Page created by Edith Hayes

                                                                                    JOURNALISM OF COURAGE
THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 2022, NEW DELHI, LATE CITY,20+4 PAGES                                          SINCE 1932                                       `6.00 (`8 BIHAR & RAIPUR, `12 SRINAGAR) WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM

                                                                                                                                                     New Delhi
2 CLASSIFIEDS & TENTERS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          THE INDIAN EXPRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 2022

                                     I,Ananya Ekka,D/o Ajay               I, Lokendra Pal Singh S/O Gyan
                                                                                                                  PUBLIC NOTICE                                                                                                    NOTICE
                                      Ekka,R/o-C/4-B, DDA-                 Singh, R/o 174, Income Tax
                                      Flats,Phase-1,Munirka,New-           Housing Society Vinayakpur, K
                                      Delhi-110067,inform that my          P University S.O Kanpur Nagar,                                                                                                                   I, Mr. P.S. Ratneswar Rao
                                                                                                                  PUBLIC NOTICE                                                                                             have lost my Original
                                      father’s name is wrongly-            Uttar Pradesh-208024, have          This is to inform to public at large that
                                      written as Ajay Ekka in my           changed my name and shall           my clients Shri Jai Kishan S/o Late Shri                                                                     Allotment Certificate dated
        PERSONAL                      educational-documents but            hereafter be Known as Yogi          Ram Prashad and Smt. Veena W/o Shri                                                                          20/12/2001 & original
                                                                                                               Jai Kishan both R/o A-46, 3d Floor,
                                      my father’s correct-name is          Lokendra Pal Singh.                 Shastri Nagar, Delhi - 110052 also at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Possession         certificate
I,hitherto known as Tara Kant                                                                                  2088, Mukim Pura, Clock Tower, Old                                                                           dated 14/03/2002 of Flat
                                      Ajay Kumar Xavier Ekka.                                  0070781720-1
 Jha,S/o Bhoop Narayan                                                                                         Subzi Mandi, Delhi - 110007 have cut
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            No. 202, Block- LUV,
                                                                                                               off their family relations and have
 Jha,residing at,C-3/310,                                0040610743-6                                                                                                                                                       BHA Millennium Tower,
                                                                          I, KAREN KAUR CHADHA D/O             disowned their son SHRI MOHIT and
 Gali.No-2,Pusta.No-                 I,Ahalawat Dev Virender Singh         KULBIR SINGH CHADHA R/O BE-
                                                                                                               his wife SMT. URMILA from their                                                                              Plot No.- B-9/17, Sector-
                                                                                                               movable/immovable properties due to
 2,Sonia.Vihar,Delhi-                 S/O Virender Nanak                   169, JANAK PURI, DELHI-110058,      their disobedient and quarrelsome                                                                            62, Noida on 12/04/2022 in
 110094,have changed my name          Ahlawat,H.No.177, Village-           have changed my name to             behaviour and my clients were not/are                                                                        B Block Market, Sector-
                                                                                                               not/shall not be responsible for any act
 and shall hereafter be known         Guriyani, Teh-Kosli district -       KAREN CHADHA. 0040610627-9          of Shri Mohit and his wife Smt. Urmila in                                                                    62, Noida. Even after
 as Tara Kant Choudhary.              Rewari,                                                                  any manner in future.                                                                                        intense     search        both
                                                                          I, Joginder S/O Rajesh Kumar,               Sd/- Nishant Kumar (Advocate)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            certificate could not be
                    0040610733-1      Guriyani,Rewari,Haryana-                                                            Enrolment No. D/2637/2020
                                                                           R/o 1644, Near Radhaswami                                                                                                                        traced. I assure that I will
                                      123301,changed my name to
I,Vivek Rana,S/O Gabar Singh                                               Ashram, SopraPana, Dinod                                                                                                                         not       misuse          both
                                      Dev Ahlawat Virender.
 Rana,R/O G-402 B Phase-6,G-                                               (26), Bhiwani, Haryana-127111,                                                                                                                   certificates if received at a
 Block Aya-Nagar Delhi                                  0040610627-10      have changed my name and                                                                                                                         later date. Mobile No.
 110047,State,My Father Name         I,ARUN KUMAR RAO,S/O                  shall hereafter be Known as                                                                                                                      9320738816
 wrongly-mentioned Gavar              HARIDAWAR RAO,R/o                    Jogendar Garhwal.
 Singh Rana in my Education-          FLAT.NO.402, VALENCIA                                    0070781716-1
 certificate,the correct-Name is                                                                                                                                                                                               PUBLIC NOTICE
                                      HOMES,GH-07B, SECTOR-
 Gabar Singh Rana.It’s is true                                            I, Jayasree A.M, W/O                                                                                                                               This is to inform that an
                                      1,GREATER NOIDA-                                                                                                                                                                       Original receipt of Rs.
 and correct-Statement.                                                    Sreenivasan
                                      WEST,GAUTAM BUDHNAGAR,                                                                                                                                                                 380,000/-     has    been
                    0040610743-7      UTTAR-PRADESH-                                                                                                                                                                         lost/misplaced      above
                                                                           Vidyadharan Nair R/o D18/602,
                                      201306,changed my name to                                                                                                                                                              receipt belongs to ANIL
I,Vaibhav Jain S/o Deepak Jain                                             Ireo Victory Valley, Sector 67,
                                      ARUN RAO.        0040610743-4                                                                                                                                                          KUMAR S/o Om Prakash
 R/o-1509, Kucha Seth, Dariba-                                             Badshapur, Gurgaon, Haryana-
 Kalan, Chandni Chowk,Delhi-         I,AJAY GUPTA,S/O                      122101. have changed my name                                                                                                                      Shop No. 3, 55 A/3 Sant
                                      RAMBHAROSE GUPTA,R/o S-              and shall hereafter be Known                                                                                                                      Nagar Main Market Burari
 110006,have changed my-name
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Delhi signed by its owner
 to Vaibbhav Jaain for all-           407,SAFFRON,AJNARA GENX,             as Jayasree Sreenivasan.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             mr. ISHWAR DASS S/o
 future-purposes. 0040610733-7        CROSSING REPBULIK,                                       0070781707-1                                                                                                                  HUKUM CHAND             a
                                      GHAZIABAD,U.P.201016,change                                                                                                            PUBLIC NOTICE                                   Complaint lodged vide LR
I,Tarvinder Pal Singh Anand S/o                                           I, Harman Singh S/O Kamlendra
                                      d my name to AJAY KUMAR                                                                                                          The Public at large is informed that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             NO. 286200/2022 If find
 Gurmeet Singh Anand R/o-                                                  Pal Singh Gambhir R/o-D-130,                                                                my client Sh. Bhagwan Das Ahuja
                                      GUPTA.           0040610743-3                                                                                                                                                          please     Contact   ANIL
 B3/82 1ST+Floor Janakpuri                                                 Sector-49, Noida Gautam
                                                                                                                                                                       S/o Sh Hari Ram Ahuja R/O BB-
 Delhi-110058,have changed my        I,ABHINAV SHUKLA,S/O RAM                                                                                                          45-B Ist Floor East Shalimar Bagh,                    KUMAR R/o B1/10 Dayal
                                                                           Buddha Nagar, have changed                                                                  Delhi hereby disown and disinherit                    pur Delhi-90 Mobile No.
 name to Tarvinder Pal Singh          DEV SHUKLA,R/o E-2/282,              my name to Harman Singh                                                                     Deepak Ahuja (Son) Karuna Ahuja
 Permanently.       0040610679-3      Gali.No.2,Third Pusta,Sonia                                                                                                      (wife of Deepak Ahuja) Ms. Leena
                                                                           Gambhir for all future purpose.
                                      Vihar,Karawal Nagar,Delhi-                                                                                                       Khatwani (Daughter) from all funds
I,Tajinder Singh S/o Preetpal                                                                  0070781730-1                                                            and properties, whether movable                           PUBLIC NOTICE
                                      110094,have changed my name                                                                                                      and immovable, owned by my                           My client Smt. Neelam Uppal W/o
 Singh R/o WZ-15/1 EA/1, Plot
                                      from Ashwani Shukla to              I, GEETA SHARMA, W/O SUNIT                                                                   client, today or that may be                         Late Shri Jagdish Singh R/o B-5/41,
 No.97 (S.F.) Navyug Block                                                                                                                                             acquired in future. My client will not
                                      Abhinav Shukla,for all future        SHARMA, R/O 152B, MAURYA                  PUBLIC NOTICE                                                                                          Sector-11, Rohini Delhi-110089 do
 Vishnu Garden New Delhi have                                                                                                                                          be responsible for any act done by                   hereby disowned her son Kunwar
                                      purposes.          0040610733-4      ENCLAVE, PITAMPURA, DELHI-                                                                  Mr Deepak Ahuja (Son) Karuna
 changed my name to Tajender                                                                                   This is to inform public at large that my clients Sh.
