Page created by Pauline Wagner
July 2017 Issue 152                             

  Accessing customer

                                                       connected cars,
                                                          and you

                           news: What does the new CEO mean for Ford?
                             insight: Residual risk in the fleet sector
                            plus: Analysis of the FCA exploratory review

MF 152 July.indd 1                                                                                 13/06/2017 13:48:07

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   MF 152 July.indd 2                                                                                 13/06/2017 13:48:08
TDBC Motor Finance - final design.indd 1                                                              17/09/2015 11:56:22
                                                                                                                                In ThIs MonTh’s Issue

                     n news                                                                    n Insight
                     5     Richard Jones named FLA chair
                     5     RSM urges dealers to prepare                                        17 resIDuaL VaLues
                           for GDPR                                                            saad Ahmed investigates whether
                     5     Oodle and Carsnip sign                                              residual values are at risk
                     5     Paragon launches caravan
                     6     MBO at Aston Barclay
                     6     Toyota eyes Irish finance arm
                     6     ALD Automotive to launch IPO
                     7     US DoJ accuses FCA US of
                           cheating emissions tests                                            n lnsight
                     7     Uber sacks former self-driving   8   Matt Dyer, BVrLa               18-19 GDPr                           18 steve snaith, rsM
                           chief after Google scandal
                     8     OTM                                                                 saad Ahmed examines what GDPR
                     9     Ford appoints Hackett as chief                                      means for data protection and the
                           executive officer                                                   industry
                     9     Continental and Baidu form
                           ‘technical alliance’

                     n opinion
                     11 Dan Bennett from Shoosmiths
                        looks at the FCA’s Occasional                                          n lnsight
                        Paper 26
                     12 TLT’s Russell Kelsall and                                              20-23 connecTeD
                        Alanna tregear on where the
                        FCA may focus in its upcoming                                          cars
                        review                                                                 In an article sponsored by
                     13 Addleshaw Goddard’s neville                                            intelligent environments, Motor
                        Cotton and sarah herbert on                                            Finance investigates how the rise    20 spencer halil, alphera
                                                            13 sarah herbert, addleshaw
                        life after the FCA’s review                                            of connected cars is impacting the
                     14 Could PCP be the next                  Goddard
                        PPI? Gateley’s philip Alton
                     15 shaun Armstrong from
                        CreditPlus on taking
                        affordability seriously
                     15 Locke Lord’s Jo Davis and
                                                                                                n lnsight
d                       timothy Anson give an update
                        on FCA limitations on debt
                        permissions                                                             29 DIVIDo
                     16 Robin skuse argues London                                               Jonathan Minter speaks to Divido
                        may be reaching a tipping point                                         to find out how the company plans
                                                                                                to change aftersales financing
                     n Databank
                     25 FLA/SMMT
                     26 Used car values
                     27 Europe focus and Crushwatch         14 Philip alton, Gateley                                                29 christer holloman, Divido

                     enTITIes In ThIs Issue
                     ACEA                                         27   FLA                                         25   Moneysupermarket                         27
                     Addleshaw Goddard                            13   Fleet Europe                                17   MotoNovo                                 21
                     ALD Automotive                                6   Ford                                         9   NACFB                                    16
                     Alphera                                      20   Gartner                                     20   Oodle Finance                             5
                     Aston Barclay                                 6   Gateley                                     14   Paragon Car Finance                       5
                     Baidu                                         9   Grant Thornton                              17   Pentana Solutions                         5
                     BCA                                          26   Hitachi Capital Corporation                  8   Ratesetter                                8
                     Black Horse                                   5   HPI                                         27   RCI Financial Services                   20
                     BVRLA                                         8   Ignition                                     8
                     Carsnip                                       5   Intelligent Environments                    20   RSM                                       5
                     CLM                                           8   KPMG                                        20   Shoosmiths                               11
                     Close Brothers Motor Finance                 20   Leaseurope                                  18   SMMT                                     25
                     Continental                                   9   Lex Autolease                               20   Sofico                                   18
                     CreditPlus                                   15   Locke Lord                                  15   TLT                                      12
                     Divido                                       24   NACFB                                       16   Toyota Finance Services                   6
                     FCA                                          11   Manheim                                     26   Uber                                      7
                     FCA Group                                     7   Moneybarn                                   20   White Clarke Group                        8

                                                                                                                   July 2017 y 3

              MF 152 July.indd 3                                                                                                                            13/06/2017 13:48:56
15 11:56:22

             eDITor’s LeTTer

           election bubble, toil and trouble
             One of the things I’m consistently told is       points to a lack of certainty.
           that businesses don’t like uncertainty. Well,
           after an independence referendum in Scot-          What it means
           land in 2014, a General Election in 2015, a           What all this means for the motor and
           referendum on EU membership in 2016 and            motor finance industry is hard to say. The
           another General Election this year, are things     fact it looks like the Conservative party will
           any more certain today than they were in           hold onto power via a coalition suggests
           2013?                                              we’re less likely to see an about shift in poli-
             I would argue no, but I’m sure we’re going       cy compared to if, say, a Labour led coali-
           to see pages of detailed analysis over the         tion had won the day. This probably means
           coming weeks as to what the potential new          the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) will
           look Tory-Democratic Ulster Party (DUP)            continue to operate as it has, Senior Manag-
           coalition Government is going to look like,        ers Regime and all. Bills like the draft Air
           how it’ll work, and what it’ll mean for the        Quality Plan are likely to continue to pro-
           wider economy and for Brexit. One thing I          gress through the houses, and we’ll likely see
           suspect there will be a degree of uniformity       continued government support for the
           on is the perception that this wasn’t exactly      uptake of electric vehicles and autonomous
           the result Theresa May was looking for, but        technology research.
           beyond that there are all sorts of questions          But beyond that, it’s hard to escape the
           that will be asked.                                feeling that these remain uncertain times.             circumstances, how can business be confi-
             This uncertainty is reflected in the lack of     Brexit is the perfect example of this. Under           dent of the future?
           press releases I’ve received so far. Writing the   the Tory majority, it was looking increas-                All of which leads to the potential for
           afternoon after the election, I’ve so far only     ingly likely we’d be facing a hard Brexit,             another election sooner rather than later, or
           received one release commenting on the             however the DUP – with an eye on the Irish             perhaps even another referendum on leaving
           result – which itself was mostly talking           border – has campaigned for a softer ver-              the EU in the future.
           about uncertainty. In contrast, normally           sion. Which version will win out is anyone’s
           after a national event I receive dozens of         guess at this point.
           comments and opinions, explaining how the             Even beyond that, this coalition boasts a                                        Jonathan Minter
           author thinks such and such event is going to      majority of just two. This means it would                    
           affect the industry. Clearly people are still      take just two MPs to vote against a piece of
           trying to decide what it means – which again       legislation to potentially derail it. In these

