LIVERIES WITH BITE - Royal Aeronautical ...

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LIVERIES WITH BITE - Royal Aeronautical ...
APRIL 2022

                                                                           THE NEW AGE OF
                                                                           UKRAINE AIR WAR
                                                                           DRONE DELIVERIES

April 2022
Volume 49 Number 4

                                                                   LIVE RI ES
                                                                   WITH BITE
Royal Aeronautical Society

                                                                   HOW TO MAKE YOUR AIRLINER
                                                                   STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD

                   April 2022 AEROSPACE COVER Shark FINAL.indd 1                          21/03/2022 14:37
LIVERIES WITH BITE - Royal Aeronautical ...
LIVERIES WITH BITE - Royal Aeronautical ...
Volume 49 Number 4
April 2022

   EDITORIAL                                                                                                                        Contents
   Globalisation breaks down                                                                                                        Regulars
                                                                                                                                    4 Radome                                            12 Transmission
   As the world reels from the Russian invasion of Ukraine and its old                                                              The latest aviation and                             Your letters, emails, tweets
   geopolitical and economic order unravels before our eyes, the conflict                                                           aeronautical intelligence,                          and social media feedback.
                                                                                                                                    analysis and comment.
   is potentially reversing, in some key areas, what was the seemingly                                                                                                                  58 The Last Word
   unstoppable juggernaut of globalisation. What does this mean for                                                                 11 Pushing the Envelope                             Keith Hayward considers
   aerospace, aviation and space? First, by the time this is read, Russia’s civil                                                   Rob Coppinger examines                              the longer-term economic
                                                                                                                                    the increase in space debris                        effects of the Russian war in
   aviation industry may have collapsed after Airbus, Boeing and others pulled                                                      in orbit around the Earth and                       Ukraine on the international
   support from over 900 airliners, training is halted and lessors scramble                                                         what can be done about it.                          aerospace industry.
   to repossess aircraft. With airspace closed, joint ventures shut down and
   inward investment ceases, this will be ‘ground zero’ for its airlines. The                                                        Features
   speed in which Russia’s economic fate has been sealed will give pause to

   companies with partnerships in countries, like China, which have hitherto                                                        14                                                  28
   walked a narrow tightrope between co-operation and competition. On the

                                                                                                                                                                     Martyn Cartledge
   defence side – with a full-scale state-on-state war, expect increases in
   defence spending across the West to be fast-tracked – already seen in
   Germany’s strategic reversal to its approach to more muscular geopolitics.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Saving the planet from
   Finally, the invasion has also thrown in to doubt, international co-operation                                                    Pimp my flight
   betweeb Russia and the West in spaceflight – with OneWeb and ExoMars now                                                         How special one-off paint
                                                                                                                                                                                         Recent advances in Earth
                                                                                                                                    schemes can get an airline’s
   in limbo.                                                                                                                                                                             observation satellite technology.
                                                                                                                                    message across.
                                                                                                                                                                                         30 The new age of
   Deputy Editor Bill Read retires                                                                                                  20 Air war Ukraine – the                             The past and future of human
                                                                                                                                    first month                                          spaceflight.
                                                                                                                                    An initial analysis on the air
   After 22 years on the staff of AEROSPACE magazine, friend, colleague and

                                                                                                                                    power aspects of the conflict
   award-winning aviation journalist Bill Read FRAeS is leaving the RAeS for a                                                      in Ukraine.
   well-deserved retirement. On behalf of myself and the Editorial team here, I
   would like to wish him a very happy and enjoyable retirement.

                                                                                                                                                                     JR NG

   Tim Robinson FRAeS, Editor-in-Chief @RAeSTimR                                                                                                                                               Is India’s military drone
                                                                                                                                                                                        industry ready to go?
      Correspondence on all aerospace matters is welcome at:                                                                                               How India’s geopolitics is
                                                                                                                                                                                        shaping the growth of its
Editor-in-Chief                                Editorial Office                               2022 AEROSPACE subscription                                                               indigenous drone market.
Tim Robinson FRAeS                             Royal Aeronautical Society                     rates: Non-members, £195
+44 (0)20 7670 4353                            No.4 Hamilton Place                            To place your order, contact:                   London W1J 7BQ, UK                             Wayne J Davis                         Taking flight from difficult                         38 Drone and deliver
Deputy Editor
                                               +44 (0)20 7670 4300                            +44 (0)20 7670 4354                   times in Singapore                                   Can the use of drones for
Bill Read FRAeS                                                                                   A report from the 2022                               aerial consumer deliveries be
+44 (0)20 7670 4351                                                                           Any member not requiring a print      Singapore Airshow.                                   financially successful?                      AEROSPACE is published by the Royal            version of this magazine should
                                               Aeronautical Society (RAeS).                   contact:
Production Manager
Wayne J Davis FRAeS
+44 (0)20 7670 4354
                                               Chief Executive
                                               David Edwards FRAeS
                                                                                              USA: Periodical postage paid at
                                                                                              Champlain New York and additional     Afterburner                    Advertising                                    offices.
                                                                                                                                    44 Message from our President
                                               +44 (0)20 7670 4346                            Postmaster: Send address changes
Publications Executive                                                                                                              45 Message from our Chief Executive
                                                            to IMS of New York, PO Box 1518,
Chris Male FRAeS
+44 (0)20 7670 4352                                                                           Champlain NY 12919-1518, USA.         46 Book reviews
                                               Unless specifically attributed, no                     material in AEROSPACE shall be taken
                                               to represent the opinion of the RAeS.
                                                                                              ISSN 2052-451X                        49 Library Additions
Production Executive
Annabel Hallam                                 Reproduction of material used in this                                                50 2021 RAeS AGM minutes
+44 (0)20 7670 4361                            publication is not permitted without the
                                               written consent of the Editor-in-Chief.
                                                                                                                                    52 RAeS AGM calling notice
Book Review Editors                            Printed by Buxton Press Limited,                                                     54 New Member Spotlight
                                               Palace Road, Buxton, Derbyshire
Tony Pilmer and Katrina Sudell
                                               SK17 6AE, UK
                                                                                                                                    55 RAeS Diary
                                               Distributed by Royal Mail
                                                                                                                                    56 Elections

Cover: Embraer’s striking E2 Profit Hunter ‘Tech Shark’ livery made its debut at the Singapore Air Show in February.

                   Additional content is available to view online at:
                      Including: Ukraine – implications for international spaceflight, Proving ground for electric flight,
                                                                                                                                                   Read AEROSPACE and the Insight blog on your
                      The Ghost of Kyiv – myth or reality?, New Member spotlight, Air War over Ukraine – the first days,                           smartphone or tablet with the AEROSPACE app
                                      Countdown to UK launch, Viability of consumer delivery drones.                                  APP             available from iTunes and Google Play.

       @aerosociety           i    Find us on LinkedIn         f     Find us on Facebook                                                                                        APRIL 2022                   13
LIVERIES WITH BITE - Royal Aeronautical ...

