TEACHING& GUIDING - 2019/2020 St. Anton - Skischule Arlberg

Page created by Terry Jordan
TEACHING& GUIDING - 2019/2020 St. Anton - Skischule Arlberg

St. Anton

     w w w. s k i s c h u l e - a r l b e r g . c o m
            T +43 5446-3411
TEACHING& GUIDING - 2019/2020 St. Anton - Skischule Arlberg
                                          Please open for
                                      detailed information    !        "
                                                                    • For ALL course participants the ski pass and ski
                             • OUR MISSION                            equipment are NOT included in the price. For children
                                 Perfect teaching & guidin

                                                                                                                                                COURSES FOR ADULTS
                                                                      and adult beginners we do not recommend buying

                                                                                                                                                 SKI- SNOWBOARD
                              • OUR TERRAIN                           a ski pass on the first day.
                                 On & off-piste.
                                                                    • The time taken to sort the groups for both adults
                              • OUR PRINCIPLE                         and children is not deducted from the tuition time.
                                 It’s all about snow!
                                                                    • Required equipment for kids:
                                                                      helmet, safety vest for

IT’S ALL ABOUT                                                        all children up to 9 y. € 5,–

                                                                                                                                                FOR CHILDREN
                                                                                                                                                 SKI COURSE
                                                                      Recommended: back protector

SNOW! SINCE 1921.                                                   Quality Award - Snowsport Tirol
                                                                                                                              ER S ISCHU


                                                                    Only the best Tyrolean ski schools are
Since photos were in black and white, people have been making
                                                                    presented with the „Quality Award -

                                                                                                                                                PRIVATE INSTRUCTOR
fresh trails in the Arlberg snow: Hannes Schneider, the most

                                                                    Snowsport Tirol“. They must undergo strict
famous ski pioneer in the world, founded the
                                                                    controls by an independent commission
Ski School Arlberg in 1921.
                                                                    and score high points for quality.
Today’s Ski School Arlberg is a modern service provider.
                                                                    The „Quality Award“ = excellence!
Whether it’s skiing, snowboarding, Children‘s World, cross-
country skiing, on and off-piste guiding or Funsport, the Ski
                                                                    The Ski School Arlberg App!

                                                                                                                                                      OFF PISTE GUIDING
School Arlberg stands for optimal support and individual tuition.
Since the founding of the Arlberg Ski School                        For information on the Ski School Arlberg,
some things have not changed to this day:                           online shop, weather, livecams,
THAT IS OUR PASSION FOR SNOW SPORT!                                 piste and cable car status,
                                                                    avalanche reports and much more.
With almost 380 locally and inter-                                  Simply scan the QR Code

                                                                                                                                                SKIS SCHOOL INCENTIVES
nationally qualified snow sport                                     to download the App.

                                                                                                                                                     SPECIALS AND
instructors, the Ski School Arlberg
is the largest in Austria.
Welcome to the Ski School Arlberg.
Yours, Richard Walter
Head of the Ski School Arlberg

TEACHING& GUIDING - 2019/2020 St. Anton - Skischule Arlberg

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    GENERAL INFO
                                                       Hotline                   Bambinis (3 years)
   " INFO                                         T +43 660 24
                                                       5:00 pm to
                                                                                 • Course start: 01:00 pm, daily - excluding Saturdays;
                                                                                 • Course duration: 2 hours, daily
                                                                                 • Meeting point: in the Children’s World of the Ski School       • For ALL course participants the ski pass and ski
                                                       10:00 pm
                                                                                   Arlberg - St. Anton (opposite Gampen chairlift – at the          equipment are NOT included in the price. For children

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              COURSES FOR ADULTS
                                                                                   green Hoppl-flag in the children’s area).                        and adult beginners we do not recommend buying

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               SKI- SNOWBOARD
                                                                                 • Beginners’ course: SUN and MON                                   a ski pass on the first day.
Main office St. Anton & pedestrian zone T +43 5446-3411
                                                                                 • Minimum participants: 5 children per group
Office Nasserein T +43 5446-2738                                                                                                                  • The time taken to sort the groups for both adults
                                              Note!                                                                                                 and children is not deducted from the tuition time.
Office St. Christoph T +43 5446-2151        Se
                                                                                 Minis (4 years)
More information as well as opening                      folder for              • Course start: 10:00 am, daily - excluding Saturdays;           • Required equipment for kids:
hours can be found on the pricelist                    St. Christo               • Course duration: 2 hours before noon, 2 hours afternoon,
                                                                   ph                                                                               helmet, safety vest for
inside the folder.                                                                 1 hour lunch break
                                                                                                                                                    all children up to 9 y. € 5,–

