MEDIA KIT 2022 - Pacific Maritime Magazine

Page created by Charlotte Robertson
MEDIA KIT 2022 - Pacific Maritime Magazine
MEDIA KIT 2022 - Pacific Maritime Magazine
in print

Print media has been demonstrated to be
more effective than digital, online,
TV, radio or ‘out-of-home’.
• Print magazines are most effective in
  reaching influential customers
• Print magazines are more trusted, inspiring and more influential than
  other media
• Print magazines provide a more positive environment than other media
• Brands that advertise in print magazines achieve higher brand
  favorability, purchase intent, and ad awareness than they do online

                                                       Dear Advertisers,
Reaching                                               Thank you for your interest in advertising with

commercial vessel                                      Pacific Maritime Magazine. Your support of
                                                       this publication, which is provided free to most
owners, terminal                                       subscribers, allows us to continue supporting
                                                       the maritime community on the western coast
operators and other                                    of the mainland U.S., as well as Alaska and
                                                       Hawaii, with up-to-date news on the activities
marine industrial                                      that affect the industry. Let us help you get

land users.                                            your message out there. Contact your sales
                                                       representative today!
                                                       Dave Abrams, Publisher, Maritime Publishing

   Pacific Maritime                       Print, Digital and Email Advertising
   Magazine can help you                  Email Newsletter and Website Advertising
   reach your customers                   Pacific Maritime Magazine offers digital and online products to help your
   more quickly and                       company maximize its exposure to the West Coast maritime industry.
   efficiently.                           Dedicated Email Blasts
                                          Single advertiser “owns” email content sent to entire Pacific Maritime Magazine
                                          email newsletter subscriber list of more than 3,000 (limited to 1 per month).
MEDIA KIT 2022 - Pacific Maritime Magazine
89%              of our
readers rely primarily
                                              have read each of the
                                                                                    of respondents are
or exclusively on Pacific                     last four issues                      directly involved in
Maritime for news about                                                             purchasing decisions
the maritime industry

Reader Demographics                                                    Action
The industry’s most widely-circulated commercial                       • 60% reported that Pacific
maritime publication                                                     Maritime Magazine has influenced
                                                                         their buying decisions.
• 81% have subscribed for more
                                                                       ADVERTISING SALES
  than five years
• 86% have read each of the last four issues.
                                                                       Katie Higgins
• 83% read at least half of a typical issue
                                                                       (206) 914-4248
  and 67% read at least 3/4 of a typical issue

• 80% of respondents are directly involved
  in purchasing decisions.

Pacific Maritime Magazine “Working on                    Sponsored Content
the Water” Calendar Sponsorships                         Pacific Maritime Magazine now offers Sponsored Content
Sponsor a month in the Pacific Maritime Magazine         in the magazine: Two-page spread with sponsored content
calendar! It’s an effective and affordable way to stay   that includes images/artwork; two-page spread that
in front of the industry all year long!                  includes one page of sponsored content, images/artwork;
                                                         and one full page advertisement, or one page of sponsored
                                                         content and photography.
MEDIA KIT 2022 - Pacific Maritime Magazine
                  MARK NERO, MANAGING EDITOR
                  Mark Nero is a veteran maritime journalist who has written for numerous
                  publications over the years, including Fishermen’s News and Pacific Maritime
                  Magazine. He was named managing editor of Pacific Maritime Magazine in
                  March 2021.
                                                                                                         Dave Abrams
                 Margaret Bauman is an Alaska journalist and photographer with extensive               MANAGING EDITOR
                 background in Alaska’s industries and environmental issues related to those              Mark Nero
                 industries. A long time Alaska resident, she has also covered news of national
                 and international importance in other states on the staff of United Press
                 International, the Associated Press and CBS News.                                    ADVERTISING MANAGER
                                                                                                           Katie Higgins
                 KAREN ROBES MEEKS, REGIONAL EDITOR                                                       (206) 914-4248
                 Fishermen’s News regional correspondent, Karen Robes Meeks, spent several
                 years covering the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, California for the Long         REGIONAL EDITORS
                 Beach Press-Telegram and our sister publication Pacific Maritime Magazine.
                                                                                                         Alaska Bureau Chief
                                                                                                          Margaret Bauman
                                                                                                            (907) 240-5149

