July 17th - August 9th, 2 5 - Festival of the Sound

Page created by Ted Little
July 17th - August 9th, 2 5 - Festival of the Sound
July 17th – August 9th, 2015

                            James Campbell, Artistic Director
                            Annual Summer Classical Music Festival
                            Charles W. Stockey Centre for the
                            Performing Arts, Parry Sound, Ontario

2 015 P R O G R A M M E — 3 6TH S E A S O N
July 17th - August 9th, 2 5 - Festival of the Sound

                   Fresh Surf & Turf, Pasta & Vegetarian Dishes
                 Daily Specials, LLBO, Heated Patio, Boat Access,
                  Friendly Attention, Unforgettable Atmosphere
                             OPENSpecializing   In:AM
                                    DAILY from 11
 Music: has Fresh  Surf&&ab
            the power      Turf,
                             ilityPasta  & cend
                                  to trans  Vegetarian  Dishes
                                                time & boundaries.  It can
unite & change  people ofLLBO,
         Daily Specials,   all agesHeated
                                    and cu ltural backgrounds.
                                             Patio, Boat Access, Whether it
uses any language or none at all. It’s very essence can reach in & speak
           Friendly Attention, Unforgettable Atmosphere
 directly to a person’s soul, like nothing else can or ever could in our
             world, since      Dailyof
                          the dawn    from
                                        time11andAMmusic itself.

The World & all her people, deep within, share the same dream in life.
         ourhas differing
                     the power andthoughts          & ways
                                      ability to transcend  time of
                                                                  andach      ieving
                                                                        boundaries.       it,unite
                                                                                      It can   often      give rise to
                                                                                                     and change
 great conflict,
         people of alleven
                         ages andwhen
                                    cultural our    words
                                             backgrounds.      fail us,
                                                            Whether           &any
                                                                        it uses   our    emotions
                                                                                     language    or none attake
                                                                                                             all. hold
         Its the
     of us;  very essence
                    world’s  can reach
                                   music in and   speak time
                                               from     directly to  a person’s soul, like
                                                                  immemorial                 nothing
                                                                                          will    con  else can to
   communicate,        or ever  could in oursoothe,
                           nurture,           world, since&theguide
                                                               dawn of us, time as
                                                                                 and it
                                                                                         d iditself.
                                                                                                for those who
                came         before       us,   &   for   those       will    come
                   The World and all her people, deep within, share the same dream       after      us.
                                                                                                in life.
          Though our differing thoughts and ways of achieving it, often give rise to great conflict.
Music is needed now, more than ever before. That is why the Festival
              Even when our words fail us and our emotions take hold of us; the world’s music
    of the Sound that provides these rare & unique opportunities for
            from time immemorial will continue to communicate, nurture, soothe, and guide us,
                    it did for thoseto
                                           came before us and & enjoy,
                                                                   for those whois invaluable.
                                                                                    will come after us.
  We hereMusicatisthe   Bay
                   needed  now,Street
                                more thanCafé      are That
                                          ever before.    pleased
                                                              is why theto  offer
                                                                         Festival     the
                                                                                  of the     Festival
                                                                                         Sound,   that   our
continued    support
       provides            & encouragement
                these rare and                             as they
                               unique opportunities for everyone        continue
                                                                 to experience          tois provide
                                                                               and enjoy,    invaluable. us all
                  We here at the Bay Street Café are pleased to offer the Festival our continued
                  support and encouragement as they continue to provide us all with quality and
                          variety of music they
                                             22 have
                                                  Baybecome so famously renowned for.
                                       Parry Sound, Ontario
                                           22 P2A
                                              Bay 1S5
                                      Sound,  Ontario P2A 1S5
                                     Tel: 1-705-746-2882
                                   Fax#:   1-705-746-5205
                                      Fax: 705-746-5205

                                                                                        www.festivalofthesound.ca        1
July 17th - August 9th, 2 5 - Festival of the Sound
James Campbell, Artistic Director
                                                                                                   Annual Summer Classical Music Festival

                                           2015                                                    Charles W. Stockey Centre for the
                                                                                                   Performing Arts, Parry Sound, Ontario

                                                                                               5   MESSAGES:
                                                                                                   Welcome to Our Festival

                                                                                              11   SUPPORTERS:
                                                                                                   Donors and Sponsors

                                                                                              21   PROGRAMME:
                                                                                                   July 17th – August 9th, 2015

                                                                                              75 A R T I S T S :
                      WELCOMING ALL                                                                Artist biographies

                                                                                              95   BOARD OF DIRECTORS & STAFF

                     PARTICIPANTS AND                                                         96   ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

                      VISITORS TO THE                                                        COV E R A RT I S T — PAT FA I R H E A D

                                                                                              Pat was born in England and came to Canada at
                                                                                              the age of ten. She fell in love with the Canadian

                                                                                              landscape and has filled her life with a wide variety
                                                                                              of outdoor activities that provide inspirations to take
                                                                                              back to the studio. She has always been fascinated
                                                                                              by water and her work, interpreting colour and
                                                                                              light, has been greatly influenced by her extensive
                                                                                              world-wide travels. Pat studied at the Ontario
                                                                                              College of Art and Design and holds a Master of
                                           Cover Painting    Arts from Goddard College, Vermont, U.S.A. and a Master of Education from
                                           “Evening Light”   the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. Pat has painted all her life and has
                                           by Pat Fairhead   had 70 shows in Canada, the U.S.A., and Great Britain. Her work is in national
                                                             and provincial collections, she has over 200 works in corporate collections, and
                                                             a watercolour in the Royal Collection of Prints and Drawings, Windsor Castle,
                                                             England. Pat was elected to the Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolour in
                                                             1966 and is now a life-time member. She was elected to the Ontario Society of
                                                             Artists in 1986, has been a member of the Royal Canadian Academy of Art since
                                                             1993, and was awarded the A. J. Casson Medal for excellence in watercolour
                                                             in 2011. She is presently represented by four galleries in Ontario and Alberta.
                                                             She continues to travel and to paint in her Muskoka home studio. As she says,
                                                             “My work is my passion and the core of my life.”

                                                             Festival Station Gallery   1 Avenue Road, Parry Sound        info@festivalofthesound.ca

2   1.866.364.0061   705.746.2410                                                                                   www.festivalofthesound.ca      3
July 17th - August 9th, 2 5 - Festival of the Sound
Jessica vergeer studios
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                                       Paintings • Metalwork • Furniture
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                                                                               TONY CLEMENT
                                                                               Member of Parliament, Parry Sound – Muskoka
                                                                               NORM MILLER
                                       www.jessicavergeer.com                  Member of Provincial Parliament, Parry Sound – Muskoka

                                                                               JAMIE McGARVEY
                                                                               Mayor, Town of Parry Sound

                                                                               SUSAN HÉDER
                                                                               President, Festival of the Sound

                                                                               JAMES CAMPBELL
                                                                               Artistic Director, Festival of the Sound

    Your One Stop For Plumbing, Electrical & Radiant Heat Contracting

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     Direct Sales Showroom Open Monday to Saturday
        86 Joseph Street, Parry Sound, ON P2A 2G5

4   1.866.364.0061   705.746.2410                                                                                               www.festivalofthesound.ca   5
July 17th - August 9th, 2 5 - Festival of the Sound
2015        M E M B E R O F PA R L I A M E N T’S M ES SAG E                                 2015   M E M B E R O F PROV I N C I A L PA R L I A M E N T’S M ES SAG E

                     The Honourable                                                                         The Honourable
                     Tony Clement                                                                           Norm Miller
                     It is my honour once again this year to extend congratulations to the                  Dear Friends (and fellow music lovers),
                     organizers of the Festival of the Sound, which continues to welcome
                     people to the shores of Georgian Bay each summer for an exceptional                    I am very pleased to welcome you to the 2015 edition of the Festival
                     series of great performances.                                                          of the Sound. For 36 years this festival has graced the shores of the
                                                                                                            beautiful Georgian Bay. The pairing of renowned classical musicians
                     As always there is great anticipation for opening weekend and the                      and rugged Canadian wilderness has proved a popular one;
                     varied lineup which follows, and this year is no exception. The Stockey                attracting audiences from across the country and around the world.
                     Centre will once again be centre stage to an incredible array of talent                The Festival provides an altogether unique experience as Ontario’s
                     to suit every taste.                                                                   premier international classical music festival, and we are most pleased
                                                                                                            to share it with you.
                     The Festival, now in its 36th season, has grown into a Canadian and
                     international showcase of talent, inspiring young performers and                       Over the years it has become a summer staple in Parry Sound, thanks
                     attracting visitors from far and wide. It is a cultural institution with many          to the tireless dedication of many committed volunteers, musicians
                     loyal friends and patrons, and it reinforces why our region is such                    and directors. I would like to take the opportunity to thank those whose
                     a great place to call home.                                                            combined efforts have seen 36 editions of the Festival since 1979;
                                                                                                            you are a credit to our community.
                     I send Artistic Director James Campbell and all those who work
                     on the Festival a resounding ‘bravo.’ All the best for a wonderful and                 I hope you enjoy your Festival of the Sound experience, and wish you
                     enriching experience this summer.                                                      a very happy summer season.