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              FOR CHILDREN
                                                                                 • Meeting point: in the Children’s World of the Ski School

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               SKI COURSE
• SKI AND SNOWBOARD COURSE                                                         Arlberg - St. Anton (opposite Gampen chairlift – at the
                                                                                                                                                    Recommended: back protector

  FOR ADULTS                                                                       green Hoppl-flag in the children’s area) and in Nasserein
                                                                                   (at the green Hoppl-flag in the children’s area).              Quality Award - Snowsport Tirol                               K
                                                                                                                                                                                                            ER S ISCHU
  • Course start: 09:30 am, daily - excluding Saturdays;                         • Beginners’ course: SUN and MON                                                                                         OL


  • Course duration: 2 hours before noon                                         • Grouping according to the children’s abilities:                Only the best Tyrolean ski schools are
                                                                                                                                                  presented with the „Quality Award -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              PRIVATE INSTRUCTOR
                         2 hours afternoon                                         10:00 am at the relevant assembly points

                         1 hour lunch break                                      • Minimum participants: 5 children per group                     Snowsport Tirol“. They must undergo strict
  • Meeting point: the assembly points are located at the                                                                                         controls by an independent commission
    respective ski schools in St. Anton (opposite the Gampen                     Juniors (5 – 11 years) and Teens (12 – 17 years)                 and score high points for quality.
    chairlift) and in Nasserein (opposite the Nassereinbahn).                    • Course start: 09:30 am, daily - excluding Saturdays;
  • Beginners’ course: SUN and MON.                                              • Course duration: 2 hours before noon, 2 hours afternoon,       The „Quality Award“ = excellence!
    Guests that can already ski or snowboard                                       1 hour lunch break
    can start any day (excl. Saturdays)                                          • Meeting point: at the assembly point of the Children‘s World   The Ski School Arlberg App!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    OFF PISTE GUIDING
                                                       on: No

  • Grouping according to ability:             groups          off-p               in St. Anton (opposite the Gampen chairlift) and in
    09:30 am at the respective                         in Nass iste
                                               Meetin           erein!             Nasserein at the children‘s area (bottom lift).                For information on the Ski School Arlberg,
                                                       g point
    assembly points                         piste g
                                                               for off           • Beginners’ course: SUN and MON. Children that                  online shop, weather, livecams,
  • Minimum participants:                  office b ps at the main
                                                   y the G
                                                           alzigba                 can already ski can start any day (excl. Saturdays)            piste and cable car status,
    5 persons per group                          (black             hn
                                                                                 • Grouping according to the children’s abilities:
                                                         flag)                                                                                    avalanche reports and much more.
  (More information on page 8)                                                     09:30 am at the relevant assembly points                       Simply scan the QR Code

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              SKIS SCHOOL INCENTIVES
                                                                                 • Minimum participants: 5 children per group                     to download the App.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   SPECIALS AND
                                                                                 (More information on page 10)
  Ski-Kindergarten from 2 ½ years no skiing
  • Course start: 10:00 am or 1:00 pm, daily - excluding Saturdays;          • PRIVATE COURSES as well as
  • Meeting point: in the Children’s World of the Ski School                   ON- AND OFF PISTE GUIDES
    Arlberg - St. Anton (opposite Gampen chairlift).
  • Childcare: Half day - 2 hours daily                                          stand for optimal care and individual tuition.
               10:00 am - 12:00 noon or 1:00 - 3:00 pm                           Experience the most beautiful places of the Arlberg
               Full day – 4 hours daily                                          together with your private instructor or guide.

               10:00 am - 12:00 noon and 1:00 bis 3:00 pm                        (More information on page 18) daily, including Saturdays

3 | www.skischule-arlberg.com                                                4                                                                                                                                            5
TEACHING& GUIDING - 2019/2020 St. Anton - Skischule Arlberg
    Ski School Arlberg – since 1921

       TRADITION ...