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            July 2017                                                    iSSuE 152                                              Picture resources:
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            Editorial                                                                   loNdoN oFFiCE
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            News desk                            Motor Finance is available in print
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            Saad ahmed                            Sophia Bell
            T: +44 (0)207 406 6538                Nick Midgley                          Motor Finance is published monthly
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           4 y July 2017                                                                                                    

MF 152 July.indd 4                                                                                                                                          13/06/2017 13:49:07

       Richard Jones named FlA chair                                                                       Oodle and Carsnip
       Richard Jones, managing director of Black
       Horse, has been named as the new chair of
                                                        of detailed negotiations on the UK’s exit
                                                        from the EU.
                                                                                                           sign partnership
       the Finance & Leasing Association (FLA).           “Richard’s experience – including on the         Motor finance provider Oodle Finance has
         Jones was already a board director at the      FLA’s Board – will be invaluable as we             agreed a partnership with car search engine
       FLA, and replaces outgoing chair Nigel           continue to make the industry’s case to            Carsnip to match car buyers with dealers,
       Clibbens, whose term has ended.                  politicians, our regulators and our many           and support financing transactions in
         The appointment was announced on 16            stakeholders. I look forward very much to          real time.
       May at the FLA’s annual general meeting at       working with him.”                                    Carsnip will add an optional ‘finance
       Saddlers Hall, London by director general          Jones said: “It is a privilege to become         now’ button to search results, linking
       Stephen Sklaroff, who also updated               chairman in the FLA’s 25th anniversary year.       prospective buyers to Oodle Finance.
       attendees on the FLA’s progress.                 In a period of increasing change and               Dealers will be paid commission on all cars
         Sklaroff said: “Richard is taking over as      uncertainty, the FLA will continue to play a       financed by Oodle.
       chairman of the FLA at a particularly            lead role in developing the markets it                Oodle chief executive Jonathan Clayton
       important time for the industry, with the        represents for the benefit of consumers and        said the deal could shorten the process of
       prospect of a new government and the start       businesses across the UK.”<                        financing used cars.
                                                                                                              Clayton said: “Both Oodle and Carsnip
       RsM urges dealers to prepare for gDpR                                                               believe technology can bring car buyers and
                                                                                                           car dealers closer together, for a more
                                                        ransomware attack, and said more                   seamless and effective experience.
                                                        safeguards were needed. He added that                 “This exciting partnership was the logical
                                                        GDPR would drastically affect the future of        next step in our collective desire to optimise
                                                        storing personal data, and warned of               this process and make life easier for car
                                                        business disruption.                               dealers and borrowers.”
                                                          Snaith said: “It’s increasingly important to        Alastair Campbell, chief executive officer
                                                        make sure clear processes and safeguards are       of Carsnip, said the deal would prevent
                                                        put in place to protect both clients and           online finance companies from receiving car
                                                        companies.                                         dealers’ commission.
                                                          “Businesses must make sure they are ready           Campbell said: “This new partnership
                                                        for what lies ahead and not get caught out,        promises to deliver a much simpler way to
                                                        as the financial and reputational risk could       finance a car by linking search with finance,
                                                        be significant.”                                   while protecting dealers’ finance
                                                                                                           commission.” <
                                                        Pentana Solutions: GDPR ‘positive’
                                                        for dealers
                                                        Automotive software company Pentana                paragon launches
                                                        Solutions has said that it believes GDPR
                                                        could be a catalyst for positive change in the
                                                                                                           caravan finance
                                                        automotive industry.                               Paragon Car Finance has launched a caravan
                                                           Pentana claimed GDPR could enhance              finance offering, after introducing a hire
                                                        dealer performance, with Mike Gadd, vice-          purchase product for motor homes in June
       Accounting firm RSM has urged dealers to         president and UK general manager, calling          last year.
       prepare for the EU General Data Protection       for dealers not to see it as an inconvenience.        The West Midlands-based motor finance
       Regulation (GDPR).                                  Gadd said adopting GDPR would allow             provider said it aims to bring greater choice
          The regulations are due to come into force    dealers to make marketing and customer-            to the caravan market, and will provide
       on 25 May 2018, and RSM has advised deal-        retention activities more effective, and said      finance for terms up to 10 years.
       ers to prepare themselves to prevent financial   dealers should avoid delaying action or seek-         Paragon Car Finance said it intends to
       losses and risks to their reputation resulting   ing ways to work around the change.                replicate the formula for its motor home
       from non-compliance.                                He said: “Right now, there is a huge push       finance product, which was extended to
          GDPR will require data processors and         to get GDPR ready in the industry. I am            cover terms of up to 10 years in August.
       third-party contractors to protect individu-     pleased to see this because we have been              Paragon Car Finance head Julian Rance
       als’ data, an extension from the EU’s 1995       championing a positive approach to GDPR            said extending into caravan finance was a
       data protection regulation which placed          for some time.”                                    “natural next step” for the lender, and
       liability on the data controllers alone.            Gadd claimed that the mixed quality of          claimed there was demand for the product.
          Failure to comply could see businesses face   data had caused ineffective marketing, and            Rance said: “We are confident that our
       fines of up to €20m, or 4% of annual global      adhering to GDPR could improve dealers’            bespoke underwriting, competitive rates and
       turnover, whichever is greater.                  approach to data, and, as a reulst, their per-     the direct access we offer to our underwriting
          RSM said dealers must ensure their data       formance.                                          team will ensure we replicate the success
       processes protect individuals’ data rights,         Gadd added: “GDPR and its associated            we’ve had in the motor home market with
       and advised that they adopt an organised         time and cost implications can be the cata-        this new product.
       data protection programme that records all       lyst for a richer approach to data, its capture,      “We also feel now is the right time to
       data activities.                                 maintenance, and development in sales and          bring more choice to the caravan finance
          Steve Snaith, technology risk assurance       aftersales. Get it right and they can help their   market, allowing customers a greater range
       partner at RSM, cited the recent WannaCry        customers and their bottom line.”<                 of options,” Rance added. <                                                                                                           July 2017 y 5

MF 152 July.indd 5                                                                                                                               13/06/2017 13:49:24


