MCAP Every Student Every Attempt (ESEA) File Field Definitions - Version 1.0 MCAP 2021/2022

Page created by Benjamin Hunter
MCAP Every Student Every Attempt
(ESEA) File
Field Definitions

                  Version 1.0

                           MCAP 2021/2022
                           Science (MISA)

                           Every Student Every Attempt (ESEA File)
Document Revisions
Revision Date   Version   Description

7/12/2021       1.0       Initial Version with Science separate

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                                                          Copyright 2020, Pearson
The purpose of this document is to provide the comprehensive data of all students and all attempts.

Column Field Name                Field Field Definitions                        Valid Values          Notes or Test Content
   A    Customer Code             255   Pearson created unique ID to identify MARYLAND
                                                                              Must be in uppercase
   B    Organization Code         50    The Organization responsible for        Numeric 0-9
                                        administering the test for a student.

   C    Student ID                50    State assigned Student ID (SASID)       Numeric 0-9           Maryland Student Identifiers are 10 digits
                                                                                                      in length. Please ensure when creating a
                                        If loading a student without a State    NONE                  student, you are using the Maryland
                                        Student ID put “NONE” in this field.                          assigned SASID.
                                        The system will generate an ID that
                                        will start with N.                                            If the student is a temporary student or
                                                                                                      will never have a Maryland SASID the
                                                                                                      student’s ID will start with the letter N and
                                                                                                      will be created by Pearson Access.
   D    Local ID                  50    A unique LSS/LEA 24 assigned number Numeric 0-9
   E    First Name                255   The full legal first name given to a    Alpha
                                        person at birth, baptism, or through    Space
                                        legal change.
                                        Matching Criteria is case sensitive.
   F    Last Name                 255   The full legal last name borne in       Alpha
                                        common by members of a family.          Space
                                        Matching Criteria is case sensitive.

   G    Middle Name               255   The full legal first name given to a    Alpha
                                        person at birth, baptism, or through    Space
                                        legal change.
Column Field Name          Field Field Definitions                        Valid Values                                  Notes or Test Content
  H    Date of Birth        10   The month, day, and year on which a      mm/dd/yyyy
                                 person was born.                         m/d/yyyy

   I   Enrolled Grade       2    Actual grade student is enrolled to      03 = Third grade
                                 during testing administration.           04 = Fourth grade
                                                                          05 = Fifth grade
                                                                          06 = Sixth grade
                                                                          07 = Seventh grade
                                                                          08 = Eighth grade
                                                                          09 = Ninth grade
                                                                          10 = Tenth grade
                                                                          11 = Eleventh grade
                                                                          12 = Twelfth grade
  J    Student Email       255   Email address of student                 Blank
                                                                          Before the @: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, ., _, %, +, `,
                                                                          ~, /, #, $, !, &, ', *, =, ?, ^, {, |, }, -

                                                                          After the @
                                                                          A-Z, a-z, 0-9

                                                                         After the last period (.), 2-4 in length
                                                                         A-Z, a-z
  K    Reporting School    255   The Organization entered here will be Numeric 0-9
                                 used for aggregation of the student
                                 results. The student must be enrolled
                                 in both the organization testing at and
                                 the organization responsible for
                                 receiving the student results.
  L    Gender               1    The concept describing the biological F = Female
                                 traits that distinguish the males and   M = Male
                                 females of a species.                   X = Non-Binary
Column Field Name            Field Field Definitions                           Valid Values   Notes or Test Content
  M    American Indian or      1   A person having origins in any of the       Y = Yes
       Alaskan Native              original peoples of North and South         N = No
                                   America (including Central America),        Blank
                                   and who maintains cultural
                                   identification through tribal affiliation
                                   or community attachment.

  N    Asian                  1     A person having origins in any of the      Y = Yes
                                    original peoples of the Far East,          N = No
                                    Southeast Asia, or the Indian              Blank
                                    Subcontinent. This area includes, for
                                    example, Cambodia, China, India,
                                    Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the
                                    Philippine Islands, Thailand, and
  O    Black or African       1     A person having origins in any of the      Y = Yes
       American                     black racial groups of Africa.             N = No

  P    Native Hawaiian or     1     A person having origins in any of the      Y = Yes
       Pacific Islander             original peoples of Hawaii, Guam,          N = No
                                    Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.           Blank

  Q    White                  1     A person having origins in any of the      Y = Yes
                                    original peoples of Europe, Middle         N = No
                                    East, or North Africa.                     Blank
Column Field Name         Field Field Definitions                      Valid Values                                Notes or Test Content
  R    Multi-Race           1   A person having origins from different Y = Yes
                                racial backgrounds.                    N = No
                                If blank, Pearson will derive this if
                                more than two Ethnicities are
                                submitted with a Y.

  S    Hispanic Latino     1     A person who traces their origin or          Y = Yes
                                 descent to Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba,        N = No
                                 Central and South America, and other         Blank
                                 Spanish cultures, regardless of race.
  T    LEP                 1     An indication that a limited English         Y = Yes, currently receiving LEP
                                 proficient (LEP) student is served by        services
                                 an English language instruction              N = No, not receiving LEP services
                                 educational program supported with           E = Exited the program
                                 Title III of ESEA funds.                     Blank = Not specified
  U    Economically        1     An indicator of a student's eligibility to   Y = Yes
       Disadvantaged             receive Free or Reduced-Price Meals          N = No
                                 under the National School Lunch              Blank = Not specified
                                 Program. This includes students who
                                 are eligible through annual household
                                 applications, "identified students" in a
                                 Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)
                                 school or LEA, or students who are
                                 “directly certified”.
Column Field Name                Field Field Definitions                            Valid Values                           Notes or Test Content
  V    Federal Race/Ethnicity      1   Federal Race/Ethnicity                       1 = when only American Indian or
                                                                                    Alaskan Native is indicated
                                                                                    2 = when only Asian is indicated
                                                                                    3 = when only Black or African
                                                                                    American is indicated
                                                                                    4 = when only Hispanic or Latino is
                                                                                    indicated (regardless of any other
                                                                                    ethnicity being indicated)
                                                                                    5 = when only Native Hawaiian or
                                                                                    Pacific Islander is indicated
                                                                                    6 = when only white is indicated
                                                                                    7 = when more than one ethnicity
                                                                                    field is indicated, or multi-race is
                                                                                    8 = when no ethnicity field is
                                                                                    populated with a Y
  W    Student with               3     If a student has a disability and an IEP,   Y = Student receiving special
       Disability/504                   they are automatically covered by           education services
                                        Section 504. If a student has an IEP        N = Student not receiving special
                                        and needs academic interventions,           education services
                                        this should be included in their IEP.       E = Student exited special education
                                        The IEP is required to address ALL of a     services
                                        student’s needs that are related to the     2 = Code 504 student
                                        disability.                                 3 = Student exited special education
                                        See more at:                                service, but enrolled in 504
                                        Blank = Not specified
Column Field Name                    Field Field Definitions                       Valid Values                            Notes or Test Content
  X    Primary Disability Type         3   The major or overriding disability        AUT = Autism
                                           condition that best describes a           DB = Deaf-blindness
                                           person's impairment.                      DD = Developmental delay
                                                                                     EMN = Emotional disturbance
                                                                                     HI = Hearing impairment
                                                                                     ID = Intellectual Disability
                                                                                     MD = Multiple disabilities
                                                                                     OI = Orthopedic impairment
                                                                                     OHI = Other health impairment
                                                                                     SLD = Specific learning disability
                                                                                     SLI = Speech or language impairment
                                                                                     TBI = Traumatic brain injury
                                                                                     VI = Visual impairment
                                                                                     Blank = Not Specified
  Y    Limited English Proficient     1     LEP students who are in their first year Y = Yes
       Reading Exempt                       of enrollment in US schools may          N = No
                                            substitute their score on English        Blank
                                            Language Proficiency Test for reading
                                            test. LEP students must participate in
                                            reading test starting in their second
                                            year of enrollment in US schools.
  Z    Home LSS for LEA24             50    Required for LEA24 Schools – must be 01-23, 30, 32
                                            the public LSS of residence for the

