Page created by Sam Mccoy
Flinders University is here to help you
every step of the way, from exploring
                                                                       CHOOSING YOUR DEGREE
your study options, personalising
pathway advice, providing support
throughout your studies and offering                                   Whether you’re set on studying
unique opportunities to assist you in                                  a particular degree or you’re still
becoming career-ready.                                                 considering your options, planning
                                                                       your future at Flinders is an exciting
THE FLINDERS EXPERIENCE                                                experience.
Every day at Flinders University there’s room for ideas to grow.
Our underlying ethos is a student-centred experience. Plugged
                                                                       It’s never too early to start thinking about university and your
into industry trends, professional placements and practical            study options. Here are some tips to help you choose what’s
experiences, our teaching is designed to take you from learning        right for you.
to earning.
                                                                       University applications are due around assessment time, so it’s
                                                                       worthwhile making a gradual and informed decision throughout
INNOVATIVE DEGREES                                                     the year. Attend Open Days and meet current students to start
Our wide range of unique degrees enable you to access highly           exploring your future study areas.
sought after study areas, as well as the flexibility to put your own
personal twist into your study plan.                                   1. Schedule an appointment with a Prospective Student Advisor in
                                                                          the holidays and request a personalised tour of the campus with
There’s no limit to what you can achieve with a Flinders degree.          a current student. Phone or email us to book. Friends and family
Our internationally recognised teachers, state-of-the-art facilities      are welcome to come along with you.
and above world standard research capabilities will inspire you
                                                                       2. Contact Flinders when you receive your ATAR to discuss
to be the best you can be.
                                                                          preferences and pathway options. To visit our recommended
Explore your passions, experiment bravely and make your mark.             pathway programs please see:                                                  3. Flinders offers a wide range of scholarships to help new

                                                                          students study and make the transition to uni.

                                                                          To find out more and to check your eligibility see:
                                   of research                  

                                   rated world-class
                                   or above
Flinders rating 89.7%, rounded up to 90%. Excellence in
Research for Australia, 2018

                                                                                                                                             “It’s important to choose something you will enjoy and
                                                                                                                                             not feel pressured to choose something that’s not the
Flinders offers over 550                                                                                                                     right fit for you. After looking into university degrees
undergraduate scholarships worth:                                                                                                            and considering my interests in sport and teaching,

                                                                                                                                             I found that Flinders would provide everything I was

$                                                                                                                                            interested in studying at uni.”
                                                                                                                                             Dominic, Christian Brothers College
                                                                                                                                             Studying Secondary Education / Health Sciences
STUDY AREAS                                                                                                                                                  STUDY AREAS
Business                                                                          Health                                                                     International Relations and Political                                       Midwifery
Business degrees provide you with the general skills and knowledge                With a Health degree, you can make a meaningful difference to              Science                                                                     The Bachelor of Midwifery (Pre-registration) will equip you with the
necessary to pursue a successful career in business. You’ll study topics          people and communities throughout the world. There are many                                                                                            essential skills required to provide high quality, safe and effective
in the core areas of accounting, marketing, management, law, economics,           opportunities in this evolving field—from healthy ageing, to nutrition,    Our degrees give you a range of tools to understand and drive               woman-centred care. With a focus on the principles of primary
human resources management, and innovation and enterprise. You can                or optometry. You’ll graduate well equipped to face the health             political, social and economic change. You will learn how political,        health care and continuity of care, you will develop an understanding
choose to focus your studies on a specialisation, including Advanced              challenges of the future. Many of our health degrees are nationally        social, economic, and strategic relations work within the global            of various midwifery models to enable you to apply theory and
Leadership, Banking, Finance, Sport Management, Marketing, and                    accredited and offer flexibility so you can carve out your unique          community and how these translate into policy areas such as trade,          skills in your daily practice. Midwives provide safe, effective care
Accounting or keep your options flexible by choosing your own topics in           pathway. Gain the skills to make a difference to people’s lives and        economic development, tourism, foreign affairs, education, migration,       that recognises women’s individual needs of choice, control and
the Bachelor of Business. You’ll develop real-world work experience and           address the future health needs of Australia and the world. Our many       human rights and environmental protection. You will learn how               continuity of care. Upon completion, you will be capable of providing
build networks through work placements and live industry projects.                electives, degrees and pathways give you the flexibility to follow your    policies are developed and implemented, preparing you for careers           care to women through their experience of pregnancy, labour and
                                                                                  passion with industry experience and overseas study. Our courses           in government, non-government and not-for profit organisations in           the early postnatal period in community and hospital settings.
                                                                                  include Disability and Developmental Education, Exercise Science,          Australia and abroad.
Creative Arts                                                                     Health Sciences, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Nutrition and
Whether you’re preparing to take centre stage, direct or produce
                                                                                  Dietetics, Paramedic Science, Optometry, and Speech Pathology.
                                                                                                                                                             Languages and Culture                                                       Psychology
an internationally acclaimed feature film, stitch and style your way                                                                                                                                                                     Undertake an extensive range of key subjects and a career pathway
                                                                                                                                                             Studying Languages and Culture at Flinders gives you the chance
to success, or write an award-winning play, Flinders Creative Arts
and Media will help you realise your ambitions. You’ll be taught by
                                                                                  Humanities and Social Sciences                                             to develop a broad range of skills and knowledge. Whether your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         to practising psychology. Psychology prepares you for a wide range
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         of careers including youth work, advertising, marketing, policy and
practising creative artists who are award-winning authors, playwrights,           Our degrees provide you with valuable, transferable skills to adapt to     interests lie in language, media, archaeology, theology or tourism and      research, consumer research, industrial relations, human resources,
actors, cinematographers, creative entrepreneurs and leaders in the               the incredible transformations taking place in the professional world.     events, you’ll gain transferable skills and industry experience that will   program coordination and welfare. You’ll study fields such as
arts industry. Study in a range of areas including Costume Design,                You can design your degree to suit your interests and aspirations          help you throughout your career and let you explore your passions           personality, emotion, development, cultural and biological influences,
Creative Writing, Dance, Drama, Enterprise, Fashion, Screen, Visual               by choosing from a diverse range of disciplines. Our humanities            and the world we live in. Choose from French, Indonesian, Italian,          social psychology and mental health. You’ll have the option of
Arts and Visual Effects and Entertainment Design.                                 and social sciences graduates are talented leaders in creative arts,       Modern Greek or Spanish at Flinders, or one of our cross-institutional      focussing your studies on an additional specialist area related to
                                                                                  business, politics and government. Challenge yourself with our arts        partnerships to study Chinese, German or Japanese. We also offer            psychology, including Criminology, Management, Neuroscience or
                                                                                  degree for high achievers or find your own path to success with            exciting study abroad and work experience opportunities overseas.           Biology, or have the freedom to choose elective topics from a range
Criminology                                                                       exciting placements, internships and study abroad opportunities.                                                                                       of different areas.
                                                                                  Study in a Bachelor of Arts with the flexibility to pick and choose
Criminology is the study of the causes, impact and prevention of
                                                                                  from a range of disciplines, you can unlock more career options and        Law
crime, and the institutions involved in responding to criminal conduct.
