MAY 2021 EDITION - Wesley United Methodist Church

MAY 2021 EDITION - Wesley United Methodist Church

Pastor’s Column…..........……....2   Discipleship…….………….…....6&7

Worship.……..………………...…3             Birthdays…………...……..………..8

Children ………….………………4               Financial Update………..…………9

MAY 2021 EDITION - Wesley United Methodist Church
The Kane County Health Department invited several community leaders to discuss on
camera why getting vaccinated is important. Here is how I answered: “It’s a win/win!
It’s a win because I protect myself from hospitalization and possible death. It’s an-
other win because I can protect others by not transmitting the disease. Everyone
wins when we get vaccinated. And, as people of faith, we are called to care for one
The Old Testament is full of commandments to care for people who are sick. In the
New Testament, Jesus literally walked around healing people. When John and
Charles Wesley began the “Methodist” movement they started what were essentially
healthcare clinics. As the “movement” crossed the Atlantic and made its way to mod-
ern day North America, Methodists started hospitals and clinics because caring for
people is what we do. In fact, caring for others may be what led to the spread of
In the book, “The Rise of Christianity,” Robert Stark makes the assertion that Christi-
anity became popular due in part to the way Christians cared for people during two
plagues that swept across the Roman Empire. In 165, during the reign of Marcus Au-
relius, an epidemic killed up to a third of the population over a 15-year period. Aureli-
us eventually died from the disease. A century later, another great plague came
through. Stark notes, from historical records in the Greco-Roman world, that people
avoided contact with anyone who was sick because they knew the disease was con-
tagious. Family members who were sick were thrown out into the streets where the
dead bodies piled up. Christians, on the other hand, were bringing into their homes
people who were sick. They provided basic nursing care by offering shelter, food and
water. In many cases, this was enough to help people recover. Stark writes:
The fact that most stricken Christians survived did not go unnoticed, lending immense
credibility to Christian "miracle working." Indeed, the miracles often included pagan
neighbors and relatives. This surely must have produced some conversions, especial-
ly by those who were nursed back to health.
Caring for one another is a hallmark of the church. It’s also one of the reasons this
pandemic has been so difficult. We can’t provide care in ways that we are accus-
tomed to. But getting vaccinated is one way to care and to show that you care. If
you haven’t been vaccinated yet, I encourage you to do your part.
MAY 2021 EDITION - Wesley United Methodist Church
Fellowship Time
Whenever worship ends, you are encouraged to hop on over to zoom and join us in
a half-hour of fellowship. You can participate by video or by phone.
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 938 6156 2876
Passcode: 933177
Dial in: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

                   Join us for fellowship time after the service!


The church yard looks beautiful this Spring! We want to express our huge gratitude
to Yure Tree Service and Landscaping!
Last Fall they were hired to trim the many evergreens around the church. The bush-
es looked great when they were finished.
A week later they called and said they had decided to donate services to Wes-
ley. They will donate trimming the bushes; cutting dead limbs from trees; weeding
and mulching! Wow!!!
Please notice the preschool garden in the picture. No weeds! Just flowers!
Thank you Yure for your generous donation!
MAY 2021 EDITION - Wesley United Methodist Church
Celebrate Wonder:
Virtual Children’s Church
This is the last month of Virtual Children’s Church! We’ll be meeting via zoom at
11am May 2 and May 16. We’ve been spending time together focusing on the word
‘Share’ during our time of celebrating the Easter season! We’re exploring ways to
share the love of God and share resources with our community.

If your child is interested in joining us, please email Michelle Curiel at

Here are our lesson plans for the month:

May 2 - Believers Share

   •Acts 4:32-37

   •Lesson: This story brings an opportunity to talk about how we show love by serv-
   ing one another. It also provides an opportunity to talk about how churches serve
   the community as a way of showing love for others. We will talk about sharing
   with those in need. In our Christian faith, there are many ways to share, inside and
   out of the church!

May 16 - Love in Action

   •Romans 12: 9-18

   •Lesson: In our Scripture today, Paul explains what love should look like for both
   the church and others in the community. Paul calls for a sincere love without pre-
   tending. He says that we should hate evil and cling to what is good. We should
   love one another like family. We should show honor to one another.
MAY 2021 EDITION - Wesley United Methodist Church
Faith Without Works Is Nothing
“Faith without works is nothing” is the
scriptural basis for the life and work of
Betty Tshala, missionary with the General
Board of Global Ministries of the United
Methodist Church.
Betty was born in the Democratic Repub-
lic of Congo and received an undergradu-
ate degree in humanities and social sci-
ences. She continued her studies with degrees in Nursing and Hospitality and then
post-graduate work in Nursing Administration.
During her years as a student her life was shaped “to be a servant”. With the Bible as
the foundation of her life she says of her ministry: “I have been involved to serve the
Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior. In doing so I have come to follow social principles of
serving people.”
Betty feels people are dying because of the lack of knowledge and that her skills in the
medical field and social sciences are tools she can use, with the help of God, to im-
prove the standard of living in the communities she is called to serve. “People’s welfare
has been at the center of my heart.”
Betty Tshala is serving as the Health Office/Board Coordinator in Zambia, Africa. She
was married to Global Ministries missionary, Tshala Mwengo, who died in an accident
in 2014 while serving in Zambia. She is the mother of two sons. This year, Wesley
United Methodist Church has again adopted her as our missionary. You may send a
check to the church indicating you want to help with the financial support of the work
of Betty Tshala. Or you may go to the church website and donate online.
Thank you for your support of this amazing and faithful woman! You can watch a brief
video featuring Betty and her work by clicking or typing
this address into your web browser.

