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January NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS Wide propagation of our national values and traditions, the process of making khokimiyat of Khorezm Khorezm's bread, region, city and district red bread, pumpkin khokimiyats, regional Square bread, saffron bread, culture department, near Kunya-ark kneading, doughing, Khorezm regional public fortress in 2020 year baking, baking and national bread catering and service Khiva State January 25th baking in tandir, as festival enterprises, Museum-Reserve well as in the Association of cookers, "Ichan-Kala" preparation of crusty, National Television and bird, sandwich, Radio Company of layering, and Uzbekistan, Regional showcase baking Tourism Development processes to local and Department foreign tourists, organize master classes and present the world February khokimiyat of Khorezm region, city and district khokimiyats, regional catering trade and service Enterprises, Khiva district, in the Association of cookers, tourist complexes Regional Health "Khiva Karakul" and Conducting master Department, Regional Festival "Eshon Rovvot", 2020 year classes on preparation State Sanitary of Khorezm "Valiko plus", in the 21-23 February of Khorezm fish epidemiological Peace fish dishes Oasis eco-tourism of dishes and tasting Center, Regional the Kalajik fortress of Council Youth Union Bagat district of Uzbekistan, regional Culture Department, national television company of Uzbekistan, Regional Tourism Development Department
February NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS Extreme and Mountaineering Federation of Uzbekistan. Ski resort Amirsay. As part of the festival, SkiFederation. Ministry competitions among of Physical Culture Mountain skiers and and Sports. festival-winter Tashkent region, 21-23 snowboarders. The State Committee sports "Extreme ski resort "Amirsay" February Demonstration of the Republic of Ski Battle 2020". performances Uzbekistan for the paragliders. Development of Tourism. «Soglom Avlod Uchun» International Non-Governmental Charitable Foundation The history and development of khokimiyat of Khorezm hairdressing, the region, Regional development of Council of the Youth hairstyles in different State Museum-Reserve Union of Uzbekistan, countries that require “Ichan-Qal'a”, regional barber Festival of special attention Madrasa of 2020 year association, Regional Internationаl from hair care, thick Matniyoz Devonbegi, February Culture Department, hairstyles and attractive hair, “Orient star” National Television and exquisite curls, Restaurant Radio Company of modern hairstyles Uzbekistan, Regional admire the skill of Tourism Development hairdressers, and this Department beauty should be created in a short time March Regional dance Competition khokimiyat of Andijan competition 2020 year among youth Andijan region, Regional “Raqs sehri” March 4 and professional Department of Puppet Theater (“Magic of dance”) dancers. Culture
March NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS Conducting the festival of national clothes of various countries in the ancient palace "Abdulahadkhon" Kagan city. Traditional khokimiyat of Kagan folk music and city, Department of Festival Bukhara region, national culture of the Tourism Development, “Xalqlar do'stligi” 2020 year “Abdulahadhon” Kazakh, Kyrgyz, national cultural (“Friendship March 7 Palace, Kagan city, German, Tajik, centers in the region, of Peoples”) Turkmen, Karakalpak, responsible businesses Tatar, Korean, Turkish, and organizations Azerbaijani and Jewish nations, festival “Palov Sayli”, an exhibition of artisans in various areas of applied art, fashion show “Fraternal peoples”, concert program of pop stars. Awarding ceremony of participants with memorable prizes and honorary diplomas following the results of the festival. Holding a number of competitions within the framework of the festival such as: khokimiyat of Navoiy exhibitions of region Department of Festival craftsmen and spices, Navoi region, Cultural Heritage, “So'zana va kashta” 2020 year master classes, Exhibition Hall Department of (“Suzane and March 12 exhibitions of national of Navoiy city Culture, Regional Embroidery”) clothes and national Tourism Development cuisine, exhibitions Department of fine and applied art, folklore performances and traditional games.
March NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS The organizers of the scientific and practical conference on the life and work of Khiva khan and the famous historian Abulgazi Bakhodirhon, to establish cooperation in the field of culture, tourism, trade and meetings of business circles of Turkic speaking countries, scientific and practical organization of conferences and cultural events, demonstration of folklore ethnographic ensembles of Turkic khokimiyat of Khorezm peoples, gallery region, city and district "Turkic world" khokimiyats, Regional (science, art, culture, Culture Department, sports, cinema) organizing film Urgench State Opening ceremony on festivals with the University, Khorezm the occasion of the participation of Turkic Mamun Academy, Khiva city, announcement "Khiva 2020 year filmmakers of the front site Television and Radio as the cultural capital March 14-15 international level to of the "Ota darvozasi" promote Khorezm Company of of the Turkic world region in the world, Uzbekistan, Regional 2020" translating the Council of the Youth scientific book “History of Khorezm” Union of Uzbekistan, into various Turkic Regional Tourism languages, working Development on documentary films Department on “Khiva poets”. Translation of works of well-known literary figures (Agahi, Feruz, Tabibiy, Komil Devoni, Avaz Otar and others) with the participation of Turkic literary scholars and presentation of translation works in Khiva, organization of the exhibition of universities of the Turkic-speaking countries. Opening of branches of the Top 1000 universities in the cities of Urgench and Khiva
March NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS Conduting the younger generation with the Council of Ministers of Competition folklore and folklore, the Republic of "Folk songs and Republic of the popularizing and 2020 year Karakalpakstan, poems performed Karakalpakstan, promoting young March 17 Ministry of Culture of by folk singers Nukus city people in the national the Republic of of Bakhshi" music, finding and Karakalpakstan supporting young talents. Festival of the national Presentation of khokimiyat of costume traditional costumes 2020 year Kashkadarya Region, “Xalqaro milliy Historical center from foreign March 20-22 Regional Tourism liboslar” of Shakhrisabz city designers, as well as Development (“International national designers from costumes”) Department Uzbekistan. This marathon will be dedicated to festivities in honor of the celebration of Navruz. Foreign athletes will have the opportunity to see the Tashkent city customs and administration, traditions of International Uzbekistan in Association of Athletics II Tashkent Tashkent, as well as By designated 2020, Federations, Tourism International taste national cuisine. location March 20-22 Development Marathon On the street where Department of the marathon will take Tashkent city, place, representatives responsible of each region will organizations demonstrate customs and traditions, national clothes and cuisine. It is planned to attract athletes and tourists from near and far abroad.
March NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS Widely celebrating the holiday of Navruz, educating young khokimiyat of Khorezm people in a true and region, authorities of worthy spirit to our cities and districts, national values, national television showing the process company of in parks and of cooking Navruz Uzbekistan, regional Festival of culture department, cultural centers 2020 year national dishes to Sumalak and of the City and March 20-22 foreign guests, tasting Regional Council of Navruz dishes districts and evaluating taste the Union of youth of qualities, Uzbekistan, Regional demonstrating the Tourism Development processes of cooking Department, relevant and cooking tuxum departments and Barak, somsa, organizations sumalak holidays and sumalak to tourists Regional contest The competition khokimiyat of Andijan Musical 2020 year of folklore groups will be held among region, Charitable Theater of Andijan March 22nd "Navruz yallasi - 2020" 14 folklore groups. foundation "Mahalla" A social and charity event dedicated to the celebration of Navruz will be organized with a treat of Sumalyak dishes, accompanied by national games khokimiyat of Andijan Festival Tashkent city, 2020 year and ceremonies. The region, Charitable “Sumalak sayli” Central Park March 21-22 finished dish foundation "Mahalla" “Sumalyak” will be sent to nursing homes, “Mehribonlik” houses and distributed to low-income families
March NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS Federation of extreme Youth Championship and mountain tourism of Uzbekistan in of Uzbekistan. sports tourism. Khokimiyat of Youth tourist - Youth Orienteering Samarkand region. festival in the Championship of Department of Tourism Samarkand city, March framework of the Uzbekistan of Samarkand region. Samarkand region 24 - 30 project “Caravan - Qualification Ministry of Physical of stories”. Championship Culture and Sports. of the Republic «Soglom Avlod Uchun» of Uzbekistan International on MTV cycling Non-Governmental Charitable Foundation The World Equestrian Championship is one khokimiyat of of the many events Kashkhadarya region, Kashkhadarya Region, Equestrian 2020 year organized on a large “Otchopar” complex Regional Department World Championship March 25th scale; foreign and of Karshi district of Physical Culture local equestrian and Sport representatives will take part in it. International competitions of “Uloq-kupkari” for prizes from the regional hokim dedicated to the national holiday “Navruz” are one of Open tournament for the main sports prizes from regional events. The riders khokim – and wrestlers of Samarkand Region, Uzbekistan, as well International khokimiyat of Jomboy District, 2020 year as representatives competitions Samarkand region, "Kungrad" mahalla March 25th of neighboring “Uloq-kupkari” countries will take partner organizations citizens' gathering dedicated to the part in these national holiday competitions. “Navruz” In addition, foreign tourists are invited to observe the competitions, in connection with this, national cuisine will be presented for participants and visitors of the competitions.
April NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS Events held as part of the festival: 1. Shopping malls “Toki Sarrofon”, “Toki Zargaron”, “Toki telpakfurushon”, creating a space with the participation of folklore characters of humorous miniatures of the East Nasriddin Afandi, Mullo Mushfikiy, Aldarkusa on the “Labi House” square, as well as in the populated areas Bukhara regional of the old city; branch of the 2. A show-program of Chamber of Commerce tightrope walkers will and Industry, be held on Ark Square, Department of the theater productions Youth tourist “Hunarmand” will be organized festival in the Association, The Union In the historical 2020 year around (monologues framework of the of Buxoro craftsmen part of Bukhara region April 1-2 and dialogues project “Caravan regional department, between characters in of stories”. khokimyat of Bukhara love, in the style of city, Tourism folk performances); Development 3. A humorous concert Department, related program with the enterprises and participation of organizations. teachers and students of colleges of culture and art on the avenue of fountains named after “Abu Ali ibn Sino” ; 4. On the territory of “Labi Hovuz” square, a fair of folk crafts and crafts, as well as a fair of sweets; 5. During the Nasriddin Afandi festival, participants and guests of the event will be presented on stage with a broad...
April NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS overview of the works of writers Abdullah Kodiriy, Abdullah Kakhhor, Gafur Gulyam, Said Akhmad, Nemat Aminov, Erkin Vohidov, Anvar Obidjon performed in the repertoires of regional drama and puppet theaters; 6. On the territory of the festival “Nasriddin Afandi” and “Labi Hovuz” square, images of Afandi will be installed, billboards Bukhara regional will be installed; branch of the 7. The sale of caps, Chamber of Commerce t-shirts, mugs, special and Industry, souvenirs and Department of the attributes with the “Hunarmand” Youth tourist Association, The Union image and festival in the In the historical 2020 year inscriptions “Nasriddin of Buxoro craftsmen framework of the part of Bukhara region April 1-2 Afandi” will be regional department, project “Caravan organized; khokimyat of Bukhara of stories”. 8. An exhibition-fair city, Tourism of applied and fine Development art of the exhibition Department, related fair will be organized, enterprises and as well as a organizations. competition of humorous drawings among pupils and students of schools of fine and applied art, colleges of culture and art and Bukhara State University; 9. At enterprises, organizations, and also in institutions, including secondary schools and academic lyceums, professional colleges and higher educational...
April NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS institutions, evenings of humor and laughter, as well as humorous clubs, will be Bukhara regional organized; branch of the 10. Concert programs Chamber of Commerce will be organized and and Industry, well-known poets and Department of the satirical writers in the “Hunarmand” Youth tourist Republic, as well as Association, The Union festival in the In the historical 2020 year comedians who will of Buxoro craftsmen framework of the part of Bukhara region April 1-2 perform humorous project “Caravan regional department, stories and present of stories”. khokimyat of Bukhara their collections of stories, will be invited; city, Tourism 11. A competition will Development be announced for a Department, related better description of enterprises and the image of organizations. Nasriddin Afandi. “The future of art is in An exhibition of the hands of young products by young Ministry of Culture, Exhibition hall 2020 year people” exhibition artisans and khokimiyat of of Samarkand city 2-4 April competition of craftsmen will be Samarkand region, decorative and applied organized, and a Association of art among young competition will also Artisans artists be held. The festival is held annually in the Festival of needlework Shafirkan region. and folk games Local craftsmen and khokimiyat of Bukhara region, Park “Kashtado'zlar 2020 year embroidery masters Shofirkhon district, of culture and rest va xalq o'yinlari” 4 April will demonstrate their Department of (“Needlework of Shofirkhon district national products at Tourism Development and folk games”) the festival. The festival will also host national Uzbek games. The State Tourism Committee of Republic of Uzbekistan National dishes, For Tourism products grown in Development, II International Central park of 2020 year Uzbekistan, processes khokimiyat of Gastronomic Festival Samarkand city 10-11 April and degustation of Samarkand region, preparation of Association of national dishes gastronomic tourism of Uzbekistan, Union of cookers
April NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS The festival will be held for 3 days during the flowering season of tulips in the Guzar region with the aim of effectively organizing family picnics in the beautiful nature of Bukhara regional Kashkadarya, branch of the promoting internal gastrotourism, Chamber of Commerce developing and and Industry, popularizing Department of the gastronomic tourism. “Hunarmand” At the festival, there will be allocated Association, The Union places for the sale of of Buxoro craftsmen Festival barbecue to regional department, Kashkadarya region, 2020 year “Lola va kabob” restaurants - members khokimyat of Bukhara Guzar district 10-12 April of the Association of ("Tulip and kebab") city, Tourism Gastronomic Tourism, will also be attended Development by masters of folk art Department, related and folklore groups, enterprises and conditions will be created for ballooning. organizations. Within the framework of the festival, a competition will be held in the nomination “The most delicious “tandir” kebab”. Restoration of the lost Uzbek national sports games to bring them to the next generation. Bukhara regional Shooting from a bow branch of the has become a favorite Chamber of Commerce exercise of our and Industry, ancestors from history. Department of the To show and inform tourists about the “Hunarmand” Square near Kunya-ark Festival " ethnic development of ethnic Association, The Union fortress in Khiva State 2020 year sports games sports games in terms of Buxoro craftsmen Museum-Reserve 15 -17 April in archery" of showing the regional department, "Ichan-Kala" national games of khokimyat of Bukhara Turkic peoples and city, Tourism shooting from Bow, rules of the law and Development the history of origin Department, related of sports games. enterprises and During these sporting organizations. events, taste national dishes and master classes are organized
April NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS The activities of local khokimiyat of Tashkent producers of milk and region, Society of organic dairy products Ecotourism of are evaluated. Within Uzbekistan, The State In the District the framework of the 2020 year Tourism Committee Milk festival of Bostanlik, festival, an exhibition 17-19 April of Republic of Tashkent region of milk and dairy products will be Uzbekistan For organized. In this Tourism Development, regard, entertainment and partner programs will be held. organizations Federation of extreme - Paragliding competitions for and mountain tourism Youth Aero Festival: of Uzbekistan. landing accuracy. - Open competitions Khokimiyat of - Kite flying on accuracy of landing Tashkent region. The competitions by on paragliding State Committee categories: “TrebisovSKY accuracy Tashkent region April 19 "To the most beautiful of the Republic of cup 2020” kite" Uzbekistan for the - Competitions for the "On the farthest flight Development of launch of