Advertising                                                                                             Karen Robes Meeks
                                                                                                          (562) 472-6341
                  KATIE HIGGINS, ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER                               
                  Katie Higgins has been in the publishing industry for more than 20 years.
                  She has an extensive background in working with hunting/fishing and                   SENIOR DESIGNER
                  outdoor lifestyle magazines. She became advertising manager for Pacific                Kathy Samuelson
                  Maritime Magazine in January 2020 and began managing Fishermen’s       
                  News in March 2021.
                                                                                                        SUBSCRIPTION AND
         or (206) 914-4248
                                                                                                       CLASSIFIED SERVICES
                                                                                                          Sarah Spangler

PRINT. DIGITAL. CLASSIFIEDS.                                                                                 Subscribe to
Maritime Publishing is a new media company focused on the commercial and advanced                    Pacific Maritime Magazine
recreational sectors of the U.S. marine transportation and commercial fishing industries.     
If you sell products and services to mariners, port facilities, shipyards, or vessel owners,
you’ll want advertising exposure in the print version of Pacific Maritime and its companion
digital newsletter, the twice-weekly Pacific Maritime Magazine Online.
Our sales team can set up an advertising program to help you reach the entire U.S. West
Coast maritime marketplace.



                                                                                                   3980 Sherman Street, Suite 100
                                                                                                         San Diego CA 92110
                                                                                                           (619) 313-4321

MEDIA KIT 2022 - Pacific Maritime Magazine
2022 Editorial Calendar

JANUARY                                                    FEBRUARY                                          MARCH
The Emerging Arctic: Economic                              Regional Report: Pacific NW Ports.                Regional Report: Southern California
opportunities evolving in the Arctic as                    A look at the status of the maritime              Ports. A look at the state of the maritime
they relate to the commercial maritime                     industry in Washington state and Oregon.          industry in LA, Long Beach and San Diego.
                                                           Ocean & Coastal Towing: Info on the               Workforce Development: Exploring ways
Bulk & Breakbulk Report: A look at the                     newest in ocean and coastal towing                that maritime industry companies can
current state of bulk & breakbulk goods                    equipment and methods.                            build and keep thriving workforces.
                                                           Ad Reservations: 12/31/21                         Ad Reservations: 1/28/22
Ad Reservations: 12/3/21                                   Materials Due: 1/7/22                             Materials Due: 2/4/22
Materials Due: 12/10/21                                    Mails: 1/21/22                                    Mails: 2/18/22
Mails: 12/22/21

APRIL                                                      MAY                                               JUNE
Green Terminal Operations: Equipment                       Container Handling Equipment: A report            Regional Report: British Columbia Ports.
and Policy: Detailing ways that maritime                   on the latest and greatest in equipment           A look at the status of the maritime
terminals are ‘greening’ their operations                  for handling cargo containers.                    industry in British Columbia.
and becoming more environment-friendly.
                                                           Regional Report: San Francisco                    Fuel & Propulsion Technology: A look at
Maritime Construction: A look the                          Bay Area. A look at the status of the             the latest in technology that boosts fuel
planned and ongoing maritime-related                       commercial maritime industry in Northern          and propulsion performance.
construction projects along the West                       California.
Coast.                                                                                                       Ad Reservations: 4/29/22
                                                           Ad Reservations: 4/1/22                           Materials Due: 5/6/22
Ad Reservations: 2/25/22                                   Materials Due: 4/8/22                             Mails: 5/20/22
Materials Due: 3/4/22                                      Mails: 4/22/22
Mails: 3/18/22

JULY                                                       AUGUST                                            SEPTEMBER
New Vessel & Tugboat Review:                               Port Infrastructure: Planned and                  West Coast Shipyards: Everything that’s
A review of new vessels and tugboats.                      ongoing projects to build up infrastructure       going on with the various shipyards that
                                                           at West Coast ports.                              service the maritime industry.
Cargo Congestion: The various causes,
and potential ways to cut down on it in                    Pacific Offshore Wind: A Status Report:           Ballast Water Technology: The latest
the maritime supply chain.                                 A year after the federal government               news on port-based and ship-based
                                                           announced an intention to open Northern           equipment & techniques used to treat
Ad Reservations: 5/27/22                                   and Central California to offshore wind,          ballast water.
Materials Due: 6/3/22                                      we examine the progress and potential
Mails: 6/17/22                                             elsewhere on the West Coast.                      Ad Reservations: 7/29/22
                                                                                                             Materials Due: 8/5/22
                                                           Ad Reservations: 7/1/22                           Mails: 8/19/22
                                                           Materials Due: 7/8/22
                                                           Mails: 7/22/22