            Management buyout at Aston Barclay                                                                toyota eyes irish
                                                                Martin Potter has joined the board as well,
                                                             and will operate as group operation director,
                                                                                                              finance arm
                                                             to be supported by national operations
                                                             manager Brett Henderson. Stewart Ford has
                                                             also joined the company from cap hpi as
                                                             group IT director, as the company looks to
                                                             invest in its digital strategy following the
                                                             Rutlands investment.
                                                                Hodson said: “Aston Barclay is a great
                                                             business and Rutland Partners’ multi-million
                                                             pound investment across all areas will help
                                                             further develop our service offering for both
                                                             buyers and vendors.
                                                                “Our aim is to be at the forefront of
                                                             shaping the remarketing industry, reinforcing
                                                             our position as the leading independent
                                                             provider in the market.”
                                                                Glenn Scarborough said: “We are pleased       Toyota Financial Services is planning to
                                                             to welcome Neil and his management team          extend its lending capabilities to the Irish
                           l-R: glenn scarborough, neil      as investors in Aston Barclay, supported by      market, Motor Finance has learned.
                     hodson, Oliver Jones, Aston Barclay     Rutland Partners.                                   Reports initially began to emerge in the
                                                                “These are exciting times for the             Irish Independent that the company was
            Aston Barclay has gone through a                 remarketing industry and we are confident        planning a launch in the Republic of Ireland,
            management buyout (MBO), with support            the support and the investment will enable       where Toyota enjoys a strong market
            from a multi-million pound investment from       Aston Barclay to exploit the opportunities       presence. Although the paper did not reveal
            Rutland Partners.                                for growth that the market has to offer.”        its sources, it did note that manufacturers
              The MBO was led by new chief executive            Among the more immediate impacts of the       have been stepping up low-interest financing
            officer Neil Hodson, who joined the              MBO and investment will be a new 18-acre         deals to combat recent declines in sales.
            company after stints at HPI, Manheim and         site at Donington Park, which Aston Barclay         According to the Society of the Irish
            Experian. Glenn and David Scarborough,           announced at the same time as the MBO.           Motor Industry (SIMI), new car
            formerly group managing director and                The site will be based in the park’s Engine   registrations in April were down by 7,865
            commercial director respectively, will both      Room exhibition space, and will serve as         (24%) in April 2017, compared to April
            remain company shareholders as non-              Aston Barclay’s central hub for all              2016, with year-to-date figures down 10%
            executive directors.                             remarketing operations, as well as being the     year on year.
              Hodson is among a number of new senior         home to a new buyer services and account            Commenting on the figures, SIMI director
            staff at the company. Laurence Vaughan has       management team. It will be large enough to      Alan Nolan said: “From our recent SIMI/
            joined the board as non-executive chair.         house up to 400 cars under one roof.             DoneDeal Quarterly Review, we
            Vaughan is also non-executive chair of              The Donington Park site will be open in       commented that 2017 was proving to be
            Sytner Group, having previously been chief       the fourth quarter of 2017, with further         unpredictable for the motor industry, and
            executive officer there.                         network expansions planned. <                    the month of April appears to be reflecting
                                                                                                              this statement.
            AlD Automotive to launch ipO                                                                         “Vehicle registrations for April show a
                                                                                                              decline in all sectors and across nearly all
            French banking group Société Générale has        stake could yield up to €1.4bn, although the     counties. While the economy continues to
            announced the initial public offering (IPO)      figure could reach €1.62bn if the option of      strengthen, consumers appears to have
            of ALD Automotive, its fleet leasing             overallotment is exercised, valuing the          remained somewhat more cautious to date.
            subsidiary, on the regulated market              French fleet lessor at between €5.74bn              “That said, the industry is continuing to
            Euronext Paris.                                  and €7.04bn.                                     entice consumers with very strong offers, to
               SocGen initially announced the decision to       SocGen says the IPO is “intended to           the degree that even with lower sterling
            list in the “middle of 2017” in February,        enable the group to gain visibility and          values as a result of Brexit, virtually no new
            after announcing ALD Automotive’s full-          reputation in the mobility ecosystem.”           cars have been imported because of the
            year results for 2016.                              The parent company said it expected ALD       value available here,” Nolan added.
               SocGen is expected to sell a 20% stake in     shares to start trading on Euronext Paris on        Toyota was the best-selling brand over the
            ALD, amounting to 80.8m shares, with the         16 June, with the settlement and delivery of     first four months of 2017, with 8,329
            potential to list 23% of its shares. The offer   both the French and international offerings      passenger cars sold in the period, and was
            period for France will last from 5 to 14 June,   to be scheduled on 19 June.                      also the best-selling brand in 2016.
            while the international offer will close on         Frédéric Oudéa, chief executive officer of       When asked to comment, Toyota told
            15 June.                                         Société Générale, said: “The IPO confirms        Motor Finance: “Toyota Financial Services
               Prices for both domestic and international    the strategic nature of ALD within the           has plans to expand its worldwide
            offerings will range between €14.20 (£12.37)     Société Générale group.                          operations into the Irish market at some
            and €17.40 per share, with pricing of the           “It will allow ALD to accelerate its          point in the near future, but at this stage
            global offering expected on 15 June.             development and become a leader in a             there is no fixed date for the start of business
            According to estimates, the sale of a 20%        rapidly changing mobility space.”<               as plans are at a very early stage.”<

            6 y July 2017                                                                                             

MF 152 July.indd 6                                                                                                                                  13/06/2017 13:49:40

       us DoJ accuses FCA of cheating emissions tests
       The US Department of Justice (DoJ) has filed           conformity and that affect the vehicles’
       a civil complaint in a Detroit federal court           emission control systems.”
       against Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) US,              The civil complaint filed seeks injunctive
       alleging that the manufacturer had cheated             relief and the assessment of civil penalties.
       in emissions tests.                                    Responding to the complaint, FCA US said it
          The DoJ said it had filed the complaint on          had been working with the EPA and the
       behalf of the Environmental Protection                 California Air Resources Board (CARB) for
       Agency (EPA). Specifically, the DoJ said               many months, including extensive testing of
       nearly 104,000 light-duty diesel vehicles              the vehicles, to clarify issues related to the
       containing 3.0 litre EcoDiesel engines were            company’s emissions control technology in
       equipped with software functions not                   the 2014-2016 Jeep Grand Cherokee and
       di sc l ose d t o r eg u la to r s d u r in g th e     Ram 1500 diesel vehicles.
       certification application process, and that the          It said: “FCA US is currently reviewing the
       vehicles contain ‘defeat devices’.                     complaint, but is disappointed that the DOJ
          The complaint alleged that the undisclosed          has chosen to file this lawsuit.
       software functions cause the vehicles’                   “The company intends to defend itself
       emission control systems to perform                    vigorously, particularly against any claims            Subject to permission from the EPA and
       differently, and less effectively, during certain      that the company engaged in any deliberate          CARB, FCA US said it intended to install the
       normal driving conditions than on federal              scheme to install defeat devices to cheat US        same modified emissions software in 2014-
       emission tests, resulting in increased                 emissions tests.”                                   2016 Jeep Grand Cherokee and Ram 1500
       emissions of harmful air pollutants.                     In addition, the company revealed that it         diesel vehicles. FCA US believes this will
          The vehicles in question were the Ram               had developed updated emissions software            address the agencies’ concerns over emissions
       1500 and Jeep Grand Cherokee models sold               calibrations that it believes address the EPA’s     software calibration in the vehicles.
       between 2014 and 2016 in the US, which the             concerns, and has now formally filed for               So-called ‘defeat devices’ and diesel
       DoJ said contained “at least eight software-           diesel vehicle emissions certification with the     emissions have been under the microscope
       based features that were not disclosed in              regulators for its 2017 model Jeep Grand            since Volkswagen admitted using them in the
       FCA’s applications for certificates of                 Cherokee and Ram 1500 diesel vehicles.              US in 2015. <

