National Taxonomy Research Grant Program (NTRGP)

Page created by Richard Cross
National Taxonomy Research Grant Program (NTRGP)
National Taxonomy Research
Grant Program (NTRGP)

To be eligible for consideration, applications must be submitted by 2pm [AEDT] on:

This How to Complete a Grant Application document will take effect on:
and will remain in effect until otherwise amended.

For further information on this program contact:
Australian Biological Resources Study
Department of the Environment and Energy
Phone: 02 6250 9558
National Taxonomy Research Grant Program (NTRGP)
This form generates a unique Application Number each time it is
accessed online or downloaded.

THE FORM MUST NOT BE COPIED. A new form must be downloaded
for each application. Copying the same form for multiple
applications can cause problems with the submission processes.

© Copyright Commonwealth of Australia, 2018.

National Taxonomy Research Grant Program 2019–20 How to Complete an Application for a Capacity-Building
Grant is licensed by the Commonwealth of Australia for use under a Creative Commons Attribution
4.0 International license with the exception of the Coat of Arms of the Commonwealth of Australia, the
logo of the agency responsible for publishing the report, content supplied by third parties, and any
images depicting people. For license conditions see:

This form should be attributed as ‘National Taxonomy Research Grant Program 2019–20 How to Complete an
Application for a Capacity-Building Grant, Commonwealth of Australia 2018’.

The Commonwealth of Australia has made all reasonable efforts to identify content supplied by third
parties using the following format ‘© Copyright, [name of third party]’.

Photo credits (left to right):
Torbia sp. © Copyright, B.Kuchlmayr (CC BY); Algae © Copyright, A.Wells (CC BY); Castiarina sp. © Copyright, B.Brown (CC BY); Peas © Copyright, A.Wells (CC BY).
National Taxonomy Research Grant Program (NTRGP)
Contents at a Glance