                                                                                                               Hari Ram Sharma S/o Late Sh. K. Prasad and Smt.                                                              Uppal and his wife Ruchika, Grand
 Singh.             0040610733-3     I, shardul Deshmukh,S/0               110034, HAVE CHANGED MY             Chandraprabha W/o Sh. Hari Ram Sharma
                                                                                                                                                                       Ahuja (Deepak’ Wife) and Leena
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Daughter Lakshita and Grandson
                                                                           NAME GANGA TO GEETA                 residents of Flat No. B-4, C-77/3, JVTS Garden,         Khatwani.
                                      Chandrakant Deshmukh, R/o-                                               Chhatarpur Extension, Delhi-110074 hereby disown
                                                                                                                                                                                  Sd/- SONIA SINGHANI
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Krish all are R/o B-5/41, Sector-11,
I,Sunita Kumari W/o                                                        SHARMA AFTER MY MARRIAGE            their daughter Ms. Seema because she was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Rohini Delhi-110089 with legal heirs
                                      B60,southext part-2 near-South                                           beyond their control & supervision therefore, they                            (ADVOCATE)
 Dharmender,R/o House.No-                                                  FOR ALL FUTURE PURPOSES.            cut all ties with her and eternally disowned her from
                                                                                                                                                                             Chamber No. 103, Block-III,                    from her moveable and immovable
                                      extension market new-delhi-                                              their inheritance of property. My clients have
 106,Village-Garoli Khurd, Post-                                                                                                                                                      Lawyers Chambers,                     properties for all purposes. As they
                                      110049,Have changed my name                              0040610654-1
                                                                                                               forbidden her from owning any movable or
 Basai, Distt.Gurgaon,Haryana-                                                                                 immovable property, and anyone who interacts with                  Delhi High Court, Delhi.                  have become dishonest and disobe-
                                      to Shardul chandrakant                                                   her does so at their own risk and responsibility. Ms.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            dient with my clients have broken all
 122006,have changed my name                                              I, Bhupinder Kumar S/o               Seema’s actions will not be held responsible by my
                                      Deshmukh.         0040610733-2
                                                                                                                                                                          PUBLIC NOTICE
                                                                                                               clients or their family members. My clients reiterate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            relations from them. Anybody who
 to Sunita,for all Purposes.                                               Sikender Lal R/o-25B/3 New          that Ms. Seema by this publication ceases to be
                                                                                                               their daughter, and loses all rights and privileges
                                                                                                                                                                       This is for the Information of General               deals with them shall be doing so at
                                     I, Usha Pant D/O Padma Dutt           Rohtak Road Karol Bagh Delhi-       appurtenant in the relationship of parents and
                    0040610733-6                                                                               daughter.
                                                                                                                                                                       Public at large that our Client Mr. Sanjay           their own risks and consequences.
                                      Pant, R/o A-1416, A Block, Indira    110005,have changed my name                                 Sd/- (Ashu Kumar Sharma)
                                                                                                                                                                       Kumar sharma s/o Ram Dutt Sharma r/o
                                                                                                                                                                       1/4365T/F Ashok Marg Ram Nagar Ext                   My client shall not be responsible
I,Simranjeet Kaur,W/o Vishal          Nagar S.O, Lucknow, Uttar            to Bhupinder Suri Permanently.
                                                                                                                          Entollment No. D/2240/2012       Advocate
                                                                                                                                     Chamber No. 770, Saket Court,
                                                                                                                                                                       Shahdara Delhi-110032 having a Sale                  for all their acts and misconduct in
                                                                                                                                                                       Deed in his wife Name Monika sharma
 Mundhra R/o H No-2508-               Pradesh-226016. have changed                                                                                        New Delhi
                                                                                                                                                                       having the Registration Particulars Reg.             future.       SUNNY JAIN (Advocate) 128,
                                                                                               0040610679-1                                 Mobile No. 7042743504
 A,Sector-3, Ballabgarh,              my name and shall hereafter                                                                                                      No      2439       Reg.       year
                                                                                                                                                                       Book.No.1,Vol.No.3348 on pages 100-107
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Lawyers Chamber Patiala House Delhi-01
 Faridabad, Haryana-                  be Known as Anusha Pant             I, Anju Chaudhary D/o Sh                                                                     Dated 27/07/2020 SR, No lV taking a
                                                                                                                    सावजिनक सू चना                                     Home Loan Balance Transfer From our
 121004,have changed my name                                               Mahender Singh W/o Sh                                                                       Jana Bank Branch Karol Bagh, N.Delhi-
                                                         0070781719-1                                          सवसाधारण को सूिचत िकया जाता है िक                       110005.
 to Simran Mundhra.                                                        Vishesh Kumar Chugh R/o             मेरे मुव      ल ीमित                 प ी                In the Property Chain the Seller of Monika
                                     I, Sunil Dutt S/o Khub Chandra        House No 1411, Sector 16-17,           गय        ी मनजीत िसंह िनवासी
                                                                                                                                                                       Sharma naming Rajrani w/o Late Gulshan
                    0040610759-1                                                                                                                                       Kumar Soni accurired the same Property
                                      R/o 4/23, Vivek khand,               Hisar-125005 (Haryana) have         आर.जेड-13. नाला पार ब ी, ई                              by virtue of Reliquishment Deed in March
                                                                                                                                                                       2013 stating the Legal Heirers are Harish
I,Sandeep S/o Daya Nand               Gomtinagar, Lucknow, Uttar           changed my name from Anju           सागरपुर, िद ी-110046, ने अपने पु                        Kumar Soni & Harsha soni.
 R/o.H.No.G-40, 2nd-Floor,            Pradesh-226010, have changed         Chaudhary to Akanksha               मनदीप हं स एवम् पु वधु रजनी एवम् पो                     In the Chain One more Reliquishment
                                                                                                                                                                       Deed is done by Legal Heirers Sunil
 Backside,Rama-Park Road,             my minor daughter’s name                                                 मनवीर हं स को उनके दु वहार, घर म                        Kumar,Ganga Ram, Gulshan Kumar Soni
                                                                           Chugh.            0040610611-1
                                                                                                               चोरी करने व अव ाकारी आचरण के                            all s/o Late Tirath Dass in Favour of their
 Dwarka,Delhi-110059,have             from Harshika aged 17 years to                                                                                                   mother Kaushalya Devi on Feb 2000.
                                                                          I, Anand Kumar Misra S/o             कारण उ अपनी सम               चल अचल                     Any Person(s),claiming or having any
 changed my name to Sandeep           Medhavi Singh forever                                                    संपि से बेदखल करके उनसे अपने सारे                       claim(s) interest(s) rights title demand in
 Kumar.            0040610743-2                                            Omprakash Mishra R/o Vill-                                                                  respect of the said Property or any part
                                                         0070781739-1                                          पा रवा रक संबंध िव े द कर िदए है ।                      thereof in any manner whatsoever including
                                                                           Ramapur, PO-Chandipur, Distt-       भिव म इनके ारा िकसी भी कृ ों                            by way of sale exchange mortgage, let,
I,SEEMA NAQVI, R/o C-                                                      Sultanpur, U.P-228151 have                                                                  lease, lein , charge, maintenance , license,
                                     I, Sonia/ Sonu w/o Rajiv Kapoor                                           अथवा लेन दे न के िलए मेरे मुव          ल                gift, inheritance, share, possession,
 334,SECTOR-19, NOIDA                                                      changed my name to Anand            िज ेदार नहीं होग ं े।                                   easement, right of way, holding original title
                                      Residing-5/40, Double Storey,
 U.P.201301,Have changed My                                                Kumar Mishra vide affidavit                           B.B.N. Deo(Advocate)                  deeds trust, bequest, assignment,
                                      Moti Nagar Delhi have changed                                             S.R, Iind B Coumpus, Janak Puri, N.D-58,               encumbrance, collaboration,agreement to
 name,from SEEMA NAQVI to                                                  dtd 20/04/2022 for all future                                                               sell or development agreement of whatever
                                      my name to Sonia Kapoor for                                                                                                      nature or otherwise are hereby required to
 SEEMA ZAIDI,for all future                                                purposes           0070781733-1                                                             intimate the undersigned with in 7 days from
                                      all purposes.      0070781732-1
 purposes.         0040610627-8                                                                                   PUBLIC NOTICE                                        the date of publication of this public notice
                                                                                                                                                                       together with the copies of all relevant
                                     I, Saroj Devi W/o Tilak Dhari R/o    I, Amanpreet Kaur W/o Karamjit       My client Smt. Urmila W/o                               documents supporting their claim(s)
I,Ravinder Bhati,S/O-Shri                                                  Singh Aneja R/o #505, Tower-b,      Rajender R/o C-2/597, Sector-27,                        interests rights title demands estate
                                      H.No.80, Top Floor, Gali No.16,                                          Rohini, Delhi-110085, do hereby                         interests failing which it will be assumed that
 Sankar Bhati,R/O-RZ-                                                      Adhunik Appt, Saraswati Kunj-                                                               the Legal Heirers shown in the Both
                                      Block-H, South Delhi, New                                                Severe All Relations & Debar her                        Reliquishment deeds are true & right.