          FCA Fleet seRviCes uK lAunChes pCh OFFeR
          FCA Fleet Services has launched a personal          meo Giulia and the Jeep Renegade, Cherokee          PCH remains a relatively small product in the
          contract hire (PCH) product for Fiat, Alfa Romeo    and Grand Cherokee models. Terms include            UK, however, according to cap hpi, many deal-
          and Jeep models. The package includes mainte-       24-60-month terms, 3-24-month initial rental,       ers expect it to continue to gain market share
          nance, servicing and even tyre replacement.         and up to 150,000 miles covered over the            throughout 2017.
          The lender has branded the PCH offer Be-Free,       contract duration.
                                                                                                                  FCA Fleet Services is part of FCA Automotive
          and also includes a fund licence for the contract   Franck Gaillard, rental and fleet director at FCA
          duration, breakdown cover and roadside as-                                                              Services UK, which specialises in financial ser-
                                                              FS, said: “Personal contract hire is designed to
          sistance in the UK and Europe, and free GAP         be simple and hassle-free, and that is exactly      vices for the purchase and contract hire of Fiat
          waiver, which covers any early termination cost     what we have achieved with our new Be-Free          Chrysler Automobiles vehicles. It is part of FCA
          in the event of a write-off.                        product. I am delighted with this new offer         Bank, a financial joint venture established by
          It has been made available for the Fiat Tipo        which will provide complete cover across a large    Fiat Chrysler Automobiles and French banking
          Hatchback, Tipo Wagon and 500X, the Alfa Ro-        number of our model ranges.”                        group Crédit Agricole. <

       uber sacks former self-driving chief after google scandal
       Ride-hailing company Uber has fired the for-           to analyse the environment around them.               The letter, dated 26 May, says Levan-
       mer head of its self-driving car programme,            Waymo alleges that Levandowski knowingly            dowski was sent letters asking to comply
       months after he was accused of stealing                stole the technology to start Otto, and then        with requests for co-operation on 20 April
       secrets from Google’s self-driving car pro-            took it to Uber once acquired. The injunc-          and 15 May, and that Levandowski had not
       gramme.                                                tion required Levandowski to be taken off           complied with either.
          Anthony Levandowski joined the embat-               any lidar-related projects, and ordered the           It also stated that he had breached his
       tled company in August last year, when                 return of Waymo documents.                          employment terms by failing to return or
       Uber acquired self-driving startup Otto,                  Levandowski was removed from his post            destroy documents from Waymo.
       where he was a co-founder. Before founding             at the end of April, although remained                The letter gave Levandowski until 15 June
       Otto, Levandowski worked at Google’s self-             employed by the ride-hailing company until          to comply and prevent the termination from
       driving car project, known as Waymo. It is             this point. In his termination letter, which        coming into force.
       alleged that he stole more than 14,000 inter-          has been obtained by several publications,            Uber continues its legal battles this year,
       nal documents from the project and took                Uber general counsel Salle Yoo claimed Lev-         which have so far seen it ordered to pay tens
       them to Uber.                                          andowski had impeded both the lawsuit and           of millions of dollars for underpaying its
          Waymo sued Uber in February 2017, and               Uber’s own internal investigations.                 drivers in New York, a lawsuit by rival Lyft
       was granted a preliminary injunction against              Levandowski opted not to provide testi-          which accuses it of monitoring its drivers,
       the company in May. The case hinges around             mony or hand over evidence regarding his            and numerous claims of harassment.
       light-detection and ranging (lidar) technol-           use of documents at Google during the court           The case between Uber and Waymo goes
       ogy, which allows autonomous vehicles                  proceedings.                                        to trial in October of this year. <                                                                                                                       July 2017 y 7

MF 152 July.indd 7                                                                                                                                           13/06/2017 13:50:04