Important Information            5

Completing an Application Form   6

1. Eligibility and Priorities    7

2. Host Institution Details      10

3. Participant Details           12

4. Project Details               16

5. Budget and Co‑funding         19

6. Governance and Assessment     20

7. Declaration and Submission    23
National Taxonomy Research Grant Program (NTRGP)
Important Information                           5       .4.4 Project Justification and Feasibility   17
    Definitions                                 5       4.5   Personnel and Facilities               17
    Disclaimer                                  5       4.6   Methods                                17
                                                        4.7   Taxa to be described                   18
Completing an Application Form                  6
                                                        4.8   Outcomes and Outputs                   18
1. Eligibility and Priorities                   7       4.9   Contribution to the ABRS               18
    1.1   Eligibility                           7
                                                     5. Budget and Co‑funding                        19
    1.2   Grant Type                            7
                                                        5.1   Project Budget                         19
          1.2.1 Additional Eligibility Questions
                                                              5.1.1 Project Budget Outline           19
                (Honours/Masters Scholarship) 8
          1.2.2 Additional Eligibility Questions     6. Governance and Assessment                    20
                (RTP Scholarship Top-up)         8      6.1   Previous and Current Grants            20
          1.2.3 Additional Eligibility Questions              6.1.1 ABRS Grant Reports               20
                (Non-salaried Researcher)        8
                                                              6.1.2 Outputs and Outcomes
    1.3   Priority Areas for                                        of Previous ABRS Grants          20
          Research Grants 2019–20               9
                                                              6.1.3 Publications List                21
          1.3.1 Summary of Priority Areas       9
                                                        6.2   Other Grants                           21
2. Host Institution Details                    10       6.3   Academic Referees                      22
    2.1   Host Institution to
                                                     7. Declaration and Submission                   23
          Administer the Grant                 10
                                                        7.1   Supporting Documents                   23
          2.1.1 ABN and GST Details            10
                                                              7.1.1 Curriculum Vitaes for Applicant 24
          2.1.2 Host Institution Address       11
                                                              7.1.2 Academic Transcript              24
    2.2   Authorised Person Details            11
                                                              7.1.3 Curriculum Vitaes for
3. Participant Details                         12                   All Supervisor(s)                24
    3.1   Student/Researcher Details           12             7.1.4 Outstanding Reports              24
          3.2.1 Tertiary Qualifications        12       7.2   Student/Researcher Declaration         25
          3.2.3 Research Experience            13             7.2.1 Applicant Conflict of Interest   26
    3.3   Supervisor(s)                        14       7.3   Validation                             27
          3.3.1 Supervisory and                               7.3.1 For Non-salaried
                Research Experience            15                   Researchers ONLY                 28
          3.3.2 Roles and Responsibilities              7.4   Host Institution Declaration           28
                of Supervisor                  15             7.4.1 Applicant                        28
                                                              7.4.2 Host Institution                 29
4. Project Details                             16
                                                        7.5   Submission                             30
    4.1   Project Title                        16
                                                              7.5.1 Submission via the online form 30
    4.2   Project Summary                      16
    4.3   Project Aim                          16
National Taxonomy Research Grant Program (NTRGP)
Important Information
Applications close 2.00pm [AEDT1]                           Definitions
Thursday 29 November 2018                                   The following definitions apply throughout this
This How to Complete a Grant Application will take          document:
effect on Thursday 18 October 2018 and will                   Applicant (when appearing in screen shots)
remain in effect until otherwise amended.                     refers to the Host Institution.
                                                                Applicant (when referred to in the text of this
The Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS)
                                                                ‘How to’ document)
is committed to ensuring that the process for                   refers to the Student/Researcher who is filling
providing funding under the National Taxonomy                   in this form.
Research Grant Program (NTRGP) is in accordance
with the Australian Government’s Commonwealth                   Guidelines
Grant Rules and Guidelines.                                     refers to the 2019–20 National Taxonomy
                                                                Research Grant Program Rules for
Note: The Program Rules, this How to Complete a                 Capacity‑Building Grants.
Grant Application document and the Application                  Host Institution
Form may be amended by the ABRS in                              refers to the institution that will submit the
accordance with changing program requirements.                  application and manage the grant on behalf
Any amendments made to these documents will                     of the Student/Researcher.
be published on the ABRS website:
This How to Complete a Grant Application                    The Australian Government, including the
document will provide you with examples on how              Department and its officers, employees, agents
to complete an application under the 2019–20                and advisors:
Capacity-Building Grants stream of the NTRGP.
                                                            •   are not, and will not be, responsible or liable
Applicants should read the Program Rules                        for the accuracy or completeness of any
prior to reading this How to Complete a Grant                   information in or provided in connection with
Application document and before completing an                   the Program Rules and this document;
Application Form.                                           •   make no express or implied representation
                                                                or warranty that any statement as to future
To view the Program Rules or the Application                    matters will prove correct;
Form for the 2019–20 Capacity-Building Grants
stream of the NTRGP, please refer to the ABRS               •   disclaim any and all liability arising from
website:                         any information provided to an applicant,
science/abrs/grants/capacity-building-grants                    including errors in, or omissions contained in
                                                                that information;
Or contact the ABRS on:                                     •   except in so far as liability under any statute
   Business and Grants Manager                                  cannot be excluded, accept no responsibility
   Australian Biological Resources Study                        arising in any way from errors or omissions
   Department of the Environment and Energy                     contained in the Program Rules and this
   GPO Box 787                                                  document; and
   Canberra ACT 2601
                                                            •   accept no liability for any loss or damage
                                                                suffered by any person as a result of that
    Email:                       person, or any other person, placing reliance
    Phone: 02 6250 9558                                         on the contents of this document or any
                                                                other information provided by the Australian
                                                                Government in respect of the 2019–20
1   Australian Eastern Daylight Time                            Capacity-Building Grants stream of the NTRGP.