OCTOBER                                                    NOVEMBER                                          DECEMBER
Regional Report: Baja California. A look                   Deck Machinery: Deck machinery                    Regional Report: Alaska & Hawaii.
at what’s happening at the seaports along                  development news.                                 A look at the status of the commercial
Mexico’s western coast, including the Port                                                                   maritime industry in the Last Frontier and
of Ensenada and Port of Rosarito.                          Diving & Salvage: The latest news about           Aloha states.
                                                           diving and salvage techniques, operations
Passenger-Only Ferries: The latest news                    and equipment.                                    Navigation Technology: New and
about passenger-only ferries and the                                                                         emerging navigation technology
companies that operate them.                               Ad Reservations: 9/30/22                          developments.
                                                           Materials Due: 10/7/22
Ad Reservations: 8/26/22                                   Mails: 10/21/22                                   Ad Reservations: 10/28/22
Materials Due: 9/9/22                                                                                        Materials Due: 11/4/22
Mails: 9/23/22                                             BONUS DISTRIBUTION:                               Mails: 11/18/22
                                                           International Workboat Show*
BONUS DISTRIBUTION: Pacific Marine Expo*
* Conference dates tentative until confirmed.
                                                                                                                 ADVERTISING SALES
              Maritime Publishing • 3980 Sherman Street, Suite 100 • San Diego CA 92110                  Katie Higgins • 206-914-4248 (mobile)
              Tel: 619-263-1638 • Toll Free: 866-300-5984 • E-mail:  
                                                                                                   Kathy Samuelson •
MEDIA KIT 2022 - Pacific Maritime Magazine
2022 Print Advertising Rates and Specifications
                                                                                                                           (per insertion)

 Display Ads                                                     1x                                   3x                                     6x                                           12x
                                                        BW               4-CLR                BW                 4-CLR            BW                    4-CLR                  BW               4-CLR
 Full Page                                                               $2,638                                $2,553                                  $2,359                                   $1,894
 Spread                                                                  $4,222                                $4,082                                  $3,764                                   $3,030
 2/3 pg                                                                  $2,146                                $2,035                                  $1,865                                   $1,559
 1/2 pg                                                                  $1,950                                $1,908                                  $1,778                                   $1,448
 1/3 pg                                                 $964             $1,537              $929              $1,504             $826                 $1,400                 $718              $1,114
 1/4 pg                                                 $826             $1,400              $774              $1,348             $645                 $1,220                 $606               $947
 1/5 pg                                                 $732             $1,305              $694              $1,267             $628                 $1,201                 $544               $891
 Covers (prices include 4-color)
 Outside Back                                                            $3,425                                $3,293                                  $3,141                                   $2,562
 Inside Front                                                            $3,313                                $3,162                                  $2,948                                   $2,450
 Inside Back                                                             $3,184                                $3,121                                  $2,862                                   $2,364

