Czarnikow redefined ANNUAL REVIEW 2019

Page created by Adam Harvey
Czarnikow redefined ANNUAL REVIEW 2019

Czarnikow redefined ANNUAL REVIEW 2019

At Czarnikow, we are redefining our role in our supply
chains through innovation and entrepreneurship.
We are expanding our product range, venturing into
new market areas and delivering modern supply chain
Our employees embrace these new opportunities,
safe in the knowledge that our stable strategy, strong
leadership, core values, respected client relationships
and leading-edge IT systems underpin the continued
success of the Company.
As we grow, we acknowledge our leadership role in
setting the standard for sustainability across our
supply chains.

This is Czarnikow
                              2019                                                                                                                 2019 | 7
                                                                                                                           CZARNIKOW ANNUAL REVIEW 20189|     8 | CZARNIKOW ANNUAL REVIEW 2019                                                                                                  CZARNIKOW ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 | 9   10 | CZARNIKOW ANNUAL REVIEW 2019                                                                                                                                            CZARNIKOW ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 | 11   12 | CZARNIKOW ANNUAL REVIEW 2019                                                                                    CZARNIKOW ANNUAL REVIEW 2019 | 13

CZARNIKOW REDEFINED: OUR PRODUCTS                                                                                                                             CZARNIKOW REDEFINED: OUR SYSTEMS                                                                                                                                     CZARNIKOW REDEFINED: OUR SERVICES                                                                                                                                                                                CZARNIKOW REDEFINED: OUR RESPONSIBILITIES

Would you prefer                                                                                                                                              Improving employee                                                                                                                                                   Strategic business                                                                                                                                                                                               Closing the
your oranges puréed,                                                                                                                                          satisfaction and                                                                                                                                                     and relationship                                                                                                                                                                                                 sustainability loop
juiced or pulped?                                                                                                                                             catalysing new business                                                                                                                                              building                                                                                                                                                                                                         Given our unique and intricate network of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    relationships, we recognise our leadership role as an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Developing our global service offer is easier to achieve                                                                                                                                                         influencer to improve supply chain practices. This
In 2019, we grew our trading product portfolio by                                                                                                             During our 2019 Strategy Week, we analysed the impact                                                                                                                when we know and are trusted by our clients and                                                                                                                                                                  starts by demanding excellence in our own internal
47%.1 Refined and unrefined sugar still command                                                                                                               of our five-year strategic investment in IT systems and                                                                                                              partners. Multi-national companies are increasingly                                                                                                                                                              processes and traceability systems.
high overall tonnage volumes but we now actively                                                                                                              celebrated the effect this is having both internally and                                                                                                             choosing us to venture into new product areas and
trade and handle over 50 food ingredient, packaging                                                                                                           externally. By removing uninspiring manual tasks we have                                                                                                             markets with them. Meanwhile, our transparent                                                                                                                                                                    In 2020, through our sustainable supply chain
and alternative fuel lines. In just three years, we                                                                                                           increased employee efficiency, job satisfaction and creativity.                                                                                                      relationships with banking partners provide security                                                                                                                                                             programme, VIVE, we will conclude the first ever
anticipate traded revenue from non-sugar product                                                                                                              Through enhanced and more visible data we can improve                                                                                                                for our growth plans, and help us to develop new                                                                                                                                                                 trade of sustainable sugar that can be fully traced
lines to have grown from virtually nil to around 6%.2                                                                                                         operational efficiency, provide better customer service and                                                                                                          supply chain financing solutions. In 2019, we:                                                                                                                                                                   from sugar mill to sugar refinery and onwards to
                                                                                                                                                              win new business. Overall, our business and prospects are                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             food and beverage manufacturers, while being
                                                                                                                                                              exponentially better off for this investment.                                                                                                                        > launched an entity in Bahrain to enable                                                                                                                                                                        funded by sustainable finance partners and moved
REVENUE-GENERATING BUSINESS STREAM ANALYSIS, %                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       vendor-managed inventory services                                                                                                                                                                              by VIVE-certified logistics and chain of custody
         9.0        9.1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   > set up a joint venture in Brazil to facilitate                                                                                                                                                                 service providers.
                        34.9                                                                                                                                    Czapp launched                            Upon launch, Czapp gave our clients
                                                                                                                                                                                                          instant access to our Analysis services.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Our development roadmap for Czapp
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      is ambitious. Our vision is to move                                            ethanol financing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              GROUPS OPERATING MILLS, FACTORIES,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              LIQUID PLANTS & REFINERIES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       NUMBER OF CORPORATE FINANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       MANDATES EXECUTED
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       BANKING/TRADE FINANCE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              >330                                                     7
                                                                                                                                                                                                          We have since focused on improving          Czapp from a market analysis tool to

                                                                                                                                                                The launch of our first
                                                             Bulk products            Bulk products: unrefined sugar,
                                                                                      ethanol, wood pellets, electricity
                                                                                                                                                                client-facing app, Czapp,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          user experience by investing in Android
                                                                                                                                                                                                          and iOS mobile app technology,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      an indispensable platform which will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      provide on-tap functionality to support
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   > laid the groundwork for a new office in Vietnam                               Clients
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Deals, ranging from debt restructuring
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              and raising to judicial asset sale              Partners in over five countries
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    OUR SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY CHAIN
                                                             Containerised products                                                                             in April 2019 represents a                introducing interactive data tools, and     all of our core services.

                                                                                      Containerised products: refined
                                                                                      sugar, ingredients and packaging
                                                                                                                                                                long-term investment by                   enhancing Czapp’s interface. Our                                                                                         > expanded our corporate finance consultancy
                                                                                                                                                                                                          freemium model opens up data and
                                                                                                                                                                the Company and is a                      expertise to a much wider audience                                                                                         in Thailand
                                                                                                                                                                natural extension of our                  than we have ever been able to reach                                                                                                                                                OFFICES                                                  GLOBAL TRADING ACTIVITY                         INDUSTRIAL CONSUMERS1
                                                                                                                                                                belief that we can transform              before – helping all members of our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   > established five new credit lines to support
                                                                                                                                                                the way we do business
                                                                                                                                                                through technology.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          supply chains to better understand the
                                                                                                                                                                                                          markets in which they operate,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          regardless of their size or buying power.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     future growth.                                           10         Offices in ten different countries
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         with local presence in another five           107             Countries                       >280
1 We traded 56 different product lines in 2019 (2018: 38).
2 Anticipated ratio by year end 2020.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     MILLING GROUPS           INLAND           PORT           BULK                REFINING          FOOD AND
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            TRANSPORT        ELEVATION      SHIPPING                                BEVERAGE

   FRUIT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              VIETNAM
                                                                                                                                                                IT INVESTMENT                                                                                                                                                        BAHRAIN                                                                                                                                                                                                        In 2020, we plan to open a new office in Vietnam,
In 2019, we expanded our fruit ingredients portfolio, shipping
1,500 metric tonnes of concentrate, purée and paste across five                                                                                               We invested US$1.89 million in software in 2019 and expanded                                                                                                         In 2019, we opened a legal entity in Bahrain to enable                                                                                                                                                           as regulatory changes will allow us to deliver
types of fruit.                                                                         Review of 2019, P42-45                                                our IT development team by a third to 27 people.                                                                                                                     us to deliver vendor-managed inventory (VMI) services.     1 For Czarnikow, industrial consumers include food and beverage manufacturers, and ethanol processors.                                                more value to our clients in this key market.        Sustainability leadership, P46      Environmental review, P49

