twitter: @nzpoliceassn            situations and a single incident can take     Chris Cahill

                                                                                                        MARCH 2018 | 3
Gang activity Inside the Gang Intelligence Centre - The facts of leave Tough guys - Police Association
The Buzz

 The decrease in the number of
breath tests done by police over
four years, Resourcing issues or
 targeted policing? You decide.

                                   Still proud!
                                            he police presence at the annual Auckland Pride Parade seems to grow
                                            bigger and better each year. This year, Association president Chris Cahill
                                            joined colleagues on the walk down Ponsonby Rd. Commissioner Mike
                                   Bush was there too. What a change from 2014 when Police staff weren’t allowed
                                   to march in their uniforms and sought assistance from the Police Association for
                                   T-shirts with our logo on them instead. It seems that now, far from shying away
                                   from the event, everyone wants a photo with Miss Chocolate Box and her friends.
                                   The Association also sponsored a barbecue for the hungry police participants.

  When you’re partnered with
 Deadpool what could possibly
go wrong? – Wellington District
      Police Facebook

 Surely the Police
Association can do
 no wrong with a
 president called
  ‘Christ Cahill’.
 Twitter user Dave Burgess@
  DaveBurgess13 on a Radio
 New Zealand website story
 with a reverential typo in our
       president’s name.                                    Photo: CONSTABLE CAROLINE
                                                            LUDFORD, AUCKLAND
                                                            FORENSIC IMAGING

  4 | MARCH 2018
Gang activity Inside the Gang Intelligence Centre - The facts of leave Tough guys - Police Association

Deportation boosts gang activity
         hotographed standing beside                    Critical area for resourcing                               the Police response to organised crime and
         gold-plated motorbikes,                        Our own members continue to sound                          drugs was under-resourced.
         Comanchero gang members have                   the alarm on gang activity and the level of                  When asked to name the single-most
been boasting online about setting up a                 resourcing needed to tackle it.                            critical area for additional resources,
chapter in New Zealand.                                   In last year’s Association Member Survey,                organised crime and drugs was the second
  The crowing and posturing come as no                  one officer was quoted as saying: “I believe               area of concern (after frontline/general
surprise to police, who have been concerned             the organised criminal element in New                      duties), but the level of concern had risen
about the potential activities of this particular       Zealand are now sufficiently armed and                     more significantly than in previous years –
gang since Australia began deporting Kiwi               pose a threat to all members of society,                   18 per cent compared with 14 per cent in
crims back to New Zealand two years ago.                let alone police. As a frontline sergeant, I               2015. The concern for frontline resources
  Detective Superintendent Greg Williams,               believe that police should be armed at all                 had risen by 3 per cent (from 61% to 64%).
head of the National Organised Crime                    times, along with more and better training
Group, confirmed in the media last month                in the handling and shooting of firearms.”
that the Comancheros had formed a Kiwi                    His concerns about equipment and                             Concerns about existing and
chapter and they appeared to be aligning                training were echoed in the survey results                     growing gang activity are not
themselves with the Mongrel Mob in                      with two out of three respondents saying                       confined to Police. A ground-
Waikato and the Filthy Few in Tauranga.                                                                                breaking whole of government
  Police are most concerned about the                                                                                  approach, initiated two years ago,
gang’s predilection for the use of firearms,                                                                           led to the formation of the Gang
conflict with other gangs and extreme                                                                                  Intelligence Centre – a multi-
violence. Last month a former president                                                                                agency organisation, hosted by
of the Comancheros was shot dead in a                          Police are most                                         Police, and based at Police National
Sydney car park in what was believed to
have been a revenge killing.
                                                                 concerned                                             Headquarters in Wellington.
                                                                                                                         Through the application of
  The Police Association has long been                        about the gang’s                                         comprehensive data analysis from
concerned about how members of
outlaw motorcycle gangs deported
                                                                predilection                                           across government departments,
                                                                                                                       its aim is to try to break the cycles
from Australia would contribute to the                           for the use                                           of harm generated through
“professionalisation” and sophistication
of gangs here, including developing and
                                                                 of firearms,                                          generations of gang life in
                                                                                                                       New Zealand.
expanding methamphetamine networks.                             conflict with
  Early last year, president Chris Cahill                                                                              Read about the work of the Gang
warned that gang competition for the meth                       other gangs                                            Intelligence Centre on the
market in New Zealand could have severe                         and extreme                                            following pages.
consequences in terms of public safety
and policing.                                                         violence.
Conspicuous consumption: Comanchero members wearing New Zealand patches posted Instagram photos of
themselves, including with gold-plated motorbikes. Not long after, the customised bike on the left was seized by
police in Tauranga (and photographed, right).

                                                                                                                                               MARCH 2018 | 5
Gang activity Inside the Gang Intelligence Centre - The facts of leave Tough guys - Police Association

The intelligent
If you’re a gang member, associate or prospect living in
New Zealand, Police has got tabs on you. Ellen Brook reports.

            sing ground-breaking                                                                      This year, it is hoping to get seconded
            collaborative techniques, the                                                           staff from several other social and
            Gang Intelligence Centre (GIC),          “The real value is                             regulatory agencies.
“hosted” by the National Intelligence                                                                 Collaboration and buy-in from other
Centre at PNHQ, has compiled a list of
                                                       the strategic                                agencies are key aspects of the GIC’s
individuals called the National Gang                 intelligence that                              mission to provide “insight to inform
List (NGL). It’s currently at 5500 names                                                            action across a spectrum of social and law
of gang members and prospects – and                enables system-wide                              enforcement options”, which continues
  The GIC was set up two years ago under
                                                   harm reduction and                               to align with the new government’s stated
                                                                                                    focus on tackling organised crime and
the previous government, as part of a wider            prevention.”                                 reducing poverty.
gang harm reduction strategy, and tasked                                                              Is it “Big Brother”? If you’re a gang
with building detailed intelligence about                                                           member, you may well think so, but there
gang activity in New Zealand with the                                                               are strict rules around the gathering and
ultimate aim of reducing gang harm.                Travis Benson, Police National Intelligence      use of such information.
  Police Commissioner Peter Marshall             Centre manager, says the multi-agency                From a bundle of material arriving from
had previously said it was time for the          GIC has evolved from “uncharted                    disparate sources, the GIC seeks to shine
country to find a “circuit breaker” for inter-   beginnings” into a “genuine New Zealand            an analytical light on gang activity – from
generational gang culture.                       Government fusion centre”.                         the home front to overseas connections
  After two years, the GIC is getting into         It is the largest centre of its kind in          – to more accurately inform policy and
its stride and the NGL is one of its major       the country, with representatives from             strategic responses across government.
                        accomplishments,         Police, Customs, Corrections, Housing                Intelligence supervisor Les Maxwell says
                            along with its       New Zealand, the Ministry of Social                Police simply couldn’t do it alone.
                              innovative         Development and Internal Affairs.                  Continued P8
                               “whole of

