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                                                                                   JOURNALISM OF COURAGE
TUESDAY, MAY 10, 2022, NEW DELHI, LATE CITY, 20PAGES                                              SINCE 1932                                       `6.00 (`8 BIHAR & RAIPUR, `12 SRINAGAR) WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM

                                                                                                                                                    New Delhi
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 THE INDIAN EXPRESS, TUESDAY, MAY 10, 2022

        NOTICE BOARD                                                                           EDUCATION                                         C E L E B R A T I O N S ,                   E V E N T S

Amity International Schools cel-
ebrated “Prerna Diwas”, as part
of the Valedictory Programme of
“Amity Human Values Quarter-
2022”, commemorating the
birthday of Dr. Amita Chauhan,
Chairperson, Amity International
Schools, on virtual platform. Ad-
dressing the students on this oc-
casion she averred, “At Amity, we believe in every child’s poten-      CAMPUS DRIVE- CPJ COLLEGE                                             NATIONAL CONFERENCE - ICSI
tial as each & every child is special for us. It is our commitment     CPJ College, Narela recently organized “Career Expo-2022: Pool        The two-day National Conference of Corporate Company
to provide them with the best education along with high morals         Campus Drive” for VI Semester Students of BBA (G)/BBA                 Secretaries culminated with much fanfare in Kochi re-
& values as “values” & “sanskars” have always been the foun-           (CAM)/BCA/B.COM(H) in which 10 companies, with Multiple               cently. Sharing his experience of working with Company
dation of Amity.” Advising the students, she further added,            Job Profiles, visited the Campus for bulk recruitment. Dr. Ab-        Secretaries both as Counsel as well as Judge, Chief Guest
“Hard work, perseverance and dedication are the most important         hishek Jain, General Secretary & Yugank Chaturvedi, Director          Justice Devan Ramachandran, Judge, High Court of Kerala,
traits required in order to become successful. Challenges are          General shared in a joint statement - It was a Mega Placement         said, “Company Secretaries are the best Arbitrators. They
a part of life & we must face them with courage and confidence         Drive, wherein a total of 289 students of VI Semester from CPJ &      are the experts who lead the Board today & govern the
& must never give up. Human values, along with good education,         other IPU Colleges of GGSIPU participated. The registered stu-        manner in which it functions and formulates policies”.
are highly significant in shaping our personality & students must      dents went through a systematic selection process, including          Guest of Honour, S. Suhas (IAS) MD, Cochin Int’l Airport
imbibe human values which we, at Amity, firmly believe in.             Aptitude Test, Group Discussion and Personal Interview.               Ltd.,complimented the Company Secretaries for their sig-
                                                                                                                                             nificant service and commitment in ensuring Corporate

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Regd Office: PSEB Head Office, The Mall, (Patiala)
CELEBRATION-MAHARAJA AGRASEN                                            ORIENTATION-DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL                                         EARTH DAY-DELHI INT’L SCHOOL EDGE                                                    CIN: U40109PB2010SGC033813, Website:
Dept. of Law- MAIMS, celebrated the World Intellectual Prop-           DAV Public School Sreshtha Vihar successfully organized Orien-        To mark the 52nd anniversary of the annual celebrations of Earth                                     (Contact Number: 96461-18721)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Tender Enquiry No. QW-300/PO-W                        Dated 07.05.2022
erty Day, 2022 on the theme of “IP & Youth; Innovating for a bet-      tation Program for the parents of classes Pre-School – Class V.       Day with the theme of "Invest in our planet", students from senior                   Chief Engineer/Stores & Workshops Organization, Sarabha Nagar
ter Future” recently.The event was graced by the presence of           The Program aimed to familiarize parents with the curriculum          wing of DIS Edge prepared posters, collage & angiography                          'PSPCL' Ludhiana, invites E-tender of Repair of 3-phase, 50 cycles,
distinguished speakers namely Prof. (Dr.) Lisa P. Lukose, Pro-         details, assessment pattern and code of conduct for the upcom-        promoting a cleaner and greener environment. In the junior wing,                  outdoor type, oil immersed, naturally cooled, stack core type construc-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               tion, OWP Aluminium wound Distribution Transformers (Type
fessor, GGSIP University, S. Madan, Partner, Chadha & Chadha           ing academic session. The programme commenced with a wa-              the students of class 5 made vlogs on Global Warming. A special                   Conventional) of capacity 25KVA, 63KVA, 100KVA, 200 KVA (w/o Tap
Associates. The event was organized under the supervision of           rm welcome to the parents. Principal Suhasini K. Nath enlightened     assembly was conducted where they performed Earth songs                           changer) and 300 KVA (w/o Tap changer) with voltage ratio 11/0.433
Prof. (Dr.) GP Govil, Advisor, Mait, Prof. (Dr.) RK Gupta, Director,   the audience with the vision, facilities and achievements of the      with slogans. An awareness session on E-Waste Management                          KV conforming to lSS: 2026 (with latest amendments, if any) and
                                                                       school. She laid emphasis on the active synergy among parents         was conducted for Classes 4 &5 which raised awareness on                          1180 part-1 (2014) complete with first filling of oil conforming to ISS:
MAIMS, Dr. PK Gupta, Head, Department of Law, Prof. (Dr.) R.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               335/1993 (with latest amendments, if any). Quantity of T/Fs = 45000
Malhotra Dhingra, Principal, MAIMS, among others.                      and teachers for the holistic development of the students.            safe and sustainable handling of E- waste among the students.                     Nos.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  For detailed NIT & tender specification please refer to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               https.// from 07.05.2022 from 12.00 Hrs. onwards.
                                                                        Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) has made significant            SAVEETHA DENTAL COLLEGE Chennai-based Saveetha                                   NOTE: Corrigendum & addendum, if any will be published online at
                                                                        progress in Engineering and Technology as compared to last            Dental College, a part of Saveetha Institute of Medical and                                  C-167/22     14050/Pb
                                                                        year in the recently published QS World University Ranking by         Technical Sciences has made a breakthrough achievement and
                                                                        Subject 2022. Vellore Institute of Technology moved 55 positions      carved its niche in the global arena with an astounding 18th                            Selection of Management Operator for
                                                                        up this year as compared to last year in Engineering and Technol-     Global rank in the QS World University Rankings, hailed as the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Operation, Maintenance & Management
                                                                        ogy. This has made VIT the 9th best institution in India and the      Oscars for higher education institutions across the globe. This
                                                                        346th best in the world in Engineering and Technology. Seven          sensational accomplishment is the first of its kind for an educa-                       (O&M) of Wayside Amenity Property at
                                                                        subjects of VIT are on the list published by QS this year. Both       tional institute in India to stand 1st in India (Domestic Rank), 3rd                          Sikka, Jamnagar - Gujarat
INTERACTIVE SESSION-BHIS                                                Computer Science & Information Systems & Electrical & Electron-       in Asia and 18th Internationally (Global Rank). There are no In-                  Components : Accommodation Facility, Restaurant, Parking and
Billabong High International School, Noida proudly welcomed             ics Engineering subjects ranked 8th in the country. Computer Sci-     dian colleges in the Top 100 Ranking of QS. This massive feat is                  support infrastructure
Padmashri Guru Geeta Mahalik recently. Guru Geeta Mahalik en-           ence & Information Systems & Mechanical Engineering have              first of its kind for Indian Universities. In QS World the institution's          RFP Document can be downloaded from
thralled the spectators with her mesmerizing performance. She           moved up 50 positions as compared to last year. The QS World          detailed performance by indicator and overall score across all                    &, 10/05/2022 onwards.
held an interactive session with the students and explained vari-       University Rankings by Subject are compiled every year to help        the subjects and broad subject areas have clearly superseded                      The Pre-Bid Conference is scheduled on 23/05/2022, 2:30 pm. For
ous dance forms & relevance of mudras. The learners satisfied           prospective students identify leading universities in a particular    other institutions in the academic reputation survey. This creden-                any further details, interested Bidders may contact Mr. M. S. Joshi at
their inquisitive minds asking intriguing questions about her life &    subject. Research citations, H index along with results of major      tial earmarks the institution’s caliber to have excelled above 51        The last date for submission of the
journey towards success. Padmashree Guru Geeta Mahahik                  global surveys of employers and academicians are used to rank         narrow subjects & 5 broad subject areas. This recognition is be-                  Financial Bid (on n-procure website only) is 08/06/2022 upto 3:00
along with her associates was felicitated by Director Jasmine           universities. This year QS has included the IRN (International        ing viewed as an honor to Saveetha Dental College's endeavors                     p.m. and Technical Bid is 10/06/2022 upto 3:00 p.m.
Gandhi, Principal Sharmila Chatterjee, PTA representatives and          Research Network) index in the ranking of broad subject areas.        to remain on top when it comes to dental education.
student representatives.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Selection of Management Operator for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Operation, Maintenance & Management
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      (O&M) of Wayside Amenity Property at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Virpur, Rajkot - Gujarat
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Components : Accommodation Facility, Restaurant, Parking and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                support infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                RFP Document can be downloaded from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                &, 10/05/2022 onwards.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                The Pre-Bid Conference is scheduled on 23/05/2022, 3:00 pm. For
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                any further details, interested Bidders may contact Mr. M. S. Joshi at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The last date for submission of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Financial Bid (on n-procure website only) is 13/06/2022 upto 3:00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                p.m. and Technical Bid is 15/06/2022 upto 3:00 p.m.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Tender No. MLDB/Tech/E-tender/ 864 /2022,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Nagpur, Dated: 06.05.2022
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Office of the Chief Executive Officer,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Maharashtra Livestock
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Development Board, Nagpur
     Selection of Management Operator for                                                                                                                                                                                                        Contact No. 0712-2999936
    Operation, Maintenance & Management                                                                                                                                                                                                   e-mail ID :
     (O&M) of Wayside Amenity Property at                                                                                                                                                                                      Notice for e-tender for supply of Liquid Nitrogen
           Mirzapur, Kutch - Gujarat                                                                                                                                                                                                   Containers for the year 2022-23.
 Components : Accommodation Facility, Restaurant, Parking and                                                                                                                                                                  Office of the Chief Executive Officer, Maharashtra Livestock
 support infrastructure                                                                                                                                                                                                        Development Board, Nagpur, invies e-tender from Manufacturers /
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Distributors / Dealers for supply of Liquid Nitrogen Containers to
 RFP Document can be downloaded from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               all districts in Maharashtra State.
 &, 10/05/2022 onwards.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               The tender form along with terms and conditions can be down-
 The Pre-Bid Conference is scheduled on 23/05/2022, 2:00 pm. For                                                                                                                                                               loaded & the tender can be prepared & submitted online from
 any further details, interested Bidders may contact Mr. M. S. Joshi at                                                                                                                                                        07.05.2022(09.00Hrs) to 30.05.2022(18.00Hrs.) on the Govt. of The last date for submission of the                                                                                                                                                               ‘Maharashtra e-tendering portal
 Financial Bid (on n-procure website only) is 06/06/2022 upto 3:00                                                                                                                                                                                                    Sd/-
 p.m. and Technical Bid is 08/06/2022                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Chief Executive Officer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Maharashtra Livestock Development Board