                     Warm regards,                                                                          Sincerely,

                                                                                                            Norman A. Miller

                     Tony Clement
                     Member of Parliament, Parry Sound – Muskoka

6   1.866.364.0061   705.746.2410                                                                                                                              www.festivalofthesound.ca   7
July 17th - August 9th, 2 5 - Festival of the Sound
2015        M AYO R O F PA R R Y S O U N D ’ S M E S S A G E                            2015   PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE

                     Jamie McGarvey                                                                     Susan Héder
                     On behalf of myself and Council, it is my pleasure to welcome                      On behalf of the Board of Directors, welcome to the 36th Festival of
                     the Musicians and Patrons to Parry Sound and the 36th season of the                the Sound! We are so very glad you are here with us once again.
                     Festival of the Sound.
                                                                                                        James Campbell, our Artistic Director, has created a wonderful programme
                     We are very proud of the acoustically perfect quality of the                       of music, musicians and events. You, our patrons have also helped!
                     Charles W. Stockey Centre and I am sure that the selection and quality             Last summer, Jim asked you to prepare lists of your top 10 classical music
                     of music will truly make an excellent season. So from opening night                favourites, and some of these have been incorporated into the 2015
                     to the final performance, sit back and enjoy the truly exceptional                 programme. Alison Scarrow-McGarvey, our General Manager, and her
                     performances that have been selected for your enjoyment.                           conscientious staff have helped put it all together, and with the help of our
                                                                                                        amazing volunteers, we know the Festival will again run smoothly.
                     Please take time to explore Parry Sound. You can take in the unequalled
                     beauty of Georgian Bay, the 30,000 Islands and enjoy as many sunsets               Thanks to you, our patrons. You’ve encouraged and supported us through
                     as you possibly can. Our fitness trail skirts the shore of Georgian Bay,           the long months of preparation. We appreciate your generosity and
                     our Museum holds the history of our past, our shops are waiting to be              loyalty, and trust you will love what we’ve created for you this season.
                     explored and our restaurants will delight your palate.
                                                                                                        Especially this year, I thank our Directors. The Festival has benefited greatly
                     Congratulations to everyone involved with the production of the Festival           from their experience and wisdom, given without reserve. Their hard work
                     of the Sound, including James Campbell the Artistic Director, the                  ensures we will enjoy excellent classical music for many years to come.
                     General Manager Alison Scarrow-McGarvey, the Staff, President Susan
                                                                                                        We can all think back to a moment when the great “aha” happened, and
                     Héder, the Board of Directors, the many volunteers and the many guest
                                                                                                        music became a significant part of who we are today. I invite you to
                     Musicians who have presented a remarkable showcase of beautiful music.
                                                                                                        participate in our fundraiser for the Music Scores, so you can help provide
                     To the many patrons, thank you for your continued support of this truly            that “aha” moment to grade four to six students in Parry Sound District.
                     extraordinary Festival, it is greatly appreciated. My very best wishes to          Through our 2015 Festival fundraiser, there is an opportunity for us to have
                     all for an outstanding and enjoyable Festival experience.                          a bit of fun passing our love of music to new generations.

                     Sincerely,                                                                         Now, please sit back and relax. Put your cares aside. Prepare to enjoy
                                                                                                        music whose sublime beauty has endured the test of time!

                     Jamie McGarvey                                                                     Susan Héder,
                     Mayor                                                                              President of the Board of Directors

8   1.866.364.0061   705.746.2410                                                                                                                         www.festivalofthesound.ca   9
July 17th - August 9th, 2 5 - Festival of the Sound

                      James Campbell
                                     Welcome once again to the Festival of the Sound.
                                     We are grateful for the loyalty of those of you who
                                     regularly attend the Festival and are honoured to be part
                                     of your summer. Perhaps, like me, when you enter the
                                     Stockey Centre each summer you feel as though you have
                                     never left, the year seems to have slipped by so quickly.
                                     If you are an occasional visitor or if this is the first time
                                     you have come to the Festival, I personally welcome you
                                     and hope you will enjoy what we have to offer.

                                      You will see special marks throughout this programme
                                      book. These indicate some of the works chosen by last
                                      year’s audience members, works that are favourites and
                      that audience members felt they wanted to explore more deeply. Some
                      of those marked will be performed without verbal comment, but others
                                                                                                                        SPONSOR                             DONATE
                      will be discussed in greater detail. It is my hope that these discussions                         Become a sponsor of the Festival    Donate today and tell the world
                      will lead us all into a deeper appreciation and understanding of the                              of the Sound and reach a whole      just how much the Festival means
                      music that has accompanied us through much of our lives.                                          new audience. Show the world        to you! Help us share the gift of
                                                                                                                        how this community supports its     music for years to come!
                      As I travel to different parts of the world throughout the year I often                           premier cultural showcase.
                      perform in places that are “pockets” of classical music enthusiasts.
                      Invariably these places, many of them small communities, have
                      developed a love for and knowledge of classical music that rivals
                      any major center. If you are reading my greeting in the Stockey Centre
                      you are no doubt aware that you are in a community that takes
                      it’s music very seriously. The marvelous space you are in is physical
                      proof of that. As I write this in early June, I can feel excitement
                      mounting and I am looking forward to another Festival and the
                      warmth and friendships that are so much a part of it.

                                                                                                                        VOLUNTEER                           ADVERTISE
                                                                                                                        The Festival of the Sound runs on   Over 12,000 individuals attend
                                                                                                                        its volunteers, in more ways than   the Festival of the Sound and
                                                                                                     Photo: Mark Rash

                                                                                                                        you might think! Come and share     they use advertisements in our
                      James Campbell                                                                                    your talent with us.                brochure and programme to
                                                                                                                                                            plan their time here.

10   1.866.364.0061    705.746.2410                                                                                                                                   www.festivalofthesound.ca   11
July 17th - August 9th, 2 5 - Festival of the Sound
2015         F E S T I VA L O F T H E S O U N D S U P P O R T E R S                   2015   F E S T I VA L O F T H E S O U N D S U P P O R T E R S

                      Dollar for Dollar                                                               Benefactors
                      Matching Campaign                                                               $1,000 TO $4,999

                      WE ARE MOST GRATEFUL                                                            Anonymous (3)                                  Drs. Kathleen & Daniel Moquin
                      TO OUR PRINCIPAL DONORS:                                                        Susan Arbuckle                                 R. Milne
                                                                                                      David Barrett                                  Brian & Josephine Oxley
                      James & Carol Campbell                                                          Dave & Kay Betts                               Peter & Judy Perry
                      John & Wendy Crean                                                              Margaret & Bill Boyd                           Nicolina Pon
                      Frans & Gini Donker                                                             David & Elizabeth Browne                       Siegfried & Corrie Quickert
                      Fred & Viola Ibey                                                               Earlaine Collins                               Bonnie & Kelly Ramsay
                                                                                                      Jim & Edna Claydon                             Paul & Ina Scholfield
                      We thank all those who participated and made the campaign a success.
                                                                                                      J. Peter & Sarah Gardner                       Peter Rosenbaum &
                                                                                                      Margaret Hagerman                                Suzanne Shulman
                      Honourary Jim                                                                   Dr. Stephen & Susan Héder                      Ellen & Tom Smee
                                                                                                                                                     Ken Stephen
                                                                                                      Drs. Christopher & Margaret Ibey
                                                                                                      Viola & Fred Ibey                              Dr. D. J. Stern & Brenda Lewis
                                                                                                      Bonnie & Norbert Kraft                         Drs. J. B. Hunkin &
                      James & Carol Campbell                                                          Dr. Robert G. Luton                              Maureen Thompson
                      John & Wendy Crean                                                              Anne Mackay                                    Suus Tissot
                                                                                                      Steve & Lou Mason                              Sara Tyson & Gerald Porter
                                                                                                      Jamie & Ally McGarvey                          Kathleen Wilkinson
                      Director’s Circle
                      $5,000 TO $9,999                                                                Trustee
                      Frans & Gini Donker
                                                                                                      $500 TO $999
                                                                                                      Tom & Kathy Atchison                         Linda Hutcheon
                                                                                                      Margaret Beatty                              Morland & Charlyn Jones
                                                                                                      Bob & Debby Bissell                          Larry Lundy & Elizabeth Julian
                      We would like to offer a heartfelt thank you to all those individuals,          Elaine Blacklock                             Edda & Keith Loffler
                      businesses, foundations, municipalities and government agencies who             Doris Brown                                  James Mason & Julie Baumgartel
                      have generously given to the Festival of the Sound. The donors listed           Laura Crook                                  John & Susan Matthew
                                                                                                      Phyllis & Les Davison                        Angus & Kathleen McGillivray
                      in this section gave to the Festival between June 16, 2014 and June
                                                                                                      Elizabeth De Boer                            James & Patricia McKay
                      21, 2015. Gifts, large and small, help us to provide a world class              Frederick Dobbin                             Wanda & Alex McLachlin
                      Festival each year and to promote youth music education. We are                 Sherry Gerstl                                Doug Minett
                      truly grateful to our supporters. We take painstaking measures to               Dr. Robert Guthrie                           Susan & Neil Murphy
                      ensure each donor is acknowledged and have made every effort to                 Roy Hardie & Kerri Mutrie                    Elizabeth Racic
                      include a complete list. However, if we have inadvertently missed your          Herbert & Bridget Hauffe                     Ruth Scolnik
                      name, incorrectly listed your name or placed your name in the wrong             Yvonne Heaman                                Stuart & Adrienne Shaw
                                                                                                      Clark & Isobel Holden                        Frances & David Soloway
                      category, we sincerely apologise.
                                                                                                      Naomi & Sandy Horodezky                      Doreen & David Wilton

12   1.866.364.0061     705.746.2410                                                                                                                           www.festivalofthesound.ca   13
July 17th - August 9th, 2 5 - Festival of the Sound
2015         F E S T I VA L O F T H E S O U N D S U P P O R T E R S                         2015   F E S T I VA L O F T H E S O U N D S U P P O R T E R S

                      Patrons                                                                               Donors
                      $250 TO $499                                                                          $100 TO $249