                                      ... MEETS THE

6                                                     7
TEACHING& GUIDING - 2019/2020 St. Anton - Skischule Arlberg
                                                                                                                                     SKI- SNOWBOARD

                                              Or extend         GROUPING SKI/SNOWBOARD
                                              booking from
                                              the 2nd day for   GREEN           BLUE           RED            BLACK
                                               € 60.- per day

SKI COURSES                                                     Ski novice
                                                                Snow plough
                                                                                               ski turn –
                                                                                                              Carving – long/
                                                                                                              short radius
                                                                                Plough         long/short     Terrain:
Whether beginner or advanced, we can help you                                   steering       radius         mogul piste,
improve your technique, so you can enjoy                                                                      deep snow, etc.
your winter holiday with joy and fun.                           Snowboard
                                                                Snowboard       Drift Turn     Drift Turn     Short turns
                                                                novice          upright        deep           upright
SNOWBOARD COURSES                                                               Tilt Turn      Carving
                                                                                               upright deep
                                                                                                              mogul piste,
                                                                                               Short turns    deep snow, etc.
Snowboarding is the winter sport for kids, teenagers and
the young at heart. No matter if you are a beginner,

                                                                              More detailed Information
an advanced boarder or an off-piste-boarder,
                                                                              about the ability levels on
we offer a well balanced programme for everyone.

           Satisfaction Guarantee: If you are not satisfied                   More information about the courses on the
  #        on the first day with your ski or snowboard
           lessons, there is, of course, the option to move
           (on that day) to another group. If, despite
                                                                  "           fold-out-part of the title-page!
                                                                              The price list can be found inside the Folder!

moving groups, the lesson still does not suit you, we                         NOTE:
can return your money to you at the end of the day.
This means: you can attend a snowboard                            !           Off piste you need: transceiver, backpack with
                                                                              shovel and probe. Recommendation: Airbag
and ski course without risk.                                                  Safety equipment is included in the price

8 | www.skischule-arlberg.com                                                                                                   9
TEACHING& GUIDING - 2019/2020 St. Anton - Skischule Arlberg


                                                                                 Please ask for ou

                                                                                 special Childre

                                                                                                                                                     FOR CHILDREN
                                                                                                                                                      SKI COURSE

Enjoy your holiday while your children are in
the best hands! The Children’s World offers a
richly varied weekly programme. Specially trained
and experienced child carers will ensure that
your child feels happy with us.

CHILDREN’S WORLD              CHILDREN’S WORLD           CHILDREN’S WORLD                  OPENING
ST. ANTON                     ST. CHRISTOPH              NASSEREIN                         HOURS
T +43(0)5446-3411-27          T +43(0)5446-2151          T +43(0)5446-2738                 Daily excluding
Location: opposite            Note: Only small groups!   Location: in the base station     Saturdays,
Gampen chairlift              – separate folder          of the Nasserein cablecar         9:00 am - 4:00 pm

10 | www.skischule-arlberg.com                                                                                                                 11
TEACHING& GUIDING - 2019/2020 St. Anton - Skischule Arlberg
SPECIAL SERVICE                                             BAMBINIS
FOR PARENTS                                                 HALF DAY PROGRAMME FOR 3 YEAR OLDS

YOUR LITTLE ONES                                            Meeting Point: In the Children’s World of the Ski School
ARE WELL CARED FOR                                          Arlberg - St. Anton (opposite Gampen chairlift – at the
                                                            green Hoppl-flag in the children’s area).

All parents who have booked a ski course for themselves,    By incorporating a balanced mixture of skiing, playing and
can drop off their children (on presentation of the         animation, even the smallest toddlers can enthusiastically
ski school tickets) as early as 8:45 am in the Children‘s   achieve their first steps on skis. The Bambini programme
World St. Anton (opposite Gampen chairlift) and in          is offered as a half day course. Course start 1:00 pm.
                                                            (The children must be out of diapers)

                                                                                                                                FOR CHILDREN
Nasserein where they will be well cared for. In the

                                                                                                                                 SKI COURSE
afternoon your children can stay with us until 4:00 pm.     Bambini courses – daily excluding Saturdays.