               Flight deck
               As well as flight
               test engineering
               stations, the A380
               ZEROe flight deck
               will be modified
               with an extra
               throttle lever for
               the pylon-mounted

                                                                               Passport to ZEROe
                                                                               A GE Passport turbofan will be
                                                                               mounted on a rear pylon and
                                                                               modified to run on hydrogen, with
                                                                               CFM International converting the
                                                                               combuster, fuel system and controls
                                                                               to use this fuel – with the liquid
                                                                               hydrogen being converted to gas
                                                                               before being burned cleanly by
                                                                               the combustor. Meanwhile, four
                                                                               cryogenic liquid hydrogen tanks with
                                                                               400kg of fuel will be mounted in the
                                                                               main cabin. Airbus has yet to decide
                                                                               on whether these tanks will be
                                                                               metallic or composite construction.

                                    Contrail measurement
                                    As well as testing the liquid hydrogen
                                    fuel tanks, cryogenic feeds and engine
                                    itself, flight testing will also include
                                    measurement and analysis of the water-
                                    contrails produced by H2-powered

  4            AEROSPACE

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King-size testing
                                                                                    The A380 was chosen for
                                                                                    the safety redundancy of
                                                                                    having four conventional
                                                                                    engines, as well as a
                                                                                    voluminous interior giving
                                                                                    ample room for liquid H2
                                                                                    tanks and cryogenic fuel
                                                                                    systems to be installed.


             A380 reborn as H2 test bed
             Airbus has announced that it is to convert the first A380 prototype, MSN001, into a demonstrator for
             its ZEROe hydrogen airliner project. Working in partnership with engine makers CFM, the airliner will
             be converted with a pylon which will carry a GE Passport bizjet engine, adapted to run on hydrogen.
             Meanwhile, four liquid-hydrogen fuel tanks will be installed in the main cabin, along with associated
             cryogenic feeds. The company expects the A380 demonstrator to fly by the end of 2026, with the aim
             that it will inform the development of the ZEROe zero-carbon airliner.

                                                                                                                 APRIL 2022       5

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             Ukrainian air force fights on after Russian invasion
             On 24 February, Russia launched a massive invasion of Ukraine, with cruise and
             tactical missile strikes against key command and control targets and air defence
             sites opening the conflict. However, as AEROSPACE goes to press in mid-March,
             some three weeks after the invasion, Ukraine’s air force is still combat effective and
             flying daily sorties, with 56 operational jet fighters, along with helicopters and UAVs.
             Meanwhile, the Russian air force (VKS) has been unable to secure air superiority,
             despite 3 to 1 odds, with the CinC of the Ukrainian AF stating on 15 March that it
             had shot down 19 aircraft, 20 helicopters and five UAVs. These include latest types,
             such as the Su-34 strike fighter and Ka-52 attack helicopters. Ukraine is believed
             to have lost around 11 aircraft and a single helicopter, along with the civil Antonov
             An225 destroyed in its hangar during a Russian airborne assault on Hostomel
             Airport, outside Kyiv, on the first day. In other developments, a three-way plan to
             supply Ukraine with ex-Polish MiG-29 fighters was left in limbo after the US axed
             the transfer over fears this would escalate the war with Russia. However, Poland

                                                                                                     Ukrainian MoD
             surprised the US by saying it was ready to supply the MiGs by handing them over to
             the US first at Ramstein Air Base in Germany. This led to the Pentagon backing away
             from the deal, assessing that the transfer would be ‘high-risk’ but ‘low-utility’.

              AIR TRANSPORT                                                                                              SPACEFLIGHT

             Russian civil aviation isolated                                                                             International space
                                                                                                                         co-operation unravels

                                                                                                                         The conflict has               OneWeb and guarantee
                                                                                                                         also spilled over into         that the satellites would
                                                                                                                         international co-operation     not be used for military
                                                                                                                         and partnerships in            purposes. Meanwhile,
                                                                                                                         space. A OneWeb launch,        Arianespace has
             Unprecedented international economic sanctions against Russia in the wake of the                            originally scheduled for       cancelled its partnership
             invasion of Ukraine have left the Russian civil aviation sector facing isolation and mass                   lift-off using a Soyuz         with Roscosmos to
             grounding of aircraft. As AEROSPACE goes to press, Russian airlines, with many                              rocket from Baikonur           launch Soyuz rockets
             aircraft leased and registered overseas, have ceased flying to international destinations                   Cosmodrome with 36             from French Guiana. The
             for fear of aircraft being repossessed. Russian aircraft operators are also banned from                     satellites on 4 March,         joint ESA/Roscosmos
             many countries’ airspace, with Western airlines cancelling services to Russia and                           was axed after Moscow          ExoMars mission with the
             overflights. Finally, manufacturers and suppliers, such as Airbus, Boeing, Embraer,                         issued demands that the        Rosalind Franklin rover is
             CAE and Sabre, have also axed support, training and spares for Russian customers.                           UK remove its stake in         also in doubt.

           NEWS IN BRIEF
                                           a new national carrier until                                                  Spirit is already partnered    to explore opportunities
           As AEROSPACE goes               2023. The new airline,           Iran launched a Qased                        with Airbus, providing the     to obtain spare parts
           to press in March,              Nigeria Air, was initially set   rocket carrying a Noor                       composite wings for its        via India, Turkey or other
           Chinese state media has         to launch in April this year     2 military satellite on 8                    A220 single-aisle airliner.    countries.
           confirmed initial reports       to replace the country’s         March. The three-stage
           of the crash of a China         previous national carrier,       rocket is believed to                        The Chinese government         US-based freight
           Eastern Airlines Boeing         Nigeria Airways, which           have taken off from the                      has reportedly made it         lessor Air Transport
           737 with 132 people on          ceased flying in 2003.           Shahroud missile range in                    clear that it will not break   Services Group
           board on 21 March. The                                           north-eastern Iran.                          US and EU sanctions            (ATSG) has ordered
           airliner impacted into the      In a surprise move, the                                                       and supply spare parts         29 Airbus A330P2F
           mountains of southern           United Arab Emirates has         Airbus Helicopters has                       to Russian airlines            converted freighters.
           China, while on a flight        announced that it intends        announced it is partnering                   attempting to keep             The conversion will be
           between Kunming and             to procure up to 48 (12          with Belfast’s Spirit                        Western-built airliners        carried out by EFW (Elbe
           Guangzhou.                      firm and 36 options)             AeroSystems to develop                       flying. Interfax reports       Flugzeugwerke) at its
                                           Chinese Hongdu L-15              and manufacture the                          that the Russian Federal       facilities in Dresden and
           Nigeria has announced           advanced jet trainers to         wings of its CityAirbus                      Air Transport Agency has       ST Engineering’s facility
           that it will now not launch     replace its BAE Hawks.           NextGen eVTOL air taxi.                      said that the country plans    in China.

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AEROSPACE                                                                                          GENERAL AVIATION

                                                                                                                     Joby eVTOL prototype
                                                                                                                     crashes in uncrewed test
                                                                                                                     A prototype aircraft             accident. A preliminary
                                                                                                                     operated by US eVTOL air         report from the NTSB
                                                                                                                     taxi developer Joby was          described the prototype as
                                                                                                                     involved in an accident          ‘substantially damaged’ in
                                                                                                                     during high-speed flight         the crash and that it had
                                                                                                                     testing on 16 February           experienced a ‘component

                                                                                                                     in California. The aircraft,     failure’.
                                                                                                                     which is one of two               Meanwhile, Canadian

               Embraer to launch P2F conversions                                                                     prototypes, was being
                                                                                                                     piloted remotely and there
                                                                                                                                                      training and simulation
                                                                                                                                                      specialists CAE is to
               Brazilian aerospace company Embraer has launched Passenger to Freight Conversions                     were no injuries. Flight         develop and qualify flight
               (P2F) of its E190 and E195 regional jets. The freighter conversion is available for all               tracking service data            simulation training devices
               pre-owned E190s and E195s, with the first entry into service expected in early 2024.                  reportedly showed that the       for Joby Aviation’s eVTOL
               The conversions will include a new front cargo door, cargo handling system, floor                     aircraft was being flown         aircraft ahead of the first
               reinforcement, rigid cargo barrier, smoke detection and extinguishing system.                         at 270mph before the             air taxi service in 2024.