                      Anonymous (3)                                  George Lange                           Anonymous (22)                 Elizabeth Cooney                 Barry & Elizabeth
                                                                                                            Brian Adams                    Ian Crawford                       Hitchcock
                      Susan Agranove                                 David & Mary Jane Li
                                                                                                            Bob & Katherine                Nancy Cunningham                 Debra Horsfield
                      Aubie & Esther Rose Angel                      Tanya Long
                                                                                                              Anderson                     Norma Curry                      Angela & Joseph Houpt
                      Barb & Cliff Baker                             Horst & Ingrid Mattern                 Marla & Peter Ashmore                                           Nick & Koas Huizenga
                                                                                                                                           Judith Dahmer
                      Gary L. & Donna R. Ball                        Helen-Joy & John McGee                 Marianne Baljet                Kenneth W. Davis                 Frances Humphreys
                      Gwen Brickett                                  Margaret McKelvey                      Anne & David Bawden            Minda & Moe Davis                Peter Hurlbut
                      Gwen Brison                                    Julia McLaughlin                       Iain & Angela Baxter           Ken Dennis                       Barb Jackson
                                                                                                            Jim & Bonnie Beatty            Mr. & Mrs. H. Dickfeld           Kathie Joblin
                      Doug & Mary Lou Brock                          Bev & Rick McNabb
                                                                                                            Stanley & Barbara Beck         Gene & Deirdre DiNovi            Betty Johnson
                      Don & Barb Chapin                              William Monk
                                                                                                            Mary Louise &                  Greig Dunn                       Jean Kerr
                      Jane & Larry Corke                             Linda Piche                             Dennis Beercroft                                               Donald Kidd
                                                                                                                                           Anne Elliot-Goldschmidt
                      James Claydon                                  Ernie & Nancy Regehr                   Donna L. Besman                Gail Farquharson                 Donny Kirby
                      Velma Daley                                    Gordon & Jan Rempel                    W. & J. Bialkowski             Nancy-Lou Farrell                M. E. Kirk
                      Balthazar Davidson                             Jane & David Ross                      Arthur Bielfeld                John & Joanne Fenton             Peter Kohl
                                                                                                            David Bird                                                      Louise Kot
                      Chris Decker                                   Linda Seppanen                                                        John & Mary Lynn
                                                                                                            Hilary Munro &                   Fleming                        Sidney Kremer
                      Jim & Allison Dingle                           Judy Shute                               Gerry Borch                  John & Cheryl Flint              Ted Krug
                      Buddy & Leigh Eisenberg                        Ted Simmonds                           Margaret Borden                Katrine Floegel Martin           Ann Raney &
                      Shari & John Ezyk                              Ron Slater                             Roberta & Russ Boyles          John & Margaret Flynn             Helmut Kruger
                      Mark Fewer                                     Gordon & Anne Smith                    Ellen Bradey                   Susan & Don Fraser               Gail & Gordon Lange
                      Ken & Winfer Foster                            Jon & Donna Spencer                    Gloria & Ernest                Cyril & Marion Fry               Linda & Charlie
                                                                                                             Bradford                                                          Liwack/Sise
                      Karl & Barbara Freeman                         Bryan & Pat Tennant                                                   Rick McEwen
                                                                                                            Betty Brannen                    & Lorraine Galipeau            Elizabeth Marshall
                      Patricia Grainger                              David & Lila Tirsell                   Neil & Jean Brearley           Sylvia Garratt                   Jim Mathers
                      Paul & Ruth Gray                               Margaret Viia-Maiste                   Don Brickett                                                    Peter & Jennifer
                                                                                                                                           J.C. & Patricia Gawen
                      Marylou & Fred Gregoris                        Ian Werker & Janet Saunderson          Marilyn & Peter Broughton      Bruce & Susan Gibbon               McGillivray
                      Barbara Groves                                 Graham & Suzy Wilkinson                David & Joan                   Anna & Walter Gillespie          David & Jean McLay
                                                                                                             Brownlow                                                       John McLean
                      Mary Alison Handford                           Ailene Wittstein                                                      Doc & Nancy Gillies
                                                                                                            Margaret Ann                                                    Marg McLean
                      Phillip & Moira Heywood                        Dr. Richard & Sue Woodhouse                                           Benjamin Glatt
                                                                                                             Buszynski                                                      Donald & Nan McPhun
                                                                                                                                           Alan & Margaret
                      Angus Hilts                                                                           Val Cabell                                                      Dr. Z. R. & Lilli Mech
                      Anne Hoelscher                                                                        Marjorie Campbell
                                                                                                                                           Brian & Rosemary Gray            Norm Miller
                      Rona Hokanson                                                                         Lee Carpenter                                                   John & Eleanor Milliken
                                                                                                                                           Judy & Doug Hallman
                                                                                                            Pamela Carpenter
                      Rick & Vicki Hook                                                                                                    Janet Hannula                    Bill & Jan Mustard
                                                                                                            Miriam Carter                                                   Sharon Nailberg
                      Adair & Ian Hope                                                                                                     John Hanson
                                                                                                            Elizabeth Mary Cawley                                           Drs. Roger & Chris Nash
                      Keith & Angela Horner                                                                                                Barbara Hayes
                                                                                                            William & Christa Chan                                          J. Ofenheim
                                                                                                                                           Ann Hayhoe
                      Anne-Marie Keighan                                                                    Barbara Chapin
                                                                                                                                           Jane Hendry                      Sondra & Stan Passfield
                      Donalda Kelk                                                                          Robert J. Clegg                                                 Peter Payan
                                                                                                                                           Ashley & Wendy
                      Marilyn & Brent Kelman                                                                Charles & Joy Cohen             Hilliard                        David & Molly Pelton
                      Garth & Anne Kidd                                                                     Rosemary Collins

14   1.866.364.0061     705.746.2410                                                                                                                                 www.festivalofthesound.ca       15
July 17th - August 9th, 2 5 - Festival of the Sound
2015         F E S T I VA L O F T H E S O U N D S U P P O R T E R S    2015   F E S T I VA L O F T H E S O U N D S U P P O R T E R S

                      Donors                                                           Friends
                      $100 TO $249                                                     $35 TO $99

                      Mosby & Holly Perrow           Tom & Dale Traversy               Anonymous (10)                 Lois Fleming                     Lyle & Louise Rea
                      June Pinkney                   Doug Turner                       Roger & Nora Alexander         Ilse Folkens                     Mr. & Mrs. Jack Reck
                      Richard & Patricia Poole       Don & Jean Twiner                 Ruth Anderson                  Erickson Fraser                  Sherrill Reid
                      Pat & Lloyd Ponso              Ingrid van Rotterdam              Paul Armstrong                 Katerina Fretwell                Eleanore Reynolds
                      Margaret Prugovecki            Ilse von Fehrentheil              Peter Bartha                   Christina Goldt                  Robert & Margaret
                      Janna Ramsay-Best              Maureen & George                  Bill Bartram                   Diane Gooderham                    Rooks
                      Mark S. Rash                    Warby                            Allan & Nancy Beers            Mary Gordon                      Karl & Ursula Schnull
                      Don & Christina Rebus          David & Judi Weaver               Stanley Berger                 Alexandra B. Gunther             Mary Lou Sherman
                      Ed & Marianne Reimer           Rosemary Webb                     Arnold & Loreen                Norma Hillyard                   Wendy Simm
                      Elise & Louis Rensonnet        Bridget & Kit Wells                 Bolliger                     Doreen & Fred Hiltz              Jerry & Vi Skory
                      David Rosen                    Sylvia Weylie                     David Bourque                  Ilse Jakelski                    Neil Spaulding
                      Helen Ruckle                   Kathleen Whatmough                Andre & Judith                 Hans Jansen                      Barbara Stupp
                      Ila Sandwell                   Kay Wheatley                       Boutin                        B-J Jasmins                      Gloria Tozek
                      Fred & Brenda Saunders         Marie Wiley                       Nancy Brinen                   Nick Kristoffy                   Pat Valade &
                      Silvio & Longinia Sauro        Kay Wilkinson                     Lawrence & Rebecca             Yvon Lavoie                        Susan Ord
                                                     Ton Winnubst                        Brown                                                         Louis & Vivian
                      Sylvia Schmid                                                                                   Paul Lawrence
                                                     Agnes Wong                        Bruce Burgess                                                     van Gulick
                      Rachel & Jerry                                                                                  Nancy & Terry Lee
                        Schneiderman                 Helen & Bob Wright                John & Sandra                                                   Michael Vaughan
                                                                                                                      Janine Lundine
                                                                                         Cameron                                                       Richard & Carol
                      Larry & Marilyn                Julia Young                                                      Gina Maenhaut
                        Schreiner                                                      Iivi Campbell                                                     Verity
                                                     Hermann & Brigitte Zettl                                         Brenda Mancey
                      Jane Shannon                                                     William Campbell                                                Robert Vincent
                                                     Suzanne Zorbas                                                   Elizabeth Marshall
                      Dorothy Shaver                                                   James Chestnutt                                                 Norma M. Walker
                                                                                                                      V. G. Matus
                      Jeanne B. Shuh                                                   Robert Clubbe                                                   D. Weir
                                                                                                                      Penny & Don
                      Pierre Simoni                                                    Richard Coskey                                                  John Williams
                      Eric A. Simpson                                                  Judy & Art Craig                                                Helen & Bob Wright
                                                                                                                      Sue McDonald
                      Robert Sinclair                                                  Marion B. Cruikshank                                            Pearl & Len Yauk
                                                                                                                      Marian McIssac
                      Pat & Jim Skelly                                                 Mary Ellen Cummings
                                                                                                                      Laura McNabb
                      Joan & Ron Slater                                                Peter & Mary
                                                                                                                      Margaret McNabb
                      Richard M. Small                                                                                Eric & Ruth Miller
                                                                                       D. L. Davis
                      Olaug & David Smith                                                                             William Mitchell
                                                                                       Victor & Sandra Davis
                      Epp K.J. Sonin                                                                                  Lea & Syd Moscoe
                                                                                       Mary Lou & Robert
                      Alan & Geraldine                                                                                Ed & Denise Murphy
                        Sperling                                                                                      Kathleen & Graham
                                                                                       Dr. Ed & Renee
                      Daphne Stapleton                                                                                  Nairn
                      Jeffrey Stokes                                                                                  Joan & Robert Northley
                                                                                       Jill Doble
                      John Stott                                                                                      Patricia Ono
                                                                                       Chloe Dominguez
                      Shirley & Wayne Stott                                                                           Karen Pepperall
                                                                                       Pam Dunlop
                      Jim & Stella Strong                                                                             Linda Lou & John
                                                                                       Mark Dunnill
                      George Sweeney                                                                                     Pinnington
                                                                                       Caroline Fancott
                      Doreen Thomas                                                                                   Julia Poore
                                                                                       Elizabeth Feil
                      Maureen Thompson                                                                                A.J. Ralph
                                                                                       Marian & Jim Ferris

