Saluting Rotary's heroes - 18 COVID-19: Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland

Page created by Lewis Dennis
Saluting Rotary's heroes - 18 COVID-19: Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland
        EastEnders meets Rotary    10
                  togetherTalks    30
          Young Citizens' Award    32
              Rotary Vision 2020   40

                    June/July 2020


Rotary’s heroes
Saluting Rotary's heroes - 18 COVID-19: Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland
2 // Rotary
Saluting Rotary's heroes - 18 COVID-19: Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland
                                                                                             4    FEATURES
                                                                                                  Rotary and COVID-19
                                                                                                  EastEnders' Ross Kemp meets
                                                                                                  Maidenhead Bridge Rotary

                                                                                                  Rotary Heroes during COVID-19 18

                                                                                                  Rotary and technology             16
                                                                                                  togetherTalks launches            31
                                                                                                  Rotary Young Citizens Awards      32
                                                                                                  Toilet Twinning gets fun          34
                                                                                                  Rotary Vision 2020 competition    40
                                                                                                  Zambia schools' project           43
                                                                                                  Volunteer Expo                    48

                                                                                                  Rotary Great Britain
                                                                                                  & Ireland President               08
                                                                                                  Talk from the Top                 14
                                                                                                  Letters                           36

                                                                                                  EDITOR’S NOTE
                                                                                                  And Finally…                      50

                                                   18                                        34
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Saluting Rotary's heroes - 18 COVID-19: Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland
When time
stood still    For Rotarians, the COVID-19 pandemic not only changed life, but altered
                   the way Rotary engaged with its communities. Dave King reports.

              HIS was a time when life                                                  underlined more.
              stood still. When a virus,
              which first took hold in
                                               "When the dust one day                         Rotary has a history of being at the
                                                                                        forefront of delivering humanitarian aid;
              Wuhan, China, at the          settles on this crisis, and life            from the two World Wars which blighted
              beginning of the year,
paralysed the world, killing more than
                                              returns to normal, history                the 20th century, to its never-ending
                                                                                        commitment of being among the first on
333,000 by mid-May, and infecting in         will show that Rotary was                  the scene to a range of man-made and
excess of 5.1 million people globally.      unyielding in its support for               natural disasters.
      Suddenly coronavirus, or COVID-19,                                                      But never has Rotary had to respond
pressed the pause button on society on      its community and remains                   on such a global scale as in 2020, and in
an unprecedented scale. It has led to            as relevant as ever."                  Great Britain and Ireland, Rotarians rose
lockdowns, social distancing, huge queues                                               brilliantly to the challenge, despite the
outside supermarkets, families separated,                                               inevitable restrictions on movement.
and with massive implications on business   once Prime Minister Boris Johnson                 As many clubs swiftly discovered
and everyday life.                          announced the lockdown in March. District   the ease with which modern technology
      And who knows what the future holds   conferences, which had been many months     allowed Rotary meetings to continue, so
for life beyond COVID-19.                   in the planning, were suddenly cancelled.   the word ‘Zoom’ provided a fresh catalyst
      For Rotarians, the pandemic has            But never was the value of Rotary      to fellowship and provided an impetus to
meant they have had to change. Face-to-     and its importance as an organisation,      community work.
face meetings were swiftly abandoned        which sits at the heart of the community,         For smaller clubs, and those unable

4 // Rotary                                                                                                  
Saluting Rotary's heroes - 18 COVID-19: Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland
                                                                                                       Rotary and Coronavirus

to get involved because of Rotarians' own         strengthen existing ties with community        hospital transport, food deliveries, postal
caring duties, and their own age limitations,     projects they had previously been involved     deliveries, and collecting prescriptions from
many chose to donate cash to foodbanks            with, as well as creating fresh initiatives.   a local pharmacy.
nationwide, notably the Trussell Trust.                In north-east England, the region's 56          Suddenly, as people who had been
      In Thames Valley Rotary (District           clubs raised more than £50,000 in the first    placed on furlough because their businesses
1090), clubs raised more than £76,,000            eight weeks for local charities.               had shut down, and for those with time
for foodbanks in the first five weeks of the           Foodbanks, cancer charities, the NHS,     on their hands, COVID-19 became an
crisis, through donating money they would         neighbourhood support groups, schools and      opportunity to volunteer.
have spent at weekly meetings. And that           care homes across the region have benefited          More than three quarters of a million
tally has snowballed.                             as Rotarians have also undertaken dozens       subscribed to become NHS volunteers.
      Besides foodbanks, other clubs have         of projects to assist the community.                 When the dust one day settles on this
designed funds to support specific charities           And in Hertfordshire, Ware Rotary         crisis, and life returns to normal, history
involving the most vulnerable.                    took just 12 days to set up the Bricket        will show that Rotary was unyielding in its
      However, for hundreds of Rotary clubs,      Wood Rotary Community Corps with 23            support for its community and remains as
the pandemic provided an opportunity to           volunteers helping the vulnerable with         relevant as ever. l

                              Rotary during                                         COVID-19
                                                                                                 providing materials and teams to assist
    Abergavenny, Monmouthshire:                       Cowdenbeath, Fife:                         with providing scrubs for the NHS.
Have donated bottled water, squash and            Spearhead by the Rotary club, the
fruit to patients in the local hospital as well   technical department at Lochgelly High
as donating £7,000 to local and interna-          School was able to make 200 visors for use         Hounslow, Middlesex:
tional charities.                                 by staff at NHS Fife's key centres.            Donating food parcels and groceries to the
                                                                                                 staff at West Middlesex Hospital, as well
                                                                                                 as supporting the local foodbanks and the
    Barnstable Link, Devon:                                                                      Hounslow Open Kitchen which provides
Organised a ‘Children’s Art Challenge’                                                           free meals to the needy twice a day.
for pupils to take part in while they were
unable to attend school.
                                                                                                 Delivering freshly-cooked meals daily to
                                                                                                 members of the Good Companions Club,
                                                                                                 a long-running project of Jersey Rotary,
                                                                                                 which supports some of the most elderly
                                                                                                 and vulnerable people on the island.
                                                      Dumfries & Galloway:
                                                  Co-ordinating fund-raising efforts for the
                                                  For the Love of Scrubs group. Rotary clubs
                                                  in the region which has raised more than
                                                  £10,000 to make hundreds of scrubs for
    Cardiff East:                                 medical staff.
Have adopted a local foodbank as a
club project, with members regularly                  Hamble Valley, Hampshire:
volunteering and donating both food               Part of co-ordinated efforts in the area,
and money.                                        alongside other community groups and
                                                  religious organisations. They are sharing
                                                  key messages about social distancing,              Limerick Thomond, Ireland:
    Colchester:                                                                                  Supporting a ‘Meals on Wheels’ scheme
The Rotary club has set aside £15,000             registering people as vulnerable and
                                                  promoting the NHS volunteer scheme.            by donating dinner boxes to St Munchin’s
to distribute to local good causes who                                                           Community Centre, a local not-for-profit
are struggling, including the Colchester                                                         organisation.
Foodbank, Headway Essex, the East                     Heart of England:
Suffolk & North Essex NHS Foundation              Midlands clubs have created a COVID-19
Trust and Next Chapter, a charity working         Community Support Fund, providing
with victims of domestic violence.                much-needed financial support to
                                                  foodbanks across the region, as well as                                                                                                                     Rotary // 5
Saluting Rotary's heroes - 18 COVID-19: Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland
         Rotary and Coronavirus

