Universities Admissions Centre Guide 2021-2022

Page created by Stacy Hansen
Universities Admissions Centre Guide 2021-2022
Universities Admissions Centre Guide 2021-2022
Important information 2021–22
Dates relate to UAC applications only. Times indicated in this Guide are based on Sydney time.

Application dates
Thursday 1 April 2021                            Undergraduate applications open
Thursday 15 April 2021                           International undergraduate applications open
Sunday 19 September 2021                         Schools Recommendation Scheme applications close
Thursday 30 September 2021                       Early bird applications close*
Friday 4 February 2022                           Applications close for semester 1, 2022
Some courses have early closing dates set by the institutions. Check the course descriptions on UAC’s website at uac.edu.au/search.
* To avoid a higher processing charge, early bird applications must be completed, paid for and submitted by midnight on Thursday 30 September 2021.

Processing charges
Early bird         Thursday 1 April – midnight Thursday 30 September 2021                         $70
Standard           Friday 1 October 2021 – Friday 4 February 2022                                $200
All fees and charges are in Australian dollars, not refundable under any circumstances (except as required by law) and subject to change after 30 June 2021.
Applications must be completed, paid for and submitted by midnight on the relevant closing date. For a complete list of UAC fees and charges, go to uac.edu.au.

Year 12 results and ATAR dates
All dates determined by external organisations are subject to change.
2021 NSW HSC students                                                                 2021 ACT Year 12 students
Friday 10 December 2021                                                               Thursday 9 December 2021
2021 NSW HSC results released by NESA from 6am                                        Statement (including ATAR) issued by ACT Board of Senior Secondary
ATARs released by UAC on UAC’s website from 9am                                       Studies. Students should collect their certificates from their college on
                                                                                      or after this date
International Baccalaureate (IB) students                                             Friday 10 December 2021
Sunday 2 January 2022                                                                 ATARs released by UAC on UAC’s website from 9am
Results released by IB Cardiff, UK

Key offer dates
All dates are subject to change. For the latest information, check uac.edu.au/key-dates.
To ensure your application is assessed in time for a particular offer round, apply and provide your additional documentation as early as possible.
The main offer rounds for Year 12 students are December Round 2 and January Round 1.

                                     Apply and pay by                   Upload PDF documents by             Change preferences               Offers released at
  Offer round                        midnight on                        midnight on                         by midnight on^                  7.30am on
  November Round 1                   Thu 21 Oct 2021                    Thu 28 Oct 2021                     Thu 4 Nov 2021                   Fri 12 Nov 2021
  November Round 2                   Thu 4 Nov 2021                     Tue 9 Nov 2021                      Thu 18 Nov 2021                  Thu 25 Nov 2021
  December Round 1                   Mon 8 Nov 2021                     Fri 12 Nov 2021                     Thu 2 Dec 2021                   Thu 9 Dec 2021
  December Round 2                   Mon 15 Nov 2021                    Mon 22 Nov 2021                     Mon 13 Dec 2021                  Mon 20 Dec 2021
  January Round 1                    Thu 9 Dec 2021                     Tue 28 Dec 2021                     Thu 6 Jan 2022                   Thu 13 Jan 2022
  January Round 2                    Thu 6 Jan 2022                     Tue 11 Jan 2022                     Thu 20 Jan 2022                  Thu 27 Jan 2022
  February Round 1                   Thu 20 Jan 2022                    Thu 27 Jan 2022                     Thu 27 Jan 2022                  Thu 3 Feb 2022
  February Round 2                   Fri 4 Feb 2022*                    Fri 4 Feb 2022                      Fri 4 Feb 2022                   Thu 10 Feb 2022
  March Round 1                      Fri 4 Feb 2022*                    Thu 24 Feb 2022                     Thu 24 Feb 2022                  Thu 3 Mar 2022
* This is the final closing date to apply for courses starting semester 1, 2022. Note that for February Round 2, the application, document upload and change of preference
 deadlines are all on the same day.
^ There are short periods before each offer round when you are unable to change your preferences in your application.

Conditional offers: You will receive a conditional offer approximately 48 hours after you have successfully submitted your application.
You may use this as part of your pre-visa assessment if required. It does not make you eligible to enrol in a course of study. To enrol, you
need an unconditional offer.
Unconditional offers: This table shows the UAC dates by which you need to apply and pay, and change your course preferences, to be
considered for an unconditional offer in each offer round.

 Apply and pay by midnight on                                 Change courses by midnight^ on                        Unconditional offers released at 7.30am on
 Sun 12 Dec 2021                                              Mon 13 Dec 2021                                       Mon 20 Dec 2021
 Sun 2 Jan 2022                                               Mon 3 Jan 2022                                        Mon 10 Jan 2022
 Sat 15 Jan 2022                                              Sun 16 Jan 2022                                       Fri 21 Jan 2022
 Sun 23 Jan 2022                                              Mon 24 Jan 2022                                       Mon 31 Jan 2022
 Fri 4 Feb 2022*                                              Sun 6 Feb 2022                                        Fri 11 Feb 2022
 Fri 4 Feb 2022*s                                             Sun 27 Feb 2022                                       Fri 4 Mar 2022
* This is the final closing date to apply for courses starting semester 1, 2022.
^ Do not change your courses between this date and the date offers are released; if you do, you may miss out on an offer to your preferred course.
Universities Admissions Centre Guide 2021-2022
   to UAC

Finishing school and planning for next year is an
exciting time: greater independence and freedom are
just around the corner.

If your plans include going on to complete a degree or
diploma, then UAC – and this book – are going to be
                                                              Here at UAC, we hold regular application Q&A
really helpful for you.
                                                              sessions on our Facebook and Instagram
When you apply for university through UAC, you can            channels. Our Community Engagement team gets
apply for multiple courses at multiple institutions, all in   out and about to schools and expos and, this year,
one place.                                                    they’ll be launching a series of webinars on a wide
                                                              variety of topics relevant to you as you progress
This UAC Guide leads you through the UAC application          through Year 12. Follow us on Facebook and
process, from choosing your courses and submitting your       Instagram for event notifications or keep an eye on
application through to getting your offer and enrolling.      the key dates on our website.
We provide impartial advice about all the options
available to you and describe what will happen (and           Of course, our Customer Service team is always
when) throughout the year.                                    ready to take your calls and answer your online
                                                              enquiries. Please get in touch with us if you ever
First steps                                                   need advice or reassurance.
To get you started, we’ve put together a high-level           In the meantime, good luck with your studies.
timeline that gives you an idea of when you need to be
thinking about your UAC application over the coming           All the best,
months (and when you don’t). Take a look overleaf and
maybe add some reminders to your calendar.