                Our products, P6                                                                                                                                           Our systems, P8                                                                                                                                                 Our services, P10                                                                                                                                                                                                   Our responsibilities, P12

Through our new, regulated joint venture business CzEnergy, we provide
indispensable inventory financing services to Brazilian ethanol producers.
In 2019, we financed 233 million litres of ethanol (to a value of US$89 million)
for Brazilian producers and stored it at 13 different sites (see page 21).
Czarnikow redefined ANNUAL REVIEW 2019

About Czarnikow
KEY FIGURES 2019                                  WORKING WITH PURPOSE                                  OPERATIONAL NEWS

TURNOVER, US$M                                    OUR MISSION                                           GROUP-WIDE

1,800.4                                           To deliver effective supply chain, pricing
                                                  and financing services for all our clients.
                                                                                                        > Increased
                                                                                                        > E
                                                                                                                    number of product lines

                                                                                                           xpanded services globally
2018: 1,680.1                                     OUR PURPOSE
GROSS PROFIT, US$M                                To exert a positive economic and
                                                  sustainable influence in our food,

                                                                                                        > Increased
                                                                                                                  resources in Thailand
                                                  beverage and energy supply chains.
                                                                                                        > Laid
                                                                                                             foundations for new office in
                                                  OUR VALUES
2018: 39.0                                                                                              > Strengthened
                                                                                                                     VIVE sustainable
NUMBER OF TRADED                                  > Building
                                                           strong relationships                         programme across the region
PRODUCT LINES                                     > E
                                                     mbracing change and

                                                  > I nvesting in our team                             > Established
                                                                                                                   joint venture in Brazil to
                                                  > Acting
                                                        responsibly and with integrity                 support ethanol expansion
2018: 38
                                                  OUR SERVICES                                          EU
                                                  > Financing solutions                               > Partially
                                                                                                                 offset market uncertainties

208             in 10 offices
                                                  > M
                                                     arket analysis
                                                  > P
                                                     rice risk management
                                                                                                          surrounding Brexit by currency gains

                                                                                                        MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA
2018: 190 in 10 offices
                                                  > C
                                                     orporate finance
                                                  > V
                                                     IVE – sustainable supply programme                > Secured
                                                                                                                long-term contracts with
                                                                                                          multi-national clients
                                                  > L ogistics and stock management
                                                                                                        > Established
                                                                                                                    legal entity in Bahrain
                                                  > C
                                                     zapp – client portal/web app
                                                  > Physical trading                                   USA

                                                                                                        > Offset
                                                                                                               subdued market trading
                                                                                                          through growth with key clients


ABOUT US                             RUNNING OUR BUSINESS                   REVIEW OF 2019                          FINANCIALS
Czarnikow redefined              2   Business model                 14      CFO financial and operational           Summary of financial
                                                                                                               42                                  56
                                                                            review                                  information
About Czarnikow                  3   Our market                     18
                                                                            Key performance indicators         43
CEO review and strategy          4   Risk management                22
                                                                            Bulk products/Containerised             CORPORATE INFORMATION
                                                                                                                    Glossary                       58
CZARNIKOW REDEFINED                  GOVERNANCE                             Derivatives/Advisory               45
                                                                                                                    Offices and contacts           59
Our products                     6   Management Committee           30      Sustainability leadership          46
Our systems                      8   Business specialists                   VIVE review                        48
                                     and leaders
Our services                    10                                          Environmental review               49
                                     Governance report              34
Our responsibilities            12                                          HR review                          50
                                                                            Trade finance review               52
Czarnikow redefined ANNUAL REVIEW 2019


Redefining the
way we do things
COVID-19 UPDATE                                                                                  EXPANDING PRODUCTS & SERVICES
At the time of writing in late April 2020,                                                       In 2019, our volume of traded non-sugar
our business looks very different
                                                    Our employees are enthused                   products made its mark and we expect it
compared to the activities of 2019 that             by our long-term business                    to gain critical mass. This development
we focus on in this Annual Review. The              prospects and I believe this                 helped to offset last year’s low-price
COVID-19 pandemic has taken its toll                will stand us in good stead as               sugar market; it also opens up different
around the world with tragic human loss,                                                         client conversations and opportunities.
and has devastated livelihoods and
                                                    we emerge from the period                    We created an entity in Bahrain to
disrupted societal norms, supply chains,            of disruption and uncertainty                support local clients and are planning
working practices and expectations.                 caused by the COVID-19                       additional entities elsewhere. Ongoing
Amid this uncertainty, we have focused              pandemic.”                                   investment in IT systems facilitates our
on two priorities: protecting the safety                                                         business expansion, and brings internal
of our employees and their families; and            By staying informed and connected we         and external benefits.
doing everything we can to keep our                 can support our clients and partners to
vital, global supply chains moving. It is           the best of our ability, adjusting our       INCREASING RESPONSIBILITIES
imperative that we stay connected                   business and services where necessary.       With no growing or manufacturing assets
and informed.                                                                                    of our own, we can work objectively for
                                                    2019 PERFORMANCE                             the good of the supply chain as a whole.
STAYING CONNECTED                                   Our Board was pleased with our 2019          By engaging with farmers, factories and
Employees in our larger offices have                performance, especially in light of          financiers through our sustainable
been working remotely, supported by                 low-price trading conditions that            supply chain programme, VIVE, we
in-house IT teams and tailored systems,             persisted during the year. We improved       support and promote sustainable best
while some of our smaller offices have              turnover and income and generated an         practices. We are committed to helping
stayed open – local protocols permitting.           operating profit of US$10.3 million          meet growing end-consumer demand
Ongoing investment in technology and                (2018: US$8.1 million). However, these       for products that are healthier, ethically
our client portal – Czapp – have eased              results do not yet reflect our long-term     sourced, reasonably packaged and
the transition to remote working and                aspirations and the potential benefits       beneficial to communities.
allowed us to connect successfully with             of recent business developments, which
each other and our clients.                         I outline below.                             INVESTED EMPLOYEES
                                                                                                 As outlined above, the impact of the
We are determined to carry on our                   CZARNIKOW REDEFINED                          COVID-19 pandemic has shocked the
day-to-day business as best we can to               Our strategy is understood and               whole world and we anticipate its effects
keep food, beverage and energy supply               recognised as an anchor that keeps us        to be far-reaching and long-lasting.
chains moving. However, self-isolation              grounded, while enabling growth. We          I would like to thank our employees for
and lock-down measures have impaired                have started to move beyond our              their flexibility and resilience during
the physical supply of commodities and              comfort zone and, in this review, you can    these difficult times. They continue to
negatively impacted consumption. The                read how we have redefined our business      demonstrate the entrepreneurial spirit
sugar and skimmed milk powder markets               by expanding our products, services,         that will help our supply chains to
have been the hardest hit to date, with             systems and responsibilities. Employees      recover from the difficult first months
knock-on effects in other food                      are enthused by our long-term business       of 2020. I will continue to keep you
ingredients, packaging and energy                   prospects and I believe this will stand us   informed and connected online as the
sectors. By managing price volatility, cash         in good stead as we emerge from the          year progresses.
flows and financing we can help mitigate            period of disruption and uncertainty
supply chain difficulties. To facilitate this       caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
we share daily market updates and
insights through our social media
channels, Czapp and corporate website.                                                           Robin Cave
                                                                                                 Chief Executive Officer