Rotary during                                   COVID-19
    Louth, Lincolnshire:                             Newbridge, Ireland:                            Reading, Berkshire:
Donated £3,000 to help vulnerable                Has established a volunteer group within       Eight Rotary clubs in the town are
people, the club supplied laptops to             the club to deliver prescription medicine      working together in similar fashion
children having to self-isolate to continue      to the elderly and those who cannot visit      collecting prescriptions, fetching urgent
their education.                                 the pharmacy. Also partnering with Dora        supplies, posting mail, dog walking and
                                                 May's Café and All Seasons Restaurant          providing a friendly phone call to those
                                                 delivering hot meals to elderly and            who are self-isolating. They are also
                                                 vulnerable people twice a week.                encouraging children to write letters to
                                                                                                nursing homes or to an elderly neighbour.
                                                     New Forest, Hampshire:
                                                 Ladies from Becton & District and                  Romney Marsh, Kent:
                                                 Lymington have been knitting hearts to         Involved with setting up of the Romney
                                                 give to patients to share with separated       Marsh Community Support Hub. The
                                                 families at hospitals in Portsmouth,           group includes a number of charities,
                                                 Southampton and Bournemouth.                   including foodbanks, as well as local
                                                                                                church leaders, Kent Police, councils,
    Lytham, Lancashire:                                                                         doctors’ surgeries, scout groups and
As part of Lytham COVID-19 Support,                                                             community wardens.
they helped to provide over 100 white
clogs for staff in the Critical Care Unit at
Blackpool Victoria Hospital. The Rotarians
                                                                                                    Sale, Cheshire:
                                                                                                Community support scheme ensuring
have also been working across the area
                                                                                                elderly residents can get to the shops, as
helping the elderly and vulnerable.
                                                                                                well as for essential doctor and hospital
                                                                                                appointments. They have been working in
    Mendip, Somerset:                                                                           collaboration with taxi operators, Scotts
Members are helping to answer the                                                               Cars, to subsidise costs, so those in need
telephones for the newly-formed Cheddar             Northwich Vale Royal,                       can travel free of charge.
Valley Community hub. Formed by local            Cheshire:
business people to assist the vulnerable         Volunteering as part of a local coalition
who are self-isolating to get vital supplies.
                                                                                                    Tullamore & District, Ireland:
                                                 of organisations and businesses to offer
                                                                                                Working together through daily updates
Younger volunteers will then go to get           assistance with supplies, shopping, dog
                                                                                                on their WhatsApp group, they are
the supplies.                                    walking, and phone calls to those isolating.
                                                                                                involved in food collection and delivery,
                                                                                                distribution of hand sanitiser and
                                                     Nottingham:                                protective health equipment.
                                                 Seeking daily volunteers to support
                                                 Sycamore Dining, a charity which
                                                                                                    West Wickham, Kent:
                                                 makes affordable meals for those living
                                                                                                Rotarians have completed a mammoth
                                                 independently. Daily deliveries of hot
                                                                                                project by donating 173 scrumbs bags to
                                                 meals to elderly and vulnerable in the
                                                                                                NHS workers, and donated 2,200 creams
                                                 community are essential.
                                                                                                and 4,000 chocolates to front line staff.

                                                     Penicuik, Midlothian:
   Narbeth & Whitland,                           Has partnered with the Food Fact Friends
                                                 foodbank, helping to deliver food enough
                                                 for 4,600 meals in just two weeks.
Supporting a Cardiff-based company Venn
Tailoring and their team of volunteers to
make scrubs for NHS workers in Wales.               Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form
                                                 College Interact, Darlington:
   Nene Valley,                                  Sending hundreds of letters and cards
                                                 to local elderly people and care home
                                                 residents who are isolating.
Provided 25 microwaves for each ward
at Northampton General Hospital for
nursing staff to warm meals without
leaving their posts.

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Saluting Rotary's heroes - 18 COVID-19: Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland   Rotary // 7
Saluting Rotary's heroes - 18 COVID-19: Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland
         Rotary GB&I President

               Rotary GB&I President
               Donna Wallbank

Our glass remains half full

Some of the projects which Rotary, Rotaract and Interact clubs have been involved with over the COVID-19 lock down

        WANTED to begin by thanking Rotarians and friends                   importance our commitment has benefitted so many people.
        of Rotary for all they do, particularly to give thanks for                But also our vulnerability may have also made us realise that
        our Rotarians who have passed to higher service, whilst             what we had is all we needed. And, if we had more than we needed,
        extending our condolences to their families. They ensured           then we are fortunate and our glass always remains half full.
        Rotary connected the world as they gave service.                          We will be mindful that those who have lost family members,
     But, as we head towards Rotary’s future service, let us always         jobs and businesses, both at home and internationally, will be trying
remember that the footsteps of those we have lost truly made a              to rebuild their lives and that we, as Rotarians, have a continuing
difference. The path they trod actively opened opportunities for us         part to play in helping them move forward.
to be able to continue, leaving a legacy to our communities’ future.              Importantly, Rotary is recognised for what it does. We are not a
     For all of us affected by this loss, let’s ensure we support their     secret organisation, but can now be seen as active, action enablers in
loved ones and each other - now and in the future.                          all of our communities.
     As we near the Rotary year end, we must recognise that,                      Now is the time to take more action, individually and
during COVID-19, Rotary achieved so much locally, nationally and            collectively, to extend the hand of friendship to the amazing
internationally.                                                            volunteers who have been working shoulder to shoulder within our
     We have connected in ways we could not have envisaged.                 communities. With us and for us.
Importantly, Rotary is proving how it is as relevant now, as it was in            We each must invite them to be part of our global organisation
the past.                                                                   as they will help us to become even stronger and we are stronger
     It is needed in every community as Rotarians are ‘People of            together.
Action’ and Rotarians have taken action by making a difference to                 My glass is full of pride as I look at what you have done and
those in need.                                                              achieved. Your commitment to our values has made a difference.
     Rotarians will continue to create opportunities, which will                  As a Rotarian, you have made other’s lives better. Until we meet
enable further action after these worrying times.                           again, please stay safe.
     We are stronger when we work together. That combined                         We need to have positivity in our thinking, to look for the
strength and joined-up thinking must be continued for the benefit           light at the end of the tunnel as the worries and stresses we have
of communities, society and, importantly, for humanity.                     lived with will no doubt have had an effect, but our glasses must
     Our time now is a time of doing. It is a time of accepting             remain half full and we must promote an optimistic view as we take
change and of reflection. It is a time to understand what we do is          strength as we move ahead because we are Rotary and as Rotarians
as relevant now as it was in the past. It is a time to reflect on the       we take action, change lives and create a lasting change.•
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Saluting Rotary's heroes - 18 COVID-19: Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland   Rotary // 9
Saluting Rotary's heroes - 18 COVID-19: Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland
        Ross Kemp and Maidenhead Rotary