We’ve also broken down the application process into
eight main steps, from researching courses to enrolling.      Kim Paino
Just follow these steps and you’ll stay on track.             General Manager
                                                              UAC Marketing and Engagement

Getting help
If you have questions about the content or structure of a
course, your best bet is to talk directly to staff at the     Universities Admissions Centre (NSW & ACT) Pty Ltd
university. Open days are a great opportunity to do this.     Quad 2, 6 Parkview Drive, Sydney Olympic Park NSW
I can’t recommend them highly enough and hopefully            Locked Bag 112, Silverwater NSW 2128
they’ll be in person this year! While you’re there, you’ll    T (+61 2) 9752 0200
also be able to talk to current students about their
                                                                  uac.edu.au          uacinfo            uacinfo
experiences and take a tour of the campus. A list of this
year’s open days is on page 05.                                   uacinfo             uacinfo

                                                                                                Welcome to UAC      i
Universities Admissions Centre Guide 2021-2022
UAC key dates at a glance
                                                     UAC applications open and UAC PINs
       Terms 1 and 2                 1 Apr           emailed to students

                                     19 Sep          SRS applications close
             Term 3
                                                     Early bird applications close
                                     30 Sep          (price increases from $70 to $200 after this date)

             Term 4                  Oct/Nov         NSW HSC exams

                                                     Deadline to change preferences for
          Next steps                 4 Nov           Schools Recommendation Scheme offers

                                     12 Nov          Schools Recommendation Scheme offers released

                                                     Deadline to submit an Educational Access Scheme
                                     22 Nov          application (and documents) to have it considered
                                                     in December Round 2 offers

                                     10 Dec          HSC results and ATARs released

                                                     Deadline to change preferences for
                                     13 Dec          December Round 2 offers

                                                     December Round 2 offers released
                                     20 Dec          (first main offer round for Year 12 students)

                                                     Deadline to change preferences for
                                     6 Jan           January Round 1 offers

                                                     January Round 1 offers released
                                     13 Jan          (second main offer round for Year 12 students)

                                     Institutions will continue to make progressively smaller numbers of
                                     offers until they have filled all the places in their courses. The last
                                     offer round is in March.
                                     Most courses will start between mid-February and early March.

     For a complete list of UAC application dates, go to uac.edu.au/key-dates.

Universities Admissions Centre Guide 2021-2022
Steps to study through UAC
         01.                                                                     02.
          Research                                                                Apply for university
Search for courses in this Guide and on UAC’s                           Apply and pay before 30 September.
                                                                        Not sure what course to choose? It’s ok: you can
Check selection rank information, admission                             change your course preferences later.
criteria and pathway options for courses you’re
interested in.

         Apply for entry schemes and equity scholarships
    Schools Recommendation Scheme (SRS): Get assessed on a range of criteria other than, or in addition to,
    your ATAR. Applications close at midnight 19 September.

    Educational Access Scheme (EAS): Apply to have any long-term educational disadvantages considered as
    part of the selection process.

    Equity Scholarship: Apply for financial support provided to disadvantaged students.

         04.                                                                             05.
          Order preferences for early offers                                             Get your ATAR
The Schools Recommendation Scheme makes early offers                           You will receive your ATAR in December.
in November. Make sure you have the course you most                            The ATAR helps universities rank
want to do as your first preference.                                           applicants for selection into their courses.

         07.                                                         06.
         Get your offer                                              Review your preferences
Most institutions make offers to Year 12                   After you receive your ATAR, you will have a couple of days
students in December and January.                          to update your preference list. Log in to your application on
                                                           the UAC website to change, remove or add preferences.

         08.                           Accept your offer and follow the institution’s instructions to start the enrolment
                                       process. Don’t worry, you can still receive offers in later offer rounds, even if
          Accept and enrol             you’ve already accepted a previous offer.

                                                                                              Steps to study through UAC      iii
Universities Admissions Centre Guide 2021-2022
Universities Admissions Centre Guide 2021-2022
Important information for 2021–22                   Equity Scholarships available through UAC         46
Inside front cover                                  Other scholarships                                46

UAC key dates at a glance                     ii   HSC courses to be examined in 2021                48

Steps to study through UAC                   iii   Common terms and abbreviations                     51

Part 1: General information                        Part 2: UAC’s participating institutions
                                                   Apply to any of these institutions with just one
Uni open days 2021                           05    application through UAC
                                                    Australian Catholic University                   59
UAC fees and charges                         07     Australian College of Applied Psychology         64
Choosing your courses                        08     Australian College of Physical Education         66
                                                    Australian National University                   68
 The essential questions                     08     Charles Darwin University                        72
 Special requirements and policies           09     Charles Sturt University                         76
 Where to go for more information             11    CQUniversity                                     80
Your application                             13     Griffith University                              84
 Why apply through UAC?                      13     International College of Management, Sydney      89
 What you need when you apply                13     La Trobe University                              93
 How to apply                                16     Macleay College                                  96
 Course preferences                          18     Macquarie University                             98
 After you apply                             20     MIT Sydney                                     104
 Applying for access schemes                 20     National Art School                            106
 Services for applicants with a disability   22     SAE Creative Media Institute                   108
 Your responsibilities as an applicant       22     SIBT                                            112
 Declaration and authority                   24     Southern Cross University                       114
 FAQs about applying                         25     Torrens University Australia                    118
                                                    University of Canberra                         122
Admission and selection                      26     University of New England                      128
 General admission requirements              26     University of Newcastle                        133
 Academic requirements                       26     University of Notre Dame                       138
 Additional selection requirements           29     University of Sydney                            141
 Pathway options                             30     University of Technology Sydney                 147
 English language proficiency                30     University of Wollongong                       153
 Selection process                           31     UNSW Sydney                                    162
 Entry schemes                               32     UNSW Canberra at ADFA                          168
                                                    Western Sydney University                      170
Offers and enrolment                         35
 Why preferences matter                      35    Part 3: Apply direct institutions
 Timing of offers                            35    Apply to these institutions directly
 Getting your offer                          36     Academy of Information Technology                183
 Accepting your offer                        36     Academy of Interactive Entertainment             185
 What to do when you get an offer            37     Academy of Music and Performing Arts              187
 Receiving further offers                    38     Australian Institute of Music                    189
 Deferring your start date                   38     Elite Education Institute                         191
 Unsuccessful applicants                     39     Endeavour College of Natural Health              193
 Enrolment                                   39     Kent Institute Australia                         195
 Orientation week                            39     Legal Profession Admission Board of NSW           197
 Transferring to another course              40     National Institute of Dramatic Art               198
 FAQs about offers                           40     Wentworth Institute of Higher Education          200
                                                    William Angliss Institute                        201
Course costs and financial assistance        41
 Types of courses                            41    Part 4: Course Finder
 Commonwealth-supported place courses        42     Find your topic of interest                      204
 Domestic fee-paying courses                 44     Find your course                                 207
 Student services and amenities fee          44
 Australian Government payments              45

                                                                                          Contents          01
Universities Admissions Centre Guide 2021-2022
02   Back to Guide contents
Universities Admissions Centre Guide 2021-2022
Part 1:
     General information

  Uni open days 2021                      05
  UAC fees and charges                    07
  Choosing your courses                   08
  Your application                        13
  Admission and selection                 26
  Offers and enrolment                    35
  Course costs and financial assistance   41
  HSC courses to be examined in 2021      48
  Common terms and abbreviations          51

Back to Guide contents                         Part 1: General Information   03
Universities Admissions Centre Guide 2021-2022
04   Back to Guide contents
Uni open days 2021
Australian Catholic University                      La Trobe University                                University of Newcastle
openday.acu.edu.au                                  latrobe.edu.au/openday                             newcastle.edu.au
Refer to our website for Open Day dates in 2021.    Refer to our website for Open Day dates in 2021.   Central Coast (Ourimbah)                 31 July