                   AIR TRANSPORT

               UK axes all remaining Covid Germany to rearm in historic shift
               travel restrictions
               On 14 March UK                 and Virgin Atlantic, along
               Transport Secretary            with Heathrow Airport,
               Grant Shapps MP                have announced that
               announced that Britain         they will be dropping the
               would be scrapping all         mandatory requirement

               remaining Covid-19 travel      for passengers to
               restrictions, including        wear Covid-19 masks.
               the Passenger Locator          However, Heathrow                      The Russian invasion of Ukraine has prompted an historic reversal in German politics, with
               Form and tests for all         says it will still ‘strongly           Berlin now pledging to increase defence spending and strengthen its military. The country will
               arrivals, from 18 March.       encourage’ travellers to               now raise its defence spending from 1.53% of GDP to 2% or above, meeting NATO’s target.
               Testing for vaccinated         continue to wear masks.                Germany will also boost its military with a €100bn defence fund from its 2022 budget. Finally,
               arrivals was already           The news was welcomed                  on 14 March, the country announced it would be buying up to 35 Lockheed Martin F-35s to
               dropped in February. In        by the UK aviation and                 replace its ageing Tornado fleet, with the Luftwaffe also to get 15 Eurofighters modified for
               parallel, British Airways      travel sector.                         the electronic warfare role.

                                             and dishes for the Starlink             Manufacturers Association       by Middle East carrier           (EAS) programme which
               The Israeli Air Force has     satellite mega-constellation            (GAMA) says that aircraft       Qatar Airways until              subsidises airlines to fly
               revealed that its F-35Is      to Ukraine. The move was                deliveries rose in 2021         April. The move is the           to smaller destinations
               have scored the first         aimed at keeping internet               to 2,630 aicraft and 826        latest development in an         which cannot support
               air-to-air kills for the      and communication                       helicopters, compared           ongoing dispute between          commercial flights on their
               type, shooting down two       services running, as                    to 2,408 and 659,               Airbus and Qatar Airways         own.
               Iranian-built UAVs last       the country reels from                  respectively in 2020.           over paint issues related
               year. In March 2021,          a Russian invasion and                  Piston aircraft deliveries      to its A350s.                    General Atomics
               F-35Is shot down two          telecoms could be cut.                  rose 5.5 % to 1,393,                                             Aeronautical Systems
               Iranian Shahed 197            However, he urged users                 bizjets by 10.2% to 710         US regional carrier              has revealed a new
               drones that were being        to observe caution, as                  and turboprops by 19%           SkyWest is to stop flying        ‘loyal wingman’ style air
               used to supply Hamas          Russian EW systems could                to 527.                         to 29 small cities due to a      dominance drone, the
               in the Gaza Strip with        track and locate the ground                                             shortage of pilots.              Gambit. The jet-powered
               weapons.                      stations.                               A judge in London has           SkyWest operates the             UCAV would fly ahead of
                                                                                     ordered Airbus to delay         routes on behalf of              crewed combat aircraft to
               SpaceX’s Elon Musk has        A report from the                       its cancellation of 50          United Airlines under            see and sense threats and
               delivered ground terminals    US General Aviation                     A321neos ordered                the Essential Air Service        identify weaknesses.

                                                                                                                                                                       APRIL 2022        7
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            AIR TRANSPORT                                                                                               SPACEFLIGHT

           Ethiopian signs up for 777X cargo                                                                            Lockheed Martin mulls NE
                                                                                                                        England space hub

                                                                                                                        Lockheed Martin UK is          conduct Northern Europe’s
                                                                                                                        considering establishing       first vertical satellite launch.
                                                                                                                        a satellite manufacturing      On the choice of location,
                                                                                                                        and space R&D hub in the       Nik Smith, Lockheed
                                                                                                                        North East of England, to      Martin’s UK and Europe
                                                                                                                        tap into the fast-expanding    regional director for Space
                                                                                                                        British space sector. The      said: “With its strong
                                                                                                                        potential new £50m facility,   manufacturing heritage,
                                                                                                                        which is in the fact-finding   highly-skilled workforce
           Ethiopian Airlines has signed an MoU with Boeing to purchase five 777-8F freighters, the                     and feasibility phase, could   and reputation for quality,
           new cargo variant of the 777X passenger widebody currently in development – to meet                          create up to 2,300 jobs in     we’ve identified North
           demand at Addis Ababa – Africa’s largest air cargo hub. Launched in January, Boeing has                      the NE, says the company,      East England as a strong
           already secured 34 firm orders for the 777-8F from Qatar Airways which is expected to                        which is already partnered     contender for our future
           enter service in 2027.                                                                                       with SaxaVord Spaceport to     operation.”

            AEROSPACE                                                               DEFENCE

           UK HAPS company                                                          Pakistan receives J-10CEs
           claims world-first 5G test
           The UK’s Cambridge-based         The trial was conducted
           Stratospheric Platforms has      in partnership with the
           announced a milestone with       Saudi Communications
           the world’s first transmission   and Information Technology
           of a 5G signal to a retail       Commission (CITC) in the
           smartphone from 45,000ft.        airspace above the Red
           The test over Saudi Arabia       Sea Project. Stratospheric
           used a piloted Grob 520          Platform’s vision is a

           as a surrogate UAV, with         network of hydrogen-
           a 5G signal maintained           powered UAVs flying                     On 11 March, the Pakistan air force took delivery of the first six Chinese-built Chengdu
           for 5hrs with a download         at 60,000ft to provide                  J-10CE multirole fighters in a ceremony at Minhas Airbase, Pakistan. The procurement
           speed of 90Mbps, allowing        low-cost, high-speed                    of an unnamed number of the fighters, believed to be around 25, was signed last June.
           three-way video calls and        connectivity over large                 The J-10CE is an export version of the J-10C, with divertless intake, AESA radar and
           4K video to be streamed.         areas.                                  WS-10B engine.