                        2019–20 NTRGP How to complete an application for a Capacity-Building Grant / Page 5 of 32
National Taxonomy Research Grant Program (NTRGP)
Completing an Application Form
1. This form can only be viewed, and completed            3. To complete an Application Form, applicants
   online with Internet Explorer (IE). To install the        must also have Acrobat DC/Pro/Standard or
   latest version of IE, please go to the Microsoft          Acrobat Reader on their computer. To install
   website:                                                  the latest version of Adobe Reader, please go                      to the Adobe website:
2. If you are using an unsupported browser you            4. Once text has been added to text boxes, click
   may see the following message:                            outside the text box to expand the text box
                                                             and show the entire contents. Please note
                                                             that italics, bold and dot points will not work
                                                             in the Application Form.
                                                          5. Some sections within the Application
                                                             Form are relevant to Student applicants
                                                             only (i.e. those applicants applying for
                                                             Honours or Masters Scholarships or RTP
                                                             Scholarship Top‑Ups). If an applicant selects
   However, you can still download and                       a Non‑salaried Researcher Grant as the grant
   complete the form offline by clicking on the              type they are applying for, those sections not
   download button ( ), usually located near the             relevant to Researchers will be hidden within
   top right‑hand corner of your browser, and                the Application Form and will not need to
   then saving to your local drive. You may need             be completed. However, all other questions
   to roll-over the area with your mouse before              MUST be completed. Applicants applying for
   the download button appears.                              a Non-salaried Researcher Grant and Host
   The Safari browser does not support the                   Institution contacts (where applicable) should
   download button ( ). Please go to the ‘Menu’              check the Application Form thoroughly before
   tab and click on the ‘File’ button and then               finalising and submitting it to the ABRS.
   ‘Save as’ to download and save the form.               6. All amounts listed in this Application Form
                                                             are excluding GST, and where specified are
                                                             either per annum or for the life of the grant.
                                                          7. Applications must be submitted by the Host
                                                             Institution contact, by clicking on the ‘Submit’
                                                             button at the end of the Application Form.
                                                          8. The form can be saved at any time, but be
                                                             aware the file will save to your local drive.
                                                             Once stored on the local drive, you will
                                                             lose access to the ‘ABN Lookup’ button and
                                                             some hyperlinks as they require a internet

Page 6 of 32 / 2019–20 NTRGP How to complete an application for a Capacity-Building Grant
National Taxonomy Research Grant Program (NTRGP)
1. Eligibility and Priorities
1.1 Eligibility
Applicants must answer a set of questions to help determine their eligibility for a
Capacity‑Building Grant.

1.2 Grant Type
Applicants need to identify which grant they are applying for by selecting a grant type from
the drop down list provided.

Once you have chosen a grant type from the drop down list provided, an additional series of
eligibility questions will present on the form. These questions also help to identify eligibility
and they must be completed.

        2019–20 NTRGP How to complete an application for a Capacity-Building Grant / Page 7 of 32
National Taxonomy Research Grant Program (NTRGP)
1.2.1 Additional Student Eligibility Questions
      (Honours/Masters Scholarship)

1.2.2 Additional Student Eligibility Questions
      (RTP Scholarship Top-up)

For the Honours, Masters and RTP Scholarship Top-up grant streams, an applicant must
provide the date they will complete their studies.

1.2.3 Additional Student Eligibility Questions
      (Non-salaried Researcher)

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National Taxonomy Research Grant Program (NTRGP)
1.3 Priority Areas for Research Grants 2019–20
Projects funded under the 2019–20 Capacity-Building Grants stream of the NTRGP must
support the ABRS Priority Areas of Research Grants:
Applicants should familiarise themselves with the priority areas before completing this
section of the Application Form.

Applicants will need to identify the specific criteria that their proposal targets, by checking the
box next to each one. More than one criteria can be selected, if more than one criteria applies.

Please note: Vascular plant groups in 2019–20 — for those that select sub-priorities
1.1 and 1.4; funding will be prioritised towards taxa listed in the Final Priority Plant Taxa List
for projects relating to the Flora of Australia. The list can be found on the ABRS website:

1.3.1 Summary of Priority Areas
Applicants will need to provide a brief summary, using no more than 1,400 characters
(approximately 200 words), explaining how the ABRS Research Priorities selected above are
supported by the proposed project.

When answering this question, state clearly how the project supports each selected Priority.

