The Prodigal Son All is Forgiven - St. Mary's Parish Family 114 Princeton Street/PO Box 2200

The Prodigal Son All is Forgiven - St. Mary's Parish Family 114 Princeton Street/PO Box 2200
St. Mary’s Parish Family
     114 Princeton Street/PO Box 2200
      Jefferson, Massachusetts 01522

      Prodigal Son!
    All is Forgiven!!!!!

                                         “Rite of
                                         for our
                                         Grade 2
                                        for their
The Prodigal Son All is Forgiven - St. Mary's Parish Family 114 Princeton Street/PO Box 2200
St. Mary’s Parish                                                                                            Jefferson, MA

                                 ALL ARE WELCOME HERE                         Schedule Around Campus…
                              If you are alienated or upset,        Saturday, March 26
                                 we welcome you lovingly.           9:00 AM         Grade 10 Retreat/Camp Grotonwood
                           If you are in need of forgiveness,       3:15 PM         Confessions
                            Jesus forgives you completely—          4:30 PM         Mass/Church
                                  with unconditional love.
                        If you have been hurt by the Church,        Sunday, March 27
                                     we are truly sorry.            8:00 AM         Mass/Church
                      if you are angry, Jesus offers you peace.                     Coffee Shoppe
                            If life has become burdensome,          10:00 AM        Children’s Liturgy of the Word/GR
                               we are here to support you.                          Mass/Church
                                                                                    Coffee Shoppe
                                                                    4:00 PM         Grade 6-8 Rel Ed Class & Beginnings
                                                                    5:00 PM         Mass/Church
      Mass Schedule and Intentions                                                  NO Grade 9&10 Rel Ed Class
Saturday, March 26
4:30 PM        Harold & Phyllis Greiff (Larry & Phyllis Yont)       Monday, March 28
                                                                    12:00 PM       Mass/GR
Sunday, March 27                                                    12:30 PM       Rosary/Church
8:00 AM        Kathy O’Grady (Ray O’Grady)                          4:15 PM        Grade 1-5 Religious Ed
10:00 AM       Diane Browne (Larry & Phyllis Yont)
5:00 PM        Jadwiga & Czeslawa Chalecki                          Tuesday, March 29
               (Chris & Justyna Moniak)                             8:00 AM         Mass/GR
                                                                    4:15 PM         Grade 1-5 Religious Ed
Monday, March 28                                                    6:00 PM         Cub Scouts/Hall
12:00 PM      Safety & healing for all those caught in the          6:30 PM         Wine, Cheese, Music and Friends/Hall
              dangers of war.
                                                                    Wednesday, March 30
Tuesday, March 29
                                                                    8:00 AM       Mass
8:00 AM        That many Catholics will come back to Christ in
                                                                    6:00 PM       Girl Scouts/Hall
               the Sacrament of Reconciliation
                                                                    7:30 PM       Al-Anon Meeting/GR
Wednesday, March 30                                                               Adult Choir/Church
8:00 AM      Lila Smith (13th Anniv) (A Friend)
                                                                    Thursday, March 31
Thursday, March 31                                                  10:00 AM        Faith Sharing/Lenten Longings/GR
Friday, April 1                                                     7:00 PM         The Chosen/GR

Saturday, April 2                                                   Friday, April 1
4:30 PM          Stephen John Murray (Eileen & Jim McCorkle)        6:00 PM           Stations of the Cross

Sunday, April 3                                                     Saturday, April 2
8:00 AM         Diane Browne (The Weathersbee Family)               3:15 PM           Confessions
10:00 AM        Diane Browne (Sheila & Paul Bosse)                  4:30 PM           Mass/Church
5:00 PM         Parishioners of St. Mary’s
                                                                    Sunday, April 3
                                                                    8:00 AM         Mass/Church
                                                                                    Coffee Shoppe/GR
                       The Tabernacle candle burns for
                               “Ann Kokernak”                       10:00 AM        Mass/Church
                     Requested by Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Kersus                          Children’s Liturgy of the Word
                                                                                    Coffee Shoppe/GR
                                                                    4:00 PM         Grade 6-8 Rel Ed Class & Beginnings
                                                                    5:00 PM         Mass/Church
                         In Life & Death, We are the Lord’s…                        Grade 9&10 Rel Ed Class
                         We lift up in prayer those who have lost
                          loved ones especially for the family
                             and friends of Olive Rabidou.
The Prodigal Son All is Forgiven - St. Mary's Parish Family 114 Princeton Street/PO Box 2200
Fourth Sunday of Lent
                             Partners in Charity 2022

