NEVER BUY LAUNDRY DETERGENT AGAIN - 2014 Product Catalog EcoWasher brought to you by

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NEVER BUY LAUNDRY DETERGENT AGAIN - 2014 Product Catalog EcoWasher brought to you by
EcoWasher® brought to you by   inventions

2014 Product Catalog
                                                              The EcoInventor
                                                                Julius Toth

      the                                                             ®

  Despite how often we see the word “revolution,” it’s rare
  that a real revolution comes along in any industry. But
  today we are transforming how laundry is being done --
  safer, better, and at a huge annual savings. That’s what
  EcoWasher® is all about, as it deep cleans and disinfects
  laundry without chemical cleaners or hot water. This is a
  transformation that belongs in every household in North
  America. Come join our chemical free revolution today
  and start savings loads of cash!

USES NO               KILLS              WORKS

       EcoWasher PRO                                    DETERGENT            BACTERIA          AUTOMATICALLY

                                                              • 100% Natural
      For those with city or municipal water.
                                                              • Keeps colors bright
The EcoWasher PRO uses 2 advanced technologies:
                                                              • Softens fabrics

                                                              • Leaves Laundry smelling “clothesline fresh”
            OZONE           PCO                               • Reduces drying time
                                                              • Eliminates static
                                                              • Extends the lifespan of washing machines
        MSRP : $497      MAP : $297                           • Good for septic tanks

                                                       The EcoWasher® PRO uses natural cleaning agents to infuse cold
                                                       water with molecules including ions, activated oxygen, and hydrogen
                                                       peroxide. When mixed together these three molecules create the HR
                                                       (Hydroxyl Radical) molecule. The transformed water then enters the
                                                       washing machine to deep clean and disinfect your laundry.
                                                       EcoWasher® PRO provides an effective cleaning method for laundry
                                                       that is safe and 100% natural and leaves no detergent residue behind.

                                                              Model                      EcoWasher® PRO (7H-ECO-01)
                                                              Electrical                 Input: AC 100-240V/50-60Hz

                                                                                         Output: DC 12 3A 36W
                                                              Ozone Concentration        0.5 - 1.0 mg/L
                                                              Water Pressure             Minimum : 20psi Maximum : 100psi
                                                              Operating Temperature      Operating Temperature 0°C - 78°C
                                                              Product Dimension          16.5” x 8” x 6.6”
                                                              Net Weight                 3.85lbs
                                                              USES NO             KILLS      WORKS           SOFTENS

    EcoWasher PRO PLUS                                       DETERGENT          BACTERIA     AUTO-

                                                                   • 100% Natural            • Reduces drying time
            For those with HARD water.

                                                                   • Keeps colors bright     • Eliminates static
The EcoWasher PRO PLUS uses 3 advanced technologies:               • Softens fabrics         • Good for septic tanks
                                                                   • Leaves Laundry smelling “clothesline fresh”
     OZONE            PCO          MAGNETIC                        • Extends the lifespan of washing machines

                                                           The EcoWasher® PRO PLUS is an environmentally friendly
          MSRP : $597      MAP : $397                      appliance designed to work with your existing residential
                                                           washing machine. The EcoWasher® PRO PLUS is for homes
                                                           with hard water. The EcoWasher® PRO PLUS uses Advanced
                                                           Magnetic Technology. As water passes through this powerful
                                                           magnetic field the molecules are polarized, giving them a
                                                           positive charge. This results in soft water characteristics! The
                                                           softened water is then infused with ozone, hydrogen peroxide
                                                           and ions and mixes them together through a static mixer to
                                                           create the ultimate oxidizer known as the hydroxyl radical.