You will learn criminology theory and its applications in policing,
                                                                                  pursue your interests. Study areas include Archaeology, Drama,             Law brings hope to the disadvantaged, confidence to commercial              Science
                                                                                  History, Philosophy, Politics, and Sociology.                              ventures, rigour to politics and solid foundations to launch your
corrections, criminal process, victimisation, miscarriages of justice,                                                                                                                                                                   Science at Flinders allows you to tailor your study to suit your needs
organised crime, and corruption. Practical focussed topics will equip                                                                                        career in a diverse range of fields. A law degree also opens the            and career aspirations. Our science degrees enable you to follow
                                                                                                                                                             door to careers outside of the law including banking and finance,
you for employment in intelligence analysis, community corrections,
community development, and child safety work.
                                                                                  Information Technology                                                     environmental protection and development, politics, marketing,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         your interests without being confined by traditional boundaries in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         core sciences such as Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics,
                                                                                  Our Computing, Information Technology and Mathematics                      communications, business management and leadership. Our law                 or diverse options such as Forensics and Analytical Science, Marine
                                                                                  degrees prepare you to solve problems across a range of fields.            topics are focussed on 21st century lawyering and include criminal          Biology, Environment, Palaeontology, Nanotechnology or Energy and
Education                                                                         The technology industry is an exciting innovator and key player in         law, contracts, torts, real property, evidence, international law and
                                                                                                                                                             law in a digital age. You will develop high level communication,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Advanced Materials.
                                                                                  business, commerce, defence, medical research, climate change and
Our Education degrees include many opportunities to step into                                                                                                presentation and teamwork skills in preparation for practising law, or
                                                                                  the environment. Tailor your studies to suit your interests—whether
preschool, childcare, primary and high schools and even university
tutorials to observe and lead students in lessons. Experience day-
                                                                                  you’re mapping the complexity of our world or developing the apps          for future leadership roles in a range of educational and professional
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Social Work
                                                                                  that will transform the future. Specialisations include Network and
to-day life as an educator: plan lessons, build relationships with                                                                                                                                                                       The Bachelor of Social Work equips you with the practical skills
                                                                                  Cybersecurity Systems, Digital Health Systems, Digital Media, and
your students, and put your passion to work. You will complete a                                                                                                                                                                         and knowledge you need to work in a wide range of health and
                                                                                  Simulation and Serious Games.
double degree and gain a diverse skill set, combining your Bachelor                                                                                          Medicine                                                                    social welfare settings. It combines traditional social work skills with
of Education in Early Childhood, Special Education, Primary or                                                                                                                                                                           the broader issue of social policy and planning and intensive work
                                                                                                                                                             The Bachelor of Clinical Sciences/Doctor of Medicine double degree
Secondary with an Arts, Languages, Health Sciences, Disability
Studies or General Science degree. Develop an expertise that will
                                                                                  Innovation and Enterprise                                                  program enables school leavers without an undergraduate degree to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         placements that integrate your skills. You’ll develop expertise in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         delivery of social services, and in development and monitoring of
add value to your teaching, help you to inspire your students, and                Learn how to deliver enterprising solutions with our innovation and        pursue a career in medicine. The program provides a high standard           programs appropriate to current social conditions.
advance your career. With such a broad foundation of knowledge,                   enterprise undergraduate courses. Our degrees in innovation and            of academic, clinical and professional medical training to equip
you’ll be prepared for a range of professional education roles.                   enterprise will develop your personal enterprise skills to enhance         graduates with the skills necessary to take up positions as hospital
                                                                                  creativity, understand and embrace innovation, and think like an           interns and thereby qualify for medical registration in Australia. You
                                                                                                                                                             will undertake two years of the undergraduate degree and by passing
                                                                                  entrepreneur. Prepare yourself for the jobs of the future and to deliver
Engineering                                                                       entrepreneurial solutions in a world disrupted by constant and rapid       all topics and maintaining a GPA of at least 5.0 you will continue into
                                                                                                                                                             the four year Doctor of Medicine program.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Our courses are designed to give you a competitive advantage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         enabling you to work at the highest possible level, wherever you
                                                                                  change. You will receive mentorship from leading entrepreneurs, and
Our Engineering degrees are offered in close collaboration with industry,                                                                                                                                                                go. Our Sport degrees provide you with an understanding of the
                                                                                  work with innovative businesses. You will have the opportunity to
giving you specialist knowledge and an integrated ‘toolkit’ of skills that will                                                                                                                                                          significance of sport and physical activity within the context of a
                                                                                  learn and apply new approaches to creating value, and enhancing
enable you to meet the requirements of industry as it continues to change.
                                                                                  organisational outcomes and impact.                                        Nursing                                                                     healthy lifestyle. Our network of industry leaders and our placement
You’ll take part in a nationally recognised industry placement program                                                                                                                                                                   opportunities will provide you with real industry experience and
and network with teachers, mentors and businesses who will prepare you                                                                                       The Bachelor of Nursing (Pre-registration) will equip you with              connections while you study, helping you build your sports career
for the workplace. Our graduates leave with professional accreditation                                                                                       the skills you need to play an important role in health promotion,          and realise your ambitions.
and all engineering degrees can be combined with design, technology or                                                                                       maintenance and education, as well as in traditional patient care
innovation topics to give you the skills for an ever-changing world. You’ll                                                                                  and the restoration of health. Our focus is to develop you into a
be able to choose to focus your studies in a specialisation from a range                                                                                     Registered Nurse who is reflective about their practice and has
of areas including Biomedical, Civil, Electrical, Electronics, Maritime,                                                                                     well-developed clinical reasoning skills and a commitment to lifelong
Mechanical, Robotics and Software. We also offer a Flexible Entry degree                                                                                     learning. Nursing graduate positions are available in a range of areas
if you are unsure of where to start, where you can try a topics from the                                                                                     including medical/surgical, emergency, mental health, aged care and
different specialisations before making up your mind.                                                                                                        community health and general practice.
STUDENT EXPERIENCE                                                                                                                     STUDENT SPACES
At Flinders we are committed to the success of our students.                                                                           STUDENT HUB AND PLAZA
Our graduates are highly sought after by graduate employers and                                                                        The Student Hub is a state-of-the-art facility designed in close
                                                                                                                                       collaboration with current students who ensured it would meet
our work integrated learning programs combine academic and                                                                             their needs.
career-related activities designed to enhance learning.
                                                                                                                                       With student study spaces accessible 24/7, an outdoor
Flinders students are able to make industry connections and                                                                            amphitheatre and super screen, centralised student services and
                                                                                                                                       numerous eateries and function spaces, Flinders students can get
enhance their skills and experience through workplace and                                                                              the most out of their on-campus university experience.
internship programs in Australia and overseas.                                                                               

PERSONALISE YOUR DEGREE                                                                                                                TONSLEY
The Bachelor of Letters is designed to provide you with an avenue                                                                      The Tonsley campus centrally locates computer science,
to pursue your passions and gain skills that will make you more                                                                        engineering and mathematics students. It is home to the Medical
employable by undertaking a second study area in addition to your                                                                      Device Research Institute, Centre for Nanoscale Science and
primary Flinders degree. Apply directly to Flinders once receiving                                                                     Technology, Tonsley Innovative Manufacturing Hub and some of
your primary course offer.                                                                                                             Adelaide’s biggest businesses and industries.
