2022 Participation and Sponsorship Opportunities

2022 Participation and Sponsorship Opportunities
PO Box 465
                                                                                               Pickerington, Ohio 43147
                                                                                                   Phone: 614-321-8221
                                                                                              Email: PVA@hotmail.com

                                                                              Make check payable to PVA
                                                                   Mail to: PVA, PO Box 465, Pickerington, OH 43147

2022 Participation and Sponsorship Opportunities
Date: _______________
Name of Your Business: ______________________________________________________________________________
Contact Person: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Business Street Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address (if different from business location): ______________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: _______________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________
Email Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Become a member! See our membership form below.

Chocolate Hop – May 6, 6:00-8:30pm
Your location listed on the event map. Space for your tent/table for vendors from outside event area (in yellow).
_____ Free PVA Member
_____ $25        Non-member, For Profit Business
_____ $10        Non-member, Non-Profit Organization

Farmer’s Market – Thursdays June-Sept
See below for Sponsorship Opportunities

PetFest – October 22, 1:00-4:00pm
Booth Space at the event in Victory Park, 101 Lockville Rd
_____ Free PVA Member
_____ $25       Non-member, For Profit Business
_____ $10       Non-member, Non-Profit Organization

See below for Sponsorship Opportunities

Holiday Gathering – December 2, 5:00-8:00pm
See below for Sponsorship Opportunities
2022 Participation and Sponsorship Opportunities
Additional Supporter Levels
Open to all businesses. (Membership, board membership & voting status determined by business location)
_____ $ 250
_____ $ 500
_____ $1000
_____ $1500
_____ $2000
_____ $4000

 $250                 $500                  $1000                  $1500                 $2000                   $4000
 Supporter            Bronze                Silver                 Gold                  Platinum                Diamond
 Membership           Membership            Membership             Membership            Membership              Membership
 included             included              included               included              included depending      included depending
 depending on         depending on          depending on           depending on          on business location    on business location
 business location    business location     business location      business location
 Logo on PVA          Logo on PVA           Logo on PVA            Logo on PVA           Logo on PVA             Logo on PVA
 website home         website home          website home           website home          website home page       website home page
 page w/ link to      page w/ link to       page w/ link to        page w/ link to       w/ link to your         w/ link to your
 your website         your website          your website           your website          website                 website
 Free booth space     Free outdoor          Free booth space       Free booth space      Free booth space at     Free booth space at
 at Chocolate Hop     booth space at        at Chocolate Hop       at Chocolate Hop      Chocolate Hop and       Chocolate Hop and
 and PetFest          Chocolate Hop,        and PetFest            and PetFest           PetFest                 PetFest
 Business name and    Business name         Business name and      Business name         Business name and       Business name and
 link included on     and link included     link included on       and link included     link included on        link included on
 Chocolate Hop and    on Chocolate Hop      Chocolate Hop and      on Chocolate          Chocolate Hop and       Chocolate Hop and
 PetFest Facebook     and PetFest           PetFest Facebook       Hop and PetFest       PetFest Facebook        PetFest Facebook
 event pages in the   Facebook event        event pages in the     Facebook event        event pages in the      event pages in the
 event details        pages in the event    event details          pages in the          event details           event details
                      details                                      event details
                      Your logo             Your logo              Your logo             Your logo displayed     Your logo displayed
                      displayed on a        displayed on a yard    displayed on a        on a yard sign at       on a yard sign at
                      yard sign at          sign at Chocolate      yard sign at          Chocolate Hop and       Chocolate Hop and
                      Chocolate Hop         Hop and PetFest        Chocolate Hop         PetFest                 PetFest
                      and PetFest                                  and PetFest
                      Free outdoor          Free outdoor           Free outdoor          Free outdoor booth      Free outdoor booth
                      booth space at        booth space at         booth space at        space at Holiday        space at Holiday
                      Holiday Gathering     Holiday Gathering      Holiday               Gathering (please       Gathering (please
                      (please offer a       (please offer a free   Gathering             offer a free kid's      offer a free kid's
                      free kid's activity   kid's activity or      (please offer a       activity or giveaway)   activity or giveaway)
                      or giveaway)          giveaway)              free kid's activity