         2019–20 NTRGP How to complete an application for a Capacity-Building Grant / Page 9 of 32
National Taxonomy Research Grant Program (NTRGP)
2. Host Institution Details
IMPORTANT: While an overseas institution may partner with an Australian institution on a
grant project (other than a Non-salaried Researcher Grant), the Host Institution must be an
Australian institution and the Principal Investigator must be based at the Host Institution.

However, if a researcher applying for a Non-salaried Researcher Grant is NOT affiliated with
an appropriate institution, the researcher will be responsible for meeting the requirements
set out in the grant funding agreement.

The Host Institution will be the primary contact for the ABRS. All correspondence relating
to the application will be sent to the Host Institution contact nominated in the Application
Form and copied to the applicant.

Please note: This section of the Application Form will be hidden to applicants applying for a
Non-salaried Researcher Grant, which is NOT administered by a Host Institution.

However, if Non-salaried Researcher Grants WILL be managed by a Host Institution, then this
section must be completed.

2.1 Host Institution to Administer the Grant
Full details of the Host Institution, through which the grant for this project will be
administered if successful, must be provided. This should be the institution at which the
Student is studying or with which the Researcher is employed/affiliated.

2.1.1 ABN and GST Details
Enter the Host Institution’s Australian Business Number (ABN) in the space provided and click
on the ‘ABN Lookup’ button*. This will automatically enter the Legal Name of the institution
in the relevant field. Enter the trading name manually into the space provided.

* Please note: the ‘ABN Lookup’ button only works if the form is filled in online. It does NOT
work offline. And the form can ONLY be completed online if using the Windows operating
system AND Internet Explorer.

Applicants are required to answer if the Host Institution is registered for GST.
Note: In the Application Form the applicant is the Host Institution and NOT the Student/
Researcher. See Definitions on page 5.

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2.1.2 Host Institution Address
Applicants are required to enter the street address of the Host Institution. If the street
address is different from the postal address, please include both by checking the
‘This address is a PO Box or Locked Bag’ box.

2.2 Authorised Person Details
Applicants must include the contact details of the Research Grants Officer (or equivalent,
i.e. Grants Administrator) from the Host Institution. This person will be the primary contact
for the ABRS. All contact with the Host Institution regarding this project will be through the
Host Institution contact and copied to the Principal Investigator.

       2019–20 NTRGP How to complete an application for a Capacity-Building Grant / Page 11 of 32
3. Participant Details
3.1 Student/Researcher Details
Please include the full details of the Student or Researcher who will be undertaking this
project, including a postal address.

3.2 Student Education
Please note: This question is not applicable to Non-salaried Researcher Grant applicants and
will be hidden in the Application Form if this grant type is selected.

3.2.1 Tertiary Qualifications
Student applicants must include the details of all tertiary qualifications received,
commencing with the highest qualification obtained.

To add a row, click on the ‘Add tertiary qualification’ button at the bottom of the table.
Applicants can add a maximum of 20 rows. To delete a row, click on the ‘Delete’ button next
to the row you want to delete.

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3.2.2 Academic Awards and Achievements
Student applicants must include the details of any academic awards or achievements (if any)
received over the last five years.

Students must also attach a copy of their most recent academic transcript to the application.

To add a row, click on the ‘Add award/achievement’ button at the bottom of the table.
Students can add a maximum of 20 rows. To delete a row, click on the ‘Delete’ button next to
the row you want to delete.

3.2.3 Research Experience
Student applicants are required to provide a brief outline of any research or employment
experience they have received, relevant to the proposed project. Responses should be
limited to no more than 1,400 characters (approximately 200 words).

       2019–20 NTRGP How to complete an application for a Capacity-Building Grant / Page 13 of 32
3.3 Supervisor(s)
Please note: This question is not applicable to Non-salaried Researcher Grant applicants
and will be hidden in the Application Form if this grant type is selected.

Student applicants must include the contact details for their supervisor(s). If you have more
than one supervisor, please include details for all supervisors. Applicants must also attach a
CV for each supervisor listed.

To add a supervisor, click on the ‘Add Supervisor’ button at the bottom of the question.
Applicants can add a maximum of 20 supervisors. To delete a supervisor, click on the ‘Delete’
button within the table of the supervisor you wish to delete.

