May 30, 2021 Trinity Sunday - Wilshire Baptist Church

Page created by Ashley Tucker
May 30, 2021 Trinity Sunday - Wilshire Baptist Church
May 30, 2021
Trinity Sunday
May 30, 2021 Trinity Sunday - Wilshire Baptist Church
Preparing for worship
   Can you imagine it? Friends are gathered to-          today as we hear these words in worship. We
gether sharing experiences of their lives, telling       feel we’ve been transported to a holy place, and
their stories. Each person starts with a phrase          our minds are full of wonder at this unusual
that describes when the event occurred — “in             display of God’s power.
the year of the big storm” or “the year my fami-           We probably haven’t seen seraphs or felt the
ly moved.”                                               coals of fire during the past 15 months, but the
   The storyteller then paints a picture with his        ways we have experienced the pandemic are
or her words, so the listener feels like she has         deeply personal and have changed us in ways
been there experiencing the event. Some stories          we could not have imagined. How and where
evoke laughter and others tears as each shares           have you experienced God’s presence and heard
life events. Then a voice quietly says, “In the          God’s voice? Or maybe you are still waiting
year King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord.” Every            and hoping for a fresh word from the Lord in
eye stares in amazement as he describes in vivid         the midst of the confusion of the past several
detail the wonder, mystery and holiness of that          months.
moment.                                                    Today, as we worship, let’s ponder the expe-
   The listeners are captivated with the story,          riences we’ve had and what we are still learning
and with holy imagination they visualize the             from them. Each of us is unique, and just as God
images he describes — seraphs, coals of fire,            spoke in unusual ways to Isaiah, God is seek-
voices proclaiming God’s holiness. The listeners         ing to make God’s presence known to us. How
are holding their collective breaths when he             might your unique story be an encouragement,
says, “then I heard the voice of the Lord.”              an inspiration or a tool for learning for someone
   God intervened in the life of the writer of           else? “In the year of covid-19,” what is the story
Isaiah, and he was compelled to share what               you’ll share?
happened. The impact of his story continues                                               —LeAnn Hampton

          4316 Abrams Road ■ Dallas, Texas 75214 ■ 214-452-3100 ■
                    Partnered with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
              Building a Community of Faith Shaped by the Spirit of Jesus Christ

On the cover: A Spiral-Shaped God, Jan Richardson
May 30, 2021 Trinity Sunday - Wilshire Baptist Church
May 30, 2021
                                              Trinity Sunday

Chiming of the Hour

Prelude                                   O Worship the King                          arr. Dan Forrest

Call to Worship — from Psalm 29                                                         Gina Ortegon

      Ascribe to the Lord, O heavenly beings,
        ascribe to the Lord glory and strength.
      Ascribe to the Lord the glory of his name;
        worship the Lord in holy splendor.

      The voice of the Lord is over the waters;
        the God of glory thunders,
        the Lord, over mighty waters.
      The voice of the Lord is powerful;
        the voice of the Lord is full of majesty.

      May the Lord give strength to his people!
      May the Lord bless his people with peace!

  ## 4                                                                                j
Hymn 1                                        Holy, Holy, Holy                                 nicaea

 & 4 œ œ œœ ˙ ˙                                   œœ œ œ ˙ ˙                      œ. œ œ œ
            1. Ho - ly, ho - ly,   ho - ly!      Lord God Al - might - y!        Ear - ly in the
            2. Ho - ly, ho - ly,   ho - ly!      all the saints a - dore thee,   cast-ing down their
   ## œ œ œ            j
                                                                          œ œ ˙
            3. Ho - ly, ho - ly,   ho - ly!      Lord God Al - might - y!        All thy works shall

 &          œ   œ œ . œ  w
              œ                                                   œ œ œ œ
          morn - ing our song shall rise to thee;                 ho - ly, ho - ly,    ho - ly,

   ## œ . œ œ œ     ˙ œ œ ˙
          gold - en crowns a - round the glass - y sea;          cher - u - bim and    ser - a - phim

                ˙                                                           œ œ œ . œj w
          praise thy name, in earth and sky and sea;              ho - ly, ho - ly,    ho - ly,

 &        J       ˙         ˙
          mer - ci - ful and might - y! God in three per - sons, bless-ed Trin - i - ty!
          fall -ing down be - fore thee, who wert, and art, and ev - er-more shalt be.
          mer - ci - ful and might - y! God in three per - sons, bless-ed Trin - i - ty!