                                                                   or giveaway)
                      Business name         Business name and      Business name         Business name and       Business name and
                      and link included     link included on       and link included     link included on        link included on
                      on Holiday            Holiday Gathering      on Holiday            Holiday Gathering       Holiday Gathering
                      Gathering             Facebook event         Gathering             Facebook event          Facebook event
                      Facebook event        page in the event      Facebook event        page in the event       page in the event
                      page in the event     details                page in the           details                 details
                      details                                      event details
                                            Logo on event          Logo on event         Logo on event           Logo on event
                                            poster for             poster for            poster for Chocolate    poster for Chocolate
                                            Chocolate Hop,         Chocolate Hop,        Hop, PetFest and        Hop, PetFest and
                                            PetFest and            PetFest and           Holiday Gathering       Holiday Gathering
                                            Holiday Gathering      Holiday
2022 Participation and Sponsorship Opportunities
Name mentioned      Name               Name mentioned         Name mentioned
and tagged in ONE   mentioned and      and tagged in          and tagged in FOUR
Facebook post       tagged in TWO      THREE Facebook         Facebook posts
about Chocolate     Facebook posts     posts about            about Chocolate
Hop, PetFest &      about Chocolate    Chocolate Hop,         Hop, PetFest &
Holiday Gathering   Hop, PetFest &     PetFest & Holiday      Holiday Gathering
                    Holiday            Gathering
                    Free booth space   Free Booth space at    Free Booth space at
                    at Holiday         Holiday Gift Market    Holiday Gift Market
                    Gathering - OR -
                    Free both space
                    at one (1)
                    Farmers' Market    Free booth space at    Free booth space at
                    (date              one (1) Farmers'       one (1) Farmers'
                    coordinated with   Market (date           Market (date
                    Market             coordinated with       coordinated with
                    Manager)           Market Manager)        Market Manager)
                    Logo on            Logo on Oktoberfest    Logo on Oktoberfest
                    Oktoberfest        event poster           event poster
                    event poster
                    Your name on       Your name on           Your name on
                    Oktoberfest        Oktoberfest event t-   Oktoberfest event t-
                    event t-shirts     shirts                 shirts
                                       Business name and      Business name and
                                       link included on       link included on
                                       Oktoberfest            Oktoberfest
                                       Facebook event         Facebook event
                                       page in the event      page in the event
                                       details                details
                                       Name mentioned         Name mentioned
                                       and tagged in ONE      and tagged in TWO
                                       Facebook post          Facebook posts
                                       about Oktoberfest      about Oktoberfest
                                                              Free booth space at
                                                              Logo displayed at
                                                              Logo on Farmer's
                                                              Market weekly
                                                              email blast
                                                              Name and logo on a
                                                              yard sign at
                                                              Farmers' Market
                                                              Logo displayed on
                                                              Farmers' Market
                                                              sponsors banner
                                                              Stand alone
                                                              Facebook post on
                                                              PVA Facebook page
                                                              mentioning your
                                                              sponsorship with an
                                                              image you provide
                                                              Logo on all PVA
                                                              Events email blasts
2022 Participation and Sponsorship Opportunities
About the Market
The Pickerington Farmers’ Market, sponsored by the Olde Pickerington Village Business Association
(PVA), is a dynamic community event open every Thursday, 4-7pm, June through September. The
Market showcases fresh, local Ohio grown produce & meats, cottage foods, artisan crafts and much
more. In 2021, the Market averaged hundreds of customers per week with more than 10,000
attending throughout the season. The market is becoming one of the largest weekly gatherings in
the community.