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3.3.1 Supervisory and Research Experience
Students need to include brief details about the experience of their supervisor(s). This should
include things such as how long they have been a supervisor and what other experience
they have had in supervising. Responses should be limited to no more than 1,400 characters
(approximately 200 words).

3.3.2 Roles and Responsibilities of Supervisor
Students need to detail the roles of their supervisor(s) in relation to their studies. Responses
should be limited to no more than 1,400 characters (approximately 200 words)

       2019–20 NTRGP How to complete an application for a Capacity-Building Grant / Page 15 of 32
4. Project Details
The Project Details section of the application should be used by applicants to describe the
project and what the project will achieve if it is funded by the ABRS. Applicants can choose
to include references in this section; however, they will be included in the character limits of
each question.

4.1 Project Title
Provide a brief project title, using no more than 150 characters (approximately 20 words),
that will describe the proposed project. Should this application be successful, the project title
will be used on all correspondence, e.g. funding agreements, email correspondence, and on
the ABRS website.

4.2 Project Summary
Applicants should provide a brief description of the project and its outcomes. This
description may be used in public reporting of the grant if the Application is successful. This
text may be used in ABRS publicity. Limit your response to 700 characters (approximately
100 words).

4.3 Project Aim
Applicants should clearly state the primary aims of the project and why the project is
necessary, i.e. what it is anticipated the project will achieve. Responses should be limited to
2,000 characters (approximately 350 words).

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4.4 Project Justification and Feasibility
Applicants should indicate what the proposed work will accomplish (include the number of
taxa to be treated if applicable) and why the project is necessary. For example, in the case
of a taxonomic revision, it would be appropriate to state why it is considered that a revision
is desirable (e.g. new material, new techniques, areas not previously collected). Responses
should be limited to 3,000 characters (approximately 500 words).

4.5 Personnel and Facilities
Applicants should provide a statement on the role of each project participant and provide a
brief description of the facilities available to them at the institution where the researcher will
be based. Responses should be limited to 2,000 characters (approximately 350 words).

4.6 Methods
Applicants should detail the research procedures and techniques this proposal intends to
use. In the case of fieldwork, give justification of its need, locations to be visited and the
estimated time to be spent at each. Please note what is already available in collections.
Applicants should also detail the techniques they propose to use in relation to analysis of
specimens. Responses should be limited to 2,000 characters (approximately 350 words).

       2019–20 NTRGP How to complete an application for a Capacity-Building Grant / Page 17 of 32
4.7 Taxa to be described
Applicants are asked to appropriately identify the group of organism the proposal targets,
using the drop down list provided. The ABRS will accept only one group of organisms per
application. If your proposal targets more than one group of organism, applicants should
identify the largest group of organisms the proposal targets. In addition, applicants will need
to estimate the number of taxa to be described.

4.8 Outcomes and Outputs
Applicants must record their proposed project’s outputs (e.g. publications in international
journals, keys or checklists) and outcomes (e.g. to advance scientific knowledge and
understanding of a potential bio-indicator for pollution). The response to each should be
limited to 2,000 characters (approximately 350 words).

4.9 Contribution to the ABRS
Applicants should describe the contribution their proposed project will have
toward the aims and activity of the ABRS:
Responses should be limited to 2,000 characters (approximately 350 words).

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5. Budget and Co‑funding
5.1 Project Budget
Applicants must provide a brief outline of what the funds for the proposed project
would be used for. The project budget should cover the life of the grant, e.g. for a
Research Training Program Scholarship Top-Up, the budget should equal approximately
$30,000 (excluding GST). Total costs may be slightly under (up to 0.5%) the grant amount.

Expenditure must be quoted in AUSTRALIAN dollars and must not include Fringe Benefit
Costs (FBT). All amounts listed in the example budget are GST exclusive.

Applicants should also include any ‘in-kind’ support from their Host Institution (if applicable).

To add a row, click on the ‘Add expense’ button at the bottom of the table. Applicants can
add a maximum of 20 rows. To delete a row, click on the ‘Delete’ button next to the row you
want to delete. If you wish to record a nil balance against a field, please ensure you enter a
zero (0) in the space provided.