 628,,Indra                                                      2, Wazirabad, Sec-52, Gurgaon-      Son Monu Shukla & daughter in
                                      Delhi-110062, have changed my                                                                                                            Sd/- PAWAN GAUR (ADVOCATE)
 Park,Palam Colony,Delhi-                                                  HR 122003 have changed my           law Smt. Dharmawati from all                                             Enrol. No. D/674/2021
                                      name from Saroj Devi to Sunita                                           movable-immovable property(s) due
 110045,have changed my minor                                              name to Amanpreet Kaur
                                      for all future purposes.                                                 to their misconduct, bad activities
 son’s name from Dilip Bhati to                                            Aneja.           0040610743-10      and being out of control. Anybody                                   PUBLIC NOTICE
 Daksh Bahti(D.O.B                                       0070781737-1                                          dealing with them, shall do at his/her                  Public at large is hereby informed that
                                                                                                                                                                       my client Sharda Ram S/o Late Ishar
 02.12.2014),for all future                                               I, Abhinandan Kumar Jain, S/O        cost & risk and my client will not be
                                                                                                                                                                       R/o 5276, Gali No.7, Krishan Nagar,
                                     I, SHABNAM KHATOON SAIFI,             Pishori Lal Jain, R/O A-3/178       responsible for their acts in future.                   Karol Bagh, New Delhi-5 had executed
 purposes.vide affidavit no.IN-       W/O ISLAMUDDIN,ADD-12/22,                                                                                   Sd/-                 a registered General Power of Attorney
 DL - 1985948333915U,Dated-18-                                             First Floor, Paschim Vihar, New                               D.K.Mishra                    (GPA) dated :23/03/2017 in favour of
                                      KIDWAI GALI ,CHHAJJUPUR              Delhi-110063 have changed my                                    Advocate                    his wife Smt. Munni Devi empowering
 04-2022.             0040610757-3    BABAR PUR SHAHDARA NORTH                                                             Ch.No.X-35, Civil Wing,                     her to perform all acts, deeds and
                                                                           name to Abhinandan Jain.               Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi-110054                      things, as mentioned in it, with regard to
I,Pushpendra S/o-Kaptan Singh         EAST DELHI-110032,Changed                                                                                                        property No. 5276, Gali No.7, Krishan
                                      MY NAME                                                  0070781729-1                                                            Nagar, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-5, who
 R/o-6/1 New Roshan Vihar                                                                                                                                              has unfortunately expired on
 Part-2 Najafgarh Delhi-110043        toSHABNAM,permanantly.              I Tarannum Beg W/o, Mirza                                                                    26/01/2022. After her death, the said                      PUBLIC NOTICE
                                                                                                                                                                       GPA has become invalid and                            Be it known to all that my clients Smt.
 have changed my name to                                 0040610627-4       Danish Beg R/o C-501, Kartik                                                               inoperative. Any person(s) acting on                  Sangita Devi, W/o Late Sh. Khub Singh
                                                                                                                                                                       the basis of the said GPA and dealing in              R/o P-262/A, Mohan Garden Extension,
 Pushpendra Singh for all                                                   Kunj Coop Hsg Soc, Sec 44,                                                                 respect of the said property, the said                Nearby Sarkari Dispensary, Uttam
 purposes.         0040610620-1      I, Rajeev/ Rajeev Kapoor/ Rajiv        Noida, Distt: Gautam Budh                                                                  person shall be doing so at his own risk              Nagar, New Delhi- 110059, have
                                      S/o Krishan Lal Kapoor                Nagar, UP 201303 have changed
                                                                                                                                                                       and consequences. My client Shri                      severed all relations with their son
                                                                                                                                                                       Sharda Ram or his family member shall                 namely Chandan @ Bunty S/o Late
I,Pooja Rani W/O Sondeep              Residing-5/40, Double storey,                                                                                                    not be liable for any purposes.                       Sh. Khub Singh and have disowned &
                                                                            my name from Tarannum Beg
 Sagar,R/O D-699,Saraswati            Moti Nagar Delhi, have                                                                                                            AVINEET SINGH ADVOCATE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             disinherited them from all their movable
                                                                            to Tarannum Khan Beg.                                                                                                                            and immovable property due to unruly
 Vihar,Pitampura, Delhi               changed my name to Rajiv                                                                                                          5217/6, G.F., Krishan Nagar,                         behaviour and out of control of my
                                                                            Tarannum Beg and Tarannum                                                                  Karol Bagh, New Delhi-110005
 changed name to Pooja                Kapoor for all purposes.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             clients. Whatsoever deals with him in
                                                                            Khan Beg are both the same                                                                       Mob. : 9999009097                               any manner, shall to do so at his/her
 Girdhar.          0040610743-1                                                                                                                                                                                              own risk and consequences and my
                                                         0070781731-1       person. Henceforth, I shall be                                                                                                                   clients shall not be held liable for that.
I,Pavinder Kumar s/o Kirpa                                                  known as Tarannum Khan Beg                                                                                                                                          Sd/- DEEPAK JINDAL
                                     I, Poonam Garg W/o Vinod                                                                                                                                                                           D/7154/2019        ADVOCATE
 Ram,R/o B-256,Ground-Floor,                                                for all purposes 0040610700-1                                                                                                                      CH. NO. 737, LAWYERS CHAMBER,
                                      Kumar Garg R/o 2-A, Samay
 Hari-Nagar,Clock Tower,New                                                                                                                                                                                                            DISTRICT COURT, DWARKA,
                                      Vihar Appartment, Sector-13,        I Swarr Goel s/o Sh. Rajneesh                                                                                                                                           NEW DELHI-110075
 Delhi-110064,have changed my
                                      Rohini, Delhi-110085 have             Goel R/O House No. D-759
 name to Pavinder Kumar
                                      changed my name from                  Mandir Marg, Gole Market,
                                      Poonam Rani Garg to Poonam            New Delhi-110001.have
                    0040610627-2      Garg permanently, also this           changed my name from
I,Pankaj W/O Ashok Kumar              name will be used for all the         SWARR GOEL to SWARR
 Madan R/O,6A/52, F/F,WEA             future purposes. 0040610693-1         RAJNEESH GOEL for all
 CHANANA MARKET, KAROL-                                                     purposes.          0040610666-1
                                     I, Pinka Yadav D/o Lal Chand
 BAGH,DELHI-110005,have               Yadav R/o.H.No-L-54, Senior         I Nidhi Talwar W/O, Vineet
 changed my name to Pankaj            Citizens Apartment, Greater           Ransher Solomon R/o 45/201,
 Madan.           0040610627-1        Noida, G.B. Nagar, U.P.-201308,       Heritage City, Mg Road,
I,PRAVEEN KUMAR SINGH,S/o-            have changed my name to               Gurgaon - 122002 have changed
 Ashok Kumar Singh,R/o-               Anwesha Yadav. 0070781738-1           my name to Nidhi Talwar
 H.No.17/403,Tejas Enclave,Air                                              Solomon for all purposes.
