What you get - Montessori Reggio Academy

Page created by Marion Knight
What you get - Montessori Reggio Academy
WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT                              what you get
Childcare is an expense.
A Montessori Reggio Academy
education is an investment in
your child’s future.
Tuition is charged monthly and INCLUDES the following:

A full Montessori/Reggio      A summer program that is
program, including
academics, life skills, and   fun, educational, and very
the basic tenets of           popular!
cooperation, respect, and
responsibility.               Education and care
                              provided by Montessori-
Dis.in.fx™ certified          certified or trained
disinfected spaces
                              teachers with years of
A guaranteed                  classroom experience.
curriculum that introduces    Teachers and staff who
STEAM with hands-on           are CPR certified and         Proud to partner with industry
projects and experiments.     receive ongoing training.
                                                            leader DIS.IN.FX
A hot, healthy lunch served
with organic milk. Meatless   Daily online                  DIS.IN.FX®, a professional disinfection service,
Mondays. No pork or           communication,reports,        kills and prevents the spread of Covid-19,
seafood. We avoid             and photos that send your
processed, frozen meals.      child's learning right to     influenza, pathogens and other viruses with safe,

                              your phone or computer.       effective, hospital-grade, EPA registered
Daily morning and
afternoon snacks that are                                   products.
fresh and healthy.            Cameras and constant
                              monitoring to ensure
Kindergarten/Lower            children's safety             Safety first
Elementary program                                          Daily health screening and temperature checks
aligned with FBISD.           Special programs built        are required before entering. Our front door
                              into our curriculum,
A year-round program and      including Zumbini, PE,
                                                            remains monitored and locked at all times. We
care available even when                                    maintain strict sign in and out procedures, and
FBISD is not in session       Spanish, French, Yoga,
(excluding major holidays).   Gardening, Music and Art.     every classroom is equipped with cameras and

                                                            monitored from our front desk.

     Sibling Discount

       10% OFF
                                  Referral Discount
                                                            Great location
   for the second child
                                $100 off tuition            Our Sugar Land school is tucked away in a quiet

                                                            and serene cul-de-sac located in the heart of

        10% off               Save up to $1,000             Sugar Land off Highway 6 and Lexington Blvd

                                                            (near First Colony Mall). Minutes away from the
   Memorial Hermann &          Pay 11 months and get the
Methodist Employee Discount         12th month free         Southwest Freeway.

What you get - Montessori Reggio Academy
WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT                      admissions
An easy choice.
An even easier process.
Steps to MRA admissions:

      Tour with parents or family

      Application packet completed and
      submitted to Admissions Director
      or Head of School

      Teacher Recommendation (if
                                                 OUR MISSION
      applicable)                                The Reggio Emilia approach is an educational

                                                 philosophy focused on preschool, primary, and

                                                 lower elementary education- based on the
      Family & Student Interview with
                                                 principles of respect, responsibility, and
      Director of Admissions or Child            community/diversity and inclusion through
      Observation                                exploration and discovery in a supportive and

                                                 enriching environment based on the interests of

      Decision Letter or Appointment             the children through a self-guided curriculum. As

      set to complete enrollment                 MRA educators, our goal is to set a strong

      process.                                   foundation of lifelong emotional and mental

                                                 wellbeing in each of our students.

      One-time registration: $195

      Annual supply fee: Preschool $150,
      Elementary $295

      First and last month’s tuition

Once the steps above have been completed,
a decision letter will be sent and we will
confirm an orientation date and start date for
the new student.

What you get - Montessori Reggio Academy
WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT                                                         Our Programs

2021 Programs
Infant & Pre-Toddler Community
Ages 3 Months to 17 Months
5 School Days from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM....$1125.00
5 Full Days from 6:30 AM to 6:30 PM...........$1295.00
Annual Supply Fee.........................................................$150

Pre-Primary Community
Ages 18 Months to 36 Months
5 Half Days from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM................$865
5 School Days from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM...........$995
5 Full Days from 6:30 AM to 6:30 PM...................$1135
Annual Supply Fee.........................................................$150

Primary Community
Ages 3 to 5 & Private Kindergarten
5 Half Days from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM ................$825.00
5 School Days from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM....$925.00
5 Full Days from 6:30 AM to 6:30 PM..........$1085.00
Annual Supply Fee.........................................................$150