16   1.866.364.0061     705.746.2410                                                                                                            www.festivalofthesound.ca      17
2015         F E S T I VA L O F T H E S O U N D S U P P O R T E R S                             2015   F E S T I VA L O F T H E S O U N D S U P P O R T E R S

                      In Memoriums and Honouraries                                                              Foundation Support
                                                                                                                CN Community Sponsorship
                      IN MEMORY OF                   IN MEMORY OF               IN MEMORY OF

                      George &                       Mary Horney                Toshi Leah,
                      June Anthony                   Doc & Nancy Gillies        daughter of James               Concert Sponsors
                      Morland & Charlyn Jones                                   & Patricia McKay
                                                     IN MEMORY OF
                      Pat Valade & Susan Ord                                    James & Patricia McKay          Distler Construction Ltd.                      RE/MAX Parry Sound-Muskoka
                                                     Myrtle Kutschke            Julie Baumgartel                Dr. Chris Decker                                 Realty Ltd.
                      IN MEMORY OF
                                                     Ruth Milne                 David Bourque                   In Memory of Stuart & Elaine Stephen           Ross Windows & Doors
                      Kasie Brickett                                            Margaret & Bill Boyd            In Memory of Betty Ibey &                      Scotiabank
                                                     IN MEMORY OF
                      Don Brickett                                              Carol & James Campbell            Ed Gawronski                                 Terry D. Clark Chartered Accountant
                      Gwen Brickett                  Joan Reed-Olsen            James Mason                     In Memory of Charles W. Stockey                Terry E. Fraser Barrister and Solicitor
                                                     Margaret & Bill Boyd       Peter Rosenbaum                 Iron City Fishing Club                         Town of Parry Sound
                      IN MEMORY OF
                                                     Carol & James Campbell     Suzanne Shulman                 Moquin Medical                                 Township of the Archipelago
                      Fran Brown                     Kathleen Wilkinson         James Sommerville
                                                                                                                Municipality of McDougall                      Township of Carling
                      Margaret & Bill Boyd                                      Neil Spaulding
                                                     IN MEMORY OF                                               Parry Sound North Star                         Township of Seguin
                      Carol & James Campbell                                    Jeffrey Stokes
                                                                                                                RBC Foundation                                 The William Beatty Company
                      Norma Curry                    Jeanne Shuh
                                                                                IN MEMORY OF                                                                   The Estate of Margaret Whiteman
                      Velma Daley                    Margaret & Bill Boyd
                      Pat Ono
                      Richard & Patricia Poole
                                                     Carol & James Campbell
                                                     Angus & Kathleen
                                                                                Dr. Wheatley
                                                                                Kay Wheatley
                                                                                                                Film Sponsors
                      Joan & Ron Slater               McGillivray
                                                     Peter & Jennifer           IN MEMORY OF                    JULY 20 — A LATE QUARTET                       JULY 28 — THIRTY TWO SHORT FILMS
                      Irva Stewart
                                                       McGillivray              Bill                            Sponsored by                                   ABOUT GLENN GOULD
                      IN MEMORY OF                                                                              Jamie & Ally McGarvey                          Sponsored by Dr. Lin Raimundo
                                                     IN MEMORY OF
                                                                                Kay Wheatley
                      Bob Burnham
                                                     Myrna Sinclair
                      Carol & James Campbell
                                                     Ron Sinclair
                                                                                IN APPRECIATION OF

                                                                                The Work of Brian
                                                                                                                Artist Sponsors
                      IN MEMORY OF
                                                     IN MEMORY OF
                                                                                & Josephine Oxley
                      Ralph Elsaesser                                           John Stott                      Book City                                      Logan’s of Parry Sound
                                                     Jim & Midge Strickland                                     Doris Brown                                    Parry Sound Books
                      Margaret & Bill Boyd
                      Doris Brown                    Daphne Stapleton           IN HONOUR OF                    Sarah Gardner                                  Ritchie Insurance
                      Carol & James Campbell                                    Our Young Musicians             In honour of Peter Gardner’s                   Stuart & Adrienne Shaw
                                                     IN MEMORY OF                                                 80th Birthday
                      Chris & Margaret Ibey                                     Kay Wheatley                                                                   Dr. Jim Shewchun
                      The Ibey Children
                                                     Jan Tissot                                                 Sherry Gerstl                                  Sound Ideas Audiology
                                                     Suus Tissot                IN RECOGNITION OF               In memory of Paul & Inge Gerstl
                      Bev & Rick McNabb                                                                                                                        Dave Tirsell
                                                     Carol & James Campbell                                     Dr. Derek & Mary George
                      Kathleen Wilkinson                                        Gordon Mok’s                                                                   Dr. Kim Warwick
                                                     Judith White                                               Dr. Olah Kassim
                                                                                Musical Achievements                                                           Ailene Wittstein
                      IN MEMORY OF                   J. Peter & Sarah Gardner
                                                                                Kay Wheatley
                      Andrea Hansen
                      Carol & James Campbell
                                                                                                                Music Scores Sponsors
                      Graham Campbell
                      Laura McNabb                                                                              Youth Music Education Fund – Frances M. Brown – lead donor
                                                                                                                Near North District School Board
                                                                                                                Rotary Club of Parry Sound

18   1.866.364.0061     705.746.2410                                                                                                                                     www.festivalofthesound.ca       19
2015         F E S T I VA L O F T H E S O U N D

                      Kindly Note

                      All programmes are subject to change without notice.
                      Please turn off cell phones and pagers or leave them at the Box Office.
                      Latecomers will be seated at a suitable break in the performance.
                      The use of cameras and recording devices is strictly prohibited.
                      No food or drink is permitted in the Festival Performance Hall.
                      Most of our concerts are not geared toward enjoyment by young
                                                                                                   O P E N I N G W E E K E N D : J U LY 17 TH – J U LY 19 TH
                      children. As a courtesy to audience members and musicians,
                      please use discretion and only bring children once they are able
                                                                                                   STAFF PICK: CHARLES W. STOCKEY MEMORIAL CONCERT
                      to sit quietly and enjoy the performance.
                                                                                                   “Chamber music has been described as a ‘conversation among
                      In consideration of patrons with allergies, please avoid using               friends.’ Artistic Director James Campbell joins his good friends in
                      fragrances when attending Festival concerts.                                 the New Zealand String Quartet to launch the chamber music series.”

                      Ticket prices for concerts in the Charles W. Stockey Centre include
                      a $1 surcharge for the Building Fund and $1 for the Capital                  W E E K 1: J U LY 2 0 TH – J U LY 2 6 TH
                      Improvement Fund.
                                                                                                   STAFF PICK: SEASONS OF BRAHMS
                          denotes a work from Top Ten audience picks in the 2014 season.
                                                                                                   “Trace his growth, as works from different periods of his life
                                                                                                   are performed in three concerts.”
                      FESTIVAL OF THE SOUND                   STOCKEY CENTRE
                      BOX OFFICE HOURS                        TICKET OUTLET HOURS                  W E E K 2 : J U LY 2 7 TH – A U G U S T 2 ND

                      Monday to Saturday,                     Tuesday to Sunday,
                                                                                                   STAFF PICK: SONGS AND DANCES OF THE AMERICAS
                      9:00 am to 5:00 pm                      Noon to end of last concert
                                                              for walk-in patrons.                 “A tip of our hat to the Pan Am Games with our most colourful
                      Festival Station Gallery                                                     concert of the summer. Guy Few pays tribute to Rafael Mendez
                      1 Avenue Road, Parry Sound              Charles W. Stockey Centre            and Leslie Fagan sings Villa Lobo’s haunting Bachianas Brasileiras.”
                      705.746.2410                            for the Performing Arts
                      PLEASE NOTE: Tickets will not be        1 Bay Street, Parry Sound
                                                                                                   W E E K 3 : A U G U S T 3 RD – A U G U S T 9 TH
                      accepted for refund or resale.          PLEASE NOTE:
                      However, tickets may be exchanged       Ticket sales only;                   STAFF PICK: GOODYEAR PLAYS BEETHOVEN
                      up to 24 hours before the performance   no exchanges at this location.
                      by contacting the Festival Office.                                           “Pianist Stewart Goodyear was proclaimed ‘a phenomenon’
                                                                                                   by the Los Angeles Times. His performance includes the complete
                                                                                                   Diabelli Variations by Beethoven, one of the most monumental
                                                                                                   works this composer produced for the piano.”