  AA   Ship Report Organization       50    The Organization where the Individual Numeric 0-9
                                            Student Report (ISR) is to be shipped. Blank
                                            If Ship Report Organization is left
                                            blank, then the Reporting
                                            Organization will be the ship to
  AB   Growth Identifier              36                                           Alphanumeric
  AC   Limited English Proficient     10    Date LEP services began.               mm/dd/yyyy
       Eligible Begin Date                                                         m/d/yyyy
Column Field Name                  Field Field Definitions                       Valid Values   Notes or Test Content
  AD   Limited English Proficient   10   Date LEP services ended.                mm/dd/yyyy
       Eligible End Date                                                         m/d/yyyy
  AE   Special Education End       10    Date special education services         mm/dd/yyyy
       Date                              ended.                                  m/d/yyyy
  AF   English Language Entry      10    Date when the student entered any       mm/dd/yyyy
       Into the US                       US school for the first time.           m/d/yyyy
  AG   Extended Time - ELA         1     Extended time is provided to the        Y = Yes        ELA/L
                                         student.                                N = No
  AH   Extended Time – Math        1     Extended time is provided to the        Y = Yes        Mathematics
                                         student.                                N = No
  AI   Extended Time – Science     1     Extended time is provided to the        Y = Yes        Science
                                         student.                                N = No
  AJ   Extended Time – Social      1     Extended time is provided to the        Y = Yes        Social Studies
       Studies                           student.                                N = No
  AK   Frequent Breaks – ELA       1     Student is allowed to take breaks, at   Y = Yes        ELA/L
                                         their request, during the testing       N = No
                                         session.                                Blank
  AL   Frequent Breaks – Math      1     Student is allowed to take breaks, at   Y = Yes        Mathematics
                                         their request, during the testing       N = No
                                         session.                                Blank
 AM    Frequent Breaks –           1     Student is allowed to take breaks, at   Y = Yes        Science
       Science                           their request, during the testing       N = No
                                         session.                                Blank
Column Field Name                  Field Field Definitions                         Valid Values   Notes or Test Content
  AN   Frequent Breaks – Social      1   Student is allowed to take breaks, at     Y = Yes        Social Studies
       Studies                           their request, during the testing         N = No
                                         session.                                  Blank

  AO   Handheld Calculator –        1     The student is allowed to use a        Y = Yes          ELA/L
       ELA                                calculator as an accommodation,        N = No           (Calc/Tools-CALC SECT_MATH See
       (Calc/Tools-CALC                   including for items in test sections   Blank            Maryland Accommodations Manual 4d)
       SECT_MATH)                         designated as non-calculator sections.

  AP   Handheld Calculator –        1     The student is allowed to use a        Y = Yes          Mathematics
       Math                               calculator as an accommodation,        N = No           (Calc/Tools-CALC SECT_MATH See
       (Calc/Tools-CALC                   including for items in test sections   Blank            Maryland Accommodations Manual 4d)
       SECT_MATH)                         designated as non-calculator sections.

  AQ   Handheld Calculator –        1     The student is allowed to use a        Y = Yes          Science
       Science                            calculator as an accommodation,        N = No           (Calc/Tools-CALC SECT_MATH See
       (Calc/Tools-CALC                   including for items in test sections   Blank            Maryland Accommodations Manual 4d)
       SECT_MATH)                         designated as non-calculator sections.

  AR   Handheld Calculator –        1     The student is allowed to use a        Y = Yes          Social Studies
       Social Studies                     calculator as an accommodation,        N = No           (Calc/Tools-CALC SECT_MATH See
       (Calc/Tools-CALC                   including for items in test sections   Blank            Maryland Accommodations Manual 4d)
       SECT_MATH)                         designated as non-calculator sections.

  AS   Math Tools – ELA             1     The student is allowed to use an         Y = Yes        ELA/L
       (Calc/Tools-NON-CALC               arithmetic table (including              N = No         (Calc/Tools-NON-CALC SECT_MATH See
       SECT_MATH)                         addition/subtraction and/or              Blank          Maryland Accommodations Manual 4e)
                                          multiplication/division charts) and/or
                                          manipulatives may be used.
  AT   Math Tools – Math            1     The student is allowed to use an         Y = Yes        Mathematics
       (Calc/Tools-NON-CALC               arithmetic table (including              N = No         (Calc/Tools-NON-CALC SECT_MATH See
       SECT_MATH)                         addition/subtraction and/or              Blank          Maryland Accommodations Manual 4e)
                                          multiplication/division charts) and/or
                                          manipulatives may be used.
Column Field Name                   Field Field Definitions                         Valid Values   Notes or Test Content
  AU   Math Tools – Science           1   The student is allowed to use an          Y = Yes        Science
       (Calc/Tools-NON-CALC               arithmetic table (including               N = No         (Calc/Tools-NON-CALC SECT_MATH See
       SECT_MATH)                         addition/subtraction and/or               Blank          Maryland Accommodations Manual 4e)
                                          multiplication/division charts) and/or
                                          manipulatives may be used.
  AV   Math Tools – Social            1   The student is allowed to use an          Y = Yes        Social Studies
       Studies                            arithmetic table (including               N = No         (Calc/Tools-NON-CALC SECT_MATH See
       (Calc/Tools-NON-CALC               addition/subtraction and/or               Blank          Maryland Accommodations Manual 4e)
       SECT_MATH)                         multiplication/division charts) and/or
                                          manipulatives may be used.
 AW    Separate or Alternate          1   Student is tested in specially assigned   Y = Yes        ELA/L
       Testing Location – ELA             location.                                 N = No
  AX   Separate or Alternate         1     Student is tested in specially assigned Y = Yes         Mathematics
       Testing Location – Math             location.                               N = No
  AY   Separate or Alternate         1     Student is tested in specially assigned Y = Yes         Science
       Testing Location –                  location.                               N = No
       Science                                                                     Blank

  AZ   Separate or Alternate         1     Student is tested in specially assigned Y = Yes         Social Studies
       Testing Location – Social           location.                               N = No
       Studies                                                                     Blank