Available specialisations are:
•   Archaeology                                                                                                                        VICTORIA SQUARE
•   Creative Enterprise
                                                                                                                                       Located in the heart of the Adelaide CBD, Flinders at Victoria
•   Creative Writing
                                                                                                                                       Square is an accessible, alternative and flexible space for
•   Criminology
                                                                                                                                       students. A selection of courses and topics are taught in this
•   English
                                                                                                                                       space and Flinders students can access fully equipped, private
•   Health
                                                                                                                                       study spaces.
•   History
•   Innovation and Enterprise
•   Language (French, Indonesian, Italian, Modern Greek or Spanish)
•   Mathematics                                                           “I really enjoyed Legal Studies in High School and felt
•   Sports Performance Coaching
                                                                          that Flinders had a much more practical and innovative
Find out more at
                                                                          approach to their degrees. Flinders Law for example,
                                                                          places a large focus on being practical and addresses
FLEXIBLE STUDY OPTIONS                                                                                                                                                                                    “The open learning spaces and innovative technologies
                                                                          technological innovation and how this impacts the legal
Many Flinders courses offer you flexible study options, including part-                                                                                                                                   at the Tonsley Campus are certainly a highlight. It’s
                                                                          field. This makes studying more interesting and helps
time and online options. Flinders online courses provide a convenient
                                                                                                                                                                                                          great being physically located alongside industry
and flexible way to achieve your study and career ambitions. You’ll       prepare us for a changing workplace.
receive the same quality education and qualifications as on-campus                                                                                                                                        too; it keeps your career planning front of mind and
students with dedicated support available throughout your entire
degree. Students on-campus also have flexibility with online lectures,    I’ve been fortunate to travel a lot with my degree.                                                                             encourages you to continue working towards your own
choosing your own timetable and face-to-face as well as online
support services available.
                                                                          Earlier this year I spent a month studying in the                                                                               professional development.”
                                                                          Netherlands which was incredible. I’m also looking                                                                              Brandon, Aberfoyle Park High School
STUDY ABROAD                                                              forward to interning in Washington DC as a Capitol Hill                                                                         Studying Computer Science (Simulation and Gaming)
Make the most of your time at uni and check out the amazing range         Intern for two months. This program is fairly unique to
of exchange opportunities available. With over 80 world class partner
institutions to choose from around the world, studying abroad is a        Flinders and was a large reason for placing Flinders as
great way to expand your horizons with us:                                my first preference.”
                                                                          Molly, Coomealla High School (NSW)
                                                                          Studying Laws and Legal practice / International Relations
FLINDERS LIVING                                                                                                                                      YEAR 12 ENTRY TO A FLINDERS DEGREE
At Flinders Living, we understand that moving away from home               DEIRDRE JORDAN VILLAGE                                                    Flinders University offers a range of pathways for you to apply
or starting at a new university can be both exciting and a little          Deirdre Jordan Village features 80 fully equipped, self-contained         for entry to your preferred degree. You will be considered for an
daunting, which is why we do everything we can to support our              units accommodating 309 students. This enables you to enjoy an            offer based on your most competitive selection rank, which may
students to settle in quickly. Our staff and student leadership            independent lifestyle within a vibrant and supportive community. The      be your Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) plus any
                                                                           Village features outdoor recreation spaces including three barbecue
teams aim to make University Hall and Deirdre Jordan Village               areas and a modern community centre with a large common room,             applicable adjustment factors, an admission test result or TAFE/
great places to live, learn and grow.                                      seminar rooms, a music room and decking with sea views. Each of           VET qualification. Alternatively, you may be considered via one of
                                                                           these self-contained units include a common living and dining area,
Because our Flinders Living residents are so close to everything           full kitchen, bathroom, and bedrooms for 2-6 students.
                                                                                                                                                     Flinders’ multiple entry pathways.
that Flinders has to offer, they are more actively engaged in
campus life and integrated into the Flinders University community.         OVERVIEW:                                                                 YEAR 12 ENTRY
This positively impacts the likelihood of our students completing          • Single rooms fully furnished (single bed, mattress and mattress         The majority of Year 12 applicants enter university via the traditional
                                                                               protector, desk, wardrobe, heating and fan) in self contained units   competitive entry method, where offers are made to eligible
their study and achieving higher academic outcomes.                            with shared communal living spaces in each unit                       applicants with the highest selection rank until all places in the
                                                                           •   Self catered                                                          degree are filled. Your selection rank is based on your ATAR plus any
There are a variety of accommodation options available at Flinders         •   Each unit has a full size kitchen with oven, microwave, fridge,
                                                                                                                                                     adjustments for which you are eligible.
Living to suit your needs. Accommodation is available in our self-             freezer, toaster and kettle
contained units in Deirdre Jordan Village or in University Hall, our       •   Free on-site laundry and enclosed drying areas plus washing
                                                                                                                                                     RESEARCH PROJECT B
catered hall of residence.                                                     machines in all 2 and 3 bedroom units
                                                                                                                                                     If you perform well in the Research Project B subject you could be
                                                                                                                                                     considered for entry into selected Flinders degrees on the basis of
WHY LIVE ON-CAMPUS AT FLINDERS                                             FEES                                                                      your grade. Your score will be automatically weighted and considered

UNIVERSITY?                                                                In 2020 indicative weekly room rates were (depending on exact
                                                                                                                                                     in your SATAC application.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               PERSONALISE YOUR PATHWAY
•   Be a part of living and learning environments that celebrates                                                                                                                                                              ELITE ATHLETE ADMISSION SCHEME
    diversity and show respect and consideration for others.               Uni Hall: $355-395                                                        UNITEST                                                                   Our Elite Athlete Admissions Scheme provides a pathway to
•   Walking distance to classes at Bedford Park and Sturt campuses         Deirdre Jordan Village: $195-250                                          As a Year 12 student, the Flinders uniTEST Pathway is available           university study for elite sports people. If you’ve officially represented
    with easy access to public transport and Flinders loop buses to        For more information about fees please see         to enhance your chances to gain a place in your preferred Flinders        your school or state at a national level competition, we’ll consider
    Tonsley                                                                                                                                          degree. If you take the test and don’t do so well, don’t worry, we will   your school’s recommendation about your academic potential when
•   Free membership of Flinders Sport and Fitness and easy access                                                                                    still consider your application on your other selection ranks. Your       you apply. For consideration, complete an online application direct to
    to music facilities, library and computer labs.                        APPLICATIONS                                                              uniTEST results are applicable to all Flinders undergraduate degrees      Flinders University in addition to your SATAC application.
•   A safe and secure environment with access to University Security                                                                                 (excluding Bachelor of Clinical Sciences/ Doctor of Medicine).  
