MARGARITA BONSPIEL Interlaken -Switzerland 15 - 18. October 2009

Page created by Sally Luna
MARGARITA BONSPIEL Interlaken -Switzerland 15 - 18. October 2009
Interlaken - Switzerland
15. – 18. October 2009

MARGARITA BONSPIEL Interlaken -Switzerland 15 - 18. October 2009
«Hotel Royal-St.Georges, das Hotel in Interlaken,
             das Platz für alles hat.
          Ausser für Alltäglichkeit.»

           Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch!
 Höheweg 139, 3800 Interlaken, Tel. 033 822 75 75,

   Wir heissen den Margarita-Curlingclub
    in Interlaken herzlich willkommen!
                                         Geniessen Sie ihren gemütlichen Aufenthalt
                                         im familienfreundlichen Drei-Sterne-Sportlerhotel.
                                         «I’r Sunne . . . äs isch wunderbar!»

                                         « . . . die beste Quelle in Interlaken!»
                                         Die traditionsreichste Apéro-Bar in Interlaken,
                                         ein Genuss für jedermann/-frau.

                                         « . . . hot stones on cool ice . . .
                                         and cool drinks . . . with hot ice!»
                                         . . . nichts ist unmöglich . . . on ice.

                 Hotel Sonne | Fam. H.P. Seiler | 3800 Matten-Interlaken
         Tel. 033 822 75 41 | |
MARGARITA BONSPIEL Interlaken -Switzerland 15 - 18. October 2009
Welcome back to the Roots
After the foundation of the Margarita Curling Club there has been no
Bonspiel until 1997, when the tradition of Margarita Bonspiel started
in Berne/Switzerland. In the year 2000 and 3 Swiss Editions later the
Margarita Bonspiel was grown-up and began to conquer the world
starting in Minnesota/USA. From then on the Bonspiel took place
alternately in Europe and Overseas (USA or Canada). In 2007 in Kent
the idea was born to bring the Bonspiel back to Switzerland after
having fascinated hundreds of people around the globe.

So here we are – in Interlaken in the heart of the Swiss alps, not far
from Margarita’s birthplace Wengen where anno 1992 a couple of
crazy guys created an idea, that lead into a new feeling and formed
a new Community – the Margaritas.

Welcome – dear Margaritas – back to the Roots, welcome all other
potential Margaritas, Margarita fans, supporters and enthusiasts –
leave all of your sorrows behind you and enjoy the three coming days
on a beautiful spot on earth and together with the Margarita family.
We are very pleased to have you all here in Interlaken and we are
proud to host the 13th Margarita Bonspiel.

                   Your Organizing Committee with
             Claudia Weiss Pascale Thomann Marlis Kurt
             Gerhard Kurt Markus Bomonti Paul Setschi
              Andi Gnehm Andy Meyer Isidor Brunner
                    Markus Fischer Jürg Denecke

                            What time is it?
MARGARITA BONSPIEL Interlaken -Switzerland 15 - 18. October 2009
                                        1   Hotel Sonne
                                        2   Curling
                                        3   Tell-Festspiele
                                        4   Hotel Royal St. Georges
                                        5   Railway Station West
                                        6   Railway Station East

             Bubenbergplatz 12   3011 Bern

             Henriette von Graffenried
                     Apothekerin FPH

   Mo – Fr 7.30 – 18.45                Sa 8.30 – 17.00

Tel 031 311 34 11            Gratis bestellen 0800 80 34 11         
MARGARITA BONSPIEL Interlaken -Switzerland 15 - 18. October 2009
MARGARITA BONSPIEL Interlaken -Switzerland 15 - 18. October 2009
                                 Group A
                 1. Draw, Thursday, October 15th, 11.00 h
Sheet 1                      Sheet 2                 Sheet 3                   Sheet 4

