2019 P1 Orientation 15 November 2018 - Sengkang Green ...

Page created by Randall Sharp
2019 P1 Orientation 15 November 2018 - Sengkang Green ...
2019 P1 Orientation
          15 November 2018
2019 P1 Orientation 15 November 2018 - Sengkang Green ...
Principal               :   Mr Gau Poh Teck
Vice Principal          :   Mr Lim Jit Hin
Vice Principal Admin    :   Mdm Mary Yap
Year Head (Lower Pri)   :   Mrs Toh Wai Leng
2019 P1 Orientation 15 November 2018 - Sengkang Green ...
2019 P1 Orientation 15 November 2018 - Sengkang Green ...
P1 Teachers
in 2019
2019 P1 Orientation 15 November 2018 - Sengkang Green ...
Primary 1 Teachers-In-Charge
Class   Teacher-In-Charge      Assistant Teacher-In-
 1A     Mdm Esther Claire Li   Ms Angeline Koh
 1B     Mdm Carolina Soh       Ms Tan Ai Yun
 1C     Mdm Afiqah             Mdm Jessie Nah
 1D     Mdm Vasanthi           Ms Ma Shuang
 1E     Mdm Huda               Ms Doreen Ho
 1F     Mrs Violette Lim       Mr Ti Tat Hua
 1G     Mrs Aileen Kwok        Mdm Catherine Lim
 1H     Mdm Kong Siew May      Ms Li Xinni
 II     Mdm Noorjanna          Ms Tan Sze Huey
2019 P1 Orientation 15 November 2018 - Sengkang Green ...
Today’s Programme
 Dreams,  Opportunities, Success
 First Days of School
 School Rules & Expectations
 Safety & Security
 Communication Channels
 Administrative Matters
2019 P1 Orientation 15 November 2018 - Sengkang Green ...
Theme for School Official Opening in 2015
2019 P1 Orientation 15 November 2018 - Sengkang Green ...
What does success
mean to you?

How can we help your
child to be successful?

2019 P1 Orientation 15 November 2018 - Sengkang Green ...
What are your hopes   What do you like to see
and aspirations for       in your child
     your child?       in 6 years’ time?
2019 P1 Orientation 15 November 2018 - Sengkang Green ...
Do you want your child to…?

                       Have strong

                                Be able to serve
                                family & society
      Be healthy

                                     Be ready for
    Be happy                          the future
School Mission
      To nurture
  healthy and happy
   individuals with
strength of character,
    ready to serve,
 ready for the future
School Crest
           An open book representing a life-long learner
            with a hunger for knowledge and excellence

Well supported by
                                                 Green – learning and
teachers and parents
                                                 Orange – vibrancy in
                                                 our children

                A young growing tree representing a
              growing child anchored in strong values
Tembusu (Fragraea Fragrans)
A symbol of the character

                                    Qualities of a Tembusu
                               Slow growing but grows to great
                               Hardy, highly robust and can
                                grow even in poor soils
                               Resistant to pests and diseases
                               Its flowers give off a strong

  Character Tree
Character Tree

Qualities of an SKGian

   Life-long learner

   Strong and Resilient

   Able to withstand ill influences
    to maintain a good character

   Contributes to home and
Character Tree
Our ICAR2E Values
•   Integrity
•   Care
•   Active Teamwork
•   Respect & Responsibility
•   Excellence
Our Educational Philosophy

Every child has unique talents and
abilities that need to be discovered and
developed to full potential.

Every child can learn if a caring and
conducive environment is provided to
meet his / her needs.

School Hours

  Reporting Time
   (Be seated in                 7.25am
  assembly area)
    Flag-raising                 7.30am

   Lessons Begin                 7.45am

        Recess                   10 am to 10.30 am

      Dismissal                  Mon to Fri: 1.30pm
* Half an hour lunch break will be included on Tuesday and Thursday
Morning Flag
 Raising Ceremony

 Day       Mon      Tues       Wed      Thur      Fri
Assembly   School   School   Classrooms School   School
  area      Hall     Hall                Hall     Hall
Morning Flag
Raising Ceremony

        •   Students are to be seated in the assembly area by
            7.25 a.m.

        •   Flag-raising starts at 7.30am

        •   All students should have a story book to read while
            waiting for flag raising.