                              UNION TERRITORY OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR,
 Kindly Refer this office e-NIT No. 03 of 2022-23 dated:- 16.04.2022 issued under endorsement No. No:
PHA/AWP/192-203 Dated:- 16.04.2022 for the below mentioned works are hereby cancelled due to
some typical error on BOQ’s .
        Name of Water                                           Jal Shakti   Estimated         Time of
   S.                                                                                                          Class of
           Supply                Description of work              (PHE)          cost        completion
   No                                                                                                         Contractor
          Scheme                                                 Division     (in Lacs)         (Days)
                               Retrofitting of WSS
   4.         Konibal        Konibal by way of laying/        Awantipora        14.86         3 Months         B, C,D
                                fitting under JJM
                             Retrofitting of WSS Meej by
   9         Meej            way of laying/ fitting under     Awantipora        11.30          3 Months        B, C,D

         No: PHA/AWP/587-97                                                     Executive Engineer
         Date: 09.05.2022  DIPK-1700                                   Jal Shakti (PHE) Division Awantipora

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         New Delhi

                                                                                                                JOURNALISM OF COURAGE
TUESDAY, MAY 10, 2022, NEW DELHI, LATE CITY, 20 PAGES                                                                                  SINCE 1932                                                                   `6.00 (`8 BIHAR & RAIPUR, `12 SRINAGAR) WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM

RPG attack on Punjab                                                     Protesters want Gotabaya
                                                                          to go, curfew imposed
                                                                                                                          Rajapaksa ancestral home
                                                                                                                          set on fire in Hambantota
                                                                                                                                                                            Mahinda says resigned
                                                                                                                                                                            to help form unity govt                          Centre to SC: We will
Police Intelligence HQ
in Mohali, probe begins                                                    Lanka PM resigns after violence,                                                                                                                  relook at sedition,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             you defer hearing case
NAVJEEVAN GOPAL                                                             ruling party MP dies in clashes                                                                                                                  PM committed to civil liberties: MHA;

MOHALI, CHANDIGARH, MAY 9                                                                                                                                                                                                    Acting on PM’s directions, says Rijiju

                                                                                                                                                                                    E X P L A I NE D
A ROCKET-PROPELLED Grenade                                              ALASDAIR PAL
(RPG) was fired at the Punjab                                           & UDITHA JAYASINGHE                                                                                                                                  ANANTHAKRISHNAN G                     THE EDITORIAL PAGE
Police's Intelligence headquar-                                         COLOMBO, MAY 9
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Seeking a        NEW DELHI, MAY 9
ters in Mohali on Monday                                                                                                                                                                                  ● way out                                                DON’TSTEPBACK
evening, triggering a blast at the                                      SRI LANKA’S prime minister re-                                                                                                                       CLAIMING IT is “fully cognizant       SC must take review process
site, a senior officer told The                                         signed on Monday to make way                                                                                         MAHINDA RAJAPAKSA’S             of the various views” being ex-       to its logical conclusion
Indian Express.                                                         for a unity government that                                                                                          resignation turns the spot-     pressed on sedition law, the          PAGE 10
    Punjab DGP Viresh Kumar          At the blast site. Express         wouldtrytofindawayoutof the                                                                                          light on efforts to form an     CentreMondaytoldtheSupreme
Bhawra, who reached the spot,                                           country’s worst economic crisis                                                                                      all-party interim govern-       Court that it “has decided to re-
told The Indian Express that there                                      in history, but protesters said                                                                                      ment in Sri Lanka amid its      examine and re-consider the           stitutionallycherishedfreedoms
wasnoreportofanyinjurycaused         tancefromthemainentranceby         they also wanted his brother to                                                                                      worst economic crisis. Left     provisions of Section 124A (that      by the people of the country”.
by the attack, which occurred        unidentified persons who are       stand down as president.             A minister’s house was set on fire in Arachchikattuwa. Reuters                  with just $50 million use-      dealwiththeoffence)”andurged          The PM, it added, “has repeat-
around7.45pm.Bhawrasaidfur-          believedtohave fledina vehicle.       Prime Minister Mahinda                                                                                            able foreign reserves, it has   it to defer hearing on petitions      edly said that one of India’s
ther investigations were on.         A car was spotted moving from      Rajapaksa’s resignation came                                                                                         approached the IMF for a        challenging the Constitutional        strengths is the diverse thought
    According to the senior offi-    the site the moment the RPG        hours after clashes broke out in     were beaten back by police us-     after a standoff with anti-gov-              bailout.                        validity of the law until such ex-    streams that beautifully flourish
cer who confirmed the attack, a      was fired,” the officer said.      Colombo, where supporters of         ing tear gas and water cannon.     ernment protesters in the town                                               ercise is carried out “before an      in our country”.
wall of the building bore the            There was heavy police de-     therulingpartystormedananti-            Rulingpartyparliamentarian      of Nittambuwa near Colombo, a                REPORT, PAGE 15                 appropriate forum”.                       “Thegovernmentof Indiabe-
maximum impact, with shat-           ployment at the site after the     government protest camp and          Amarakeerthi Athukorala died              CONTINUED ON PAGE 4                                                       Initsaffidavit,theMinistryof      ing fully cognisant of various
tered window panes strewn in-        blast, with a bomb disposal                                                                                                                                                             Home Affairs said that Prime          views being expressed on the
side. “The RPG was fired at a dis-          CONTINUED ON PAGE 4                                                                                                                                                              MinisterNarendraModihas“pe-                  CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             riodically, in various forums, ex-

   BUSINESS AS USUAL                 Day after LG prays at                                                   IndiGo: DGCA
                                                                                                             to send probe
                                                                                                                                                Among country’s fastest              MINORITY STATUS:
                                                                                                                                                                                     NEED TIME, CENTRE
                                                                                                                                                                                     TELLS SC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             favour of protection of civil lib-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             erties, respect of human rights,

                                                                                                                                                athletes, even dope
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and giving meaning to the con-                      PAGE 13
          BY UNNY
                                     protected J&K temple,                                                   team to Ranchi
                                     ASI expresses concern                                                   and Hyderabad                      testers can’t reach her Prashant Kishor is guest
                                                                                                             PRANAV MUKUL                       NIHAL KOSHIE
                                                                                                                                                                                    ance also brought her on the
                                                                                                                                                                                    radarof Monaco-basedAthletics
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             at Express e-Adda today
                                     DIVYA A                                                                 NEW DELHI, MAY 9                   NEW DELHI, MAY 9                    Integrity Unit (AIU), an inde-
                                     NEW DELHI, MAY 9                                                                                                                               pendent body with an aim to              EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
                                                                                                             THE DIRECTORATE General of         A CAT-AND-MOUSE game is on          weed out cheats.                         NEW DELHI, MAY 9
                                     A DAY after Jammu & Kashmir                                             Civil Aviation (DGCA) will de-     betweenoneof thecountry'stop           But the AIU testers have not                                                                  Prashant
                                     Lieutenant-Governor Manoj                                               pute a three-member fact-find-     400mwomanathletesanddope            been able to trace the athlete —         THE QUINTESSENTIAL outsider                             Kishor
                                     Sinha participated in prayers at                                        ing team to probe Saturday's in-   testers after her sudden im-        and she has gone incommuni-              in Indian politics at first, he be-
                                     the ruins of the eighth-century                                         cident at the Ranchi airport,      provementintimingscaughtthe         cado, The Indian Express has             came an influential insider who
                                     Martand Sun temple at Mattan                                            where IndiGo staff allegedly de-   attention of a global anti-doping   learnt.                                  worked with and shaped the
EXPRESS NETWORK                      in Anantnag, the Archaeological    L-G Manoj Sinha at the site          nied boarding to a specially       watchdog.                              The athlete was to fly to             electoral campaigns of Prime
                                     Survey of India (ASI) on Monday                                               CONTINUED ON PAGE 4              During a recent national ath-   AntalyainTurkeymid-Aprilwith             Minister Narendra Modi and
                                     “expressedconcerntothedistrict                                                                             letics meet, the athlete ran sev-   other quartermilers and mem-             half-a-dozenchief ministersand
                                     administration” over the event,    tion of its rules” in its communi-   THE EDITORIAL PAGE                 eral seconds faster than her pre-   bers of the 4x100 women's relay          regional satraps in the last nine
                                     sources told The Indian Express.   cation to the administration but                                        vious best timing, made it to       squad but did not report before          years. After years of being one of
PERFECT: AMIT SHAH                       The ASI, which is the custo-   has not lodged a formal com-         INDIGO BOY, MY CHILD               India's all-time best list, and     departure.                               themostsought-afterbackroom
PAGE 8                               dianof theprotectedmonument,       plaint, the sources said.            By SHUBHRA GUPTA           P10     qualified for the World                Presuming she would be in             strategists of this generation, he
                                     “deemed the incident as a viola-          CONTINUED ON PAGE 4                                              Championship. The perform-                             CONTINUED ON PAGE 4          CONTINUED ON PAGE 4