                         Our parish has begun conducting the
                                                                                 Middle and High School Young People~ If you
                       Partners in Charity Appeal. In order to be
                      prepared to prayerfully consider this annual               would like to offer your prayer by participating in
                       request from Bishop McManus, we have                      Living Stations of the Cross on Good Friday, April
   attached an online version of this year's Appeal Video and a                  15th please contact the Religious Ed Office. Many
                  digital 2022 Appeal Brochure.                                  people choose to take time off to observe this most
               Visit:                                sacred day. Please consider being with us to reflect
Our agencies and ministries are faces of hope to so many people      and thank our God for His incredible love through the gift of
during this pandemic. Your pledge or one time gift is a tangible
way to be a ‘face of Christ’ to the world through your support       your participation.
of the agencies and ministries which rely on this appeal for the
funding each year. And you, in turn, share in the joy of bringing                  Prayer Buddies Needed! If you would like to
hope into the lives of those we serve. “Text” giving is hands                      adopt one of the First Eucharist children as a
down the easiest and most secure way to give. If you know how
                                                                                   prayer partner, please sign-up today! Prayer
to send a text message, you can make a gift to Partners in
Charity in seconds on your phone. Best yet, our parish St.                         Buddies simply pray for our little ones. Some
Mary’s Jefferson will receive credit! Text donate to 84576. You                    prayer buddies write notes or send cards to their
can also make your gift online at Gift
                                                                     First Communion child. Sign-up sheets are on the table in the
envelopes are available at the church entrance.
    Thank you for your continued support! We couldn’t do it          entry of the Church. Thank you for holding the children close to
                            without you!                             your hearts during this precious time!

                                                                                    SUPER STAR Confirmation Retreat Team
                                                                                    Leaders! Thank you to our amazing Grade 11
                                                                                    and 12 students who did a phenomenal job
                                                                                    leading a daylong retreat this Saturday for our
                                       Wine, Cheese,                                Confirmation students. What a gift! What an
                                          Music                                     inspiration!!!

                                                                     High School Grades 9 & 10 will not meet this week Sunday,
                                         Friends                     March 27th. Next Class - April 3rd! Middle School Students
                                         Join us                     will gather at 4PM as scheduled for Class followed by Mass @
                                     March 29, 6:30 PM               5 PM! See you then!
                                       In the Hall
                                                                                        PALM SUNDAY PROCESSION and FAMILY
                                                                                        MASS…complete with donkey! Come!
          Featuring the extraordinary
                                                                                        “Prepare the way of the Lord”!!! Ages 1-
                    music of
                                                                                        101, We Need YOU! A joyful family
             Regi and Olga Pineda
                                                                                        procession of palms will call us to prayer on
                Accompanied by                                                       th
              Pianist Sanghee Kim                                    Sunday, April 10 at 10AM. Donuts and fellowship following
                                                                     Mass. JOIN US!!!

                            St. Mary’s Parish
                          Reconciliation Service
                                                                      It is with sincere appreciation that we thank the families
                             Tuesday, April 5, 2022
                                   6:30 PM                                            and friends of Diane Browne
                                                                         for choosing St. Mary’s for their Memorial Donation.
                        “God never tires of forgiving us;
                          we are the ones who tire of
                             receiving his mercy.”
                                            Pope Francis
                                                                         Someone you know may be in an abusive relationship.
              Several Priests will joining us.
                                                                                   Abuse Hotline 508-755-9030
The Prodigal Son All is Forgiven - St. Mary's Parish Family 114 Princeton Street/PO Box 2200
March 27, 2022
           St Mary’s Bereavement Support Group
           St. Mary’s Bereavement Support Group was formed in
2019 to provide a place or fraternity where a grieving friend
can find fellowship, understanding, and support.
           The St. Mary’s Bereavement Support Group is run by
leaders who are on their own grief journeys and have
experienced the despair, sadness, heartache, loneliness, and
loss due to the passing of someone they loved very deeply.
Compassion, kindness, tears, and paths toward healing are
found among our group members.
           Please consider joining us. We meet for 6 weeks on
Tuesday afternoons from 1:00 to 2:30 in the Gathering Room at
St. Mary’s Church in Jefferson, MA . The Spring 2022 session is
April 5th through May 10th. The Bereavement Support Group is
faith based, open to the public, and it is free. The
requirements are that you preregister, as we purchase books,
and that you come prepared to listen and share.
           Please email, text or call me for any other information,
and to register. Please register by Thursday March 31st. Thank
you. Cell 508 272 6923 or
           I wish you peace. Beth Cunningham