                                                                                  DAVE KING

 From Albert
   Square to
    Maidenhead Bridge Rotary’s COVID-19 Volunteer Response
      Project received national coverage on BBC1 in May when
      they were visited by former EastEnders’ star, Ross Kemp.

             V STAR Ross Kemp has been           having a tough time financially during          believe the organisation is just for old men
             in a fair few war zones since his   the pandemic.                                   who sit having lunch, raising a bit of money,
             EastEnders’ acting days – and            After filming in Lisa’s garden, while      and not doing an awful lot of work in the
             last month he found himself in      maintaining social distancing at all times,     community.
             sleepy Maidenhead!                  and wearing protective equipment such as             “This is, of course, not the case, and if
     Ross was filming the work of Rotary         gloves to avoid contamination of the food       this documentary can help to banish that
in the Berkshire town for a new slot which       parcels, Ross went on the road with club        mind-set, then that’s a good outcome to
was broadcast on BBC1 in May called 'Ross        President, Costa Franceskides, to deliver a     my mind.”
Kemp: Britain’s Volunteer Army'.                 couple of parcels to the families.                   Lisa said she wouldn’t describe herself
     The Maidenhead project featured on               The opportunity to appear on national      as an EastEnders’ fan, though she has
the programme on Thursday, May 21st.             television came about after Maidenhead          watched the soap opera for the last 20 years
     Maidenhead Bridge Rotary has formed         Town Centre Manager, Steph James, had           when she gets a chance.
a COVID-19 Volunteer Response Project,           heard about the work the Rotarians were              “It was definitely an unusual
which has been working in the community          doing, and suggested to the BBC that they       experience having one of the Mitchell
by putting together food packages and            speak to the club.                              brothers in my back garden and got the
helping the vulnerable in their community.            Lisa said she was nervous about being      neighbours’ curtains twitching too,” she
     Rotarian Lisa Hunter was joined by          featured on the programme, but believes         added.
Ross Kemp and a cameraman in her back            the exposure will help to promote the work           The Volunteer Response Project in
garden putting together food parcels.            which Rotary is doing.                          Maidenhead is going well. To date they are
     “Ross was very down to earth and keen            “It’s great that we can showcase Rotary    supporting 137 households running errands
to show some of the positive stories which       doing what it does best – helping those in      each week, which includes shopping,
have come out of this very negative and          need,” she said. “And I am sure it will bring   collecting prescriptions, posting mail, and
uncertain time,” she said.                       good publicity for Rotary as a whole.           even walking a dog on a daily basis!
     “He was funny and genuinely                      “I am hopeful that the programme will           The Rotary club has drawn together
interested in what we were doing, both in        show Rotarians taking action, that women        a team of 129 volunteers, made up of
the current crisis, and in Rotary generally.”    and young people are members too.               Rotarians and members of the local
     For the past 10 weeks, the Maidenhead            “It’s hard to believe that we still have   community, who have given over 500 hours
Bridge Rotarians have been helping to feed       to break down the public perception of          of volunteering time.
23 families in the town who have been            Rotary, but it’s true to say that most people        In addition, they are providing 23

10 // Rotary                                                                                                           
TV star Ross Kemp filming the work of Maidenhead Bridge Rotary and their Covid-19 Volunteer Response Project in Lisa Hunter's back garden

     “Ross was funny and genuinely
    interested in what we were doing,
     both in the current crisis, and in
            Rotary generally.”

families with weekly food parcels.
     Lisa explained: “This involves doing a weekly shop –
round the supermarket with three trolley-loads and then a
game of Tetris trying to get it all in my car!
     “We then create the individual boxes with the help of
my nine-year-old, before distributing the parcels with a
team of five volunteers covering different areas of the town.
     “To try and bring some happiness into the families’
homes, we have also given them Easter eggs, a family card
game supported by the Kevin Cruise Foundation and, most
recently a Rotary-branded flapjack recipe card, plus the
ingredients to make them.
     “Some of the photos we’ve had back are great to see.
     " One little girl got her mum up at 7am to make the
flapjacks as she was so excited. This is just one way we can                    Lisa Hunter and daughter Chloe, packing parcels ready for collection
make a difference and make this odd time a little nicer and
memorable for the right reasons.” l                                      To watch the BBC video visit:
                                                                         BBC iPlayer and serach for:
                                                                         Ross Kemp and Britain's Volunteer Army                                                                                                                         Rotary // 11
CONNECTWith the challenges we are all facing with COVID-19, face-to-face meetings are
       temporarily not an option. Rotary clubs are continuing to get together, share ideas and
       make a difference through online platforms and are looking to welcome new members,
                  volunteers and participants to their local, virtual communities!”
12 // Rotary                                                                       Rotary // 13
Talk from the top…

             Mark Maloney                                     Gary C.K. Huang                                 Tony Black
             Rotary President 2019/20                         Trustee Chair 2019/20                           RI Director 2019/21