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      New Delhi
4 EXPRESS NETWORK                                                                                                                                                                                                                             WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   THE INDIAN EXPRESS, TUESDAY, MAY 10, 2022

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Lanka PM quits                        indicatedthebestsolutiontothe            Police had formed a line          invest time in examining the va-      Minister, since we are doing it      probe,” the official said.            be allowed to board.”                   travelledtoMumbaiandHaryana,
                                      present crisis is the formation of   ahead of time on the main road        lidity of Section 124A once again     (re-examining and re-consider-           On Monday, a day after the           Gupta said: “The child was           where her personal coach hails
after violence                        an interim all-party govern-         leading towards the site but did      and be pleased to await the ex-       ing sedition law provisions), we     incident came to light, Union         fed, given medicines and taken          from,buthavehadnolucksofarin
                                      ment,” the letter said.              little to stop pro-government         ercise of reconsideration to be       have told the court (Supreme         Civil      Aviation      Minister     care of by their parents, and he        locating the athlete who is one of
erupts, MP dies                           “Therefore, I have tendered      protesters from advancing, ac-        undertaken by the Government          Court)throughanaffidavit,court       JyotiradtiyaScindiatweetedthat        was not showing any 'risky be-          the country's fastest runners.
                                      my resignation so the next steps     cording to a Reuters witness.         of Indiabeforeanappropriatefo-        may not get involved," Union         he would personally probe the         haviour'. However, when board-              According to sources, officials
in clashes                            can be taken in accordance with          Pro-government supporters,        rumwheresuchreconsideration           Law Minister Kiren Rijiju said       incident even as the national         ing began, he was not allowed to        and coaches of the Athletics
police source told Reuters with-      the Constitution.”                   some armed with iron bars, at-        is constitutionally permitted”. It    Monday. Rijiju added he feels it     child rights panel asked              board.”            (WITHENSIN           FederationofIndia(AFI)havetried
out giving details.                       Nalaka Godahewa, a govern-       tacked         anti-government        did not specify which "forum"         is a "bold" step taken by the gov-   Jharkhand Police to lodge a case                NEWDELHI&RANCHI)              to reach the athlete over phone
    At least three others were        ment spokesman, said all cabi-       demonstrators at the “Gota Go         this would be or the time frame       ernment and was of the view          against the airline.                                                          buttheyarestillinthedarkabout
woundedandthearearemained             net members had also stepped         Gama” tent village that sprang        for this “re-consideration."          that making laws is the respon-          Responding to criticism over      Prashant Kishor                         her whereabouts. Her current
tense with dozens of protesters
still at the location, the source
                                          “Now the president will in-
                                                                           up last month and became the
                                                                           focal point of nationwide
                                                                                                                      The government said that
                                                                                                                 while there is unanimity on the
                                                                                                                                                       sibility of the government.          the incident, IndiGo CEO
                                                                                                                                                                                            Ronojoy Dutta said the airline        is guest at                             personal coach, who has been
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          punished for doping in the past,
said.                                 vite other political parties to      protests.                             need for a statutory provision to     After LG prays                       staff made the “best possible de-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Express e-Adda                          told the AFI that the athlete has
    Video footage from local me-
dia showed the ancestral home
                                      form a unity government,” he
                                      told Reuters.
                                                                               Police used tear gas and wa-
                                                                           ter cannon to break up the con-
                                                                                                                 deal with acts against sover-
                                                                                                                 eignty and integrity, there are       at protected J&K                     cision under difficult circum-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The Indian Express called the
of the Rajapaksa family in the
southern city of Hambantota
                                          “The president will meet
                                      with independent and opposi-
                                                                               At least nine people were
                                                                                                                 also concerns about its abuse for
                                                                                                                 purposes not intended.                temple, ASI                          pany has expressed “sincere
                                                                                                                                                                                            regrets” to the child's family and     has signalled his readiness to re-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          athlete's registered phone num-
houses and election offices of
                                      tion political parties and we ex-
                                      pect a new government in the
                                                                           taken to Colombo's National
                                                                           Hospital for treatment relating
                                                                                                                      “...So far as Section 124A is
                                                                                                                 concerned, there are divergence
                                                                                                                                                       expresses                            offered to purchase an electric
                                                                                                                                                                                            wheelchair for him.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Prashant Kishor, the election
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          foundthatitwas“out of network
law makers were also reported.
Reuters could not immediately
                                      next few days.”
                                          On the streets of Colombo,
                                                                           to injuries or tear gas inhalation,
                                                                           a hospital official said, declining
                                                                                                                 of views expressed in public do-
                                                                                                                 main by various jurists, acade-
                                                                                                                                                       concern                                  Tagging a social media post
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  strategist who has crafted the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  electoral victories of leaders of all
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          declined to comment.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              “She was to travel with the
verify the footage.                   the mood was jubilant but tense      to be identified. Local media re-     micians, intellectuals and citi-           The agency, which functions     “There is zero tolerance towards      politicalhuesandideologies,isthe        team toAntalya, Turkey, onApril
    Pro-government supporters         as cars -- some flying the na-       ported as many as 150 were in-        zensingeneral.Whiletheyagree          under the Ministry of Culture,       such behaviour. No human be-          chief guest at Express e-Adda on        14. But she did not show up. We
were attacked in at least four lo-    tional flag and others sounding      jured throughout the day.             abouttheneedforstatutorypro-          has conveyed that no prior per-      ing should have to go through         Tuesday.                                havenotbeenabletocontacther
cations as they were returning        their horns -- drove along a sea-        “Strongly condemn the vio-        visions to deal with serious of-      mission was sought from them         this! Investigating the matter by         Kishor, the founder of the          because her phone number has
from Colombo, media reported.         side promenade where clashes         lentactstakingplacebythosein-         fences of divisive nature affect-     to conduct a religious ceremony      myself, post which appropriate        IndianPoliticalActionCommittee          been switched off. We do not
The houses of at least two may-       had broken out earlier.              citing & participating, irrespec-     ing the very sovereignty and          at the complex, and asked the        action will be taken.”                (I-PAC),spentsomeyearsinAfrica          knowwhyshehasnotjoinedthe
ors were also set on fire, police         Outside the prime minister’s     tive of political allegiances,”       integrity of the country, acts        administration to ensure that            Sources told The Indian           as a public health professional         camp. She should have been in
sources told Reuters.                 residence, Osha De Silva was         President Rajapaksa said in a         leading to destabilising the gov-     such a violation is not repeated.    ExpressthatRajyaSabhaMPand            with the United Nations. He en-         Turkey with the rest of the ath-
    A nationwide curfew has           among the hundreds of protest-       tweet. “Violence won't solve the      ernment established by law by              According to a senior ASI of-   BJP national spokesperson Anil        tered the Indian political scene in     letes but she is absconding. The
beenimposed,ontopof thestate          ers celebrating his resignation      current problems.”                    means not authorised by law or        ficial, who spoke on the condi-      Baluni has written a letter to        2011 when he began working for          AIU is also looking for her to col-
of emergency that Sri Lankan          but said she also wanted the             As dusk fell on Colombo,          prohibited by law. Requiring a        tionof anonymity,prayersareal-       Scindia flagging that he was also     Modi, then the chief minister of        lectsamplesfordopetesting,”an
President Gotabaya Rajapaksa --       president to step down.              thousands defied a curfew to          penal provision for such pur-         lowedatASI-protectedsitesonly        involved in a similar incident        Gujarat. He was thrust into the         AFI source said.
the prime minister's younger              “TheRajapaksaregimeiscor-        rally at Gota Go Gama.                poses is generally accepted by        if they were “functioning places     with IndiGo. Baluni has sought        limelightacoupleofyearslateraf-             The woman athlete was part
brother,referredtoasGota--de-         rupt,” Silva said, clasping a na-    "Gota(baya) go home," the             everyone in legitimate state in-      of worship” when the agency          the Minister's intervention on        ter helping Modi shape his 2014         of the national camp four years
clared last weekinthe faceof es-      tional flag with both hands.         crowd chanted. REUTERS                terest. However, concerns are         took charge.                         the issue while urging for an ex-     primeministerialcampaign.Since          ago after she clocked sub-53 sec-
calating protests.                        The prime minister’s depar-                                            raised about its application and           Anantnag             Deputy     planation from the airline, the       then,hehaspopularisedpolitical          ond timings at a university meet.
    The island nation of 22 mil-      ture came during a day of chaos                                            abuse for the purposes not in-        Commissioner Piyush Singla did       sources said.                         spin and image makeovers as le-         Butcoacheswerebaffledaftershe
lion people has suffered pro-
                                      government protesters clashing
                                                                              CRICKETERS JOIN                    tendedbylaw”,saidtheaffidavit.
                                                                                                                      Referring to the PM’s views,
                                                                                                                                                       not respond to calls and text
                                                                                                                                                       messages from The Indian
                                                                                                                                                                                            Protection of Child Rights wrote
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  gitimate campaign tools.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Kishor — known as PK — is
of essentials, including fuel,        for the first time since the un-        THE CHORUS                         it said he “believes that at a time   Express seeking comment.             a letter to Jharkhand Police, stat-   consideredtobethebrainbehind                TheAFIiskeenthattheathlete
cooking gas and medicines, and        precedented wave of demon-              New Delhi: Mahela                  when our nation is marking                 This is the second religious    ing that it has received a com-       campaigns ranging from “Brand           joins the national camp for two
thegovernmentisleftwithaslit-         strationstookholdinlateMarch.           Jayawardena and Kumar              ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’ (75         ceremony to be held at the tem-      plaint about the incident, and        Modi” and “Beta Kejriwal” to the        reasons: her timings make her a
tle as $50 million of useable for-        Some protesters hijacked a          Sangakkara, former cap-            years since independence), we         ple, which is a “site of national    asked them to lodge an FIR “as        Trinamool Congress's “Banglar           strongcontenderforthe4x400m
eign reserves.                        bus used to ferry pro-govern-           tains of the Sri Lanka             need to as a nation work even         importance”, over the past few       there was prima facie violation       Gorbo Mamata” and “Didi ke              women'srelaysquad,andathletes
    Sri Lankans have been taking      ment supporters, according to a         cricket team, joined the           harder to shed colonial baggage       days.                                of section 7 of the Rights of         Bolo”. He has also designed cam-        at national camps are regularly
to the streets in largely peaceful    Reuters witness, one of several         chorus seeking the                 that has passed its utility, which         The Sunday Express first re-    Persons with Disabilities Act,        paigns for former Punjab Chief          tested for banned performance-
protestsanddemandingthatthe           such incidents reported in              ouster of the Rajapaksas.          includes outdated colonial laws       ported that over 100 Hindu pil-      which is cognisable in nature”.       MinisterAmarinderSingh(Halke            enhancing substances. If a relay
Rajapaksas step down.                 Colombo.                                In a Twitter post Monday,          and practices. In that spirit, the    grims had held prayers for a few         Ranchi SSP Surendra Jha, to       Vich Captain and Coffee with            teamfinishesonthepodiumand
    In his resignation letter, a          Hundreds of ruling party            Jayawardena said: “One             Government of India has               hours on Friday morning in the       whom the letter was addressed,        Captain), Andhra CM Y S Jagan           one of the runners tests positive,
copy of which was seen by             supporters had rallied outside          down and one to GO!!!”.            scrapped over 1500 outdated           ruins. And that the pilgrims,        told The Indian Express that he       Mohan Reddy (Jaganna’s                  the team loses the medal.
Reuters, the prime minister said      the prime minister’s official res-      He used the hashtags               laws since 2014-15. It has also       guarded by security personnel        wasyettoreceiveacommunica-            Navratnalu), and Bihar CM Nitish            There have been a number of
he was quitting to help form an       idence before marching to an            #GoHomeGota #people-               ended over 25,000 compliance          providedbythedistrictadminis-        tion in this regard from the          Kumar (Phir Se, Nitishe and Saat        casesinthepastofathletesstaying
interim, unity government.            anti-government protest site            power to join hands with           burdens…Various offences              tration, sat on a stone platform     panel.                                Nishchay).Healsoworkedonthe             awayfromnationalcamps,train-
    “Multiple stakeholders have       outside the presidential office.        anti-government pro-               which were causing mindless           amid the ruins of the ancient            In a separate letter, NCPCR       re-brandingof TamilNaduCMM              ing with their personal coaches
                                                                              testers. Sangakkara too            hindrances to people have been        temple, reciting from Hindu          asked the DGCA to initiate a          K Stalin.                               and then failing dope tests.
                                                                              tweeted: “1 down #peo-             decriminalised…These were             scriptures and religious texts.      probe and suggested that action           Thesepersonalitiesaredistinct           Prominent among them is
                                                                              plepower.” ENS                     laws and compliances which                 The leader of the contingent,   be taken against the airline's        and their politics poles apart, but     quarter-miler Nirmala Sheoran,
                                                                                                                 reeked of a colonial mindset and      Maharaj Rudranath Anhad              manager at the Ranchi airport.        allhavetastedsuccesswithKishor          the 2017 Asian Athletics
                                                                                                                 thus have no place in today’s         Mahakal, had told this newspa-           In both the letters, the panel    bytheirside.Hehashadhisshare            Championshipgold-medalwin-

