MORRINSVILLE COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB - Morrinsville Country Music Club ...

Page created by Calvin Mcbride
MORRINSVILLE COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB - Morrinsville Country Music Club ...

              MUSIC CLUB
                      PO Box 240 Morrinsville 3300
                 Facebook: @MorrinsvilleCountryMusic

                                                                Photo by Ben White on Unsplash


22nd January 2022
Matamata-Piako Awards
Matamata Civic Centre

7th February 2022
Kevin Greaves Benefit
                            Letter from the editor
                            by Nicola Paul
Papatoetoe Cossie Club      Holiday greetings to you all!
                            I hope you all are enjoying or will soon be enjoying the
                            company of loved ones this festive season after what has
                            been a very difficult year. I don't know about you, but its not
5th - 6th March 2022        even halfway through December and it feels as though a
Gisborne CM Awards          whole month has already passed!
Ilminster Intermediate
School Hall                 My christmas and new years wish, like many of you, will be
Gisborne                    that we can reunite in the new year to make and listen to
                            some live country music again. This will look somewhat
                            different due to the new COVID-19 protection framework but
                            the core of it will stay the same, fun, friends and
MORRINSVILLE COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB - Morrinsville Country Music Club ...
some good old fashioned country music!

5th March 2022                 Lastly, I would like to extend my appreciation to our committee, our
A Touch of Country             volunteers who have helped set up and pack down the concerts we
Morrinsville College           were able to have this year and our band members. Our club would
Morrinsville                   not be what it is without all your hard work and dedication.

                               Ngā manaakitanga,
Search New Zealand
Country Music Association      December/Xmas club day!
in facebook to find heaps of
recorded at home concerts      The Morrinsville Country Music Club will run an AFTERNOON
by Aotearoa's finest up and    concert on Saturday December the 11th at the Senior Citizens
coming artists!                Hall in Canada Street. The start time is 3pm and will be a
                               walk-up type of concert, similar to our usual January Club
                               Nights as no workshops will be held. Bring your chord charts
                               and be kind to our band.

                               We will be operating under the orange light rules and therefore
                               can only have this club day for people who are vaccinated. You
                               must bring your VACCINATION CERTIFICATE and present it
                               at the door. You must scan the QR code or sign in upon entry for
                               traceability. Lastly, you are encouraged to wear a mask wherever
                               possible. Of course you must not come if you have any cold or
                               flu-like symptoms, have been in close contact with a Covid19
                               positive person or have been asked to self isolate by the Ministry
                               of Health.

                               Please be understanding and kind as we want to protect you all.
In case you missed out at
our August clubnight, Dan      Also, not a must, but it is nearly Christmas so wear your best
Cosgrove's album "Live and     Chrissy garb and let's end this silly year on a country music
At Home" is available to       high.
stream on Spotify. Just
search his name in Spotify     December guest artist... Des Maney!
and enjoy!
                               Every month Des surprises us with his amazing memory, as
                               most of his songs have many lyrics and tell very detailed stories.
                               He is also well known for playing the harmonica and usually the
                               old favourites that everyone knows. His favourite music is
                               traditional country, western and old time monologues.

                               Des likes gardening and helping people out with odd jobs, as he is
                               a mechanic by trade and he restores vintage tractors. In the past
                               he has been a farmer, worked as an agricultural contractor and
                               driven bulldozers. He has achieved much in his lifetime, which
                               includes building a speed boat and winning some champion wood
                               chopper, saw and axe titles (he's got the ribbons to prove it!) He is
                               a very talented storyteller and great to chat to.
MORRINSVILLE COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB - Morrinsville Country Music Club ...

                                                 Singers workshop & Jam session:
                                                 Last Friday night of the month

                                                 Band workshop:
                                                 First Friday night of the month

                                                 Club Night:
                                                 7.30pm. 2nd Friday of the month, Senior Citizens Hall, Canada Street,

2021 Committee:                                  Morrinsville.

Executive:                                       Disclaimer:
                                                 The Morrinsville Country Music Club Inc. will not be responsible for
                                  027 535 4331   any loss, damage or injury incurred whilst attending club functions.
President: Steve Walton
                                                 Children are the responsibility of their parents or guardians while at
Vice President: Sharon McIntyre   07 889 3498
                                                 club events. Any member of our club has the right to attend our
Secretary: Julie Monaghan         027 697 2790
                                                 meetings, which are normally held at 7.30pm on the Monday night
Treasurer: Liz Bowater            027 440 6311   following the Club night. The next meeting will be held on the 14th of
                                                 If you have any problems, complaints, or suggestions on club matters,
Renny Hantler                     027 505 8260
                                                 please put it in writing, signed and dated. Either pass to a committee
Cherie Holden                     027 291 3103
                                                 member or send to P.O. Box 240, Morrinsville 3340 so these can be
Marilyn Holmes                    027 263 2037   discussed at our committee meeting.
Gaye Telford                      022 192 7883
Tom Wilson                        021 901 819    Life members:
Nicola Paul                       021 717 657    Lyn Torstonson, John and Lyn Stewart, Jan Cooper, Renny and Jenny
Philip Winter                     027 406 2071   Hantler, Sharon McIntyre, David Baker, Kevin and Liz Bowater.
MORRINSVILLE COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB - Morrinsville Country Music Club ... MORRINSVILLE COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB - Morrinsville Country Music Club ... MORRINSVILLE COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB - Morrinsville Country Music Club ...
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