  BA   Small Group – ELA             1     Student is tested in a separate          Y = Yes        ELA/L
                                           location as a small group of students    N = No
                                           with matching accessibility features,    Blank
                                           accommodations, or testing needs as
  BB   Small Group – Math            1     Student is tested in a separate          Y = Yes        Mathematics
                                           location as a small group of students    N = No
                                           with matching accessibility features,    Blank
                                           accommodations, or testing needs as
Column Field Name                  Field Field Definitions                           Valid Values   Notes or Test Content
  BC   Small Group – Science         1   Student is tested in a separate             Y = Yes        Science
                                         location as a small group of students       N = No
                                         with matching accessibility features,       Blank
                                         accommodations, or testing needs as
  BD   Small Group – Social          1   Student is tested in a separate             Y = Yes        Social Studies
       Studies                           location as a small group of students       N = No
                                         with matching accessibility features,       Blank
                                         accommodations, or testing needs as
  BE   Special Equipment or          1   Student is provided specialized             Y = Yes        ELA/L
       Furniture – ELA                   equipment or furniture needed for a         N = No
                                         successful testing environment (e.g.,       Blank
                                         low lighting; adaptive seat).
  BF   Special Equipment or          1   Student is provided specialized             Y = Yes        Mathematics
       Furniture – Math                  equipment or furniture needed for a         N = No
                                         successful testing environment (e.g.,       Blank
                                         low lighting; adaptive seat).
  BG   Special Equipment or          1   Student is provided specialized             Y = Yes        Science
       Furniture – Science               equipment or furniture needed for a         N = No
                                         successful testing environment (e.g.,       Blank
                                         low lighting; adaptive seat).
  BH   Special Equipment or          1   Student is provided specialized             Y = Yes        Social Studies
       Furniture – Social Studies        equipment or furniture needed for a         N = No
                                         successful testing environment (e.g.,       Blank
                                         low lighting; adaptive seat).
  BI   Specified Area Setting –      1   Student is tested in a specialized area     Y = Yes        ELA/L
       ELA                               or setting (e.g., front of the classroom,   N = No
                                         seat near the door, library, etc.).         Blank
  BJ   Specified Area Setting –      1     Student is tested in a specialized area Y = Yes          Mathematics
       Math                                or setting (e.g., front of the classroom, N = No
                                           seat near the door, library, etc.).       Blank
  BK   Specified Area Setting –      1     Student is tested in a specialized area Y = Yes          Science
       Science                             or setting (e.g., front of the classroom, N = No
                                           seat near the door, library, etc.).       Blank
Column Field Name                  Field Field Definitions                           Valid Values   Notes or Test Content
  BL   Specified Area Setting –      1   Student is tested in a specialized area     Y = Yes        Social Studies
       Social Studies                    or setting (e.g., front of the classroom,   N = No
                                         seat near the door, library, etc.).         Blank

 BM    Student Read Aloud –         1     The student reads the assessment           Y = Yes        ELA/L
       ELA                                aloud to themselves and may use an         N = No
                                          external device such as a whisper          Blank
                                          Note: The student must be tested in a
                                          separate setting.
  BN   Student Read Aloud –         1     The student reads the assessment           Y = Yes        Mathematics
       Math                               aloud to themselves and may use an         N = No
                                          external device such as a whisper          Blank
                                          Note: The student must be tested in a
                                          separate setting.