                                                                           Effecting change from the 12th floor:
                                                                           From left, GIC supervisor Les Maxwell, GIC
                                                                           manager Cathy Toi-Cassidy, NIC manager
                                                                           Travis Benson.

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Gang activity Inside the Gang Intelligence Centre - The facts of leave Tough guys - Police Association
A fictional example of inter-generational gang connections and victims in
                                    one family – based on GIC research into real gang-related families.

                                  A Gang Family Tree
     Family violence alert                                     Previous relationship                               Current relationship
     Former or current beneficiary
     Prison or probation sentence                                       Parents                                           Parents
     Child included in current benefit                                                            Ruby                                             Gang
                                                                                                71 years
     Gang member                                                                       Current caregiver of several
                                                                                         young family members

1st generation
Ruby has nine

                         victim                                           victim                        victim &      Partner:                     offender
                                                                                                       offender        gang          Gang
                                                                                                                      member        member
                                                                                                                         victim        offender

1st generation                                                                                             Parents
                                   Caregiver of
child of Ruby                        relative             Jo
                                                       49 years
                                                    gang member)
                                                                                                                              Gang member
                                                                                                                         offender/serious violence/
                                                            victim                                                     weapons/agg robbery/firearms

2nd generation
seven children

                               victim            victim &                 victim &       Gang member        Agg               victim &      Imprisonment
                                               offender/                offender/             victim &   robbery            offender/      as youth – gang
                                               violence                 violence/           offender/                       violence/          member
                                                                     weapons/current        violence/                       weapons               Serious
                                                                         charges            weapons/                                         violence/Agg
                                                                                         current charges                                        robbery

                             Mother             Mother                  Father                                                Father

3rd generation
12 children
aged 1-17 years                                                                            Caregiver:           Caregiver:
                                                                                            relative             relative
                             Father          Father         Father         Mother
                                                                                                                             Mother        Mother

                              victim &        Gang           victim &    victim/
                             offender        member        offender current charges                                   victim & offender/      victim
                                           victim & offender/                                                              charges
                                           current charges
                                                                                                                           Source: NZ Gang Intellegence Centre

                                                                                                                                              MARCH 2018 | 7
Gang activity Inside the Gang Intelligence Centre - The facts of leave Tough guys - Police Association
“Now we can actually count the cost to
                           society and it’s quite an eye-opener.”

  “The information Police gets is not           testing and safeguard tenancy managers           increase support for strategies that tackle
always accurate because the individuals         and contractors. We can also highlight           social harm. “The real value is the strategic
we deal with can have several aliases. The      opportunities for partner agencies to            intelligence that enables system-wide harm
Department of Internal Affairs, however,        provide support if children or victims of        reduction and prevention,” he says.
can be more precise regarding identity          family violence are present in the home.”           So how does that translate at the
validation and can more easily see where          Some of the “bigger picture” snapshots         grassroots level? What does all the data and
something may not line up.”                     that the NGL highlights are, for example,        number crunching achieve for the social
  Travis says that before the GIC began,        that particular chapters of the Mongrel Mob      agencies on the ground?
many agencies were not fully aware of the       are evolving and expanding and there are            The overview helps all agencies, they say,
impact that gangs could have on the work        now more Comanchero motorcycle gang              with intel that can be as good for a social
of their organisations. “Now we can actually    members arriving in New Zealand since            worker in the suburbs (being kept apprised
count the cost to society and it’s quite an     Australia began deporting gang members           of gang family connections) as it can be for
eye-opener,” he says.                           back here.                                       a policy analyst at Treasury (just how much
  A Ministry of Social Development report         The GIC also works with the Australian         that family is costing the country) or Police
on gang activity shows that cycles of           Gang Intelligence Co-ordination Centre,          (intel on the character of a person seeking
violence within gang families collectively      overseen by the Australian Crime                 a firearms licence).
cost the welfare system $714 million over       Intelligence Commission, and the Pacific            The GIC is studying its expanding big
their lifetimes. Between 1993 and 2014,         Transnational Crime Co-ordination Centre         picture to see if it can find the answers
nine out of 10 gang members received            based in Samoa.                                  to reducing family and societal harm. For
a benefit or other welfare, costing $525          The South Pacific is an area of concern,       example, it has embarked on a project to
million, the report said.                       says Les. “Organised crime is a significant      utilise the Integrated Data Infrastructure
  The report said 60 per cent of children       threat to the region. With the knowledge we      (IDI), a massive research database owned by
born to gang parents were abused or             have of gang activity, such as the names and     Statistics NZ but with data from a range of
neglected and it estimated that Child,          whereabouts of individuals, we have been         government agencies, to answer policy and
Youth and Family spent up to $189 million       able to disrupt dozens of movements.”            evaluation questions with respect to gangs.
supporting the children of gang members           For example, he says, as a result of good         One of the main aims is to break the cycle
over their lifetimes.                           intel, on one occasion at least 12 members       of gang life. Nobody thinks that’s going to
  More than 30 per cent of the country’s        of the Tribesmen gang were prevented             be easy, or that it will happen quickly.
prison population are affiliated with a gang.   from travelling to Fiji.                            As the GIC’s new manager, Cathy Toi-
Inmates often feel pressured into aligning                                                       Cassidy, puts it: “We are taking small bites
with a gang for their own protection.
  Regular GIC reporting highlights the
number of gang members involved in
                                                T     he GIC also monitors changes in gang
                                                      membership and connections. Travis
                                                says police intelligence on certain gang
                                                                                                 of the elephant.” She’s optimistic, however,
                                                                                                 that with the overview and input of many
                                                                                                 government agencies working together,
serious violence offences, including            members has been enriched by 40 per              they will at least have a fighting chance.
homicides, kidnappings, firearms and            cent by the GIC because of more “accurate           A key initiative in the whole of
meth offences. This intelligence also           views of networks”.                              government plan is the Start at Home
informs other reporting. For example, the         He says it’s a trap, however, to talk about    programme, led by MSD, to try to turn
GIC prepares intel reports for Housing          the GIC only in law enforcement terms. “It’s     people away from the gang lifestyle and
New Zealand, which has about 400                a collaborative effort and a progression to      reduce the likelihood of young people
gang members living in its properties.          build a strategic intelligence picture for the   joining gangs.
Information on methamphetamine and              whole country.”                                     It will take generations to see change, so
violence offences involving any of these          In the first couple of years, more of a law    it helps to be a believer. “The information
gang members is invaluable.                     enforcement approach had been necessary          is all right here,” says Travis. “The intel does
  “With that information,” Les says, “Housing   to help build the picture, he says, but          the work. The fusion model is the best
NZ can prioritise meth contamination            the next phase of the GIC’s mission is to        chance we have for dealing with gangs.”