                                     I, Parmeet Kaur Anand W/o
 Force Station,Sohna                  Tarvinder Pal Singh R/o-B-3/82                           0040610697-1
 Road,Gurgaon,Haryana-                1St-Floor Janakpuri Delhi-          I Kirti Ahuja W/o Pushpreet
 122005,have changed the name         110058,have changed my name           Singh R/o-U-27, Naveen
 of my minor son from SUBH            to Parmeet Kaur Permanently.          Shahdara, Delhi-110032 have
                                                         0040610679-2       changed my name to Kirti Kaur
 purposes.          0040610757-1
                                                                            for all purposes 0070781734-1
                                     I, PALLAVI D/o Anil Kumar R/o B-
I,Noor Aktar,S/o Riyazuddin
                                      56, Beta-I, Greater Noida,          I Divya D/o Rajesh Sangat and
 Sheikh, (DOB.28-12-1990),R/o
                                      U.P.,have changed my name to          W/o Suleman Alam Khan R/o A-
 G-1st 298,Madangir,
                                      Pallavi Sanil as per weekly           230, Sangam Park, Rana Pratap
 Ambedkar-Nagar,New Delhi-
                                      Gazette Notification no. 31           Bagh, Delhi-110007, have
 110062,have Changed my name
                                      dated August 3, 2019.                 changed my name to Divya
 to Noor Akhtar Sheikh,for all
                                                         0040610319-1       Khan for all purposes
 purposes.          0040610627-5
I,Nitu alias Neetu Agarwal,W/o       I, Mradul Mishra S/O Praffulla
                                                                                               0070781715-1                                                                                                                    RECRUITMENT
 Amit Jain R/o-E-26,                  Krishna Mishra, R/o 347/324,        I Amit Anand R/o Q 208-209,
                                      Old TikaitGanj, Rajajipuram,          South city,Phase 1 Gurugram,
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                                                                                                                            JOURNALISM OF COURAGE
THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 2022, NEW DELHI, LATE CITY, 20 + 4 PAGES                                                                                        SINCE 1932                                                            `6.00 (`8 BIHAR & RAIPUR, `12 SRINAGAR) WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM

DAYS AFTER COMMUNAL CLASH IN DELHI, DEMOLITION BY BJP-RUN CIVIC BODY                                                                                                                                                                 Johnson begins visit
Bulldozers roll, raze in Jahangirpuri                                                                                                                                                                                                to India today, deals
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     worth £1 bn on table
in the face of Supreme Court order
Court orders status quo but demolition
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SHUBHAJIT ROY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     NEW DELHI, APRIL 20

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     AS BRITISH Prime Minister Boris
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Johnson lands in Ahmedabad on
continues for two hours before pause

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     visit to India, UK and Indian busi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ments and export deals worth
                                       E X P L A I NE D

ANAND MOHAN J,                                                 Questions                                                                                                                                                             over£1billion,inareasfromsoft-
PAVNEET SINGH CHADHA                                           over due                                                                                                                                                              ware engineering to health.
& ANANTHAKRISHNAN G                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Science and tech collabora-       PM Modi, WHO DG Tedros
NEW DELHI, APRIL 20                                          ● process                                                                                                                                                               tions, including a digital health     Ghebreyesus in Ahmedabad.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     partnership and a joint invest-       Johnson lands in the city
HIT BY communal violence days                      THE ACTION in                                                                                                                                                                     ment fund for Indian deep-tech        today. Nirmal Harindran
earlier, Jahangirpuri in North                     Jahangirpuri flies in the                                                                                                                                                         and AI start-ups, supported by
West Delhi saw seven bulldoz-                      face of the civic body’s                                                                                                                                                          both the governments; new AI
ers roll into the neighbourhood                    usual practice of sending                                                                                                                                                         scholarships for Indian students      trade, investment and technol-
Wednesdayonordersof theBJP-                        a notice at least five days                                                                                                                                                       jointlyfundedbythe UKgovern-          ogy partnership between the
led North Delhi Municipal                          in advance in cases of en-                                                                                                                                                        ment’s Chevening programme            two countries.
Corporation, razing parts of sev-                  croachment. The bylaws                                                                                                                                                            and India’s Adani Group; and a            “The Prime Minister will use
eral structures, including the ex-                 state that the notice has to                                                                                                                                                      £6 million investment by AI           his visit to India to boost our col-
terior gate of a place of worship.                 be given to the person                                                                                                                                                            healthcare specialists to     laboration with one of the
    The demolition, which                          who has carried out the                                                                                                                                                           openacentreof excellenceinthe         world’s fastest growing
started around 10.15 am, went                      alleged illegal construc-                                                                                                                                                         UK are set to be announced.           economies, slashing trade barri-
on for two hours despite the                       tion. During this time, the                                                                                                                                                           On Friday, Johnson will hold      ers for UK businesses and driv-
Supreme Court’s directions at 11                   person can be asked to                                                                                                                                                            talks with Prime Minister             ing jobs and growth at home,”
am that status quo be main-                        make alterations, failing                                                                                                                                                         Narendra Modi in New Delhi on         the British High Commission
tained. The matter will be heard                   which the civic body has                                                                                                                                                          economic, security and defence        said in a statement.
by a bench of Justices L                           the power to demolish or                                                                                                                                                          collaborations. He is expected to         The £1 billion in new invest-
Nageswara Rao and B R Gavai                        seal the structure.                                                                                                                                                               announce commercial agree-            mentsandexportdeals,expected
Thursday.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ments, hailing a new era in                  CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
    The demolition action came
a day after the civic body wrote       president Adesh Gupta had also
to the North West DCP request-
ing 400 police personnel for
what it called was an “anti-en-
                                       Tuesday demanding that “illegal
                                       encroachment done by rioters
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     R-value over 1 across
croachment drive”.
    This came after Delhi BJP
                                       be bulldozed”.
                                                          CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
                                                                                  During the demolition drive in Jahangirpuri on Wednesday. Anand Mohan J
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     India, Delhi brings
After bulldozers left: ‘No notice...                                                                                       BUSINESS AS USUAL                  Shah holds meet with                                                   back mask mandate
what have you proved with this?’                                                                                                  BY UNNY                     Delhi BJP, Panda cites                                                 EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     NEW DELHI, APRIL 20
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           THE CITY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           DELHI MASK RULE
                                                                                                                                                              ‘immigrants in Europe’                                                 INDIA’S EFFECTIVE reproduction
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           COMES AS FRESH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           CASES CROSS 1,000
NEW DELHI, APRIL 20                                                                                                                                                                              and the Central government          indicatorofhowquicklyadisease         PAGE 11
                                                                                                                                                              LIZ MATHEW                         would explore “all legaloptions”    isspreadinginthepopulation,has
ONE WAS selling cold drinks to                                                                                                                                & ABHINAV RAJPUT                   to see that the “ongoing exercise   increased to over 1 for the first
police until yesterday. Another                                                                                                                               NEW DELHI, APRIL 20                reaches a logical conclusion”.      time since mid-January, during        fies that every infected person is
had been running a store in the                                                                                                                                                                      Echoing this, Baijayant         the third wave of the pandemic.       passing on the infection to at
building where he was born 40                                                                                                                                 AS THE BJP-controlled North        Panda,BJPvicepresidentandthe            The R-value, which saw a          least one person on an average,
years ago. A third was saving up                                                                                                                              MCD’s demolition action in         partyin-chargeof Delhi,told The     steady increase over the last few     is a key threshold after which
forthefestival.Nonehadanyprior                                                                                                                                Jahangirpuri reached the           Indian Express: “Justlikewehave     weeks, was 1.07 for April 12-18,      cases begin to rise.
notice, none were given the right                                                                                                                             Supreme Court and some             seen in certain places in Europe    accordingtoSitabhraSinha,are-             Asked whether this could
torespond—allwerescrambling                                                                                                                                   amongtheOppositionslammed          — in Sweden, Holland and            searcher from Chennai’s               signal the beginning of the
Wednesday evening to pick up                                                                                                                                  the use of bulldozers, the party   Belgiumetc—whereimmigrant           Institute of Mathematical             fourth wave, Sinha said: “It’s too
the pieces of what was left.                                                                                            BULLDOZER POLITICS                    indicatedthattherewouldbeno        communities have created no-        Sciences who has been tracking        early to say whether it will be a
    Just hours earlier, as two                                                                                          FLARES IN DELHI, AAP                  backing down and its Delhi unit    go zones where people or even       the country’s R-value since the       wave; there have been a couple
CRPF officers took position atop                                                                                        SAYS RAZE BJP HQ                      would“keepthepressureonille-       police are afraid to go, it seems   beginning of the pandemic. It         of instances, for example in last
Akbar’s home in Jahangirpuri           A woman breaks down amid the anti-encroachment drive                             FULL COVERAGE, PAGE 10                gal immigrants”.                   illegal immigrants have             was 0.93 the previous week.           August-September, when the
       CONTINUED ON PAGE 4             in Jahangirpuri on Wednesday. Praveen Khanna                                                                               BJP sources said the party            CONTINUED ON PAGE 4              An R-value of 1, which signi-            CONTINUED ON PAGE 4

  CIVIL SERVICES DAY                   Attrition high, so Infosys & TCS
  A RED initiative appears
  in today’s edition of
  The Indian Express. These
                                       invoke job clause to retain talent
  pages are an initiative of                                                      writtentotheMinistryof Labour         CognizantandWiproforInfosys’
  the marketing solutions              PRANAV MUKUL                               & Employment and the Ministry         software services wing. For the
  team of The Indian                   NEW DELHI, APRIL 20                        of Corporate Affairs, seeking in-     business processing manage-
  Express Group and                                                               tervention in the matter.             ment (BPM) wing, the named
  contain content paid for             AN OVERHEATED job market in                     Infosys, on its part, has said   competitors in the employment
  by advertisers. These                the software and BPO space has             that such a non-compete clause        pact are Tech Mahindra,
  pages should be read                 triggered a surge in attrition             is a “standard business practice”     Genpact, WNS, TCS, Accenture,
  as an advertisement                  rates at TCS and Infosys, the top          in employment contracts.              IBM, Cognizant, Wipro and HCL.