           NEWS IN BRIEF
                                            ordered 150 Lilium                  the ongoing conflict                    earlier order from DHL         Xichang on 5 March
           South Korea is to develop        eVTOLs to use as charter            in Ukraine. Global                      in December for nine           carrying six Chinese-made
           hybrid rocket engines,           aircraft. The eVTOLs                aircraft and aeroengine                 converted Boeing 767-          Yinhe 2 demonstration
           combining solid and              will be based in Florida            companies rely on a                     300 freighters.                satellites for a future
           liquid propellants to be         where Lilium will work              significant amount of                                                  broadband internet
           used to launch defence           with NetJets to build an            titanium from Russia’s                  BAE Systems has                constellation of up
           satellites. The project          eVTOL network to link               VSMPO-Avisma, which                     announced plans                to 13,000 satellites.
           will be jointly conducted        larger cities with ‘vertiport’      produces at least half                  to collaborate with            Made by Galaxy Space,
           by the Korean Ministry           facilities.                         of the world’s structural               Slovenian light aircraft       the satellites are also
           of National Defense                                                  titanium for aerospace                  manufacturer Pipistrel         equipped with cameras to
           (MND) with South Korea’s         France’s aerospace                  – providing 30-40% of                   Aircraft to explore            take photos and videos of
           Ministry of Science              industry body GIFAS                 Boeing’s and at least                   the development of             Earth’s surface.
           and ICT (information             is to form a ‘crisis cell’          50% of Airbus’ needs.                   lightweight electric
           and communication                to discuss and co-                                                          aircraft for military          Bankrupt US helicopter
           technology).                     ordinate a response                 Logistics company                       aviation roles.                manufacturer Enstrom
                                            to the likelihood of a              DHL is to purchase                                                     Helicopter may return to
           Fractional ownership             shortage of titanium                six 777 freighters from                 China launched a Long          business after its assets
           specialists NetJets has          from Russia, due to                 Boeing. This follows an                 March 2C rocket from           were purchased by MidTex

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AEROSPACE                                                                      GENERAL AVIATION

           P&W to develop                                                              SkyCourier receives type certification
           hydrogen engine
           US aero-engine                 develop a hydrogen
           powerplant                     steam-injected,
           manufacturer Pratt &           intercooled turbine
           Whitney has won a $4m          engine (HySIITE),
           contract from the United       burning hydrogen in a
           States Department of           Brayton thermodynamic

                                                                        Textron Aviation
           Energy to develop new          engine cycle,
           high-efficiency hydrogen       incorporating steam
           propulsion systems.            injection to achieve zero
           Part of the DoE’s              in-flight CO2 emissions
           Advanced Research              and reducing nitrogen-                       Textron Aviation has announced that its Cessna SkyCourier19-seat passenger/utility aircraft
           Projects Agency-Energy         oxide (NOx) emissions                        has received its type certification from the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The
           (ARPA-E), the contract         by up to 80% for single-                     approval follows a 2,100hr flight test campaign using three SkyCourier prototypes. First
           will require P&W to            aisle airliners.                             delivery to launch customer FedEx Express, which has ordered 50, is ‘soon’.

            SPACEFLIGHT                                                                                                 AIR TRANSPORT
           NASA’s oversight and
           watchdog body, the Inspector
                                                                                              Artemis                   Gender inbalance in
           General, has found that the
           cost of the US agency’s                                                              budget                  examiners, finds RAeS
           Artemis return to the Moon
           programme could cost $4.1bn                                                        rockets,                  A joint report from the
                                                                                                                        Royal Aeronautical
                                                                                                                                                       the reasons why only
                                                                                                                                                       0.9% of Type Rating
           per mission – a price that it
           says is ‘unsustainable’. When
                                                                                                 Moon                   Society and the University
                                                                                                                        of the West of England
                                                                                                                                                       Examiners in airlines in
                                                                                                                                                       the UK were women. (In
           the giant SLS rocket (rolled out                                                    landing                  (UWE) has found a              comparison women make
           on 17 March, right) programme
           was launched in 2012, the                                                              slips                 continued lack of female
                                                                                                                        type instructors and
                                                                                                                                                       up 5.26% of the global
                                                                                                                                                       pilot workforce). The
           cost of each Moon mission was                                                                                examiners in the airline       study found continued
           estimated at $500m. With the                                                                                 industry. The study,           sexism and a shortfall
           increased cost, the IG’s office                                                                              which heard from 700           in diversity, along with a
           now predicts that the landing,                                                                               airline pilots worldwide,      lack of transparency in
           originally scheduled for 2024                                                                                750 testimonials with          recruitment and a refusal
           by the Trump administration, will                                                                            eight hours of focus           to allow part-time working

           now slip to 2026 at the earliest.                                                                            groups, looked into            for examiners.

           Aviation. MidTex, which        According to outgoing                            in Singapore. Airlines at
           acquired Enstrom’s pre-        FAA Administrator Steve                          Changi airport can now       ON THE MOVE
           owned aircraft, tooling,       Dickson, Boeing has                              order blends of SAF with
           materials, drawings,           to fix a series of quality                       up to 50% conventional                                      Former Turkish
           intellectual property          control problems which                           jet fuel.                    Pioneering female aviator      Airlines’ Chairman
           and factory equipment,         halted deliveries and FAA                                                     and astronaut Wally            Mehmet Ìlker Aycıhas has
           has announced plans            inspectors will check                            The UK government has        Funk has been awarded          been appointed as the
           to reopen the factory          each aircraft. Deliveries                        announced it plans to        the 2021 Katherine and         new CEO of Air India after
           under the name Enstrom         of the 787 were paused                           supply the Ukrainian armed   Marjorie Stinson Trophy by     it was taken over by the
           Aerospace.                     last May after flaws were                        forces with the Starstreak   the National Aeronautical      Tata Group.
                                          discovered with titanium                         air defence system.          Association (NAA).
           The US Federal Aviation        fasteners used to hold the                       The MANPADs system,                                         Joe Bryant is to become
           Administration (FAA) is        aircraft together.                               produced by Thales Air       Chief Executive of Rolls-      the Fleet Director of
           to inspect each individual                                                      Defence, fires three dart-   Royce, Warren East, is to      2Excel Aviation while Peter
           Boeing 787 coming              Shell has announced that                         submunitions at Mach 4       step down at the end of        Senior will replace him as
           off the production line        it has begun supplying                           and has a range of 7km.      2022.                          Continuing Airworthiness
           due to concerns over           sustainable aviation fuel                        Laser-guided, the missile                                   Manager.
           production quality.            (SAF) to its local facility                      cannot be decoyed.

                                                                                                                                                                       APRIL 2022        9
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By the Numbers
            Understanding the world of Aerospace through data

                NATO bolsters Eastern Flank defences

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Pushing the Envelope
           Exploring advances on the leading edge of aerospace
                                                                                                                                      Robert Coppinger