A     S COVID-19 reached around the
      globe, we found ourselves in a world
transformed. We have been forced to connect
                                                  A     S I write this message, the world is in
                                                        the grip of the COVID-19 pandemic.
                                                  I want to dedicate this column to the ways
                                                                                                  H      OW are you all coping with the
                                                                                                         COVID-19 restrictions?
                                                                                                        Many of you are in the front lines of our
in ways we could never have imagined,             that Rotary members, as people of action,       communities’ fight against coronavirus.
testing our ability to adapt.                     have helped and can help, and share what              The work being done by Rotarians is
     We have made tough decisions,                we are doing at the Foundation to               truly impressive.
including canceling club meetings, district       support you.                                          Others, like me, are in lockdown or
conferences, presidential conferences,                 Rotary has long been a leader in           restricted movement.
and, much to our regret, the 2020 Rotary          fighting disease and advancing health. The            I have been lucky that I have my Rotary
International Convention in Honolulu.             polio infrastructure that Rotarians have        work, albeit by email or social media, and my
     Together, everyone is placing the public     helped build is being used to counter the       garden to keep me busy.
good and welfare first, despite the loss of       new coronavirus, in addition to serving               Whatever position we are in is difficult
meetings, events, and experiences that had        countless other health needs. In many           and we need to be ever mindful of our own
been planned for years.                           countries, polio volunteers have been           health and well-being as well as of those
     Our Rotary friends in Hawaii showed          deployed to address COVID-19.                   around us.
us that 'aloha' means mutual regard and                At the Foundation, the Trustees took             Staying in contact with your club
affection. It extends warmth and caring with      swift action to support your work. You can      members is particularly important whether
no expectation of anything in return. The         use district grant funds to support local       this is by social media or by a simple
spirit of aloha applies wherever in the world     activities, such as purchasing protective       phone call.
we may live.                                      medical gear for health workers.                      We are now living in a completely
     As Rotarians, Rotaractors, and members            You can repurpose previously planned       different world and there are going to be
of the family of Rotary, we are connected,        activities as a COVID-19 response, or           many changes over the next few years –
and as aloha has been defined to me: Our          reimburse COVID-19 activities dating back       many for the better.
connection to one another is based upon           to March 15th in your district’s 2020/21              Such as volunteering, looking at what
mutual respect for our differences as well        district grant.                                 we are doing to our environment. We need
as our appreciation for what we have                   Due to your generosity to our              to be the leaders and enhance what we have
in common. Community is the sum of                Foundation, the Trustees were able to           gained over the last few months.
individuals — individuals who have concern        quickly approve millions of dollars for               Our use and understanding of modern
for one another, who care, share, and take        the Disaster Response Fund to make              technology has been quite spectacular and
responsibility.                                   a multitude of disaster relief grants           may well be part of our future. Do we need
     As I have witnessed the members of the       immediately available for club and district     face to face meetings every week? Do we
Rotary community act to care for humanity         projects related to COVID-19 relief efforts.    really need to have a meal?
amid the coronavirus pandemic, I have seen             As this Rotary year ends, our fight for          Maybe virtual meetings and conferences
the aloha of Rotary.                              the cause of public health is at a critical     will be the norm for many. Some may attend
     We are indeed people of action. Every        point. We must overcome COVID-19 and            face to face meetings virtually, a club meeting
day, but particularly during this pandemic,       continue to build on the many decades of        face to face but bring in a speaker virtually
the Rotary community has demonstrated its         programmes and projects of our Foundation.      from anywhere in the world.
aloha spirit. It is a gift to be shared, and we        If you have not already done so, please          It is amazing how groups/clubs have got
are each a steward of this gift of Rotary.        do whatever you can to help by making a         together for virtual coffee mornings, virtual
     I would say that the last part of our        year-end contribution to our Foundation.        tea parties even virtual wine tasting.
shared Rotary year was transformational.          Your gift has never been so important.                The potential is endless, we just need to
     We found new ways to make the lives               When I think of Rotary members truly       open our minds.
of others better, new ways to move forward        making a difference in their communities, I           These are just some of the thoughts and
together. And, together, we will continue         remember what the great Laozi once taught       ideas that all of us need to think about and
to grow Rotary so that we may increase            us about leadership: “A leader is best when     find out what suits us and our clubs.
our gift of Rotary to our local and global        people barely know he exists. … When the              This is a brave new world and we should
communities.                                      work is done … they will say: We did it         grasp it in both hands and see where it leads
     Gay and I will always remember and           ourselves.”                                     us. Please keep up the great work you all do
treasure our year with you, our shared                 The world depends on us to lead. For       and stay safe.•
journey, as Rotary Connects the World!  •                                                 •
                                                  your leadership, I will be forever grateful.

14 // Rotary                                                                                                             
        Rotary and Technology

          With many communities at home and across the world
           locked down and isolated, will Rotary ever be the same
         again? Martin Brocklebank founder and secretary of the
                                  eClub of Innovation discusses.

                 NTIL a few months ago,         broadcasting is tempting us with new         returning to work in Qatar. Anywhere
                 everything in the world of     horizons during the crisis.                  there is a signal, members can attend
                 Rotary was ticking along in         Opening previously unforeseen           online to enjoy our meetings.
                 the regular way with clubs     opportunities. One meeting online, for            Our members can access our Zoom
                 meeting together over a        example, will enable members to sample       video platform anytime to connect and
chicken dinner and members putting the          new technology and begin a journey of        collaborate around the world on projects.
world to rights.                                discovery.                                        They can share documents and work
     Oh, what a difference a few months              Looking back to the early days of the   on them together in real time, thousands
make! There are no Rotary club meetings         Rotary eClub in East Anglia - now the        of miles apart.
in their usual venue because of the dreaded     eClub of Innovation - and remembering             Members regularly hold small
Covid-19, social distancing and lockdown.       being asked three questions after I made     impromptu meetings either for fun or talk
     Fellowship has always been an              presentations to land based clubs.           and share more serious issues.
integral part of all Rotarians ethos and this        They went like this:                         Recently, our club hosted the Rotary
emergency has heaped pressure on us to          1. How do you have fellowship?               International President, Mark Maloney, for
think and act outside of the box whether        2. How do you do projects?                   an online meeting and engaged with 100
we want to or not to retain this fellowship.                                                 participants. Ideas are limitless.
                                                    hich 'real' Rotary club
     Rotarians worldwide discovered they                                                          Increasingly, Rotarians are adopting
                                                   do you belong to?
can use technology to keep in touch with                                                     technology, and this could revitalise
surprising ease and yes, pleasure.                   Back then, the only limit was our       Rotary and bring a new wave of ways
     Social media is awash with                 imagination. Now we have scores of tales     of engagement that is attractive and
proclamations of discovery.                     in our storybook.                            enjoyable.
     Finding video conferencing led by               Like the time a member joined our            Post crisis, I think we will see many
Zoom and other platforms has come into          meeting from his hospital bed or the time    clubs continue to use the technology and
play, and the use of email, WhatsApp            we were joined from 46,000 feet in the bar   become a hybrid of their former selves.
groups and YouTube / Facebook live              of an Airbus 380 over Iraq by a member            The club silos that restricted