Table to be used an example of the structure only

5.1.1 Project Budget Outline
Applicants are required to provide a brief outline of why the expenses listed in the budget
table are necessary for the project. Responses should be limited to 2,000 characters
(approximately 350 words).

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6. Governance and Assessment
6.1 Previous and Current Grants
Applicants must include a list of any previous or current ABRS grants from the past five years.

To add a row, click on the ‘Add Grant’ button at the bottom of the table. Applicants can add
a maximum of 20 rows. To delete a row, click on the ‘Delete’ button next to the row you
want to delete.

6.1.1 ABRS Grant Reports
Applicants must have submitted all reports for previous and current ABRS grants, due on
or before the closing date of applications (Thursday 29 November 2018) in order for their
application to be eligible. If reports are outstanding, applicants must attach these to the
application when submitting. This can be done under the Supporting Documents section.

6.1.2 Outputs and Outcomes of Previous ABRS Grants
Applicants must summarise the outputs and outcomes of all ABRS grants from the last
five years. Responses should be limited to a maximum of 2,000 characters (approximately
350 words) per section.

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6.1.3 Publications List
Applicants should include a list of relevant publications from the past five years, resulting
from previous or current ABRS grants.

To add a row, click on the ‘Add Publication’ button at the bottom of the table. Applicants can
add a maximum of 20 rows. To delete a row, click on the ‘Delete’ button next to the row you
want to delete.

6.2 Other Grants
Applicants should include a list of other relevant grants from the past five years.

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6.3 Academic Referees
Applicants must provide the details of two persons as referees, who have been asked to
support the proposed project. The referees should be research scientists who are familiar
with your most recent work.

In the case of Students, one referee should be the Head of the Department or School.

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7. Declaration and Submission
7.1 Supporting Documents
Applicants are required to provide additional information to support your proposal. Each
attachment must be no more than 2 megabytes in size, with the total size of all attachments
not exceeding 10 megabytes.

To add an attachment, click on the ‘Add’ Button next to the relevant attachment type to
search your local computer. To remove an attached file, click on the ‘Remove’ button next to
the relevant attachment type.

Applicants will not be able to submit an application unless the required attachments are

       2019–20 NTRGP How to complete an application for a Capacity-Building Grant / Page 23 of 32
7.1.1 Curriculum Vitaes (CVs) for Applicant
This is applicable to ALL applicants.
Applicants must include a copy of their most recent CV. Curriculum Vitaes should not exceed
four pages in length. Curriculum Vitaes that exceed this length could result in an ineligible

7.1.2 Academic Transcript
This is applicable to Student applicants only.
Students must attach a PDF copy of their most recent academic transcript.

7.1.3 Curriculum Vitaes for All Supervisor(s)
This is applicable to Student applicants only.
Students must attach a PDF copy of the CVs for all supervisors listed in the application.
Curriculum Vitaes should be included in one PDF, with each CV not exceeding four pages in
length. Curriculum Vitaes that exceed this length could result in an ineligible application.

7.1.4 Outstanding Reports
Applicants are required to provide copies of any outstanding reports from previous or
current ABRS grants, with the submission of their application. If these reports are not
received prior to the closing date of applications, your application could be considered

If more than one report must be attached, applicants can create a zip file of all attachments
to reduce the file size.

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7.2 Student/Researcher Declaration
All applicants will be required to complete the Student/Researcher Declaration section prior
to sending the application to the Host Institution for submission to the ABRS.

If a Student grant type is selected as the grant the applicant is applying for, a Student
Declaration will need to be completed. If the applicant is completing an application for a
Non-salaried Researcher Grant, again the Student Declaration will need to be completed.

If any of the boxes in the Declaration section are not checked or a Declaration Date has not
been entered, the application will not submit.

In completing the Declaration section, the applicant acknowledges that the information
contained in the application submitted to the Host Institution is complete and accurate.
Applicants also accept that, should the application be successful in receiving funding from
the ABRS, they are responsible for conducting the project in line with the project proposal.