May 30, 2021 Trinity Sunday - Wilshire Baptist Church
Greeting to Worshipers                                                                    Jeff Brummel

Recognition of Leigh Curl                                                             George Mason

Litany of Blessing                                       Geri McKenzie, Janell Mirochna, Jim Tapley,
                                                          Donna Manuel, Doug and Elizabeth Skemp

  As a church, we gather today to give thanks to God for the journey with us of
  Leigh Curl. We are grateful for the family, friends, teachers, churches and mentors who
  shaped her on her way to us.

  We give thanks for the seeds of faith planted by others.

  Through two years of ministry, we have sought together to follow Christ and to
  be Christ’s church in this place. You have walked among us as a sister, rejoiced with
  us, wept with us and sought God’s truth with us.

  We give thanks for the seeds of hope you have nurtured among us.

  Now we prepare to let go, to send forth Leigh with our blessing, praying that she
  may be salt of the earth and light for the world as she plants new seeds of God’s
  care in other places.

  We give thanks for the seeds of joy to be sown in the years ahead.

  It was God who made the seed grow. The planter and the waterer are nothing
  compared with him who gives life to the seed. For we are laborers together with God.

  The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make the divine face to shine upon you and
  be gracious to you.

  The Lord lift up the divine countenance upon you and give you peace. Amen.

Presentation of Gifts and Prayer                                                      George Mason

Solo                               The Lord Bless You and Keep You                         John Rutter
                                      Caroline Booth, soprano

                                  The Lord bless you and keep you:
                              The Lord make his face to shine upon you,
                     To shine upon you and be gracious, and be gracious unto you.

May 30, 2021 Trinity Sunday - Wilshire Baptist Church
The Lord lift up the light
                                    Of his countenance upon you,
                                         And give you peace.

Reading from the Hebrew Scriptures — Isaiah 6:1–8                                    Heather Mustain

In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lofty; and the hem of
his robe filled the temple. Seraphs were in attendance above him; each had six wings: with two they
covered their faces, and with two they covered their feet, and with two they flew. And one called
to another and said: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory.’ The
pivots on the thresholds shook at the voices of those who called, and the house filled with smoke.
And I said: ‘Woe is me! I am lost, for I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of un-
clean lips; yet my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts!’ Then one of the seraphs flew to me,
holding a live coal that had been taken from the altar with a pair of tongs. The seraph touched my
mouth with it and said: ‘Now that this has touched your lips, your guilt has departed and your sin is
blotted out.’ Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’
And I said, ‘Here am I; send me!’

                                     This is the word of the Lord.
                                         Thanks be to God.

El año de la muerte del rey Uzías, vi al Señor excelso y sublime, sentado en un trono; las orlas de su
manto llenaban el templo. Por encima de él había serafines, cada uno de los cuales tenía seis alas:
con dos de ellas se cubrían el rostro, con dos se cubrían los pies, y con dos volaban. Y se decían el
uno al otro: “Santo, santo, santo es el Señor Todopoderoso; toda la tierra está llena de su gloria.”
Al sonido de sus voces, se estremecieron los umbrales de las puertas y el templo se llenó de humo.
Entonces grité: “¡Ay de mí, que estoy perdido! Soy un hombre de labios impuros y vivo en medio
de un pueblo de labios blasfemos, ¡y no obstante mis ojos han visto al Rey, al Señor Todopodero-
so!” En ese momento voló hacia mí uno de los serafines. Traía en la mano una brasa que, con unas
tenazas, había tomado del altar. Con ella me tocó los labios y me dijo: “Mira, esto ha tocado tus
labios; tu maldad ha sido borrada, y tu pecado, perdonado.” Entonces oí la voz del Señor que decía:
—¿A quién enviaré? ¿Quién irá por nosotros? Y respondí: —Aquí estoy. ¡Envíame a mí!