              PeoPLe MoVes
             peOple On the MOve

             BVrLa appoints Dyer as chair                        Ignition appoints o’connor as head of own-            The move comes during a period of change for
                                                                 book lending                                          RateSetter, following the acquisition of motor
                                                                 Asset and motor finance provider Ignition has         finance providers Vehicle Stocking and Vehicle
                                                                 appointed three people to its team, including         Credit, and the end of its wholesale funding
                                                                 Alan O’Connor to head its own-book lending            proposition.
                                                                 portfolio.                                            As chief risk officer, Wright will be tasked with
                                                                 O’Connor has spent over 20 years in the finance       overseeing and managing credit risk across
                                                                 industry, and has previously held trade finance       consumer and commercial lending businesses,
                                                                 and risk management positions at Jaguar Land          and supervising operational and conduct risk
                                                                 Rover and Aston Martin.                               at RateSetter. From September, Wright will be a
                                                                                                                       member of the executive team, and sit on the
                                                                 Steve Haysom has been appointed business              board risk committee.
                                                                 development manager, joining from Lombard
                                                                 where he served as a relationship manager. He         white clarke Group appoints VP
                                                                 will be tasked with strengthening Ignition’s offer-
                                                                 ing in the South West region.
                                                                 Stuart Berry has been appointed broker manag-
                                                                 er, joining from Shire Leasing where he worked
                                                                 in broker management. Berry will be based in
                                                                 Manchester, and will focus on Ignition’s broker
                                                                 relationships in the North.
                                                                 cLM appoints short as commercial director
                                       Matt Dyer, BvRlA          Fleet manager CLM has appointed Andy Short
                                                                 as commercial director, with responsibility for
             Matt Dyer has been named chair of the British       client services and supplier relationships with
             Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association (BVRLA).     vehicle lessors and manufacturers.
             He has taken over from Hitachi Capital Corpora-     Short has over 20 years’ experience in the UK
             tion’s Simon Oliphant, who has stepped down         fleet and automotive sectors, and this role will
             to the position of vice-chair after completing a    see him lead the 13-strong client services team.
             two-year term.
                                                                 He said: “In my new role, I shall be looking
             Dyer has been with LeasePlan for over 20 years      after all business development activities for                   David slider, white Clarke group
             including roles with LeasePlan Corporation and      existing customers. One of my initial priorities is
             LeasePlan International. He joined the BVRLA’s      to explore wider fleet service possibilities with     Automotive technology provider White Clarke
             Committee of Management in August 2014, and         existing customers in order to deliver greater        Group has appointed David Slider as group
             was appointed to the position of vice-chair in      value to them.”                                       executive vice-president.
             May 2016.
                                                                 CLM Fleet Management was acquired by the              The company said Slider had been brought in to
             Dyer said: “I am looking forward to helping the     Maxxia Group in 2013, and manages more                execute strategic acquisitions and partnerships,
             association and our members. We will be at          than 14,000 vehicles. Short said being part of        and solidify the company’s global expansion into
             the heart of the discussion on the big issues       a larger group brought additional benefits for        target markets including North America, Asia
             of the day – and whatever’s on the horizon,         CLM’s fleet customers.                                and South America.
             from the challenges surrounding air quality and
                                                                                                                       Slider’s 30-year career has generally been in
             emissions to the opportunities surrounding con-     ratesetter hires ex-Ge capital uk cro wright
                                                                                                                       the US automotive industry. Most recently, he
             nected data. Informing our members and help-        Peer-to-peer lender RateSetter has appointed          was managing director, automotive finance for
             ing them to understand the positive impact the      Joanna Wright, former chief risk officer, UK at GE    a global loan origination and servicing software
             sector can have underpins everything we do.”        Capital, to head its own risk department, filling     company. Before this he held a number of
             His role as chair was made official following the   a position that had been vacant for almost six        executive roles.
             BVRLA’s AGM, where Ian Tillbrook, fleet director    months.                                               Slider said: “My goal is to further the market’s
             at VW Financial Services, was named chair of        Wright led a team of over 200 risk profession-        awareness that we are primed to serve the
             the BVRLA’s Leasing & Fleet Management              als at GE Capital, chaired the enterprise risk        transformational needs of lenders today with
             Committee.                                          management committee, and was a member                solutions that are engineered with the future
             Elsewhere in the BVRLA, Spencer Blake of Wes-       of the executive board. She has also worked at        built in. Lenders no longer need to settle for
             sex Fleet has replaced Fleetdrive’s Mike Potter     NatWest Markets, where she was manager of             less-than-agile, open, digital-ready end-to-end
             as chair of the association’s Leasing Broker        acquisition finance. She replaces Cyrille Sallé de    systems that can successfully manage the com-
             Committee.                                          Chou, who left to join HSBC in December 2016.         plex competitive and regulatory landscape.”<

            8 y July 2017                                                                                                        

MF 152 July.indd 8                                                                                                                                               13/06/2017 13:50:23

       Ford appoints hackett as chief executive officer
       Ford Motor Corporation has named Jim
       Hackett president and chief executive officer,
       replacing Mark Fields, and appointed many
       others in an operational restructure.
         Hackett joins Ford from office furniture
       company Steelcase, and served on Ford’s
       board from 2013 until 2016. He has led
       Ford Smart Mobility since March 2016.
         Hackett will lead Ford’s worldwide
       operations, reporting to executive chairman
       Bill Ford. He and Ford will focus on
       modernisation, improving operational
       execution, and transformation.
         Commenting on his appointment, Hackett
       said: “I have developed a deep appreciation
       for Ford’s people, values and heritage during
       the past four years as part of the company,              Jim Farley has been appointed as executive           effective from 1 June, with successors to
       and look forward to working together with              vice-president and president, global markets.          their previous roles to be announced.
       everyone tied to Ford during this                      Joe Hinrichs has become executive vice-                   Ford also appointed Mark Truby as vice-
       transformative period.”                                president and president, global operations,            president, communications with immediate
         Ford has also appointed three leaders,               while Marcy Klevorn has been named as                  effect, reporting to Bill Ford, and Paul Ballew
       reporting to Hackett, following a restructure          executive vice-president and president,                as global chief data and analytics officer,
       of its operations.                                     mobility. The three appointments are                   reporting to Klevorn. <

          MOtOR FinAnCe OpiniOn: FORD’s AppOintMent
          It seems Fields paid the price after sluggish       right CEO to lead Ford during this transformative      y   Transforming the company to meet future
          stock performance in recent years from the US       period for the auto industry and the broader               challenges by ensuring the company has the
          car manufacturer, which has resulted in upstart     mobility space.                                            right culture, talent, strategic processes and
          electric car company Tesla overtaking it by         “He’s a true visionary who brings a unique,                nimbleness to succeed as society’s needs
          value, if not by sales.                             human-centered leadership approach to our                  and consumer behaviour change over time.
          The decline in Ford’s share value and the           culture, products and services that will unlock        In these three priorities, the words ‘car’ and ‘au-
          departure of Fields came despite Ford actually      the potential of our people and our business.”         tomobile’ do not appear. Instead, the priorities
          posting healthy profits in 2015 and 2016 – the      Hackett’s history reinforces the idea Ford is          for Hackett include AI and big data, two areas
          company recorded a $10.4bn (£8.06bn) pre-tax        going to be pushing further away from viewing          that people traditionally associate with technol-
          profit in 2016, which was more than Tesla’s         itself as a traditional car company. Whereas           ogy companies such as Google, Microsoft and
          entire revenue for the year ($7bn).                 Fields joined Ford in the late 1980s and worked        even Tesla.
          The problem Ford has had, however, has been         his way up, Hackett only joined Ford a few years       Notably Hackett has also been tasked with
          transitioning – or at least being perceived to be   ago. Instead, his background includes time as          transforming the company. Clearly it is not the
          transitioning – from a traditional car manufac-     CEO of office furniture company Steelcase, and         company it wants to be.
          turer into a so-called mobility provider. Com-      as interim athletic director at the University         However, this is not to say Ford will suddenly
          menting on the 2016 results, Fields described       of Michigan.                                           stop producing cars. Cars are the manufactur-
          Ford as “an auto and a mobility” company.           According to Ford, Hackett has three initial           er’s route to market, its bread and butter, and
                                                              priorities:                                            will continue to be absolutely vital to its future.
          By replacing him with Hackett — who previ-
          ously led Ford’s Mobility team — the company        y   Sharpening operational execution while             The difference now is that Ford sees the produc-
          has categorically stated on which side of the           decisively addressing underperforming parts        tion and sale of cars as part of a wider mobility
          auto-mobility coin it sees its future. Bill Ford        of the business.                                   cycle, of which the vehicle is just one element.
          said as much when announcing the appoint-           y   Modernising Ford’s business using the              The appointment is a bold statement of where
          ment: “We’re moving from a position of strength         likes of big data, artificial intelligence (AI),   Ford sees its future: as a mobility provider, of
          to transform Ford for the future. Hackett is the        advanced robotics, 3D printing and more.           which the car is just one element.<