       As market popularity increases, we seek additional community support to enable us to expand
programming, entertainment, and special market promotions. Please consider becoming a sponsor of
the Pickerington Farmers’ Market.

Become a Sponsor
Review the Sponsorship Level Benefits and choose your level of support

Name: ______________________________________ Phone # ________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________

E-mail: __________________________________________________________

  General Sponsorships

  ___ $100 Small Business

  ___ $150 Holiday Gift Mkt Sponsor

  ___ $250 Supporting Sponsor

  ___ $500 Presenting Sponsor

  ___ $1000 Market Sponsor

                             PICKERINGTON FARMERS’ MARKET
                                 Thursdays, 4-7pm | June - September
                                89 N. CENTER STREET, PICKERINGTON, OHIO 43147
2022 Participation and Sponsorship Opportunities
  Thursdays, 4-7pm | June - September
2022 Participation and Sponsorship Opportunities
The Pickerington Village Association is hosting this free Community Event to be held on Friday, September 23rd and
Saturday, September 24th 2022. There will be live entertainment including German music, contests, games, food
and of course a Beer Garden featuring craft beers and wine.
                                         SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES
Event Partner: We want to have you as not only a sponsor, but also as a partner in this event. You will be one of
the main sponsors, having your name and Logo on a stage banner, your name mentioned in stage announcments,
your logo on event T-shirts worn by the volunteers, and a 10’x10’ booth space. You will be listed on all marketing
and social media outlets with a link to your website, 10 social media posts mentioning your sponsorship and a PVA
membership through August 2023. $5000.
Stage Sponsor: You will have your Logo and Name on a stage banner, your name announced with the
introduction of each band, the opportunity to introduce our head-liner band, your logo on all T-shirts worn by the
volunteers and a 10’x10’booth space. You will be listed on all marketing and social media outlets with a link to your
website, mentioned on every social media post that highlights the music and PVA membership through August
2023. Only 1 available each day. Friday $2,500 - Saturday $3000 – Both Days $4,500.
Oktoberfest Beer Stein: These collectable Steins will be available for sale to the public with our Oktoberfest Logo,
and your name and one color logo as the sponsor. You will also be listed on all marketing and social media outlets
with a link to your website, 3 social media posts mentioning your sponsorship and your logo on all     t-shirts worn
by the volunteers. There will be a limited number of 200 Steins available. $1,000.
Wrist Band Sponsor: Have your Logo printed on every wrist band the Oktoberfest participants will receive. Also,
you will be listed on all marketing and social media outlets with a link to your website, 2 social media posts
mentioning your sponsorship and your name on all t-shirts worn by the volunteers. $500.
Games: Barrel Rolling, Adult Stein Holding and Kids Root Beer Holding Contest: There is a whole lot of fun
and excitement as contestants try to win prizes in their favorite Oktoberfest Games. Your name will be listed on a
stage banner and announced during the contest. In addition, a representative from your company can award the
prizes, you will be listed on all marketing and social media outlets with a link to your website, 2 social media posts
mentioning your sponsorship and your name on all t-shirts worn by the volunteers. Sponsor all 3 games for $500, or
any 1 contest for $200.
Gate Sponsor: Your logo will be on a banner and company marketing material will be at the entrance gates. Also,
you will be listed on all marketing and social media outlets with a link to your website, 2 social media posts
mentioning your sponsorship and your name on all t-shirts worn by the volunteers. $500.
2022 Participation and Sponsorship Opportunities
Picnic Area Sponsor: Your name will be listed on a stage banner and you can set up a 10’x10’ booth in the Picnic
Area to showcase your business. In addition, you will be listed on all marketing and social media outlets with a link
to your website, 1 social media post mentioning your sponsorship and your name will be listed on all t-shirts worn by
the volunteers. $300.

Kid’s Corner: Be the official sponsor of the kid’s corner, a place for kids to be kids again! Chalk art, hopscotch and
other fun things for the kids to do while their parents enjoy the music. Your name will be listed on a stage banner
and you can set up a 10’x10’booth in the Kid’s Corner area. You will be listed on all marketing and social media
outlets with a link to your website, 1 social media post mentioning your sponsorship and your name on all t-shirts
worn by the volunteers. $300.

Business Supporter: Showcase your business in a 10’x10’ booth with your company name listed on all T-shirts.
$250 (PVA Members $200). Please note: Your business must be contained within your 10x10 area.

Event Supporter: Have your company’s name listed on all t-shirts or you may showcase your business in a 10X10
booth. $150 (PVA Members $100). Please note: Your business must be contained within your 10x10 area.

We would like to be a:

_____Event Partner $5,000                               _____Beer Stein Sponsor $1,000
                                                              1 available-deadline 8-5-22

_____Stage Sponsor (1 available each day)               _____Stein Holding/Kids Stein Holding/Barrel Rolling
       Fri-$2,500 Sat-$3,000 Both Days-$4,500                $500 (1 available)

_____ Wrist Band Sponsor $500. (1 available)            _____Stein Holding – Kids Stein Holding - Barrel Rolling
                                                              $200. Each – Circle event
_____Gate Sponsor $500

_____Picnic Area Sponsor $300                           _____Kid’s Corner Sponsor $300

_____Business Supporter $250                            _____Event Supporter $150 – Circle One: booth t-shirt
      PVA Member $200                                         PVA Member $100

Sponsorship is on a first come basis. For those that qualify, we will need B&W vector file of your logo for printing.
All Business/Event Supporters may be required to provide a liability insurance certificate.

Name:__________________________________                 Contact Person:_________________________


Website:_________________________________                  Phone:_______________________________

Please mail this form along with your payment by August 20, 2022 to:

PVA – P.O. Box 465 – Pickerington, OH 43147 All sponsors will need to provide a digital logo. Event Info:
www.pickeringtonvillage.com or contact Pam Good at 614-397-1082