Eiger Mönch                  St. Paul Margaritas     Jumping Margaritas        Margarita Kangaroos
& Margarita                  4. Brian Novak          4. Paul Setschi           4. Joan Reed
4. Jürg Denecke              3. Brian Grabowski      3. Andi Gnehm             3. Margreth Archer
3. Gerhard Kurt              2. Julaine Novak        2. Jane Clark             2. Ben Wiegers
2. Marlis Kurt               1. Christie Grabowski   1. Kathy Robinson         1. Gordon Gilcrist
1. Denise Denecke

Turtles                      Chicago                 Margarita Slackers        Margarita Singles
4. Don Garside               4. John Reid            4. Drew Arnold            4. Aschi Müller
3. Russ Armstrong            3. Gail Armstrong       3. Laurie Arnold          3. James Hustler
2. Leslie Armstrong          2. David Bemus          2. Linda Lokensgard       2. Urs Hediger
1. John Dunsford             1. Liz Reid             1. Nancy Bata             1. Stephen Hambly

2. Draw, Groupe A: Thursday, October 15th, 19.15 h

                                 Group B
                 1. Draw, Thursday, October 15th, 13.00 h

Sheet 1                      Sheet 2                 Sheet 3                   Sheet 4

Winnipeg Ladies              Once upon a time        Margarita AZ              Ds Vogellisi
4. Diane MacIver             4. Bo Kleimann          4. Terry Chick            4. Markus Klauenbösch
3. Jo-anne Hawkins           3. Allan Ploug          3. Rich Lepping           3. Markus Bomonti
2. Candice Richards          2. Mark Wilkinson       2. Beth Lepping           2. Brigitta Klauenbösch
1. Kathryn Rowe              1. Naja Zethsen         1. Karen Sims             1. Harry Krämer

Interlaken                   Club House              Margarita                 Margarita Boston Rox
4. Hanspeter Seiler (Söli)   Neuchâtel               Wannabees                 4. Stuart Graves
3.                           4. Fabio Payot          4. Nancy Clancy           3. John Wilson
2.                           3. Bibi Meroni          3. Elisabeth Kellerhals   2. Brenda Graves
1.                           2. Ludovique            2. David Wring            1. Loraine Waybourn
                             1. Fabrice              1. John Dorff

2. Draw, Groupe B: Friday, October 16th, 08.00 h
Group C
                1. Draw, Thursday, October 15th, 15.15 h
Sheet 1                  Sheet 2               Sheet 3               Sheet 4

Margarita SwiGer         Big Mac’s             CHuchiChäschtli       The President
4. Claudia Weiss         4. Aileen Mackenzie   4. Martin Burri       4. Chris Robinson
3. Holger Hetzel         3. Doug Mackenzie     3. Beate Grimm        3. Emilia Juocys
2. Pascale Thomann       2. Barb Toomey        2. Charlie Kapp       2. Ben Levy
1. Andy Meyer            1. Willa Arntz        1. Brigitte Burri     1. Greg Wright

Contamines               LBI Margaritas        Margarita             Margarita France
4. Jacques Lafanechère   4. Andrea Stepnosky   Imponderables         4. Thierry Agius
3. Marc Johnston         3. Don Arsenault      4. Steve Scheffler    3. Michel Wormser
2. Jean Pierre Curdel    2. Paul Graebener     3. Reuben Harris      2. Claude Beaubestre
1. Alain Milkowski       1. Louisa Bartok      2. Leslie Prince      1. Jean-Pierre Fregonese
                                               1. Bob Stark

2. Draw, Groupe C: Friday, October 16th, 10.00 h

                               Group D
                1. Draw, Thursday, October 15th, 17.15 h

Sheet 1                  Sheet 2               Sheet 3               Sheet 4

Margarita Scotland       Fentons Rink          3&1                   Icebears
4. Gordon Lyon           4. Ernest Fenton      4. Ueli Jöhr          4. Edi Knutti
3. Darcy Ellarby         3. Stephen Wood       3. Beate Bolander     3. Othmar Häuptli
2. Paul Ellarby          2. Ian MacDonald      2. Rosmarie Rösti     2. Vreni Knutti
1. Carol Lyon            1. Jim Marmont        1. Heidi Carlson      1. Werner Fuchs

Pondhoppers              Margarita Jungfrau    Shanghai New Jersey   Gstaad
4. Sheila Longie         4. Markus Fischer     4. Topper Waters      4. Kurt Iseli
3. Jan Schneeberger      3. Tschisi Brunner    3. Bob Fox            3.
2. Jill Jeske            2. Hansjörg Hirschi   2. Karl Lohner        2.
1. Marina Winger         1. Martha             1. Aya                1.