           Has Kessler already begun?
                 n February, strong solar winds caused a               E-Space’s. E-Space’s plans to launch 100,000 satellites
                 geomagnetic storm in orbit rendering 40 SpaceX        over the next decade The mega-constellations are all
                 Starlink satellites inoperative on the very day of    in LEO because it requires less power to transmit and
                 their launch, causing them to immediately become      a smaller sensor array to receive the signals from the
                 space debris. As of January, the amount of            ground.
           material orbiting the Earth exceeded 9,000t, according
           to NASA. Of this, more than 3,000t is in low Earth orbit    Scooping up dead sats
                The 40 dead Starlink satellites added about            Removing dead satellites, LEO or polar orbits have a
           another 10t to LEO, the most congested orbit. Across        major advantage – in that the atmosphere is still barely
           all the orbits, low, medium and geostationary, NASA         present creating a slight drag on the spacecraft. This
           states that there are more than 25,000 objects larger       will eventually slow the satellite to the point where
           than 10cm which are known to exist. The estimated           gravity will drag it to a fiery end. The largest force
           population of particles between one and 10cm in             acting on a LEO spacecraft below 800km is air drag
           diameter is about 500,000 – Estimated because               and satellites at this sort of altitude will orbit for seven
           it cannot all be tracked. Meanwhile, the number of          to 10 years. E-space’s constellation will be in LEO.
           particles larger than one millimetre meanwhile, exceeds     Addressing this congestion, E-Space does not only
           100m. This is not a new problem and 40-50 years ago         state that its LEO orbits mean assured end-of-life with
           the challenge of space debris was already well known.       re-entry but also claims its constellation will be the
           In 1978, then NASA scientist Donald Kessler proposed        only one ‘resilient enough to withstand a collisional
           that an uncontrolled sustained cascade of debris could      cascading event.’
           annihilate all the satellites in LEO. That hypothesis has        Research carried out by the University of
           since become known as the Kessler Syndrome.                 British Columbia and published last year shows that
                                                                       collision resilience will be important. That University
           Filling space                                               of British Columbia research found that using
                                                                       ‘simple models’ that untracked debris will collide with
           Since the start of the space age, about 12,740              mega-constellations. It also found that the plethora
           satellites have been launched and there have been           of satellites above the Earth makes constellations
           more than 630 events that have ultimately led to            susceptible to collisions with micrometeoroids. A study
           spacecraft fragmentation creating more debris. High         at Concordia Station in the Antarctic, also published
                                                                                                                                      ACROSS ALL THE
           profile events, such as the Chinese and Russian anti-       last year, concluded that every year more than 4,700t
           satellite tests of 2007 and 2021, respectively, have        of cosmic micrometeoroid debris fall into the Earth’s          ORBITS, LOW,
           only highlighted the problem of debris and its danger       gravity well. Whether it is micrometeoroids or paint           MEDIUM AND
           to satellites and crewed spacecraft. The number of          chips from 1980s rocket upper stages, a 2019 paper             GEOSTATIONARY,
           satellites in Earth orbit today is about 7,840, according   produced by the Institute of Defense Analyses (IDA)            NASA STATES
           to the European Space Agency’s (ESA) May 2021               staff estimated that SpaceX’s Starlink, once it has            THAT THERE
           Annual Space Environment report. Of those, about            4,425 satellites on orbit, would suffer 2,496 impacts
                                                                                                                                      ARE MORE THAN
           5,100 are still functioning.                                from debris larger than 1mm a year. By late February,
                The next few years will see all those numbers          SpaceX had orbited more than 2,000 Starlink satellites.        25,000 OBJECTS
           eclipsed completely by the mega-constellations              OneWeb, the IDA paper estimated, will suffer hundreds          LARGER THAN
           that have been proposed by private industry. Elon           of impacts a year also.                                        10CM WHICH ARE
           Musk’s Starlink will have 12,000 satellites, Amazon’s            The Kessler Syndrome is typically viewed as a             KNOWN TO EXIST.
           Kuiper was 3,236 but its November 2021 Federal              possible, but extremely unlikely scenario that could           THE ESTIMATED
           Communications Commission (FCC) filing asks                 occur in the future. However, in 2012, Kessler told            POPULATION
           for 7,774. Meanwhile, the UK government’s mega-             the International Association for the Advancement of
           constellation OneWeb is a smaller mega-constellation        Space Safety’s magazine: “The cascade process can
                                                                                                                                      OF PARTICLES
           at 648, while newcomer, Astra Space Platform                be more accurately thought of as continuous and has            BETWEEN ONE
           Services filed an FCC application last November for         already started, where each collision or explosion in          AND 10 CM IN
           13,620 satellites. But even these huge constellations       orbit slowly results in an increase in the frequency of        DIAMETER IS
           pale in comparison with Franco-American firm                future collisions.                                             ABOUT 500,000

                                                                                                                                                 APRIL 2022   11
Pushing the Env Has Kessler Begun.indd 1                                                                                                               21/03/2022 15:50
     LETTERS AND ONLINE                                                @aerosociety        i   Find us on LinkedIn                               f   Find us on Facebook

                                                                                                                                                        f                                     i
     ‘Grey’ charters are black and white
     I would like to raise an

                                                                                                                       Alec Wilson/Wikipedia
     inaccuracy in one of the ‘mini
     articles’ in the December
     2021 edition of AEROSPACE,
     relating to the organiser of the
     Emiliano Sala ill-fated flight(1).
       Firstly, it says that the
     aircraft went down off the
     coast of Guernsey, which it                                                                                                               Research lost due to                 Inspirational books
     didn’t. It crashed off the coast                                                                                                          war in Ukraine
     of Alderney. While it seems          The Piper Malibu involved in the fatal crash seen here in 2017 at
                                                                                                                                               Robert Hennecke Had not
     a rather small detail, it is not     Coventry Airport.
                                                                                                                                               this useless war occurred,
     the first time this accident                                                                                                              I would urge a hybrid
     has been written about               of this charter. There was         charters (in the Channel                                          human-powered and electric
     inaccurately – seemingly using       nothing grey about it; it was      Islands specifically) have                                        low-altitude/low-weight
     a ‘better known’ island for          completely illegal in every        been going on long enough,                                        recreational aircraft that
     ease of reporting?                   way and these tragic deaths        and more needs to be done                                         could spawn an industry.
       The biggest issue for me,          should be a hard lesson to         to stop it.                                                       Max ceiling 50ft, primarily
     however, is the inference            learn for those considering                                                                          intended over water or
     that there was something             the same dangerous and             Ed Courtley                                                       agricultural land to minimise       Dr Adam E White [On
     ‘grey’ about the organisation        irresponsible behaviour. Illegal   MRAeS                                                             damage and or injury and            Careers in Aerospace and
                                                                                                                                               liability.                          World Book Day(3)] Thanks
                                                                                                                                                                                   Royal Aeronautical Society.
                                                                                                                                                                                   I have been reading Mae
     From the RAeS photo archives                                                                                                              Lynch Tim Another proxy             Jemison to my four-year old
                                                                                                                                               war over natural gas rather         who loves it!
                                                                                                                                               than oil. Same sparring

                                                                                                                                               partners as they seek to            21st Century air aces
                                                                                                                                               control small nations and
                                                                                                                                               debt enslave them. Ceasefire        Ali Hammad [On The Ghost
                                                                                                                                               and stop the war criminal           of Kyiv(4)] Well articulated
                                                                                                                                               slime turning Ukraine into          paper dwelled upon the
                                                                                                                                               another Yemen or Libya.             ongoing escalation. Great
                                                                                                                                                                                   endeavour, Fahad.

