Dedication of Te Reo Hotunui o Te Moana Nui a Kiwa - PACIFIC ISLANDS MEMORIAL Pukeahu National War Memorial Park Saturday 27 March 2021

Dedication of Te Reo Hotunui o Te Moana Nui a Kiwa - PACIFIC ISLANDS MEMORIAL Pukeahu National War Memorial Park Saturday 27 March 2021
Dedication of
Te Reo Hotunui o
Te Moana Nui a Kiwa

Pukeahu National War Memorial Park
Saturday 27 March 2021
Dedication of Te Reo Hotunui o Te Moana Nui a Kiwa - PACIFIC ISLANDS MEMORIAL Pukeahu National War Memorial Park Saturday 27 March 2021

Message from the Prime Minister of New Zealand                    4

New Zealand’s military links with the Pacific                     6

Order of Ceremony                                             12

About the Memorial                                            16

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Dedication of Te Reo Hotunui o Te Moana Nui a Kiwa - PACIFIC ISLANDS MEMORIAL Pukeahu National War Memorial Park Saturday 27 March 2021
Message from the Prime Minister
of New Zealand

                                            setting of the Pukeahu National War
                                            Memorial Park. The name of their
                                            design, Te Reo Hotunui o Te Moana nui
                                            a Kiwa – The deep sigh of the Pacific,
                                            perfectly encapsulates the symbolism of
                                            this memorial.
                                            Pacific peoples served with great
                                            courage and spirit, despite facing many
                                            additional hardships in their service,
                                            particularly during the First World War
                                            - including language barriers, and the
                                            extreme toll that exposure to foreign
                                            disease and illness took.
Kia ora koutou.
                                            Their sacrifice must be shared,
We gather today for the dedication of Te
                                            understood and never forgotten.
Reo Hotunui o Te Moana Nui a Kiwa, the
Pacific Islands Memorial. This historic     Our bonds with the Pacific today span
event was due to take place in April last   culture, history, people, and language.
year, making today’s dedication all the     The Pacific Islands Memorial recognises
more special.                               those connections, strengthening our
                                            relationships into the future.
The Pacific Islands Memorial recognises
the unique bond between Aotearoa
New Zealand and the Pacific Islands,
and acknowledges the service and
sacrifice of Pacific peoples in the
First and Second World Wars, and in         Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern
subsequent conflicts around the world.      Prime Minister of New Zealand
I hope that it might also serve to raise
awareness amongst New Zealanders of
the significant contribution of Pacific
peoples during these conflicts.
Michel Tuffery MNZM and Herriot
Melhuish O’Neil Architects’ beautiful
design sits perfectly within the sacred

Dedication of Te Reo Hotunui o Te Moana Nui a Kiwa - PACIFIC ISLANDS MEMORIAL Pukeahu National War Memorial Park Saturday 27 March 2021
New Zealand’s military links
with the Pacific

Aotearoa New Zealand’s connections          the New Zealand Pioneer Battalion
                                                                                                                                                        Left: Niue and Cook
to Te Moana-nui-ā-Kiwa (the Pacific         (combat engineers) in Egypt before                                                                          Island soldiers on
Ocean) stretch back thousands of years,     moving to the Western Front with                                                                            parade at Narrow
beginning with the remarkable voyaging      the NZEF in April 1916. Their health                                                                        Neck camp in
achievements of the Polynesian people,      suffered in the cold northern European                                                                      Auckland, October
ancestors of these islands’ Māori tangata   climate, and by late May more than                                                                          1915. Image courtesy
whenua. Later, especially from the          80 per cent of the Niueans had been                                                                         of Auckland Libraries
late 18th century, European explorers,      hospitalised. They were withdrawn from                                                                      Heritage Collections,
traders and whalers established             the Western Front and sent to England,                                                                      Ref:7-A14557
new Pacific maritime networks, and          then returned to New Zealand. The Cook
from 1840 New Zealand became an             Islanders remained in Europe until early
important economic centre of Britain’s      1918, when they were redeployed to the
Pacific empire.                             Middle East, where a second contingent
                                            of 120 Cook Island recruits had already
In 1914 and again in 1941 rivalries
                                            been sent. At least 48 Cook Island and
between European and Asian
                                            Niuean men died as a result of war
empires brought conflict to the Pacific.
                                            service, almost all due to illness.
New Zealand’s opening act of the First
World War was the unopposed capture
                                            In 1914 and again in 1941 rivalries          Kiribati and Tuvalu were then part         New Zealand’s war effort was again
of the German colony of Samoa in
                                            between European and Asian                   of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands,         primarily focused on Europe and the
August 1914 (soon after, Australia seized
                                            empires brought conflict to                  also under British control. When 25        Middle East, tens of thousands of
the German territories of New Guinea
                                                                                         members of the Gilbert Native Police       service personnel served and fought in
and Nauru). New Zealand occupied            the Pacific.
                                                                                         volunteered, London referred this          the Pacific.
Samoa throughout the war, and
                                                                                         offer to Wellington. These men arrived
governed it afterwards under a League       Volunteers from other Pacific territories                                               The main focus of New Zealand’s
                                                                                         in Auckland in July 1918, but like the
of Nations mandate.                         also served with New Zealand forces,                                                    Pacific war effort was the Solomon
                                                                                         Fijians they did not embark for overseas
                                            including some Samoans, Tongans and                                                     Islands, where all three services
The main Pacific manpower                                                                service before the war’s end.
                                            Norfolk Islanders. When the British                                                     saw considerable action. Royal New
contribution to New Zealand’s war
                                            colony of Fiji offered an ethnically mixed   Volunteers from New Caledonia and          Zealand Navy ships served alongside
effort came from two territories it had
                                            contingent in 1918 London referred the       French Polynesia served on the Western     American forces, and from late 1942
annexed in 1901 – the Cook Islands
                                            matter to the New Zealand authorities,       Front with the French Army.                Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF)
and Niue. Both offered men for the
                                            who agreed to take the men. The Fijians                                                 fighter and bomber squadrons flew
New Zealand Expeditionary Force                                                          During the Second World War much
                                            arrived in Auckland for training in                                                     from Guadalcanal. The following year
(NZEF) as soon as news of the war                                                        of the western and central Pacific was
                                            August 1918, but the war ended before                                                   Guadalcanal was a staging point for
reached the Pacific. A group of 45 Cook                                                  the scene of bloody fighting between
                                            they could be sent overseas.                                                            men of the New Zealand army’s 3rd
Islanders and 150 Niuean men joined                                                      Japanese and Allied forces. While