                                                                                                                 India”.                               per that he emailed district au-     sought an action-taken report         of failures too — his campaign          ner. A year later, at the Asian
                                                                           RPG attack on                              Hearing the petitions, a
                                                                                                                 three-judge bench, headed by
                                                                                                                                                       thorities about his plan to hold
                                                                                                                                                       prayers at the temple, but got no
                                                                                                                                                                                            within seven days.
                                                                                                                                                                                                “We are looking into (the in-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  strategies for the Congress-
                                                                           Punjab Police                         Chief Justice of India N V
                                                                                                                                                            After the prayers on Sunday,
                                                                                                                                                                                            cident) and shall take appropri-
                                                                                                                                                                                            ate action,” DGCA chief Arun
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          individual 400 metre race -- and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          failed a dope test a couple of
                                                                           Intelligence HQ                       apprise the court of its stand vis-
                                                                                                                 a-vis Section 124A. The bench
                                                                                                                                                       L-G Sinha had termed the
                                                                                                                                                       “Navgrah Ashtamangalam
                                                                                                                                                                                            Kumar told The Indian Express.
                                                                                                                                                                                                In a statement issued on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  big push in Goa with him as the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  strategist came a cropper.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          months later to receive a four-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          year ban.
                                                                           in Mohali, probe                      also wondered if it should refer
                                                                                                                 the matter to a larger five-judge
                                                                                                                                                       Pooja” as “truly a divine experi-
                                                                                                                                                       ence in a godly ambience”, and
                                                                                                                                                                                            Monday, IndiGo CEO Dutta said:
                                                                                                                                                                                            “Throughout the check-in and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Kishor is now in the news be-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  cause of his much-talked-about
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Dope testing in Indian athlet-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ics has been in the news after the
                                                                           begins                                Constitution bench in view of         reiterated his commitment to         boarding process our intent of        dealings with the Congress — he         AIUannouncedlastweekthatdis-
                                                                                                                 the 1962 decision of a                protecting and developing an-        course was to carry the family,       decided against joining the party       custhrowstarKamalpreetKaur,a
                                                                           squad and forensic teams reach-       Constitution bench in the case        cient sites of cultural and spiri-   however, at the boarding area         — and his plans. If he does enter       sixth-place finisher at the Tokyo
                                                                           ing the spot.                         Kedar Nath Singh vs State of          tual significance.                   the teenager was visibly in           politics, it will be his second in-     Olympics, had tested positive for
                                                                                The building houses the of-      Bihar, and sought the views of             On Monday, senior Congress      panic.”                               nings. In September 2018, after         Stanozolol, an anabolic steroid
                                                                           fices of a number of senior offi-     the Centre, the petitioners and       leader and Lok Sabha MP                  Dutta said: “While providing      having helped Nitish Kumar re-          banned under the World Anti-
                                                                           cers, including those holding IG      Attorney General K K Venugopal        ManishTewaritweeted:“Happy           courteous and compassionate           turn to power as part of the            Doping Agency code.
                                                                           rank. A police officer said the       on this.                              to see members of Kashmiri           service to our customers is of        Mahagathbandhan,Kishorjoined                Kamalpreet was in the na-
                                                                           senior officers had left the office        In the Kedar Nath Singh case,    Pandit Community offering            paramountimportancetous,the           the JD(U). He was appointed the         tional camp before the Summer
                                                                           when the attack took place and        the apex court upheld the valid-      prayers at Martand Sun Temple        airport staff, in line with the       party’snationalvice-president,in        Games. She is the first Indian
                                                                           that other staff on night duty        ity of the sedition law while at-     ruins in Anantnag -Jammu &           safety guidelines, were forced to     effecttheNo.2,beforetheyparted          woman to break the 65-metre
                                                                           were present.                         tempting to restrict its scope for    Kashmir. Navagraha ashtaman-         make a difficult decision as to       ways in 2020.                           barrier and was expected to win
                                                                                The blast comes close on the     misuse. It had held that unless       galam pooja sends out a power-       whether this commotion would              Last week, Kishor announced         medals at the Commonwealth
                                                                           heels of the arrest of a number       accompanied by incitement or a        fulmessageof Indiansyncretism        carry forward aboard the air-         in Patna that he would launch a         Games, the Asian Games and the
                                                                           of suspected terror operatives        call for violence, criticism of the   & Pluralism given their trials &     craft. Having reviewed all as-        3,000-km padayatra from the             World Championships.
                                                                           from Punjab and Haryana re-           government cannot be con-             tribulations circa 1990.”            pects of this incident, we as an      GandhiAshraminChamparanon                   Amalejavelinthrower,whois
                                                                           cently — and the recovery of an       strued as a seditious offence.                                             organizationare of the viewthat       October 2. He said he intends to        anAsianAthleticsChampionship
                                                                           explosive device near the Burail           Attorney General K K             IndiGo: DGCA                         we made the best possible deci-       create a platform of like-minded        medallist and Tokyo Olympian,
                                                                           jail in Chandigarh on April 24.       Venugopal, said there was no
                                                                                                                 need for any reference and that       to send probe                        sion under difficult circum-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  peopletobuildontheideaof “Jan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          had also failed a dope test.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Although there is no dope
                                                                           Centre to SC:                         Kedar Nath Singh is good law.
                                                                                                                                                       team to Ranchi                           Dutta said the company of-        at transformingBihar.Thestrate-         taint yet about the woman ath-