                                     Esta es la palabra del Señor.
                                           Gracias a Dios.

Message                                         “Sent”                                      Leigh Curl

May 30, 2021 Trinity Sunday - Wilshire Baptist Church
Affirmation of Faith                     A New Doxology                           old 100th, alt.
                                                                   Text: Paula Meador Testerman

Sharing of Decisions                                                                    Leigh Curl

Benediction                                                                             Leigh Curl

Postlude                          Holy God, We Praise Your Name                     arr. Paul Manz

Thank you for giving. Your generosity is allowing Wilshire to continue its ministries in new
and creative ways during this unprecedented time. Although we’re mostly not in the building, the
work of the church continues. To get started or manage your giving, visit
May 30, 2021 Trinity Sunday - Wilshire Baptist Church
Meet today’s worship leaders
Caroline Booth is concluding four years as a              Gina Ortegon and her husband, Ronnie, joined
Wilshire Choral Scholar. She graduated this month         Wilshire in 2001. They are the parents of Erika and
from Southern Methodist University with a double          Elena, who are 2020 high school graduates, and
major in mechanical engineering and music and             Ana, a ninth grader. Gina is a deacon, serves on the
will soon begin working at Raytheon Intelligence          Interior Design Committee and attends Epiphany
and Space.                                                Class. She is an interior designer by vocation.

Staff contacts
George A. Mason           Jeff Brummel                    Leigh Curl                  Lori Gooden
Senior Pastor             Associate Minister              Pastoral Resident           Director of Finance     of Music/Organist     
214-452-3132             214-452-3152                214-452-3131
Heather Mustain                                           Ashley Robinson             Linda Garner
Associate Pastor          Jessica Capps                   Pastoral Resident           Parish Nurse   Minister to Senior Adults
214-452-3110               214-452-3153                214-452-3151
Darren DeMent                                             Jenna Sullivan              Geri McKenzie
Associate Pastor          Julie Girards                   Pastoral Resident           Associate Director for    Minister to Children      Pathways to Ministry
214-452-3102             214-452-3155      
                          214-452-3104                                                214-452-3159
Doug Haney                                                Preston Bright
Associate Pastor          Joan Hammons                    Associate Pastor Emeritus   Dale Pride     Minister to Preschoolers                                    Facilities Manager
214-452-3123             Randy Crosland    
                          214-452-3141                    Director of Operations      214-452-3101

May 30, 2021 Trinity Sunday - Wilshire Baptist Church
Tapestry                                                                   News & Announcements
                                                                           May 30, 2021

See you next Sunday
             9 and 11 a.m. Worship in the Sanctuary
               10 a.m. Sunday School for all ages
                   11 a.m. Worship livestream

Next Sunday, June 6, Wilshire will offer            What about masks?
worship and Sunday School in its building           ■ Unvaccinated people are strongly
for the first time since March 8, 2020. As          encouraged to wear masks in the build-
was previously announced, our plans and             ing. Masks are required for children 2 to 11
COVID-19 protocols have been updated                who are not yet vaccine-eligible and those
in accordance with the latest guidelines            12 to 15 who are not fully vaccinated.
from the Centers for Disease Control and            ■ For fully vaccinated people, masking
Prevention.                                         is not required during worship or
                                                    Sunday School, but is encouraged when
■ No registration or capacity limits.
                                                    moving between spaces.
■ Social distancing will not be required.
■ Services and classes will last 45 minutes.        For more details about what to expect, see
■ Childcare will be provided for preschool-         our website reopening page, which we will
ers during worship.                                 keep up to date with the latest information.
■ The 11 a.m. service will be livestreamed
on our YouTube channel. (Read more about
the livestream, next page.)                  