                                                                                                       Newcastle (Callaghan) and
Australian College of Applied Psychology            Macleay College                                    Newcastle City                       28 August
acap.edu.au/events                                  macleay.edu.au/events
Refer to our website for Open Day dates in 2021.    Refer to our website for Open Day dates in 2021.   University of Notre Dame

Australian College of Physical Education            Macquarie University                               Refer to our website for Open Day dates in 2021.
acpe.edu.au                                         openday.mq.edu.au
Sydney     5 June, 3 July, 9 October, 13 November   North Ryde                            14 August    University of Sydney

Australian National University                      MIT Sydney                                         All campuses                         28 August
anu.edu.au                                          mit.edu.au/open-day
Canberra                               21 August    Refer to our website for Open Day dates in 2021.   University of Technology Sydney

Charles Darwin University                           National Art School                                Refer to our website for Open Day dates in 2021.
cdu.edu.au/discovercdu                              nas.edu.au
Casuarina                              21 August    Darlinghurst                      4 September      University of Wollongong

Charles Sturt University                            SAE Creative Media Institute                       Wollongong                             7 August
csu.edu.au/openday                                  sae.edu.au
Virtual Open Day                            June    Sydney and Byron Bay                  8 August     UNSW Sydney
Port Macquarie                          1 August
                                                    SIBT                                               UNSW Canberra                         21 August
Wagga Wagga                             8 August
                                                    sibt.nsw.edu.au                                    UNSW Sydney                       4 September
Albury–Wodonga                         15 August
                                                    For customised campus tours/appointments and
Bathurst                              22 August     course information call (02) 9964 6555 or visit
                                                    sibt.nsw.edu.au.                                   Western Sydney University
Orange                                29 August                                                        westernsydney.edu.au/openday

Dubbo                               4 September                                                        Mid Year Info Day                       15 May
                                                    Southern Cross University
                                                    scu.edu.au/opendays                                Open Day                              15 August
CQUniversity                                        Refer to our website for Open Day dates at Coffs   Refer to our website for all upcoming events
cqu.edu.au/openday                                  Harbour, Lismore and Gold Coast in 2021.           westernsydney.edu.au/events.
Virtual Open Day                          31 July
9am–1pm (AEST)                         14 August
                                                    Torrens University Australia
Online Chat  29 April, 20 May, 15 September,        torrens.edu.au/about/openday
3–6pm (AEST)       6 October, 23 November           The Rocks, Ultimo and
Sydney Information Evening            26 August     Pyrmont                        8 May, 21 August
6pm–8pm (AEST)
                                                    University of Canberra
Griffith University                                 canberra.edu.au/openday
griffith.edu.au/open-day                            Bruce                                 21 August
Gold Coast, Nathan and South Bank       8 August
                                                    University of New England
International College of Management, Sydney         une.edu.au
icms.edu.au                                         Armidale                                 7 May
Manly                                   8 August

   Back to Guide contents                                                                                                  Open days 2021        05
06   Back to Guide contents
UAC fees and charges
  All UAC fees and charges are in Australian dollars

                                                                                                                     UAC fees and charges
  and include 10 per cent GST. They are not
                                                             There is no additional charge to
  refundable under any circumstances, except as
                                                             apply for:
  required by law.
                                                             − the Schools Recommendation
  The following charges are estimates for the 2021–22
                                                             − the Educational Access Scheme
  admissions period and are subject to change after
                                                             − an Equity Scholarship.
  30 June 2021.

  UAC reserves the right to change its fees and
  charges during the admissions period.                   Payment methods
                                                          Online applications: Debit card or credit card
  For a full list of the latest UAC fees and charges,
                                                          (Mastercard or Visa cards that have been enabled
  go to uac.edu.au/fees.
                                                          for online payment) or PayPal.

  UAC Guide 2021–22
                                                          2021 Year 12 students can also use BPAY or
  2021 Year 12 NSW and ACT students                Free   Post BillPay. (Credit cards cannot be used at
  (distributed through schools)                           Australia Post.)

  Processing charges                                      All other transactions: Debit card or credit card
  Applicants are encouraged to apply as early as          (Mastercard or Visa only).
  possible to avoid higher processing charges.

  Early bird                                                                                          Action!
  1 April 2021 to midnight 30 September 2021 $70.00          Submit your application before
                                                             30 September. You can then change
  Standard                                                   your course preferences as many
  1 October 2021 to midnight 4 February 2022   $200.00       times as you like.

  ATAR Advice Notice
  2021 ATAR Advice Notice (digital) Free until midnight
                                       13 March 2022
  Fees apply from 14 March 2022

Back to Guide contents                                                                UAC fees and charges      07
Choosing your courses
Choosing your courses

                         The essential questions                                    How do I choose the right course for me?
                         What courses are available through UAC?
                         Domestic undergraduate students can choose from                 THINK about what you’re interested in and
                         more than 2,000 courses at 28 institutions.                     what school subjects you enjoy most and do
                                                                                         well in.
                         International undergraduate students can choose
                         from more than 1,500 courses.                                   INVESTIGATE careers that relate to the
                                                                                         subjects you’re studying at school.
                         For a list of courses offered at each institution,
                         go to Part 2 starting on page 57.                               VOLUNTEER at a workplace to see if you
                                                                                         enjoy it.
                         For courses listed by fields of study, follow
                         these steps:                                                    VISIT careers expos and open days.

                                Go to the topic of interest index on page 204.           RESEARCH areas of job growth and skills
                                Look up a topic that interests you (eg Aboriginal
                                Studies) and you’ll see the field of study it            BEWARE of:
                                belongs to (eg Society and Culture).                     − peer pressure (don’t pick a course just
                                                                                           because your friends choose it)
                                Turn to ‘Find your course’ on page 207.                  − family expectations (choose a course
                                                                                           that’s right for you, not one you think
                                Look up the field of study you found in                    your parents want you to do)
                                Step 2 and you’ll find related courses listed            − lack of direction (resist selecting a
                                by institution.                                            course because it looks easy or is close
                                                                                           to home)
                         For the latest course information throughout the                − misguided perceptions (eg not wanting
                         year, search for courses on the UAC website.                      to ‘waste’ a high ATAR).

                              Find a course on the UAC website

                                                                                                       Find a course >
                                                                                                       (or International)

                              Course search

                                      Browse all
                                      courses or use
                                      the filter options

                        08                                                                                           Back to Guide contents
FIND study paths taken by people with                         Search for your chosen course at uac.edu.au/
           an academic background similar to yours                       search.
           – visit Course Compass at uac.edu.au/
           coursecompass.                                                Check the ATAR profile at the bottom of the

                                                                                                                                Choosing your courses
                                                                         course description, which shows previous
  What jobs could I get with this degree?                                students’ ATARs and selection ranks. The
                                                                         lowest selection rank is the most important
           Search for courses at uac.edu.au/search                       number. See the ATAR profile example below.
           and read ‘Career opportunities’ in the
           course descriptions.                                  In the course descriptions, some institutions
                                                                 will specify:
           Check ‘Where to go for more information’ at           − a minimum ATAR or selection rank you’ll have to
           the end of this section for suggestions of other          achieve to be considered for a place
           places to find careers information and advice.        − an estimated selection rank you’ll need to be
                                                                     offered a place
  How will the uni select students for this                      − a guaranteed ATAR or selection rank. If you
  course?                                                            achieve this ATAR or selection rank you are
                                                                     guaranteed to receive an offer to the course.
  Universities will:
  − USUALLY select students based on their
    selection rank (ATAR + adjustment factors)                   What if I don’t think I’ll get selected?
  − SOMETIMES select students using additional                   Don’t think you’ll meet the entry requirements for your
    criteria, such as HSC subject prerequisites,                 chosen courses? Include pathway courses in your list
    personal statements, interviews, tests or portfolios.        of preferences in your application. Read ‘Pathway
                                                                 options’ on page 30 or visit uac.edu.au/pathways.
  Check the course description for details of additional
  selection criteria – go to uac.edu.au/search.
                                                                 Special requirements and policies
  If you’re considering courses to do with health,               Special requirements and policies apply to students
  welfare or teaching, read ‘Special requirements and            in health- and welfare-related courses and teacher
  policies’ on this page.                                        education courses.