        •   All students must take the national pledge
            and sing the national anthem with pride during
            the flag raising ceremony.
First 3 Days
 of School
2 Jan, 3 Jan & 4 Jan 2019
Important Information
•   Parents/Caregivers are welcomed
    in the school on 2 Jan 2019

•   P5 Buddies will be assigned
    to help P1 students from 2
    Jan to 4 Jan
Programme for 2 Jan 2019
Time      For Students              For Parents
7.25 am   • Report to respective    Parents may       accompany    to   the
            classrooms by 7.25 am   classrooms

8.00 am   • Classroom Activities    Talk for Parents –
          • Collection of Books     “Developing the lifelong learner in
          • Meeting of P5           your child” – Vice Principal & Year
            Recess Buddies          Head (Lower Pri)

                                    Venue: T-Room, Level 2
9.00 am   Recess                    Recess

9.45 am   • Story Time at the       Talk by HOD/English Language &
            Library                 HOD/Mother Tongue Languages
          • Classroom Activities     - “Developing the love for reading”

                                    Venue: T-Room, Level 2
1.00 pm Dismissal                   Parents wait for child at   Gate A,
                                    B or G       (as indicated on dismissal
                                    info card)
P5 Buddies assigned to help P1 students from 2 Jan to 4 Jan
Schedule for 3 Jan 2019

Time       For Pupils               For Parents
By         Report to FT at the      P1 Parents drop     off child at the
7.25 am    canteen                  canteen and leave

1.00 pm    Dismissal                Parents wait for child at Gate    A, B
                                    or G (as indicated on dismissal info

       •Parents do not come into school
       •Encourage child to be independent
Schedule for 4 Jan 2019
Time         For Pupils              For Parents
By           Report to FT at the     P1 Parents drop   off child at the
7.25 am      canteen                 canteen

11.30 am P1 Games Day                P1 Games Day (Hall)
1.00 pm      Dismissal               Parents wait for child at Gate   A, B
                                     or G (as indicated on dismissal info

       •Parents come into school only at 11.30am
       •Encourage child to be independent
Dismissal Info Card
                             Dismissal by:

                           Gate A / Gate B / Gate G

                           School Bus / Student Care

   Name: Immanual Lim

   Class : P 1C

  Please provide the necessary information by completing the
  “Mode of Dismissal” form in your Orientation Package.
Mode of Transport   Dismissal Area
Walking home from Teachers will take them to gate to meet parents
Gate A, B or G    / caregivers

School bus          Students will be brought by teachers to board
                    their assigned bus in the canteen.

Private Vehicle     • Parents will not drive into the school to pick
                      their children
                    • Please park at the external carparks, and
                      pick up your children from designated gates
    On Rainy Days…
Parents / Caregivers are requested to:
 Wait at designated sheltered
  locations stipulated by the staff.
    Take their children away only after
     they are dismissed by the teacher i/c.

    Parents who drive will park their cars
     at the external carparks before picking
     up their children from Gate A.
School Rules &
School Rules &
All pupils are expected to:

   Be punctual in reporting to school and remain in the school until dismissal.
   Absence from school must be supported by a medical certificate or a letter from parents
    giving valid reasons.
   Be at their best behaviour at all times in and outside the school. Refrain from rough play and
    actions that may lead to injury to self or others. Pupils should not visit shopping centres or
    other recreational facilities like cinemas and playgrounds in school uniform unless
    accompanied by parents.
   Be respectful to the teachers, non-teaching staff, visitors and fellow pupils.
   Be prepared for lessons by bringing necessary books and materials.
   Be attentive and actively engaged in class activities.
   Submit assignments promptly.
   Keep the school clean and take good care of school property.
   Wear the prescribed school uniform and modification to the uniform is not allowed.
   Be neat in appearance.
   (for boys) keep their hair short and neatly combed. Wearing a beard or moustache is not
   (for boys) tie up hair that is shoulder length or longer. Only black hair accessories are
   Pupils who are Singapore citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge. Pupils
    will take the Pledge with the right fist placed over the heart.
   Pupils are not allowed to bring mobile devices to school. For exceptional cases, parents
    should write in to the Principal for approval. Pupils who have been given permission to bring
    mobile phones to school must switch off their mobile phones. They are only allowed to use
    their devices outside school hours, in the canteen

    (Please refer to the P1 Orientation
School Rules &
• Observing punctuality

• Pupils must not leave
  the school premises on
  their own during school

• Behaving well at all

(Please refer to the P1 Orientation
Booklet or the Student Handbook)
School Rules &
• Treating others with

• Be attentive in class

• Pursuing excellence
   in all areas

• Keep the school clean &
(Please refer to the P1 Orientation
Booklet or the Pupil Handbook)
School Rules &
• Students who are Singapore citizens
  must sing the National Anthem
  and take the Pledge. Students
  will take the Pledge with the right
  fist placed over the heart.

