Page created by Lawrence Taylor
Solv4U Formulation Development - September 2021

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Marinomed snapshot
 A lean biopharmaceutical expert in OTC and Rx therapies

Founded in 2006…                                           …Marinomed established two platforms

                                                               Expand on revenue               Continued innovation and
                                                               generating products                   IP generation

                                                           ▪ Clinical effectiveness against   ▪ Successful Phase III for
                                                             SARS-Cov-2 virus                   Budesolv (allergic rhinitis)
                                                             demonstrated                       validates platform
                                                           ▪ First causal therapy for colds   ▪ Targeting multi-billion Dollar
                                                             and flu-like illnesses             markets (allergic rhinitis, dry
                                                           ▪ Retail sales in >40 countries      eye)

                                                 Phase III                                      + 55%
            € 42.4m                         Budesolv with strong
                                                                                          Revenues up from
    Financing through IPO,                  results – technology
                                             platform validated                           € 5.2m to € 8.1m
      EIB and ERP/AWS

                                                 Phase II
                                           Tacrosolv clinical trial in
                                             ocular inflammation
Marinosolv® Technology

Marinosolv®, the basis for better therapies
Technology platform to improve drug delivery and bioavailability

Enables novel stable formulations

             Based on plant derived saponin micelles, proven as clinically safe

                Suitable for highly hydrophobic small molecules and peptides

                Most advanced asset: Budesolv (Budesonide formulation), preparing application

             Supported with a strong patent family (novel use), protection until at least 2036

     The technology is not limited to a specific compound and has the potential to facilitate delivery of
                                 potentially any API with solubility issues.

Marinosolv® enhances bioavailability
   Improved solubility as exemplified on the lead product Budesolv

  Suspended particles                                                                                                         Stable micelles

  Rhinocort Aqua (Johnson & Johnson)                                                                                  Marinosolv® enabled
  Budesonide nasal spray                                                                                           Budesonide nasal spray

Suspension                                                                                                                             Solution
64µg per dose/spray                                                                                                         10µg per dose/spray

                              Properties                                                                  USPs

         Proven         Solubility increase versus water shown for variety      Increased        Faster onset of action
        solubility      of compounds                                          bioavailability    Higher local, lower systemic availability

                        Well-established and well tolerated by sensitive                         Lower possible side effects
       Excipients       tissues like nasal mucosa and eyes
                                                                             Dose reduction      Lower production costs

                        Misdosing avoided because the need to shake the                          Preservative free formulation
      No misdosing      product is eliminated
                                                                             Aseptic filtering   Lower production costs

          Marinosolv® – a technology platform with the potential to facilitate delivery of virtually any compound with
          solubility issues
Marinosolv® Formulation Technology Partnerships

- Solution to your Solubility Issues
Improvement of bioavailability of hardly soluble compounds

Formulation Development – Technology Partnerships
All formulations are

▪   Custom-made

▪   Designed in close cooperation with our clients

▪   Considering the physicochemical uniqueness of each compound

▪   Considering requirements         for    later   development     stages   and

Target compounds

▪   Potentially any hardly soluble compound (small molecules/peptides)

▪   Use of the technology is not limited to APIs for specific indications

▪   Particularly suited for locally applied, locally acting drugs

▪   Potential to improve bioavailability of orally applied drugs used for
    systemic diseases, such as in oncology

▪   Re-Formulation of off-patent APIs: life cycle management

- Formulation development
From feasibility study to scalable manufacturing process

 Project outline

                                        Step 1: Feasibility study

                                           ▪   Establishment of analytical method
                                           ▪   Design, prepare and evaluate a defined number of modifications of
                                               Marinosolv® formulation with target compound.
                                           ▪   6-day stability data
                                           ▪   Report

                                        Step 2: Formulation development

                                           ▪   Optimize formulation and evaluate stability
                                           ▪   Provide non-GMP study medication

                                        Step 3: Development of manufacturing process

                                        Step 4: Tech Transfer to client/CMO

                                        The license model for the Marinosolv® technology aims to include milestone
                                        payments and royalty fees on the marketed product and is discussed individually
                                        with each client.

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