                                                                                                                                   PAGE UNIT
     Full Page                                                     Island 1/2 Page                  1/2 Page                       (by inches)			                            Width              Depth
      (Bleed)                                                          4.5" x 7"                   7" x 4.875"
  8.625" x 11.125"                                                                                                                 Full Page (trim)                          8.375"             10.875"
       (Trim)                                                                                                                                   (live area)                  7.25"              9.75"
  8.375" x 10.875"                           2/3 Page                                                                                                (bleed)                 8.625"             11.125"
      Full Page                               4.5" x                                                                               Full Page         (non-bleed)             7.25"              9.75"
     (No Bleed)                                9.75"                                                                               Spread            (trim)                  16.75"             10.875"
    7.25" x 9.75"
                                                                                                                                                     (live area)             15.5"              9.75"
                                                                                                                                                     (bleed)                 17"                11.125"
   1/3 Page                           1/4 Page Vertical           1/4 Page Horizontal          1/5 Page Horizontal
    Vertical                           3.375" x 4.875"                4.5" x 3.5"                 4.5" x 2.875"                    2/3 Page		                                4.5"               9.75"
   2.1875" x                                                                                                                       Island 1/2 Page                           4.5"               7"
     9.75"                                                                                                                         1/2 Page		                                7"		               4.875"
   1/3 Page                                                                                                                        1/3 Page Square                           4.5"               4.875"
    Square                                                                                                                         1/3 Page Vertical                         2.1875"            9.75"
     4.5" x
    4.875"                                                                                                                         1/4 Page Horizontal                       4.5"               3.5"
                                                                                                                                   1/4 Page Vertical                         3.375"             4.875"
                                                                                                                                   1/5 Page		                                4.5"               2.875"
 Pro Pages (Business Card Ads, 12x contract only)                 BW                 2-CLR            4-CLR
                                                                                                                                   • Unlisted sizes accepted. Please call.
 4.5 x 2                                                        $2,953             $3,976             $4,218
 4.5 x 1                                                        $1,721             $2,756             $2,985
 2.1875 x 1                                                     $1,036             $2,050             $2,295                                       Advertising Sales
                                                                                                                                          Katie Higgins • 206-914-4248 (mobile)
OTHER CHARGES                                                                                                                      
SPECIAL POSITION: Earned rate plus 15%.                                                                                                                Production
AD DESIGN & PRODUCTION: $100 – includes three revisions. Additional charges will apply thereafter                                                    Kathy Samuelson
at $155 per hour.
INSERTS ACCEPTED: Rates furnished upon request. 15% discount for digital ready art when paid in full within
30 days of invoice. No discount on past due accounts. 1.5% per month finance charge on past due accounts.

MAGAZINE TRIM SIZE                                        IMAGE/RESOLUTION REQUIREMENTS
8.375” x 10.875” (add .25” for bleed)                     All color images must be converted to CMYK. Scanned images
                                                          should be 266-300 dpi at actual size of reproduction. Photos
PRINTING SPECIFICATIONS                                   downloaded from web pages that have been saved at a low
Pacific Maritime Magazine is printed on an                resolution (72-100 dpi) will not print clearly.
offset press using a computer- to-plate
production method. Paper is 67.6# coated                  GRAPHIC FORMATS ACCEPTED: HIGH RESOLUTION PDF, JPG
stock using 150 line screen.                              SOFTWARE PROGRAMS NOT ACCEPTED

                                                          We cannot accept digital ads created in Microsoft Publisher,
                                                          Microsoft PowerPoint or Microsoft Word.
Digital ads are required when supplying                                                                                                
advertising material. All ads should be built at          E-MAILING FILES                                                                              Maritime Publishing
100% of the reproduction size and should be               Files of 10MB and smaller can be e-mailed to:                                3980 Sherman Street, Suite 100, San Diego CA 92110
no less than 266 dpi for scanned images and               Katie Higgins at . For files larger than            Tel: 619-263-1638 • Toll Free: 866-300-5984
600 dpi for line art.                                     10MB please call for more information: 206-914-4248 (mobile).                      E-mail:
MEDIA KIT 2022 - Pacific Maritime Magazine
2022 Email Newsletter and
                                                                   Website Advertising Rates

Email Newsletter and Website                                                 EMAIL NEWSLETTER

Pacific Maritime Online offers two online products to help
maximize your company’s exposure to the West Coast
maritime operations sector.
“Pushed” twice weekly to more than 3,000 online opt-in
subscribers, PMM Online’s 23% average open rate is a full 13%
above averages for the industry.
PMM Online focuses on breaking news. Tuesday’s edition
covers over-weekend news, and Friday’s edition covers the
week’s breaking stories; everything that affects the maritime
industry is covered regularly in PMM Online.

Dedicated Email Blast
Single advertiser “owns” content sent to entire Pacific
Maritime Online email newsletter list of more than 3,000
subscribers. Limited to one per month.

Email Newsletter Advertising Rates
Top Leaderboard                728 x 90 pixels 		 $795
Top Half Page                  300 x 600 pixels		$795
Top Medium Rectangle           300 x 250 pixels		$618
Subsequent Half Page           300 x 600 pixels		$595
Subsequent Medium Rectangle    300 x 250 pixels		$395
Dedicated Email Blast			                         $1,095

Website Advertising Rates                                                        WEBSITE

Top Leaderboard                      728 x 90 pixels		$795
Top Half Page                        300 x 600 pixels		$795
Top Medium Rectangle                 300 x 250 pixels		$595
Subsequent Half Page                 300 x 600 pixels		$595
Subsequent Medium Rectangle          300 x 250 pixels		$345
Ask about frequency discounts

Formats accepted: JPG, GIF, PNG
Dedicated email: Supply content as html (600 px wide) or provide
copy and images/graphics.