                  Keep up with all the Wilshire news at or on social media. For the rest of
                  May we are worshiping online only. Worship premieres Sundays at 8:30 a.m. on our
                  YouTube channel and website. Worship in the building resumes June 6.
May 30, 2021 Trinity Sunday - Wilshire Baptist Church
Return to building
brings online changes
11 a.m. worship livestream
May 30 is the final Sunday we will premiere a
prerecorded service at 8:30 a.m. Starting June 6
we will livestream the 11 a.m. service as we did
before the pandemic. The livestream will hap-
                                                                            JUNE 2
pen on our YouTube channel, but there will not                    Rosemary-Dijon Chicken, Parmesan
be a link in advance. Look for it at 11 at You-                    Roasted Potatoes, Green Veggie
                                                                     Medley & Fresh Bread, $12 Services will remain
on YouTube to be watched anytime.                                Mixed Greens w/ Lemon-Basil Shrimp,
                                                                     Tomatoes, Artichokes, Olives,
Online Sunday School                                           Pine Nuts & Lemon Vinaigrette, Tabbouleh
                                                                       Salad & Fresh Bread, $12
Other options may emerge, but we know that
Discovery Class, taught by Mark Wingfield,                      Lemon-Basil Chicken, Provolone, Roasted
will “go live” in its public Facebook group at 10               Peppers & Artichokes on French Bread,
                                                               Tabbouleh Salad, Carrots w/ Hummus, $10
a.m. Sundays starting June 13. Search Facebook
for “Wilshire Discovery Class” to find the group.                       Cherry Pie Bar, $1.25
You can watch lessons as a non group member                          Chocolate Layer Cake, $2.50
or request to join the group in order to interact
through comments. Contact Mark at mark@ with questions.                          Summer schedule change
                                                         Effective June 2, Koinonia Café To Go will have
Email, video changes                                     one pickup time, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
■ The Saturday Guide to Worship email will
end after May 29. This email began during                Eat in James Gallery
COVID as a way to provide the YouTube link for           Starting June 2, those picking up Koinonia Café
Sunday’s prerecorded service. With the return            To Go meals will have the option to eat with
to livestreaming, there will be no link to share         friends in James Gallery. When ordering, indi-
in advance. You may download the worship                 cate your intention to dine on the premises. An
folder via a link in Friday’s Tapestry email or at       opportunity to heat your meal will be provided.
■ The Midweek Update & Reflection video                  ■ Takeout meals from Wilshire’s kitchen are
is taking a break for the summer, as is the              offered for curbside pickup each Wednesday.
midweek email that accompanies it. We en-                ■ Proceeds help defray the cost of paying our
courage you to make a Wednesday connection               dedicated kitchen workers during the pandemic.
with Wilshire through in-person Midweek Bible            ■ Ordering for June 2 is open now on the church
Study, which is livestreamed and archived on             website. Order and pay by end of day Tuesday,
our YouTube channel.                                     June 1, then pick up your food on Wednesday.
                                                         ■ Full instructions at ordering link.

                                                             Order now for June 2 
Condolences to:
Jeff Brummel on the death of his uncle, Van Bagley.

Leigh Curl reception, May 30
                        Leigh Curl will be rec-
                        ognized on Sunday, May
                        30, as she completes her
                        two-year term as a pasto-
                                                           Bible Study
                        ral resident. The worship
                        service will include a time
                        of blessing for Leigh, and
                        all are invited to a drive-
through reception from 2 to 3 p.m. in the porte
cochere. Leigh will soon move to North Caroli-
na, where she will be married to Keith Dove on
July 18. Keith is set to become a Presbyterian
pastor in Greensboro, North Carolina, and Leigh
will concentrate her job search in that area.

