President's Message - Lions NZ

Page created by Brad Harrington
President's Message - Lions NZ
International                                     LCIF Nearing US$50 Million Goal

President's Message
Dear Lions

There are no easy solutions to the challenges
facing our communities. That’s why there are
Lions. We know that it takes commitment and
kindness to make a difference. We know it
takes heart. It also requires that we look for
innovative ways to serve.

Fellow Lions, innovation is deep within our           Along     with   celebrating    Lions    Clubs
DNA. For 100 years, innovation has driven us          International Foundation’s 50th anniversary,
to not simply identify problems—it has driven         the foundation also has a goal to raise US$50
us to find solutions. When obstacles block our        million this fiscal year. Many clubs and
paths, we do not stop. We find the way                districts are working hard to have 100%
forward. Because so many people are                   supporting members, meaning every member
depending on you as Lions.                            makes a donation. Lions from all over the
                                                      world are making contributions of all sizes.
You, my friends, are not alone. The Global            Our Club contributes annually to this.
Action Team is ready to help innovate
leadership, membership and service so your
club can take on new challenges and achieve
greater service outcomes. Our revolutionary
MyLion app provides new and innovative
ways to connect and serve.

And remember that Lions Clubs International
Foundation (LCIF), our foundation, has been
powering the service of Lions for 50 years,
providing life-changing grants and proving that
together we can do more.

True innovation is a state of mind. It’s about
working together to find new solutions to old
problems. When we adopt this mindset, we
can—no, we will—serve more people than
ever before.


Dr. Naresh Aggarwal
Your International President

Official Newsletter of the Lions Club of Wellington (Host)                 Volume 67 March 2018
PO Box 2619                                                              Email Ed:
Wellington 6140
President's Message - Lions NZ
Coming Up                                             Legacy Project

                             For your diary…

Tuesday 3 April 2018
6pm for 6.30pm at the Comfort Quality Hotel,
Cuba Street. Guest speaker to be                      Sprott House Assistance
                                                      In 2017 whilst visiting my mother in the
Tuesday 17 April 2018                                 Duncan Wing, I asked Gillian if she was aware
Business Meeting 6pm for 6.30pm at the                of any worthwhile project involving Sprott
Comfort Quality Hotel, Cuba Street.                   House that my Lions Club may be able to to
                                                      financially contribute to as a Lions Centennial
Thursday 19 April 2018                                Project.
Movie at Petone Lighthouse. The Guernsey
Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. $25             Gillian suggested I talk to Lisa Cooke and
Contact Viv at                     upon discussion with Lisa we arrived at brief
                                                      wish list. Lisa took various photos of the sites
27 – 29 April 2018                                    involved and a written description of problems
MD Convention at Palmerston North                     to be solved, and a brief history of Sprott
Tuesday 1 May 2018
6pm for 6.30pm at the Comfort Quality Hotel,          From this list I narrowed the projects to the
Cuba Street. Guest speaker: Jason Pine -              one site I thought to be most advantageous to
Newstalk ZB Sports Announcer                          the residents of Sprott House, a new safety
                                                      enclosed verandah .
Saturday 9 June 2018
BBQ at Bunnings Lyall Bay. Organiser: Ken             After discussion with Melinda, I asked her to
                                                      get a quote from Sprott’s contract builder. The
                                                      quote was within the budget our Club
                                                      allocated for our contribution to Lions
Thanks Received                                       Worldwide Centennial Projects, celebrating
                                                      100 years of voluntary aid and financial
These groups have written expressing thanks           contributions to our communities.
for donations or assistance our club provided
during 2017:                                          Our Club President, Mark Mathew, colour
                                                      printed the photos and document obtained
Sisters of Compassion Soup Kitchen,                   from Lisa, and I used this in my first
Waterloo School, Ronald MacDonald House,              presentation to club members as a possible
Wellington Hospital and Child Cancer.                 Centennial Project. After being presented with
                                                      three very worthwhile projects our Club took
                                                      it’s Christmas break giving all of us time to
                                                      mull over the pros and cons; and giving time