20   1.866.364.0061     705.746.2410                                                                                                   www.festivalofthesound.ca     21

     WINNER OF THE                                                       “Michaels’ book is based on the            WEEKEND   Friday, July 17th     5:30 pm   Charles W. Stockey Centre
     2014 SCOTIABANK                                                     life of Lev Termen, the Russian-
     GILLER PRIZE                                                        born inventor of the Theremin,
                                                                         the most ethereal of musical
                                                                         instruments. As the narrative shifts
                                                                         countries and climates, from the                     Classics by Candlelight
     RUSSIAN SCIENTIST, INVENTOR                   Parry Sound           glittery brightness of New York in
                                                                         the 1920s to the leaden cold of
                                                                         the Soviet Union under Stalin, the
                                                                                                                              CONCERT 1

                                                   Arts &Crafts
                                                                         grace of Michaels’s style makes
     CREATOR OF THE THEREMIN.                                                                                                 Gryphon Trio: Annalee Patipatanakoon, violin;
                                                                         these times and places seem
                                                                         entirely new. He succeeds at one                     Roman Borys, cello; Jamie Parker, piano
     Us Conductors is a book
     of longing and electricity.                                              Summer Market
                                                                         of the hardest things a writer can
                                                                         do: he makes music seem to sing
     Like Termen’s own life, it is
                                                                         from the pages of a novel.”
                                                                                                                              Piano Trio in C minor, Op. 1, No. 3             Ludwig van Beethoven
     steeped in beauty, wonder                    Every Tuesday from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm                                          Allegro con brio                                          (1770-1827)
     and looping heartbreak.                        June 30th to GILLER
                                                                 September      1st,
                                                                        PRIZE JURY   2015
                                                                                                                                 Andante cantabile con variazioni
                                                                                                                                 Menuetto. Quasi allegro
                                                                                      We feature:                                Finale. Prestissimo
                                                                  Local Artisans and Native Crafts
                                                                        26 JAMES STREET Fruits                                CONCERT 2
                                                                        OPEN 7 DAYS AVegetables
                                                                                        WEEK                                  Anagnoson and Kinton, piano duo;
                                                                           Home Crafted Furniture
                                                                          www.parrysoundbooks.com                             Guy Few, trumpet; Carolyn Maule, piano
                                                                                       Stained Glass                          Marche Militaire                                       Franz Schubert
                                                                                             Pottery                                                                                        (1797-1828)

 Parry Sound Arts & Crafts                                                            Fresh
                                                                                 Smoked MeatBaking
                                                                                       Smoked Meats
                                                                                                                              Hungarian Dances                                     Johannes Brahms

                                                                                                                              Slavonic Dances                                        Antonin Dvor̂ák
                       Every Tuesday                       Summer Market                                                                                                                    (1841-1904)
             from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
     June 30th to September 1st, 2015                                                                                         Zigeunerweisen, Op. 20                             Pablo de Sarasate
                                 We feature:
                             Local Artisans                                                                                   CONCERT 3
                          and Native Crafts
                                        Fruits                                                                                Russell Braun, baritone; Carolyn Maule, piano; Guy Few, trumpet
                 Home Crafted Furniture
                                                                                                                              Falstaff: Ford’s Monologue                             Giuseppe Verdi
                                                                                                                              Barber of Seville: Largo al Factotum                Gioachino Rossini
                               Stained Glass
                               Fresh Baking                                                                                   I’ll See You Again                                       Noel Coward
                              Smoked Meat                                                                                     Nina
                                                 (Located in the Market Square Park, Mary Street)
                                                   (Located in the Market Square Park, Mary Street)
                   Interested vendors please     visit our website
                                          Any interested vendors please contact
                                       Libby or Interested
                                                Grant Scobie at:vendors
                                                                                                                              Trumpeter’s Lullaby                                    Leroy Anderson
                                 www.psaca.ca         visit
                                          Any interested     ourplease
                                                         vendors   website
                                                                        contact                                                                                                             (1908-1975)
                                                      Libby or Grant Scobie at: parrysoundartsandcrafts@gmail.com
                                                                                glscobie@vianet.ca                            *Sold Out

22      1.866.364.0061       705.746.2410                                                                                                                              www.festivalofthesound.ca   23
OPENING                                                                                                 OPENING
           WEEKEND        Saturday July 18th              1:30 pm       Charles W. Stockey Centre                  WEEKEND   Saturday July 18th       7:30 pm      Charles W. Stockey Centre

                          Strings Across the Sky                                                                             Canadian Brass
                                                                      Each summer, the students of the            Concert    Chuck Daellenbach, tuba; Caleb Hudson, trumpet; Christopher Coletti,
                                                                                                             Sponsored by
                                                                      Strings Across the Sky Fiddle        RBC Foundation    trumpet; Achilles Liarmakopoulos, trombone; Bernhard Scully, horn
                                                                      and Music Camp are hosted by
                                                                      the Parry Sound Friendship Centre.                     Selections from “Renaissance Brass”
                                                                      Since 2006, The Festival of the
                                                                                                                             Little Fugue in G Minor        Johann Sebastian Bach/arr. Ronald Romm
                                                                      Sound has partnered with Strings
                                                                      Across the Sky to host a free                          Vals Peruano                                                Enrique Crespo
                                                                      family concert showcasing the
                                                                      achievements of the young fiddle                       Selections from “Carnaval” Op. 9                        Robert Schumann
                                                                                                                                                            arr. Christopher Coletti/Brandon Ridenour
                                                                      students under the energetic
                                                                      direction of Andrea Hansen.                            Penny Lane      John Lennon & Paul McCartney/arr. Christopher Dedrick

                                                            This year the Strings Across the Sky                             Handful of Keys                         Fats Waller/arr. Luther Henderson
                                                            concert will include a special
                                                            memorial tribute to Founder and
                          Music Director, Andrea Hansen, who passed away in December
                          2014. Since 1987, Andrea was a musical force who worked tirelessly
                                                                                                                             Granada                                                        Agustin Lara
                          to create and teach this remarkable fiddling program. She opened
                          the doors to a rich musical experience for thousands of Inuit and                                  Selections from “Brahms on Brass”                        Johannes Brahms
                          First Nations children across Canada.                                                                                             arr. Christopher Coletti/Brandon Ridenour

                                                                        Andrea was a member of the                           Adagio                               Samuel Barber/arr. Stephen McNeff
                                                                        Toronto and Montreal Symphony
                                                                                                                             Selections from “Brahms on Brass”                        Johannes Brahms
                                                                        Orchestras. For her Strings                                                         arr. Christopher Coletti/Brandon Ridenour
                                                                        Across the Sky work, she
                                                                        received numerous awards                             Selections from “Great Wall of China”
                                                                        including: The Order of Canada,
                                                                                                                             Tribute to the Ballet                                arr. Sonny Kompanek
                                                                        Order of Ontario, Queen’s
                                                                        Golden & Diamond Jubilee
                                                                        Medals, Lifetime Contribution                        The official website of Canadian Brass is www.canadianbrass.com.
                                                                                                                             Keep up with Canadian Brass via Twitter.com, Facebook and YouTube.
                                                                        to Aboriginal Music and Lifetime
                                                                        Achievement Award of the                             Canadian Brass performs on 24-karat gold plated Conn-Selmer instruments
                                                                                                                             and is an Opening Day recording artist.
                                                                        Toronto Musicians’ Association.
                                                                                                                             Canadian Brass recordings are available at www.ArkivMusic.com/CanadianBrass.
 Andrea Hansen with The Honourable James K. Bartleman following
 the Opening Concert of the 2006 Festival of the Sound. The Strings
                                                                                                                             THE CANADIAN
 Across the Sky stole the show that evening and were awarded a
 special certificate by the Lieutenant Governor.

24    1.866.364.0061         705.746.2410                                                                                                                                  www.festivalofthesound.ca   25
Kitchen Cupboard                                                      Georgian Bay
                                                                                               WEEKEND   Sunday July 19th       2:30 pm      Charles W. Stockey Centre
    Bulk Foods                                                          Christmas
        Specializing in                                               Christmas year-round
          dried fruits                                                    decorations &
        & nuts, spices,
      baking ingredients,
                                                                        all other occasions.
                                                                       Holidays, weddings,
                                                                                                         Charles W. Stockey
                                Home of the Georgian Bay Tartan!
        cake decorating                                                    birthdays etc.
                                                                                                         Memorial Concert
                      TWO GREAT STORES — ONE GREAT LOCATION!

            (705) 746-6892 44 • James Street, Parry Sound, ON P2A 1T5                                    James Campbell, clarinet;
                                                                                                         New Zealand String Quartet: Helene Pohl, violin;
                                                                                                         Douglas Beilman, violin; Gillian Ansell, viola; Rolf Gjelsten, cello

                                                                                                         String Quartet in C Major, Op. 54,                   Franz Joseph Haydn
                                                                                                         Hob.III:57                                                        (1732-1809)

                                                                                                            Menuetto. Allegretto
                                                                                                            Finale. Adagio – Presto – Adagio

                                                                                                         Andante Cantabile                                 Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

                                                                                                            Clarinet Quintet in A Major,              Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
                                                                                                            K. 581                                                         (1756-1791)

                                                                                                            Menuetto – Trio I – Trio II
                                                                                                            Allegretto con variazioni

                                                                                                            happy times
                                                                                                            with Charles

                                Boxes, Wrapping Paper, Etc.
     85 River St. Parry Sound, Ontario P2A 2T8 • Tel: (705) 746-5622 • Fax: (705) 746-8688

26    1.866.364.0061        705.746.2410                                                                                                              www.festivalofthesound.ca   27
OPENING                                                                                OPENING
          WEEKEND      Sunday July 19th      7:30 pm     Charles W. Stockey Centre                WEEKEND   Sunday July 19th       7:30 pm      Charles W. Stockey Centre

                       Joyful Sounds:                                                                       INTERMISSION
                       A Tribute to Elmer Iseler
                                                                                                            FIVE ENGLISH FOLK SONGS
          Concert      Elmer Iseler Singers; Lydia Adams, conductor;
     Sponsored by
         Town of       Shawn Grenke, piano; Canadian Brass                                                  The Lass of Richmond Hill                          arr. David Willcocks
     Parry Sound                                                                                                                                                               (b. 1919)
                                                                                                            Barbara Allen
                       Psalm 100 (Make a Joyful Noise)                       Heinrich Schütz                Drink to Me Only
                                                                                                            Early One Morning
                       Excerpts from Requiem                                   Eleanor Daley
                                                                                      (b. 1955)             Bobby Shaftoe
                                                                                                            Soloist: Michael Thomas, baritone
                       Alleluia                                               Eric Whiteacre
                                                                                                            THE CELTIC HEART
                       Ein Kindelein so löbelich                           Michael Praetorius               Flow Gently Sweet Afton                 Robert Burns, arr. Lydia Adams
                                                                                                            Soloist: Matt Gaskin                       (1750-1796)

