The Proud Pirate - Furry Elementary School

Page created by Rebecca Jimenez
The Proud Pirate - Furry Elementary School
The Proud Pirate
     A Newsletter for our youngest Perkins Pirates and their families!
                         Furry Elementary School
                    Back to School Edition, August 2018

Welcome to Furry Elementary School!
On behalf of the entire staff at Furry Elementary School, we hope you had an amazing summer full of fun
and lots of memory making with your friends and families!

We’re looking forward to welcoming our youngest Perkins Pirates back to school. Please read through this
newsletter as it contains lots of information to help make our transition back to school a smooth one.

Here’s to a great school year!
~Miss Long, Principal
Furry Elementary School

Open House!
Please plan on attending our Open House on Monday, August 20! Kindergarten families are invited to
attend at 3:30-4:30; First Grade families are invited to attend at 4:45-5:45; and Second Grade families are
invited to attend from 6:00-7:00. Kindergarten, First and Second Grade families are invited to meet in the
cafeteria prior to going to their child’s classroom. Our Little Treasures Preschool Open House is scheduled
for Thursday, August 23 at 10:00-11:00 for our morning class and 1:00-2:00 for our afternoon class. Our
Little Treasures families can meet in our lobby and will be let into their child’s classroom at the designated

Please bring your child and their supplies with you to Open House. Our staff is looking forward to seeing
everyone again and meeting our newest families!

First Days of School
All of our First and Second Grade students will begin attending school on Thursday, August 23, 2018. All
students must arrive by 9:00 and our dismissal begins at 3:30.

Our Kindergarten students with last names beginning A-L will attend school on Thursday, August 23, 2018
and will not have school on Friday, August 24, 2018. Our Kindergarten students with last names
beginning M-Z will not attend school on Thursday, August 23, 2018 and will attend school on Friday,
August 24, 2018. All of our Kindergarten students will attend school together on Monday, August 27,

Our Little Treasures Preschool children will attend their Open House at their specific time (10:00 or 1:00)
on Thursday, August 23, 2018. During this time, you will be given the opportunity to sign up for a
screening appointment. Appointments will be scheduled for August 27, 28, and/or 31. AM and PM
classes will be split in half by Mrs. Ommert and Mrs. Sallee and students will be assigned to attend
preschool on August 29 or August 30. The first day for all of our preschoolers will be Tuesday, September
4, 2018.
The Proud Pirate - Furry Elementary School
Furry’s School Day                                         We Believe Movement Helps Us Learn
Our school day is 9:00-3:30. Our west end doors            Furry Elementary School has two recess times each
will open at 8:45 for those children arriving by car. If   day. Our children will learn how to play safely on our
you are driving your child to school, please make          playground and our equipment during the first few
sure you read the sections titled, “Students Arriving      weeks of school. Even though we take the time to
by Car” and “Students Leaving by Car” in this              teach our children how to play safely and
newsletter so that you are aware of our drop-off/          appropriately, accidents still happen. Recess time at
pick-up procedures.                                        school is much different from playing in our
                                                           backyards and parks with our family and friends. For
Class Lists                                                example, it might be okay for your child to walk up
Class lists were posted on Monday, August 13, 2018.        the slide in your backyard, but here at school, that is
Feel free to stop by school with your child to find out    not safe and therefore is not allowed. Please help us
who their child’s teacher will be this school year. All    keep your child safe at school by making sure your
classes will be posted on the doors at the front of the    child is wearing safe shoes each day to school.
building.                                                  Tennis shoes are most appropriate and sandals with
                                                           straps are acceptable for outdoor play. Flip-flops
Power School                                               and shoes with heels are much more dangerous for
Power School is the system we use to communicate,          our children and cause lots of trips and falls that
receive updated information from you, post grades,         result in scrapes and bruises. Thank you for helping
keep track of attendance, etc. Many emails have            us keep your child safe!
come home with directions on how to update and or
complete specific forms within Power School.               Furry Traditions
                                                           Just as you have your family at home, we have our
New families will be provided with directions on how       family here at school. Just as you have family
to access your child’s grades in Power School at the       traditions, we have traditions here at Furry too! As
beginning of the school year. It is very important         we progress throughout the year, we’ll share these
that your information in Power School is always            traditions with you and invite you to join us in
current as a majority of our school communications         celebrating them.
will be sent electronically to your email throughout
the year. For example, this newsletter was sent to         We know you’ve been reading a lot of great books in
you in an email on August 13, 2018. If you did not         a lot of cool places this summer! We would love to
receive that email, please log into your account and       have a picture of your child reading one (or a stack)
update your email. On occasion, initial emails from        of their favorite books in one of their favorite spaces.
us have landed in our family’s spam folders. If you        Pictures can be of just your child, or include
have questions on how to log into your account,            members of your family too. Please email your
please call Mrs. Mullins or Mrs. Didion in our school      picture to Miss Long ( by
office at 419.625.4352.                                    Monday, August 20, 2018. You just might see it
                                                           when you come for Open House that afternoon!
New Faces at Furry Elementary
We’re so excited to welcome our new Preschool and          Communication from School
Kindergarten families as well as those First and           Our school sends home a weekly newsletter called
Second grade families who have recently moved              “The Proud Pirate” to keep our families aware of
into Perkins Township to our school!                       events happening here at school. These newsletters
                                                           will be sent home to our families via e-mail each
We’d also like to welcome Mr. Ommert to our                week. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your
Kindergarten team! He will be serving our children         child’s teacher or our school office if you have any
throughout several of our Kindergarten classrooms.         questions about what is happening in your child’s
                                                           classroom and our school.
The Proud Pirate - Furry Elementary School
Arrival and Dismissal at Furry Elementary School
Our school day begins at 9:00 and children are dismissed at 3:30. It always takes our children and their
families a few weeks to get into the routine of our arrival and dismissal procedures. Please be patient with our
staff as well as our new families as everyone adjusts to our procedures. Each year, it takes us about 3 weeks to
get into the routine and things will flow easier and faster.

