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Monthly Research news Sue Hess PhD, CHTP, Research Director June 4, 2021 | Issue 2 Hello and welcome to my second monthly Ezine. It is my a empt to be er communicate with you as Research Director of HBB in addi on to the ar cles that are posted in the quarterly Perspec ves in Healing. Below are updates on two of the pos ngs I had in the first Ezine regarding establishing a monthly biofield research interest group, as well as a call for individuals interested in being considered for the HBB research commi ee. I am also including a Call for Abstracts and informa on for the Inova Nursing Research & Evidence-Based Prac ce Symposium, and a link to the Na onal Ins tute of Health’s (NIH) recently published Na onal Center for Complementary Health’s (NCCIH) Strategic Plan, which will be commented on in a future communication. Blessings and light to you, Sue Seeking New Members for the Healing Beyond Borders Research Committee The Research Committee is seeking to grow in numbers to better serve the members of our HBB community. Last month, I put out a call for individuals who were interested to serve on the committee who would like to be considered for membership. We received emails from several individuals with varied backgrounds who represent some very interesting areas. We would also like to provide a second opportunity for any additional individuals wishing to be considered in case they missed the call in the first Ezine. If interested, please send an email to by May 31st, 2021 with a little information about yourself. Below is a little more detail about the Research Committee. The Research Committee attempts to provide resources and education to interested individuals wishing to promote the effectiveness of Healing Touch within their lay or health care community and to those individuals wishing to conduct high quality Healing Touch research. Members of the committee come from a variety of backgrounds in health care and research who are members of HBB and the Healing Touch community. Our committee has the following focus: We are involved in acquiring and assessing information related to Healing Touch and biofield research to include in the published Healing Touch Research Brief, Healing Touch literature matrix, and the HBB Website. We use a variety of search mechanisms to acquire this information. We are in the process of updating our pages on the HBB website and the HBB Research PowerPoint presentation. We hope to answer questions about Healing Touch research or to participate as a consultant on grants
depending on areas of expertise or availability. Members of the Research Committee often participate with the Research Director to present a workshop at the annual HBB Healing Touch conference. Biofield Research Interest Group Update I have established a virtual Biofield Research Interest Group that will meet every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm Eastern time. The evolving purpose of this group is to gain a better understanding of biofield therapies, to network, to feel more connected, to share knowledge and areas of expertise, and to promote our mission to further Healing Touch programs and research. The first meeting was May 19th to discuss areas of interest and to help further develop topics for our monthly meeting agendas. If you would like to receive an invite for this or future virtual meetings, please send an email with your biofield interests (Healing Touch or other biofield research, biofield publications, journal club papers or book clubs, networking, project development, etc.), any affiliations, and time zone you live in to From our initial blurb in last month’s Ezine, we have already assembled an email list of over 25 interested individuals. I realize with our current proposed day/time, we have not offered a convenient time to meet with individuals from all over the world, including our friends in the Netherlands and Europe. I would be happy to try to organize a second monthly meeting if we can find a consensus day/time with those interested. Please let me know if you are interested, but the current proposed time will not work for you. Any additional questions can be sent to me at the email address above. Release of the Na onal Center for Complementary and Integrative Health’s 5-year strategic plan. Dr Helene Langevin, MD, on May 14th released the new National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health’s Strategic plan titled, “NCCIH Strategic Plan FY 2021–2025: Mapping a Pathway to Research on Whole Person Health.” The plan builds on the previous foundation NCCIH has developed for twenty plus years. The new plan has a focus on whole person health. Please click on the link above to explore in detail. Since the plan just arrived in my email this morning, an upcoming Ezine will discuss the objectives of the plan and how it fits with the mission of HBB. READ MORE Inova Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice Symposium and Call for Abstracts In an effort to help promote events that foster communication and education regarding Healing Touch research and programs, attached is the “2021 Call for Abstracts” and the save the date flyer for the annualInova Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice Symposium to be held Thursday
October 28, 2021. This call for abstracts is for students and colleagues that are interested in presenting their work involving Research Studies, Evidence Based Projects, and Quality Improvement Projects. This will be a virtual conference and the registration fee will be deferred for all poster and podium presenters. The abstract submission deadline is June 8, 2021. All submissions will be peer reviewed. Abstracts should be submitted via e-mail to Notifications of acceptance will be sent via email. For more information, contact or Anne-Marie O’Brien, PhD, RN, WHNP-BC, Nursing Research Scientist, Abstracts Must focus on improving patient care through Research, Evidence Based Practice (EBP), Quality Improvement (QI). Should not exceed 300 words (abstracts exceeding 300 words will be eliminated) Must be submitted in a Word (.doc) Will be peer reviewed Must use the template located in "Read More" READ MORE Healing Beyond Borders
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