 Thank You!
 Thanks to everyone who participated in our fundraiser for missions. We were able
 to raise $395.70!
MAY 2021 EDITION - Wesley United Methodist Church
Let’s Go Adult Fellowship
Let’s Go is a social group open to all adult members and friends of Wesley. Due to
the pandemic, we have not been meeting live since March 2020. We had two Zoom
parties: a Christmas party in December 2020 and a St. Patrick’s Day party in March
2021. A good time was had by all, but we are looking forward to meeting in person
again soon! When we feel safe enough to gather, we will plan a joyous Welcome Back
to Live Fellowship Party, hopefully in the fall! Stay tuned for details. Please contact
Meredith Lindgren if you are interested, 630-788-6911 or

Mug Club
Enjoy a cup of coffee and conversation. This is a social group of men with lots to talk
about and too much time on our hands. We have not had too many solutions, but
we’ve had lots of fellowship. We invite you to join us! For more details call Herb at
When: Each Thursday at 9am (temporarily meeting via Zoom)

Garden Club News
The gardens at the main entrance off of the parking lot are looking great, thanks to
some loving care from members and friends! Several of us have been weeding and
trimming, and mulch was laid in the Peace Garden and the Preschool garden areas
recently. Many thanks to Deb and Randy Fisher for arranging the mulch! Thanks to
Emmy Lou and Herb John for tending the Rose Garden near the elevator. And thanks
to Ramona Smith for working with me to weed! Now that we are in the midst of grow-
ing and blooming season, the gardens will need continuous care to remain healthy
and beautiful. Please consider spending some time weeding and watering, as need-
ed, throughout the growing season. If you plan to stop by, let Jenny Pawlowski know
so she can give you the key for the outdoor water faucet, as needed. There should be
a hose up against the outside wall. Please let me know if anything is damaged so I
can replace it. If you have any questions about the gardens, you can call Meredith
Lindgren at 630-788-6911, or call the office at 630-896-1033 (you can leave a mes-
sage if no one is in the office). You can also contact me at
MAY 2021 EDITION - Wesley United Methodist Church
Tuesday Crafters
Tuesday Night Crafters are currently holding virtual gatherings via Zoom. At this time,
we are sharing projects we have been working on. Please contact Vicki Martin at 630-
859-2320 or if you are interested in joining the Crafters on
one of these meetings.

Bad Girls Bible/Book Study
The Bad Girls are meeting weekly on Tuesdays on Zoom, at 7:00pm, until further no-
tice. We are currently reading Frontier Follies: Adventures in Marriage and Mother-
hood in the Middle of Nowhere, by Ree Drummond. After all the serious subjects we
have been reading and discussing over the last several weeks, we decided we need-
ed something light as a change of pace! If you are interested in joining us for lively
discussion, please contact Kari Nicholson-Rigaud so she can send you the link for
Zoom. Her email address is For more information, contact
Meredith Lindgren at, or call me at 630-788-6911.

NDY (Not Dead Yet) Group
NDY met in person on Friday, April 30th! Remember this group is NOT just for Wes-
ley members. All are welcome! We are discussing the idea of the Zoom lunch to
help us stay connected. Stay tuned! Connect with Wendy Evans for details at:
MAY 2021 EDITION - Wesley United Methodist Church
Thank Yous
Thank you to all of you who sent cards and made phone calls to Dick and myself
during his long illness. Much appreciation also to everyone who sent sympathy
cards upon Dick’s passing. Maybe sending cards doesn’t seem like such an im-
portant thing, but it meant so much to me, especially those cards with notes about
Dick inside. Carol Stoffel kindly and consistently checked on us, which was ap-
preciated. Thanks also to Pastor and Carol for their willingness to come all the way
to Lemont to visit. We truly felt that we had a church family that cared about both
of us.

Sincerely, Sandy Arcus

Dear Wesley friends. Thank you for the many cards and notes of
condolence following the death of my mother. It was comforting to know
that you were with me and my family during our difficult days. You are
my Christian family and I am glad to say so. I am also thankful to the
church for the beautiful green plant sent by the church; it's nice to
have a green thumb to keep it growing for a long time. Peace be with
you all.
Bill Nelson

                              May Birthdays
MAY 2021 EDITION - Wesley United Methodist Church
MAY 2021 EDITION - Wesley United Methodist Church
Rev. John Bell
Senior Pastor
Bad Girls Bible Study                   Morning Needle Crafters        United Methodist Men
Meredith Lindgren                       Claudia Smith & Betty Aquize   Herb John
630-788-6911                            Claudia: 312-523-6688          630-264-2892                   Betty: 331-222-6364  

Caregiver Support Group                 Mug Club                       United Methodist Women
The Caregivers Group has been           Herb John                      Mari Curless
dissolved. Most of us no longer are     630-264-2892                   630-892-9373
caregivers. I loved being able to
organize this group at a time when I                                   Welcome Desk Volunteers
                                        NDY Group                      Jennifer Pawlowski
really needed support. I hope the                            
group was a help to everyone. If        Wendy Evans
anyone needs a little support or just
                                        Ruth Ann Little                Wesley Gardeners
time to talk, I’m still here for you.                                  Meredith Lindgren
Wendy Evans                             Prayer Shawl Ministry
                                        Mari Curless                   Wesley Golfers
Fine Arts Committee                     630-892-9373                   Ralph Breazeale
Jamie Reynolds                                                         630-897-6657
630-460-3989                        Special Events Coordinator Lynn Burnett
                                         Yoga Classes
                                                                       Ann Merk
Hesed House                                                            630-454-4349
Bob McKnight                        Sunday Morning Study     
630-896-5287                        Emmy Lou John           630-264-2892
Let’s Go Fellowship
Meredith Lindgren                   Tuesday Crafters
630-788-6911                        Vicki Martin               630-859-2320
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