Daily excluding Saturdays, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm        !       COMBINATION FUN AND SNOW
                                                            Morning Kindergarten (10:00 am - 12:00 noon) without skis,

SKI-KINDERGARTEN                                            Afternoon Bambini course (1:00 - 3:00 pm)
                                                            € 96,– (without meal) per day and child.

(Only in the Children’s World - St. Anton
                                                            Only in the Children’s World - St. Anton!
                                                            (opposite the Gampen chairlift)                        !
opposite the Gampen chairlift)
In order for all parents who are keen skiers to take
their toddlers from 2 ½ years of age (The children must
                                                            MINIS                                        Or extend
                                                                                                         booking from
be out of diapers) on their winter vacation, we offer a     ALL-DAY                                      the 2nd day for
Ski Kindergarten which is run by the trained nursery        PROGRAMME                                     € 60.- per day
carers of the Ski School Arlberg. No skiing!                FOR 4 YEAR OLDS
Ski-Kindergarten – daily excluding Saturdays.               Meeting Point: In the Children’s World of the Ski School
Childcare half day – 2 hours daily                          Arlberg - St. Anton (opposite Gampen chairlift) – at the
10:00 am - 12:00 noon or 1:00 - 3:00 pm                     green Hoppl-flag in the children’s area and in Nasserein
Full day – 4 hours daily                                    (at the green Hoppl-flag in the children’s area).
10:00 am - 12:00 noon and 1:00 - 3:00 pm                    Children meet their ski instructors daily at 10:00 am
                                                            (excluding Saturday). Children attempting skiing for
                                                            the first time are playfully familiarised with the snow.
            More information about the courses

                                                            This means that during their ski lesson we offer
            on page 4! The price list can be                them plenty of breaks and keep them motivated
            found inside the Folder!                        with games and coordination tasks.

12 | www.skischule-arlberg.com                                                                                             13
TEACHING& GUIDING - 2019/2020 St. Anton - Skischule Arlberg
Or extend
JUNIORS                                               booking from
                                                      the 2nd day for
FROM 5 TO                                              € 60.- per day

World champions do not fall from heaven.
Our course programme for kids from age 5 is specifically
tailored to the needs of children. Whether beginner
or advanced, fun and games, specially adapted to
the abilities of the children, are the essential
elements in our children‘s ski school.

                                                                                                                                        FOR CHILDREN
                                                                        HOPPL SHOP

                                                                                                                                         SKI COURSE
 GREEN                  BLUE                      RED                   Hoppl Mascots, kids‘ backpacks,
 Ski novice             Making turns/             Parallel turns –      baseball caps, T-shirts, etc. available in
                        Plough turns              long/short radius     all offices of the Ski School Arlberg.

              More detailed Information
              about the ability levels on
              www.skischule-arlberg.com                                 12:00 NOON TO 1:00 PM
                                                                        While you enjoy your day of skiing, we offer your children
NOTE:                                                                   a well-balanced and varied lunch menu with drinks, enter-
• For ALL course participants the ski pass and                          tainment and support from our snow sports instructors.
  ski equipment are NOT included in the price.                          The children‘s ski school restaurants in St. Anton - Central,
• For all children born in 2012 and later there                         in Nasserein, on Gampen, Galzig and Rendl are reserved
  is a season ski pass (snowman card € 10,– ).                          exclusively for our ski school children.

• For beginners we do not recommend
  buying a ski pass for the first ski day.                              NOTE! Parents must collect all children
• Required equipment for kids: helmet,
  safety vest for all children up to 9 y. € 5,–
                                                                        who are not booked in for lunch.
  Recommended: back protector

              More information about the courses
                                                                        CHILDREN’S SKI RACE
    "         on page 4! The price list can be
              found inside the Folder!
                                                                        EVERY FRIDAY WITH PRIZE-GIVING.
                                                                        (SUBJECT TO CHANGE)
14 | www.skischule-arlberg.com                                                                                                    15
TEACHING& GUIDING - 2019/2020 St. Anton - Skischule Arlberg
Or extend
TEENS                                             booking from
                                                  the 2nd day for
FROM 12 TO                                         € 60.- per day

Our special programme for teens from 12 to 17 years,                     Freeriding - Newscho
from beginners to top riders, is tailored to the needs                                       ol - Fun
of young people. In the foreground is fun with sport!

