Moving up to Senior Prep - Dean Close School

Moving up to Senior Prep - Dean Close School
         up to
         Prep                                   Useful information
                                                for moving into Year 7

Starting at a new school or moving up from
Year 6 to Senior Prep is an exciting stage in
a child’s education. To help children make
the transition smoothly we have gathered
together a list of questions new pupils and
parents have asked in the past and provided
some useful answers. We hope you and your
                                                       DC        CLOSE
family find this beneficial.
                                                         PREPARATORY SCHOOL
Moving up to Senior Prep - Dean Close School
Years 7 and 8 are known as
Senior Prep. As members of      1. How many other children will be starting
                                from other schools?
Senior Prep pupils receive
certain privileges like being   On average, every year, the Preparatory School
                                welcomes 1/3 of the year group from external
able to sign themselves out,    schools, so there are lots of new faces in Year 7.
the opportunity to get
                                2. What uniform do Year 7s wear?
involved in charity work
                                DCPS has a winter uniform and a summer uniform.
outside of school and act as    Winter uniform is compulsory from September
tour guides on Open Days.       exeat through to Easter. Summer uniform is
They are also expected to set   compulsory from May exeat to the end of the
a good example to younger       Trinity Term. From the start of term in September
                                through to the 1st exeat, and from the start of
members of the School           term in the summer through to exeat, either
Community. In Year 8 pupils     uniform may be worn.
will have the opportunity to    For winter uniform the girls wear white
become Prefects and School      long-sleeved shirts, a DCPS blazer, DCPS tie, DCPS
Ambassadors.                    skirt, DCPS navy jumper, navy blue tights or socks
                                and black shoes. For summer uniform the girls
                                wear a white short-sleeved open-necked blouse,
                                DCPS blazer, DCPS skirt, DCPS jumper, white ankle
                                socks and black shoes.
                                For winter uniform the boys wear white
                                long-sleeved shirts, a DCPS blazer, DCPS tie, grey
                                trousers, DCPS jumper, grey socks and black
             DEAN               shoes. For summer uniform the boys wear white
   DC        CLOSE
                                short-sleeved shirts, a DCPS blazer, DCPS tie, grey
                                trousers or shorts, DCPS jumper, grey socks and
                                black shoes.
     PREPARATORY SCHOOL         All pupils should also have a DCPS coat.
                                The school shop has everything that you need and
Moving up to Senior Prep - Dean Close School
the staff there are really helpful in assisting with    Thursday 5.15pm. (Year 8, 5.30pm). Wednesday
finding the right kit. You can book an appointment      3.30pm unless they have matches, then parents
at the shop, even in the summer holiday, to get        will be given a time to collect children. Parents can
everything sorted and there is also a second hand      find out the times of sports matches from the
shop that is worth looking at, especially for spare    School Sports site. https://www.deancloseprep-
items of clothing.                            .To access the team sheets a
                                                       password is required, which is available from the
3. Where do new Year 7s go on the first morning?
                                                       School Office. If they are at an away match and
Boarding pupils arrive to their new boarding           running late, parents will receive a text message or
houses the day before, normally by 4.00pm so they      email.
have time for tea with their fellow boarders. Day
                                                       6. What does a School day look like?
pupils are invited to their Day Houses the day
before the first day of term. Here they can meet        At 8.30am there will be 20 minutes for Assembly or
their new Houseparents and their shadow. A             Form/Tutor time. A typical day may run as follows:
shadow is a pupil in your house, who is your age,
who will take care of you when you start school.         8.50am       Lesson 1
They will show you where to go as you familiarise        9.50am       Lesson 2
yourself with the School. They will also introduce       10.50am      Break
you to new people. On the first day of School you         11.15am      Lesson 3
will start the day in your Day House.                    12.15am      Lesson 4
                                                         1.00pm       Early Lunch/Music Lessons/Ensembles
4. Where are Year 7s dropped off and picked up            1.15pm       Junior Activities/Senior Lunch
from after the first morning?                             1.45pm       Senior Activities/Junior Prep
                                                         2.10pm       Registration
Day pupils are dropped at their Day Houses on the
                                                         2.20pm       Lesson 5
first morning. After which they can be dropped at
                                                         3.20pm       Games/Lesson 6
the front of School, pupils can also be collected        4.20pm       Buns
from the front of School. Pupils in Year 7 and above     4.35pm       Senior Prep
are allowed to sign themselves out at the end of         5.15pm       Sign out
the day from their Day House.
5. What is the length of the School Day?               7. Does Year 7 have to go to school on a
The school day starts at 8.15am, but pupils can be     Saturday?
dropped in their Day Houses from 7.45am. Pick up       Saturday is a normal school day for all children
times for Years 6-8 are Monday, Tuesday and            in Year 6 and above. There is a full academic