                                       two IT companies in the country                 The non-compete clause un-           This comes amid rising attri-
                                       by revenue, prompting tech                 dercontentionsaysthatafterre-         tion in the segment. For the
                                       companiestofallbackonuncon-                signing, an Infosys employee          March-quarter,TataConsultancy
EXPRESS NETWORK                        ventionaltacticsinanattemptto              cannot work, for a period of six      Services reported an annualised
                                       retain talent.                             months, with one of the named         attrition rate of 17.4 per cent, up
                                            A workers union represent-            rival companies on a client he or     from 7.2 per cent in the same
MAMATA TO DHANKHAR:                    ing IT and BPO sector employees            she would have serviced in the        quarterlastyear.Infosysreported
SPEAK TO CENTRE, LET                   has said that Bengaluru-based              preceding 12 months before            anannualisedvoluntaryattrition
AGENCIES NOT GO                        Infosys is enforcing a clause in           quitting.                             rate of 27.7 per cent during
AFTER INDUSTRIALISTS                   the employee contract to pre-                   Among the rival companies        January-Marchperiod,compared
PAGE 14                                vent workers from joining some             named in the employment con-          to10.9percentinJanuary-March
                                       of its competitors.The union has           tract are TCS, Accenture, IBM,               CONTINUED ON PAGE 4

They thought we’ll be easy to beat: An
Indian team blazes a trail to Bridge silver
PAGE 1                                                                                                                  iors category, where they lost to
ANCHOR                                                                                                                  a strong Polish side.
                                                                                                                            “It’s an important moment
                                                                                                                        for the sport in the country,”
                                                                                                                        Padhye said. “For the first time,
MIHIR VASAVDA                                                                                                           an Indian team has reached the
MUMBAI, APRIL 20                                                                                                        final      of     the     World
                                                                                                                        Championship. This augurs well
FOR ANIL Padhye, it was the late                                                                                        for the sport and hopefully will
evening deals with his maternal                                                                                         change the perception among
grandparents in the 1980s that                                                                                          the masses.”
got him hooked to bridge. His                                                                                               Popularly known as the
teammate, Ashok Goel, stayed                                                                                            ‘Bermuda Bowl’, the World
up late at night to master the                                                                                          Championship in the Italian city
skills of the card game. And their     The seniors category Indian team that reached the World                          of Salsomaggiore attracted 24
captain, R Krishnan, took to the       Bridge Championship final, where it lost to Poland. SAI/Twitter                  teams from across the globe.
sport casually at first, in his hos-                                                                                    After the round-robin stage,
telroomatIITMadras,exactly50                                                                                            Indiafinishedfifth,qualifyingfor
years ago in 1972.                     earlier this month. All of them               Subrata Saha, Sukamal Das          the knockout rounds where the
    The trio was part of a six-        are in their early-to-mid 60s and          and Rajesh Dalal were the other       top-eight teams made the cut.
member team that won India’s           hail from varied backgrounds —             members of the team that de-              There was no lack of drama.
first-ever silver medal at the         stockbroker to industrialist,              feated heavyweights like the US           “The team that finishes on
World Bridge Championship              banker to publisher.                       en route to the final of the sen-            CONTINUED ON PAGE 4

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           New Delhi
4 EXPRESS NETWORK                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     THE INDIAN EXPRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 2022

                                              FROM PAGE ONE                                                                                                                                                                                               WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM
Bulldozers roll                           nicipallaws,noticehastobegiven             dozersquieteneddownalittleaf-              “IresignedlastyearbecauseIwas
                                          before carrying out any demoli-            ternoon,aspeoplewhohadparts                inspired by the Government's
    Before 8 am Wednesday, a              tion and this wasn’t done for the          oftheirshopsdestroyedgathered              push for entrepreneurship, and                                                          DOWNLOADAPP
heavydeploymentofpolice,CRPF              drive in Jahangirpuri.                     to collect whatever possessions            wantedtodevelopmyownbusi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ■ VISUAL STORIES
and Rapid Action Force was in                 “Without notice to anyone,             they could.                                ness,” he said.
place in Jahangirpuri, which saw          undertheMunicipalCorporation                   At 3.40 pm, Punender Yadav,                 In the case of Ashu, who runs                                                ■ DAILY BRIEFING
violencefollowingaShobhaYatra             Act at least 5 to 15 days notice is        23, a bulldozer driver who hails           amotorbikerepairshopinrented                                                      ■ PODCASTS
- 10-12 people, including six po-
                                          required, they have a right to ap-
                                                                                                                                space on the local mosque's
                                                                                                                                premises, the bulldozers dam-                                                     ■ CUSTOMIZABLE                         The rise in Covid-19
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  NEWS EXPERIENCE
lice personnel, were injured and
police have picked up 23 people
                                          olition was planned to start at 2
                                                                                     the call comes. I got Rs 8,000 for
                                                                                     today's assignment.”
                                                                                                                                ter, and even three vehicles, in-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Indian Express
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         cases, Pulwama and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Khargone aftermath
since then.                               pm,ithadalreadystartedat9am                                                           cludingabikethatacustomerhad
    Scrap dealers and vegetable           “knowing that we are going to              ‘Got no notice...’                         left to be repaired. Staring at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ★★★★★   ■4.6
vendorsscurriedtopacktheirbe-             mention it”.                               and complained about the harsh             mangled remains of the two-
longings in white gunny sacks,                The bench, headed by Chief             sun, the 35-year-old shop owner            wheeler, he estimated losses to-                                                                                         NEWEPISODEEVERYDAY
with one question on everyone’s           Justice of India N V Ramana, or-           had immediately split a red flex           talling “Rs 1.5-2 lakh”.
lips: “Bulldozer aa gaya?”                dered that “status quo, as exists          boardintotwotomakeatempo-                       A father of two, Ashu was                                                                                           In this episode, we discuss the in Covid-19
    With residents coming out of          today, shall be maintained, until          rary sun shade. “All I asked was           “savingupforEid”.“Now,thecus-                                                                                            cases, the first casualty of the Khargone
their homes to see what was go-           furtherorder”,andlistedthemat-             whethertheencroachmentdrive                tomers will come after me. The                                                                                           violence, and the latest update on the
ingon,securityforces–number-              ter for Thursday.                          woulddamagemyshopandthey                   shop has been closed since the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      SCANTHISQRCODETO                   Pulwama attack.
ing over 1,000 – confined people              The Supreme Court’s direc-             promisedmeitwasagainstscrap                day of the violence and there has
in narrow lanes and took up po-           tions, though, fell on deaf ears, as       dealers,” Akbar said.                      been no business, and now there
sitions on rooftops.                      thedemolitionactivitycontinued.                Barely an hour later, all that a       are all these losses. I never
    Senior officers, including            “Wehavenoinformationtillnow                bulldozer left of his small shop           thought such a thing would hap-
Special Commissioner of Police            about the order to stop, so action         was squashed cigarette packets             pen.Ihavebeenrunningthisshop
(LawandOrder)NorthDependra                will continue,” said North MCD             and cold drinks covered in dust.           for 16-17 years, and no one has       seen an increase.”                     AnandMehtawasabridgeplayer               & Nephew to sell robotic surgical       Russia-Ukraine crisis. Obviously,
Pathak andDCP NorthwestUsha               Commissioner Sanjay Goel, who              Andallthatthisfamilyoffourwas              raised any issue about the struc-          The current increase in R-        himself,ledtheaccolades,tweet-           systems in India, and                   thatisreallyimportantbutthisis
Rangnani, surveyed the area.              was at the spot.                           left with was an earthen piggy             ture,” he said.                       valueismainlydrivenbythespike          ing that “age isn’t a barrier to be      NorthamptonshirebusinessScott           avisitwehaveplannedforavery
    Pathak said adequate force                Incidentally, it is settled law        bank with coins and spare notes.                “The MCD did not give us any     in Covid cases in Delhi, Uttar         the best in the world”.                  Bader opening a new resins fac-         long time. India is an incredibly
hadbeendeployedto"assistMCD               that officials cannot delay en-                A few hundred metres away,             intimation and just demolished        PradeshandHaryanainthenorth                 Bridge made its debut at the        tory to supply top renewable en-        importantpartner,"Johnson'sof-
intheiroperations"andthatthey             forcement of Court orders until a          DineshKumarwasaddingupthe                  our stores. This was supposed to      and Karnataka in the south. The        2018AsianGamesandIndiawon                ergy companies in south-east            ficial spokesperson, who is ac-
would"upholdthelawandorder                formal signed copy is provided.            losses, the metal awning over his          be festival time, and we are left     R-valuefortheweekendingApril           threemedals—goldinmen’spair,             Asia.                                   companyinghimtoIndia,toldre-
situation”.                                   Minutes later, North MCD               mobile repair shop, a “recent in-          with this,” he said.                  18 stood at 2.12 for Delhi, 2.12 for   bronzeinmen’steamandbronze                    The High Commission said           porters.
