Page created by Lois Cohen
March 5, 2023
                                                               “For God so loved the world.” – John 3:16a

                    ST. LUKE’S SUNDAY PAPER
Invitation to a Holy Lent
Lent is a season where we are called to
repent – to turn back toward God. Our
practice can include self-examination,
prayer, and reading of the scriptures. You
are encouraged to take on some new
practices in this season and to turn toward
God with thanksgiving for all the blessings
we share in this life. Here are some suggestions for what you might do in this season:
 • Learn About Prayer – Join the Reaffirmation groups this week to learn about prayer and
    worship on Sunday, March 5 at 11:30 (Rectory), Wednesday, March 8 at 7:30 (Church), or
    Saturday, March 11 at 10:30am (Rectory)
 • Pray the Parish: Please take home a booklet containing the names of our fellow parishioners
    and staff to practice gratitude for the members of this community. Please contact Chris in the
    Parish Office ( to have a booklet mailed to you.
 • Compline: Pastor Tristan Shin will lead a brief (15-minute) service at 9:00pm on Mondays in
    Lent. Compline is the Night Prayer of the church and dates back to the fourth century.
    Compline is the final service of the day in the traditional daily round of services, and a time for
    quiet contemplation in preparation for sleep. Connect using the “Zoom Worship” link on our
    website. You may follow along in the Prayer Book (BCP p. 127).
 • Lent Madness: This fun practice teaches about some interesting and sometimes quirky saints
    of God by pitting them against one another in an online competition. Join at
 • Read the Bible: Several reading plans are available, including one available in the back of the
    church that focuses on reading a particular part of the Bible each day in Lent.
 • Practice Hopefulness: Join Pastor Tristan Shin on Sunday, March 12 at 11:30am in looking at
    Paul’s words to the Corinthians and what it means to be hopeful in the face of hopelessness.
 • Serve Those in Need: Toni’s Kitchen needs our support to help the food insecure. This
    morning, March 5, Kids in the Kitchen and Home Team Cooks will prepare food for our guests.
    See more details and learn how to sign up on the next page.
 • Midweek Worship: Join us on Wednesdays at 7:00pm throughout Lent for a simple said
    communion service with healing prayers offered after the service.
 • Support Worship: People of all ages are encouraged to become acolytes to help serve on
    Sundays, or join the Altar Guild to prepare for our worship services. Contact Chris in the Parish
    Office for more information at
 • Greet & Guide: Volunteer to Usher during Lent and beyond to help greet and guide those who
    join us for worship on Sundays. Reach out to Sudhir Frederick at
 • Morning Prayer: Join us online on Saturday mornings at 10:00am for the Daily Office of
    Morning Prayer led by Gordon Frey using the “Worship” link on the website.
Lent Adult Forum: Hopefulness – Sunday, March 12 at 11:30am, location TBD
Please join Pastor Tristan for a Bible study on The Second Epistle to the Corinthians (1:3-11). The
themes will be centered around what it means to be hopeful in the face of hopelessness, joy amid
sorrow, showing vulnerability as a strength, and how a community can be a healing salve in the
cracks of our lives. The Adult Forum will be held after the 10:00am worship service on March 12.
Celebrate! Kids in the Kitchen – First Sundays each month (meeting today!)
Immediately following the Celebrate! service, kids of all ages are invited to participate in our feeding
ministry by making dessert for our Toni’s Kitchen guests. Parents are encouraged to join their kids
in this project that helps teach the importance of giving back out of our abundance and serving
those in need. For more information or to join, email Abby Walsh at
Home Team Cooks for Toni’s – This morning at 11:30am
Join the St. Luke’s team in Toni’s Kitchen! We meet after the 10:00am service (usually on the first
Sunday of the month) to make an appetizer and dessert. The shift runs from 11:30am-1:30pm and
spots are limited. No cooking skills needed! Volunteers aged 18 and up are welcome to join us.
                       Pi Day Fundraiser for Toni’s Kitchen!
                       March 14 is "Pi" Day (3/14), but at Toni's Kitchen, it's "Pie" Day! Toni's invites
                       you to celebrate Pi Day with a delicious pie made by our fabulous kitchen
                       volunteers. Choose from a selection of sweet or savory pies made in our
                       kitchen. There are four types of pie available for purchase: Chicken Pot Pie,
                       Broccoli Cheddar Quiche, Mixed Berry Pie, and Chocolate Chip Cream Pie.