June 2 blood drive needs donors
Carter BloodCare
will have its bus in
Wilshire’s north
parking lot on
Wednesday, June
2, from 10 a.m. to 3
                                                            Wednesdays at noon
p.m. Parish Nurse                                            in the Sanctuary
Linda Garner reports
                                                             Join us weekly for a time of announce-
that there is a critical
                                                           ments, prayer, music and Bible study in the
need for blood since
                                                           Sanctuary. The event lasts about 45 min-
thousands of blood
                                                           utes and is livestreamed on our YouTube
drives were canceled due to the pandemic. Each
                                                           channel and will remain on YouTube to be
blood donation has the potential to save three
                                                           watched later.
lives or more. Make an appointment at this link
                                                             The current series on favorite Psalms will
or see the flyer on page 17 for more information.
                                                           continue into the summer.
                                                             It is no longer necessary to sign up or sit
COVID vaccine event June 3                                 socially distanced. Midweek Bible Study
Catalyst Health will be back in the north parking
                                                           will follow the same masking guidelines as
lot from 1 to 5 p.m. Thursday, June 3, to admin-
                                                           those established for Sunday mornings in
ister second doses to those vaccinated here
                                                           the building.
on May 13. They will also offer the single-dose
                                                             NEW: Enjoy your Koinonia Café To Go
Johnson & Johnson vaccine to drive-up visitors.
                                                           lunch on-site in James Gallery after Mid-
Contact Parish Nurse Linda Garner with ques-
                                                           week Bible Study. See page 9 for details.
tions at or 214-452-3151.

Food drive for Wilkinson Center
                Sunday, June 6 – Thursday, June 24
  One in four children in Dallas is food insecure.        nation of non-perishable food items or hygiene
  Stock Up for Summer is Wilkinson Center’s               items at Wilshire in the collection baskets lo-
  response to hunger in our community. Your               cated by the main office and the north entrance
  gift will support home food delivery to seniors,        or shop from the center’s Amazon wish list
  healthy meals for kids and provide hope for the         at and have it shipped
  families they serve every day. Drop off your do-        directly to them.

Summer choir starts June 2                                Sunday, June 13, at 2 p.m. in the Sanctuary. At
If you’ve ever considered singing with Wilshire’s         this meeting, attendees may perform a piece not
Sanctuary Choir, summer is a great time to give           to exceed 10 minutes. Those present will discuss
it a try. Wednesday night rehearsals begin June           the frequency and format of future meetings.
2 and run through July 28, after which the choir          If you have questions or wish to be notified of
will take a three-week summer break. Rehears-             meetings, contact Max Tucker at 214-215-3766 or
als start at 7 p.m. in Choral Hall and will be  
shorter than usual, ending at 8:15. The choir will
sing in worship this summer at the 11 a.m. ser-           Save the date for July 11 concert
vice only. Contact Doug Haney with questions.             Associate Minister of Music and Organist Jeff
                                                          Brummel is planning an in-person concert
Piano affinity group to meet June 13                      of organ-piano duets for Sunday, July 11, at
A new group is forming to give pianists in the            6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Jeff will be joined
Wilshire community an opportunity to perform              by Jonathan K. Merritt, organist at Pulaski
a classical piece or hymn arrangement for their           Heights Baptist Church in Little Rock, where
peers in a relaxed, encouraging setting on one            former pastoral resident Matt Dodrill is pastor.
of Wilshire’s fine pianos. The initial meeting            Wilshire’s Amy Pottkotter will also sing. More
(originally set for March, 2020) will be held on          details to come.

