LADY GOWRIE TASMANIA Glenorchy Vacation Care Program

Page created by Stacy Lane
LADY GOWRIE TASMANIA Glenorchy Vacation Care Program
  Glenorchy Vacation Care Program
LADY GOWRIE TASMANIA Glenorchy Vacation Care Program

MONDAY 14/12/20           TUESDAY 15/12/20          WEDNESDAY 16/12/20            THURSDAY 17/12/20      FRIDAY 18/12/20

                                                                                                         BIKES AND SCOOTERS

                                                                                                         Bring along your bike
                                                                                                         or scooter to enjoy a
                                                                                                         ride around the school

                                                                                                         Remember - no
                                                                                                         helmet, no ride!

                                                                                                         COOKING AND

                                                                                                         Children can cook,
                                                                                                         decorate and enjoy
                                                                                                         making some delicious

                                                                                                         JEWELLERY MAKING

                                                                                                         Using assorted
                                                                                                         materials, you can
                                                                                                         design your very own
                                                                                                         piece of jewellery.

                                                                                                         MOVIE AFTERNOON

                                                                                                         A relaxing afternoon
                                                                                                         watching a movie and
                                                                                                         enjoying some
MONDAY 21/12/20           TUESDAY 22/12/20          WEDNESDAY 23/12/20            THURSDAY 24/12/20      FRIDAY 25/12/20

CHRISTMAS                 CHRISTMAS                 CHRISTMAS

Today we will be          Today we will be          Today we will be              Lady Gowrie Tasmania   Lady Gowrie Tasmania
enjoying assorted         enjoying assorted         enjoying assorted             Vacation Care Programs Vacation Care Programs
Christmas art and craft   Christmas art and craft   Christmas art and craft       are closed today.      are closed today.
and cooking               and cooking               and cooking experiences.
experiences.              experiences.
                                                    This afternoon we will
These will include        These will include salt   get in the Christmas spirit
painting, card making,    dough ornaments,          by watching a Christmas
Christmas garlands,       Christmas light art and   Movie.
Christmas tree finger     popsicle stick
painting and stick        snowflakes/stars.
Christmas trees.

MONDAY 04/01/21            TUESDAY 05/01/21            WEDNESDAY 06/01/21           THURSDAY 07/01/21          FRIDAY 08/01/21

2021 CALENDARS             OCEAN DAY                   CHALK DAY                    MANDALAS                   GAMES DAY

Make your very own         Today is all about the      Today is all about chalk,    Let’s relax and enjoy      Today we will be having
personalised calendar      ocean. A variety of art     chalk and more chalk!        creating, colouring in     lots of fun with both
for 2021                   and craft activities will   Some of the activities       and painting assorted      indoor and outdoor
                           be on offer including       will include stained glass   mandalas.                  games today including
PATTY PAN FLOWERS          ocean animal sun            chalk art,                                              crosswords, puzzles,
                           catchers, salt dough        galaxy chalk pictures and    MOVIES EXCURSION           board games, card
Using patty pans let us    star fish and the           making our own chalk.                                   games and sports games
create some beautiful      opportunity to                                           This afternoon we will     in the school gym.
flowers.                   create an ocean                                          walk to the Glenorchy
                           diorama.                    MAKE YOUR OWN ‘DIG           Village Cinemas. Sorell
LEGO FUN                                               IT’ BAR                      Vacation Care Program
                                                                                    will also be joining us.
Let’s build some                                       Children will make their
masterpieces using                                     own ‘Dig it Bar’ by hiding Movie and time TBC.
assorted Lego.                                         treasures inside. Once the
                                                       bar has set they will dig  $15.00 incursion fee
                                                       those treasures out!       will be added to your

MONDAY 11/01/21            TUESDAY 12/01/21            WEDNESDAY 13/01/21           THURSDAY 14/01/21          FRIDAY 15/01/21