Official Newsletter of the Lions Club of Wellington (Host)                 Volume 67 March 2018
PO Box 2619                                                              Email Ed:
Wellington 6140
President's Message - Lions NZ
for the three Project initiators to answer            Bruce copied a small section from One
queries from members.                                 Hundred Years of Care by Margaret Wallis
                                                      published in 2000 (about Sprott House).
Last month Wellington Lions Host voted to
support Sprott House as our recipient of Lions        From a 1936 Cookbook compiled by Mary
Centennial Project, 2017-2018.                        Homes and sold as a fundraiser.
                                                      First recipe in the book is from Margaret
Many thanks to contributors, especially Lisa          Wallis, the founder of St Mary’s Guild in 1898.
Cooke & Melinda of Sprott House, Mark                 “Take as much Faith as the cup of your life will
Mathew for his guidance, and my Club for              hold; mix well with a brimming measure of
their support and confidence in voting for            Hope; bake in the hot oven of Love; and serve
Sprott House as a Lions Centennial Project.           warm to all who need.”

Bruce Nisbitt                                         Stephanie (editor)

After a lively discussion at our February
Business Meeting club members decided that            Congratulations!
a donation of $30 000 would be made to
Sprott House, Karori, to provide for the              At our last club meeting President Mark
construction of an outdoor fenced verandah to         presented Bruce Nisbet with a Gold
enable residents who have little mobility to          Centennial pin in recognition of all of his work
enjoy being outdoors in a safe environment.           to help grow club membership. This is a timely
With the fine summer we have had (if such is          award after his work on promoting Sprott
repeated in coming years) this will be a great        House for our Centennial Project.
asset to elderly folk from all over Wellington
who live there permanently or are in respite

Thanks are due to Bruce N who met with the
staff at Sprott House and hunted out quotes
for the work. We will look forward to the
opening ceremony sometime in the future.

Official Newsletter of the Lions Club of Wellington (Host)                   Volume 67 March 2018
PO Box 2619                                                                Email Ed:
Wellington 6140
President's Message - Lions NZ
And Another Congratulations                           Meet and Greet Evening for
                                                      Possible New Members
                                                      The radio and print advertising, the contacts
                                                      made by club members and the prep work
                                                      had been done for our meet and greet
                                                      evening. We were delighted to have Penny
                                                      and Navdeep join us to find out more about
                                                      Lions and our Club. Supper was served and
                                                      we were ready to rock and roll!

                                                      Speeches were given on four topics:

                                                      ❖   A welcome from President Mark
                                                      ❖   The Lions international family (Robyn)
The Certificate                                       ❖   Wellington Host projects (Gabrielle)
                                                      ❖   A personal story from Stephanie about
At the District Convention Graham was                     why she joined Lions and what it has
presented with an International President’s               meant for her
Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of
service to District 202M and LCI as Cabinet           Speeches were followed by a short display of
Secretary almost continuously since 2001. In          photos of projects which the Club has done in
his citation DG Rex Bullard stated he and his         the past couple of years.
predecessors had long relied on Graham’s
encyclopaedic      knowledge     of   history,        Thanks to Donna for organizing the venue
constitution and procedures.                          which was the Central Baptist Church, and to
                                                      Gabrielle and Robyn who spearheaded the

                                                      An invitation was extended to Penny and
                                                      Navdeep to join us at our next meeting which
                                                      is a guest speaker night and we look forward
                                                      to seeing them again.

                                                      (children’s writing….)
Honours being Bestowed
                                                      In geography we learned that countries with
This photo shows International Past President         sea round them are islands and ones without
Al Brandel congratulating and presenting the          sea are incontinents.
certificate. The cap Graham is wearing is IPP
Al’s personal issue presented to him by IPP Al        In last year’s Christmas concert, Linzi played
himself during the 2009 MD Convention.                the main prat. I played one of the smaller
                                                      prats and I would like to have a bigger prat
Our club is proud of you, Graham!                     this year.