                                                                           Applications for Flinders Living are made online.
    and student welfare support, 24-hours per day.                                                                                         
                                                                           Apply by closure date in November. Housing offers are normally
•   Affordable living with all utilities and free Wi-Fi access included.   made over December/January. You will need to submit the                                                                                             INDIGENOUS ADMISSION SCHEME
                                                                           application form, a personal statement about yourself and a non-                                                                                    The Indigenous Admission Scheme recognises that Indigenous
UNIVERSITY HALL                                                            refundable application fee.                                                                                                                         Australians do not always have the opportunity to gain entry to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               university via traditional pathways. To apply and to find out
                                                                           For more information visit
University Hall is our catered, collegiate hall of residence. We                                                                                                                                                               more, phone (08) 8201 3033 or
recommend students who are transitioning into higher education                                                                                                                                                                 download the application form.
soon after high school, choose the more collegiate and supportive                                                                                                                                                    
environment of the Hall for their first year experience, before                                                                                                                                                                scheme
considering moving to the Village for a more independent lifestyle in
later years. You will be provided with easy access to academic and
wellbeing guidance through a team of student leaders living on site.                                                                                                                                                           SCHOOL RECOMMENDATION PROGRAM
In addition, the elected House Committee strengthens the sense of                                                                                                                                                              Your performance in Year 12 is not always a true indicator of your
community through the organisation of many intercollegiate sporting                                                                                                                                                            ability to succeed at university. Flinders will consider your school’s
competitions and a wide range of social and cultural events.                                                                                                                                                                   recommendation about your academic performance and potential
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               for university study for admission to selected Flinders degrees. For
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               consideration, submit an application form direct to Flinders University
OVERVIEW:                                                                                                                                                                                                                      in addition to your SATAC application.
• Single rooms fully furnished (single bed, mattress and mattress                                                                                                                                                    
    protector, desk, wardrobe, heating and fan)
•   Shared common areas and kitchenettes
•   Catered for Monday to Friday for breakfast, lunch and dinner
•   Free on-site communal laundry and enclosed drying areas
POST SCHOOL PATHWAYS                                                                                                                HOW YOU’RE SELECTED
FOUNDATION STUDIES                                                                                                                  The majority of Year 12 applicants enter university via the
The Foundation Studies program has been designed to introduce                                                                       traditional competitive entry method, where offers are made to
you to university study in a supportive learning environment. Open to
people from all backgrounds, Foundation Studies provides a pathway
                                                                                                                                    eligible applicants with the highest Selection Rank until all places
to gain entry to most degrees at Flinders and offers guaranteed entry                                                               in the degree are filled. Your Selection Rank (SR) is based on your
into some degrees.                                                                                       ATAR plus any adjustments for which you are eligible.
You can apply for a TAFE SA* diploma or advanced diploma that is
linked to a Flinders degree. You’ll receive an offer to both TAFE SA
and Flinders University and on successful completion of the TAFE
course, you’ll have secured an offer for a Flinders degree. TAFE SA                                                                                                                                                                                             1
dual offers are available for a range of Flinders degrees.
* TAFE SA RTO Code: 41026                                                                                          ATAR                                                 ADJUSTMENT                                         2
TAFELINK                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               SELECTION RANK
Flinders offers guaranteed entry to selected degrees for applicants
who have completed a TAFE/VET certificate IV or higher level
qualification, as long as degree prerequisites are met. Importantly,
your TAFE/VET qualification does not need to be related to your
selected area of study at Flinders.
                                                                                                                                    ADJUSTMENT FACTORS                                                        UNIVERSITIES LANGUAGE, LITERACY AND MATHEMATICS
                                                                                                                                    Previously known as bonus points, adjustment factors contribute to        SCHEME (2 OR 4 POINTS)
SPECIAL TERTIARY ADMISSIONS TEST (STAT)                                                                                             your Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) when applying for          This scheme encourages students to strengthen their preparation for
The STAT is a two hour test consisting of 70 multiple choice                                                                        Flinders University degrees.                                              undergraduate studies by undertaking selected subjects in Year 12.
questions. It’s designed to assess a range of abilities and                                                                         The two schemes detailed below are administered by the South              In this Scheme, applicants will be awarded two points per subject
competencies considered important for successful university study.
You must be 18 as of 1 February the year you intend to begin
                                                                        “Sitting the uniTEST was good practise for exams and        Australian Tertiary Admissions Centre (SATAC).                            (up to a maximum of four points), for successfully completing a
                                                                                                                                                                                                              SACE subject in any of these four categories:
university study to be eligible. Apply to sit the test in conjunction   quite an experience. The test itself wasn’t too bad, just   UNIVERSITIES EQUITY SCHEME (5 POINTS)                                     •   20 credits of a LOTE in the Languages Learning Area.
with your SATAC application.
                                                                        general questions based on a passage or it may ask          The University Equity Scheme provides points in one of two ways:
                                                                                                                                                                                                              •   2ESH20 English or 2ELS20 English Literary Studies.
                                                                                                                                    school based or individual. Eligible students will receive five points.
                                                                        you to identify the next shape in a pattern. The uniTEST
                                                                                                                                                                                                              •   2MHS20 Mathematical Methods.
                                                                        ended up working well for me, I scored a decent result      SCHOOL-BASED                                                              •   2MSC20 Specialist Mathematics.
                                                                        and it definitely took some pressure off my shoulders       If your school is recognised by SATAC as an eligible school, these
                                                                                                                                                                                                              These adjustment factors will apply for all Flinders undergraduate
                                                                                                                                    points will be automatically applied. Check to see if your school is
                                                                        when it came to exams.”                                     eligible at
                                                                                                                                                                                                              degrees with the exception of the Universities Language, Literacy
                                                                                                                                                                                                              and Mathematics Scheme which will not apply to 214941 Bachelor
                                                                        Robert, Brighton Secondary School                                                                                                     of Clinical Sciences/ Doctor of Medicine.