Students Arriving By Car
If it is necessary for you to drive your child to school, please enter our back parking lot by turning onto Randal
Dr. from Columbus Ave. and proceed to our back parking lot to form lines. Our west end doors will open at
8:45 for those children arriving by car and therefore, the car line will not start moving until 8:45. At the
beginning of school, we will have staff in our back parking lot to help with traffic flow. Cars will line up in
straight lines in our parking lot to drive around the side of the school. As one line makes their way around the
building, the next row of cars will follow. Once you reach the side of the building, please have your child exit
the passenger side of your car and walk into school at the direction of our staff. Please say your goodbyes and
wish your child a good day prior to reaching the side of the building. It would be helpful to move your child’s
car seat to the passenger side of your car, so that they can exit safely. Please do not get out of your car to help
your child exit as this holds up our traffic flow. Our staff will be on hand to help as needed.

Perkins Local Schools offers transportation to our residential families who live outside a 1/2 mile distance from
your child’s school. We encourage all of our families who live within the township to take advantage of our
school transportation to help ease our traffic flow around school.

Students Leaving By Car
If it is necessary for you to pick up your child by car, you will follow the same traffic flow as we do in the
morning. Our back gates are closed during the school day and will not open until 3:00. Our children do not
start dismissing until 3:30 and the traffic will not start moving until the children have reached their dismissal
area inside the building which is usually around 3:40. Please do not arrive before 3:00 as parking is not
permitted on the streets around school during school hours. Perkins Police patrol the area and can ticket cars
who are parked in areas where parking is not permitted. As long as you are in our line by 3:45 and the children
are listening and ready inside the building, our line moves quickly and we have all of the children dismissed by
4:00. It will take us a few weeks to reach this goal, but once everyone gets into our routine, things run very
smoothly. You must be in our car line by 3:45. All children must be picked up from Furry Elementary School
by 4:00 each day. Those families who do not pick their child up by 4:00 will be encouraged to enroll their
child in our after school child care program, Pirate Crew.

Please enter our back parking lot by turning onto Randal Dr. from Columbus Ave. and form lines in our back
parking lot. At the beginning of school, we will have staff in our back parking lot to help with traffic flow. Cars
will line up in straight lines in our parking lot to drive around the side of the school. As one line makes their
way around the building, the next row of cars will follow. Once you reach the side of the building, please have
your child’s name plate visible to our staff so that we can call for your child and deliver them to you safely.
Nameplates will be provided to each family at Open House. It would be helpful to move your child’s car seat to
the passenger side of your car, so that they can enter your car safely. Please do not get out of your car to help
your child into your car as this holds up our traffic flow. Our staff will be on hand to help as needed.

