INSIDE: Tales from Lou, the Toilet Ripple Effect Open for Entries Job Spotlight: Disposal Equipment Operator - Athens-Clarke County

INSIDE: Tales from Lou, the Toilet Ripple Effect Open for Entries Job Spotlight: Disposal Equipment Operator - Athens-Clarke County

Tales from Lou,
the Toilet
Ripple Effect
Open for Entries
Job Spotlight: Disposal
                          ATHENS WATER FESTIVAL WINNERS!
Equipment Operator        Thanks to all the festival volunteers and participants.
                          See a photo gallery at:
INSIDE: Tales from Lou, the Toilet Ripple Effect Open for Entries Job Spotlight: Disposal Equipment Operator - Athens-Clarke County
Can you find the Little Lily hidden
in this newsletter? You could win
a gift certificate from a Certified
Blue location! Tell us at          Enter the 2022 Ripple Effect Film Project by creating a
Entries accepted until December        short film about water. The contest is open to Pre-K
15, 2021. Thank you to these           through 12th-grade filmmakers of all experience levels in
restaurants for providing gift         Athens-Clarke County and neighboring counties.
certificates for our latest winners:   Individuals or teams welcome. Finalists get to see their
                                       film on the big screen and may win cash prizes!
                                       No entry fees – learn how to submit your film and see the
                                       winning 2021 films at
                                       Theme: Healthy Water, Healthy World

SUPPORT BLUE!                          Submission deadline: January 15, 2022

ACC’s “blue” businesses                See the finalists’ films, drive-in style: March 19, 2022
take extra steps to                    at Sandy Creek Park
practice water-efficiency
                                       At right: The Drought Report, awarded Best Film, by the Whit Davis
and protect our water.
                                       Elementary Kindergarten Class, with teacher Leslie Johnson
For more info and
locations, visit:          LOOK FOR
                          THE DECAL
INSIDE: Tales from Lou, the Toilet Ripple Effect Open for Entries Job Spotlight: Disposal Equipment Operator - Athens-Clarke County
IMAGINE A DAY WITHOUT WATER                                                                                                                                                         QUALITY
OCTOBER 21, 2021                                                                                                                                                                    AWARDED
What would your day be like without water? No water to drink or for washing
                                                                                                                          In honor of Imagine a
                                                                                                                                                                               The Water Conservation Office
your hands. No water to shower, flush the toilet, or do laundry. Hospitals would                                          Day Without Water
                                                                                                                                                                                 received its 5th Sustained
close without water. Firefighters couldn’t put out fires and farmers couldn’t water                                       Free! Small Coffee at Jittery Joe’s
                                                                                                                          Roaster, 425 Barber Street                         Excellence Award from the EPA’s
their crops. Disease would spread.
                                                                                                                          Thursday, October 21, 8:30–10:00AM                WaterSense Program for promoting
Our water and wastewater systems are vital to safely keeping water flowing, 24 hours                                                                                       water-saving WaterSense products.
a day/7 days a week. Imagine a Day Without Water 2021 is the sixth annual event to
                                                                                                                          In honor of World Toilet Day
raise awareness in America about the value of water.                                          Free! Tour of the Cedar Creek
                                                                                                                          Water Reclamation Facility
 take        Share a photo, video, or live stream of your local drinking water sources,                                   Friday, November 19, 4:30–5:30PM
action!      the North & Middle Oconee Rivers and Bear Creek Reservoir. Use #ValueWater.                                  Register at:

                                                                          Art by Joey Weiser

                                                                                                                                                                         GIVE THE GIFT
                                                                                                                                                                         OF WATER
                                                                                                                                                                         Every year, on the Tuesday after
                                                                                                                                                                         Thanksgiving, people take the time to kick
                                                                                                                                                                         off the holiday season by giving back to
                                                                                                                                                                         their community. Some neighbors struggle
                                                                                               In honor of World Toilet Day                                              to pay for essential water services and
                                                                                                                                                                         your gift can help.

                                                                                                                                                                         Go to:
                                                                                               WHEN:              WHERE:                                                 to make a donation or to learn how to
                                                                                               Month of           Normal Hardware, 1328 Prince Avenue                    apply for assistance with your bill.
                                                                                               November,          M–F: 8:00AM–5:30PM; Sat: 8:00AM–3:00PM
                                                                                               while supplies     Athens Hardware, 1080 US-29
                                                                                               last.              M–F: 8:00AM–5:00PM
                                                                                               FREE! 2 or 3 inch universal flappers for PUD customers.

                                                                                  FIRST FEMALE ON THIS IMPORTANT JOB

                                                        Terrinisha Burgess                                                                                              Equipment
                                                                     There are many “behind-the-scene” jobs that must be done to ensure that the water you use is safely
                                                                     reclaimed and returned to our local rivers. Terrinisha Burgess is responsible for some of this essential work at
                                                                     our water reclamation facilities. Our first female disposal equipment operator, Terrinisha is an experienced
                                                                     commercial vehicle driver.

                                                                     Terrinisha operates several types of trucks, including a tandem dump truck to haul waste to disposal sites, a
                                                                     dumpster truck for various hauling at the water reclamation plant, and a tanker truck to haul liquid digested
                                                                     sludge to water reclamation facilities. She also assists the maintenance mechanics in installing electric
                                                                     motors, centrifugal pumps, and similar plant equipment.

                                                                     Terrinisha loves being able to do a variety of tasks. When asked what she likes about her job, she responded
                                                                     “Basically, everything! I love my colleagues, they are always super-motivated and inspire me daily.”

                                                                                                 Terrinisha, for your enthusiasm, hard work, and dedication!

                                                                    We’re hiring!                               ACC PUD has several new openings with benefits. See the job list at:
INSIDE: Tales from Lou, the Toilet Ripple Effect Open for Entries Job Spotlight: Disposal Equipment Operator - Athens-Clarke County
Water Works                                                                                                    PRESORT STD
                                                                                                                                      U.S. Postage

                      Photo Contest                                                   
                                                                                                                                     Permit No. 11
                                                                                                                                      Athens, GA

                                                             124 East Hancock Ave.
                                                             Athens, Georgia 30601

                                                              Water Bill Questions
Photo by Linda Bach                                           Water Conservation
                                                            To Report a Water Leak
                      Photo by Cynthia Gresham                    706-613-3481

                      Visit          Printed locally on recycled paper.
                      for photo contest winners & video.
INSIDE: Tales from Lou, the Toilet Ripple Effect Open for Entries Job Spotlight: Disposal Equipment Operator - Athens-Clarke County INSIDE: Tales from Lou, the Toilet Ripple Effect Open for Entries Job Spotlight: Disposal Equipment Operator - Athens-Clarke County INSIDE: Tales from Lou, the Toilet Ripple Effect Open for Entries Job Spotlight: Disposal Equipment Operator - Athens-Clarke County
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