Katie Higgins • 206-914-4248                         
MEDIA KIT 2022 - Pacific Maritime Magazine
Pacific Maritime Magazine
                                                                                                                    Calendar Photo Contest and
                                                                                                                   Sponsorship – Get in front of the
                                                                                                                      maritime industry all year!

                                                                                     Calendar Photo Contest
                                                                                     Do you work on the water, or at a marine cargo

                                                                                     terminal? Take a photo of action on the waterfront and
                                                                                     win a chance to have it published in our annual Pacific
                                                                                     Maritime Magazine calendar!

  THE WATER                                                                          We’ll choose 12 photos submitted by our readers that
                                                                                     illustrate life on the West Coast working waterfront.

  2023 Calendar                                                                      If chosen, your photo will run in our 2023 Working on
                                                                                     the Water calendar to be published and distributed
                                                                                     with the November 2022 issue of Pacific Maritime
                                                                                     Photo entrants whose work is chosen for use in the
                                                                                     calendar will be paid $150 for their submission along
                                                                                     with a complimentary one-year subscription to Pacific
                                                                                     Maritime Magazine and 25 Pacific Maritime Magazine
                                                                                     Calendars to share with family and friends! Photo
                                                                                     submission deadline is August 26.

Calendar Sponsorship
Sponsorship Benefits Include:
• Prominent ad placement on the sponsored
                                                       S U N DAY                  M O N DAY                  T U E S DAY               W E D N E S DAY               T H U R S DAY                   F R I DAY                 S AT U R DAY

  month. Add a note to any date included on that                        1                       2                            3                           4                            5                            6                            7
  month!                                               New Year’s Day

• Sponsorship advertising space at the bottom                           8                       9                       10                           11                          12                           13                           14
  of each month is 10” x 1.875”
• Company logo included in Pacific Maritime                     15                          16                          17                          18                           19                           20                           21
  Magazine calendar promotional materials,                                  Martin Luther King Jr. Day

  including the November 2022 edition with a                    22                          23                          24                          25                           26                           27                           28
  bonus distribution at Pacific Marine Expo
• Company logo included in online calendar
                                                                29                          30                          31
  promotional materials
                                                                                                   PACIFIC FISHERMEN SHIPYARD, affectionately known as PacFish, was founded in 1946 by
• 25 copies of the 2023 Pacific Maritime                                                           400 Norwegian heritage fishermen and their wives as a co-op style shipyard on the site of
                                                                                                   the 1874 T. W. Lake Shipyard, Seattle Ship Yards and Ballard Marine Railway. The king of
                                                                                                   steamboats, Seattle founding father Joshua Green, had sternwheelers built there for the Puget
  Magazine Calendar                                                                                Sound Mosquito Fleet. Vessels built include the world’s largest diesel tug, the 120' MAHOE in
                                                                                                   1925 and minesweepers converted to Jacques Cousteau’s CALYPSO and John Wayne’s WILD
                                                                                                   GOOSE. A series of Ed Monk designed seiners and Ben Jensen designed king crabbers were built in the 60’s and 70’s. Asset acquisitions by PacFish

• Rate: $1,900                                                                                     include Rowe Machine Works in 1986 and Lunde Electric Co. in 2003, now renamed PFI Marine Electric. Selected heavy machinery and assets of MARCO
                                                                                                   and Duwamish shipyards were acquired in 2005 along with Union Bay Fabrication in 2011. Today Pacific Fishermen Shipyard maintains three drydocks
                                                                                                   and experienced shipwrights, machinists, boilermakers, electricians and caulkers on staff in their oakum loft.
                                                                                          • • • (206) 784-2562

AUGUST 26, 2022

                  SPECIAL OFFER…
     • Sponsor a page in the PMM Calendar and earn a
       $500 discount on a display ad in the December
       2022 issue of Pacific Maritime Magazine.                                             Advertising Sales Katie Higgins
     • Sponsorship is limited to 12 participants.                                  
       Reserve space today!                                                                          206-914-4248
MEDIA KIT 2022 - Pacific Maritime Magazine MEDIA KIT 2022 - Pacific Maritime Magazine
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