  CFO review, P42      VIVE review, P48         HR review, P50
Czarnikow redefined ANNUAL REVIEW 2019

Stability of strategy                   Deepen existing relationships
                                        > Anchor our network against market
OUR VISION                                 fluctuations by offering
> Our unique network and cutting-         sophisticated services which embed
  edge services will ensure we are a       Czarnikow in our clients’ operations
  world-leading supply chain, pricing   > I ncrease value creation by offering
  and financing services company.          multiple services to existing clients.

OUR STRATEGY                            OUR CORPORATE GOALS
Broaden into new markets                >	Reinforcing the brand of Czarnikow
>	Increase the scale of our network       as a world-leading, modern services
   by expanding the number of              company
   markets in which we operate          > Delivering on ROCE expectations
> D
   evelop a more intricate network     > Creating an exciting place to work
  by expanding the number of clients    >	Providing unmatchable client
  with whom we work in these               satisfaction.

Governance, P36
Czarnikow redefined ANNUAL REVIEW 2019


Would you prefer
your oranges puréed,
juiced or pulped?
In 2019, we grew our trading product portfolio by
47%.1 Refined and unrefined sugar still command
high overall tonnage volumes but we now actively
trade and handle over 50 food ingredient, packaging
and alternative fuel lines. In just three years, we
anticipate traded revenue from non-sugar product
lines to have grown from virtually nil to around 6%.2

         9.0        9.1


                                                             Bulk products            Bulk products: unrefined sugar,
                                                                                      ethanol, wood pellets, electricity
                                                             Containerised products
                                                                                      Containerised products: refined
                                                             Advisory                 sugar, ingredients and packaging


1 We traded 56 different product lines in 2019 (2018: 38).
2 Anticipated ratio by year end 2020.

In 2019, we expanded our fruit ingredients portfolio, shipping
1,500 metric tonnes of concentrate, purée and paste across five
types of fruit.                                                                         Review of 2019, P42-45
Czarnikow redefined ANNUAL REVIEW 2019
2019 | 7
Czarnikow redefined ANNUAL REVIEW 2019


Improving employee
satisfaction and
catalysing new business
During our 2019 Strategy Week, we analysed the impact
of our five-year strategic investment in IT systems and
celebrated the effect this is having both internally and
externally. By removing uninspiring manual tasks we have
increased employee efficiency, job satisfaction and creativity.
Through enhanced and more visible data we can improve
operational efficiency, provide better customer service and
win new business. Overall, our business and prospects are
exponentially better off for this investment.

  Czapp launched                            Upon launch, Czapp gave our clients
                                            instant access to our Analysis services.
                                                                                        Our development roadmap for Czapp
                                                                                        is ambitious. Our vision is to move
  The launch of our first                   We have since focused on improving          Czapp from a market analysis tool to
                                            user experience by investing in Android     an indispensable platform which will
  client-facing app, Czapp,                 and iOS mobile app technology,              provide on-tap functionality to support
  in April 2019 represents a                introducing interactive data tools, and     all of our core services.
  long-term investment by                   enhancing Czapp’s interface. Our
                                            freemium model opens up data and
  the Company and is a                      expertise to a much wider audience
  natural extension of our                  than we have ever been able to reach
  belief that we can transform              before – helping all members of our
  the way we do business                    supply chains to better understand the
                                            markets in which they operate,
  through technology.                       regardless of their size or buying power.

We invested US$1.89 million in software in 2019 and expanded
our IT development team by a third to 27 people.
Czarnikow redefined ANNUAL REVIEW 2019


Strategic business
and relationship
Developing our global service offer is easier to achieve
when we know and are trusted by our clients and
partners. Multi-national companies are increasingly
choosing us to venture into new product areas and
markets with them. Meanwhile, our transparent
relationships with banking partners provide security
for our growth plans, and help us to develop new
supply chain financing solutions. In 2019, we:
>	launched an entity in Bahrain to enable
   vendor-managed inventory services
>	set up a joint venture in Brazil to facilitate
   ethanol financing
>	laid the groundwork for a new office in Vietnam
>	expanded our corporate finance consultancy
   in Thailand
>	established five new credit lines to support
   future growth.

In 2019, we opened a legal entity in Bahrain to enable
us to deliver vendor-managed inventory (VMI) services.

LIQUID PLANTS & REFINERIES                               MANDATES EXECUTED                               PARTNERS

>330                 Clients                             7     Deals, ranging from debt restructuring
                                                                and raising to judicial asset sale       30     Partners in over five countries

OFFICES                                                  GLOBAL TRADING ACTIVITY                         INDUSTRIAL CONSUMERS1

10        Offices in ten different countries
           with local presence in another five           107             Countries                       >280

1 For Czarnikow, industrial consumers include food and beverage manufacturers, and ethanol processors.


Closing the
sustainability loop
Given our unique and intricate network of
relationships, we recognise our leadership role as an
influencer to improve supply chain practices. This
starts by demanding excellence in our own internal
processes and traceability systems.

In 2020, through our sustainable supply chain
programme, VIVE, we will conclude the first ever
trade of sustainable sugar that can be fully traced
from sugar mill to sugar refinery and onwards to
food and beverage manufacturers, while being
funded by sustainable finance partners and moved
by VIVE-certified logistics and chain of custody
service providers.


 MILLING GROUPS           INLAND           PORT           BULK                REFINING          FOOD AND
                        TRANSPORT        ELEVATION      SHIPPING                                BEVERAGE

In 2020, we plan to open a new office in Vietnam,
as regulatory changes will allow us to deliver
more value to our clients in this key market.        Sustainability leadership, P46      Environmental review, P49


Providing modern
supply chain services
The Group’s mission is to deliver effective supply chain, pricing and financing
services for all our clients. Since 2018, we have repositioned ourselves as a modern
service provider of choice in our chosen supply chains. We have a global outlook,
operating from ten offices with a local presence in a further five countries, and we
employed 208 people in 2019.