16 // Rotary                                                                                                    
collaborating with each other will fade as     found ourselves on untrodden ground.           keep in touch with each other anytime,
we realise that we can connect easily with          We sought guidance from other             anywhere when we want.
other clubs and Rotarians.                     eClubs, most were helpful, giving us ideas          Our ethos is all about connecting,
      I describe 'eRotary' as like the         on how best to move forward.                   communicating and collaborating globally
introduction of the microwave.                      Initially, it was the blind leading the   to achieve the Rotary values of friendship
      It’s like this:			                       blind, but we developed our own identity       and service.
1. 'There were those that got it and hailed   and realised that as an eClub we could              This has proved invaluable and
   that it would replace the cooker in         do things differently unless there was a       helpful bringing the Rotary world and
   every kitchen.                              compelling reason to follow tradition.         beyond into our living rooms, studies,
2. 'There were those that said it would            Now, we have a clearer idea of where      kitchens or wherever we choose to connect.
   never take off!                             we are heading. We have a living document           Is this crisis changing Rotary for the
                                               called 'Our Evolving Plan' which helps us      better? We now know that whatever is
3. The other group simply just did not
                                               every year to focus on how we develop, and     thrown at us we can stay connected for the
   understand it and were flummoxed
                                               members can contribute to this document.       good we create. Just try it, and it might
   by it all.
                                                    We use more than just Zoom to run         change your life for the better.
     My take is that it will be like the       our club; we use several online tools, and         We are the eClub of Innovation.
evolution of the microwave in that you         through experience we developed a way of . l
see it in many people’s kitchens today as      working and deciding on how we shape
an integral part of family life. We see this   our club.
evolving now in Rotary.                            See our video at:
     Our eClub of Innovation was     
chartered in May 2014 with a global                 We have an online space called
membership of 33 aged between 20 and           Workplace Intranet where members
80-years-old, and mixed gender.                can share ideas, chat and plan actions,
     It was a journey of discovery as we       anytime, anywhere. This allows us to                                                                                                               Rotary // 17
       Special feature

                                       LAURA WILLCOX

                          We shine a light on some of our amazing
                            Rotary members, working hard as key
                          workers, who are going the extra mile to
                          support us all as we battle the COVID-19.

18 // Rotary                                                
Working together

Richard & Nicky
Assistant Director Governance and
Resilience NHS / Specialist Nurse in
Organ Donation

      ICHARD and Nicky Rackham are both
      key NHS workers from Essex who
      have witnessed the challenges and
changes our health care system is facing
                                                   “Both Richard and Nicky are working around the clock,
during the coronavirus pandemic.                   working long hours, to support the NHS and the public,
     Richard was a scientist in the NHS            in unfamiliar circumstances."
working in diagnostic laboratories before
moving into management..
      As the Assistant Director for
Governance and Resilience he helped          has brought to the healthcare system            to health care workers. Nicky is working
lead the organisation on Brexit and the      have affected her job role significantly.       with patients with severe symptoms and
challenges that it brought.                        The training given to organ donation      is doing all she can to ensure she does not
     But today Richard is faced with a new   nurses is huge.                                 bring the virus home to her family.
challenge, a challenge on how to tackle           Not only are they speaking with                 Both Richard and Nicky are working
coronavirus.                                 people at possibly the most awful time of       around the clock, working long hours,
     As the NHS changes how it operates      their lives - the death of a loved one - they   to support the NHS and the public, in
in order to cope with an increased           also need to ensure the process of testing,     unfamiliar circumstances.
demand in services, Richard has taken on     retrieving, offering and transporting the            The coronavirus has not just affected
a temporary role.                            organs is done so the best use is made          Richard and Nicky’s professional lives, but
     He is now the Pandemic Director for     out of this gift of life to those who receive   also their personal lives. They have two
NHS Blood and Transplant, leading the        these organs.                                   sons living at home aged 12 and 17.
response to coronavirus and ensuring that         However, as coronavirus spreads,                They are thankful that their sons
the healthcare system continues to be        hospitals are moving some staff into other      are old enough to mainly look after
supplied with blood, organs and              departments which are likely to be put          themselves and understand why they are
tissue cells.                                under more strain than most, treating           working such long hours.
     Before the outbreak of COVID-19,        people with severe symptoms.                         Like many others in the healthcare
Richard would travel up and down the              Nicky has been moved and is now            profession, the main message they want
country and across Europe working with       working on an ITU ward directly with
                                             confirmed or suspected COVID-19
                                                                                             to share is: ‘stay at home’.
other blood services. However, he now
works from home to lead the response         patients.
on NHS Blood and Transplant, attending            Like many health professionals, what       Rotary      Billericay Mayflower
online meetings and phone calls.             Nicky is most concerned about is the                        & Billericay Town
     For Nicky, the changes coronavirus      personal protective equipment provided                                                                                                              Rotary // 19
Natascia Santoro
                                                 Senior Physiotherapist

                                                        ATASCIA is from Argentina and
                                                        moved to London two years ago.
                                                        For the past year she has been
                                                 working as a Senior Physiotherapist for
                                                 the NHS at Newham University Hospital
      Rotary       Maghull & Aug                 in east London, where she works with
                                                 outpatients in their recovery.

 David Hartley
 Postmaster                                          “I believe that together

         AVID Hartley is the owner of a post         we are strong and will
         office in Southport Merseyside.             defeat the coronavirus,
         On a daily basis David, along with          and everything that
 his staff at the post-office have a lot of
 interaction with the community, handling
 their parcels, dealing with money and
        When coronavirus restrictions                 At the beginning of March, Natascia      doctors and nurses, helping them with
 and guidance came into place, David             along with others in her team took part       ventilation and mobility of the patients.
 understood he needed to provide                 in inductions and training in order for            This change has been a challenge
 staff with gloves and sanitiser to help         them to be better equipped to help            for Natascia after many years in
 keep themselves safe. However, this             wherever they may be needed during            physiotherapy, working with inpatients is
 simple task proved difficult. Demand            the coronavirus crisis.                       very different.
 for disposable gloves and hand sanitiser             Another change that affected                  Natascia added “Even in this hard
 rocketed once the public realised the           Natascia’s day-to-day practice, was how       situation, I am very proud to be part of the
 seriousness of the coronavirus threat.          sessions with patients were conducted.        NHS, where solidarity, respect, teamwork
        David is continually disinfecting any         Sessions were no longer face-            and faith are predominate.
 surfaces which are commonly used to             to-face and had to be done over the                “I believe that together we are strong
 keep the public who come into the post          phone. This allowed patients to still get     and will defeat the coronavirus, and
 office and the staff as safe as possible.       the support and guidance required, but
                                                 avoiding face to face contact.
                                                                                               everything that comes.”  •
        The number of customers in the post
 office has reduced dramatically since                Natascia is now working alongside        Rotary       Elstree and Borehamwood
 social restrictions were put in place by the
 government. This concerns David as he
 still needs to pay staff and bills.
        With the uncertainty of everything      techniques for an emergency, such as           self-isolate. However, coastguards are an
 coronavirus brings, it is difficult to         advanced first aid, searching for missing or   emergency service, so they still attend
 understand how long it will affect the         vulnerable people and learning techniques      when required, more mindful of cross
 sales, and income for David. However,          to help with rescues in various and            contamination, and they are doing all they
 he is determined to continue running the       challenging situations.                        can to avoid this.•
 post office for as long as possible.                Alan is part of a team of 12 who
                                                regularly assist police in searching for
                                                missing persons and being called out to