8 | MARCH 2018
Gang activity Inside the Gang Intelligence Centre - The facts of leave Tough guys - Police Association

                                                                                This column is written by a frontline police member. It does not
                                                                                        represent the views or policies of the Police Association.

Crash and learn                                  online, the value of these wise old heads          and not have to back it up with facts.

M       y mates around the country have          to mentor the greenhorns will be more                Certain sections of the firearms
        been telling me some scary stories       important than ever.                               community have been using the veil of
about the number of accidents that staff           Sure, they might not be able to quote            social media anonymity to attack your
are being involved in while urgent duty          “Our Business” verbatim, but when it comes         president, posting a Photoshopped
driving.                                         to keeping each other safe, they are who           picture of him in a Nazi uniform, being
  Perhaps it’s not surprising, given the         we want in the i-cars with the newbies, and        one example. Although, I have to say…
increase in cars on the road, but 19 vehicles    the bosses should keep that front of mind.         he does look rather smart.
damaged in one district in a month is a                                                               Even a policing-related social media
                                                 Mod-cops                                           site fell for it recently, with a post alleging

pretty negative way to increase foot patrols.
                                                      he new Christchurch Central Police            there had been 23 resignations from
  Speed is a dominant factor and I hope
                                                      Station in the recently opened justice        Counties Manukau in one week to go
some of the crazy numbers I hear have
                                                 precinct is an amazing facility with lots of       to Queensland. The facts are that CM is
been embellished in the telling.
                                                 mod cons, special engineering features to          currently over RAT and possibly has its
  It reminds me of my first car chase (sorry,
                                                 keep people safe in an earthquake and lots         lowest attrition in memory.
“failing to stop”), the adrenaline buzz of
                                                 of innovative thinking.                              I guess it was a case of not letting the
driving flat out, red and blues blazing, the
                                                   However, it comes with some challenges,          facts get in the way of a good story.
convoy of units behind us and Delta doing
                                                 and it will be interesting to watch as a few
what they do best. Forcing the fleeing
                                                 dinosaurs adapt to the idea of hot desking
burglars off the road made for a great story
over a beer at Sunday school.
                                                 and shared work groups.
                                                   The bottom line is, it’s something to be
                                                                                                    Stay safe
                                                                                                    out there...
  Over the years, however, I have seen           proud of, and I bet our Auckland Central
many similar incidents end in tragedy, for all   colleagues would grab it with open arms.
involved. It makes me appreciate the wise
old head who kept me calm during that            Social misinformation                              Constable Iam Keen

pursuit and ensured good sense prevailed                es, we all love social media, and it can    To update Iam Keen
during the adrenaline rush.                             be a great crime-fighting tool. Trouble     with information, email
  With the 1800 new recruits coming              is, it’s a bit too easy to say whatever you like