  BO   Student Read Aloud –         1     The student reads the assessment           Y = Yes        Science
       Science                            aloud to themselves and may use an         N = No
                                          external device such as a whisper          Blank
                                          Note: The student must be tested in a
                                          separate setting.
  BP   Student Read Aloud –         1     The student reads the assessment           Y = Yes        Social Studies
       Social Studies                     aloud to themselves and may use an         N = No
                                          external device such as a whisper          Blank
                                          Note: The student must be tested in a
                                          separate setting.
  BQ   Temporary                   255    An emergency accommodation for a           Text Entry     ELA/L
       Accommodation – ELA                student who incurs a temporary             
                                          disabling condition that interferes
                                          with test performance shortly before
                                          or during the assessment window.
Column Field Name                Field Field Definitions                       Valid Values   Notes or Test Content
  BR   Temporary                 255 An emergency accommodation for a          Text Entry     Mathematics
       Accommodation – Math            student who incurs a temporary          
                                       disabling condition that interferes
                                       with test performance shortly before
                                       or during the assessment window.
  BS   Temporary                 255 An emergency accommodation for a          Text Entry     Science
       Accommodation –                 student who incurs a temporary          
       Science                         disabling condition that interferes
                                       with test performance shortly before
                                       or during the assessment window.
  BT   Temporary                 255 An emergency accommodation for a          Text Entry     Social Studies
       Accommodation – Social          student who incurs a temporary          
       Studies                         disabling condition that interferes
                                       with test performance shortly before
                                       or during the assessment window.
  BU   Time of Day – ELA           1   Student is tested during a specific     Y = Yes        ELA/L
                                       time of day based on their individual   N = No
                                       needs.                                  Blank
  BV   Time of Day – Math          1   Student is tested during a specific     Y = Yes        Mathematics
                                       time of day based on their individual   N = No
                                       needs.                                  Blank
 BW    Time of Day – Science       1   Student is tested during a specific     Y = Yes        Science
                                       time of day based on their individual   N = No
                                       needs.                                  Blank
  BX   Time of Day – Social        1   Student is tested during a specific     Y = Yes        Social Studies
       Studies                         time of day based on their individual   N = No
                                       needs.                                  Blank
Column Field Name              Field Field Definitions                         Valid Values   Notes or Test Content
  BY   Unique Accommodation    255 An accommodation required for a             Text Entry     ELA/L
       – ELA                         student with a disability or an English   
                                     Learner that is not listed in the MCAP
                                     Accessibility Features and
                                     Accommodations Manual, but is
                                     identified in the student’s IEP, 504
                                     plan or ELA plan if approved by the
                                     Note: Unique accommodations must
                                     be submitted at least 6 weeks prior to
                                     testing to allow adequate time for the
                                     state to determine a final decision.
  BZ   Unique Accommodation    255 An accommodation required for a             Text Entry     Mathematics
       – Math                        student with a disability or an English   
                                     Learner that is not listed in the MCAP
                                     Accessibility Features and
                                     Accommodations Manual, but is
                                     identified in the student’s IEP, 504
                                     plan or ELA plan if approved by the
                                     Note: Unique accommodations must
                                     be submitted at least 6 weeks prior to
                                     testing to allow adequate time for the
                                     state to determine a final decision.
  CA   Unique Accommodation    255 An accommodation required for a             Text Entry     Science
       – Science                     student with a disability or an English   
                                     Learner that is not listed in the MCAP
                                     Accessibility Features and
                                     Accommodations Manual, but is
                                     identified in the student’s IEP, 504
                                     plan or ELA plan if approved by the
                                     Note: Unique accommodations must
                                     be submitted at least 6 weeks prior to
                                     testing to allow adequate time for the
                                     state to determine a final decision.
Column Field Name              Field Field Definitions                         Valid Values     Notes or Test Content
  CB   Unique Accommodation    255 An accommodation required for a             Text Entry       Social Studies
       – Social Studies              student with a disability or an English   
                                     Learner that is not listed in the MCAP
                                     Accessibility Features and
                                     Accommodations Manual, but is
                                     identified in the student’s IEP, 504
                                     plan or ELA plan if approved by the
                                     Note: Unique accommodations must
                                     be submitted at least 6 weeks prior to
                                     testing to allow adequate time for the
                                     state to determine a final decision.
  CC   TTS – ELA                 2   TTS enabled version of the computer-      TX               ELA/L
                                     based test read aloud to student. For     GR
                                     ELA/L the student will always receive     N
                                     Text + Graphics if they are assigned a    
                                     TTS form.
  CD   TTS – Math                2   TTS enabled version of the computer-    TX                 Mathematics
                                     based test read aloud to student.       GR
  CE   TTS – Science            2     TTS enabled version of the computer- TX                   Science
                                      based test read aloud to student. For GR
                                      Science the student will always        N
                                      receive Text + Graphics if they are    
                                      assigned a TTS form.
  CF   TTS – Social Studies     2     TTS enabled version of the computer- TX                   Social Studies
                                      based test read aloud to student. For GR
                                      Social Studies the student will always N
                                      receive Text + Graphics if they are    
                                      assigned a TTS form.
  CG   Assistive Capturing      16    The student's response is captured by SpeechToText        ELA/L
       Responses – ELA                an external Speech to Text device,     HumanScribe
                                      external AT device, Human Scribe or HumanSigner
                                      Signer for Constructed Response,       ExternalATDevice
                                      Selected Response, Technology          
                                      Enhanced, item types.
Column Field Name              Field Field Definitions                       Valid Values       Notes or Test Content
  CH   Assistive Capturing      16   The student's response is captured by   SpeechToText       Mathematics
       Responses – Math              an external Speech to Text device,      HumanScribe
                                     external AT device, Human Scribe or     HumanSigner
                                     Signer for Constructed Response,        ExternalATDevice
                                     Selected Response, Technology           
                                     Enhanced, item types.
  CI   Assistive Capturing      16   The student's response is captured by   SpeechToText       Science
       Responses – Science           an external Speech to Text device,      HumanScribe
                                     external AT device, Human Scribe or     HumanSigner
                                     Signer for Constructed Response,        ExternalATDevice
                                     Selected Response, Technology           
                                     Enhanced, item types.
  CJ   Assistive Capturing      16   The student's response is captured by   SpeechToText       Social Studies
       Responses – Social            an external Speech to Text device,      HumanScribe
       Studies                       external AT device, Human Scribe or     HumanSigner
                                     Signer for Constructed Response,        ExternalATDevice
                                     Selected Response, Technology           
                                     Enhanced, item types.
  CK   Dictionary – ELA          1   The student uses a published            Y = Yes            ELA/L
                                     bilingual, word-to-word hand-held       N = No
                                     dictionary that does not include        Blank
                                     definitions, phrases, sentences, or
  CL   Dictionary – Math         1   The student uses a published            Y = Yes            Mathematics
                                     bilingual, word-to-word hand-held       N = No
                                     dictionary that does not include        Blank
                                     definitions, phrases, sentences, or
 CM    Dictionary – Science      1   The student uses a published            Y = Yes            Science
                                     bilingual, word-to-word hand-held       N = No
                                     dictionary that does not include        Blank
                                     definitions, phrases, sentences, or
  CN   Dictionary – Social       1   The student uses a published            Y = Yes            Social Studies
       Studies                       bilingual, word-to-word hand-held       N = No
                                     dictionary that does not include        Blank
                                     definitions, phrases, sentences, or
Column Field Name                Field Field Definitions                        Valid Values   Notes or Test Content
  CO   Human Signer – ELA          1   The test is signed to the student by     Y = Yes        ELA/L
                                       the test administrator.                  N = No
  CP   Human Signer – Math        1     The test is signed to the student by    Y = Yes        Mathematics
                                        the test administrator.                 N = No
  CQ   Human Signer – Science     1     The test is signed to the student by    Y = Yes        Science
                                        the test administrator.                 N = No
  CR   Human Signer – Social      1     The test is signed to the student by    Y = Yes        Social Studies
       Studies                          the test administrator.                 N = No
  CS   Human Read Aloud – ELA     1     The test is read aloud to the student   Y = Yes        ELA/L
                                        by the test administrator.              N = No
  CT   Human Read Aloud –         1     The test is read aloud to the student   Y = Yes        Mathematics
       Math                             by the test administrator.              N = No
                                        Note: Spanish Transadaptation is        Blank
                                        available with Human Reader for
                                        Mathematics, Science, or Social
                                        Studies. To receive this
                                        accommodation, populate column DF
                                        with “spanish”.
  CU   Human Read Aloud –         1     The test is read aloud to the student Y = Yes          Science
       Science                          by the test administrator.            N = No
                                        Note: Spanish Transadaptation is      Blank
                                        available with Human Reader for
                                        Mathematics, Science, or Social
                                        Studies. To receive this
                                        accommodation, populate column DF
                                        with “spanish”.
Column Field Name               Field Field Definitions                        Valid Values   Notes or Test Content
  CV   Human Read Aloud –         1   The test is read aloud to the student    Y = Yes        Social Studies
       Social Studies                 by the test administrator.               N = No
                                      Note: Spanish Transadaptation is         Blank
                                      available with Human Reader for
                                      Mathematics, Science, or Social
                                      Studies. To receive this
                                      accommodation, populate column DF
                                      with “spanish”.
 CW    Human Signer Test          1   The test directions are signed to the    Y = Yes        ELA/L
       Directions – ELA               student by the test administrator.       N = No
  CX   Human Signer Test         1     The test directions are signed to the   Y = Yes        Mathematics
       Directions – Math               student by the test administrator.      N = No
  CY   Human Signer Test         1     The test directions are signed to the   Y = Yes        Science
       Directions – Science            student by the test administrator.      N = No
  CZ   Human Signer Test         1     The test directions are signed to the   Y = Yes        Social Studies
       Directions – Social             student by the test administrator.      N = No
       Studies                                                                 Blank

  DA   Human Read Aloud Test     1     The test directions are read aloud to Y = Yes          ELA/L
       Directions – ELA                the student by the test administrator. N = No
  DB   Human Read Aloud Test     1     The test directions are read aloud to Y = Yes          Mathematics
       Directions – Math               the student by the test administrator. N = No
  DC   Human Read Aloud Test     1     The test directions are read aloud to Y = Yes          Science
       Directions – Science            the student by the test administrator. N = No
  DD   Human Read Aloud Test     1     The test directions are read aloud to Y = Yes          Social Studies
       Directions – Social             the student by the test administrator. N = No
       Studies                                                                Blank

  DE   Language                  7     Used to assign the form administered spanish           ELA/L
       Transadaptation – ELA           for testing based on another language 
                                       other than English.
Column Field Name                   Field Field Definitions                          Valid Values   Notes or Test Content
  DF   Language                       7   Used to assign the form administered       spanish        Mathematics
       Transadaptation – Math             for testing based on another language      
                                          other than English.
  DG   Language                       7   Used to assign the form administered       spanish        Science
       Transadaptation –                  for testing based on another language      
       Science                            other than English.

  DH   Language                      7     Used to assign the form administered spanish             Social Studies
       Transadaptation – Social            for testing based on another language 
       Studies                             other than English.