                                                                           We will relook                             The Centre too, in written
                                                                                                                 submissions in reply to the lim-
                                                                                                                                                       and Hyderabad
                                                                                                                                                                                            fered “sincere regrets” to the af-
                                                                                                                                                                                            fected family for their experi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  gist said he was in touch with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          gence-based out-of-competition

                                                                           at sedition,                          ited question of whether to refer
                                                                                                                 or not, said the decision was         abledchild,aseniorofficialof the
                                                                                                                                                                                            ence,and“asasmalltokenof our
                                                                                                                                                                                            appreciation of their lifelong
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  share his vision for Bihar.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      At the e-Adda, Kishor will be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          testing is a strategy used to keep
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          the sport clean.
                                                                           you defer                             “long standing, settled”, had
                                                                                                                 stood the test of time and
                                                                                                                                                       aviationsafetyregulator toldThe
                                                                                                                                                       Indian Express.
                                                                                                                                                                                            dedication would like to offer to
                                                                                                                                                                                            purchase an electric wheelchair
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  in conversation with Anant
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Goenka, Executive Director, The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Since 2017, the AIU has taken
                                                                           hearing case                          needed no reference to a larger
                                                                                                                 bench.Itsaidthatinstancesof its
                                                                                                                                                           The official said the team
                                                                                                                                                       "will visit Ranchi and
                                                                                                                                                                                            for their son”.
                                                                                                                                                                                                Speaking to The Indian
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Indian Express Group, and
                                                                           subject of sedition and also hav-     abuse can’t be a justification for    Hyderabad", where the child's        Express on Sunday, Gupta, who         Editor, The Indian Express.             Corruption,betting,andmanipu-
                                                                           ing considered the concerns of        its reconsideration and that the      parents are based, to collect ev-    hadpostedabouttheincidenton                                                   lation of age and results also fall
                                                                           civil liberties and human rights,     “remedy” for any such abuse,          idence as part of the probe. “We     Facebook, said: “The child had a      Among                                   under the AIU's purview.
                                                                           while committed to maintain
                                                                           and protect the sovereignty and
                                                                                                                 “would lie in preventing such
                                                                                                                 abuse on a case-to-case basis”.
                                                                                                                                                       have received a report from the
                                                                                                                                                       concerned airline. However, in
                                                                                                                                                                                            breakdown. It seemed that he
                                                                                                                                                                                            hadgoneonaspiralof stressand          country’s fastest                           Top athletes across sport are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          named in a registered testing
                                                                           integrity of this great nation, has
                                                                           decided to re-examine and re-
                                                                                                                      The note had said that the
                                                                                                                 1962 judgement had achieved a
                                                                                                                                                       view of the facts and circum-
                                                                                                                                                       stances described therein, we
                                                                                                                                                                                            the mother had slapped him
                                                                                                                                                                                            once. There was a bit of crying       athletes, even                          pool and must be available at a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          self-declared location during a
                                                                           consider the provisions of
                                                                           Section 124A of the Indian Penal
                                                                                                                 “delicate balance” between the
                                                                                                                 imperatives of “proportionality,
                                                                                                                                                       have decided to conduct a fact-
                                                                                                                                                       finding enquiry, which shall be
                                                                                                                                                                                            and the sound echoed. In the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  dope testers                            specified one-hour window
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          every day during which testers
                                                                           fore the competent forum”, the
                                                                                                                 fundamental freedom of speech
                                                                                                                                                       done by a three-member team
                                                                                                                                                       from DGCA," the official said.
                                                                                                                                                                                            to her child and started hugging
                                                                                                                                                                                            him to calm him down. She also
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  can’t reach her                         could land up to collect samples.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Others whose performances
                                                                           affidavit said.                       vailing interest of the State to          "The team will collect appro-    cried.Atthispoint,apersonfrom         Turkey, dope control officers au-       improve out of the blue, like the
Contact for Advt. Booking: M/s Friends Publicity Service                       In view of this, the govern-      regulate.”                            priateevidencewithinoneweek          IndigoCustomerServicecameto           thorised by the AIU travelled to        woman athlete, are on the radar
     (M): 9212665841, 9212008155                                           ment “respectfully submitted               PTI adds: "Since directions      from today. Further action will      them and said if the child con-       Antalya to collect her samples.         of agencies which fight doping
                                                                           that this Hon’ble court may not       have come from the Prime              be based on the outcome of the       tinues in this manner, he won't       Keentotrackherdown,theythen             in sport.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        New Delhi
THE INDIAN EXPRESS, TUESDAY, MAY 10, 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                    THE CITY 5
                                                                             Lady Hardinge gets infra boost with two new blocks
Stephen’s told                                                               ANONNADUTT
                                                                                                                over20operationtheatres,giving                                                                                           patients in the OPD clinics daily.        academicinfrastructurewiththe

to ‘abide’ by
                                                                                                                amajorboosttothehospital’sin-                                                                                                After a wait of more than 11          number of MBBS seats going up.
                                                                             NEW DELHI, MAY 9                   frastructure. The CT scan facility                                                                                       years,theprojecthasalsoallowed                At Lady Hardinge, the exist-
                                                                                                                inthenewOPDblockwasstarted                                                                                               the hospital to modernise itself,         ingbuildingswillbedemolished
                                                                             FROMA100-year-olddilapidated       last month, with the rest of the                                                                                         withautomatictokendispensing              and other centres will be set up
                                                                             building with narrow and           services to be moved soon.                                                                                               machinesandLCDdisplaystocall              in its place. Work is in progress