• Students are not allowed to have in
  their possession any weapon.
  They are also not allowed to bring
  any weapon-like item which is used
  or intended to be used to cause
  harm to others.

(Please refer to the P1 Orientation
Booklet or the Student Handbook)
School Rules &

• Wear the prescribed school
  uniform and modification
  to the uniform is not

• Being neatly & properly

(Please refer to the P1 Orientation
Booklet or the Student Handbook)
Girls - tie up hair that is   Boys - keep their hair
shoulder length or longer.    short and neatly combed.

Only black hair accessories   Wearing a beard or
are allowed.                  moustache is not allowed.
Please refer to P1 Orientation Booklet.
School Rules &
• Students are not allowed to
  bring mobile devices or other
  smart electronic devices to

• Students     should      not   visit
  shopping centres or other
  recreational      facilities    like
  cinemas and playgrounds in
  school        uniform        unless
  accompanied by parents.

(Please refer to the P1 Orientation
Booklet or the Student Handbook)
Parents we need
    your help to:
•   Ensure his / her appearance is neat and
•   Be punctual in reporting to school.
•   Check the school bag for:
       Homework / unfinished school work
       Letters
       Forms
Parents we need
    your help to:
•   Ensure home work is completed and
    all forms are returned to school on

•   Account for absence with an MC or

•   For longer periods of absence, please
    contact the school to inform.
School Rules &
   No birthday parties in school.

   Birthday goodie bags can be
    distributed to classmates but should
    be kept simple and inexpensive.
Safety &
•   You may drive into the school compound to drop off your child in the morning
    only before 7.25 am.

•   Slow down - 15km/h zone
•   To avoid traffic congestion, do drive off immediately after dropping
    off your child.
    •   Let child alight on the side of the kerb.
    •   Queue for child to alight at a safe location.
    •   Do not alight to kiss/hug child while others are waiting in line.

•   You are not allowed to park your vehicle and accompany your child
    into the hall.
For drivers, kindly slow down when exiting the school
You may wish to wait for your child at the Parents’
Waiting Area near Gate A during dismissal
Gate A is the main gate of the school that is next to Fernvale Road

Open : Monday to Friday between 6.30 a.m. and 6.30 p.m.
Open only
during arrival (7.00am to 7.25am)
During dismissal (All days: 1.30pm to 2.00pm)
                  (Tues & Thu: 4pm to 4.30pm)
Gate B is the back gate of the school which is next to
Blk 441C
Open only
during arrival (7.00am to 7.25am)
During dismissal (All days: 1.30pm to 2.00pm)
                  (Thu: 4.30pm to 5.00pm)
Gate Opening Hours
       Location                     School Days            School Holidays
Gate A
(Pedestrian gate @ Guard       6.30am to 7.00pm           7.30am to 7.00pm
Gate B & G                 7.00am to 7.25am
(Next to Blks 441C and
                           All days: 1.30pm to 2pm            Closed
                           Thu (Gate B only): 4.30pm to

       Refer to P1 Orientation Booklet Page 2
• For security reasons, you are requested to
  obtain a pass from the Security Post before
  proceeding to the General Office.

• You are to wear the Security Pass prominently
  at all times.

• Please note that the Visitor Pass only allows
  access to the General Office.
•   You are to proceed to the General Office to
    state your purpose of visit and seek assistance.

•   All parents are prohibited from going to
    the classrooms and canteen on your own.

•   Kindly cooperate and treat our staff with
Early Dismissal Request
• Valid reasons (e.g. illnesses, family
• Fill in “ Student Leaving School Early”
  in the General Office
• Authorised adults:
   • Family members above 18, domestic
     helpers & legal guardian – ID to be
   • Valid documents must be submitted
     to FT on return to the school
      •   E.g. Medical certificates or Parents’ letter
•   PSG Pass – For parent volunteers
•   Visitor’s Pass – For visiting General Office only
•   Vendor Pass – For visiting bookshop / uniform
Communication &
Situations        Procedures
Child is          • If your child is unwell or sustained an injury, the teacher will keep
unwell/injured/     parents /guardian informed.
Early Dismissal
                  • If your child needs early dismissal, please give advance notice to
                    the Form Teacher via email or Student’s handbook.

                  • When picking you child, parents are to go to the General office and
                    inform the administrative staff of your purpose of your visit.

                  • Parents / Guardians are required to sign the ‘Student Leaving
                    School Early’ form before you take the child home.

                  • No child in this situation are allowed to go home on their own.

Absenteeism       • Absence from school would require a valid medial certificate or a
                    letter from the parents or guardians justifying such absence.