Members – new discounts for you
We’ve added two new
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Discount programme
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To find out more about these discounts                     Beaurepaires                                    Vivo Hair & Beauty
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sign in, then click on ‘Member Discounts’                  and four-wheel drives.                      Selected salons also offer a full range of
from the ‘Products and Services’ menu.                   Beaurepairs offers members                                 beauty services.
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                                                                                                                                   MARCH 2018 | 9
Gang activity Inside the Gang Intelligence Centre - The facts of leave Tough guys - Police Association
In Brief                                 Still on the road
                                                    fter 27 years with Police, in New       training programmes and have also become
                                                    Zealand and Britain, Mark Revill-       the person the team comes to for the tough
                                                    Johnson felt he was facing a career     questions.”
SAR names sought                         crossroad.                                           Mark says he would definitely recommend
                                           Should he stay on in the job well into           becoming a driving instructor as a great next
Calling all former members of
                                         retirement or go out on his own and try            step for any police officer looking for a new
Auckland Police Search and
                                         something new?                                     challenge or if they’re about to retire.
Rescue… If you served for at least a
                                           He opted for the latter and six years ago he
year with Auckland SAR, your name
will be added to a new honours
board in the SAR squad room at
                                         became a fulltime driving instructor based in
                                           Having already qualified as a driving
                                                                                            M        eanwhile, a Hamilton highway patrol
                                                                                                     officer has been commended by
                                                                                            Police for helping a disqualified driver get
the Auckland Harbour Bridge Base.
                                         instructor in Britain, that made his choice        legal behind the wheel.
Detective Constable Sara Arrow
                                         a little easier, but also, he says, it meant he      Police’s online Ten One magazine reported
is trying to track down all those
                                         could make use of the skills and knowledge         last month on how Senior Constable Neale
who would be eligible to have their
                                         he had honed while working for Police              Williams pulled over a woman who was
names on the board. The earliest
                                         and he could still make a difference in the        found to be driving without a licence.
member she has managed to find
                                         community.                                           She had been disqualified more than eight
so far is from 1962, although official
                                           “It’s a scary step to take going from the        years previously, but had never attempted to
records don’t go back much further
                                         security of a salary and a team to running         requalify because she was embarrassed by
than the late 1980s. Auckland SAR
                                         your own business,” he says.                       her lack of reading and writing skills.
currently has 18 officers and three
                                           “But it’s also a lifestyle choice because          Neale offered to be a “reader”, sitting
dog handlers, drawn from across
                                         there is so much more flexibility. You’re          with her while she took the test, and also
Auckland, whose SAR duties are on
                                         your own boss and in some small way you            recommended a New Zealand Transport
top of their regular police work. Six
                                         can reduce death and injury on the road, so        Agency app to help her study the theory part
are on call at any one time, 24/7, for
                                         you’re still making a difference,” he says.        of the test.
bush and urban searches, rescuing
                                           “Being in the Police prepares you better           “I sat with her and we did the test,” Ten
injured people, body recovery and
                                         than most people to pass the qualification         One reported. “She failed with 31 out of 35 –
assisting with maritime SAR. Sara
                                         exam because we already have a good                you’re only allowed to get three wrong. She
can be contacted at
                                         handle of the road rules and the difference        had clearly studied, though, as the mistakes
                                         wording in a law can make,” he says.               were silly ones.
                                           “What it doesn’t teach you is how to market        “She couldn’t afford to pay for the test
                                         yourself, which is a core part of generating       again so I paid for a second go – I thought if
                                         business.”                                         we don’t do it now it’ll go into the too-hard
                                           That’s where signing up with an                  basket. Second time, she passed with room
                                         organisation such as the Automobile                to spare.”
                                         Association (AA) can be useful, he says.             Neale was praised by his supervisor, Acting
                                           “You still have your independence, but you       Sergeant Will Hamilton, who said the story
That takes the biscuit                   also get referrals and learn the skills to build   was a perfect demonstration of the essence
A London Metropolitan police             your own client network.                           and spirit of the Police High Performance
officer who was on restricted duties       “I’m at the point now where I’m training         Framework.
for nearly two years after being         novice and experienced drivers, have                                          Former police officer
accused of stealing a tin of biscuits    launched a motorbike training course                                          Mark Revill-Johnson is
from a colleague in May 2016 has         through the AA, I’m working as an AA                                          an AA driving instructor
                                                                                                                       in Cambridge. “In some
been found not guilty of gross           technical instructor, helping to develop new                                  small way you can reduce
misconduct. Police Oracle reported                                                                                     death and injury on
that the officer was said to have                                                                                      the road, so you’re still
                                                                                                                       making a difference.”
handed out the “posh” biscuits from
a two-tier tin to colleagues at the
end of a busy night shift. That led
to an accusation of theft and he
was put on light duties when the
Professional Standards Department
was called in to investigate, which
led to a disciplinary hearing. The
length of time the case took has
highlighted delays in internal
investigations at the Met.

   10 | MARCH 2018

A “Sallie” in the ranks
          former police officer turned           constable on a tour of the                              In between are true-to-life accounts
          image consultant, Sheryn               Palmerston North Police                                of some of the toughest aspects of
          Adamson is about to launch her         Station.                                               policing. As Sheryn says: “Life as I
first book – a tell-all memoir that ranges         In 1993, they married                                 knew it, going from a civilian to a
through religion, policing and fertility         and their difficult journey                             sworn police officer, would change
issues.                                          towards having a family is at                            me forever in many unexpected
  Her matter-of-fact and honest account          the core of the book.                                    ways.”
of her Salvation Army upbringing, her eye-         As the daughter of fulltime                              Life Wide Open is being launched
opening 12 years with New Zealand Police                            Christian                              on Sunday, March 25, at the
and her struggles with infertility and                                 ministers,                          Khandallah Town Hall, Wellington,
her faith will strike a chord with many.                                Sheryn                             6pm-7pm. A limited number of
  Life Wide Open, subtitled One Girl’s                                   has obviously picked      books will be for sale at $30 each, cash
Extraordinary Journey, is published                                       up a trick or two        only sales. The book is also available
by the Christian self-publishing                                           about conveying         through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, the
group WestBow Press.                                                       faith-based             Book Depository and Google Play books.
  Sheryn joined Police when she                                             messages, which
was 19, spending the first six years                                        are woven through
on “the street” before moving to                                             her book.
covert ops for the last six years of                                                                 GIVEAWAY
her career.                                                                                          We have one copy of Life Wide Open
  Like something straight from                                                                       by Sheryn Adamson (WestBow Press,
the book she would eventually                                                                        pb) to give away. To be in the draw,
write, she met her husband-to-                                                                       email
be on the first day on the job                                                                       with LIFE WIDE OPEN in the subject
when Constable Brad Adamson                                                                          line and include your name and
(now based at PNHQ) was tasked                                                                       address in the body of the email.
with taking the probationary                                                                         The draw closes on March 20.