  DI   Test Direction Native         1     The test administrator reads aloud        Y = Yes        ELA/L
       Language – ELA                      and repeats as needed test directions     N = No
                                           or clarifies general administration       Blank
                                           instructions in the student’s native
  DJ   Test Direction Native         1     The test administrator reads aloud        Y = Yes        Mathematics
       Language – Math                     and repeats as needed test directions     N = No
                                           or clarifies general administration       Blank
                                           instructions in the student’s native
  DK   Test Direction Native         1     The test administrator reads aloud        Y = Yes        Science
       Language – Science                  and repeats as needed test directions     N = No
                                           or clarifies general administration       Blank
                                           instructions in the student’s native
  DL   Test Direction Native         1     The test administrator reads aloud        Y = Yes        Social Studies
       Language – Social Studies           and repeats as needed test directions     N = No
                                           or clarifies general administration       Blank
                                           instructions in the student’s native
 DM    Word Prediction – ELA         1     The student uses a word prediction        Y = Yes        ELA/L
                                           external device that provides a bank      N = No
                                           of frequently or recently-used words      Blank
                                           as a result of the student entering the
                                           first few letters of a word.
Column Field Name                  Field Field Definitions                         Valid Values   Notes or Test Content
  DN   Word Prediction – Math        1   The student uses a word prediction        Y = Yes        Mathematics
                                         external device that provides a bank      N = No
                                         of frequently or recently-used words      Blank
                                         as a result of the student entering the
                                         first few letters of a word.
  DO   Word Prediction –             1   The student uses a word prediction        Y = Yes        Science
       Science                           external device that provides a bank      N = No
                                         of frequently or recently-used words      Blank
                                         as a result of the student entering the
                                         first few letters of a word.
  DP   Word Prediction – Social      1   The student uses a word prediction        Y = Yes        Social Studies
       Studies                           external device that provides a bank      N = No
                                         of frequently or recently-used words      Blank
                                         as a result of the student entering the
                                         first few letters of a word.
 DQ    Answers Recorded – ELA        1   Grades 4-8 and 10, the student            Y = Yes        ELA/L
                                         records answers directly in the test      N = No
                                         book. Responses must be transcribed       Blank
                                         verbatim in an answer document.
                                         Responses that have not been
                                         transcribed will not be scored.
  DR   Answers Recorded –            1   Grades 4-8 and High School, the           Y = Yes        Mathematics
       Math                              student records answers directly in       N = No
                                         the test book. Responses must be          Blank
                                         transcribed verbatim in an answer
                                         document. Responses that have not
                                         been transcribed will not be scored.
  DS   Answers Recorded –            1   The student records answers directly      Y = Yes        Science
       Science                           in the test book. Responses must be       N = No
                                         transcribed verbatim in another test      Blank
                                         book. Responses that have not been
                                         transcribed will not be scored.
  DT   Answers Recorded –            1   The student records answers directly      Y = Yes        Social Studies
       Social Studies                    in the test book. Responses must be       N = No
                                         transcribed verbatim in another test      Blank
                                         book. Responses that have not been
                                         transcribed will not be scored.
Column Field Name               Field Field Definitions                      Valid Values   Notes or Test Content
  DU   Monitor Test Response –    1   The test administrator or assigned     Y = Yes        ELA/L
       ELA                            accommodator monitors proper           N = No
                                      placement of student responses on a    Blank
                                      test booklet/answer document or
                                      within a computer-based test. The
                                      test examiner or assigned
                                      accommodator cannot assist the
                                      student with changing a response.
  DV   Monitor Test Response –    1   The test administrator or assigned     Y = Yes        Mathematics
       Math                           accommodator monitors proper           N = No
                                      placement of student responses on a    Blank
                                      test booklet/answer document or
                                      within a computer-based test. The
                                      test examiner or assigned
                                      accommodator cannot assist the
                                      student with changing a response.
 DW    Monitor Test Response –    1   The test administrator or assigned     Y = Yes        Science
       Science                        accommodator monitors proper           N = No
                                      placement of student responses on a    Blank
                                      test booklet/answer document or
                                      within a computer-based test. The
                                      test examiner or assigned
                                      accommodator cannot assist the
                                      student with changing a response.
  DX   Monitor Test Response –    1   The test administrator or assigned     Y = Yes        Social Studies
       Social Studies                 accommodator monitors proper           N = No
                                      placement of student responses on a    Blank
                                      test booklet/answer document or
                                      within a computer-based test. The
                                      test examiner or assigned
                                      accommodator cannot assist the
                                      student with changing a response.
  DY   American Sign Language     1   Used to assign the form administered   Y = Yes        ELA/L
       – ELA                          for computer-based testing. American   N = No
                                      Sign Language content is provided to   Blank
                                      the student by a human signer
                                      through a video.
Column Field Name                Field Field Definitions                         Valid Values   Notes or Test Content
  DZ   American Sign Language      1   Used to assign the form administered      Y = Yes        Mathematics
       – Math                          for computer-based testing. American      N = No
                                       Sign Language content is provided to      Blank
                                       the student by a human signer
                                       through a video.
  EA   American Sign Language      1   Used to assign the form administered      Y = Yes        Science
       – Science                       for computer-based testing. American      N = No
                                       Sign Language content is provided to      Blank
                                       the student by a human signer
                                       through a video.
  EB   American Sign Language      1   Used to assign the form administered      Y = Yes        Social Studies
       – Social Studies                for computer-based testing. American      N = No
                                       Sign Language content is provided to      Blank
                                       the student by a human signer
                                       through a video.
  EC   Closed Caption – ELA        1   Used to assign the form administered      Y = Yes        ELA/L
                                       for computer-based testing. Closed        N = No
                                       Captioning and subtitling are both        Blank
                                       processes of displaying text on a
                                       television, video screen, or other
                                       visual display to provide additional or
                                       interpretive information.
  ED   Closed Caption – Math       1   Used to assign the form administered      Y = Yes        Mathematics
                                       for computer-based testing. Closed        N = No
                                       Captioning and subtitling are both        Blank
                                       processes of displaying text on a
                                       television, video screen, or other
                                       visual display to provide additional or
                                       interpretive information.
  EE   Closed Caption – Science    1   Used to assign the form administered      Y = Yes        Science
                                       for computer-based testing. Closed        N = No
                                       Captioning and subtitling are both        Blank
                                       processes of displaying text on a
                                       television, video screen, or other
                                       visual display to provide additional or
                                       interpretive information.
Column Field Name                  Field Field Definitions                         Valid Values   Notes or Test Content
  EF   Closed Caption – Social       1   Used to assign the form administered      Y = Yes        Social Studies
       Studies                           for computer-based testing. Closed        N = No
                                         Captioning and subtitling are both        Blank
                                         processes of displaying text on a
                                         television, video screen, or other
                                         visual display to provide additional or
                                         interpretive information.
  EG   Refreshable Braille           1   Used to assign a computer-based form      Y = Yes        ELA/L
       Display – ELA                     for Braille in conjunction with Screen    N = No
                                         Reader. Student uses external device      Blank
                                         which converts the text from the
                                         Screen Reader into Braille.
  EH   Refreshable Braille           1   Used to assign a computer-based form      Y = Yes        Mathematics
       Display – Math                    for Braille in conjunction with Screen    N = No
                                         Reader. Student uses external device      Blank
                                         which converts the text from the
                                         Screen Reader into Braille.
  EI   Refreshable Braille           1   Used to assign a computer-based form      Y = Yes        Science
       Display – Science                 for Braille in conjunction with Screen    N = No
                                         Reader. Student uses external device      Blank
                                         which converts the text from the
                                         Screen Reader into Braille.
  EJ   Refreshable Braille           1   Used to assign a computer-based form      Y = Yes        Social Studies
       Display – Social Studies          for Braille in conjunction with Screen    N = No
                                         Reader. Student uses external device      Blank
                                         which converts the text from the
                                         Screen Reader into Braille.
  EK   Answer Masking – ELA          1   Specifies the option to have answer       Y = Yes        ELA/L
                                         choices for multiple-choice items         N = No
                                         covered.                                  Blank
                                         This is available & enabled for ALL
                                         students taking the computer-based
Column Field Name                 Field Field Definitions                         Valid Values   Notes or Test Content
  EL   Answer Masking – Math        1   Specifies the option to have answer       Y = Yes        Mathematics
                                        choices for multiple-choice items         N = No
                                        covered.                                  Blank
                                        This is available & enabled for ALL
                                        students taking the computer-based
 EM    Answer Masking –             1   Specifies the option to have answer       Y = Yes        Science
       Science                          choices for multiple-choice items         N = No
                                        covered.                                  Blank
                                        This is available & enabled for ALL
                                        students taking the computer-based
  EN   Answer Masking – Social      1   Specifies the option to have answer       Y = Yes        Social Studies
       Studies                          choices for multiple-choice items         N = No
                                        covered.                                  Blank
                                        This is available & enabled for ALL
                                        students taking the computer-based
  EO   Assistive Technology         1   Screen Reader Assistive Technology is     Y = Yes        ELA/L
       Screen Readers – ELA             form tagged to support the Screen         N = No
                                        Reader use and is used to deliver the     Blank
                                        computer-based test form.
                                        Screen Reader Assistive Technology is
                                        a 3rd party external support intended
                                        for students who are blind. The
                                        Screen Reader is used for browser
                                        navigation and access to content.
                                        Examples: Jaws, NVDA, ChromeVOX. It
                                        can also be used in combination with
                                        a Refreshable Braille device for access
                                        and response.
Column Field Name                  Field Field Definitions                         Valid Values   Notes or Test Content
  EP   Assistive Technology          1   Screen Reader Assistive Technology is     Y = Yes        Mathematics
       Screen Readers – Math             form tagged to support the Screen         N = No
                                         Reader use and is used to deliver the     Blank
                                         computer-based test form.
                                         Screen Reader Assistive Technology is
                                         a 3rd party external support intended
                                         for students who are blind. The
                                         Screen Reader is used for browser
                                         navigation and access to content.
                                         Examples: Jaws, NVDA, ChromeVOX. It
                                         can also be used in combination with
                                         a Refreshable Braille device for access
                                         and response.