                                                                    The freestyle programme is just for
                                                                    advanced skiers and snowboarders!
                                                                    Skiing and snowboarding in all areas and snow conditions

                                                                                                                                  FOR CHILDREN
                                                                                                                                   SKI COURSE
 GREEN           BLUE            RED               BLACK            is just as important to this programme as deep snow
                                                   Freestyle Ski    skiing, mogul pistes and race training. The kids will also
 Ski novice      Making turns/   Parallel turns    Carving –        be introduced to our Freeride and Freestyle programmes.
                 Plough turns    – long/short      long/short
                                 radius            radius           Trend sports such as New School, Ski Fox
                                                   Terrain: mogul   and Snow Bike are also included.
                                                   piste, deep
                                                   snow, etc.
 Snowboard       Drift Turn      Carving –         Carving
 novice          Beginning       long/short        upright / deep
                 carving         Slopestyle        Slopestyle
                                 Beginning         Funpark
                                 Freeriding        Freeriding

              More detailed Information
              about the ability levels on

              More information about the courses

    "         on page 4! The price list can be
              found inside the Folder!

With judges and prize ceremony for snowboarders,
freeriders and newschoolers. Included in price.

16 | www.skischule-arlberg.com                                                                                               17
TEACHING& GUIDING - 2019/2020 St. Anton - Skischule Arlberg

PRIVATE INSTRUCTOR                                        ON-PISTE GUIDING
Personal and individual service.                          Let local, experienced ski or snowboard guides show
Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate or expert -       you the best slopes and take advantage of their tips
a private tutor for ski, snowboard, cross-country,        and tricks to help you manage the descents with ease.

                                                                                                                                                                 PRIVATE INSTRUCTOR
                                                                                                                                                                      PISTE GUIDING
Telemark, snow shoe hiking, etc. is the most              Your well-being as well as the enjoyment and the
effective way to improve your skills.                     shared experience of the wonderful mountains
Thanks to our extensive experience, we can offer you      are important to us.
a customised snow sports experience.

Learn, improve and perfect your technique -
solo, with family or with friends.                        RUN OF FAME                                                     op
                                                                                                                              tuben Zürs

                                                          (Full day, approx. 6 hours)

                                                                                                           Anton St. Chr

                                                                                                                                                 röcken War
FAMILY OFFER                                              The Ski Circuit in the Arlberg!

                                                          The Flexenbahn has created a

2 adults pay; children under 15 years can join in free!   spectacular ski circuit: The „Run of           RUN of FAME

                                                          Fame“ is dedicated to the Arlberg ski
                                                          stars and enhances your skiing experience to a maximum
                                                          of 65 ski kilometres and an incredible 18,000 vertical metres.
                                                          The ski circuit crosses the Arlberg and displays the entire
                                                          dimension of the fully-connected ski area.

Our secret tip: Enjoy many exclu-
sive advantages by becoming
                                                          The price list can be found inside the Folder!
a Member of the Gold Club.
                                                          Safety is our TOP priority!
                                                          Guiding you safely through the day
                                                          is our highest aim!

18 | www.skischule-arlberg.com                                                                                                                 19

OFF PISTE GUIDING                                                 POWDER CLUB PROGRAMME
                                                                  (Off Piste Guiding – full day, approx. 6 hours)
Our off-piste guides (state-certified ski/snowboard
instructors, ski/snowboard guides and mountain guides)            If you already are a group of 4 or more persons (max. 7)
offer you the fascination of a freeriding experience.             and all have the same ski or snowboard ability then
                                                                  we have the perfect offer for you:
Whether a beginner or an expert, tourer or Freerider –
from guided tours to Freeride Camp or Heliskiing,                 & Introduction to snow and avalanche awareness
we have the right programme for you.                                Correct interpretation of the avalanche report, meteorology,
                                                                    snow and avalanche awareness, danger signs in the terraine
Off-piste guiding in the Arlberg offers an intense back-country
                                                                  & Description of safety equipment
adventure where you can experience the fascination of
                                                                    Explanation of emergency equipment and
freeriding and enjoy the most beautiful places in the