  What are my chances of getting in?                             These requirements relate to:
  Selection is a competitive process and your                    − clinical/internship placements undertaken as
  chances of being offered a place in your chosen                  part of your course
  course depend on how well you meet its selection               − proof of English language proficiency
  criteria. You can use the course’s 2021 ATAR profile           − accreditation and procedures for employment
  as a guide to the selection rank you’ll need to be               after you have completed the course.
  selected for semester 1, 2022.                                 Note that requirements and policies in these areas
                                                                 are subject to regular review.

       ATAR profile

                   Lowest selection rank includes the applicant’s ATAR plus any applicable adjustments; if the
                   applicant hadn’t been eligible for the adjustments they may not have received an offer.

Back to Guide contents                                                                        Choosing your courses        09
Teacher education courses                             Students prior to their final professional experience
                                                                                   placement and graduation. Read further information
                             Requirements for students intending to teach
                                                                                   about the test at aitsl.edu.au.
                             in NSW schools
                             For accreditation as a teacher in NSW, graduates
Choosing your courses

                             will need to meet the following requirements set by   Background checking processes
                             the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA):         If you intend to engage in child-related work,
                             − Students entering all accredited teaching           you must hold a valid Working With Children Check
                                 programs need to have achieved a minimum of       clearance. Visit the Office of the Children’s
                                 three Band 5s, one of which must be in English,   Guardian website at kidsguardian.nsw.gov.au for
                                 in their HSC or meet a comparable academic        more information.
                                 standard early in the program.
                             − From 2023, students entering primary teaching       Additionally, you must be employment-screened
                                 programs will need to have achieved at least an   before beginning an internship or associate teacher
                                 HSC Band 4 in mathematics.                        program in schools. This involves providing a
                                                                                   Working With Children Check clearance number
                             Check with individual institutions for further        and completing other employment screening
                             information on academic and non-academic entry        requirements. Visit teach.nsw.edu.au for details.
                             requirements for particular teaching programs and     Alternatively, you can contact the Department’s
                             other approved pathways to study if you do not        Probity Unit: call (02) 7814 3825 or email
                             meet these requirements.                              wwcc@det.nsw.edu.au.

                             Literacy and numeracy test for initial teacher        If you are undertaking your practicum placement in
                             education students                                    any NSW public school, you are required to
                             All initial teacher education students will need to   complete and sign a ‘Declaration for Child Related
                             meet the benchmark set by the national Literacy       Work – Tertiary Practicum Students’ and have your
                             and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education       WWCC clearance verified by the Department prior

                                                                                                  1800 CAREER (1800 227 337)

                                                                                                  text: SLIS2020 to 0429 009 435

                                    YOUR                                                          schoolleavers.nci@dese.gov.au

                                   What’s next
                                   for you?

                                 Find the information you need
                                 to help you with your education,                                     www.yourcareer.gov.au/
                                 training and work options online                                      school-leavers-support
                                 or contact the School Leavers
                                 Information Service.

                        10                                                                                             Back to Guide contents
to the commencement of your practical training for       Applicants for admission to a nursing course
  Working with Children Check compliance.                  You must provide either a written declaration that
                                                           English is your primary language or evidence that
  If you do not meet these requirements, you may not       you have achieved the institution’s minimum

                                                                                                                          Choosing your courses
  be able to undertake practical course requirements       English language test results. You can find
  in NSW schools.                                          information on which tests and qualifications are
                                                           acceptable on UAC’s website at uac.edu.au/elp.
  Health- and welfare-related courses
  National Police Checks                                   Applicants for registration as a nurse or midwife
  In accordance with NSW Health policy, students           If you are applying for the first time in Australia for
  who need to complete clinical placements in the          registration as a nurse or a midwife, you are
  NSW public health system are required to:                required to show English language proficiency. You
  − obtain a National Police Check before they             must meet the English language skills registration
      commence clinical placements in NSW Health           standard of the Nursing and Midwifery Board
      facilities                                           (NMBA). For more information, visit the NMBA
  − sign a Code of Conduct Agreement stating that they     website at nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au.
      will abide by the NSW Health Code of Conduct.

  To ensure you provide the correct documentation,         Where to go for more information
  search for ‘clinical placements’ at heti.nsw.gov.au or   There are many places you can go to research
  health.nsw.gov.au.                                       career information and seek advice.

  Infectious diseases                                      UAC’s participating institutions
  Students who need to complete clinical training in
  NSW public health facilities are subject to NSW                   Read the course descriptions on the UAC
  Health requirements for healthcare workers to                     website via uac.edu.au/search for a list
  demonstrate their protection against specified                    of possible career opportunities for your
  infectious diseases in the first year of their course.            chosen courses.
  This is included in the policy directive ‘PD2020_017
  Occupational Assessment, Screening and                            Contact the careers service at individual
  Vaccination Against Specified Infectious Diseases’.               institutions – visit uac.edu.au/institutions.

  Additional conditions apply to clinical practice of      School careers advisers
  healthcare workers with certain blood-borne viruses.
  For more information, see ‘PD2019_026 Management                  Talk to your school careers adviser – they
  of health care workers with a blood borne virus and               can give you valuable careers advice and
  those doing exposure prone procedures’.                           information.

  Both policies are available at health.nsw.gov.au/        Professional organisations
  policies. For further information, also search for
  ‘clinical placements’ at health.nsw.gov.au.                       Search online for careers information
                                                                    from societies, institutes or other industry
  If you do not comply with the above requirements                  organisations.
  relating to National Police Checks and infectious
  diseases, you will not be permitted to attend your                Visit tertiary institutions’ websites – they
  clinical placement in the NSW health system and                   sometimes list professional organisations.
  progress in your course may be affected.
  Nursing and midwifery courses: English
                                                           Check out the useful resources on the following page.
  language proficiency
  In your path to becoming a nurse or midwife in
  Australia you are required to provide proof of
  proficiency in English.