       Continental and Baidu form ‘technical alliance’
       German automotive manufacturer                         and technology from their respective sectors             Qi Lu said the deal would see the two
       Continental has entered into a “technical              to move towards solutions for autonomous               companies make use of artificial intelligence
       alliance” with Chinese internet giant Baidu,           driving, connected vehicles, and intelligent           (AI).
       to help develop intelligent mobility based             mobility services.                                       He added: “AI has great potential to drive
       around connected and autonomous cars.                     Elmar Degenhart, chair of Continental’s             social development, and one of its biggest
          The agreement was signed on Wednesday               executive board, said the collaboration could          opportunities is intelligent vehicles.
       31 May in Berlin by Frank Jourdan, member              “take intelligent mobility an important                  “By joining with Continental, we are
       of the executive board of Continental and              step further.”                                         striving to upgrade intelligence in the
       president of the chassis and safety division,             The companies will explore technology               automobile industry and develop a new
       and Qi Lu, group president and chief                   such as sensors, driver assistance systems,            ecosystem of intelligent mobility and
       operating officer of Baidu. The alliance will          and data collection and analysis for                   automated driving, thus empowering
       see Continental and Baidu share resources              autonomous driving.                                    existing industries and new ones.”<                                                                                                                            July 2017 y 9

MF 152 July.indd 9                                                                                                                                                 13/06/2017 13:50:36
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      MF 152 July.indd 10                                                                                            13/06/2017 13:50:39

IE Motor Finance - final design.indd 1                                                                               05/05/2016 10:02:37

                     promoting further debate: the FCA and financial promotions
                     In April the FCA published Occasional Paper 26, encouraging debate on financial promotions and
                     pointing to ‘rigorous evidence’ in support of the existing financial promotions regime. Is this a hint of
                     things to come, or does it simply consolidate existing FCA rules? asks Shoosmiths’ Dan Bennett

                             ccasional Paper 26, titled From advert
                                                                         y see
                             to action: behavioural insights into
                             advertising of financial products, is      FCA observations                                            lessons to be learned

                     divided into three stages – See, Interpret and     The consumer’s attention is not necessarily attracted
                                                                                                                                    There should always be sufficient contrast between the
                                                                        by the brightest or most detailed elements of an
                     Act – which together present a framework           image. Instead, a consumer is attracted by objects
                                                                                                                                    text of key information and its background to ensure that a
                     for understanding how consumers process                                                                        consumer’s attention is drawn to it.
                                                                        which are most different from their background.
                     information in financial promotions.                                                                           If the FCA is acknowledging this issue, it is reasonable to
                        We set out below what we feel are the key                                                                   assume that it will work to address this in the future. This
                     lessons to be learnt from each section in turn.                                                                could see a general shift away from reliance on small print
                                                                        A consumer rarely pays full attention to the small print    at the bottom/end of a financial promotion.
                                                                        in a financial promotion.                                   The more one can do to place key messages in the
                     See                                                                                                            main text or headline of a financial promotion, the more
                     The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has                                                                      prepared one will be for the possible small-print-free world
                     noted that people notice things that are                                                                       of the future.
                     salient – that is, objects which stand out from                                                                Placing small print at the bottom of a financial promotion is
                                                                        A consumer will typically view a financial promotion        counter-intuitive, and potentially misleading.
                     their environments because they differ from
                                                                        in an F-shaped pattern, with objects on the top-left        Efforts should be made to place small print where a
                     them in colour, size or because of other           locations tending to be viewed before, or more              consumer is going to see it: in the top or middle sections of
                     attributes.                                        frequently, than objects on the right or lower locations.   a financial promotion. Again, it looks like the days of small
                       This means it is important to take into                                                                      print in the footer of a financial promotion are numbered.
                     account the relative salience of different          y interpret
                     items in a financial promotion when
                                                                        FCA observations                                            lessons to be learned
                     considering what a consumer will likely take
                     away from it.                                                                                              With this in mind, digital financial promotions should
                                                                                                                                (ideally) present text on screen at the same time as it is
                       The FCA has noted that framing – the             Information needs to be presented for long enough,
                                                                                                                                read by an announcer, should disperse key messages
                                                                        and with sufficient clarity, that consumers can process
                     presentation of information in a way that                                                                  throughout the advertising content, and should keep
                                                                        it beyond just noticing it.
                     encourages a particular interpretation, the                                                                critical messages short at all times. All these techniques
                                                                                                                                help messages to be interpreted correctly.
                     presentation of numbers and using
                     implication as opposed to statements of fact                                                                   Care should always be taken to present financial
                     – affects consumer understanding.                                                                              information in the clearest terms possible, while remaining
                                                                        Consumers are highly likely to make errors when
                                                                                                                                    within the remit of the FCA’s Consumer Credit Sourcebook
                       This creates the potential for consumers to      processing numbers, and advertisers often assume
                                                                        unrealistic levels of financial literacy.
                     misunderstand and for advertisers to                                                                           Notwithstanding the prescriptive requirements currently
                                                                        For example, many experiments report a low level
                     mislead.                                                                                                       set out in Chapter 3 of CONC, it may well be time for a
                                                                        of consumer understanding of financial terms like
                                                                                                                                    shift away from financial terms and numbers in financial
                                                                        ‘annual percentage rate’.
                                                                                                                                    advertising. It will be interesting to see how Chapter 3 of
                     Act                                                                                                            CONC develops in the future to cater for this shift.
                     The FCA has noted that a consumer may be
                                                                        Common techniques like framing (discussed
                     influenced to purchase a product through           earlier), drip pricing (presenting an initial cost and      Advertising techniques like framing or drip pricing should
                     appeals to emotion, the use of principles of       then adding additional or optional costs later) and         not be used where a potential to mislead exists.
                     influence such as scarcity or the use of rules     anchoring (placing favourable outcomes at the start         For example, framing costs over a shorter period of time
                                                                        of a financial promotion even when the likelihood of        or relying on language like ‘zero’ or ‘0%’ in a misleading
                     of thumb, and that these techniques may not        achieving said outcomes is low) should only be used         manner should be avoided’, and falls short of the FCA’s
                     be noticed by a consumer, nor factor               in a fair and proportionate manner and with potential       “clear, fair and not misleading” ideal.
                     consciously in a consumer’s decision.              detriment borne in mind.
                                                                         y Act
                     Key questions                                      FCA observations                                            lessons to be learned
                     The FCA acknowledges that problems can
                                                                        While it is a central premise of advertising that           Advertising on the basis of emotion will only be suitable in
                     occur at every stage of a consumer’s               an advertiser can influence a consumer through              low-risk environments. In riskier areas reliance on emotive
                     information processing, and accepts that a         unconscious processes, including by appealing to            techniques, which encourage consumers to act without
                     risk of confusion or misunderstanding can          instinctive reactions, advertising on the basis of          their overt and conscious consideration, could lead to
                                                                        emotion will not always be suitable.                        misunderstanding and detriment.
                     never be removed entirely.
                        However, the FCA encourages advertisers          product or service on offer?                                  However, it does provide a useful steer as to
                     to think about a financial promotion from         • What techniques does the financial                            the FCA’s current focus, and what “clear, fair
                     the point of view of a consumer in order to         promotion use to encourage a certain                          and not misleading” should look like in
                     fairly assess the appropriateness of a              interpretation? Are these techniques fair,                    practice.
                     financial promotion before it is published.         justified and proportionate?                                     The paper also hints of what the financial
                     The FCA indicates that the following                                                                              promotions regime might look like in the
                     questions might be a useful place to start:         It is important to note that this paper has                   future. If psychology, sociology and
                      • Will a consumer understand the financial       no effect on a firm’s obligations to comply                     economics are going to be relevant
                        promotion?                                     with existing rules in respect of financial                     considerations, a more consumer centric,
                      • Will the financial promotion give a            promotions, including Chapter 3 of the                          flexible and holistic financial promotions
                        consumer a balanced impression of the          FCA’s Consumer Credit sourcebook.                               regime may be just around the corner. <