Workplace allowances under scrutiny
         he definition of a “normal place of       Police, however, say an employee is              impact on other allowances within the CEA.
         work”, and allowances associated        only entitled to the allowance where               Temporary positions within districts are
         with that, is at the core of a Police   “a movement or change is required by               frequently being advertised as excluding
Association claim being laid with the            Police due to operational or resourcing            all allowances. We see this as potentially
Employment Relations Authority (ERA).            requirements that are ad hoc, temporary            subverting CEA entitlements, which set
   The Association has filed a “statement        and out of the ordinary”.                          the minimum entitlements and cannot be
of problem” with the ERA with the aim of           “In practical terms, this would apply only       contracted out of.”
clarifying staff entitlements amid differing     where Police had directed the employee               The issue essentially comes down to the
interpretations of the law around rotations      to move on a temporary basis,” Mr Dwyer            point at which an employee’s normal “place
and allowances.                                  said. “And Police insist that any expression       of work” changes.
   Association legal officer Harley Dwyer        of interest in any position by an employee           Police argue it changes immediately upon a
said the Association and Police had been         invalidates any claim. This means that             change in workplace, whether as a rotation or
in discussions for some time on the matter,      payment of any allowance could be negated          other temporary move.
mainly to do with work-related motor             simply by an employee indicating their               The Association’s view is that the “normal place
vehicle reimbursements.                          preferred position in a compulsory rotation.”      of work” is the substantive position to which a
   Under clause 4.9.1(ii) of the Constabulary      Given that Police also now appoint               member returns at the end of any temporary
Collective Employment Agreement (CEA),           members to districts rather than stations,         assignment, rotation or secondment.
if an employee is required to travel to an       any move of any employee within a district         If members have any specific examples
alternate place of work that is a further        could also avoid payment of the allowance,         which they think should be reviewed in
away than where they previously worked,          he said.                                           light of the ERA proceedings outlined here,
they can be reimbursed for the difference in       “The Association sees this as problematic        please advise your local field officer as
travel costs.                                    given the size of Police districts. It may also    soon as possible.

                                                                                                                                MARCH 2018 | 11

                                      Cut your home loan
                                         down to size
                                    If you’re looking to get your home loan debt down, there’s
                                    probably never been a better opportunity than right now.
     New Zealand home loan interest rates are at some of their                                            If you have a floating rate loan, you can increase your
     lowest rates ever, and they look set to stay that way for                                            repayments or make lump sum repayments at any time
     some time.                                                                                           without penalty. It may not be as immediately enticing as an
                                                                                                          overseas holiday or a new TV, but even a small amount on a
     One of the major influences on home loan rates is the Official                                       regular basis could save you a surprising amount of money in
     Cash Rate (OCR), which is set by the Reserve Bank. The OCR is                                        interest costs and help you repay your loan faster.
     currently at a record low of just 1.75 per cent and at the latest
     review, the Reserve Bank said it expects it to stay there for                                        If you’d like to see how much you could save on your home
     another year at least.                                                                               loan by increasing your repayments, check out our home loan
                                                                                                          repayments calculator at And don’t forget, if you
     Lower interest rates mean lower home loan repayments                                                 have a fixed home loan, you can make one lump sum payment
     – and more money in the pocket of many homeowners.                                                   of up to 5 per cent of your total balance each year, without
     But it’s also an opportunity for those who can find some                                             paying an early repayment recovery fee*.
     extra cash from their household budget to put towards
     reducing their home loan faster.                                                                     Of course, while the outlook for interest rate markets looks
                                                                                                          stable for the foreseeable future, there are no guarantees,
                                                                                                          as recent volatility in sharemarkets shows.

                                                                                                          So, if you’d like to find out more about how to put the
                                                                                                          squeeze on your home loan, contact us on 0800 269 296,
                                                                                                          or pop into your nearest branch. And, if you’re not already
                                                                                                          taking advantage of the great benefits of the Police Home
                                                                                                          Loan Package, including discounts on home loan interest rates
                                                                                                          and other banking products, find out how we can help you
                                                                                                          save even more.

                                                                                                          * Early repayment administration fee still applies.

Lending criteria, terms, conditions and fees apply. This material is for information purposes only. Its content is intended to be of a general nature, does not take into account your financial situation
or goals, and is not a personalised financial adviser service under the Financial Advisers Act 2008. It is recommended you seek advice from a financial adviser which takes into account your individual
circumstances before you acquire a financial product. If you would like to speak to an ANZ Authorised Financial Adviser, please call 0800 269 296.

                      Special offer
                                                                                   Buying a new home or refinancing can                                   For more information or to
                                                                                   be an expensive process. We aim to                                     apply for the Police Home
                                                                                   make it easier on Police Welfare Fund                                  Loan Package visit
                                                                                   members’ pockets.
                      Six months’
                                                                                   Draw down a new Police Home Loan
                                                                                                                                                          *Police Fire & General Insurance will be
                                                                                   and be eligible for six months’ free home
                      free home                                                    insurance through the Welfare Fund’s
                                                                                   Police Fire & General Insurance*.
                                                                                                                                                          subject to the standard underwriting terms
                                                                                                                                                          and conditions and is provided through the
                                                                                                                                                          Police Welfare Fund, not ANZ. Members

                      insurance                                                    Members eligible for the free cover should
                                                                                   contact our Member Services team on
                                                                                                                                                          are eligible for one period of six months’
                                                                                                                                                          free Police Fire & General Home Insurance
                                                                                                                                                          premium only, per member, regardless of the
                                                                                                                                                          term of Police Home Loan taken. Police Fire &
                                                                                   0800 500 122. You will need a copy of                                  General Insurance is underwritten by Lumley
                                                                                   your loan document from ANZ.                                           General Insurance (NZ) Limited.