Lower Elementary at MRA (Grades K-3)

Ages 6-9
Admission into the elementary program requires
that children are 6 years old on or before                                                     Due at Registration:          One time registration:
September 1st.
                                                                                                1 months
5 School Days 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM.......................$995                                                                        $195
5 Full Days..........................................................................$1175       tuition                           Per Child
                                                                                             (to be applied to last month)
Annual Supply Fee.........................................................$295

What you get - Montessori Reggio Academy
WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT   our administrative team

                            Martina Murphy,
                            Head of School
                            Mrs. Martina Murphy is our
                            amazing head of school.
                            Recognized locally for her
                            efforts in successfully leading
                            MRA Sugar Land day by day.
                            She was recently given
                            Professional Recognition by
                            the Houston Business
                            Journal's People on the Move:
                            "Mrs. Martina is a well
                            respected leader in the Sugar
                            Land community. With over 14
                            years in education, it's truly
                            her passion. Working parents
                            and staff praise her close
                            attention to detail, childhood
                            understanding and
                            enthusiasm— especially
                            during the recent challenging
                            months. Through her strong
                            leadership, MRA was named
                            Best in Sugar Land for the 4th
          As featured on    year in a row! A parent shares,
                            “She is super professional and
                            approachable; The culture
                            and authentic education of
                            MRA is truly one of a kind!"

What you get - Montessori Reggio Academy
WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT      21-22 School Year
                                             A year-round program and
                       School is closed
                                             care available even when
                                             FBISD is not in session
                                             (excluding major holidays)
                     School closes at 3:00
                         Special days        August 2: Teacher Work Day,
                                             School Closed

                 Keep an eye out             August 9: First day of school
                                             for students
                 for these special           Sep. 6: Labor Day School
                 annual events!              Closed

                       Back to School        Oct. 22 - Progress Reports
                                             Nov 24: Closes at 3:00pm
                       Pool Party
                                             Nov 25-26: Thanksgiving Break,
                                             School Closed
                       Feast                 Dec 24: School Closed for
                       Breakfast with        Holiday
                       Santa                 Dec 31: Closes at 3:00pm
                       Sweetheart Break-
                       fast Valentine        2022
                       Party                 Jan 1: School Closed, New
                       Easter Egg Hunt       Years

                       Muffins with Mom      Jan 17: MLK Day, School
                       Parents Night Out     Closed

                       Mommy and Me          Jan 28: Progress Reports
                       Day                   Feb 21: President's Day, School
                       Donuts with Dad
                                             April 15: Good Friday, School
                       End of School
                       Awards/               May 27: Last Day of School -
                       Graduation            (Graduation, Class Awards and
                       Ceremony              Parties)

                       (Primary Classes)     May 30: Memorial Day, School
                       Summer                Closed

                       Enrichment            July 4: School Closed
What you get - Montessori Reggio Academy
WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT   our reputation
Awarded Best in
Sugar Land 5
years in a row in
the Montessori
School category
by the Sugar
Land Award
MRA is honored to be
selected for the 2021
Best of Sugar Land
Award in the Montessori
School category by the
Sugar Land Award
Program for the 5th year
in a row! Such
recognition is given to
local businesses that
have shown the ability to
use their best practices
and implemented
programs to generate
competitive advantages
and long-term value in
the community. Our
school has now
exceptional success two
years running, qualifying
it for the Business Hall of
Fame. We take great
pride in such
recognitions, striving
each day to create an
atmosphere of learning,
acceptance, and growth
for our students,
educators, and parents.

What you get - Montessori Reggio Academy
WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT                                  private education

The Montessori Method                                              Reggio Emelia
We follow the traditional Montessori Method with the belief        Montessori Reggio Academy offers a Reggio Emilia inspired
that cognitive development is the product of interaction           arts and science program. The Reggio Emilia approach is
between the individual and the environment. Because of this        an educational philosophy focused on preschool and
belief, we have an authentically designed prepared learning        primary education. The program is based on the principles
environment. We recognize that children learn and adapt            of respect, responsibility, and community through
individually and therefore stress the importance of adapting       exploration and discovery in a supportive and enriching
the curriculum to a child’s developmental level. Our goal is to    environment based on the interests of the children through
spark a child’s interest in learning, thereby helping them to      a self-guided curriculum. Children are believed “knowledge
become learners today, leaders tomorrow.                           bearers,” so they are encouraged to share their thoughts

                                                                   and ideas about everything they could meet or do during
                                                                   the day.