DU’s decision
                                                                             crowdedcorridors,allclinicsand         Thenewbuildingshavewide                                                                                              onpatientswhosemedicinesare               forphasetwoof redevelopment,
                                                                             in-patient services at Lady        corridors, large waiting areas at                                                                                        beinggiven.“Wehavecreatedpa-              which will focus on a 1,000-bed
                                                                             Hardinge Medical College will      the entrance and in front of all                                                                                         tient-friendlyinfrastructurenow;          specialitycentreforchildrenand
                                                                             soon move to the two seven-        clinics to ensure patients do not                                                                                        we will treat all our patients as         neonates.The redevelopment
                                                                             storey buildings that were inau-   have to keep standing in queues.                                                                                         VIPs.Everythingwillbeavailable            planforthehospital—whichwas
                                                                             guratedbyUnionHealthMinister       Thewaitingareasatpresenthave                                                                                             under one roof. There will be             established as an 80-bed centre
                                       to be conducted by St Stephen’s       MansukhMandaviyaonMonday.          temporary shades and ceiling         The new buildings have wide corridors, large waiting areas                          SundayOPDfacilityavailabletoo.            in 1916 and grew to become the
ARANYA SHANKAR                         College,” Gupta wrote.                WiththenewOPDandIPDblocks,         fans,makingitveryhot.Thenew                                                                                              Thereisaneedtocreatemoreand               current877-bedSuchetaKriplani
NEW DELHI, MAY 9                            “There must be a single          allpatientservices—consultation,   buildings, on the other hand, are                                                                                        moreinfrastructure,”saidDrRam             hospital and 377-bed Kalawati
                                       meritlist for admission of candi-     diagnostics,andpharmacy—will       centrally air conditioned. “Of       Monday to get his daughter               with the medical college — Smt             Chander, medical director, Lady           Saran Children’s hospital —was
MAINTAINING ITS stand on the           dates belonging to Christian          be available in the same space.    course, it will be great if we can   treated for an ear infection.            Sucheta Kriplani and Kalawati              Hardinge Medical College. He              approved by the government 13
matter, Delhi University (DU)          communityregardlessof anyde-              The new IPD block will have    waitinanACroom;wejuststand               The two hospitals associated         Saran — see around 3,000-4,000             said there was a need to increase         years ago.
Registrar Vikas Gupta Monday           nominations/sub-sects/sub-cat-        over 800 beds, which will be       in queues from morning,” said
wrote to St Stephen’s College          egories within the Christian mi-      opened in a phased manner, and     Lalit,whocametothehospitalon
Principal John Varghese asking         noritycommunity.Inviewof the                                                                                                                                     STATE BANK OF INDIA
him to “abide” by the decision of      above, you are required to abide                                                                                                                                         STRESSED ASSET RECOVERY BRANCH (SARB)
the university and hold admis-         by the admission policy as de-
                                                                                                                                                                                                  2nd Floor, Patna Main Branch Building, West Gandhi Maidan, Patna-800001
sions to general seats only on the     tailed... which is applicable for
                                                                                                                                                                                          Ph. No. (Office) : 0612-2219043, 2219385, Fax No. : 0612-2219385, E-mail :
basis of the Common University         admission of students in St
Entrance Test (CUET) score.            Stephen’s College for the session                                                                                                                         SALE NOTICE FOR SALE OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTIES
    DU and Stephen’s have gone         2022-23,” he said.                                                                                              E-auction Sale Notice for Sale of Immovable Assets under the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of
head to head on the matter of              Principal John Varghese did                                                                                 Security Interest Act, 2002 read with proviso to Rule 8(6) of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002.
holding interviews for all candi-      not respond to calls and texts by                                                                                   Notice is hereby given to the public in general and in particular to the Borrower(s) and Guarantor(s) that the below described immovable property
dates. While DU’s Academic             The Indian Express.                                                                                             mortgaged/ charged to the Secured Creditor (State Bank of India), the symbolic possession of which has been taken by the Authorised Officer of State
Council (AC) had decidedthat all           Asked what DU would do if                                                                                   Bank of India, the Secured Creditor, will be sold on "As Is Where Is", As Is What is" and "Whatever there is" and without Recourse basis on
undergraduate admissions, in-          Stephen’s does not abide by the                                                                                 03.06.2022. for recovery of Rs. 27,36,672.00 (Rupees Twenty Seven lakh Thirty six Thousand six hundred seventy two only) as on 27.05.2020, plus
cludinginminoritycolleges,will         decision,Vice-ChancellorYogesh                                                                                  accrued interest, Charges, other miscellaneous expenses etc due to the secured creditor from the Borrower, M/s Bam Bam Galla Bhandar, Prop: Mr.
be done solely on the basis of         Singhsaid,“Ourdecisionismade.                                                                                   Megh Nath Prasad s/o- Late Hari Lal Prasad, and Guarantor, Mr. Pawan Kumar s/o Meghnath Prasad.
CUET,StStephen’shadsaiditwill          They will have to follow it; they                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Reserve Price
give 85% weightage to CUET and         have no option. We have taken                                                                                   Sl.                                                          Description of the property
                                                                                                                                                           Borrower Name                                 (Property Id for e-auction : SBIN36255306282)                                           EMD Amount
15% weightage to interviews.           enough time and consulted ed-                                                                                   No.
     On Monday, Gupta wrote to         ucationistsandtakenlegaladvice                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Bid Increment Amount
Principal John Varghese saying,        before coming to this decision.                                                                                  1. M/s Bam Bam Galla         All that piece and parcel of land measuring an area of 10 dhur with an existing building thereon            ` 36,00,000.00
“This is with reference to your        We have to protect the larger in-                                                                                   Bhandar, Prop:- Mr.       located at Mouza-Musallahpur (Mahavir Lane), P.S.- Pirbahore, Sub-Registry office & District                  ` 3,60,000.00
email dated April 20, 2022, re-        terest of our students.”                                                                                            Megh Nath Prasad          at Patna, Bihar, bearing Ward no. 13/19/48, Circle no. 39, M.S. Plot No. 1176 (Part), Sheet No.                ` 25,000.00
gardingadmissionprocessforthe               Singh said that since the                                                                                      s/o- Late Hari Lal        98 and registered mortgaged by Mr. Meghnath Prasad s/o Late Hari Lal Prasad vide
session 2022-23 at St Stephen’s        communication dated April 20                                                                                        Prasad Address :          Registered Deed of Mortgage no. 11601 date 05/11/2016. Boundaries - North- Road, South-
College. In this regard, I am to in-   from the college, there had been                                                                                    Ram Krishna Colony,       Ashok Kumar Mehta, East-Ashok Kumar Mehta presently house of Ram Nath Prasad & West-
                                                                                                                                                           Mahendru Patna            05 feet Rasta left by the vendee & 05 feet Rasta left by the vendor thereafter Late Gigal Prasad.
formthattheadmissionpolicy,as          no informal or formal talks with
approvedbyAcademicCouncilof            Varghese and the decision was                                                                                                                                                  e-Auction Terms And Condition
University of Delhi, is applicable     taken by DU authorities.                                                                                        1.   Date&Timeofe-auction:03.06.2022;time:120Minutes.Form12:00Noonto02.00PM.withunlimitedextensionof10Minuteseach.
to all colleges (Constituent/                Earlier, in response to                                                                                   2.   The auction sale will be online and conducted through website
Affiliated)of Universityof Delhi.”     Stephen’s request to hold inter-                                                                                3.   SBI contact no (for property related enquiry) : 9402506404 & 8811060438.
He said as per admission policy,       views for all candidates, DU had                                                                                4.   The General Terms and Condition of e-auction sale is available on the website:
admissionsforthesession2022-           told the college they could do so                                                                                    This publication is also a 15 days notice to all the borrower/guarantors require under Rule 8(6) of Security Interest Enforcement Rules, 2002
23 will be on the basis of CUET        forminorityseatsbutnotforgen-                                                                                   NB: 15 days Sale Notice to Borrower/Guarantors has already been sent by Regd. Post at their last known address. In case they do not receive the said notice then
2022 scores, conducted by the          eral seats. In his press note on                                                                                this E-auction sale Notice may be treated as substituted mode of service.
National Testing Agency.               April 20, however, Varghese had                                                                                 Date: 06.05.2022                                                                                                        AUTHORISED OFFICER
    “Withregard toyour college,        said they won’t reconsider their                                                                                Place: Patna                                                                                                      STATE BANK OF INDIA, SARB, PATNA
taking note of the fact that it is a   decision to hold interviews for
minority institution (for candi-       admissions to all student cate-
dates belonging to the Christian       gories , as “there shall be no dis-
community), the university has         crimination between minority
decided that 50% of open seats         andnon-minorityapplicants”in
shall be filled solely on the basis    thisregard.“Thisistheadmission
of meritof CUETscore.However,          process — time-tested, proven
remaining50%seatsforminority           and guaranteed through a land-
candidates shall be filled on the      mark judgment delivered by the
basis of combined merit of 85%         highest court of the land — that
weightagetotheCUETscoreand             willbefollowedforadmissionto
15% weightage to the interview         the College,” he had said.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             New Delhi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Total Vacant

      6 THE CITY
                                                                                                                                                                                   VACCINATIONS IN                       DELHI TOTAL                                                    NOIDA
                             THE INDIAN EXPRESS, TUESDAY, MAY 10, 2022                                                                                                             LAST 24 HOURS                         CASES                    HOSPITAL BEDS 9,590 9,404                       May8   May 9

                                                                                                                                                                                   6,645                                 18,95,053                ICU BEDS      2,239 2,190            Cases     N/A     124
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Cases       Recoveries    Deaths     Tests       Deaths    N/A     0
                                                                                                                                                                                   PATIENTSINHOSPITAL: 182
                                                                                                                                              CORONAVIRUS                          OXYGEN SUPPORT                 55
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         May 8
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         May 9
                                                                                                                                             IN THE CAPITAL                        VENTILATOR SUPPORT              5                                                                   Cases     390     291
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Total       5,369*        18,63,502    26,182   3,80,68,022
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         *Total active cases in Delhi                                  Deaths    0       0

                                                                                                                                                                           Jahangirpuri SHO
Residents vs bulldozer in Shaheen Bagh                                                                                                                                     removed, weeks
                                                                                                                                                      Petition challenging after violence                                                                                     to have been simply brushed