  EQ   Assistive Technology         1     Screen Reader Assistive Technology is Y = Yes           Science
       Screen Readers – Science           form tagged to support the Screen       N = No
                                          Reader use and is used to deliver the Blank
                                          computer-based test form.
                                          Screen Reader Assistive Technology is
                                          a 3rd party external support intended
                                          for students who are blind. The
                                          Screen Reader is used for browser
                                          navigation and access to content.
                                          Examples: Jaws, NVDA, ChromeVOX. It
                                          can also be used in combination with
                                          a Refreshable Braille device for access
                                          and response.
Column Field Name                 Field Field Definitions                         Valid Values   Notes or Test Content
  ER   Assistive Technology         1   Screen Reader Assistive Technology is     Y = Yes        Social Studies
       Screen Readers – Social          form tagged to support the Screen         N = No
       Studies                          Reader use and is used to deliver the     Blank
                                        computer-based test form.
                                        Screen Reader Assistive Technology is
                                        a 3rd party external support intended
                                        for students who are blind. The
                                        Screen Reader is used for browser
                                        navigation and access to content.
                                        Examples: Jaws, NVDA, ChromeVOX. It
                                        can also be used in combination with
                                        a Refreshable Braille device for access
                                        and response.

  ES   Assistive Technology        1     Assistive Technology - Non-Screen        Y = Yes        ELA/L
       NonScreen Readers –               Reader - Assistive Technology            N = No
       ELA                               Application (Examples: Co:Writer,        Blank
                                         Read&Write Gold) used to deliver
                                         computer-based test form.
                                         Assistive technology that provides
                                         magnification or word prediction
                                         assistive technology support that
                                         requires security pass through to
                                         interact with TestNav.
  ET   Assistive Technology        1     Assistive Technology - Non-Screen        Y = Yes        Mathematics
       NonScreen Readers –               Reader - Assistive Technology            N = No
       Math                              Application (Examples: Co:Writer,        Blank
                                         Read&Write Gold) used to deliver
                                         computer-based test form.
                                         Assistive technology that provides
                                         magnification or word prediction
                                         assistive technology support that
                                         requires security pass through to
                                         interact with TestNav.
Column Field Name              Field Field Definitions                        Valid Values   Notes or Test Content
  EU   Assistive Technology      1   Assistive Technology - Non-Screen        Y = Yes        Science
       NonScreen Readers –           Reader - Assistive Technology            N = No
       Science                       Application (Examples: Co:Writer,        Blank
                                     Read&Write Gold) used to deliver
                                     computer-based test form.
                                     Assistive technology that provides
                                     magnification or word prediction
                                     assistive technology support that
                                     requires security pass through to
                                     interact with TestNav.
  EV   Assistive Technology      1   Assistive Technology - Non-Screen        Y = Yes        Social Studies
       NonScreen Readers –           Reader - Assistive Technology            N = No
       Social Studies                Application (Examples: Co:Writer,        Blank
                                     Read&Write Gold) used to deliver
                                     computer-based test form.
                                     Assistive technology that provides
                                     magnification or word prediction
                                     assistive technology support that
                                     requires security pass through to
                                     interact with TestNav.
 EW    Electronic Braille        1   For a student who is blind or visually   Y = Yes        ELA/L
       Response – ELA                impaired, responses are captured by a    N = No
                                     Braille Writer or Note-taker.            Blank
  EX   Electronic Braille        1   For a student who is blind or visually   Y = Yes        Mathematics
       Response – Math               impaired, responses are captured by a    N = No
                                     Braille Writer or Note-taker.            Blank
  EY   Electronic Braille        1   For a student who is blind or visually   Y = Yes        Science
       Response – Science            impaired, responses are captured by a    N = No
                                     Braille Writer or Note-taker.            Blank
  EZ   Electronic Braille        1   For a student who is blind or visually   Y = Yes        Social Studies
       Response – Social             impaired, responses are captured by a    N = No
       Studies                       Braille Writer or Note-taker.            Blank
Column Field Name                  Field Field Definitions                          Valid Values     Notes or Test Content
  FA   Color Contrast – ELA         18   Defines access for preference to invert    black-cream      ELA/L
                                         the foreground and background              black-lblue
                                         colors.                                    black-lmagenta
  FB   Color Contrast – Math        18    Defines access for preference to invert   black-cream      Mathematics
                                          the foreground and background             black-lblue
                                          colors.                                   black-lmagenta
  FC   Color Contrast – Science     18    Defines access for preference to invert   black-cream      Science
                                          the foreground and background             black-lblue
                                          colors.                                   black-lmagenta
  FD   Color Contrast – Social      18    Defines access for preference to invert   black-cream      Social Studies
       Studies                            the foreground and background             black-lblue
                                          colors.                                   black-lmagenta
  FE   Color Overlay – ELA          1     Locally provided color overlay for the    Y = Yes          ELA/L
                                          student to place over their paper test.   N = No
  FF   Color Overlay – Math         1     Locally provided color overlay for the    Y = Yes          Mathematics
                                          student to place over their paper test.   N = No
Column Field Name                  Field Field Definitions                       Valid Values   Notes or Test Content
  FG   Color Overlay – Science       1   Locally provided color overlay for the Y = Yes         Science
                                         student to place over their paper test. N = No
  FH   Color Overlay – Social        1   Locally provided color overlay for the Y = Yes         Social Studies
       Studies                           student to place over their paper test. N = No
  FI   Braille Tactile Graphics –    1   A hard copy Braille test booklet is     Y = Yes        ELA/L
       ELA                               provided with embedded tactile          N = No
                                         graphics.                               Blank
  FJ   Braille Tactile Graphics –    1   A hard copy Braille test booklet is     Y = Yes        Mathematics
       Math                              provided with embedded tactile          N = No
                                         graphics.                               Blank
  FK   Braille Tactile Graphics –    1   A hard copy Braille test booklet is     Y = Yes        Science
       Science                           provided with embedded tactile          N = No
                                         graphics.                               Blank
  FL   Braille Tactile Graphics –    1   A hard copy Braille test booklet is     Y = Yes        Social Studies
       Social Studies                    provided with embedded tactile          N = No
                                         graphics.                               Blank
 FM    Alternate Representation      1   Student requires paper and pencil test Y = Yes         ELA/L
       Paper Test – ELA                  format as an approved                   N = No
                                         accommodation.                          Blank
  FN   Alternate Representation      1   Student requires paper and pencil test Y = Yes         Mathematics
       Paper Test – Math                 format as an approved                   N = No
                                         accommodation.                          Blank
                                         Note: Spanish Transadaptation is
                                         available with Human Reader for
                                         Mathematics, Science, or Social
                                         Studies. To receive this
                                         accommodation, populate column DF
                                         with “spanish”.
Column Field Name                Field Field Definitions                        Valid Values   Notes or Test Content
  FO   Alternate Representation    1   Student requires paper and pencil test   Y = Yes        Science
       Paper Test – Science            format as an approved                    N = No
                                       accommodation.                           Blank
                                       Note: Spanish Transadaptation is
                                       available with Human Reader for
                                       Mathematics, Science, or Social
                                       Studies. To receive this
                                       accommodation, populate column DF
                                       with “spanish”.
  FP   Alternate Representation    1   Student requires paper and pencil test   Y = Yes        Social Studies
       Paper Test – Social             format as an approved                    N = No
       Studies                         accommodation.                           Blank
                                       Note: Spanish Transadaptation is
                                       available with Human Reader for
                                       Mathematics, Science, or Social
                                       Studies. To receive this
                                       accommodation, populate column DF
                                       with “spanish”.
  FQ   Large Print – ELA           1   A Large Print test booklet is provided   Y = Yes        ELA/L
                                       with text increased 150% to an 18-       N = No
                                       point font.                              Blank
  FR   Large Print – Math          1   A Large Print test booklet is provided   Y = Yes        Mathematics
                                       with text increased 150% to an 18-       N = No
                                       point font.                              Blank
                                       Note: Spanish Transadaptation is
                                       available with Human Reader for
                                       Mathematics, Science, or Social
                                       Studies. To receive this
                                       accommodation, populate column DF
                                       with “spanish”.
Column Field Name               Field Field Definitions                        Valid Values   Notes or Test Content
  FS   Large Print – Science      1   A Large Print test booklet is provided   Y = Yes        Science
                                      with text increased 150% to an 18-       N = No
                                      point font.                              Blank
                                      Note: Spanish Transadaptation is
                                      available with Human Reader for
                                      Mathematics, Science, or Social
                                      Studies. To receive this
                                      accommodation, populate column DF
                                      with “spanish”.
  FT   Large Print – Social       1   A Large Print test booklet is provided   Y = Yes        Social Studies
       Studies                        with text increased 150% to an 18-       N = No
                                      point font.                              Blank
                                      Note: Spanish Transadaptation is
                                      available with Human Reader for
                                      Mathematics, Science, or Social
                                      Studies. To receive this
                                      accommodation, populate column DF
                                      with “spanish”.
  FU   Accommodations Misc –    N/A Holding place for additional               N/A            ELA/L
       ELA                            accommodations