                                                                                                                     Primary processors

                                                                                                                                                                    Retailers and

                                Key in-house              Third-party

Service categories              teams                     partners             Services

1   BUYING, SELLING             > Trading teams           > Hauliers           > Physical trading
    AND MOVING                  > Logistics team          > S
                                                             hipping          > L ogistics and stock
    PHYSICAL                    > VIVE team                 companies             management
    PRODUCT                                               > Port authorities

2   PRICING AND                 > Trade Finance team > Banking partners        > Financial solutions
    FINANCIAL                   > Derivatives team        > B
                                                             ioenergy         > Price risk
    SERVICES                    > Analysis team             investors            management
                                > Corporate Finance      > Brokers            > Market analysis
                                   team                                        > Corporate finance

3   SUSTAINABILITY              > VIVE team               > Intellync          > S
                                                                                  ustainable Supply
                                                                                 Programme (VIVE)
    ADVICE AND                                            > G
                                                             reen finance
    PROMOTION                                               providers
                                                          > S

                                                                                                                     PHYSICAL PRODUCT FLOW
■ Core clients    ■ Secondary clients     ■ Emerging clients      ■ Indirect influence                          INFORMATION AND INFLUENCE FLOW


Client service              Supply chain               Risk management          Finance                  Technology                                    Sustainability
A focus on meeting our      Managing and               Using cutting-edge       The ability to deliver   Ongoing investment in                         Strengthening our
clients’ individual needs   influencing the most       technology and           enhanced value to        leading-edge systems,                         leadership role in
and developing strong       sustainable, cost-         market knowledge to      clients through          while maintaining                             ethical and
relationships.              effective and              identify and mitigate    innovative financing     flexibility.                                  sustainable supply
                            efficient movement         risks across             solutions.                                                             chain management,
                            of products across         challenging markets.                                                                            which acts as a
                            our supply chains.                                                                                                         commercial


       PHYSICAL PRODUCT                          2      PRICING AND FINANCIAL
                                                        SERVICES                                 3      SUSTAINABILITY ADVICE
                                                                                                        AND PROMOTION

What we do                                       What we do                                      What we do
We buy, sell and move raw (unrefined) and        We offer a range of client-centric pricing      VIVE is a continuous improvement
white (refined) sugar and complementary          and financial services, which complement        sustainability programme that measures,
products (food ingredients, packaging and        our physical trading activities, and include:   monitors and benchmarks participants’
ethanol). We do not supply or market             > F inancing solutions and price risk          performance against global sustainability
products to the end user, but are very              management                                   standards along the entire sugar supply
active in trading to and from primary and           We use derivatives to manage price risk      chain and, recently, for other products.
secondary sugar processors, and industrial          exposure, provide related consultancy        The programme has been developed
consumers. For some clients, we stock and           and execution services, and arrange          through a global agreement between
repackage physical product and organise             financing solutions and securities to        ourselves and Intellync (formerly AB
warehousing and logistical requirements,            extend short- and medium-term payment        Sustain) and has four universal
including the provision of vendor-                  terms.                                       improvement objectives: governance,
managed inventory services. In other                                                             people, environment and traceability.
                                                   orporate finance and market analysis
instances, we take title to goods and agree                                                      We also assist industrial buyers in
                                                  Our Corporate Finance team advises
to sell future production on our clients’                                                        engaging their supply chains to improve
                                                  farmers, processors and investors in the
behalf (‘off-taking’), and develop bespoke                                                       sustainability practices.
                                                  sugar and bioenergy markets. Our
distribution and supply strategies.               Analysis team enhances internal and
                                                                                                 Our core clients
                                                  external business decisions by providing
Our core clients                                                                                 We work with a number of participants
                                                  world-leading market advice. Czapp
  rimary processors (sugar beet factories,                                                      along the supply chain, including:
                                                  (our client portal and app) offers access
 sugar cane mills)                                to bespoke market information and data.        > Primary and secondary processors
  econdary processors (sugar cane                                                                  (VIVE participants)
 refineries, liquid plants)                      Our core clients                                > Farmers, shippers, forwarders and food
> I ndustrial consumers (large food and         > Physical trading clients                         and beverage companies
   beverage companies, ethanol fuel              > Banking partners                                 (engagement to better understand and
   blenders).                                                                                       implement sustainability requirements)
                                                 > Sector-specific investors
                                                                                                 > Industry-leading sustainability
Resources and relationships                      As our services expand we are working with
                                                                                                    benchmark programmes
Our physical trading business is                 larger, more diverse farms and processors.
                                                                                                    (collaboration to streamline audits).
transaction-rich and asset-light and we do
not own any farming or production assets.        Resources and relationships
                                                                                                 Value creation and how we make money
However, we are prepared to invest in            Our global specialist teams benefit from
                                                                                                 Through our involvement in VIVE, we are
small-scale or ‘synthetic’ assets (e.g. silos,   exceptional experience and market
                                                                                                 raising the overall quality and ethical
warehouses) as a part of our commitment          knowledge and are responsible for
                                                                                                 standards in our chosen supply chains by
to developing strong client relationships.       developing key external and internal
                                                                                                 promoting sustainable best practices at
Successful client engagement helps us            relationships.
                                                                                                 the farm, facilities and shipping levels. We
facilitate the most effective, efficient and                                                     also create commercial value by helping
sustainable movement of goods in our             Value creation and how we make money
                                                                                                 our industrial consumers meet growing
targeted supply chains.                          Our pricing and financial services keep the
                                                                                                 end-consumer demand for transparent
                                                 supply chain moving effectively through the
                                                                                                 information about the provenance of food
Value creation and how we make money             provision of funding, market information
                                                                                                 ingredients. Our income from VIVE is
Our business philosophy is not to favour         and risk mitigation. For us, these services
                                                                                                 mainly derived from annual subscriptions
certain clients or our own operations, but       secure additional revenue, offset market
                                                                                                 and one-off consultancy fees.
to create overall value by optimising the        vagaries, attract new partners, deepen
transaction for all parties involved, in         relationships and strengthen our brand. We
                                                                                                 What you can expect
return for a small margin on high volumes.       are remunerated, depending on risk levels
                                                                                                 Active expansion of VIVE into new
Given our strong reputation we are often         and types of service, through annual
                                                                                                 geographic areas and a continued focus on
called upon to negotiate some of the more        subscriptions, consultancy and deal fees,
                                                                                                 strengthening VIVE’s strategic ‘spine’ of
complex deals in play.                           retainers, costs per service/bundled
                                                                                                 global producers and processors.
                                                 services and commission.
What you can expect
A further increase in the ratio of our traded    What you can expect
revenue from non-sugar products, as a            Growth in revenue from our pricing and
result of the development of relationships       financing services, and a return on our
in new industrial sectors (e.g. dairy, energy    investment in Czapp. Our new Head of
and fertilisers).                                Structured Finance role will expand our
                                                 capabilities in finance solutions.

   ulk products and containerised products,
  B                                                Derivatives and advisory, P45                   VIVE review, P48


Section 172, Companies Act
In the table below we summarise how we engage with key stakeholders to share and establish a mutual understanding of our long-term
business expectations. Stakeholder engagement assists our Directors in performing their duties under s172 of the Companies Act 2006
by providing them with information to consider when developing strategy and making business decisions. We use formal and informal
communication channels to engage with our stakeholders. Specific examples of how stakeholder engagement has affected key decision-
making during the financial year can be found on pages 17 and 36.