                                                                                                                                                      drive invites SC ire                                                           EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     NEW DELHI, MAY 9
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              aside” by senior officers. The po-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              illegal procession” and their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     THE STATION House Officer of             complicity, “if any”, needs to be
                                                                                                                                                                                            no aggrieved person had ap-              Jahangirpuri Police Station has          investigated, the court said.
                                                                                                                                                      EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE                  proachedthecourt.“Youarebet-             been removed and a new in-                    Communalclashesbrokeout
                                                                                                                                                      NEW DELHI, MAY 9                      ter advised to go to the High            spector appointed in his place           in the area on April 16.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Court...Notatthebehestof polit-          weeks after communal clashes                  “The liability on the part of
                                                                                                                                                      THESUPREMECourtMondayre-              icalparties,pleasedon’tturnthis          were witnessed in the area.              the officials concerned needs to
                                                                                                                                                      fused to entertain a petition filed   into a platform. If there is some-           DCP (headquarters) Mahesh            be fixed so that in future no such
                                                                                                                                                      by CPI(M) challenging the anti-       body aggrieved, they should              Batra, in an order issued on May         incidenttakesplaceandpoliceis
                                                                                                                                                      encroachment drive in Shaheen         come,” said Justice Rao.                 6, said, “Inspector Arun Kumar           not complacent in preventing
                                                                                                                                                      Bagh and asked those aggrieved            Thecounselthensaidthereis            is hereby transferred from               the illegal activities,” Additional
                                                                                                                                                      by action of the municipal au-        apleabyahawker’sunionrepre-              Rashtrapati Bhavan and posted            SessionsJudgeGagandeepSingh
                                                                                                                                                      thorities to approach the High        senting those affected, and that         as SHO (Jahangirpuri) in north-          had said in the order.
                                                                                                                                                      Court. “What is this CPI(M) party     they had moved the court be-             west district with immediate ef-              The court further said the
                                                                                                                                                      filing this case? We can under-       cause structures were being de-          fect. He should be relieved at           contents of the FIR itself show
                                                                                                                                                      stand somebody who is affected        molished. But the bench said: “If        once with the direction to join          that the local staff of the police
                                                                                                                                                      comingbeforeus...Whatisthevi-         hawkers are encroaching the              his new assignment and report            station in Jahangirpuri, led by
                                                                                                                                                      olation of fundamental right (of      pavement... they might be re-            compliancetothisheadquarters.            InspectorRajivRanjan,aswellas
                                                                                                                                                      theparty)?UnderArticle32,who          moved following the law. Go to           After relieving him, ACPs must           otherofficialswere“accompany-
                                                                                                                                                      can come?” said a bench of            the High Court. Why are you              be recorded/reviewed on the              ingthesaidillegalprocession”on
                                                                                                                                                      JusticesLNageswaraRaoandBR            coming here?”                            same next day. DCP concerned             its route instead of stopping it.
                                                                                                                                                      Gavai, dismissing the plea as             The court pointed out that it        should ensure compliance.”                    “It appears that local police,
                                                                                                                                                      withdrawn.                            had intervened in the case of                A Rohini court, in an order on       instead of performing their duty
The day’s events played out in front of a row of shops, including branded retail stores, that were closed. Abhinav Saha                                   Making clear the displeasure      Jahangirpuri only because of             May 7, had noted that there was          instoppingthesaidillegalproces-
                                                                                                                                                      overthecourtbeingfloodedwith          demolition of structures. “When          “utter failure” on the part of           sion in the beginning itself and
                                                                                                                                                      demolition matters from across        we were informed there were              Delhi Police in stopping a               dispersing the crowd, was ac-
                                                                          us and damaged the scaffolding.       them time. If they don’t remove       thecountry,JusticeRaosaid:“We         some structures being demol-             Hanuman Jayanti procession               companying them to the entire
ABHINAYA HARIGOVIND                                                       We said we can remove it on our       it, a fresh drive will be held.” He   are not seized of all encroach-       ished... we gave an order. If we         held without permission at               routewhichlateronledtounfor-
& MALHAR MISHRA                                                           own. We suffered damage of Rs         said a drive is planned in New        mentsinthiscountry.Andonthat          startinterferinginthesematters,          Jahangirpuri in northwest Delhi          tunate riots between the two
NEW DELHI, MAY 9                                                          10,000-Rs 20,000. The structure       Friends Colony on Tuesday: “We        day itself (when a petition was       we will be doing only that,” said        last month and the issue “seems          communities,” said ASJ Singh.
                                                                          was only made to erect a board        do not anticipate trouble there.      filed raising the issue of demoli-    Justice Rao.
NO DEMOLITIONS were carried                                               for an advertisement.”                We are doing simple anti-en-          tion drives in other states), we          Theseniorcounselsaidmany
out at Shaheen Bagh Monday,                                                    “Wewon’t let theBJP destroy      croachment drives. The Delhi          made it clear to Mr Kapil Sibal       residentsarealsoaffected.Tothis,
with residents and representa-                                            our shops. I have been selling        government says it will widen         when he was mentioning about          the court said, “Let those people
tives of the Congress and AAP                                             motor parts here for 10 years. I      roads, but there is encroach-         theotherpartsofthecountry.We          come. We do not know what is
gathering in front of the                                                 have all the maps signed by           ment everywhere, how will             said we are not expressing any        being demolished.”
bulldozer that had arrived in                                             MCD. In the evening, there are        they do it?”                          view... We have to balance inter-         Turning to Solicitor General
the morning.                                                              vendors who come but they                  An ACP-level officer at the      ests...Wewilldefinitelyinterfere,     TusharMehta,whoappearedfor
    Over 150 police personnel                                             leave with their carts. Nobody is     spotsaid,“We were toldto reach        butnotencroachmentsbeingre-           South MCD, Justice Rao re-
from South and Southeast dis-                                             scared...,”saidMdArmaan(41),a         around 11 am. Half an hour later,     moved in accordance with law.”        marked,“MrSolicitor,thoughwe
tricts and CRPF were deployed       Amanatullah Khan at                   resident of Jamia Nagar, who          people raised slogans and                 The bench added: “We have         are not interfering, but as and
for the demolition drive, sup-      Shaheen Bagh. He was later            runs a shop in Shaheen Bagh.          blocked the road... We tried to       never given any licence to every-     when you take up this activity,
posed to be carried out by the      booked. Abhinav Saha                       Abdul Wajid Khan, AAP            pacify them but locals gathered       body to come here and then say        why don’t you do this in accor-
South      Delhi      Municipal                                           councillor representing Abul          in huge numbers. Seeing the sit-      my house is being demolished          dance with law. Give them a no-
Corporation(SDMC),afterpolice                                             Fazal Enclave,saidthere wereno        uation, MCD officials left. Local     evenifitisunauthorised.Andthe         tice.”
agreed to provide security on       around the bulldozer.                 encroachments in the area             staff stayed for some time as         Supreme Court would be doing              Mehta insisted the process is        Communal clashes broke out in the area on April 16. Archive
Monday morning.                         The bulldozer then moved          where the crowd and the bull-         other security personnel were         only that... This is too much.        followedandaddedthatthepeti-
    The day’s events played out     towards a two-storey building         dozer had assembled.                  dispersed.”                           Merely because we are showing         tionerismisrepresentingfactsto
infrontof arowof shops,includ-      which had shuttered shops on               Local resident Samir Khan             MCD officials earlier met po-    indulgence,don’ttakeshelterun-        createpoliticalhype.“Petitioners
ing branded retail stores, that
were closed.A large crowd gath-
ered around the bulldozer that
                                    the ground floor. While it
                                    attempted to take the scaffold-
                                    ing down, residents dismantled
                                                                          added: “The people here stand
                                                                          with the MCD and the adminis-
                                                                          tration in removing anything il-
                                                                                                                lice officers at Shaheen Bagh po-
                                                                                                                lice station to take stock of secu-
                                                                                                                rity arrangements. “We were
                                                                                                                                                      der the court’s orders.”
                                                                                                                                                          Justice Rao added: “We are
                                                                                                                                                                                            are misrepresenting that houses
                                                                                                                                                                                            are being demolished. There is a
                                                                                                                                                                                            letter and officers are present to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     MCD: Demolition was
stood near shops on the service
road alongside GD Birla Marg.
                                    it themselves. The bulldozer
                                    backed off and left soon after,
                                                                          legal, but we are not with them
                                                                          in the way they are going about
                                                                                                                told that a few shops near the 40
                                                                                                                feet road (where anti-CAA/NRC
                                                                                                                                                                                            tell Your Lordships that this is a
                                                                                                                                                                                            routine drive going on since long        routine, being given
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     communal colour
    Shaheen Bagh was at the         and security forces dispersed.        it right now. This is done to de-     protestswereheldin2019)were           behestofpoliticalpartieslikethis.”    andthosewhohaveoccupiedthe
centre of protests against the          The drive, which started          fame Shaheen Bagh. We see             illegal and encroaching on the            AppearingfortheCPI(M),sen-        pavementandpublicroadarebe-
Citizenship Amendment Bill in       around11.30am,stoppedat1.30           bulldozers being used freely by       streets. However, before anyone       ior advocate P V Surendranath         ing removed... See what kind of
2019-2020, as residents gath-       pm. Mohammad Saleem, vice-            this government, in Uttar             couldreachthe spot,localsgath-        said the plea was in public inter-    misrepresentations are going on
ered on the streets for months.     president of the Shaheen Bagh         Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and in        eredinfrontof thebulldozerand         est,butthebenchwonderedwhy            tocreateapoliticalhype,”hesaid.                                                   or community was targeted”
    On Monday, as the bulldozer     RWA, who helpeddismantle the          Delhi. Is this country run by the     protested,” said another officer                                                                                     EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE                     and said that “when a road or
inched forward, it was initially    scaffolding, said it had been put     Constitution, or by bulldozers?”      posted in the Southeast district.                                                                                    NEW DELHI, MAY 9                         footpath is cleared, the process
blocked by representatives of       up temporarily for the building            Blaming AAP and Congress              The protests led to traffic                                                                                                                              goes on from one end to another
the Congress. Protesters, includ-   to be whitewashed. “Locals dis-       leaders, SDMC Mayor Mukkesh           snarls at Shaheen Bagh, Kalindi                                                                                      STATING THAT its anti-en-                withoutanydistinctionof there-
ing Okhla Block Congress            mantled it themselves... There is     Suryaan said, “The main reason        Kunj, Sarita Vihar and Mathura                                                                                       croachment drive in Delhi’s              ligion or owner occupier who
Committee president Parvez          no issue of encroachments any-        for stopping the drive was that       Road. “We had to deploy extra                                                                                        Jahangirpuri was carried out in          has unauthorisedly occupied
Alam, sat in front of the bull-     where here. If they haven’t           AAP and Congress leaders              staff to ensure commuters don’t                                                                                      compliance with directions of            footpath or public land”.
dozer in an effort to prevent the   cleared anything, and nothing         wanted rioting... We did not          suffer. We diverted a few vehi-                                                                                      the Delhi High Court, the North              The petitioners had con-
drive.Alamwasputintoabusby          was demolished, then what en-         want that... We only wanted to        cles from Shaheen Bagh to GD                                                                                         Delhi Municipal Corporation              tended that the drive was con-
police and driven away. People      croachment was here to begin          complete our job.”                    Birla Marg and other places such                                                                                     (NDMC) has accused the Jamiat            ducted to target Muslims in the
alsomarchedalongsidethebull-        with?” he said.                            He said the drive was only       as Crowne Plaza. We kept one of                                                                                      Ulama-i-Hind and others, who             wakeof riotousincidentsfollow-
dozer as it moved forward, slo-         A shop owner in the building      against encroachment on roads         the carriageways in Shaheen                                                                                          approached the Supreme Court             ing a Hanuman Jayanti shobha
ganeeringagainstDelhiBJPpres-       where the scaffolding was re-         like extended temporary struc-        Baghopenforcommuters.Buses                                                                                           against this, of “giving it an un-       yatra on April 16.
ident Adesh Gupta. AAP MLA          moved, said, “Does anyone care        tures: “People in the area have       and trucks were asked to use                                                                                         warranted communal colour”.                  The affidavit rejected the
Amanatullah Khan who repre-         about us? It feels like a circus      asked for 3-4 days to remove all      Mathura road and avoid the            Residents dismantled a scaffolding themselves. Abhinav Saha                        In an affidavit filed before         charge and this was being done
sents Okhla, joined the crowd       here. The MCD was here to scare       encroachments. We have given          area,” said an officer.                                                                                              the top court, the NDMC also             to stall the lawful exercise of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     said that after the status quo or-       powers by the NDMC “by delib-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     der by the court, “in most of the        erately tendering misleading