12 | MARCH 2018

Closing his current account
        inance, tax and commercial affairs        form of two other former Telecom staffers         David was hired as the Police
        have been David Osborne’s bread           who asked David to join them in setting         Association’s finance manager in 2003
        and butter for his entire working         up Paradigm Technologies, specialising in       by then-CEO Chris Pentecost, who told
life, which stretches back to 1967 and            international telephone pricing software.       him he wanted a “mature person with
the accounts department at the Shell Oil            David became the finance and                  plenty of experience”. David fitted the bill
terminal in Napier.                               commercial manager of the company,              and, as he recalls, Chris was very impressed
   Preparing to retire after 15 years as the      which had contracts with telephone              with his expertise in Excel spreadsheets.
Police Association’s finance manager,             companies in Indonesia, the Netherlands           Even so, he says, it took him several
David, 71, has been reflecting on his long        and the United States.                          months to learn all about how the
career. In hindsight, it’s clear he’s had great     Paradigm Technologies eventually moved        Association worked. “It’s not just a union.
instincts for making good decisions at the        its HQ to Britain, but not before it had sold   There’s this whole other commercial side
right time.                                       ground-breaking software that included          to it.”
   The Hastings born and raised lad had           Y2K millennial changeover protection.             During his time at the Association, he
originally gone to Massey University                David continued as the New Zealand            has seen the organisation’s assets increase
in Palmerston North to study food                 manager for a while, but eventually found       four-fold and turnover has risen by 200 per
technology, but after one year he realised        that working in two time zones was taking       cent. Holiday Homes have increased from
that the world of academia wasn’t for him.        a toll on his health and family life, which     43 to 66 and the number of members
He preferred a more practical approach            has always been paramount for him and           accessing discount mortgages has
and, as it turned out, found his niche in         Robyn.                                          increased more than four-fold. Health Plan
accounting.                                         In the early 1980s, they began fostering      membership has risen by 23 per cent and
   In 1968 he transferred to the Shell Oil        children through the Open Home                  claims are up by $21.2 million. Association
head office in Wellington, where he rose to       Foundation. Over 15 years, they fostered        and Welfare membership has increased by
become the financial accounting manager.          34 children, most under the age of 12,          30 per cent.
   That same year, he met his wife to             for anything from a few weeks to a few            He’s proud of the fact that the
be, Robyn, at a dance at the Sheraton             months.                                         Association weathered the 2008 global
Ballroom in the city. The couple married                                                          financial crisis (GFC) in good heart,
in 1972 and have two children. He stayed                                                          suffering no losses.
with Shell Oil till 1980, then moved to                                                             As for the world of accounting, it’s
Fletcher Challenge, but kept continuity                                                           become far more regulated with a
with the oil industry with responsibility for                                                     tangle of red tape and bureaucracy, he
the Rockgas LPG side of the business.                                                             says. “It all got very complicated after
   That was until 1984, when he joined                                                            the GFC, which led to a lot of reporting
Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) as group                                                       constraints. Company tax, especially, is
finance and tax manager, but, developing                                                          very complicated these days.”
his weather eye for financial forecasts, he                                    Retiring finance     Outside of work, David has been a keen
                                                                               manager David
says he was able to “bail out” before                                          Osborne.           photographer since the age of 16 when
that company left New Zealand.                                                                    he got his first camera, an East German-
   In 1986 he joined air                                                                          made Praktica. Nowadays he wrangles a
compressor company                                                                                Canon and photographs the natural world,
Atlas Copco as a financial                                                                        people, weddings and special occasions.
controller until that                                                                               It’s a creative outlet for a man whose
company also moved                                                                                professional life has been immersed in
offshore to Australia, a                                                                          figures, spreadsheets and audits.
destination he wasn’t                                                                               Now he’s finally ready to retire, he says,
too keen on.                                                                                      though he will miss the Association, which
   The time was                                                                                   he says is a wonderfully “people-oriented”
right to move again                                                                               organisation.
and this time it                                                                                    He and Robyn and the family, including
was to rising telco                                                                               five grandchildren, will be spending a bit
Telecom, where he                                                                                 more time at their Horowhenua bach and
became manager                                                                                    he’s hoping there may be a contract job
financial accounting.                                                                             or two on the side – just to keep his
Later, he survived two                                                                            hand in.
restructures, but not                                                                               Knowing his knack for being in the right
a third, but opportunity                                                                          place at the right time, there probably
knocked again in the                                                                              will be.

                                                                                                                             MARCH 2018 | 13

The facts of leave
Everything you always wanted to know, but were afraid to ask.
What is my leave                                  What is a “leave year”?                         • Take operational requirements into
entitlement?                                      All employees have their own “leave year”         account. Both employees and managers
                                                  starting from the date they joined Police         need to plan around this. Police should
Constabulary employees are entitled
                                                  – their “anniversary” date. For example, if       not cancel an employee’s leave at the
to 20 annual leave days (25 after five
                                                  an employee joined Police on October 15,          last minute when an operation should
years’ service), 11 statutory holidays and
2 Commissioner’s holidays (there is no            2008, their current leave year is October 15,     have been planned earlier or if an
entitlement to Commissioner’s holidays            2017, to October 14, 2018.                        operation can wait until the employee
after five years).                                  Police managers often use the date of           returns from leave;
  Non-constabulary employees are                  June 30 to manage leave because this is         • Be flexible. The leave plan is a “living”
entitled to 20 annual leave days (25              the end of the financial year and they want       document and amendments may be
after 5 years), 11 statutory holidays and         to reduce leave liability. However, June          needed due to unforeseen operational
3 Commissioner’s days (there is no                30 has no relevance to leave-year dates           requirements and changes in the
entitlement to Commissioner’s holidays            (unless you started then), which should           employee’s personal circumstances. It
after five years).                                be tied only to an employee’s individual          is reasonable to expect employees to
                                                  leave year.                                       have a leave plan, but a reasonable plan
How does leave accrue?
                                                                                                    includes some flexibility.
Leave balances are updated in MyPolice            What’s the deal with
overnight. Statutory holidays and                 “leave plans”?                                  The difference between
Commissioner’s days are accrued as they           Police can expect its employees to have         leave entitlement and
occur.                                            a “leave plan”, which is a reasonable and
  Your entitlement to Shift Workers Leave
                                                                                                  leave accruing
                                                  sound expectation for managing leave.
is calculated throughout the year and your                                                        As if it’s not complicated enough, leave
                                                  The leave plan should cover an employee’s
balance will adjust accordingly throughout                                                        falls into two categories – your leave
                                                  particular leave year and:
the year. It is important that your                                                               entitlement and your leave accruing.
timesheets are up to date so all qualifying       • Ensure employees have the opportunity           Leave entitlement is the balance of your
hours/shifts are included for calculation.          to take their leave                           unused leave on your anniversary date. For
  Where a statutory holiday falls on a Saturday   • Ensure employees are properly                 example, if your anniversary date is October
or Sunday, it is transferrable to the following     consulted about taking their leave, so        15, your leave year begins on October 15
Monday (Mondayised). The next time this             they can, as far as possible, take leave      each year. If, on October 15 this year, you
happens won’t be till 2020 when both Anzac          when they want to. Any discussions            have a leave balance of 22 days, this is your
Day and Boxing Day fall on a Saturday.              about leave should be two-way                 “leave entitlement”. Continued page 16