Perkins Local Schools offers transportation to our residential families who live outside a 1/2 mile distance from
your child’s school. We encourage all of our families who live within the township to take advantage of our
school transportation to help ease our traffic flow around school.
Furry’s School Counselor                                  School Fees
Mrs. Smith, our School Counselor, is such an asset to     School fees for all students, preschool-2nd grade are
our school! She’s always very busy during the first       $45.00 this year and are due by Monday, October 1,
few days helping our children transition from their       2018. Fees may be paid by check, made out to
summer routine into school mode. It is completely         Perkins Local Schools and sent to school. Fees can
normal for your child to come home and be                 also be paid online via Power School. Please contact
exhausted. It is also very very common for your child     our school office if you have questions about our
to be super excited about returning to school and         school fees.
then, after a few days, start to say that they’re bored
or that they don’t want to go to school anymore.          School Supply Lists
Learning is hard work and we have your children           Supply lists were shared with local stores and shared
moving and using their brains all day. This is all        in a mass e-mail via Power School in July. They are
normal and we’ll work hard to help your child             also available in our school lobby. Additional
transition smoothly. If you have any questions, don’t     supplies may be requested by your child’s teacher.
hesitate to call school to speak to Mrs. Smith or email   Your child’s teacher will inform you of these
her at She has tons of         additional supplies in their “Welcome Back to
tricks up her sleeves to help all of us get back into     School” letters and/or at Open House on August 20.
the swing of things here at school.
                                                          Change of Address/Phone Number
Court Documents                                           It is very important that you notify the school and
If custody agreements change and/or there are             update your information in your child’s Power School
other legal documents that are updated throughout         account if you change your address or phone
the school year, it is the custodial parent’s             number during the school year. Our records must
responsibility to provide a copy of the court             remain accurate throughout the entire year.
approved documents to our school. All changes, as
they pertain to your child, need to be reported to the    Volunteering at Furry Elementary
school so that our records can remain current. We         Anyone who volunteers in our classrooms, helps with
do our very best to abide by the documents you            our PTO, chaperones field trips, etc., must have their
provide us. If current documents are not on file in       current BCI paperwork on file at our Administrative
our office, we have no way of following their             Services Center. Fingerprints need to be updated
requirements. Please call the office if you have any      every five years. If you are unsure if your fingerprints
questions.                                                are current, please contact our school office and we
                                                          can check for you.
PTO (Parent Teacher Organization)
We are incredibly grateful for all the work our PTO       Dress Code
does for the children and staff in our school. Our        A full description of our dress code can be found in
PTO recently realigned themselves to better serve         our student handbook on the district’s website.
the staff and children in our entire district. Please     Shorts are permitted from April 1-November 1. As
watch for additional information from our PTO and         the weather changes, a sweatshirt or sweater might
consider volunteering to help with the amazing            be something to keep in your child’s book bag to
things they do for our schools! PTO Meetings are          have on cooler days. Tennis shoes are the most
scheduled for the first Tuesday of each month at          appropriate shoes to wear to school. Sandals with
6:00 at Perkins High School.                              straps are acceptable, but flip-flops and shoes with a
                                                          heel can be quite dangerous when playing on our
Please find “Perkins Schools PTO” on Facebook or          playground and are not acceptable. Please help
email to keep up to date on          your child dress appropriately for school each day.
the work they do for our schools!
Perkins Students Use Their PERKS!                         Literacy is Important at Furry
Our school-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions         Literacy is a huge focus at Furry! We spend a lot of
and Support Model is PERKS. All students that             time at Furry Elementary School instilling a love of
attend Perkins Local Schools, preschool-twelfth           reading with our children. You’ll notice many little
grade use their PERKS each day. Each letter               touches throughout our building that will help foster
represents something we believe will make our             this love of reading. Some of these touches are very
school a great place to learn and have fun.               evident, while others are more subtle.