FIR against Amanatullah Khan UGC raps private university over                                                                                                                                                                        places the position before the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     exercise has re-occurred” and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     “those who were removed from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              submissions and by giving it a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              political colour”. It pointed out

                                    against public servant).”
                                    the SDMC’s Central Zone filed
                                                                          from AAP and Congress who
                                                                          “disrupted” the demolition
                                                                          drive. Delhi BJP president Adesh
                                                                                                                question in political science paper                                                                                  the public road have come back
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and have occupied footpath
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     public road again”.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ducted in the same and neigh-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              bouring areas even before.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The civic body also said that
                                    thecomplaint.Khancouldnotbe           Gupta wrote to the commis-                                                  connection with the question          shouldnothavebeenasked,”the                  The NDMC said the petition-          in PILs before it, the HC had is-
POLICE HAVE registered an FIR       reached for a comment.                sioner afterthe drive washalted.      EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE                  that recently appeared in the         UGC secretary wrote.                     ers had misrepresented that the          sued various directions for re-
against AAP MLA Amanatullah             Earlier in the day, Khan had          BJP leader Kapil Mishra said      NEW DELHI, MAY 9                      first-yearBAPoliticalSciencepa-           Asthequestionsparkedarow,            properties were demolished               movalof encroachmentfromthe
Khan for allegedly stopping the     said, “There are no encroach-         thatinplaceslikeShaheenBagh,                                                per of the institution.               theUniversityhadissuedastate-            without giving notice and that           roads and footpaths etc since
SDMC-led demolition drive at        ments in the area. These are all      the rule of law is not being en-      AN EXAM question asking stu-              On Monday, in a letter to the     mentlastFridaysayingthatithas            this was done selectively target-        they curtail the right to freedom
Shaheen Bagh and using “force”      legal shops. Whatever small           forced.“AreaslikeShaheenBagh,         dents to share their observations     varsity’s Vice-Chancellor, UGC        constituted a three-member               ing a particular religion “with a        of movement of citizens.
againstofficials.Policesaiditwas    structures or kiosks were there       Jahangirpuri and Seemapuri,           on parallels between “Fascism/        secretary Rajnish Jain sought an      committee to look into the “pos-         view to create a prejudice and to            About the April 20 drive, it
lodged based on the complaint       in the market have already been       where there is no entry for the       Nazism and Hindutva” was              action taken report detailing the     sibility of bias in the questions”.      achieve some other object”.              said heaps/sacks of garbage,
from the civic body.                removed.TheMCDisonlytrying            Constitution,police,law,munic-        againstthe“spiritandethosofour        steps being taken to ensure               It also suspended the faculty            The civic body said the peti-        unauthorisedprojectiononpub-
   DCP(Southeast)EshaPandey         toshowtheirstrengthwiththis.”         ipal corporation — what should        countrywhichisknownforitsin-          “non-recurrence of such inci-         concernedandexpressedregret.             tioners “have unfortunately at-          licland,unauthorisedtemporary
said, “We lodged the FIR against        Senior police officers said 7     wesayabouttheseplaces?These           clusivity and homogeneity”, the       dents in the future”.                 The statement added that the             tempted to sensationalise a rou-         structures well beyond the
Khan and his supporters under       protesters were detained for ob-      placeshavebecomethehubof il-          University Grants Commission              “... asking students such         University is “totally averse to         tine administrative exercise by          boundary of houses and shops
IPC sections 186 (obstructing       struction and later released.         legalweapons,illegalbusinesses        (UGC)hastoldShardaUniversity.         questionsisagainstthespiritand        any line of thought which dis-           giving it an unwarranted com-            were removed for which no no-
public servant in discharge of          Earlier in the day, the BJP       andillegalimmigrants.Theseare            TheGreaterNoida-basedpri-          ethos of our country which is         torts the great national identity        munal colour”. It termed as “un-         ticeisnecessaryundertheprovi-
public functions) and 353 (as-      asked the SDMC Commissioner           likeminiPakistansbeingcreated         vate university last week sus-        known for its inclusivity and ho-     and the inclusive culture inher-         foundedandmotivated”the“as-              sions of the Delhi municipal
saulting or using criminal force    to take action against leaders        in Delhi and across the country.”     pended a faculty member in            mogeneity and such questions          ent in our national ethos”.              sertion that a particular religion       Corporation Act, 1957.

   Gurgaon: A 24-year-old
                                    Moti the elephant will continue staying in Yamuna Nagar: HC
   injuries after a man al-                                               thepetitionercomeswithsome-                                                                                       four elephants — Gangaram,               ing made thebestarrangements             that the well-being of the ele-
   legedly poured petrol on         EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE                  thingbetterin(its)interestwhich                                                                                   Dhonmati, Matti and Chandani.            for its transportation. The ele-         phant is important. Khan agreed
   her and set her on fire          NEW DELHI, MAY 9                      would be considered by the                                                                                            However,thegovernmenton              phant was to travel only during          to keep the elephant at the
   Monday.Policeregistered                                                court,” said Justice Najmi Waziri                                                                                 October 26, 2021, in a decision,         thenightandhaltateightplaces.            Yamuna Nagar facility after sub-
   anFIRagainsttheaccused.          WITHGUJARAT’SRadhaKrishan             in an order, after it was told that                                                                               hadsaidtheelephanthasbecome              While two wildlife guards and a          missions from Wildlife SOS
                                    Temple Elephant Welfare Trust         the Jamnagar facility has de-                                                                                     itspropertyandthepetitionerbe-           veterinary doctor were to ac-            which manages the same.
   Cashcollection                   decliningtoacceptMoti,afemale
                                                                          clined to accept the animal pos-
                                                                          sibly on account of its medical
                                                                                                                                                                                            for filing the petition. After the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     company the elephant, a total of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     23 persons and entities, whose
   agent robbed                     authorities from a private indi-
                                    vidual in 2017 in Delhi on ac-
                                                                          condition not being suitable for
                                                                          transportation to Gujarat.
                                                                                                                                                                                            court questioned its stand, the
                                                                                                                                                                                            government in February agreed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     assistance was required along
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     the route, had been intimated.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              court that the Yamuna Nagar fa-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              cility has rehabilitated various
   Noida: A cash collection         countof unsuitablestandardsfor            In the case before the court,                                                                                 to the translocation and decided              Justice Waziri observed,            kinds of animals and is spread
   agent was robbed of              itscareandupkeep,the58-year-          FarukhKhan, theson of the orig-                                                                                   to comply with the September             “Everything was done in this! I          across 400acres with water bod-
   nearly Rs 7 lakh by              old animal will continue to re-       inal owner of the elephant, had                                                                                   2021 order directing it to trans-        don’t think your forest depart-          ies.“Solongasnoarrangementis
   unidentified assailants          mainatarehabilitationcentrein         submitted that he wishes to                                                                                       port the animal to Jamnagar.             ment has worked this hard on             made,wearehappytotakecare,”
   Monday. Police said it ap-       Haryana’s Yamuna Nagar, the           transport Moti from Yamuna                                                                                            However, the court was told          anymatterintherecentpast,not             submitted John, adding there are
   pears the men were fol-          Delhi High Court said Monday.         Nagar to another place with bet-                                                                                  bythegovernmentMondaythat                in living memory”.                       five elephants there including
   lowing the agent. ENS                “Let Moti spend the remain-       ter amenities and to reunite it       Was taken away from a private individual in 2017                            the Gujarat facility has declined             AdvocateWajeehShafiq,rep-           Laxmi (now named Jasmine),
                                    der of herlife at Ban Santour, lest   with its erstwhile family of                                                                                      totaketheelephantdespitehav-             resenting Khan, told the court           Moti’s age-old companion.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        New Delhi
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