Official Newsletter of the Lions Club of Wellington (Host)                 Volume 67 March 2018
PO Box 2619                                                              Email Ed:
Wellington 6140
President's Message - Lions NZ
Overseas Visiting Lion                                Paul gave us a small Canadian Pin each and
                                                      the picture shows Ken giving Paul our club
New Canadian Friends:                                 banner with Gail (Paul’s wife) in between.
Paul Boulanger recently visited Wellington
from Port Dover Lions Club Ontario Canada.            Ken and I always enjoy making international
He was looking to make a connection with              connections with Lions and learning about
Lions while he was in town, but it was only a         other clubs and customs of another country.
few days by the time his email reached us so          Port Dover Lions Club Centennial Project was
there was very little time to arrange anything        setting up a Palliative Care Unit in Port Dover.
for him.                                              Who knows we might travel sometime and
                                                      have the hospitality returned?
However we couldn’t let the chance to meet a
lion visiting our country to pass by without a        Robyn & Ken Daniels
meeting, so Ken and I met with Paul on
Sunday afternoon 25 February and took him
for a drive around the Bays and had lunch at
the Spruce Goose. We talked about Lions               Lions Learnings continued…
and life experiences while we watched the
planes come in and the surfers surf. We               This month it is timely to remind everyone of
discovered Paul is a long-time secretary of           the Lions code of ethics.           The District
Port Dover Lions Club, a club of 60 members           Convention has just occurred and the Multiple
including 3 women. We also discovered he is           District Convention is only weeks away, and
a Harley-Davidson motor bike enthusiast, so           we are beginning to plan for the next Lions
we went out to Petone to Wellington                   year. Lions are standing for positions from
Motorcycles, Unfortunately they were closed,          District Governor and Cabinet officers to Club
so he couldn’t buy the t-shirt.                       Presidents and Club officers. If you are
                                                      standing for election to an office or have been
We came back into town and picked up Gail             asked if you would accept appointment to an
his wife and came home for tea.                       office, please consider if you are able to meet
                                                      the requirements of the officer in the manner
                                                      suggested by our Code of Ethics? All Lions
                                                      members need to keep these ethics in mind,
                                                      whether taking part in club meeting, helping
                                                      with projects or attending a social event.

                                                      Lions Clubs Code of Ethics

                                                         •   To Show my faith in the worthiness of
                                                             my vocation by industrious application
                                                             to the end that I may merit a reputation
                                                             for quality of service.
                                                         •   To Seek success and to demand all
                                                             fair remuneration or profit as my just
                                                             due, but to accept no profit or success
Ken, Paul and Gail                                           at the price of my own self-respect lost
                                                             because of unfair advantage taken or
                                                             because of questionable acts on my
Official Newsletter of the Lions Club of Wellington (Host)                 Volume 67 March 2018
PO Box 2619                                                              Email Ed:
Wellington 6140
•   To remember that in building up my             Quote of the Month
       business it is not necessary to tear
       down another's; to be loyal to my              If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to
       clients or customers and true to               go far, go together
       myself.                                        (African Proverb)

   •   Whenever a doubt arises as to the
       right or ethics of my position or action
       towards others, to resolve such doubt
       against myself.

   •   To hold friendship as an end and not a
       means. To hold that true friendship
       exists not on account of the service
       performed by one to another, but that
       true friendship demands nothing but
       accepts service in the spirit in which it
       is given.

   •   Always to bear in mind my obligations
       as a citizen to my nation, my state, and       A Final Word….
       my community, and to give them my
       unswerving loyalty in word, act, and
       deed. To give them freely of my time,
       labour and means.

   •   To aid others by giving my sympathy to                  Give it a Go!
       those in distress, my aid to the weak,
       and my substance to the needy.

   •   To be careful with my criticism and
       liberal with my praise; to build up and
       not destroy                                    This is our club newsletter. You will have
                                                      noticed the lack of articles and matching
Robyn Daniels                                         photos with some articles….I have been work
                                                      detained and not present at meetings to take
                                                      notes and photos. Please keep an eye out for
                                                      times like this!

                                                      Thanks, Stephanie

Official Newsletter of the Lions Club of Wellington (Host)                  Volume 67 March 2018
PO Box 2619                                                               Email Ed:
Wellington 6140
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