14 | MARCH 2018
                               ...about leave

Dear Aunty                                   sending an email to your HR office,        how you intend on getting below the
                                             copying in your supervisor, saying:        50 days’ leave maximum on December
I’m a newly promoted sergeant and
                                                                                        12, given you’re intending to leave near
have been told by my supervisors that        “I have been directed to reduce my
                                                                                        your anniversary date. It’s a good idea
all my staff must have a leave balance       leave balance to a level that does not
                                                                                        to let Police know your plan – usually
of fewer than 40 days by June 30 this        align with my entitlement under the
                                                                                        in this scenario it’s not an issue.
year and that I need to make sure I add      collective agreement. I am notifying
that as a KRA (key results area) in their    you that I am exercising my right
next performance appraisals. I know          under the collective agreement to
this doesn’t align with the CEA – what
                                                                                        Dear Aunty
                                             accrue up to my 50 days entitlement
should I do?                                 during my leave year (eg, October 15       I work in CIB and we’ve always worked
                                             to October 15) and will be planning my     on public holidays. Now my supervisor
Congratulations on your promotion!
                                             leave around my individual leave year.”    has told our team that we are not
You’re now officially the meat in the
                                                                                        required to work on public holidays
sandwich between management and
                                                                                        any more and we have to take these
staff. You could include a KRA in a
                                                                                        days off as HOLs. Can they do this?
performance appraisal on effective
leave management but, as you know,
you cannot include a KRA that enforces
                                                  Police, as the                        Yes. Police, as the employer, can
                                                                                        determine whether you are required
a balance not in line with the collective.       employer, can                          on a public holiday. It is not a right to
                                                                                        work a statutory holiday. The whole
You could possibly meet the needs
of both parties by having something                determine                            point of statutory holidays is to give
along the lines of, “Complete a                                                         employees a day off at the same time
12-month leave plan (which may be                 whether you                           as their family and friends as well as
amended) and takes leave accordingly
to ensure regular periods of leave for
                                                  are required                          marking a special event. Employees
                                                                                        should be entitled to take a statutory
the purpose of rest and recreation”.               on a public                          holiday unless there are operational
                                                                                        requirements that require them to
                                                    holiday.                            work. The alternative day (day in lieu)
Dear Aunty                                                                              and time and a half payments are
                                                                                        actually penalties under the Holidays
My leave balance is only 37 days, but
                                                                                        Act 2003 to encourage employers to
I’ve been told I need to get a leave plan
                                                                                        give staff the day off. To avoid this
together for the next 12 months. Is that     Dear Aunty                                 penalty, which the act encourages,
                                             I know Police want my leave balance        most employers, Police included,
Don’t be afraid of a leave plan!             to be low, but I want to accrue leave      require staff to have the day off unless
Remember, they are a “living                 before I retire in December. My            they are absolutely needed. Take the
document” and an element of                  anniversary date is December 12,           day off and enjoy the time with your
flexibility is required. Leave plans also    which is when I want to exit, and my       friends and family!
mean you can turn your mind to how           balance will be up around 67 days by
best to utilise your leave entitlements      then. Can I accumulate my leave over
over the year. Having your leave plan        the 50-day maximum or do I need to         Dear Aunty
entered into MyPolice allows Police          get my balance down?                       I’ve applied for a professional
to consider and approve or decline
                                             I love a person with a plan! If you feel   development opportunity and
your request and, therefore, gives you
                                             comfortable about it, it’s always a good   have been told that if I want to be
the ability to make appropriate plans
                                             idea to let your supervisor know your      considered, I need to reduce my leave
around your leave.
                                             intentions for your leave and, in this     balance to fewer than 30 days. Can
                                             case, your impending exit. Your leave      Police do this?
                                             balance can go over the 50 days as long    No, absolutely not! Under the Code of
Dear Aunty                                   as your “leave entitlement” segment        Conduct (which applies to everyone
Last year I was told my leave needed to      of it is 50 days or below and the rest     in Police), the Commissioner has an
be below 40 days by June 30. This year,      of your balance is made up of “leave       obligation to “provide the opportunity
they say it has to be below 30 days by       accruing”. For example, on December        for development and enhancement
June 30. I’m sick of it! Everyone knows      11, your leave balance could look like     of individual abilities”. Police cannot
our rights under the CEA – what can I        this: 50 days’ leave entitlement from      withhold this obligation where
do to get Police to stop?                    December 12, 2017, plus 25 days’           members are exercising their rights
Every year! Can they please change           annual leave accrued during 2018,          under their respective collective
the record to align with the collective      plus two DDOs, equals a total balance      agreement. You should contact your
employment agreement! I suggest              of 77 days. Police will want to know       local Association field officer asap.