    At10.15am,thefirstbulldozer           Mayor Raja Iqbal Singh said that           vestment”, now a mere number:                                                    UttarPradesh,1.04forKarnataka          in mixed team.                           Johnson will also welcome                   "ThePrimeMinisterhasbeen
rolledintoKushalCinemachowk,              while the Supreme Court order              “Rs 50,000.”                               Shah meeting                          and 1.70 for Haryana.                       Padhye, who has partnered           OneWeb signing a contract for           wantingtomakethistriptobuild
making its way past the police            had not reached them, “we are                  “What have they achieved?              replicated the same in Delhi. It’s         On Wednesday, Delhi re-           Mehtainthepast,hopedtheirsil-            satellitelauncheswithNewSpace           our partnership across trade, in-
barricades and splitting a food           stopping it (the demolition)”.             Whathavetheyprovedwiththis?                against the Indian Constitution.      ported 1,009 new cases, one            vermedalwillprovetobeacata-              India Limited, the commercial           vestment, security and defence,
cart in half. The bulldozer then              Yet, the bulldozers continued          They could have just asked us to           Theydon'thavetherighttoattack         deathand5.70percentpositivity          lyst for change, and attract             armoftheIndianSpaceResearch             andgreenenergy.Wewillbedis-
razed part of a kiosk selling soft        chippingawaythefacades,reach-              remove the awnings and we                  theRamNavamiprocession--we            rate.Inviewoftherisingcases,the        younger players to the sport.            Organisation. OneWeb is a UK-           cussing all those issues and it is
drinks and tobacco.                       ingajuiceshopownedbyGanesh                 would have done it,” said the 40-          haveseenthemusingillegalguns          Delhigovernmenthasdecidedto            “There’s a stigma attached to the        based satellite communications          expectedthatRussia-Ukrainewill
    Rahima,30,amotherofthree,             Kumar Gupta. The 54-year-old               year-old.“Theshopwasjustsome               and working from illegal con-         make masks mandatory again,            sport, unfortunately, and many           companywhichthegovernment               be on the agenda. But we won't
broke down at the sight of the            said his shop was legal and allot-         monthsold,butIwasborninthis                structions. You can see the de-       with a fine of Rs 500 in case of a     people mistake it for gambling,”         has invested in.                        beseekingtosortof lectureIndia
bulldozer crushing three fridges          tedbytheDDAin1977."Myfather                building and have lived there all          meanourofthosepeople,dressed          violation. Earlier this week, Uttar    he said.                                      "AsIarriveinIndiatoday,Isee        ortryandpersuadethemintoone
whichherfamilyhadboughtafter              usedtorunitbeforeme.Ihaveall               my life.”                                  like dons. The BJP is not against     Pradesh and Haryana made                    Padhye, who runs a printing         vastpossibilitiesforwhatourtwo          position or another. We will be
taking a loan of Rs 2 lakh. "Hum          the documents, but the authori-                TheDelhimunicipalcorpora-              any community, we work on             masksmandatoryindistrictsnear          business,recalledhowhisgrand-            great nations can achieve to-           seeking to work together con-
sab par bhi bulldozer chadha do           ties did not wait. No notice was           tion's snap anti-encroachment              Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas. But BJP      Delhi. While the Delhi Disaster        mother“gotrestlessifshedidnot            gether.Fromnext-generation5G            structivelyasanimportantinter-
(Run us over too). They should            servedinadvance.Ihavesuffered              demolitiondrive,afewdaysafter              governments will act against all      ManagementAuthority(DDMA)              play a couple of deals every             telecoms and AI to new partner-         nationalpartner,"thespokesper-
have given us notice first. We            a loss of at least Rs 5 lakh. This         aHanumanJayantiprocessionin                criminal elements and terrorists.     hasdecidednottoshutschools,it          evening”.                                ships in health research and re-        son said.
would have taken away all our             shopismyonlysourceofincome.                the area sparked communal vio-             This is not to target any commu-      will come up with separate                  “It’sastimulatingactivitythat       newable energy -- the UK and
goods. We have been living here           Ihavefourchildren.Iwillnowap-              lence, hasleftinits wake atrailof          nity, but the criminals, the mafia    Standard Operating Procedures          keeps you alert and agile. And           India are leading the world... Our      IT majors
for 15 years. All colonies in Delhi       proachthecourt.Theycontinued               devastation and despair, cutting           andpeoplewhohaveconnection            (SOPs) for them.                       even though it’s a cerebral game,        powerhousepartnershipisdeliv-           2021.OthertopITcompaniesare
havesuchencroachments,itwas               todemolishthestructuredespite              across fault lines.                        with terrorist outfits."                   Cities like Mumbai and            that does not mean physical fit-         ering jobs, growth and opportu-         yettodeclaretheirfourthquarter
never a problem earlier. We are           the SC order coming in."                       For Akbar, the end came after              On Wednesday afternoon,           ChennaihavealsoreportedanR-            ness is less important. Every day,       nities for our people, and it will      and full-year 2021-22 results.
beingtargetedonlybecauseofthe                 Next, the vehicles arrived at          five days of brisk business. “My           Union Ministers and senior BJP        valueofover1--1.13forMumbai,           we have to play almost eight             onlygofromstrength-to-strength              “Thisclausehasbeentherefor
recentviolence,"shesaid,picking           themaingateofthemosquenear                 customers were CRPF, Delhi                 leaders from Delhi headed to          1.18 for Chennai and 1.04 for          hours—andtodothatfor10days               inthecomingyears,"Johnsonsaid           quitesometime.Therearealotof
upbottlesofcolddrinksfromthe              which violence had erupted last            Police,RAF(RapidActionForce)...            North Block where Union Home          Bengaluru.                             in a high-pressure tournament            in a statement.                         job opportunities in the market
rubble.                                   Saturday.                                  Igavethemwaterandsometimes                 Minister Amit Shah held a meet-            Attheheightof theOmicron-         liketheWorldChampionship,it’s                 In Gujarat, he is set to visit a   becauseofwhichtheattritionrate
    PolicepersonneltookRahima                 Aroundnoon,anoutsidegate               free sugar. I gave those CRPF offi-        ing. Delhi BJP chief Adesh Gupta,     driven wave, the country's R-          challenging.”                            factory being set up by a top           is very high. Companies were
and her family inside their home          of the mosque was torn down,               cersshadefromthesunbybreak-                Lok Sabha MP Ramesh Bidhuri,          value had risen to its maximum               Theaverageageofthesportin          British firm and a biotechnology        evenmatchingoffersreceivedby
and locked it from the outside,           while the one behind it was left           ing my own flex boards,” he said.          MLA Rambir Singh Bidhuri and          sofarof2.98(December30,2021-           Indiaisbelievedtobearound55-             university working in collabora-        theiremployeesfromrivalstore-
saying, "Jab khatam hoga khol             intact. This led to some women                 A few months ago, with the             party leader Manjinder Singh          January 10, 2022). "The R-value        60 years, with people from vary-         tion with the University of             tain talent. But in the last few
denge (We will unlock it when it          coming out on the streets in               onset of summer, Akbar had                 Sirsawerepresent.SowereUnion          for the third wave was the high-       ingbackgroundsgettingaddicted            Edinburgh.                              weeks,Ihavereceivedaround65-
ends)."                                   protest, only to be met by police-         "taken a loan of Rs 2 lakh" and            Ministers Dharmendra Pradhan,         est. The perception of threat for      to it.                                        TheBritishHighCommission           70 complaints, where Infosys is
    RamanJha(52),afatheroffive,           meninriotgearwhochasedthem                 bought several items, including            BhupenderYadav,KirenRijijuand         thethirdwavemightbelowinthe                  Krishnan believes one thing        said Johnson will use the visit to      enforcing this (non-compete)
who lives with his family in a JJ         back into the lanes of C-Block.            three chocolate-coloured refrig-           Principal Secretary to Prime          minds of people -- probably be-        ties them all: A high IQ level. “It      "driveprogressinnegotiationson          clause,” Harpreet Singh Saluja,
cluster, watched as the bulldozer             As reports of the demolition           erators,fortheshopwhichhehad               Minister P K Mishra.                  cause there were fewer deaths --       demands high levels of concen-           thelandmarkUK-Indiafreetrade            president of Pune-based IT em-
razed his paan shop next. "I have         continued to pour in even after            beenrunning“since2006”.“Ihad                   Countering what they called       butthenumberofpeoplegetting            tration and analytical skills. In        agreement, which is expected to         ployees union NITES told The
been out since 7 am and the po-           theSCorder,Daveonceagainap-                also bought cold-drink stocks              "selective criticism", BJP leaders    infected was very high," said          India,thereisn’talackof intellect        helpdoubleourtradeandinvest-            Indian Express.