STEAM is a national initiative used in all public and most
                                                                   The Reggio Emilia philosophy is based upon the
private schools, so no matter where children go to school,         following principles:
they will be well-versed in STEAM, be critical thinkers, and be    In our program, a carefully planned series of successes
able to apply learning to real life understanding.                 builds upon their inner confidence, assuring them that they
                                                                   can learn independently and through creativity. These

Private Kindergarten                                               confidence building activities contribute to your child’s
                                                                   healthy emotional development and self-confidence.
Our kindergarteners are writing independently and reading
                                                                   The combination of the Montessori and Reggio inspired
for comprehension. We are solving mental math problems and
                                                                   philosophies, implemented through our DaVinci Kids
working in science labs. Our program both complies with Fort
                                                                   curriculum reinforces and strengthens the image of the
Bend ISD’s standards and ensures a foundation of success for
                                                                   child as a competent, creative and curious person. We offer
any kindergarten in the world.
                                                                   an abundance of creative outlets, stimulating projects and
                                                                   social interaction in the arts, science, engineering and
   Montessori and Reggio            Provides foreign language
                                                                   math activities.
   experiences in the morning,      instruction in both French
                                    and Spanish
   traditional kindergarten in
                                    Teacher-to-student ratios
   the afternoon
                                    are the lowest you’ll find
   Prepares students for any
   public or private school
                                    Multi-age classroom
   Aligned with Fort Bend ISD       encourages older children
   curriculum                       to teach their younger

   Offers IEP, with support and     peers, taking learning to a
                                    whole new level.

Private Lower Elementary
At this age, the appetite of children to understand the

universe and their place in it directs the elementary work

toward all aspects of culture. Elementary studies include

geography, biology, history, language, mathematics, science,

music, and art. Exploration of each area is encouraged

through trips outside the classroom to community resources,

such as a library, planetarium, botanical garden, science

center, factory or hospital. This inclusive approach to

education fosters a feeling of connectedness to all humanity

and encourages their natural desire to make contributions to

the world.

What you get - Montessori Reggio Academy
WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT                                what makes us different

     Why mixed age classrooms?
Students progress at different speeds, and studies show

that kids improve more quickly with an older child as a

mentor. Positive peer pressure is real! Older kids learn

more in-depth skills through teaching and younger kids

aspire to learn more from older kids. It’s a win-win!

     Why Montessori-trained certified
     teachers and Montessori
Dr. Maria Montessori spent years researching the

psychology and education behind what makes kids

discover the joy of learning. Her methods have been in use

since 1910 and consistently show proven success.

     What is the Reggio Emilia art and
     science program?                                            Anything but ordinary
We are the only school in Sugar Land that dedicates an
                                                                 A Montessori Reggio Academy education is an
entire room to this hands-on learning program. You’ve
                                                                 investment in your child’s future. We take great pride
heard how important STEAM is in our nation’s curriculum,
                                                                 in offering an authentic Montessori education
right? Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math are
                                                                 enriched with a Reggio Emilia arts and science
built into the Montessori-Reggio education, so your child
                                                                 program in a diverse and inclusive setting– a unique
will have a start on their elementary education.
                                                                 combination of proven learning methods.

     Does MRA have individual
     education plans?
Forget about lesson plans that expect every child to fit into

a mold. At MRA, children work independently at their own

pace with one-on-one guidance from their teacher. Each

student works with an individualized education plan that is

specifically designed to ensure educational growth and


     How important is Diversity and
     Inclusion to you?
We celebrate diversity and multiculturalism through our

special activities, year-round. Inclusion and diversity means

that every child should have equal learning experiences

with positive outcomes despite any race, nationality, skin

colour, socioeconomic or religious base, in early childhood

education and care programs

What you get - Montessori Reggio Academy What you get - Montessori Reggio Academy
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