                  • When your child is ill or suffer from a contagious disease, please
                    inform the Form teacher and do NOT send your child to school.
Situations         Procedures
Child is           • If your child is unwell or sustained an injury, the teacher will keep
unwell/injured/E     parents /guardian informed.
arly Dismissal
                   • If your child needs early dismissal, please give advance notice to
                     the Form Teacher via email or Student’s handbook.

                   • When picking you child, parents are to go to the General office and
                     inform the administrative staff of your purpose of your visit.

                   • Parents / Guardians are required to sign the ‘Student Leaving
                     School Early’ form before you take the child home.

                   • No child in this situation are allowed to go home on their own.

Absenteeism        • Absence from school would require a valid medial certificate or a
                     letter from the parents or guardians justifying such absence.

                   • When your child is ill or suffer from a contagious disease, please
                     inform the Form teacher and do NOT send your child to school.
Situations          Procedures
Completion of the   • Students are expected to complete each school term.
school terms
                    • Any request for students to return to their home country early or
                      for tours does not constitute a valid reason.
Situations       Procedures
Forgetting to    • If your child forgets to bring his/her books/materials, please do NOT
bring books or     bring it to school for him/her.
materials        • The school wants to instill in students a sense of personal

Travel           • Parents need to submit a travel declaration if your child is travelling
Declaration        overseas during term breaks or long weekends.

                 • A reminder to submit the travel declaration will be sent via the school
                   week notifications before the term break or the long weekends.

                 • Submission of the travel declaration is by logging onto our MC Online
                   portal (found on School website). The User ID and the Password are
                   both the same (your child’s BC No.) (There may be some changes in
                   2019, school will inform parents in due time)

Road Safety      • Parents/ Guardians should play an active role in promoting road safety
                   consciousness in their children.

                 • Parents and students should respect and obey school security guards
                   acting as road safety wardens.
You may…
• Telephone
• Email
• Write a message in your
  child’s handbook
• Make an appointment to
  meet school personnel
• Monthly newsletters –
  SKGian Connect
• Letters / Consent forms
• SMS Broadcast
• Feedback Form
• Annual Surveys
Rules of Engagement
• Show mutual respect

• Actively listen to one

• Collaborate on issues that
  affect student’s learning &
  holistic well-being
Rules of Engagement
   Forge Shared
Effective Two-way
• You are encouraged to sign up as a
  Parent Support Group member.

• Information and registration forms can
  be obtained from the school website.

• PSG members will share about their
  experience on Day 1 after the Parenting
  Talk in the T-Room.

• You will be invited to attend the PSG
  Welcome Meeting in Term 1.
It takes a whole village
to raise a child

Documents in Envelope
 •   Student Data Form
 •   Giro Form (Inside Envelope)
 •   Feedback Form
 •   Letter from HPB : Give Online
     Consent for Immunisation & Dental
 •   MOE Financial Assistance Scheme
     Leaflet 2019
 •   Mode of Dismissal
 •   Primary One Booklist 2019
 •   Uniform & Name Tag Form
 •   Primary One Orientation Booklet
What to Bring / Do?
What to Bring / Do?
 Things to Bring
 First Day of School – 2 Jan 2019 (Tuesday)
 Attire: PE Attire
 Apart from their stationery, students should bring
 the following items:
 English Language 1) P1 Stellar Handwriting

                   2) P1 Stellar Booklets

                   3) MC English Listening
                      Comprehension & Oral P1

                   4) Subject File (Red-English)

                   5) Activity Book: Tips and Activities
                      for a great start to primary school

                   6) Jotter Book (lined) & A5 Broad line
                      exercise book

                   7) Green Lanyard

  Refer to P1 Orientation    Booklet
                    (Distributed during P1page   4 –
Dismissal by:

                                              Gate A / Gate B / Gate G

                                              School Bus / Student Care

    Dismissal                  Name: Immanual Lim
    Card                       Class : P 1H

   Parents will receive a card upon
    submission of forms.

   To fetch their child, they will need to
    show this card to the class teachers
    for verification
Teachers in Charge of Form Filling
  Class    Venue     Teacher-In-Charge
   1A       2A       Mdm Rozana

   1B       2B       MrJoshua Xiao

   1C       2C       Mdm Hazirah

   1D       2D       Mdm Chitra

   1E       2E       Mrs Judy Tan

   1F       2F       Mdm Ayuni

   1G       2G       Ms Diane Chua

   1H       2H       Mrs Emily Koh

   1I     Teaching   Ms Sharon Tan
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