                                                                                                                                        OFF PISTE GUIDING
                                                                    handling Transceiver search
area - all with your personal guide.
                                                                  & Correct alpine conduct
„Maximize your Snow Adventure“ -
with a Ski School Arlberg private guide
If you have discovered a passion for deep snow                     BLUE                      RED               BLACK
and wish to improve your off-piste technique,                      Powder                    Powder            Powder
or would just like to enjoy the pristine slopes of                 light                     intermediate      expert
                                                                   Level 3                   Level 2           Level 1
the Arlberg, you are in the right place for off-piste              Prerequisite is:          Prerequisite is   Prerequisite is a
guiding and a Freeride programme.                                  Skiing: parallel skiing   deep snow         very good deep
                                                                   Snowboard: drift turn     experience        snow technique
The price list can be found inside the Folder!


                                                        !            $
Safety equipment is included in the price                                         More detailed Information
(transceiver, backpack with shovel and probe).                                    about the ability levels on
Recommendation: Airbag                                                            www.guides-am-arlberg.com

20 | www.skischule-arlberg.com                                                                                                     21

(5 or 6 hours)
From St. Anton, you can discover the most beautiful
peaks of the Arlberg. There are a variety of easy,
as well as challenging ski tours and snowboard
tours that will delight you.

THE GREAT ARLBERG TOUR                                        HELISKIING / HELIBOARDING

                                                                                                                    OFF PISTE GUIDING
(Full day, approx. 6 hours)                                   (Full day, approx. 6 hours)

If you’re looking for a guided off-piste challenge then       Fancy something different? Heliskiing or
the Great Arlberg Tour is perfect for you. On this tour we    Heliboarding in the Arlberg area offers the
only travel off-piste – away from the maintained runs         perfect opportunity for a special experience
(when the situation allows it). It’s a different way to get   for both skiers and snowboarders.
to know the Arlberg.                                          NOTE: Only for very good skiers
ROUTE: St. Anton – Valluga – (Pazültal) – Zürs –              or snowboarders.
Zug (Madloch) – Oberlech – Lech – Zürs – Stuben –
Albona (Maroi) – St. Anton                                    The price list can be found inside the Folder!
(Subject to change)
                                                              Safety is our TOP priority!
NOTE: Only for very good skiers                               Guiding you safely through the day
or snowboarders.                                              is our highest aim!

22 | www.skischule-arlberg.com                                                                                 23
CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING                                        TELEMARK
Cross-country skiing is the best winter sports exercise     Telemark is a style of skiing which is considered
to stay fit. The Ski School Arlberg offers cross-country    to be the original method of getting down the
skiing courses with private instruction for beginners and   Arlberg slopes. More and more people are attempting
advanced in the classical cross-country style and also in   to glide down the slopes in this elegant and dynamic
the modern skating technique. On individual courses you     style. However, anything which looks easy must
will learn the correct method to enable you to explore      still be learned - the ski instructors of the
the Loipe network of the Arlberg area safely,               Ski School Arlberg are here to help.
easily and enjoyably.

SNOWSHOE WALKS                                              FUNSPORT

                                                                                                                        SKI SCHOOL INCENTIVES
Experience nature! Walk with us on snowshoes through        Snowfox, Skibike, Scooter or Snowblades:

                                                                                                                             SPECIALS AND
the wintry countryside of the Arlberg. Snowshoes and        The new winter fun has many names.
poles can be rented at the ski school.                      Look forward to a great time on the snow.

                                                            Specials are only offered within private lessons.
                                                            Prices on request.

24 | www.skischule-arlberg.com                                                                                     25
Conferences, seminars, team building events,
incentives and much more. It's not always about
meetings. We create a very special experience
for your employees, customers and partners and
organize a top event.

The combination of a company seminar with a sporting
event, paired with a breath of adventure is enjoying
increasing popularity. We can plan, organise and
fulfil your seminars and incentives.

Conferences, seminars, advertising events, product
presentations, fun and active adventure weekends,
celebrations and events, training camps, customers and
guest ski races, trade fairs, shows, children’s parties, etc.

√ Long-standing experience

                                                                     SKI SCHOOL INCENTIVES
√ Everything on hand

                                                                          SPECIALS AND
√ Planning in every detail
√ Versatility & creativity

    Skischule Arlberg, T +43 5446-3411
    info@events-more.at, www.events-more.at

26 | www.skischule-arlberg.com                                  27

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