                                                                   Model                      EcoWasher® PRO PLUS (7H-ECO-02)
                                                                   Electrical                 Input: AC 100-240V/50-60Hz,

                                                                                              Output: DC 12 3A 36W
                                                                   Ozone Concentration        0.5 - 1.0 mg/L
                                                                   Water Pressure             Minimum : 20psi, Maximum : 100psi
                                                                   Operating Temperature      Operating Temperature 0°C - 78°C
                                                                   Product Dimension          18.625” x 9.5” x 4”
                                                                   Net Weight                 5.18 LBS
                                                                    USES NO             KILLS      WORKS            SOFTENS  EXTRA

            EcoWasher ELITE                                        DETERGENT          BACTERIA     AUTO-
                                                                                                                     WATER PROTECTION

                                                                         • 100% Natural            • Reduces drying time
    With Germ Shield Technology, for any type of water.

                                                                         • Keeps colors bright     • Eliminates static
    The EcoWasher ELITE uses 4 advanced technologies:                    • Softens fabrics         • Good for septic tanks
                                                                         • Leaves Laundry smelling “clothesline fresh”
  OZONE           PCO          MAGNETIC         NANOSILVER               • Extends the lifespan of washing machines
                                                                  EcoWasher ELITE with Germ Shield Technology not only deep cleans
                                                                  but also uses advanced nanosilver ions to create a powerful invisible
             MSRP : $667       MAP : $477                         shield that disinfects and protects your clothing from germs and
                                                                  bacteria! As water enters the unit it first passes through a highly
                                                                  focused magnetic field to polarize and energize the water giving it
                                                                  soft water characteristics. It then continues through an advanced
                                                                  oxidation process where water is infused with ions, hydrogen
                                                                  peroxide, ozone, and nanosilver ions before entering the static mixer.
                                                                  This highly oxidized water will kill odor-causing bacteria and viruses
                                                                  while simultaneously deep cleaning and protecting laundry. With
                                                                  Germ Shield Technology, the EcoWasher ELITE maintains bright
                                                                  colors, soft fabrics and a peace of mind.

                                                                         Model                      EcoWasher® ELITE (7H-ECO-03)
                                                                         Electrical                 Input: AC 100-240V/50-60Hz,

                                                                                                    Output: DC 12 3A 36W
                                                                         Ozone Concentration        0.5 - 1.0 mg/L
                                                                         Water Pressure             Minimum : 20psi, Maximum : 100psi
                                                                         Operating Temperature      Operating Temperature 0°C - 78°C
                                                                         Product Dimension          18.625” x 9.5” x 4”
                                                                         Net Weight                 5.18 LBS

                                                                                              USES NO             KILLS      WORKS           SOFTENS  EXTRA

    EcoWasher Commercial                                                                     DETERGENT          BACTERIA     AUTO-
                                                                                                                                              WATER PROTECTION

      Specifically designed for commercial application.                                            • Uses magnetic technology to
 The EcoWasher Commercial uses 4 advanced technologies:                                              give your water soft water characteristics
                                                                                                   • Sterilizes and disinfects

  OZONE               PCO                     MAGNETIC                    NANOSILVER               • Decontaminates and purifies
GENERATOR          GENERATOR                 TECHNOLOGY                    MODULE                  • Conserves energy
                                                                                                   • Environmentally friendly
                                                                                                   • Adds no pollutants to the water
        MSRP : $3900.00                       MAP : $2795.00

                                                                                            EcoWasher® Commercial is an environmentally friendly appliance
                                                                                            intended for use in hospitals, hotels, pools, spas and other public
                                                                                            places. EcoWasher® Commercial will purify, disinfect and sterilize
                                                                                            water to prevent contaminated and/or polluted water from
                                                                                            spreading and causing damaging effects. EcoWasher® Commercial
                                                                                            uses advanced nanotechnology and a built-in water magnetizer that
                                                                                            pre-treats regular and hard water.