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Dedication of Te Reo Hotunui o Te Moana Nui a Kiwa - PACIFIC ISLANDS MEMORIAL Pukeahu National War Memorial Park Saturday 27 March 2021
Division, who occupied Vella Lavella          in the New Zealand armed forces,
and Mono Island.                              especially the 28th Māori Battalion.
In 1944 the 3rd Division attacked the         From 1942 to 1944 New Zealanders were
Japanese-occupied island of Nissan,           stationed in New Caledonia, home to
which is now part of Papua New Guinea.        the US South Pacific Command, within
New Zealand airmen contributed to             which New Zealand forces operated.
the attacks on Japanese forces on             New Zealand also supported Tahiti when
Rabaul and the island of Bougainville.        it rallied to the Free French cause in
New Zealand civilian merchant seafarers       1940, sending the cruiser HMS Achilles.
also served in the Pacific, and a handful
                                              After the Second World War New
of New Zealand merchant ships were
                                              Zealand continued to maintain close
sunk by German and Japanese raiders
                                              military links with a number of Pacific
and submarines.
                                              territories. Between 1951 and 1956, 40
At the start of the war New Zealand had       New Zealand officers served with a Fijian
a network of over 50 coastwatching            battalion that was deployed during the
stations spread between Samoa, Tonga,         Malayan Emergency. From 1953 to 1977
the Cook Islands, Fiji, the Gilbert and       New Zealand provided administrative
Ellice Islands, the Phoenix Islands,          and training support and commanding
Tokelau and Fanning Island. These were        officers to the Tonga Defence Force.
manned by a mixture of New Zealand
                                              Later, in 1997–98, a New Zealand-
soldiers and civilians, and indigenous
                                              led peacekeeping force was sent to
coastwatchers. In 1942, 17 captured
                                              Bougainville. In recent decades, too,
New Zealand coastwatchers were
                                              New Zealanders of Pacific descent have
executed by the Japanese at Tarawa.
                                              made up an increasingly important part
During the war New Zealand troops             of the New Zealand Defence Force.
and RNZAF units were stationed in
Fiji, Western Samoa and Tonga, where
they received valuable support from
the local populations. Fijian troops
(joined by a small number of Tongans)
served alongside New Zealanders in the
Solomon Islands. A number of Samoans,
Tongans and Cook Islanders enlisted

Left: Fijian scouts, Vella Lavella, Soloman
Islands, 9 September 1943. Image
courtesy of Alexander Turnbull Library,

Dedication of Te Reo Hotunui o Te Moana Nui a Kiwa - PACIFIC ISLANDS MEMORIAL Pukeahu National War Memorial Park Saturday 27 March 2021
Left: Bayonet drill by members of the Tonga
                                              Defence Force of 2nd NZEF, c.1943-44.
                                              Image courtesy of Alexander Turnbull
                                              Library, Ref:PA1-f-107-07-2