 Alan Armes                                     emergency situations.
                                                     The work can often be high pressured,
 Coastguard Officer                             however, COVID-19 adds an extra risk to an
                                                already challenging job.

      LAN is no stranger to working under            Since the outbreak of coronavirus,
      difficult circumstances. He has           Alan along with other team members
      been a volunteer with Her Majesty’s       have attended several calls. The biggest
Coastguard based in South Queensferry,          challenge has been cross-contamination
west of Edinburgh, for almost 16 years.         from casualties infecting the team and
The team are trained in various skills and      causing the whole station to close and             Rotary      South Queensferry

20 // Rotary                                                                                                           Rotary // 21
Teaching one click at a time

Carolyn Hallett

     AROLYN has been a teacher for
     four decades, and has seen a few
     changes and crises in her time, but
nothing like the changes coronavirus has
forced upon the education system.
     For the past 27 years, Carolyn from
Exmouth in Devon, has been a special
education teacher working with students
who are blind or partially sighted, and
also those with medical needs which
prevents them going to school.
     Until now Carolyn has resisted                  “However, with the pandemic knocking on our door,
teaching online as many of her students              Carolyn had to change her delivery method to an online
have no contact with the outside world.
                                                     approach, ensuring her students still get an education,
     Many suffer with anxiety, depression
or a medical condition which keeps them              but keeping to social distancing measures."
housebound. Therefore, for them to
make contact with someone outside their
family, this can be the first step to return
to a more normal social life.                  along with the students, were able to        students and providing essential work.
     However, with COVID-19, Carolyn           adapt to the new way of learning quickly.         Senior staff members are also
has had to change her delivery method               Carolyn added: “I had a somewhat        working on whatever plans they can in
to an online approach, ensuring her            surreal experience of talking to a student   these uncertain times for returning to
students still got an education, but           on my laptop, and waiting for a typed        school and normality, as well as the huge
keeping to social distancing measures.         response – some anxious students don’t       task of catching children up with the
     So while the majority of students         like microphones.”                           education they have missed out on.
are staying home, maybe with a learning             Carolyn has found the biggest                All the while, she is continuing
pack or links to online platforms,             challenge is keeping the year 11 students    the mission that all teachers have: to
Carolyn’s students are having lessons as       focussed. Their GCSE exams have been         enable people to have the best chance
usual, but via their computers.                cancelled, however, she has been             to thrive and succeed, whatever the
     Carolyn explained: “This is crucial
for them to feel part of a system that
                                               asked to provide a proposed grade, and
                                               evidence to back it up.
cares, acknowledges their needs and is              The Devon-based teacher pointed
prepared to act quickly to meet them.”         out how her colleagues who work
     Changing to an online approach was        in mainstream education, have also
daunting at first. However, the students       spent hours creating revision packs and      Rotary     Exmouth Raleigh
took to the change well, and Carolyn,          doing everything they can to help their

22 // Rotary                                                                                                  
John Finnerty
                                                 Command and Control Room
                                                 Co-Ordinator at a Garda Station

                                                     OHN works at the Henry Street Garda
                                                     Station in Limerick City, Ireland, taking
                                                     calls from the public, and dispatching
     Rotary       Brynmawr                       units to deal with the situations
                                                      In March, the Irish Government
 Eirian Teague                                   introduced public health measures and               Rotary      Limerick Thomond
 Mental health counsellor                        restrictions on movement and social
                                                 interactions. This change led to the police

       INCE 2013, Eirian is a mental health      changing how it runs, in order to serve the     very important.”
       counsellor in south Wales for young       new way the community is operating.                  He also added: “In Limerick we have
       people and adults. The coronavirus             Many front line officers were tasked       been very proactive in providing assistance
 has had significant effects on mental           with policing new public health measures,       to the elderly and vulnerable.
 health across the country and is the
                                                 ensuring communities were keeping                    “The police have formulated a
 biggest national crisis in both mental and
                                                 within the new guidelines.                      COVID-19 community response team,
 physical health Eirian has ever seen.
                                                      John was still being flooded with          bringing together 300 volunteers to help
      Prior to the pandemic, Eirian was
 used to working with her patients face to       calls, however, the nature of them had          support people within the community
 face. However, due to social distancing,        changed. Rather than people calling to          with basic requirements such as collecting
 she has had to adapt her practice to            report crimes, he found many calls were         prescriptions and food shopping. “
 online contact via Zoom calls with her          from concerned citizens enquiring about              Now, when John gets a call from an
 patients, and finding creative ways to          the new public health measures, as well         elderly or vulnerable person, he can refer
 keep them engaged. Although it has              as many elderly people who were looking         them to the community response team
 been a challenging, the online contact          for advice and help.                            knowing they will get the assistance
 has proved to be positive for allowing
 engagement and support to continue.
                                                      John said: “Many people just want to
                                                 be reassured, so a good listening ear is
                                                                                                 they need. •