                       Selections from Nur:                             Hussein Janmohamed
                                                                                                            Ae Fond Kiss                            Robert Burns arr. Stuart Calvert
                       Reflections on Light (2014)                                    (b. 1969)

                          Light: Unveiled                                                                   Dúlamán                                                  Michael McGlynn
                          Light: Suspended                                                                  Soloist: Michael Thomas, baritone                                  (b. 1964)

                       TWO SPIRITUALS                                                                       The Hour Has Come                                         Srul Irving Glick

                       Ain’t-a That Good News                            arr. William Dawson
                                                                                                                         ELMER ISELER
                       Didn’t My Lord Deliver Daniel?                      arr. Moses Hogan                              Years of association will be celebrated in this special
                       Soloists: Cathy Robinson, Anne Bornath                      (1957-2003)                           tribute on the life and leadership of Elmer Iseler, in
                       and Andrea Ludwig                                                                                 association with Choral Music in Canada, the Festival
                                                                                                                         of the Sound and the Canadian Brass. Tonight two of
                                                                                                                         Canada’s most iconic musical groups join forces to pay
                                                                                                                         tribute to Elmer, fondly remembered as the Dean of
                       Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring                     Johann Sebastian Bach                             Canadian Choral Conductors. Few musical sounds are
                                                                                   (1685-1750)                           more joyful than the combination of choir and brass.
                                                                                                                         The works chosen for tonight’s program were all close
                       Cantate Domino (Sing to the Lord)                     Heinrich Schütz
                                                                                                                         to Elmer’s heart and are presented with thanks for his
                                                                                                                         enduring legacy.

28    1.866.364.0061    705.746.2410                                                                                                                   www.festivalofthesound.ca    29
WEEK 1   Monday July 20th      1:00 pm     Charles W. Stockey Centre

                                                                                                                              Film – A Late Quartet
                                                                                                              Sponsored by
                                                                                                                              Series curated by Will DiNovi
                                                                                                              Jamie & Ally
                                                                                                                                                                             This 2012 film tells
                                                                                                                                                                             the struggles of the
                                                                                                                                                                             fictitious Fugue String
                                                                                                                                                                             Quartet when its cellist
         Eat In or                                                                        L.L.B.O.
         Take-Out                                                                                                                                                            receives a serious
                                                                                       Screened Patio
      705-746-9491                                                                   Open for Breakfast,
                                                                                                                                                                             diagnosis. Chamber
             or                                                                       Lunch & Dinner                                                                         music performed in
      705-746-9613                                                               Daily Home Cooked Specials                                                                  the film includes
                         3.5” x 2.5” | Maximum Font Size: 30 pt                                                                                                              Beethoven’s Op. 131.

     Specializing In                 50 Joseph Street, Parry Sound, ON           16 Comfortable Units                         Stay following the film to join a discussion among the New Zealand

                               Investments you need
        STEAKS                          Located off Parry Sound Drive                OPEN ALL                                 String Quartet about real life as a string quartet.
      & SEAFOOD                      www.trapperschoicerestaurant.ca                YEAR ROUND

                               and service you deserve
                             3.5” x 2.5” | Maximum Font Size: 30 pt

                                     Glen MacGregor,you       need
                                                       FMA, FCSI®                                                    WEEK 1
                                                                                                                              Monday July 20th      7:00 pm     Island Queen Cruise Ship
                               and service you deserve
                                     Financial Advisor
                                                      70 James Street
                                                      Parry Sound, ON P2A 1S5
                                           Glen MacGregor,
                               Glendon J. MacGregor, FMA,FMA,  FCSI®
                               Financial AdvisorFinancial Advisor
                                                                                                                              Dixieland Cruise
                               70 James Street, 70 James
                                                Parry    StreetON P2A 1S5
                               705-774-9444 Parry Sound, ON P2A 1S5
                               www.edwardjones.com                                                                            Dan Douglas, trombone; Ross Wooldridge, clarinet; Phil Disera, banjo;
                               Member – Canadian Investor Protection Fund
                                                                                                                              Stephen Crow, trumpet; Doug Burrell, tuba; Chris Lamont, drums

                                                                                                                              The Dixie Demons return to the Island Queen with a tribute to the
                              Member inn– Canadian    Investor Protection Fund                                                traditional jazz of New Orleans. Renowned for outstanding technical
                         The 4-season      provides the
                         perfect ambience for its noted                                                                       wizardry on their instruments combined with exciting and daring
                         fine dining and extensive wine list.
                         Luxury chalets with jacuzzi,                                                                         arrangements, the Dixie Demons will take you on a fantasy riverboat
                         fireplace & many other amenities.
                                                                                                                              cruise on the Mississippi River when Dixieland jazz was king!

 3 km South of Parry Sound     705-746-7122
 on Oastler Park Drive         www.logcabininn.net

30   1.866.364.0061      705.746.2410                                                                                                                                   www.festivalofthesound.ca   31
WEEK 1      Tuesday July 21st     3:30 pm       Charles W. Stockey Centre               WEEK 1   Tuesday July 21st       7:30 pm   Charles W. Stockey Centre

                        Flute, Harp and Strings                                                              Quartet no. 22 in B-flat Major, K.589 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
                                                                                                                Allegro larghetto                                           (1756-1791)

                                                                                                                Menuetto. Moderato                       Transcribed for four harps
                        Caroline Léonardelli, harp; Suzanne Shulman, flute; Gil Sharon, violin;                 Allegro assai                                   by Caroline Lizotte
                        Ron Ephrat, viola; Yegor Dyachkov, cello

                        Fantasie for violin & harp, Op. 124                Camille Saint-Saëns
                                                                                                                The Four Seasons, Le quattro stagioni, Op. 8         Antonio Vivaldi
                        Rhapsodie for solo harp                              Marcel Grandjany                                                                               (1678-1741)
                                                                                      (1891-1975)                                                        Arranged for harp quartet
                                                                                                                                                        by the Venice Harp Quartet
                        Le cygne from La carnival des animaux              Camille Saint-Saëns
                        for cello & harp                                                                     Concerto No. 1 in E major, Op. 8, RV 269, “La primavera”
                        O canto do cisne negro for cello & harp              Heitor Villa-Lobos                 Largo e pianissimo sempre
                                                                                                                Allegro pastorale
                        Étude de concert in E-flat minor for solo harp         Félix Godefroid               Soloist: Caroline Léonardelli
                                                                                                             Concerto No. 2 in G minor, Op. 8, RV 315, “L’estate”
                        Sonata for flute, viola & harp                         Claude Debussy                   Allegro non molto
                           Pastorale. Lento, dolce rubato                             (1862-1918)               Adagio e piano – Presto e forte
                           Interlude: Tempo di minuetto                                                         Presto
                           Allegro moderato ma risoluto                                                      Soloist: Lori Gemmell

                                                                                                             Concerto No. 3 in F major, Op. 8, RV 293, “L’autunno”
            WEEK 1
                        Tuesday July 21st     7:30 pm       Charles W. Stockey Centre                           Allegro
                                                                                                                Adagio molto
                                                                                                             Soloist: Jennifer Swartz
                        Four Seasons for Four Harps                                                          Concerto No. 4 in F minor, Op. 8, RV 297, “L’inverno”
                                                                                                                Allegro non molto
     Sponsored by
                        Jennifer Swartz, Montreal Symphony; Lori Gemmell, Kitchener-                            Largo
     Parry Sound        Waterloo Symphony; Caroline Léonardelli, Ottawa Symphony;                               Allegro
       North Star       Caroline Lizotte, Montreal Symphony; Tom Allen, narrator                             Soloist: Caroline Lizotte

                        Sonatas K.525 and K.535                             Domenico Scarlatti
                                                                  Arranged by Caroline Lizotte

32     1.866.364.0061    705.746.2410                                                                                                                  www.festivalofthesound.ca   33
WEEK 1     Wednesday July 22nd        1:30 pm      Charles W. Stockey Centre                        WEEK 1   Wednesday July 22nd        7:30 pm      Charles W. Stockey Centre

                       Seasons of Brahms:                                                                                Seasons of Brahms:
                       The Young Composer                                                                                The Master
          Concert      Peter Longworth, piano; Helene Pohl, violin; Gil Sharon, violin;                      Concert     Peter Longworth, piano; James Campbell, clarinet;
     Sponsored by                                                                                       Sponsored by
         Iron City     Ron Ephrat, viola; Yegor Dyachkov, cello                                    The William Beatty    New Zealand String Quartet
     Fishing Club                                                                                            Company

                       Scherzo from FAE Sonata                               Johannes Brahms                                Six Pieces for Piano, Op. 118                         Johannes Brahms
                                                                                                                            No. 1. Intermezzo in A minor. Allegro non assai,         (1833-1897)
                                                                                                        New Zealand
                                                                                                                                   ma molto appassionato
                       Hebrew Melodies, Op. 9 for viola & piano                Joseph Joachim           String Quartet
                                                                                                        Sponsored by        No. 2. Intermezzo in A major. Andante teneramente
                          Sostenuto                                                  (1831-1907)
                                                                                                     Dr. Olah Kassim
                          Grave                                                                                             No. 3. Ballade in G minor. Allegro energico
                          Andante cantabile                                                                                 No. 4. Intermezzo in F minor. Allegretto un poco agitato
                                                                                                                            No. 5. Romanze in F major. Andante – Allegretto grazioso
                          Piano Trio No. 1 in B Major, Op. 8               Johannes Brahms                                  No. 6. Intermezzo in E flat minor. Andante, largo e mesto
                          Allegro con brio – Tranquillo – In tempo ma sempre sostenuto
                          Scherzo: Allegro molto – Meno allegro – Tempo primo
                          Adagio                                                                                         INTERMISSION
                          Finale: Allegro
                                                                                                                            Clarinet Quintet in B minor, Op. 115                  Johannes Brahms
            WEEK 1     Wednesday July 22nd        3:30 pm      Charles W. Stockey Centre                                    Adagio
                                                                                                                            Con moto