Back to Guide contents                                                                   Choosing your courses       11
Choosing your courses

                             compared.edu.au                                       courseseeker.edu.au

                             The ComparED website helps you compare official       An Australian Government website that collates
                             study experience and employment outcomes. The         information on undergraduate courses at all public
                             data is from Quality Indicators for Learning and      universities – and some other higher education
                             Teaching (QILT) surveys completed by students,        providers – across Australia.
                             graduates and employers.
                                                                                   Try this:
                             Try this:                                             1. Go to courseseeker.edu.au.
                             1. Go to compared.edu.au.                             2. Search for courses by any or all of the following:
                             2. Search for institutions and study areas or             − course name
                                 browse a list of each.                                − state
                             3. Fine tune your search by location, study level         − institution
                                 and institution type.
                                                                                       − study area
                             4. Click ‘Add to compare +’ and build up your list.
                                                                                       − study mode.
                             5. Once you’re happy with your choices, click
                                                                                   3. Delve deeper into course details and add
                                 ‘Compare now’.
                                                                                       courses to your shortlist.
                                 The results you’ve generated provide an
                                                                                   4. Click ‘Compare your shortlist’ and share the
                                 insight into:
                                                                                       results with your friends and family.
                                 − the experience of current students
                                 − recent graduate satisfaction
                                 − recent graduate employment and salary.

                             myfuture.edu.au                                       yourcareer.gov.au

                             myfuture is a government career information and       Leaving school and not sure what’s next? Your
                             exploration service, which can help you manage        Career is a government website with career advice
                             your career with information on particular jobs,      tailored to Year 12 students.
                             general career areas and courses.
                                                                                   Try this:
                             Try this:                                             1. Go to yourcareer.gov.au/school-leavers-support.
                             1. Go to myfuture.edu.au and create an account.       2. Download the School Leavers Information Kit
                             2. Sign in and select:                                    to explore your education, training and work
                                 − My career profile to explore possible career        options.
                                     pathways through activities and quizzes       3. Call the School Leavers Information Service on
                                 − Occupations to browse top trending and              1800 CAREER. Ask for a referral to a qualified
                                     skills shortage occupations                       career practitioner for a free, personalised
                                 − Industries for the essentials on your chosen        career guidance session.
                                     industry and its top occupations
                                 − Career bullseyes to see what occupations
                                     are related to learning areas you enjoy.

                             You can also read about the experiences of
                             graduates in a range of professions and access
                             useful job search resources.

                        12                                                                                              Back to Guide contents
Your application
  Why apply through UAC?                                    What you need when you apply

                                                                                                                        Your application
  Around 50,000 Year 12 students apply for uni
  through UAC each year.                                           A current personal email address, not your
                                                                   school email address. Add the domain
  Applying through UAC means you don’t need to                     uac.edu.au to your list of safe email
  apply separately to each institution. And, if you’re a           contacts so UAC emails don’t end up in
  domestic applicant, you can apply for the:                       your junk folder.
  − Schools Recommendation Scheme
  − Educational Access Scheme.                                     Your Year 12 student number and UAC PIN
                                                                   (emailed to NSW and ACT students on
  Through these schemes, institutions can consider                 1 April).
  factors in addition to your ATAR, such as your                   If you’re applying from other states, your
  Year 11 results and any educational disadvantages                UAC PIN is the first four digits of your date
  you’ve experienced: read ‘Applying for access                    of birth (eg if your birthday is 3 October,
  schemes’ on page 20.                                             your UAC PIN is 0310; if your birthday is
                                                                   17 May, your UAC PIN is 1705.)
  If you’re in need of financial help, you can also apply
  for an Equity Scholarship.                                       A list of your chosen courses and their
                                                                   course codes.
  Remember, UAC processes the applications but the
  institutions decide who receives an offer of a place.            A credit card (Mastercard or Visa) or PayPal
                                                                   account to pay the processing fee. Domestic
                                                                   Year 12 students can also pay later using
                                                 Action!           BPAY or Post BillPay.
      Apply between 1 April and
      30 September 2021. The application
                                                            Applicants for medical degrees: You’ll need to
      fee will be $70.
                                                            enter your UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test)
                                                            or International Student Admission Test (ISAT)
      The application fee increases to $200 on
                                                            candidate number.
      1 October.
                                                            International students applying through an agent:
                                                            You’ll need to enter your UACID (UAC Identification
                                                            Code). Your agent will have this.
      Keep an eye out for early course
      closing dates. You can’t select a
      course after it has closed.                                                                    Tip!
                                                               $ Change your UAC PIN once
      Early closing dates are indicated in the                   you’ve submitted your application
      course search on the UAC website.                          and keep your UAC PIN in a
                                                                 safe place.
                                                               , Don’t give your UAC PIN to anyone else.

Back to Guide contents                                                                        Your application     13
International students
                        You are an international student if you’re not:      Prospective permanent residents
Your application

                        − an Australian or New Zealand citizen or            If you are granted permanent resident status
                        − a permanent resident of Australia or               after you have applied to UAC as an
                        − the holder of an Australian permanent              international applicant:
                           resident humanitarian visa.
                                                                                    apply again through UAC as a domestic
                        As an international student, you can apply                  undergraduate applicant
                        through UAC if you’re undertaking one of the
                        following qualifications in 2021:                           write to the Senior Operations Officer at
                        − an Australian Year 12 in Australia                        UAC as soon as possible to explain your
                        − an Australian Year 12 outside Australia                   change in status
                        − an International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma
                                                                                    provide a verified copy of your current
                        − a New Zealand National Certificate of
                            Educational Achievement (NCEA) Level 3.

                                                                             If your status changes after you receive an offer,
                        If you’re not undertaking one of the above
                                                                             contact the institution.
                        qualifications, apply directly to the institution.

                   14                                                                                            Back to Guide contents
Australian government requirements for international students
      There are several requirements international students must meet to study in Australia.

                                                                                                                       Your application
      Student visa requirements                              Dental treatment
      To study in Australia you need to apply for a          OSHC does not cover dental treatment. As
      student visa. A student visa allows you to come        dental services in Australia are expensive, you
      to Australia for a specified period to study at an     should have your teeth checked and any
      educational institution. To be eligible for a          necessary dental work completed before you
      student visa, you need to meet the conditions          leave home.
      set by the Australian Government’s Department
      of Home Affairs – search for ‘visas’ at                Belgian, Norwegian and Swedish students
      immi.homeaffairs.gov.au.                               Some Belgian, Norwegian and Swedish students
                                                             are not required to purchase OSHC as part of
      After you accept your offer and pay your fees,         their visa requirements; they are considered to
      you will receive a Confirmation of Enrolment           have met ‘adequate insurance’ requirements due
      from the institution. You must have a                  to a reciprocal arrangement between their
      Confirmation of Enrolment at the time of making        country and the Australian Government.
      your student visa application.
                                                             Many institutions have arrangements with
      Students under 18 years of age                         preferred OSHC providers. Students, however,
      If you will be under 18 years of age when you          are free to choose their own health cover
      arrive in Australia to study, special requirements     provider. A list of OSHC providers, together with
      are in place. Before you are granted a student         general information about OSHC, is available
      visa, the Australian Government must be                from the Private Health Insurance Ombudsman
      satisfied that you have appropriate                    website. Search ‘Overseas Student Health
      accommodation, support and general welfare             Cover’ at privatehealth.gov.au.
      arrangements in place for the period that you
      will be under 18 years of age while in Australia.      How do I organise OSHC?
                                                             You must organise and pay for OSHC before you
      Each institution decides whether they will             arrive in Australia. Once you receive an
      accept responsibility for welfare arrangements         unconditional offer to study at an Australian
      for international students who are under 18 years      educational institution, you will be required to
      of age.                                                pay your OSHC charge at the same time that
                                                             you pay your tuition fee deposit.
      Overseas Student Health Cover
                                                             You can arrange to pay for your OSHC through
      Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is
                                                             your educational institution or you can choose
      insurance for international students to help them
                                                             your own OSHC provider from another
      with the costs of medical and hospital care they
                                                             Australian registered private health insurer.
      may require while they are in Australia.