programme, which finishes at 12.10pm and often              Scientific calculator
there are matches in the afternoon. Day children      French dictionary - To be kept at home for use
not involved in matches or squad practices are free   with Prep. Dictionaries are available in the French
to leave from 12.10pm.                                classrooms. The following dictionaries are
8. When is lunch?
                                                           Collins Pocket French Dictionary (in colour).
Lunch is between 1.15pm and 1.35pm in the dining           Oxford Colour Dictionary.
hall, with different Year groups having lunch at
different times. Year 7 usually has lunch at 1.20pm.
                                                      11. Who is the main point of contact for each
9. Can Day pupils have breakfast and supper?          child?
Yes, they can – it must be pre-arranged with House-   Pupils in Years 6 - 8 have a House Tutor who they
parents and the bursary as there is a small charge.   will see at least twice a week to check they are
10. What do Year 7s need to bring to School?          keeping on top of their academic studies and to
                                                      support their personal development. The House
Pupils should ensure that they have all the correct   Tutor should be their first point of contact should a
equipment for School each day.                        problem arise. If a solution cannot be found with
• School bag                                          the House Tutor, the issue can then be raised with
• Games bag                                           the Houseparent/Housemaster/Pastoral Assistant.
• P.E. bag
                                                      12. When do they receive their timetable?
• Watch
                                                      On the first day of term. Parents will also receive
• Pencil case containing:
                                                      their own copy.
     Fountain pen
     Spare cartridges (blue ink please)               13. How are pupils in Year 7 set for subjects?
                                                      In Year 7 pupils have different teachers for different
     Pencil sharpener
                                                      subjects and are put into sets according to their
     Red and blue biro/fine-liner
     Colouring pencils (a basic selection)            14. How will they know where the correct
     30cm ruler                                       classrooms are?
     Please note that Tip-Ex is NOT allowed
                                                      Every new pupil to the School will have their own
• Maths equipment:
                                                      shadow who will show them around the sports
                                                      buildings and the sports pitches.
15. Where do parents find out what is going on           Key points to note for Music lessons:
each week?
                                                        i. Requests for new instrumental lessons are due
Parents can find out about the week ahead from           by the end of July to enable timetabling to take
several sources; the School calendar which they         place during August.
receive at the beginning of term and is available on
                                                        ii. Music lessons take place on a rota through 1/2 of
the school website (any events highlighted in bold
                                                        an hour long academic lesson, with fixed lessons
parents are invited to). Or the weekly bulletin which
                                                        available to those who learn multiple instruments.
is posted on the news section of the website.
Hermes, the Prep School’s Weekly Newsletter, also       iii. The Music Dept. will email further information
has a plan for the week ahead.                          towards the end of June/early July.
16. How much homework are Year 7 pupils ex-             iv. Any questions regarding music tuition, email
pected to do?                                  or regarding Music
                                                        provision in general, email tjmcvittie@deanclose.
Homework is referred to as Prep. Year 7 will be
set Prep from one subject every day and will be
expected to spend 45 minutes each day                   Key points to note for Speech and Drama lessons:
completing their homework, which is usually
                                                        i. Speech & Drama lesson requests should be
done at school.
                                                        emailed to Mrs Lawrence by the end of the Trinity
17. Where do they get their extracurricular             Term.
timetables from for Music and Drama?
                                                        ii. Pupils in Years 5-8 are taught either in pairs or in
Drama timetables are weekly. The timetable is           a group of three, on a weekly rota system.
posted on the drama notice boards every Friday
                                                        iii. Children who opt to do drama lessons will be
afternoon for the following week. Music timetables
                                                        entered for LAMDA examinations annually and are
are available towards the end of the first week of
                                                        usually involved in the Cheltenham Festival of
the Michaelmas Term and lessons start in the
                                                        performing arts.
second week of this longer term. Music lessons
in subsequent terms start immediately. The              iv. Any queries, email
timetables are displayed on the music board in
Rickerby and distributed to boarding houses as          There is also the possibility of signing up for dance
soon as they are available.                             lessons (email and
                                                        tennis lessons. For tennis lessons, requests should
                                                        go to the School Office, by emailing
18. Where do they find out about clubs and                 and hockey sticks. A Dean Close mid-layer is