                       Each pie is $25, with proceeds going directly to Toni's Kitchen to help fight
                       food insecurity in our community. Order your pie at or
                       text “tkpies” to 76278. Orders must be received by Thursday, March 10th for
                       pick up on Tuesday, March 14. Quantities are limited, get your order in today!
“Price of Liberty” Film Series: Screening and discussion March 29 at 7:00pm (Montclair Film)
The Montclair History Center is hosting a screening of Reparations (2021) by filmmaker Jon Osaki,
a film that explores the four-century struggle to seek repair and atonement for slavery in the United
States. Black and Asian Americans reflect on the legacy of slavery, the inequities that persist, and
the critical role that solidarity between communities has in acknowledging and addressing systemic
racism in America. Post-film discussion will be led by scholars and will include an AAPI Montclair
board member. This event is free and no pre-registration is required. Please contact Nesta
Stephens or Susan Andersen with any questions or visit for more information.
Volunteer to Raise a Seeing Eye Puppy
The Seeing Eye's mission is to enhance the independence, dignity and self-confidence of people
who are blind, through the use of specially trained Seeing Eye dogs. They are currently looking for
volunteers to raise their puppies. Over the course of a year and a half, volunteers host a puppy in
their home. The family provides love, care, obedience training and social exposure to assist the
puppy in becoming a future Seeing Eye dog. To learn more and be engaged in this important work,
Check Out Your Realm Profile
Each member of St. Luke’s has a profile in our church database, Realm. This is the source from
which we list our birthday prayers and send out pledge statements. With access, you can see your
giving history and our online directory, or even sign up to volunteer as a reader at services. If you
don’t currently have access, please email our Parish Administrator Chris at
for an invitation.
                                                        This Week March 5           Next Week March 12
     Sunday, March 5, 2023
                                         Officiant     The Rev. Tristan Shin      The Rev. John A. Mennell
          8:00am Worship
                                         Organist        Ronald Baltimore             Ronald Baltimore
        9:00am Celebrate!
                                         Preacher      The Rev. Tristan Shin      The Rev. John A. Mennell
    9:30am Kids in the Kitchen
         10:00am Worship                  8:00 AM
       11:30am Coffee Hour
                                     Virtual Verger      Stevie Tryson                  Aileen Walter
   11:30am Home Team Cooks            1st Reading        Keith Kawecki                  Susan Singer
                                            Psalm        Keith Kawecki                  Susan Singer
 11:30am Reaffirmation Group
                                     2nd Reading       Chelle Carter-Wilson            Felisa Van Liew
 11:30am Junior Choir Rehearsal
  11:30am Toni’s Closet Open          Intercessor      Chelle Carter-Wilson            Felisa Van Liew
  5:00pm Toni’s Kitchen Dinner           9:00 AM
                                            Psalm      Miles & Grant Perkins          MacKenzie Fourte
    Monday, March 6, 2023
                                        10:00 AM
   3:00pm Coffee & Company           Virtual Verger       Stevie Tryson                 Stevie Tryson
  7:00pm Small Group Ministry              Ushers          Jean Innis                 Susan Andersen
9:00pm Compline Service (Zoom)                           Sudhir Frederick               Shahri Griffin
     Tuesday, March 7, 2023           1st Reading          Bert Jones                  Juliet Robinson
      10:00am Staff Check-in                Psalm         Robin Vitullo               Patrick Rodriguez
    3:00pm Coffee & Company          2nd Reading         Sarah Stransky               Kathleen Kellaigh
   7:00pm Small Group Ministry        Intercessor        Susan Andersen                 Lisa Williams
    Wednesday, March 8, 2023                             Flower Dedications
 10:00am TK Donor Engagement
10:00am Mindful Breath Foundation         Traditionally we do not display flowers during Lent.
   10:00am Toni’s Closet Open
    3:00pm Coffee & Company                      There will be an opportunity to dedicate
   7:00pm Wednesday Worship                       Easter flowers in the coming weeks.
  7:30pm Reaffirmation Group
    Thursday, March 9, 2023         Ushers are at the back of the church and available to assist at any time.
  10:00am Toni’s Closet Open        Restroom is through the double doors on the right-hand side of the
  11:30am Toni’s Kitchen Meal       altar, and then an immediate left.
11:30am TK Operations Meeting       Name tags: As we gather, please wear your name tag so we can greet
 6:00pm Toni’s Kitchen Finance      one another by name. You may leave your name tag in the basket in the
7:00pm Congregation Connection      Assembly Hall as you leave after Coffee Hour. If you don’t find your
     Friday, March 10, 2023         name tag, contact Chris Corso at for a new one.