Library announces new hours

                                                     WAYS TO GIVE.
Effective June 6, Wilshire’s library will be open
to visitors at the following times:
Sunday: 8:30 – 10:45 a.m., 11:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Monday – Wednesday: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.                 At Wilshire, we only have the
Thursday: Closed                                     church we decide to have by our
Friday: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
                                                     own giving. Here are seven giving
Book clubs                                           methods you can use to help us
■ The WOW! Brown Bag Book Club meets                 build a community of faith shaped
on Zoom one Thursday a month at noon. On
June 3, the group will discuss Muriel Barbery’s
                                                     by the Spirit of Jesus Christ.
The Elegance of the Hedgehog. Contact Abbey          ONLINE. Schedule a recurring or one-time gift
Adcox at or Carolyn            charged to your debit or credit card or directly
Murray at to sign up.         as an ACH from your checking account. Visit
■ The WOW! Tuesday Evening Book Club        (be sure cookies are enabled
meets on Zoom monthly at 7 p.m. On June 8,           on your phone or tablet).
the group will discuss The Girl Who Lived by
                                                     AUTOMATIC BANK PAY. Go to your bank’s
Christopher Greyson. To sign up, contact             website, log in to your individual bank account
Debby Burton at              and follow the instructions to set up Wilshire as a
                                                     new payee. Your bank will print and cut a check.
Book club welcomes Collin
Yarbrough on July 15                                 BY MAIL. Send to Lori Gooden, Wilshire Baptist
                    The Anti-Racism Book             Church, 4316 Abrams Road, Dallas TX, 75214.
                                                     Please write on your check if it is intended for the
                    Club welcomes Wilshire’s         Unified Budget or another purpose.
                    own Collin Yarbrough to its
                    next meeting for a discus-       TEXT. Using your smartphone, text WILSHIRE
                    sion of his new book, Paved      and the dollar amount (example: WILSHIRE
                    a Way: Infrastructure, Policy    50) to 73256, then follow the link that pops up.
                    & Racism in an American City.    The first time you use this option, you will enter
                    The meeting will take place      credit card and contact information. All text gifts
                                                     will be applied to the Unified Budget.
                    Thursday, July 15, at 7 p.m.
                    on Zoom. In Paved a Way,         WILSHIRE APP. Download the Wilshire app
                    Collin tells the stories of      from the App Store or Google Play to make gifts
five neighborhoods in Dallas and how they were       easily from your phone or tablet.
shaped by racism and economic oppression.
North Dallas, Deep Ellum, Little Mexico, Tenth       DONATE STOCKS. Call Lori Gooden at
                                                     214-452-3131 for information on how to donate
Street and Fair Park look nothing like they did
                                                     appreciated stocks.
during their prime, and Collin argues that their
respective declines were intentional — that          FROM YOUR IRA. For those over 70.5 years
their foundations were chipped away over time.       of age, tax-free IRA gifts offer a huge financial
Sign up for the Zoom link and purchase the           benefit. They reduce your future tax burden and
book (while supplies last) at        can fulfill your Required Minimum Distribution
registration.                                        for 2021.
Reflections on 15 months
of online worship
BY DOUG HANEY, ASSOCIATE PASTOR                           in praise to God. When we come together
                                                          June 6, I wonder whether we shall be able to

W      hen my alarm
       rings at 6 a.m. on
Sunday, June 6, it will be
                                                          sing a note for the tears.
                                                            In a recent trip to visit our four young grand-
                                                          sons in Rock Hill, South Carolina, I overheard
the first time I’ve set an                                Lori teaching the oldest, Elijah, the well-trod
alarm on a Sunday morn-                                   child’s rhyme: Here is the church: here is the stee-
ing since March 8, 2020.                                  ple. Open the door and see all the people.
Almost every Friday                                         Liturgy, from the Greek word leitourgia,
morning for 15 months I                                   means “the work of the people.”
have put on my Sunday                                       Yes, worship is that labor of love we are all
best — like all of our                                    called to do with heart and soul and mind. We
ministers — and come to                                   need to see and hear all the people — every
the church to record segments for worship. But            body — to worship well.
it’s not been the same without the people in the            See you next Sunday.
pews. It will be so wonderful to see you and to
hear you.
   What have I learned in all this? Here are a few
random thoughts.
   We have an amazing ministry and support
staff team. Our weekly and seasonal worship
experiences have had great content and high
production value (with a special shout-out to
David Hammons).
   Nothing in our training or experience could
have prepared us for what was required to help
us continue to worship together online. But
collaboration, adaptability and creativity were
assets that helped us do what we didn’t know
we could do and produce what we didn’t know
we could create. “Yay, team!” really is more
than an empty slogan at Wilshire.
   On a more somber note, the absence of mak-
ing music with our wonderful choir and hear-
ing our congregation sing was a loss that was
profound. I will never again take for granted
music created in community, voices old and                Senior Pastor George Mason preaches for the prerecorded
young melding together, filling the space, rising         worship service on August 28, 2020.