                         Profits will support community events in the Pickerington Village
2022 Participation and Sponsorship Opportunities
2022Holiday Gathering Sponsorship Form
                                                 Friday, December 2, 2022                5:00-8:00PM
  This is a totally free, family friendly event. Expanding to include more children’s activities
    makes this a must attend event for the community. There is something for everyone!
1. ___Trolley Sponsorship: You get to place your banner on the
    side of the trolley, and your name will be listed on the signs (we
    will supply) at the Trolley Stops around town. Your sign/banner
    can be up to 25” tall x 133” long. Sponsorship Amount: $1000.
2. ___ Lighted Holiday Stroll: Families will take their time as they
    stroll past the Holiday Inflatable Decorations that line the street.
    Great for photo ops. This will be set up in the downtown area.
    We will display your sign/banner in the area. Sponsorship
    Amount: $500.
3. __Horse Drawn Wagons: You get to place your banner on the
    side of the wagons, and your name will be listed on the sign (we
    will supply) at the Wagon Pick-up location. Your sign/banner can
    be up to 18” high x 48: long. Sponsorship Amount: One wagon
    $700.00 – Both wagons $1300.
4. ___Reindeer Petting Area: Another great opportunity for
    photos as the children get to pet their favorite reindeer. We will
    display your sign/banner at the station. Sponsorship Amount:
5. ___Picktown Express: The Picktown Express was certainly a
    hit with all the children. Display your sign/banner at the station
    plus space for your tent. Sponsorship Amount: $1000
6. ___Ice Carving Station: We have a Gold Medal winning
    sculptor coming to wow the crowd. The Ice Formations they
    make will allow for a photo opportunity for kids and parents alike.
    We will display your sign/banner at the station. Sponsorship
    Amount: $600.
7. ___Holiday Gift Market: With over 35 vendors the Gift Market,
   it’s a great place to shop for that perfect gift. You will be
   recognized with your logo near the market entrance for all to see.
   Sponsorship Amount: $150.

Additional benefits would include that you will be listed on:
1. Our Facebook event page
2. Our web page with link to your website
3. All e-mail blasts that are sent out
4. Your name on all Holiday Event Maps
5. 1 Year Membership to the PVA with Sponsorships of $1,000
Yes, I would like to sponsor the above marked activity.

Name:________________________________________                         Contact Person:_________________________


Website:______________________________________                         Phone:________________________________
We are so excited for this year's Village Holiday... and are looking forward to having you as a sponsor!
Please mail this form along with your payment by November 18, 2022 to:
PVA – P.O. Box 465 – Pickerington, OH 43147 All sponsorships will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
                         Event Info: www.pickeringtonvillage.com or contact Pam Good at 614-837-4311
PO Box 465
                                                                                                      Pickerington, Ohio 43147
                                                                                                          Phone: 614-321-8221
                                                                                                     Email: PVA@hotmail.com

2022 Membership Application                                                        Make check payable to PVA
         ___ New           ___Renew                                     Mail to: PVA, PO Box 465, Pickerington, OH 43147

Name of Business: ___________________________________              Contact Person: ________________________________
Business Street Address: _________________________________________________________ Date: _______________
Mailing Address (if different from business location): _______________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: ______________________________________             Phone: _______________________________________
Website: ___________________________________________ Email Address: _________________________________
              (We will link from our website to yours)
Brief business description for website listing: _____________________________________________________________

Membership Level (please indicate one):
All membership levels may attend PVA meetings, receive e-newsletters and be listed on our website
           $75.00 – Village Business Member – open to all businesses within the Olde Pickerington Village area
                   -   Voting member who may hold any position on the Board of Trustees
                   -   Complimentary outdoor booth space at Chocolate Hop, PetFest, and Holiday Gathering
                   -   Discounted booth space at Oktoberfest
                   -   May post on PVA Facebook page
                   -   Listed on PVA-produced rack cards (must be received by March 1st)

           $75.00 – Business Member – open to all business located outside the Village area, but within Violet Township
                   -   Voting member who may hold any office on the Board of Trustees except President
                   -   Complimentary outdoor booth space at Chocolate Hop, PetFest, and Holiday Gathering
                   -   Discounted booth space at Oktoberfest
                   -   May post on PVA Facebook page
                   -   Listed on PVA-produced rack cards (Must be received by March 1st)

           $75.00 – Associate Member – open to all residents in the Olde Pickerington Village area
                   - Voting member who may hold a member-at-large position on the Board of Trustees

           $25.00 – Friend of the Village – open to all individuals who would like to become involved in PVA activities
                   - This is a non-voting membership, and a Friend of the Village may not serve on the Board of Trustees

Choose how you would like to participate in the PVA (check one or more to receive details):
  Attend member meetings and social activities
  Serve on the board of directors                                     Volunteer to assist with the Pickerington Farmers’
  Join a PVA team                                                     Market (Thursdays, June-Sept, 4-7 PM)
     Chocolate Hop (May 6)                                            Be a “Chocolate Stop” in the Chocolate Hop (May 6)
     Oktoberfest (Sept 24)                                            Participate in Kids’ Trick-or-Treating during the city-
     Pet Fest (October 22)                                            sponsored Haunted Village (October 27)
     Holiday Gathering (Dec 2)                                        Be a Stop at the Holiday Gathering (Dec 2)
                                                                   Ideas? ____________________________________
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