   11:30am Toni’s Kitchen Meal      Nursery Care: Childcare is provided for our youngest parishioners so
    3:00pm Coffee & Company         parents and guardians can enjoy the 10:00am service on their own.
                                    Did you know? At, click “Weekly Service Leaflet” to view
    Saturday, March 4, 2023
                                    a PDF bulletin and save paper.
    10:00am Morning Prayer
                                    St. Luke’s WIFI Please feel welcome to connect to any networks named
  10:00am Toni’s Closet Open
                                    “St. Luke’s.” PW: mercury1 (all lowercase, numeral 1).
 10:30am Reaffirmation Group
  11:30am Toni’s Kitchen Meal       Welcome Cards are available in the pews and at the back of the church.
   1:00pm We’ve Got Friends         Please fill one out to let us know you were here. You may place it in the
                                    church donation box in the back of the sanctuary or give it to an usher.
     Sunday, March 5, 2023
         8:00am Worship                 All worship services take place in person and via Zoom.
       9:00am Celebrate!              Links for all events can be found on the St. Luke’s calendar
        10:00am Worship                               on our website,
      11:30am Coffee Hour
 11:30am Junior Choir Rehearsal
  11:30am Toni’s Closet Open
                                        ST. LUKE’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH
                                     73 S. Fullerton Avenue, Montclair, NJ | | 973-744-6220
  5:00pm Toni’s Kitchen Dinner
  God of creation, your hand has touched the ashes and dry bones of our faith,
 your Word has breathed new life where there was death, your spirit raised us up
      from where we lay, your love has brought us home, and to your Cross,
                    and by your grace we stand forgiven, free.
  Remembering in prayer to give thanks for the gifts, accomplishments, influence,
and witness of our African-descent neighbors and siblings in Christ. For the people
 and communities that are recovering from devastating earthquakes in Turkey and
    Syria. For our neighbors suffering from hatred, bigotry, misfortune, poverty,
hunger, homelessness, and physical or mental illness. We stand to glorify God as
 partners in the gospel, doing God’s work in the world together. Unified as siblings
      in Christ, we ask God to guide our church in its pursuit of racial justice,
   socioeconomic equity, racial reconciliation, and an end to hatred and mistrust.
   Remembering in prayer all those who serve you in your church, especially
Church of the Province of South East Asia, Carlye, our Bishop, Deacons and Lay
Leaders, and The Episcopal Church of St. Luke and St. Mary; Hope & Belvidere,
   Grace Church Van Vorst; Jersey City, and St. Paul's Church; Jersey City.
          We celebrate those marking birthdays this week, especially:
          Kent Andrews on February 13, Stephanie Borsi on March 5,
     Warren Carr on March 7, Scarlet Sier & Martha Thalheimer on March 8,
     Violet de Lagarde, Davis DeRuyter, Emily Mazzolla & Dina Rodriguez
                on March 9, and Santiago Ticzon on March 10.
    Remembering in thanksgiving those born into the parish family, especially
Sheila Hadley Wilson, Granddaughter of Cynthia Hadley Bailey and Warren Bailey.
 Remembering in prayer for God’s healing to the sick and the suffering, especially
    Dolly B, Russ, Margaret V, Lisa W, Eleanor R, Jiyeon P, Mary & Sarah,
  Hwa Sun K, Violet D, Tom L, Mariah A, Susan G, Nancy W, Lysette, Karen T,
  Ann G, Phebe M, Melliss S, Sonia W, and Karen D, and those we now name.
  We continue to remember in prayer Shaila I, Ed B, Elena L, Anne M, Reese S,
  Maggie G, Diane K, Elan M, Donna M, Stu P, Al S, Dan S, Rob R, Adrianna D,
         Marcelle G, Francoise V, Denny C, Kevin D, the unemployed,
                       and our guests at Toni’s Kitchen.
Remembering in prayer that amid solemn Lenten reflections, we take to heart and
give thanks for the promise and proclamation Jesus made to Martha, the sister of
  Lazarus: “I am the resurrection and the life. Even though they die, those who
    believe in me will live.” We pray in particular for Steve Bastinck, Father of
          Stevie Tryson, and Marianne Karnas, Aunt of Dina Rodriguez.
 To include someone on the prayer list, please email The Rev. John A. Mennell at
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