David Hammons helped keep us
worshiping during the pandemic
L    ong before COVID hit,
     David Hammons was
Wilshire’s main videographer,
                                                   the production of special programs like Hanging
                                                   of the Green, Maundy Thursday, Jeff Brummel’s
                                                   organ concerts and Faith in 3D’s The Living.
recording worship and man-                           David says the extra production during the
aging the livestream of the 11                     shutdown helped him grow creatively, providing
a.m. service. His role became                     “good opportunities for me to learn more of the
even more vital — and he got a                     craft of editing, and even shooting. It's been a
lot busier — when the church                       lot of fun to shoot these things, and then watch
shifted to online-only worship in March 2020.      them come together. I’ve learned to use my
  “Before COVID,” David says, “we did two ser-     cell phone as my second camera. I love walking
vices and a Sunday School class, live. And what-   around shooting with it, shooting details in the
ever happens happens, and you're done with it.”    Sanctuary to use in editing, especially when the
   Wilshire live-streamed worship for the first    nativity set was out and other decorations. That
few weeks of the COVID shutdown, but techni-       was just a chance to be really creative and have
cal issues caused by increased internet demand     some fun with it.”
caused the church to shift gears and begin prere-    David is quick to point out that he’s not doing
cording its service. This added a new time-con-    this work alone. “There were some of those
suming wrinkle for David: editing. Worship         weeks, especially the special services, we had
segments were usually filmed in the Sanctuary      to have all hands on deck. It has to be a group
on Friday mornings, and this footage would have effort,” he says, citing Jim Tapley as another key
to be combined with other pieces, like videos      player in video production for the church. Tapley
sent in by congregants.
  “After we shoot on Fridays, I bring everything
home and start editing almost right away —
anywhere from three to five hours on Friday
afternoon and evening,” David says. “Then I
export it and upload a draft, and send Doug
and Jeff a link, and by Saturday morning they'll
have watched it and sent me notes. I'll make the
changes and usually by noon Saturday I've got
the new version uploaded to YouTube and set to
premiere on Sunday.”
   Associate Pastor Doug Haney says, “David has
been a Godsend and a gifted partner through the
pandemic, helping the worship planning team
to pivot to an all prerecorded worship service.
Thank God for David’s willing spirit and adapt-
ability as we navigated the past year.”
   In addition to the weekly service, David led    David Hammons lines up a shot in McIver Chapel.

This Week
                                                               Sunday, May 30
                                                               ■ Morning Worship, virtual, 8:30 a.m.
                                                               ■ Bible Study, online, times vary by class
                                                               ■ WSM Sunday School, Zoom, 10 a.m.
                                                               ■ Blessing Reception for Leigh Curl,
                                                                 porte cochere, 2 p.m.

                                                               Monday, May 31
                                                               ■ Church closed for Memorial Day

David Hammons and audio engineer Amy Lee work to record        Tuesday, June 1
worship in the Sanctuary in August 2020.                       ■ Stephen Ministry CE and
                                                                 Supervision, Zoom, 6:30 p.m.
will be handling the livestream for Midweek
Bible Study going forward, and a team of vol-                  Wednesday, June 2
unteers has been reactivated to assist with the                ■ Blood Drive, north parking lot, 10 a.m.
Sunday livestream.                                             ■ Koinonia Café To Go order pickups,
  David came to Wilshire in 2007 when his wife,                  south parking lot, 11 a.m.
Joan, became minister to preschoolers, and he                  ■ Usher/Greeter Informational Meeting,
began doing video work for the church a couple                   Community Hall, 11 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.
                                                               ■ Midweek Bible Study, Sanctuary, noon
of years later. He has been instrumental in help-
ing the video ministry grow and become more
sophisticated. When the worship livestream
                                                               Thursday, June 3
                                                               ■ WOW! Brown Bag Book Club, Zoom, noon
began several years ago, he says, “we started                  ■ COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic, north parking
with one camera and now we have five cameras                     lot, 1 p.m.
— four regular and a fifth with a wireless con-
nection.” Coming out of the pandemic, David                    Saturday, June 5
reports that new equipment and software are                    ■ WOW! Garden Brunch, James Gallery
in place that will help the livestream be more                  Garden, 10 a.m.
  Reflecting on the past 15 months, David                      Sunday, June 6
says, “The whole staff and congregation have                   ■ Stock the Pantry Drive for the
just been marvelous through all this with their                 Wilkinson Center
patience and understanding, and being support-                 ■ Morning Worship, Sanctuary, 9 & 11 a.m.
ive of our efforts to keep the service on the air.             ■ Bible Study, 10 a.m.
That has been huge.”                                           ■ Carillon Ringers Rehearsal,
                                                                 Sanctuary, 3 p.m.
■ You can drop David a note at davidhvideo@ or catch him at his spot in the Sanctuary
balcony this summer.