Stakeholder group                 Main engagement methods                            Stakeholder expectations                        Long-term value creation

CLIENTS1                          > I nteraction with farmers through       > Deeper understanding of client                      > Optimising
                                                                                                                                                  price, logistics and
                                     VIVE, Corporate Finance and Trade          business to provide more added-                         financing
>   Farmers                         Finance teams                              value solutions                                      > Providing innovative procurement
>    P rimary processors         > Daily interaction with processors and   > Further cost optimisation                               solutions
>    S econdary processors          industrial consumers on trading floor > Bespoke knowledge-sharing                              > Promoting ethical and sustainable
>    I ndustrial consumers       > Weekly strategy planning meetings                                                                 supply chains
                                     between Czarnikow’s Trading Directors                                                           > Reducing environmental impact
                                     and processors and industrial consumers
                                                                                                                                     > Reducing overall supply chain risks
                                  > Close working relationship with
                                                                                                                                     > Improved farming and manufacturing
                                     Procurement and Quality Control
                                                                                                                                       practices, including health and safety
                                     teams of industrial consumers
                                                                                                                                       and product quality

LOGISTICS                         > D aily interaction with container               > S trong flow of communication to             > Ensuring the safe and timely delivery
PARTNERS                             shipping partners                                  optimise movement of goods                      of goods
                                  > F requent communication with                    > Long-term cooperation to improve             > Protecting goods from loss and
                                     trucking, bulk shipping and                        joint operational working practices             damage during transit and storage
                                     warehouse partners                              > Knowledge-sharing to promote                 > Transporting goods in an efficient
                                                                                       best-in-class processes                         and sustainable manner

SUPPLIERS2                        > V
                                     ia various teams, e.g. Accounts,               > O pen dialogue                               > Improved bespoke services
                                    Marketing and IT                                 > Prompt payment                               > Fair payment terms (see P43)

EMPLOYEES                         >    eam and line managers
                                      T                                              >   Improved training courses             > Creating a more exciting workplace,
                                  >   ‘ Open door’ policy                           >    Further investment in the workplace    including benefits and culture
                                  >    E mployee intranet                           >     Greater diversity and inclusion     > Improving recruitment, retention
                                                                                                                                  and rewards
                                  >    A ppraisals                                  >      Exciting opportunities for
                                  >    F ormal and informal strategy updates                development and career progression > Promoting efficiencies and
                                                                                                                                   innovation through teamwork and
                                  >      egular global ‘All Hands’ meetings
                                        R                                                                                          communication

SHAREHOLDERS                      > Quarterly C. Czarnikow Limited                > R OCE improvements                           > Shared understanding of and support
                                       (parent company) Board meetings               > Transparent, reliable and timely                for long-term aspirations
                                                                                     > Meeting other agreed targets

SUSTAINABILITY                    > VIVE team                                      > C
                                                                                        reating the most beneficial                 > Growing number of VIVE participants
BENCHMARKING                                                                           and comprehensive umbrella                      as administration burden reduces and
                                                                                       benchmarking programme for                      global recognition increases
PARTNERS                                                                               the supply chain                              > More sustainable supply chains

BANKING PARTNERS                  > Annual
                                         roadshow with current and                 > T ransparent, reliable and timely            > Ensuring a financial platform
                                    new partners, alongside ad hoc calls                information                                    to support growth plans and
                                    and meetings                                     > Meeting other agreed targets                   opportunities

LOCAL                             > C
                                     ountry teams                                   > Knowledge
                                                                                                 of local jurisdictions            > Goodwill through local job creation
COMMUNITIES                       > D
                                     irect employee engagement in                   > Local economic development                      and charity support
AND GOVERNMENTS                     charity/volunteering initiatives                                                                 > Timely tax returns and payments

ENVIRONMENT                       > Employee
                                             schemes/initiatives to                > Lower emissions and zero waste              > In-house awareness/impact education
                                    minimise direct impact                              to landfill                                  > Optimising transportation/shipping
                                  > C
                                     lients and logistics partners to               > Evaluation of alternative energy                routes to maximise cargo efficiencies
                                    promote operational efficiencies;                   sources                                         and reduce fuel usage
                                    also through VIVE                                > More robust environmental                    > Reducing environmental impact
                                                                                       monitoring                                       through VIVE
1 At Czarnikow, we consider all buyers and sellers of physical product as ‘clients’ – it does not matter where they sit in the supply chain as we provide services to them all.
2	Our ‘suppliers’ are, in the main, providers of professional services (e.g. consultancy, auditors, marketing services) rather than providers of ingredients, fuel or packaging,
   who are considered to be clients.

                                                                                  Modern employee
                                                                                  In addition to our ‘open door’ culture,
                                                                                  which encourages employees to speak
                                                                                  up, we welcome employee posts –
                                                                                  negative and positive – in our online
                                         Upreach partnership                      Glassdoor forum. Our CEO, Robin,
                                                                                  replies personally to each post, taking
                                         In 2019, we began a partnership with     on board any areas of concern and
                                         the UK’s award-winning social            acknowledging plus points.
Enduring banking                         mobility charity UpReach, which
partnerships                             supports students from less-
                                                                                  95% CEO approval rating
                                         advantaged backgrounds to secure
In 2019, Standard Chartered Bank         top jobs. By working together,           4.7/5 rating (one of Glassdoor’s top
introduced a new global policy that      UpReach and Czarnikow can reinforce      global performers)
reviewed the provision of unsecured      their mutual commitment to engaging
credit lines for the sector and          a more socially-diverse workforce
company. Given our excellent working     and improving the prospects of
relationship with Standard Chartered,    undergraduates participating in the
together we were able to find            programme.
alternative solutions in a timely and
professional manner with minimal risk    Czarnikow also benefits directly from
to our business. Moreover, Jayshree      being involved: our employees gain
and her Trade Finance team               valuable personal experience through
collaborated closely with Standard       mentorship and skills development
Chartered to establish credit lines in   opportunities, and we can recruit from
our new product areas, which are         the charity’s exceptional talent pool.
expanding rapidly and align to revised   In 2020, we aim to develop our
standards.                               relationship further.