licehadpromisedmethiswasan                proached the court a little after          worthRs15,000.Inall,Ihavesus-              targetedtheOpposition,sayingits       Sinha.                                 so this game suits us in that            ment by 2030". Negotiating                  “It is standard business prac-
encroachmentdrivethatwillnot              noon and raised this. “I am sad.           tained losses of over Rs 2 lakh            statementswere “polarising”the             "The value for India we have      sense,” he said.                         teams will hold their third round       ticeinmanypartsoftheworldfor
target shops," he said.                   Despite the world knowing that             fromdamagetotheshopandde-                  people.                               estimated at present is roughly              The challenge, Goel said, is to    offormaltalksinIndianextweek,           employmentcontractstoinclude
    A few minutes later, at 10.30         thiscourtpassedorders,theyare              struction of property,” he said.               Union Minister Anurag             what the R-value was (1.08) be-        make it accessible to the youth.         it said.                                controls of reasonable scope and
am, as a second bulldozer ma-             not stopping. It sends a terribly              Akbar'swife,Rahimashowed               Thakur took on Congress leader        tweenFebruary14-March11last            Like Padhye, Goel, an industrial-             "Work is already progressing       duration to protect confidential-
noeuvred into Kushal Chowk,               wrong message,” he said, urging            anMCDvendorcertificateissued               Rahul Gandhi over his remark          year-- i.e.,justbeforetheonsetof       ist, insisted that bridge is a think-    oncuttingredtapeforbusinesses           ityofinformation,customercon-
Jamila pleaded with the authori-          the court: “They say order is not          in 2021. “We did nothing illegal.          urging Prime Minister Narendra        the second wave when it rose to        ing man’s game that is more              followingtheUK-IndiaEnhanced            nectionandotherlegitimatebusi-
ties to stop the drive as her hus-        communicated. Please commu-                Why were we punished? This is              Modi to switch off "bulldozers of     1.37onMarch9-April21,2021,be-          aboutmentalstimulation,rather            Trade Partnership launched by           ness interests. These are fully
band Hussain's cart was razed.            nicate, ask the Secretary                  our livelihood. For you, this may          hate"andswitchonpowerplants.          fore decreasing to 1.10 (April 29-     than gambling.                           both Prime Ministers last year,         disclosed to all job aspirants be-
    "Earlier,whenMCDstaffused             General… It’s widely reported in           just be kabaad (scrap)," said the          "This is all you can expect from      May 7) and finally to below 1 by             “It’s important to realise this    and today our governments will          fore they decide to join Infosys,
to come, they would inform us a           the media immediately. This is             30-year-old.                               someonewhosehistoryislinked           May 9 (R: 0.98)," said Sinha.          sothatwecanmakethissportap-              announcenewmeasurestomake               and do not have the effect of pre-
day in advance and we would               not right. We are a rule of law so-            Theirtwochildren,Rahim(16)             tocorruptionandriots...Heisdo-             With 2,067 new cases being        pealing for the younger genera-          iteasiertoexportUK-mademed-             venting employees from joining
packourthings.Therewasnono-               ciety.”                                    andAsif (12),werebusytrying to             ing no good to the country by         reported in the last 24 hours,         tionandtakeittoschools.Alotof            ical devices to India," it said. This   other organisations for career
ticethistime.Eksamudaykotar-                  Taking note, the CJI asked the         salvagewhattheycouldfromthe                sowing the seeds of hatred. He is     India's active case load stands at     other countries are excelling be-        will support UK jobs and create         growth and aspirations,” Infosys
getkiyajarahahai(Onecommu-                counsel about the officials it             debris. Asif picked up a packet of         maligning the country's image,"       12,340;theweeklypositivityrate         cause they have bridge in their          opportunities for British med-          saidinresponsetoasetofqueries
nity is being targeted)," Hussain         shouldbecommunicatedto,and                 fruit juice even as sledge ham-            he said.                              is 0.38 per cent.                      school programmes. Unless we             techcompanieslikeRedcar-based           sent by this newspaper.
said.                                     directed that its order be passed          mers dismantled whatever little                On the Jahangirpuri action, a                                            bringyoungerpeopletothesport,            Micropore Technologies to sell              Inthecompany'searningscall
    With four bulldozers now at           on to them though the Registrar            wasleftof theshop.Rahimman-                BJPleadersaid:"Itwasdecidedat         Bridge silver                          it won’t flourish as much as it          theirlife-savingproductsinIndia,        for the January-March quarter,
work, senior advocate Dushyant            GeneralorSecretaryGeneral“im-              aged to save a few packets of              thetoplevelwithCentralleaders         top after the round-robin stage        should,”hesaid.“Ihopeoursilver           animportmarketworth£2.4bil-             Infosys Chief Financial Officer
Davebroughtupthematterinthe               mediately”.                                chips.                                     part of the decision. The Delhi       getstopicktheteamfromthetop-           medal will bring about that              lion.                                   Nilanjan Roy said: “Voluntary
SupremeCourt,during‘mention-                  “It will be late otherwise,”               According to Akbar, Rahim              leadership was also demanding         eight they want to play in the         change.”                                      Officials said Johnson's visit     LTM(last12months)attritionin-
inghours’whencasesthatrequire             Dave said.                                 droppedoutof schoolduringthe               it, but it came from the top.         quarterfinals,”        explained                                                will build on India being invited       creased to 27.7 per cent. While
urgent attention are brought to               “Wearecommunicating,”re-               first Covid lockdown and now               Whether on social media or on         Krishnan. “In this case, the US,       Johnson visit                            as a guest country for the G7           LTM attrition continues to in-
the notice of the Chief Justice of        sponded the CJI.                           works as an apprentice at a mo-            the ground or in the Sangh, the       whichhadfieldedtwoteams,was            tocreateabout11,000newjobsin             SummithostedbytheUKinJune               creaseduetothetail effect,quar-
India.                                        Senior Advocate Kapil Sibal            bile repair shop. “I was asleep            leadershipinDelhiwantstheYogi         firstandchoseus,assumingwe’ll          UK, will include:                        lastyear.Modihadaddressedthe            terly annualized attrition saw a
    Dave, who appeared for the            told the court that there is a peti-       when the bulldozer came. I saw             (Adityanath) model… you also          be easy to beat.”                          ■AnewSwitchMobilityelec-             G7summitatCarbisBayvirtually            decline of approximately 5 per
Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind, told the             tionpendingaboutasimilardem-               my mother crying downstairs                know that for such action to be           After hours of heavy dealing,      tricbusR&DcentreintheUK,and              ashistravelplanswereimpacted            cent after flattening in the previ-
court: “This is completely unau-          olition drive in Uttar Pradesh,            and went to help her save those            undertakenandforpoliceandbu-          which saw both teams taking            the opening of its Asia Pacific          bythepandemic.Thetwoleaders             ous quarter... In the backdrop of
thorised, unconstitutional, dem-          MadhyaPradeshandGujarat.He                 cold drinks,” Rahim said.                  reaucratstobeconvinced,itcan’t        turns to get into the lead, India      Headquarters in Chennai, gener-          met in person later in the year,        varioussupplysidepressures,we
olition which is now ordered in           urgedthecourttolistthatalsoon                  DineshKumarhadopenedhis                be done at the state level.”          recordedanupsetandprogressed           ating over 1,000 jobs.                   when Modi travelled to Glasgow          rolledoutvariousmeasurestore-
Delhi,inJahangirpuriarea,where            Thursday.Thecourtagreedtothe               mobile repair shop in November                 Mayor RajaIqbal Singh, how-       to the semi-final, where they de-          ■ Investment from leading            for the COP26 summit in                 duce attrition – higher compen-
allegedly riots took place”.              requestandtaggedbothtogether.              2020, “after working for 18 years          ever,saidthattheJahangirpuriac-       featedFrance.Thatensuredahis-          IndianmanufacturerBharatForge            November. Johnson's planned             sation increases, higher promo-
    Hecontendedthatundermu-                   BackinJahangirpuri,thebull-            in a managerial role in an NGO”.           tion should not be seen through       toric finish, given that no Indian     and electric truck maker Tevva           visits to India in 2021 were can-       tions, skill-based interventions,
                                                                                                                                theprismofpolitics.“Ifpeopleen-       teamhadeverreachedthatfarin            Motors to expand to a new site           celledtwiceduetothepandemic             etc in addition to higher subcons
                                                                                                                                croach, then naturally there will     a World Championship.                  and create 500 jobs.                     situation in either country.            (subcontractors)”. He added that
                                                                                                                                beaction,”hesaid.DelhiBJPchief            In the final, India took on            ■ £79 million investment by               It is expected that the Russia-    attrition “should come down in
                                                                                                                                Gupta said "rioters have no reli-     Poland, which had five former          IndiansoftwarecompanyMastek              Ukraine conflict will feature           the following year”.