                                              Below: RNZAF arrival at Jacquinot Bay, New
                                              Britain, Papua New Guinea, 1945. RNZAF
                                              Official Image courtesy of Airforce Museum
                                              of New Zealand, Ref:PR6758

Above: Coastwatching headquarters at
Nukufetau, Ellice Islands, 1941. Photograph
by Donald Leslie Vaughan in D. O. W. Hall,
Coastwatchers. Wellington: War History
Branch, Department of Internal Affairs,
Dedication of Te Reo Hotunui o Te Moana Nui a Kiwa - PACIFIC ISLANDS MEMORIAL Pukeahu National War Memorial Park Saturday 27 March 2021
Order of Ceremony

Background music performed by           DEDICATION CEREMONY                       Kia kite kotou ko Iehova anake ra te    Karakia and blessing of the memorial by
Taulanga Ū Brass Band                                                             Atua                                    Peter Jackson, Taranaki Whānui
Wesley Wellington                                                                 AIE
                                        Caren Rangi ONZM                          Kia kite kotou ko Iehova anake ra te
                                        Cook Islands Community Leader             Atua                                    FLORAL TRIBUTES
ARRIVAL OF THE OFFICIAL                 Chair of The Arts Council of
                                                                                                                          The Official Party and representatives
PARTY                                   New Zealand Toi Aotearoa                  E tomo ki tona au ngutupa ma te         of seventeen Pacific Island Nations
Please stand                                                                      akameitaki e …. ma te akameitaki e      lay floral tributes at the memorial
                                                                                                                          accompanied by a Blessing Song –
                                                                                  Akapaapaa tatou                         Whakaaria Mai/E hilihili kehe lava Ia
                                        Bernadette Cavanagh                       Akameitaki i tona ingoa
KARANGA                                 Chief Executive, Manatū Taonga                                                    (How Great Thou Art) performed by
                                                                                  Ia Iehova e….                           Tialemua Lemisio
Pekaira Rei                             Ministry for Culture and Heritage         Akapaapaa tatou
Taranaki Whānui
                                                                                                                          The Right Honourable Jacinda Ardern
                                                                                  Ia Iehova ka tu ia e rimua              on behalf of the people of New Zealand
                                        OPENING PRAYER                            E tana ra tuatua mou e
MIHI WHAKATAU                           Pastor Teremoana Tauira Maka QSM          Tera uki tera uki e                     The Honourable Mark Brown
Peter Jackson                           Victory Apostolic Church, Porirua                                                 on behalf of the people of the
Taranaki Whānui
                                                                                                                          Cook Islands
                                                                                BACKGROUND TO THE
Please be seated                        IMENE TUKI (TRADITIONAL                 MEMORIAL                                  His Excellency
                                        COOK ISLANDS HYMN)                      Michel Tuffery MNZM                       Mr Leasi Papali’i Tommy Scanlan
                                        Kia aruru te enua katoa performed by    Memorial Designer                         on behalf of the people of Samoa
                                        members of the Porirua Cook Islands
Atuhau Tupuhake perform a traditional   Community                                                                         His Excellency Brigadier General
Niue war challenge                                                              ADDRESS                                   Francis Agwi
                                          Aruru te enua katoa                   The Right Honourable Jacinda Ardern       on behalf of the people of the
                                          I te akameitaki                       Prime Minister of New Zealand             Independent State of Papua New Guinea
                                          E akameitaki ia Iehova
                                          Ae e oro mai                                                                    His Excellency Mr Filimone Waqabaca
                                          Aere mai ki mua i tona aroaro ma te   THE BLESSING                              on behalf of the people of the
                                          imene                                                                           Republic of Fiji
                                                                                Conches played by Wellington
                                                                                secondary school students, arranged by    His Excellency Mr Paulson Panapa
                                          Kia kite kotou E I E A E
                                                                                Tuaine-Nurse Tamarua Robati ONZM          on behalf of the people of Tuvalu
                                          Kia kite kotou e
                                                                                Cultural advisor to the Pacific Islands
                                                                                Memorial project team