  Trade finance, P52                                    HR review, P50


A sugar market that
remains in transition
In 2019, the sugar market was characterised by record                                          2019/20 MARKET: THE LONG READ
                                                                                               Record stock levels
stock levels, bumper sugar cane harvests and lower                                             We started 2019 with close to record global
refining throughputs, while global consumption                                                 sugar stock levels, and promptly saw these
remained static. We expect short-term price volatility                                         rise further, following several blockbuster
                                                                                               sugar cane harvests in the northern
in 2020 but with limited price movements for the year                                          hemisphere. India produced a record
as a whole.                                                                                    33 million metric tonnes of sugar, with
                                                                                               refined sugar stocks hitting their highest
                                                                                               ever level in April 2019 at 21 million metric
                                                                                               tonnes – nearly enough to cover a full
  2019/20 market:                                  On the demand side, global consumption
                                                                                               year’s consumption. In an attempt to clear
                                                   remained static on a per capita basis,
  the short read                                   influenced by ongoing government
                                                                                               domestic sugar stocks, the Indian
                                                                                               government awarded export subsidies for
                                                   taxation and product reformulation by
  Last year we predicted a                         major food and drink companies.
                                                                                               5 million tonnes of sugar of up to
                                                                                               US$140/metric tonne.
  year of transition for the
  sugar market and that held                       By early 2020, global sugar stocks were
                                                                                               Thailand had its second-best year ever,
                                                   still near record highs, but production
  true for most of 2019, with                      for the year ahead was expected to be
                                                                                               producing 14.5 million tonnes of sugar. A
  raw sugar prices never                           lower, and the market reacted with a
                                                                                               surplus of refined sugar for export surged
                                                                                               onto the market, and was a prime driver in
  falling below 10USc/lb and                       sharp price increase. We expect to see
                                                                                               pushing prices lower until the middle of
  only breaking above                              some short-term price volatility in 2020.
  13.50USc/lb at the very end                      However, our medium-term view is that
  of the year.                                                                                 Refined sugar from India and Thailand
                                                   overall price movements will be limited
                                                                                               competed fiercely in the Indian Ocean and
                                                   for the year as a whole, as sugar
  On the supply side, the market was                                                           East Asian markets. As a result, India was
                                                   production in Brazil becomes more
  characterised by record stock levels,                                                        only able to export just under 4 million
                                                   attractive in response to price increases
  bumper sugar cane harvests and lower                                                         tonnes (in relation to sugar mills only)
                                                   and Indian supply remains lucrative
  refining throughputs.                                                                        between October 2018 and September
                                                   owing to government incentives. The
                                                                                               2019 – despite government incentives.
                                                   market remains in transition.
                                                                                               Meanwhile, Thai refined sugar was
                                                                                               delivered in huge quantities against the
                                                                                               August 2019 futures expiry but was only
                                                                                               fully shipped to destination by the year end.

                                                                                               Refining slow-down
                                                                                               Given the above dynamics, re-export
                                                                                               refiners (who import and refine raw sugar
                                                                                               and were already finding it difficult to
                                                                                               compete on cost) were also affected by the
                                                                                               impact oversupply had on the ‘white
                                                                                               premium’. This is the differential between
                                                                                               the refined and raw sugar futures price. For
                                                                                               most of 2019 the ‘white premium’ struggled
                                                                                               to exceed US$70/metric tonne, falling short
                                                                                               of the desired US$80-100/metric tonne to
                                                                                               turn a profit, and resulted in many refiners
                                                                                               slowing their throughput rates.
     Indian farmers continue to benefit from government incentives.

Knock-on effect in Brazil                             Sudden price upturn                                                to key developments such as government
This slow-down had a knock-on effect on               However, at the very end of 2019, the                              taxation on sugar, product reformulations,
global raw sugar demand, in particular for            market turned sharply upwards, breaking                            portion control and marketing regulations.
high-quality Brazilian raw sugar. In 2019,            a year’s worth of depressed trading. This                          The impact from the COVID-19 pandemic
shipments were the lowest for a decade at             was driven by expectations that 2020                               has reduced consumption further. We
15.8 million tonnes and left Brazil with an           sugar production would be significantly                            discuss each element below.
excess of approximately 1.7 million tonnes            worse than in 2018 and 2019 – not because
of unrefined sugar at year end, even                  farmers had planted less sugar cane and                            Growth in sugar taxation
though Brazilian sugar mills had allocated            beet in response to low sugar prices, but                          At least 28 countries have introduced
the maximum amount of sugar cane                      due to climatic conditions.                                        some form of sugar tax in the last nine
possible to ethanol production. For the                                                                                  years in a bid to reduce excessive sugar
second season running the ratio of sucrose            Many major sugar producers had difficult                           consumption and improve the health of
used to make sugar, not ethanol, was                  2019/20 harvests. Indian sugar production                          their populations. It is too early to
below 35%. As Brazilian ethanol                       is expected to fall by around 7 million                            understand if health targets have been
production surged so did motorists’                   tonnes year on year owing to poor water                            achieved, but our view is that once taxes
demand for ethanol at the pumps, helped               availability in the first half of 2019,                            are introduced they are more likely to be
by high local gasoline prices.                        followed by flooding in Maharashtra in the                         extended than taken away as they are also
                                                      middle of the year.                                                effective revenue generators.
Low global consumption
Continued low global sugar consumption                In Thailand the sugar cane harvest was                             Food reformulation
growth did little to improve market                   badly stunted by dry weather, leading to                           An increasing number of large food and
prices. Sugar consumption is driven by                a significant shortfall in sugar production.                       beverage companies are adjusting their
population growth, increasing wealth                  Meanwhile, some of the USA sugar beet                              product ranges to include low- and/or
and urbanisation and – up to 2014 – we                crop was left unharvested owing to the                             lower-sugar options. This is well
assumed a global sugar consumption                    early arrival of winter snows. By the end                          established in the soft drinks industry,
growth of around 2% per year, with 1%                 of 2019, global sugar stocks were still near                       where diet variants have existed for
attributed to an expanding population                 record highs, but production for the year                          decades and are commonly accepted by
and the other 1% to increasing global                 ahead was expected to be lower. With                               consumers. However, reformulation in
affluence. Typically, high sugar prices               some slack perceived to be coming out                              other areas can be difficult. Sugar acts as
would edge global consumption growth                  of the sugar market, prices surged.                                a sweetener and preservative, and also
towards the 1% baseline while low prices                                                                                 gives food texture and bulk. When sugar is
would move it towards 3% a year. In                   2020 OUTLOOK                                                       removed, other ingredients may need to
2019, we estimate that global sugar                   Continued pressure on sugar                                        be added to replace these functions.
consumption grew by just 1% – the same                consumption
rate as global population growth.                     In 2020, we anticipate another challenging                         Consumers also expect a consistent
Effectively, per capita sugar consumption             year for global sugar consumption. As an                           experience and taste when they buy
was static.                                           underlying trend, people are moderating                            well-known food and drink brands.
                                                      the amount of sugar they consume owing                             Companies are therefore extremely

3.5                                                                             20
                                                                                                                                                               PRODUCES SUGAR
3.0                                                                             15

2.5                                                                             10

2.0                                                                              5

1.5                                                                              0

1.0                                                                             -5

0.5                                                                            -10
                                                                                                                                                             PRODUCES ETHANOL
0.0    2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021          Apr Jan Oct Jul Apr Jan Oct Jul Apr Jan Oct Jul Apr Jan
                                                                                     2010 2011 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018 2019 2020
Source: Czapp.                                                                 1 Sugar price (No. 11) includes physical differentiation and pol premium.