activities?                                               optional but does add much needed warmth in the
                                                          colder months, and a Dean Close white base-layer
At the beginning of each term parents and pupils          is optional for the Trinity Term.
are sent a list of possible clubs and activities pupils
can join. Once they have signed up for their choices,     For rugby and hockey the boys wear Dean Close
timetables for clubs and activities are posted on         rugby shirts, navy shorts, Dean Close maroon
the noticeboard just inside Rickerby.                     rugby / hockey socks, Dean Close navy base-layer,
                                                          Dean Close tracksuit bottoms and a Dean Close
19. How often do Games sessions take place?               tracksuit top. They need rugby/football boots for
Year 7 do Games three times a week on Mondays,            rugby and for hockey need a gum shield, as well as
Wednesdays and Fridays. Most children are also            shin pads and a hockey stick. For cricket they wear
required for matches on Saturdays. In the                 white polo shirts, white PE shorts and white ankle
Michaelmas Term, the girls play hockey and the            socks. Again, the Dean Close mid-layer is optional
boys rugby. In the Lent Term, the boys play hockey        but does add much needed warmth in the colder
and the girls netball. In the Trinity Term, girls play    months, and a Dean Close white base-layer is
tennis and cricket and the boys play cricket. In          optional for the Trinity Term.
addition, the children have one P.E. session a week       21. When will children know which team they are
which might be tennis, gymnastics, swimming or            in for sports?
athletics. The P.E. schedule is emailed to parents at
the start of each term.                                   In Year 7, many children join us from other schools
                                                          therefore it takes a little while to assess the ability
20. What Games kit do pupils wear?                        of every individual. Try not to be disappointed if you
For Games, the girls wear Dean Close white polo           do not make the A team. Pupils migrate between
shirts, maroon skorts, Dean Close tracksuit               teams throughout the seasons. To find out which
bottoms, Dean Close navy base-layer, Dean Close           teams your child is playing in throughout the week,
tracksuit top and white socks, except in the hockey       visit the School Sports website mentioned earlier in
term when they wear the Dean Close maroon                 this document.
hockey socks and also need shin pads, gum shields
Highlights for the Year ahead                        Is there anything specific I
Trips visits and activities a new Year 7 pupil can
                                                     should do to help prepare my
look forward to in their first year at Dean Close     child for Year 7?
Preparatory School.
                                                     Not really! The Parents’ Handbook has
     Year 7 trip to Snowdonia                        a lot of key information in it so look
                                                     through that carefully when you receive
     Charities Fair: A great big fair in the         it. The House Tutors and the
     Michaelmas Term where pupils have the           Houseparents will do their best to
     opportunity to run their own stalls and         ensure a smooth transition for each
     raise money for Charity (Pupils also            child and will help with all of the
     wear their own clothes).                        logistics, especially in the first few weeks.
                                                     As with any change, the transition to
     Senior Forms’ play – which takes place at       their new School can take time to get
     the end of the Michaelmas Term.                 used to, so just reassuring your child that
                                                     we will look after them and going
     The Junior Forms’ play - which takes
                                                     through what they need each day for
     place at the end of the Lent Term.
                                                     those first few weeks is always helpful.
     Healthy Living Days, which take place           Do get in touch if there are any other
     twice a year and involve team building,         questions or concerns by emailing your
     cookery, First Aid, mindfulness and             child’s Houseparent.
     sometimes camping skills.

     The Cheltenham Festival of Performing
     Arts, which takes place in May.

     Sports Day at the end of June.

     The Extravaganza – A medley of music,
     drama, dance and gymnastics held at
     the Bacon Theatre at the end of the
     academic year.

     Speech Day – At the end of the academic
     year, parents can visit classrooms,
     have a coffee and croissant in the French
     Café and visit the Amphitheatre for the
     School Latin play before the prize-giving
     and speeches.

     House Music Competitions.

     House Sports Matches.
Helpful tips from
                  our current Year 7s

               …that children shouldn’t worry – it’s all fine!

    …everyone is friendly and if you are new they will look after you

    …that finding places can be hard but everyone is helpful so you
           soon get to know things – just follow someone!

                    …the Snowdonia trip, where all the
            Year 7s go away for a few days, is a real highlight.
          This is something all the pupils look forward to and a
                great chance to get to know other people.

               …Healthy Living days are also really good.
           The opportunity to try some camping skills, cooking
                   and great team building activities.

                                …Be yourself

                         DC            CLOSE

                            PREPARATORY SCHOOL

                           Dean Close Preparatory School,
               Lansdown Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL51 6QS
Tel: 01242 512217 Email: Website:
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