SPACE DAY                  AIR DRY CLAY                LONG BEACH PARK &            PLANT MORNING              ALL ABOUT ANIMALS
                           MORNING                     BEACH EXCURSION                                         MORNING

Today is all about outer   Using air dry clay, the     Today we will head to        Children can choose        This morning is all
space! We will be mak-     children will create a      Long Beach Park for a        to make a Mason Jar        about animal fun!
ing planet cookies,        leaf dish to take home.     play on the equipment        Terrarium or decorate a    Paper plate animals,
bubble painting, planet                                and picnic lunch followed    pot to take home.          egg carton animals and
pictures,                  MUSIC AFTERNOON             by a session at the beach                               finger paint animals.
moon rocks, solar sys-                                 with the lifeguards from     SEWING &
tem science and trying     The children will make      Royal Life Saving            KNITTING AFTERNOON
out some Cosmic Kids       their own musical           Tasmania.                                               WET ‘N’ WILD
Yoga.                      instruments from                                         Children can               AFTERNOON
                           assorted materials. We      Departing at 11.00am         participate in making a
                           will also finish the day    and returning at 4.00pm.     variety of items using     This afternoon we will
                           with a disco.                                            assorted sewing and        have some fun with
                                                       $10 excursion fee will be    knitting materials.        assorted water
                                                       added to your account.                                  experiences.

                                                                                                               Please bring along some
                                                                                                               spare clothing and a

MONDAY 18/01/21           TUESDAY 19/01/21          WEDNESDAY 20/01/21          THURSDAY 21/01/21          FRIDAY 22/01/21

NATURE DAY                OCEAN DAY                 SIMMONS PARK &              SCIENCE DAY                BUTTON ART
                                                    CLARENCE AQUATIC

Today we will be          Today we will be          Today we will head to       Let the fun begin with     Using a variety of size
focusing on nature.       focusing on all things    Simmons Park for a play     a day full of science      and coloured buttons,
                          under the sea.            at the playground and a     experimentation.           let’s see what we can
Activities will include                             picnic lunch, followed by   Activities will include    create.
painting pet rocks,       Activities will include   a swim at the Clarence      fireworks in a jar, lava
nature scavenger hunt,    DIY coral reef,           Aquatic Centre.             lamps, sherbet, slime      IT’S ALL ABOUT THE
making a nature paint     watercolour painting                                  and lots more.             WIND…
brush to paint with and   and rainbow fish play     Departing at 10.30am
rainbow explorations.     dough.                    and returning at 3.30pm.    MELTING CRAYON FUN         Using various assorted
                                                                                                           materials children will
                                                    $10 excursion fee will be   We will be                 participate in making
                                                    added to your account.      experimenting with         Hama Bead wind
                                                                                recycling broken           spinners, wind
                                                                                crayons to see what        catchers, recycled tin
                                                                                wonders we can create.     can windsocks and
                                                                                                           dream catchers.

MONDAY 25/01/21           TUESDAY 26/01/21          WEDNESDAY 27/01/21          THURSDAY 28/01/21          FRIDAY 29/01/21

SUMMER FUN DAY                                      MESSY DAY                   SORELL SCHOOL FARM         SENSORY DAY

Enjoy some summer         Lady Gowrie               Today is all about having   Today we will venture      Today we will make
activities today          Tasmania Vacation         fun with messy              to the Sorell Vacation     sensory bags, bubble
including tissue paper    Care Programs are         experiences including       Care program and visit     wrap paintings, make
flag making,              closed today.             foam paint, slime, puffy    the school farm where      and play with alphabet
decorating biscuits,                                paint, play dough,          we will meet, pat and      ice, shaving cream and
making bookmarks                                    cloud dough and kinetic     feed their animals.        make sand foam.
and playing a game of                               sand.
cricket on the school                                                           We will also spend         PAPER CRAFT
oval.                                                                           some time exploring
                                                                                the Lady Gowrie Tas-       Using assorted paper,
WET ‘N’ WILD                                                                    mania Sorell Vacation      we will have fun with
AFTERNOON                                                                       Care environment and       origami and paper
                                                                                have lunch with our        plane creations.
This afternoon we will                                                          friends there.
have some fun with
assorted water                                                                  Departing at 10.00am
experiences.                                                                    and returning at
Please pack some spare
clothing and a towel.                                                           $8.00 excursion fee
                                                                                will be added to your