                                                                                                                                               Drones vs scooters
                                                                                                                                                                                   Ukrainian display team
                                                                                                                                               Pete Savage [On Drone               pilot shot down
                                                                                                                                               and deliver(2)] I think the
                                                                                                                                               fact that this concept has          Geoffrey Wardle [On Air
                                                                                                                                               been around for at least            war over Ukraine(5)] I would
                                                                                                                                               ten years and it is still not a     add that apparently the
                                                                                                                                               reality and many divisions          Grey Wolf of the Ukrainian
                                                                                                                                               of the big companies, like          Airforce Su-27 display team
                                                                                                                                               Google and Amazon, have             has been lost to a Triumph
                                                                                                                                               apparently disbanded their          S400 SAM system; our
                                                                                                                                               drone delivery sectors in the       prayers are with him. There
                                                                                                                                               UK is a good indication it          are also 70 ex-Soviet era
                                                                                                                                               won’t happen. After all, flying     fast jets being gifted to
                                                                                                                                               is the least efficient way of       Ukraine by former Eastern
                                                                                                                                               travelling short distances          Bloc nations. We should
                                                                                                                                               over land and, apart from           really move to get Russia
                                                                                                                                               frivolous wealthy people, no        removed from the UN
                                                                                                                                               one would be prepared to            Security Council and then a
      The Airspeed AS57 Ambassador was developed in response to a requirement identified by the                                                                                    peacekeeping force could
                                                                                                                                               pay the extra cost for it, over
      Brabazon Committee for a twin-engined short-to-medium-haul airliner as a replacement for the                                                                                 be sent, as in the case of the
                                                                                                                                               a minimum wage person on
      ubiquitous Douglas DC-3. The first prototype had its maiden flight on 10 July 1947 and the                                                                                   Korean War.
                                                                                                                                               a scooter.
      type entered service with BEA in 1951. However, the type was quickly outperformed by the
      turboprop-powered Vickers Viscount, with BEA opting to withdraw its Ambassadors in 1958.
      Second-hand aircraft continued to operate until the early 1970s with airlines, such as Dan-Air.

Should the West impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine?
                                   @TrentTelenko It is a hugely                                                                                                          @RaoulDukeIRL One thing

                                                                                                                                          Tech Sgt Rachel Maxwell/USAF
                                   bad idea in the midst of the                                                                                                          I haven’t seen mentioned is
                                   current war fever sweeping                                                                                                            the CSAR issue. NATO would
                                   the West. A no-fly zone is                                                                                                            be obliged to put boots on the
                                   militarily impractical if tried,                                                                                                      ground in that scenario.
                                   and will be the first step on
                                   the road to a nuclear hell if
                                   implemented.                                                                                                                          @gregbagwell There are
                                                                                                                                                                         two paradoxes at work here:
Russian helicopter losses
                                                                                                                                                                         1. The West has been quick
@fg_domperry [On                   @CameronJJJ It’s not on the                                                                                                           to throw up an NFZ (even
Russian helicopter losses in       table. I haven’t heard a single                                                                                                       when it wasn’t one) in every
                                   NATO policymaker voice              USAF F-35A Lightnings on a training exercise.                                                     other crisis, so why not this
Ukraine] A whole bunch of
unidentified helicopters were      support for this idea.                                                                                                                one? Many of us know the
                                                                       @Doulgas48353912                    @Stephen87165188 The
also destroyed on the ground                                                                                                                                             reason but the majority can’t
                                                                       Close down Russian comms            no-fly zone is an inferior way
at Kherson recently. I would                                                                                                                                             grasp the wider context or
                                                                       with EW and cyber – covert          to deny air supremacy to the
assume there are Ka-52s            @john_jawspt I don’t                                                                                                                  consequences. So the debate
                                                                       methods. Putin is gaming on         Russians. Better to supply lots
among them.                        understand how NATO                                                                                                                   becomes binary. 2. It’s now on
                                                                       NATO predictability and strict      of the world’s best anti-aircraft
                                   believes in Putin’s bluff. Putin                                                                                                      the table precisely because
                                                                       rules.                              to the Ukrainians with covert
Engineering reflections             will not start a nuclear war                                                                                                          it was taken off the table
                                                                                                           instructors if needed. Witness
                                   because of a no-fly zone.                                                                                                             explicitly. And, therefore, in
                                                                                                           Vietnam. Give lots of stealth
@DTPrice91 [On Sir Julian          Russia is not being attacked.                                                                                                         some minds it has become
                                                                       @dukat291 As an Alliance            drones to Ukraine, so they
Young lecture] Fascinating         This is not Russian territory,                                                                                                        THE option, rather than AN
                                                                       we’re going to have to put our      do not need air supremacy
@AeroSociety talk by Air           it’s Ukraine. In Putin’s words,                                                                                                       option.
                                                                       foot down for real eventually. If   themselves.
Marshal (retd) Sir Julian Young    this is just a special military
                                                                       not now in Ukraine, when?
on Reflections of a Chief          operation on the Donbass.
Engineer. Thanks to
@MoogSDG Wolverhampton
for the hospitality.                Zero-carbon aircraft               Lack of female flight instructors
                                                                       @vl_byran [On RAeS study

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Aer Lingus
                                   @TeglerWrites [On Zero-
                                   carbon regional airlines(6)] And    finds lack of female instructors
Ghost of Kyiv                      has the Royal Aero Society          and type rating examiners(7)]
                                   done a study on the negative        For #IWD2022 an important
@meturach [On Is the Ghost                                             study from @AeroSociety and
of Kyiv real?(4)] I believe most   environmental impact of
                                   these ‘zero-carbon’ passenger       UWE on why there are so few
of the kills are scored by                                             female pilot trainers. Some
SAMs.                              aircraft?
                                                                       shocking findings on sexism
                                                                       and the old boys’ club too.

@6THVFW It is a target rich        @daylyt100 Sounds sensible
environment...                     as a ‘commuter/feeder’.
                                                                       @UWEBristol Gender                  @kreedy @AeroSociety:                                         @pilotjude A lot more work
                                                                       discrimination and lack of          URGENT need to address                                        needs doing. The presentation
                                   @eraaorg Great to see               gender diversity among pilots       sexism and sexual harrassment                                 yesterday was eye-opening
@agenmossad How many                                                   is a significant problem within     in aviation. Why not moving the                               and hopefully in the future I
air-to-air kills so far?           so many of our members’
                                   projects being covered in this      the airline industry – according    needle on increasing women                                    can push the glass ceiling too.
                                   interesting @AeroSociety            to a new report we released         pilots? 42% reported being
                                                                       today alongside                     ‘treated differently’ than males,                             @yocova_ UWE and
@LittleRichC Let’s call it         article about zero-emissions
                                   initiatives in regional aviation.   @AeroSociety.                       30% experienced gender                                        @AeroSociety study makes
what it is: propaganda.                                                                                    discrimination.                                               for uncomfortable reading.

 1. AEROSPACE, December 2021, p 7, Radome news item

     @aerosociety     i   f                                                                                             APRIL 2022             13
  Special airline liveries

Pimp my flight
Custom airline liveries are not just a great catch for aviation enthusiasts but are
now a regular airborne marketing, sponsorship and advertising tool. But how
does an airline decide on a special paint scheme? MARTYN CARTLEDGE goes

                                                    hat is your first thought when       keeping it cool on the ground in hot climates. The
                                                    you see an aircraft in a special     airlines’ engineering departments might like it too
                                                    livery? Is it a photo opportunity    because it would be easier to see damage or other
                                                    or a waste of paint? Perhaps it      issues. Additionally, being above cloud cover most of
                                                    does not even register.              the time, aircraft are hit directly by UV radiation from
                                  The airline involved clearly doesn’t want the latter   the sun and, with this having the potential to cause
                             but what function does it serve and why do they do          damage, having a white fuselage would help mitigate
                             it? The answer to the final part is long and varied and     the effects.
                             depends on many factors.                                         Leasing companies might love white aircraft
                                  However, we could ask another question before          because it makes them easier to turn around for
                             all of these and that is: why do airlines have any form     the next user simply by changing titles and logo. An
                             of complex coloured livery in the first place? Why          airline selling its aircraft would also benefit in the
                             not just paint the aircraft all or mostly white? This       same way. In addition, white does not really fade in
                             would be far more cost effective and beneficial for a       the same way as other colours, meaning it could go
                             number of reasons. For instance, white paint reflects       longer between repaints, which are a costly business.
                             heat, so enabling an aircraft to use fewer resources,       With one colour it would actually weigh less, as
there would be fewer layers building up, although by      airline’s fleet (notwithstanding the use of airline
negligible amounts.                                       alliances, of course, where the latter might not be the
    There would also be no design fees and also           case and which sometimes causes confusion with
no complicated painting processes (such as Virgin         passengers).
Atlantic’s unique Andaro method which uses both                However, many operators will often modify or
paint and tinted lacquer to produce the red on its        even change the livery completely on one or more of
aircraft tails).                                          their aircraft to send out some form of message to
                                                          all that can see it. These of course are the aviation
Real world influences                                     photographer’s friend – the special livery.