      The Australian Government requires all
      international students on a student visa and
      their dependants to purchase an approved
      OSHC policy from an Australian registered
      health fund for the duration of their visas.
      OSHC is not included in tuition fees.

Back to Guide contents                                                                         Your application   15
How to apply
                            Go to uac.edu.au.
Your application

                                                                                                               Hover over ‘Apply or
                                                                                                               log in’ and select:
                                                                                                               − ‘Undergraduate
                                                                                                                  if you’re a
                                                                                                               − ‘International
                                                                                                                  if you’re an

                            Select ‘Start your application’.

                            Follow the prompts to get to the personal details page. This includes entering your Year 12 student
                            number and UAC PIN.

                             Enter your Year 12 student          Enter the UAC PIN
                             number (eg NESA number)             emailed to you in April

                            Review/enter your personal details. Make                       Click ‘Next’. At this point, you’ll be given a
                            sure:                                                          nine-digit UAC application number. If you log
                            • your full name is as it appears on your                      out now, you can log back in at any time using
                                official ID (ie birth certificate, passport or             your UAC application number and UAC PIN.
                                citizenship documents)
                                                                                           Review you school/qualification details.
                            • you provide a personal email address
                                (not a school email address as it will                     Select your course preferences. You can
                                expire). All official communication from                   change these later.
                                UAC will be via email.
                            If you have your USI (Unique Student                           Accept the applicant declaration (full
                            Identifier), enter it here. You’ll need it to                  version printed on page 24) and pay the
                            enrol. To get a USI, go to usi.gov.au.                         processing fee. The fee is not refundable,
                                                                                           except as required by law.

                   16                                                                                                  Back to Guide contents
Your application is now complete and you can apply for the Schools Recommendation Scheme (until
           19 September 2021) and Educational Access Scheme. These applications are free.

                                                                                                                            Your application
                                                                           From the final screen of
                                                                           your application, you can
                                                                           follow the links to apply for
                                                                           SRS or EAS.

      Can’t find your UAC PIN?                                 International students
      2021 NSW HSC applicants and ACT                          The person you authorise to act on your
      Year 12 applicants: Check your                           behalf can be a different person or the same
      school email inbox: UAC emailed                          person as the agent/representative who may
      your UAC PIN to this address in April.                   be helping you with your application and visa.
      It’s different to your NESA PIN.
                                                               Applying through an agent? You can add,
      All other applicants: Your UAC PIN is the first          change or delete your agent’s UAC
      four digits of your date of birth (eg if your            Identification Code (UACID) after you’ve
      birthday is 3 October, your UAC PIN is 0310; if          submitted your international application.
      your birthday is 17 May, your UAC PIN is 1705).
                                                               Your agent will be able to access information
                                                               about your application through UAC’s website.

  Authorising someone to act on
  your behalf
  Your application, and all the information within it, is
                                                            Applying directly to a uni
  confidential. For privacy reasons, we cannot discuss      Some institutions take direct applications, which
  information relating to your application with anyone      you can have in addition to your UAC application. If
  but you.                                                  you complete both a UAC application and a direct
                                                            application, make sure you don’t duplicate your
  You can authorise another person to act on your           course preferences. If you do, you will be
  behalf and speak to UAC about your application by:        automatically assessed as ‘not eligible’ for an offer
  − selecting this option when you first apply, or          to that course in your UAC application. This ensures
  − emailing UAC and including the details of the           you don’t receive two offers to the same course.
     person you are authorising after you apply.            So make the most of both applications and choose
                                                            different preferences in each.

                                                            If you receive an offer through your direct application,
                                                            you can still receive an offer through your UAC
                                                            application. Check with the uni as to how and when it
                                                            will make its direct offers. You can read about UAC
                                                            offers in ‘Offers and enrolment’ from page 35.

Back to Guide contents                                                                          Your application       17
Applying interstate
                        Applications for most undergraduate courses in states other than NSW and the ACT are processed through each
                        state’s tertiary admissions centre. Like UAC, most tertiary admissions centres increase their processing charges at
                        the end of September, so apply early to avoid higher charges and ensure you can apply for your chosen course.
Your application

                        Application processes and fees vary: visit the relevant tertiary admissions centre or institution website for
                        further information.

                          State                   Tertiary admissions centre                               Website

                          Northern Territory      South Australian Tertiary Admissions Centre (SATAC)      satac.edu.au
                          and South Australia
                          Queensland              Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC)             qtac.edu.au
                          Tasmania                There is no centralised admissions centre                Apply to University of Tasmania
                                                  in Tasmania.                                             at utas.edu.au/admissions
                          Victoria                Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC)              vtac.edu.au
                          Western Australia       Tertiary Institutions Service Centre (TISC).             tisc.edu.au
                                                  Apply directly to University of Notre Dame for
                                                  courses offered in WA.

                                                                                     Order your course preferences like this:
                                                                       Tip!          1. The course you’d most like to do
                           Your UAC application is not complete
                           until you’ve paid the processing                          2. Your second favourite course
                           charge. Your payment receipt and                          3. Your third choice
                           Confirmation of Application are your proof of             4. Your fourth choice
                           payment – keep them safe!                                 5. Your final back-up course: a course you’re
                                                                                        confident you’ll get an offer to if you miss out on
                                                                                        all your higher course preferences.
                        Questions or problems?
                        To talk to someone about your application:                   Your chance of being selected for a course is not
                        − call UAC on (+61 2) 9752 0200, Monday to Friday            decreased because you placed it as a lower order
                           between 8.30am and 4.30pm Sydney time                     preference. Similarly, you won’t be selected for a
                        − send your question via the enquiry form at                 course just because you entered that course as a
                           uac.edu.au/contact                                        higher order preference.
                        − send us a message on Facebook or Instagram.
                        Have a question about admission criteria or course            Anna, James and Sarah all applied for B Accounting.
                        details? Contact the institution directly using the           Anna put it as her fourth preference, while James
                        details on the back cover.                                    and Sarah listed it as their first preference. Anna
                                                                                      missed out on offers to her first, second and third
                                                                                      preferences but was a more competitive candidate
                        Course preferences                                            for B Accounting than both James and Sarah. So,
                        How many course preferences can I have?                       Anna received an offer to B Accounting (her fourth
                        Domestic applicants can select up to five courses.            preference) while James and Sarah did not, despite
                        International applicants can select up to six courses.        them listing it first.

                                                                                     It works a little differently for international
                        What order do I put them in?
                                                                                     students: for details, go to uac.edu.au/
                        The order of your course preferences matters. You
                        can only get one offer in each offer round. It will be
                        to the first course in your list for which you’re
                        eligible and competitive enough.

                   18                                                                                                      Back to Guide contents
What if I’m still deciding which courses to choose?
  Don’t worry; although you need to enter at least one course preference in order to complete your application,
  you can change your preferences as many times as you want before preference deadlines. For a list of key
  dates, visit uac.edu.au/key-dates.

                                                                                                                       Your application
  You even have time to change them after you get your ATAR and have a much better idea about your chances
  of being selected.

  Just make sure you apply before midnight on Thursday 30 September 2021 – the processing charge increases
  after this date.