OUR MARKET CONTINUED                                              its products to be 200 calories or fewer by                           Sugar production 2020/21
                                                                  the end of 2020. Meanwhile, 95% of                                    Assuming normal weather conditions, we
                                                                  Ferrero’s individually-wrapped products                               expect global sugar production to rebound
cautious about changing flagship brands.                          each have fewer than 150 calories, and                                in 2020/21 – mainly influenced by India.
Nonetheless, major food and beverage                              40% of The Coca-Cola Company’s                                        For Indian farmers, sugar cane is still the
companies around the world are starting                           sparkling drinks brands are sold in serving                           most lucrative crop as the government
to reduce or replace sugar – with varying                         sizes under 250ml.                                                    sets the price that sugar mills must pay to
success. Dairy products, for example, can                                                                                               farmers, irrespective of sugar market
use non-sucrose sweeteners to replicate                           Clearly, people can choose to increase                                returns. We anticipate that India’s sugar
sweetness, and thickeners to improve                              the number of portions they consume in                                production will rebound from 26.5 million
mouth-feel. Cereal manufacturers have                             a single sitting. But in practice it is hard                          to 30 million tonnes in 2021, sugar stocks
also successfully reduced the amount of                           to find evidence of this happening and,                               will build once more and the government
sugar in some of their products. In the UK,                       for many consumers, consuming smaller                                 will continue to subsidise future exports.
for example, Kellogg’s Coco Pops now                              portion sizes equates to cutting back
contain over 40% less sugar than three                            on sugar.                                                             We also expect the Centre-South (CS)
years ago.                                                                                                                              Brazilian sugar cane industry to increase
                                                                  Food advertising and marketing                                        production at the expense of ethanol if
However, it can be more difficult to reduce                       Regulations relating to on-pack                                       sugar returns are strong enough,
the sugar content of confectionery and                            communication are also changing –                                     especially in the first half of 2020. With
snack foods and some attempts have                                particularly for children’s food. In 2016,                            prices around 10USc/lb, we expect CS
resulted in poor sales and failed launches.                       Chile regulated the advertising of foods                              Brazil to produce a little under 36 million
In these categories in particular, we are                         deemed unhealthy for children and                                     tonnes of sugar, up from less than 27
seeing increasing expenditure on food                             banned mascots and promotional toys.                                  million tonnes in 2019.
technology. For example, Nestlé is                                Mexico has recently rolled out similar
replacing sugar with fibre in Milo drinks,                        packaging regulations.                                                Conclusion
and has experimented with adding cocoa                                                                                                  With sugar production expected to
pulp to chocolate bars. Mondelēz has                              Impact of COVID-19                                                    rebound and sugar consumption to
launched a Dairy Milk chocolate bar with                          At the time of writing in late April 2020, the                        remain challenging, we anticipate limited
30% less sugar, achieved by substituting                          COVID-19 outbreak, which began in China                               price changes as we move through 2020.
sugar with soluble maize fibre.                                   in December 2019, has spread globally and                             Sugar prices have fallen back to 10USc/lb,
                                                                  is now classified as a pandemic. Many                                 and it is hard to envisage the market
Food portion control                                              countries and regions have taken self-                                sustaining a period above 16USc/lb, given
Major food and beverage companies are                             isolation or full lock-down measures to                               that sugar stocks remain plentiful and we
also reducing portion sizes and calories.                         protect their citizens, and commodity                                 are not anticipating any large-scale
By the end of 2017, 99% of Mars Wrigley                           supply chains have been severely                                      cutbacks by major sugar producers, with
chocolate and confectionery products                              disrupted. At the global level, we have                               the possible exception of Thailand. The
were sold in serving sizes under 250                              reduced our global sugar production                                   sugar market transition continues.
calories. Mars Wrigley’s current ambition is                      estimation by nearly 2 million metric
to increase the number of its

  Czarnikow’s role in                         We are also using Power BI to help our      ETHANOL JOINT VENTURE
                                              users visualise the data and draw robust
  managing market                             conclusions from it. Our model is fully
                                                                                          In 2019, we established a new entity in
                                                                                          Brazil, CzEnergy, in response to the
  complexities                                scalable and we post at least three         recent shift from sugar towards ethanol
                                              articles a day to subscribers. Our news     production in Brazil. The entity is a joint
  With local teams and global                 feed, for example, is open to all Czapp     venture between Czarnikow and CMAA
  expertise, Czarnikow                        users and uses machine learning to sift     Group and will be a vehicle to assist
                                              the internet – in what we understand to     ethanol producers to finance inventories
  provides critical support to                be a sector first – to find and display     in Brazil. Ethanol is produced during a
  its supply chain participants               relevant stories.                           six-month period, but is consumed
  by providing market data                                                                throughout the year, causing a
  and insight to help them                    SOURCING NEW INGREDIENTS                    significant requirement for inventory
                                              We have also widened our coverage of        finance. We expect the entity to be fully
  manage changing market
                                              commodity markets so that our analysis      operational by the beginning of the next
  dynamics.                                   better matches our growing physical         Brazilian season in May 2020.
                                              product portfolio. To accelerate this
  SPEED OF MARKET INTELLIGENCE                process and reduce our learning curve
  During 2019, our Analysis team’s            we have partnered with product experts
  products, services and operations were      to share high-quality content with our
  transformed. In April we launched           clients. We collaborate with Wood
  Czapp, which provides cutting-edge          Mackenzie on PET packaging, CRU on
  sugar market analysis on tap and has        fertilisers and Nixal on corn and ethanol
  already evolved to include information      markets. We aim to establish similar,
  on food ingredients and position-           select partnerships in the future as our
  keeping. Behind the scenes, we              non-sugar product portfolio expands
  revolutionised our analysis methods:        further, focusing on providing fresh and
  data is now migrated into purpose-built     interesting insights into all the supply
  SQL data tables, ensuring it is available   chain markets we work in.
  to all Czarnikow users as well as clients
  around the world.

In 2019, we shipped around 1,400 metric tonnes of dairy
products, including butter, other milk fats and milk powders.


entrepreneurship by
understanding our risks
Good risk management promotes innovation and                                                  senior management. Further support is
                                                                                              provided by CGL’s Credit Committee,
entrepreneurship by creating an environment where                                             Operational Risk Committee and Legal and
people feel safe to experiment within defined                                                 Compliance team.
boundaries, and where all employees can freely                                                RISK MANAGEMENT FOCUS IN 2019
identify, communicate, monitor and report material                                            >	Managing liquidity risk
risks to create and protect value.                                                                Ongoing work with the Trade Finance
                                                                                                  team to refine banking facility
                                                                                                  availability to enhance liquidity
RISK APPETITE                                   already bring our ‘gross’ risks more in           management capability
Given our line of business we cannot be         line with our risk appetite. This year we
                                                                                                Reducing exposure to freight costs
risk-averse. In fact, we seek actively to       also disclose our ‘emerging risks’. These
                                                                                                Ongoing work to reduce freight cost
develop innovative products and services        are important enough to be monitored,
                                                                                                risks following the International
in markets that exhibit volatile and            but not material enough to be considered
                                                                                                Maritime Organization’s requirement to
complex characteristics, and we                 principal risks.
                                                                                                reduce sulphur in marine fuel
encourage this through our culture of
                                                RISK MANAGEMENT CULTURE                       > IT systems development
entrepreneurship. However, we aim to
                                                Our risk management culture guides how           Overseeing IT system roll-out in Risk
mitigate risks associated with working in
                                                we operate – individually and collectively.      department to standardise global
such environments through our diverse
                                                It is reinforced through top-down                reporting, improve data capture and
global network, specialist knowledge,
                                                leadership, enabled through our risk             enable teams to act with more insight
systems and processes.
                                                management framework and                         and speed
RISK TOLERANCE                                  complemented by comprehensive training        > S
                                                                                                 upporting growth markets
We have strict risk tolerance limits in         and awareness programmes.                       Group-wide support of operational
place. We have no appetite for operating                                                        expansion, including development of
in market conditions that present a             Through our integrated risk management          metrics for quantifying non-sugar
substantial risk to the Group; nor will we      framework there are formal channels for         contract risks, analysis of new types of
tolerate business behaviour which falls         communicating risks to the Czarnikow            counterparty, and overseeing shipping
below our standards of best practice.           Group Limited (CGL) Management                  operations for new products.
This year, for each of our 12 principal risks   Committee and C. Czarnikow Limited (CCL)
to the business we have illustrated our         Board to facilitate Board decision-making.    DEVELOPMENTS IN 2020
associated risk tolerance.                      In addition, we have an ‘open door’ policy    Our Risk teams will continue to focus on
                                                and arrangements for employees and            evaluating new partners and processes
RISK ASSESSMENT                                 contractors to raise concerns about           as our business operations expand. For
We use a risk ‘heat map’ on page 24 to help     possible wrongdoing.                          example, our new entity in Bahrain
assess our principal risks against their                                                      increased our risk profile to include
potential impact on our ability to achieve      RISK MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK                     vendor-managed inventory services, and
our target budget and operate our               Our framework seeks to limit adverse          the search for a joint venture partner in
business model, and their likelihood of         effects on the Group’s financial              Brazil entailed a high level of scrutiny.
crystallising. We plot our pre-mitigated        performance. Group policies and limits are    We anticipate a positive impact on our
(‘gross’) and post-mitigated (‘net’) risks.     set and reviewed regularly by CCL, which      liquidity risk profile from the launch of
The latter take into consideration              has delegated responsibility for managing     our borrowing base facility and further
mitigation strategies and show how these        the Group’s principal risks to its Risk       benefits from our IT system roll-out.
                                                Committee, the CEO of CGL, and CGL