“We are so excited about our plans to offer summer camps for children and preschoolers
 this summer! We’ll learn ways to show compassion to ourselves and others, ways to
 express ourselves creatively and how we fit into a larger story. We hope you can join us
 for one or more of our opportunities to have fun while building our relationship with
 God and others.”— Julie Girards, Minister to Children

                                                               recreation, missions and other fun activities. Although
CHILDREN’S EVENTS                                              activities will be led by Passport staff, we will provide one
                                                               chaperone for every five campers to help with supervision.
                                                               Chaperones are needed. We will return to Wilshire around
Compassion Camp is the theme
                                                               4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 27.
for this year’s VBS for children
                                                               Dates: Saturday–Tuesday, July 24–27
who have completed kindergarten
                                                               Cost: $350. A $100 deposit will guarantee your student’s spot.
through grade 6. VBS is limited
to 15 per grade.
Dates: Monday –Friday, June                                    PRESCHOOL EVENTS
21–25, 9 a.m.–noon.
Registration Deadline: June 16                                 VBS: COMPASSION CAMP
Cost: Free                                                     The preschool version of Vacation Bible School is for
                                                               children who turned 3 years old through 5 years old by
CREATIVE ARTS CAMP                                             September 1, 2020, but have not completed kindergarten.
Listen to Your Art is back this summer — bigger, better        Class sizes are limited.
and LIVE! Creative Arts Camp has something for everyone        Dates: Monday–Friday, June 21–25, 9 a.m.–noon
who has completed kindergarten through grade 6: music,         Registration Deadline: June 16 Cost: Free
drama, movement/dance, visual art, sewing, cooking,
cartoon drawing, commercial/video creations, photography,      PRESCHOOL FRIENDS CAMP
creative writing and more! Participants will rotate through    This year’s theme is “I Can Care About Others.” This camp is
artistic outlets in small groups and will also choose a        open to preschoolers who turned 3 years old through 5 years
personal expression rotation.                                  old by Sept. 1, 2020, but have not completed kindergarten.
Dates: Monday–Friday, July 12–16, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Half-day       Dates: Monday–Friday, July 19–23, 9 a.m.–noon.
option, 9 a.m.–noon. Full-day campers will bring lunch;        Registration Deadline: July 12 Cost: $60
snacks and drinks will be provided. Families and guests are
invited Friday at 5:30 p.m. for a pizza dinner ($3/person)
and a 6:30 p.m. performance and art showcase.
                                                               All camps are open to the community.
Cost: $150, full day or $75, half day. Includes supplies,
T-shirt, snacks, a super creative staff and more! Limit 75.    Preregister at
                                                               Questions? Contact Julie Girards for children’s events at
PRETEEN CAMP                                         , Joan Hammons for preschool events
Passport Kids! Camp in Brownwood, Texas, is for kids           at or Candy McComb for Creative
who have completed grades 3 through 6. We’ll depart by         Arts Camp at
bus at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, July 24, and will stay in
                                                               Our camps have indoor and outdoor activities planned, but the
air-conditioned cabins at the Heart of Texas Baptist Camp      format of each camp is subject to change should the CDC and
and Conference Center. Students will participate in            Wilshire COVID-19 Task Force establish new safety guidelines
high-energy worship, interactive Bible study, creative         as the public health situation evolves into the summer.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021
10:00am- 3:00pm
                          Scan below QR code to
                          schedule appointment

Wilshire Baptist Church
Carter BloodCare Bus
4316 Abrams
Dallas, TX, 75214
Linda Garner PhD, RN

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