  What if my course is not on the UAC website?
  If you can’t find the course you’re looking for on UAC’s course search, it means course details are being
  1. Select a different course to complete your application.
  2. Check the course search regularly – new courses will be posted as they become available.
  3. Once the course is available, include it in your preferences.

  All courses will be published on the UAC website by August 2021.

  How do I change my course preferences?
  You can add, delete or change the order of your course preferences as many times as you like before the
  closing date for each offer round:
  1. Log in to your application using your UAC application number and UAC PIN.
  2. Select ‘Course preferences’.
  3. Add or delete courses, or drag courses up and down to change their order.

                                                                                           Search to select
                                                                                           a new course

                                                                                           Click x to delete
                                                                                           a course

                                                                                           Select ↑ or ↓ to
                                                                                           change the order
                                                                                           of your course

Back to Guide contents                                                                         Your application   19
After you apply                                        Track your application
                    Keep your UAC application number and                   You can track the progress of your application
                    PIN in a safe place                                    throughout the assessment process by logging in to
                                                                           your application. You’ll be able to see when UAC
                    You need them to log back in to your application.
                                                                           has received your results and finalised the
                    You also need your UAC PIN to view your ATAR.
Your application

                                                                           assessment of your qualifications, and if there are
                                                                           any issues preventing you from receiving an offer to
                    Check your confirmation of application
                                                                           your preferences.
                    Need to change your contact details, course
                    preferences, or add other qualifications?              Lock in your preferences before closing
                    Log back in to your application on UAC’s website.
                    For other changes, email UAC via the online enquiry
                                                                           You can change your preferences:
                    form as soon as possible.
                                                                           − after any round, whether you receive an offer
                                                                              or not
                    Need to provide documents to UAC in
                                                                           − until the closing date for the next offer round.
                    support of your application?
                    Most Year 12 students don’t; however, supplying
                    documentary evidence of your Australian
                    citizenship will help speed up the admission and                         You can change
                                                                             After                                Until
                    enrolment process if you receive an offer – read                         your preferences for
                    more at uac.edu.au/documents.
                                                                             Dec Round 2 Jan Round 1                midnight
                                                                                                                    Thu 6 Jan
                                                                  Tip!       Jan Round 1     Jan Round 2            midnight
                        You don’t have to give UAC your                                                             Thu 20 Jan
                        Australian Year 12 results or ATAR.                                                         2022
                        The only rare exception is if you
                        complete your studies mid-year: in this case,
                        upload your results and ATAR asap.
                                                                           Applying for access schemes
                                                                           Once you’ve completed your undergraduate
                                                                           application, you can go on to apply for the:
                                                                           − Schools Recommendation Scheme
                    Are you completing an International                    − Educational Access Scheme.
                    Baccalaureate Diploma?
                    You must authorise the release of your International
                                                                           Read about how these schemes work in the
                    Baccalaureate Diploma to UAC. Ask your school’s IB
                                                                           ‘Admission and selection’ section.
                    Diploma coordinator to request this on your behalf.
                                                                           You can access the applications for these schemes
                    Check for additional selection criteria                from the final screen of your initial application. See
                    Before you can be selected, some courses require       step 9 of ‘How to apply’ on page 17.
                    you to meet a few extra requirements. Examples are:
                    − external exams, such as the University Clinical      If you’ve already applied and logged out, follow the
                       Aptitude Test, which most institutions require      instructions on the next page.
                       you to sit if you want to study medicine
                    − questionnaires
                    − completion of (or minimum results in) specific
                       Year 12 courses (aka prerequisites)
                    − portfolios
                    − interviews or auditions.

                   20                                                                                           Back to Guide contents
Schools Recommendation Scheme
      Go to uac.edu.au > Apply or log in.

                                                                                                                      Your application
               Complete your SRS application by answering
               the questions and following the prompts.

               Upload institution-specific documents if you’re
                                                                                         Go to >
               prompted to do so.
               Review your application summary.

               Accept the declaration and authority and submit.

               Download your confirmation of application.

      Not in the NSW school system?
      If you’re studying in another state or territory’s school
      system, you’ll also need to:
      − enter the details of your Year 11 studies
      − upload a PDF of your Year 11 school report.

      You will find complete instructions for applying for
      SRS at uac.edu.au/srs.

      Educational Access Scheme
      Log in to your application and select the EAS tab.

               Open the category of disadvantage
               you wish to claim. Select the specific
               disadvantages that apply to you and answer
               the follow-up questions. When you have
               selected all the relevant disadvantages in that
               category, click ‘Save’.

               Repeat for each category you wish to claim.

               Accept the declaration and authority and submit.

               Download your confirmation of application and the
               document cover sheet for each of your claimed
               disadvantages. The document cover sheet details                                       Tip!
               the eligibility criteria for the disadvantage and the   Educational Access
               supporting documents you need to provide.
                                                                       Before you apply for EAS,
                                                                       check the eligibility criteria and
               Upload completed cover sheets and supporting
                                                                       documents required for each EAS
               documents to your application at least two weeks
                                                                       disadvantage – visit uac.edu.au/
               before the undergraduate offer round in which you
               wish to be considered – visit uac.edu.au/key-dates.

Back to Guide contents                                                                        Your application   21
Services for applicants with                            Your responsibilities as an applicant
                    a disability                                            Your responsibilities as an applicant include:
                    If you have a disability or an ongoing illness that     − reading the relevant parts of this Guide or
                    may disadvantage you during your studies, we               corresponding information on UAC’s website
                    encourage you to include this information in your       − following any institution-specific instructions
Your application

                    application.                                            − providing true and complete information in your
                    Any information you provide:                            − providing true and complete copies of official
                    − will not affect your application for admission           documentation with your application where
                    − will be seen only by disability services staff           requested
                    − will help the institution meet your education         − accepting the conditions set out in the online
                      needs should you be offered a place in one of            declaration (read the printed version on page 24)
                      their courses.                                        − checking your emails (including in your junk
                                                                               folder) for any messages from UAC.
                    Institutions may be able to provide one or more of
                    the following services:
                    − note takers                                                                                      Tip!
                                                                               It’s important to meet your
                    − personal readers
                                                                               responsibilities as an applicant –
                    − examination provisions
                                                                               by doing so you’ll ensure that your
                    − learning assistance
                                                                               application is processed and assessed as
                    − alternative assessment methods                           soon as possible.
                    − academic material in alternative formats
                    − parking for holders of a Roads and Maritime
                       Services Mobility Parking Scheme permit.
                                                                            If you fail to meet your responsibilities
                    Preparing for study                                     If you submit an application that contains
                    Information and advice about preparing for study        information that UAC or a participating institution
                    when you have a disability is readily available:        determines to be untrue or incomplete:
                    − Talk to the institution’s disability services staff   − UAC may cancel your application
                        about what services they can provide – visit        − an institution may withdraw any place offered.
                    − Visit westernsydney.edu.au/getreadyforuni for         For further information, read the policy statement
                        information on making the move from school          on page 24.
                        to university.
                    − If you’re having trouble applying through UAC,
                        call us on (+61 2) 9752 0200, Monday to Friday
                        between 8.30am and 4.30pm Sydney time –
                        we’ll help you through the application process.