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7.2.1 Applicant Conflict of Interest
Applicants are required to declare as part of their application any existing conflicts of interest
or that, to the best of their knowledge, no conflict of interest exists that would impact on or
prevent the applicant from proceeding with the project or any funding agreement it may
enter into with the ABRS.

A conflict of interest may exist, for example, if the applicant or any of its personnel has:
•   a relationship (whether professional, commercial or personal) with a party who is able to
    influence the application assessment process, such as a Department staff member;
•   a relationship or interest in, an organisation, which is likely to interfere with or restrict the
    applicant in carrying out the proposed activities fairly and independently; or
•   a relationship or interest in, an organisation from which they will receive personal gain as
    a result of the granting of funding under the NTRGP.

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7.3 Validation
When the applicant has completed the application, including the Declaration section and
attached all required documentation, the applicant will need to validate the application to
ensure it is completed correctly. To do this, click on the ‘Validate’ button at the bottom of
the Application Form. Should any errors occur, an errors list will be shown. The applicant is
responsible for correcting any errors prior to providing the application to the Host Institution
contact for submission to the ABRS.

To correct an error showing in the list, click on the error and then on the ‘Go to Selected Error’
button at the bottom of the list.

The applicant will need to fix any errors and re-validate the application before proceeding.

Once all errors have been fixed and the application has been re-validated, a Host Institution
Declaration will become visible. Applicants can now provide the completed Application Form
to the Host Institution for submission.

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7.3.1 For Non-salaried Researchers ONLY
If applying for a Non-salaried Researcher Grant which will NOT be administered by a Host
Institution, Researchers will be able to submit the application themselves, once the validate
process has been completed.

If the grant is being administered by a Host Institution, the application must be submitted by
the Host Institution contact.

We recognise this can appear confusing. It is the only option available to address the
complexity of using a single form to apply for multiple grant types, some with unique
eligibility requirements.

Once any errors have been corrected and the application re-validated, the ‘Validate’ button
will be replaced with a ‘Submit’ button.

If you are having problems submitting, please contact

7.4 Host Institution Declaration
For all Student Grants and Non-salaried Researcher Grants affiliated with an institution,
the Host Institution is responsible for, and must submit the application on behalf of, the

The Host Institution will be the primary contact for the ABRS. All correspondence relating
to the application will be sent to the Host Institution contact nominated in the Application
Form and copied to the applicant.

However, if a researcher applying for a Non-salaried Researcher Grant is NOT affiliated with
an appropriate institution, the researcher will be responsible for meeting the requirements
set out in the grant funding agreement.

7.4.1 Applicant
The applicant is responsible for providing a completed and validated Application Form to
the Host Institution contact for submission. If the application is successful, the applicant will
be responsible for conducting the project in accordance with the details in the Application

Applicants should not provide an incomplete or invalid application to the Host Institution.

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7.4.2 Host Institution
The Host Institution contact must complete the ‘Host Institution Declaration’ section before
the application can be submitted. In completing this Declaration, the Host Institution
accepts responsibility for the administration of the grant, including funding and reporting
milestones, should the application be successful.

All boxes in the Declaration section must be ticked and the required fields completed before
the Host Institution contact can submit the Application Form to the ABRS.

If any errors exist in the application and you click the ‘Submit’ button, an errors list will
appear and you will not be able to submit the application until the errors are corrected and
the form is re-validated.

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7.5 Submission

7.5.1 Submission via the online form
Prior to submitting the application it is highly recommended applicants and/or Host
Institution contacts save a copy of the form on a local computer.

To submit an application, click on the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the page. A box will
pop up asking for your confirmation to submit.

If the application is ready to be submitted, click on the ‘Yes’ button. A new page will open
with a submission receipt. It is recommended that this receipt be printed or saved as a record
of submission. A final copy of the application can also be printed or emailed from this page.

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When submitted a reference ID will be provided which will allow applicants or Host
Institution contacts to track the progress of the application.

To contact the ABRS regarding a submitted application, please email:
   Business and Grants Manager
   Phone: 02 6250 9558

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