  FV   Accommodations Misc –    N/A    Holding place for additional            N/A            Mathematics
       Math                            accommodations

 FW    Accommodations Misc –    N/A    Holding place for additional            N/A            Science
       Science                         accommodations

  FX   Accommodations Misc –    N/A    Holding place for additional            N/A            Social Studies
       Social Studies                  accommodations

  FY   Country Code              2     Shipping Country Code                   US

  FZ   State Abbreviation        2     Abbreviated version of the state        MD
Column Field Name                  Field Field Definitions                      Valid Values         Notes or Test Content
  GA   State Code                    2   State Code                             Md

  GB   State Name                   8     State Name                            MARYLAND

  GC   NCES ID                     N/A    NCES ID                               Numeric              NCES ID for the State

  GD   Enrolled LSS/LEA 24 Code     6     LSS/LEA24 code student is enrolled    Alphanumeric

  GE   Enrolled LSS/LEA 24         N/A    LSS/LEA24 name student is enrolled    Alphanumeric
       Name                                                                     -.
  GF   NCES ID                     N/A    NCES ID                               Alphanumeric         NCES ID for the District

  GG   Enrolled School Code         6     School code student is enrolled       Alphanumeric

  GH   Enrolled School Name        N/A    School name student is enrolled       Alphanumeric
  GI   NCES ID                     N/A    NCES ID                               Alphanumeric         NCES ID for the School

  GJ   Class Name                  N/A    Name of the class                     Alphanumeric
                                                                                Special characters

  GK   Unique Pearson Student      N/A    Element to uniquely identify a student Alphanumeric
       Id                                 across administrations years within a Special characters
Column Field Name               Field Field Definitions                      Valid Values                            Notes or Test Content
  GL   Student Record Status    N/A Status of student in Pearson Access      active

 GM    Student Organization     N/A   Holding place for additional student
       Data Section Misc              organization data

  GN   Test Status              N/A   Displayed status of student test       Pending
                                                                             Marked Complete
                                                                             Report Pending
                                                                             Submitted for Scoring
                                                                             Report Ready
                                                                             Requires Hand Scoring
                                                                             DNR Both
                                                                             DNR Individual
                                                                             DNR Summary
                                                                             Not Tested

                                                                             If student’s test attempt is removed
                                                                             from the session via the UI, the last
                                                                             status will have a suffix of the
Column Field Name                   Field Field Definitions                    Valid Values           Notes or Test Content
 GO    Exception Code               N/A Code entered for Void or Not Tested     FIRE-ALARM
                                          tests                                 DISTURBANCE
  GP   Test Attemptedness Flag      N/A   Shows if a student has met the rule   T                     T = True
                                          for attemptedness for the test        F                     F = False
                                                                                P                     P = Participated
 GQ    Test Received for Scoring    N/A   Date the test attempt was accepted    Numeric
                                          by Pearson                            -:
  GR   Test Last OE Score           N/A   Date the latest OE response score was Numeric
       Received                           received                              -:
  GS   Test Score Complete          N/A   Status indicating all OE response
                                          scores have been applied

  GT   Testing LSS/LEA 24 Code       6    LSS/LEA24 code of the organization   Numeric
                                          the student tested                   Blank

  GU   Testing LSS/LEA 24 Name      N/A   LSS/LEA24 name of the organization   A-Z
                                          the student tested                   a-z
                                                                               -‘ , . space
Column Field Name             Field Field Definitions                      Valid Values   Notes or Test Content
  GV   Testing School Code      6   School code of the organization the    Numeric
                                    student tested                         Blank

 GW    Testing School Name    N/A    School name of the organization the   A-Z
                                     student tested                        a-z
                                                                           -‘ , . space
  GX   Admin Code             N/A    Administration Code                   Alphanumeric

  GY   Admin Name             N/A    Administration name viewable in       Alphanumeric
                                     Pearson Access

  GZ   Assessment Year        N/A    Academic period                       0-9

  HA   Subject                N/A    Name of subject for assigned test     Alpha

  HB   Tested Grade            2     Grade level                           03
  HC   Test Group Name        N/A    Name of Form                          Alphanumeric