                                                                                                   Model                     EcoWasher® Commercial (7H-ECO-04)
                                                                                                   Electrical                Input: AC 100-240V/50-60Hz

                                                                                                                             Output: DC 12 4.5A 55W
                                                                                                   Ozone Concentration       1.8 - 2.4 mg/L
                                                                                                   Water Pressure            Minimum : 45psi Maximum : 100psi
                                                                                                   Operating Temperature     Operating Temperature 32°F - 104°F
                                                                                                   Product Dimension         30.9” x 8.7” x 21.1”
                                                                                                   Net Weight                15.4 lbs

       *EcoWasher Commercial Unit mounted behind commercial washing machines

                                                                                                    inventions       ®

Look into the

                                                                                           RAIN STORM

                                                                         01                 AQUA FILTRATION SWEEPER

                                                                           Water filtration is the ultimate filter used for almost a
                                                                          generation. Water filtration sweepers are being sold for

   with                              inventions               ®
                                                                          over $2000 making it out of reach for most consumers.

                                                                                   MSRP: $899               MAP: $497
EcoWasher is leading a worldwide revolution by changing the
way that people think about doing laundry, but this is only
                                                                         No filter Needed                            Invigorates
the beginning! My name is Julius Toth, and I am
                                                                            Deodorizes                                   Purifies
the EcoInventor and the creator of
EcoWasher. EcoWasher is just one of many
upcoming EcoInventions designed to help you
save money, live healthy, and protect the                                                                         Wet dust
environment! Our products are innovative
and affordable! Be sure to check out                              SWIVEL SURGE
                                                                                                                  can’t fly.
                                                                                                        MSRP: $29.95          MAP: $19.95
some of our upcoming EcoInventions                                FLEXIBLE SURGE
                                                                                                 Electrical plugs come in different sizes. So why are surge
                                                                                                 protectors made to only work with a certain size plug?
on the following pages!                                                                                                   Drown
                                                                                                 Swivel surge is made adapt to your power needs!
                                                                                                                          out the
                                                                                                                      with Rain Storm

          Julius Toth
COMING SOON                                                                  COMING SOON

                                    inventions    ®
                                                                                                                     inventions      ®

                           SILENT NIGHT                                                                SWIVEL SURGE
        INVENTION                                                                    INVENTION

        02                 PLUG-IN AIR PURIFIER                                      03                FLEXIBLE SURGE PROTECTOR

     A revolution in air purification, the Silent Night Air Purifier is the                                                                 MSRP: $29.95
     most effective and economical PM 2.5 fine airborne particulate-
      removal system in the world. It captures more particulate than
                                                                                                                                            MAP: $19.95
                any other air cleaner on the market today!
                                                                              SWIVEL SURGE                                           Electrical plugs come in different
                                                                              FLEXIBLE SURGE                                         sizes. So why are surge protectors
  Call (330) 745-9437 for Pricing and Availability                            PROTECTOR                                              made to only work with a certain
                                                                                                                                       size plug? Swivel surge is made
                                                                                                                                         adapt to your power needs!
         Virtually Silent                     ZEPA Filtration
      Covers 500 Sq. Ft.                         Pet Friendly                   Bends & Wraps                         No Wasted Plugs


                                                                                     04                FLEXIBLE SURGE PROTECTOR

SWIVEL SURGE                                                                                                                             Call (330) 745-9437
                                       MSRP: $29.95       MAP: $19.95                                                                      for Availability
PROTECTORSilent, Electrical plugs come in different sizes. So why are surge                      NATURE’S PLUG-IN AIR PURIFIER

                                                                              SWIVEL SURGE
                   protectors made to only work with a certain size plug?                                                             This plug in air purifier is perfect
      & Effective Swivel surge is made adapt to your power needs!             FLEXIBLE SURGE       PLUG & GO!                          for rest rooms, baths, kitchens,
    Air Purification                                                          PROTECTOR                 NO FILTERS
                                                                                                        NO REFILLS
                                                                                                                                     dining rooms, home with pets, and
                                                                                                                                     more! Kills bacteria, virus, fungi and
                                                                                                                                        pollen; Even removes smells!
              Patented Technology

                                                                               Odor Eliminator                                   All Natural
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