                       Brahms: The Middle Years
                       Peter Longworth, piano; Yegor Dyachkov, cello;                                                                                   THE WHOLE DAY IS DE VOTED TO
                       New Zealand String Quartet; Ron Ephrat, viola                                                                                    THE MUSIC OF JOHANNES BR AHMS
                                                                                                                                                        Trace his growth, as works from
                          Cello Sonata No. 2 in F Major, Op 99               Johannes Brahms
                                                                                                                                                        different periods of his life are
                          Allegro vivace                                             (1833-1897)
                                                                                                                                                        performed in three concerts. The day
                          Adagio affettuoso
                          Allegro passionato                                                                                                            ends with his masterwork, the Clarinet
                          Allegro molto                                                                                                                 Quintet. James Campbell will offer a
                                                                                                                                                        personal, intimate look at a work which
                          Viola Quintet in G Major, Op. 111                  Johannes Brahms
                                                                                                                                                        he has lived with for 45 years.
                          Allegro non troppo, ma con brio
                          Un poco allegretto
                          Vivace, ma non troppo presto

34    1.866.364.0061    705.746.2410                                                                                                                                 www.festivalofthesound.ca   35
WEEK 1     Thursday July 23rd        1:30 pm   Charles W. Stockey Centre                      WEEK 1    Thursday July 23rd      3:30 pm     Charles W. Stockey Centre

                       Music for Friends                                                                            Cecilia String Quartet
          Concert      Suzanne Shulman, flute; James Campbell, clarinet; Ron Ephrat, viola;             Concert     Min-Jeong Koh, violin; Sarah Nematallah, violin;
     Sponsored by                                                                                  Sponsored by
         Iron City     Gillian Ansell, viola; Rolf Gjelsten, cello; Peter Longworth, piano          Township of     David Samuel, viola; Rachel Desoer, cello
     Fishing Club                                                                                       Seguin

                       London Trio No. 1 in C Major,                    Franz Joseph Haydn                          String Quartet in C minor, Op. 17,                 Franz Joseph Haydn
                       Hob.IV:1 for flute, clarinet & cello                        (1732-1809)                      No. 4, Hob.III.28                                              (1732-1809)

                          Allegro moderato                                                                             Moderato
                          Andante                                                                                      Menuetto: Allegretto – Trio
                          Finale. Vivace                                                                               Adagio cantabile
                                                                                                                       Finale: Allegro
                       Duo for viola, cello & obligato                Ludwig van Beethoven
                                                                                                   Cecilia String
                       eyeglasses, WoO 32                                          (1770-1827)           Quartet       String Quartet No. 4 in E minor,                 Felix Mendelssohn
                          Allegro                                                                  Sponsored by        Op. 44, No. 2                                              (1809-1847)
                                                                                                       Stuart &
                          Minuetto. Allegretto                                                   Adrienne Shaw         Allegro assai appassionato
                                                                                                                       Scherzo: Allegro di molto
                       Pieces for clarinet, viola & piano, Op. 83                Max Bruch                             Andante
                          Allegro con moto                                         (1838-1920)
                                                                                                                       Presto agitato
                          Nachtgesang: Andante con moto
                          Allegro vivace, ma non troppo
                                                                                                                    David Samuel is replacing Caitlyn Boyle who is on maternity leave.
                          Sonata for flute & piano                           Francis Poulenc
                          Allegretto malinconico                                   (1899-1963)

                          Cantilena: Assez lent
                          Presto giocoso

                       Tarantella in A minor, Op. 6                      Camille Saint-Saëns

36    1.866.364.0061    705.746.2410                                                                                                                          www.festivalofthesound.ca   37
WEEK 1     Thursday July 23rd       7:30 pm     Charles W. Stockey Centre                             WEEK 1
                                                                                                                           Friday July 24th     7:30 pm     Charles W. Stockey Centre

                       Beethoven and Schubert                                                                              André Laplante in Recital
          Concert      André Laplante, piano; Gil Sharon, violin; Doug Beilman, violin;                         Concert
     Sponsored by                                                                                          Sponsored by    Adagio in A minor              Johann Sebastian Bach/Ferruccio Busoni
     Township of       Ron Ephrat, viola; Yegor Dyachkov, cello; Rolf Gjelsten, cello                    RE/MAX Parry
         Carling                                                                                      Sound – Muskoka
                                                                                                                           from BWV 564                                     (1685-1750) / (1866-1924)
                                                                                                            Realty Ltd.
                       Piano Quartet in E-flat Major, Op. 16             Ludwig van Beethoven                              Piano Sonata in B-flat Major, K. 281      Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
                          Grave – Allegro, ma non troppo                               (1770-1827)                            Allegro                                                     (1756-1791)
                          Andante cantabile                                                                                   Andante amoroso
                          Rondo : Allegro, ma non troppo                                                                      Rondo (allegro)
                                                                                                          André Laplante   From Six moments musicaux,                              Franz Schubert
                       INTERMISSION                                                                        Sponsored by
  Yegor Dyachkov
    Sponsored by                                                                                           Sherry Gerstl   D. 780, Op. 94                                                 (1797-1828)
                                                                                                           In memory of       No. 1 Moderato in C Major
 Ritchie Insurance
                          Cello Quintet in C Major, D. 956                      Franz Schubert        Paul & Inge Gerstl
                                                                                                                              No. 2 Andantino in A-flat Major
                          Allegro ma non troppo                                        (1797-1828)
                                                                                                                              No. 3 Allegro moderato in F minor
                          Scherzo                                                                                          Piano Sonata No. 26 in E-flat Major             Ludwig van Beethoven
                          Allegretto                                                                                          Das Lebewohl (The Farewell): Adagio – Allegro              (1770-1827)

                                                                                                                              Abwesenheit (The Absence)
                                                                                                                              Das Wiedersehen (The Return)
           WEEK 1      Friday July 24th      3:30 pm    Charles W. Stockey Centre

                                                                                                                              Piano Sonata in B minor, S. 178
                       Sinfonia Concertante
                                                                                                                                                                                        Franz Liszt

                       Gil Sharon, violin; Helene Pohl, violin; Doug Beilman, violin;
                       Ron Ephrat, viola; Gillian Ansell, viola; Yegor Dyachkov, cello;
                       Rolf Gjelsten, cello

                       Sinfonia Concertante               Joseph Haydn/Mordechai Rechtman
                       in B-flat Major, Hob.I:105                             (1732-1809)/(b. 1926)

                          Allegro con spirito

                          Grande Sestetto Concertante K. 364 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
                          Allegro maestoso                                             (1756-1791)


38    1.866.364.0061     705.746.2410                                                                                                                                www.festivalofthesound.ca   39
WEEK 1      Saturday July 25th      7:30 pm      Charles W. Stockey Centre               WEEK 1   Sunday July 26th     2:30 pm      Charles W. Stockey Centre

                       In Full Swing                                                                         Sensemayá                                            Silvestre Revueltas

     Gene DiNovi
                       Bob DeAngelis, clarinet; James Campbell, clarinet;                                    Morning Song                                              J. Scott Irvine
     Sponsored by
                       Gene DiNovi, piano, Mike Downes, bass; Glenn Anderson, drums                                                                                           (b. 1953)
       Book City

                       Tonight’s programme will be announced from the stage and will feature                 West Side Story                                      Leonard Bernstein
                       music made famous by Artie Shaw and Benny Goodman, including:                                                                                        (1918-1990)

                       Nightmare, Moonglow, The Man I Love, Let’s Dance, If I Had You,
                       Runnin’ Wild, On the Sunny Side of the Street, The World is Waiting
                       for the Sunrise, Puttin’ on the Ritz, Special Delivery Stomp, Stardust,
                                                                                                             Bells                                                   Ian McDougall
                       Sing, Sing, Sing
                                                                                                                                                                              (b. 1938)

                       Plus music written for Benny Goodman by Gene DiNovi,
                       Aaron Copland and Béla Bartók.                                                        How to Fake Your Own Death                                 Nicole Lizée
                                                                                                             A World Premiere                                                 (b. 1973)

                                                                                                             Soloist: James Sommerville

           WEEK 1      Sunday July 26th       2:30 pm     Charles W. Stockey Centre                          O Magnum Mysterium                                    Morten Lauridsen
                                                                                                                                                                              (b. 1943)

                                                                                                             Pictures at an Exhibition        Modest Mussorgsky / Elgar Howarth
                       Canadian Pride                                                                           Promenade                                    (1839-1881)/(b. 1935)

                                                                                                                I. Gnomus
                       Canadian National Brass Project; James Sommerville, conductor                            II. Old Castle
                       Karen Donnelly, Larry Larson, Larry Knopp, Geoff Thompson,
                                                                                                                III. Tuileries
                       Adam Zinatelli, Stéphane Beaulac, trumpet; David Parker,
                                                                                                                IV. Bydlo
                       Julie Fauteux, Gabriel Radford, Patricia Evans, Allene Hackleman,
                       horn; Peter Sullivan, Gordon Wolfe, Steven Dyer, David Pell,
                                                                                                                V. Ballet of the Chickens in their Shells
                       Keith Dyrda, trombone; Sasha Johnson, Nick Atkinson, tuba
                                                                                                                VI. Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle
                       Brass players from ten major Canadian orchestras in a once in                            Promenade
                       a lifetime meeting — imagine the thrilling sound of the best brass                       VII. The Market - Place at Limoges
                       players in Canada playing Pictures at an Exhibition!                                     VIII. Catacombae (Sepulcrum romanum) – Con mortuis
                                                                                                                      in lingua mortua
                       Fanfare for the Common Man                              Aaron Copland                    IX. The Hut on Fowl’s Legs (Baba – Yaga)
                                                                                     (1900-1990)                X. The Great Gate at Kiev

                       6 Canzoni: Canzon Quarta                              Giovanni Gabrieli

40    1.866.364.0061    705.746.2410                                                                                                                   www.festivalofthesound.ca   41
WEEK 2         Monday July 27th        11:00 am        Charles W. Stockey Centre

     COLOUR MEETS                                                                                   Stockey Piano Master Class
                                                                                                    The Stockey Piano Master classes continue the legacy of Charles
                                                                                                    and Lois Stockey, whose hopes for the “Stockey Centre” included
                                                                                                    opportunities for young and amateur performers to share the stage
                                                                                                    with Festival performers.