However, here in the real world there are other           Definition of a special livery
factors. Branding is so very important and even more
so nowadays when every moment of a passenger’s            So what constitutes a special livery? What topics are
journey is often recorded with photos and videos to       covered and what are the reasons for doing it at all?
one or more of the many social media sites. Brand             There are probably more types of special livery
awareness, of course, has been around for ages and        than you immediately can think of. In fact, during
doesn’t just revolve around an aircraft livery, which     research for this feature I came across a website
is just one part of the carrier’s overall identity. Who   claiming to be the internet’s most comprehensive
doesn’t remember ‘Singapore Girl’?                        database of airliners in special liveries. This database
     There is, thus, a need for differentiation, a need   holds over 1,300 separate entries and is just those
to create loyalty to a brand and what it represents       that are current. An historical one would, no doubt,
via whatever means the marketing executives               be many times that.
choose – although some ‘marketing speak’ about                Special liveries can be in many different forms
what an airline’s livery is said to represent or be       from a simple logo and phrase on a small part of the
based on is often difficult to work out. That said, if    fuselage right through to a complete covering of the
you see a ‘widget’ you immediately know it’s Delta        fuselage and tail fin.
(despite the many changes) and the same goes for              It is generally considered that it was the Calder
BA’s ‘Speedbird’, so ingrained is this as part of an      designs of the early 1970s on Braniff aircraft that
airline’s history. Plus, if you have chosen an airline    were the first ‘real’ full aircraft special liveries. Then,
for specific reasons, then you want to know that the      in 1984, Southwest introduced the famous ‘Shamu
aircraft you are getting onto is one of that particular   One’ design advertising SeaWorld and with it starting

          Special airline liveries

     a long standing use of special liveries. Indeed,                    Sport in itself is quite a massive topic with
     Shamu exists on Southwest aircraft today, along with           airlines advertising all sorts of different teams and
     many other different designs and themes.                       events involving many countries around the world –
          The themes or topics that are or have been                the most obvious being football, cricket and rugby
     used on aircraft are just as wide and these types              World Cups. Qatar currently has at least two aircraft
     of use have waxed and waned over the years. For                in liveries advertising the World Cup in Qatar this
     instance, one topic that used to be more prevalent in          coming winter. In addition, as mentioned earlier, this
     the past, is simple pure advertising of products with          could be part of larger sponsorship agreements
     a great proponent of its use being Ryanair in the              which could include travel to international games as
     days of its 737-200s. The reasons for this type of             part of this deal.
     use are seemingly quite clear; it is a straightforward              Many airlines have sporting club liveries painted
     advert paid for by the likes of, in Ryanair’s case,            onto their aircraft. However, sometimes these can
     such diverse products as Jaguar cars, mobile phone             just be aiming at saying to the travelling public – ‘we
     companies, beer and British newspapers to name                 are your hometown airline’ and strengthening local
     but a few. Some airlines will have limitations as              community links. JetBlue is especially known for
     to what they might advertise because of shared                 this with bases in New York and Boston. Its aircraft
     beliefs, or not as the case may be and, as time                have been painted in special sports team liveries
     has gone on, this type of use has reduced. Airlines            advertising the Boston Bruins, Boston Red Sox
     now advertise companies/products which have a                  and Boston Celtics. New York has the Jets but is
     link in some way to the carrier or have a greater              included in a less subtle way, having an aircraft in a
     overall link to the airline or its services. Disney has        livery based around the well established New York
     a number of airliners with its films and parks being           branding and even one which draws inspiration from
     advertised. Taiwanese carrier EVA has gone a stage             NYC street art, architecture and hip hop.
     even further down these lines with its link up with                 This takes us into yet another topic, that of
     the ‘Hello Kitty’ brand. Not only are aircraft painted         thanking an organisation’s personnel, be they
     in Hello Kitty special liveries, the check-                    local, national or even its own employees. JetBlue
     in areas and on-board branding is included, there              has aircraft in liveries thanking New York’s Fire
     are special Hello Kitty flights and the airline actively       Department, with another honouring armed services,
     advertises where these aircraft will fly, as it has a          either current or veterans.
     strong demand from their customer base to fly these                 Some airlines have included liveries with some
     aircraft regardless of the destination, making for an          form of visual thank you to their employees – going
     obvious benefit of such a livery.                              way back to Canadian Airlines which painted

     Money talks
     This type of livery has a definite overlap into the next
     category, that of sponsorship. This is a more difficult
     area to determine just where the specific benefit to                                                                                 KAG   I
                                                                                                                                   iro TA
     the airline in painting an aircraft actually lies, as it may                                                             Masah

     just be a part of a much larger sponsorship package
     and difficult to quantify just what part of the package
     has contributed to the success of any advertising
     campaign. Emirates is a good proponent of this, as it
     has liveries for a number of football clubs but this also
     might come with shirt sponsorship or even stadium
     branding. As with all sorts of sponsorship deals the
     reasons are quite varied, from brand awareness to
     cross-promotion with another sector.

in the US, of airlines once loved by the travelling
                                                           public but now absorbed into others. Reasons for
                                                           this type of livery seem to revolve around reminding
                                                           the public just how long the airline has been around
                                                           and therefore how stable it is, or perhaps to attract
                                                           users of the long gone airlines, particularly if that
                                                           airline was iconic or well-loved.
                                                                Good causes are also something to be found
                                                           painted onto airliners with charity partnerships and
                                                           non-profit tie-ins. This has a number of beneficial
signatures of staff members onto a DC10 in the late        points. The cause in question gets fantastic
1990s.                                                     exposure and the airline, (if you wanted to look at it
                                                           in a cynical fashion), will be seen as ethical, caring
The need to say where we belong                            and concernered about the social good.
                                                                Another topic which in recent years has gained,
National pride can be another reason for special           quite rightly so, a much greater awareness is that of
liveries and this again can have variations. There         the environment. With airlines perceived as a large
can be anniversaries of a country’s existence or           contributor of greenhouse gasses, it is not surprising
independence, the love of a ruler, the sights to see       that many are quick to shout about their green
there or the affirmation of just which country this        credentials. Although the likes of VLM and flyBe
airline belongs too, over and above whatever the           had ‘green’ liveried aircraft in the past, much bigger
standard livery might have.                                and, dare I say, more important airlines are now
     Aircraft are often now used to advertise routes       being overt in this field. For example, at the moment
or bases for that airline, with the reasons for this       Etihad has a Boeing 787-9 painted in what it calls
seemingly obvious in advertising where you can travel      the ‘Greenliner’ livery. British Airways has an A320
to and from with the airline in question. More often       in what is termed by the company a ‘BA Better
than not this is for new routes but, of course, the        World sustainability livery’ with Emirates having
livery can often remain on an aircraft for some time,      sustainability as one of the sub-themes for the
so careful thought needs to go into such a decision.       Dubai Expo 2020 liveries. In general these special
     Another recurring trend is for airlines to paint
aircraft in retro liveries. These can be either liveries
the airline used to have on its aircraft or, most often