    “You aren’t stuck at home,
    you are safe at home”.                       Kelly Blankley                                  to follow – they have no home.
                                                                                                       Kelly, along with the rest of the team
                                                 Service Manager,                                at Signposts have been working with other
                                                 supporting homeless                             organisations and the authorities, to find
       Eirian has witnessed people                                                               homeless a place to stay. They were able

 experiencing increased anxiety with                   ELLY has been working in the              to get 26 rough sleepers off the streets
 social restrictions, plus the uncertainty             homeless sector since 2008, and           and into hotel rooms and they continue
 about what the future may hold.                       with Signposts in Luton, a charity        supporting clients by bringing them food,
       Seeing friends, family, grandchildren,    supporting the homeless since 2010.             and ensuring their health needs are met.
 is a simple pleasure which gives people              Since the outbreak of the coronavirus            Kelly added “I have been overwhelmed
 joy. Not being able to see those you care       pandemic, the homeless have naturally           by our staff, clients’ and trustees’ response
 about most can be a real struggle.              been anxious and worried about the              to the pandemic. I am proud to be a part of
       Eirian said: “It is really important to
 keep as much as your usual routine as
                                                 impact this will have on their lives.           this incredible team.”•
                                                      A high percentage of their clients
 possible. Stay in touch with your relatives
                                                 have underlying physical health
 and friends to help lift your spirits and
 ensure they are safe and healthy.”              conditions, meaning they could
       She pointed out how a lot of              potentially experience more severe
 dramatic language has been used to              symptoms if they become ill.
 discuss the pandemic, and the language               Kelly explained that for clients who
 we use can contribute to raised anxiety.        are sleeping on the streets of Luton, the
       Eirian wants to encourage people          situation was even more dire.
 to modify their language to help reduce              Rough sleepers lack hygiene facilities,
 feelings of anxiety and panic “You aren’t       so advice about washing your hands, and
 stuck at home, you are safe at home.”    •      staying at home was impossible for them
                                                                                                     Rotary                                                                                                                   Rotary // 23
Team doctor

Michael & Katalin
Consultant Paediatrician, Associate
Medical Director / Consultant in
Emergency Medicine, Trust Lead for
Trauma Services, Director of Medical

       ICHAEL and Katalin have both
       worked at Yeovil Hospital in
       Somerset for 10 years. The                   “Katalin was previously a doctor in the Hungarian Armed
challenges which COVID-19 has forced
upon the NHS healthcare systems have
                                                    Forces. She has seen active service in Afghanistan, Iraq
seen their job roles change and the                 and Kosovo, working in a number of critical and high
pressure increase dramatically.                     pressure situations, making her well prepared to deal
     Michael, a consultant paediatrician            with the pressures of the COVID-19 crisis."
explained: “We are doing our best to keep
people safe and have changed the way we
work to ensure this.
     “Many clinics which would usually be       pressure are the Emergency Medicine            departments are being trained to work in
face-to-face meetings are now done via          Department and Adult Intensive Care.           the emergency department, to support
telephone. The public are only advised to            One of the most significant               the team, and step in wherever necessary.
go to the hospital if it is needed.”            challenges the emergency team will                  Michael added: “A number of
     This helps to reduce the pressure in       face is maintaining an appropriate             the paediatric team have undertaken
the hospital in order for the departments       workforce. Katalin, along with the rest        additional training to ensure we can offer
to work together more effectively and get       of the team, are looking after patients        our colleagues in Adult Intensive Care
on top of coronavirus.                          with severe coronavirus symptoms,              additional practical support.”
     Katalin was previously a doctor in the     putting themselves at risk on a daily basis,        Fortunately children tend to be
Hungarian Armed Forces. She has seen            however, if they begin to show signs of        less seriously affected than adults with
active service in Afghanistan, Iraq and         coronavirus they have to self-isolate.         COVID-19. Michael and Katalin have a four-
Kosovo, working in a number of critical              This could lead to the emergency          year-old daughter and are grateful to the
and high pressure situations previously,        department being under-staffed when            nursery supporting them with childcare.
making her well prepared to deal with the       they are under the most pressure to                 Katalin, along with Michael, are both
pressures of the COVID-19 crisis.               perform efficiently, in order to manage to     amazed at the level of support being
     She now works closely with the             coronavirus situation.                         shown to key workers by the public, and
emergency department, a department
which is the frontline in this battle against
                                                     However, everyone in Yeovil Hospital
                                                has been working together to ensure
                                                                                               are grateful for all the support.

coronavirus.                                    the emergency department is prepared           Rotary     Yeovil
     Michael explained the main areas of        to handle a significant increase in
the hospital under the most increased           patients. Nurses and doctors from other

24 // Rotary                                                                                                      
across the UK, therefore David and the team
 Belinda Artingstoll                                                                          at the GP surgery have created a clinic for
 Special Features Producer                                                                    suspected COVID-19 cases to support the
 for BBC Radio Cumbria                                                                        local hospital and community.
                                                                                                   Like many GP surgeries across the

       OR Belinda, it became clear                                                            country, face-to-face consultations have
       during March that her role                                                             been cancelled, and patients speak to
       as a special features producer                                                         doctors and nurses over the phone to decide
 would change because of COVID-19.                                                            what the best course of action for them is.
 People were starting to cancel or
 postpone projects she was working on,
 and her current role wasn’t suitable                                                            “In most consultations I
 for the changes happening within the                                                            am asked how I am before
       Belinda is used to being at the                                                           I can ask that of them”.
 heart of many community activities and
 projects, so it was fitting that in light of
 coronavirus she set up an ‘information                                                            Another challenge which David, along
 desk’ to report on pandemic.
       Working from home, she began             David Jenner                                  with many health care workers face, is the
                                                                                              concern over the standard of personal,
 to collate information from a variety          GP partner                                    protective equipment provided, as they are

 of sources for broadcast on BBC Radio                                                        expected to be in contact with COVID-19
 Cumbria, with useful information and                 AVID has been a partner
                                                                                              patients with just gloves, a plastic apron and
 advice for those who may be struggling,              at the College Surgery in
                                                                                              a surgical mask.
 during the isolation period.                         Cullompton, Devon, which provides
                                                                                                   Although these are challenging times,
       Belinda added: “Across each day          service to 17,000 patients, for 30 years.
                                                                                              David has been overwhelmed with how
 I also try to include information in the            With the COVID-19 pandemic, David
                                                                                              much patients have shown compassion for
 bulletins about ways to look after your        along with other members of staff,
                                                                                              him. He added: “In most consultations, I am
 mental health, how to protect yourself         increased their hours to help support one
                                                                                              asked how I am before I can ask that
                                                another and the community.
 against the virus, help for local businesses
 and highlight any virus-related scams               There has been an increase in patients
                                                                                              of them.”•
 which might be doing the rounds.”              on the intensive care unit at the local
                                                hospital, and a predicated surge of cases     Rotary       Exe Valley
       The toughest thing about this
 change has been missing the daily face
 to face contact she had with people in
 the community. Working from home
                                                                                              been put in place to try and protect staff
 and spending hours on her laptop for
 information is a huge change from her          Barry Woods                                   as much as possible. Markings have been
 usual job, however, she continues to                                                         placed throughout the warehouse to help
                                                Warehouse manager
 support her community with                                                                   remind colleagues of the social distancing
                                                W                                                      •
 information.                                            HEN coronavirus first became         policies.
                                                         a threat, it caused a sudden
                                                         increase in sales of certain
                                                products as consumers began panic
                                                buying and stocking up on items. This
                                                took a strain on supermarkets, and supply
                                                chains, to try and keep up with demand.
                                                     For Barry, a Co-op warehouse
                                                manager in Wincanton, Somerset, the
                                                pandemic, particularly the first few weeks,
                                                was incredibly stressful and demanding.
                                                     Some weeks Barry would be sending
                                                the same amount of stock to stores
                                                as they would expect to send over the
                                                Christmas period.
                                                     The warehouse continues to operate,          Rotary        E-Club, District 1070
    Rotary          Carlisle Castle             however, social distancing measures have                                                                                                                  Rotary // 25
Smiles all round