 No.     BOARD/                                         CLOSING DATE    EMD (APPROX.)     THE BOARD         OFFICER/CONTACT     gion and they have to be given a      worldchampionsinitsteam.The            to create 1,600 jobs over the next       prominently during the bilateral            TCS, India's largest IT services
       CORP./AUTH                                           TIME          IN RUPEES       CORP./AUTH         DETAILS/EMAIL
                       E-TENDER FOR RENTING OUT OF
                                                                                                                                reply in their language".             European giants proved too             three years all over the UK.             talksbetweenthetwoleaderson             company, also said that over the
 1          HAFED                                         19.04.2022
                                                                                                                                                                      strong, recording a 45-point win           ■ Business consultancy               Friday.InLondon,DowningStreet           nexttwoquarters,itsattritionrate
                                                                                                                                R-value over 1
                       BLOCK-C (2ND FLOOR) OF HAFED       10.05.2022                01722590520
                        WAREHOUSING COMPLEX, NEW                                                   
                         ANAJ MANDI KHANDSA ROAD,                                                                                                                     over six sets and 96 deals.            FirstSourcetoopennewofficesin            stressed that the UK would not          isexpectedtoflatlineandthenta-
                          GURUGRAM AND BLOCK-C
                     (GROUND FLOOR) & BLOCK-B (FIRST                                                                            R-value was higher than 1 but it          Despite the loss in the final,     South Wales, the Midlands and            look to "lecture" India over its        per.
                       FLOOR) OF HAFED WAREHOUSE
                        COMPLEX AT LAWRENCE ROAD,                                                                               was not termed a wave. An R-          thebridgecommunityhashailed            cities in the North-East and             neutral stance in the United                As of March 31, Infosys had
                        NEAR WAZIRPUR DEPOT, DELHI                                                                              value of greater than 1 doesn't       theirperformanceaspath-break-          North-West.                              Nations or its decision to hike         3.14 lakh total employees, while
               FOR FURTHER INFORMATION KINDLY VISIT: or                  mean that it is a wave, but yes, in   ing. Cricket legend Sachin                 ■      Export      deal    by        Russian oil imports.                    TCS had 5.92 lakh people on its
                                                                                                                                the last 10 days or so, we have       Tendulkar, whose father-in-law         Hertfordshire-based firm Smith                "Thisvisitisnotframedonthe         rolls.
                                 RURAL WORKS CIRCLE, BERHAMPUR

                                (E-Mail:-, Tel/Fax:- 0680-2404287)
                            At:- Ambapua Po:- Engineering School Near Income Tax office, Berhampur- 760011                      Rs 60,000 cr Ponzi scam: Among 8 Pearl Group directors                                                                                                        File report over
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              compliance of
                                                                                                                                arrested in 8-yr probe, first one walks out on regular bail
                         NATIONAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING THROUGH “e”-Procurement
                       Bid identification No. Online Tender/07-2022-23/PMGSY(Missing Link)/BPR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              COP-26 pledges:
                                                                                                                                                                          Among the two others, Prem         collectedaroundRs60,000crore             rested 11 more, including Pearl
 The Chief Construction Engineer, Rural Works Circle, Berhampur on behalf of Odisha State Rural Road
 Agency invites the percentage rate bids in electronic tendering system for construction of Bridge works                        SAURABH KAPOOR                        Seth, who resigned as director         from nearly 5.5 crore investors          senior employees and business-          HC tells Centre
 (Balance Work) under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana in the districts of Kandhamal for 01 (One) number                        NEW DELHI, APRIL 20                   after the scam came to light in        all across the country by illegally      men, in 2021. Dhillon, the              New Delhi: The Delhi High Court
 of works with estimated cost totalling to Rs 2.81 Cr (Approximate) including their maintenance for five years                                                        2014, is out on interim bail of 4      operating different investment           Group’s Director (Legal), was           on Wednesday directed the
 from the eligible contractors registered with State PWD / CPWD / MES / Railways. The registered bidder of                      IN THE ongoing eight-year-old         weeks on medical grounds, and          schemes, without any statutory           among them and accused by the           Centretofileastatus reportwith
 outside Odisha, can also participate in this process, but shall have to subsequently undergo registration with                 probe into the Rs 60,000 crore        will surrender next week.              approval.                                CBI of making investors sign            regard to the steps being taken
 the appropriate authority of the State Govt. preferably within a month of the deadline for bid submission, but                 Pearl Group ponzi scam, a spe-            Meanwhile,Kanwaljit Toor, a             The investors were given            ‘fake sale deeds’ for agricultural      to ensure compliance of the
 prior to signing of the contract                                                                                               cial CBI court has for the first      prominent director of the firm,        agriculture land guarantee,              land in Madhya Pradesh, apart           pledges made by India at the
 Date of release of Invitation for Bids through e-procurement. Dtd. 22.04.2022                                                  time granted regular bail to a di-    had died in custody in January.        promised interest of 12.5 per            from conspiring with other firm         2021 United Nations Climate
 Availability of Bid Documents and mode of submission: The bid document is available online and should
                                                                                                                                rector of the dubious group of        His family now plans to move a         cent on investment, apart from           directors to run the ponzi              Change Conference in Glasgow,
 be submitted online in The bidder would be required to register in the web-site
 which is free of cost. For submission of the bids, the bidder is required to have a valid Digital Signature                    companies out of 8 such high-         petition against the CBI alleging      free accidental insurance and            scheme.                                 United Kingdom, commonly re-
 Certificate (DSC) from one of the authorized Certifying Authorities. The bidders are required to submit (a)                    ranking officials arrested during     negligence, sources said.              tax-freematurityontheirinvest-               As PublicProsecutor VK Ojha         ferred to as COP-26.
 original Demand Draft towards the cost of bid document and (b) original bid security declaration and (c) original              the course of the investigation.          Dhillon, who had joined the        ments.                                   opposed the bail, defence coun-             The division bench of acting
 affidavit regarding correctness of information furnished with bid document as per provisions of Clause 4.4 B                       While Chander Bhushan             Group in 1986, was made a di-               They were told that value of        sel Bhanu Sanoriya underlined           Chief Justice Vipin Sanghi and
 (a) (ii) of ITB with Chief Construction Engineer, Rural Works Circle, Berhampur // Superintending Engineer,                    Dhillon, Pearl Group’s director       rectorin2011andwasamong11              their land would also multiply.          CBI’s failure to arrest a business-     Justice Navin Chawla passed the
 R.W.Division, Balliguda on a date not later than three working days after the opening of technical qualification               for legal affairs, has walked out     alleged conspirators the agency        The probe that began in                  man and a patwari accused of            order after hearing a petition
 part of the Bid, either by registered post or by hand, failing which the bids shall be declared non-responsive.                after securing regular bail, 5        arrested in December last year.        February 2014 has been drag-             making the alleged fake sale            seeking constitution of a com-
 Last Date/Time for receipt of bids through e-procurement: 06.05.2022 upto 3.00 P.M                                             other arrested directors —                The court, in its detailed or-     ging on since, with numerous             deeds, while Dhillon remained           mittee of eminent jurists, tech-
 For further details and corrigendum (if any) please log on to
                                                                                                                                Nirmal Singh Bhangoo (MD),            der released Tuesday, pointed          duped investors fighting for jus-        in custody for four months. He          nical experts and management
                                                                                                   Sd/- P.K.Jena
                                                                                  Chief Construction Engineer
                                                                                                                                Mohan Lal Sehajpal, Sukhdev           out the probe agency’s failure to      tice.                                    also told the court that the CBI        experts who can propose sug-
                                                                                         R.W.Circle, Berhampur                  Singh, Subrata Bhattacharya,          arrest two other accused with               WhilePearlGroupManaging             had failed to show that Dhillon         gestions for taking all measures
                                                                                      OIPR- 25071/11/0011/2223                  and Gurmeet Singh — are in cus-       charges similar to Dhillon.            Director Nirmal Singh Bhangoo            was a beneficiary of any money          forfollowinguponthepromises
                                                                                                                                tody.                                     Pearl Group had allegedly          was arrested in 2016, CBI had ar-        earned through cheating.                made by India at COP-26. ENS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           New Delhi
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