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Dedication of Te Reo Hotunui o Te Moana Nui a Kiwa - PACIFIC ISLANDS MEMORIAL Pukeahu National War Memorial Park Saturday 27 March 2021
His Excellency                         THE COMMEMORATION                            Mr Saimoni Lealea MNZM                  CONCLUSION
Honourable Fisa Pihigia                Please stand                                 National and Wellington Fijian Leader   Caren Rangi
on behalf of the people of Niue
                                                                                      They shall grow not old, as we that
Her Excellency                         LAST POST                                      are left grow old
Mrs Sylvaine Carta-Le Vert                                                            Age shall not weary them, nor the
                                       Corporal Mike Costeloe
on behalf of the people of                                                            years condemn
                                       RNZAF Band
French Polynesia and New Caledonia                                                    At the going down of the sun and
                                                                                      in the morning
Mr John Kemakeza                                                                      We will remember them
                                       THE ODE
on behalf of the people of the
Solomon Islands                        Te Raukura Leafe                             Response:
                                                                                    We will remember them
Mrs Sanianna Trief                       E kore ratou e kaumātuatia
on behalf of the people of the           Penei i a tatou kua mahue nei
Republic of Vanuatu                      E kore hoki ratou e ngoikore               ONE MINUTE SILENCE
                                         Ahakoa pehea i nga ahuatanga o te wa.
                                                                                    A one-minute silence is observed
Mr Ben Otang                             I te hekenga atu o te ra
on behalf of the people of the           Tae noa ki te aranga mai i te ata
Republic of Kiribati                     Ka maumahara tonu tatou ki a ratou         ROUSE
                                       Response:                                    Please be seated
His Excellency Mr Richard Griffith
on behalf of the people of Nauru,      Ka maumahara tonu tatou ki a ratou
Federated States of Micronesia,
                                                                                    THE CLOSING
the Republic of the Marshall Islands
                                       Mrs Glorious Oxenham                         ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
and Palau
                                       Chair of the Wellington Melanesia
                                                                                    The Honourable Mark Brown
Mr Lenisiloti Sitafooti Aho            Women & Friends Group
                                                                                    Prime Minister of The Cook Islands
on behalf of the people of Tonga       President of the Wellington Solomon
                                       Islands Community Group
Dr Iuta Tinielu                                                                     CLOSING PRAYER
on behalf of the people of Tokelau       Babae olketa i no save olo, as iumi hu i
                                         stap bihaen kasem olo                      Father Tikoua Kautu
                                         Eig babae no mekem olketa taead an         Catholic Parish of Otari
Air Marshal Kevin Short
on behalf of the New Zealand             olketa iia no daonem olketa
Defence Force                            Long taim sun igo daon, an lo mone
                                         Babae iumi rimembarem olketa
                                                                                    CLOSING SONG
Air Vice Marshal                                                                    Tu i luga (Arise) performed by
Robin Klitscher CBE DFC AFC (Rtd)      Response:                                    Destiny Fia’ali’i Va’asila and
on behalf of the Royal New Zealand     Babae iumi rimembarem olketa                 Selena Sa’u
Returned and Services Association

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Dedication of Te Reo Hotunui o Te Moana Nui a Kiwa - PACIFIC ISLANDS MEMORIAL Pukeahu National War Memorial Park Saturday 27 March 2021
About the Memorial

                                                                                   Below: Niue soldiers with Auckland
                                                                                   Mayoress, Mrs Jessie Gunson, and nurses at
                                                                                   Auckland Trained Nurses Club in Mountain
                                                                                   Road, Epsom, 5 October 1916. Image
                                                                                   courtesy of Auckland Libraries Heritage
                                                                                   Collections, Ref:31-WP8025

Te Reo Hotunui o Te Moana nui a Kiwa -
                                           Above: Early concept drawings of
the deep sigh of the Pacific, represents   Te Reo Hotunui o Te Moana nui a Kiwa,
New Zealand’s enduring friendship          courtesy of Michel Tuffery MNZM
with the Pacific Islands and the service
of Pacific Islanders in support of
New Zealand in the two World Wars
and later conflicts.
The design, by artist Michel Tuffery
MNZM and Herriot, Melhuish and
O’Neil Architects, recalls the conch
shell left in the Arras Tunnels by Kuki
Airani (Cook Island) soldiers of The                                                                                            Left: Soldiers of the Rarotongan Company
New Zealand tunnelling Company                                                                                                  standing beside artillery shells, c1916–18.
and the New Zealand (Māori) Pioneer                                                                                             Image courtesy of Alexander Turnbull
Battalion, who were stationed beneath                                                                                           Library, Ref:1/2-066834-F
the town of Arras during 1916 to 1918.

Dedication of Te Reo Hotunui o Te Moana Nui a Kiwa - PACIFIC ISLANDS MEMORIAL Pukeahu National War Memorial Park Saturday 27 March 2021
This Memorial Dedication was arranged
                                                by Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture
                                                and Heritage, in partnership with
                                                Manatū Aorere Ministry of Foreign
                                                Affairs and Trade, Te Manatū mō ngā
                                                Iwi ō te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa Ministry
                                                for Pacific Peoples and the Visits and
                                                Ceremonial Office, Department of
                                                Internal Affairs.

Above: Māori, Niue and Cook Island
soldiers swimming off Narrow Neck camp in
Auckland, 1916. Image courtesy of Auckland
Libraries Heritage Collections, Ref:7-A14559

Below: New Zealand soldiers pay their last
respects to Fijian Staff Sergeant Maika Raka,
in Timor Leste, 11 September 2001. Image
courtesy of New Zealand Defence Force
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