Cheryl Law
Nursery owner

      HERYL is the owner of two
      successful nurseries for babies in
      Buckinghamshire from three-months-
old, to children five years of age. She
employs 36 dedicated staff members
including nursery practitioners, chefs and
housekeepers who all play their part to
help look after 65-80 children per day
between the two sites.
     With one nursery close to a hospital,
Cheryl wanted to keep the site open for
key workers children and offer the facility          “When Cheryl announced this branch would stay open,
to others. However, as parents became                just about every member of staff said they wanted to
more aware about the need to stay home,              carry on working."
numbers reduced until the nursery was
only looking after three children in one
day. Sadly, this was not sustainable and
Cheryl took the tough decision to close
the nursery until further notice.             Cheryl and the rest of the nursery                Cheryl hasn’t forgotten about the
     However, the second nursery still        team, supporting the parents who are         children who usually attend the nursery,
remains open and continues to care for        key workers with child care is far more      but are staying at home.
the children of front line workers.           important.                                        She has set up a virtual nursery
     Cheryl explained: “Many of our                Many of the parents are doing           through Zoom, YouTube and FaceTime
parents are front line operatives - nurses,   incredibly exhausting jobs, but they can     Live. She offers interactive activities for the
paramedics, doctors and police."              do it knowing that their children are safe   family to join in, to help parents who are
     When Cheryl announced they would         and loved and well looked after, and that    at home with their children.
stay open, almost every member of staff       the children can carry on being children,         As well as ensuring the children in her
said they wanted to carry on working.         laughing and having fun - that’s what        area are cared for, if parents have to go to
     She added: “You see we are the           children should be doing.                    work, Cheryl has also signed up to be an
constant foundation that these children            Cheryl and the rest of the staff are    NHS COVID-19 volunteer to help care for
have in a scary unsure emotional world.       all working together, and supporting one     others in her community.
Mum or dad or both working very long          another to ensure they can continue to            Cheryl has also set up a GoFundMe
hours. They can’t see their grandparents,     keep the nursery open, and the children      page to help raise money to support key
or aunties, uncles, cousins, or friends.”     they care for safe.                          workers to say thank you for all the work
     Cheryl explained that from a financial        She acted as ‘head chef’ along with
                                              others also stepping in, when a member
                                                                                           they continue to do.  •
point of view, it would have been best
to shut both nurseries. However, for          of staff had to self-isolate.                Rotary       Wendover & District

26 // Rotary                                                                                                     
Ian Levy
                                                  Member of Parliament
                                                  for Blyth Valley

                                                    AN was elected to be the Member
                                                    of Parliament in December 2019,
                                                    and since then has been thrown in
                                   t 1070         the deep end, helping to support his
      Rotary        E-Club, Distric               communities during the coronavirus
 Angela Woods                                          Ian has been working hard to ensure
                                                  everyone in the Blyth Valley region is
 Special Education                                being supported, particularly those who
 Needs Co-ordinator                               have had to self-isolate.

         NGELA works at Kingsthorpe Grove              He said: “The government and
         Primary School in Northampton.           Northumberland County Council have
         Due to the coronavirus risk, the         done a great job, and have risen to this
 government has closed schools up                 challenge but I have also launched Blyth
 and down the country, and put social             Valley Together.”
 distancing measures in place.                         Blyth Valley Together is linking
       However, the schools still operate to      local groups who are supporting their
 help look after the children of key workers,     community through coronavirus
 and vulnerable children. The teaching            together, so they can combine their
 staff now work on a rota to ensure the           resources and help more people. Food
 minimum amount of people are in the              parcels have been delivered to groups
                                                                                                 to support not only his community, but
 school at one time.                              across Blyth Valley for distribution to
                                                                                                 his family. As a husband and father-of-
       Angela’s main concern is for the           local residents who need support.
                                                                                                 two, he expresses concern as to how the
 children who are isolating at home. She               Ian explained: “This project has made
                                                                                                 pandemic could affect those closest to
 said: “We are making weekly phone calls to       such a difference with new friendships
                                                                                                 him. He continues to work hard and find
 them, but for some children this will be a       being formed and people of all ages
                                                                                                 ways to support Blyth Valley and all the
 very stressful and unsafe time.”
       She has created a YouTube channel
                                                  getting involved. The whole community
                                                  has pulled together."
                                                                                                 residents in the community.    •
 which teachers are using to share and                 Ian is determined to do all he can        Rotary      Blyth
 support children who are learning from
 home. Although education is important,
 for many families this time together is rare.   help support the other staff members.           to the rationing policies when they were
       Angela added: “I just hope that                 When the public became more               first put in place.
 parents are using this time to do things        aware of the seriousness of coronavirus,              As people get used to the new rules in
 they don't normally do with their children      stockpiling became an issue. People were        place, Carol says the days are a little easier,
 - bake, garden, play, imagine and just to       buying excess of certain products, causing      as customers become more understanding
 have fun.”•                                     a shortage in supply. In order to overcome      as to why these measures are for the good
                                                 this, many supermarkets began to ration
                                                 products, to try and ensure everyone can
                                                                                                 of everyone.  •
 Carol Cadwallader
                                                 get the products they need. Carol said: “I
                                                 was extremely glad when Tesco brought in
 Supermarket shop worker                         the rationing of products although it did not
                                                 go down well with some of the customers.”

      OR many years Carol was a                        Carol said the majority of the
      manager of a public house and              customers are lovely and appreciative of all
      restaurant, and joined Tesco in            the hard work supermarkets and staff are
 Greater Manchester to work in their café        doing, with many thanking them.
 once she had retired.                                 However, since working on the tills
      Since social distancing was put            over the lockdown period, Carol along with
 into place, the café closed, and Carol          other staff members have been verbally
 volunteered to work on the shop floor to        abused by customers who did not take well          Rotary         Heywood                                                                                                                    Rotary // 27
You can also read