2. Draw, Groupe D: Friday, October 16th, 12.00 h
Einfach anders als andere – auch als Arbeitgeber
Was macht die KNF NEUBERGER als Arbeitgeber so attraktiv und liebenswert? Unser Team verrät
Ihnen hier im Rätsel 15 gute Gründe und wünscht Ihnen viel Spass bei dieser Herausforderung.
Sie möchten mehr wissen über uns? Oder über die Lösung? Rufen Sie uns an oder senden Sie uns
ein Mail – wir freuen uns!

                                       KNF NEUBERGER AG         Telefon 071 971 14 85
                                       Stockenstrasse 6         Fax     071 971 13 60
                                       8362 Balterswil          E-Mail
Rules of Competition
1.   Basic Rules in accordance to the Swiss Curling Association
2.   All games with 8 ends if time allows
3.   A bell is ringing to start all games of a round at the same time
4.   After 1h45’ a signal is declaring the actual end as the last end
     except in the final
5.   System Schenkel in all of the 5 rounds
6.   Win: 2 Points, Tie: 1 Point, Loss: 0 Points
7.   Ranking is determined by Points/Ends/Stones
8.   First 2 rounds in 4 groups, round 3 and 4 according to an overall
     ranking list
9.   Final, without time limit, for the 8 top teams after round 4
10. Final is open, means that all of the 8 final teams can win the
11. Tie-Breaker for winning the Bonspiel is 1 “draw-to-the-button”
    played by the 2 leads only (hammer according to last end)

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The Tradition of the Margarita Bonspiel
1     1997   Bern                  Switzerland                     Europe
2     1998   Bern                  Switzerland                     Europe
3     1999   Bern                  Switzerland                     Europe
4     2000   St. Paul, Minnesota   USA                             America
5     2001   Hamburg               Germany                         Europe
6     2002   Calgary, Alberta      Canada                          America
7     2003   Letham Grange         Scotland                        Europe
8     2004   Ardsley, New York     USA                             America
9     2005   Prague                The Czech Republic              Europe
10    2006   Hamilton, Ontario     Canada                          America
11    2007   Kent                  England                         Europe
12    2008   Chicago, Illinois     USA                             America
13    2009   Interlaken            Switzerland                     Europe

      2002   Wengen/Switzerland    Margarita’s 10th Birthday

                                        R AU M
                                   FÜ R G EN IE SSE R
                                      und Räume für kulinarische
                                   Höhepunkte oder einfach für einen
                                   einmaligem Blick auf die Jungfrau.

                                        Höheweg 41, 3800 Interlaken
                                            Telefon 033 828 28 28
interlaken 2009

                          M A R G A R I TA
                           CURLING CLUB

       The Margarita 2009 Sponsors
       Confiserie Beeler AG, Bern
       Denecke Jürg und Denise, Jegenstorf
       Gössi Carreisen AG, Horw
       Hotel Royal St. Georges, Interlaken
       Hotel Sonne, Interlaken
       Hotel Viktoria Jungfrau, Interlaken
       Interlaken Tourismus, Interlaken
       Jungfraubahnen, Interlaken
       KNF Neuberger AG, Balterswil
       Kurt Marlis, Moosseedorf
       Laserjet 2000 AG, Ralph Thomann, Bösingen
       Olo Marzipan, O. Lohner AG, Lyssach
       Outdoor Shop, Interlaken
       Schwanen-Apotheke, Bern

Thank you very much for supporting our International Bonspiel

                  Interlaken Tourismus
              Höheweg 37, CH-3800 Interlaken
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