MONDAY 01/02/21          TUESDAY 02/02/21


Today is all about       Bring along your bike
cooking! Children will   or scooter to enjoy a
participate in making    ride around the school
fruit tacos, frozen      grounds.
yoghurt bark and Milo
Weet-Bix balls.          Remember - no
                         helmet, no ride!

Create a masterpiece     FUDGE IN A BAG
using Hama Beads.
                         Today we will be
FLOWER CRAFT             making fudge in a
                         bag as a special treat
Using assorted           for the last day of the
materials, children      holidays
can create their own
beautiful and unique     MOVIE AFTERNOON
                         A relaxing afternoon
                         watching a movie and
                         enjoying some

                                                                   thereof will be charged for children who are not collected by
Please note that this Vacation Care Program can fill up quickly,
                                                                   close of the service.
especially on excursion days, so we recommend booking as
soon as possible. Lady Gowrie Tasmania online enrolments
                                                                   CANCELLATIONS AND BOOKINGS
and bookings must now be made using the casual bookings
                                                                   All bookings will be confirmed by email as soon as possible.
section of My Family Lounge. You must register your child/
                                                                   Children are unable to attend the program until parents/
ren in My Family Lounge via this link
                                                                   guardians have received written confirmation. Bookings
au/outside-school-hours-care/ on the Lady Gowrie Tasmania
                                                                   received after the closing date will be considered only after
                                                                   all other booking confirmations have been made. If your child
                                                                   is absent on their booked day, please let the OSHC Managers
If you require assistance with your My Family Lounge
                                                                   know by phoning 6230 6806. Normal absences are charged
registration please contact Kathy Ortmann, Program
                                                                   unless two weeks’ notice is provided. Under national law, if
Leader - Operations,by email
                                                                   your child is absent on the first or last day of a booking the
or phone 6230 6818.
                                                                   Child Care Subsidy cannot be provided and therefore full fees
                                                                   will apply.
For further information about the program, please email or phone the Outside School
                                                                   SIGNING CHILDREN IN AND OUT
Hours Care office on 6230 6806 or 6230 6805.
                                                                    Children must be signed in and out each day by a parent/
                                                                   guardian or authorised person over the age of 18. If your
                                                                   child/ren are absent you will be asked to sign for that day to
Lady Gowrie Tasmania’s Glenorchy Vacation Care is located at
                                                                   acknowledge they were absent. This is a legal requirement
Glenorchy Primary School Kensington Street, Glenorchy. The
                                                                   and stipulation for you to receive your Child Care Subsidy
program operates from the school’s General Purpose room.
The best entrance to use is from Kensington Street - enter
through the gate, turn right and look for a grey door.
                                                                   WHAT TO BRING
                                                                   We provide nutritious snacks for morning tea and afternoon
                                                                   tea and the daily menu is on display at the service. Families
The program is open from 7.00am to 6.00pm. We cater for
                                                                   will need to provide a healthy lunch and drink bottle (water
children from 4 to 12 years of age. 4 year old children must
                                                                   only) for their children. Please do not send any food which
be enrolled to commence Kindergarten in 2021 to use this
                                                                   requires reheating or refrigeration. Foods containing sugary,
                                                                   salty or fatty foods are discouraged. We are an allergy aware
                                                                   service so please ensure your child/ren do not bring any foods
                                                                   containing nuts. Please cater for all weather possibilities and
For daily fee please refer to the current Fee Schedule displayed
                                                                   provide sensible footwear and clothing. Lady Gowrie
at the service. The Child Care Subsidy is available for all
                                                                   Tasmania’s Sun Safe Policy applies from September to April
eligible families by contacting the Department of Human
                                                                   each year so during these months please provide sun safe
Services on 136 150. Families will be emailed an invoice from
                                                                   clothing including a broad brimmed or legionnaire style hat
Lady Gowrie Tasmania each fortnight. Payments can only be
                                                                   for your child/ren. Please note that we do not accept any
made by using the Debit Success system which automatical-
                                                                   responsibility for personal belongings children might bring
ly deducts all monies owing on a set Friday on a fortnightly
                                                                   to the service, including electronic devices. We limit the use
basis from your nominated bank account or credit card. Debit
                                                                   of electronic items to one hour per day and children must
Success charges a $14.95 overdue fee for all overdue accounts.
                                                                   not have internet access on these devices. Excursion costs are
The daily session fee may vary as indicated on the program
                                                                   covered by the excursion fees (listed in the attached program)
and will still be charged if your child is absent from the
                                                                   so we ask that children do not bring any additional money to
program. A late collection fee of $20 per 10 minutes or part
                                                                   the service on excursion days.