                                                                        Commerce student                                            INDIVIDUAL
                                                                                                                                    If your school is not automatically recognised under SATAC’s
                                                                                                                                    Universities Equity Scheme you may apply for these points at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                              SELECTION RANKS
                                                                                                                                    time of your SATAC application if you meet any of the criteria below:
                                                                                                                                                                                                              MINIMUM SELECTION RANK
                                                                                                                                    •   You or your parents are in receipt
                                                                                                                                        of a Commonwealth means tested income support payment, or             The 2020 selection rank shown for each degree indicates the lowest
                                                                                                                                                                                                              rank for which an offer was made for each degree (including any
                                                                                                                                    •   You or your parents are the holders                                   adjustments). It is provided only as a guide for 2021 entry as it may
                                                                                                                                        of a Health Care or Pensioner Concession Card, or                     change from year to year. This is shown in the table as ‘2020 SR’

                                                                                                                                    •   You are the holder of a School Card.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              GUARANTEED ENTRY SELECTION RANK
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Achieve a Selection Rank equal to or above the published
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Guaranteed Entry Selection Rank and you will be guaranteed a place
                                                                                                                                                                                                              at Flinders. All you need to do is ensure you have listed Flinders
                                                                                                                                                                                                              degrees first in your preferences and you will be offered a place in
                                                                                                                                                                                                              the highest Flinders degree preference that you are eligible for in
                                                                                                                                                                                                              2021. This is shown in the table as ‘Guaranteed Entry SR’
SATAC CODE                                       DEGREES                 2020 SR                                         PATHWAY DEGREES                                           ADDITIONAL ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
                                                                                    ENTRY SR
  244001     Accounting                                                   70.20       75.00     Commerce (234201), Business (214761), Arts (214031),                   None
                                                                                                General Studies (234181)
  244002     Accounting combined degrees                                  74.15       75.00     Accounting (244001) Commerce (234201), Business (214761),              None
                                                                                                Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)
  274105     Accounting (Online)                                          82.45       75.00     Speak to us about your options                                         None
  244131     Accounting (Advanced Leadership)                             98.80       90.00     Accounting (244001) Commerce (234201), Business (214761),              None
                                                                                                Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)
  244011     Accounting and Finance                                       73.85       75.00     Accounting (244001) Commerce (234201), Business (214761),              None
                                                                                                Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)
  244141     Accounting and Finance (Advanced Leadership)                 NOM         90.00     Accounting (244001) Commerce (234201), Business (214761),              None
                                                                                                Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)
  214591     Applied Geographical Information Systems                     79.85       70.00     Arts and Science (234011), General Studies (234181)                    None
  214592     Applied Geographical Information Systems combined degrees    NOM         70.00     Applied Geographical Information Systems (214591),                     None
                                                                                                Arts and Science (234011), General Studies (234181)
  214021     Archaeology                                                  60.05       70.00     Arts and Science (234011), General Studies (234181)                    None
  214031     Arts                                                         60.55       70.00     General Studies (234181)                                               None
  234141     Arts (Education (Primary R-7) Pathway)                       60.20       70.00     Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)                                Successful review of Teaching Capabilities Statement
  234671     Arts (Education (Secondary) Pathway)                         63.85       70.00     Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)                                Successful review of Teaching Capabilities Statement
  234161     Arts (Psychological Science Pathway)                         61.80       70.00     Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)                                None
  234011     Arts and Science                                             74.80       75.00     Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)                                None
  224561     Arts Enhanced Program for High Achievers                     92.40       90.00     Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)                                None
  234111     Arts pathway to Master of Teaching (Primary R-7)             60.10       70.00     Arts (Education (Primary R-7) Pathway) (234141), Arts (214031),        Successful review of Teaching Capabilities Statement
                                                                                                General Studies (234181)
  234121     Arts pathway to Master of Teaching (Secondary)               66.30       70.00     Arts (Education (Secondary) Pathway) (234671), Arts (214031),          Successful review of Teaching Capabilities Statement
                                                                                                General Studies (234181)
  234741     Arts/Master of Teaching (Early Childhood)                    NOM         95.00     Education (Early Childhood)/Arts (214751), Arts (214031),              Successful review of Teaching Capabilities Statement
                                                                                                General Studies (234181)
  234751     Arts/Master of Teaching (Primary R-7)                        93.00       95.00     Education (Primary R-7)/Arts (214971), Arts (214031),                  Successful review of Teaching Capabilities Statement
                                                                                                General Studies (234181)
  234761     Arts/Master of Teaching (Secondary)                          97.05       95.00     Education (Secondary)/Arts (234681), Arts (214031),                    Successful review of Teaching Capabilities Statement
                                                                                                General Studies (234181)
  244021     Banking and Finance                                          81.55       75.00     Commerce (234201), Business (214761), Arts (214031),                   None
                                                                                                General Studies (234181)
  244031     Banking and Finance (Advanced Leadership)                    94.05       90.00     Banking and Finance (244031), Commerce (234201), Business (214761),    None
                                                                                                Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)
  214051     Behavioural Science (Psychology)                             70.30       80.00     Psychological Science (224651), Arts (Psychological Science Pathway)   None
                                                                                                (234161), General Studies (234181)
  214052     Behavioural Science (Psychology) combined degrees            87.35       80.00     Behavioural Science (Psychology) (214051),                             None
                                                                                                Psychological Science (224651), Arts (Psychological Science Pathway)
                                                                                                (234161), General Studies (234181)
  214761     Business                                                     60.45       70.00     Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)                                None
  214762     Business combined degrees                                    97.90       70.00     Business (214761), Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)             None
  274015     Business (Online)                                            NOM         70.00     Speak to us about your options                                         None
  224461     Business (Advanced Leadership)                               85.30       90.00     Business (214761), Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)             None
  224401     Business (Human Resource Management)                         0.00        75.00     Business (214761), Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)             None
  224402     Business (Human Resource Management) combined degrees        86.55       75.00     Business (Human Resource Management) (224401), Business (214761),      None
                                                                                                Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)
  234901     Business (Innovation and Enterprise)                         69.75       75.00     Business (214761), Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)             None
  234902     Business (Innovation and Enterprise) combined degrees        87.15       75.00     Business (Innovation and Enterprise) (234901), Business (214761),      None
                                                                                                Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)
  224411     Business (International Business)                            71.85       75.00     Business (214761), Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)             None
  224412     Business (International Business) combined degrees           71.90       75.00     Business (International Business) (224411), Business (214761),         None
                                                                                                Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)
  274045     Business (International Business) (Online)                   NOM         75.00     Speak to us about your options                                         None
  224361     Business (Management)                                        65.80       75.00     Business (214761), Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)             None
  224362     Business (Management) combined degrees                       NOM         75.00     Business (Management) (224361), Business (214761), Arts (214031),      None
                                                                                                General Studies (234181)
  274025     Business (Management) (Online)                               98.05       75.00     Speak to us about your options                                         None
  224371     Business (Marketing)                                         67.50       75.00     Business (214761), Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)             None
  224372     Business (Marketing) combined degrees                        70.35       75.00     Business (Marketing) (224371), Business (214761), Arts (214031),       None
                                                                                                General Studies (234181)
SATAC CODE                                         DEGREES                            2020 SR                                            PATHWAY DEGREES                                            ADDITIONAL ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
                                                                                                    ENTRY SR
  274035     Business (Marketing) (Online)                                              0.00          75.00     Speak to us about your options                                          None
  244041     Business (Sport Management)                                               65.60          75.00     Business (214761), Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)              None
  244042     Business (Sport Management) combined degrees                              76.05          75.00     Business (Sport Management) (244041), Business (214761),                None
                                                                                                                Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)
  244051     Business (Supply Chain Management)                                         NOM           75.00     Business (214761), Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)              None
  244061     Business Economics                                                         97.90         75.00     Commerce (234201), Business (214761), Arts (214031),                    None
                                                                                                                General Studies (234181)
  244062     Business Economics combined degrees                                       90.70          75.00     Business Economics (244061) Commerce (234201), Business (214761),       None
                                                                                                                Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)
  244071     Business Economics (Advanced Leadership)                                   NOM           90.00     Business Economics (244061) Commerce (234201), Business (214761),       None
                                                                                                                Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)
  214941     Clinical Sciences/Doctor of Medicine                                        NA            NA       Health Sciences (214181), Medical Science (214421),                     Applicants must complete the University Clinical Aptitude Test
                                                                                                                Paramedic Science (224321), Science (Biotechnology) (234521)            (UCAT).