  Governance, P34


                                                                           COMMON DIRECTORS

   TOP-DOWN                                                                                                                 CGL MANAGEMENT
                              CCL BOARD
  LEADERSHIP                                                                                                                   COMMITTEE

                          SUPPORTED BY                                                                             SUPPORTED BY

                                                                                                                                   LEGAL AND
                                                                 CREDIT                          OPERATIONAL
                    RISK COMMITTEE                                                                                                COMPLIANCE
                                                               COMMITTEE                        RISK COMMITTEE

                  Meetings          Quarterly          Meetings                   Weekly     Meetings        Fortnightly     Responsible for
                                                                                                                             >	Defining and
                  Chair             Rotating           Chair                        CEO      Chair          Head of Risk        implementing
                  Responsible for                      Responsible for                       Responsible for                    compliance policies
                  >	Oversight and advice on           >	Reviewing, approving              >	Monitoring operational       >	Delivering Company-
                     the nature and extent of              and monitoring credit                risks facing the business       wide training and
                     risks the Company is                  exposure and                      >	Providing governance            updates
                     willing to take in                    compliance status of                 and assessment of            >	Reviewing
                     achieving its strategic               counterparties                       operational risk                counterparties and
                     objectives                        >	Reviewing, approving                  management policies             transactions
                  >	Maintaining sound risk                and monitoring credit             >	Recommending policies        >	Coordinating external
                     management and                        policies.                            and actions to the CGL          legal advice.
                     internal control systems.                                                  Board.

                          DELEGATES TO                                                            SUPPORTED BY

                                        Trades up to limit

                                  Exposure up to value-at-risk limit         DERIVATIVES TEAM                        RISK TEAM

                                                                            Responsible for                   Members                  3
                                                                            >	Active management
                                                                               of derivative financial        Responsible for
                                                                               instruments.                   >	Supporting the business
                                                                                                                 in understanding and
                                                                                                                 managing risks
                                                                                                              >	Collating and evaluating
                                                                                                                 risk data and information
                                                                                                              >	Cooperating with the
                                                                                                                 Treasury team to
                                                                                                                 monitor and manage
                                                                                                                 cash payments.

                                                                   208 EMPLOYEES
                                                      INTEGRAL TO OUR RISK MANAGEMENT CULTURE
  COLLECTIVE                                                                      UNDERPINNED BY
                             CORPORATE                                                                                           CLEAR RISK
                                                                       TRAINING                    RISK APPETITE
                               VALUES                                                                                         TOLERANCE LEVELS



PRINCIPAL RISKS (POST-MITIGATED)                                                                                              PRE MITIGATION

GROUP 1:                                                                                                                      POST MITIGATION
                                                                                       8       1    2
1 Credit risk                                                                          3       4    5
2 Political risk
3 Reputational risk
4 Shipment risk                                                                                12
5 Systems risk
MEDIUM LIKELIHOOD/MEDIUM IMPACT                                                            6
6   Currency risk                                       8                                                                4    5   2
GROUP 3:                                                    7                                                                      1
                                                                                      10                                  3



7   Liquidity risk
8   Regulatory risk
GROUP 4:                                                                    10
LOW LIKELIHOOD/MEDIUM IMPACT                                                     11

9 Employee health and wellbeing risk

10 Interest risk


11 Key person risk



                                                                                               12                  LI


12 Price risk


EMERGING RISKS                                   staying informed and connected we can               Insurance
In addition to the principal risks plotted on    continue to act to the best of our ability          In 2019, the industry experienced
the risk heat map above and described in         throughout this period to support all our           increased insurance losses owing to
detail on pages 25 to 29, this year we also      clients and partners until such time as the         misappropriation of goods in warehouses.
disclose our emerging risks. These risks         situation settles.                                  As a result, we faced insurance cover
are important enough to be monitored                                                                 restrictions for misappropriation of cargo
closely, but not material enough to be           Brexit                                              goods in what is now a hardening market.
considered principal risks.                      Our exposure to uncertainty relating to             Having tightened our policies, we are
                                                 Brexit has been immaterial to date, owing           working with our warehousing partners to
COVID-19                                         to our diverse global business (see                 improve mutual practices as part of our
During the year under review, this risk was      Political risk commentary on page 26).              mitigation plan.
unidentifiable but at the time of writing        However, this topic remains on our radar
the effect of the COVID-19 global pandemic       until the full implications of the confirmed        Brazilian real devaluation
is impacting our day-to-day business. As         exit are better understood.                         Since the year end, the Brazilian real (BRL)
mentioned above on page 20, local                                                                    continued to devalue against the US dollar
self-isolation and lock-down measures in         Climate change                                      owing to domestic issues and
many countries are disrupting global             Our direct business exposure to the impact          compounded by the impact of the
commodity supply chains and sugar                of climate change is low. However, we are           COVID-19 pandemic. Support from Brazil’s
consumption. We are monitoring the               reliant on other services (such as shipping         central bank has stemmed its decline but
situation and updating the markets daily.        and farming) which could be adversely               we continue to monitor this currency in
Our view is published on our social media        affected by climate change in the longer            particular, given Brazil’s important
channels, Czapp and corporate website            term. We remain vigilant in considering             growing and processing role in the global
home page. Despite these challenging             and analysing potential climate change-             sugar market.
circumstances, we are confident that by          related impacts.
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