                                                                                                                                              July 2017 y 11

              MF 152 July.indd 11                                                                                                                                                         13/06/2017 13:50:41

16 10:02:37


               the FCA review: what will the focus be?
               Russell Kelsall, partner, and Alanna tregear, solicitor, from UK law firm TLT, outline some of the areas
               they predict the FCA could focus on, and the potential impact to the market, including product
               selection, remuneration of sales staff, commission structures and responsibility for add-ons

                      he FCA is looking at the role of finance       Disclosure to customers was introduced         expect it to contact dealers, brokers and
                      providers, dealers and consumers. But       by the Office of Fair Trading’s guidance          motor finance providers to ensure
                      what could be its likely focus? And is it   issued in November 2011. The FCA made a           information is gathered on a formal and
               likely to significantly change the market?         specific rule broadly requiring the existence     informal basis, but more regularly.
                                                                  of commission to be disclosed in CONC.               The FCA has said it will, following the
               Product selection                                     However, the Courts have been very active      review, assess whether and how to intervene
               The FCA’s rules for consumer credit are            in disputes on commission disclosure. The         in the market. Even if the FCA finds a well-
               contained in the Consumer Credit                   UK Supreme Court decided in Plevin v              functioning market, it will normally propose
               Sourcebook (CONC). It provides detailed            Paragon Personal Finance (1) Ltd [2014]           changes to the regulatory requirements – see,
               rules and guidance which supplement the            UKSC 61 there could be an unfair                  for example, the FCA’s recent work in the
               high-level Principles for Businesses, which        relationship where commission was not             credit card market.
               includes treating customers fairly. CONC           disclosed, depending on its size. The Court          There has never been a better time for
               requires a dealer or broker to recommend a         of Appeal also unhelpfully awarded                lenders, brokers and dealers to review
               product which is not unsuitable to them.           commissions to customers in McWilliams v          policies and procedures. Just because
               Unlike mortgage regulation, there is no ‘best      Norton Finance (UK) Ltd [2015] EWCA Civ           something has been done for a period of time
               interest’ rule. There are many reasons for         186, where the existence but not the amount       does not mean the FCA will have no issues
               this, including, most obviously, the process       was disclosed, and Nelmes v NRAM plc              with it. The FCA is looking at the market
               of securing a sizeable mortgage is an              [2016] EWCA Civ 491, where neither the            with fresh eyes, and will want to ensure
               understandably slower process.                     existence nor the amount was disclosed.           consumers are adequately protected. But
                 Sellers of credit finance also do not need to       But the position appears to be changing in     there is also an opportunity for the industry
               be certified, but mortgage advisers do. There      favour of lenders, brokers and dealers, with      to put forward arguments about what can be
               is nothing inherently wrong with this:             the High Court’s recent decision in               done to make the market work better. Is the
               Different markets need different rules.            Commercial First Business Ltd v Pickup            customer journey as good as it should be? It
                 However, the FCA will probably want to           [2017] CTLC 1. Time will tell whether full        is certainly the case a customer receives a lot
               understand why dealers and brokers suggest         disclosure of the existence and amount is         of paperwork, but is it all really necessary?
               (or, where appropriate, recommend) certain         required by the FCA.                                 The FCA may see this review, combined
               products to customers. It will want to know                                                          with Brexit, as an opportunity to simplify the
               the steps taken to qualify the customer for        Responsibility for add-ons                        sales process and ensure consumers are given
               the product, and how it can be justified as        Following an unhelpful Court of Appeal            more accessible information. For example,
               being ‘not unsuitable’. The sales process and      decision in Forthright Finance Ltd v Ingate       the strict form of the SECCI could be
               documentation will play crucial roles in how       [1997] 4 All ER 99, customers are arguing         removed after Brexit, allowing lenders to
               well the FCA perceives the motor finance           the mis-selling of any add-on, whether or not     communicate in a more interactive way.
               market to be working; the better the               it is financed by a regulated credit agreement,      The FCA may also look again at
               explanation, the lower the risk of action.         was done as the lender’s deemed agent. This       creditworthiness and affordability. So far, the
                                                                  is a potentially broad argument, but there        FCA has been clear it is very much a matter
               Remuneration of sales staff                        are a number of points to say it is incorrect.    for each lender to introduce compliant
               There is a clear focus from the FCA around             The customer’s argument is that if they       processes on creditworthiness and
               avoiding mis-selling. While the FCA has not        were mis-sold PPI or GAP at the point of          affordability. But motor finance is different
               banned certain remuneration structures, it         sale, but this was not financed by the lender,    from other markets. For example, the
               has made it clear that firms which incentive       the lender is still responsible for the mis-      borrower is tied into an agreement for a
               sales must have clear policies and procedures,     selling under the unfair relationship             shorter period than a mortgage, the rate of
               and regular audits, to avoid structures            provisions. But there are a problems with         interest is normally fixed, and (for PCP) the
               encouraging bad behaviours.                        this. For example, if a dealer sells a car seat   vehicle’s value is guaranteed at the end.
                 Many firms are already putting clear             which turns out to be unsatisfactory, does           But is there any real need for change in the
               policies in place to reduce the element of         the customer have a claim against the lender      motor finance market? The issue is probably
               remuneration driven by commission, and             where (a) the lender provided no finance to       best summarised by Adrian Dally, head of
               making sure remuneration is based on a             pay for it and (b) it was simply sold to the      motor finance at the FLA, who said: “The
               number of factors and not just the sales.          customer at the point of selling the credit?      motor finance industry is committed to
                                                                  The answer must surely be no.                     responsible lending and to high standards of
               Commission structures                                  The FCA may, however, wish to look at         customer service. We will continue to work
               Commission structures in the motor finance         the selling of add-ons and the extent to          closely with the FCA to ensure they have a
               market continue to develop. This is both the       which (if any) the finance provider has any       good understanding of this highly
               way structures operate – with many lenders         involvement in those sales, or is aware of        competitive and diverse market.”
               having different models – and includes             those products.                                      But whatever views the FCA comes to, it
               disclosing the existence of commission to              The FCA review is expected to last over a     must bear in mind the importance of this
               customers.                                         year and complete in 2018 or 2019. We             industry to UK consumers. <