  HD   Test Group Code        N/A    Pearson internal reference            Alphanumeric
  HE   Test Group Ref id      N/A    Pearson internal reference            Alphanumeric
Column Field Name              Field Field Definitions                      Valid Values   Notes or Test Content
  HF   Scoring Test Code             Form Code                              ELA03

  HG   Scoring Form Code        18    Code associated to a test map         Alphanumeric

  HH   Form Format              1     Format of the test the student is     P              P = Paper
                                      taking                                E              E = Online
                                                                            A              A = CAT
  HI   Section Status          N/A    Name of the CBT section in progress   Alpha

  HJ   Session Name            N/A    Name of session                       Alphanumeric

  HK   Testing Window Start     10    Start date of test session window     YYYY-MM-DD
Column Field Name                  Field Field Definitions                          Valid Values   Notes or Test Content
  HL   Testing Window End           10   End date of test session window            YYYY-MM-DD

 HM    Test Start Date Time        N/A   Test start time                            YYYY-MM-DD     CBT: Online Test End Date
                                                                                    HH:MM:SS       PBT: Date Answer Document was scanned

  HN   Test End Date Time          N/A   Test end date time                         YYYY-MM-DD     CBT: Online Test End Date
                                                                                    HH:MM:SS       PBT: Date Answer Document was scanned

 HO    Test Administration Date     10   Administration date the test started       YYYY-MM-DD

  HP   Test Time On Test           N/A   Time student took on test                  0-9            This would include the time the student
                                                                                    Blank          spent on all sections, not individual
                                                                                                   Time displayed in seconds
 HQ    Test Items Attempted        N/A   Count of test items attempted by           Numeric
       Count                             student                                    Blank

  HR   Percent Of Items            N/A   Percent of items student attempted         Numeric
       Attempted                                                                    Blank

  HS   Test Mode                   N/A   Method of deliver (online or paper)        Online

  HT   Test External Login Key     N/A   Internal TestNav key                       Alphanumeric

  HU   Test Attempt Logistics      N/A   Holding place for test attempt logistics
       Data Section

  HV   Answer Eliminator Count     N/A   Number of items in which the tool      N                  N = Tool not available
                                         was opened. Will not count if the tool 0-999
                                         was opened multiple times on the
                                         same item.
Column Field Name                 Field Field Definitions                        Valid Values   Notes or Test Content
 HW    Answer Masking Count       N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                        was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                        was opened multiple times on the
                                        same item.
  HX   ASL Count                  N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                        was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                        was opened multiple times on the
                                        same item.
  HY   Audio Count                N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                        was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                        was opened multiple times on the
                                        same item.
  HZ   Calc 4 Func Count          N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                        was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                        was opened multiple times on the
                                        same item.
  IA   Calc 5 Func Count          N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                        was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                        was opened multiple times on the
                                        same item.
  IB   Calc Scientific Count      N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                        was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                        was opened multiple times on the
                                        same item.
  IC   Contrast Settings Count    N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                        was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                        was opened multiple times on the
                                        same item.
  ID   Desmos Calc Four           N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
       Function Count                   was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                        was opened multiple times on the
                                        same item.
  IE   Desmos Calc Graphing       N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
       Count                            was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                        was opened multiple times on the
                                        same item.
Column Field Name                Field Field Definitions                        Valid Values   Notes or Test Content
  IF   Desmos Calc Scientific    N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
       Count                           was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                       was opened multiple times on the
                                       same item.
  IG   Dictionary 35 Count       N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                       was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                       was opened multiple times on the
                                       same item.
  IH   Dictionary 68 Count       N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                       was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                       was opened multiple times on the
                                       same item.
  II   Dictionary HS Count       N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                       was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                       was opened multiple times on the
                                       same item.
  IJ   Dictionary Sp En Count    N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                       was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                       was opened multiple times on the
                                       same item.
  IK   Dynamic TTS Count         N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                       was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                       was opened multiple times on the
                                       same item.
  IL   Exhibit Count             N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                       was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                       was opened multiple times on the
                                       same item.
  IM   Expanded View Count       N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                       was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                       was opened multiple times on the
                                       same item.
  IN   Extensions Count          N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                       was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                       was opened multiple times on the
                                       same item.
Column Field Name                Field Field Definitions                        Valid Values   Notes or Test Content
  IO   Highlighter Count         N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                       was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                       was opened multiple times on the
                                       same item.
  IP   Line Reader Count         N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                       was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                       was opened multiple times on the
                                       same item.
  IQ   Magnifier Count           N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                       was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                       was opened multiple times on the
                                       same item.
  IR   Mic Check Count           N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                       was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                       was opened multiple times on the
                                       same item.
  IS   Notepad Count             N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                       was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                       was opened multiple times on the
                                       same item.
  IT   Popup Count               N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                       was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                       was opened multiple times on the
                                       same item.
  IU   Protractor Count          N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                       was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                       was opened multiple times on the
                                       same item.
  IV   Readable Mode Count       N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                       was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                       was opened multiple times on the
                                       same item.
  IW   Ruler Centimeter Count    N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                       was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                       was opened multiple times on the
                                       same item.
Column Field Name                  Field Field Definitions                        Valid Values   Notes or Test Content
  IX   Ruler Eighth Count          N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                         was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                         was opened multiple times on the
                                         same item.
  IY   Ruler Millimeter Count      N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                         was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                         was opened multiple times on the
                                         same item.
  IZ   Ruler Quarter Count         N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                         was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                         was opened multiple times on the
                                         same item.
  JA   Scratchpad Count            N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                         was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                         was opened multiple times on the
                                         same item.
  JB   Single Degree Protractor    N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
       Count                             was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                         was opened multiple times on the
                                         same item.
  JC   Spellcheck Count            N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                         was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                         was opened multiple times on the
                                         same item.
  JD   Straightedge Count          N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                         was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                         was opened multiple times on the
                                         same item.
  JE   TestNav Tutorial Count      N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                         was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                         was opened multiple times on the
                                         same item.
  JF   Text To Speech Count        N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                         was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                         was opened multiple times on the
                                         same item.
Column Field Name                Field Field Definitions                        Valid Values   Notes or Test Content
  JG   TI Basic Count            N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                       was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                       was opened multiple times on the
                                       same item.
  JH   TI Graphing Count         N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                       was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                       was opened multiple times on the
                                       same item.
  JI   TI Scientific Count       N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                       was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                       was opened multiple times on the
                                       same item.
  JJ   Video Count               N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                       was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                       was opened multiple times on the
                                       same item.
  JK   Zoom Count                N/A Number of items in which the tool          N              N = Tool not available
                                       was opened. Will not count if the tool   0-999
                                       was opened multiple times on the
                                       same item.
  JL   Accommodation New         N/A Holding place for new
                                       accommodation count

  JM   Reporting LSS/LEA 24       6     LSS/LEA24 code of where reports will    0-9
       Code                             be available and where student’s test
                                        results should be aggregated
  JN   Reporting LSS/LEA 24      N/A    LSS/LEA24 name of where reports will    A-Z
       Name                             be available and where student’s test   a-z
                                        results should be aggregated            -‘ , . space
  JO   Reporting School Code      6     School code of where reports will be    0-9
                                        available and where student’s test
                                        results should be aggregated
  JP   Reporting School Name     N/A    School name of where reports will be    A-Z
                                        available and where student’s test      a-z
                                        results should be aggregated            -‘ , . space
  JQ   Test attempt Reporting    N/A    Holding place for future test attempt
       Logistics                        reporting logistics
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