  234201     Commerce                                                                  75.25          70.00     Business (214761), Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)              None
  214821     Computer Science                                                           72.45         70.00     Information Technology (214201), Science (234511)                       Prerequisites: SACE stage two specialist mathematics or
                                                                                                                                                                                        mathematical methods or equivalent.
  214822     Computer Science combined degrees                                          87.40         70.00     Computer Science (214821), Information Technology (214201),             Prerequisites: SACE stage two specialist mathematics or
                                                                                                                Science (234511)                                                        mathematical methods or equivalent.
  224431     Computer Science (Honours)                                                 97.65         80.00     Computer Science (214821), Information Technology (214201),             Prerequisites: SACE stage two specialist mathematics or
                                                                                                                Science (234511)                                                        mathematical methods or equivalent.
  244221     Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence)                                 73.85         75.00     Computer Science (214821), Information Technology (214201),             Prerequisites: SACE stage two specialist mathematics or
                                                                                                                Science (234511)                                                        mathematical methods or equivalent.
  244231     Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) (Honours)                      86.75          85.00     Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) (244221), Computer Science   Prerequisites: SACE stage two specialist mathematics or
                                                                                                                (214821), Information Technology (214201), Science (234511)             mathematical methods or equivalent.
  234731     Creative Arts (Costume Design) (VET Pathway)                                NA            NA       Speak to us about your options                                          None
  234721     Creative Arts (Costume Design) in partnership with TAFE SA                66.80          70.00     Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)                                 None
  214551     Creative Arts (Creative Writing)                                          60.20           NA       Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)                                 Minimum academic requirement plus submission of a portfolio,
                                                                                                                                                                                        written statement, CV, audition and/or interview is required
  224691     Creative Arts (Dance) in partnership with TAFE SA                         60.55           NA       Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)                                 Minimum academic requirement plus submission of a portfolio,
                                                                                                                                                                                        written statement, CV, audition and/or interview is required
  214561     Creative Arts (Drama)                                                     65.25           NA       Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)                                 Minimum academic requirement plus submission of a portfolio,
                                                                                                                                                                                        written statement, CV, audition and/or interview is required
  224951     Creative Arts (Fashion) (VET pathway)                                       NA            NA       Speak to us about your options                                          None
  224901     Creative Arts (Fashion) in partnership with TAFE SA                       60.35          70.00     Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)                                 None
  214571     Creative Arts (Screen)                                                    61.25           NA       Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)                                 Minimum academic requirement plus submission of a portfolio,
                                                                                                                                                                                        written statement, CV, audition and/or interview is required
  224911     Creative Arts (Visual Arts) in partnership with TAFE SA                   61.15          70.00     Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)                                 None
  224131     Creative Arts (Visual Effects and Entertainment Design)                   60.15           NA       Media Arts (224731), Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)            Minimum academic requirement plus submission of a portfolio,
                                                                                                                                                                                        written statement, CV, audition and/or interview is required
  224161     Creative Arts (Visual Effects and Entertainment Design) (VET Pathway)       NA            NA       Speak to us about your options                                          None
  224171     Creative Arts (Visual Effects and Entertainment Design) (Honours)         78.30           NA       Creative Arts (Visual Effects and Entertainment Design) (244131),       Minimum academic requirement plus submission of a portfolio,
                                                                                                                Media Arts (224731), Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)            written statement, CV, audition and/or interview is required
  244291     Creative Industries (Digital Media)                                     New in 2021      70.00     Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)                                 None
  244461     Creative Industries (Festivals and Arts Production)                     New in 2021      70.00     Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)                                 None
  244301     Creative Industries (Film and Television)                               New in 2021      70.00     Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)                                 None
  244311     Creative Industries (Interactive Design)                                New in 2021      70.00     Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)                                 None
  244321     Creative Industries (Theatre and Performance)                           New in 2021      70.00     Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)                                 None
  244331     Creative Industries (Writing and Publishing)                            New in 2021      70.00     Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)                                 None
  234661     Criminology                                                               70.40          75.00     Law and Society (234641), Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)       None
  234662     Criminology combined degrees                                              71.45          75.00     Criminology (234661), Law and Society (234641), Arts (214031),          None
                                                                                                                General Studies (234181)
  234941     Criminology (Honours)                                                     92.85          95.00     Criminology (234661), Law and Society (234641), Arts (214031),          None
                                                                                                                General Studies (234181)
  234942     Criminology (Honours) combined degrees                                     97.55         95.00     Criminology (Honours) (234941), Criminology (234661),                   None
                                                                                                                Law and Society (234641), Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)
  224771     Design and Technology Innovation                                          99.35          75.00     Science (234511), General Studies (234181)                              None
  224772     Design and Technology Innovation combined degrees                          NOM           75.00     Design and Technology Innovation (224771), Science (234511)             None
  224531     Disability and Developmental Education                                    62.10          70.00     General Studies (234181)                                                None
  224535     Disability and Developmental Education (Online)                            67.70         70.00     Speak to us about your options                                          None
  214751     Education (Early Childhood)/Bachelor of Arts                               74.70         80.00     Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)                                 Successful review of Teaching Capabilities Statement
SATAC CODE                                        DEGREES                             2020 SR                                            PATHWAY DEGREES                                              ADDITIONAL ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
                                                                                                    ENTRY SR
  224021     Education (Early Childhood)/Bachelor of Special Education                 71.25          80.00     Disability and Developmental Education (224531), Arts (214031),           Successful review of Teaching Capabilities Statement
                                                                                                                General Studies (234181)
  214971     Education (Primary R-7)/Bachelor of Arts                                   70.45         85.00     Arts (Education (Primary R-7) Pathway) (234141), Arts (214031),           Successful review of Teaching Capabilities Statement
                                                                                                                General Studies (234181)
  224031     Education (Primary R-7)/Bachelor of Special Education                      70.70         80.00     Disability and Developmental Education (224531), Arts (214031),           Successful review of Teaching Capabilities Statement
                                                                                                                General Studies (234181)
  234061     Education (Primary R-7)/Bachelor of General Science                        72.05         80.00     Science (234511), Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)                 Successful review of Teaching Capabilities Statement
  234681     Education (Secondary)/Bachelor of Arts                                     70.65         80.00     Arts (Education (Secondary) Pathway)(234671), Arts (214031),              Successful review of Teaching Capabilities Statement
                                                                                                                General Studies (234181)
  234691     Education (Secondary)/Bachelor of Health Sciences                          70.25         90.00     Health Sciences (214181), Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)         Successful review of Teaching Capabilities Statement
  224541     Education (Secondary)/Bachelor of Languages                               70.50          80.00     Languages (214921), Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)               Successful review of Teaching Capabilities Statement
  234701     Education (Secondary)/Bachelor of Science                                  74.05         80.00     Science (224181), Arts (224031), General Studies (234181)                 Successful review of Teaching Capabilities Statement
  234711     Education (Secondary)/Bachelor of Special Education                       76.80          80.00     Disability and Developmental Education (224531), Arts (214031),           Successful review of Teaching Capabilities Statement
                                                                                                                General Studies (234181)
  234771     General Science/Master of Teaching (Primary R-7)                           NOM           95.00     Education (Primary R-7)/General Science (234061), Science (224181),       Successful review of Teaching Capabilities Statement
                                                                                                                Arts (224031), General Studies (234181)
  234791     Languages/Master of Teaching (Secondary)                                   NOM           95.00     Education (Secondary)/Languages (224541), Languages (214921),             Successful review of Teaching Capabilities Statement
                                                                                                                Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)
  234781     Science/Master of Teaching (Secondary)                                    93.05          95.00     Education (Secondary)/Bachelor of Science (234701), Science (224181),     Successful review of Teaching Capabilities Statement
                                                                                                                Arts (224031), General Studies (234181)
  244091     Finance                                                                    NOM           75.00     Commerce (234201), Business (214761), Arts (214031),                      None
                                                                                                                General Studies (234181)
  244092     Finance combined degrees                                                   73.85         75.00     Finance (244091), Commerce (234201), Business (214761),                   None
                                                                                                                Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)
  244151     Finance (Advanced Leadership)                                              NOM           85.00     Finance (244091), Commerce (234201), Business (214761),                   None
                                                                                                                Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)
  244101     Finance and Business Economics                                            85.80          75.00     Finance (244091), Commerce (234201), Business (214761),                   None
                                                                                                                Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)
  244161     Finance and Business Economics (Advanced Leadership)                       NOM           90.00     Finance and Business Economics (244101), Finance (244091), Commerce None
                                                                                                                (234201), Business (214761), Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)
  234931     Engineering (Honours) - Flexible Entry                                    76.50          80.00     Engineering (General Entry) (244441), Engineering Science (214811),       Prerequisites: SACE stage two specialist mathematics or
                                                                                                                Science (234511)                                                          mathematical methods or equivalent. Knowledge of SACE stage two
                                                                                                                                                                                          physics or equivalent is assumed.