               12 y July 2017                                                                                               

MF 152 July.indd 12                                                                                                                                       13/06/2017 13:50:43
                                                                                                                 aDDLeshaw GoDDarD

        preparing for life after the FCA’s exploratory work
       The FCA has been extremely active in its work to better understand the consumer credit sector, and
       the recently published FCA 2017-18 Business Plan is essential reading for market participants and
       wider interested parties, according to Addleshaw Goddard’s neville Cotton and sarah herbert

                                                         into two captive finance houses which solely
                                                         support the distribution of vehicles by their
                                                         manufacturing partner or parent, and a host
                                                         of large and small lenders supporting the rest
                                                         of the market.
                                                            So what could the FCA’s comments about
                                                         the motor finance industry mean for these
                                                         different finance providers?
                                                            Taking first the captive finance houses. It
                                                         is likely that the FCA will seek to establish
                                                         whether or not the influence of the

               ince assuming responsibility for          manufacturer is leading to a conflict in         will need to ensure that they have robust
               regulating consumer credit in 2014,       respect of both motor finance product design     oversight of the sales practices across a
               the Financial Conduct Authority           and robust underwriting and affordability        multitude of partners.
       (FCA) has been extremely active in its work       checks, with lending being waived through           Both types of finance provider will also
       to better understand the consumer credit          to support movement of vehicles.                 have the challenge of in-dealership sales
       sector.                                                                                            practices that must demonstrate adherence
          This has been demonstrated by a myriad         “We are concerned that there                     to the FCA’s conduct rules. Specifically, they
       of consultations, calls for input, thematic        may be a lack of transparency,                  must ensure that the customer is given
       reviews and market studies which have been         potential conflicts of interest and             adequate explanations of the product and be
       undertaken, covering a diverse range of                                                            able to demonstrate that their sales process is
       consumer credit products and business
                                                          irresponsible lending in the motor              compliant.
       practices.                                         finance industry.                                  The FCA is also likely to consider whether
          The recently published FCA 2017-18             “We will conduct an exploratory                  sales processes or behaviours in play are
       Business Plan, which sets the regulatory                                                           reducing customer choice, particularly where
       agenda for the year ahead, is essential
                                                          piece of work to identify who uses              barriers exist that may reduce the customers
       reading for market participants and wider          these products and assess the sales             propensity to shop around for alternate
       interested parties.                                processes, whether the products                 funding options.
          One of the standout areas of focus for the      cause harm and the due diligence                   More holistically, one would assume that
       regulator in respect of the consumer credit                                                        the FCA will also want to understand the
       sector is that of motor finance, and in            that firms undertake before                     movement from traditional loans toward
       particular, whether that area of the market is     providing motor finance.                        PCP products that the consumer may not
       working well for consumers.                                                                        understand.
          So, what are the implications for motor
                                                         “Following the review we will assess                Given the penetration of PCP – particularly
       finance providers in the wake of the FCA’s         whether and how to intervene in the             in the new car market where it accounts for
       plan to conduct an “exploratory piece of           market.”                                        86% of the finance market – the FCA is
       work” in the motor finance sector?                FCA, 2017                                        likely to question whether it is possible for
          The FCA does not make such statements                                                           any single product to be suitable for such a
       lightly, and we understand that a significant       In addition, focus can be expected in the      wide demographic.
       amount of work has already been conducted         use of both term and residual values (RV) in        While there are many unknowns in terms
       through the use of the multi-firm reviews.        setting monthly payments, which while they       of how this exercise will play out, what is
          As such it would appear that the               meet affordability criteria, may lead to         clear is that the policies, procedures and
       groundwork for this “exploratory piece of         unrealistic RV and extended terms.               controls – which formed the compliance
       work” may have already been completed.              The issue of inflated RVs is also a concern    frameworks set out in Regulatory Business
       However, we are left at this stage to second-     for the Bank of England and therefore we         Plans to the FCA – are now to be subjected
       guess the likely direction of travel, and how     can expect this to be an area that attracts      to the ‘implementation test’: Have they been
       the findings of this activity will be presented   further regulatory attention.                    embedded into the business? And how is
       back to the industry.                               These lenders will need to demonstrate         compliance with these being monitored and
          Taking the FCA’s recent form into account,     that they have considered these risks and        tested?
       one would envisage a market study or              mitigated against them to ensure good               Motor finance firms should not only be
       thematic review to be the delivery mechanism      outcomes for consumers.                          asking themselves whether their compliance
       – and the focus? Conduct.                           For the other type of motor finance            frameworks meet regulatory expectations,
          In consideration of how such a regulatory      providers in the market, which are subject to    but also whether the output from control
       review may land, it is important to recognise     the same risks as already described above,       activities enables us to demonstrate the
       that this is far from a homogenised sector.       they will have the added challenge of            consistent and robust delivery of fair
       That said, the market can be broadly divided      overseeing diverse distribution channels and     outcomes for customers. <                                                                                                          July 2017 y 13

MF 152 July.indd 13                                                                                                                              13/06/2017 13:50:59
You can also read