Vacation Care Program Non-Routine Excursion
Consent Form
I give permission for my child/ren                                                                             (child/ren names)
to participate in the excursions detailed below. I consent to my child attending walking excursions and if the means of transport
to and from the excursion venue is by bus (Lady Gowrie Tasmania bus, public bus or private bus). I give permission for my child/ren
to be transported by the service or on transportation arranged by the service. I understand that a risk assessment has been con-
ducted and written policies and procedures for transporting children are available at the service upon request. Expected number
children 30 (maximum). Ratios of 1:15 will be maintained at all times. Where risk has been identified in the risk assessment, ratios
will be increased to manage the safety and wellbeing of the children.


DATE           TIMES         DESTINATION                                             TRANSPORT               CONSENT

07/01/2021     Depart:       VILLAGE CINEMA GLENORCHY                                WALK                    Yes      No
               TBC           We will leave the school and walk along Eady Street
                             & Cooper Street, Glenorchy until we reach the
               Return:       cinema.
13/01/02021    Depart:       LONG BEACH PARK AND LONG BEACH                          BUS                     Yes      No
               11.00am       We will leave the program and take Grove Rd to          (NOT FITTED WITH
                             National Highway 1 to Hobart and continue National      SEATBELTS)
               Return:       Highway 1 to Sandy Bay Rd to we reach Beach Rd to
               4.00pm        Long Beach, Sandy Bay.
20/01/2021     Depart:       SIMMONS PARK AND CLARENCE AQUATIC CENTRE                BUS                     Yes      No
               10.30am       We will leave the program and take Grove Rd to          (NOT FITTED WITH
                             Goodwood Rd, take East Derwent Highway to Bay Rd        SEATBELTS)
               Return:       in Lindisfarne and drive to 37 Esplanade,
               3.30pm        Lindisfarne. Directions to Clarence Aquatic Centre
                             4 Loinah Crescent, Montagu Bay leaving Esplanade
                             towards Ballawinnie Rd around the roundabout to
                             Topham St turning on Conara Rd, Right onto
                             Riawena Rd, Left onto Loinah Rd.

DATE          TIMES      DESTINATION                                             TRANSPORT           CONSENT

28/01/2021    Depart:    SORELL PRIMARY SCHOOL                                   BUS                 Yes    No
              10.00am    We will leave the program and travel on Grove Rd to     (NO SEATBELTS)
                         National Highway 1 to Domain Highway, get on
              Return:    Tasman Highway and drive to Tasman Highway to
              3.00pm     Sorell and turn onto Gordon St, 41 Gordon St, Sorell.

Parent/ Guardian Name:

Signed:                                                                                      Date:     /    /
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