P is for PRIDE!                                           For the past 3 years, our teachers have been
We show PRIDE by keeping our school clean and             participating in professional development
using good manners every day.                             sponsored by the Ohio Department of Education
E is for ENGAGED IN LEARNING!                             called LETRS (when we talk about it, it sounds like
We are ENGAGED IN LEARNING when our eyes and              we’re saying letters). LETRS stands for Language
ears are focused on the speaker, when we follow           Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling.
directions quickly and work quietly.                      We’re participating in LETRS because:
R is for RESPECT!
We show RESPECT by being kind to others, listening        • It deepens educator knowledge—includes the
to adults, using our manners at lunch and walking           “what,” “why,” and “how” of literacy instruction
“hips and lips” in the halls.                             • It works with educators to develop a roadmap for
K is for KIND!                                              meeting Common Core and other State Standards
We are KIND when we wait our turn, use our                • It sharpens educators’ ability to diagnose why
manners and control our body.                               students are struggling and how to provide proven
S is for SAFE                                               intervention
We are SAFE when we use our walking feet to go            • It offers more than a decade of demonstrated
where we need to go while staying in a string line,         success in schools and districts across the United
sashing our hands often and using the equipment in          States
a safe manner.                                            • It provides real-world professional development
                                                            that is relevant, timely and actionable
Additional information on PERKS will be shared as         • It focuses on raising preK-12 literacy achievement
the year progresses.                                        for all students
                                                          • It is independently validated by top researchers as
Second Step at Furry!                                       positively impacting teacher instruction and
Second Step is a program rooted in social-emotional         student achievement
learning (SEL) that helps transform schools into
supportive, successful learning environments              Participating in LETRS has benefited our teachers
uniquely equipped to encourage children to thrive.        immensely as they are being provided the tools to
More than just a classroom curriculum, Second             help all of our children learn how to read!
Step’s holistic approach helps create a more
empathetic society by providing education                 Throughout the school year, we will provide you with
professionals, families, and the larger community         ideas on how you can help your child read at home.
with tools to enable them to take an active role in the   It is our hope that you will make time to read with
social-emotional growth and safety of today’s             your child at home each day as this will make them
children. It’s a difference you can feel the moment       successful here at school.
you step through the doors to a Second Step school:
a sense of safety and respect grounded in the social-
emotional health and well-being of the entire school
Perkins Local Schools Calendar                        Dates to Remember for Furry Students
•   First Student Day…Thursday, August 23             Monday, August 20
•   Labor Day~No School…Monday, September 3             • Furry Open House, Kindergarten-2nd Grade
•   No School…Friday, October 12                           • Kindergarten, 3:30-4:30
•   No School…Wednesday, November 21                       • First Grade, 4:45-5:45
•   Thanksgiving~No School…Thursday, November 22           • Second Grade, 6:00-7:00
•   No School…Friday, November 23                     Thursday, August 23
•   No School…Monday, November 26                     • First Day for all 1st and 2nd Graders
•   Last Day before Winter Break…Friday, December     • First Day for Kindergarten students, last names A-L
    21                                                • No School for Kindergarten students, last names
•   Winter Break Begins…Monday, December 24             M-Z
•   No School…Monday, January 7                       • Little Treasures AM Preschool Open House,
•   Students Return from Winter Break…Tuesday,          10:00-11:00
    January 8                                         • Little Treasures PM Preschool Open House,
•   Martin Luther King, Jr. Day~No School…Monday,       1:00-2:00
    January 21                                        Friday, August 24
•   No School…Friday, February 15                     • First Day for Kindergarten students, last names M-Z
•   Presidents Day~No School…Monday, February 18      • No School for Kindergarten students, last names A-
•   No School…Tuesday, February 19                      L
•   Last Day before Spring Break…Friday, March 29     Monday, August 27
•   Spring Break Begins…Monday, April 1               • All Kindergarten students attend school
•   Students Return from Spring Break…Monday, April   • No Little Treasures Preschool; Preschool Screening
    8                                                   appointments will be scheduled
•   No School…Friday, April 19                        Tuesday, August 28
•   Memorial Day~No School…Monday, May 27             • No Little Treasures Preschool; Preschool Screening
•   Graduation…Friday, May 31                           appointments will be scheduled
•   Last Student Day…Tuesday, June 4                  Wednesday, August 29
                                                      • 1/2 of Little Treasures attend school (teachers will
                                                        let families know if your child is to attend this day)
                                                      Thursday, August 30
                                                      • 1/2 of Little Treasures attend school (teachers will
                                                        let families know if your child is to attend this day)
                                                      Friday, August 31
                                                      • Welcome to Perkins Tail Gate for Mr. Boggs, our
                                                        new Superintendent before the Perkins Football
                                                      Monday, September 3
                                                      • Labor Day...No School!
                                                      Tuesday, September 4
                                                      • Mumkin Fundraiser Begins! (Details Coming!)
                                                      Tuesday, September 11
                                                      • Patriot's Day! Wear your red, white and blue!
                                                      Saturday, September 15
                                                      • Founders Day @ Strickfaden Park, 1:00-4:00
First Day School Supplies                               Furry Tweets
For those of you who took advantage of ordering         Please follow us on Twitter @FurryElementary!
your back to school supplies last spring through 1st    Perkins Local Schools does a lot of tweeting
Day School Supplies, you’ll be able to pick up your     throughout the school year to keep our community
supplies on Open House night! We’re so grateful to      up to date on the amazing things our Perkins Pirates
our PTO for finding this opportunity for our families   are doing each day!
to make back to school shopping a little easier for
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