                   22                                                                                           Back to Guide contents
International students
      If you’re an international applicant, you must also:   − inform your institution if you change your
      − satisfy your student visa conditions                   address
          (eg maintaining full-time enrolment in your        − provide details of your passport upon

                                                                                                                        Your application
          course, satisfactory class attendance and            acceptance of an offer
          course progress)                                   − ensure you have sufficient financial capacity
      − remain with the same university where                  to support your study and stay in Australia
          you originally enrolled for at least the first     − return home immediately upon completion of
          six months of your principle course except           your course or expiration of your visa.
          under certain circumstances (for details,
          search for ‘overseas student transfers’ at         If you breach your student visa conditions by
          internationaleducation.gov.au)                     failing to maintain full-time enrolment or
      − maintain your Overseas Student Health Cover          satisfactory course progress, the institution will
          (OSHC) for the period of your stay                 notify you and the Australian Government. This
      − if you are under 18, maintain your approved          may result in your visa being cancelled
          accommodation, support and general welfare         immediately.

Back to Guide contents                                                                          Your application   23
Declaration and authority
                        This is a printed version of the online declaration and authority you will have to accept when you apply.
                        Your application cannot be considered unless you or the person you have authorised to act on your behalf accept all conditions set out below.
                        UAC collects information about you, including information you provide in this application, to assist in the assessment of your application. This
                        information may be used as described below.
Your application

                        1.   I declare that I have read and understand the questions and that all            all such information and all information in or connected with
                             the information submitted is true and complete.                                 this application for research purposes. I give these authorities
                        2.   I declare that I have read and understand ‘Your responsibilities as             on condition that all information provided pursuant to them is
                             an applicant’ and the ‘Policy statement on untrue or incomplete                 deidentified by UAC or the nominated person.
                             information submitted by applicants’ below.                               10.   I understand that UAC or a participating institution for which I
                        3.   I declare that I have read and understand the section ‘Collection of            have a preference may disclose the personal information I have
                             personal information’ below.                                                    given in this application to the Department of Education, Skills and
                        4.   I authorise UAC and the participating institutions to obtain                    Employment, or its successor, for the purpose of:
                             available official records from any educational institution attended             • use in connection with the Higher Education Information
                             by me. I understand that UAC is not responsible if any institution                   Management System (HEIMS) and/or
                             does not provide these records.                                                  • use in connection with the National Data Collection on
                        5.   I understand that UAC and the participating institutions may check                   University Applications and Offers and/or
                             my visa and residency status using Visa Entitlement Verification                 • other collections as the Department of Education, Skills and
                             Online (VEVO), and I authorise UAC and the participating                             Employment, or its successor, may lawfully require from time
                             institutions to do so.                                                               to time.
                        6.   I authorise UAC to verify any information provided by me.                 11.   I understand that UAC and the participating institutions have the
                        7.   I authorise UAC to provide all information and documents provided               right to vary or cancel an application or enrolment made on the
                             with and/or obtained in connection with this application to all                 basis of what UAC or a participating institution determines to be
                             institutions participating in undergraduate/international admissions            untrue or incomplete information from any source.
                             through UAC or their affiliates for any purpose connected with my         12.   I understand that UAC, on behalf of the participating institutions,
                             possible selection, admission and/or enrolment in any course at                 makes offers based on the information provided by me and
                             any of those institutions or affiliates.                                        on advice received from UAC. If a participating institution
                        8.   I authorise UAC to collect, receive, store, transfer and use any                subsequently finds that the information or advice was incorrect, it
                             information provided by me, or any information obtained in                      may withdraw the offer.
                             connection with this application, and to disclose such information        13.   I understand that UAC will release details of my course preferences
                             to all participating institutions, Universities Australia, Universities         and offers to my school/college and that I must notify UAC in
                             Australia member institutions, the members of the Australasian                  writing within 7 days of applying if I do not wish these details to be
                             Conference of Tertiary Admissions Centres (ACTAC), the Tertiary                 released to my school/college.
                             Education Quality and Standards Authority (TEQSA), the Australian         14.   I understand that information and documents provided with and/
                             Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), state and territory governments                or obtained in connection with this application may be used by
                             and any other authority or tertiary educational institution either              UAC for training, research purposes and that I must notify UAC in
                             in Australia or overseas, where UAC reasonably considers it is                  writing within 7 days of applying if I do not wish this information to
                             necessary to make such disclosure.                                              be used.
                        9.   I authorise any future educational institution I attend as a result       15.   I understand that all fees paid to UAC in connection with my
                             of this application to provide all of my results from future studies            application are not refundable under any circumstances except as
                             to UAC or a person nominated by UAC. I authorise UAC or the                     required by law.
                             nominated person to collect, receive, store, transfer and use

                        Policy statement on untrue or incomplete information                           −   claiming membership of a special selection group when not a
                        submitted by applicants                                                            member of that group.
                        UAC recognises that all decisions which affect an applicant must be            The procedures for processing applications suspected of being in
                        made fairly using appropriate academic or other criteria as specified          some way incomplete or untrue have been approved by the NSW
                        by the participating institutions.                                             Vice‑Chancellors’ Committee.
                        Selection into courses by application to UAC is based on merit. It is          These procedures accept the right of applicants to be treated fairly
                        the responsibility of applicants to ensure that they comply with all           and without prejudice, and in accordance with the principles of
                        instructions when submitting a UAC application. Read ‘Your                     natural justice.
                        responsibilities as an applicant’.                                             Collection of personal information
                        An application must be complete and correct and all attempts at                UAC collects personal information and, in some circumstances,
                        academic study must be disclosed. Applicants must accept the                   information regarding your health, or information about someone
                        conditions set out in the ‘Declaration and Authority’ when they apply          other than yourself, for the purpose of processing your application for
                        – read the printed version above.                                              undergraduate/international admission to tertiary institutions.
                        UAC will review, and may take action against, anyone who submits an            If you are providing personal information about someone other than
                        application that contains information that UAC or a participating              yourself, you should tell them about UAC’s Privacy Policy, which can
                        institution determines to be untrue or incomplete. That application            be found on UAC’s website at uac.edu.au/privacy.
                        may also be cancelled.
                                                                                                       While your personal information is generally collected from you, UAC
                        UAC will also investigate, and may take action against, an applicant           also collects information about you from other educational institutions
                        who, by any other means, has or could have achieved an advantage               that you have attended.
                        over other applicants.
                                                                                                       UAC provides your personal information and, where applicable, your
                        Examples of conduct by an applicant which will be investigated by              health information to all institutions participating in undergraduate/
                        UAC include, but are not limited to:                                           international admissions through UAC. If you do not provide personal
                        − submitting an incomplete or falsified academic transcript                    information where required in your application, UAC will not be able to
                        − failing to declare previous study at secondary, post-secondary or            process your application. Contact UAC’s Privacy Officer if you have
                             tertiary level                                                            any queries.
                        − submitting an incorrect or otherwise misleading statement of                 You are able to gain access to any personal information and health
                             employment experience                                                     information that is held about you by UAC. To obtain access, or if you
                        − claiming special consideration of educational disadvantage based             have any questions, write to:
                             on incorrect information
                                                                                                       The Managing Director, UAC, Locked Bag 112, Silverwater NSW 2128.
                        − having some other person complete a selection task on the
                             applicant’s behalf such as an interview, audition or a portfolio          For more information, read UAC’s Privacy Policy at uac.edu.au/privacy.
                             of work

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