  224781     Engineering (Biomedical) (Honours)                                        81.00          80.00     Engineering (Honours) - Flexible Entry (234931),                          Prerequisites: SACE stage two specialist mathematics or
                                                                                                                Engineering (General Entry) (244441), Engineering Science (214811)        mathematical methods or equivalent. Knowledge of SACE stage two
                                                                                                                                                                                          physics or equivalent is assumed.
  224782     Engineering (Biomedical) (Honours) combined degrees                       83.00          80.00     Engineering (Biomedical) (Honours) (224781),                              Prerequisites: SACE stage two specialist mathematics or
                                                                                                                Engineering (General Entry) (244441), Engineering Science (214811)        mathematical methods or equivalent. Knowledge of SACE stage two
                                                                                                                                                                                          physics or equivalent is assumed.
  224861     Engineering (Biomedical) (Honours)/Master of Engineering (Biomedical)     98.05          95.00     Engineering (Biomedical) (Honours) (224781),                              Prerequisites: SACE stage two specialist mathematics or
                                                                                                                Engineering (General Entry) (244441), Engineering Science (214811)        mathematical methods or equivalent. Knowledge of SACE stage two
                                                                                                                                                                                          physics or equivalent is assumed.
  224791     Engineering (Civil) (Honours)                                             75.05          80.00     Engineering (Honours) - Flexible Entry (234931),                          Prerequisites: SACE stage two specialist mathematics or
                                                                                                                Engineering (General Entry) (244441), Engineering Science (214811)        mathematical methods or equivalent. Knowledge of SACE stage two
                                                                                                                                                                                          physics or equivalent is assumed.
  224792     Engineering (Civil) (Honours) combined degrees                             NOM           80.00     Engineering (Civil) (Honours) (224791),                                   Prerequisites: SACE stage two specialist mathematics or
                                                                                                                Engineering (General Entry) (244441), Engineering Science (214811)        mathematical methods or equivalent. Knowledge of SACE stage two
                                                                                                                                                                                          physics or equivalent is assumed.
  244431     Engineering (Electrical and Electronic) (Honours)                       New in 2021      80.00     Engineering (Honours) - Flexible Entry (234931),                          Prerequisites: SACE stage two specialist mathematics or
                                                                                                                Engineering (General Entry) (244441), Engineering Science (214811)        mathematical methods or equivalent. Knowledge of SACE stage two
                                                                                                                                                                                          physics or equivalent is assumed.
  244401     Engineering (Environmental) (Honours)                                   New in 2021      80.00     Engineering (Honours) - Flexible Entry (234931),                          Prerequisites: SACE stage two specialist mathematics or
                                                                                                                Engineering (General Entry) (244441), Engineering Science (214811)        mathematical methods or equivalent. Knowledge of SACE stage two
                                                                                                                                                                                          physics or equivalent is assumed.
  244402     Engineering (Environmental) (Honours) combined degrees                  New in 2021      80.00     Engineering (Environmental) (Honours) (244401), Engineering (Honours) -   Prerequisites: SACE stage two specialist mathematics or
                                                                                                                Flexible Entry (234931), Engineering (General Entry) (244441),            mathematical methods or equivalent. Knowledge of SACE stage two
                                                                                                                Engineering Science (214811)                                              physics or equivalent is assumed.
  244441     Engineering (General Entry)                                             New in 2021      80.00     Engineering Science (214811), Science (234511),                           Prerequisites: SACE stage two general mathematics or equivalent.
                                                                                                                General Studies (234181)
  234591     Engineering (Maritime) (Honours)                                           76.20         80.00     Engineering (Honours) - Flexible Entry (234931),                          Prerequisites: SACE stage two specialist mathematics or
                                                                                                                Engineering (General Entry) (244441), Engineering Science (214811)        mathematical methods or equivalent. Knowledge of SACE stage two
                                                                                                                                                                                          physics or equivalent is assumed.
  224831     Engineering (Mechanical) (Honours)                                        75.25          80.00     Engineering (Honours) - Flexible Entry (234931),                          Prerequisites: SACE stage two specialist mathematics or
                                                                                                                Engineering (General Entry) (244441), Engineering Science (214811)        mathematical methods or equivalent. Knowledge of SACE stage two
                                                                                                                                                                                          physics or equivalent is assumed.
SATAC CODE                                       DEGREES                                           2020 SR                                            PATHWAY DEGREES                                           ADDITIONAL ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
                                                                                                                 ENTRY SR
  224832     Engineering (Mechanical) (Honours) combined degrees                                    75.15          80.00     Engineering (Mechanical) (Honours) (224831),                           Prerequisites: SACE stage two specialist mathematics or
                                                                                                                             Engineering (General Entry) (244441), Engineering Science (214811)     mathematical methods or equivalent. Knowledge of SACE stage two
                                                                                                                                                                                                    physics or equivalent is assumed.
  224871     Engineering (Mechanical) (Honours)/Master of Engineering (Biomedical)                  98.40          95.00     Engineering (Mechanical) (Honours) (224831),                           Prerequisites: SACE stage two specialist mathematics or
                                                                                                                             Engineering (General Entry) (244441), Engineering Science (214811)     mathematical methods or equivalent. Knowledge of SACE stage two
                                                                                                                                                                                                    physics or equivalent is assumed.