   Fr. Andy is currently in Rehab at Liberty Commons,
        390 Orleans Road, Chatham, MA 02633.
            He is alert and in good spirits and
              would love to hear from you.

                             We Need Volunteers for a
                                     New Ministry
                     Hotel Grace is a faith based
emergency shelter affiliated with The Net of Compassion in
Worcester. Their goal: Provide a warm bed and hot meal for
the population in need. Volunteers needed to shop, make
cookies or bars at home, prepare the simple meal in the St.
Mary’s Parish Hall kitchen, and/or serve the meal at Hotel
Grace in Worcester. Any time you can give is accepted and
much appreciated, be it baking at home, be the food shopper,
cook the meal at the Parish center, or come to serve the meal.
Our parish stewardship covers the cost for this. We are
scheduled for 2 dates to prepare a meal. Sat. 3/26, Sat. 4/30.
Please contact Beth Cunningham 508 272 6923 if you are able
to be a part of this, one time, or three times, for 2 hours,
or 4 hours.

  To report abuse, please contact Judith Audette, Director of
        Healing and Prevention, Diocese of Worcester
                       at (508)929-4363
The Prodigal Son All is Forgiven - St. Mary's Parish Family 114 Princeton Street/PO Box 2200
March 27, 2022
                       For too many of us, Lent is a season of
                       doom and gloom, a time to feel bad about
                       all the ways we are not “measuring up” in
                       our spiritual lives. But this view could not
                       be further from the truth. Lent is a season
                       of refreshment and love, of awakening
                       and rebirth. The Gospel Reading, the
                       parable of the Prodigal Son, is filled with
                       this theme of awakening and the
 extravagant, life-changing love that the Father has for each
 one of us. We are all familiar with this amazing story — the
 bratty younger son who has the audacity to ask his dad for his
 inheritance early, only to squander it sinfully away. It makes
 us bristle instinctively at his nerve when we read it. But isn’t
 that exactly what we do when we selfishly turn away from
 God (in big or small ways) in our own lives? We squander
 away the inheritance of grace He has given us. In desperation
 from the mess he had made of his life, the son finally “comes
 to his senses” — awakening to the truth that he is a beloved
 son of a loving and merciful father — and decides to return
 home. His contrition is faltering and imperfect and seems
 motivated in large part by his growling stomach. But it is
 enough for the loving father. In fact, as soon as the father
 catches sight of his son he is “filled with compassion for him”
 and immediately sets about preparing a feast and fine clothes
 for this son. What an extravagance of love! What a beautiful
 picture Jesus gives us of our Father’s love and mercy. Oh, how
 this should fill us with gratitude for such a Father!

                  Go to
         To sign up for St. Mary’s
        Automated Online Giving

                   PARISH TITHE
Our Parish Tithe for the week of March 20th will go
   to Defray the cost of our Lenten Gatherings.

                                       We offer our
                            THANKS AND GRATITUDE to
                    “All those who helped with Pizza
                    with The Pastor” for an awesome
                     evening of asking questions and
         learning and trying to stump Fr. Tim.!!!

              Week of March 20th
                                        Weekly          YTD
Amount Needed...............................$ 9,470   $268,493
Amount Collected............................$ 8,249   $274,630
Budget Surplus (Deficit)..................$ 1,221      $ (6,137)

                            Thank You
The Prodigal Son All is Forgiven - St. Mary's Parish Family 114 Princeton Street/PO Box 2200
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 Funded by ACL Grant No. 90MPPG0051
    Phone 774 242 7300
    Sandra and Carlos Lima.                          317 Brooks Street, Worcester, MA 01606

                     Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 •                                                                            St. Mary, Jefferson, MA                   03-0208
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