kites "Funni of a kite" Tourism. Other kite 2020" “On the highest flight interested of a kite”, etc. organizations Ministry of Physical International competitions aimed Education and Sports, Competition at the development The State Tourism Throughout 2020 year Committee of Republic “Ironman” of sports tourism and on Long-Distance the city of Samarkand 24-26 April of Uzbekistan For a healthy lifestyle in Triathlon our Republic. Tourism Development, khokimiyat of Samarkand region khokimiyat of Khorezm Organization of region, authorities of workshops on carpet cities and districts, weaving and the study regional Culture of Turkic peoples, as Exhibition " national Department, national Tourist complex 2020 year well as the exhibition carpets and clothing television company of "Ulli Hovli " 24-26 April of national carpets of of the Turkic peoples" Uzbekistan, Regional of Urgench district Turkmenistan, Council of the Youth Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Union of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Regional Tourism Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Development Turkey, an exhibition Department, of national costumes relevant departments of each nation. and organizations
April NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS Craftsmen from all regions of our republic National will gather to embroidery items demonstrate their named" Life shines Kashkadarya region, 2020 year Association of products in the in embroidery Shakhrisabz city 27-29 April Artisans, “Oqsaroy” Palace. " Republican Trade khokimiyat of As part of the event, Exhibition Kashkadarya region an exhibition of products by artisans and craftsmen will take place. May Photo exhibition devoted to the life and work of the first khokimiyat of Khorezm Uzbek filmmaker and region, Regional Culture photographer Department, National International photo Khudoybergan exhibition Television and Radio Devonov will be "The countries of the Khiva State Company of Uzbekistan, 2020 year organized. Great Silk Road" in Museum-Reserve Regional Academy of May Filmmakers and memory of "Ichan-Kala" Arts, Urgench State photographers from Khudaibergan University, Regional abroad will be invited Devonov Council of Youth Union to attend. During the event, his works will of Uzbekistan, be presented to Regional Tourism foreign guests and foreign tourists. The competition will Department of Physical be attended by Education and Sports athletes from all of Samarkand region, The marathon race regions of the region. heads of Department under the motto This sporting event "Honoring the memory of Physical Education 2020 year will take place around of ancestors is a Samarkand city and Sports of districts 5 may the ancient and sacred value", (cities), as well as famous monuments "Attention and care is subordinate sports of the city of a human duty” institutions, sports Samarkand, cultural events will also be federations, organized. partner organizations
may NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS This competition will bring together cyclists and volunteers from all regions of the Republic, as well as countries near and far khokimiyat of Cycling-Open 2020 year Samarkand city abroad. As part of the Samarkand region, Championship 6 may competition, partner organizations excursions to the ancient and famous monuments of the city of Samarkand will take place. Regional traditional competition “Laugh, your life will be long”, Humorous dedicated to the performances will be khokimiyat of 2020 year memory of folk artist Andijan region, organized among Khanabad city, 9 may and comedian Soyib Khanabad city comedians and Department of Culture Khujaev among amateurs. amateurs and comedians Humorous performances will be organized among Regional comedians and Youth Union of competition Andijan 2020 year amateurs. A Uzbekistan, Andijan among dancers regional theater 12 may competition will be Regional Cultural "Andijon Polkasi" organized among Department dancers in the world famous dance “Andijon Polkasi”. Organization and Organization holding of an rally along an extreme "Vatanparvar", route to the Ustyurt The Ministry of plateau with the Physical Karakalpakstan participation of local Education and Sports, Car Racing 2020 year Republic, and foreign auto and The State Tourism “Muinak Rally” 13 may Muinak district motorcycle sports Committee of Republic federations, a of Uzbekistan For demonstration of our Tourism Development, country's potential interested ministries in the world of sports and departments tourism
may NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS An international competition of various directions of music and art will be held with the aim of increasing the flow Ministry of Culture, of tourists of the The State Tourism "Asiavision" - pop young generation in Committee of song contest 2020 year winter, as well as with Republic of Samarkand city among Asian 15-16 may the aim of Uzbekistan For countries developing regional Tourism Development, cooperation among khokimiyat of Asian countries and Samarkand region states and familiarizing themselves with the cultural traditions of different peoples. At the event, masters of ceramics will Khokimiyat of Gijduvon demonstrate their district, The State skills using the Tourism Committee of example of creating Republic of Uzbekistan works of various For Tourism ceramics. Within the Development, Festival framework of the Gastronomic Tourism “G'ijduvon kulolchiligi festival, more than Association of Amusement va pazandalari" 2020 year 20 dishes of national Uzbekistan, and culture park (“Pottery and culinary 16 may cuisine will be Gastronomic Tourism of Gijduvon district prepared and og Gijduvan") Association of presented by skilled Uzbekistan cooks of Gijduvan Balloon Festival is a beautiful show that Khokimiyat of Gijduvon attracts thousands district, The State of fans. The purpose Tourism Committee of of the festival is once Republic of Uzbekistan again to demonstrate For Tourism the uniqueness and Development, beauty of nature. At Gastronomic Tourism the festival, balloon Navoiy region, Association of 2020 year flights, kite flying, All over the Uzbekistan, Festival Balloons music, national and 17 may Gastronomic Tourism city of Navoiy European dishes, various games and Association of competitions will be Uzbekistan organized.
may NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS The forum represents Ministry of Energy a high-level business platform for demonstrating the Tashkent city, latest achievements The First Energy National Exhibition 2020 year and projects for Forum of Uzbekistan Complex international oil and 20 may "Uzexpocenter" gas companies and in this regard plays the role of a platform for manufacturers and suppliers The event will Khokimiyat of include a ceremony Khorezm region, of preparing and regional public serving the ancient catering and service Khan's dishes with enterprises, their own Association of International festival Khiva State style. Familiarization cookers, regional "The flavors and The year 2020 Museum-Reserve of Khan cuisine, culture department, ancient May 23 "Ichan-Kala" demonstration of National Television skills of Khiva" Turkish cuisine and Radio Company national cuisine, of Uzbekistan, production of Regional Health national crafts and Department, Regional organization sanitary of master classes epidemiological center, regional Youth Council of Uzbekistan, Regional Tourism Development Department Presentation of the The Jokorgi Kenes classical fly and of the Republic Republican Festival Museum of vocal of Uzbekistan of Karakalpakstan, of Classical Music Art. I.V.Savitsky, 2020 year to the world Ministry of Culture "Sahro bulbullari, Republic of 28 may community, its of the Republic Sahrodagi Luvr” Karakalpakstan development, thereby of Uzbekistan (“Nightingale of the increasing the tourism Desert - Louvre potential of the in the Desert") Republic of Karakalpakstan
may NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS The festival will Bukhara Region, include exhibitions Regional Branch of by artisans of spices the Chamber of specialists, Commerce and performances of Industry, Regional folklore and Branch of the Festival In the histori traditional games, “Hunarmand” 2020 year “Ipak va Ziraravlar” cal part of the a presentation of Association, 30-31 may (“Silk and Spices”) city of Bukhara national Khokimiyat of contemporary Bukhara, Department costumes, a pilaf of Tourism festival, a gallery of Development, fine and applied art Responsible and a presentation Enterprises and of the BBS fashion Organizations collection Presentation of the Khokimiyat of Wine Festival history of winemaking, Samarkand region, 2020 year “Sogdian Samarkand city the process of making The State Tourism 30 may Wine Festival” wine products Committee of and tasting Republic of Uzbekistan For Tourism Development, JSC "Uzsharobsanoat” Mass sports will be Ministry of Sports, Charity Marathon- 2020 year Samarkand city organized in the The State Tourism Samarkand Marathon 31 may historical parts of Committee of Samarkand Republic of Uzbekistan For Tourism Development, Khokimyat of Samarkand city
June NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS Presentation of Ministry of Culture, artisans. The khokimiyat of Exhibition-contest of exhibition will Tashkent City, traditional folk 2020 year include workshops Association of art and national Tashkent city 5-7 June from skilled Artisans the handicraft products craftsmen Republic of “Craftsmen of an in the areas of Uzbekistan independent country” traditional applied art and national products An international Khokimiyat of sports competition Khorezm region, in memory of regional department Pahlovon Mahmud of physical culture to promote the and sport, Regional tourism potential of Culture Department, the region. They will National Television compete on 7 and Radio Company “Strong men” Khiva State 2020 year conditions called of Uzbekistan, International sports Museum-Reserve June 5-7 "Kokon arava", Regional Health competitions "Ichan-Kala" "Sangijumon toshlari", Department, Regional “Dehqon yurishi”, Council of Youth “Oʼzbekiston poezdi”, Union of Uzbekistan, “Xiva ustunlari”, Regional Tourism “Muynoq langari”, Development “Аmir Temur and Department Jaloladdin Manguberdi qilichlari” To acquaint with Khokimiyat of representatives of Khorezm region, Night singing of culture, literature, Urgench State “Ghazel” (poem) In the building of art figures of the University, Regional together with the Palace of culture The year 2020 Turkic peoples, Culture Department, classical poets and of Urgench June 10th to organize round National Television writers of the state University tables, meetings, and Radio Company Turkic nations excerpts from of Uzbekistan, classical poets Regional branch of and gazelles of the the Republican Center
June NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS for Spirituality and Turkic peoples Night singing of Enlightenment, in order to “Ghazel” (poem) In the building of Regional Writers' provide a more together with the Palace of culture The year 2020 Union, Regional meaningful time classical poets and of Urgench June 10th Council of Youth for foreign tourists writers of the state University Union of Uzbekistan, Turkic nations Regional Regional Tourism Development Department Within the framework Federation of extreme of the festival, an and mountain tourism international contest of Uzbekistan. of author's song youth Khokimiyat of tourism orienteering Tashkent region. The Ecological and Tashkent region, competitions; State Committee of 2020 year Tourist Festival Bustonlyk district, climbing the Republic of June 12-14 "Chimgan Echo 2020" Chimgan tract competitions, speed Uzbekistan for the climbing in. B. Development of Chimgan, Tourism. Ministry of environmental Physical Culture and campaign "We are for Sports. Wellness a clean Chimgan." center "Chimgan Oromgohi". Soglom Avlod Uchun International Non- Governmental Charitable Fund. Other interested organizations Promotion of Khokimiyat of Square near Khorezm art around Khorezm region, Festival "Days of Kunya-ark fortress The year 2020 the world in the days city and district Khorezm culture in Khiva State June 13-14 of Khorezm culture khokimiyats, Regional and art" Museum-Reserve "Ichan-Kala" and art, close Culture Department, cooperation with National Television other nations in the and Radio Company field of arts and of Uzbekistan,
June NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS culture, attraction Regional branch of of foreign tourists, the Republican organization of Center for Spirituality scientific and and Enlightenment, practical conference Regional Writers' Square near on "Ancient Khorezm Union, Regional Festival "Days of Kunya-ark fortress Art", Khorezm art Tourism The year 2020 Khorezm culture in Khiva State world for local and Development June 13-14 and art" Museum-Reserve foreign tourists Department "Ichan-Kala" Provide information on the role of Lazgi music in the service to humanity, our intangible heritage. It will present tourists with "Feruz", "Xon chiqdi" and ancient songs and musics Festival “Andijonni A competition Charitable foundation gullar viloyatiga Andijan city, among regional "Mahalla", aylantiraylik” Park of Culture 2020 year florists will Department of ("Let's make and Rest named 23 June take place culture of Andijan Andijan a region after Navoiy region of flowers") Competitions of Council of Ministers horses and camels of the Republic of in order to attract Karakalpakstan, tourists and increase Ministry of Physical Karakalpakstan Camel and horse 2020 year the tourist potential Education and Sports Republic, racing competition 24 June of the region, of the Republic of Ellikkala district prenzetation of new Uzbekistan interesting routes and pleasant pastime
July NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS Promotion of Khokimiyat of national traditions Khorezm region, and national dolls Regional Culture brand recognition, Department, National attraction of foreign Television and Radio tourists in the Company of process of making Uzbekistan, regional dolls, painting and department of the dressing of puppets Republican Center of Square near and organization of Spirituality and International Kunya-ark fortress master classes, Enlightenment, The year 2020 festival of puppet in Khiva State reproduction and Regional Puppet July 11th in Khiva Museum-Reserve further development Theater, Regional "Ichan-Kala" of national dolls. Council of the Youth During the event Union of Uzbekistan. there will be perform Regional Tourism “Qoʼgʼirchoqlar Development aravasi”, “Lachak Department toʼyi”, “Beshik toʼyi”, “Karvon saroy”, “Quvnoq tomosha”, “Xiva lazgi”, “Kelin salom” The event will be Ministry of Culture, Republic of held in order to Youth Union of Evening concerts 2020 year attract the youth of Uzbekistan, The State on the shore Karakalpakstan, 16 July the Republic to travel Tourism Committee of Akhchakul Ellikkala around Uzbekistan of Republic of and to develop Uzbekistan For domestic tourism Tourism among the youth, Development to organize interesting concert programs, as well as to promote the tourist potential of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and the Ellikkale district
July NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS As part of the Khokimiyat of evening, various Navoiy region, An evening music Navoiy region, 2020 year competitions with Navoiy Mining and on the territory Navoiy city 21 July folklore and dance Metallurgy Combinat, of the Tudakul ensembles will be Department of organized, and a Culture, Regional disco with famous Department DJs will also be of Tourism organized Development A show of large The State Tourism International Chess layouts of chess Committee of Republic Samarkand City, 2020 year pieces among famous of Uzbekistan For Tournament Registan Square 20-21 July chess players and Tourism Development, Registan Giants' Cup (“Registan Giant Cup”) young UzReport TV channel, grandmasters khokimiyat of Samarkand region, Ministry of Physical Education and Sports, Chess Federation of Uzbekistan August More than 70 grape Khokimiyat of varieties will be Navoiy region, Grape festival Navoiy region, 2020 year available at the Department of Navoiy City August 9th festival.The event Culture, will include concerts Association of and talks gastronomic tourism of Uzbekistan, Regional Tourism Development Department
August NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS Familiarization of Khokimiyat of Khorezm melon Khorezm region, varieties with the regional culture Khiva State Museum- world and the choice department, regional Festival "Gorvak - Reserve "Ichan-Kala" The year 2020 of export melon department of a symbol of Khorezm and Regional Music August 8-9 varieties and decent agriculture and water melon" and Drama Theater incentives for farmers, management, regional which will provide branch of Tasviriy more significant time Oyina Creative Union, for foreign tourists Regional Council of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan, National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan, regional tourism development department International event Ministry of Culture, dedicated to the khokimiyat of 2020 year traditions and Samarkand region, Silk Road Carnival Samarkand city 14-15 August customs The State Tourism of the countries of Committee of the Silk Road Republic of Uzbekistan For Tourism Development An event with the The State Tourism participation of 30 Committee of World influencers 2020 year bloggers and Republic of Samarkand city meet-up 15 August influencers, the most Uzbekistan For active on social Tourism Development, networks Ministry of Culture, khokimiyat of Samarkand region
August NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS In Figs honey not only Khokimiyat of sweet and juicy fruits, Khorezm region, but also a thousand regional agriculture gallows of healing and water pleasure. Fig jam, fig management bark prevent many department, regional diseases, organize a department of culture, Festival scientific and Regional branch of Anjirchi village, The year 2020 practical conference “Tasviriy Oyina” “Anjirning da'vosi” Urgench district August 22 on the theme “figs Creative Union, (useful qualities of figs) treat a thousand Regional Council of diseases”, increase Youth Union of the variety of fig Uzbekistan, National fruits and promote Television and Radio fig farmers, provide Company of more meaningful Uzbekistan, pastime for foreign Regional Tourism tourists Development Department The festival is held The Ministry of with the aim of Culture, developing youth "Uzbekkontsert " SUE, tourism. The festival The Union of youth will be held for at of Uzbekistan, the least 3 days. The event state agency for International festival Karakalpakstan 2020 year will be held under tourism development, of electronic music Republic, Muynak 25 August the motto "Filling The Council of festival VERSE district with musical waves" Ministers of the on the Aral Sea and is Republic of designed to attract Karakalpakstan, tourists and initiators musicians from around the world
September NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS Gastronomic festival Karakalpakstan 2020 year Holding a festival is Council of Ministers “99 types of fish Republic, Muinak 10 September a way to promote of the Republic of dishes of the district the history of the Karakalpakstan, Aral Sea”, Aral Sea and Muinak Ministry of Culture, International region, nature, water, Association of Ecological Festival weather, flora and gastronomic tourism “Revival of the Aral fauna, national culture of Uzbekistan Sea and Muinak” of the people, traditions and customs, presentation of the ecological potential of the world community, as well as ensuring the implementation of the program to deepen economic reforms and increase industrial production of fish and fish products and meeting the needs of the population.Providing the material and technical base of farms Preservation and Khokimiyat of International festival Khiva State 2020 year development of Khorezm region, "Magic of dance" Museum-Reserve 14-16 September ancient Khorezmian Regional Culture "Ichan-Kala" dance art, as well as Department, National attracting Television and Radio representatives of Company of other peoples to Uzbekistan, Regional dance, increasing Tourism Development the attractiveness Department of the festival
September NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS Will be presented Chamber of "Gifts of Uzbekistan " Tashkent City, 2020 year products of artisans. Commerce and Republic “Sayilgoh” Street 18-20 September The exhibition will Industry of exhibition-sale include workshops Uzbekistan, from skilled The Ministry of craftsmen in the culture, areas of traditional Ministry of Public applied art and Education, Ministry national products. of Physical Education and Sports, Academy Arts of Uzbekistan, The State Tourism Committee of Republic of Uzbekistan For Tourism Development, Youth Union of Uzbekistan Within the Federation of extreme framework of the and mountain tourism festival, a competition Festival of song and of Uzbekistan. for the best author's poetry "Autumn Khokimiyats of Tashkent region, song and the best Accord 2020". Bustonlyk district, September 18-20 author's poem in Tashkent region and Dedicated to Khojikent gorge various nominations. Bostanlyk district. International Concert of the best Tourism Day Children's recreation authors and performers of bard camp "Geologist" songs. Other events A street food festival The State Tourism will be organized in Committee of Tashkent. The festival Republic of will be attended by Uzbekistan For tourists attracted by Tourism Development, travel agencies. The khokimiyat of Tashkent festival September exposition of Gastro Tashkent city, Tashkent city “Street Food” 19-20 city will be formed, Association of where malls of street gastronomic tourism food in Tashkent and of Uzbekistan all regions will be presented, and a show program will also be presented
September NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS The wrestlers of Khokimiyat of Uzbekistan, as well Samarkand region, as representatives partner organizations of neighboring Open tournament for countries will take prizes of the regional part in these Samarkand City, khokim of the 2020 year, competitions. Amphitheater Samarkand region- 20 September Theater and music "Mo'jiza” national performances wrestling (kurash) reflecting our national values will be held as part of the wrestling competitions The event will be The State Tourism held among Committee of countries located Republic 2020 year “Silk Road Congress” Samarkand city on the Silk Road in of Uzbekistan For 26 September order to strengthen Tourism Development, relations and expand Ministry of Culture, friendly cooperation khokimiyat of Samarkand region 2020 yaer Festival of folk crafts Khokimiyat of “Silk road bazaar” Samarkand city, September 26-27 and crafts “Silk Road Samarkand region, I. Karimov street Bazaar” is held The State Tourism annually Committee of Republic of Uzbekistan For Tourism Development, Ministry of Culture As part of the Khokimiyats of all celebration of World regions, Ministry of World Tourism Day In all regions 2020 year Tourism Day, in order Culture, territorial 27 September to increase the departments of The interest of State Tourism organizations Committee of Republic specializing in of Uzbekistan For tourism, an awarding Tourism Development
September NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS ceremony will be Khokimiyats of all held in the categories regions, Ministry of World Tourism Day In all regions 2020 year “Tourism Stars”. Culture, territorial 27 September A competition will departments of The be organized for State Tourism the audience.At Committee of Republic the end of the of Uzbekistan For event, a concert Tourism Development will be held Introduction of new Khokimiyat of varieties of Yangiarik Khorezm region, pears and Karvak regional agriculture apples into the world and water turnover, as well as management the process of department, Tasviriy harvesting fruits Oyina Creative Union, from field-matured Regional Council of pears, apples for Youth Union of Karvak village of Festival foreign guests and Uzbekistan, National Khazarasp district, “Qadimiy xon 2020 year the preparation of Television and Radio Kattabog village of bog'i” (Ancient Khan's September 26-27 natural juices from Company of Yangiariq district, Garden) ripe fruits, as well Uzbekistan, Regional districts of Astana as the selection of Culture Department, varieties of pears Regional Tourism and apples, Development corresponding Department promotion of farmers who grow them, ensuring more meaningful industry development October The festival will be Khokimiyat of held in such areas as Navoiy region, folk art and puppet Department of art.As part of the Culture, Festival festival, a series of Regional Navoiy region, “Nurli Navolar” 2020 year contests, exhibitions Department of Nurata district, (“Radiant Melodies”) 12 October of artisans and spices Tourism Complex “Chashma” specialists, Development performances of musical folklore ensembles will be held.
October NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS As part of the event, Khokimiyat of an excursion to the Samarkand region, Uzbekistan Cup of historical and famous partner organizations 2020 year Games of Athletes Samarkand city monuments of 16 October and Weightlifting Samarkand will be organized, as well as a presentation of dishes of national cuisine National dance Ministry of Culture, International competitions among The State Tourism 2020 year competition Samarkand city representatives of Committee of Republic 18 October Ethnic dance people from different of Uzbekistan For championship countries of the Tourism Development, world Khokimiyat of Samarkand region Exhibition, Khokimiyat of Festival 2020 year presentation and Samarkand region, “Sharq Shirinliklari” Samarkand city 18 October tasting of Samarkand Ministry of Culture, ("Eastern sweets") sweets The State Tourism Committee of Republic of Uzbekistan For Tourism Development Presentation of Khan Khokimiyat of pomegranate and Khorezm region, Bogotsky varieties in regional agriculture the world, harvesting and water field pomegranates management Festival “Lolazor” mahalla, and grape fruits for department, Tasviriy “Xon anori va Dehkonbozor village, foreign guests, Oyina Creative Union, The year 2020 uzum lazzati” Bagat district, organizing the Regional Council of October 17-18 (khan's Pomegranate Khiva city process of preparing Youth Union of and taste of grape) natural juices from Uzbekistan, National ripe fruits, Television and Radio propagating Company of grape varieties Uzbekistan, Regional grown in Khorezm Culture Department, and exporting them Regional Tourism widely, as well as Development creating grape Department varieties
October NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS Within the framework Federation of extreme Youth Festival of the event, and mountain tourism Tashkent city 2020 year competitions in the "Tashkent- of Uzbekistan. October 17-18 types of: skate board, Urbania 2020" Khokimiyat of roller skates, BMX Tashkent. Tashkent bike, parkour, kengash of the Youth breakdance Union. Other interested organizations. Soglom Avlod Uchun International Non- Governmental Charitable Foundation The activities of local Khokimiyat of Jizzakh beekeepers in the region, Society of production of Ecotourism of environmentally Uzbekistan, The State friendly products Tourism Committee of Jizzakh region, 2020 year are highly Republic of Uzbekistan Honey festival Zamin district 24-25 October appreciated.An For Tourism exhibition of honey Development and and honey products partner organizations will be held as part of the festival.In this regard, entertainment programs will also be organized at the event Tashkent city, The robotics Scientific and Practical National Exhibition competition will be Center for the International 2020 year, Complex held weekly; Implementation of Robotics Challenge 25 October "Uzexpocenter", participants and Innovation Yunusabad district visitors from more Development under than 20 countries will the Ministry of be invited. Innovation Contestants will Development, submit their work in interested ministries 3 different directions and departments in accordance with age categories
October NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS Competitions among Federation of extreme Festival of car tourists. motorists on off-road and mountain tourism Open competition on trial for the best Tashkent October 25 of Uzbekistan. off-road trial on the passage of the track Khokimiyat of "Friendship Cup" with numerous Tashkent. Other obstacles (pits, slides, interested water obstacles). organizations The program has interesting contests for participants and spectators Agroturism festival Khokimyat of 2020 year, Promoting the Regional "Oltin kuz” Jizzakh region 25-26 October unique potential of Administration, (“Golden Autumn") agritourism in the Department of region with local Culture, products territorial division of the State Committee for Tourism Development November Presentation to local Khokimyat of and foreign tourists Navoiy region, of the national game Department of “Uloq-Kupkari”, Culture, uniting our national Regional Department “Uloq-Kupkari” Navoiy region, 2020 year traditions. of Tourism Games in remote areas 4 November Demonstration of the Development “Uloq-Kupkari” games to the general public and publication in foreign magazines.
November NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS The international Khokimiyat of charity marathon in Samarkand region, athletics is one of the partner organizations main sporting events in the field of competitions, it will be attended by both foreign athletes and athletes from all International charity 2020 year Samarkand city regions of our marathon in athletics 14 November Republic. As part of the marathon, excursions to the ancient and famous monuments of our city will be organized, as well as cooks will prepare national dishes The scientific State Tourism conference will be Committee of devoted to the Republic of unique architecture Uzbekistan For “Art symposium of and decoration Tourism Development, Samarkand's 2020 year works used in the Ministry of Culture, Samarkand city architecture, 16 November objects of culture khokimiyat of majolica and mosaic” and heritage of Samarkand region Scientific confrence Samarkand (varieties of stone, wood carving, artistic ornamental painting, ganch carving) The event will be The Ministry of Higher timed to coincide and Secondary- with World Students' Specialized Education World student 2020 year of the Republic of Samarkand city Day. As part of the summit 17 November Uzbekistan, The State event, active students will organize cultural Tourism Committee and educational of Republic of events Uzbekistan For Tourism Development, khokimiyat of Samarkand region
November NAME NAME OF DATE SUMMARY ORGANIZERS OF THE EVENTS THE EVENT VENUE OF THE EVENT OF THE EVENTS In order to present The State Tourism the tourism potential Committee of "Silk Road Tourism" of our Republic, Republic of Tashkent 2020 year Tashkent city representatives of Uzbekistan For International 11-13 November national crafts, Tourism Development, Tourism Fair gastronomy, travel Ministry of Culture, services, and others Tashkent City, will participate in khokimiyat of the exhibition Tashkent region, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and authorities of the city of Tashkent Ethnic sport games Demonstration of The State Tourism Jizzakh, in Forish, Boysun, During a year popular folk games Committee of Surkhandarya, Shakhimardan in the format of the Republic of Fergana regions and Muinak festival will be Uzbekistan For organized, in which Tourism Development, local and foreign TV channel" UzReport, participants will local authorities, take part Ministry of Physical Education and Sports
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