                                                                                                    Today you are invited to sit in and listen as our resident pedagogue
                                                                                                    Glen Montgomery works with amateur pianists.

                                                                                                    “KIDS ON THE BUS” FUNDR AISER

                                                                            Do you remember your first classical music experiences? Listening to the radio or a record?
                                                                            Watching TV? Going to a real live concert in a performance hall with your parents? Very likely,
                                                                            it was moments like these that started your lifelong love and appreciation of music. Through our
                                                                            Music Scores program, the Festival tries to provide similar experiences to children in Parry Sound
                                                                            district. Each year, Jim Campbell arranges for “real” musicians to talk with grades 4 – 6 students
                                                                            about music, instruments, and a musician’s life in the real world. Nearly 800 students have a
                                                                            chance to ask questions (and there are always lots of those). This is followed
              Beauti-Tone Paint offers a symphony of colour.                by a chance to listen to a live concert, performed by musicians they
               See our colour experts for your next project!                have come to know. These early classical music experiences would
                                                                            simply not happen in our community if it were not for the Festival
                                                                            of the Sound. Although Music Scores is provided free of charge
                                                                            to the students, it isn’t “free”.
     Proudly supporting Festival of the Sound for 32 Years!                 As lovers of music, we are
                                                                            asking you to send a young
                                                  Keeping it Local,         child to Music Scores.
                                                                            Check out our “Kids on the
                                                  Here for the Community,
                                                                            Bus” fundraiser in the lobby.
                                                  One Customer at a Time.   Let’s give all students a
                                                                            musical experience that
                      31 JOSEPH STREET, PARRY SOUND   705-746-9621
                                                                            will last a lifetime.

42   1.866.364.0061    705.746.2410                                                                                                                 www.festivalofthesound.ca    43
WEEK 2      Tuesday July 28th     10 am      Charles W. Stockey Centre                    WEEK 2   Tuesday July 28th         1:15 pm       Charles W. Stockey Centre

                       Film: Thirty Two Short Films                                                           Goldberg Variations
                       About Glenn Gould                                                           Concert    Leopoldo Erice, piano
                                                                                              Sponsored by
                                                                                                  Iron City
             Film      Series curated by Will DiNovi                                          Fishing Club
                                                                                                                 Goldberg Variations. BWV 988                        Johann Sebastian Bach
     Sponsored by
Dr. Lin Raimundo
                                                                Colm Feore plays the                             Aria                                                                  (1685-1750)
                                                                                                                 Variatio   1. a 1 Clav.
                                                                pianist in Thirty Two Short
                                                                                                                 Variatio   2. a 1 Clav.
                                                                Films About Glenn Gould,                         Variatio   3. Canone all’Unisono. a 1 Clav.
                                                                a 1994 film inspired by                          Variatio   4. a 1 Clav.
                                                                the Goldberg Variations.                         Variatio   5. a 1 ô vero 2 Clav.
                                                                                                                 Variatio   6. Canone alla Seconda. a 1 Clav.
                                                                                                                 Variatio   7. a 1 ô vero 2 Clav. al tempo di Giga
                                                                                                                 Variatio   8. a 2 Clav.
                                                                                                                 Variatio   9. Canone alla Terza. a 1 Clav.
                                                                                                                 Variatio   10. Fughetta. a 1 Clav.
                                                                                                                 Variatio   11. a 2 Clav.
                                                                                                                 Variatio   12 a 1 Clav. Canone alla Quarta in moto contrario
                                                                                                                 Variatio   13. a 2 Clav.
                                                                                                                 Variatio   14. a 2 Clav.
                                                                                                                 Variatio   15. Canone alla Quinta. a 1 Clav.: Andante
                                                                                                                 Variatio   16. Ouverture. a 1 Clav.
                                                                                                                 Variatio   17. a 2 Clav.
           WEEK 2      Tuesday July 28th     12:45 pm      Charles W. Stockey Centre                             Variatio   18. Canone alla Sesta. a 1 Clav.
                                                                                                                 Variatio   19. a 1 Clav.
                                                                                                                 Variatio   20. a 2 Clav.
                                                                                                                 Variatio   21. Canone alla Settima

                       Goldberg Variations:                                                                      Variatio
                                                                                                                            22. a 1 Clav. alla breve
                                                                                                                            23. a 2 Clav.
                                                                                                                 Variatio   24. Canone all’Ottava. a 1 Clav.
                       A Look at the Holy Trinity                                                                Variatio
                                                                                                                            25. a 2 Clav. adagio
                                                                                                                            26. a 2 Clav.
                                                                                                                 Variatio   27. Canone alla Nona. a 2 Clav.
                                                                                                                 Variatio   28. a 2 Clav.
                       Leopoldo Erice, Assistant Professor of Performing Arts at
                                                                                                                 Variatio   29. a 1 ô vero 2 Clav.
                       American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, introduces                          Variatio   30. a 1 Clav. Quodlibet
                       his performance of Bach’s Goldberg Variations, considered one                             Aria da    Capo
                       of the greatest works written for the keyboard. Join him to
                       find out why he has chosen this intriguing title for his talk and                      Today’s performance of the Goldberg Variations is dedicated in honour of Ralph
                       for the concert following.                                                             Elsaesser who passed away in June. He was Professor Emeritus in the Faculty of
                                                                                                              Music at Wilfrid Laurier University where he is remembered for his “unique love
                                                                                                              and enthusiasm for students, music and life. His mind and spirit were ever young
                                                                                                              and vibrant.” In their retirement, Ralph and Helen generously shared their musical
                                                                                                              gifts with the community of Parry Sound and the Festival of the Sound.

44    1.866.364.0061    705.746.2410                                                                                                                           www.festivalofthesound.ca      45
WEEK 2       Tuesday July 28th      3:30 pm   St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church                   WEEK 2   Tuesday July 28th      7:30 pm      Charles W. Stockey Centre

                      Baroque Music for                                                                            Festival Baroque
                      Flute & Guitar                                                                    Concert    Leslie Fagan, soprano; Suzanne Shulman, flute; James Mason, oboe;
                                                                                                   Sponsored by
                                                                                                  The Whiteman     Guy Few, trumpet; Julie Baumgartel, violin; Moshe Hammer, violin;
                      Suzanne Shulman, flute; Daniel Bolshoy, guitar                                      Estate   Cynthia Hiebert, harpsichord; Glen Montgomery, piano; Penderecki
                                                                                                                   String Quartet; Jeffrey Stokes, double bass
                      Duet in G Major for flute & Guitar,              Georg Philipp Telemann
                      TWV 40:111                                                    (1681-1767)                    Sinfonia alla rustica in G Major, RV 151                  Antonio Vivaldi
                         Dolce                                                                                        Presto                                                        (1678-1741)
                         Scherzando                                                                                   Adagio
                         Largo e misurato                                                                             Allegro
                         Vivace e staccato
                                                                                                                   Two Arias                                   Giovanni Battista Pergolesi
                      Partita in A minor for solo flute,               Johann Sebastian Bach                          Se tu m’ami                                                (1710-1736)
                      BWV 1013                                                      (1685-1750)                       Contento forse vivere from Adriano in Siria
                                                                                                                      Suite italienne for violin & piano                      Igor Stravinsky
                         Bourée anglaise
                                                                                                                      Introduzione: Allegro moderato                                (1882-1971)

                      Sonata for flute & continuo,                                C.P.E. Bach                         Serenata: Larghetto
                      Wq 133 “Hamburger”                                            (1714-1788)                       Tarantella: Vivace
                                                                                                                      Gavotta con due variazioni
                      Two Sonatas in C Major for guitar solo,              Domencio Scarlatti                         Scherzino
                      K.308 & K.309                                                 (1685-1757)                       Minuetto e Finale: Moderato
                                                                                                                      Minuetto e Finale
                      Sonata in E minor for flute & continuo,          Johann Sebastian Bach
                      BWV 1034                                                                                     INTERMISSION
                         Adagio ma non tanto
                         Allegro                                                                                   Oboe Concerto in G minor, HWV 287               George Frideric Handel
                         Andante                                                                                      Grave                                                         (1685-1759)
                         Allegro                                                                                      Allegro

                                                                                                                   Two Arias by Cleopatra                          George Frideric Handel
                                                                                                                   from the opera Giulio Cesare
                                                                                                                      Per Pietà
                                                                                                                      Da Tempeste

                                                                                                                      Brandenburg Concerto No. 2                    Johann Sebastian Bach
                                                                                                                      in F Major, BWV 1047                                         (1685-1750)
                                                                                                                      Allegro assai

46   1.866.364.0061    705.746.2410                                                                                                                            www.festivalofthesound.ca   47
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