  224841     Engineering (Robotics) (Honours)                                                       81.30          80.00     Engineering (Honours) - Flexible Entry (234931),                       Prerequisites: SACE stage two specialist mathematics or
                                                                                                                             Engineering (General Entry) (244441), Engineering Science (214811)     mathematical methods or equivalent. Knowledge of SACE stage two
                                                                                                                                                                                                    physics or equivalent is assumed.
  224842     Engineering (Robotics) (Honours) combined degrees                                       78.70         80.00     Engineering (Robotics) (Honours) (224841),                             Prerequisites: SACE stage two specialist mathematics or
                                                                                                                             Engineering (General Entry) (244441), Engineering Science (214811)     mathematical methods or equivalent. Knowledge of SACE stage two
                                                                                                                                                                                                    physics or equivalent is assumed.
  244451     Engineering (Robotics) (Honours)/Master of Engineering (Electrical and Electronic)     96.55          95.00     Engineering (Robotics) (Honours) (224841),                             Prerequisites: SACE stage two specialist mathematics or
                                                                                                                             Engineering (General Entry) (244441), Engineering Science (214811)     mathematical methods or equivalent. Knowledge of SACE stage two
                                                                                                                                                                                                    physics or equivalent is assumed.
  224851     Engineering (Software) (Honours)                                                        77.25         80.00     Engineering (Honours) - Flexible Entry (234931),                       Prerequisites: SACE stage two specialist mathematics or
                                                                                                                             Engineering (General Entry) (244441), Engineering Science (214811)     mathematical methods or equivalent. Knowledge of SACE stage two
                                                                                                                                                                                                    physics or equivalent is assumed.
  224852     Engineering (Software) (Honours) combined degrees                                       NOM           80.00     Engineering (Software) (Honours) (224851),                             Prerequisites: SACE stage two specialist mathematics or
                                                                                                                             Engineering (General Entry) (244441), Engineering Science (214811)     mathematical methods or equivalent. Knowledge of SACE stage two
                                                                                                                                                                                                    physics or equivalent is assumed.
  214811     Engineering Science                                                                    61.25          70.00     Science (234511), General Studies (234181)                             None
  214812     Engineering Science combined degrees                                                   98.55          70.00     Engineering Science (214811), Science (234511),                        None
                                                                                                                             General Studies (234181)
  244411     Engineering Technology (Electronic Systems and Security)                             New in 2021      75.00     Engineering Science (214811), Science (234511),                        Prerequisites: SACE stage two general mathematics or equivalent.
                                                                                                                             General Studies (234181)
  244421     Engineering Technology (Electronic Systems and Security)/Bachelor of Science         New in 2021      75.00     Engineering Science (214811), Science (234511),                        Prerequisites: SACE stage two general mathematics or equivalent.
             (Physics)                                                                                                       General Studies (234181)
  234551     Exercise Science                                                                       80.05           NA       Health Sciences (214181), Sport, Health & Physical Activity (224741)   Knowledge of SACE stage two biology or equivalent is assumed.
  234552     Exercise Science combined degrees                                                      80.50           NA       Exercise Science (234551), Health Sciences (214181),                   Knowledge of SACE stage two biology or equivalent is assumed.
                                                                                                                             Sport, Health & Physical Activity (224741)
  234571     Exercise Science/Master of Exercise Physiology                                         90.10           NA       Exercise Science (234551), Health Sciences (214181),                   Knowledge of SACE stage two biology or equivalent is assumed.
                                                                                                                             Sport, Health & Physical Activity (224741)
  234181     General Studies                                                                        64.05           NA       Speak to us about your options                                         None
  244351     Health Sciences [specialisations: Health Sciences, Ageing, Health Management,        New in 2021      80.00     Science (234511), General Studies (234181)                             None
             Health Promotion, Innovation]
  244361     Health Sciences (Digital Health)                                                     New in 2021      80.00     Health Sciences (244351), Science (234511), General Studies (234181)   None
  244371     Health Sciences (Physiology and Neuroscience)                                        New in 2021      80.00     Health Sciences (244351), Science (234511), General Studies (234181)   None
  244381     Health Sciences (Psychology)                                                         New in 2021      80.00     Health Sciences (244351), Science (234511), General Studies (234181)   None
  244391     Health Sciences (Therapy Studies)                                                    New in 2021      80.00     Health Sciences (244351), Science (234511), General Studies (234181)   None
  214871     Health Sciences/Graduate Diploma in Environmental Health Practice                       NOM           90.00     Health Sciences (214181), Science (234511), General Studies (234181)   None
  224071     Health Sciences/Master of Occupational Therapy                                         92.50          95.00     Health Sciences (214181)                                               Knowledge of SACE stage two biology or equivalent is assumed.
  224081     Health Sciences/Master of Physiotherapy                                                 97.05          NA       Health Sciences (214181)                                               Knowledge of SACE stage two biology and physics or equivalent is
  274055     Healthy Ageing (Online)                                                                76.40          70.00     Speak to us about your options                                         None
  234841     Human Nutrition                                                                        75.15           NA       Health Sciences (214181)                                               Knowledge of SACE stage two biology or equivalent is assumed.
  214201     Information Technology                                                                 62.30          70.00     Science (234511), Arts (214031), General Studies (234181)              None
  214202     Information Technology combined degrees                                                69.15          70.00     Information Technology (214201), Science (234511),                     None
                                                                                                                             General Studies (234181)
  274095     Information Technology (Online)                                                        61.05          70.00     Speak to us about your options                                         None
  224441     Information Technology (Honours)                                                        NOM           80.00     Information Technology (214201), Science (234511),                     None
                                                                                                                             General Studies (234181)
  234051     Information Technology (Digital Health Systems) (Honours)                               NOM           80.00     Information Technology (214201), Science (234511),                     None
                                                                                                                             General Studies (234181)
  234052     Information Technology (Digital Health Systems) (Honours) combined degrees              NOM           80.00     Information Technology (Digital Health Systems) (Honours) (234051),    None
                                                                                                                             Information Technology (214201)
  224701     Information Technology (Network and Cybersecurity Systems)                              70.70         70.00     Information Technology (214201), Science (234511),                     Knowledge of SACE stage two specialist mathematics, mathematical
                                                                                                                             General Studies (234181)                                               methods or equivalent is assumed.
  224702     Information Technology (Network and Cybersecurity Systems) combined degrees            80.25          70.00     Information Technology (Network & Cybersecurity Systems) (224701),     Knowledge of SACE stage two specialist mathematics, mathematical
                                                                                                                             Information Technology (214201), Science (234511)                      methods or equivalent is assumed.
  224711     Information Technology (Network and Cybersecurity Systems) (Honours)                   82.10          80.00     Information Technology (Network & Cybersecurity Systems) (224701),     Knowledge of SACE stage two specialist mathematics, mathematical
                                                                                                                             Information Technology (214201)                                        methods or equivalent is assumed.
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