                                                                                                       APRIL 2022   17
         Special airline liveries

     liveries are part of a broader campaign to highlight
     an airline’s effort to become more sustainable and
     reduce the carrier’s carbon footprint with the use of
     more efficient engines, more sustainable
     biofuels and carbon offsets. Many
     go further with reducing single use
     plastics etc. In the case of Etihad,
     its programme is also looking to use
     software to reduce contrails which is a major
     factor in an airline’s total effect on climate change.
          Airline alliances have also spawned special
     liveries of their own. Each of these liveries are
     standard in their basic design but will have sections
     to allow for the member airline’s logo or titles. These
     liveries are all about belonging. They advertise that
     these airlines are part of an exclusive grouping and       of any milestone delivery (unless specific to the
     if passengers book through the alliance they can be        airline) and would then have a conversation with the
     sure of certain levels of service – a ‘kite-mark’ if you   airline the airframe in question was due. One quite
     like of a standard of product quality.                     notable instance of this was the 10,000th Airbus
          There are also some other smaller themes              which turned out to be an A350-900 to Singapore
     for custom liveries, for instance, one airline might       Airlines.
     have used them as a very public dig at a rival. One
     example of this was easyJet with ‘Stop BA Stop GO’         Designing the livery
     on the side of early 737s. Close competitor Ryanair
     also got in on the act with both ‘Bye Bye Baby’ aimed      Once a theme for a custome livery is decided, what
     at bmi Baby and ‘Arrivederci Alitalia!’ on its own 737s    happens next? Who decides this and who else is
     in 2007, the latter prompting Italy to accuse Ryanair      involved? While many airlines are coy about the
     of being ‘vulgar and offensive’ towards the rival          reasoning, the basic process can be no different to
     airline.                                                   any other business decision. Firstly, there is a need,
          The current Covid-19 pandemic has also                perceived or real, for the change, be it internally
     produced some special liveries with a few aircraft         or via an approach from a third party, to advertise.
     sporting masks on their noses. Christmas and               Then, a budget will be set, a design process is
     other holidays also tend to produce some special           undertaken and, finally, the application onto the
     schemes, as does the odd competition aimed at              aircraft.
     the public designing a new or special livery for the           The design process could either be undertaken
     carrier, although the benefits to the airline in these     by in-house design, if it is a large airline, or more
     cases is somewhat less obvious, most probably              likely, by a design house, such as Aerobrand,
     down the lines of brand awareness.                         McDiarmid Design, Priestman Goode or AES
     It is not just airlines                                        The painting may happen at either the
                                                                manufacturing stage or later, should it be changed
     Manufacturers can also get in on the act with              from a previous livery. Design time can be variable
     notable aircraft deliveries marked with special titles,    and will need to include consultation from all the
     mostly in conjunction with the airline, of course.         parties involved depending on the topic of the
     Also the manufacturer’s livery is often changed to         design. Even then, the lead time between final
     advertise the benefits of the particular aircraft’s        definition and paint start can be around eight
     performance. However, Embraer has to take the              months. For example, before the painting can start,
     award for the one of the most striking with its ‘Profit    the initial design ideas need to be adapted, since
     Hunter’ liveries on its new E2 range of aircraft. It is    they may not actually be technically feasible or are
     generally the manufacturer that brings up the topic        too complex to be accomplished in the price range

that the customer is willing to accept.                    stencils. Dot-graduation is based on the use of a
      Kevin Prince, Operations Director at Airbourne       stencil with dots transitioning in size and distance.
Colours, an aircraft painter and refinisher with sites     First, one colour is applied. When that has dried,
at EMA and Bournemouth, gave some insight into             the stencil is applied, and the second colour is
the process of applying a special livery to an aircraft.   sprayed on. After drying, the stencil is removed and
      While he understatedly explained that “basically     the different density of dots creates an impression
it’s painting by numbers”, the process is strictly         of blending from one colour to another. From a
controlled and applies to any livery design. Once          distance, the individual dots themselves are hardly
the design has been signed off by a Part 21                distinguishable.
company, official drawings are made and sent to                 It is also possible to use decals but these tend
the aircraft painting company. In fact, the hardest        to be on smaller areas (although they can be used
part about getting a livery off a page and onto            on surfaces as large as a tail fin) but, as they need
an aircraft, something that is exacerbated with a          regular checks to ensure they are still ok it really
special livery, is that a drawing is 2D and an aircraft    depends on how the aircraft is to be used. For
fuselage clearly is not. So there can be quite a bit       instance the ex-Virgin A340s now operated by
of managing of expectations sometimes when it              European Aviation Group to carry PPE were to have
comes to a special livery.                                 the NHS titling added by decals but such was the
      However, Kevin is enthusiastic about custom          usage of these aircraft that there was no time for
designs: ”We like doing special liveries” despite          regular inspections, therefore it was painted instead.
the fact that airlines very often want: “the mad and            Airbourne Colours produced the Brussels
crazy”. Even so, the process to paint an aircraft in a     Airlines ‘Tomorrowland’ livery, utilising a team of
special livery is, at the core, the same as a standard     eight artists which initially had the outline drawn
livery in that you build up a livery colour-by-colour,     on the aircraft before it was hand-sprayed. As you
layer-by-layer, masking sections to ensure the             might imagine, here is where the major differences
paint is positioned correctly. That said, there are        of applying a special, as opposed to a standard livery
some sections or liveries that simply must be done         will be seen. On average a standard livery will take
freehand, just like an artist painting, only with a        about seven days to complete, whereas a special
spray gun. Furthermore, there are some jobs that           can take another nine or ten on top. This, of course,
require that little bit extra to produce the end result    has an impact on cost and, when other factors,
and that is when outside specialist aircraft painting      such as outside artists needing to be employed etc,
artists are brought in – like the renowned, and            the cost of applying a special livery can easily be
somewhat eccentric, Polish-based Andre Eisele who          triple that of a standard repaint. This is on top of the
has done many iconic designs like the Tiger nose on        design companies’ fee and the extra costs in lost
a Rossiya 747, Westjets Disney Frozen themed jet           revenue with the aircraft being out of action for over
and many of the Brussels Airlines specials.                twice the time of a standard repaint. This is often
                                                           one of the challenges when it comes to customer
It is not just spraying paint!                             expectations, as they often do not realise that the
                                                           variations in paint application for special liveries can
An alternative way to achieve the effect if a              impact on the lead time for the job.
graduation is requested from one colour to another              So, the next time you see an unveiling of a
with the advantage of it being reproducible is             special livery, there is a lot more than meets the eye.

                                                                                                        APRIL 2022    19
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