                                                                                                                     MARCH 2018 | 15

  Leave accruing is the leave you have            Although 50 days’ leave should not be         if your balance is more than 50 days (not
accumulated since your anniversary date.        treated as a target, it is an entitlement       including your leave accrued balance).
If this leaves remain unused by your next       under the collective.                            A direction to take leave should be a
anniversary date, it becomes your leave           For all Police staff, accumulated leave can   last resort and a reasonable employer will
entitlement. For example, on October 15,        be a combination of annual leave, statutory     discuss options with you before a directive
2017, you started accruing leave and any        holidays, Commissioner’s holidays, shift        is given. The best way of avoiding such a
unused leave before October 15, 2018,           workers leave, toil and DDOs (deferred
                                                                                                directive is to have a leave plan so your
will be your leave accruing. After October      days off). Constabulary employees can
                                                                                                supervisor knows your intention for your
15, 2018, any unused leave becomes your         also include PCT (physical competency
                                                                                                leave balance.
leave entitlement.                              test) leave.
                                                                                                 The Holidays Act also allows an employer
  Although the Police system does not             Your leave accumulation limit can be
separate out your leave entitlement and                                                         to have a “close-down” period (eg, the
                                                made up of a single type of leave or
your leave accruing balances, it is important   several types.                                  Christmas-New Year period), but if a
when establishing your maximum 50 days                                                          closedown period is scheduled, Police must
of leave because this accumulation does         Although leave can be accumulated,              give employees at least 14 days’ notice.
not include leave accrued.                      the intention is that you use it for rest        The Holidays Act also says annual leave
                                                and recreation as part of managing your         should be taken on a mutually agreed
How much leave can I
                                                health and safety. You should aim to            date and an employee’s leave request
accumulate?                                     take some, if not most, of your leave in        should not be unreasonably declined. It is
Employees do not have to take their whole       the year it is accumulated. That said, it       important for recording purposes that you
leave entitlement in one year. Under their      is reasonable to accumulate leave for           apply for leave even when you believe it will
respective collective agreements, members       a specific purpose such as an overseas          be declined. This will show your intention
can hold a balance of 50 days without           trip, family visiting, a sports tournament      to manage your leave balance and may be
approval from Police.                           or a convention. This should be covered
                                                                                                helpful if you are subsequently directed to
  This means that before your next              in your leave plan so Police knows your
anniversary date, you can have a balance                                                        take leave.
                                                leave is being managed.
of 50 days’ leave. The day after your
anniversary date, your leave balance is then                                                    Can I be directed to be
made up of the two leave types – leave
                                                Can I be directed                               under a certain leave
entitlement and leave accruing.                 to take leave?                                  limit by June 30?
  For example: You have 50 days’ leave on       Under the Holidays Act, an employee can
                                                                                                As stated earlier, every employee has
your anniversary date of October 15, 2017       be told to take leave that is 12 months’ old
                                                                                                their own leave year, which means
(leave entitlement); by March 2018 you          or older if agreement can’t be reached
have accrued another 10 days leave (leave       between the employee and the employer           that, unless your anniversary date is
accruing); your total leave balance is 60       over when leave is to be taken.                 June 30, that date has no relevance to
days. This complies with the CEA as long as     However, because your collective                your leave planning. Your collective
your leave balance is at or below 50 days       agreements provide a greater                    agreement allows you to hold a 50-day
by your next anniversary date of October        entitlement for leave balances                  accumulation of leave aligned with your
15, 2018.                                       (50 days), Police can make you take leave       anniversary date.

16 | MARCH 2018
Everything you never knew about our Holiday Home destinations

    cards from...
                                    Monuments and memorials
                         ur Lady of the          World War II, when up to 20,000 Americans          The Kāpiti US Marines Trust is working
                         Immaculate              were stationed in the area to train and          with Great Wellington Regional Council
                         Conception, who         recuperate… and run off with our women.          to complete the Yankee Trail walkway,
                stands watch over the good       Up to 500 marines married Kiwi women,            connecting the sites of all three camps.
                people of Paraparaumu,           prompting even more worries about the            Queen Elizabeth Park has many easy
                has been astounding and          invading “bedroom commandos”.                    walkways and bike trails.
                confusing travellers passing       The marines were enormously popular,
                through the Kāpiti Coast         boosting the local economy and hosting
                town for many years.             well-attended baseball games, which were
                  The 14-metre high, white-      a novelty in New Zealand.
                painted wooden statue was          The memorial is an unusual construction
                erected 60 years ago by the      of hut facades each bearing historical
                Catholic Church to mark the      information. In November, a fully restored
 100th anniversary of the apparitions of the     marines’ hut – one of more than 1500 built
 Virgin Mary in Lourdes, France. At the base     for the three camps – was opened on the
 of the statue are the famous words said         site, featuring props and videos to give a
 to have been spoken by Mary during one          flavour of life in the camps.                     Discarded bottles retrieve
                                                                                                                               d from the camp
 of the apparitions: “I am the Immaculate                                                             sites tell the story… a sma
                                                                                                                                  ll American
                                                                                                    beer bottle, a Coca-Cola
 Conception”.                                                                                                                   bottle marked
                                                                                                   “San Diego, Calif”, a soft
                                                                                                                              drink bottle from
   It was intended that she remain in                                                               Thompson and Lewis,
                                                                                                                             Wellington, and a
 place for only one year, but Our Lady has                                                             standard New Zealand
                                                                                                                                beer bottle.
 become an enduring landmark above State
 Highway 1 at Paraparaumu, prompting
 countless awkward family conversations                                                                       Paraparaumu
 about “conception”.
   With 17 bulbs illuminating her halo after
 dusk, Our Lady is said to help guide fishing
                                                                                                  The Police Association has one home in
 boats at night. She also features an internal
                                                                                                  Paraparaumu ($70 a night), located close to
 staircase (necessary to change those bulbs).
                                                                                                  the seafront, that sleeps up to eight people.
   Each year, on or around February 11 (the
                                                                                                  It has a TV, DVD player, washing machine,
 Feast of our Lady of Lourdes), locals and
                                                                                                  dryer, shower, bath, spare blankets, pillows,
 visitors make a pilgrimage from the nearby                                  en Elizabeth Park.
                                                  The Marines Memorial at Que                     spare stretcher, port-a-cot, radio, high
 St Patrick’s Church to the statue, but you
                                                                                                  chair, radio and a secure garage.
 can visit at other times of the year.             A legacy of this period can also be found
   From up there, you can get a good view        at Paekākāriki’s Tarawa St, named after
 of Kāpiti Island, the famous bird sanctuary,    one of the bloodiest battles in the Pacific.
 which you can arrange to visit for a day trip   American author Leon Uris was one of the
 or overnight stay (kapitiislandnaturetours.     marines camped at Paekākāriki and drew                                         on his experiences there for his first novel,
   Just south of Paraparaumu, at Queen           Battle Cry.
 Elizabeth Park, is the United States Marines      The memorial includes a sculptural tribute
 Memorial commemorating the “friendly            to 10 servicemen who drowned off the
 invasion” of US Marines in 1942 during          Kāpiti Coast in 1943 during a landing.

                                                                                                                                    MARCH 2018 | 17
You can also read